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In Governor Ueda “should use the tax which was gathered from the Japanese citizen for the Japanese citizen,” and the child of the foreign register child treatment provision the critical ★2


  • 162生活保護世帯 を 帰化 までさかのぼると需給世帯 の 九割 が 帰化外国人 と 在日外国人 なんだよそのうち 五体満足 で 病気 でもないのが 六割強 を 占 める総連 や 民潭 での 団体交渉是的球员赢得
    162 When it goes back welfare household to the naturalization Nine tenths of supply and demand household the naturalized foreigner and are resident foreign what The body among those being satisfactory, without being the sickness occupies six tenths strongly Entire ream and thing of the party who is acquired with collective bargaining with the people 潭

    • 168 Shinshinto时代的政治家小泽一郎小泽,最反对将公共资金注入银行
      168 Most opposes to the public financial fill to the bank the politician who Ozawa of rising party age Ichiro

      • 1937年7月,在白天在日本爆发战争和战争的基础上进入4月,次年,国家总动员法获得通过
        1937 July, with outbreak of Japanese-Chinese war as for Japan in wartime system thrust, total mobilization method was formed in next year April

        • 309是什么,人们将思津市Ttena 10000或外国的税款,我认为所谓的一些人,而不是一个人,对外国人在国外使用躺在一边学习日语,因为我收到了房屋Mawase躺在用于手达罗日本人民一边 NULL
          • 516是什么?在日本生活的外国人子女,但穆是有偿的,生活在国外的穆日本的孩子不支付? 516 Obtaining However it is provided to the child of the foreigner who lives in Japan it is not provided to the child of the Japanese who lives in the foreign country

        • 3841“此外,津贴将是我们对一个孩子,即使生活在国外的”从使用的气团日本人民对日本人民,“元税收演讲的外国儿童 384 1 Concerning child treatment being provided gt and vis a vis the child of the foreign register of overseas residence gt “The tax which was gathered from the Japanese citizen should be used for the Japanese citizen
          • 瓦特“此外,即使对生活在国外的”外国儿童的利益,我们的孩子是用于支付从气团日本人民对日本人民的“,”税收征管演讲元 w gt And vis a vis the child of the foreign register of overseas residence child treatment gt Concerning being provided gt “The tax which was gathered from the Japanese citizen should be used for the Japanese citizen

        • 384完全同意! 我要在日本的朝鲜人,即使税收津 384 Perfection agreement Even the resident Korean paying tax the ro which is the ru
          • 401增援,易于理解韩国wqqqq QQQQ的 401 Reinforcement wqqqq It is easy to understand Korean qqqq

        • 397公共服务时,州长对此,我不是说四环素结合使用外国人?ソース 先 にそんなもん 書 いてないぞ> また 、 海外在住 の 外国籍 の 子供 に 対 しても 子 ども 手当 てを 支給 されることについては↑ これに 対 して 述 べてるだけだろう何勝手 に博Kiku m不是闰年进行谈判? 397 So when the governor called piblic services that you do not have the foreigner use concerning that it is The source such is not written is first gt And vis a vis the child of the foreign register of overseas residence concerning child treatment being provided Probably is just the ru vis a vis ↑ this expressing Something leaping selfishly the reason which you speak and have enlarged
          • 397公共服务时,州长对此,我不是说四环素结合使用外国人? m不说话吗? 397 So when the governor called piblic services that you do not have the foreigner use concerning that it is The source such is not written is first gt And vis a vis the child of the foreign register of overseas residence concerning child treatment being provided Probably is just the ru vis a vis ↑ this expressing Something leaping selfishly the reason which you speak and have enlarged

        • 416国家的Ku没有外交关系,我有一个家伙派遣本国的盐对人体间谍?什么敢语言 416 In the country of everywhere there are no diplomatic relations in the home country you spy are active The person who sends the salt to the human of the country is it is Try saying
          • 南特的国家,他们也没有在外国是什么骗税使用逗留支持 Illegitimately using the tax of the home country in the foreigner who stays it is not national how everywhere it has supported

        • Www shugiin go jp itdb gian nsf 的HTML 简 kaiji174的。htm#05换言之,对外国人和永久居民,不拒绝契约,该法案也将禁止出租提醒所取得的前景茹 www shugiin go jp itdb gian nsf html gian kaiji174 htm 05 In other words rent denial becomes impossible vis a vis the resident permanent residence foreigner the bill where also the house rent 催 促 becomes prohibition The prospect that it is possible
          • 紫癜: www shugiin go jp itdb gian nsf 的HTML 简 kaiji174的。htm#05换言之,对外国人和永久居民,不拒绝租约,租金也禁止提醒法案所作的前景茹 ttp www shugiin go jp itdb gian nsf html gian kaiji174 htm 05 In other words rent denial becomes impossible vis a vis the resident permanent residence foreigner the bill where also the house rent 催 促 becomes prohibition The prospect that it is possible
          • 苏,干脆拒绝租公寓或房子在日本永久外籍居民,监禁的刑罚规定的二年 Resident permanent residence the fact that the apartment and the house are lent to the foreigner just was denied penal regulations penal servitude 2 year stipulation

        • [邮政]邮政银行,在3000后的第一次美国政府债券的私有化收购一万点○○○万日元[10 / 03 / 15]
          [yo] bank inside [yu], the American bond 300,000,000,000 Yen purchase After the commercializing beginning [10/03/15

          • _NULL_
            * The resident privilege which is not just welfare It is the case that the Korean does not return to the homeland Rate -> Reduction and exemption of property tax Precinct -> Non taxation of people tax citizen of Tokyo tax Precinct -> It is light reduction and exemption of automobile tax Year Gold -> Exemption of national pension premium Reduction and exemption of mind and body handicapped person support annuity latch Capital barracks residence -> Exemption residence of common service expense Reduction and exemption or collection postponement of moving guaranty money Water Road -> Exemption of basic fee Sewer -> Exemption of basic fee -> Delivery of flush toilet equipment grant Releasing Sending -> Exemption of broadcast listening fee Intersection -> Delivery of capital barracks traffic free riding in a car ticket Discount of JR commuting commuting ticket It is clear 掃 -> No charge loan of rubbish container -> Exemption of waste disposal commission Defense Raw -> Destruction exemption of hygienic place rent commission Teaching Growth -> Metropolitan high school Exemption of tuition of technical college Name -> How, you can use to the official document

            • _NULL_
              “Secret of discussion [netouyo] birth” 1/6 (H19.1.27) The [hougen] = anti-communist fighting loyal retainer of Ministry of Foreign Affairs ↓ As for all government offices other than public peace investigation agency permeation you insist to the Soviet Union (Government office, under influencing the organization of Self Defense Force and police = foreign country) American special representative = member of the Diet is inspected, as for the majority of = members of the Diet under the Chinese influencing The policy = [netouyo] rearing construction which protects the country from friendship of the treason organization of Ministry of Foreign Affairs & public peace investigation agency = country ↑ [netouyo] raised by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and public peace investigation agency and passed and as for thing understood Two or original Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aso [netouyo] of principal image of Buddha In order to protect Japan from friendship using animation in Japan, and the foreign country sentiment educating, how it becomes, it is?

              • “外国人票”太阳运行的日本(宝岛独立的音量)什么是你的亚马逊收购,其目的是获得一个位置 The day there not to be Japan with “foreign carrot administration” Separate treasure island Buying with Amazon you probably will aim toward 1 rank acquisition

                • →大部分的预算框架内,1%以上的垄断更少日本仪内比
                  -> The resident which is no more than under the population comparative 1% monopolizing the large portion of the budget framework,

                  • ┌───────────────────────|税收征管元从使用气团演讲└─────v日本人民对日本人民─┬────────────────|省长田,批评我们支付给外国儿童的子女补贴└辎────────────── ──这是一个公务员薪金∧_∧∧_,∧∧_∧∧_∧μ²μ²,是即将到来,税收,薪酬鞭官僚 ∀`)(
                    ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ | The tax which was gathered from the Japanese citizen should be used for the Japanese citizen └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ | Criticizing child treatment provision in Governor Ueda and the child of the foreign register └ y ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ It is salary of the government employee, ∧ _ ∧ ∧ _ _, ∧ ∧ _ ∧ ∧ _ ∧ [oioi]… as for tax the [ze] ゙ which is salary of the bureaucracy = ( ' д `) = ( ' д `) ( ∀) (' ∀ ` ) ( ) ( ) With ) ( ) | | | | | | | | | | | | _ _ [hu] _ [hu] _ _ [hu] _ [hu] (_ (_ _) (_ (_ _)

                    • └──v────┬──────────────── 奈达,要求道歉和赔偿 └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which requires apology and compensation
                      • └──v────┬──────────────── 奈达,要求道歉和赔偿 └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which requires apology and compensation
                      • └──v────┬──────────────── 奈达,要求道歉和赔偿 └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which requires apology and compensation
                      • └──v────┬──────────────── 奈达,要求道歉和赔偿 └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which requires apology and compensation
                      • └──v────┬──────────────── 柯有同样的资料,日本 └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which requires apology and compensation

                    • 一个消费者和生产者和两三个富国与穷国四个环境歧视5人权跨国零售商
                      1 Consumer and producer 2 Retail business and multinational 3 Wealthy layer and poor layer 4 Environmental problem 5 Discriminatory human rights issue

                      • 一,维塔和税收的公平分配之间的重要区别,他们不能得到任何人的社会 However distributes tax fairly being important when you make a mistake the society where no one does profit
                        • Matome梅鲁和犯罪,但自己的票,我将税收分配是不是犯罪 When you collect vote with your own gold because crime but distribution of tax if there is no crime don t you think

                      • 上田是韩国学校省长一般“,没有根据的亲平壤是在参与绑架问题
                        As for Governor Ueda the Korean school “Generally, there is a subordinate of the Korean entire ream which has the doubt which participates in kidnapping

                        • 上田,琦玉县知事石原慎太郎『☆』是好的★☆失望的是,在有些方面的!小泽一郎,日本岩手县阴毛最坏★★ As for Governor the Saitama prefecture Ueda nice Ishihara capital governor disappointment Back it does to do The shame section Iwate Ozawa prefectural people worst of Japan

                          • 东京居民税是用来Warerubeki东京居民,在一般的正确使用是在埼玉县都市巴士(戊金额不提供定期或溢价),什么是甚至声称彰伊志是
                            If the outline that it should you use the tax of Tokyo citizen of Tokyo, in Tokyo citizen of Tokyo, is correct, The Saitama prefecture people use the capital barracks bus (or pay the surcharge with periodic utilization failure), It means that also [tsu] [te] insistence is correct

                            • 中国和欧盟,也是美国的战争,这意味着它可以让你决定是否对濒临破产引发的崩溃说
                              America and China and EU before the collapse sun/size rather than, before the planned bankruptcy motion sun/size It was the schedule which throws out the war which is decided

                              • 为什么你即使在这里,在韩国强奸发生率预计将河内隆
                                If why, in presently, rate of occurrence of the rape in Korea extending, is high

                                • 为什么我的国家从无休止的需求,他们甜?每一个持什么歧视Inro
                                  Therefore sweet country it is required without the limit it is the [ro] which is? Each time each time the medicine case of discrimination having

                                  • 为什么是这样的法律漏洞,造福于儿童,从一踢回支持对朝总联和民团山口运动谷组 As for the reason which designates the latest child treatment as law with many loopholes Because we would like to do Yamaguchi group and the kick back for the election activity support of people group Korean entire ream it does the yo
                                    • 667支付我们的孩子是“来衡量孩子的日本”出来的低生育水平 667 Child treatment came out as “the measure for the little child conversion of the child of the Japanese”
                                    • 为什么是这样的法律漏洞,造福于儿童,从一踢回支持对朝总联和民团山口运动谷组 As for the reason which designates the latest child treatment as law with many loopholes Because we would like to do Yamaguchi group and the kick back for the election activity support of people group Korean entire ream it does the yo
                                    • 矿石173 Okashikunai另一个孩子津贴制度,不应该以何种语言 173 We the system of child treatment is not strange separately that you say it is not

                                  • 人权法,或从旧的任何董事会的当然萨卡日本浦和照顾,我想外国权益或投票权
                                    Also Urawa [sure] of the domestic [saka] board protection of fundamental human rights method, like there is a foreigner denizenship or an interest puts out to some air from former times,

                                    • 什么所谓的恐怖组织朝总联Desho?什么是主要的振动为什么这下『日DBA在建设国家持我得到的土地?我包括征收维塔南特说,反日教育和未来更多的税?得把教育,奇怪的日本人民?政策制定者,没有一个责任排除出勇夫以驱动器? It does with the Korean entire connected tsu te generally known terrorist organization the yo Shaking the major company with something in original country of this day the land and building holding tsu chi ya tsu te ru Grandly counter day the tax next it includes in the facility which educates and how can say It tries probably to keep having the education of the Japanese in strange direction The administrator military force is an obligation which from here removes the tsu lever re it is it is not
                                      • 该Busaiku日本,它甚至没有Ategatsu工具,把日本,Ttaku,这是最有效的我在做什么漂亮的活动,将蒙方的工具,是吗?精细,総连百合,它甚至不是从学校教育中了! In busaiku of the Japanese the child whose resident is lovely applying the construction margin which you attach to friend the tsu you want what you do are In the wax which this most the effect calls construction activity and rubs obtaining Properly entire to be connected the school come out education margin

                                    • 什么是707桃红家伙只手从日本的国家利益在国外工作的批评前缀之间的日本人民,他们是大公司的区别Ikan m相信了?甚至不是一个理想的就业,甚至兼职和兼职工作,没有足够的经常新兵,如果我有一个日本津市谁难以很多? 707 Leaving the Japanese citizen the tsu te which distributes the work from the Japanese national interest in the foreign country as for the person who even just is criticized densely agreement circumstance Big business just is no what There is no even satisfactory employment environment The part and the part time job where either the proper adoption framework is not enough although you say that the Japanese who has been troubled is the large quantity
                                      • 什么东兴仅销售707从日本的国家利益,在国外工作的前缀之间的日本人民,他们是大公司的区别Ikan m相信了?甚至不是一个理想的就业,甚至兼职和兼职工作,没有足够的经常新兵,如果我有一个日本津市谁难以很多? 707 Leaving the Japanese citizen the tsu te which distributes the work from the Japanese national interest in the foreign country as for the person who even just is criticized densely agreement circumstance Big business just is no what There is no even satisfactory employment environment The part and the part time job where either the proper adoption framework is not enough although you say that the Japanese who has been troubled is the large quantity
                                      • 四环素只归咎于家伙说,总督正确总是出来瓦特马阿言论自由仅限于国家利益的追求Razu日本人民不否认,日本是目前世界上唯一的缺点是常识我把它在危机 NULL

                                    • 什么是它本身的利益而活着的马吉灰尘Ø孩子,什么我在日本更加优惠的待遇
                                      Child treatment itself is, although the viewing [tsu] [te], Furthermore therefore resident superior it has met, with [maji] the rubbish

                                      • 什么是更好的前瞻性和税收南特苏金出废物明确说,韩国外国人学校Razu仅限于学校,更是良好的带薪休假至少在日本高中会像
                                        The money it provides to the foreign school, not just the Korean school how speaking clearly, squander of tax it put out, if the extent which means such a thing while also the Japanese high school was compensation was better

                                        • 什么是铁和本儿童津贴钢?现在,你带着孩子来支付日本人和外国人10至20将在税收征收以来,在日本的情况,外国人梅鲁成人Raren你刚才最后思想到底日本,日本我一定会受到不利的税收制度的未来,因为当我注意你是谁,当你Hozai是不负责任的法案,这是我们什么是老害頑張瓦特 This child treatment tsu te what Temporarily to provide to the child of the Japanese and the foreigner solving As for 10 collecting after 20 the ro where is just the Japanese The foreigner who becomes an adult is to think tax as for the circumstance which you supply possibly in Japan The system shelf which after all the Japanese wears disadvantage But in the future tax increase certainty therefore at the time of the bean jam in you the treatment provision red sandal wood After it can persevere and tsu te old age damage babbles and w which is the ru irresponsible bill
                                          • 单,最后一代是Watta人笑四环素儿童的教育基本上是一个大加税 NULL

                                        • 什么线524外国和你真正你真正Dattara是什么生活支付免费100日元的费用。恩戴我要叫QQQQ的
                                          524 When is, also Koike going, the foreign country 100 Yen paying The cost of living gratuitousness of Koike's. The kana qqqq which will shout

                                          • 今年,中国已经努我我是从大约在100办公室我来到越南上个月听拉古家附近,“我当时离开该国的儿童,儿童分钟一英里年几个法规维塔津贴或孩子?“来来听 Serving in the public office of the certain place but the ru it is Being this year already the Chinese moving 100 household vicinities the ru Furthermore “leaving the child to the country haphazardly from around last month you can receive the child treatment of amount of the ru and that child ” With it comes to hearing
                                            • 244: 现场直播!:2010 03 17日(星期三商)05:55:36编号:IGy3uVxv中国人民为纪念今年初,我对我溢出的地方拉古近100户工资办公室与上月从一英里你来围绕“我离开了该国的儿童,该儿童或排减分钟,有利于儿童的若干规定?”来来听 244 Trader Live 2010 03 17 water 05 55 36 ID IGy3uVxv Serving in the public office of the certain place but the ru it is Being this year already the Chinese moving 100 household vicinities the ru Furthermore “leaving the child to the country haphazardly from around last month you can receive the child treatment of amount of the ru and that child ” With it comes to hearing
                                            • 244: 现场直播!:2010 03 17日(星期三商)05:55:36编号:IGy3uVxv中国人民为纪念今年初,我对我溢出的地方拉古近100户工资办公室与上月从一英里你来围绕“我离开了该国的儿童,该儿童或排减分钟,有利于儿童的若干规定?”来来听 244 Trader Live 2010 03 17 water 05 55 36 ID IGy3uVxv Serving in the public office of the certain place but the ru it is Being this year already the Chinese moving 100 household vicinities the ru Furthermore “leaving the child to the country haphazardly from around last month you can receive the child treatment of amount of the ru and that child ” With it comes to hearing
                                            • 244: 现场直播!:2010 03 17日(星期三商)05:55:36编号:IGy3uVxv中国人民为纪念今年初,我对我溢出的地方拉古近100户工资办公室与上月从一英里你来围绕“我离开了该国的儿童,该儿童或排减分钟,有利于儿童的若干规定?”来来听 244 Trader Live 2010 03 17 water 05 55 36 ID IGy3uVxv Serving in the public office of the certain place but the ru it is Being this year already the Chinese moving 100 household vicinities the ru Furthermore “leaving the child to the country haphazardly from around last month you can receive the child treatment of amount of the ru and that child ” With it comes to hearing

                                          • 但你不能捕获的意义之一是出生率下降和促进生育治疗结束时,如果你,如果您需要与儿童教育中,膳食费用,学校用品的供应减少援助,捐赠扣除儿童保健业务这些东西仍然取得茹 Simply if we assume that it is little child conversion measure you cannot agree upon that promotion of sterile remedy is not taken in and If it makes parenting support still there are times when it is possible e g reduction and exemption of school lunch expense provision of the school supplies and contribution to childcare business are deducted
                                            • 医疗方面的医生(德国)也向病人解释,我不明白老百姓 The doctor medical terminology German with explaining to the patient you cannot understand in the general populace

                                          • 其中,目前的民主法案,美国耗散1 50被迫支付子女受惠名称及我们可爱的偶像 Among those when presently it illuminates in plan of the Democratic party the child treatment which reaches to 50 names with maximum of 1 cases stops obtaining is provided
                                            • 其中,目前的民主法案,美国耗散1 50被迫支付子女受惠名称及我们可爱的偶像 Among those when presently it illuminates in plan of the Democratic party the child treatment which reaches to 50 names with maximum of 1 cases stops obtaining is provided

                                          • 即使非,而你西方的公立学校只可以说,日本公立学校,当然是有限的南特和它提供什么好处或之前支付子女
                                            The story which if may limit to the public school Even Europe and America other than the public school the charge is natural Very child treatment how that with Japanese limitation proper

                                            • 取消▼kar jp 读 society6 2ch net 只尹 1192251745犯下的民主党人对朝鲜居民欢呼联盟,以赢得外国人投票 un kar jp read society6 2ch net giin 1192251745 In order the Korean people group supports the Democratic party by all power to acquire foreign carrot administration
                                              • “让民主党的支持”一个民主的支持者山口网站 http: 联合国▼kar jp 读 society6 2ch net 只尹 1192251745犯下的民主党人对朝鲜居民欢呼联盟,以赢得外国人投票 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy http un kar jp read society6 2ch net giin 1192251745 In order the Korean people group supports the Democratic party by all power to acquire foreign carrot administration

                                            • 另外大盘摇摆舞想到会做国内生产总值的百分之二百的国家预算赤字超维塔
                                              As for large board behavior there are no times when the country of the deficit which exceeds GDP ratio 200% you do

                                              • 后,事件发生后,他说Tteta我喜欢,我所茹那是应该理解为基础的鸠山由纪夫说Tteta In other words when we occurs says the incident the way Hatoyama says thing The tsu te which is overturned from root the wa which is thing what which is said

                                                • 否则,日本└──v────┬────────────────|我爱你,谁陈和樱桃树,然后再?
                                                  Other than that resident └ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ | Loving your [chiyan] and the cherry tree, the [ru]?

                                                  • 和受益人的权利和投票权是密不可分的,税收是说,权力应公众之间使用 In other words denizenship and benefit right are inside and outside one body Power and tax etc must be utilized between the citizen it is
                                                    • 和受益人的权利和投票权是密不可分的,税收是说,权力应公众之间使用 In other words denizenship and benefit right are inside and outside one body Power and tax etc must be utilized between the citizen it is

                                                  • 在3年后┌─────────────────────── 奈达日本政府的男孩,被迫住作为日本东西基鲁 So 3 years later ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which is coerced the fact that you live as for we as a Japanese to the Japanese government
                                                    • 10年后┌─────────────────────── 奈达日本政府的男孩,被迫住作为日本东西基鲁 10 years later ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which is coerced the fact that you live as for we as a Japanese to the Japanese government
                                                    • 10年后┌─────────────────────── 奈达日本政府的男孩,被迫住作为日本东西基鲁 10 years later ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ nida which is coerced the fact that you live as for we as a Japanese to the Japanese government

                                                  • 在学校我认识到在第传入韩国1你是应该的学校和私立学校一样补贴
                                                    Also the Korean school receiving, recognition of the Ichijo school the [ru] place does with the same auxiliary object something as the private school, the [yo

                                                    • 在日本和韩国中国和韩国居民,并负责在日本以外的只是对纳税人无关的原因,而不是我们要为国家的反原因,日本的谈话
                                                      Just the resident Korean removes to that, the resident South Korean and the resident Chinese etc with gratuitousness conversion, the citizen Any tax commenting how do not become the reason and, either anti-Japanese nation does not become the reason

                                                      • 在柬埔寨,该国妇女的集合是所有非法婚姻经纪,柬埔寨当局去年25名韩国人9柬埔寨妇女和一名韩国妇女25,“交配群”,以切断后,案件在法律,他对贩运人口的批评 In Cambodia the illegal marriage agent gathered as for the authorities the September last year the same national woman Cambodia woman 25 South Korean man 1 people and Cambodia woman 25 South Korean and “the group corresponded” and the case which it can point did not cut off after criticism of trade in human life had come out
                                                        • 据联合通讯社,当局去年9月,韩国男一女柬埔寨柬埔寨谁促成了25人,他们缴获了一批人队友 According to combined news the authorities the September last year the group corresponding of South Korean man 1 person and 25 Cambodia women exposing the Cambodia person who mediates

                                                      • 在轻轻二点〇 〇 〇亿日元 月,二十零点零亿日元 我们有什么好处有周岁,在该国,每月多少钱,请E基督教两端或支付给外国人居住在日本目前的估计 Estimating lightly under present conditions 200 000 000 Yen month 2 000 000 000 Yen year The child is but the hand hitting With entire country every month how much Paying to the foreigner who has not lived in Japan Please teach
                                                        • 但无论如何,有“对贵国的利益有一个孩子或德鲁我们?”萨科说,确认 The every one the child is “in native country but as for with treatment ru You say that” with it was pressed for the verification which is said
                                                        • 但无论如何,有“对贵国的利益有一个孩子或德鲁我们?”萨科说,确认 The every one the child is “in native country but as for with treatment ru You say that” with it was pressed for the verification which is said
                                                        • 在轻轻二点〇 〇 〇亿日元 月,二十零点零亿日元 我们有什么好处周岁,在该国,每月多少钱,请E基督教两端或支付给外国人居住在日本目前的估计 Estimating lightly under present conditions 200 000 000 Yen month 2 000 000 000 Yen year The child is but the hand hitting With entire country every month how much Paying to the foreigner who has not lived in Japan Please teach

                                                      • 埼。大阪的一些愚蠢的事桥本他们是外国人更好地主张投票羡
                                                        埼. It is enviable Osaka something under bridge of [aho] foreign carrot administration propulsion group

                                                        • 如果一个逻辑上田416扩大“,将提供给居民的埼玉的原因:”你 416 If Ueda logical development “therefore it makes to the Saitama prefecture people utilize” the ro which is
                                                          • 如果一个逻辑上田403扩大“,将提供给居民的埼玉的原因:”你 403 If Ueda logical development “therefore it makes to the Saitama prefecture people utilize” the ro which is

                                                        • 如果它可以被称为是因为增值税和消费税福利,儿童津贴和大理石,这些都是“实物支付”或“礼品”和其他“豁免”可以把这笔钱,以避免如此大的杰鲁可能是 If it can raise is in the reason that consumer tax is welfare intended tax child treatment full amount E g other than “allowance in kind” or the “gift certificate” etc “exemption stipulation” is expanded Also the fact that the money that tries is not required should be inserted
                                                          • 9 12严石井,可能是孩子甚至不大理石付出非常高的回收周一 9 December Considerably unless business it recovers perhaps it means that also child treatment full amount is harsh
                                                          • 如果可以,因为所谓的增值税和消费税的福利的目的,甚至子女津贴金“实物”或“礼品”和其他“豁免”,可以把这笔钱,以避免如此大的杰鲁我不应该 If it can raise is in the reason that consumer tax is welfare intended tax child treatment full amount E g other than “allowance in kind” or the “gift certificate” etc “exemption stipulation” is expanded Also the fact that the money that tries is not required should be inserted
                                                          • 如果成功利用这种方式,政府将采取什么责任,我们会做?子女免税额可能导致人权问题,应立即取消 This way when it is abused is present administration how probably the intention of taking responsibility The child treatment which has the possibility of developing into human rights issue should make instantly waste plan
                                                          • 社会福利与子女的家庭所得到的税收蒙达已经感觉好多都具滋无 Child treatment completely in welfare household unnecessary When a lot of tax is received the air is completed it is

                                                        • 如果没有传入的进入,为什么什么?一些源于具体例子一般和(我用在浴室里你可以做,都营公厕,他们的“一方将被淘汰”),即使在垂直塔萨,是或排,说?上田的讲话“正确”如果你说,这是石井星期一一致希望看到他们有 If it does not accept what the reason as for And it is deduced from the outline re ru concrete example even by the capital barracks bus even with utilization of the calling and the public rest room It is good in by his on letting stand “the side which is removed” you can call Yes If Ueda speech is called “sound argument” showing the coherence to over there desired the potato it is the shelf

                                                          • 对于日本,或设施的费用,护理,老人或我会为日本费用医务人员吗?这些家伙可爱的偶像结对江户幕府政府Yavai这个真理不平等条约不好的兆头
                                                            Facility expense for your Japanese old people, labor cost of nursing and medical care and umbrella Do for the Japanese? This government truly [yavuai] The government of Edo unequal treaty the extent which ties is dangerous, and others it is dense

                                                            • 对在埼玉卡尔德隆的利益数千人好几万,我们的孩子会涌最近的将来推向破产在短短一分钟或无证的新浪荣格wwwwww英里非法居留的外国人有几十万四郎缴获和塞纳! ! ! ! ! ! With child treatment aim karuderon tens of thousands people well in Saitama With illegal stay of chiyon and China which surge from now on no 100 000 person… Wwwwww which directly is public finance failure Swiftly chiyon and China of illegal stay exposure margin and
                                                              • 日本经济衰退,还有27个,你想破产接吻 27 With Japan more as a depression we would like to fail it is

                                                            • 崎玉 1 “元从使用气团演讲”总督田,显然对我们日本人民对日本人民的税收征管批评子女津贴支付给外国儿童,省长田,坏 1 “The tax which was gathered from the Japanese citizen should be used for the Japanese citizen” Criticizing child treatment provision in Governor Ueda and the child of the foreign register Only too natural thing Governor Ueda persevering
                                                              • 税收和公共福利,例如只说:“在我们”应该用于人的成果,它不仅限于日本国民 Tax public welfare speaking simply Being something which it should use “happy for everyone” that is not limited to the Japanese citizen

                                                            • 当时,朝鲜人的处理并不困难性四环素配偶是一个美丽的殖民地是在大量的话,他们余下的妇女,畸形,强奸和怀孕丑也可以使他白痴
                                                              At that time, the Korean man where the spouse who is troubled with the processing of sexual desire is not the mass beauty the woman whose going to the side and remainder are scurvy in the suzerain, You rape to the deformity and idiocy become pregnant

                                                              • 当然是我的极端,非常正确外国人投“反对”“同意”逆向,为对付日益严重的危机中的二进制州议会(表决通过法案)鸠山内阁梅鲁当地永久外籍居民选举权两人,谁想要表达很大的差异锻炼,很快被全国各地的地方议会反对 Naturally just quite sound argument Foreign carrot administration Opposition” ““approval” reversal at metropolis and districts national assembly crisis atmosphere increase The local denizenship for the permanent residence foreigner whom the Hatoyama Cabinet advances election right confronting the bill which it goes round The movement which states contrary intention at the prefectural assembly of entire country is spreading quickly
                                                                • 紫癜: www shugiin go jp itdb gian nsf 的HTML 简 kaiji174的。htm#05换言之,对外国人和永久居民,不拒绝租赁协议,您还可以租提醒再也不能法案 ttp www shugiin go jp itdb gian nsf html gian kaiji174 htm 05 In other words rent denial becomes impossible vis a vis the resident permanent residence foreigner the bill where also the house rent 催 促 becomes prohibition The prospect that it is possible

                                                              • 总督田,我会保我是全力支持的,现在的市长市长田下午,而推荐的候选人,闵
                                                                Governor Ueda has supported God preservation present mayor with Heda mayor selection of yesterday, is not candidacy of [minsu] nomination,

                                                                • 我四百一十四瓦特和差距Warosu东西,Tteta咳嗽,我觉得在这样的逻辑破产从当前行作为乐趣瓦特四环素支付租金小偷,他们的罪过不是一个贼消失的位置 414 warosu w Something it has slipped to do because the funny logical failure person appeared the air has done to that gomen w Assuming that the thief paid house rent crime of the thief does not go out
                                                                  • 我四百十九瓦特和差距Warosu东西,Tteta咳嗽,我觉得在这样的逻辑破产从当前行作为乐趣瓦特四环素支付租金小偷,他们的罪过不是一个贼消失的位置 419 warosu w Something it has slipped to do because the funny logical failure person appeared the air has done to that gomen w Assuming that the thief paid house rent crime of the thief does not go out

                                                                • 我是700 ll只是别人的工作,孩子喜欢,嘿猴子俳句诗和父母的眼泪,儿童税抵消医生和官僚主义和税收伊库特鲁?邦德,是不会回来津市的形式是什么税费后的医疗费用减免税我这样做? NULL
                                                                  • 我只700名医生和官僚之间的税收非典型比例?邦德,是不会回来津市的形式是什么税费后的医疗费用减免税我这样做? NULL

                                                                • 我猜想维塔未受说吗?换言之,说,事物本身是奇数政策,有利于儿童,并说系统ü It can be that calmly it is proper In other words the system itself child treatment being strange policy
                                                                  • 普天间Norakura请他们争相获得通过秘密行动,还是子女免税额及投票权 norakura making disturb with Futenma denizenship and the maneuvers where makes child treatment pass to the spy and how

                                                                • 摆在他们这样的谴责正是这样严片腹痛歧视或反日活动,在日本彻底准备
                                                                  Anti-Japanese activity doing in the Japanese country, discrimination or the one stomach the painful [wa] Because it impeaches your lies thoroughly, you are prepared and dissolve

                                                                  • 无损检测结条约只有在母国和日本的非居民将予发还退款程序
                                                                    When the home country and Japan of the non resident have entered into taxation convention only, if return procedure is done, it is returned, but

                                                                    • 是没有用的说,我们Toriaezu居民或入籍四郎我的寄生虫或迅速返回自己的家园不 Temporarily resident returns to the homeland quickly or naturalized margin So when it is not that it is parasitic being said there is no ginger
                                                                      • 854中如果你离开了寄生虫,来自日本的松屁股 854 Shaky if it omits keep coming out from Japan parasite chiyon

                                                                    • 暴力罪犯→1 / 3的居民使用他们的真实姓名,但没有报告
                                                                      -> Although 1/3 of the brutal offenders is resident, in actual name it is not reported

                                                                      • 最重要的目的是古暴力欺诈专业谁支付民主党民间团体的位置
                                                                        And largest purpose discloses the deception of the professional citizen group which supports the Democratic party

                                                                        • 柬埔寨国际婚姻的合作伙伴,韩国人的百分之六左右,大多数经纪人的故障穆
                                                                          As for the partner of mixed marriage of the Cambodia person, approximately 6 tenths make the South Korean, the agent is entwined to most

                                                                          • 柬政府禁止结婚的韩国男性和韩纸月20日和朝鲜日报报道了这一禁令的时间,决心元韩国男子结婚的妇女和她们的柬埔寨政府
                                                                            Marriage prohibition of the South Korean man The Cambodia government As for the Korean paper and the Korean daily report etc of 20 dates, you announced that the Cambodia government marriage with the home country woman and the South Korean man for the time being decided that it prohibits,

                                                                            • 步行仅868什么呢?通过这样的说法,使得外国汽车,但不收集外国巴士及巴士表示用户使用费 868 With something just walking When it is the reason unless rent is collected even from the user of the car the shuttle bus and the high speed bus which of the foreigner the foreigner drives
                                                                              • 868将被收取费用是每次看到,道路,而不是滨崎步地 868 At each time it is witnessed that you are walking that change public road rent is claimed

                                                                            • 没收的国会议员和卖国的腐败官员的财产,你的革命文小山内结构井人的情况感到很日本人民对死刑是奇数Waranai
                                                                              The property of treason Assemblyman and the bribery government employee is confiscated, unless the Japanese citizen causes the populace revolution with the air caring of the extent which is made capital punishment situation does not change

                                                                              • 环境全球变暖,5900为2.8亿元,资助的援助首相鸠山由纪夫表示,柬埔寨万“鸠山倡议”的一部分
                                                                                Warming measure, in Cambodia 2,859,000,000 Yen in gratuitous fund Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama stated link of “Hatoyama initiative”

                                                                                • 维塔投诉,如果民主党正确地对自己的纳税人在日本的政治傀儡
                                                                                  Sound argument As for the Democratic party puppet political party of resident If tax of the citizen to private property is converted is, it appeals

                                                                                  • 编号:Ji5tAJlw0我读了没有冷气Warenai说?维塔以他的措辞辩论不需要¨
                                                                                    ID: Ji5tAJlw0 The air read saying, it is not said? The kind of argument which catches words' ending is unnecessary

                                                                                    • 设施,如韩国3月19日学校,右京区,京都孙蚧有些人可能对特别帐户,所有有关税务的地位,这是过于官僚方太残酷回应 3 Month 19 day Case of property tax of facility such as the Kyoto city Ukyo Ward Office Korean school � � � � � � � Perhaps resident in special meeting is the air the trap difficult and with the person who says but as for this Correspondence of government office side is too terrible even in remainder
                                                                                      • 学区办公室和韩国3月19日京都蚧有些人可能对特别帐户税站立有关设施,这太官僚回应太残忍 3 Month 19 day Case of property tax of facility such as the Kyoto Ward Office Korean school � � � � � � � Perhaps resident in special meeting is the air the trap difficult and with the person who says but as for this Correspondence of government office side is too terrible even in remainder

                                                                                    • 运来啊,在日本一个有关放射性尘埃和空气台风涡旋脱颖而出
                                                                                      The radioactivity and the yellow sand the [ze] it is in connection with air current in [bu] Japan like the eddy of the typhoon, it gets together

                                                                                      • 这不是我438永久居留长期居留的权利? 4420000将退还数千Idenakya卡兹〜亿 NULL
                                                                                        • 什么风格是我用Google搜索有点像我有幸所得税退税,但这种期待Ataranakatta Just a little the gugu tsu te you tried inspecting but such an income tax being returned as for the like privilege which it increases you saw and did not hit but

                                                                                      • 这个国家,称为友谊的游魂鬼,一个动物
                                                                                        This country, the departed spirit one has loitered Friendship departed spirit of the name,

                                                                                        • 这是有趣没有鱿鱼?为了同样的税,这将不同国籍,但请添加水果,同样的义务 Isn t that strange Paying tax similarly although it carries out the same obligation difference appears with nationality

                                                                                          • 迟浩田骨折,中风能帮助什么总督田东亚社会,友谊的精神! ! ! ·········为您服务! ! ! ! ! ! ! NULL

                                                                                            • 韩国是一个关注人权,因为我们不希望被气味不能攻击朝鲜人权中国谈论学校是一个必要的然去其他国家在嘴里,我认为应该有装备周五 1 Concerning the Korean school in addition to the fact that with human rights commenting being done main point viewing meddling in the foreign country because it is troublesome to become not be able to attack the Chinese North Korea with human rights you think that the gold putting out
                                                                                              • 朝鲜和中国,而导致死亡,至少挫败序列杰鲁徐,Moe和日本高Gerubeki丰富,我挫败了很多高质量的产品已购买和日本海上什么 If the extent which escapes to North Korea and China and the Soviet Union that it should escape to Japan you thought crossed the sea and escaped to Japan in large quantities whether it dies it is

                                                                                            • (为了让投票权是茹)和归化(以日本国民)和我们如何选Bubeki同化,恩戴学生将在种族冲突的风险,不仅能吸收的权利,“他说 NULL
                                                                                              • 余克众议员入籍公民与家谱将刊登在3月下旬或残疾由于运行,直到我得到另一 NULL
                                                                                              • (为了让投票权是茹)和归化(以日本国民)和我们如何选Bubeki同化,恩戴学生将在种族冲突的风险,不仅能吸收的权利,“他说 NULL

                                                                                            • (假如日本在有争议的债权之间的关系的看法居民)...→预算的特权进一步保护只保护多数在日本的生活成本
                                                                                              (In case of the Japanese, inhabitant vote it is perused in dispute related to claim) Furthermore… -> As for large portion of welfare budget privilege protective expense just of resident

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