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“As for large portion of the sightseer of thousand increase in yen value speeds, the noodles just are eaten as for it returns” the highway reduction 1 year economic result “the disappointing” ★2


  • 110或1000日元,必须瓦特Wakaran效果无刈,没有限制,我有这种消极的文章时,它不坏 110 It is from the wa or w In brief upper limit 1000 Yen the effect it was not when well unskillfulness it costs without being 0 But with article what which is said
    • 110 1000日元的限制,需要效果无刈,不,我有这样一个消极的文章时,它不坏 110 In brief upper limit 1000 Yen the effect it was not when well unskillfulness it costs without being 0 But with article what which is said

  • 265德岛,德岛拉面,聋白痴希望! ?其他手续是不合理的或明年初谷柯些什么?制备Rerushi分,但与前古尽快 265 As for Tokushima the Tokushima Chinese noodles probably will be done aho which the tsu You did not attach quickly with ETC something semantic obscurity Immediately the origin you take and also the point is attached although
    • 138宫内厅或轻屁股是什么?什么是说我们去?津,但我仅下降了二战后的德岛南特人口讨厌炫耀 138 What to be light there is no yaba ku With you say There is no pride but population decreasing from immediately after the Tokushima how postwar period however the ru it is

  • 441 Arujan高松城的438是的,我们已经得到应收账款可为什么还要“吃四环素归于”什么是达罗和氖只面条 438 There is a Takamatsu castle it is 441 The u it is therefore specially the gold having applying therefore the ru it is “just the noodles eating it returned” the splash of the tsu te the ro which is
    • 441 Arujan高松城的438是的,我们已经得到应收账款可为什么还要“吃四环素归于”什么是达罗和氖只面条 438 There is a Takamatsu castle it is 441 The u it is therefore specially the gold having applying therefore the ru it is “just the noodles eating it returned” the splash of the tsu te the ro which is

  • 680关西沙,停车区(PA)是在10%葛Bidaro新茹级店销售额一直忽略了他们在新的东西道路Bikoreha发售 680 Kansai SA at parking area PA sale 10 extension As for this sale something of the dining rooms of the national highway paralleling the ro which is the extension of the level which can be ignored
    • 关西沙,停车区(PA)是在10%葛Terujan影响伸长率发售 Kansai SA parking area PA with sale 10 extension The effect coming out the ru it is

  • 822后的道路是坏现在看来其中还有温泉周围的松山市我还有一个公共浴室
    822 After the road the public bathhouse already are one eaves Don't you think? it is like the hot spring is [bochibochi] even around Matsuyama city

    • 836生命有危险,你没有,在所罗门剣碰到的宝物
      836 When thing of secret treasure of the SOLOMON which is as the sword mountain the rose is designated life is dangerous

      • 8445公司计划参加的事情会有勇气参观或恩达让瓦特确容易受周围一切事物恒星思有自己的风格,但 8445 Plan of the tour company mono as for participating courage is certainly probably will be w So you inspecting by your you think that the varieties also it is pleasant to turn it is the ze which is
        • 经过445,因为它的,不随波逐流,推动了一本书或电影 445 Issuing the book and or doing to the movie after being the push which is not above this therefore

      • 867鹰烦Iikane这么多的容器?什么是Tteiu背驮式?绑定到每一个火车轨道?这看起来不错,但如果效率 867 The container tsu te it is unable to call so troublesomely The tsu ke which the piggy back tsu te you say and is Every track truck it connects to the train If that but efficiency appealing

        • Kke 5000,但我不应该接管明石海峡大桥附近顾炎武?面条100日元的100多万南特力量来回
          Although the Akashi strait Ohashi [te] it crosses, nearly 5000 Yen it is required, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is not? Round trip 10,000 or more how because of the noodles of several hundred Yen the excessiveness

          • “一个餐厅Hunato大变化是三洋电机公司的子公司,我永远不可能的,”关闭该渡轮淡路,它是什么用的渡轮,“什么你的客户购买和须磨来现在搬到公路,通过大矶海“,是许多人Yattekonaku gt For the ferry dining room as for big reform when it is the related company of the Sanyo Electric the wa which is unreasonable gt The Awazi ferryboat to discontinue using the ferryboat gt The customer who has been crossed from Suma now moving to the highway gt It means that the many people stop doing to the Oiso seashore
            • 什么餐馆常吕卡诺Hunato矶?余Dattara不可能的,不是我们不知道在最近的停车场 Ferry dining room tsu te Oiso place When is the wa which is unreasonable Because you do not know the parking zone is somewhere it cannot approach

          • “什么是爱媛丸在香川县道后温泉乌冬面夜间会为了什么食物只能吃面条的原因是什么菜泽地晚上,我迫不及待地知
            > The noodles just are eaten return The noodles eating with Kagawa, staying in the Ehime hot spring after the road, or staying in Kochi [sawachi] cooking

            • ヽ布鲁诺863∋ É É ∈河 ·ω· 河流,没有人知道这样,我叫你出去了袋口,并在东京举行的科米 863 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river So however it is not with word of mouth communication Being called Tokyo one the ru die
              • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ É É ∈河 ·ω· 这都将扮面条美味在东京河食品 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river It is tasty however you can eat in any and others Tokyo which is said don t you think

            • 一个很好的桥梁,那里的局势前3 Kangaero首页什么是他的奖励和本维修费用
              The nice bridge making also 3 before that, think of the circumstance which cannot maintain either maintenance expense

              • 不可能在政治上,我们Hazime托梅叛徒国民议会管一个时间的问题的情报与中学生写津武野的时候了国民议会小型飞机相撞,你在做什么,每天?相提并论? ? ?居民和恩戴您阅读今日99。 999%错了,肯定不能停留在认识到大鳄我↑↑↑↑↑↑↑限制· · ·文章是啊是啊是啊嘿是的,我笑牛是的是的是的是的借口Dekinee长我是一个危机的粪便大小噢哦噢哦噢了
                Politics which cannot be, gradually the small aircraft thrusting to the National Diet problem of time… The traitor of the National Diet which begins the tube of intelligence like the junior high school student doing everyday what, the [ru]? ? ? ? Reading this, from today you resident 99. The enemy outside the 999% it will recognize Unless it obstructs securely, the article of the unpalatable ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑… crisis will be spread Droppings [chiyon] good meaning it to be possible and well be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain be able be able be able be able be able to obtain only laugh well be able The limit the [a] which comes already everyone patience it came to the viewing place well well well well well well, The [u] [wa] well well as expected revolt well well well the [u] [wa] well well well it is [a] Japanese national entire [buchikire] at several 10,000,000 human level, well well well well well well well well well well The coup the [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] which comes you understand just this securely even with the scenario elementary school student of ruin wellWhether The [u] [wa] well well well well well well. Resident hateful resident. The [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] which it has been about that [a] which is resident resident probably will ruin Japan well well well well well well well Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! ! Resident is crushed! ! !

                • 乌冬面是一个低,他们从 纳阿一切,但我想...
                  Because the noodles unit cost are low As for `Shikoku round and oil supply in Kagawa prefecture ' Your `father, voyage how ' Your `pilgrim, to go round with opposite striking, ' It tried thinking, but it is,…

                  • 什么是456阿坝在欺骗谁曾智拓讨我不知道蹒跚地从元亲长宗我部岩内的攻击有权势的家族是历史,历史,仍是一个好的475人,在高知县在高中棒球或确...台联我想再次强调,余下洋房四国
                    456 Therefore history history Long sect our section Motochika attacks and don't you think? the [a] [gu] the [te] drinking bout opening swindles and to attack does passes and as for the place where the Awa thane is Even now it is not the Kochi person well and 475 Certainly… At the time of the high school baseball, you think that we want the degree [tsu] house of four nationals situation remaining,

                    • 什么是世界上635早期古栗池直接管理下,从麻生的雷曼兄弟,中川昭一,总统领导下的鸠山国际货币基金组织的经济政策,财政大臣冲击促进了世界经济的复苏是做好烤直接与政府在麻生太郎し 以外 は無為無策 で 経済界 は 頭 を 抱 えているのにお 前 この 状況 でそんなこと 言 えるって 、 本当 にどんな 頭 してたら 言 えるんだ 635 From the Riemann shock the greatest in the world recovering quickly under Aso administration Also IMF doing well under Nakagawa financial affairs phase contributing to the recovery of the world economy As for economic policy under Hatoyama administration other than rebaking at time of Aso administration With idle lack of policy as for the business world although the head is held In this circumstance of you such a thing the tsu te which can be said what kind of head doing truly the cod you can say it is

                      • 什么?速度是1000日元,神户新闻说,思Tteta为游客下降的措施闲古鸟从通常的振铃非典型? ? What As for the Kobe newspaper as for 1000 increase in yen value speeds after usually the cuckoo calling the ru You think that Kouti s of the setting sun it is measure because of view
                        • 什么?速度是1000日元,神户新闻说,思Tteta为游客下降的措施闲古鸟从通常的振铃非典型? ? What As for the Kobe newspaper as for 1000 increase in yen value speeds after usually the cuckoo calling the ru You think that Kouti s of the setting sun it is measure because of view

                      • 从前的时间,没有它?四环素Sumonnai四国行的预算和凯恩有一个主题公园或其他纳基亚鹿野杆我所用,充其量Shimantogawa船巡航
                        When [mu] oak Shikoku going, it went sightseeing at the very most 40,010 river only the gold you used by the boat If the theme park it is not, the [ro] where it combines in other things and you drop it is not and is

                        • 例如宇宙方式的道路,道路四国四国海滩一边是从什么是广场?那是什么?开摩托车以自己的方式为(那里没有意义,他们担心快速Kechiru代)的娱乐性和惊险场面 The Shikoku highway riding in the seashore from there if it faces on Shikoku side … kosumosurodo The kana which is To run by the motorcycle meaning and the high speed generation which are the stingy ru track truck fears can enjoy thrill and view in that appearance
                          • 例如宇宙的方式沿道路四国四国岸上的道路是什么?那是什么?开摩托车以自己的方式为(那里没有意义,他们担心快速Kechiru代)的娱乐性和惊险场面 If it faces on Shikoku side the Shikoku highway alongside the seashore from there… kosumosurodo The kana which is To run by the motorcycle meaning and the high speed generation which are the stingy ru track truck fears can enjoy thrill and view in that appearance

                        • 关于交通挤塞和其他运输的影响为重点,经济在村隆索菲亚。副教授()环境经济学的
                          As for observing to the influence to traffic procrastination and the other transportation, Arimura of Sophia University department of economics 俊. The associate professor (environmental economics) is

                          • 其高度在445时,车辆插孔是一部电影的广告山手线,之后稳步下降
                            445 When the Yamate line vehicle the jack being done with announcement of the certain movie, with climax, then it is the downward curve favorably

                            • 区也可从火影忍者932折扣免费手续-目前在垂水。 。 1000或。 。 2600→百分之手续。 。 4914正常。 。或5,200
                              932 Because also ETC discount is gone, with Naruto - Tarumizu existence. . 1,000or. . 2,600 -> ETC percentage. . 4,914, normality. . 5,200

                              • 区等事,这是更多的客户,他们从同行业达罗?有的以自己的四国维塔任何疑问南特在食物我要谈 The ro because as for this the same trader is many What which more pulls the customer If it does not do in story viewing The u ro it is you can eat how anywhere and in the Shikoku individual do
                                • 信浓少四国山这主要是观察,但一些正规球员无论谁对房屋的四角结束 After this seeing the less it does Shikoku the majority is the mountain the person has lived gulp down in only some of the four corners

                              • 去年富士毛重达罗70公里附近的沙塞车的例子?它应该成为一个非常高的速度刈降Rinakatta哈多
                                The [ro] where the example is 70km procrastination near Fujikawa SA of GW of last year? Although the lower road the one which was said was considerably faster, it did not get off

                                • 喷灌可以造福儿童,家长免费四环素几种公路金钱规定,保存儿童的未来学费的钱是由重型上乘债务
                                  Child treatment scattering, the parent who receives the gold saves to the future school expenses of the child Highway free conversion is overtaxation conversion of debt extra

                                  • 嗯,让我根本亿邮用户的角度被认为是在计划和练下个假期或行硬化我会在哪里好,使用瓦特 The ze which well will be thought simply with the user eye line Because I utilize however you think that it is good don t you think W which can knead the heel plan which probably will go to the next holiday somewhere
                                    • 好了,直到更多的是Hetalia税包括:弯曲的感觉,如果德鲁茶说服用户采取更优惠的利率了厨房,这是不可避免的,因为它 Well rather than tax butsu you being packed unskillfully the chitin and fee the one which is taken If in the user in the tsu chi ya agreement impression the ru that is helpless with that don t you think

                                  • 因此,500人提出在2000年的影响,日元,1000多和我,我可以从1000万日元 Therefore 500 people moving the effect of 20 000 000 Yen moving 1000 people it is than as much as 10 000 000 Yen saying

                                    • 在提取617千惠子“在东京,酱是没有”你知道你在说什么和高村光太郎
                                      617 “There is no miso in Tokyo”, that you say there is no Koutarou Takamura even with the Chieko 抄?

                                      • 在盖哥的经济影响下高速的民主价值观的速率值的速度并非是国家旅游局的经济政策了! !
                                        There was no economic result with high-speed fee reduction In other words high-speed price hike of democracy was largest economic measure, it is it is! !

                                        • 如果他们的劳动力成本不会洗时期,必须有一个长途卡车司机?这将是艰难的精神,而且还需要在系统葛价值的票价和长途卡车司机准时
                                          If you call labor cost, if the driver of the long distance track/truck is turned to there, there is no [chiyara]? But also the driver of the long distance track/truck so mentally very much with freight reduction and time strict observance

                                          • 如果正交梅鲁和新鲜的本土和新鲜,当然应该把一列货运火车和海上运输及物流重组,亦是我全面暂停
                                            The track/truck stopping also the physical distribution, we should reorganize in the freight train and marine transportation etc, don't you think? Of course when freshness such as interior of a country and freshness is sought, difference

                                            • 如果没有折扣解礼,不考虑不同的措施,从直觉带来繁荣,更新,我们准备色调楚哧预算列入了更多的Nde If there is no discount more it probably has fallen Making a profit because there is no measure which furthermore makes the ru place prosper you misunderstand is

                                              • 它喜欢的事,在日本的类似340 Hayo泥石流Irashii正与罕见的活好面!什么可以Shimasho Kind of those which in Japan are similar it puts out 340 The Kagawa prefecture people the noodles making are good naturally it seems In the tsu lever the stripe it does the yo

                                                • 它是什么多少881在四国道后温泉温泉?在其他国家?还应该有Kke Shimantogawa东光?
                                                  881 When the hot spring [tsu] [te] you say with Shikoku, about the hot spring after the road? There are other things? When 40,010 river the [tsu] [ke] which even densely is?

                                                  • 它比罗Hayo香川县,他们是否还有美味的葡萄,直到我更好的电影,直到我店多煤?
                                                    Kagawa is gold ratio 羅, the moxa [ma] is the house is many, but the [bu] how the [ma] is one tastiness to be, still certain?

                                                    • 德岛香川→不动→→爱媛县高知县狮子就是一个沉重的奶油在很多?
                                                      The Kagawa lion -> Tokushima FUDO -> as for Kochi the accomplice which does there to be a large quantity -> Ehime is where?

                                                      • 德岛,香川县,但在该人可以向除现有的电影院将面条他们流下了日本最古老的歌舞伎,很多赞美。大豆是多姿多彩的过去比罗的神秘景点善男善女四环素邲舁嗯平行齐声向伊势神宫之一,Negoroji寺...作为题外话,丸龟黄金塔,是纯金厕所释放和她的手黄金厕所拖鞋他们的痛苦
                                                        But the Tokushima person as for the place where it can appeal in addition to the noodles there is a large quantity in Kagawa As the play shed which exists the Japanese oldest Kabuki shed, 讃. Soy sauce Past the gold where the pious people meet all together along with the Ise shrine 毘 羅 Goshiki stand of mystery spot, root coming temple … But digression, as for Marugame gold tower The rest room slipper of that pure gold and releasing the toilet of the pure gold are painful

                                                        • 志位高兴地等候在酒店昨晚是吃面条,有助于从九州的经济,四国的Nde我所说的两个人是他们Deriheru卫 From Kyushu the noodles in order to eat staying at the hotel it is delightful is As for the night also two calling deriheru as for we which contributes to Shikoku economy it is great
                                                          • 我等待在酒店房间吃的九州,四国经济午夜面条的Nde我帮两个人打电话,他们Deriheru卫 From Kyushu the noodles in order to eat staying at the hotel it is delightful is As for the night also two calling deriheru as for we which contributes to Shikoku economy it is great

                                                        • 我一直Shiteyatsu垂直的,我们对它真的非常讨厌浪费的人香川,我听说它顾的学生以及Kasenai
                                                          Kagawa human [tsu] [te] truly rubbish shelf Just this doing plan, although the [ru], that it cannot utilize is well, how

                                                          • 我一直轮柯JR分钟的时间,即使折旧率,新干线旅游Geki m太愚蠢了东海有一个免费的一天是什么?自由只在繁忙时间的天空我是一个gonna是没有这么高,我可以再扭转谷 JR Tokai putting out although even ru intense cheaply Shinkansen tour fee separately in the time zone the ru Circular 1 day free tsu te aho it does not pass Being less crowded just the ru time zone to free when being congested Whether it should have made high conversely just there is no something

                                                            • 我在做什么,日圆吃面条的1000线从我作为湿重思维塔城市逗留或试图购买他们的东西 Therefore 1000 Yen going to the noodles eating although the ru ww Lodging that it will shop it makes the kind of town which you can think
                                                              • 如果孩子将返回从Sun回古谁,直到运输早期发展后劲时, When the transportation advances because it becomes the way where the person who lodged can return to that quickly it becomes returning on the same day

                                                            • 我是一个人的文化水平审判日本笑日本众议院选举立法草案沉胜Tasanakya加伐丽流发言民主党和自由麻生太郎愚蠢的屁股擦
                                                              The Democratic party which is chased with [aho] Aso in the rear end wiping of our people House of Councillors selection victory it is, if it is not, the Japanese sinking shelf laughing Standard of living of the Japanese being tried, the [ru

                                                              • 我纹,每个人都这样讨厌自己的知识,有他们来,他们也不知道至今仍有很多地方有,那里有一分多专业化,或在办公室将不会就如何大巴窑? Because the special sub large quantity there is about it has come Because the distant large quantity where you do not know there is about it has come In knowledge and others it was in the hate licking rubbing … Everyone how doing it probably is to find the place where Toa is not
                                                                • 顾行会毫不犹豫地把自己的知识,他们迄今已经在有很多专门小组 Because the special sub large quantity there is about it has come Because the distant large quantity where you do not know there is about it has come In knowledge and others it was in the hate licking rubbing … Everyone how doing it probably is to find the place where Toa is not

                                                              • 我还是自由国家,在市区所有的收费公路只有当你考虑维塔经济的影响,我仍然是昂贵
                                                                If just the economic result you think, the method which makes the toll road of the urban district entirely free is better Countryside is to be possible to be expensive, is

                                                                • 收藏等了100蠕动和亲巴巴回国后,客户和县外,应四环素吃乌冬面,什么什么的夜晚!完善的服务!泊马里我们吧!是啊,如果不是因为顾客,他们不停地说按或 When it tries that the customer outside the prefecture which ate the noodles probably will return babaa gathering hundred straw straws Staying the tsu te Service perfect score As for staying this While with saying stopping the customer when it cannot return to be able to obtain
                                                                  • 巴巴的客户应在汽车,3人Sugaritsui 4人,说你的兄弟,你哥哥回来了,我想我们gonna观看那场比赛!他们已从!从服务!什么 babaa 3 and 4 people clings to the customer whom it tries probably to return to the car being attached The older brother and the older brother just a little this seeing already the tsu te Because it is cheap Because it services tsu te

                                                                • 日元的区域,因为1000是快,我会在假期旅行,但与酒店没有包装和inns re各地,但在色彩,因为它被认为是维塔楚 After area inside reaching high speed thousand Yen but at the time of consecutive holiday where the hotel hotel full house But in we of business trip good annoyance as an area making a profit the ru way it is visible

                                                                  • 易租高速免费通话时间(自由现实的政策(现实的民主政府的政策,是因为它是在高速葛价值封面文章〜政策,但在日本的邪恶る做面条的印象不花索诺 Therefore high speed free conversion policy of the Democratic party administration which is easy to understand as for the actual condition free conversion policy as for the actual condition the high speed price hike policy backing article So it cannot receive the fact that impression of noodles prefecture becomes bad because of that
                                                                    • 葛政策,因为这是一种很容易租一分钟快民主价值观的封面文章中〜但邪恶る日本面条的印象不为花索诺 Therefore the Democratic party high speed price hike policy backing article which is easy to understand So it cannot receive the fact that impression of noodles prefecture becomes bad because of that

                                                                  • 更好的事情,会发生什么,如果香川县的方式?为了吸引在该省的能源,让其他组合的购买烧腊肉食的商店在淡路的管制,不能存储开口,性别汉克斯,面条泊马里〆茹娱乐业或许也提高客户的维塔
                                                                    Rather if thing, Kagawa prefecture is designated as the prefecture of the manners, how probably will be? Attracting manners industry, in other prefecture, the branch store it can point to the kind of store which the branch store it is not possible with flexible regulation The meat stocking from Awazi, burn and the meat can feed and make energy acquire, omit with the manners, with the noodles SIME the [ru] The causing [re] where also the staying customer increases it is

                                                                    • 有200万海外旅游来回时间,这一行的游客和当地交通什么十点〇 〇亿日元支付Nakerya不是快速的I思,马佐尼我认为,人们多了 In the times when the foreign country you can travel with 20 000 The traffic density of round trip 10 000 paying it probably will go to local view Kouti with you do not think If there are no thousand increase in yen value speeds the excessive person thinks has decreased with
                                                                      • 期望相反,四国的人为什么我所有吃面条什么是一般情况下,快线1000日元? Seeing in the opposite direction usually the noodles eating as for the ru Shikoku person It has gone somewhere with thousand increase in yen value speeds the ro which is

                                                                    • 津市473折扣奖励手续的税收措施的介绍,就像经济知识我觉得可以给打折其他手续税“储蓄”和“纪要获浮动”你的钱在公路建设诚特鲁可能
                                                                      473 As for ETC discount throwing tax as countercyclical measures, maintaining, as for [ru] however you think that you have known, Tax “is saved” by the fact that the ETC discount is stopped, the money “of the amount which floats” is applied to road construction

                                                                      • 淡楠井沿28号国道,“Hunado(防空洞滑翔)餐厅”的一先生小桥子(44)“区东浦接近界面运行,低价值客户是独立思,葛增加维塔箍 City Kusumoto s Awazi national highway 28 with paralleling Yosiko Kohashi whom “the ferry it crosses and don t you think the bu manages the dining room” 44 “Higashi Ura inter it was close the customer thought with reduction that it increases but…
                                                                        • 淡楠井沿28号国道,“Hunado(防空洞滑翔)餐厅”的一先生小桥子(44)“区东浦接近界面运行,低价值客户是独立思,葛增加维塔箍 City Kusumoto s Awazi national highway 28 with paralleling Yosiko Kohashi whom “the ferry it crosses and don t you think the bu manages the dining room” 44 “Higashi Ura inter it was close the customer thought with reduction that it increases but…
                                                                        • 淡楠井沿28号国道,“Hunado(防空洞滑翔)餐厅”的一先生小桥子(44)“区东浦接近界面运行,低价值客户是独立思,葛增加维塔箍 City Kusumoto s Awazi national highway 28 with paralleling Yosiko Kohashi whom “the ferry it crosses and don t you think the bu manages the dining room” 44 “Higashi Ura inter it was close the customer thought with reduction that it increases but…

                                                                      • 淡楠井沿国道28号“Hunato(防空洞滑翔)餐厅”,由一个小桥芳子先生(44岁)“,”区到接口东浦密切,低价值客户独立思,葛增加维塔箍 City Kusumoto s Awazi national highway 28 with paralleling Yosiko Kohashi whom “the ferry it crosses and don t you think the bu manages the dining room” 44 “Higashi Ura inter it was close the customer thought with reduction that it increases but…
                                                                        • “”Hunado(防空洞滑翔)餐厅“的一先生小桥芳子(44)运行”,“区东浦接近接口,低葛客户思什么价值增加,并维塔 gt Yosiko Kohashi whom “the ferry it crosses and don t you think the bu manages the dining room” 44 gt “Higashi Ura inter it was close the customer thought with reduction that it increases but…

                                                                      • 澳大利亚牛肉乌冬小麦是1000日元优惠坚决纳税人海洋守护者
                                                                        As for wheat of noodles the Australian product As for 1000 Yen discount tax of citizen The sea shepherd dog firmly

                                                                        • 火影忍者相关的海藻,橄榄油志摩隐藏万十煤,直到我的窗台上白色瓷砖3饼干赞岐
                                                                          讃 岐 Three white The moxa [ma] it is Tile plug fence Oven manju Stripe 秀 Something related to olive With Naruto [wa] pot

                                                                          • 现在触摸更快→再见了越来越多游客的价值华伦天奴余神奇储您是指? →真正→我不是从楚急需什么,什么截拳道意味无自由的高速?这是一个传统的发表文章批评政府 High speed became reduction perhaps gt doing the sightseer increasing it makes a profit don t you think it is gt To tell the truth it did not make a profit excessively gt it is what don t you think there is no high speed free conversion tsu te meaning With the notion that where you say it is the traditional government critical article

                                                                            • 目前不仅畅销最导游南特在日本四国无论如何,从那里有一个限度頑張四环素嘿,你会得到我想要的,并说,有体长 Does in either one in Shikoku how Japan most being just an area where the sight seeing guide is not sold Being the place where just a little it perseveres because there is a limit in height of the body oh as a callous the ro It is we would like to say
                                                                              • 这仅仅是没有出售,大多数导游南特在日本四国无论如何,从那里有一个限度頑張四环素嘿,你会得到我想要的,并说,有体长 Does in either one in Shikoku how Japan most being just an area where the sight seeing guide is not sold Being the place where just a little it perseveres because there is a limit in height of the body oh as a callous the ro It is we would like to say

                                                                            • 舞鹤若狭道(交界吉川-浜西小)本地接口潭筱361005,筱山市。增加(燕窝)商务部副委员长良弼厅“一些,如交通问题,以及预算资金到你当地的高妻谷地区的景点,”梅鲁夹紧和认真的论点
                                                                              Maizuru it is young the narrow road (Yoshikawa junction - Kohama west) the Tannan Sasayama mouth inter- local end, Sasayama city. Increase (is to obtain so) mediating/helping commercial meeting secondary Chairman Akira “Procrastination and the like there is an insecurity, but in order to local end the money is made to drop, We would like to raise the charm of area more”, that the air is tightened

                                                                              • 葛火力掩护的,或对闽值高速“败类这不是甚至不是由真诚努力玛苏亚思什么事瓦特维塔,因为我有机会的理由
                                                                                Whether backing shooting to high-speed price hike of [minsu] You thought that > it increases, The effort margin which is not reliance on others and the [te] increases kudzu w The opportunity met, therefore it is,

                                                                                • 葛自由政策对民主价值观的速度之快,是不可避免的,有违反承诺的意义
                                                                                  Policy of our people was meaningless As for high-speed fee price hike of democracy there is pledge violation, but it is helpless

                                                                                  • 観光客 の 増加 を 期待 して 高速道路 や 新幹線 ・ 空港建設 の 餌 に 喰 いついて自民党 や 民主党 に 投票 した 田舎 の 観光業者 があほなだけ Expecting the increase of the sightseer 喰 when being in the feed of the highway and Shinkansen airport construction Voted to the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party the sight seeing trader of the countryside which just the fool
                                                                                    • 可时间下降无力偿还的债务,他们对旅行社舞蹈深刻,不仅使他们思位置狙酷酷安叩他们在日本购买 Making the sight seeing trader soar to a debt soaking When becoming not be able to pay back you buy Japan cheaply and in order for there to be the aim of hitting only you cannot think

                                                                                  • 输出° , ·Ω·)1 ° , u003d u003d u003d、 柚i♯发球彡布鲁诺 ĵ ̄用大量的水来冷却〆如面条 o It does J ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∧ and ∧ patsu patsu Ω o U 彡 i ♯ no It does J ¯ The noodles SIME because of the ru are cooled with the mass water

                                                                                    • 这不仅仅是公关谭写真集四环素两极分化人士的意见我思津茹,人们甚至不来?首页思不仅写了一篇关于什么的猜测伙计文章 Either NOT ADVERTISING thinking that the person comes only the opinion to which the ru people are inclined you gathered it is it is not remain That the random article you wrote on that kana with another thought only you cannot think
                                                                                      • ü思日常四环素更好的就业和体面的男人,我更是什么地插在适当的乡亲写这篇文章的若干规定 Such Being suitable the random article writing The gold you have received is More The honest person employs the person who You think that it is good This time of today

                                                                                    • 这是唯一的道路,今天上午店和承包商楚呀,亚的自民党和官僚和土木工程邪恶的三角
                                                                                      Those which are the sufficient road which makes the sled [ya] earth building gain, Triangle of the badness of the Liberal Democratic Party and bureaucracy and earth building

                                                                                      • 这条高速公路是去年的黄金周,增加了长途交通,造成了50亿日元的损失和脱落 At Tomei high speed in Golden Week holidays of last year in long distance procrastination and the like Depending that loss of maximum of 500 000 000 Yen occurred it repels
                                                                                        • 1000古较快家伙是这样一个严重挤塞日元开始动用其他休闲钱 On the other hand procrastination becoming terrible at high speed 1000 Yen such person reached the point where the gold is used in another leisure

                                                                                      • 道后温泉四环素Kunakatta好太多,但任何一个ー,我一直拒绝在电话本书条目,但净制备四环素 However the hot spring after the road it went it was not good excessively Although reservation you took with the net it refused by the telephone and inserted
                                                                                        • 香川清莱婉转的晚上401,如果我去道后温泉和一会儿腿伸 401 If the extent which stays in Kagawa already the foot extending a little it goes to the hot spring after the road

                                                                                      • 金 が 落 ちない 店 は 店側 に 問題 があることが 多 いまず 飯屋 に 関 しては 高 いのに 大 してうまくないとか・・・ちゃんとおいしい 店 には 客 は 入 る毎週 のよう盖雷食品你要的,例如滑雪,并不是所有的食物是如此糟糕,高古 As for the store where the gold does not fall there is many a thing which is problem on store side First in regard to the rice house although it is high large doing unless it is good… As for the customer it enters into the properly tasty store Like every week calling to skiing if the ru abnormal play you question as for the gere food Being high because it is unpalatable you do not eat

                                                                                        • 韧光滑是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的油香川面是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊梅面
                                                                                          The noodles bear be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain, The Kagawa noodles bear be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain, It does slippery and the filter is dense

                                                                                          • 颜射茶柯山衰退这狗屎我还是说好了目的地四环素吃大米,金出他们吃不好饭高Nanzo,他说唯一地方经济影响的一些令人失望我们还 The bu tsu chi ya ke in this droppings depression SA what with the high money putting out rather than the unpalatable rice eating At destination the good rice the wa where the person who ate is good With saying or the economic result being said the thing just of portion of the area of the disappointing tsu te
                                                                                            • 1000已经被证明是积极的,也是具有讽刺意味的是民主党政府证明,他们没有对高速亿日元的经济效果良好的影响 Without being the influence whose 1000 increase in yen value speeds are good to the economic result to be proven the shelf And rightness of the Democratic party administration was proven even in sarcasm
                                                                                            • 我没有这个免费从他们还可以免费☆因此,我希望它和说,经济的影响是什么?它有没有好处得到它与一看,放在说距离河内市中☆真实成本差异值 Because the economic result almost it is not this to free it does not convert free and also the te is good don t you think With we would like to saying Fee difference attaching classified by distance it makes in fact price hike and also the chi ya tsu te is helpless don t you think With kana of saying

                                                                                          • (前川茂行)的价值,据该公司根据葛西公路,星期六假日交通(最后一)在兵库县在中国,在山阳高速公路的方式每个舞鹤若狭16-43%病例增加
                                                                                            (Sigeyuki Maekawa) According to the west Japanese highway company Saturday with reduction, the traffic density of holiday (1 end of the month point in time), China inside Hyogo prefecture, the Sanyo each dynamic driveway, Maizuru 16 - the 43% it increased young on the narrow road

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