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Futenma transfer of facilities and government program sunken rock…Political situation utilization and bill of there is no security prime minister perplexity step heavy


  • 102诺列加在巴拿马,像中央情报局,越南和多巴哥Dinjiemu是否暗杀
    102 The kana which is not assassinated to CIA Noriega of [go] [deinjiemu] or Panama of Vietnam likely

    • 371是如何困难的责任是不可政治腐败和经济增长的是不是政客受贿罪
      371 As for criticism difficulty there is no forming thing Was? Corruption of politics, there are no times when the politician takes bribe

      • 4163。鸠山球员不能批评政府,被排除形成阶梯,也是很好的形式向政府维塔能亲鸠山是一个强有力的反击的球员受到了批评 416 3 As for the party who criticizes Hatoyama administration the ladder becoming the shape which is removed Becoming the shape which gives intense counterblow to the party whom it is critical It is good to also Hatoyama administration

        • 535青山 さんのような 保守派論客 でも アメリカ が 辺野古沿岸以外 の 移設先 を容認 する 可能性 に 言及 しているという 点 は 注目 すべきだと 思 う
          535 Aoyama's way even in the conservatives controversialist America other than the side field old coast ahead relocating You think that the point that should be observed, it has referred the possibility of admitting,

          • 619养老金改革,办公费用的问题,不匹配内阁,任命为负责,对卫生系统的一晚同行的名称问题纳入每个人的世界,但是这一个过时
            619 Annuity reformation and office expense problem, mismatch inside official building and appointment responsibility, latter-term medical system nominal problem… Which and this in world of everyone obsolete language association shelf

            • 708“第一,但他们并不属于普天间海军陆战队正在转移到关岛? ↑这是一个源代码的地方?在恩戴,希望它是三个小时,许多 708 gt In the first place other than Futenma Marines move to Guam however it is As for this source of ↑ where It is with when there are also 3 hours the varieties it is possible
              • 什么是与中国的海军陆战队在2000 3 000余人,包括派遣“而受到批评和色彩分辨率 NULL
              • 采取暴力,“即使是不可能的地方你恩我,让你保持大使馆杆六合柯设备与拉在前院骑马海军陆战队了!”这 Speaking violence “the me e it is doing that the place is unreasonable the ze which leaves the equipment where Marines ride in the garden and attach and the embassy pull and rise in the vicinity ” Is

            • 760党利戦略 で 配慮 をけってるのは 民主党 だろ wっていうか 、 県外移設 とか 極端 な 意見 で 凝 り 固 まった 沖縄県民 の 姿勢 もどうにかならんかね 760 With the party interests strategy consideration as for ke tsu te ru the ro w which is the Democratic party Also attitude of the Okinawan whom the tsu te you say or coagulates with transfer of facilities or extreme opinion outside the prefecture how the kana viewing combining
              • 死神没有公布结果等,我是外县突然什么废话什么是不可能的工作 Also publication of such result dies nothing outside of the prefecture is unreasonable tsu te what detarame works suddenly

            • 802名称:财富周年名无@ 10 []时间:2010 / 03 / 22(星期一)10:17:57编号:xkNb9 + of0这并不同意外的县肯定wwwwwwww 808名称:没有名字的迁移方向财富@ 10周年[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 22(星期一)10:19:46编号:QCmFG64i0 802作出的宫崎县的普天间?瓦特
              802 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/03/22 (month) 10: 17: 57 ID: xkNb9 + of0 This agrees certainly with direction of transfer of facilities outside the prefecture, wwwwwwww 808 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/22 (month) 10: 19: 46 ID: QCmFG64i0 802 The [tsu] lever which designates Futenma as Miyazaki prefecture? w

              • 95条宪法的特别法,适用于只有一个188,是当地政府规定,因为适用于所有城市反对,该美军基地,一个新的网站县是法律,我会的工作,这 188 Because constitution 95th stripe seeding the special law where is applied in only one municipal corporation is clearly written with In order to be applied vis a vis all self governing community as for the site of the US military base it can make the law that it is made new prefecture is the shelf this
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Well the case of prefectural national assembly installation of the prefecture which it is possible making foreign carrot administration introduce We would like being attached to the US military base in the foreigner at will that it tries it is possible but may be set of extent

              • NULL Although the impolite thing which overturn the agreement which is decided once in the country unilaterally it is thing itself and How it will do it is the administration which is not Importance itself of Japan U S Security Arrangements you do not understand it is the ro which is When of America and the standing place are thought conversely how much is aho The ro which understands and is whether it has done The alliance related group which protects America unilaterally it is the do being The tsu te which puts the base on Guam deciding although it united also budget When America cancels suddenly the Japanese how thinks it is “Being the meaning of protecting such a country And others it is dense being an intention which protect your own country ” So the ro which you think and is Now so it is thought is
                • NULL Although the impolite thing which overturn the agreement which is decided once in the country unilaterally it is thing itself and How it will do it is the administration which is not Importance itself of Japan U S Security Arrangements you do not understand it is the ro which is When of America and the standing place are thought conversely how much is aho The ro which understands and is whether it has done The alliance related group which protects America unilaterally it is the do being The tsu te which puts the base on Guam deciding although it united also budget When America cancels suddenly the Japanese how thinks it is “Being the meaning of protecting such a country And others it is dense being an intention which protect your own country ” So the ro which you think and is Now so it is thought is

              • NULL i i i l i ⊥ f i ¯ ¯ ¯ r i l r l i t j REPT l i i no DREPT l i No l i j lt At last the ru it is negotiation and there is no Hatoyama Don t you think the mere our oven waiting yu it is No REPT lt In just mazakon … i hu REPT i No i i gt REPT i i i i 彡 hu i No REPT 92 i l No Y 92 lt i i l l i i No ll i i i i i i
                • 1 One r REPT i i i l i ⊥ f i ¯ ¯ ¯ r i l r l i t j REPT l i i no DREPT l i No l i j lt If economy it supports the inside receiving with it can burn No REPT i hu REPT i No i i gt REPT i i i i 彡 hu i No REPT 92 i l No Y 92 lt i i l l i i No ll i i i i i i
                • 1 One r REPT i i i l i ⊥ f i ¯ ¯ ¯ r i l r l i t j REPT l i i no DREPT l i No l i j lt If economy it supports the inside receiving with it can burn No REPT i hu REPT i No i i gt REPT i i i i 彡 hu i No REPT 92 i l No Y 92 lt i i l l i i No ll i i i i i i
                • ∧ ∧。 :的M 卜彡ヽ )ー、 ::: ::ヽ,ヽ,::岛 ::: :ヽヽ::湖  ̄ ̄ ̄(  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、 布鲁诺布鲁诺 ∧ ∧ 彡 mi DOTDT REPT REPT REPT i REPT REPT l ¯ ¯ ¯ and no ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT no

              • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i 92 REPT ゙ i human 92 92 It faces with the preparedness which it retires…… It faces but… This time Still that time and it has not done to appointment of the place How the we would like you to remember the ladies and gentlemen and others In other words… If we become that air Even if failing As for retiring 10 years later 20 years later It probably is possible ……… with the notion that where you say…
                • 希美Mudemo这个问题准备辞职与“什么是辞职不是说:”我打赌的原因 You desire to this problem with the preparedness which it retires So “It retires with you do not say” Don t you think with it probably is the reason which is said Certainly

              • Taseru社会民主党少于187即使您将冲绳以外的美国领土,而不是
                187 On the other hand if Okinawa is designated as American territory, it can fill up also overseas moving of the corporation people

                • [红旗] 2月25日普天间,冲绳县公约“提出的对县,”鸠山由美军普天间政府对县“您”搬迁(宜野湾)对愤怒的居民的行动煮它的存在,“对县转移,例如在4月25日开幕当天发布现在,”一府比赛的质量的产品,是古
                  25th of next month Okinawan conference Transfer of facilities opposition inside Futenma “prefecture” Hatoyama administration the US military Futenma base (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) strengthening movement “of transfer of facilities inside prefecture”, While anger boils in the prefectural people, putting out “the transfer of facilities opposition inside the prefecture” and so on, the prefectural people conference April It came to the point of opening on the 25th

                  • [首相鸠山由纪夫的政治联盟“仪内揺茹的”指示毕业典礼新药

                    • Þ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ Ý Þ Ý Þ ¶ ¼ ¼ Ý Þ ¶ Þ ¶ް魔法
                      [shi] ゙ [minka] ゙ [shi] ゙ [minka] ゙ [shi] ゙ [minka] ゙ - Spell of magic

                      • Γ Î“ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i i REPT i r ⌒ DREPT REPT REPT no REPT REPT No 92 92 i i i lt … l 92 REPT ninini 92 ¯ 92 92 92 Γ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i 彡 i REPT i r ⌒ REPT REPT 彡 REPT no REPT REPT No REPT 92 92 i i REPT i l 92 REPT ninini 92 92 REPT 92 92
                        • Γ Î“ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i i REPT i r ⌒ DREPT REPT REPT no REPT REPT No 92 92 i i i lt … l 92 REPT ninini 92 ¯ 92 92 92 Γ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i 彡 i REPT i r ⌒ REPT REPT 彡 REPT no REPT REPT No REPT 92 92 i i REPT i l 92 REPT ninini 92 92 REPT 92 92
                        • 无论是从布鲁诺⌒ ヽ (⌒)¸⌒) Because Seki person in charge it is not the ⌒ REPT No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 Γ ⌒ ⌒ REPT Because there is no relationship DREPT ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ REPT ⊃ ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ ⊂ REPT 彡 ⌒ ⌒ REPT ⌒ mi ⌒ ∩ ゙ ゙ ⌒ Γ ⌒ i ∩ ⌒ 彡 ⌒ REPT No human 彡 no human No 92 92 r ┬ mi mi r ┬ ⌒ ⌒ REPT ≡ 彡 ⌒ mi ⌒ 92 92
                        • , ヽ ヽヽ REPT REPT REPT

                      • ◆助理副内阁官房长官之前,需要两个协同验证柳泽敦(客座研究员,研究所国防特殊礼物)是“(美国陆战队为死者种)与军事延伸到某一区域防御是不是”“垂直可以说更好的威慑作用,加强含糊
                        * Verification is necessary Yanagizawa cooperation two front Cabinet secretariat secondary director assistant (present National Institute for Defense Studies special honorary researcher), “(US Marine Corps) special The troop kind of kind which is stuck in defense of fixed area is not”, you say that “ambiguous one is useful to deterrent strengthening, Perhaps

                        • つまりあれだけ 焚 きつけて 、 名護市民 にあることないこと 吹 き 込 んで 、 県外移設 ができるかのような 幻想 を 見 せてた 連中 が 移設 の 邪魔 してたのは 確 かだな In other words that much being accustomed to kindling without being the times when it is the Nago citizen blowing whether it can relocate outside the prefecture Shows the fantasy kind of the party disturbs of transfer of facilities as for the certain shelf
                          • 这只有木付石灰,但它的启发,外县提出,是你只支持大约一半 In other words that much being accustomed to kindling to that air As for transfer of facilities outside the prefecture only support of half saying

                        • ヾ天堂, 、 ヽ Heaven DREPT REPT
                          • 布鲁诺 ヾ天堂, 、 ヽ No ⌒ REPT Time a ma REPT Γ ⌒ 92 Between wa Is ⌒ 92 ji te i ⌒ ⌒ i ya ru i i l human REPT It is u 92 No 92 ii REPT i r i REPT DREPT DREPT REPT DREPT i i l With ni DREPT ∨ i l l lt Heaven DREPT REPT

                        • 一旦它被并入鹿儿岛县冲绳县,但在县外搬迁?并导致成本地方自治的节省,而是全面的好东西
                          If Okinawa prefecture is made to combine with Kagoshima prefecture, it is transfer of facilities outside the prefecture, don't you think?? It is connected to also the cost reduction of local autonomy and, it is the thing being lazy which is good

                          • 三。什么是在美国日本殖民率部队拦截了长程弹道导弹,而这笔钱是制备Mushiri线
                            3. The long distance ballistic missile and in interception ratio of the short range missile The US military going to wherever, colony Japan is torn off the gold

                            • 不应该给予他们公民的名护府,不应该返回后,改变政策前州长 The expectation where the Nago citizen can permit inside the prefecture or the governor policy after converting there is no expectation where it can return to the origin

                              • 东京5或更高版本,我会!右手戈在太阳和鸠山由纪夫,或宣布他们是否高大桶方向 It is to become Tokyo after the May If with Hatoyama increases the right hand to direction of the sun and declares loudly oke

                                • 什么四环素如在148之前的说,他们是如此的事情,但事情没有在该公约,以便直接输入不合理确保选举的减少?什么是从自民党四环素思,然后去确定为您的四环素石线要求的实际政权更替“我是坏,”我听到的东西,你在说什么和津了红地毯抹去 148 When the tsu te which can be made before the electing declaring inserting the treaty second look in range of vision unless there is a thing but the excessiveness The kana which is such The tsu te you thought but really administration alternating to decide from the dissolving and the Liberal Democratic Party “However the request it died and went the mark which is useless” being thing the ru hearing you wiped prosperously
                                  • 什么四环素如在148之前的说,他们是如此的事情,但事情没有在该公约,以便直接输入不合理确保选举的减少?什么是四环素思,因为实际的制度,改变你的四环素石线的要求:“我是坏,”我听说你在说一件事是津了红地毯抹去 148 When the tsu te which can be made before the electing declaring inserting the treaty second look in range of vision unless there is a thing but the excessiveness The kana which is such The tsu te you thought but really administration alternating to decide from the dissolving and the Liberal Democratic Party “However the request it died and went the mark which is useless” being thing the ru hearing you wiped prosperously

                                • 什么是左侧的579反射条件,如把基地,但美国政府说,它在“预期”鉴辑我想她是持正确的?思想我要筛和常识不会通过一连串的行动思维 579 The conditional counter of off base left flank shooting but as for like the Inside administration it is even with ru yashi with such “expectation” it is it isn t With you do not think it seems that is not obtained With common sense therefore rapid fire of the conduct which cannot be thought

                                  • 什么秋级人类鸽说清楚,一些从未没有小企业管理的石头将领先的框架很快,事情溃
                                    Speaking clearly, with the human of pigeon [potsuporeberu], management what of small-to-medium-sized small businesses? It does not do no matter what and, if you send, it probably is to collapse in the swift attack

                                    • 从587名护市沿海不可能的情况下,我在一个永久的,这意味着如果你比较, 587 It was the circumstance where cannot be a side field old coast permanently therefore it is that If it compares the meaning of saying
                                      • “我不能去浪费沿海购买土地知识四环素护市,它感动了我同意 Because perhaps “the land which is bought to the side field old coast becomes wasteful it moves and it approves
                                      • 暂定,如果决定将迁移到名护市的其他马塔,我应该做准备剥下了搬迁费用 If we assume transfer of facilities expense the bo tsu it is you are not prepared saddle re ru thing that temporarily moving other than side field old was decided
                                      • 这是否意味着苏名护市的计划是回做的事情是政府行政执法 With you say as for the notion that where you reset to side field old plan as for the notion that where the country The tsu te which does administrative subrogation of administrative acts it is to say

                                    • 从坎贝尔“美中之间的各种问题,如果是固定的东西在普天间办法的情况下以任何方式在5月底”的白痴的是通过自民党国会议员和警告无效以前 NULL
                                      • 后来,和自由民主党议员,比美国其他商定特鲁你喜欢津说,在我身后,我可以无视美国的感觉 After Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman et al to ignore other than the Japanese American agreeing saying Calling to America with the reverse side the air the ru way does

                                    • 他们只在一端的重量赢得选举“移居国外,至少灌。搬迁”可能是在拉斯维加斯人,而不是Torasutomi Tonzurami竞选讲话中表明,Con苏卡拉方式或接近它们鸠山晓撒谎!
                                      1 “Overseas transfer of facilities, being lowest with the piercing which is heavy just in order to win election 灌. Transfer of facilities” Electing lecturing, because it swindles, it becomes like this Instead of truss Tommy the day when with [tonzurami] you become lath Tommy is close [usotsuki] Hatoyama!

                                      • 但圣母院传送到国外冲绳和夏威夷,土地诸如Dji Yanaikatsu洲! [政治]新的土地收购黄光在转会市场上的成本,筑丰洲一万二千六点零零零亿日元,反对拆除牌匾的民主前景宣言

                                        • 余斗科ー约750名非自杀死亡“的事情死亡。这6人谁不确定和陆上自卫队,海上自卫队的6人,自卫队零人民
                                          750 The deceased other than committing suicide it is, however it is, the [o] - > Cause of death thing. Or as for the person of obscurity Ground Self-Defense Force six, Maritime Self Defense Force six, Air Self Defense Force is the zero person

                                          • 其原理是是土生土长的民主,而是等待暴跌谁在收集乌奇纳我和极少数大国的人民的社会民主党
                                            But as for the principle person the democracy corporation people the human getting together with quite small-numbered [uchina], power large sharp decrease

                                            • 内阁不一致,缺乏一致性,在总理,政府从来没有抱怨扑从这个方面看到的是鸠山内阁
                                              After administration hitting complaint of mismatch inside the official building, the coherence lack and here of the prime minister becoming the Hatoyama Cabinet, you have not seen

                                              • 区许多人高兴地担心,民主党将有普天间迁移问题和可能遇到的困难
                                                Perhaps many citizens, with Futenma transfer of facilities problem as for the Democratic party the possibility of falling to predicament That certain you probably see

                                                • 卢武铉完全(笑),但仍低于黄金® Ý ¼ Þ ² Ù比你对后5纳阿® Ý ¼ Þ ² Ù(笑),这将是比低于Mugape要更好的收视率
                                                  But completely from [nomuhiyon] (laughing) under Still as for gold [shi] ゙ [yoniru] compared to, whether [mashi] With you say After the May from [shi] ゙ [yoniru] (laughing) under Whether from [mugape] it becomes appraisal about of [mashi], don't you think?…

                                                  • 县议会2月24日,一致通过“反对在县内迁移普天间机场和美国军队尽早关闭回报,正交梅鲁迁往外县外的意见,以”传递
                                                    The prefectural national assembly February 24th, “early of the US military Futenma airport in all the meeting agreements closing return and the prefecture It opposes to the inside transfer of facilities, approving the opinion book which requests the transfer of facilities outside overseas prefecture”

                                                    • 反对对乔木美国,因为没有替代由政府坚定不移的承诺没有得到希望它违反了已经承诺,并答应翻译,而不是自民党的日本民族 Without setting alternate plan because it opposes and opposes The United States was not the meaning which is promised with the Liberal Democratic Party and although you promised with the country Japan There is no reason where the kind of government which designates that as the wastepaper can obtain commitment
                                                      • 柯不断喊叫和动荡,自由计划什么的预算已经说服美国不应该 Densely just it is making chaos just budget as for our people plan tsu te there is no expectation the United States agreeing upon

                                                    • 在Eekakkoshii,并希望美国恶化,体重与我妄图谈判10年生产的关系
                                                      With [eekatsukoshii], to make the accumulation negotiation of over ten years wasteful and deteriorate the relationship of Japan and America and the [tsu] [te

                                                      • 在其他省份的谈判,正式做了什么体面?咦?不行,视觉点手指或者你有什么哦是的,因为什么什么和党的路线傻瓜Chokonto联盟?什么天堂笑话 As for negotiation of other prefecture everything doing properly officially Obtaining Never the alliance foolish political party doing demurely whether well so is that those which return It points You have acted playfully
                                                        • 美国并不少见,其中包括384卷到战局,“什么是爱他的两个冲绳和联盟协议持什么”我的意思是什么津市 384 As for America way it is not involved in disturbance After “both agreement of Okinawa and alliance making having it is dense” The tsu te saying the ru

                                                      • 在柏林墙倒塌,苏联瓦解序列。他们继续拆除,我不知道是否能看到统一的韩国或失踪
                                                        The Berlin wall collapse and [sovuieto] ream. Following to dismantlement, the reunification of the Korean Peninsula or disappearance Whether being able to witness

                                                        • 地方,县,去年夏天我在名护市共同致富嘿大家,但政府长久以来一直有一个神奇的机会Syzygy什么伐丽流语言
                                                          Local end, the prefecture, government has been settled with everyone side field old open sea summer of last year Although the planetary serial [tsu] [te] it was the extent miraculous chance which is said, well

                                                          • 如何转让,我的意思是,精神和友谊,有利于儿童的房子是否有某种鸠山
                                                            How doing, whether it moves, well, If there is a friendship mind and Hatoyama family offering/accompanying treatment, it becomes somehow

                                                            • 如果我见过足够的信任和自由哇有趣的一段时间,但我认为苏回来动摇自民党以减少阻力吞 But our people changing already a little if the place where it is enough in reliance is shown also the resistant impression decreasing At a stroke you think that quaver you reset in the Liberal Democratic Party

                                                              • 如果社民党南特居纳凯雷普天间的问题,“元不能帮助它决定了自由民主党”,是由反射引起的复制及记者 NULL
                                                                • 我不能够Gudaguda确定这样的事情,事情很可能会觉得他们用来踢普天间续 This way gudaguda nothing to be decided the te The air may become the tsu te thing which continues to use Futenma does
                                                                • 鸠山首相的政治“解决普天间5星期一,『凛穆准备好!』 不会把墙 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Futenma May conclusion being prepared it faces … advance and retreat there is no intention of applying

                                                              • 尽管有这些风险,鸠山由政府转移到F华伦天奴封锁的名护市沿海,能够吸引公众的利益
                                                                There is such risk in spite, boldly as for Hatoyama administration to the side field old coast section It succeeded in is accustomed pulling the interest of public opinion by sealing transfer of facilities,

                                                                • 当5月底无论如何考虑搬迁地点继续“如果我把它移到它的目的地,每一件事将要指出的领导作为鸠山由纪夫的支持率博闻想要 How when it becomes se 5 end of the month If the tip of relocating continuing comes to the point of announcing ahead relocating that it examines “ Assuming that Hatoyama showed leadership support ratio probably will largely rise We would like to point out
                                                                  • 5如果搬迁地点将在年底宣布,我想指出,在博闻的事情都希望他的领导作为鸠山的支持率 If it comes to the point of announcing ahead relocating to 5 ends of the month Assuming that Hatoyama showed leadership support ratio probably will largely rise We would like to point out
                                                                  • 5当的终结“是解决在搬迁地点,继续认为”Sudaro出来说,他们 How when it becomes se 5 end of the month “The tip of relocating continuing it examines conclusion did with the notion that where” The ro which with you propose and is

                                                                • 当跨国并购已经讨论过在神奈川县相模原市和在东京町田,东京都政府,东京,町田,娜娜神。拒绝放弃申报,因为在这个概念在目前情况下体现 When Kanagawa Sagamihara and Tokyo Machida border transgression merger was argued Tokyo as Tokyo Machida God 奈 That cession is denied declaring Because there are the details which flowed before the conception materializing
                                                                  • 当跨国并购已经讨论过在神奈川县相模原市和在东京町田,东京都政府,东京,町田,娜娜神。拒绝放弃申报,因为在这个概念在目前情况下体现 When Kanagawa Sagamihara and Tokyo Machida border transgression merger was argued Tokyo as Tokyo Machida God 奈 That cession is denied declaring Because there are the details which flowed before the conception materializing

                                                                • 志位前政府官员的安全问题非常熟悉,“日本共产党委员长志位和夫的美国海军陆战队入侵部队『一』、TTA和说,入侵部队』或『氏确
                                                                  In problem of security as for detailed former government official, “as for Chairman Kazuo Japanese Japan Communist Party Sii US Marine Corps 'You called aggressiveness', but 'aggressiveness' it is certain

                                                                  • 我们将撤出宜野湾冲绳,市中区下的“外县提出,”对“基地区,在避税天堂的事情”执行的“岛屿基地(笑)愤怒的事情政府”也稳定
                                                                    Seceding Ginowan city from Okinawa prefecture, to Special Economic District of government direct control by the fact that it converts actualization “of transfer of facilities outside the prefecture” By the fact that “the base Special Economic District” inside is designated as [tatsukusuheibun], “anger of the island of the base (laughing)” cooling-off

                                                                    • 我们的目的是转移Warazu,只需要步行,而不是单独的“自雇名护市的男子(61)还”的决心罕见的沿海居民反对派团体的意见,将强烈反对会,但以抗议民主党政府撒谎 Our real intentions without being transmitted opinions of number few group of objectors just have been independent” If the man of the side field old family operated business 61 it is decided “in the coast section the prefectural people probably will be repel terrifically but Lie it is the rally for the Democratic party administration which is attached

                                                                      • 我, 我, u003d u003d 秒, ヽ i i i l i ⊥ f i ¯ ¯ ¯ r i l r l i t j REPT l i i no DREPT l i No l i j lt At last the ru it is negotiation and there is no Hatoyama Don t you think the mere our oven waiting yu it is No REPT lt In just mazakon … i hu REPT i No i i gt REPT i i i i 彡 hu i No REPT 92 i l No Y 92 lt i i l l i i No ll i i i i i i
                                                                        • ṛ,,,,盒盒盒盒盒盒ヽ,, ,我 ° r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No You the chin pan speaking awfully but t to a The ro where we one was good at all and is r REPT t nini i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92

                                                                      • 所有的669当选的民主党一直要求外,在极端的差异众议四环素什么胜和语言县雇员搬迁 NULL

                                                                        • 打 つ 手 なしこの 一言 で 現状 が 見事 に 表現 さてるな wマジ で 基地 を ゼロ にでもしたいのか ? There is no step Well in this one word present condition beautifully expression ru w With maji the base wanting in at zero
                                                                          • 引人注目的是什么也只有676杆,他们的家伙,我在基地工作,“罢工”,并说你湾语言 676 Working at the base just the ru person striking the strike “general strike” the ro which is the word cup

                                                                        • 政治[首相鸠山由纪夫说:“最大的挑战领土政府”,是我考虑搬迁普天间维塔不能不解决领土问题,但
                                                                          Hatoyama prime minister “northern territory administration largest topic” Although northern territorial issue is not solved, Futenma transfer of facilities something there is no room which is thought

                                                                          • 政治技巧和技能,以了解您撞,民主党应该输一打乱郗压埠
                                                                            It has finished to know with thing as a [wazawaza] political situation, the [chi] [ya] [bu] stand it is our industry complacency of the democracy which is reversed

                                                                            • 日本广播协会News9今天的609,但一塌糊涂Tteta拓谷拓谷和日本研究所语言分发的建议假期
                                                                              609 Present NHK [kuso] of the Japanese entire research solves even with News9 concerning consecutive holiday dispersed plan, when it solves Talking, the shelf

                                                                              • 普天间基地“没有替代的设施产生”不从根本上改变的免疫防御和日本航线的“入侵与美国驻日海军陆战队武力”,“威慑”可能是积极的,
                                                                                “The substitution facility it is not to convert to the route of return” of the Futenma base, It is and the Japanese being stationed of US Marine Corps which the Japanese defense unrelated “aggressiveness” is, basic, “deterrent” There is about it affirms

                                                                                • 普天间,鸠山和小泽,教师北部外国人投票,姓葛的真正价值的速度,您支付给我们的孩子,税务,现在学校的韩国自由,和惠普单独解除这种激光束,民主所有的动作,我德鲁对连续十六进制的上院选举中惨败的夏天结束超大型方向
                                                                                  Futenma, Hatoyama & Ozawa, north teaching group, foreign carrot administration, surname classified by married couple, High-speed substantial price hike, child treatment and consumer tax, the Korean school gratuitous conversion… Now, even just this which is listed in a flash, Moving everything of democracy, Dashing to the straight line, facing toward the direction of the House of Councillors selection super large crushing defeat of the summer don't you think? the [ru

                                                                                  • 更有什者,德国之间以及北约嘿两国美国和德国我什至不能比较简单的玻思加日本和美国并没有这样做的框架, Not only that Germany the framework demo of NATO doing not only between American German 2 countries from the ru Because only Japan U S Security Arrangements it can compare with Japan which is not done it is rubbed simply don t you think the e

                                                                                    • 有人说,他们将整合出设计图纸到嘉手纳基地转移到名护市过了差不多确定
                                                                                      Almost starting with a clean slate side field old moving which has been decided Kadena integration was proposed probably is who

                                                                                      • 此时,在加的夫违反承诺,缺乏信仰的缺乏决心,揭示了执行政策的能力缺乏
                                                                                        Being now, administration pledge violation plus Shortage of Yukio's decision power, shortage of belief and shortage of policy execution power expose

                                                                                        • 毕竟314,在愤怒的民主菅生,而现在美国政府更好地这件事是什么已在当地舆论地方冲绳 314 After all democracy is and applies sugo now the American government is tsu te place what which has been considered in public opinion of Okinawa local end
                                                                                          • 531最后,还是多少给维塔冲绳的嘉亲民主的回归?我们有没有提到我 531 After all democracy in Okinawa how much giving collateral tsu lever Toda who becomes tsu te story

                                                                                        • 特别是在海军陆战队基地,维塔一直认为,经常接触部署鱼鹰,中国,台湾派出,如美国驻伊朗大使馆人质危机的失败会不会“信息” At the especially Marines base you think from the fact that it is often mentioned male play disposition The message which is sent to China and Taiwan “does not do the failure like the Iranian American embassy hostage incident ” Probably will be

                                                                                          • 由于在参院后,雌花民主党多数派可以采取新公明党也包括采取消极柯参议院选举是3年半,我思刚特鲁如果在大选前的讲义,以及与它随意来到汝好的 Being defeated with House of Councillors selection as a democracy if fairness it takes in majority it can come off even with House of Councillors It can make the rear 3 year half favorite selfish If with that it scatters before the House of Representatives selection you think that and it can win it is it is not
                                                                                            • 如果愚蠢先生在民主党和公明党的多数联盟,但不这样做死你不相信?但是,说他们没有 If the fool the majority not coming off te the Democratic party coalescing and saying and believing Komeito the ru it is it is not There is no such a meaning although

                                                                                          • 的I ⌒⌒ヽ)!鞭(°) (°)的I 或回应一下美方不知道 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ MARU MARU i Whether American side does what correspondence it has not consented
                                                                                            • 的I ⌒⌒ヽ)!鞭(°) (°)的I 或回应一下当地人不知道 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ MARU MARU i Whether American side does what correspondence it has not consented

                                                                                          • 石花冲绳海军陆战队员只是站在保护公民的作用,在紧急情况下,攻击地面部队紧急情况的准备都不难古大陆,关岛,如果有人致力于对日本的折扣大陆基地什么Kitsukare泣到日本,我一个人留下什么是海军陆战队,因为它已经开始在GE,国家在这里,说我淡出我们让一些行津市周五JA是所有美国进行军事准备,我的日本什么一些法规,但军费开支的5%喜欢 Okinawa Marines with only native people protection of emergency are useful and If Japan definitely promises base use in Guam or it does not trouble completely in the mainland Therefore it pulls up the ground attack tactics power for emergency conformity to the mainland and is completed From also just Marines remain and cry in tsu te Japan and become tired and the money put out being called becoming dim ru state The ro here also Japan deciding preparedness keeping appearing in the US military entirely receiving has no other choice but to designate war expenditure as the 5 is

                                                                                            • 第二个项目符号,“柯排序”的会议开始,根据记者的摄像机杆可爱的偶像居住,一旦首相鸠山来到方式去观察,突然,“总理,我们不是一个翻译Kesezaru的排序为您和公平不可能!“行政改革国务部长一哭腔说,他们发出枝野 Suddenly under the camera of the press corps who beginning of 2nd feature “categorization” meeting stays and lines up facing toward Prime Minister Hatoyama which comes in inspection “The prime minister there is no excuse but we do not obtain categorize you ” The branch field administrative renovation charge phase which is declared with tear voice

                                                                                              • 红旗 首鸠山由政府作为自民党的一部分是“减轻冲绳的负担,为海军陆战队”威慑“,”论反对和前政府官员说,“搬迁地点”是当地政府的候选人,既是进入传入尽管否认,政府鸠山由纪夫是“搬迁地点”坚持小费 As a part of Hatoyama administration as for the Liberal Democratic Party in order “to lighten Okinawa burden” The Marines “deterrent” theory Former government official objection “Ahead relocating” the self governing community which makes candidacy in each case has denied the acceptance relation As for Hatoyama administration “ahead relocating” persistence to searching
                                                                                                • 美海军陆战队 红旗鸠山由政府的“威慑”理论的反对和前政府官员说,“搬迁地点”是当地政府的候选人,尽管传入鸠山都进入垃圾管理“搬迁地点“坚持小费 US Marine Corps “deterrent” theory of Hatoyama administration Former government official objection “Ahead relocating” the self governing community which makes candidacy in each case has denied the acceptance relation As for Hatoyama administration “ahead relocating” persistence to searching

                                                                                              • 自卫队胡子老人的936元,Kakkoyokatta! !社会民主党击败部长福岛(瓦特胡子“自我,什么是宪法?什么是违宪?请简要回答E”类福岛“作为社会民主违宪 936 The old boy of hige of original Self Defense Official the parenthesis it was good The corporation people party Minister of State Fukushima plop plop w hige “Is Self Defense Force constitutional It is unconstitutional Please answer briefly” Fukushima It is unconstitutional “as a corporation people party

                                                                                                • 自民党和民主党的法案回来,但我不移动或县外搬迁,即使没有国外有点不可能
                                                                                                  Cannot be retreat from the Liberal Democratic Party plan At least, but transfer of facilities or overseas transfer of facilities outside the prefecture it is, the Democratic party

                                                                                                  • 至少有242,是对玖珠金在该国驻扎基地的稳定,当然,您然后尝试与美国呢?或者你的人,刚一思或自我美军在冲绳的美军基地的利益? 242 At least it makes America that it exhausts to the stability of the base where the soldier of the home country is stationed don t you think the chi ya naturally Or when the Okinawa base is just because of the American desire profit the thought tsu chi ya tsu te ru person

                                                                                                    • 苏移出对海军陆战队普天间航空单位,是确定我们聚在一起也将转让给海军陆战队地面驻扎在冲绳的驻军,但駄目县什么
                                                                                                      But in other words as for moving Futenma's Marines air force unit outside the prefecture OK Then if either the Marines ground troops which are stationed in Okinawa are not moving together, useless [tsu] lever Toda

                                                                                                      • 衆院選 でうっかり 民主党 に 入 れてしまった 人 の 中 には 、もう 2 度 と 民主党 には 投票 しないと 決 めた 人 も 多 いだろう In the person who is inserted in the Democratic party absent mindedly with the House of Representatives selection Already the person whom it decides that 2 times you do not vote to the Democratic party it probably will be many

                                                                                                        • 该意见一致通过解雇首相鸠山由纪夫,鸠山首相的相机闪光灯失望
                                                                                                          Prime Minister Hatoyama to which the opinion book of Hatoyama prime minister reshuffle is adopted in full house agreement, is confused in the flash of the camera

                                                                                                          • 调查[24 /晨报]电信30.0%↓鸠山内阁的支持率直线下降百分之十五以上,从上次调查神经嗯,百分之十的支持率肯定会降低(瓦特
                                                                                                            24 Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 30.0% ↓ From the last time substantial depreciation above 15% ANN public opinion poll 10 percent in support ratio as for cutting the secure shelf (w

                                                                                                            • 这意味着采取夹紧Matomero,以加强美军士兵,以确保当地居民的金融犯罪
                                                                                                              Money guarantee to peripheral inhabitant With crime management strengthening by the American soldier Collect

                                                                                                              • 这是所以737是古也是助理的位置ー智(ry自卫队,日本队已放弃战争ー什么是联合声明,中国和台湾的所有权一个独立的国家,人权和以色列的占领已经摧毁了在加沙的学校对土地的法律基础,中共的合法性,并认为它属于西藏,维吾尔,具体(ry人受强制保护俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚,车臣(ry 737 The plug se teaching this it is the ku it is It is the ry tsu te or Self Defense Force of Japan which abandons war Independent nation Taiwan reversion problem and Japanese Chinese joint declaration The Israeli human rights issue and legal basis of occupied territory which destroys the Gaza school While insisting also that Tibet is specific territory orthodox characteristic Uighur characteristic ry Active person of protective obligation of the Georgian Russian Ry of chiechien
                                                                                                                • 自卫队,日本队宣布放弃战争,中国和台湾的联合声明是一个独立国家的归属问题,法律问题和以色列摧毁了在加沙,中共声称西藏领土学校被占领土人权合法性的维吾尔人的特定(ry人受强制保护俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚,车臣(ry Self Defense Force of Japan which abandons war Independent nation Taiwan reversion problem and Japanese Chinese joint declaration The Israeli human rights issue and legal basis of occupied territory which destroys the Gaza school While insisting also that Tibet is specific territory orthodox characteristic Uighur characteristic ry Active person of protective obligation of the Georgian Russian Ry of chiechien

                                                                                                              • 那么,优质的产品,我们正在为美军津思“走出我出去需要手:”你应该说?桥本龙太郎也被认为是四环素维塔语言和关西,日本的其他国家新闻界的冲绳训练只是内部,“美军直升机坠毁在丰富的声音,葛和强奸锯活着Ø”你?说真话的位置 Thinking that the US military is necessary the ru place lifting the hand the ro “it comes inside and” with should call You called under the bridge that you think even with the Seki sky but as for the other Japanese citizen with the just you push to Okinawa As for truth the ro which “rape and hit and run accident and noise the American soldier who is helicopter fall did not enter and” is Say honestly

                                                                                                                • 那霸(冲绳宜野湾(宜野湾),市)搬迁的基础上,强力营施瓦布在美国一致认为,美国政府(县名护市)的搬迁计划(现有计划)执行情况的正交我该传入固体元茹,苏政府计划,政策的目的,一个月首相鸠山由纪夫是在水中堵塞乘坐编制
                                                                                                                  The US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan (cup of [gi]) city) with transfer of facilities problem, American government in the Japanese-American agreement The camp [shiyuwabu] coast section which is based (the same prefectural Nago city) transfer of facilities plan (current plan) the policy of calculating fulfillment The fact that it sets was accepted, the government program where Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama aims toward arranging within month was stranded to the sunken rock

                                                                                                                  • 鉴于我们继续Torasutomi普天间基地出来说什么,他是出于外国县(笑信心)
                                                                                                                    That much self-confidence outside prefectural foreign country speaking fully, being able to pull out is Futenma continuation Truss Tommy (laughing)

                                                                                                                    • 需要转移到名护市的废物不再是毫无意义的,但真正的民主党似乎已达到壮观的洗了搬迁的目的Kojirase招股说明书的安全费用 Being wasteful as for the necessity to make change it was gone to meaningless henoko and As expected it is the Democratic party ji and others se te moving cost is called chiyara purposely densely with security It seems that can achieve plan beautifully

                                                                                                                      • 鳩山政権 は 寝 た 子 を 起 こしまくりだな基地問題 では 日米両国政府 と 地元 の 三者合意 を 蹴 って 迷走日韓 では 麻生 が 明博 に 請求権放棄発言 させて 黙 らせたのに 、韩国现在有权索回辉煌 Hatoyama administration the child which slept happening is dense the stripe chestnut shelf With base problem kicking the Japan and US government and three person agreements of local end it strays In day Korea Aso claim right making abandon making discernment Hiroshi speak although you silenced now in Korea claim right has revived gorgeously
                                                                                                                        • 政府,“讨论记录”Meru或官员开具的证明,两国政府达成的协议 NULL

                                                                                                                      • 鸠山由115国民大会“,使对手是苏建议,指出还深信,在课程内容政府对美国和五个结束”难道我回答问题,自民党和E 115 Because Hatoyama in the National Diet reply “is to be the partner with the contents which American side are agreed upon naturally The fact that government proposition is made is 5 ends of the month” With you have answered to the Liberal Democratic Party question
                                                                                                                        • 但是,由于我们是在与内阁部长“的规定,并反复! !福岛回答狗屎 But because it is the minister of state you follow the Cabinet” Repetition Fukushima kuso reply

                                                                                                                      研究 開発