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Sinzirou Koizumi “the revenue source without thinking, 'that this which is done you do,' cooperating with the party and everyone, the country the party which is made, it chooses which?”,…With Kumamoto ★3


  • 1 04 / 12月8日开始在川崎出租汽车有限公司,小泉纯一郎信子的妹妹64岁的人员,他们对税收成本高薪的秘书工作,被任命为防卫厅司,他的父亲,顺也获得小泉信子川崎的纪录显示,我们乘坐出租车公司是选区执行董事左右,地面川崎小泉纯也当选的士指的是有力的企业支持者,对的士的运动前任总裁川崎伸子持续两位数的小泉纯一郎,才成为贿赂的形式支付TTA和委员说,给工作人员的工资和奖金

    • 120000000000债务孙怎么办?其他批评党,但你不,财务报表依赖苏,是吗? ( ,_`ゝ)踢¯
      12,000,000,000 debt [do] - it does, it is? Although there is no applying which is returned never it is public finance criticism of the other party? ( ' _ & `) [hu] ゚ [tsu

      • 123自民党政府债券,所以我希望我是一个小的企业的经济刺激
        123 Because government bond issue of the Liberal Democratic Party administration the majority was for countercyclical measures business, it is to call is

        • 131债券未偿还债券后,由于公众泡沫破灭上涨是最大的原因,1990年是日本经济不景气持续两位数的年龄。 131 As for government bond issue consequence of citizen As for those where the government bond outstanding issue increases rapidly the fact that the Japanese economy continued hovering in the nineties after the bubble collapsing is the largest reason
          • 刈收入,但为什么这么多邪恶的后泡沫经济,这是什么意思,就是想,这些数字反映当时我不知道有多少是不 NULL

        • 193:财富周年@ 10名无:2009 / 12 / 31(星期四)17:18:10编号:sgshYGzd0外国人投票] [我有一个问题向韩国人在日本
          193 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2009/12/31 (wood) 17: 18: 10 ID: sgshYGzd0 < Foreign carrot administration > There is question in resident Cori un one

          • 1。全国纪念龛→反对建设需要创建一个安宁的环境访问皇帝2。 3外国人投反对票。姓反对
            1. Yasukuni Shrine -> The tranquil creation of environment which His Majesty the Emperor can worship is needed Opposite to national mourning facility construction 2. Foreign carrot administration opposition 3. Surname opposition classified by married couple

            • 340000000000000在邮政储蓄资金在汉方日元如何将流入美国是如何私有化?在邮政储蓄的资金私有化汉方是投机性资金的一部分将流入股市和债券市场
              As for mail storing simple preservation fund of 340,000,000,000,000 Yen how it keeps flowing to America with commercialization? With commercialization as for mail storing simple preservation fund One part flows to the stock market and the bond market and reaches speculation fund

              • 448アレ はああいう 映像 をとるためにわざわざ 嫌 がらせで 追 いすがって 拒否 されるまで 握手 をなんども 迫 ったNHK の 捏造 MAD なんだけどまんまと 皆騙 されちゃったね www
                448 Until as for [are] in order to take such image you chase specially with the harassment and cling and are denied handshake it approached many times But fabrication MAD what of NHK everyone fraud [chi] [ya] [tsu] seed www

                • 52号:221x243x226x14。Ap221。Ftth ucom ne jp目标市场: 公司 组织 管理员删除处理池奖励等待:旁边的上述。办公室了解,IP是221 243 226 14 52 ID 221x243x226x14 ap221 ftth ucom ne jp Object division Corporate body group waiting of curator decision Deletion object address From the above mentioned thing side As for IP of the office it is found that it is 221 243 226 14
                  • Wwwwww很弱信息,铅垂向媒体节能三级乙万维网790:财富周年 10名无:2010 03 17日(星期三)06:42:26编号:QS4pEeWR0 774左右的 Just feeling weakness wwwwww In the mass communications korotsu the B layer www which is swindled 790 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 03 17 water 06 42 26 ID QS4pEeWR0 774 So being

                • 5959goc iza ne jp 博客 入境 1502709 任何事,除非他们碰巧有知识,没有意义 NULL
                  • 紫癜: cotodama 6000。iza ne jp 博客 入境 1501538 可除单张 ttp cotodama 6000 iza ne jp blog entry 1501538 There are times when it is possible other than the handbill

                • 623,如演讲,你知道这个家伙是一个超级爸爸已经在我有一个学生在记住我:青大的游戏氛围病例出现 623 Speech and the like exceeded the father already Being raw if you see it is understood but it is dense is a great aura with gachi
                  • 超级487的位置后,我父亲已经可能还质疑什么是我猜的政治演说 487 Speech and question exceeding the father already whether the ru After how political situation intuition applying the place

                • 689“每个人与国家合作建设”的态度,我看到一个政治组织,你所谓的自由民主党什么的?这是不可能有一个在国民议会席位不是现在持 689 “Cooperating with everyone the country the attitude which is made” Whether political organization kana of the name Liberal Democratic Party it is it is separately don t you think it is In the future it may not be able to have parliamentary seat even now in the National Diet the kind of umbrella

                  • 691瓦特井搁置“在过去的6个月中,我们看到了如何做思和民主党 691 The extent w which becomes Setting aside You think that “this half year you looked at the method of the Democratic party
                    • 888“某些情况下,考虑资金扰乱任何』这个党是有『”这正是民主党 888 “The revenue source without thinking that this which is done you do the party” Just there is no Democratic party
                    • 『某些情况下,考虑资金扰乱任何』自民党2008年1月这一时期也有,而且执政的党,民主党马阿瓦特 The revenue source without thinking that this which is done you do the party lt it recognizes this expression but Cooperating with everyone the country the party which is made lt it does not recognize this

                  • 788次从不同的ID让它写了我设计了在美国科罗拉多州Netouyo编号顺序确定的自杀工具的内容之一我不得不说这是查出Shikunda Netouyo自己的工作和尝试写入所有网络
                    788 But ID roller roller our performing tool what of cases [netouyo] setting self-destroying, identical contents entry with ID which is different ream. Writing in But the detection red sandal wood being the original our performing which all [netouyo] devise www

                    • 831什么是贿赂?麦秸无知的,因为它是一个低收入家庭主妇什么是民主的支持者
                      831 [wairo] [tsu] [te]? The democracy supporter [tsu] [te] it is low the income earner and the ignorant housewife, whether the [tsu] therefore

                      • 849隆河内从小泉纯一郎的儿子很少关注说,任何燕尾伪造了我会明白端午世袭,你有机会达罗什么是对甜食的嗜好最清楚,无论如何,基督教民主党我的意思津饭江东视频或采取从一个讲话的一些问题看,或者如果小泉真二郎 849 Because it is Junichiro s what kind of false Koizumi son as for degree of attention being high it is understood don t you think Very that descent is seven shining is how ro tsu te the fact that it is the se dissipated candy was mostly recognition The opportunity that the democracy believer Koizumi because Sinzirou s speech question there is an animated picture it tries seeing iikoto saying the ru it is the wa which is
                        • 849隆河内从小泉纯一郎的儿子很少注意无论如何它是它是什么遗传燕尾端午我所知,或者如果有机会二郎语音识别是最挥霍的糖果反正什么达罗我的意思津饭江东视频或看看一些问题的研究 849 Because it is Junichiro s false Koizumi son as for degree of attention being high it is understood don t you think Very that descent is seven shining is how ro tsu te the fact that it is the se dissipated candy was mostly recognition If there is an opportunity because Sinzirou s speech question there is an animated picture it tries seeing iikoto saying the ru it is the wa which is
                        • 他们担心,他们比这样的事情没有二郎的弊端,从我的讲话时,反小泉 When it did from anti Koizumi s we we fear not to have the fault which was called to Sinzirou this speech necessarily compared to

                      • 957卖国吝啬?子女免税额差基本法的国民大会的外国企业的外国人救助侵权表决通过了猪肉的名称,每桶(外国人)是什么?
                        957 [se] dense treason? Foreign carrot administration Foreign fundamental law Human rights violation relief bill The National Diet method deterioration Child treatment (with the rose spreading to the foreign country of the name which is said) Somewhere?

                        • NULL This country is already ending the ru is… The pie is limited if is someone must be patient although As for the foolish people of the vesting generation by their when it is the ear gone continuing ahead it does to send problem continuing… … Welfare and completeness margin countercyclical measures margin More tax increase those where debt of the country which is the ear increases is the ear even with rose being defeated… As for negative heritage after in the next generation… field and being accustomed mountain and being accustomed After all unreasonable difficult problem was pushed to “the bureaucracy” and “our people” When problem comes to the surface consequence… “of the bureaucracy” and “our people” … It fans also the mass communications which flatter to the foolish people and just can stand 92 And we just are skillful the negative can ─ ─ 92 The swindler who is not many counterproposals or the strategy 92 Praising applause applause… human … Finishing to rot already the ru it is 92 ⌒ REPT There is no either power which can be opposed to democracy kudzu administration REPT ¯ Above lowest being 3 years dark age continues… REPT Thing something which becomes good there is no no one from now on HKRPT No REPT No As for the active generation and the young person there is only life abandoning … ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                          • Zirou新说话能力,反应能力,媒体弓弦梨华的父亲,我支持媒体Dekin喾我好喜欢,即使是这种超老党员娥
                            The father you transfer Sinzirou's speech ability and mass communications corresponding ability, that exceeding, the [ru] [wa] Such mass communications it can correspond well even with veteran Assemblyman and is

                            • _NULL_
                              ((彡 '- = & = -' <- = & = - '. | [mi])) [mi] / | \ 彡 It shakes mail storing 350,000,000,000,000 in the [nidaya] bank and 込 is the [do] being don't you think?! Because pot three of the mobster transfers beautiful country by all means, w \ \ ' - It does, the `) / /[mi] /¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKDRT | ! | The Soviet Union < Japan was sold to Korea 丶 `∀ ' [nita] ゙ REPT '' [toeeeeeeino] / | . | \ REPT [ninininiso] / | , [ku] ゙ hamadryas baboon | The Korean comes in Japan Morning silver based public financial throwing Koizumi day In “[hana] trust group” 440,000,000,000 Yen in public fund ttp: //nyt.trycomp.com/nenpyo.html “In order to help the Korean entire ream,”, former Director Ogata, with buying and selling formation 15,000,000… homes which are the schedule which can be received, residence search * 2 The prospect that remittance job of the North Korean-related fund is done in 14 Japan and China, the Macao paper information [zu] [06/14] Abe giving 5,000,000,000 Yen to North Korea from secret expense Behind-the-scenes full of entire connected sale as for well person Seiwa meeting (present town village group) authorized personnel!

                              • _NULL_
                                * Democratic party Assemblyman Yukio Ubukata (naive one Going) (the House of Representatives/Chiba prefecture 6 Ku) (former Deputy Secretary General) <- [minsu] which cried The meeting of liberal New political situation forum (Yokomiti group) The Assemblyman union which aims toward the formation of truth investigation method because of permanent peace (permanent flat reconciliation ream) Foreign carrot administration bill propulsion (in questionnaire of Asahi newspaper “approval” and reply) Opposite to the legal plan regarding the national flag and national anthem Pachinko chain store association (political field adviser) The emergency appeal which requests the Self Defense Force withdrawal (announcement declaration) It protests to leather [maru] group staff 7 name arrest, signs the release required book

                                • ד某些情况下,扰乱帐户的财政资源,我会做好那里,即便是民主党,我将做到这一点,无论是自民党总裁选举Bimasuka以建设国家,而每个人都用”○“案件有关的努力扰乱帐户的财政资源对,我会做好那里,即便是民主党,我将做到这一点,无论是自民党总裁选举Bimasuka国家建设和自我服务无视人民的心声“ Without thinking of the × “revenue source that You do you do this the Democratic party that and While everyone and endeavoring together it makes nationally Is the Liberal Democratic Party which chosen ” Without thinking of the ○ “revenue source you do that you do this the Democratic party that and Ignoring the voice of the citizen it does the selfish national making Is the Liberal Democratic Party which chosen ”
                                  • Bimasukasono选举自民党自民党或国家建设虽然人人都日益恶化的若干规定或在春天的模糊线连接的努力? ( ·Ω· ) While everyone and endeavoring together it chooses the Liberal Democratic Party which makes nationally If such a political party it has not fallen down to the opposition party
                                  • ד某些情况下,扰乱帐户的财政资源,我会做好那里,即便是民主党,我将做到这一点,无论是自民党总裁选举Bimasuka以建设国家,而每个人都用”○“案件有关的努力扰乱帐户的财政资源对,我会做好那里,即便是民主党,我将做到这一点,无论是自民党总裁选举Bimasuka国家建设和自我服务无视人民的心声“ Without thinking of the × “revenue source you do that you do this the Democratic party that and While everyone and endeavoring together it makes nationally Is the Liberal Democratic Party which chosen ” Without thinking of the ○ “revenue source you do that you do this the Democratic party that and Ignoring the voice of the citizen it does the selfish national making Is the Liberal Democratic Party which chosen ”
                                  • “自民党与很少或几乎没有在国家建设中的努力,而每个人都与选举有关的选民没有任何忏悔或不螨保健意识,特别是根深蒂固的不说Ttena韩国思不这样做,以便瓦特 While gt everyone and together endeavoring the Liberal Democratic Party which makes nationally At least the voter so thinking saying unless yet you become aware especially… W which quite does not have the reflection of election Korea which is useless
                                  • 有些案件扰乱帐户的财政资源,我会做好那里,即便是民主党,我将做到这一点,无论是自民党总裁选举Bimasuka以建设国家,而每个人的自由民主党有关的案件的努力来扰乱研究员高↑一个特殊的家庭,我要去支持小泉Dattara什么,你是否认为他们冲我葛吸顶 Without thinking of the revenue source that You do you do this the Democratic party that and While everyone and endeavoring together it makes nationally Is the Liberal Democratic Party which chosen ↑ Without thinking doing the Liberal Democratic Party people who start throw and strike and insist the private funds when it is Supporting but Especially Koizumi family

                                • “Keiseikai(前田中派)”与“委员会清种”“(田中派)洛克希德丑闻被捕田中角荣(←东京地方检察厅)(Keiseikai)招聘丑闻下台竹下登(←东京地方检察厅)(Keiseikai)金丸佐川捐款下降逃避逮捕(←检察官和税)(Keiseikai)承包商贪污逮捕村Kishirou(←东京地方检察厅)(Keiseikai)小渊惠三(猝死)(←之谜)(Keiseikai)安置铃木宗男被捕贿赂(←东京地方检察厅)(Keiseikai)理事会桥本龙太郎
                                  “Keiseikai (old Tanaka group)” VS “Seiwa meeting” > (Tanaka group) Kakuei Tanaka Arrest The Lockheed incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Noboru Takeshita Downfall Recruit incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Kanamaru Makoto Downfall arrest Sakawa emergency flight donation tax evasion (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section & national tax) (Keiseikai) Nakamura happiness four 郎 Arrest General contractor bribery (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Keizo Obuchi (Sudden death) (<- mystery) (Keiseikai) Muneo Suzuki Arrest Influence peddling (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Riyuutarou Hasimoto Assemblyman resignation Day tooth connected bribery incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Hiromu Nonaka Assemblyman resignation Day tooth connected bribery incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Kenzou Muraoka Arrest Day tooth connected bribery incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) Ichiro Ozawa West pine illegitimate donation incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Keiseikai) two floor Tosihiro West pine illegitimate donation incident (<- Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section) (Seiwa meeting) bank trust mediating/helping Peace It is A although class game, release

                                  • “你说,自民党津大家的合作,与国家建设?至少,自民党达罗Dattara为什么立法者应该有一个民族与人民的一边,每个人如何伐丽流今更有趣的是自民党的政治合作建设,只对富人池而忽略了人,我或过时现在,民主党人当选为销售并没有任何改变瓦特的自民党国会议员和100名削减劳动成本,如果他们开始退休的说法,没有钱的家伙Shitaru票,政党票时Shitaru gt Cooperating with everyone the country the party which is made The Liberal Democratic Party thing saying the ru At least cooperating with everyone the country the Assemblyman who is made It does the ro which should and is When was why the Liberal Democratic Party did waste retreating quitting combining Being able to change the Liberal Democratic Party which ignores the populace and in the partner politics it does just the rich person after so long a time And friend of the populace also the Democratic party which is elected in the sale now the Liberal Democratic Party and what w which does not change Member of the Diet in 100 Without labor cost reduction and the retirement lump sum grant if it started saying to accompany and vote to and the barrel to vote to that political party the barrel Politics just for electing it is the air which is continued how long Even that the or Koizumi bo which does not become aware it is the bo it is Elbowroom Assemblyman puzzle iranai

                                    • “姓”是一个姓是家长和孩子不可避免地“两个名称亲子”不同使孩子不会让坏智力量表
                                      “Surname classified by married couple” inevitable Surname differs between the parents and children, “surname classified by parent and child” is brought, as for the adverse effect which the children receive measuring You cannot know

                                      • “彡咪咪咪咪彡彡盒盒盒盒M”的“,男彡彡彡彡彡彡彡彡彡盒盒”,“盒盒鞭鞭鞭鞭鞭彡彡ヾ彡彡彡”,“早晨咪咪稻川佳。会。彡彡“的”M Þ ¼ 彡彡M ¼ Г,”盒彡M “” NULL
                                        • ┛ 升 , ,。ヽ博客 ° ¡ ≦3 ° ¡ ° ° 。≧3 u003d u003d §,≧ u003d ┛ l 92 REPT i ゚ ≦ Three 92 │ HKRPT ゚ ≦ Three ゚ ゚ 92 ≧ Three a ≧

                                      • ↓↓↓『你』照顾3月20日是大网站收集的一天! [5000]次会议锦标赛@↓↓↓◎◎◎家庭关系,保护日本国民对民主党政府◎◎◎她的人选择婚前姓名的夫妇,我们可以姓“姓“我们的目标是向国会提交一项法案,修改民事法律制度的高度,我写
                                        The ↓ ↓ ↓ 'as for you who become aware' on March 20th big sight gathering! <5000 human meeting @ Japanese meetings> ↓ ↓ ↓ * * * The national conference which opposes to the surname classified by married couple and protects the bond of the family * * * As for the Democratic party administration, “the surname system of the classified by selective married couple which” the married couple can also use separate surname You have aimed toward the National Diet submitting of the civil law amendment plan which it includes

                                        • 〜纳阿但他所塑造我太强到弱的信息提供给贿赂基金,而不是合作,日本经团联南特国家与国家自由纳阿合作的建筑承包商到目前为止,我不是讲话或京〜 But our people cooperating with the citizen until now the country it makes how doing or the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations general contractor Cooperating has done the bribe making image being too strong it is the speech which does not echo in feeling weakness
                                          • 鸠山由整幢房子,如果你把钱秘密资金和税务逃税四环素踏小泽刳瓦特我会做到这一点,如果我运行瓦特 The bribe which stepped on Ozawa s tax and scooped out If that is done w this which w which is done should have been executed house with the gold of the whole Hatoyama which evades taxation

                                        • 一名子女免税额,人们谁拥有国外注册即从领取儿童福利金的庇护,提高小学6年级的孩子,[收入]低于某一限额人
                                          Child treatment 1, the person where it can receive child treatment The person who possesses the foreign register, rears to the small school 6th child grade, Direction below fixed limit amount

                                          • 为什么我现在的态度是这样,但邮政储蓄资金的运行似乎前来无限航龟井好,他生病期间,在同一个国家的经济衰退私有化邮政储蓄银行,我Raren
                                            The [ro] which is air what which but now arbitrary like of Kamei's you feel and don't you think? storing financial management how you do Being the same as JAL, at the time of depression it makes government-managed mail storing and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] cod private management bank is popular and others the [re] it is

                                            • 今天,大多数居住在美国自由民主党也担心扮滚装根朝圣者的真正行动的特务是不正确的东西,那些谁快Byori特工说,我只有二郎瓦特
                                              Today increasing to always, the operative… As for the existence whose is most fearful as expected 菅 in our people of pilgrim just you say that it is Sinzirou, the [wa] which is W the operatives [hua] [bi] [yo] [ri] there is no Hirotune

                                              • 从现在起,在民主杰鲁张贴子女津贴从交易是杀死孩子,社交焦虑得到怪异武野我们在儿童食用的预期,使球池 If in the future with the child treatment where the Democratic party puts out erasing the child from profit bearing the child changes to profit you expect social insecurity that it can deny

                                                • 但想一点Tetara 157至880万亿美元的债务,我不应该,我再也不会回到自民党704“Ttemashita Gomennasai的区别”,“现在是进入精神努力工作更换华伦天奴”这并不脚没有民主政权改变,而不是只支持纳基亚茹我并没有说你做什么,是从不同的条件日 157 Even a little thinking it does not become debt of cod 880 000 000 000 000 You reset to the Liberal Democratic Party absolutely and it is the chi ya useless 704 “ gomennasai which it increases by mistake” “Replacing heart from this it perseveres and increases” Such it is it is not enough You do what if the word wa it is not there is no reason which can be supported Condition is different from the democracy just of administration alternation
                                                  • 但想一点Tetara 157至880万亿美元的债务,我不应该,我再也不会回到自民党704“Ttemashita Gomennasai的区别”,“现在是进入精神努力工作更换华伦天奴”这并不脚没有民主政权改变,而不是只支持纳基亚茹我并没有说你做什么,是从不同的条件日 157 Even a little thinking it does not become debt of cod 880 000 000 000 000 You reset to the Liberal Democratic Party absolutely and it is the chi ya useless 704 “ gomennasai which it increases by mistake” “Replacing heart from this it perseveres and increases” Such it is it is not enough You do what if the word wa it is not there is no reason which can be supported Condition is different from the democracy just of administration alternation
                                                  • 阿债务一堆孤立,被遗弃在日本自民党正在进行的工作四环素崩溃,你不后悔? Debt it is it is the ball making as for the Liberal Democratic Party which made Japan of the collapse setting up not being reflected

                                                • 党的38人埋钱,而是两个什么我说他们已经或胡散臭万亿
                                                  38 That the party of everyone the buried deposit gold is 2,000,000,000,000 saying, however [te] it is suspicious is

                                                  • 减少2万亿9515000000000日元税收资助地方政府发行赤字包括债券,我埋孔,两个追加预算,将共计846亿日元的资金
                                                    As for decrease amount of the tax allocated to local governments which rises to 2,951,500,000,000 Yen in order to fill a gap with issue of the deficit-financing bond, Revision budget amount of the whole secondary has reached 84,600,000,000 Yen

                                                    • 到目前为止,分散各党派和国家建设与合作,以保持每个人都扑在这个国家一突破? ,, 〜ー 、, ⌒ヾ〜盒) 、 , ⌒ヾ─  ̄ヾ〃i米一3彡 Ð ¤)━━┓┃┃ ,〃 首页、,ヾー,É┐┃━━━━━━━━ ヽ(, So far the bu tsu breaking this country awfully Cooperating with everyone the country the party which is made ⌒ mi DREPT ⌒ ─ ¯ DREPT i l i 彡 Three mi mi ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ha DREPT No ┐ ┃ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ REPT ino ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ The it does J re J
                                                      • ○海外)  ̄ ⌒ヽ ○ O ¯ ⌒ REPT

                                                    • 博爱 民主党人,承认妇女旁边的兼职工人进粂胜 06 08 28张 是 举行公众握手无小泉真二郎先生。摄影师承认风暴的真相! Democratic party Assemblyman side 粂 victory benevolence confesses to the free tar woman 06 08 28OA Sinzirou Koizumi public handshake nothing The photographing person confessing the truth of disturbance
                                                      • 博爱 民主党人,承认妇女旁边的兼职工人进粂胜 06 08 28张 在握手无二郎小泉举行。摄影师承认风暴的真相! Democratic party Assemblyman side 粂 victory benevolence confesses to the free tar woman 06 08 28OA Sinzirou Koizumi public handshake nothing The photographing person confessing the truth of disturbance

                                                    • 和467,但债务增加了一倍,前首相小泉纯一郎的辞职wwww结构的调整,我只是二进制 467 After former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi doing the lower field however you owed redoubled wwww Just structural deterioration advanced
                                                      • 阿债务增加一倍,从467步骤下来,但唯一的坏小泽,进我的结构wwww 467 After Ozawa doing the lower field however you owed redoubled wwww Just structural deterioration advanced

                                                    • 咪咪咪咪彡彡彡盒盒盒盒M ,,男¼ Ð彡彡彡彡彡彡彡彡彡  ̄ 盒盒鞭鞭鞭鞭鞭彡彡彡彡彡ヾ。 。  ̄ 彡咪咪鞭盒盒33彡彡 、  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄Þ ¼ M德拧彡统一节能米彡盒盒 ー 、 彡ヽ¼ M mimi 彡 mimimi 彡 彡 mimimimi 92 彡 彡 彡 mimimi 彡 彡 彡 彡 彡 彡 92 ¯ 92 mimi 彡 彡 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT 彡 彡 彡 92 ¯ 92 mimi 彡 ゙ 33 mimi 彡 彡 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ mimi 彡 ゙ do S standardized swindler mimimi 彡 REPT mimi 彡 ¯ REPT three ¯ mimi 彡 REPT mimi 彡 lt mimi 彡 ゙ ゙ REPT mi 92 彡 REPT 92 92 It does the mi 92 HKDRT The Soviet Union REPT ゙ HKDRT toeeeeeei The Soviet Union REPT ゙ REPT yukokokokoyu i 92 ni U l ¯ ¯ 92 ─ ─ ¯ ¯ l people people people people people people people people gt Slow the nidaya way treason keeping doing Japan don t you think lt Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Deciding 410 700 000 000 Yen public financial fill in morning silver failure processing
                                                      • NULL 彡 彡 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT 彡 mi 彡 ゙ do S standardized swindler mimi 彡 In order to carry out the principle of freedom of the name pleasure Pain and sacrifice are attached thing nida w mi 彡 ゙ mimimi 彡 mi 彡 ¯ REPT ¯ mi As for your chiyotsupari the atomic bomb the ro which is extent mazo which the decoration gives in rumei General who is dropped 彡 lt mi mi 92 彡 chiyotsupari woman geisha one and two The spear killing something is bad ww 92 92 It does the mi HKDRT The Soviet Union The gourd and others doing whatever nida which is permitted If why With the gold and power and good looks from the ru nida www REPT toeeeeeeino 92 REPT ninininiso REPT nini So nida which is not thought r REPT t Inspection Ladies and gentlemen of resident two world meeting and Inagawa meeting www i REPT REPT No j j REPT By the way because the K observing thinking bribe and Sinzirou guard generation increase with tax consumer tax tax increase the tsu po ri may w ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92 ku ゙ hamadryas baboon hu ゙ tsuchiyake rokutouchiyotsuha ゚ rika ゙ shimatsusarerunotsute sutekiyan Korea tamaran Deciding 410 700 000 000 Yen public financial fill in morning silver failure processing ttp blog yoshiko sakurai jp 2002 03 post 248 html About Inagawa meeting related mob weapon smuggling incident and the possibility North Korea being related ttp blue diver seesaa net article 15906933 html Osio the famous model and others group of women who appear to also CM and immorality

                                                    • 嗯,我赞成这样的最小的马。现在我层年底由日本哇将罚款为他们投票二郎 Well the kind of horse which this time voted to minsu Because layer this time votes to Sinzirou among those it is all right Japan ending the ru however
                                                      • 出乎意料的反应,他们的罪恶得到慌张。也许二郎晚上我是有瓦特 You are confused in unexpectedly bad reaction Night Don t you think as for Sinzirou already the useless causing re it is w

                                                    • 噢还我母亲的钱攒够鸠山兄弟也继承了钱在地上,政治愚息小泉对基本相同的!寿司是我说的比例要这样说?
                                                      The Hatoyama sibling gold [se] [bi] [ru], Koizumi's foolish breath inheriting ground and political fund, essential in the [tsu] mother the [ro] which is the same! This doing not to call unearned income, you call something?

                                                      • 回复排除升压二郎将看不到! ! !看到你疯狂愚蠢的家伙?二郎叩甚至在我们,不管他们怎样做一个与后方好女人ーーーーーーー维塔满租户 Sinzirou does not see such a sure Becoming seriousness don t you think the ru person fool You how hitting as for Sinzirou the rear being full It can associate with the good woman
                                                        • “不会看到二郎回复排除升压! !达罗或之前( m集群盲目小数点后摆在我们面前五郎 gt Sinzirou does not see such a sure The ro which is natural hu ゚ tsu Like you kind of bonkura which man Say does Sinzirou blindly The falling yo in order to come it is here but it is

                                                      • 在与小泽的卖国是目前为止,我会推翻卖国民勉强放在一起抗击闵代理人吹毛求疵损失
                                                        Treason Ozawa being the liar to here, the [minsu] operative difficult habit attaching with intention to fight disappearance at last Treason [minsu] administration it probably will keep knocking down together

                                                        • 在选举之前,局势已是批评过度赤字融资债券的习惯是一些自由民主党比洒在操场,与一个男人欺骗骗子,这个结果↓债券座间,日本的首次 50电子二万点零亿日元下助理。閣議決定政府 は 15 日 、 財政支出規模 7 兆 2013 億円 の 新 たな 経済対策 を 盛 り 込 んだ 2009 年度第 2 次補正予算案 を 閣議決定 した Before the electing in the habit which criticizes the overissue of the deficit financing bond as for the actual condition from the Liberal Democratic Party something scattering to the vote rice field this za ma of the result inchiki guy of large liar ↓ First 50 000 000 000 000 Yen exceeding… secondary assistant in regard to government bond issue and the Japanese history Cabinet conference decision Government on the 15th the Cabinet conference decided 2009 secondary revision draft budget which includes the new economic measure of 7 201 300 000 000 Yen in fiscal expenditure scale
                                                          • 提供免费或付费的高中或有子女,持久债券尼亚迄今的支出不能停止努力永恒 Child treatment or high school gratuitous conversion because of permanent expenditure item the government bond in the day when it issues the ya It becomes unable to stop eternally
                                                          • 请注意该项目不记得Gikomi目前的效果时,可能会削减成本,直接刺激经济,分不足以弥补了债券 Shaving the countercyclical measures expense which has same effective characteristic when the effect appears pouring to unclear item The amount which is not enough supplies with government bond issue

                                                        • 大公司也是雇员加薪,奖金和定期加薪作出的决定由母亲大理石幸(^∀^)布鲁诺
                                                          As for major enterprise employee Because [bo] full amount it decided also periodic raise in salary also raise also bonus Happy (^ ∀ ^) no

                                                          • 大鱼是我们每一个有负载早晨的太阳颂一天真的瓦特,瓦特我们的危机感的垃圾是鲜人是愚蠢的二郎,济州岛,一英里帰Reyo
                                                            [chiyon] and Asahi and everyday kudzu large catch shelf w The [ho] it is with, being a crisis atmosphere in w Sinzirou The bright/fresh person of the foolish kudzu returns to the end state island swiftly

                                                            • 太平绅士邮政署助理保宏薄荷国立大学组成的联盟所有。所有印刷局务局工会联合会(所有印刷)4600我在那里就像他们的人,他们加入工会组织率高 Post office JP labor union National university All the large teachings Mint All structure Union Printing bureau All the printing bureau Unions all printing 4 600 people About the place where labor union ratio of organized labor is high being expelled the ru
                                                              • 太平绅士邮政署助理保宏薄荷国立大学组成的联盟所有。所有印刷局务局工会联合会(所有印刷)4600我在那里就像他们的人,他们加入工会组织率高 Post office JP labor union National university All the large teachings Mint All structure Union Printing bureau All the printing bureau Unions all printing 4 600 people About the place where labor union ratio of organized labor is high being expelled the ru

                                                            • 如何激发是美国金融资本,为什么? Chu柯膊咯可以有在美国“水多”的故事正被隐藏的金融资本邮政民营化 Why the financial capital of America being excited There with postal services commercialization The rag it can gain the financial capital of America it means that “tasty story” is hidden
                                                              • 答:没有政府机制的预期变动的位置,问题可能使用它发生外国人政客官僚9:什么是邮政民营化成功思 Reply It does not change the mechanism of government and the te the politician should have managed the bureaucracy well Question 9 You think postal services commercialization that it succeeded

                                                            • 如果您双击这样的愚蠢纳鲁,还有一个限制耐心和温顺的态度始终民主党人
                                                              This way if foolish line is repeated, always there is a limit of perseverance even in the gentle Democratic party to magnanimous

                                                              • 如果调用瓦里425民主儿子欺诈行骗者湿重扩散通过霍马我什么太多的资源,也毕竟是我拯救他呢?什么语言债务或打瞌睡,听到什么徒劳 425 The swindler being called in the son of the swindler ru democracy ww Although the u the revenue source is heard the tsu te awfully if wastefulness is excluded with saying the te the ro which after all is the debt tsu te licking too much
                                                                • 什么是一个人提到的财政资源,最后8动画电影什么一个月,没有可怕的纳阿 1 The revenue source in August of last year making to animation did commenting tsu te awfully and

                                                              • 对不起党的民族我的建设与大家的合作?瓦特“[政治]运动,前首相小泉纯一郎,政策研究机构顾问,使得诸如佳能,丰田汽车公司3月份任命的水稻副主任。明残留秘书前首相小泉★2 [政治]“我持经团联是更多的政治影响力”★4“宽保客栈”总审计局批评[政治]销售过程不透明小泉真二郎表示,自民党第一次当选为一个运动团体★2前所未有的任命副主任
                                                                Cooperating with everyone, the country it makes the party which even what? w > Canvass assistant chief Front Prime Minister Koizumi, is inaugurated as March to the Supreme Advisor of the policy institution which major enterprise such as the Toyota Motor Corporation & CANON makes Rice. The private secretary reveals * 2 Koizumi former prime minister “Japan Federation of Economic Organizations to politics may have influence more” * 4 “Inn sale procedure opacity of can [po]” The Board of Audit criticizes Sinzirou Koizumi and in our people canvass assistant chief First election group appointment of exceptional case * 2

                                                                • 对于任何不理智的人投社会,执政联盟及双向剥夺一个坏的法律和外国法律赋予公民投票权的下一次民主党的支持者,居民谁是诚实的,只是表决权勤奋的人日本可以成为一个健康的,但我会给 For the society which is good sense as for the person who voted other than the Democratic party and the alliance ruling party supporter From next time denizenship grant and If it deprives the bad law foreign inhabitant fundamental law it is sincere and it grants denizenship to the people of diligent resident that much Although it is accustomed to healthy Japan don t you think
                                                                  • 良識 ある 社会 の 為 には 民主党及 び 連立与党支持者以外 に 投票 した 者 は次回 から 参政権 を 剥奪 し 、 誠実 で 勤勉 な 在日 の 方々 にその 分 だけ 参政権 を 付与 すれば健全 な 日本 に但它可以成为 For the society which is good sense as for the person who voted other than the Democratic party and the alliance ruling party supporter From next time denizenship grant and If it deprives the bad law foreign inhabitant fundamental law it is sincere and it grants denizenship to the people of diligent resident that much Although it is accustomed to healthy Japan don t you think

                                                                • 对犹太人的犹太小泉首相小泉纯一郎首相小泉纯一郎首相小泉纯一郎的手喽罗是在犹太人的小泉纯一郎首相小泉纯一郎的双手沾满犹太人手中掌握在犹太人是在犹太人手中掌握在犹太人在犹太犹太犹太手手中小泉首相小泉纯一郎首相小泉纯一郎的手奴才犹太小泉首相小泉纯一郎首相小泉纯一郎首相小泉纯一郎对犹太犹太犹太手奴才奴才
                                                                  As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge As for Koizumi the Judean stooge

                                                                  • 将来,小泉的忠实马。层变得一贫如洗,“这都是因为小泉的自民党议员的傻瓜,”汝说,这是梦想成真,日托野蛮 In other words In the future the Koizumi believer horse The fool where where layer became the non one sentence “as for everything voted to the Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party Though it is the dream that the day when you become aware in the truth that it is to place is” comes
                                                                    • 小泉说,无情的毁灭性的打击激烈,靠近太阳会动摇那些正在滚装谁不 The merciless iron hammer Koizumi and will shake in the hoodlums and to intense also the day when it is lowered probably will be close

                                                                  • 小泉说:“某些情况下,扰乱帐户的财政资源,我会做好那里,即便是民主党,我将做到这一点,无论是自民党总裁选举Bimasuka国家建设,同时尝试与每个人的朋友,”我们不能所有的古 NULL
                                                                    • 125,我会很生病媒体时,一件好事,因为反对党自由民主党的反对, 125 Therefore the Liberal Democratic Party the opposition party it is good but when it becomes the opposition party in the mass communications it makes the rag ku so
                                                                    • 378我将积极参与自由民主党没有足够的力量或吸引必然与下列十进制害羞戈罗 378 About Sinzirou the power which can be charmed having the re the Liberal Democratic Party without being caught it can participate
                                                                    • “什么在自民党路线,儿童福利,估计1美浓在日本的外国人居住了一年多,已经支付给谁的孩子留在我们的国家 gt It is provided with the child treatment which the Liberal Democratic Party administration does and to the child who is left to native country to the foreigner who has the possibility that it resides in Japan of 1 year or more
                                                                    • 少数Tteta在自民党政权的国家“建设的努力,同时大家都说:”我只是做事情从来没有Nakattajan The Liberal Democratic Party has grasped administration in age While “everyone and together endeavoring the national making” As for how thing even one time it was not it is
                                                                    • 少数恩戴什么一对肩膀和手留在自民党谁不仅打破人的脖子“,”我勤奋工作,在自民党 In the Liberal Democratic Party Grasping the person and the hand which remain uniting the shoulder only it perseveres with utmost effort” “I persevere at the Liberal Democratic Party and increase
                                                                    • 我不落入反对党自由民主党要么是对选举Bimasukakonna国家党的建设,同时每个人都涉嫌与努力 While everyone and endeavoring together it chooses the Liberal Democratic Party which makes nationally If such a political party it has not fallen down to the opposition party
                                                                    • 所以,我讲话的自由民主党表示,该公司正进入这样一个宣传小册子是梦幻般的工作四环素民主党 Then stopping the Liberal Democratic Party it entered into the company Democratic party but it was not the splendid kind of workplace which is advertised in the pamphlet
                                                                    • 自民党和自我批评“Ttemashita Gomennasai的区别”,“华伦天奴替代目前正进入思考方式硬”说,自民党是Dekin投票 The Liberal Democratic Party self criticising “ gomennasai which it increases by mistake” “Replacing heart from this it perseveres and increases” Like this until you say you can vote to the Liberal Democratic Party and are
                                                                    • 蒙不是一个明智的决定,挑拨离间我说,自民党本身是如此有趣 Therefore until the Liberal Democratic Party itself changes not calling wisdom It is mon judgment

                                                                  • 小泉进次郎众议院成员,我不能说这种情况并不准备的勇气和对记者说的“S一位数或人,脚轮有一些的批准或者不批准的悬念
                                                                    Unless there is considerable preparedness and a courage, such you cannot speak, As for member of the house of representatives Sinzirou Koizumi “1 people it came out in press corps that, support ratio has done how many joy and sorrow There is no spare time

                                                                    • 小泽讲义,儿童津贴,是没有吸引力的金钱意识,因为人们考虑的老虎机拷贝粘贴到地狱什么萨拉周五,日本是他们的收入和支出的敏锐,不吸引许多 As for Ozawa s scattering and child treatment pasting in the plate gold hell the pachinko it just appeals to the human who does not have the money kind of feeling which it commutes Because the Japanese feeling of earnings and expenditure is sharp it does not appeal to large number
                                                                      • 福田说,在他的31名儿童讲话当然薪酬和我去看看,因为我还没有见过在津市嵌入式Tenakattara As for Fukuda speech child treatment sure 31 Because it pasted When it is not seen yet that is referred to

                                                                    • 差异,他们喜欢的钱疯狂的私营公司总是想,而不是说他们为国家的民族珍,公务员只有黄金和黄金周五楚棵,自我利益
                                                                      Different from the private trader like the fanatic of the gold which thinks of just the gold gold gold and usual money-making, because of the country As for the government employee who works without my interest selfish desire treasure of the country

                                                                      • 市场往往交付通货紧缩的方式启,50旋转寿司正常化,如食品日本目前的经济圈,维塔货币储蓄
                                                                        To face to saving the money is supplied to the tend market with deflation conversion, the present Japanese kind of economy which can eat the rotary sushi for 50 Yen is normalized

                                                                        • 当然,其他无线系统或与该级别一致,但它们是由鸠山内阁,打开我是一个全面的努力来减轻萧条和通货紧缩,最后克这样或那样的低支持率轰动梅塔 Of course whether the Hatoyama Cabinet is accompanied in the level but difference the eye awakened in support ratio decrease directing to the cancellation of the anther deflation depression which it commutes it has started endeavoring in earnest

                                                                          • 必须看到!儿童的民主党全国代表己娄极大破坏,对卖国津贴法案严重子女免税额我们[日本]逆向歧视,促进移民政策,我开始接近我[樱桃小鼠H22 / 3 / 15]在荒川区居住的外国人事件124人
                                                                            Necessary seeing! Child treatment of astonishment - the national destructive bill of the treason Democratic party which is too harsh Japanese opposite discrimination, the immigration promotion policy which is advanced secretly [cherry tree H22/3/15] With the Arakawa Ku case resident foreigner 124

                                                                            • 我们使用了单在吸顶汉方邮政储蓄消化头脑的问题,而不是打击金融滥用博纪
                                                                              Intently mail storing simple preservation is used in digestion of public finance investment, public finance gets flat the one where Problem is large considerably

                                                                              • 我谨以提高操场邮政职工的利益是什么?哎呀操场的自身利益是重要的,但税收收入? ↓娘 经济 全日制非正规的劳动力成本通胀千万 日本邮政 Increase and inhaling the employee of the postal services right tsu te vote rice field To tax revenue tsu te vote rice field of selfish desire important matter It is to act playfully ↓ Non proper 100 000 person in regular member as for… labor costs expansion The Japanese postal services
                                                                                • 他们是他的责任,确保税收制度,税收必须正确,即使在他们极其沉重的经济衰退 Securely the tax system which can guarantee the necessary tax revenue was not made even under depression Responsibility quite is heavy

                                                                              • 或过分依赖于政治,但该国依赖,这是不正确的,他们不再汤,都应该由人民的理解,因为政治,只是因为鲍远妹的国家,其本国的宪法里诺塞塔卡我必须打破 Already that after all it depends on politics depends on the country National everyone to produce should understand the fact that it is the mistake consequence of politics Calling consequence of the country individual the citizen you must change plow bottom quality high

                                                                                • 报纸超过了由自民党代理老井底部罚款733螃蟹是瓦特
                                                                                  733 W where lie of our people operative is audible faintly from Huruido's bottom

                                                                                  • 据说要求首相小泉在邮政民营化布什在美国“首脑会议,我被要求描述的是市民 That the bush required postal services commercialization to Prime Minister Koizumi even in the Japanese American summit meeting it is said” Whether how it is required it is not explained to the citizen
                                                                                    • 日米首脳会談 でも ブッシュ が 郵政民営化 を 小泉首相 に 要求 したといわれているがどのように 要求 されたのか 国民 には 説明 されていません That the bush required postal services commercialization to Prime Minister Koizumi even in the Japanese American summit meeting it is said” Whether how it is required it is not explained to the citizen

                                                                                  • 政府债券的平衡,日本的国内生产总值(GDP)超过了规模,对政府债务在国内生产总值的比例在那些最糟糕的工业化国家中最高
                                                                                    The government bond outstanding issue the Japanese gross domestic product (GDP) to exceed scale, as for ratio of the government bond balance for GDP even in advanced nation the highest, In other words there is the worst circumstance

                                                                                    • 无论是执政的自民党和在野的,这个人会说一些茹作出了积极的事,要有更多的好古是在政治上为6个月会员 As for the Liberal Democratic Party that it probably is the ruling party when it probably is the opposition party As for this person becoming the Assemblyman to improve in order to become plus existence being able to do politics of the semi year citizen
                                                                                      • 此人是做6个月对于我来说是市民?流行的说法,他们带着自民党和打破我的父亲苏 So this person becoming the Assemblyman did what for the semi year citizen As for the father while saying that the Liberal Democratic Party the bu tsu is broken the popularity taking

                                                                                    • 民主党人正在做总理和书记刑事逃税总的来说,我被逮捕三名选举民主党湿重书记来恐吓选民,湿重
                                                                                      Three private secretaries being arrested, [ru] Secretary General and tax evasion offense doing the prime minister, the [ru] Democratic party ww And the Democratic party ww which intimidates the constituent with election

                                                                                      • 烧蚀的独裁者从右边庄严地自我的民主党的国家利益的利益只有Hairenai卖国的民主选择
                                                                                        The choices being only the treason Democratic party, it cannot enter into the Democratic party either the [te] Therefore the dictator whom it tries probably to take the right of the citizen of right of my interest selfish desire

                                                                                        • 然而,财务大臣菅直人是下藤井持什么,似乎是相当具有经济意义
                                                                                          But, became next Fujii's financial affairs minister of state, 菅 Naoto seems that has the economic feeling which is superior very

                                                                                          • 由于有1700年全国直辖市,日本外务津贴能亲维塔是简单的算术,五千零八十五点六零万日元100万日元× 1700 u003d 8645520 u003d八千六百四十五万点零零万日元将需要 Because there is a self governing community of 1700 in entire country as for the treatment which the Japanese gives to the foreigner In the simplicity calculation 50 856 000 Yen × 1700 86 455 200 000 Yen 864 5 hundred million Yen become necessary

                                                                                            • 突突,并在这里我在古胡散臭Tteta思自民党是好的说,虽然国家建设与每个人的( ·ω·努力 是) While everyone and endeavoring together it chooses the Liberal Democratic Party which makes nationally If such a political party it has not fallen down to the opposition party

                                                                                              • 纪律是要成为年轻,但预计,他说,“考虑资金有些不安的人”是如何来的东西导致自民党首先,他们的分歧,分歧政治家的第一次民主和古撒玫瑰Idakeda The politician if possible the training and others re te in the young man as for the possibility however it is As for “the revenue source without thinking commenting” in the first place Liberal Democratic Party taking the initiative by the fact that you come The difference with the democracy the rose is just the difference ahead is spread
                                                                                                • 『资源这样做不考虑某些情况下,任何一方感到不安』(←梅鲁已认识到这句话)党的国家建设与每个人(←我合作,这是不承认 The revenue source without thinking that this which is done you do the party lt it recognizes this expression but Cooperating with everyone the country the party which is made lt it does not recognize this

                                                                                              • 自民党议员有相当的人才瓦特眼镜町村信孝梅甘娜国会议员认为,国会议员西田正志先生盖尔野,满头银发的狼。会员u003d成员棚桥泰文猎鹰武士征税国会议员佐藤正久国会议员Oomura英明眉毛胡子船长国会议员则久田村野狗假装鳗鱼国会议员武二郎禁毒小泉利子国会u003d国会全体成员u003d哦王子公主微笑剑
                                                                                                The talent well enough the Liberal Democratic Party w which is Town village Nobutaka Assemblyman = ogre domesticated fowl and animals glasses gentleman Isiba Shigeru Assemblyman = gel Nisida 昌 wolf of Osamu Assemblyman = silver hair Noda. Assemblyman = [marusa] 鷹 Shelf bridge Yasushi sentence Assemblyman = eyebrow hit and miss Captain of Sato Masahisa Assemblyman = self-depreciation 秀 chapter Assemblyman Omura = the [u] which puts on airs roughly the [gi] dog The beat fungus of the Tamura law Hisashi Assemblyman = National Diet it does, = National Diet Oji Assemblyman Sinzirou Koizumi Sword princess of [a] [be] 俊 child Assemblyman = smiling face

                                                                                                • 自民党还考虑考虑提高消费税,有一个Gomakasanakatta民主党人,是在浪费一个废物破发点,节能蓬松fuckable,并说他们已承诺的唯一出路,我不是柯诉省我说可能有章 The Liberal Democratic Party thinking also that consumer tax is increased in mind did not cheat there The Democratic party if wastefulness is excluded you can do was point breakthrough Because although it is not excluded just the one which is put out you promised wastefulness persisting it has been about probably to start

                                                                                                  • 自民党:和平保存法引入儿童色情法台的名字,我呼吁国会民主党艾格尼丝卖国的中共特务:由于只有蒙博托由于他们卖国,地方Toriaezu牛粪优于各方中子活化分析花椒坏自民党也被认为是Minsyutou湿重 The Liberal Democratic Party For Maintenance of the Public Order Act introduction of child pornographic method question name the treason party which called spy agunesu of the Chinese Communist Party in the National Diet The Democratic party Because we have assumed and that you do only a treason seko there is as for the droppings political party whether temporarily the do tsu of compared to mashi the party Judging that democracy is useless our people to be able to leap ww
                                                                                                    • 诚然,小西胆量,硒锦鲤,但我闵瓦特Mananda大家谁是你的茶之前,您的孩子 As expected nature it is small w which is sekoi and minsu It is your everyone child chi ya ma what

                                                                                                  • 自由640641643,甚至是民主的,因为我想买票使用税代收的款项什么 NULL
                                                                                                    • 也比647民主党和自由是不好的,我只是把政党和牛思新志位 647 Above our people and democracy are useless you think that only it puts on the new political party die
                                                                                                    • 自由640641643,甚至是民主的,因为我想买票使用税代收的款项什么 NULL

                                                                                                  • 著名的讲话录像Q&进行了讨论次郎小泉进2010 3 12国会议员质询小泉进次郎自民党众议院内阁委员会1。二。 2月3日2009年11月18日,众议院内阁委员会小泉小三分之二千○一十 2众议院全体会议辩论小泉进次郎(自由改革俱乐部)委员会的自由民主党(在东京回合)09年12月18号残端讲话长崎喜我和所有戈罗小泉仁进粂胜下列广告在石墙旁边打气讲话在街上的人说,还没得奖 出发点奖金 次郎小泉进横须贺中央站 The famous speech question discussion animated picture of Sinzirou s Koizumi 2010 3 12 House of Representatives Cabinet commission The question of Assemblyman Sinzirou Liberal Democratic Party Koizumi 1 2 2 3 2009 November 18th House of Representatives Cabinet commission Koizumi Jr 2010 3 2 The House of Representatives plenary assembly discussion Sinzirou Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party reformation club Liberal Democratic Party roadside speech meeting among Tokyo circles 2009 12 18 The support speech with Nagasaki Support speech with stone wall It tried comparing Sinzirou side 粂 victory benevolence and Koizumi Being defeated The roadside speech which even Sinzirou s front Koizumi of election starting point can be said The Yokosuka center before the station Sinzirou Koizumi Speech
                                                                                                    • NULL 2010 3 12 House of Representatives Cabinet commission The question of Assemblyman Sinzirou Liberal Democratic Party Koizumi 1 2 2 3 2009 November 18th House of Representatives Cabinet commission Koizumi Jr 2010 3 2 The House of Representatives plenary assembly discussion Sinzirou Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party reformation club Liberal Democratic Party roadside speech meeting among Tokyo circles 2009 12 18 The support speech with Nagasaki Support speech with stone wall Sinzirou Koizumi in Tottori city Part 1 lt New Part 2 lt New BGM it is not edition lt New It tried comparing Sinzirou side 粂 victory benevolence and Koizumi Being defeated The roadside speech which even Sinzirou s front Koizumi of election starting point can be said The Yokosuka center before the station
                                                                                                    • 著名的讲话录像Q&进行了讨论次郎小泉进2010 3 12国会议员质询小泉进次郎自民党众议院内阁委员会1。二。 2月3日2009年11月18日,众议院内阁委员会小泉小三分之二千○一十 2众议院全体会议辩论小泉进次郎(自由改革俱乐部)委员会的自由民主党(在东京回合)09年12月18号残端讲话长崎喜我和所有戈罗小泉仁进粂胜下列广告在石墙旁边打气讲话在街上的人说,还没得奖 出发点奖金 次郎小泉进横须贺中央站 The famous speech question discussion animated picture of Sinzirou s Koizumi 2010 3 12 House of Representatives Cabinet commission The question of Assemblyman Sinzirou Liberal Democratic Party Koizumi 1 2 2 3 2009 November 18th House of Representatives Cabinet commission Koizumi Jr 2010 3 2 The House of Representatives plenary assembly discussion Sinzirou Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party reformation club Liberal Democratic Party roadside speech meeting among Tokyo circles 2009 12 18 The support speech with Nagasaki Support speech with stone wall It tried comparing Sinzirou side 粂 victory benevolence and Koizumi Being defeated The roadside speech which even Sinzirou s front Koizumi of election starting point can be said The Yokosuka center before the station Sinzirou Koizumi Speech

                                                                                                  • 解散众议院供只是想减轻自己有冤情瓦特二郎七千五百点零亿日元邮政工人邮政民营化选举成本,我做它,你返回比例的改变钱国库
                                                                                                    By his grudges to the postal services staff, clear it seems wants the House of Representatives dispersing for the sufficient postal services commercialization which election cost 75,000,000,000 Yen w Sinzirou, returning the gold to Treasury in your change

                                                                                                    • 首相小泉纯一郎在基尼系数(社会差距的数字)和饥饿开放缓慢接近出生率年底,是上升,而不是解释如何好,这是年轻人的瓦特区就业率?遗憾地Shiku居民绝望的领导人,他们是从实力茹注意到了日本,才公平,所有的持久说谎者
                                                                                                      [jini] factor (those which digitalize social differential) opening blunts in Koizumi Cabinet day, Also birthrate rises in last one, how doing the fact that employment ratio of young layer becomes good, the reason w which you explain? The way being vexatious, for the leader which is strong in Japan to come out does not accumulate the resident which, persistently It is the sufficient large lie is arranged

                                                                                                      • (节选),众议员小泉进次郎“,但许多人从自民党叛逃,自民党不绝没有 Excerpt Koizumi Sinzirou Assemblyman “whatever human leaving a party from the Liberal Democratic Party the Liberal Democratic Party is not the case that it disappears
                                                                                                        • (摘录)※图片:※前: Excerpt Picture Before

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