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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

It is the large dispute whether Prime Minister Hatoyama “you live, or die of!”… As for making large dispute Prime Minister Hatoyama. To make expect, perhaps, Okinawa discouragement extreme


  • 1政権発足後 に 政府 で 県外移設 が 現実味 をもって 検討 された 形跡 はない政権発足後 に 政府 で 県外移設 が 現実味 をもって 検討 された 形跡 はない政権発足後 に 政府 で 県外移設 が 現実味 をもって 検討 された 形跡 はない政権発足後 に 政府 で 県外移設 が 現実味 をもって 検討 された 形跡 はない何 、 この 実行力 のなさ wwww子 ども 手当 の 試算 もまだっていうし wwww
    1 After the administration starting transfer of facilities outside the prefecture there are no traces which were examined with actual taste at government After the administration starting transfer of facilities outside the prefecture there are no traces which were examined with actual taste at government After the administration starting transfer of facilities outside the prefecture there are no traces which were examined with actual taste at government After the administration starting transfer of facilities outside the prefecture there are no traces which were examined with actual taste at government What, it is this execution power, wwww Even the [ma] you call also the estimate of child treatment and wwww

    • 398 × Kattajan好,很难四环素○什么价值的斯卡在鳕鱼配合我shadowbox打开Ttemashita之间的自由民主党的支持者,我很抱歉,但万维网差异量 398 As for × that it was good it is The ○ it is not completed it increased by mistake When it is our people support when shadow boxing is begun it doubles being the suka tsu te it was troubled is volume www
      • 或电视评论员就是为什么“自由民主没有好处,所以没有好”,这就是我将永远把自由瓦特 komenteta of television with what “our people and useless democracy useless” tsu te By all means also our people insert it is w

    • 485过去20年来,大量废弃Sayoku“冲绳”持志一直在作为反神圣的堡垒,日本战争低质量的考虑
      485 These 20 years, as for [sayoku] and mass rubbish Holiness apparent doing “Okinawa”, like the stronghold of anti-Japanese anti-war considering, you raised

      • 655联合国部队。或炸弹的工厂,你必须通过磨削美国和俄罗斯工厂巡航导弹的情景
        655 It depends on the U.N. forces. Factory bombardment or, There is also a scenario, factory pulverization with the cruise missile by the American China and Russia

        • 667“移动到县外,”赶上了假设是没有选择的是“结协议移出县,”假设有一个突破 667 It was tied with the prerequisite which does not have the choices “transfer of facilities to outside the prefecture” Agreement is broken with the prerequisite which has “the transfer of facilities outside the prefecture” …
          • 嗯,恩戴Biroyo诧Kanawanakattara迁往冲绳县外死亡 Even if When transfer of facilities to outside Okinawa prefecture does not serve Dying apologize

        • 902也可以发挥作为保守政党民主党左手驾驶人的电影院等,期待一个好机会 902 The Democratic party as the conservative party which expels the human of such left winding You have expected that it is the good opportunity where can be also playback
          • 如果您捕获保守的民主森陆奥,准备让每一次的党解体 If the intention democracy taking in maintenance Every time party it is necessary to have the preparedness which is disassembled in the sky

        • 902是一个大规模的军事进攻,美国和有关的特别小组响亮Gisuru是一项庞大而从黑暗中按下I变相津葬礼报告
          902 As for assault of the American soldier announcing extensively, you are agitated, but In disguise reporting burying in the darkness, special sub- to in regard from the [ru

          • 925同意,我的意思是,在美国的生活故事和地方共存和基鲁美?什么样的冲绳人?那么,冲绳和美国人民的死亡?死亡或Poppo 925 The story whether agreement also America and local end live or die of is done it is America Okinawa person The Okinawa person or America dies Or po tsu po dead
            • Poppo的领导下,建立一个多元文化的社会,他们要在和睦相处与当地的美国 The po tsu po shows leadership the multi cultural societies where America and local end live together We want building

          • Éヽ:ヽ父½ V │ 。 É No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ No REPT ku su su su tsu r No REPT su No ⌒ REPT i l l l l l l l l l l l l l i
            • 与抨击民主党和自由民主党已经从开始的一刻轴一英尺的目的是把重点放在双边安全和县内迁移Poppo The po tsu po aiming toward the transfer of facilities inside the prefecture from the instant which moved the axial foot to the Japan U S Security Arrangements concern The Liberal Democratic Party starts hitting the Democratic party with…
            • 我只能从县提出动议是什么,这里是只有在首相鸠山都的记者壁 Passing there is only transfer of facilities transfer of facilities inside the prefecture therefore it is as for here with everyone There is no other choice but to boost Prime Minister Hatoyama
            • 福岛先生“的县是一个问题”,以防万一而紧迫的首相表明,县外搬迁工作思路 When Fukushima “the inside of the prefecture is problem” that sense is pushed as for the prime minister the thought of endeavoring in transfer of facilities outside the prefecture You say that it showed
            • 鸠山“语言和ripped至少在县外搬迁,我会尽力的工作,例如在阳光明媚的士气,士气的问题,它表明,当转移到县外什么是绝对不发一言 Such as transfer of facilities outside Hatoyama “lowest being prefecture the enthusiasm that the fact that it undertakes work in such enthusiasm was shown it relocates outside the prefecture you do not call either one word no matter what
            •  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ¸ ¸ 。蒲 您好,矿矿石。 ¸ 普 ½ ¸ ½ │ 日本以外的普天间基地¸从搬迁。 睫 │ ½ 津 民主党人瓦特よろしく投票 ½ 津 ¸ 普 Éヽ:ヽ父½ V │ 。 É ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ku ku pu To do my me ku ku pu su ku su │ Because it relocates the Futenma base outside the prefecture su ku su │ su tsu Poll it may in the Democratic party w su tsu 92 ku pu No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ No REPT ku su su su tsu r No REPT su No ⌒ REPT i l l l l l l l l l l l l l i

          • NULL REPT 7 ├ DREPT REPT 彡 l to 92 丿 i r MARU REPT 彡 mi r f l REPT i mi ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT No i l j to r ゚ REPT i l REPT 彡 No HKRPT ll ゙ ゙ i REPT SIME mi tsu i ll ゙ 92 ⌒ REPT ri 92 i ni i No But as for dying the Okinawan w REPT REPT i REPT No i r ゙ i 92 No i 92 l i i REPT t No i to gt ku hu i r DREPT REPT ¯ ゙ ゙ REPT r one
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT Also the Okinawan is serious ゙ i human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 REPT gt gt no └ lt 92 no
            • 、,,)规例鞭 五)ゝ( 92 r ゙ 弋 辷 i REPT ni DREPT 彡 r ⌒ 92 HKRPT mimi i ⌒ mimi REPT SIME mi Three t f l Three 92 REPT shi 彡 l to l mi REPT 7 ├ DREPT REPT 彡 l to 92 丿 i r MARU REPT 彡 mi r f l REPT i mi ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT No i l j to r ゚ REPT i l REPT 彡 No HKRPT ll ゙ ゙ i REPT SIME mi tsu i ll ゙ 92 ⌒ REPT ri 92 i ni i No But as for dying the Okinawan w REPT REPT i REPT No i r ゙ i 92 No i 92 l i i REPT t No i to gt ku hu i r DREPT REPT ¯ ゙ ゙ REPT r one

          • Shikanee相信这是最终协议的实施仍然是美国的现状,最终瓦特
            While after all it is maintenance of the status quo After all fulfillment of the Japanese-American agreement Both oak combining [e] w

            • _NULL_

              • ·。爱 ⌒⌒一)。 ¡ °爱(·) (·)的I ° Ø ·知道,如果我们谈! ° ::⌒( 人 )⌒::: · ° ,。 °知道,如果我们谈! ∧∧。 ° · ┬ o i ⌒ ⌒ i ゚ o i i ゚ o If you speak you understand ゚ ⌒ human ⌒ ゚ ゚ If you speak you understand ∧ ∧ ゚ 92 ┬
                • · °, (·)的I ° Ø ·我知道我们说话! ° ::⌒( 人 )⌒::: · ° ,。 °知道,如果我们谈! ∧∧。 ° · ┬ ゚ ⌒ 92 ゚ o i ⌒ ⌒ i ゚ o i i ゚ o If you speak you understand ゚ ⌒ human ⌒ ゚ ゚ If you speak you understand ∧ ∧ ゚ 92 ┬

              • “会议纪要搅拌希望向总理府移出,造成同学和蛇叫嘘?
                > The amount where the prime minister fans the expectation to transfer of facilities outside the prefecture, Raw murder [tsu] [te] person of generally known snake?

                • “最大负579户购买可再生能源系统将上乘日元。预计”
                  “Adding 1 household maximum of 579 Yen Negative number of renewable energy negotiation system. Estimate”

                  • ◎┌┐□□表明,Con?布鲁诺 ヽ/ ..└┘└┐┌┐│ - - (_ )| |研发┬ - | |。└┘││〜ヽ/ l_j_j_j
                    * ┌ ┐ □ □ It was swindled? No & ⌒ `REPT . And - it is! ┌ - ┐ ┌ - - - ┐ ┌ - ┘ └ - ┐ Γ ⌒ ' \ . . . │ | └ - - ┐ │ └ - ┐ ┌ - ┘ ┌ - - - - // ' ⌒ \ ) - - - - ┐ │ │ │ │ ┌ - ┘ └ - ┐ │ i / ⌒ ⌒ i ) │ │ │ │ │ └ - ┐ ┌ - ┘ ┌ ┐ └ - - - - o ゚ (( ) ` ' ( )) ゚ o. - - - - ┘ └ - ┘ / / │ │ ┌ ┘ └ - ┐ i ⌒ (_ _ human _ _) ⌒ i ┌ - ┐ 'REPT/ . . └ ┘ └ ┐ ┌ ┐ │, - - (_) | | r ┬ - | | . └ - ┘ │ │ REPT/l_j_j_j With) . \ . | | . | . /[omae] and others which is expected to we is badness -!

                    • 『侮辱』即使是在喜欢你使用『杰鲁名称』,看到了这种庸俗的位置 Even being embarrassed being like it utilizes in the expedient which lowers name Such vulgarity was visible
                      • 『侮辱』,甚至提出了这样的『名』使用方法,看到了这样粗俗的位置 Even being embarrassed being like it utilizes in the expedient which lowers name Such vulgarity was visible

                    • ヘノコ 案 は 反対 もあったけど 地元 ではほとんどあきらめられててそのまま 押 し 通 せる 情勢 だったのにね自民党政権 がまともすぎたから 国民 は 政治 に 反対 する 見栄 を 張 ったばっかりに As for henoko plan however there was an opposition with local end being almost abandoned the te Although it was the situation which can be pushed through that way don t you think Because the Liberal Democratic Party administration was too honest the citizen stretched the seeing glory which opposes to politics the tsu temporarily
                      • 名护市是本地的计划,但也有令人印象深刻的张四环素Bakkari反对自由民主党的反对,但记者仍是沟通情况,放弃最 As for henoko plan however there was an opposition with local end being almost abandoned the te Although it was the situation which can be pushed through that way don t you think Because the Liberal Democratic Party administration was too honest the citizen stretched the seeing glory which opposes to politics the tsu temporarily

                    • ヽヽ。 :: ヽ : )( 我⌒ヽ 。 布鲁诺) REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT REPT ♪ REPT and REPT ∬ REPT 3 ni i REPT REPT REPT no no 92 2009 8 21 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 REPT ¯ no
                      • ·布鲁诺° ⌒ ヽ ゚ No ⌒ REPT
                      • ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ 2009 8 21 ⌒⌒ ⌒⌒ (·) “志摩ー一年内解决苏 REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT 92 2009 8 21 ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ human 92 lt The solution stripe it does within year
                      • 放大 : 长:::: 升¨ l 92 92 l l i REPT l l REPT l l 92 l i l i
                      • , ヽ ヽヽ。 ヽ : )( 我⌒ヽ 。 布鲁诺) REPT REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT REPT ♪ REPT and REPT ∬ REPT 3 ni i REPT REPT REPT no no 92 REPT 92 REPT ¯ no

                    • 与党的谎言誓言要打破在Manyufesuto冷酷的东西,人与事是进入人力资源的枯竭 With the liar party which being unconcerned tears the fact that you promise with maniyuhuesuto Having made the citizen where the talent inserts depletion
                      • 与党的谎言誓言要打破在Manyufesuto东西,这是人力资源的枯竭冷酷的东西 With the liar party which being unconcerned tears the fact that you promise with maniyuhuesuto Having made the citizen where the talent inserts depletion

                    • 事实上,冲绳县人民的,不是我将在两个方向上更好的普天间机场搬迁到名护市的剩余?
                      Actually, for the Okinawan, Side field old moving and Futenma base remaining behind Either one is indicated, it is the [ro] which is?

                      • 事实上,在民意调查中,一些人会接受在搬迁至名护Subeshi海岸
                        Actually, in public opinion poll, you say that should admit the transfer of facilities to the side field old coast, Also the result probably has been produced

                        • 什么是活着仍有奥鲁655“敌国条款”你Furubokko俄罗斯和美国和盟国发动
                          655 Still we have survived, the “hostile country provision” moving, the [ro] which is [hurubotsuko] in the allied forces of [ro] in the United States

                          • 今年解决,“奥巴马Tteta ...您参加总统致函首相鸠山由纪夫说:”行向何处发送美国的“谎言,也? ★4
                            The letter sends Prime Minister… Hatoyama called to the solution within year” and [obama] president, “the United States advance shipment comprehension” lie? * 4

                            • 他们的批评公路四百五十九日元或1000多少?志野没有延长或汽油税逆转?整備新幹線 や 高速道路 の 大連発 もあったよな・・・復興基調 にあった 日本経済 を 叩 き 潰 してとんずらしたもんね 459 The highway 1000 Yen whose criticism is many… Extension of phasing out of volatile oil tax… There was also large rapid fire of the service Shinkansen and the highway … It smashes up the Japanese economy which is in revival keynote don t you think it shifted it is
                              • “你说,插科打诨慈济我们不能打退堂鼓对日本经济的基调溃重建塔林或之前没有你的头,抓决策 gt It smashes up the Japanese economy which is in revival keynote don t you think it shifted it is Saying with gag the judgment handle it is whether ru whether your head is notarin

                            • 佐贺和鹿儿岛814此外,这种培训是温和的和地域的限制。不,它甚至不是分散的,这是不负责任的Yappa 814 Kagoshima or Saga such geographical restriction is not hard Training Therefore even dispersion the no reason and the tsu pa the wa which is irresponsible
                              • 他们也变得越来越不负责任,日本人民在首相一再不负责任苏 The speech where the prime minister is irresponsible while repeating also the Japanese citizen steadily has become irresponsible
                              • 因此,不是背叛,我要指出的平均并是由反射引起的日本人民表示最上方或什至河内与志 It is not the case that you apostatize the point which can show in the Japanese whether something is best citizen You think that we should appraise

                            • 余 ヽ ゝ² i 个人 ヾ:::: : :: :::个人:::: :: 升 :: : ヾ:: ::我::::1::Ø:::: :我 ゝ :: :::1::电子 ヾ ¨ヽ::::焦耳 荤 大 NULL
                              • NULL NULL
                              • 布鲁诺 °“” u003d Þ ° ̄ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i i l human 92 No i REPT REPT DREPT sagi REPT DREPT i REPT REPT REPT DREPT to i REPT REPT REPT gt gt ゙ ¯

                            • 光刻紧比魔鬼的魔鬼12年来,他不从Toifu肿之间目前没有比他的弟子的理论其他高级官员

                              • 十进制Muwakedesu计划在此兴建的海军陆战队航空站,而不是名护市的左←现在声称,他们的工作,以防止这个替代海军陆战队航空站普天间基地(四百八公顷),金扎(二百七十○公顷),北培训美军重新部署霍尔(八三○○公顷)在3分钟1(二七○○公顷),莱斯特(一百一十公顷,返回的一半。它已经),福斯特(643公顷)励康区的一部分,和地区Rouwapuraza,一半正式320公顷),那霸军港(五十零公顷)的三四五○公顷其中普天间即7倍以上的土地归还 According to schedule it is the case that the US military reorganization advances now lt Left flank that even this alternative base it does not make make now insists in place of MCAS side field old construction MCAS Futenma 480ha kinza 270ha north section training place 8300ha 1 3 2700ha less tar 110ha and half returning Being completed Fostering 643ha part temporarily 320ha such as raikamu area and rouwapuraza area the Naha troop port 50ha the land of 7 times that of meter 3450ha namely Futenma returns as a half
                                • 与正常思维852,它是一个家庭纠纷,才可以被不同的维塔唱搬迁到名护市 852 Normally thinking domestic dispute before advocating uncommonness in side field old transfer of facilities is to should make
                                • 十进制Muwakedesu计划在此兴建的海军陆战队航空站,而不是名护市的左←现在声称,他们的工作,以防止这个替代海军陆战队航空站普天间基地(四百八公顷),金扎(二百七十○公顷),北培训美军重新部署霍尔(八三○○公顷)在3分钟1(二七○○公顷),莱斯特(一百一十公顷,返回的一半。它已经),福斯特(643公顷)的一部分(作为临时半三百二公顷),那霸军港(五〇公顷)总数的三千四百五十○公顷,即普天在7倍的土地归还 According to schedule it is the case that the US military reorganization advances now lt Left flank that even this alternative base it does not make make now insists in place of MCAS side field old construction MCAS Futenma 480ha kinza 270ha north section training place 8300ha 1 3 2700ha less tar 110ha and half returning Being completed Fostering 643ha part temporarily 320ha such as raikamu area and rouwapuraza area the Naha troop port 50ha the land of 7 times that of meter 3450ha namely Futenma returns as a half
                                • 否则,我会也许我已经变得没有了在名护市沿海国家利益的基础 Without there is no national interest without in the side field old coast the base Perhaps it had been possible it is

                              • 升:(侦:: 我丿: :我 )、,我 〜 〜)¼ޮォォ ° ー 的解释579在日本,迟浩田出来ñ ktkr教育 l No i 丿 i i shi ゙ yooo 579 It is it to be possible to the Japanese being brought up interpretation ktkr
                                • 布鲁诺 “”,、) ( É└ °。߯我我 ° ° “基鲁的生命攸关的争议!“ 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT Also the Okinawan is serious ゙ i human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 REPT gt gt no └ lt 92 no
                                • 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i i l human 92 No 92

                              • 即使在天然气面纱福田,是的,541因为他们忽视非典型位置,声称日本,马的临时边界。一只鸽子甚至不是狗 541 Pretending to gas field development with even sled ya Fukuda Pulling the provisional border to the position where Japan you insist therefore the ru it is Horse As for the pigeon it does not become the dog
                                • 即使在天然气面纱福田,是的,541因为他们忽视非典型位置,声称日本,马的临时边界。一只鸽子甚至不是狗 541 Pretending to gas field development with even sled ya Fukuda Pulling the provisional border to the position where Japan you insist therefore the ru it is Horse As for the pigeon it does not become the dog

                              • 原住民应作为冲绳的土地和下原住民没收从冲绳位于冲绳海上生活的土地的直接控制一个更好的国家经营是所有最喜爱的一大
                                Confiscates the Okinawa land from the Okinawa native the method which calling It should use and as the land of national direct control The Okinawa native lives favorite even in the sea

                                • 原来企鹅美男子枝野口惠而实不和的反仿制反战民主党人说斯坦Bazu 82及海胆束哑犹太创办炎症川口顺子amoralian 55]政治家小泽一郎的政治资金筹集“山地协会”“非法人团体“(一非营利性组织)是...(Soezima孝)小熊维尼55为什么不能恢复自民党[旭日(日本加快)54]纯一慌神盾是伟大的! ? ○大米的是一个阴谋,他们承认一个人的自我! ? 888(3个)53农政连,没有自由的支持
                                  The [yuda] [ma] inside the Democratic party is and just the penguin man branch field and the proboscis man Maehara says not reaching Stun anti-war 82 Agitation speech of the basis where Junko Kawaguchi is foolish amoralian 55 ] “Right ability there is no Ichiro's politician Ozawa political financial group “land mountain meeting” the corporation” (the non-profit body)… where is (secondary island Takahiko) [pu] of bear 55 The reason where it cannot revive the Liberal Democratic Party Junichi 54 As for Aegis of national ruin large being flurried! ? Rice ○ certain person personally confessing the fact that it is conspiracy! ? 888 (three eight) 53 Agricultural administration ream, our people it does not support, House of Councillors proportional Ku, 40 years it comes, policy conversion hii8765 49 [Inn problem of the Japanese postal services can [po]] Even then Tokyo area inspection the unfairness which does not investigate the prosecution “of inn doubt of the can [po]” (the gene die/consideration diary) Junichi 48 About the deterioration of the newspaper Militant Liberal

                                  • 反对的时代,他们度过了他们的时间,你没有计划就不能只是停留在口头如何准备我搬到长期服务的长度在苏卡 Spare time long long opposition party age met therefore it is It moves to somewhere whether about preparation without being done Whether being no plan with just the proboscis

                                    • 哎呀,真正的。我说出战争吗?在这样的移动情况,但你也没有做,或自杀
                                      [te], truth. Presence state don't you think?? Such a time, movement there is no suicide behavior it does that you do, but

                                      • 在冲绳的环境谁是转移到名护市附近的普天间乞丐比我们好,这不氖
                                        Don't you think? the one which that compared to makes the beggar around Futenma side field old move is to call to Okinawa environment -

                                        • 在冲绳,八六二元分别来自不同的曲折,曲折,这是但我颇为感动Yamunashi,什么不介意在任何情况原决定
                                          862 Originally, with Okinawa, transfer of facilities to do inevitably, because it meant that with you say, However it was, you are not concerned various complications even with original wooden flattering 弥 [tsu] [te] conclusion

                                          • 如果我思的基础上讨论和减轻冲绳居民的负担一直在讨论的拒绝或境外伊津野之间的普天间(Ry答:我认为建议的心情追井
                                            That reduction of incidence of the Okinawan is base of argument, when you think, Unnoticed, it had become argument for Futenma open sea plan denial, (A. ry Nakaima thinks that it is such a feeling,

                                            • 如果海军陆战队航空站普天间迁移到名护市,海军陆战队航空站普天间包(480公顷),金扎(二七〇公顷),北训练场(八三〇 〇公顷)在3分钟1(二千七百公顷),莱斯特(一一〇公顷),福斯特(六四三公顷励康区的一部分区和区Rouwapuraza,一半正式三百二十公顷),那霸军港(五十零公顷)总数的三四五〇公顷津来在普天间即7倍以上的土地归还 If it moves MCAS Futenma to side field old with the package MCAS Futenma 480ha kinza 270ha 1 3 2700ha of north section training place 8300ha less tar 110ha Meter 3450ha of fostering the portion of 643ha temporarily as half 320ha such as raikamu area and rouwapuraza area and the Naha troop port 50ha Namely the land of 7 times that Futenma s returns
                                              • 如果海军陆战队航空站普天间迁移到名护市,海军陆战队航空站普天间包(480公顷),金扎(二七〇公顷),北训练场(八三〇 〇公顷)在3分钟1(二千七百公顷),莱斯特(一一〇公顷),福斯特(六四三公顷励康区的一部分区和区Rouwapuraza,一半正式三百二十公顷),那霸军港(五十零公顷)总数的三四五〇公顷津来在普天间即7倍以上的土地归还 If it moves MCAS Futenma to side field old with the package MCAS Futenma 480ha kinza 270ha 1 3 2700ha of north section training place 8300ha less tar 110ha Meter 3450ha of fostering the portion of 643ha temporarily as half 320ha such as raikamu area and rouwapuraza area and the Naha troop port 50ha Namely the land of 7 times that Futenma s returns

                                            • 如果维持现状就693名护市市长选举是“反对将”履行承诺
                                              693 If it limits to Nago mayor selection, maintenance of the status quo to coincides “opposite pledge to moving”

                                              • 害羞是著名的左翼政治科学家12年战争结束后,他们比邪恶的法西斯主义,军国主义是越来越受欢迎的Wita使政治学的学生谁离开你身边什么是垂直任何索赔他们粗糙的实验室中,一个良好的头部打击时,地窖“,因此不是法西斯暴政 As for the political scholar of the 或 ru famous left wing after the war 20 year above fascism and militarism as for bad ones with the political science which you insist that it is not Obtaining popularity the wi it is When you devastate the laboratory in the student the left flank which stand on your own side pokari beat the head “the fascist the such Being iron hand and it is
                                                • 害羞是著名的左翼政治科学家12年战争结束后,他们比邪恶的法西斯主义和军国主义Wita正在获得政治科学普及更认为,有学生,谁在野生左边的新实验室当地窖是一个很好的头部打击“,因此不是法西斯暴政 As for the political scholar of the 或 ru famous left wing after the war 20 year above fascism and militarism as for bad ones with the political science which you insist that it is not Obtaining popularity the wi it is When you devastate the laboratory in the student the left flank which stand on your own side pokari beat the head “the fascist the such Being iron hand and it is

                                              • 害羞松太传统右翼派别的权利,并留在在买卖本公司股票的民族主义里苏Tsuka三振,以左反对美国核动力航母停靠港口企业问题右翼抗议,在左,右,日本的美国国旗勇持我将把在旗内 Nationalism of hobby is done as for the 奪 the re te stripe it is on temporary left flank as for 或 ru one group of traditional right wing the American carrier vehicle nuclear In order to oppose to the stopover opposite left flank demonstration of the enterprise number in the left hand the American national flag in the right hand the Japanese national flag holding connection Enthusiastically facing you went out
                                                • 我有一个患有精神病,或他们等待的模糊或开始?思想不只是一个 There is an abnormality in mind or or becoming dim having started You cannot think in each case only

                                              • 布鲁诺 。 〜 ̄, ̄ ̄ 〆 ⌒,Nitsu ,布 ,研究异⊃ 升 ̄ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 kiritsu ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i We would like you not to misunderstand l human It is the large dispute whether you live or die of but 92 As for that with thing for the Okinawan ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ and ni Actually if only the chair of the prime minister it can protect me even what is to call r iso ⊃ l ¯
                                                • 余Kukure至少从作为一个成员,我因获得坏Nukatsu基鲁死刑或终身颈部 You live or die keeping applying becoming useless therefore the ru it is Lowest being the neck bind as an Assemblyman
                                                • 布鲁诺 。 〜 ̄, ̄ ̄ 〆 ⌒,Nitsu ,布 ,研究异⊃ 升 ̄ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 kiritsu ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i We would like you not to misunderstand l human It is the large dispute whether you live or die of but 92 As for that with thing for the Okinawan ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ and ni Actually if only the chair of the prime minister it can protect me even what is to call r iso ⊃ l ¯

                                              • 布鲁诺 这对冲绳县人民。 〜 ̄, ̄ ̄ 〆 ⌒,我是主席,总理实际上Nitsu原谅我,如果我不世守! ,布 ,研究异⊃ 升 ̄ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 kiritsu ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i We would like you not to misunderstand l human It is the large dispute whether you live or die of but 92 As for that with thing for the Okinawan ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ and ni Actually if only the chair of the prime minister it can protect me even what is to call r iso ⊃ l ¯
                                                • 星期天早上┝━━━━━━━━━━━━┥∩放弃县外布鲁诺 我可以说 Fufufu 总理赛先生 Morning Night ┝ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┥ Abandonment Outside prefecture ∩ No ⌒ REPT ∩ Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i Between 2 points of a certain specification as for the object which continues pendulum motion at regular intervals human If the motion is continued it is in a state where physics “it is stabilized” 92 With… huhuhu which are to be possible to say 92 Science Prime Minister by Mr

                                              • 开放的我们是真诚的,但民主党的支持者,是并不过分的问题,并在名护市黎呒额的葬身大海的人
                                                But as for the gourd the pure Democratic party supporter, the [ro] which how is irrelevant reclaims the side field old sea

                                                • 感受经济Munnara颈鸠山一郎,一盏灯,很多有什么问题,他们冲绳基地

                                                  • 我 ヽ、布鲁诺一:) :: ヽ布鲁诺 , :: 。 ヽ、, 布鲁诺、 ヽ、 。 。升⌒ヽ ヽ布鲁诺 月 布鲁诺ヽ 布鲁诺人 升 i no REPT i No REPT ⌒ 92 i No REPT i 丶 gt lt gt lt i ⌒ ⌒ i gt lt lt ⌒ human ⌒ human i gt lt i human ⌒ i lt REPT Y ⌒ li Y ⌒ l i ¯ j ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ Y human ⌒ REPT Human REPT REPT Human DREPT 92 92 Y ⌒ l person l ⌒ Y REPT no REPT l ⌒ REPT 92 human REPT No REPT No person No l l no 92 REPT 92 REPT REPT ¯ l 92 l 92
                                                    • NULL 92 Γ ⌒ 92 i i i i 92 i no REPT i No REPT ⌒ 92 i No REPT i 丶 gt lt gt lt i ⌒ ⌒ i gt lt lt ⌒ human ⌒ human i gt lt i human ⌒ gt lt REPT Y ⌒ li Y ⌒ l i ¯ j ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ Y human ⌒ REPT Human REPT REPT Human DREPT 92 92 Y ⌒ l person l ⌒ Y REPT no REPT l ⌒ REPT 92 human REPT No REPT No person No l l no 92 REPT 92 REPT REPT ¯ l 92 l 92
                                                    • 。我 1) 布鲁诺 u003d 3 卢武铉 u003d 3 É u003d 3 ̄ ̄ ̄◎⌒◎◎ i 92 i ⌒ 丶 Γ ⌒ REPT No i i 丿 l human REPT no REPT No 92 no Three No Three No Three ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                    • 布鲁诺 “ ” ̄ ̄) ̄)7 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT Everyone is hard on me … ⌒ ⌒ 92 REPT gt lt i lt lt lt U human gt 92 92 gt lt ¯ ¯ ¯ 7 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ⌒ REPT i lt lt lt U human gt chiratsu 92 92 gt lt ¯ ¯ ¯ 7
                                                    • 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i i l human 92 No 92
                                                    • 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i i l human 92 No 92
                                                    • )。 。 ヽ “)( 。 。 )。 REPT gt REPT No human 丶 r eeei 92 niniso No ┌ ┼ ─ ─ ¬ ─ ─ REPT lt ─ ─ ─ ┤ ─ ⊃ ⊂ REPT HKDRT mi 丶 ⊃ ⊂ HKRPT No ⌒ REPT REPT ⊃ ⊂ ─ ─ Γ ⌒ 92 └ ─ ─ ─ ┘ No ⌒ 92 ¯ ゙ ─ ─

                                                  • 我在做事情,从618克虏去之间在船ー泥霸权斗争的争端,但党的危机
                                                    618 Although it is crisis of the party - because leadership dispute [tsu] [te] stupid thing you did by the mud boat, don't you think?

                                                    • 我有什么Nukatsu基鲁死刑或无期徒刑瓦特津市鸽子粪便,你觉得在事情还没有沉浸Wakaran英雄 You live or die applying it is what w Still what it can dry and is from the wa in heroic feeling soaking whether ru as for the droppings pigeon
                                                      • “缺席的球员说,他们没有他的话重量基鲁存亡高逸 gt You live or die About koitsu either the person who is not weight in word does not stay
                                                      • 我有什么Nukatsu基鲁死刑或无期徒刑瓦特鸽子粪便,或沉浸什么东西,我觉得没有英雄Wakaran You live or die applying it is what w Still what it can dry and is from the wa in heroic feeling soaking whether ru as for the droppings pigeon

                                                    • 我韩687左翼公民团体和犯罪分子,如果谁的过失的人诅咒你普天
                                                      687 Futenma people our industry complacency? If the [u] and others [mu] grudge the offender group and the left flank citizen group

                                                      • 损坏[政治]鸠山内阁?中井洽民主党主席,国家公共安全和亲吻街上,你满足他偷偷在银座女主人成员的寓所
                                                        In Hatoyama Cabinet damage? At 洽 national public peace Chairman, the Ginza hostess Nakai of the Democratic party and road surface kiss & Assemblyman dormitory assignation?

                                                        • 日本政府和美国政府的合作要求和冲绳人,15木卫一相互感觉,如果你说,电影是挂科(阿里妥协)的建议,在返回卓袱台扮政治利用看起来很酷 When you ask the cooperation of the Okinawan the Japanese government and American government spending 15 years the plan which you discuss and each other agreement the compromise ant you do Political situation utilization it can obtain with the parenthesis forcing the table 袱 the stand return
                                                          • 冲绳县政府和日本政府和美国,15木卫一兼容的电影,如果你说道理应收柯年(阿里妥协)的建议,在返回卓袱台扮政治利用看起来很酷 The Okinawan and the Japanese government and American government spending 15 years the plan which you discuss and each other agreement the compromise ant you do Political situation utilization it can obtain with the parenthesis forcing the table 袱 the stand return
                                                          • 若要继续,对与冲绳的与韩国和中国台湾,我曾与东亚各国的友好关系已经非常菲律宾 That and already as for the Okinawan also China also Korea also Taiwan also the Philippines east Asian countries considerably there is a relationship of friendship
                                                          • 鸠山,而是可能有没有这样的感受,结果是冲绳县的嘲讽,只有节能人民的愿望,是操场 Perhaps Hatoyama you say that there was no such feeling but Ridiculing the Okinawan result the vote rice field we want just it swindled

                                                        • 日本方面声称,民族独立,反对美军基地,反对该条约,是冲绳的情况立即返回,叫可爱的偶像是一个常识外,在右翼民族主义洗
                                                          You insist the independence of the Japanese race, oppose to the US military base, oppose to security treaty, immediately returns Okinawa, with the person who shouts With common sense of foreign country, with nationalist with right wing rough

                                                          • 是啊是溃“,并因为人低声对朋友,荒芜的土地。有人说是引起骚动事件 It collapses so is” that With the consequence where the person who whispered in the friend is taking There was an incident where disturbance occurred
                                                            • 是啊是溃“,并因为人低声对朋友,荒芜的土地。有人说是引起骚动事件 It collapses so is” that With the consequence where the person who whispered in the friend is taking There was an incident where disturbance occurred

                                                          • 普天间空军在不到蹲做各种美国军方明确跑道瓦特维修工作
                                                            Repair construction of the US military certain runway doing, the air which from the [ru] remains in Futenma full w

                                                            • 曲折和559的脖子轮流很像颜射,把它的汽油,但他们将最终烘烤 559 On the other hand although it tried that the chestnut in the fire probably will at last be printed out in regard to complication The gasoline bu tsu it seems that was applied there
                                                              • 曲折和559的脖子轮流很像颜射,把它的汽油,但他们将最终烘烤 559 On the other hand although it tried that the chestnut in the fire probably will at last be printed out in regard to complication The gasoline bu tsu it seems that was applied there

                                                            • 此事造成的混乱和故事[首相鸠山县以外的普天间机场“,不放弃”[普天]“以外的县,至少有!”鸠山的管理,和被遗弃终于打动了冲绳县★2] [在冲绳普天间,冲绳搬迁地点进行培训“日本以外的”考虑
                                                              Story [guchiyaguchiya] case Outside Hatoyama prime minister “prefecture, you do not abandon” “Outside lowest being, prefecture! ” Hatoyama administration, giving up the transfer of facilities outside Okinawa prefecture finally * 2 Ahead relocating inside Okinawa prefecture, as for training it examines also Okinawa “outside the prefecture”

                                                              • 此外,军队。 17000及赞助人的家庭谁迁往关岛,美国军事人员和4 4万和2 7万的人谁也不会下跌38% Furthermore soldier troop And its family 17000 person moves to Guam 44000 US military authorized personnel becomes 27000 people and becomes the 38 decrease
                                                                • 此外,军队。 17000及赞助人的家庭谁迁往关岛,美国军事人员和4 4万和2 7万的人谁也不会下跌38% Furthermore soldier troop And its family 17000 person moves to Guam 44000 US military authorized personnel becomes 27000 people and becomes the 38 decrease
                                                                • 此外,军队。 17000及赞助人的家庭谁迁往关岛,美国军事人员和4 4万和2 7万的人谁也不会下跌38% Furthermore soldier troop And its family 17000 person moves to Guam 44000 US military authorized personnel becomes 27000 people and becomes the 38 decrease

                                                              • 民主党的支持者,在冲绳县人民的敌人。民主党的支持者,在冲绳县人民的敌人。民主党的支持者,在冲绳县人民的敌人。民主党的支持者,在冲绳县人民的敌人。
                                                                As for the Democratic party supporter, enemy of Okinawan! As for the Democratic party supporter, enemy of Okinawan! As for the Democratic party supporter, enemy of Okinawan! As for the Democratic party supporter, enemy of Okinawan!

                                                                • 没有他的声音,名护市的垂直他的事情我还是会,我会的东西我能得到的回报相称的如粗感谢 If he did not make a noise because that way it was the side field old don t you think Because with the favor where he aggravates thing it means that it is possible to obtain the fit collateral don t you think
                                                                  • 毕竟,没有什么刚刚知道我是愚蠢的反对搬迁到名护市发现思考 In the first place side field old transfer of facilities it is to oppose without many thoughts the fool Just it was recognized that is

                                                                • 海军和海军陆战队波多黎各的胜利,第二次世界战争自1941年以来,并已在该群岛东部的军事训练场Biekesu Tsukatsu
                                                                  The Puerto Rican large victory As for the American navy and Marines ever since 1941 in secondary great war, You used the eastern [biekesu] island as the military exercise place and the like

                                                                  • 目前的建议是“迁往外县,关闭,因为美国是在假设没有选择返回所讨论的协议”是“外县提出,”我的第一选择是宣布,任何政府鸠山我我
                                                                    As for current plan with the prerequisite which is not the choices, “transfer of facilities outside the prefecture” Therefore agreement of the Japanese-American open sea which was argued, to return there Without being the choices, “transfer of facilities outside the prefecture” Hatoyama administration You must declare first, it is, don't you think?

                                                                    • 究竟是什么,李似乎看到在涩谷站,上校Kuhio王子结婚前统一欺诈真正蜜蜂
                                                                      You looked at the real thing where [kuhio] colonel of that marriage swindler before the Shibuya station bee public stands with the uniform, it seems

                                                                      • 築地移転問題 もそうだが 、 イラン ことすんなの 施設移転問題 が民主党 になったおかげでそのまま 現状維持 になるんだから 、民主党 の 良政 だろ 、 これは

                                                                        • 美国在中学。在房子前面的学生通过“什么乔也将走的道路,他们的许多数字辎车 On the attending school middle the United States As for the high school student who passes by before the residence “transferring the road to the pedestrian the Y number car is many
                                                                          • 说真的,从来没有一丁颤振四环素委员会由美国军队,吃一顿饭吧〜O的I The ho is with the vibration which either the fact that meets to the American soldier is not to be before the tsu chi yo the o it omits

                                                                        • 自由民主党,要么会忽略日本的和平与国家利益?如果您没有前缀,在冲绳基地或者如果您试图将任何地方?如果您对县外搬迁有关放弃作为一个负责任的反对党自民党是,我们需要清楚地表明替代苏 As for the Liberal Democratic Party Japanese peace and the intention of ignoring national interest If the base is not put in Okinawa the notion that where it probably will relocate somewhere just If it opposes concerning the transfer of facilities abandonment outside the prefecture as for the Liberal Democratic Party it is necessary to show alternative solution clearly as a responsibility of the opposition party
                                                                          • 6个月,从选举的案例在外面以外的鸠山由纪夫总理府搬迁的投诉去年夏天,美国政府是在重复的迷走神经年底,被迫放弃的承诺 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama the prefecture from the House of Representatives selection of the last summer when outside overseas transfer of facilities was appealed a little more than half year Administration stopped obtaining on the end when straying was repeated gives up pledge
                                                                          • (我没有要认识到,谎言食谱鸠山)“以外的县提出,”在了第一,有没有协议,所以目前的协议草案回到开头和根据协议,我认为,国家从零开始,而不是消极的 Unless Hatoyama lie has been attached must recognize thing “Transfer of facilities outside the prefecture” it is not first with the notion that where taking agreement Arguing in the origin of the agreement starting in agreement of current plan Because it can return instead of zero bases now 0 state

                                                                        • 该基地是他的左翼另一个选择是,我们都说减轻纳税人的负担,让郗以上弯腰的中美合作协议,我们是反美情绪和反日Aorou Left flank if the alternative base is made insists that it does not become reduction of incidence but Being able to meet turning over thing of the above mentioned SACO agreement we have been about probably to fan anti Japanese anti American feeling
                                                                          • 另一种是他的左翼基地,上述要求我们要减轻负担,我们喜堕落到中美合作所协议,我们是反美情绪和反日Aorou Left flank if the alternative base is made insists that it does not become reduction of incidence but Being able to meet turning over thing of the above mentioned SACO agreement we have been about probably to fan anti Japanese anti American feeling

                                                                        • 该预算委员会的立法草案32日,普天间问题众议院总理保证美国和5月底,“基鲁辩论规模安居或死亡,并最终在激烈辩论的人大家都说,甚至告诉特别是冲绳,在产品质量,我们定制你和了解更多的美国“的所有描述,并强调他的决心, As for the prime minister when at House of Councillors of 23 day budget committee conclusion it can point to five ends of the month toward America in the Futenma problem which is pledged Being attached during the big dispute and heated discussion whether “you live or die of finally everyone of the citizen especially Okinawa In everyone and furthermore it keeps making clothes in those which you understand in the United States” that to express the preparedness It emphasized
                                                                          • 总理预算委员会的立法草案32日,普天间问题众议院承诺,美国和5月底,“基鲁辩论规模安居或死亡,最终所有的激烈辩论的人嘿,大家好,尤其是在冲绳,在产品质量,我们定制你和了解更多的美国“的所有描述,并强调他的决心, As for the prime minister when at House of Councillors budget committee of 23 day conclusion it can point to five ends of the month toward America in the Futenma problem which is pledged Being attached during the big dispute and heated discussion whether “you live or die of finally everyone of the citizen especially Okinawa In everyone and furthermore it keeps making clothes in those which you understand in the United States” that to express the preparedness It emphasized
                                                                          • 记者:相对于紧急状况,是由于在参院预算委员会,其大意是我不能说所有的普天间,并没有提及的全额退款的可能性,总理的意思: “Dearimasu的事实,即所有零基思考 Reporter When with relation emergency occurred in the House of Councillors budget committee and the like There is no Futenma entirely and also the te is good speaking the gist that Extensively it was referred the possibility of not returning but the real intention Prime minister It means “thinking of everything in zero bases

                                                                        • 这不是我的自民党支持者365遗留下来的外国外交自由民主的手底盘瓦特现行宪法,和我说津市危险的时代和UI 100 365 I wind and the safeguarding of the Constitution group left therefore there is no our people bearing stratum w Democracy diplomacy is saying that hundred times it is more dangerous than our people diplomacy the ru is
                                                                          • 915,如果你建立了与东亚左绕组的友好关系?真正愚蠢的外面。不要谈 915 When east Asia and relationship of friendship are built the left it winds The ho is with the fool outside You talk is

                                                                        • 这是海军陆战队普天间海军陆战队航空兵部队的主体是不是主要是陆军
                                                                          As for being in Futenma the air force unit which is not the Marines main force The Marines main force is the ground troops

                                                                          • 那么,同胞的人权主张和平而空,剩下是从电影院数目会坐视不理的现实总是口
                                                                            Therefore as for the calling peaceful human rights disputant [tsu] [te] person of the [ma] and the left winding always actuality ignoring, just the mouth

                                                                            • 那霸,政府(宜野湾)放弃县外搬迁,并最终成为一种负担更改,恕不另行通知正交冲绳
                                                                              Government the US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) to give up the transfer of facilities outside the prefecture, after all in Okinawa prefecture burden It came to the point of seeking

                                                                              • 首先,游戏外出关岛周一5什么是评价提出但如果梅塔晃了这么多,我第一次重大让步的让步,气氛唯一县蜘蛛迅速更新5哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢,我可以舔他们Tatte篮子转移到县Yappari应该绘图制订星期一! ! ! ! In the first place keep coming out with fighting to May to Guam you abandoned with that if is Still you could appraise directly but from first repeating concession to concession Already furthermore extending to extending to May to the atmosphere which is only moving inside the prefecture After all it is moving inside the prefecture passing … It has licked the basket and others well well well well well well well the a
                                                                                • 对撞机木付不合理的要求,只要把什么张子津碰撞发生碰撞时,其他优惠结束时,在闪电点 Being accustomed to piercing unreasonable request in the partner just it stretches stretching When the partner concedes at that point in time you compromise with the moment

                                                                              • 首页更换论点分歧在于赌场,甚至普天间Dokashi在现实中比其他的一些赌场,试图做一些绝对Dokashi普天间,非时尚似乎是从未见过赌场问题是,在E Unless the casino it is exchange really the Futenma do doing you probably will do what other than the casino The Futenma do doing absolutely you probably will do what other than the casino As for being popular absolutely and the tsu not coming discernibly and problem
                                                                                • 丸将决定维持其结果普天间,Mattara良好的外国人,可以评估和确定 Futenma maintenance probably will be decided result when and it is decided you can appraise that good thing it did
                                                                                • 即使在普天间Dokashi其实做一些赌场以外的往往是绝对的问题似乎也看到了第二封 So really the Futenma do doing you probably will do what other than the casino As for being popular absolutely and the tsu not coming discernibly and problem

                                                                              • 鸠山6“(外交大臣冈田)是一个生死攸关的重大战役基鲁!(重新审查重新狗屎鼻子)”
                                                                                6 It is the large dispute whether Hatoyama “(Foreign Minister Okada lives, or dies) of! (Nose [ku] [so] [ho] [ji] [ho] [ji])”

                                                                                • 鸠山圈子从智者的不符合逻辑
                                                                                  Hatoyama As for circular reasoning there is no logic, it is Because it is philosophism

                                                                                  • ( 阿`)一旦他们割让给中国,冲绳,国际迁移是完成我鸽子边
                                                                                    If ('a `) Okinawa is ceded to China, overseas transfer of facilities is completion, pigeon [piyon

                                                                                    • ,,布鲁诺 ⌒⌒ 步布布 ) 布鲁诺〜〜〜〜ヽ((彡〜〜〜〜i ))的I 口((!ヽ 我)规例⌒(◎)ヽ(◎)⌒口((ヽ, ,,ヽ布鲁诺布鲁诺。,, ,,布鲁诺。))说,小我只是 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ ⌒ ゛゛゛ 92 No REPT 彡 i i 92 92 i REPT i r ⌒ REPT ⌒ i REPT no No REPT and no Just a little Saying Just you saw
                                                                                      • ⌒ヽ⌒ヽ ⌒ ⌒ヽ, 车 (ヽ,升 ⌒ ,, ° ヽ〆 M(下 ,( ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 ⌒ REPT to REPT l ⌒ 92 REPT SIME mi REPT 92 REPT REPT to f i ra i shi no l II l l su i mi j l ri to

                                                                                    • :布鲁诺ヽ、 一)长:::。( ) :::: no REPT i l i So much it is painful if is … 92 human No ⌒ REPT If you do not understand is… No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ○ ○ The base and the like it does not need human 92 92
                                                                                      • 。税 升 ̄ ⌒⌒ ) 、 湖  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ j ĵ的I i 3333 ≧ to 3 333 333 mi DREPT 33 丶 mi three he ゙ 33 No he three ┌ ⌒ ha ha three ee ≧ to j l r i REPT HKDRT tsu REPT ≦ eto ri i ≦ ¯ ¯ V l lt j l mutsu ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒ l no ⌒ REPT l l lt PL method it is possible to apply to it is dense ¯ ¯ ¯ Γ ⌒ REPT 92 l ¯ ⌒ ⌒ 92 l ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ j j i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ri ri ゙ i l REPT yueeen U human REPT REPT i 92 REPT 92 n l REPT l V 92 gt l l ∪ ∪ ha ha l l l 92
                                                                                      • 布鲁诺 :::: No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i no REPT i l i So much it is painful if is … 92 human No ⌒ REPT No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ○ ○ Okinawa and the like it does not need human 92 92

                                                                                    •  ̄ ̄ 时间 :: ( É(五∧人 : :: ∧匚º : NULL
                                                                                      • lヽ ヾー 、 With i i nmi i l l no 彡 o MARU ¯ ゙ ra Three f ¯ o O mi SIME mi two nino jl l Two no u i to REPT no i i l REPT i iTTTTT to tsu ⌒ ri l REPT l HKRPT r n i ire lt REPT 丶 丶 DREPT Z eeeshi No i l REPT DREPT

                                                                                    研究 開発