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““As for main person of Prime Minister Hatoyama it seems that is reflected deeply. As for contravention to the law” about Nakai which is not problem


  • 1 270名称:财富周年@ 10名无[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 25(星期四)15:38:47编号:9HiKmvZ40 2009 / 05 / 13款预算法案急就章,相应Shiku燕郁鸠山,秘书长,在开始时告诉记者,对内阁官房长官因健康原因鸿池,一年我指出,他们已成为在明代阶段杂志1月份每周的妇女问题辞职
    1 270 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/25 (wood) 15: 38: 47 ID: 9HiKmvZ40 2009/05/13 Steamrolling of revision draft budget, it keeps corresponding harshly Secretary General Hatoyama, in press corps Beginning, pointing out that at this year January stage woman problem on the weekly magazine has become clear concerning the resignation with the reason with respect to the health of secretariat secondary Director Kounoike,

    • 2009 05 13日开幕的内阁官房长官因健康原因鸿池,一年我指出,他们已成为在明代阶段杂志1月份每周的妇女问题辞职 2009 05 13 Beginning about the resignation with the reason with respect to the health of secretariat secondary Director Kounoike Pointing out that at this year January stage woman problem on the weekly magazine has become clear

      • 304“守同盟,不仅类似”你没有违反任何指示的法律,日本自卫队什么
        304 “As for alliance, there are no kind of any where is protected in just word! ” The [tsu] [te] the Self-Defense Official which is instructed No one law you do not violate, don't you think?

        • 633让我们不要沉闷,与妇女的一切联系没有生命! !刈分钟,这样的瓦特嘴和不使用公共房屋建设会员,您为我们做多少次,我到了一个良好的Rabuho消逝那么作为国家公安苏Nanzo头,如果他们购买的关键税几乎为零的安全感,对老人歌在60至30日在半相像考虑是否有足够惚青少年谷魔法分钟美色直说的任何其他目的,而不是其他的爱 633 The woman the life no Tetsu ma which at all does not have the contact point it is the ze which is not The kind of mouth which understands w Then just the 逝 tsu te lover you should have done in rabuho The tax Assemblyman dormitory being used is not to do at the ru public building and it is agreeable and transfers the key What as national public peace chairman security feeling zero Whether or not generally the woman of 30 generations about falls in love to the pop who passes 60 middle is a charm If you think about you understand immediately other than love being a purpose in other things

          • 645那么它的好处在岛上耕作的场景瓦特鸿池,加藤,哈尼族栅栏,未婚的Udaro持不同的妻子所有的人自由恋爱的蒙娜丽莎流石通奸?南特政治家都是旧情人,什么是持让任何人即使是晒黑通奸是单期甲斐性的作品,我不啊?杭对贫困妇女的?可禳,只要它在拉的支那Hanitora哈尼族需要像栅栏和加藤的,但如难 645 Well if as for that island cultivation proud scene shelf w Kounoike Kato hani fence as for mona man with wife having immorality As expected the ro where the free romantic love of immorality and celibacy is different and is The large politician of former times has lover how everyone and many people is the ze which is Now there being an admirableness as for immorality the times when it is not permitted Celibacy how was completed As for woman patience margin the ro which is pitiful The hani fence and it seems that Kato likely is caught to hanitora of the support 那 However with stupidity it is troubled

            • 705可视化的,因为你不想要的调查,它不是公共安全工作可视化蚌生命线索
              705 Because investigation we would not like to be visualized, the [tsu] [te], tailing the clam, visualizing privacy There is no work of public peace,

              • 88后的民主标准,花了内阁安倍晋三和麻生太郎刈内阁,但一些其他人不应当梅鲁讲话
                88 When it makes democracy standard, as for the Cabinet minister of Abe Cabinet and the Aso Cabinet Everyone's one person necessary something which is stopped it was not although

                • NULL r tsu l It does mi ri No There is I it is the tsu which is…… REPT DREPT u No Future…… j j hi ≡ three Bright future…… U u tsu l f ⊥ ⊥ r and r u to and ┴ ┴ ± ± r drying ko e n REPT ¯ ┴ ri REPT u ≡ three ≡ u REPT REPT u he REPT N 92 92 REPT 92
                  • NULL REPT r ⌒ DREPT ¥ r 92 DREPT f r REPT f ゙ ゙ ゙ 1 REPT u REPT l i l to lj l l REPT It cannot go out…… No No l l REPT REPT Place f r re REPT j l r l It cannot go out with such a position …… � DREPT l r re “ l In l � DREPT r tsu l It does mi ri No There is I it is the tsu which is…… REPT DREPT u No Future…… j j hi ≡ three Bright future…… U u tsu l f ⊥ ⊥ r and r u to and ┴ ┴ ± ± r drying ko e n REPT ¯ ┴ ri REPT u ≡ three ≡ u REPT REPT u he REPT N 92 92 REPT 92

                • Tsuka,但没有一个责任,因此,我为什么呢?如果此人是一个不同的故事间谍,剪刀宫内厅的报告所有这类 Although the handle why it is celibacy in reason the reason which is blamed If the partner spy story is different but as for such reporting completely it is not it is
                  • 小泽,“鸠山由纪夫我认为你应该有那么大的精力你独身的,”首相鸠山“是的,我同意你高 Ozawa “celibacy to put out about that it is possible it to be vigor it is it isn t Hatoyama you” Don t you think Prime Minister Hatoyama “so it is high It is as said

                • []没有0.128 Tomahokuonanibumeran杰鲁阴茎和阴道扔掉他们采取在手斧的形状改变回来津市单精子注射
                  No .128 It changes in ax condition and is densely to remove you throw The [chi] it is densely injecting the semen, it returns to labor assistant

                  • [编辑]“和所谓的失控,并在韩国总理夫人鸠山由纪夫,鸠山首相官邸私人当事方的密封它...这不是我和意识到,我们不能”...说:花冈信昭
                    “Mrs. Hatoyama At prime minister official residence the South Korean calling private party Reckless driving and Hatoyama which cannot stop that Prime Minister… as for this when it is useless, Nobuaki feeling keenly”… flower Oka

                    • °(^∀^ ° °)啊± ° ¯ è位置Éヽ88ヽÉ É Éヽ\ / \
                      ゚ ( ゚ ^ ∀ ^ ゚) ゚. [atsuhaha] 88 no & no & no & no \ / \

                      • “他们没有”知识“他们没有证据,”“我不在乎”,“古深表遗憾,这是”一个奇妙的地方,但并不像他们说,只有孩子来翻译 “You did not know” “There is no evidence” “You did not become aware” “It seems that is reflected deeply” But beautiful rank only gaki like excuse it comes out

                        • “元谷垣祯一国家公安委员会主席努中井洽小泉内阁在”制备报道在那时接触将不在立即茹,悬崖,头脑简单“,以便没有茹中井先生是小心谨慎,“他说 gt Tanigaki who serves 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai which was announced at the Koizumi remodelling Cabinet “at that time in order in the town appears for communication to take directly the heart per seat te That gt there is no ru thing it emphasized that you paid attention to Nakai strictly”
                          • “元谷垣祯一说,国家公安委员会委员长勉小泉内阁”的时间与外界保持联系立即茹制备街头,心悬崖“了,”他说 gt Tanigaki who serves national public peace chairman at the Koizumi remodelling Cabinet “at that time in order in the town appears for communication to take directly the heart per seat te gt It was” that it emphasized
                          • “首相”中井说,不违反法律“杂志第2010 03 25 18 34 共同社 ”首相鸠山由纪夫25日晚上,国家公安委员会主席是由女性杂志中井洽关系的报告(部长负责灾害管理)“,”似乎反映了他的深古 gt There is no contravention to the law in prime minister “Nakai” With weekly magazine article 2010 03 25 18 34 gt As for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 25 days and nights 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai where you could announce woman relationship in the weekly magazine prevention of disasters charge phase about “ gt As for this person it seems that is reflected deeply
                          • 同时,“在私人事务,但在未来,他怀疑Idaku”中井说,谨慎,为了不至如“,并介绍了天空 “Is personal simultaneously but in the future holding doubt That gt there is no ru thing you expressed that you paid attention to Nakai strictly”

                        • “在记者招待会今天下午,弘文平野,内阁官房长官,谁证实了一点,明,中井先生为内容的周刊上的蟹”非法“来(行为),而不是特殊的,没有问题”强调
                          > Secretariat Director plain Hirohumi in press conference of afternoon, verifying the relationship of fact from Nakai concerning the contents which appear in the weekly magazine discernment and others Whether > after doing, “(behavior) there is no illegality and the special step, there is no problem” that it emphasizes

                          • “当时,内阁官房长官河村建夫(自民党)说,”人都有误解,这是中央政府为“不恰当一直谴责,
                            > Secretariat Director Takeo Kawamura of that time (the Liberal Democratic Party) “it is inadequate for the person who is on center of government to be misunderstood” that you note strictly

                            • “当然是假的辞职后,首相麻生太郎任命他们的责任很重,”作为一个质疑,在一个月时间的态度Kabatta “But as for resignation of this person the proper the appointment responsibility of Prime Minister Aso quite is heavy” that doing The attitude which protects at January point in time problem apparent was done
                              • “当然是假的辞职后,首相麻生太郎任命他们的责任很重,”作为一个质疑,在一个月时间的态度Kabatta “But as for resignation of this person the proper the appointment responsibility of Prime Minister Aso quite is heavy” that doing The attitude which protects at January point in time problem apparent was done

                            • “(Update 话语后)2007年渔业部长Endou武彦8星期一(钱的问题)山冈,国会事务委员会首席”(和对安倍内阁),负责任命总理,持。内阁日本包括我的责任和E是不是说“(在新闻)秘书长鸠山由纪夫,”问题是没有任何区别,首相亲自“(在他的辞职声明。) ” 更 Conversation after 2007 August Endo Takehiko agricultural phase money matter National anti Chairman Yamaoka “vis a vis Abe Cabinet the appointment responsibility of the prime minister holding Including responsibility the Cabinet of Japan you cannot say ” in interview Secretary General Hatoyama “those there is no distinction in the prime minister himself are problem” conversation after the resigning
                              • “(Update 话语后)2007年渔业部长Endou武彦8星期一(钱的问题)山冈,国会事务委员会首席”(和对安倍内阁),负责任命总理,持。内阁日本包括我的责任和E是不是说“(在新闻)秘书长鸠山由纪夫,”问题是没有任何区别,首相亲自“(在他的辞职声明。) ” 更 Conversation after 2007 August Endo Takehiko agricultural phase money matter National anti Chairman Yamaoka “vis a vis Abe Cabinet the appointment responsibility of the prime minister holding Including responsibility the Cabinet of Japan you cannot say ” in interview Secretary General Hatoyama “those there is no distinction in the prime minister himself are problem” conversation after the resigning

                            • “(他辞职后的声明),渔业部长赤城德彦2007星期一8(问题六方售票处费用)秘书长鸠山由纪夫”,是失去了一天 NULL

                              • “(这两个会议)2007国防部长久间章生7星期一(错话)秘书长鸠山由纪夫”辞职,当然,如果你没有选许 ” In each case in interview 2007 July Hisama Akio defensive phase inadequacy speech But as for Hatoyama Secretary General “resignation the proper it is election measure if is it is not permitted

                                • ⌒ 升⌒⌒升当地雇员 ()() ) ( 布鲁诺 ( 布鲁诺( ) ( 布鲁诺 NULL

                                  • 严重违反纪律,然后可以漂白到国家安全的危机,怎么办?保密也达罗?
                                    It is not unable to bleach national safety in serious crisis Breach of discipline how? The [ro] which is also obligation to keep secrets and is?

                                    • 中井先生说我很抱歉,这与你没关系,我思代表包括了从旧的一个女人紫癜单身宿舍:/ / blog.goo.ne.jp / publicult /电子/ 0548fd32face1d5178467223ef4b3fff
                                      Because Mr. Nakai is celibacy, you think that it accompanies the woman in the Assemblyman dormitory and is packed and there is no problem Don't you think? you it was regrettable ttp: //blog.goo.ne.jp/publicult/e/0548fd32face1d5178467223ef4b3fff

                                      • 中井说,不违反法律“,并描述所有问题中井先生是不负责的发展”,显示承认
                                        Nakai contravention to the law”, that unless you express, develop into Nakai responsible problem > Recognition was shown

                                        • 买,作出了我的关键,自由和妇女的觉任得体,但事情并不复制担任董事长许公众安全
                                          But nature know it is giving the master key to the woman, as for making free there are no times when it is permitted as public peace chairman

                                          • 依赖,暴露了领导和安倍首相缺乏,增加了政治的不信任“(辞职声明后)水产大臣松冈松冈利周一2007(期捐款假帐办公费)局长管“(关于所谓捐赠),我们讨论了在国民议会中正交我当然 The guidance power of Prime Minister Abe it is unreliable has exposed the political infidelity of the citizen has been made to increase” conversation after the resigning 2007 May Matsuoka Tosikatu agricultural phase office expense illegitimate accounting donation problem Concerning tube Secretary General “ donation doubt proper thing it keeps seeking explanation at the National Diet

                                            • 冲绳431报纸了,“狮子的内阁辞职!”我开始拉Ttena什么(瓦特我来到国会选举双(瓦特
                                              431 Already, “the Cabinet to resign in a body in the Okinawa newspaper, the [ru]! ” The [tsu] [te] it started being recorded, it is even (w Group of people going/participating simultaneous election it comes, (w

                                              • 净化问题无治疗工作只有当他们所做的是要再次打开它的民主或民主Dabusuta。都不是烂疮
                                                The dubbing star oven of democracy it is high When democracy doing just, problem nothing saying, you open and are repaired the self-purifying work. Nil rotting [tsu] [pu] [ri

                                                • 制度是民主的,即使发现不当行为,甚至崩溃的道德应该有起码的国会议员,内阁责任人,谁不负责任的制备由总理率领的谁 Becoming democracy administration The Assemblyman collapsed should have even ethical view of the minimum… Scandal being detected the prime minister the irresponsible Cabinet which does not take everyone s one person responsibility in the head

                                                  • 厕所口可能会对保护果实在和平管理震惊,上瘾!发布纳基亚您的花圃充满监听过程中也踢头宿舍总理官邸公众安全委员会 In prime minister official residence and in the dormitory of public peace chairman If the listening microphone should not have been set up all the way Peace defenseless of the flower garden administration which becomes dim the 呆 re ending it may become the toilet mouth

                                                    • 双方确定在想喊柯最高人民情况下,监狱(※仅限于党的成员,但)他们在他的脖子上空,然后一句津市Terya追求真实犯罪和责任问题
                                                      2 tops of the inside and outside densely just are in prison decision like circumstance The lower classes (* however limits to intraparty Assemblyman) crime and responsible problem overtaking, the [ri] [ya] First, your own neck fly, it is it is

                                                      • 反党活动,除了它是在我们立即清算一切欺诈的药物亩杀死民主
                                                        As for counter party behavior same purgation Other than that with the murder and with the drug and regardless with fraud k the Democratic party

                                                        • 天空是一个很大的事情相比,法律和法规的秘书和警察思维塔最高领导人违反范围没有说Ja,甚至没有这样的东西位置 When you compare to the contravention to the law of the party chief and the Secretary General In order not to be you can think great thing but Top of the police you cannot call either such a thing
                                                          • 天空是一个很大的事情相比,法律和法规的秘书和警察思维塔最高领导人违反范围没有说Ja,甚至没有这样的东西位置 When you compare to the contravention to the law of the party chief and the Secretary General In order not to be you can think great thing but Top of the police you cannot call either such a thing

                                                        • 如果没有办法,妻子持语言津市Afuafu的Nde我写提请间男大使官邸民团啊
                                                          Pulling the between man of the people group ambassador to the sled [ya] official residence and being packed and [ahuahu] saying if it has the [ru] wife, there is no manner

                                                          • 妇女的旅费和住宿谁出点通讯,以及与通用电气公司重型折扣新的禽流感警戒级别是“什么必须凛持紧张,直到政府第一在当时,这种紧张关系是什么 The weekly magazine points out lodging travelling of the woman whom in warning level pulling up time of the new model influenza In regard to being piled up “government you must face most with the strain when it is this strain Being what
                                                            • 妇女的旅费和住宿谁出点通讯,以及与通用电气公司重型折扣新的禽流感警戒级别是“什么必须凛持紧张,直到政府第一在当时,这种紧张关系是什么 The weekly magazine points out lodging travelling of the woman whom in warning level pulling up time of the new model influenza In regard to being piled up “government you must face most with the strain when it is this strain Being what

                                                          • 富士,例如如何,媒体也可以掉以轻心,我还破获组合狙香都反对从朝鲜花井学区的实力这方面,我可以自由地
                                                            Because Nakai opposes to the Korean school gratuitous conversion strongly This time you aimed also lightly making smell, also the [ru], manner of kind of reporting which comes off as for [huji] doing, the shelf

                                                            • 小泉内阁Souiya是我什么时候做背景调查,并没有什么丑闻女子Yappa
                                                              So well at the time of the Koizumi Cabinet and others the straw raincoat scandal [tsu] [te] there was no woman And nearby the [tsu] [pa] you investigate it is the [ro] which is?

                                                              • 布鲁诺 ( ヽ , ,)〜 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d┏ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 lt etsu i To i lt Past evading taxation although there is a Prime Minister it does not stop i 〇 〇 The ro where how cannot be resignation with just the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lover is JK l ∪ ⌒ human 92 92 92 REPT and ┏

                                                                • 年初确定的605梅鲁古洲点名首次打破水的深度,因此,政府行政鸠山贞操。即使身穿皮安胶囊的管理丑闻。政府
                                                                  605 Nickname of Hatoyama administration Because it is unprecedented, ephebe administration Until it decides deeply, it is and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] is quick. Administration Scandal occurring, the skin photographic fog package. Administration

                                                                  • 当然Ttemasu从市里560专科(瓦特 首相鸠山由妇女问题“没有什么紧张的政府,这是对宪法的内阁现在!”“的重任,他们任命总理!” 他说,当鸿池 560 Special sure standing because it increases w Prime Minister Hatoyama “Shortage of this strain of government is what This is constitution of the current Cabinet ” “The appointment responsibility of the prime minister is heavy ” You speak at… Kounoike s time
                                                                    • 首相鸠山由“政府缺乏这种紧张关系是什么,那就是宪法的内阁现在!”“的重任,他们任命总理!” 当他说:鸿池 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Shortage of this strain of government is what This is constitution of the current Cabinet ” “The appointment responsibility of the prime minister is heavy ” You speak at… Kounoike s time
                                                                    • 首相鸠山由妇女问题“没有什么紧张的政府,这是对宪法的内阁现在!”“的重任,他们任命总理!” 当他说:鸿池 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Shortage of this strain of government is what This is constitution of the current Cabinet ” “The appointment responsibility of the prime minister is heavy ” You speak at… Kounoike s time ttp tsushima 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1269506620 Everything boomerang
                                                                    • 首相鸠山由妇女问题“没有什么紧张的政府,这是对宪法的内阁现在!”“的重任,他们任命总理!” 当他说:鸿池 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Shortage of this strain of government is what This is constitution of the current Cabinet ” “The appointment responsibility of the prime minister is heavy ” You speak at… Kounoike s time ttp tsushima 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1269506620 Everything boomerang
                                                                    • 首相鸠山由妇女问题“没有什么紧张的政府,这是对宪法的内阁现在!”责任“,他们任命总理的重!” 当他说,鸿池紫癜: 对马岛0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi newsplus 1269506620 回旋镖是所有 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Shortage of this strain of government is what This is constitution of the current Cabinet ” “The appointment responsibility of the prime minister is heavy ” You speak at… Kounoike s time ttp tsushima 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1269506620 Everything boomerang

                                                                  • 总理做!逃税,非法拘捕辊书记从道德问题南特民主政权玉3人,我并不怀疑这一切〜万维网谷
                                                                    As expected the prime minister! Because it is the democracy administration of Ok even with the illegal stripe chestnut of tax evasion and private secretary 3 arrest Moral problem how, completely there is no problem, don't you think? - www

                                                                    • 总理大臣麻生太郎表示,鸿池辞职健康“(即),你有责任委任记录不是有点”政治 首相麻生太郎“(JR PASS的为回,说他们是,JR PASS的境外使用的我很遗憾甚“责任”的高品质的产品和新任命有“通讯和公认元逆转的责任 Whether there is a Aso prime minister “healthy thing to appointment responsibility just a little you do not understand” “Prime Minister Aso as for JR pass in case the lady being as for use outside object greatly regrettable appointment responsibility that it is you said JR pass” “” That complete change responsibility it recognized current events communication
                                                                      • 如果鸿池又回来了,说他们是,JR使用问题的讲话一元之路的妇女,而是因为健康问题不无 In case of Kounoike the lady being JR pass outside object is used Is not woman problem and but the reason which stops te health problem in the reason

                                                                    • 我可以追溯到6年前,它也将采取任何民主政权,Hanitora的可能性,虽然这家伙是个白痴保卫或没有,Tetara女主人被收购,去年年初我到件万维网 You have associated from 6 years ago therefore it is at that time possibility of hanitora is nil without either the possibility that democracy takes administration However aho the person who has protected was that hostess being purchased around last year the cod how it was completed don t you think www
                                                                      • 6他们不是国民也进入了交往,但一个有趣的故事,但它的湿重ü责任一句响亮或www人 As many as 6 years associating inserting also the register saying it is strange story don t you think ww Although responsibility as a man it is the age when you say noisily don t you think www

                                                                    • 我想我没有想到的普通成员洲愚蠢给外人的密码卡啊有没有这样的法律
                                                                      The [wa] which is not such a law of the sled [ya] The card key is lifted to the public person and [chi] [ya] [u] [aho] Assemblyman is, how you have supposed, the potato normal

                                                                      • 我感到遗憾的NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ! ! 政治 ,“清洁的目的,是妇女和住房购买会员卡 Reflecting don t you think NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE “With cleaning purpose the woman was transferred the Assemblyman dormitory card
                                                                        • 无损检测中有一位妇女称,在住房的成员和熟人,,,,像我已经听到我们刚才谈 The acquaintance woman is called in the Assemblyman dormitory being packed Just a little way you hear before furthermore it is story but
                                                                        • 蛇蝎美人我到那儿,我走进宿舍和无限成员〜嗯,我可能会写女连我也再一次德察自由 wa Also woman spy is entering at will what in the Assemblyman dormitory However the ma the woman it will accompany also our people age and it has been packed it is probably will be don t you think

                                                                      • 我是一个丑闻,说:“Puraivashi!”尝试将outta的家伙Tsukurotsu批评说,他们不信任任何男人和女人不问问题
                                                                        We the scandal “is [puraivuashi]! The [ro] [tsu] [te] which” with you say and is attached It tries to escape the person whom the man and woman question does not trust criticism altogether

                                                                        • 文伤害了球员不能放过,因为如果没有我特鲁周一居座慈济有任何问题,你从我的湿重万维网首相 Because by your the ru you rubbed it does not find fault with remaining What kind of problem ww which either the person who is caused cannot make stop Lowest Prime Minister shelf www
                                                                          • 我不知道好总理说我们要南特从我们的孩子我成为首相的货币瓦特动力部长的池塘 Even at such a swamp is accustomed to Prime Minister by power of the gold therefore it is W which the children liking to become Prime Minister how not saying is well understood

                                                                        • 无牌的士在歌舞伎町,新宿,逮捕&#8203操作系统;寻求监禁一年,无牌的士公司-高松区​
                                                                          In Shinjuku Kabuki Cho white [taku] business and arrest & #8203; In white [taku] trader penal servitude 1 year statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment - Takamatsu area inspection & #8203;

                                                                          • 日本首相,并确保你指望我在公司在新的泽脏卖国总理是疯狂毁灭
                                                                            [kichigai] treason prime minister it is from the [mu] dirtily 沢 together to die, When you are the prime minister, it is ruined Japan securely

                                                                            • 朝鮮学校無償化 に 反対 し 共和国 を 敵視 する 極右差別主義者 の 中井洽 に 大 スキャンダル !安倍政権 のときの 閣僚 といい 、 極右差別主義者 は 本当 に 腐敗 にみちあふれていますね !しかも 南朝鮮 の成员Munante宿舍包括一个年轻的女主人!梅鲁朝总联和最新回顾¯ è ° å ® Ø华共和国。然而。碧如猴子总是闪烁!Koriankurabu赤坂洽正式的国家公安委员会委员长井。“蝴蝶”,只是南朝总联的女主人!
                                                                              In the Nakai 洽 of the extreme right discriminatory principle person who opposes to the Korean school gratuitous conversion and regards with hostility the republic large scandal! You call the Cabinet minister at the time of Abe administration, the extreme right discriminatory principle person is full truly in corruption, overflowing, now the shank! Furthermore it is packed accompanied the south Korean hostess by the Assemblyman dormitory how! ! The republic and [chiyotsuha] ゚ [ri] Cipango which looks down upon the Korean entire ream. Not yet. The monkey falls into ruin by all means! The Akasaka Cori ANK love where 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai is fixed “. As for butterfly” only entire connected type south Korean hostess!

                                                                              • 朝鲜和中国,我们显然是亲近的Ku不同种族,领水和人民。和冲突的国家绑架的不法国家的间谍,看看是否袭据公共安全顶考虑您接触到的世界如何可耻的事情,可以很容易侵入某人的耳朵?我非常其『一』不知道许缺乏 Race appearance such as North Korea and China to be close to us the territory territorial waters and the person There is a nation which is opposed with kidnapping and the like spy of these hoodlum nations is on top proximity of public peace and also exposing the disgraceful behavior which can be invaded simply to the world how being thought Very I cannot permit the shortage of the consciousness
                                                                                • 朝鲜和中国,我们显然是亲近的Ku不同种族,领水和人民。和冲突的国家绑架的不法国家的间谍,看看是否袭据公共安全顶考虑您接触到的世界如何可耻的事情,可以很容易侵入某人的耳朵?我非常其『一』不知道许缺乏 Race appearance such as North Korea and China to be close to us the territory territorial waters and the person There is a nation which is opposed with kidnapping and the like spy of these hoodlum nations is on top proximity of public peace and also exposing the disgraceful behavior which can be invaded simply to the world how being thought Very I cannot permit the shortage of the consciousness

                                                                              • 民主党官员说,我写的情况,他们增加了民主党的辞职,当时(位置)安倍晋三内阁在2006年12星期一源一郎萨塔行政改革的部长(伪造的政治资金报告)主席小泽一郎说:“如果实际上,哇手机已经在政治作为一个人,也许没有想到,一个小小的“(记者问题Ikake冈山,日本)秘书长鸠山由纪夫,”当然辞职 Speech of example and the Democratic party staff which the Democratic party drives to resignation the position at that time Abe Shin three Cabinet 2006 December Sada 玄 Ichiro line leather charge phase untrue statement of political financial income and outgo report Ozawa representation “if it is fact it isn t just a little not to be able to think as the human who participates to politics ” in Okayama prefecture in questioning the reporter As for Hatoyama Secretary General “resignation proper
                                                                                • 民主党官员说,我写的情况,他们增加了民主党的辞职,当时(位置)在2006年12萨塔部长源一郎星期一改革(伪造的政治资金报告)主席小泽一郎说:“如果实际上,在政治上的手机辞职作为人类已经哦,你不是想在那一刻“(在冈山,日本记者的提问Ikake)秘书长鸠山由纪夫,”当然, Speech of example and the Democratic party staff which the Democratic party drives to resignation the position at that time Abe Shin three Cabinet 2006 December Sada 玄 Ichiro line leather charge phase untrue statement of political financial income and outgo report Ozawa representation “if it is fact it isn t just a little not to be able to think as the human who participates to politics ” in Okayama prefecture in questioning the reporter As for Hatoyama Secretary General “resignation proper

                                                                              • 污染和媒体的关系就像一个成年男子和妇女西莫我们很多茶叶对我们来说,我离开了非祖,根据公共安全顶谁也没有他们的身份保证,其事务有点麻烦奥特』 Idaku非常害怕,他是你接近 The mass communications and the like seem that very we would like deceive in connection with shimo of the man and woman of the adult but as for me on the left the non zu the person there is no easing ku or the top of public peace guarantee of identity it is nearby that and also it holds fear very in making approach simply
                                                                                • 他说什么,甚至可能是间谍或清洁工亲吻呀它的结果只有6个身体检查和背景检查也是及可爱的偶像,比雇用清洁工所以没有对它们的认识,它是什么很安全保障它的东西 Unless perhaps spy the cleaning lady and kiss saying Therefore result what of investigation of reliability and the physical examination which reach to also 6 Rather than the sled ya employing the cleaning lady who around there does not know In regard to security very safe tsu te thing it puts out

                                                                              • 法律以前 に 常識 を 持 てよ法的 に 問題無 くても 民間人 に 鍵渡 す 奴 があるか相手 がどこぞの スパイ だったら 盗聴 し 放題 だろうが法律 で 定 める 以前 に 国会議員 なら 知什么是常识,因为当然,我还没有老年不断梅鲁 Have common sense before the law There is no problem legally and the te is there a person who the key transfers in the civilian The partner where when it is spy it will wiretap and at will probably will be but Before deciding with law if member of the Diet knowing therefore proper common sense until it decides it is not it is becoming dim
                                                                                • 朱Gappori 712批不从你踢坏像往常一样瓦特小泽Irashii问题无党Itenai什么法律形式 712 The usual way Ozawa the tsu po ri gains the political party grant it is with to do yo w Because the useless tsu te it is not written on law there is no problem it seems

                                                                              • 目前,芜湖的资料和青年人的知识,包括不希望(甚至在公共任命的组织结构和职责清单)漂白的古苏邀请的危险是,你穿制服的国家公务员法可爱的偶像开始的小学课程,如果工资工作的人
                                                                                The person who there, profit wants and cannot know is accompanied and by the fact that it is packed information the crisis which is bleached is caused (even with duty schedule and the open organization chart and the roster) National Public Service Law violation If the [tsu] lever the human who does the work which wears the uniform it learns with first duty beginners' class curriculum

                                                                                • 直到两个南方中国ー连续两季阿?巢是从朝鲜半岛或印章或气味Yappa吝啬的家伙只是愚蠢或沉闷或高逸鄂烟年轻萌芽采取在酒店房间内? Kana it is with accompanied by the dormitory frame akan The room taking at the hotel if it accompanies and is packed it can obtain and is Fool koitsu The do just it is stinginess it is to smell and Therefore and the tsu pa densely always peninsular origin
                                                                                  • 制备没有为自己写的Nde年轻的韩国妓女宿舍茂木出稼成员的责任?不可能 You do not take many by the Assemblyman dormitory responsibilities accompanied the migrant South Korean prostitute being packed It is not possible …

                                                                                • 细川护村山政府禁止私人捐款和比例代表选区和抵押制度,解决企业与小泽,在大联盟(党郝十一)U系统是负责一个可以获得有关司官方黄金和链接我应该
                                                                                  Ozawa plays in large alliance age of Hosokawa Murayama administration, 廻 Small constituency proportional typical coexistence system Prohibition (k) the private donation of enterprise to the party Relationship of the gold between official recognition becoming the system which the Secretary General bears single-handed, the [ru

                                                                                  • 要坚持工作“ 妇女做了什么时,由持”E没有意义的关键 It works diligently to duty” As for the woman having the key from sometime “You have not remembered
                                                                                    • 要坚持工作“ 妇女做了什么时,由持”E没有意义的关键 It works diligently to duty” As for the woman having the key from sometime “You have not remembered

                                                                                  • 诈。民主党人嘲笑我们,即使犯罪是选举亩我是谁,几乎从顶部和刑事Bakkari汤家伙!我就是那个他们最邪恶的宣传活动! ! 詐 At the Democratic party crime damaging k it puts out Generally doing from the top the offender tsu temporary And others someone is dense was chosen it is The person whom it chooses is worst
                                                                                    • 自由民主党确实是,但我们会辞职。罪犯说,秘书长Koreshiki re动Jimasen! Although at the Liberal Democratic Party you can resign … As expected the party When the Secretary General is the offender don t you think with thing of this system it is not perturbed

                                                                                  • 达罗,民族和女主人,在日本是一个国家公安委员会主席可哈尼北-和陷阱,也不会坏北将军
                                                                                    As for the hostess the [ro] which is resident As for nationality whether north National public peace chairman [hani] - the trap is done there is no either General north?

                                                                                    • 这不是一个法律的侵犯,违反的条件或不移动?你在想什么,以及他们做好事,即使没有处罚?儿童的我们 1 However it is not contravention to the law you have violated to moving condition it is it isn t If the penal regulations it is not thinking that it is good doing whatever the ru Child
                                                                                      • 区作为处理违法,司法道德和纪律,没有不遵守作为一个从政者,我负责什么反对它 Contravention to the law assuming that administration of justice handles unless you must protect as the politician becomes moderation There being a moral appearance the responsibility for that is certain tsu te ones
                                                                                      • 这不是有关的法律吗?它是直接从工作如果在苏的法律缺陷 哦好 Legal something there is no relationship is When there is a defectiveness in the law because those where you correct are work… fools

                                                                                    • 这将是相同的其他球员orz 982名称:财富周年@ 10名无:2010 / 03 / 25(星期四)20:17:17编号:YkNCbQ2j0但内阁的支持率是百分之三十的超娥湿重
                                                                                      That, and the like it is dense orz which is the same 982 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary : 2010/03/25 (wood) 20: 17: 17 ID: YkNCbQ2j0 So, as for Cabinet support ratio 30% exceeding ww

                                                                                      • 闵粟隆家伙将进入上届立法局议员选举伊手众议院这在税收工作,税收的事 ,她的强大,然后抢夺盗窃。 Ataru听起来犯罪?他们没有道德或政治,但死刑恩达思伊藤诚 Working with tax furthermore with lever re tsu te House of Councillors selection the person who is inserted in minsu …… larcenaries and is strong with the tsu te thing which robs tax It hits to crime it is it is not The politician who does not have moral you think that it is good being capital punishment but it is
                                                                                        • 伊特这就是在税收工作,税收的事 ,她的强大,然后抢夺盗窃。 Ataru听起来犯罪?他们没有道德或政治,但死刑恩达思伊藤诚 Working with tax lever re tsu te thing…… larcenaries and is strong with the tsu te thing which robs tax It hits to crime it is it is not The politician who does not have moral you think that it is good being capital punishment but it is

                                                                                      • 首相在宿舍居住韩流星空联盟成员,也是一个陷阱是总理Me ll有责任女主人瓦特
                                                                                        In prime minister official residence the Korea style stars In Assemblyman dormitory hostess This the trap w where also the prime minister can blame the minister of state

                                                                                        • 鸠山由刑事逃税!茄子小泽模糊,他们得到的食物有些人在国贼!老子我你淡出我们死! ! ! ! !鸠山由刑事逃税!茄子小泽模糊,他们得到的食物有些人在国贼!老子我你淡出我们死! ! ! ! !鸠山由刑事逃税!茄子小泽模糊,他们得到的食物有些人在国贼!老子我你淡出我们死! ! ! ! !鸠山由刑事逃税!茄子小泽模糊,他们得到的食物有些人在国贼!老子我你淡出我们死! ! ! ! !鸠山由刑事逃税!小泽食品柏他们得到一些人的国贼 Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me Hatoyama of tax evasion offender Ozawa s becoming dim eggplant which with the national robber designates the citizen as the food Die though to become dim the me
                                                                                          • 您的第一个演讲之前,滚装我! !鸠山说:“如果你明确的立法者,局长,我一直在回避” First you stop If Hatoyama “my private secretary does has evaded taxation with the badge of member of the Diet is removed”

                                                                                        • 鸠山的名称破碎民主平水逃税区菅· · · · · · · · ·区Haraguti他长期居住的恶魔先生睡懒觉· · · · · · Kke市中井考虑其他的蛤蜊是部长?
                                                                                          The nickname of Democratic party minister of state Hatoyama… Heisei tax evasion king 菅… Drowse king Blastopore… being late demon Long wife… in the midst of Mr. examination Nakai… clam minister of state The [tsu] [ke] which is in other things?

                                                                                          • 鸠山的太黑了,多难得的活瓦里刘沙嗯。格鲁多,但他说,按前总理鸠山由纪夫↓瓦特的行为震撼了反映甚至没有在晚上18唐宁街告诉记者,“故事Sazu方式中的任何一方对媒体谈话一次清他们是故事中的“不显示了先生的理解和幼方解雇 Hatoyama changes the origin of Liu zen buddhism … Even in remainder darkness It passes even the chi tsu and before w which is speech and behavior of the ↓ Even the inclination which you reflect you do not show As for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 18th night at prime minister official residence in press corps “in party all story Those where you speak facing toward the media are not pure story” that in Ubukata s displacement understanding It showed
                                                                                            • 独家新闻! !众议员幼方,党! !特殊教育154三分之二千○十 25 10:21:08来自:hii8765铲! !众议员幼方,党! ! 今天,在选区谁买木方丁的生活,但在检查的事实。我在邲飞来自包括来自一个机构的信息,“他似乎幼方党的思想,”说 Scoop Assemblyman Ubukata to secession SEN 154 2010 3 25 10 21 08 Contribution person hii8765 Scoop Assemblyman Ubukata to secession But presently fact while verifying the crossing over which lives in Ubukata s constituency With the information which jumps from one person of the system “as for Assemblyman Ubukata it seems that thinks of secession” that you say
                                                                                            • 鸠山的太黑了,多难得的活瓦里刘沙嗯。格鲁多,但他说,按前总理鸠山由纪夫↓瓦特的行为震撼了反映甚至没有在晚上18唐宁街告诉记者,“故事Sazu方式中的任何一方对媒体谈话一次清他们是故事中的“不显示了先生的理解和幼方解雇 Hatoyama changes the origin of Liu zen buddhism … Even in remainder darkness It passes even the chi tsu and before w which is speech and behavior of the ↓ Even the inclination which you reflect you do not show As for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 18th night at prime minister official residence in press corps “in party all story Those where you speak facing toward the media are not pure story” that in Ubukata s displacement understanding It showed

                                                                                          • ) 。 (::(::: (::  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ ::) 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 92
                                                                                            • ヽ 现金我都非常努力 実文我ゝÉ:::: 和 REPT Reality Fighting i HKRPT Truth Coming wa No With

                                                                                          • ,我会很明确的赢家过滤文犯罪的非法移民和外国人,说你这个公众安全顶部
                                                                                            The top of public peace is this Also the foreigner of illegal is easy to cause entry surely and crime, probably will be

                                                                                            研究 開発