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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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Before victim's house of the talent old island disjointed corpse, witnessing the man whom the woman it starts accompanying


  • 162 DQN什么是第一,我不够聪明,或者认为是拉伸维塔,是摩托车,这只是说得对,可以说百分之八十五的修复非典型情况,津源田故障率的全部费用脆弱如果家庭是乌卡拉请柯,我说一句话集会是对U歧视 162 That the DQN tsu te there is an excessiveness there is no sufficient intelligence which is thought it is In the first place also the 85 negligent ratio being attached to the single car which is the weak with right turn it is the extent which can require repair expense payment in full in ru circumstance it is Because to that you undertake in the 玄 rice field tsu te whole group it concentrates in a one word that it was discriminated
    • Tsuka,或如何不可能的,除非自行车跑,在国家瓦特的红灯,对他们进行修理自行车的成本,不说话时维塔正常的人 If the handle the motorcycle is not done ignoring a traffic light first excessiveness w In the state repair expense of the motorcycle put out there are no times when usually in 々 you can say

  • 189 DQN没有意识或孝伊谁可以每天被盗汽车平方津市的,因为从背后以为您使用的前缀津 189 DQN the possibility of riding in the robbery car in every day is high There are no those or consciousness of the person because the position it reached using therefore ru tsu te thought
    • 他们还担心没有要求的遗失或被盗,神奇的教授任悟生命也可以购买,我们采取了钱包,或不愿意在夜间威胁时,街道 We fear also loss and robbery but when threatening with the night journey without hesitating when it can transfer the wallet Know it is whether also the fact that life is saved it is

  • 195 Desho或不是我们的房子或者土地,在保险欺诈名人如果Chinke
    195 If the personage of the land [chinke] insurance money fraud without melting with the automobile accident faker, it does, the [yo

    • 1至2天才能准确,无法看到近距离的共同侵权行为是什么不可能的,因为他们写的是什么古时候黑暗一些,我想以后的第一个决定? 1 Because around 2 o clock in the morning the tsu te it is written Being dark being visible speaking well it probably is also and Considerably being close unless you see speaking accurately first judgment it is not attached it is the kana which is not
      • 那么确切地说,第一个“人民Tteta知识的公司少了” Well speaking accurately first “also the person of the company has known” with says there was a less

    • 296的父亲因与一名已婚妇女有染我没有受过教育的特点是傻瓜
      296 The married father and what immorality it does low is feature of the foolish woman of educational background

      • 36:48编号:aaiIknRo0 47 Tayo它是什么宰 36 48 ID aaiIknRo0 47 It has been recorded
        • 64名称:财富周年 10名无 圣人 时间:2010 03 25(星期四)22:36:48编号:aaiIknRo0 47 Tayo它是什么宰 64 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 03 25 wood 22 36 48 ID aaiIknRo0 47 It has been recorded

      • 45:13编号:p5flr4Xe0我读结合两个周刊,我相信,同时也标志着外务省谋杀案的调查之前,什么被发现死在事故中与40老板342名称:财富名无其他世代 10周年 时间:2010 03 26(星期五)08:55:25编号:p5flr4Xe0 ve看到脚踏由一般的地方50个工作有关的趋势Komoti他十几岁的事三年星期三晚上,一中年男子波纹管“好脾气,”哇,到了第二天的压力四天三女的声音和人民的故事(受害者,男人,女人) 45 13 ID p5flr4Xe0 The tsu ke which the weekly magazine you read with combination two sentence spring is Corpse from before the discovering supposing also murder case you investigate Being marked as for ru the partner and 40 generation superiors of accident 342 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 03 26 gold 08 55 25 ID p5flr4Xe0 You read also the new tide The room of the victim has applied the extent scattering and others which either the foothold of the foot is not from usually Wife and children having of 50 generations related to work and long time immorality 3 day nighttime yell voice of the middle aged man “we like” Following 4 as for days also the woman joining the voice 3 the victim the man and the woman
        • 的潮流或扩建的新故事分离从3 Konkatsu星期三晚上为四个部署到不同的妇女太阳的结果复杂 As for development of new tide complicated shelf Because konkatsu it was talk about divorce as case of 3 day nighttime another woman is on the 4th the development that

      • 482的前首席,津警方在任何荣誉。即使涉及警务人员,“保险公司”这不事,但他们把大保险机构本身的压力,我曾经是老虎的私家车保险的权力几乎每一个县的警察机构,只有自我连接福克斯借茹指出,保险代理人不想团长保险公司本身
        482 Former chief, betting on the reputation of the officer, the [tsu] under what kind of. Officer and others even with seeing Pressure you put “on the insurance company” greatly However there is no relationship, the agency itself of insurance and just a certain agency with our connection It collects the insurance of the private vehicle of the officer inside all the prefectures almost With the fox which borrows the dignity of the tiger, the insurance company itself at that insurance agency over and others when it is not

        • 569:在无名的位置,如果他们玉贝:2010 / 01 / 16(周六)19:48:59编号:Qln5ARwoO,我一直与遗弃ponhv@xxne.jp↑请你们在福冈尸体件工作嫌疑呢?
          569 : If it has, there is no anxiety name: 2010/01/16 (Saturday) 19: 48: 59 ID: Qln5ARwoO Work of the corpse tidying up searching in Fukuoka, it increases ponhv @ xxne.jp ↑ Don't you think? the criminal it is dense?

          • 81“一氏杀害卡亚先生”,并退出你无家可归的人认为找到了自杀死亡的书面说明困境 81 “Me Celebration was killed” that in the will and simultaneous it is written The corpse of the homeless peolpe being found you think that it is end
            • 81“一氏杀害卡亚先生”,并退出你无家可归的人认为找到了自杀死亡的书面说明困境 81 “Me Celebration was killed” that in the will and simultaneous it is written The corpse of the homeless peolpe being found you think that it is end

          • 830车辆无法进入,我一直在狭窄的道路,他们采取小岛屿5000回真的需要很长的日元 830 There are no either times when it does not drive but it is is applied round trip 5000 Yen and The ho it is with the small island the road it is narrow
            • 830车辆无法进入,我一直在狭窄的道路,他们采取小岛屿5000回真的需要很长的日元 830 There are no either times when it does not drive but it is is applied round trip 5000 Yen and The ho it is with the small island the road it is narrow

          • B是黑色Zungurimukkuri在韩国举行的眼睑,在凡丹戈Hyorohyoro鼻子的目标是在公平,单眼睑皮肤的小栅栏口
            As for B with double eyelid with [dango] nose with area black [zungurimutsukuri] As for Korea the mouth being small with the single eyelid, with color white [hiyorohiyoro

            • Mainichi jp 西武 新闻 20100317sog00m040010000c html 3月17日15 00。您可能会发现这本书,他们对网站的麻烦,交换互联网交通意外,他们没有自己的同事的知识 mainichi jp seibu news 20100317sog00m040010000c html March 17th 15 0 Celebration had written the trouble which is related to traffic accident to the interchange sight of Internet but you say that the colleagues did not know
              • 紫癜: mainichi jp 西武 新闻 20100317sog00m040010000c html 3月17日15 00。您可能会发现这本书,他们对网站的麻烦,交换互联网交通意外,他们没有自己的同事的知识 ttp mainichi jp seibu news 20100317sog00m040010000c html March 17th 15 0 Celebration had written the trouble which is related to traffic accident to the interchange sight of Internet but you say that the colleagues did not know

            • NULL The Fukuoka one Ku The Fukuoka city Hakata Ku and east Ku At the Liberal Democratic Party the tooth does not stand Democratic Socialist Party old Japan Socialist Party it is invincible constituency Why that if you say whether you cannot contend the Dowa supporter is many therefore ground of the Matsumoto whole group is As for Ichiro Osamu founder Matsumoto of the Matsumoto group which hits against the grandfather of present representative and the Matsumoto dragon To rise to action the horizontal corporation motion which undertakes the village liberation after from Fukuoka village release same After you started continued 20 periods also central execution chairmen To participate in also the Japan Socialist Party joining party as Councilor the small forest 邦 Hiroshima and the like with the Dowa measure special measure law generally known B namapo favorite method planned legislation It learned from the Kasuya school which is in present Fukuoka city and originated Matsumoto group grew to Kyushu prominent general contractor simultaneously with right under protecting the Dowa measure special measure law As for proportional typical poll several nationwide 4 ranks the person who remembers the surprise it probably is many with election system of that time The grandfather was Assemblyman going participating Assemblyman but is the dragon person who has the title of the representative of the grandchild has been engaged to the job of release alliance secondary chairman but on HP you have dressed up irrelevance Looking at the relationship of this fact that B is many not to be wrong it is said to Hakata Ku and east Ku that 4 tenths of entire country B live in Fukuoka Of course the normal person it is to be many even in B but problem is that DQN is too multi The country to repeat intermarriage be able to see inferior heredity remarkably it is to designate those which the thought circuit has missed as namapo because… Because it is such a land handle around this as for desperate kakiko that it is safe whether someone does the real estate agent The native people… we fear the shank The land handle that the Dowa candidate is strong is that Dowa is many
              • NULL The Fukuoka one Ku The Fukuoka city Hakata Ku and east Ku At the Liberal Democratic Party the tooth does not stand Democratic Socialist Party old Japan Socialist Party it is invincible constituency Why that if you say whether you cannot contend the Dowa supporter is many therefore ground of the Matsumoto whole group is As for Ichiro Osamu founder Matsumoto of the Matsumoto group which hits against the grandfather of present representative and the Matsumoto dragon To rise to action the horizontal corporation motion which undertakes the village liberation after from Fukuoka village release same After you started continued 20 periods also central execution chairmen To participate in also the Japan Socialist Party joining party as Councilor the small forest 邦 Hiroshima and the like with the Dowa measure special measure law generally known B namapo favorite method planned legislation It learned from the Kasuya school which is in present Fukuoka city and originated Matsumoto group grew to Kyushu prominent general contractor simultaneously with right under protecting the Dowa measure special measure law As for proportional typical poll several nationwide 4 ranks the person who remembers the surprise it probably is many with election system of that time The grandfather was Assemblyman going participating Assemblyman but is the dragon person who has the title of the representative of the grandchild has been engaged to the job of release alliance secondary chairman but on HP you have dressed up irrelevance Looking at the relationship of this fact that B is many not to be wrong it is said to Hakata Ku and east Ku that 4 tenths of entire country B live in Fukuoka Of course the normal person it is to be many even in B but problem is that DQN is too multi The country to repeat intermarriage be able to see inferior heredity remarkably it is to designate those which the thought circuit has missed as namapo because… Because it is such a land handle around this as for desperate kakiko that it is safe whether someone does the real estate agent The native people… we fear the shank The land handle that the Dowa candidate is strong is that Dowa is many

            • Www yomiuri co jp 国家 新闻 20100325 OYT1T00914。htm和反对的人告诉读卖新闻,“如果他的手机号码转让在事故发生时的位置 www yomiuri co jp national news 20100325 OYT1T00914 htm The man was to convey the number of the portable telephone “at the time of accident vis a vis the collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company
              • 紫癜: www yomiuri co jp 国家 新闻 20100325 OYT1T00914。htm和反对的人告诉读卖新闻,“如果他的手机号码转让在事故发生时的位置 ttp www yomiuri co jp national news 20100325 OYT1T00914 htm The man was to convey the number of the portable telephone “at the time of accident vis a vis the collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company
              • 该男子告诉读卖新闻和反对“的意外,他们思,如果他们想谈谈事件两天后该手机 The man thought and that we would like to discuss vis a vis the collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company “concerning accident has telephoned 2 days later of accident
              • 该男子告诉读卖新闻和反对“的意外,他们思,如果他们想谈谈事件两天后该手机 The man thought and that we would like to discuss vis a vis the collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company “concerning accident has telephoned 2 days later of accident

            • “每周一次(试行)”,周刊朝日同事自行车男子(中年已婚)男子外务省摩托车公司40两周已婚男性的合作伙伴关系经理每周工作50年间结婚的新潮的一代真实故事,30周和40中住院的中年男子。养老补充更正首席药剂师
              <The weekly magazine it collects, (temporary) > Weekly Asahi Motorcycle man Colleague of company (middle-aged man married person) Two people Married man of customer Weekly sentence spring Motorcycle man 40 generation superiors of company Weekly new tide 50 generation married men involved in work Middle-aged man Weekly true story 30 generation director of a hospital 40. Pharmacy leader Supplemental correction [ro

              • 一个特殊的尸体被发现在JR熊本站吉尔一直压力触发遭到破坏,如乳腺癌和茹制备铲内部器官,是因为它太不寻常强调媒体奇异的案件,
                In the body which is discovered with the especially JR Kumamoto station the breast and the internal organs And so on you scoop out and e.g., you take, the extreme damage to be added, mass communications each company bizarre characteristic and abnormal characteristic of incident Because it emphasized too much

                • 一座破旧的篮子或孩子学习你的老板?但如果没有竞争,没有高尔夫球场或Dattara〜将开始从第一 The child of the superior the body basket tsu it is kana When is when it does not go to golf or schedule of in the first place competition first does not drive but difference
                  • 审问了473妇女在家中或烧伤的第二天,老板是没有在高尔夫球场等 473 Therefore the superior asking woman s house in the next day which is absent in golf

                • 与此同时,没有灯光的自行车在晚上进行,如速度和暂停或停止在日本坚持质量的工作秋叶爱好者,他们即将被逮捕的违反交通规则行为
                  On the one hand, stick job quality to mania of nighttime non light and [akiba] of the bicycle, It is, about traffic violation such as speed and halt and stopping or parking it is as for being able to arrest

                  • 东方有线数字杂志周刊朝日周刊朝日[数码] 4月2 ×马夹3月18号发售“已成为对其他职等福冈线切割的3名男子』谋杀案的调查出现了美丽的女人”于3月19日,日本福冈午夜在一个公寓前,恩戴的也是公平的,成为的士钟一毓
                    Weekly Asahi OCN digital magazine <[deji] × [maga]> Weekly Asahi April 2nd number March 25th sale “The Fukuoka beauty OL disjointed murder case It surfaced on the scanning line '3 men'” March 19th nighttime, before the apartment which has Fukuoka city, many stand thing taxi had lined up into the bell appearance

                    • 为什么我在历史上我一般色调即将离任的移动分钟后,警察!噢,这是已经确定,丈夫和我应该给小费的证据!
                      Generally understanding with dispatch past record of carrying, the [ru] it is the [ro] which is, as for the police! Already, specifying, the [te], becoming the evidence searching, the [ru] husband!

                      • 事件发生后,被发现和我是一个写有弹簧代理印象一宗涉及一名惯犯激情的人,系统,他们贾里曼会议地点端午端午外遇受害者大汗
                        After the incident being detected, when at random the victim the spear man is it is immoral is encounter type common practice The criminal infatuation and others impression is attached the entry operative who growing in the straw raincoat man, the [ru

                        • 人类DNA消失,生活在日本,土地登记和授权芯片无线IC身体器官四郎
                          In the human who lives in Japanese country the DNA register and the radio IC tip/chip to internal the internal organs doing obligation margin

                          • 什么样的老吵架的濒危物种Kukara居民好像是说你看什么,我不知道我们现在有限的,我们逐渐增加从周围住宅区逐渐,我觉得
                            Inhabitant [tsu] [te] of long-time connection, if it tries saying, with extermination fear kind like ones, gradually from around chasing Accommodation space keeps being limited gradually, it is probably will be from this, with you felt

                            • 从B的土地195是罪魁祸首值得仔细调查需要
                              195 The personage of the land is the chief of B Therefore, it means that prudent investigation is necessary

                              • 从它距离自己的土地时,头部通常海腿,你咀嚼的海域腿罗威纳犬时,您的头和轻微负折,我们也说高木 If normal it tries probably to detach the hand and foot head from Umizi the occasion where lot y Ra Umizi The foot was bitten also the tall tree was attacked and owed the flesh wound to the head and the like
                                • 进来越来越严重,把你的头,以脚趾除了正常肠屋良屋良Ttara腹部内脏的东西 If normal although the hand and foot head is made disjointed When stomach something it cuts the intestine the internal organs coming coming out steadily in very thing

                              • 但由于兄弟野父母是困难的,甚至没有得到一个提示到哪里移动,如果您的势头一点钱,因为他们会尽一切的移动公司从比较忙扮,是因为这不是我 The parent sibling is in Tsukushi Noichi therefore it is makes ahead pulling surpassing search even it is not difficult and Just a little if the money is produced therefore the reason which the pulling surpassing trader does entirely because it is busy … it does not become the reason don t you think
                                • 据警方野,秋田狗和狗“罗特韦尔犬”西部狗,当时,他们被饲养和现场释放Mareta墙周长 According to Chikushino station with every single the dog the Akita dog and “lot y Ra” ocean dog at that time the site where it is surrounded in the fence and the like In inside it was made pasture

                              • 作为奖励,村木敦子元局。案件的性质是错判,“日本邮政岸太利润口或其秘书,勲饭岛,前首相小泉纯一郎,”事实是密集,两个人,“先生,获得就业”,可cut ve做得不好休息,阅读意志
                                In addition, village wooden thick child original bureau. As for essence of false charge incident “former Prime Minister himself Junichiro Koizumi Iijima Isao private secretary ” The fact which arbitration is done is thick at the Japanese postal services public corporation, the mistake which is finished to read 2 people “mediation profit suspicion” It does and it means to accomplish

                                • 其他职等145美容或美容...无论是从主观,职等或好?
                                  145 Beauty OL?… Whether or not the beauty therefore subjectivity assuming that it is good, being OL?

                                  • 到目前为止,NHK的损伤(2次),朝日电视台(2次),TBS的,该公司的不法行为报告,该朝日放送 Present damage circumstance The wrongdoing of this company was reported NHK 2 times Asahi National Broadcasting Co 2 times by TBS and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation
                                    • 岛根大学的学生,这次事件或事故,或昨天是什么?余泡某些情况下,骷髅边看女孩? ,意外?这些令人发指的罪行“和”这不是一项决议,甚至 The tsu ke which is Shimane woman Oobu incident and at this incident and yesterday Woman Takao converting to part skeleton the incident which is found Accident At such brutal incident “” solution margin

                                  • 可只要有一部救援队,四个大型狗,南区,福冈岁男童位四轮驱动系统是由两只狗咬伤,头部及颈部,被送往医院不治
                                    Emergency party runs and it attaches when, 4 year old boys of the Fukuoka Itiminami Ku in large-sized dog 2 the head And it was bitten the neck, and the like was conveyed in the hospital but you died

                                    • 咦? !什么是一个女受害人工作事行?如果是这样,是不值得一提的公司〜 NULL
                                      • 咦? !什么是通奸的受害者的工作场所行?如果是这样,是不值得一提的公司〜 Obtaining Being workplace tsu te immorality OK of the victim If so the ro ku there is no company

                                    • 因此,与我可确定,与人的犯罪,有自行车,但没有说是什么,只有间接证据,这个沉重的,诚实,几乎没有变化哇 Therefore the criminal scolding the motorcycle man go saying however you said When this much circumstantial evidence is piled up honesty it changed a little

                                      • 在与有趣的自行车的人,你的伙计,或者这是正式的公司,或者如果他们里诺塞聪客户?如果公司的官员或者他们里诺塞聪供应商,甚至没有见过面可疑加拉 Perhaps doing In the motorcycle man and the pleasant companions the acquaintance of the authorized personnel or customer of the company stayed that The company authorized personnel or customer you know each other if can look at the face and doubt and others there is no re

                                        • 在实际中川江户时代的乡村,福冈是更好的西方,由于该公司在政治层面,日本东部多说我不含县,他们早“假”云啊,是该地区
                                          As for the village from the true Edo era in Fukuoka Nakagawa, Sagara Ku pulls out the Gun with direction west, is, The one Japanese horizontal corporation east being possible, after politics “false” the area which has gotten together

                                          • 在我的愤怒感到最为活跃的家伙作为一个老人的房间也摩托车引发ü思,以及为什么它必须是最神秘老人的老板(疯狂在事件优于天然完) You think that the old boy superior is most doubtful in we mark The old boy most comes exactly as the reason which is lifted to the room Motive anger of the motorcycle man upset compared to… directions of the end of the immorality are natural
                                            • 吃这么多在附近,并会密切,32岁的死者是他的老板,也可能已婚,还是通奸? Therefore at neighborhood the extent which the meal is done it probably is intimate relationship and If the superior of the victim of 32 years old it probably is the married person and immorality

                                          • 在这个时候,但我不是从百分之阳台窗户,我开始调查案件的警察 This time The veranda window cracking therefore ru reason also the police starting to investigate as an incident the ru

                                            • 如居住,因为他们极有潜力的员工和嫌疑人已被紧张的Gesuru扔了圆边拉媒体反应的那样,答案是 Because the employee where the possibility of becoming the suspect is high stays mass communications correspondence of there The circle it started pulling in order to throw you correctly interpret

                                              • 如果你周围的内部事务,而不是我觉得我明白憔悴思总体感觉是源于他们的身份为 If inside the company immorality around generally suspecting the ru As for thinking that you do not become aware with just these people
                                                • “什么是他心中的统治者,它包括了数天的紧张局势开始我是什么原因记者没有 After “or the reporter who become aware in this person starting tipping several days did not return

                                              • 如果你猜,他们写信给外务省,受害者是老的Nde我知道现在他们的地方,他们在办公室工作接近福冈火车站住了,然后(他们远)四环素从另一个分支转变,就像通勤车,没有移动 When it presumes from the fact that it is written on the sentence spring as for the victim former times it is close to the Fukuoka station Because it worked with the branch office but like you have lived in the current place After that because being distant it moved to another branch office without moving commuting by the car we would like to hurt

                                                • 如果您发现590在从外记Shikunakatta正常解剖尸体似乎那么多伤害的是什么?思伐丽流自己的,如果痕迹的将是粗鲁,我怀孕时子宫留在茹 590 Therefore as for the corpse like the damage is not extreme so Normally if you dissect it is understood because Becoming pregnant it probably will stay in the cod uterus and If it is rough it is thought that trace of that appearance remains

                                                  • 如果离婚,由于通奸,这并不对手可以说赡养费和配偶不忠

                                                    • 如果这是728事件报道,他的妻子和同床异梦你呢?

                                                      • 小刺,像警方不能发展壮大,从一角一英寸可靠的调查方法,城市和外国犯罪集团,我可以隐瞒回应
                                                        The police who the one step does not grow from investigation method of [chikuri] and the [tarekomi] letter Whether with such a thing, it can correspond to city type & the foreigner & concealment community crime,

                                                        • 差分散射或圆您的Iteta确 The officer it is moving certainly
                                                          • 我喝的茶德察我们您的离去轮 The officer drinks the tea

                                                        • 当然四环素建立一个新的 社会 扮来源的其他交通问题。“卡亚的,他们也不知道房子是” 在福冈,女性除了 sure of the new source stood Traffic trouble partner “ You do not know the house of celebration” … Fukuoka woman disjointed incident
                                                          • 。您可能会发现,李洪志是一个意外的谈判律师,一个月后,没有谈论的麻烦 Celebration raised the attorney to negotiation of accident after the January there was no story of trouble

                                                        • 思思Tteta另一种他们所涉及最近的交通问题,这不是在那里您是不是指一个人不是在所有被逮捕,或者没有问题? 1 That thinks whether there is a traffic trouble and a relationship of the other day Unexpectedly the person who cannot be arrested does not come Perhaps doing that at all relationship without being
                                                          • 思思Tteta另一种他们所运输的相关的问题,最近逮捕了在那里您的意思是这并不是说在所有的,或者没有问题? 1 That thinks whether there is a traffic trouble and a relationship of the other day Unexpectedly the person who cannot be arrested does not come Perhaps doing that at all relationship without being

                                                        • 我只想柳松本福冈[民主]众议院成员,该部落解放同盟副主席

                                                          • 我想爱而伐丽流信息囚犯饥饿。蟹江家杀人似乎打发时间外,在岛根县
                                                            For a while, it is caught to the starvation impression of information, Love. At the time of Kanie one house murder and Shimane disjointed murder for a while so was

                                                            • 我收到甚至更长的时间知道它是什么说什么DQN Maimiku颜色,还是去拿起牛思Miksi我们是谨慎的,这不只是我的世界中信号 Something it stopped knowing DQN tsu te mikushi you do kana nanpa saying unless maimiku various by your you are dispatched it just is cautious you think that and
                                                              • 什么是生药物或东西(?)如果您将观赏到自然年轻,鱿鱼和家长,对一些警告不知道至少亲切Idaku Karenai The medicine piling up what Camouflaging naturally if it started accompanying it is it is intimate At least perhaps the relation which is not held precaution

                                                            • 我有时想,聘请代理?你与直接芒受害者,犯罪嫌疑人的亲属气味水稻
                                                              There are also times when the operative is employed it is the kana which is not? Don't you think? inducing in [shimo] relationship of the victim smells flesh fell of the criminal

                                                              • 我正要进入思茹出院子,狗听高木先生,您的海域咬的秋田犬头,呼声非常接近罗威纳 In order the tall tree inquires about scream and to appear in the garden The dog in the time you intended to insert when the Akita dog Umizi s head biting Lot y Ra immediately it was in side
                                                                • 思我即将进入农场和1茹高木说,狗出意外,而导致 Because the tall tree appears in farm working The dog in the time when you intended to insert you say that accident occurred

                                                              • 投入748查看死者海洋处置完美的犯罪。恩戴一次性...我很幸运,外海可爱的偶像选举
                                                                748 Complete crime planning, in corpse processing oceanic throwing. If it chooses, carrying to Sotome, the [ro] which you throw away and is

                                                                • 抛弃,届时我将头发发轮,我连接和断开从骨盆的关节和股骨的一条腿截肢
                                                                  Throwing away separately to a hair close clipping, the [ru] to do, cutting of the foot It has cut off from the joint of connection of the Pelvis and the femur

                                                                  • 昨天7 30左右,他们Surechi邪恶下午,他持在公共汽车站前的手机核心丹增20三十出头的小伙子,在一方面,他们的年轻女子(20岁出头),是什么使来的什么是归纳 It is bad with surechi but… Yesterday around 7 30 PM with bus stop before the Tenzin core it had carrying in one hand The man whose 20 generation first half are young had invited the young woman 20 generation first half something frequently

                                                                    • 暂定的,和其他犯罪问题,但这次事故后,绑架和谋杀,并在线遗弃四环素的残害身体处理设备我很幸运,身体和切割工具,切割痕迹的网站消费只有一个工作日的工作将 When we assume that temporarily this traffic accident trouble partner is the criminal kidnapping after murdering Cutting off the corpse abandonment it dies and after doing it deals with the instrument which is cut off and the instrument which carried the corpse It means to do the work of turning off the trace on of cutting site in only 1 days
                                                                      • 嘿,我814 “没有任何证据四环素的竞争”应该被宣布为不南特 NULL

                                                                    • 来支持本公司的一面之谜引起质疑该公司所有,在我刚读信的人谁潮,宗族 Everyone of company circumstance listening Here incomprehensibility of correspondence of company cause kana The a then is just the new tide Someone the person who was read whether it is
                                                                      • 然后,336 Warota 257,258我已经在四环素新潮肉饼Humiharu瓦特嵌入式人 336 warota 257 258 As for we which it pasted person w in the new tide and the sentence spring

                                                                    • 毕业照,这个交易是漂白及以上一次又一次,然后他们已经与犯罪者的良好关系,如果案件调查肯定在过去的关系可能是无关漂白 However this time as for the graduation anthology and the photograph many degrees and many degrees are bleached if friend something with related to criminal are good Certainly there is no relationship in incident to be sought to the past friend relationship which probably will be the bleach
                                                                      • 光漂白了几次,那么他们已经与犯罪者的良好关系,如果案件调查肯定在过去的关系可能是无关漂白 However the mug shot is bleached many degrees and many degrees if friend something with related to criminal is good Certainly there is no relationship in incident to be sought to the past friend relationship which probably will be the bleach

                                                                    • 污水tank m滋贺勉不是我公司是受害人的房子。我有一个家伙还是像一个沙皇坏习惯?这是对什么是所谓的受害人,如果有 Victim s house serving at the ru company Shiga sewage tank non Monarch like The man whose habit is bad is combining That was called the victim how kana
                                                                      • 受害者的家,认为他们看见你和许多家庭都通了至午夜十二时如是人民建立一个比较 Victim s house the person passes extremely to nighttime and thinking of that alone household is many you saw as the ru

                                                                    • 津市581补充的可能性,她的帮凶?我不知道一件事,我觉得我只是下来津市Tatte虱子溃我们公司的关系 581 Chasing the possibility the complicity being the ru tsu lever However something to be good there is no wa can at the time of the louse crushing squeezing company relationship just the ru the tsu te air

                                                                      • 津市失踪,直到我们公司的前行,它在囚禁我不是监管的?余Iteta写日记,在正常的声音,说你是与肌肉的所有古 NULL
                                                                        • 385,但是当你考虑其他问题的交通事故,然后 我发现后,到警方的调查失踪 385 However the ro which the trouble partner of traffic accident how immediately after the disappearance being detected the police has made the investigation object and is

                                                                      • 甲807位解决方案糟糕的高尔夫回邪恶的古喜Yoittooku平衡神秘高尔夫是什么东西堆满各种回 807 Various ones have dispersed Golf back the hi yo it is on something the tsu far Balance collapses badly Puzzle of golf back was unraveled

                                                                        • 福冈县警方也Gurujan一旦他们的调查和遗憾(`;ω; 完成)
                                                                          It is vexatious When with that it becomes investigation end, the Fukuoka prefectural police [guru] it is (the `; Ω; ')

                                                                          • 福冈,残破的尸体因交通意外受害人麻烦读卖新闻在线2010年3月25日21:23
                                                                            The Fukuoka cutting corpse, in damage woman traffic accident trouble YOMIURI ONLINE 2010 March 25th 21:23

                                                                            • 福冈,福冈,日本最严重的无政府状态机构担保,国内保护。技术援助呻:/ WWW的0.333475。Co.jp一直对日本扩大想转移我诈骗
                                                                              As for Fukuoka the Japanese worst illegal zone The guarantor clearing corporation which is Fukuoka, domestic preservation. Help meeting http: //www .333475. co.jp It depends Transfers fraud damage is spreading to the Japanese entire country

                                                                              • 自行车是一个人的不是犯罪,坏人,他们的朋友或熟人,甚至听到事故的投诉,所有的权利!吸盘置于Chatta!茹威胁我试试!我听说事情并不是及什么是手犯罪?在这种情况下,罪魁祸首是一个人,我有自行车的朋友,他的自行车的谋杀是不是我的人错 As for the motorcycle man there is no criminal the te So Hears the grumble of at this accident the acquaintance or the friend who the bad party It does The duck seeing which is good the economized ya tsu it is We threatens the chi ya ru tsu te There is no or it is even thing selfishly in crime In this case as for the criminal however it is the companion of the motorcycle man As for main person of the motorcycle man in murder incident is not entwined
                                                                                • 然而,不仅是一个恶魔罪行,我们对越南甚至拉 If simply there is no phantom killer crime Assuming that it moved being attached it started probably will be

                                                                              • 萘乙酸815,但后来我跑了卧铺,应急反应也参与似乎是税务稽查员和消防调查,也没有打开,而不是一个温泉杆六合...
                                                                                815 So, it is not and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] is to do the bed train, as for the emergency lifesaving loyal retainer there is no turn to start, Fire investigation official and tax investigation official and related improbable to put out, the hot spring in the vicinity or…

                                                                                • 要隐藏的丑闻,医学会,当地报纸,设置手恩戴大律师公会,并定制一名枪手,他不得不停止新闻界是,
                                                                                  The scandal In order to hide, medical association, the local paper, bar association uniting the hand, in independent offense tailoring and reporting stopping It is, with it was something which is said

                                                                                  • 证词暧居民。的变化,他们也说我触发器与传媒公司的关系,假摔是针对意外回溯
                                                                                    As for inhabitant testimony 曖. As for change and the company saying two revolution three revolution When it is the friend relationship which is the accident partner the mass communications we you run about in confusion

                                                                                    • 该事件的制备1000万美元的赔偿,到目前为止,他们也是Tsu m说好还是追中知世
                                                                                      Until now the consolation money of immorality takes 10,000,000, that saying, [ru] one World knowledge and others it passes,

                                                                                      • 请关闭它在那儿公园或锦平例子吗?我还看到一个局外人,也模糊成相互Sugidaro
                                                                                        The gold flat apartment complex of example that is soon? However it is recognized even with the public person, to make too much even excessively messy the [ro] which is

                                                                                        • 谈哑基地杀人和强奸。凶手必须被处死在较低
                                                                                          Raping, you killed, it is well Base. Murderer finding, by all means in capital punishment margin

                                                                                          • 豊田商事还身兼刺伤,他们逮覆盖着无数非典型记者。恩戴在眼前,我是一个杀手跳过Tsu m在国会就政治捐献的若干规定
                                                                                            Chairman stabbing of the Toyota commercial matters, being stuck, the [ru] press corps being large number 逮. It was immediate, it is with, political donation receiving, [ru] representative threw the hit man, it is, don't you think?

                                                                                            • 这也是如此多的兄弟刈,亿邮抑郁症的人要保存花费不少钱,但必须具备贮我,我居住在该地区或在他们薄弱?受让方? E也说我不认为这是因为 The sibling the many way it puts out saves the money the human tsu po which the ri securely is saved to be the empty Trying to hold down expense it continued to live in cheap area that Transference Way it is therefore however you cannot say at all

                                                                                              • 这几个月的梅花糕店◆莫蒂/ oJO8k Mitara知道我用Google搜索弄得三是什么疾病,而不是像疯了一样,或者就躺在精神分裂症和气味伊藤- DQN家伙
                                                                                                This plum branch rice cake * MOTI/oJO8k When the [gugu] [tsu] [te] you see with [tori] of the [tsu] [te] person, however it is understood Rather than considerable DQN integration malfunction symptom smell on The [kichigai] [tsu] [po] of the lie symptom it is,

                                                                                                • 这就是岛根及103名个人和肢解的尸体→福冈非常奇怪的目标是为掩盖罪行的发现销毁谋杀→一人遇到麻烦或其他对手,甚至是车祸的受害者,在有关各方股票嘿你杀死?我认为有其他原因
                                                                                                  103 When it is private thought Shimane Homicide & corpse damage is the object -> completely bizarre Fukuoka As for disjointed concealing the detection of crime object -> is an interest of the victim and, Whether so another person So with trouble of traffic accident the combining [e] which the partner time is done? There is other cause, it is it isn't?

                                                                                                  • 这怎么到507该国从不同的Nde马铃薯领域的知识和一分钟前你的千代和达罗Katakasu福冈然和知识领域的贫困地区确实
                                                                                                    507 You being serious, the [ro] which is actual place intellectual viewing Chishiro and the horse coming out and hard also the difference on of poor people area and site of the sake lees amount being entwined, you knew does the countryman

                                                                                                    • 这是497我真的!我不会歧视的,说有不同的空气或真 497 It is true don t you think However there is no reason which is discriminated separately As for there you say that the true air is different
                                                                                                      • 这是497我真的!我不会歧视的,说有不同的空气或真 497 It is true don t you think However there is no reason which is discriminated separately As for there you say that the true air is different

                                                                                                    • 逮捕后的杀手,“一个人的奖学金与刑事。听证会”,“血迹从男性熟人家的反应,”他继续投机和文章 After the arrest of a criminal “man of criminal and friend From listening” “acquaintance man house bloodstain The guess article of the reaction” and so on continued
                                                                                                      • 俺地北的各种形式,但必须及早被逮捕贪婪古纳阿的错觉,这是一切投机活动 However the varieties you wrote therefore all guess putting out delusions We want being arrested quickly

                                                                                                    • 顺便说一句,面对的木匠,B是独一无二的人,亦是与韩国系统面临
                                                                                                      By the way, the face and it is the B people of that carpenter peculiar, but it was countenance of Korean type

                                                                                                      • 额的764非法市场紫癜补偿:/ / www.kazu4si.com /弗林/ situmonn.htm
                                                                                                        764 Quotation of amount of the consolation money of immorality ttp: //www.kazu4si.com/furin/situmonn.htm

                                                                                                        • 鸟取但我也有这种情况?氖第一!Tsukamemase的幕府的后宫拆开的东西呢?我该怎么为首Yaruki警察呢? But at this incident it was Something temporary can grasp the disjointed incident te don t you think it is you put Whether the police tsu te coming bean jam doing
                                                                                                          • 128这样,一个条例,我报告的重要组成部分,我不会在警方宣布, 128 Such essential part is reporting regulation the police is not announced before that don t you think probably will be

                                                                                                        • (2121 12月26日日记),怪(车下午3点八十五的摩托车由三个组织决定)和一个男人纠缠保险更新 mixi 12 26 diaries Negligent ratio car 15 Decision with it can rub in 85 motorcycle 3rd person agencies Furthermore as for man insurance not yet joining

                                                                                                          • ,蔡英文的警察,都在两基调和内容有关的麻烦关系,以检查
                                                                                                            The police as contents of trouble are verified, is advancing investigation concerning friend relationship

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