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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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With NHK and listening fee default lawsuit with first defeat/miss 訴, the retirement lump sum grant 31,460,000 Yen of Ebisawa and default lawsuit of all parts of the country in pinch


  • 1 3,减少到三一四六〇〇〇〇〇〇日元。 ?至于即将退休的Dattara通常1000000000他们! ?透过那我真的我霍马山的那幺我 Reducing to 1 3 31 460 000 Yen Usually when it is sort 100 000 000 Yen the close retirement lump sum grant Licking the ru honto Licking society the ru

    • 11协会,Shiku青年广播接收设备阿卜迪哈希索诺管认证的零件和维修店广播接收设备指定的,即使在其他任何情况下名称,无线设备制造商,经销商及行的业务规范和U毕修理店,并会以这样的行为不应干预
      11 Association recognizes the equipment or that vacuum tube or the part for broadcast reception, It appoints the repair trader of the equipment for broadcast reception, in addition is thick with every pretext the [te], The business which the manufacturer, the seller and the repair trader of the equipment for the radio do discipline is done, Or, the kind of behavior which interferes to this does not have to be done,

      • 161取消后,3个月,每月一次,“对在电视上?”嘿现在拿出 161 When it cancels “there is a television being it does 1 times in 3 months the yo ” With Don t you think it reached the point where it comes the e
        • NHK的还是你一个人签署的伦恩南特瓦特住所,我可以取消一个电话本 Still the person whom NHK how it has made a contract it stays it is shelf w It can cancel with telephone 1 although
        • 但是,你开始合同?如果不是当时我什至取消合约不会有任何 Simply in the first place having made a contract If even contract it is not done cancellation how it is not possible
        • 我刚刚寄盲人踢Ritsu与形式通知取消对他说,如果你不想惹反伐丽流净邮件弄得 If in the window the confusion being said trouble Searching for the prescribed form with the net just to be accustomed to sending the cancellation report it is necessary with the mail
        • 由于越南和准备取消拉它,如果合同确定200年元 There moving becoming cancellation state If later it makes a contract it decided that they are 200 years later

      • 1870年玉简介四环素我说的平均展开竞争华伦天奴在韩国和保守派的答案,电话和呕吐,与西方大国,日本和韩国将是开放的时代合作Bikaketa福泽谕吉展开竞争
        Opening to the world Korea to 1870 age, cooperating with Japan, the European-American powers and the fighting concavity it called synopsis Yukichi Fukuzawa answering to that, the Korean Mori old style and the fighting [tsu] it is it is story of gold ball equal

        • 32:18编号:CndXUPUc0 1 03 的行动必须坚持营业wwwwww Dattara的运动,或不笑强行阻挠水平,在选举前wwwww做愚蠢的牛 政治 “的问题?我?刚买的卡妇女 32 18 ID CndXUPUc0 1 03 If management side does not admit power interference with business level shelf wwwwww When it is election activity before the electing that foolish thing is done wwwww which only is laughed “Something being a problem The card just was given to the woman
          • 528名称:财富周年 10名无 圣人 时间:2010 03 25(星期四)02:32:18编号:CndXUPUc0 1 3 如果你不坚持在管理方面,但业务水平强行阻挠wwwwww Dattara广告系列,或不笑,并在选举前wwwww做愚蠢的牛 政治 “我有一个问题?刚刚抵达妇女卡 528 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 03 25 wood 02 32 18 ID CndXUPUc0 1 3 If management side does not admit power interference with business level shelf wwwwww When it is election activity before the electing that foolish thing is done wwwww which only is laughed “Something being a problem The card just was given to the woman
          • 717和辱骂对Shiku遗憾的身份证是不可阻挡的感受:NPvc nfv0是梅鲁卫 717 With being vexatious the feeling which does not accumulate ID which consoles by the fact that the partner is denounced It was NPvc nfv0
          • 808名称:Tatibana隆◆HhGf8jwqok 时间:2009 11 21(周六)10:49:47编号:7GVQbz8b上诉不会丢失 808 Name Tachibara filial piety will HhGf8jwqok Contribution day 2009 11 21 Saturday 10 49 47 ID 7GVQbz8b Defeat miss 訴 You do not appeal
          • 摘自: 638 名无周年幸运日期:2010 03 25(星期四)21:36:59编号:50Jp4NCk0 635伊南达什么区别,所以猜想 From 638 Name it is not tenth anniversary Date 2010 03 25 wood 21 36 59 ID 50Jp4NCk0 635 Therefore that even misunderstanding what

        • 506 3,日本广播协会没有疏忽,,该章程是不是他们的机构赢得知识志余→日本NHK
          506 3, NHK side did not know power of representation disappearance without mistake -> NHK victory Don't you think?

          • 648日本NHK什么是男人我没有收到他们的收费发出电波顶部支付什么?奈电波第一线和第二线不能得到它,我同意古浴Birumonojanaikara什么是所有的补偿金 648 Although you send denpa to NHK Being person tsu te what which does not pay listening fee Well but first line completely agreement what that and second line is not connected Because as for denpa until paying the compensation there are no any which it pours
            • 我不知道他们付出多少与柯日本广播协会的工作人员,他们希望韩国或Bottakuri不错不必要的戏剧在大约1分钟的费用10现在购买 It is the good saddle where salary of the NHK staff you said the ro also listening fee may be about current 1 10 is Wasteful Korean drama with botsutakuri buying and tsu te

          • 697“前缀Itenai NHK电视台没有接到”国王合同的目的,并说:“日本NHK必须让人们看到,日本广播协会并不介意进入合同不是”那样糟糕,我在旁边还躺在主观和语言
            697 “Because the television is not put with NHK reception purpose, you probably will say that it does not make a contract”, but “As for NHK to see, because the [re] [ru] does not like, NHK, you probably will say that it does not make a contract”, but Both are subjectivity

            • 826后的广播法案的通过,日本NHK广播电视公司看到它成为合同标的第二条法律,广播接收由无线通讯,广播收到电信运营商直接在其他直接改革法案最糟糕的是在接收了直接的干预,即使是,如果日本NHK Hajimetara传递免费视频,² Ý ° È蜡蜡这本书后来被但也希望有一个合同² Ý蚩蜡蜡不明确,不排除这样,也许可以在领先的专业报刊一气
              826 When broadcast method amendment plan is formed, also CATV where you can see NHK becomes the object of contract Existing law 2nd stripe seeding, as for broadcast the direct reception with the radio As for revised law, as for broadcast with the direct reception with telecommunications, the other enterprise lying between, it is considered direct reception That it is worst if NHK begins free animated picture transmission, also Internet the contract object should have been is not unable When Internet is excluded in the proviso, because it is not the case that it is clearly written, whether you push proud enlargement interpretation

              • 938:Tatibana隆◆8yAhJN6zGw:2006 / 04 / 20(星期四)02:44:14编号:X7 / KyxwE费,如果你租服装师通常元10000-2元
                938 : Tachibara filial piety will * 8yAhJN6zGw : 2006/04/20 (Thursday) 02: 44: 14 ID: X7/KyxwE If the clothes are rented, stylist charge usually 10,000 - 20,000 Yen

                • BBS のように 民意 を 反映 する 制度 もなく 、 OB の 高額年金 を 維持 するために 受信料 を 使 っていても 、 誰 に 叩 かれるでもない
                  Like BBS there is no either system which reflects public opinion, it does not use listening fee in order to maintain the large amount annuity of OB also it is hit in someone, being

                  • NHK和问题,如Ikakeru回家看看“一个人民,而不是对电视处置肯定和”不得不说这不是来自日本NHK后来人
                    When it questions, “one by one, because it meant that verification of dealing of the television has not done”, whether in NHK it comes to the house in verification from NHK that from here Descending/disembarking no one comes

                    • NHK没有从Nakota 9我是从商业电视收集!
                      9 It is densely it is it is not Because you collect NHK even from commercial broadcast!

                      • NHK的“NHK的合同是每日管家从他们声称”这只是我没有在表面上的争端
                        Therefore as for NHK the insistence that “NHK contract is the daily housekeeping”, very, you just did not dispute with apparent agency

                        • NHK的人谁拒绝支付费用,他们收到的,在该国,这意味着13000 0万近蜘蛛,这在垂直,然后一个良好的百分之反对,NHK的官员将前往全国各地的法院这种情况下,我们落后,不被斗争 The person who denies the payment of NHK listening fee says that even nearly 1 300 000 person it is with entire country but 1 tenth inside this formal objection as for NHK taking a business trip the staff to the courthouse of all parts of the country Unless judgment fight is done it stops being able to go
                          • 57 NHK的反对以商业电视台的广播,而且他们不反对现状是如我看到有些人付出更多的费用,但是商业电视台只有商业电视 57 But those where it opposes to NHK commercial broadcast conversion are commercial broadcast each bureau Also the person who looks at only commercial broadcast pays listening fee But also the fact that it does not oppose to present condition is commercial broadcast

                        • NHK的制度是违宪的,但没有之间的差异,我将作出裁决违宪,请添加一些水果,但不是微妙
                          But the current system of NHK not to be wrong violation of constitutional provisions, unconstitutionality decision can be put out as expected? When with it becomes, it is delicate reason

                          • NHK的历史抗日战争战争(共产主义,左)→佐尔格斯大林共产国际→→→日本广播协会主席u003d近卫文尾崎秀实卫队(官僚创新,军事创新)战争司令部(左)在传播阶段→NHK的牛东京审判的历史观点诚』第一个自我审查,目前排在共产党,李李长春,中共中央政治局第五次常委会↓媒体,自由派知识分子(谁大江健三郎),加藤宏一和山崎拓,小泽一郎,鸠山由纪夫
                            History of NHK counter day Prior to world war 2 (Communism person, left flank) Stalin -> The Comintern -> [zoruge] -> Ozaki 秀 truth -> Fumimaro the = Imperial Guards President NHK (Reformist bureaucracy, reformist soldier) After the war GHQ (left wing) -> In NHK '眞 phase box' Tokyo judgment view of history circulation and self censorship Presently Rank 5th rank inside the Chinese Communist Party, Li Nagaharu Politburo standing committee member ↓ Mass communications, progressive cultured man (Ken Saburo Oe), Koichi Kato, Yamazaki 拓, Ichiro Ozawa, Yukio Hatoyama

                            • NHK的告密者“└△△△△┘ 接收 日本NHK 信号 收费 (BS1) 付款 首页 └──┘└──┘ NHK whistle blower “ └ △ △ △ △ ┘ 92 92 Receiving 92 NHK 92 92 Trust 92 92 92 92 Charge 92 BS1 92 Payment 92 92 92 Obtaining 92 └ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ┘
                              • 810乙 中科院卡,客户资料提供给日本广播协会,因为他们的书面和♪ 810 In the B CAS card the ♪ which offers customer information to NHK Because with it is written
                              • NHK的告密者“Tatibana孝”回到37鲭鱼 NHK whistle blower “ Tachibara filial piety will ” 37 Mackerel revival
                              • NHK的告密者“Tatibana孝”回到37鲭鱼 NHK whistle blower “ Tachibara filial piety will ” 37 Mackerel revival
                              • NHK的订阅费用支付给你说行动哈希终止您与贵公司不必要的韩国,日本NHK订阅费的事情付出征收茹0我喜欢还经营日圆, Furthermore as for the tsu te behavior which in NHK listening fee is paid at the Korean enterprise unnecessary thing and simultaneous the money is paid It probably will cancel now NHK increases becoming the way which can be managed even at listening fee collection 0 Yen
                              • ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃NHK的是,我来收集 ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ It is NHK it came to bill collecting
                              • └△△△△┘ 接收 日本NHK 信号 费 ( ) 付款 首页 └──┘└──┘ 92 └ △ △ △ △ ┘ 92 92 Receiving 92 NHK 92 92 Trust 92 92 92 92 Charge 92 92 Payment 92 92 92 Obtaining 92 └ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ┘
                              • ■日本广播协会舆论引导外国人介绍投票踊跃■2009孙2008年10月11日,NHK的一名电视卫星广播(BS1)Y世代〜『〜』在全球未来的数字,“这更好的实现外国人投票“他的意见,扩大 NHK frequently to foreign carrot administration introduction public opinion induction 2009 October 11th broadcast NHK satellite 1st television BS1 generation the Y terrestrial future figure being similar The purport that “it means that the method which actualizes foreign carrot administration is better” was developed
                              • 什么设计师付出NHK的费用是一至500 0万Ofisuburau As for the stylist charge which NHK has paid to the office brow 1 times 50 000 Yen
                              • 在日本广播协会Ttara它是什么偏见的报道说,终止太严厉要求,和NAA均迅速退还我马上取消 So telephoning to NHK because deflection reporting is too harsh the rescission of contract stripe inhaling when you said it cancelled in the swift attack and it was swift attack to repayment
                              • 在精细从头解释“什么是做所有的款项已在努力”开始与地形和池奥伦ー日本NHK连我都不完善,直到他们英二 When so it explains finely “endeavoring being improved everyone you have paid” even The ma me it is the chi in the first place NHK it does not appear topographically but it is
                              • 如果还出现了电视天线,因为没有正式的南特支付NHK的荣誉,如果你不觉得没有真正意义上观看古茹 We were assumed that there was a television temporarily assuming that the antenna There is no air which sees NHK and the te really does not see if is how it is not necessary to pay
                              • 媒体的偏见是反日,并要求他们纠正贫困茹,日本NHK,如果亲人的同时,我认为击败 Anti Japanese deflection reporting is troubled unless it has correcting but that you think how party who does the NHK hitting simultaneously also
                              • 就个人而言,我津市思的解释和决定,不得解释的主观或“我Itenai前缀NHK电视台收看茹”,因为每种甚至没有合同的人说,它是什么和什么思 Private thinking that it is not something which with subjectivity it interprets and judges and however the ru “As for we the television is not put in order to look at NHK” that saying in interpretation it does not make a contract because Therefore the person respectively separately it is good thinking as kana don t you think
                              • 当您设置的电视必须从这个与NHK,日本NHK,人们有分歧的协议,他们不应该,我想你绝对支付的钱,他们错误地 In the first place when the television is installed you must make a contract with NHK Unless this the money must be paid to NHK no matter what unless The person whom you misunderstand is but as for that the mistake
                              • 有一件事他们写,而日本NHK晃石井总结我承认,我作为自己的相同 1 When NHK it has confessed in general correct thing personally that it is written same shelf
                              • 法官不冷静,日本NHK电视台,因为我可以创造一些体面规划和其他任何程序 Judging calmly TV station what which it can plan can produce honest program there is no one other than NHK therefore it is
                              • 问题是,“付款,因为我不小心违背NHK的什么多年的没有建立这一点的方式停止交货或人” As for being problem “because inside you do not see vis a vis the person that you do not pay” as for NHK tsu te the expedient which stops transmission The point shelf which long time was not constructed so far

                            • NHK的脐带759将无法看到是不是从法律合同如何完成
                              759 It becomes to the [so] Because NHK you do not see, it makes a contract and says and as for being completely legitimate?

                              • NULL 676 677 680 You as for just being the human who cannot do kiyatsuchiho ゙ ru of conversation w which is understood The truth continuing to declare just your own quibble no one agrees upon and Shifting point trying you probably to carry to your own round sand ring it does not fish because w Unless it illustrates abstractly your own quibble those which cannot be made true We has expressed the reason which has concrete characteristic but is as for the person who cannot be refuted to that concrete characteristic Presenting only the abstract source therefore just you attach your own reason The reception equipment which does not designate is the reception of broadcast as purpose as in the National Diet reply which is the data of the general affairs ministry And it is the National Diet reply to the last and it is not stated clearly to law As for that from the related characteristic which decides the radio technology which ties the relationship of Wireless Telegraphy Act between broadcast method clear Above in that also below that
                                • 697接收设备,合同应得到维塔说,它可以被理解为是对无线技术从人的行为的具体电路客观地说,合同,是否消除主体就是要求我们在法律上我不管事实的我不合法的合同霓ㄏ ¯饘搬饘如果我还告诉我们,对Binoo于,这是真实的话题,我按摩,他Naritatanai首页秀仁 697 As for reception equipment you can say that it is something which can be judged objectively as a concrete circuit of radio technology Therefore reception contract the behavior which the human makes a contract if we should have refused lawfully Whether or not subjectivity is removed it does not make a contract lawfully regardless of as a fact indeed It was attached to the partner who te ゙ ihe ゙ toko ゙ tsuko plays and could be brought together obtained rubbed with the hi and Conversation is to become the shelf well the cord is the ze which is

                              • NULL 774 When scramble is done commercial broadcast likely From audience rating it can make as for the listening fee system but the law which cannot force contract It just is said the hi ゙ hi ゙ tsu te you can receive only program to be seriously considered that it is breach of law information is inclined With NHK thinking seems the ru way Because program how no one of medical care and welfare sees it is selected immediately that Because after information does not spread in the person who does not pay the money information differential is born that But as for such a policy shelf In brief “the money to pay view we would like” that the program making which is the value which you think is not possible it is Way pay on demand has failed The value which in the first place pays the money to the program which NHK discharges how almost it is not There is the great opening in value of the information which NHK side says and value of the information which our viewers feel About every month 500 Yen about this is applied quickly with the shelf which to on demand it should convert
                                • NULL 774 When scramble is done commercial broadcast likely From audience rating it can make as for the listening fee system but the law which cannot force contract It just is said the hi ゙ hi ゙ tsu te you can receive only program to be seriously considered that it is breach of law information is inclined With NHK thinking seems the ru way Because program how no one of medical care and welfare sees it is selected immediately that Because after information does not spread in the person who does not pay the money information differential is born that But as for such a policy shelf In brief “the money to pay view we would like” that the program making which is the value which you think is not possible it is Way pay on demand has failed The value which in the first place pays the money to the program which NHK discharges how almost it is not There is the great opening in value of the information which NHK side says and value of the information which our viewers feel About every month 500 Yen about this is applied quickly with the shelf which to on demand it should convert
                                • 昨晚和今天早上,和广播法瓢矫半,在今年的预算盒不触及了修改,但我的新闻提交法案Ð ½ º Ï,复制该法案,并潜入它甚至不能正确地报告,在NHK的² Ý蚩蜡蜡做免费的视频传输,² Ý ° È蜡收费或费用的既成事实的通过?你出468的义务,犯罪什么印象没有收到该合同成立协会的广播设施没有义务首先作为刑事处罚,这些人有正确的法律知识 The night of yesterday this year budget and bill submitting of minsu are reported present morning and with news but it is It has not commented concerning amendment broadcast method The mass communications properly reporting margin Stealthily if after that you do Internet free animated picture transmission of NHK through the bill fait accompli formation of Internet listening fee rating 468 In the first place installing the reception equipment of broadcast of association crime tsu te impression operation it is strange not to make a contract don t you think As for obligation as for obligation and the penal regulations unless it has the legal knowledge where the citizen is correct as penal regulations the error to demon to be converted forever the cartridge still If to sukuranhu ゙ ru it should have converted sufficient story

                              • NULL It spreads to all the direction entire world Worldwide panic ≠ Japanese collapse eye theory mu resident Korean The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The dog of the Soka academic society which does not broadcast the news whose are inconvenient to the Korean N H K Now it broadcasts stops Start hitting the 恨 day Korean from Japan Start hitting the resident South Korean who invades Japan The Japanese after the war breaks away now from regime Announcement of sight of Academy Award with hiyundai CM of animated picture of Academy Award samusun
                                • NULL It spreads to all the direction entire world Worldwide panic ≠ Japanese collapse eye theory mu resident Korean The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The Korean Democratic party returns Japan which is taken over with the fraud manifest You are the terrorist The dog of the Soka academic society which does not broadcast the news whose are inconvenient to the Korean N H K Now it broadcasts stops Start hitting the 恨 day Korean from Japan Start hitting the resident South Korean who invades Japan The Japanese after the war breaks away now from regime Announcement of sight of Academy Award with hiyundai CM of animated picture of Academy Award samusun
                                • 闪存Moraimashita上拍照一次服装出租,而不是问题低质量杂志,犯罪的是,传入的播音员,他们亲自在它的若干规定 but clothes rental is problem one time it had picking up in photograph weekly magazine FLASH That it means that the fact that the announcer has taken privately is crime

                              • NULL Present association and broadcast of the place where the connection time ma it does it has the receiver which hearing can come it is as for the thing Those which the really hearing are probably are broadcast of the Nippon hoso kyokai but it probably will not be but Or in 單 turn of private broadcast As for the thing as for those which the really hearing are the Nippon hoso kyokai It probably is broadcast but it probably will not be but or in the 單 just program of private broadcast hearing when we are Putting after all in association 35 Yen the 拂 trap ke re it is the stipulation that it does not become lt 1950 February 15th House of Councillors telecommunications education combined member Net island government member gt As for broadcast method being enforced by the way 1950 May 2nd
                                • 条广播法1“广播”二修订手段直接接收的,由公众,事情电讯(此项电信业务法(1984年第86号)第2条第1款所规定指电信 Broadcast method amendment plan 2nd provision 1 The “broadcast” the telecommunications which designate that it is received directly by the public as purpose telecommunications business law 1984 legal 86th number is the telecommunications which are stipulated in the 2nd provision 1st number

                              • NULL Unconstitutional bill foreign local denizenship propulsion generation Y cherry tree H21 10 15 Generation Y This tsu te deflection program 1 2 2 2 When you think that NHK does not relay the National Diet After all Foreign carrot administration It was question NHK and the foreign carrot administration National Diet it does not relay 2010 2 9 House of Representatives budget committee Takaishi Sanae Liberal Democratic Party reformation club It is not believed Kitazawa 俊 beauty The treason speech of defensive minister of state Takaishi “ as for the influence for the national defense of immigration ” You spoke with the Democratic party Kitazawa defensive phase “people group but there is no danger”

                                • Terujan日本NHK广播和您带来汉奸反日的诚伊溃什么是www也流到附录,戏剧wwwwwwwwwwwww安全套国 NULL
                                  • 我们一直在说,但他叩金正日或虾,因为这个家伙跑了,加快了迅速的卖国 Shrimp jiyoniru being said however it is hit the dense Tsuga stopping being later quickly Impetus was given to treason

                                • [石。他们错误地覆盖道夫]日本NHK“拆除核电厂”[樱桃小鼠H22 / 3 / 24]紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d EcDXRCyyrPI●缺乏研究/检查您的程序在德国座百合-废物。 ●有意建造?/创意活动-在英国的浪费。建设成本11000000000000日元-平时后拆除和缺乏道德●措施-即使囚犯的工作,他们坚忍不正确-历史/大雅戏剧
                                  NHK “nuclear dismantlement” of mistake being lazy [cherry tree H22/3/24] ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = EcDXRCyyrPI - Investigation insufficiency/check of program commonplace - the German expelling/opening. Construction - Intend? /Creation activity - The English expelling/opening. As for construction cost 11,000,000,000,000 Yen - Concerning dismantlement, measure always postponement - Insufficiency of moral - Committing the mistake, calm, duty - Historical fact/big river drama

                                  • _NULL_

                                    • “今天的决定是批准并授权,以获得他的妻子的个人情况是没有资格,”关于民事合同的第一次广播双向收到761条的规定,公平的应用是自己的决定,而不是“被告我单方面承认索赔,NHK和索赔Shirizoke令人遗憾的是,我的内容极
                                      > As for present decision, as for power of representation conferment and confirmation to the wife it cannot be recognized, the individual circumstance that, > And in broadcast reception contract as for application of stipulation of civil law 761st provision doing the individual judgment which we assume that it is not, > It recognizes the insistence of the defendant unilaterally, has retreated NHK insistence, they are quite regrettable contents

                                      • “合同”是“法律责任”,但“他们支付”的“法律责任”是不是(履行合同的目的只领取)“不是一个缔约国”非法的,但没有罚则
                                        But contract” ““obligation with respect to law” “you pay” and is not “obligation with respect to law” (As for the payment the fulfillment to the last in making a contract) “It does not make a contract, but = illegal state”, there are no either penal provisions

                                        • “唯一的人谁安装了接收设备并非专为接收广播”是一个大纲,应得到承认,我不看与建立这一目标(例如,接收无线电接收设备的监管,显示我的歌词设施,以确认质量)指已安装的人谁
                                          “The person who installs only the reception equipment which does not designate the reception of broadcast as purpose”, unless externally and objectively that installation purpose is viewing the program, for example those which are recognized (, radio wave supervision Reception equipment of business and equipment in order to verify reception picture quality) it is the person who is installed

                                          • “如果你拥有一个,我为大律师是在理论上支付我没有被单纯的思想,因为他们根深蒂固的”,所以坚持,“脱亚合法途径电视鳕鱼支付它没有考虑到,请出来的警察发生碰撞 If “the television is owned therefore in the legal profession boundary how deep rooted to think Unless you must pay with pure legal theory it has meant thing it is because…” with it is persistent When “is because there is no air which is paid please extend to with also the police
                                            • “如果你拥有一台电视,那就是我没有,我不支付法”,这样坚持,“我不介意Dattara支付,挑选出连警察请 If “the television is owned therefore in the legal profession boundary how deep rooted to think Unless you must pay with pure legal theory it has meant thing it is because…” with it is persistent When “is because there is no air which is paid please extend to with also the police
                                            • ←丰田Ritsu很奇怪的? (其实,我说的是法律,他们不知道),的确是一个国家总 lt It is Strange one ri But whether really you can call law in me it is unclear Surely with it is in a state where you can say
                                            • 并打破了社会制度是坏的,他们是合法的,他们也有许多法律理论不能被视为纯粹的黑白思维方式,因为他们ineradicability Breaking social system it is unpalatable therefore in the legal profession boundary how deep rooted to think It is the case that there is many also a thing which cannot attach the black and white with pure legal theory

                                          • ←确是否“1 2 2”但是,如果你想反驳,我并不反对建立,说我津(乙):如果你想反驳,津说我很反对四郎反对 lt But certainly “1 as for 2 2” we would like to refute if is we saying it is not formed vis a vis ru thing We B We would like to refute if is we saying vis a vis ru thing refutation margin
                                            • 一(乙):所以,如果你想反驳什么,以及我们对计数器可以和我说津市 We B Therefore we would like to refute if is we saying vis a vis ru thing refutation margin

                                          • ┌───────┐。(│●●| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |┌▽▽▽▽┐| “摩
                                            ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ . (│ - - | /¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ / | ┌ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ┐ | < [do] -

                                            • ┌───────┐(|●●| / |┌▽▽▽▽┐| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(┤| | |你知道所有应付费用\└△△△△ ┘\ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | \ \ | |(_)| | | / \ |└──┘└──┘
                                              ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ( | - - | / | ┌ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ┐ | /¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ( ┤ | | | Everyone listening fee paying, don't you think? \ └ △ △ △ △ ┘ \ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | \ \ | | (_) | | | /\ | └ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ┘

                                              • ■6名外国人在某种程度上论战所有白人出■←在五人,在反对派中一人的青睐,国际政治而“应该平等地参与”外国“税什么是即使养老金支付,不参与政治是错误的“,”我承认外国人仅仅表决,日本也比在国外受到尊重“,”就像从一个很好的气质,日本更good d“语言,和外国人,如组合,他们最终笑你的评论娱乐(博品川)为“”我承认没有更好的幽默 6 foreigners lt why all whites the inside 5 people of the controversialist approve opposition you call 1 in circumstance “For internationalizing also the foreigner should participate in politics in equality” Although “you pay tax and annuity not to participate in politics it is strange” “If foreign carrot administration is recognized therefore is respected in from the foreign country Japan the favorite also the Japanese ” “the harboring which is improved” … And so on with calling to foreigner In the end Laughing entertainer of commentator Shinagawa hiroshi “” The one which is not recognized is strange the head is old it is the aged person don t you think ” After with you make say discussion ends the young person of the Japanese who has come to the studio the induction which makes the bill of majority lift “approval”
                                                • NULL Foreign carrot administration is denizenship given to the foreigner who does not have the Japanese nationality That you say how for the citizen very expectation of important problem Naturally as mission of public broadcast as for NHK concerning foreign carrot administration Program should be broadcast but it does almost not do The brainwashing program where past Japan a little stands on approval side was broadcast just The pattern which lets flow the program below 2009 October 11th broadcast Generation Y” with is said with BS program for the young person who NHK The purport that “it means that the method which actualizes foreign carrot administration is better” was developed

                                              • ★法律费用不付款,他们志在接受日本广播协会NHK的等待地狱的第一次失败是在大麻烦
                                                * Listening fee default lawsuit The hell where it expects with the NHK first defeat/miss 訴 NHK is large pinch

                                                • 七百零五案件华伦天奴说,答:1 2 4你呢?乙:不,1 2 3达罗 705 Comparing when you say A Don t you think as for 1 2 4 B As for the calling and 1 2 3 the ro which is

                                                  • 与雅虎从NHK的德鲁知恵袋 已经在广播或看电视,我米NHK的订阅费用等支付的法律规定E号法律,但翻译是守,日本广播协会收到津市反映了飞机采购,折扣经过越南,或者是,什么是个人信息保护法骨折已获得的个人信息 Relation Yahoo Adviser NHK the television seeing or being completed with the radio from the ru pays the NHK listening fee has been decided with law but as for law protect the meaning that When you buy the receiver where NHK appears and move tearing private information protective method Private information is obtained
                                                    • 与雅虎知恵袋NHK的是阿费支付E的法律规定,在法律,但翻译是守,NHK和某人的购买津,越南或拉接收当个人信息保护法什么骨折获得的个人信息 Relation Yahoo Adviser NHK the television seeing or being completed with the radio from the ru pays the NHK listening fee has been decided with law but as for law protect the meaning that When you buy the receiver where NHK appears and move tearing private information protective method Private information is obtained
                                                    • 最近,我德鲁已经从看电视或电台NHK的缴付费用不希望纳阿 Recently the television seeing or being completed with the radio we would not like to pay NHK listening fee from the ru
                                                    • 湾我没有付费,协议→→日本广播协会将有权对违反义务的要求苏 b It makes a contract gt listening fee is not paid gt NHK has claim right in the non fulfillment of obligation

                                                  • 什么是合同纠纷反对派→从中判断的影响,我认为会更好指向取消
                                                    Disputing the effect of contract, rather than objection stating stand -> becoming judgment, it cancels and it thinks that the one which is solved is wise

                                                    • 什么样的下列证书的字眼(也使交货证明)销售中心的代表,将发送给单方面Ritsu解礼局是彻底取消 Contents below contents proof you acquire also certified mail with If it is accustomed to sending to charge business center or the branch unilaterally it is completion of cancellation
                                                      • 什么样的下列证书的字眼(也使交货证明)销售中心的代表,将发送给单方面Ritsu解礼局是彻底取消 Contents below contents proof you acquire also certified mail with If it is accustomed to sending to charge business center or the branch unilaterally it is completion of cancellation
                                                      • 什么样的下列证书的字眼(也使交货证明)销售中心的代表,将发送给单方面Ritsu解礼局是彻底取消 Contents below contents proof you acquire also certified mail with If it is accustomed to sending to charge business center or the branch unilaterally it is completion of cancellation
                                                      • 什么样的下列证书的字眼(也使交货证明)销售中心的代表,将发送给单方面Ritsu解礼局是彻底取消 Contents below contents proof you acquire also certified mail with If it is accustomed to sending to charge business center or the branch unilaterally it is completion of cancellation

                                                    • 什么私人在3100万美元的退休说,让我们进入公务员退休后的第三阶段柯三分钟瓦特稻领先的生产管理人员和好吃的任何人,不仅免除工作的公务员的钱杆约卡领先企业的退休杆美浓Fundakutsu它瓦特扎马阿wwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                      When you refer to retirement lump sum grant 31,000,000 Yen [tsu] [te] people, dividing the retirement lump sum grant of the first-rate manufacturing industry official into three stages, the [ze] w which is third of that It is what kind of government employee It is tasty as for the government employee, either without working The gold they are the droppings from the other person, just it comes the [ku] [tsu] [te] which is the droppings Whether with that retirement lump sum grant like first-rate enterprise w [za] well wwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                      • 但慢慢地,让在观看演出的纪录片拍摄奇迹诗人被称为“母亲自己自制的,”母亲本身的工作状态,“我们已经看到了从对确”,并表示希望与他们真正的正常制备expressman我立即重播,研究expressman制备正常的海外传递和立即从NHK的档案,谢长廷更在这个程序删除史无刈。广播自我纠正不保护 But image with the documentary program poet of miracle is shown “the original work of the mother our Original our performing of se “mother “We looked at circumstances certainly because it is true” that and so on while saying the normality re broadcast Same to cancel and same to cancel also usual overseas transmission furthermore from the NHK archive While to make the thing which does not delete this program thanking apologizing Either correction broadcast does not do self self protection
                                                        • ■日本NHK u003d部分制造。协会“NHK的是中性的,”欺骗天气为公司的日本能剧和直觉和分歧,他们已破坏日本 NHK Fabrication partial Association Special Corporation in order “NHK neutrality” and so on the talent weather which is misunderstood swindles the Japanese to weaken Japan
                                                        • ■日本NHK u003d部分制造。协会“NHK的是中性的,”欺骗天气为公司的日本能剧和直觉和分歧,他们已破坏日本 NHK Fabrication partial Association Special Corporation in order “NHK neutrality” and so on the talent weather which is misunderstood swindles the Japanese to weaken Japan
                                                        • 但慢慢地奇迹诗人对母亲自身的工作状态,纪录片,名为“我们已经看到的从确真实的”,虽然说他们,研究expressman制备正常立即重播,海外销售和正常我expressman制备立即从NHK的档案,谢长廷也进一步下滑,而这个程序删除史无刈。广播自我纠正不保护 But image with the documentary program poet of miracle is shown “the original work of the mother our Original our performing of se “mother “We looked at circumstances certainly because it is true” that and so on while saying the normality re broadcast Same to cancel and same to cancel also usual overseas transmission furthermore from the NHK archive While to make the thing which does not delete this program thanking apologizing Either correction broadcast does not do self self protection
                                                        • 但每次我们在视频瓦特哇亚军奇怪的“伟大的母亲自己的工作。这是广播”和问题Ikakemashita w The bill collecting person changing each time image is shown “original our performing of the mother large The shank” it questioned with broadcast
                                                        • 当然,我们看的NHK视频广播每时机已经到来,如即将过去的“伟大的母亲自己的工作去收钱。但我在电视”和问题Ikakemashita Of course it had reached the point where the bill collecting person comes from NHK but at each time it comes image with broadcast is shown “the original work of the mother our Performing large It is broadcast don t you think ” with it questioned

                                                      • 余海老泽胜,但他们叩“雇员马塔危险的红色染料的想法(不是法律头)”从另外一点我是使孤立的新闻节目可以评价 Being hit the ru “the dangerous staff who dyes to aka idea cannot designate Ebisawa legally as the neck ” It has isolated you can appraise the point from reporting program production and the like

                                                        • 你反促进反日海豚捕鱼是,反捕鲸(ry司,该程序将正确的老虎机上瘾!被日本人弹球盘韩国疾病WW3洗脑将休会世界! In other words urging counter day with counter whaling counter dolphin fishing as for ru ry Assign the reform program in the pachinko addict The pachinko illness Japanese who is brainwashed in the Korean traps the world to WW3

                                                          • 北罗和一个以支付他们的需求,在法庭上什么智齿的合同纠纷彻底反对建立逆行
                                                            When payment dunning it comes, objection doing to state, thorough Contract of ignorance error So disputing with judgment

                                                            • 即使你折扣的事实广播反日的差异,收费太高嗯,我认为这是合理的足够本月2000日元 Deducting the point anti Japanese broadcasting station listening fee is too high Well you think that about month 2000 Yen is proper
                                                              • 然而,索赔是否有效之前,你说这不是日常琐事的范围,但我认为这是一个不同的 Simply whether or not your insistence propriety there is no range of the daily housekeeping we you think however that it is different

                                                            • 即使天线日本NHK井胶的合同义务的目的,并不会被要求接受 Connecting the antenna when purpose there is no thing which receives NHK obligation of contract does not occur
                                                              • 即使天线日本NHK井胶的合同义务的目的,并不会被要求接受 Connecting the antenna when purpose there is no thing which receives NHK obligation of contract does not occur
                                                              • 即使天线日本NHK井胶的合同义务的目的,并不会被要求接受 Connecting the antenna when purpose there is no thing which receives NHK obligation of contract does not occur
                                                              • 即使天线日本NHK井胶的合同义务的目的,并不会被要求接受 Connecting the antenna when purpose there is no thing which receives NHK obligation of contract does not occur

                                                            • 另一位日本NHK海拉内〜达罗。哎呀,我感觉现在有应付费用南特
                                                              Already, the [ro] which as for NHK is and don't you think? and others - is. [te] or listening fee how not paying current common sense

                                                              • 叶德娴· · · Biuttechanaa邻国做在另一个家庭的内容,没有办
                                                                You flatter to the neighboring country, the [u] [tsu] [te] [chi] [ya]… Content it probably will rub in relative management state, how it will do or

                                                                • 周一忠于父亲的婴儿潮是真正的大,NHK和朝日新闻社支付即使我小遣津
                                                                  Don't you think? as for loyalty heart of the nodule father true great rubbing, as for NHK and the Asahi newspaper paying also the [te], without allowance the [ru

                                                                  • 在NHK的,惠普公司是否有在“执政不打算采取被告的个人情况单方面的主张,是无法接受这样不公平到底
                                                                    With NHK HP there being such notice > As for the latest decision, being something which adopts the insistence of the individual circumstance of the defendant unilaterally, they are unjust ones which possibly acceptance cannot submit

                                                                    • 在没有任何协议,日本广播协会一个月保持合同支付万的内容,大桶我想请问,如果我很高兴当你一个人签署一项法案,收藏家 With the notion that where NHK pays 10 000 Yen in every month it is not the contract drawing up the contract with the contents that When the bill collecting person comes with sign should have been received complying it is don t you think

                                                                      • 埃泰不仅考虑到权力电台洗脑,什么是您使用金的想法是唯一一位身穿民族广播,光我宣布胜利并从弱阳性的险境后疼痛日本NHK泡在慢性猛玛,我是根据司法锤 It just arrived to the post of government managed broadcast using the money of the other person you placing your own idea in radio wave only brainwashing It is not thought hurt just from the safe place attaching the weak victory declaring the wa which lowers the iron hammer of justice to growing impudent slow lazy NHK which soaks in rapture
                                                                        • NHK和他们在参与拆迁工作,因为他们有坏的头发,我觉得只是出于人的名字来塞尼亚随地吐痰 Participating in NHK dismantlement motion because you are prejudiced name of the Chinese person just appeared The nausea does

                                                                      • 她买了我的衣服Ofisuburau费用(由外部董事栗假名)柯Temashita时间和当时的管理 As for her the clothes expense which purchase by yourself Office brow The external director Kurihara yes 奈 manages You attached and did to turn increased

                                                                        • 并支付费用的点播节目是在什么神圣NHKKK
                                                                          The program which was made with listening fee As for being pay with on demand What densely [tsu] it is NHKKK

                                                                          • 广尾,涩谷区的一家日本的超豪华住宅区,角落里有一个简单而优雅的释放一氧化氮混凝土公寓
                                                                            In Japanese prominent super high-class residential quarter & Shibuya Ku Hiroo section, concrete There is a sophisticated apartment of the striking [tsu] releasing

                                                                            • 总废物协会日本广播公司的广播接收器。 2010 x周一x的通知您的客户数量孙登录用户的名称地址(如果你知道)为什么废物接收设施 Nippon hoso kyokai chairman Broadcast receiver expelling opening Report 2010 x month x day Reception contractor Name Sign Address Customer number If it is understood Reason Abolition of reception equipment
                                                                              • 总废物协会日本广播公司的广播接收器。 2010 x周一x的通知您的客户数量孙登录用户的名称地址(如果你知道)为什么废物接收设施 Nippon hoso kyokai chairman Broadcast receiver expelling opening Report 2010 x month x day Reception contractor Name Sign Address Customer number If it is understood Reason Abolition of reception equipment
                                                                              • 总废物协会日本广播公司的广播接收器。 2010 x周一x的通知您的客户数量孙登录用户的名称地址(如果你知道)为什么废物接收设施 Nippon hoso kyokai chairman Broadcast receiver expelling opening Report 2010 x month x day Reception contractor Name Sign Address Customer number If it is understood Reason Abolition of reception equipment
                                                                              • 总废物协会日本广播公司的广播接收器。 2010 x周一x的通知您的客户数量孙登录用户的名称地址(如果你知道)为什么废物接收设施 Nippon hoso kyokai chairman Broadcast receiver expelling opening Report 2010 x month x day Reception contractor Name Sign Address Customer number If it is understood Reason Abolition of reception equipment

                                                                            • 我一直在552分钟蟹色调他们没有明和一致的婚前婚后的合同意向,也不必知道一些日本NHK描述Desho 552 From before the getting married being consistent understanding clearly that it is not intention of contract although the ru After getting married it is understood in NHK furthermore and without the explanatory no oak passing being it does the yo
                                                                              • 552但是,这并不意味着你没有注意到,没有打算在婚后合同人 552 The ro which so this person is not the reason which notifies that it is not intention of contract after that marriage and is

                                                                            • 我不想要一个狗丢弃,因为香港的电视和碧塔海Hazime绫付款,记下他们的十年中移动版本前,甚至没有进入上一个个人电脑市场完全看不到整个调谐器,但房间没有该公司还解释说,移动的手是不够的,如何解释了合同,我原本由于证明什么prudery完成马洗津狗是的,我在香港Sugin失踪蒙博托收集系统,大声叫喊,并威胁要采取录像,我Kurushi Okoshimasu试验 Because as for we the bi you want one sentence we would not like to pay to dog HK and the like In those before the generation when you throw away the television as for carrying there is no even wansegu version down Naturally you see even with PC and there is no either re or a tuner After making everything perfect it has entering to the room Proving the complete thing which is fastidious it had returning The wa whose also explanation of original contract method is insufficient Even at the company of carrying as for explanation of that hand with the wa which is insufficient seko it is to pass it is as for the bill collecting system of dog HK That you yell with yell judgment cause you threaten it does Animated picture it is good taking that when you said whether is it kept turning back quickly but
                                                                              • Gendai这就是我知道我违反了作为加留你无论如何最后一分钟 After all the gene die di Contents reached the point where you understand anyhow in the last one sentence

                                                                            • 我在说什么津合同,或写?印章或按?每次我看到你津市蔌迂俄支付拉NHK的家伙来了,到现在为止,但还没有签署或盖章
                                                                              The contract [tsu] [te] saying, however the [ru], the document it is? The seal you push? At each time it moves the NHK person coming, paying, however the [ru], Until now, signing, however sealing it has not melted

                                                                              • 我想取消的形式发送取消“的文件给我介绍的地方电视台将发送给我们,并要求,只是”处置“,电视和张贴你的理由您输入完手机一定要结束饥饿Watta人几天诉讼地方电视台 Because we would like to cancel the cancellation paper the sending We want” attaching that when it requires that it came to the point of sending simply and introduced the bureau of local end and in the paper which is sent “it dealt with the television” reason It enters reason and mails it inserts the telephone of verification whether procedure ends in bureau of local end of several days later and it is end
                                                                                • 苏教授志摩假设你如何取消对通过电话与穷人的谈判内容的人证书 We teach the cancellation method of using contents proof for the person who are poor to negotiate by the telephone
                                                                                • 苏教授志摩假设你如何取消对通过电话与穷人的谈判内容的人证书 We teach the cancellation method of using contents proof for the person who are poor to negotiate by the telephone
                                                                                • 苏教授志摩假设你如何取消对通过电话与穷人的谈判内容的人证书 We teach the cancellation method of using contents proof for the person who are poor to negotiate by the telephone

                                                                              • 我没有人认识到655非¾澳,下列附加在你们面前的伤口或诽谤瓦特exhibitionistic适用。 。不要责怪一个人的阅读理解和缺乏±陛¶ ° Ð ½也不是一个足够大,
                                                                                655 The person who cannot recognize his own fault, as been able to damage self revelation desire, As for next slander slander or w You suitable. . That it is power, it is reading solution power, it makes consequence of the person About anchor mistake there is no either great thing,

                                                                                • 我说的是778义务的法律和规定的先例,这个词用在U内容是双方都能接受的
                                                                                  778 As for the word, obligation being clearly written with law, and judicial precedent the [ru], the word which with the contents which both parties agree upon is used between the parties

                                                                                  • 摆在我们面前(丙):我已经把所有描述了一个合理的论据,在这里没有必要反驳和漫记 You C Because this has expressed sound argument already it is not necessary to refute to theatre playing word

                                                                                    • 日本NHK在口语失去的怪异,甚至没有足够的稻草,因为上诉法院的判决是可能的怪异
                                                                                      As for the NHK defeat/miss 訴 assuming, that it does not change, it can there be times when the reasons for judgment change with appeal making clear sufficiently

                                                                                      • 日本NHK,但不主张在3000万美元,是不是太大Guhodono的数额是不是从和公务员退休的一般没有什么不同
                                                                                        However there is no NHK protection group, if about 30,000,000, Because there is no retirement lump sum grant and a great difference of the general government employee, the extent which makes a noise that much The [ro] which is not amount and is

                                                                                        • 日本NHK,但噢哦噢哦噢哦噢,000诉讼费损失,地板中小企业我们来说,将是非常警惕的时候这里有一月份三项修正案广播法,到现在为止唯一的广播电台和正规化箍,并将播出的电信和电讯改革法案通过无线,有线,包括稀有和签署的沟通,² Ý ° È蜡的广播和通信的融合,这也将包括该会直到最后一根稻草同样的条件,这样你就可以收到广播接收设备,该协会的范围

                                                                                          • 日本不负责任的回应他反对这种偏颇的报道亮相是很难好,如果溃许
                                                                                            It is hard to permit the irresponsible correspondence for deflection reporting of JAPAN debut Any such a things it should have collapsed

                                                                                            • 日本广播协会NHK的可以取消会员资格,即使他们有任何事情,因为我付出了这么久,我取消很容易调用NHK的商务中心,“过时的电视接收器的通知”是什么,请发送通知不付款,他们只需填写并交回文件是非法的,奥莱彼得穆已经没有支付费用,我收到终止不具有法律是什么缴付的费用 Therefore as for NHK joining option don t you think Until now having paid cancellation is simple Telephoning to NHK office work center “broadcast receiver abolition please deliver and” send Entering in the document which reaches it sends back just default as for illegal but cancel as for to the te it have pay 受信 listening fee lawful and I listening fee have not paid
                                                                                              • 此外,该法院已认识到,我们不能我所收取的费用,收取费用,但没有收到合同种类或在此之前可能是一个明确的信息,不能 Furthermore because this decision was not recognized listening fee claim but only too natural thing unless makes a contract listening fee collection becomes also a clear message that it is not possible

                                                                                            • 日本广播协会去年10月,作为对垂直四环素收费率复苏的前景已被丑闻,退休津贴的前总统锐减已被冻结海老泽Katsuzi元决心支付314600 0万 NHK the October last year aim of recovery of the reception tariff which is decreased sharply with scandal Assuming that it stood it decided that you pay the retirement lump sum grant 31 460 000 Yen of former Chairman Katsuji Ebisawa which is frozen
                                                                                              • 日本广播协会去年10月,作为对垂直四环素收费率复苏的前景已被丑闻,退休津贴的前总统锐减已被冻结海老泽Katsuzi元决心支付314600 0万 NHK the October last year aim of recovery of the reception tariff which is decreased sharply with scandal Assuming that it stood it decided that you pay the retirement lump sum grant 31 460 000 Yen of former Chairman Katsuji Ebisawa which is frozen

                                                                                            • 日本广播协会有三双的(补充税收优惠 税 费)珠柯钵咯子公司建立一个红色和Ronda&Kusanai连胜不会,因为这没有降落伞尽可能Uhauha 3 you take NHK heavily tax auxiliary favorable treatment tax system listening fee with Deficit ronda doing with the tsu te easy gain the order exerted from above which the affiliated company it makes and sows uhauha If this you do not lose it is useless

                                                                                              • 日本广播协会有两个核官员和交换意见持四环素次会议上,日本广播协会把精力集中在自我祝贺自由派,52,以抗议核电关系,他们指出,两者没有什么地方还分别在望如果没有答案的意思 NHK the atomic energy authorized personnel and had the exchange of opinions meeting of 2 times but NHK began and ended to the quibble of self praise in the protest book to which relationship of the atomic energy pointed out the mistake of 52 places Still unless many replies it is you call
                                                                                                • 日本广播协会,行交给妻子四环素合同是无效的,除非证实,她的丈夫,日本广播协会是非并不重要 In case of NHK if the husband does not confirm the contract where the wife does selfishly it is invalidity As for NHK good and evil there is no relationship

                                                                                              • 有关,从NHK和日本NHK恶作剧诉讼,并且没有任何相关哇
                                                                                                Because it relates with NHK, it becomes judgment instructions With NHK altogether you do not have to relate,

                                                                                                • 波罗的海舰队迫在眉睫(在朝鲜和俄罗斯的间接侵略日本)↓旨在加入(600大计划的代表团以及一些伟大的特别会议)↓太平洋Fleet m outta戈谱写旅顺要塞(小泽一郎及儿童)↑旅顺口铜墙铁壁(民主管理:鸠山一郎首相傀儡)↓203高地 包括无数的堡垒(NHK的垃圾 包括许多反日群众左)↑肉类部门。三野木务虚会左侧的巨大压力攻击维塔(葛历史的保守传统张贴正确的受害者,日本守主权独立 Approaching the Baltic fleet which comes toward Japan indirect aggression of the medium morning Korea dew ↓ Confluence is assured 600 human visit to China groups large Nagashiro plan exception interview ↓ The Pacific Ocean fleet which escapes to the traveling sequential fortress and is packed Ichiro Ozawa the chill drain ↑ Traveling sequential fortress of impregnability the Democratic party administration Ichiro the Hatoyama of puppet prime minister ↓ The countless fort which includes 203 highlands the countless anti Japanese left flank mass rubbish which includes NHK ↑ Boldly meat The Nogi tri service who adds attack and putting out great sacrifice backs up Sound argument will be put out and the conservatives which maintenance of traditional history and the sovereignty independence of Japan try probably to be protected If 203 highlands NHK only you can drop the Pacific Ocean fleet which is protected strongly Ichiro Ozawa Shock it is possible
                                                                                                  • NULL NULL
                                                                                                  • 台湾人民是我们的未来摩擦和日本文过滤器,为你来的心态和社会的敌视和歧视的恶性循环,它是21世纪,日本国家电视台NHK的电视,津市谁使用税开始对1的歧视和仇恨的循环传播源,石收到这样坏的头发很多。我减少了,因为对中共的宣传机构时代垃圾和四环素已削减到法院驳回很多, In the future the Taiwan people and the Japanese causing friction when the society like response of hostility and discriminatory heart comes out as for that the 21st century The government managed broadcast of Japan which is called to beginning NHK using the tax of the person to spread the fire kind of spiral of discrimination and hatred being prejudiced such a party Reception Opposite to the party whom it denies doing to be cut off judging while turning also the destination system it is consequence what of the kudzu organization which is converted that
                                                                                                  • 埃泰B和日本NHK在日本和加拿大边界边界,儿童的政客的愚蠢。来积极就业,而不是只弯曲的压力,“人质”的意思,如果有,和NHK非常困难的决定,这将导致崩溃了 NHK in addition to the resident framework and the B framework the foolish child of the politician Doing adoption positively submitted to pressure Not only because there is the meaning being agreeable which has been made “the hostage” it is connected to NHK collapse very Put out the decision they are difficult ones
                                                                                                  • 就我而言,日本NHK特别和奇迹的“诗人说,”山本Syuuzi大。我不再自动的银行帐户和预算,以抗议广播参数 In case of me you call learning repairing Osamu “poet with NHK special Yamamoto of miracle ” large Protesting to broadcast bank automatic operation it pulled and dropped and stopped account
                                                                                                  • 波罗的海舰队迫在眉睫(在朝鲜和俄罗斯的间接侵略日本)↓旨在加入(600大计划的代表团以及一些伟大的特别会议)↓太平洋Fleet m outta戈谱写旅顺要塞(小泽一郎及儿童)↑旅顺口铜墙铁壁(民主管理:鸠山一郎首相傀儡)↓203高地 包括无数的堡垒(NHK的垃圾 包括许多反日群众左)↑肉类部门。三野木务虚会左侧的巨大压力攻击维塔(葛历史的保守传统张贴正确的受害者,日本守主权独立 Approaching the Baltic fleet which comes toward Japan indirect aggression of the medium morning Korea dew ↓ Confluence is assured 600 human visit to China groups large Nagashiro plan exception interview ↓ The Pacific Ocean fleet which escapes to the traveling sequential fortress and is packed Ichiro Ozawa the chill drain ↑ Traveling sequential fortress of impregnability the Democratic party administration Ichiro the Hatoyama of puppet prime minister ↓ The countless fort which includes 203 highlands the countless anti Japanese left flank mass rubbish which includes NHK ↑ Boldly meat The Nogi tri service who adds attack and putting out great sacrifice backs up Sound argument will be put out and the conservatives which maintenance of traditional history and the sovereignty independence of Japan try probably to be protected If 203 highlands NHK only you can drop the Pacific Ocean fleet which is protected strongly Ichiro Ozawa Shock it is possible

                                                                                                • 然而,尽管无论是国营广播“公共服务广播”已经模糊了公众利益和冷流狗屎只是戏剧和万岁韩国报道叶德娴举例说,作弊的内容和意义创造的NHK的是未知的,语言维塔难以想象的,而不是恶性
                                                                                                  But, although it is not government-managed broadcast, “public broadcast” cheating with the meaning unclear coined word which becomes If you mention contents, only the man Say reporting and droppings cold current drama of 媚 China and South Korea letting flow, the good citizen You can call current NHK which you cheat, that on the other hand viciousness it does not become extreme,

                                                                                                  • 目前的广播电视法已涉及到个人电脑和因特网连接,日本NHK结可爱的偶像合同义务,并接受免费电影,修正案将受到这些协议还收到个人电脑 The obligation which concludes the reception contract with NHK with present broadcast method in regard to PC which Internet it is connected It is not but with amendment plan also these PC become the object of reception contract
                                                                                                    • 内阁批准了60年的广播草案的法律,政府增加了对7月5日自由,内阁批准了一项法律草案修改广播法案和梁双向无线电通信和广播的融合 Broadcast method amendment plan Cabinet conference decision After 60 years degree of freedom improvement Government on the 5th the Cabinet conference decided amendment plan such as broadcast method and the Wireless Telegraphy Act which are directed to the fusion of communication and broadcast
                                                                                                    • 目前的广播电视法已涉及到个人电脑和因特网连接,日本NHK结可爱的偶像合同义务,并接受免费电影,修正案将受到这些协议还收到个人电脑 The obligation which concludes the reception contract with NHK with present broadcast method in regard to PC which Internet it is connected It is not but with amendment plan also these PC become the object of reception contract

                                                                                                  • 相反,它从NHK的订阅费来获得在邮件中,这里是第一四环素前缀Itenai并说从不看电视的公司,因为这样的语句不能被认出了我,并说他的粗暴什么报纸上总,这里是由反射,所以他们什么都没有隐藏,让您的眼睛看到这么下西 Because from NHK that it came to taking it is listening fee with the mail Because here is the company television something you do not see you said that and in the first place it is not put but because such speech is not recognized Saying that you verify with your own naked eye not to hear as for this there are times when nothing hides because that please look your own permission
                                                                                                    • 日本广播协会还撕毁了现在所有的胜利,最终没有什么不同,从他自己的事业优先自己的良知,而不是法官 After all the judge his own conscience compared to all NHK wins until now success of oneself Because it made take precedence it is not anything less than
                                                                                                    • 瓦特(1伊梨Muzugatteitemoo结构也做了未来几年晚了两个小时)Gimashitaga由日本广播协会报道,来自拖欠数收费邮件 w The latter half mu zu being the tsu te it does not care you do also 2 hours Then several years it passed but report of nonpayment amount of listening fee several degrees came from NHK with the mail
                                                                                                    • 相反,它以日本广播协会来订阅费用,这是前缀四环素Itenai,并表示不看,首先,因为电视公司表示,这样的认识,所以不是我说这是什么当你听到他们的粗暴贺都,这里是由反射,所以他们什么都没有隐藏,让您的眼睛看到这么下西 Because that it came to taking it is NHK listening fee Because here is the company television something you do not see you said that and in the first place it is not put but because such speech is not recognized Saying that you verify with your own naked eye not to hear as for this there are times when nothing hides because that please look your own permission
                                                                                                    • 顺便说一句,新浪半岛,特别是北总学士我看数字电视? Tsu m应付费用?卡斯B是你注册?请告诉我谁埃洛伊 By the way the General of the Chinese peninsula and especially north sees BS digital broadcast Listening fee paying the ru The B refuse it has registered The eroi person please be able to do

                                                                                                  • 老于在NHK的大学宪法的人权演讲是一种违反合同自由区的恐惧,他说Tteta Kke什么试验结束时,这一交易的不是免费的,为什么我这是最高法院关于民法的重点代表日本NHK直到什么致命的危机Maketara瓦特线
                                                                                                    NHK fearing the contradiction of freedom of contract, the [tsu] [te] which you do not judge says in lecture of constitution human rights of former times and the university the [tsu] [ke] After all, this time freedom of contract it was not, representation of civil law was the focus, it is the [ro] which is This going to the Supreme Court, when NHK is defeated, existence dying/fleeing crisis w

                                                                                                    • 老年但我是在尽职尽责地持看好,也是利益的温床和臃肿和松弛
                                                                                                      Former times being sincere, there are also times when it could have good impression but is, [bukubuku] enlarging, the hotbed of right

                                                                                                      • 若干规定返回四环素周五Sazu是什么价为故事NHK的订阅费日元一家杂志社的200独立的若干规定或63570亿日元五万六千五百七十七日元支付给我一个折扣欠款澳或放屁。东史郎诉讼适度 As for the gold which you receive one Yen the return Selling NHK news item in the weekly magazine while 2 000 000 Yen or more having received When 63 570 Yen listening fees which it has failed to pay it is defeated to 56 577 Yen You pay when Fart reason Lawsuit in about extent margin
                                                                                                        • ●大。日本NHK广播的自我保护手段来保持灰尘和镇压人民的扭它Shimaimashou Large Such as NHK which continues to cheat broadcast with self self protection twist it will crush broken
                                                                                                        • 投诉。即使滥用它,如果这样的情况下固定封闭的只有日本NHK 訴 Trying overissuing when this time like judicial precedent fixes… There is only NHK discontinuance
                                                                                                        • 若干规定返回四环素周五Sazu是什么价为故事NHK的订阅费日元一家杂志社的200独立的若干规定或63570亿日元五万六千五百七十七日元支付给我一个折扣欠款澳或放屁。东史郎诉讼适度 As for the gold which you receive one Yen the return Selling NHK news item in the weekly magazine while 2 000 000 Yen or more having received When 63 570 Yen listening fees which it has failed to pay it is defeated to 56 577 Yen You pay when Fart reason Lawsuit in about extent margin

                                                                                                      • 请打开门柯┃┃|│“!┃┃| | / i”_ _ - ──ヾ2月22日Æ ¨ヽḎ当地雇员, | |ヽ升|....┃┃| | /ヽ!| |ヽ我!┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
                                                                                                        Please open the door ┃ ┃ | │ < ! ┃ ┃ | | /No two _ _ - ─ ─ [a] REPT [nini] 222 DREPT ll '⌒ REPT ┃ ┃ /⌒! | = 彳 o. [to] ¯ REPT '' ! o_[shi] `DREPT | i/ REPT ! ┃ ┃ ! [ha]! | - ─ ' i ! `' '' | | REPT l | . . ┃ ┃ | | /REPT! | | REPT i ! ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛

                                                                                                        • 费用是Madashimo,四环素与DVD的程序和费用,NHK的工作,但也有数以万计的数以千计的日元对美元出售子公司,我这是什么?达罗降落伞公司员工退休后,无论如何。 As for listening fee rather the NHK subsidiary company has sold tens of thousands Yen with amount with the program which was made with that listening fee as DVD but is this tsu te how The ro which is the compulsory company after the retirement age of the staff how the se
                                                                                                          • (06)所有古“柯排序操作”没有迹象区遭受,他们使用的东西,我们面对的收费,自我放纵的机构 06 Completely there is no sign which becomes the object of “business categorization” uses listening fee with our thing face would like to do independent administrative corporate body
                                                                                                          • (06)所有古“柯排序操作”没有迹象区遭受,他们使用的东西,我们面对的收费,自我放纵的机构 06 Completely there is no sign which becomes the object of “business categorization” uses listening fee with our thing face would like to do independent administrative corporate body

                                                                                                        • 香港狗,如权利来后,越南拉,公正公平Chondorama狗粪苏偏转流动与香港将捕获任何其他费用支付,如果Ritsu怒鸣解礼,日本NHK相当,最后结果是昂贵的我偶尔来wwww,对我会写嗤津市排减单位是收到的邮件的小册子,只有在合适和拒绝居留守遗憾碰撞 When dog it comes HK and the like immediately after the moving righteousness 々 grandly Only droppings chiyondorama which it deflects in the dog HK which is let flow listening fee and the like Altogether the payment trap saying if you scold NHK is end with that wwww Coming sometimes unless it responds with absence is vexatious in the complications just the pamphlet You can laugh the fact that it keeps thrusting to the mailbox
                                                                                                          • 因此,人们不希望我支持的事情,我可以不论做支付哟 Therefore in the citizen who would not like to support in also the listening fee payment te being good It does Yo
                                                                                                          • 建立垂直的未来洪水,如果对他们的要求在该国,日本NHK什么行动,将会付出反对地狱 In the future you pay with entire country in dunning the formal objection If it rushes in NHK very that becomes the lawsuit hell
                                                                                                          • 我只是损失纳鲁费,从必须是一个巨大的需求放弃“(NHK的官员)诉讼费用是另一个误判 You take listening fee and not only impairing Because the judgment cost which is not either the way becomes necessary dunning does not obtain is not abandoned” the NHK authorized personnel As for miscalculation there is one more
                                                                                                          • 是来吸收住在一起,他的妻子结婚,纪伊东久留,他们NHK的必结一说,他们的妻子的合同,我想你的要求对国内债务为借口,收取每天 And getting married it lives in the wife and simultaneous after it reaching the point where this the happiness and NHK To be the wife and be able to wrap and conclude contract daily housekeeping debt to require listening fee to the shield passing the place kana
                                                                                                          • 这494问题是是否家庭生活充满阳光,没有费协议 494 Whether or not this time listening fee contract hits to the daily housekeeping it is not the case that it is issue
                                                                                                          • 远东Dattara“收费通知书”现在好市民已在紧张的存款单随,因为它会更容易拒绝付款 Until now when is with being embarrassed “listening fee notification book” one the good citizen whom it has paid Because it probably will not respond to the payment simply from now on
                                                                                                          • 香港狗,如权利来后,越南拉,公正公平Chondorama狗粪苏偏转流动和香港会捕获任何支付其他费用,所以如果我为此相当昂贵,有时解礼wwww怒鸣Ritsu来吧,维塔在我会写嗤台联收到的邮件的小册子,只有在合适和拒绝居留守遗憾碰撞 When dog it comes HK and the like immediately after the moving righteousness 々 grandly Only droppings chiyondorama which it deflects in the dog HK which is let flow listening fee and the like Altogether the payment trap saying if you scold NHK is end with that wwww Coming sometimes unless it responds with absence is vexatious in the complications just the pamphlet You can laugh the fact that it keeps thrusting to the mailbox

                                                                                                        • 马0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi 新闻 3分之1269252448月5法和广播电台的广播法案和梁修订双向通信和广播内阁会议前一天,互联网接入的融合NHK和两人很少发现的规定纳入强制用户服务商标 tsushima 2ch net test read cgi news 1269252448 On March 5th the Cabinet conference in amendment plan such as broadcast method and the Wireless Telegraphy Act which are directed to the fusion of communication and the broadcast which are decided in The text which requires NHK reception contract vis a vis tar net connection being included was ascertained
                                                                                                          • 个人电脑连接到NHK广播网,你都将成为一强制收费:田平(东京):2010 03 22(星期一)19:07:28 15编号:jJheAuZQ●?专利法条约(12000)奖分3月5日和电台广播法法和数字双向通信和广播融合的新的修正案批准了内阁,反对日本NHK Internet连接,很少会给予强制性的合同条款包括候任总理被发现 The case NHK listening fee may be obliged in PC which the net it is connected 1 Flat heaven Tokyo 2010 03 22 month 19 07 28 15 ID jJheAuZQ PLT 12000 Point benefit On March 5th the Cabinet conference in amendment plan such as broadcast method and the Wireless Telegraphy Act which are directed to the fusion of communication and the broadcast which are decided The text which requires NHK reception contract vis a vis Internet connection being included was ascertained

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