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Although “it is the fixed food, the miso soup it is not attached!”With in the miso soup being attached to the Yoshino house 'cow pan fixed food' of criticism rush the ★2


  • ...我觉得,所有目前的产品和项目的清理锅牛的比例较高,已远高于吉野家
    The Yoshino house put out until now Cow pan Cow being less crowded commodity comparing The current commodity coming out, the expensive impression the [ro] which is the [ru

    • 150日元,400日元的折扣你来乱我有太多的销售^→→。美国\(^ 0 ^)/ 1点キ展示栏目→关闭,因为你的品质1 400日元不可能奇怪的价值体系戈^→→Yappa其他越来越多到280日元^ · TVCM中井在对木村拓哉周先生^→Tsukatsu您喜欢的CM的房子或街道思(众笑)在其保护伞茶室→1石涛行业什么是热石拌饭韩流可以运用法律的地方^→→疯牛病发生在咖喱碗,和我们没有牛肉饭

      • 15茶室,他们咸菜鸡蛋,牛肉汤,大服务碗480日元
        15 If the being less crowded house, beef bowl large quantity miso soup being attached to the rice flour egg, 480 Yen

        • 167“如果你几个在一起”,“我等几个确定的”在私营部门的一个没有粮食短缺将是软弱古氖我问是否有900日元以外的地方公立学校午餐南特 167 “Number having been settled ” “number being decided ” when it is if people it can make cheap with a lot of probably is Everywhere other than the school lunch how public school of one food 900 Yen dies request
          • 124学校午餐餐我有900日元达罗氖瓦特他们有没有人照顾的费用支付Ttena瓦特 124 Also school lunch one food 900 Yen of school being required don t you think ru reason the ro w which is School lunch expense it is the person who is not paid or w

        • 215餐,但该条例不应该进行有红柯,名古屋也是吃盒饭,包括酱面条,当然,是他们拿出了一个红色的
          215 The red miso soup must be attached to the fixed food, regulations, is Nagoya Naturally, the red miso soup is attached to also the miso cooked noodle fixed food, Lie

          • 248それは 値段 と 関係 ないだろ300 円 だろうと 1 億円 だろうと 、 店側 が 公式 に 「 やります 」 と 認 めている サービス に対 して 過失 があったら 責 められるのは 当 たり 前別 に区问题的所有额外汁维塔不是看止吐凯利的暴力或辱骂束缚的原因!为什么不停止,因为没有良好的废话洋葱或服务 248 The ro which as for that is not price and relationship and is That they probably are 300 Yen when it probably is 100 000 000 Yen store side officially “you do” that in the service which has been recognized Confronting when there is a mistake it is natural to be blamed Not been the meaning which thrives violence separately and or as filth 吐 needs it is visible and completely there is no problem With the ku which noway is The green onion it pulls out and how stops nonsense service the chi ya obtaining time harboring
            • 这对于248和300将是无关紧要的价格将是1亿日元,商店的官方“我会做”如果有任何疏忽的责任,我将与我的服务是本或以前的承认为什么不停止好废话顾良好,没有所有的额外果汁或洋葱维塔不像为暴力或辱骂的束缚原因止吐凯利服务 248 The ro which as for that is not price and relationship and is That they probably are 300 Yen when it probably is 100 000 000 Yen store side officially “you do” that in the service which has been recognized Confronting when there is a mistake it is natural to be blamed Not been the meaning which thrives violence separately and or as filth 吐 needs it is visible and completely there is no problem With the ku which noway is The green onion it pulls out and how stops nonsense service the chi ya obtaining time harboring

          • 307 Nannee照顾和吃东西坏吉野家牛肉碗饭,我喜欢的 他们忽略了基础水稻 307 Beef bowl something where such a United States is unpalatable in the air which is eaten what well… The beef bowl has made the basis that negligent it is the rice
            • 如果你想一客饭用餐,清除或松的房子,如果你想获得更好的食物牛肉饭餐馆就餐或排屋四环素弥生 If the fixed food would like to eat and the one which does to the good eaves or fixed food house is good If the beef bowl we would like to eat Matsuya it is less crowded the house

          • 331大前的乐趣,以满足,使他们瓦特Tsuka,知识Raneedaro点?瓦特
            331 [omae] which it is satisfied with that it is funny w Don't you think? the handle and spot goods knowledge and others the [ro] which is the [e]? w

            • 399しかし 初動 でつまづくと 客入 りは 明 らかに 落 ちるぞすでに 悪評 もいくらか 出始 めたし 機会損失 が 結構 あると 思 う吉野家 は マーケティング 能力 がが 酷 すぎる
              399 But when it stumbles with initial motion, the customer entering falls clearly Already somewhat unfavorable criticism started also you think that and well enough there is opportunity loss, As for the Yoshino house marketing ability is too harsh

              • 477刈事情的真相让所有的这个酱汤,牛肉锅免费餐质量低,因为汤刈的方法是有海报是一个真正的机会,投诉首当其冲我没有什么地方还解决 477 Quality of this cow pan fixed food being low with root of problem the spearhead of the dissatisfaction Therefore accidentally there being a poster facing to the miso soup which is not in the real thing the true place Being separately the miso soup free being the place where it is attached it does not become many solutions
                • 首先,他们没有不会使意义,但与汤饭! “预计的博客写的投诉,并已成为在互联网公告栏大题目 First although it is the fixed food the miso soup Not having been attached does not go agreement ” With writes in dissatisfaction buroga which the time Even with Internet bulletin board it had become big topic

              • 482余只卖给不是致命的商业they m人员更换频繁大量的固定费用和劳动力成本或原価津ー
                482 Prime cost - Fixed cost and labor cost are heavy, it is The fact that it cannot sell number with commercial law of small profits and big turnovers is fatal what

                • 50宣传我们得到同情与秩序感,或有兴趣,你可以改变Butajiru日元(品酒费吗?)→四环素家伙又想起了味道,或者销售通常是味噌汁无施阴茎大小的图片真的没有Muyouninarushigakkari丽 Whether for 50 Yen it can modify in the pig juice there is an interest With the profitable impression is fanned making order the advertisement charge tasting gt You see and the so juice are not normality sale If it does the person whom taste likes reaches the point where you ask and Either image does not spread be disheartened to there
                  • 50日元Butajiru“的宣传,我们得到一个与命令或(品酒费吗?)→四环素转人情味的家伙想到的味道,或出售,通常酱形象Muyouninarushigakkari汁无施赖阴茎的大小并没有真正有 For 50 Yen in pig juice” With the profitable impression is fanned making order the advertisement charge tasting gt You see and the so juice are not normality sale If it does the person whom taste likes reaches the point where you ask and Either image does not spread be disheartened to there

                • 558将是一个问题“牛肉锅(真正的牛肉菜)餐(实际套)”你有产品本身有限的时间?ーKemasutsu与休息时间,但前才结束汤等予殆仅在第一周,我觉得作为一个与刈良好的任意球 558 Calling “cow pan which becomes problem as for substance the cow plate the fixed food as for substance set ” itself the ro which is the period limited commodity Almost the miso soup is attached to just before period end also the te remains period the only 1 weeks… From first the air which is attached was not is similar
                  • 对不起Guguttemitadonna 928锅里的饭牛,因为我没有看到的JPG什么? The ma which does it is 928 You saw and the re were not it is Therefore the gu gu tsu te you saw with the cow pan fixed food It is what kind of JPG what
                  • 这只是走出袋是Chatta牛肉锅是邪恶的刈Ttara思要喝一个单一的服务或Ku,他们正在与果汁相一致的言论 Therefore as for the cow pan juice ones that when you think whether with it penetrates in the rhetoric which is said This it is discovered and the chi ya tsu just is the shelf that service it is bad simply

                • 5个Ku牛肉的,直到3月24日结束的表令人印象深刻的下降,吉野家右膝直到妓女现在汤锅餐
                  As for cow pan fixed food to 5 ends of the month As for the miso soup being attached up to 3/24 It is dense, it places and is dense has displayed the decline [tsu] [pu] [ri] of the current Yoshino house beautifully

                  • 767余?好万札?但是,直到像乞丐的人将开始Adotchinishitemokouiu争先恐后地拾
                    767 It is? Ten thousand bills are good? Such beggar like human our produces to pick up first, well to whichever however probably will be

                    • 824是什么?最多的是什么它的一半?我是824,并从弱柯继续肆无忌惮的商业信息,例如图片,很容易像海报在于节能,吉野家瓦特 824 Obtaining The tsu te where something is to a half 824 Because the feeling kind of weakness which is swindled simply in the lie photograph of the like poster is Trading which is heavy continuing the ru it is the shelf as for the Yoshino house w
                      • 将来 いつか 、 評判 がいいという スレ が 立 ってその レス の 流 れで 納得 するまでは 吉野家 に 行 かないことにしたもう 行 く チャンス は 来 ないかも w sure that standing in the future once upon a time reputation is good until you agree upon with the less flow we had decided not to go into the Yoshino house As for the chance which goes already whether it does not come w

                    • 927是这个混乱的根源 我觉得这牛肉锅饭看到在650日元这一Butajiru信息 』或『魔法分钟都吗?首页『膳食替代秩序Butajiru并设置不同的是 100日元汤,(海报之间的手指的差额)本产品运气吗?汤? Butajiru所以订单分别为150日元 』 927 As for basis of at this disturbance you think that this it is but… Looking at this guide it understand with the cow pan fixed food pig juice does that it reaches 650 Yen In pig juice replacement order of the fixed food of miso soup set they are 100 Yen but To point the poster this commodity does the miso soup without being attached the yo Because is they are 150 Yen of pig juice single item order
                      • “戈一直在货架』到『牛肉锅饭了如何张贴海报,海报有一个汤图片是由美国联邦贸易委员会的议案,可能古 gt In the poster of the cow which is put out in the shop front pan fixed food those which is the photograph of the miso soup The poster how depending because perhaps the public taking committee moves
                      • 牛肉在本指南Butajiru 』或『魔法分钟650日元看锅饭都吗?首页『膳食替代秩序Butajiru并设置不同的是 100日元汤,(海报之间的手指的差额)本产品运气吗?汤? Butajiru所以订单分别为150日元 』 Looking at this guide it understand with the cow pan fixed food pig juice does that it reaches 650 Yen In pig juice replacement order of the fixed food of miso soup set they are 100 Yen but To point the poster this commodity does the miso soup without being attached the yo Because is they are 150 Yen of pig juice single item order

                    • Gasu也生气了西蒙的运行没有别的牛奶保质期的是容易
                      It is the milk of the appreciation expiration It runs to [shimoneta] easily Also [gasu] is anger

                      • Itenaku Tatte喜欢与牛肉和牛肉汤碗培训牛锅奇那不是我应该失败什么Kaetara的Nde过去,或最新回顾吉野家全新的菜单,仅仅是数量的背后,苏味道我只是觉得Dzuke和早期古我 When past taste can be applied the tsu te which fails learning becoming corporation training or the ru it is it was not In cow pot and cow being less crowded of beef bowl The miso soup not to be attached passing the fact that the quantity is reset is ahead Looking down upon the new menu or the Yoshino house brand when is just the ru it is quick becoming aware
                        • 703 Itenaku Tatte喜欢与牛肉和体面的餐厅更重要或出去玩牛锅酱汤,因为我吉野家Njan茹,以及瓦特尼亚话题 703 Therefore the Yoshino house criticism it comes out it is it is Of more honest restaurant whether do tsu of in cow pot and cow being less crowded The miso soup not to be attached passing in topic the ya viewing w
                        • 牛和牛的704警卫锅一个体面的餐厅,你会出来的糙米和酱汤,香总是最后的 704 If the cow pot and the cow of the honest restaurant it is less crowded By all means the boiled rice and the pickles and the miso soup and the tea come out lastly

                      • Ja什么可以更好地管理人员对顾客抢先写真集黑暗的一面据案例氖做的事情是整个事情?
                        The reverse side of the hand of all enterprises all later The regular customer gathering, don't you think? in the management where the one which it places in staff is better something -?

                        • Kichigaihikiotanito在805茹Okimasho居住此处不涉及一个至关重要的问题恩戴瓦特
                          805 Without touching with life and death problem something for [kichigaihikiotanito] which stays in the 此 place, it leaves, better [yo] w

                          • Tsukatsu疗法治疗目前没有看到,潜伏期约为10年,平均预期寿命是发病后约1。 2年
                            Complete cure medical therapy not to have been found at present, incubation period approximately 10 years, as for life expectancy after the emerging approximately 1. 2 years

                            • u003d)ヽ 金阁是“不,今天天气不错〜 NULL
                              • NULL l ¯ ─ ¯ j j j “Hearing the voice of God ” war in the bush which is begun gt quaint W △ me The rear end only it is to tear the man mistress who was shaken ku Three REPT pochi Koizumi even Galileo Galilei w ni HKDRT 丕 shi mu j j j The massive weapon met somewhere it is ゙ ゙ gt quaint W △ me The United States Mania cow illness Treason it does with the cow is ku Three REPT Don t you think at the gold official building temple “well today it is good weather

                            • Www1。Rocketnews24在商店里。com 可湿性粉剂内容 上传 二零一零零二二四零零零九七九。伊莱(Gurunabirepota是惠比寿站出来吉野家)紫癜: myg gnavi co jp 审查 review image 8c 氘 5197861 7d240795 1。JPG格式(去年试销)紫癜: blogs yahoo co jp yamayoshi5555 55666763。html的紫癜: pds exblog jp 社会民主党 二十〇万一千〇三分之一 九十八分之一十三 a0137898 0202625的。jpg紫癜: 4leavesclove img jugem jp 20100308 588914的。jpg紫癜: pds exblog jp 社会民主党 二十零万一千零三分之一 08 08 b0042308 174758100的。jpg紫癜: pds exblog jp 社会民主党 二十〇万一千零三分之一%2F11%2F89%2Fe0061589 2028869的。jpg紫癜: www youtube com 手表?v u003d wRym63acf3o紫癜: blogs yahoo co jp jollibee1971 11046200。html的紫癜: blogs yahoo co jp 赖永 59184483。html的紫癜: blogs yahoo co jp ta3319 23746085。html的紫癜: blogs yahoo co jp tsudanuman1974 34515362。html的紫癜: blogs yahoo co jp masamotoghost 9428084。html的 www1 rocketnews24 com wp content uploads 20100224000979 jpg Yoshino house Those which are put out to gurunabirepota at the store before the god of wealth station ttp myg gnavi co jp review review image 8c d6 5197861 7d240795 1 jpg Test sale of last year ttp blogs yahoo co jp yamayoshi5555 55666763 html ttp pds exblog jp pds 1 201003 13 98 a0137898 0202625 jpg ttp 4leavesclove img jugem jp 20100308 588914 jpg ttp pds exblog jp pds 1 201003 08 08 b0042308 174758100 jpg ttp pds exblog jp pds 1 201003 2F11 2F89 2Fe0061589 2028869 jpg ttp www youtube com watch v wRym63acf3o ttp blogs yahoo co jp jollibee1971 11046200 html ttp blogs yahoo co jp yorinaga 59184483 html ttp blogs yahoo co jp ta3319 23746085 html ttp blogs yahoo co jp tsudanuman1974 34515362 html ttp blogs yahoo co jp masamotoghost 9428084 html
                              • 计谋菜单,因此提高了每位顾客利润率而正在服刑的有双位数字的简单牛华伦天奴铁锅里更换←摩的菜单发展目标豆腐 It is the mere cow plate where it rubs in the iron pot and changes and piles up the tofu and attaches Customer unit cost and the fraud menu in order to increase profit ratio lt Gist of menu development

                            • “2010年2月的22日开始,从发布之日『一』的牛肉锅餐,配备了500肉的很多,但日元的低价格”,而是作为一餐』,以『牛肉锅饭出现,汤没有! “批评有许多球迷和Ku吉野家牛肉锅饭』被淹没在打击互联网上的批评 gt As for the cow where sale is started from 2010 February 22nd pan fixed food 500 Yen it is low the price which is said the meat fully Those which appear gt as a fixed food The meat fully The meat fully
                              • 2010年2月的22日开始,从发布之日『牛肉锅饭』是500,但由于出现了饱餐一顿,而肉类价格低至日圆,在对互联网的事情没有汤批评洪水 NULL
                              • “2010年2月的22日开始,从发布之日『牛』锅餐,与500万日元的低价大量的肉”,而是出现了一餐,并在互联网上批评与汤没有的东西淹没 gt As for the cow where sale is started from 2010 February 22nd pan fixed food 500 Yen it is low the price which is said the meat fully Those which appear gt as a fixed food The meat fully The meat fully
                              • “运气是一个吃饭,但汤!”一直是众多球迷和Ku吉野家牛肉饭煲』的关键,价格的事情,只是得到一个酱汤 Although “it is the fixed food the miso soup it is not attached ” With in the cow where many Yoshino house fans have criticized pan fixed food Price became that the miso soup is attached that way

                            • “开始于2010年2月和22日被释放的『牛』锅饭500日元与肉大量”低价格,但作为肉食大量出现?丰盛的肉? gt As for the cow where sale is started from 2010 February 22nd pan fixed food 500 Yen it is low the price which is said the meat fully Those which appear gt as a fixed food The meat fully The meat fully
                              • “肉饭,但作为一个肉类的价格出现了大量低,但我没有给小费的多一点,又如何限制在本地小商店或四环素我的食物? gt It is low price the meat those which appear as fully a fixed food The meat unless you must search extent was little but it is the store or the local limitation which we was eaten it is little being

                            • 『Betakunai人谁真的不担心,希望他不是所有食品的食品 』的文学坚持我们的口味,容易作出回应,低于现有』被认为是不可能深的商店与竞争对手的价值销售额增长了百分之82 8(17 2姊)月销售数据 The person that we would not like to eat by any means in worry is not you should not have eaten or This corporation which adheres to taste as for corresponding to the reduction of same trade other companies easily is not possible as an idea Existing store gross sales against the previous year 82 8 17 2 decrease Monthly the sale data
                              • 『Betakunai人谁真的不担心,希望他不是所有食品的食品 』的文学坚持我们的口味,容易作出回应,低于现有』被认为是不可能深的商店与竞争对手的价值销售额增长了百分之82 8(17 2姊)月销售数据 The person that we would not like to eat by any means in worry is not you should not have eaten or This corporation which adheres to taste as for corresponding to the reduction of same trade other companies easily is not possible as an idea Existing store gross sales against the previous year 82 8 17 2 decrease Monthly the sale data

                            • こんな 事 してる 余裕 あるなら 少 しでも 牛丼 の 価格下 げる 努力 すりゃいいのに・・・この 価格帯 で 100 円差 とか 致命的 にも 程 がある
                              If there is a room which such a thing has been done, although the [ri] [ya] which price of the beef bowl it lowers even a little and endeavors it is good… 100 Yen difference even fatally about is in this price range

                              • また 期間限定 かよバカ じゃないのかこんなの 期間限定 にしたら期間 が 終 わった 瞬間 に 割高感 が ( 現状 でも 十分割高 お 得 な 感 がない 商品 なのに )出 てしまい 売 れなくなるだろ In addition whether period limitation The fool without being When it makes such period limitation The expensive impression sufficiently instantaneously period ends even under present conditions high price Although profit it is the commodity which is not the impression The ro where it comes out and becomes unable to sell is
                                • 10 550万,以为好坏,很简单,因为你觉得高日元感 105 Therefore 500 Yen when you feel the expensive impression the pauper Thought is good being simple

                              • 中国间谍在两个通道“通关店松我用最好的肉在中国欧劳苏子中国间谍哦,你最好不要或从澳大利亚的反线捕鲸牛”友好的瓦特,我将线古莫斯
                                Don't you think? 2 at [ru] Your Chinese operative “[tsu] it does, and others the Chinese operative The Chinese meat using, the [ru] Matsuya highest Therefore as for the being less crowded house, the whaling opposite Australian cow the [ze] where the one which does not go is better” W which is easy to know So, we goes to the moth

                                • 之前280日元面值很少的钱(主要汤)我只是想提前了(客户的信任),这是什么马铃薯我失去的能力,背诵没有结束,今后她真的哇管理财富时代柯吝啬不支持总统,如果没有这样的信息 The nest egg before the common 280 Yen period only miso soup generation you think the chi ya tsu te The large sum ahead that reliance of the customer it loses This As for the management the ho it is with ending the ru wa Those which is not the power which reads future If we the president it does not do such wretched stingy correspondence
                                  • 钱很少在第一个(主汤)的财富,只是想我了前面(客户的信赖)这个管理团队总裁如果我失去能力朗诵马铃薯没有结束,她的前途真的哇柯没有吝啬此信息不符合 The nest egg before the eye only miso soup generation you think the chi ya tsu te The large sum ahead that reliance of the customer it loses This As for the management the ho it is with ending the ru wa Those which is not the power which reads future If we the president it does not do such wretched stingy correspondence

                                • 什么也购买量下降了¥490的Nde选举中,他们已经没有什么汤或任何黎曼达拉午餐〜大服务碗,我没有酱汤,例如在¥480牛〜
                                  Your cheap lunch choosing, trying buying, the ¥490 - So the miso soup it is not attached - For example when beef bowl large you pile up and ask the ¥480 - So the miso soup it is not attached -

                                  • 什么博客Janee的邪恶?余狗屎你想在最近乐天,一个好人,谁收益
                                    Don't you think? as for [buroga] [tsu] [te] harm [e]? You call returns intended [kuso] with the Lotte Co., Ltd. rear of the other day, and others it is dense you are good

                                    • 什么批评北Hayo不问吃一锅饭的牛肉昨天食物,那么好 宫内厅改变600 Butajiru并不感到意外,一点肉比预期日元亚 Not eating because criticism is not good yesterday cow pan fixed food you ate modifying in… pig juices 600 Yen 也 The meat being less than expectation you were surprised
                                      • 朱Karukara约40日圆充分,如果人民谁点菜养牛石锅不同的直觉,但我神奇的生动楚苦 Being full because about 40 Yen it makes a profit misunderstanding if the person who orders the cow pan fixed food is It makes a profit enormously it is

                                    • 什么时间有限,我一直在今更首页钮ー瓦特挪拉等人的过去,但你爱的吉野家连锁店,吉野家也没有看到任何2通道 Also the other person has done After so long a time whether upper period limitation w Don t you think they are former times and others has loved the Yoshino house the Yoshino house 2ch is not seen altogether

                                      • 什么是共同的福祉调整“那些通常被称为『不与酱汤或酱汤顾牛一顿饭』看锅很奇怪”,而不是“的吉野家『膳食』系列不仅是如何与酱汤牛锅古味噌汤饭是错误的,但“我是当地的辩论,也窄人稠,它酱汤瓦特24东西,穿,直到预算有限的时间郗缩嗯我不是指瓦特 It is what Very carefully if it tries inspecting … Although the miso soup is attached to “ the fixed food generally for the miso soup not to be attached to the cow pot fixed food it is strange” So it is not Although to the miso soup is attached “the fixed food which is offered at the Yoshino house series for the miso soup not to be attached to just the cow pot fixed food it is strange” Was the shelf It was at all narrow local argument don t you think it is w W where it is the case that also the miso soup attachment settles in period limitation to 24 days
                                        • 为什么我也不让吉野线,跟我出去,因为他们你是什么? wwwwww Your large portions as me in the same way The do either it does not go in the se Yoshino house it is the ro which is wwwwww

                                      • 什么生意过于糟糕,基鲁文吝啬什么是圆的距离汤客户仅仅为输入您的粉水成本
                                        The miso soup of sufficient prime cost several circles which in the powder the hot water were inserted the stingy [tsu] [te] The [tsu] [te] trading too unskillfulness where the customer leaving occurs it is the shelf

                                        • 从72餐菜谱牛肉寿喜烧乌冬面,味噌豆腐汤,而且还与保健运到您的500 Hanpa满意度列于茹日元捕鱼 72 The cow sukiyaki fixed food was favorite Also the noodles and the tofu entering the te miso soup it has been attached the empty in addition to the fact that fishing comes out for 500 Yen hanpa there was no satisfaction

                                          • 从吉野家(  ̄▽ ̄)布鲁诺说:“我是从与人讨价还价任何疑问,美国不使用廉价和奇异的扮”这是畸型听到它是安全的 From Yoshino house ¯ ▽ ¯ no If “the person you do not use the United States of the doubtful cheap article where with anything it haggled from calling and pushed down ” With it is something which the safety declaration which is said would like to hear
                                            • 从吉野家(  ̄▽ ̄)布鲁诺说:“我是从与美国讨价还价的任何疑问,美国不使用廉价和奇异的扮”这是畸型听到它是安全的 From Yoshino house ¯ ▽ ¯ no If “the person you do not use the United States of the doubtful cheap article where with anything it haggled from calling and pushed down ” With it is something which the safety declaration which is said would like to hear

                                          • 但是我并不孤独在我们所有的Kyanpensukuratchi鳕鱼?阿五分钟的机会,我只是运气不好,他们会认识我吗?我不是小气津市吉野家至F 3我也是错误的,对古Kureryaー担心下一行或单卵。 NULL
                                            • 吉野家,灵在茂木的一半骑兵队的地方时,我是瓦特作为否定螺旋 The Yoshino house each time being vague temporary on parade w If you do extent negative spiral you do

                                          • 你的哥哥就在瓦特或500 Don m吃快餐的质量和国内牛肉瓦特Tteka他妈的都喜欢赵Kichigaigaki我的主食是昨天早上?之前,肯定有什么粘贴海报说,你可以指望你的位置 500 It is and is and just quality or Don you are to staple food have converted to the w fast food kichigaigaki which w previous morning stays it is the chi yo likely even in the homegrown beef the margin tsu te Also the poster which you have made the foundation is pasted in front sure

                                            • 南特成本瓦特我猜这只是我知道短短几天,她是我在几分钟内喰相比书记说,他们这样(和阈值学士思)可怜,我看我敢肯定到现在Ossan瓦特没有食物,他们南特(筛,但在婚姻暴力,被迫服从绝对)牛肉锅饭我猜想这是无法挑选瓦特任何东西能够从基鲁饱和,捏锅牛肉餐每天一个真正,如进一步沉浸到红灯笼瓦特 Prime cost how being able to know high don t you think the ru it is probably will be w When 喰 tsu te ru to come with moving without family apparently otsusan you see by yourself the night by comparison with the opinion of the salesman of this hand it is pitiful don t you think w Certainly past cooking how you have not done from however in wife violence screen and absolute obedience coercion Now then when you become one person nothing possible the cow pan fixed food it picks don t you think it is probably will be w As expected when everyday it is the cow pan fixed food because you grow tired when it soaks furthermore entering the red paper lantern w
                                              • 南特成本瓦特我猜这只是我知道日内,举行这样的喰商店,她(学士和思阈值)我看,我很抱歉,我没有Ossan瓦特南特没有食物,直到他们相信现在(我筛在婚姻暴力,强迫绝对服从。)牛肉锅饭我猜想这是无法挑选瓦特任何东西能够从基鲁饱和,捏锅牛肉餐每天一个真正,放纵到红灯笼进一步和w Prime cost how being able to know high don t you think the ru it is probably will be w When 喰 tsu te ru to come with moving without family apparently otsusan you see by yourself the night by comparison with the opinion of the salesman of this hand it is pitiful don t you think w Certainly past cooking how you have not done from however in wife violence screen and absolute obedience coercion Now then when you become one person nothing possible the cow pan fixed food it picks don t you think it is probably will be w As expected when everyday it is the cow pan fixed food because you grow tired when it soaks furthermore entering the red paper lantern w

                                            • 南特汤,但它应该这样做indefinitely m并不是很大的数目,只在有限的时间我看到一个很好的一周或www Yatchisugiru古池 The miso soup how there is no great amount therefore it is Although you should have done in perpetual When to that you see carefully whether the period limited tsu te 1 weeks which pass www The chi ya tsu chi it passes

                                              • 即使由茶道乔木Negakyan松和汤饭雇员为500日元增加了50日元,或红色的,他们叩津就像2通道真的很难看您的博客和垂直胶粘剂当然^
                                                How seeing, Matsuya It is the negative can by the employee of being less crowded and With miso soup 50 Yen addition of the fixed food of 500 Yen, it hits with [burogu] the face deep-red Adhesion [sure] raising with 2ch, the ^ ^ the hardship way

                                                • 可以不喜欢的是房价在同一水平看齐,与牛肉饭很好,但做什么事情越来越多的客户办理了900日元和100日元的差异在380日元和280日元拨出1000分在上期达罗南特牛肉饭游戏100日元之间的差额,而不是以不同的,所有膳食,所有的家伙谁总是吃牛肉饭,这个故事我的意思人力层 Well in price like the beef bowl being less crowded and as the house without making the same level Doing whatever the customer keeps leaving steadily probably will be If 100 Yen difference of 1000 Yen and 900 Yen anyhow As for 100 Yen difference of 380 Yen and 280 Yen the ro which is problem before the having a match The beef bowl how you will eat somewhere but great difference or always the beef bowl eating the ru people The human of some layer applying story
                                                  • 206 2000年上半年,苹果电脑是唯一的59岁,但是总理牛肉碗并行期间汉堡包250日元对日元他们已经做的 206 However 2000 age first half it was period limitation in 59 Yen baga partner of Mack like the beef bowl to pile up because 250 Yen it did

                                                • 吉野家吉野家牛肉碗,但似乎我这么多努力降低价格是多少钱隆河内?
                                                  But as for the Yoshino house way you agonize in cost reduction, but The beef bowl of the Yoshino house cost is high so combining?

                                                  • 吉野家连锁店,而其他销售疲软,批发和结Bitsuiteitari肉类,或者在我珍惜一家贸易公司,他们在那里,例如扩大餐厅很多,各行业的写
                                                    On the one hand, the other bargain sale beef bowl chain to reach, being related with the flesh wholesaling, hold the trading company and be packed and reach, the burning butcher shop and the like The place where multi industry type developments are done is many

                                                    • 吉野家,信贷种植的精神一代的孩子把他们的大力士,短语美味他们弱,他们不久后不久提出的巨大www的国家法规办公室东京,津市高兴吉野家行有节余的,它可能破坏商业客户袖口价格第一
                                                      Yoshino house, Quick cheap tastiness being Enormous putting out the achievement which is planted on the brain reverse side of [gaki] of the muscular man generation of the phrase www The countryman to be and others going up to the capital, immediately, rejoicing, the Yoshino house going it finished, Perhaps the bill which with cost avoidance savings and profit-making management of stock price first principle neglects the customer to now,

                                                      • 吉野家,松,存储更多的站国王杆六合はな石井卡诺我四环素线好吃的东西吗?美国和他们是美味的牛肉料理或假案件扰乱中国思,我是如此糟糕,因为他们从谷勇気无与观众· · ·行 The Yoshino house the store has not done to the station vicinity of Matsuya and the king more but it is It is tasty kana The US beef or false Chinese cooking to be tastiness with Because not thinking furthermore also the customer class is bad there is no courage which goes but it is
                                                        • 我只茶室的位置普兰亭吉野家和松储存更多汤地狱杆六合电站 The store it produces the being less crowded house to the station vicinity of E electricity more and the re There is only a viewing pu cottage and Matsuya and a Yoshino house

                                                      • 吉野家,麦当劳是对双方的其他快餐店和麦当劳应该学会如何在低品质的表现很高兴吉野家本体大的价值欠佳最困难的对手
                                                        As for the Yoshino house the shelf which should learn MaDONALD method Both and both made price hike poor with the fast food of the partner, but As for MaDONALD the achievement lifting, as for the Yoshino house this body cod [ku

                                                        • 味噌达罗257吸,其他贫困,你在我正交连锁餐厅?穷人和守财奴,并没有要求喰位置酱汤,如果他们想的出来说这句话,50我─我就像一个傻瓜的位置日元支付Dattara不,去他们的后备军的食物克莱默
                                                          257 Seeking what, from the eating out chain store of the [ro] and the poor layer partner who are [kusomiso] the [ru]? As for the pauper and the miser, complaint without being those which are put out 喰 obtaining If the miso soup juice we want, 50 pay by yen to obtain, w Well, when is, it goes to eating the Kramer extra troop like the fool, the [tsu] temporary shelf

                                                          • 哈哈,从624和从甚至不喜欢红茶郗俄预算线的受害者传入的投诉不奇怪吉野家的东西 624 Because the extent being ruined chi ya which goes to Yoshino house something it is not Even the appeal way because we do not receive damage tsu as for tsu
                                                            • 3月17日,2010年18时14 服务:242010火箭新闻 3月18日(星期四)03:08 46当然元 主题 『锅』吉野家牛肉饭,但汤是一餐,我的一天!净议论纷纷★2 2010 March 17th 18 14 Offer Rocket news 24 2010 03 18 wood 03 08 46 Original sure As for the Yoshino house cow pan fixed food although it is the fixed food the miso soup it is not attached Tumultuous with the net 2

                                                          • 在他们的罪恶吉野家管理部负责人结亚南特日高思,他们写他们的Nde自由和松茶室只有他们的竞争对手。吉野家 の 客 を 奪 っているよてんやだって 味噌汁 が 付 いて 結構腹持 ちがいいし外食産業全部 が 敵 って 考 えないと ダメ だと 思 うよ経営陣 の 入 れ 替 えをしないとまたそう 遠宫内厅仍可能继续在未来,我认为有破产 As for the place where the head of the management of the Yoshino house is bad You have been convinced that competitive other companies of the respective company it is less crowded and there is only a house and Matsuya The Hidaka house how joining The customer of the Yoshino house is taken The te is and even the miso soup being attached well enough the stomach having calling and Unless food service industry all thinks the enemy tsu te you think that it is useless It does not replace the management with and as for the possibility of going bankrupt so distant future you think that it is
                                                            • 吉野他们恨从房子他们守卫坚实的肉。万松死亡的,他们不关心他们的食物筷子启高度灵活的邻里 Meat of being less crowded house Because it is hard dislike Yoshino It is soft So it is high Chopstick in air food cup Matsuya There is no neighborhood Die

                                                          • 在松正因为如此,特鲁河内50头牛的传票或采取日圆?如果成本为10日元,恩达思,甚至不生蛋觉得一搵笨?维塔超市购买10件,但在200日元左右,我不思脏,他们有很好的业务?首页纳阿预期将在精神科服务的公司〜什么是有限的时间不足 In Matsuya being attached to also the cow rice although the ru the kana which why 50 Yen you take If it makes prime cost you think that they are 10 Yen or less but it is the raw egg the bo tsu it is the chestnut You don t feel that is You can buy for approximately super with 10 entering 200 Yen Although you do not think that it is trading which is dirty truly Sir of period limited tsu te enterprise Shortage of bis mind is visible and it is being visible
                                                            • 小于59300的客户,多层Toriaezu苏饿,就把约500日元,日元我无法理解勇断心理学? 59 For the customer that it probably will satisfy hunger temporarily for approximately 300 Yen As for putting out 500 Yen although it is courageous decision Not being able to understand the state of mind

                                                          • 奶牛。颜射日本食品大米南特不是一个合法的牛肉酱糖进入美国是这么来写穆纳昭如
                                                            Cow. It seems kind of you insert so There is no sugar soy sauce boiling [bu] [tsu] applying boiled rice how legitimate Japanese food of the American beef

                                                            • 如果553或错误,而不是汤香新装备我们吗?为什么我没有抱怨,如果不是他们的香善卡诺晓我们什么?这一点高汤他们味精,还是应该?
                                                              553 If the miso soup putting out in place of the pickled vegetable, it isn't good? However you do not know, whether it is your what kind of pickled vegetable if that it is, there is no complaint, it is the [ro] which is? But miso soup what of thin chemical seasonings that being good?

                                                              • 尚未看到“从一分钟,他们的称职的经理是谁当选总统不使用愚蠢”这是一种奇特的听到更好的管理 When “is by himself the disabled manager you do not understand yet foolish president does not use” With it is something which the administrative improvement which is said would like to hear
                                                                • 今年的成就,并表示看到红色的?这将是过去几乎相同的结果没有选择适当的管理 When the achievement you see this year the ro which is the deficit Unless the appropriate manager is selected past it becomes the same result

                                                              • 思四环素682,但我也帮我一下,这件事带有酱汤,马铃薯麦克多诺的Nde武藤敏郎来来套餐或餐厅用餐或罐和煮它包括高谷亮维塔 682 We instant so you thought but it is When you think well when the fixed food house with it boils together and the pot fixed food asks Miso soup Set asking with makudo the potato being attached you wrapped
                                                                • ⊃Konakattara进食,约748马铃薯汤麦克多诺1 spaz集的Nde丽 748 Fixed food ⊃ miso soup Set asking with makudo when the potato is not attached the kire ru

                                                              • 恒wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwwww有限的时间内与wwwwwww m远远wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww硒锦鲤 Period wwwwwww between wwwwwww limit wwwwwwwwww fixed wwwwwwwwww sekoi it is to somewhere wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                • 神奇的ー两分钟,这是导致牛吉尔硒分钟,以纪念鲤鱼,鲤鱼和硒商店的经理,这是该公司经营Sekoisekoi哲学 You understand already you understand As for good fortune cow sekoi store store manager and sekoi company sekoisekoi It is managed with management idea

                                                              • 恩戴的一个是现在居住在大阪的顺序,495的频率他们使用的多茶室中右≧“松”“”麦当劳“”“”“”感觉像吉野家 495 As for the frequency which is utilized as yourself who now has lived in Osaka in many order The being less crowded house ≧ inside 卯 gt Matsuya gt gt gt MaDONALD gt gt gt gt gt gt Yoshino house Such feeling

                                                                • 我也许会从商店茶室古安及肉类购买一石在澳大利亚和持什么,他们的水平,否则挛缩松糖果加工厂头系列是不是牛价格持续下降,葛 As for the being less crowded house the fabrication plant having in Australia the te A head doing to buy because it processes also the meat of the serial store it can make cheap however it is probably will be if it does not relate to the ame cow in Matsuya level To price it is lowered it is it is not
                                                                  • 牛肉 u003d思资深业余爱好者和他们高,真正的肉是一个积极的金额出售一头部制备制备他们只有少数几个非牛 As for thinking that beef it is high with the amateur as for the correct meat which becomes truly is taken from a cow head the merchandise barely only you take

                                                                • 我和我不在乎所有,牛池赖曼陀罗“他不是与他们同汤Kemasu?”我所听到的嘶哑 We it was not made at all the air but it is When the cow pan you ask “the miso soup being attached increase it is you attach ” The tsu te the wa which is heard

                                                                  • 我喝果汁和多少同胞穆可Settojan牛肉菜肴口菜?吉野家中的儿童或妇女被迫
                                                                    Simply cow plate set it is Kissing the plate The juice the 輩 which is drunk is about either one, it is? In woman offering/accompanying that being coerced? As for Yoshino house

                                                                    • 我将像668个人的麦当劳和吉野家和非营利中右集我不知道谁把你一碗牛肉汤曼达拉赖靖石井松店更好的知识差距,冉不再活着Ø纳阿 668 Even the set like of MaDONALD it is In the single item it probably is not the profit To have done the Yoshino house already viewing The being less crowded house is cheaper and When the beef bowl you ask also Matsuya the miso soup you attach As for medium 卯 intellectual viewing

                                                                      • 我想我喜欢请愿我在家里乞丐竟是用止吐汤,日语或不喝酒?盖伊谁被淹没
                                                                        About the miso soup the extent which spits at the house drink Beggar like you petition The [a], there is no Japanese? As for the person whom it makes rush in

                                                                        • 我本来说花纹输送带188是固定的从您的客户你失望津,丰田式风格的成本压力
                                                                          188 The customer decreasing, fixed cost pressure approaching from the [ru], don't you think? it is pattern Originally style of [berutokonbea] and the Toyota type

                                                                          • 最后他们没有海藻的饭,但他们还没有与点心餐,但他们没有一个餐蛋,但温泉的纳豆,但他们没有与酱汤,酱汤吃,但他们将是一个旅馆的组合餐 Although it is the fixed food the miso soup has not been attached the miso soup Although it is the fixed food the fermented soybeans have not been attached Although it is the fixed food the hot spring egg has not been attached Although it is the fixed food the dessert has not been attached Although it is the fixed food the laver has not been attached It becomes finally cooking the hotel probably will be
                                                                            • “他有酱汤和互联网的力量!”我他们也可能是一个历史性的成就第一宗说:“虫卵,紫菜,鲑鱼!”是什么说他们有可能退出 “Power of the net made the miso soup attachment ” With the new case of the historical heroic deed which is said “Egg among those laver plain gauze ke ” The tsu te the shelf which it may propose

                                                                          • 最近,吉野家行不知道什么是从这个当然,你去破坏它的很,我觉得表述,
                                                                            Recently, because the Yoshino house it does not go, it is not understood, but this [sure] seeing, It is ruined truly to there and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is, with the feeling shelf which is said

                                                                            • 有一个反面这一点,只有一个被认为食品原料成本高思我不210日元?阿伦,我这一切的利益食物 There being a reverse side even in this you do not think that at just food expense 1 food 210 Yen tsu te is high In this and there is a right in the food it is
                                                                              • 160提示:食品成本(直接成本) 工资的员工(税) 投资(税)紫癜: eduon jp 新闻 elementary schools 20070216 000037。html的 NULL

                                                                            • 有人说,海啸将在日本点燃蝴蝶翅膀半个世界第一,最后影片,是一个很小的差别西吉野家破产
                                                                              The flapping of the butterfly of reverse side of the earth in Japan becomes the large tidal wave there is a story that, but first the small difference as for end the Yoshino house bankruptcy shelf

                                                                              • 未来一周是[公司] [扩展吉野家的肉1%茹]来港,预计下周把灯笼中的一个的文章,[公司] [什么是肉扩展吉野1%]什么是看到如每星期,预计将在这里和文章中[公司] [灯笼肉扩展吉野1%茹]每预计将在这里看灯的文章什么是[公司一周]吉野家肉类扩展[1%茹]来港,预计下周把灯笼中的一个的文章,[公司] [什么是肉扩展吉野1%]怎么漂亮的花灯文章
                                                                                Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index, Around next week It expects that the paper lantern article comes here with the [tsu] [te] index,

                                                                                • 朱Karurashii吉野字节是一个我乡间渡假别墅太苛刻了超过20个工作日连续20小时工作日内对人民,Erurashii若干规定,但约50万美元工资,前经理Tsure
                                                                                  The byte of Yoshino house makes a profit, it seems, but being too severe, it is unreasonable in we About 500,000 you can receive 20 day continual duty and salary of 20 hour works with 1 people, however it seems, [tsure] the former store manager

                                                                                  • 样品紫癜:/ / www.yoshinoya.com /菜单/设置/图像/ gyuunabe_tei_ph001。伊莱真正紫癜:/ / 4leavesclove.img.jugem.jp / 20100308 _ 588914。伊莱样本铁锅,你便可以增加吗?
                                                                                    Sample ttp: //www.yoshinoya.com/menu/set/images/gyuunabe_tei_ph001. jpg Real thing ttp: //4leavesclove.img.jugem.jp/20100308 _ 588914. jpg Don't you think? the iron pot of sample, it expands too much?

                                                                                    • 每一个审判,东光Giruo后,才葛超过奇摩,有池,其自然Negakyan茶室一名员工手头的问题出来,在汤周五扎拉只有员工接触四环素谁不能熟
                                                                                      Each time each time, the negative can of the being less crowded house employee The unnatural raising of the respective company passes heart When you it is dense, 1 only salesmen that it is not, the plate putting out gold cooking by the hand which touches at point in time irrelevance

                                                                                      • 每小时我们已吃了Betara Assari,肉不为它的重要,但我觉得我已经准备好口味与S位一记好,什么是你哇怪异的味道?和其他牛肉饭的餐厅,我觉得自己的口味 After a long time when you eat atsusari doing the te that comparatively essential meat is not good and You feel that it became the taste which the air comes out but it is Taste changing the ru it is probably will be Also the other beef bowl house is taste of such feeling don t you think

                                                                                        • 滚开849牛→→叩不涸有点高枯萎凋谢叩叩我给这个汤→→,甚至做坏事,我已经爆破叩万维网 849 The sukatoro cow gt it is hit It is high gt it is hit It is little gt it is hit The miso soup you attach gt it is hit Already whatever doing useless no shelf this www

                                                                                          • 然而,这顿饭,味噌汤的迹象,但尚未在望津市不敬主傲岸気取商业利率或那样的事情顺利。板球
                                                                                            Although is, with the signboard of the fixed food, seeing still and as for the [so] juice having been affected another fee or 傲 bank non- 遜 lord commercial law, something sliding. Real

                                                                                            • 现在是学生的时候是什么Shikanai复制吉野家牛肉碗,维塔菜单中没有不舒服的感觉比吉野家牛肉碗
                                                                                              As for time of the student although it was passing to the Yoshino house which is only the beef bowl Now, strange feeling is remembered in the Yoshino house which does not have the menu other than the beef bowl

                                                                                              • 由秘书最后Watta人Omotsu尝试后,你的食品法案的“Y ¾ ½ ² Ï”来自商店直接到Dzukanai我觉得
                                                                                                Eating after ending, having tried to calculate, although “the [suimasen]” [tsu] [te] said in the salesman, because you do not become aware, the store it came out that way

                                                                                                • 白糖,骨粉喂食疯牛病的家禽粪便的鸡肉。废料“糖蜜”我强迫牛做什么喰相结合的“糖成倍增加。养牛Himewaka说,”美国。疯牛病。生产的牛,“疯牛病洋葱饭”,什么样的信息Arigatagatsu一个家伙吃。在这样的池塘?这是一种脑部衰退? In the fowl manure of the chicken which is raised with the meat bone meal of the mania cow illness sugarcane spirit “Sugar honey” of rubbish Those which were applied in the cow the unreasonable doing 喰 wa se te ru “sugar The United States raising princess cow” young Mania cow illness It produced with the cow there is wishes and eats a “mania cow onion fixed food” and Person tsu te feeling Being the swamp The brain being sukasuka
                                                                                                  • 白糖,骨粉喂食疯牛病的家禽粪便的鸡肉。废料“糖蜜”我强迫牛做什么喰相结合的“糖成倍增加。养牛Himewaka说,”美国。疯牛病。生产的牛,“疯牛病洋葱饭”,什么样的信息Arigatagatsu一个家伙吃。在这样的池塘?这是一种脑部衰退? In the fowl manure of the chicken which is raised with the meat bone meal of the mania cow illness sugarcane spirit “Sugar honey” of rubbish Those which were applied in the cow the unreasonable doing 喰 wa se te ru “sugar The United States raising princess cow” young Mania cow illness It produced with the cow there is wishes and eats a “mania cow onion fixed food” and Person tsu te feeling Being the swamp The brain being sukasuka

                                                                                                • 紫癜:/ / blogs.yahoo.co.jp / yamayoshi5555 / 55666763。HTML测试市场去年的销售,今年已全面沸腾的汤,他们没有酱汤,酱汤与冷豆腐。许多壶报表菜单问题
                                                                                                  ttp: //blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yamayoshi5555/55666763. html With test sale of last year you saw and the [so] juice had been attached Also the juice had boiled Becoming in this year, with real sale you see and there is no [so] juice The tofu was cool. Defect report large number as a pot menu

                                                                                                  • 紫癜:/ / up3。viploader.net /艺能/ src目录/ vlgeino010161。巴新小池荣子的狂欢对世界上最好的Cm的吉野家牛肉饭球美容醋傍洋葱奶酪碎牛肉碗Pakutsu在3种我已经在那里更多的一流的压力不是一个好决定,在这里,因为它更美味
                                                                                                    ttp: //up3. viploader.net/geino/src/vlgeino010161. png Is the worldwide highest beauty Eiko Koike who in extolment CM the cheese beef bowl of green onion ball beef bowl lowering [pon] vinegar beef bowl 3 kinds However [pakutsu] it is the topping the way it has put out, therefore that compared to so this one tastiness There is no good judgment

                                                                                                    • 维基百科牛肉(疯牛病节)肉类和鸡饲料的肉骨粉,不禁止,如喂养家禽粪便(glucose 提高),有人指出在一些感染由恐惧 Wikipedia The American product beef the section of BSE The meat bone meal is not prohibited as fodder to such as chicken The fowl manure and the like is designated as the feed the sugar Raising fear of the infection with especially is pointed out at part
                                                                                                      • 维基百科牛肉(疯牛病节)肉类和鸡饲料的肉骨粉,不禁止,如喂养家禽粪便(glucose 提高),有人指出在一些感染由恐惧 Wikipedia The American product beef the section of BSE The meat bone meal is not prohibited as fodder to such as chicken The fowl manure and the like is designated as the feed the sugar Raising fear of the infection with especially is pointed out at part

                                                                                                    • 而不是异常朊蛋白本身,对异常朊蛋白的重要扩散转换正常朊蛋白自然存在,但发展即使是少量摄入的可能性
                                                                                                      It does not mean that the abnormal prion protein itself multiplies, the normal prion protein which exists originally In order to keep converting to abnormal prion protein, it assumes that there is a possibility of emergence even with intake of the small quantity,

                                                                                                      • 葛一已的货架上张贴』到『牛肉锅饭,但海报照片的汤,这是“显而易见的,额外汤”已在这个意义上公布他们的业务正在误导客户脏让我们不要忘记怎么做 1 Although there is a photograph of the miso soup in the poster of the cow which is put out in the shop front pan fixed food That is published in the sense that “at additional fee the miso soup is attached” You have the customer misconceive it is method of trading which is dirty
                                                                                                        • 1“已经张贴在货架戈牛肉锅饭』的『海报是一个汤的照片,但是,”这是“显而易见的,额外汤”已在这个意义上发表的人起作用,他们猜测接二连三 1 Although gt there is a photograph of the miso soup in the poster of the cow which is put out in the shop front pan fixed food gt That is published in the sense that “at additional fee the miso soup is attached” the person who misunderstands appears
                                                                                                        • 戈一直在货架上张贴』到『牛肉锅饭,但有一个海报,酱汤中,是“明显的,额外汤”已在这个意义上公布,他们有所作为谁运行预感 Although there is a photograph of the miso soup in the poster of the cow which is put out in the shop front pan fixed food That is published in the sense that “at additional fee the miso soup is attached” the person who misunderstands appears
                                                                                                        • 葛一已的货架上张贴』到『牛肉锅饭,但海报照片的汤,这是“显而易见的,额外汤”已在这个意义上公布他们的业务正在误导客户脏让我们不要忘记怎么做 1 Although there is a photograph of the miso soup in the poster of the cow which is put out in the shop front pan fixed food That is published in the sense that “at additional fee the miso soup is attached” You have the customer misconceive it is method of trading which is dirty

                                                                                                      • 葛和小污点的销售甚至没有一点味道没有肉在吉野家的豆腐相比,菜单和其他的书,即使我是仡,吉野家,调整库存量? The meat writing fully although the ru the meat it is little by comparison with the other menu Taste it is not seen in the tofu When the sale is little at the Yoshino house the Yoshino house adjusts at the quantity of stock
                                                                                                        • 647是响亮的疾病时,也大约两位数的股票继续出售美国牛肉吉野家,Makutta所有的食物? 647 The tsu which at the time when the mania cow illness has made a noise eats also the time where the Yoshino house continued to sell the American cow of stock and sows it is

                                                                                                      • 该名男子在释放目睹好,但如果我们筋肉牛肉碗回到起飞时,主要的猪肉进口禁令,因为增加菜单碗比什么疯牛病女神轰动,
                                                                                                        The menu after the mania cow illness disturbance is increased too much the shelf Overcoming in the pig bowl, if it became import rescindment you reset to beef bowl main, although it was good You saw even in the [kin] meat man and were released and…

                                                                                                        • 财富10周年名无@ 4 []03分之2010/ 18(星期四)10:48:30编号:ZmCnf7wv0是:疯牛病蔓延的总行责任谣言吃吉野家和碎石辉与徐克利益Saibaporisu我与阻塞电子邮件通知
                                                                                                          4 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] 2010/03/18 (wood) 10: 48: 30 ID: ZmCnf7wv0 Be: As for BSE [tsui] [te] [ru] Ingest please By the power interference with business which is due to the circulation of rumor in the cyber polis and the Yoshino Iemoto corporation The information mail it did

                                                                                                          • 迄今在很短的时间我吉野据哇是下降的肝脏也有有限的时间来处理这里的批评

                                                                                                            • 这是263较少股息及行政赔偿,所以我要wwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                              263 So, if it does not do, it decreases there is no official remuneration and share dividend or, wwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                                              • 酱汤是旧的感度ü松高P,因为我是鸡汤从亲商店清除松,吉野家净过去的老学校里切当时甚至不知道你踢他至今,这是一个很大叩吉野家薄弱,第1卷是现在,但至少他们都是周一花 As for Matsuya miso soup as for the miso soup of former times to come out the juice coming out because the ru high sensitivity u p Empty Matsuya it came easily and it was house group but At one time Yoshino house group with the net was large number Being hit to here don t you think the reaction where also ru is betrayed The Yoshino house of former times volume is cheap with although number 1 was now both together it is lowest it is
                                                                                                                • 我是老专卖店清除松,净吉野家,然后派一旦你踢老吉野里切叩甚至知道他们在许多是弱者,我是1号,即使体积现在,他们都至少 We Matsuya came easily from former times and it was house group but At one time Yoshino house group with the net was large number Being hit to here don t you think the reaction where also ru is betrayed The Yoshino house of former times volume is cheap with although number 1 was now both together it is lowest it is

                                                                                                              • 酱汤火锅餐菜谱四百头牛后卫德格我必须解释我,什么是滨崎步弓弦100米的汤,将“你的汤一代”相当认可,和一般汤锅被解释为同义Munoka寿喜烧锅在大一口吞下果汁饮料?取而代之的是汤或汤的味道,他们集中?
                                                                                                                400 The miso soup has been attached how explains the cow being less crowded pot fixed food, it is The [te], hundred steps transferring, “the soup which becomes applying the boiled rice” that it interpreted that substituting and recognizing the miso soup, the soup and it is synonymous the general pot, assuming, [gokugoku] drinking the juice of the sukiyaki pot? The juice of such a dense taste becoming substituting the miso soup?

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