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As for the Liberal Democratic Party becoming fiasco above the last time being thick, that the storm will come, as for the Democratic party being defeated unless it is possible, the daily gene die/di


  • 10 / 3月22日上午鸠山内阁超级批准,30%的鸟越鸟越说:“俺父父qweqdacdvk夏尔防火墙jb”
    10/03/22 super morning In Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 30% Torigoe Torigoe “fw of [uku] ゙ [ku] ゙ [ku] ゙ [ku] qweqdacdvk it does, [re] jb”

    • 1小泽民主党秘书长Zuratsu天空和比例的候选人名单参院选举的公平贸易组织 1 Secretary General Ozawa of the Democratic party zuratsu arranged the candidacy of the economic organization in the House of Councillors selection proportional Ku roster

      • 280党投票各自外国二言万仍远不及粪便和语言维塔目结构青睐

        • 367的方式是,在最佳读者南特:“现在的主要比赛最爱○×航程帮助你”“现在是对新宿线Yantokohedoppyunni池休息健康△△你想要去的”兴趣它是 367 Such it is interest of the reader how at the very most “The favorite of main race lace of this time will refer and probably will solve ○ ×…” “The day off of this time goes the △ △ of Shinjuku health the do tsu pi yu is properly to densely or ” Is

          • 47“不过是权力去了什么是可悲的观赏与电力,传媒,民主杆河内,是有很多交往,或说我是什么是同样的事情,但要看在哪里浪费大量南特只有什么 47 gt The mass communications tsu te which is attached on power side seeing the pitiful shelf Was attached on power side what looking at mass rubbish how wherever only the same thing saying or Quite being close to the party just the is Democratic party tsu te
            • 它是什么,他们常说,但不能试图说服自己的焦虑 So persisting being insecure it will do but it has been about you to have by your is not when only
            • 男生在民主党获得口袋是枝Ja了,我并不完全相信叛乱分子 kore snuzzles in democracy in only the party who resistant power Although at all it is not it is agreement

          • 491,496 Yappari,什么位置Gendai,低于纳阿2通道,我只是一种浪费 491 496 After all the standpoint tsu te of the gene die di it is mere rubbish what below 2ch
            • ○2通道的如下:515 × 2通道wwwww 515 Below × 2ch 2 ch similar wwwww

          • Chondai,氖瓦特哟Ⅰ,ⅡFabyo慈济善良残酷的打击〜瓦特
            Don't you think? [chiyondai] and [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] [ru] - w Merciless shock [tsu] [po] [ku] [te] [iiyo] - w

            • Gendai net ?m等于观点和c u003d 010 u003d 21408&没有危险水域! “麻生太郎的支持率”已获得内阁的支持率低于政府福田麻生太郎暴跌 gendai net m view c 010 no 21408 Dangerous waters Below “Aso support ratio” Fukuda Support ratio of the Cabinet of Aso administration has slumped
              • 华丽Gendai tergiversate紫癜: gendai net ?m等于观点和c u003d 010 u003d 21408&没有危险水域! “麻生太郎的支持率,”内阁的支持率直线下降后,政府福田麻生太郎 The defection where the gene die di becomes gorgeous ttp gendai net m view c 010 no 21408 Dangerous waters Below “Aso support ratio” Fukuda Cabinet support ratio of Aso administration has slumped

            • Todomerubeki』是『仅供参考“(先生井田Masamiti u003d以上),在短短的侥幸,觉得对公众舆论敏感的有关报告,在大局的政治体制不四环素 To the last we should leave in the reference material ” the coming out of Ida right track person front With only with the whimsical public opinion which is easy to have an influence on reporting contents as the air politics which stands in general situation is not possible
              • Todomerubeki』是『仅供参考“(先生井田Masamiti u003d以上),在短短的侥幸,觉得对公众舆论敏感的有关报告,在大局的政治体制不四环素 To the last we should leave in the reference material ” the coming out of Ida right track person front With only with the whimsical public opinion which is easy to have an influence on reporting contents as the air politics which stands in general situation is not possible

            • [社会]普天间机场搬迁,岩杆尴尬总理...政府的计划,利用政治和没有一个人举手安全,双袖口在搬迁古那霸(冲绳宜野湾(宜野湾)的城市),美国政府的美国施瓦布营强力的共识(县名护市)的搬迁计划(现有计划)的正交元的传入梅鲁坚实的实施计划,政府的计划的目的是苏是在本月稍后编制首相鸠山由纪夫束在水中骑
              Political situation utilization and bill of there is no security Futenma transfer of facilities and a government program sunken rock… prime minister perplexity step heavy The US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan (cup of [gi]) city) with transfer of facilities problem, American government in the Japanese-American agreement The camp [shiyuwabu] coast section which is based (the same prefectural Nago city) transfer of facilities plan (current plan) the policy of calculating fulfillment The fact that it sets was accepted, the government program where Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama aims toward arranging within month was stranded to the sunken rock

              • [选举/琦玉]大幅度高桥国雄先生Zinbo民主推荐了4名市长选举户。 ★2什么事,在地方选举中失败的?民主损失这是一个双位数字出现负市长在岩手县地方电厂的污染久地瓦特
                Heda mayor selection God preservation Kunio with great difference 4 selections Takahashi of the Democratic party nomination. It is defeated * 2 Koshi mayor selection Rough lumber person of new member first election Incumbent large. . Showa. It is defeated

                • [选举/琦玉]大幅度高桥国雄先生Zinbo民主推荐了4名市长选举户。选举损失★2 [/熊]荒木的第一个大胜利新的现任市长孝志。 。彰。损失
                  Heda mayor selection God preservation Kunio with great difference 4 selections Takahashi of the Democratic party nomination. It is defeated * 2 Koshi mayor selection Rough lumber person of new member first election Incumbent large. . Showa. It is defeated

                  • “公明党”参院选举,“建议不为其他政党的候选人,说:”代表撤回山口
                    <Komeito > House of Councillors selection “other party candidacy it does not nominate and” withdrawing speech Yamaguchi representation

                    • “您尝试越过它,自由民主党的比例。1650票,是关系农业的许多重大组织的选票Datsuu万张选票(52万张选票),渔业(16 5万张选票),建筑( 2300 000万票),药剂师(17万张选票),运输(8000000票),改善土地(13万张选票)的 “So it stacks rising proportion of our people As for vote is 16 500 000 vote vote of the tsu u related group which countlessly the main thing As for those which are something related to agriculture 520 000 vote fishing industry 16 500 000 vote the constructive industry 230 000 vote the phermacist 170 000 vote the transport 80 000 vote land improvement 130 000 vote is
                      • ★自民党参议院选举从1000年民主党提出100万票! “我辞职”,“我成立了一个新党,”难怪巡回赛不是自民党议员Notauchi House of Councillors selection 10 000 000 vote moves from the Liberal Democratic Party to the Democratic party “It is secession” “it is new party formation” that it is inside turning as for the excessiveness there are no Liberal Democratic Party Assemblymen
                      • 其他主要农业有关的事物(52万张选票),渔业(1000万票),建筑(23万张选票),药剂师(17万张选票),运输(8000000票),改善土地(13万张选票)是 In other things main thing As for those which are something related to agriculture 520 000 vote fishing industry 100 000 vote the constructive industry 230 000 vote the phermacist 170 000 vote the transport 80 000 vote land improvement 130 000 vote is

                    • ←巴巴 “⌒ ̄, 。 :: ” ::。: ⊂É NTV电视台,  ̄。 ̄ ̄ ̄。│ :: : : ̄ ̄ ̄ 收音机。 : │ ,│ 到 。 : 男孩:。 │( ,。为 ::(。): 冫, 。岛 : ◎Nininini  ̄: 。:,, 。 lt babaa “ ⌒ ¯ “ 92 ⊂ no NTV ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │ 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Radio wave │ │ To Boy │ 92 To 92 冫 i nininini 92 92 ¯ ∧ │ │ Y 冫 │ 冫 │ │ │ L │ 333 │ mi │ │ k ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 33 33
                      • “这是同一个电话,三木谷,和其他时间我将努力向NTT,下一代网络思是的,但它是加拉帕戈斯将被称为下一代网络 ” Miki valley Also the portable telephone so is that and in addition this time NTT probably will do the next generation network which it has been about NGN You think that it is Galapagos which becomes next however it is

                    • ∧ f 2的辎² :“五(° ∧ f two y i gt V gt gt ku 92 92 ” gt lt Under ∨ 92 92 92 92 ∧ ha 92 ¯ ¯ lt 92 O 92 O gt ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 O O gt r lt It does
                      • É ̄ ヽ, ─。、ヽ ̄ ̄ 丶无线((3 3、 j)条É布鲁诺 布鲁诺胜平负升 ) F电子邮件3五十铃Í ̄、 ,。¨ ))ヽ古米×(( ⌒“。Ë Ë尺寸尺寸)索纳 ĵ”五十铃议员裸露毒牙索纳春))因子⌒ṛ、 ,¨⌒≦( (“。森 ヾ ソ 人 ,(((ヽ、ヽ ,,。二)布鲁诺 的ゝ ¯ 92 ¯ REPT no ─ fi ¯ ¯ 丶 Three Three 92 j No no No l ni l 92 HKDRT Three no f he and ¯ i mi ku x ⌒ lt hi sun size hi sun size so j” Spring fang solid HKDRT so tf ⌒ r i ⌒ ≦ gt 夲 DREPT The Soviet Union Person REPT REPT i No 92 HKRPT te
                      • 那么,丶 ∀在中国 (元)是攻击我的工具当我来到用日语,但我是一个风暴,现在我觉得他们来到茹比破坏生动 ma 丶 ∀ China the origin becoming the stooge in Japan When invading however it was the storm this time devastating compared to You think that enormous ones come

                    • ♪机管局的汉奸卖国党的舆论城市建设扎基沙龙回避清算古北Tiharu正夫可爱的家乡小手指和公众通报房地产没有达罗(韩国)和过滤或可归因由于滚装 Spring of the ♪ northern country Thousand Akio Tax evasion Purgation Real estate The rose of sharon that building which blooms a of treason HKRPT party of treason Public opinion in city The ro which is not understood and is The citizen who reaches Lovely little finger To that home Korea Returning ro kana returning ro kana
                      • ♪机管局的汉奸卖国党的舆论城市建设扎基沙龙回避清算古北Tiharu正夫可爱的家乡小手指和公众通报房地产没有达罗(韩国)和过滤或可归因由于滚装 Spring of the ♪ northern country Thousand Akio Tax evasion Purgation Real estate The rose of sharon that building which blooms a of treason HKRPT party of treason Public opinion in city The ro which is not understood and is The citizen who reaches Lovely little finger To that home Korea Returning ro kana returning ro kana

                    • 一些英国的例子,我是动摇目茶目茶政府的经济政策是工党和保守党
                      Administration shaking with the conservative party, and the work party economic policy became eye mischievous brown There is also the English example, die

                      • 上一次它从歪和弄巧成拙的饮食特鲁鸠山忠力量,需要,我的86个席位赢得了民主是不可能君秋
                        You take from the last time, Hatoyama it is autocidal and Simply, group of people going/participating the excessiveness and fairness the [ru] it does that it is twisted with democracy, 86 parliamentary seat acquisition are unreasonable

                        • 与俄罗斯和自民党政权分成20博洛博我只是让日本政府的缰绳是不可能在一个民主的什么我是在6个月的POI饱和度(笑你没有民主的民主,自由民主党已不再 20 year administration making our civil administration right and to simultaneous take charge although it designated Japan as borobo wa or ruling party and ro As for democracy growing tired at half year the wa which cannot there be a tsu te jauntily laughing There is no democracy in democracy and the te already there are no our people
                          • 709人不认为他们希望有很多的民主,我没有伤害任何人,但他需要的人看愤怒自由 709 The person who is not expected to democracy thinks that it is many but unless there are our people with the eye as a triangle even useless The person it is not don t you think
                          • 889我和党的百万富翁将赢得收集到最近的充分四环素敌失,很奇怪生活在一个保守的联合管理和共同自由Mareta 889 The abrupt ruling party of the complete mixture which wins with enemy losing and our civil administration right which is born with maintenance combination and the one which is made simultaneous are strange
                          • 什么是正确的投票支持自民党,自民党迫切什么是不好说什么敌人 Because the enemy says our people the useless tsu te desperately Very it is correct to vote to our people
                          • 制备Ttara自民党在下届政府,他们都希望他们的暴力事件在做后面的民主 When our people took administration next everything we want disclosing for democracy to do with the reverse side

                        • 乐天总裁Hiroshi御器谷,日本的田原总一郎改组董事长访谈
                          Miki valley Hiroshi history optimistic chairman and president interview Tahara entire one bright Japanese large reformation

                          • 什么厨师Netouyo辣爆炸时,购买它true m自慰Gendai什么? When the netouyo calls 厨 tsu te being harsh the gene die di buying the tsu te truth which masturbates
                            • 经过大家,我没有投票和选举日当天,说你Netoge? You after all the election day does not go netoge doing te poll it is the ro which is

                          • 什么是在Gendai出售?他们丰富的赛马资讯和娱乐资讯,生动?在看到一方。什么是浪费资源的Wakarujan不擦古値打 It can sell with gene die di tsu te something Manners information and horse racing information being enormous and having been complete Phase you just saw In addition to there is no either value hitting which wipes the wasteful tsu te of the resource it is understood it is
                            • 什么是在Gendai出售?他们丰富的赛马资讯和娱乐资讯,生动?在看到一方。什么是浪费资源的Wakarujan不擦古値打 It can sell with gene die di tsu te something Manners information and horse racing information being enormous and having been complete Phase you just saw In addition to there is no either value hitting which wipes the wasteful tsu te of the resource it is understood it is

                          • 什么是您的黄金从工会官员,工会以及朝总联ー教育或沿世俗小林密封件,甚至407民主党人,已在梅奈丰富的若干规定
                            407 [so] [tsu] - Because the money you have received from education staff union and Union and the Korean entire ream, as for the Democratic party being affluent Either Assemblyman Kobayashi does not have to stopping don't you think? it is

                            • 仅在东南亚,这是急剧增加发行数以百万计的儿童每年在鉴定案例
                              Even just a certain southeast Asia, at several 1,000,000 human level status proof of child You say that discernment book issue it increased suddenly entering this year,

                              • 从百分之七十二减半仅6个月的人工神经网络的风格...★3 [研究/模糊神经网络的鸠山内阁的支持率30.5%],53.9%不支持率29.4%,自民党参议院选举中,投票为百分之24.0民主党候选人“普天间问题”的协议,除非辞职49.1%
                                At barely half year from 72% reduction by half… ANN investigation * 3 Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 30.5% non- support 53.9% House of Councillors selection poll candidacy Democracy 29.4% our people 24.0% If “Futenma problem” it cannot agree, the resignation 49.1%

                                • 他们有自己的产业,而且它不是自由民主党候选人收到具滋没有民主好 Unless democracy there are no our people and the candidacy of the te passes their own industries do not become good
                                  • 这种预期将减少到一个民主选举是可能的,因为它不增加,即使 If it expects such the fact that vote to democracy decreases being is the case that it is not the times when it increases

                                • 他们疯了Gendai疼痛,坏或Ku茹去感受,我看到红旗或机关报圣教
                                  The deviation [tsu] [pu] [ri] of the gene die/di sees, the house organ of the akahata or the saintly teaching newspaper becoming feeling bad, the [ru

                                  • 他们结束,从国民议会的代表要求各自利益集团的利益,利益集团不希望击败行或不是每个
                                    Accompanying as for and others, profit of the respective right group country Therefore the representation which you insist in the meeting, the respective right group is not possible to make be defeated

                                    • 众议院可能る刚石井高投票率从全国范围不需要,但他们苍白电影瓦片利益集团的成员,参议院选举也得到生动酷酷黑暗
                                      As for the House of Representatives Because the forcing and national constituency how there is no tendency where poll ratio becomes high, however color tone of the right group is thin, going/participating The Assemblyman bat the election which comes out enormously densely

                                      • 例如,如果您的自民党在选举投票的敏感地区今后在一个民主的批准,如果害羞属于在全国工作小组民主党支持有关的课程,如果他们投票选举的代表和利益集团。是
                                        For example, support ratio of democracy in the future goes down, at constituency in the Liberal Democratic Party Voting, belonging to the group of democracy support, the [re], if naturally relationship you are in your own work, entire country When at Ku votes to right group Assemblyman, it becomes

                                        • 克虏大间自由民主党及库务局,但他们会笑平成湿重的收入和相关的年收入居民税双重征税2006年罕见的发现
                                          The Oma coming out Liberal Democratic Party and the financial affairs ministry, it is Heisei laughter, ww Distinctiveness discovery of dual taxation of income tax and the inhabitant tax regarding 2006 income

                                          • 党員 が 賛成 していた 形跡 があるから 参院選向 けに 詐欺 フェスト で 隠蔽 しているとしか 思 えんのだが民主 といいこいつらといい 外国人参政権 では 選挙 に 勝 てないからって 選挙前 に津市,我仍然非常符合隐藏或卖国 Because there are traces where 党員 is approved when in for House of Councillors selection it has concealed with fraud Festo only but think it is To call democracy because and others it is dense it cannot win election with good foreign carrot administration before the tsu te electing it conceals when Going to at the point where also treason is good the ru wa
                                            • 并批评自民党,或在戈持民主持魔法分钟,但单是这种“在参院选举中获胜的民主,”我希望我只是什么 As for criticizing our people raising democracy however you understand this tsu te simply “with House of Councillors selection democracy wins” tsu te expectation just is done don t you think
                                            • 据专家介绍,在上届立法局议员选举的民主党众议员的分析,我65岁我有一个非常现实的可能性,我将赢得一席 According to the specialist you see that democracy 65 parliamentary seats acquires with House of Councillors selection but it is It is the analysis which is actual taste very don t you think

                                          • 党的支持率是百分之31 6与民主党和下跌超过8点,而自民党已上升27 4%和3分,区别是合理的啊 It is political party support ratio but as for the Democratic party although above the 31 6 and 8 points it depreciates The Liberal Democratic Party the 27 4 and 3 points rises the difference has been plugged
                                            • 李明说,现在你是,我赞成自由球员是愚蠢或信息,除在极弱 Now when these become clear as for the person who supports our people Considerable feeling weakness or aho

                                          • 内派系争斗的影响日刊现代讲谈社。 Idenaku处理,从领导管理人员和员工,他们对待撤军将不参加,雇员川边讲谈社已任命10,4名参加者是几个 Kodansha publishers Ltd into corporation daily today factional contention Coming out of influence Not to be treatment even from the fact that it makes quitting work treatment the powerful official and The employee does not participate Among Kodansha publishers Ltd employee over 10 the river pot designates the fact that it participated was 4
                                            • 日刊现代公司总裁和野生。 。副总裁及超时服部俊从高层管理人员也讲谈社的实际执行的方式,由派系斗争的影响穿着公司,由日刊Gendai第一版命中 The field which corporation daily today becomes the president Road From the discord of happiness Vice President Satoshi Hattori where also the Kodansha publishers Ltd special duty is in fact the management top company internal factional contention With the appearance which receives influence it undertook the foundation of the daily gene die di

                                          • 到这一点,他违反了荣誉,挑平谨诧Biitashimasu的是,很多不便,他的臀部和树18月和10月7日首页有限公司有限公司孙编辑部日刊现代 With this article reputation of the same person was infringed restraining the fact that great annoyance was put on the same person We apologize 2006 October 7th Corporation daily today Compilation bureau It stops obtaining the zu coming Lord
                                            • 电视2006年2月7日刊现代日本有限公司,公司新的编辑委员会。亲爱的公司 2006 February 7th Corporation daily today Compilation bureau The Japanese television broadcasting Corporation In

                                          • 制备可以看出读这篇文章,这一次他们在工业界的同样的钱撒玫瑰与插图和论据,支持自民党更换是我唯一做的,是民主 As for being able to grasp from this article when our people support in exchange the rose had spread the gold in industry the same thing But this time just the tsu lever which democracy does what
                                            • 我还有670得救,如果他们有良好的自由民主党,而不是人,我幸运的若干规定 670 If our people honesty although rescuing it will be but it is … Already persevering in the party of everyone unless you receive

                                          • 取消上院,希望选举的众议院总选举中,只有领导在任何时候要改变伊拉克政权
                                            As for House of Councillors abolishing, as for national election in just the House of Representatives of the general election which is connected administration alternately with anytime We want doing

                                            • 噢,随着松冈彻,由里安说:“核国家是共和国的压力基金会赞助民主党国会议员
                                              The sled [ya] well, in Tetsu and simultaneous the Matsuoka of Democratic party Assemblyman, “As for nuclear possession of republic of entire connected sponsorship foundation of accent large country

                                              • 在地方选举中,去年这个时候Terujan风,风像疯吹,来自大的政治重组让我们忘记风不能比较
                                                The [tsu] [te] [ru] which with local selection the large head wind blows and sows it is The wind of this time of last year the [ze] which is the gale which does not become comparison Calling it is with political world reorganization

                                                • 在日本,NHK和日本作为有史以来规模最大的集体诉讼四环素线是偏颇的报道(1000000),即不报告报纸现在电视
                                                  In addition in Japan NHK deflection reporting assuming, that it did, largest class action in the Japanese history (10,000 person) with it has become, but The television newspaper now is, it does not report,

                                                  • 在过去两年中在大选中看到的是远非如此时代日本,维塔向井地说,既没有种族和比例代表制选举
                                                    Way past it is seen in the House of Representatives selection of 2 times, therefore as for the Japanese the extreme, even the ethnicity which is not faced to small constituency and proportion representation you can say

                                                    • 小泽一郎和鸠山,书记总理一般,“黑金政治”问题和普天间基地,预计也将影响民主党及以上的副秘书长幼方解雇斗争搬迁
                                                      Secretary General Prime Minister and Ozawa Hatoyama Problem “of politics and gold” and transfer of facilities problem of Futenma base, furthermore Deputy Secretary General Ubukata It is seen that chaos and the like inside the Democratic party which goes round displacement has influenced

                                                      • 就业和经济的财政政策,通过政府的垃圾坏垃圾 什么是民主,预计至少有一个良好る年强三是在黑暗时代 谷无法继续溃也有可能迫使政权更替 坏风险 没有人庸俗废物群众,做一件好事る成分不断虚构Motehayashi不是单靠政府的骗局 他们没有选择的策略也未尝对未来充满信心的古 There is no possibility that business and employment and public finance… no one become good with rubbish kudzu policy of democracy useless administration Minimum of 3 years strongly in addition to the fact that dark age continues also the power which has the possibility… of alternating to be crushed as for… useless administrations peace … Element something which becomes good there is no no one And the mass rubbish continues to praise the fraud administration only of the fabrication which alternate plan or the strategy it does not have… Desired something completely it is not future…
                                                        • 他们都是极左Jijii坏头,他们完全忽略了一个事实,对于诸如内阁的支持率直线下降,原因是缺乏Temee在地方选举中失败,是否译本在慌张书面拼命妄想wwwww愚図到位的领导者,是现在才看到,即使在冲绳的解决,稳定的条件,基础问题,更不用说四年,我认为他们的职责相当于早期Temee瓦特苏放日 Also extreme left jijii where the head is bad for temee such as successive defeats with local selection and heavy decline etc of Cabinet support ratio Ignoring the fact whose are inconvenient thoroughly meaning or wwwww which writes delusion desperately and has scattered Laggard even problem of the Okinawa base not be able to solve with the leader in the rank which does not have the fact that until now you saw Instead of 4 annual peace it expels the duty of temee at suitable quick stage it is not or w

                                                      • 布鲁诺秋,秋,秋 。 potsupo potsupo potsupo No ⌒ no No REPT ¯ Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human No plan no plan ♪ 92 92
                                                        • 他们使用有关脳无施总理的钱!布鲁诺 ヽ 3:3ー3: ::⌒( 布鲁诺 布鲁诺ヽ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ The brain of wasteful gold errand there is no prime minister No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 REPT ⌒ 92 REPT No No ¯ ¯ REPT ni ⌒ REPT Three Three three ⌒ no No REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                      • 我将结束,日本参议院选举,民主党已赢得?民主党球是不可能的负实际等同于民主党或之前! If the Democratic party does not win with House of Councillors selection Japan ends As for the Democratic party being defeated as for not being possible really as for the Democratic party phase natural
                                                        • 我将结束,日本参议院选举,民主党已赢得?民主党踢为负或在此之前不可能! If the Democratic party does not win with House of Councillors selection Japan ends As for the Democratic party being defeated as for not being possible really as for the Democratic party phase natural
                                                        • 现代也是蜡中的支持率没有布雷布雷布雷不是它,也没有民主万维网 NULL

                                                      • 或者国民新党,社会民主党,或者,如果他们进入新的社会主义政党现在一些茹似乎是?
                                                        Therefore the national new party, the corporation people party, like this time also new Japan Socialist Party it comes out if you insert in that, how is?

                                                        • 所以,在反对党投票反对邮政私有化和外国,因此未必
                                                          Therefore it is not the case that always postal services commercialization opposition and foreign carrot administration opposition wear

                                                          • 投票[/上午远程] 30.0%↓鸠山内阁的支持率下降15个百分点,从上次调查人工神经网络
                                                            Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 30.0% ↓ From the last time substantial depreciation above 15% ANN public opinion poll

                                                            • 日刊Gendai作者↓丶`∀的UE〜,哈哈!
                                                              Author of daily gene die/di ↓ 丶 `∀ ' [ue] -, [hatsuhatsuha]!

                                                              • 日刊Gendai报纸或在这个事情过去几天我在船上看到红色感谢。非常感谢卡诺觉,它们并没有从德鲁人们感兴趣的东西,即使这样,我读的文件是知道火车四环素 This board of here several days sees with favor the daily gene die di the newspaper which is said aka You knew that it is the paper Such reading inside the streetcar the ru person was not because interest you did not know what kind of It to be with
                                                                • 是因为这里的942之前,你先说瓦特 1 35 马日刊Gendai。丰岛 942 You return to this w Daily gene die di 35

                                                              • 有没有其他事情的伤害,而不是你想要什么值得一电力系统的狗不包括
                                                                It became the dog of power and went down? Instead of there is no existence value, they are not anything ones other than the harm

                                                                • 每周的东西,支持者认为,人们感受到的反政府,而不是复制 As for weekly magazine something rather than calling support commenting As for the feeling which has passed through the administration anti

                                                                  • 每日新闻调查是对特殊的支持率下降的冲击是9分,百分之36 Being especially impact everyday in investigation of the newspaper as for support ratio Also 9 points to depreciate in the 36
                                                                    • 每日新闻调查是对特殊的支持率下降的冲击是9分,百分之36 Being especially impact everyday in investigation of the newspaper as for support ratio Also 9 points to depreciate in the 36

                                                                  • 永田町自民党是厂里,不反对参院选情非常维塔

                                                                    • 浦。但是,如果弱者试图投票Gendai煽是什么危机或上诉扭转感帝国总部宣布よろしく欢蹦乱跳wwwww
                                                                      General/universal. In case of inferiority fanning the crisis atmosphere conversely, but those which it tries to poll The gene die/di Imperial Headquarters announcement to be possible easy victory is appeal or, wwwww

                                                                      • 消费案例之间的433我的意思是人有袋目读日刊Gendai病例,在过去数年,婴儿潮一代退休或父亲确火车袭击 433 Certainly the nodule father questioned and went out the human who the retirement age receiving callous densely in several years the daily gene die di is read by the streetcar oh while saying don t you think
                                                                        • 消费案例之间的433我的意思是人有袋目读日刊Gendai病例,在过去数年,婴儿潮一代退休或确火车袭击 433 Certainly the nodule the human who the retirement age receiving callous densely in several years the daily gene die di is read by the streetcar questioned and went out oh while saying don t you think
                                                                        • 电视不能否认的婴儿潮是很诱惑人只有在完全多看看比日本的老人Ja民主扫一半 So only TV Japan the nodule the aged person who are not seen majority Perhaps the Democratic party overwhelming victory necessarily there is no lie

                                                                      • 点下周的选举,3月28日对反对派茨城县下妻市长选举,现任退休03 / 28,木更津,千叶对反对派的官员,“逃”了谁的前伞兵有经验的民主杰鲁张贴建立官僚市长选举推荐
                                                                        Good point of election of next week 03/28 The Ibaraki prefecture Shimotsuma mayor election Ruling and opposition parties confrontation and the incumbent retire 03/28 Chiba prefecture Kisarazu mayor election Ruling and opposition parties confrontation The “deviation from bureaucracy” the democracy which puts out nominating the original constructive bureaucracy of the compulsory crossing experience person

                                                                        • 然而,随着所有的民主党副秘书长万亿动荡,以及是否有利益差别的东西基那公明屋良万维网支持产妇气味
                                                                          Also the Democratic party produces to show signs disturbance with the case of the Deputy Secretary General, When what there is the burned smelling movement even with the support parent of fairness www

                                                                          • 现代甚至不应该是(加拿大工业的确切报纸。我被拒绝)体育就是这样过去的审判东“不相信一个人职位的东西从他们自己的语音信箱法官”,并声称我“这种说法是否定的信心Gendai报纸印刷机也叫做临时“我还有一份报纸这是真正的勇士时期 As for hiyundai accurately the expectation which is not the newspaper even in the economic organization adding Being denied the ru By the way as for east supo with past judgment “person something which believes the article inside it is not” that when you insisted personally From the President of the Court “ it has been scolded that the kind of insistence where the gene die di which is called the news media paper even temporarily denies self confidence is done” but Don t you think even then genuine newspaper
                                                                            • 现代甚至不应该是(加拿大工业的确切报纸。我被拒绝)体育就是这样过去的审判东“不相信一个人职位的东西从他们自己的语音信箱法官”,并声称我“这种说法是否认初步信心记者:“我仍然有报纸,是真正的勇士时期 As for hiyundai accurately the expectation which is not the newspaper even in the economic organization adding Being denied the ru By the way as for east supo with past judgment “person something which believes the article inside it is not” that when you insisted personally From the President of the Court “ it has been scolded that the kind of insistence where the gene die di which is called the news media paper even temporarily denies self confidence is done” but Don t you think even then genuine newspaper

                                                                          • 瓦特鸠山内阁批准了一项禁止牛粪分钟,30 0百分之内阁的犯罪内阁?首页奇怪的名字,只是“临时的汽油税率”我是说,民主党人取消粪便ü w With the Cabinet conference as a minutes prohibition as for support ratio of the droppings Hatoyama Cabinet with the 30 0 being the crime Cabinet Just name changing the droppings Democratic party where “gasoline provisional tariff” does and depends and says the abolition stripe
                                                                            • 鸠山内阁瓦特班牛粪和内阁程序是一个罪犯政府呢?首页奇怪的名字,只是“临时的汽油税率”我是说,民主党人取消粪便ü w With the Cabinet conference as a minutes prohibition as for support ratio of the droppings Hatoyama Cabinet with the 30 0 being the crime Cabinet Just name changing the droppings Democratic party where “gasoline provisional tariff” does and depends and says the abolition stripe
                                                                            • 鸠山内阁的支持率为百分之30 0,而一项调查,在上个月的四环素已下跌15 3点和线 As for support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet with the 30 0 in comparison with the investigation which does to last month 15 3 It depreciated in the point and substantial

                                                                          • 电力基地320自民党在日本极道(韩国),右(朝鲜)和承包商(u003d流氓),樱桃通道(如龙,韩国统一教会)要Netouyo被降落伞(叛徒),北洗脑官员所有这些的共同点是有控制下的犹太人
                                                                            320 As for the Liberal Democratic Party support parent, [yakuza] (Korean), right wing (Korean), earth building (= [yakuza]), The channel cherry tree (Korean [yakuza] of the unification church) [netouyo] which is brainwashed Compulsory intended bureaucracy (traitor), North Korea As for being in common to these everything, the notion that where you call under the Judean controlling

                                                                            • 站畅销的报纸,信息是它的主要观众。这首也从买家接近退休年龄的婴儿潮,已被摧毁,最后垂死挣扎,为什么我疯了,跳至波 As for the station sale daily newspaper the feeling which is that principal reader Nodule generation Retiring almost because buying layer was destroyed The tsu te ru which with last last moments throws radio wave and sows it is the ro which is
                                                                              • 那么,现代尚未看到,但对吉拉代表团接近退休年龄唯一的观众。层属于通勤几年 ma as for hiyundai Although the retirement age when it is the only reader layer it is close still group of hira Commuting layer after It ceases to exist in several years

                                                                            • 第一层反对外国在地方选举中投票,非常反对邮政民营化可能是夺取古当然,外汇资产昭如
                                                                              The layer which opposes to foreign local denizenship, is robbed property to the foreign country as though it is proper, When it opposes to postal services commercialization is many

                                                                              • 网络时代的不仅是分裂的人将被迫瓦特日本,东京,我们已经大量粉尘浓度将在东京都民 W there is no other choice but to select in net age Dividing the Japanese citizen the eye of the citizen one extremely making Tokyo concentrate is Tokyo mass rubbish

                                                                                • 自民党 “扭转了裁决,并在参议院选举中,小泽一郎和Dove反对党不是很不合理,”在自民党参议院谷川秀善★2秘书长 “With House of Councillors selection as for ruling and opposition parties reversal unless very it is the pigeon and Ozawa the excessiveness” Secretary General House of Councillors Liberal Democratic Party mountain stream Siyuuzen 2
                                                                                  • 未来是等待最坏的,我继续留长津和小泽在参院民主党输了,也不鸽 Unless democracy it is crushed with House of Councillors the worst future where where the pigeon and Ozawa continue to remain waiting the ru it does …

                                                                                • 自民党是不幸的,小泉的卖国竹,书籍和维护航线。也增加了许多成员指出,这是一个埋藏四环素索纳垂直成员的很多事情要说的意思刺客,反对派已被拒绝了很多双,但仍然在官邸茹党组和国家保持平沼没有足够数量的成员 As for the Liberal Democratic Party being unhappy Takenaka s Koizumi treason On route conservative book The Assemblyman where it expels many of the Assemblyman raises to the assassin and accompanies and the u it says Don t you think it is to bury large number however remains group still stays with the Hiranuma group and the national new party The number of Assemblymen of group of objectors because you make large number be defeated is not enough
                                                                                  • 我的生命,因为小泉竹中平藏的支持,自民党不是你拿回来的其他预算空气 However you prolonged life with Takenaka s Koizumi consequence as for the Liberal Democratic Party another revival It is possible and falls to the cousin the seed

                                                                                • 谷川说,只有弱者,万岁更新亨泽李珉污染。 。 。这其中,从先生的Shikashite瓦特心代理人或写在选举结束后,民洙的Nde Mitchi公明党,而且我思津所作的情况,并希望做任何你想要的阶段湿重我认为,电路御都合主义万维网超好玩,但是不正确Warazu未来的“民主”我认为,最好不要讲,我想狗www的法西斯极权主义的万岁 Just weakness speech of the mountain stream minsu is dirty 沢 man Say i 更 It is the place from of heart of the person operative or w Making that perhaps minsu involving the communist fairness mitsuchi party in after the electing in this time we would like to do at will Thinking that the circumstance which is achieved is completed the ru it is ww which is As usual thought circuit shelf www of super opportunism In the future making a mistake it is to call there is no method which does not mention “democracy” Dog www of fascism man Say huatsushiyo
                                                                                  • 谷川说,只有弱者,万岁更新亨泽李珉污染。 。 。这其中,从先生的Shikashite瓦特心代理人或写在选举结束后,民洙的Nde Mitchi公明党,而且我思津所作的情况,并希望做任何你想要的阶段湿重我认为,电路御都合主义万维网超好玩,但是不正确Warazu未来的“民主”我认为,最好不要讲,我想狗www的法西斯极权主义的万岁 Just weakness speech of the mountain stream minsu is dirty 沢 man Say i 更 It is the place from of heart of the person operative or w Making that perhaps minsu involving the communist fairness mitsuchi party in after the electing in this time we would like to do at will Thinking that the circumstance which is achieved is completed the ru it is ww which is As usual thought circuit shelf www of super opportunism In the future making a mistake it is to call there is no method which does not mention “democracy” Dog www of fascism man Say huatsushiyo

                                                                                • 达罗的信息在该国的弱点和粪便Netouyo什么家伙投票支持自民党瓦特现在对日本的许多人是这样的参议院选举中,民主党一也被他的政府更迭在自己手里感到自豪
                                                                                  The [ro] w which is about feeling weakness and [netouyo] of the person [tsu] [te] droppings countryside which nowadays votes to the Liberal Democratic Party Because as for many of the Japanese citizen there is the self-confidence that administration you alternated by your own hand, Also House of Councillors selection is the Democratic party one

                                                                                  • 这是什么三流小报,我的人持屋良批津市的排气压力叔叔Idaku案例既得利益的力量,我觉得在状态丰满现状。什么思谭但你有什么谴责 Such three flow tabloid tsu te feeling the blockade impression in present condition ru stress because of breathing of the old boy who is held With vesting power the ru human judging That but you think it is whether it exists in order to denounce
                                                                                    • 这是什么三流小报,我的人持屋良批津市的排气压力叔叔Idaku案例既得利益的力量,我觉得在状态丰满现状。什么思谭但你有什么谴责 Such three flow tabloid tsu te feeling the blockade impression in present condition ru stress because of breathing of the old boy who is held With vesting power the ru human judging That but you think it is whether it exists in order to denounce

                                                                                  • 这是难以阅读的文件穆败类朝鲜生活在日本的朝鲜人,他们构成了万维网
                                                                                    The resident Korean writing, the kudzu paper which the resident Korean reads being desperate, shank www

                                                                                    • 逆转,但民主党并不严重,如果自民党获胜Tasetai贫困,捐款,我需要同自民党在公益 Being serious but the reason which destroys the Democratic party if we would like to make the poor Liberal Democratic Party win Doing even with contribution and free service it is necessary to cooperate to the Liberal Democratic Party
                                                                                      • 和940在同一所学校虽然不是自民党已成为民主党本身,并没有出现任何麻烦,右手边的口袋更换位置 940 Now the Liberal Democratic Party not to be how like this the te Democratic party itself the problem child But with the reason which has been converted the ri which does there it changes don t you think
                                                                                      • 逆转民主党和真的,如果自民党获胜Tasetai贫困,捐款,我需要同自民党在公益 Being serious if it destroys the Democratic party would like to make the poor Liberal Democratic Party win Doing even with contribution and free service it is necessary to cooperate to the Liberal Democratic Party

                                                                                    • 选举权642桃红错误指出一切,我已经Arujan分层层的父母一直是我现在还支持和反对,而且也是为什么子女的免税额?我滚装茂喜讲话中说,100万倍如果我不知道什么报纸从氖Kyashi,Dokkau人做一些记录,现在我不会被洗脑p 642 There is the stratification it is in reality But parents stratified what It is strange the cousin pointing out entirely Although denizenship also child treatment it is opposite you support is with something When the tsu te you hear It is not understood Ten thousand times stop the tsu te saying it is effective and the ya dies the empty this person brainwashing keeping saying the ru to do This time recording the do tsu p which is applied the wa which is done
                                                                                      • 钢铁第一位置,儿童津贴,我会分散行动,实现债务Sazu我们有,但他说,什么是二大了什么国会无异议的副本殆等 As for in the first place child treatment tsu te debt without increasing the tsu te which is actualized Although speaking awfully passing by the national assembly most many opposition without is the 呆 re

                                                                                    • 选区和全国地区是另一个这样,和一些名人以及各种利益集团的代表集合
                                                                                      This way At national constituency, it becomes the aggregate of representation of show biz celebrity and various right groups separately from constituency

                                                                                      • 选民首相鸠山由纪夫,它坏处日刊Gendai 2010年3月13日,星期日)紫癜:/ / gendai.net /?m等于观点和c u003d 010 u003d 21408&没有危险水域! “麻生太郎的支持率,”内阁的支持率直线下降后,政府福田麻生太郎
                                                                                        Prime Minister and the voter Hatoyama should impress, so in the liver Daily gene die/di 2010 March 13th publication) ttp: //gendai.net/? m = view & c = 010& no = 21408 Dangerous waters! Below “Aso support ratio” Fukuda Cabinet support ratio of Aso administration has slumped

                                                                                        • 那么,在8 0亿层的国家。不再是踢从自民党失败收到的选票,但密集的地方选举中的危险不大备份感觉就像我说,民主党有刚手流场连败,一连败,所以我要去 Well with entire country 8 000 000 layer Because it becomes unable to receive the backup of vote But as for the Liberal Democratic Party defeat thickness as for local selection that when you say whether it can win also the Democratic party which has successively lost The air the rather dangerous way successively loses so much however
                                                                                          • 作为一个地方选举风暴,但我已经有一个连败湿重的执政党,继续1连败让Arienee 1 Already the stormy way successively losing it increases local selection but ww Don t you think the administration ruling party successively loses so much how to be able to be the e

                                                                                        • 鸠山说,有没有附加到鹰! !其结果将决定的滤纸辞职谷垣祯一和下降时间小泽 There being a hawk attachment it is something which is not Hatoyama Timing of the Tanigaki lowering and Ozawa resignation probably will be influences victory or defeat
                                                                                          • 石破茂,薰与谢野馨,石破茂舛添Nantoka Youiti谷垣祯一小泉进次郎主角 Main characters Sinzirou Koizumi Yosano 馨 Shigeru Isiba Masuzoe main point one Tanigaki nantoka

                                                                                        • !ü 升 NULL
                                                                                          • 1┼。  ̄ 、 2 É长:长: NULL

                                                                                        • (1 / 6)许素中野区办事处和警察勾结和野方的邪教! (2 / 6)许素中野区办事处和警察勾结和野方的邪教! (3 / 6),许素中野区办事处和警察勾结和野方的邪教! (4 / 6),许素中野区办事处和警察勾结和野方的邪教! (5 / 6)许素中野区办事处和警察勾结和野方的邪教! (6 / 6),许素中野区办事处和警察勾结和野方的邪教!
                                                                                          (1/6) the Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted! (2/6) the Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted! (3/6) the Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted! (4/6) the Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted! (5/6) the Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted! (6/6) the Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted!

                                                                                          • (保卫处)●票马洗产业集团,他们进来,听到政府的请愿书,斯里兰卡雪崩什么是中风,或没有预算获得选票寿司 Omission Avalanche striking in administration the pickpocket the economic organization vote which approaches It has inquiring about petition budget acquires vote is only is put out
                                                                                            • 什么是最接近稳定研磨民主贸易集团,它不是关闭了这堵墙,并从事实,我们现在考虑的维塔剥离或拉它 Also the economic organization is snuzzled steadily in democracy whether and so it peels off passing When you think from fact it is not that much not to be either sudden rhythm

                                                                                          研究 開発