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The Chinese automaker, BYD the Japanese major die factory purchase


  • 137あるわけ 無 いむしろどんなに 技術力 があっても 安 い 給料 のままでもってそんな 血 を 吐 いて 親会社 に 莫大 な 利益 をもたらしたとして 、 TOYOTA みたくアメリカ で 捏造 された 事故 で 補償費用払 ったり在E什么是它某处金钱游戏,这真的是自民党的支持者一直没有更换饥饿是小型企业的E消费权益 137 There is no certain reason On the other hand how there being a technical power while it is cheap salary So having spitting such a blood assuming that it brought the enormous profit to the parent company TOYOTA we would like to see Is fabricated in America compensating cost you pay in the accident which with the money game somewhere the profit going out As for small to medium sized manager tsu te being consistent however it was our people bearing stratum with maintenance the stomach is not changed into the back

    • 159“假设的物质,他们采用了低质量本身或因为如此,小的创始人,但大多数特别是婴儿潮冲击,该公司的创始人或最多30年来? 159 gt Especially small to medium sized nodule generation splash Generally therefore the founder therefore those to build by your When we assume that is the company of at the very most establishment 30 year
      • 我的意思是,其他什么,直到你这样呢? ?不仅如此,但失误也并不是傻瓜四环素现在婴儿潮 Until with you say or become like this with something the ho you applied Just that the fool of the current nodule generation the doji tsu is reason

    • 195华人父母照顾的干预傲慢足以被称为小皇帝的人我尽独生子女政策的具体祖人的。我计划在日本和奴隶大规模生产
      195 From concrete to person… The extent which is called small emperor with one person [tsu] child policy being selfish, it nurses the parent of the haughty Chinese Mediating/helping. It is to be the plan that it mass-produces the slave in Japan,

      • 209多农民的收入保障,并给予外国援助或日本真的没有政府农业投资的概念并不需要负担的最后淘气的Nde死亡 209 Therefore income of the farmer guaranteeing helping gratuitously in the foreign country the room which has died how it is not Unless there is a concept which is called investment to the agriculture of government it ends true Japan
        • 174作为一个农民工业农业已经恩戴死是“平均”65岁什么我希望在工业时代?瓦特 174 Agriculture has died as an industry already What is expected to the industry of full time farm household “even” age 65 year old it is w

      • 230因此,我只是跟着日本人谁在做正确的做法韩国资本主义不是一个灵活的企业战略,从垂直部分做多终身雇用和论资排辈的工资
        230 Therefore, the method where the Korean one capitalism is correct just is followed As for Japan wages of strange lifetime employment and seniority doing, from the [ru] It cannot raise the soft enterprise strategy

        • 254可能是贫困的农业径流像所有的技术,如果继续特鲁支那柯完全消极的,我不断在农业土地数量的权力也被限制在狭窄的土地质量方面的石头 254 It is narrow also the farmland which and in large quantities can produce also the country being limited it probably is the ru and Being defeated to the large country completely at physical quantity the ru it does When technical outflow continues whether agriculture you become impoverished likely in all respects
          • 有关太阳能电池板580,低成本在中国没有大批量生产的反向池李匹配 580 In regard to the solar panel the mass production of China performing a handstand low in price it does not serve

        • 343知的財産推進 新計画 の 骨子案電気自動車 の 開発 など 、 日本 が 優 れた 技術 を 持 つ 環境 ・エネルギー 分野 などにを 重点的 に 支援アジア 諸国 などとの 連携 を 強化 343 Intellectual property promotion Essence plan of new plan In the environmental energy field and the like which has the technology where such as development of the electric automobile Japan is superior preponderantly support Strengthening the cooperation with Asian countries and the like

          • 402 402在尹特吉说,他们做好事,如果通货紧缩是让日元下跌,目的是消极的结果不存在,因为尹特吉是一个国内问题,尹特吉国内经济不是一个简单的问题 402 402 If deflation is designated as intage it is not a story that it is good As a result if weak yen induction object it does not deny but as for intage domestic problem Therefore the simplicity there is no intage as a problem of domestic economy
            • 举例说,419是Wakaran或他们只是一个小东西,“通货膨胀将增加金钱”,日本是在通货紧缩的世界上唯一的国家 419 Therefore something it is from the wa Extremely speaking simply if “the gold is increased it becomes inflation” And Japan being the world is to be the country of the only deflation

          • 420 LG还焊Ë发布国有企业也有同样的半周五瓦特你有什么财阀企业对这些国家的一些规定是,我要去万亿日元一年 NULL
            • 更便宜的品牌,目的是彻底古安,在同一所学校还是没有工作,苏,直到他们说有议员 As for the inexpensive brand to be cheap it is purpose thoroughly Functionality how like this to there at the point in time when you propose NG

          • 518什么是正确的,推销他的愚蠢,甚至斯卡靖周一(这里重要的)啊,维塔钱购买服用后,一旦两位数的市场份额储疯狂卖技术 518 Cheaply rubbing bakasuka making good thing advertising here the importance If the sale you take the tsu te share which is sown With the gold which it gains technology can be bought from after don t you think it is

            • 640尽管外币和出口创汇的冲击,我不麻烦瓦特道歉的若干规定和美国的货币掉期长期短缺
              640 Although it has exported ringing, chronic scarcity of foreign exchange w The Japanese-American currency swap doing, unless you receive, the fact of the matter which is troubled with the foreign currency

              • 724電池次第 だが 、 一番効率的 に 取 れる 限 り蓄電池 は 中国 と 合弁 して 量産 したほうがいいだろどうせ リチウム をあいつらが 売 ってくれないぜ車 はなあ 、 むしろ 技術 らしい 技術 の 元 が 580从那里进Kushita大约一年前,如日本,德国,我也觉得自己达顶点大型国家操纵精度 724 But electric battery circumstance if you take most efficiently The ro where as for the storage battery China and joint venture doing the one which mass produces is good and is How the ze where the fellows do not sell se lithium As for the car because on the other hand the origin of the technology which technology seems was emptied out about 580 years ago Japan and the German like precise construction favorite nation passing in apex there is also the ru feeling
                • 盐湖580锂只要带走最有效的辣水稻离子电池 580 If the lithium ion takes from the salt lake most efficiently Don t you think the storage battery is harsh

              • 803いいえ 、 優先 されるべきは 目先 の 役員報酬 と 株主様 への 配当金 でしょこれは 生産設備 や 土地 などの 資産 を 売却 してでも 優先 されるものです会社 は 株主 のものなんですよ
                803 Calling you obtain, it should take precedence do with official remuneration of foresight and the dividends to the shareholder the [yo] As for this selling the property of production facilities and the land, etc even, it is something which takes precedence The company is something of the shareholder

                • 83日电动车,我们说是对汽车制造商的威胁,您有set m我恽力说,这是重要的一样细胞部分,我不站第二个液晶电视,将开始零部件制造商如能结合本销售大安 83 In the electric automobile the electric battery puts out the importance Gathering the part being said that the manufacturer which it assembles becomes threat of the automaker the ru However in Japan it is not conspicuous the liquid crystal television with such feeling the new manufacturer large bargain sale is possible combining the part
                  • 维塔帐户的摄入量和259,如果他们采取这些国家造成的,如果进入该国的威胁不仅是量,他们可能不会去制备津市到日本推进南特的威胁 259 Probably there is no expectation how of coming advancing to Japan Inhaling just it keeps taking If partner country is not threat you call advance If partner country threat it inhales and it devises of the one which is taken

                • 86或废话563,奔驰或熟人,但我已经对马自达当然这是任何人的猜测时,唯一肯定的宝马跑车,甚至是上半部分没有会徽奔驰,宝马设计我相信很多分钟什么魔法索纳那么我会的东西我四环素津市思或工作,并希望的政策,和SUV的天际线,但像春斯卡赛车的设计 在如此看来,这就是为什么设计师涌Waretara说,它 563 When sure of giving thickly 86 passes But just when it is the Matsuda car of somewhere whether in sure Sawayama it catches it is The coupe of Benz or BMW seeing the te without the emblem Benz the BMW tsu te you understand it is don t you think Certainly it being design policy like making the ru it is the shelf with you thought it rubbed Also SUV of the accompanying and the skyline why quite chiyon car design shelf… with this suka … When with it is said dezaina is chiyon so…
                  • 铃木和百分之23 5至13068辆,下降27 5%,马自达汽车10901辆,下降33 8%,本田汽车10389辆,下降20 1和百分之三菱已与6102个单位挣扎 As for the sea bass 13 068 unit of 23 5 decrease as for Matsuda 10 901 unit of 27 5 decrease as for HONDA 10 389 unit of 33 8 decrease 6102 units of 20 1 decrease you have fought Mitsubishi

                • 873我,我开始杀死科恩敷津从我在美丽的革命教育的生效20年后世界的大众 873 The clean at all murder coming tsu chi ya tsu it is with Cultural Revolution the empty Starting raising however the ru as for being mass produced appearing in world from 20 years later

                  • 90年后20岁的例子,其中大部分是经合组织的成员国名义GDP是已成为我的时代
                    For example in 20 years after nineties, generally OECD participation country GDP of pretext has reached time, it is

                    • 924基础上,公共债务,免息,我为什么不只是钱的线性津市迅速地开展工作,以问题的免息债券,但Surechi。该法案只适用于。柯法案停止或规定的最后期限无论如何。我不制备的继承税的法案,如果你什么都不做噢,但我想思次,我不是说我们应该停止在一个单一投资
                      924 If you mention below, but [surechi] the government bond issuing, with that gold linear Quickly, the work [tsu] [chi] [ya] you obtain and it is to call are As for issue of interest-free government bond. Just paper currency in object. As for the paper currency providing the time limit, stop How the [se]. If it does not do how at all from the paper currency, inheritance tax you do not take, therefore it is, simply It stops it is not to be, you think that it should have tried to be able to turn to [te] investment, but it is,

                      • Ttara踏削减进一步放松货币政策,中国,这将越来越多的日本公司已经以欺诈手段获得的金钱井认为不可能和毫无意义的强调对原非货币交易本身,
                        Now when China finishes to step on furthermore in quantitative relief, unless you think with spirit of the extent which designates the origin itself as the transaction impossible currency It does and the Japanese enterprise is steadily purchased with the fraud money which does not have either the [yo] [u

                        • “延迟不仅偷机器和技术,替代的重要组成部分是一个很好的位置和图案机智,例如利用日本,”日本的直接有意聘请优秀的什么是工资支付,即将投入流通那个 gt Not only stealing the machine and technology the place and the essential part where changing is not effective the Japanese should have been used It has become the flow that gt the excellent Japanese will employ even with paying high giving direct
                          • 拖延不仅偷机器和技术的重要组成部分的粗糙和更换以外的地方是一个很好的使用日语例如,一个优秀的日本什么打算直接雇用任何薪金支付的流程,正在成为 Not only stealing the machine and technology the place and the essential part where changing is not effective the Japanese should have been used It has become the flow that the excellent Japanese will employ even with paying high giving direct

                        • ーYantsu同样的陷阱,或微软会从我这里购买,我可以发展自己,我不看中国甜津古黎扎嗯拉是什么由来自该国其他地区的国家来的人,叫作美国本身我将吹走了我的脚和缓慢的,但现在他们可能会悟任 Because you cannot develop by your if it purchases it is and says and the same as Microsoft is The country itself America from the country of out town the talent consisting by the fact that it pulls with ru reason When China you see sweetly the foot it is scooped know it is however whether already it is slow
                          • 国内的859或仍然认为这是一个小,但,显然微软操作系统的发展 859 You think that Microsoft still it was minor but However q rasii which has also domestic OS development

                        • 不惜任何代价。在婴儿潮的许多企业主在日本后泡沫破灭无论如何不能帮助我是来自主要也是宝贵的日本公司一次性因为(笑)我第一次生产模式伐丽流坏,这只是纪念吴代我忍不住从日本津分区 A lot of gold Valuable saying because the big business of Japan threw away there is no ginger Don t you think many of the manager of the Japanese enterprise after the false bubble collapsing are the nodule generation laughing are The production model NG generation who most is hated dividing Japan because it is ru there is no ginger
                          • 日本仍然是混合动力汽车电池或核系统和钢铁有关漫画模具 Steel Die Atomic energy system Automobile Electric battery Hybrid It remains in Japan about animation and cartoon kana

                        • 不过,由于一些诸如倾向或国家非方向,根本的,,只是因为他们以模仿的机械和技术采购,以及他们一样的人的工作,也没有限制 NULL
                          • 在中国,但是,即使有国家认同墙不要把太多精力将增加更多的比大的想象 NULL

                        • 东道主日本比他们会捋捋─我的国际竞争力?什么韩国希望越来越多的国内生产总值下Irujan级
                          It is [ho] ゙ [roho] ゙ [ro] above Japan, w International competitiveness? The Korean [tsu] [te] the ranking of GDP has gone down steadily

                          • 中国汽车制造商,比亚迪汽车(比亚迪汽车),模具是一个重要的荻原成立于1951年,群马县)正在就收购该工厂27人,他们是明 The Chinese automaker ratio sub 迪 train as for BYD automatic die major ogihara with 1951 establishment Gunma prefecture Ota city On the 27th it became clear to purchase the factory
                            • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜公司成立于1951年,荻原,研究在群马县的一个工厂,其中包括5个植物馆林 ogihara with 1951 establishment includes the Tatebayashi factory inside Gunma prefecture and has 5 factories

                          • 中国的优势好,什么工程,在日本有300万人丰富,10万人(低工资)和我曾经居住在日本共经历了中间的事实禁飞区使用半殖民地国家我不明白瓦特
                            Well the Chinese strength making the wealthy layer 300,000,000 on the country, The domestic colony 1,000,000,000 (it is low wages) the trap which is the point where population is As for one time in Japan which experiences entire middle class w which is the hand which cannot be used

                            • 为了避免通货紧缩压力,以提高国际竞争力,3月以来,进行了大规模的外汇市场干预政策 Deflation pressure was evaded in order to strengthen international competitiveness after the March last year large scale intervention policy was executed in the exchange market

                              • 主任在紧急情况下,你这样做,什么人,为什么以及如何分工,但我本身就是这样一个有趣的想法
                                Official how, as for the people how, role allotment how, such a conception itself is strange in this emergency, it is

                                • 事实上的零利率,所以无关储备银行的目标尚未有任何需要收集的资金干预组。钱古增加了近倍
                                  In fact, because zero interests, furthermore there is no either goal regarding bank preparation, it not to be necessary to collect intervention fund, the basis. The money increased nearly time

                                  • 亦有人指出,作为报刊业的主脑,冈野雅行先生一样的模具车间利用说我们可以把它作为读“政治冲压车间”
                                    Way also existence as a mastermind of press industry is pointed out, exploits the die house Can of the Okano elegance line person “the press house grasp in the word such as the politician”

                                    • 亩大海人皇子与金融厅的误差会阻塞由蓝筹公司破产南特破产保护出租,撕毁我检查出租志摩步履蹒跚的发言
                                      Financial agency with large fisherman imperial child k Restlessly, the bills checking, you lend and to be turned up lend and you probably can prevent also the black-ink balance bankruptcy of the enterprise of good standing with peeling off Range of planned bankruptcy how error

                                      • 人均国内生产总值到2016年,它是我们Netouyo欢呼声分别比抨击自民党韩国š万维网
                                        If per one person GDP in 2016 it can make a foolish mistake in Korea, Liberal Democratic Party hurray shelf [netouyo] www

                                        • 什么是不是说中国的反日政策,以收购日本企业?设想是反日日本。我希望我焦急地单纯
                                          As for China which anti-Japanese policy is done the Japanese enterprise the [tsu] [te] which is purchased what? If counter day Japan 企. Although you should have been hard on

                                          • 从1700年,我与人,甚至把一个工程师,一个大胆的重组,不溃,视为可能随着技术应该能够保持一个最优先 Therefore 1700 people and the te ru it is holding down the technician doing bold restructuring It keeps the not collapsing and technology just that you think to of the most priority possible expectation

                                            • 他们说,在高端产品,许多买家,因为这是我的感觉你是发展出成本只是Shiteyatsu As for purchase layer of a certain semantic high end commodity being high just that putting out development expense the ru From tsu lever Toda
                                              • 这个世界,“我第一次和采购四环素○○(项目)”不能在市场上月底在作怪 In the world “0 you buy for the first time the commodity ” at the point in time when it is not accustomed in the market it ends

                                            • 他就像623和美国的15条从日本上利拍卖制度,是中国和日本没有上限什么是对的地方,而溃韩国和台湾,以及日本的压力,但周五我已经销毁的东芝626 623 America being able to make a foolish mistake Japan likely unless the tsu ke which is about 15 rank it puts out Japan becoming the ceiling China the se ri rises from under Korea and Taiwan collapse It half collapses also Japan by pressure 626 The money providing to Toshiba the seed
                                              • 441仍然是一个不寻常的事情,它与你慈济成本的产品竞争,台湾和韩国 441 Still making the product which is similar to Taiwan and Korea with cost game ru thing puts out abnormality
                                              • 中国拍卖从623下降天花板上利,日本不像美国内克不包括日本,韩国和台湾的溃,我想我们已经摧毁了626日本大石的压力和金钱东芝 623 America being able to make a foolish mistake Japan likely unless the tsu ke which is about 15 rank it puts out Japan becoming the ceiling China the se ri rises from under Korea and Taiwan collapse It half collapses also Japan by pressure 626 The money providing to Toshiba the seed

                                            • 企业赞助来敲打汽车产业叩良好。这是由于叛徒真正喜欢来Nettouyo Makutta叩
                                              The [tsu] [te] which it was good car industry it hits and sows Enterprise support. Hitting the [tsu] which sows it is there is no, [netsutouyo] way favor? As expected the traitor

                                              • 但是,555的东京,千叶,什么时间是污水?氖或你我一松顿万维网万维网,但中国Tteta思和污水的化粪池它甚至没有什么户,真正的人民,他们是南特多听起来不错,和那个谁的中国菜了靖石井石应是静态或 555 But with Chiba from Tokyo 1 hours it is the sewage but what The Matsudo za well www botsuton it combines wa www in the purification tank margin However something the Chinese thinks as the sewage in Matsudo to tell the truth so it was not How as for the person it is many well enough and the Chinese cooking which the people make is cheap and it is good Furthermore quiet
                                                • 但是,555的东京,千叶,什么时间是污水?氖或你我一松顿万维网万维网,多少中华儿女,他们户的东西它甚至没有一个化粪池,使中国的菜是安静的家伙,我将石头靖伊志 555 But with Chiba from Tokyo 1 hours it is the sewage but what The Matsudo za well www botsuton it combines wa www in the purification tank margin However something the Chinese thinks as the sewage in Matsudo to tell the truth so it was not How as for the person it is many well enough and the Chinese cooking which the people make is cheap and it is good Furthermore quiet

                                              • 但是,这种方法也有一个致命的缺陷,最终密封球所有的转售利润。清算和首先,是要通过大萧条涉水,以确保安,剩下的就是只有新设备和新技术,比以前更好的性能,是因为Wanai返回支付给他们的专利新技术的速度在资本主义基本制度和国家反转来Pakuru However there being a fatal defect in this method once upon a time resale stopping Everyone interest When it starts clearing off panic occurs securely is But as for remaining new technology only the new facility because efficiency is good return is faster than front Without paying patent to the new technology when paku ru country comes out Root of the system of capitalism deteriorates
                                                • 投机性购买他们不想转售货物购买东西旧扮什么,如安全的新事物,美国,一旦这成为博闻 To buy those which do not need with speculation purpose that ones buying new ones in mortgage Old ones are resold turning this America kept becoming large

                                              • 余Shouganee 128,和他们对待奴隶Seidashi谁在日本有这样先进的技术管理
                                                128 Don't you think? the ginger the [e], the Japanese manager the slave was handled the consequence which produces such high-level technician,

                                                • 作为中国这样从关东和技术转让要离去的大清洗倭人定留在大屠杀单独清洗Razu
                                                  As the Chinese way unless large before purging Wazin, technology must be moved because Kanto one person not to remain from holocaust, because it is the schedule which is purged

                                                  • 例如在中国的商业世界就业,荒凉如英语的方法取得的,在日本数年,产品销售的1 5倍是的,我有 If you employ the Chinese who can do English in business for the world in several years about 1 5 times the product group which can be sold It has possessed Japan
                                                    • 我应该是好的,更多的美国汽车Dattara古瓦特也为美国在中国就业制度 When is being able to make the ame car better when it is ru expectation w The Chinese employment system the same as America

                                                  • 农业保护的结论,日本是日本农民和国家的农业保护是世界领先的,他们手厚『一』补贴可浸
                                                    Agricultural protection Conclusion, Japan is the agricultural protective nation whose worldwide top class is careful, The Japanese farmer soaks and is 'the subsidy'

                                                    • 即使你是82之前你会得到一个闭门维塔瓦特antiforeigner说,即使是包括外国人,或该国家是日本唯一的国家,我不得不向工业和军事实力和政治影响力足够的力量来消除身体的?
                                                      82 As for you doing even with national isolation, [ro] w Even the 攘 barbarian which is the 攘 barbarian those where you can say are just the country which is sufficient political power and military power and the industrial power which can remove external power Japan such country?

                                                      • 另一方面,用于支付大型模具主要用于汽车车身制造荻原,是世界上最大的汽车模具领域的公司
                                                        [ogihara] You manage the large-sized die for automobile body production mainly, in the die field for automobile It is worldwide most major enterprise

                                                        • 在839日元仍然是政府本身的责任,没有它?糯第一,重要的是日本,只有自己的事情对任何国家政策,以保护切割戈得出结论中国的劳动力不是来源是没有想到线来穿古 839 As for it continues to be increase in yen value the ro w which is responsibility itself of government Does not close the first origin being only all national protective policy in the Chinese labor force which itself It arrives to the conclusion that of Japan is not thought is important with
                                                          • 谭一断裂的结果,外资制备慈济平方米的财阀企业,劳动力暴露88层被称为学生很少赢得一代,加剧社会不平等 Destruction is the result which is done financial group related enterprise the takeover to foreign capital The layer where also labor force is called 880 000 won generation being born differential society becomes intensified

                                                        • 在成立家庭而不是剩余的立场的形式,大和证券SMBC建议,今后上市的股份是
                                                          Instead in the form which leaves the standpoint of the founder whole group, the Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. SMBC which proposes future stock presentation Capital it participates

                                                          • 在日本的137,因为他们是非常糟糕的技术处理,它指出,随着古事的人,我认为日本企业投资的发展离不开国家的问题,他们希望各公司应该受到良好的解礼不会 137 In Japan because treatment of the technician is very bad there are no times which it makes specially the Japanese enterprise and sees and is attached Investing to the environment for software development which by your would like to do if treatment is good Probably there is no problem enterprise of the country of any
                                                            • 169中年工程师,谁年轻的委员由你出稼目前中国退休正在成为中国中国本地领养的不派 169 It is worked away from home to China there is no middle aged technician from the person whom you retire Recently as for the young man there is no Chinese dispatch becoming the Chinese local adoption causing

                                                          • 在日本的经济衰退,但这丝毫没有减少预算收入的电力公司的电力需求,唯一的缺点
                                                            When the Japanese economy atrophies, the [so] just it is it decreases also electric power demand Also the electric power company is the case that sale falls

                                                            • 在欧洲,日本汽车业的新汽车销售量tomaranai 5%的增幅下降,丰田汽车下跌了两位数字的7个月...两名来自丰田集团的结果降至第8位(包括凌志)为41243个单位销售
                                                              The Japanese automobile industry where ruin does not stop The European new model car sale 5% increase, as for Toyota 2 column decrease… February result The Toyota group which backed up to 8 rank from 7 rank of January (the rec suspension is included), selling 41,243 unit

                                                              • 在这881基金在更多的搜索引擎,中央银行,文章而整体入住率梅鲁开户银行及其他机构不是一个满足只有一个,他们思你会看到制备阿的Nde我读到有目共睹,希望玛 881 In that article of agora The Bank of Japan fund just is not full as for the ratio which handling system in the whole deposit of the bank and the like is occupied 1 comparatively If with you can perceive the fact that you say you think We wanted reading this but it is
                                                                • 389但我有一个被包围的心态,而不仅是中央银行要差担心泡沫元素仍然总是越多越好 389 As for the blockade impression however it is Bank of Japan which fears the bubble just does not move Still there is an element which improves with anytime

                                                              • 多层基本水平在10年至30年,30岁〜50岁,而梳子是一位资深深远的歌了养老金的若干规定退休年龄从60在中国作为一名工程师和青少年的立场沿海地区有人认为有点害怕上留下充足的空间Rubeki公司 Because within of 10 years or more 30 years at the most numerous layer 30 generation 50 generations retirement age passed the basis in Annuity making that you receive far even now with position as a technician of 60 generations the Chinese coastal area Fearfully the ru which perseveres at the company either the people who should are not few
                                                                • 质量和安全管理,以及机械和系统的经验和技能是绝对必需的技能 In quality and safety control not only the machine and the system Experience and skill of the technician who becomes skillful by any means become necessary

                                                              • 如果你指的是916,因为大多数日本纳阿我津市津思她的汤,享受他的东西,人们穿在山上和在中国看不到沙漠的衣服还没有电动车,其他电池竞争“只”是的,大的投资,并希望从政府这里说,他们应该是什么是什么 916 China still the Mao jacket wearing the mountain inner part and in the desert the gruel slurping the thing making the ru tsu te Thinking therefore the ru Japanese large portion… If you say by the electric automobile the extent which competition of the storage battery” just” the tsu te it is possible speaking already Therefore don t you think we want also government investing here
                                                                • 他们从良好的下降,日本的消费行为Tteiu Tetara这样做,因为半椎粉碎时,新增加的,或最终Waranai日本?没有任何意义,使日本的东西,没有任何资源 Because it is cheap to call therefore half price when it is broken because and it is new the tsu te the consumption conduct which is said The Japanese doing the cod Japan it doesn t end The meaning the thing of making in Japan or Resource or

                                                              • 已经是405,如写上,如从西方培购买力平价 苏或我们国家国内生产总值1日本的话,一定是低的压力,这是10个,让S是在韩国几年爆破 405 But something quite Japan from Europe and America like above entry Already GDP per one person of PPP be su is advanced nation subordinate position If it does also 10 years the ze which is the spirit which it can make a foolish mistake in Korea

                                                                • 市场营销117,等我在这里溢1000我喜欢它现在他们形成这样一个公司的任何图书日元左右的“安古应该卖一件好事”,在销售和不喜欢它的最后Warimashita你思津和日本有这么多公司,他们不知道内容是什么? 117 The ro which nowadays is not such a company and is Overflowing in the society about 1000 Yen such as ru marketing Being written by with whichever of the books the ru “it should have sold good ones cheaply” If with you do the times when it can sell the kind of contents which were ended it is not understood Thinking that enterprise and the Japanese are many so the ru
                                                                  • 市场营销117,等我在这里溢1000我喜欢它现在他们形成这样一个公司的任何图书日元左右的“安谷应做好销售”这样做,并售出了它的最后Warimashita你思津和日本有这么多公司,他们不知道这样的内容? 117 The ro which nowadays is not such a company and is Overflowing in the society about 1000 Yen such as ru marketing Being written by with whichever of the books the ru “it should have sold good ones cheaply” If with you do the times when it can sell the kind of contents which were ended it is not understood Thinking that enterprise and the Japanese are many so the ru

                                                                • 希腊是破产,破产加利福尼亚州,日本,我认为我的钱袋国家防御丸 Greece fails failure California deihuenshibu the gold gets together in the country among such Japan it is
                                                                  • 加利福尼亚州三年,想一个较发达的土地,即使你不是在日本太阳只有几天的雨降 karuhuorunia only 3 days the rain descending disembarking and others saying likely in year if the land which is said Also the solar developed probably will be more in Japan

                                                                • 当阻力在酒店罕见包括青年Ttara线是直接从一个朋友的男友称,和“我买美国男子一四环素大前”已被男性为主,如华粟止吐出来什么 对不起Netouyo传入休克瓦特 Being called from the friend of his person The leprosy which does it stops coming accompanied you being packed by the hotel When it resisted “ omae was bought from the American man it is” the tsu te In order to spit out only the bloom man seems that is applied The shock receiving ru netouyo sorrow w
                                                                  • 当阻力在酒店罕见包括青年Ttara线是直接从一个朋友的男友称,和“我买美国男子一四环素大前”已被男性为主,如华粟止吐出来什么 对不起Netouyo传入休克瓦特 Being called from the friend of his person The leprosy which does it stops coming accompanied you being packed by the hotel When it resisted “ omae was bought from the American man it is” the tsu te In order to spit out only the bloom man seems that is applied The shock receiving ru netouyo sorrow w

                                                                • 德国一直是一个完整的逆转系统梅斯特说你不这样做,日本将有一位终身雇佣合约制造青年时期工人逆转,没有它?
                                                                  Germany the my star system has not deteriorated completely, the [ro] which is, As for Japan lifetime employment has deteriorated and, as for the manufacturing industry the [ro] which is the period dispatch employee of the young person

                                                                  • 德国汽车在欧洲新车销售已经看到丰田车的质量不够好是一切事物喜,下降百分之四... 09丰田雷克萨斯在欧洲的经验是15,所有(包括俄罗斯欧洲)什么是新车销售的结果明
                                                                    You compared with the German car and what the extent riding comfort which does not become the thing does not do suddenly exposed The Toyota European new model car sale and rec suspension 4 percentage decrease… 09 year result The European Toyota on the 15th, all Europe (includes Russia) made the result of new model car sale clear

                                                                    • 我不知道这是来自日本的质量也不在中国,在价格低迷反映比在廉价优质的零部件需要的是相互方便您要购买质量结果 Therefore the times when quality is not reflected on price in depression Than quality the inexpensive part wants Japan As for China we would like to buy quality Result of both circumstances

                                                                      • 我们正在飞往当地生产Bimasushi总部往往比国内旅游,在日本厂商车队“匠”我们是一个技术指导线
                                                                        Our production headquarters domestic business trip compared to fly to the locale frequently and, At the factory the technical guidance by “the craftsman/teacher team” of the Japanese is done

                                                                        • 我可以在减少财务状况的相似売Ritaku摆脱被视为从雇主的角度来看是Chatta但可惜盗窃
                                                                          [a] - [a] The stealing [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is If so you think from point of view of the manager, the [wa] which we would like to sell, becomes Management circumstance of petering out good-bye it is possible distantly

                                                                          • 我的意思是,从网上奄奄一息的国内汽车制造商节约成本不合理只是说这是什么昂贵的外国汽车或外国汽车热潮
                                                                            Foreign car boom saying, because only the large amount foreign car you buy, the expense where the dying domestic car manufacturer is unreasonable it reduces, it is

                                                                            • 或尝试了多不是学生更多的西方新生活不试试拖延柯韩国和中国窃取技术,变质,不能复制到指定升华它们在日本的3名外国人在西方思想的将来,日本将继续转向日本,韩国幼稚的高新技术产业重点,技术模仿 China and Korea technology just is stolen Those above that cannot be produced The European American way the Japanese way it cannot produce anew sublimate As for the deterioration copy leaving to 3 national people Future Japan probably will keep shifting in high tech industrial concern Europe and America of conception and Japan of technology the imitation tsu it is dense China and South Korea
                                                                              • 超过443的设计Gitede某处看到任何中国的I ²扁拌公开E和真正的降级版本 443 With designing too much which every one was seen somewhere huita Furthermore deterioration edition As expected Chinese ha ゚ nee

                                                                            • 收购配件厂是一个好兆头,高品质日本制造,它几乎相等的部分的质量和最小
                                                                              Part factory purchase is dangerous, height of the Japanese make quality quality of the part of the minimum unit almost equal Therefore

                                                                              • 日本制造商进行的六万七千二百十年前并不意味着它没有突破,但最终事与愿违,我是蜡像持不同姓氏的增值或高品质的产品已具有价格竞争力的预算志既不É ½ Ô
                                                                                672 10 years from before the rank as for the Japanese manufacturer price competitiveness falling Being able to give high quality or added value in the product, however it has been about probably to assure discrimination conversion After all it appeared in the reverse side, therefore with saying, it is not the case that it is break step [yaha] ゙ [su

                                                                                • 日本央行缓慢。欺诈,和折旧的基础上成立,所以一定要收集。货币增长是没有发生
                                                                                  Bank of Japan gentle. Because fraud by all means does with collection or repayment and set, the basis. Increase of the money does not occur

                                                                                  • 日本是相同的,如果我伊南达条件之间的差异,首先,你从一个国家都有一种特殊的思津,日本,日本改变了他们的瓦兰什么世界是平的人类和其他国家刚特鲁在日本或中国的汽车,也增加了今年韩国Idaro m溢出自然快50 As for the Japanese thinking that it is the country whose Japan is special from the ru That is original mistake what If condition is the same as for the Japanese the human and the what strange straw it is in other country To flat the ro which the car or 50 years when it can win Japan China in the world where it converts is fast and is The fact that it is surpassed in Korea is inevitable what
                                                                                    • 刚特鲁954在日本或中国汽车在50至韩国Idaro执着20年的快速增加将超过日本成为世界上做这些事情看我斜 954 The ro which the car or 50 years when it can win Japan China is fast and is Because it overtakes Korea 20 years are required The ro which Japan exceeds and is when you see from the world doing the thing with respect to tilt

                                                                                  • 本人每周韩国沉巡逻?难怪克尔维特,在那你Attaro一二○○吨痩Bekobeko虽然我们以外的任何马类巡逻,原因是因为不成熟的焊接
                                                                                    Per yesterday the Korean patrol warship which sinks? The [ro] which is There is no oak and others which, is the patrol warship with something but [korubetsuto] class 1200t Therefore the outer part of that loses weight and [bekobeko] has done in horse state, as for the reason welding technology immature

                                                                                    • 来源人均国内生产总值的636在2016年我对枯萎拧↓年以外的日本和韩国说,如果你是,所有的增长,你使我想消耗,每个人都 636 Per one person the tsu te which with GDP in 2016 it can make a foolish mistake in Korea Source ↓ The other than of Japan grows that when you say how it has become completely and you wanted to consume completely There is no ginger it is with the shank everyone

                                                                                      • 模具制造商,你应该看到的水果几乎重组喰清莱,好运气,因为他们来自世界各地中国来,提供年龄达罗
                                                                                        If it tries doing from the die manufacturer, the restructuring 喰 leprosy so Luck it is good to the end where it becomes, therefore the reason where offer comes from China the [ro] which is ten thousand 々 years

                                                                                        • 欧盟,日本56%32%美国16%澳大利亚5经合组织平均29%的收入来源,百分之56的日本农民的“补贴”·经合组织估计[股市]可在2000年的方式,在日本的总的农业生产补贴%达6.5万亿日元,4560
                                                                                          Japan 56% EU 32% America 16% Australia 5% OECD average 29% Source As for 56% of the Japanese farmer earnings “subsidy” OECD estimate For the Japanese 2000 agricultural producer it climbs subsidy sum total in 6,456,000,000,000 Yen

                                                                                          • 正常的思维,日本人学习后,觉得这种技术的Warina考虑飞行很可能最终被解雇过,回家
                                                                                            Normally, thinking, when you acquire technology, the same Japanese finishes and the neck being cut, the air does And this thought hits in 89 ten,

                                                                                            • 民营中小企业在己娄官员对什么是税收负担过重的高工资保险降落伞两次获得付款的时代官方代表的负担
                                                                                              Government employee Assemblyman Compulsory salary being too high Tax liability Insurance burden is too heavy Public official with something private small and medium-sized business Salary of 2 times is received, it is

                                                                                              • 瑞士854通货紧缩瑞士,3月至去年10月有一约1%的通货紧缩 854 The Swiss deflation conquest Switzerland was in deflation of the 1 from the March last year extending through October
                                                                                                • 854雷曼冲击后,美国和英国的通货膨胀即将四环素有很多法案印制的?而不是治理通货紧缩挣扎 854 After the Riemann shock America and England printed the bill in large quantities but the ze which does not become inflation On the other hand deflation tendency

                                                                                              • 瑞士规模的名义国内生产总值的比例干预主要出现在2003年春天,日本货币当局“重大干预”政策,已经超出了津市通过2004年春季
                                                                                                The Swiss intervention scale which was seen at nominal GDP ratio depends on the Japanese monetary authorities from 2003 spring extending through the spring of 04, “large intervention policy” is exceeded

                                                                                                • 科学只是242烟,烟,我想与恩戴津碰撞还包括该国总理秋,平均评级ー挪拉陈轲机管局少,使之更加科学排名,东京大学 242 Just potsupo puts out science potsupo wants also Prime Minister of the country thrusting… with Furthermore don t you think the � when and others you refer to grade Tokyo University science of AA ranking the less we want doing
                                                                                                  • 科学是250个烟,吹,首先是没有我不是一个真正的权力极少数津秋,秋,狂热的Ttoru 250 Just potsupo to put out science potsupo grasping real power even with ru reason or Most the mania tsu you take potsupo

                                                                                                • 纳毛山路,和其他人不再出售销售技巧和在科的许多国家的人口外流,他们这样踢我们将继续越来越多的三振,没有工作 When the ma ji is dangerous technology flows out to the country where such a ke population is many Also those which it sells become unable to sell and also job continues to be steadily taken
                                                                                                  • 下一步我们是人民的基础设施在汉城8住房德鲁我立即停止,如果我觉得我百分之作怪 As for next door 8 tenths of population living in Seoul from the ru If below service there is an air which is popular don t you think it ends immediately

                                                                                                • 维基是世界上的锂离子电池,电池在世界上第一大手机制造商的地方[1制造第三位]
                                                                                                  In wiki, With production of lithium ion electric battery worldwide 3rd rank, in the one for portable telephone manufacturer of worldwide 1st rank [1

                                                                                                  • 该法禁止的减税或闪烁404闪烁406 Toriaezu思三星和我不是一个专利诉讼比Idaku博闻400的位置,5000继续将货物从一个国家,他们倾销一点〇 〇 〇亿日元产品的若干规定 404 Temporarily pachi prohibition or the pachi tax shelf 406 As for samusun becoming large you do not think as the ru Patent lawsuit holding 400 cases or more you receive 500 000 000 000 Yen you continue to ship the product which dumps from the country and

                                                                                                    • 超过三十○万点零零亿日元“重大政策干预”的,其理由是,日本央行经常帐户余额目标,三分钟的对四环素的剩余资金介入市场的光束时间
                                                                                                      30,000,000,000,000 Yen is exceeded, in time of “large intervention policy”, partly due to the fact that the Japanese bank pulled up checking account balance goal, 1/3 of intervention fund remained in the market

                                                                                                      • 身份,我们提到的“电子国家”和“X计划”是他在这?我想及早重组井表弟 As for identity commenting “Electronic establishment” With “Project X” The combining which is consequence The wa which cousin industry would like to have reorganizing well quickly

                                                                                                        • 这一次,我是从新闻,商店规模的城市模具厂将伟大的比赛打得中游柯分包欺负自己的海外早已上午请
                                                                                                          Because this time it was the great man, becoming news, however the [ru], subcontract [ijime] So the die house of the town factory scale which is stopped being able to keep doing considerably from before You are redeemed in the foreign country

                                                                                                          • 这是从相似感觉世界上只有563名是在日本十分受欢迎,以及意大利设计568 Munara达罗虚张声势不再在日本和德国销售的产品包括 563 That simply Japan and sense being similar from the ru In world the Italian human design large popularity 568 The Japanese or German product is sold if being hatsutari the ro which becomes without and is

                                                                                                            • 这是你的艺术在日本的家用电子产品,如果る很好的补充电动车和689倍的钱,不仅简单,而且也是很好的日本和爱国主义远远高估 If your Japanese specialty it puts out electronic engineering and becomes the electric automobile furthermore it becomes good 689 Patriotism doing to there however Japan also it is good to overestimate Just it cannot turn the gold simply what and

                                                                                                              • 这种植物的销售被认为是提高采购的一部分折扣率,以加强在中国的日本汽车制造商生产基地
                                                                                                                As for the latest factory sale the Japanese automaker the Chinese production foothold strengthening It is thought that it is the link which pulls up part procurement rate

                                                                                                                • 这还没有他们先払率,胃和律师事务所没有过晶体技术和多少像车身的模具南特悲水稻植物,而是说我不再是制造商自行决定纳阿日什么是过去 Furthermore don t you think because there is no fee payment in advance the stomach is not applied reliably with however you say it is sad When the body die of the automobile how you say crystal like ones of technology it puts out Until now the Japanese manufacturer it was arbitrary but it is Already past glory
                                                                                                                  • 和他们不先払率,我什么都没有Rarerushi外国人好,将与中国竞争,估计死亡狗屎伐丽流容易生活和增加债务管理公司可以〜 Furthermore don t you think because there is no fee payment in advance the stomach is not applied reliably with however you say it is sad When the body die of the automobile how you say crystal like ones of technology it puts out Until now the Japanese manufacturer it was arbitrary but it is Already past glory

                                                                                                                • 进入汽车行业专业知识,电池寿命或以上,2008年推出的世界上第一个生产模式12月普锐斯
                                                                                                                  Furthermore utilizing the know-how of electric battery business, it enters into automobile business, The worldwide first production model plug in hybrid car was sold in 2008 December

                                                                                                                  • 通产省是旧的,但是当我教的好,他将密封的梅萨美通产省的行政指导
                                                                                                                    When former times Ministry of Trade and Industry, having guided, it was good, but it is, America probably makes the Ministry of Trade and Industry administrative guidance stop

                                                                                                                    • 那么现在是844或瓦特Agora除了金本位制的央行货币制度是,这不是PDF格式的管理,如果“短缺”的资金和能够运行“很多”和流失的钱你会做思ü? 844 agora or w Well it sets aside that and presently there is no Kanemoto rank system something and therefore if the management monetary system the central bank becomes the PDF It is possible “with a lot of” to print the gold When and the gold is printed “in large quantities ” you think that how it becomes
                                                                                                                      • 那么现在是844或瓦特Agora除了中央银行的货币管理制度的并不是他们想要的黄金标准是“足够的钱”,能够运行“很多”和流失的钱你会做思ü? 844 agora or w Well it sets aside that and presently there is no Kanemoto rank system something and therefore if the management monetary system the central bank becomes the PDF It is possible “with a lot of” to print the gold When and the gold is printed “in large quantities ” you think that how it becomes

                                                                                                                    • 雅虎博客-政治及经济统计资料-在普通的家庭最终消费支出细目紫癜趋势:/ / blogs.yahoo.co.jp / suzukieisaku1 / 589515。html的
                                                                                                                      Yahoo! [burogu] - Political economy Statistics - Change of domestic housekeeping expenses end use expenditure breakdown ttp: //blogs.yahoo.co.jp/suzukieisaku1/589515. html

                                                                                                                      • (科技刈大多数的科技成果早日推行,制造)模具车间,现在我可以做很多工作来简化方便的数字化能力

                                                                                                                        研究 開発