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Prime Minister Hatoyama “we would like to believe that the citizen has not been confused in my word,”, the ★2


  • - 返回普天间问题茹,冲绳县知事的多井正弘,打破我的意图表明反对的两项决议草案已在冲绳报告
    It returns to - Futenma problem, again, but nomarch multi Okinawa Hiro Nakaima, showed opposite intention vis-a-vis two plans inside Okinawa prefecture which is reported

    • 161你,上帝,不可企图要去见上帝,我是一个博爱的房子可能很快会鸠山由纪夫制作
      161 汝 God is tried growing hoarse God, me, is Yukio Hatoyama Whether the friendship sanctuary among those it makes

      • 2。然而,在上述的解释,“当然,”当我夹紧并一直持续到单词,然后由一个神秘的答案 2 But it is although Description above “proper thing” continuing afterwards after putting this word you reply semantic obscurity
        • 这是一个谎言Bakkari话,我会说的内容,但我不想要一个整体,反应留下了深刻印象强加 Speech lie however tsu temporary it makes says and in ru thing as for content completely it is not The fact that grandly you replied was good impression

      • 473名民主党议员解散湮没的小叛逆。自动上弦织成的友谊
        473 Democracy solution party Treason Assemblyman annihilation Small. Involving, self friendship

        • 588换言之,我说我想说的事情,比如另一人仍然认为Itsuku 588 In other words as you happen to think like other personal affairs it is that you would like to say tsu te thing

          • 626 ,,,研究 ヽAaaaaa゙Omoika , 626 r no ⌒ REPT REPT Γ ⌒ 92 S T O P Hatoyama Hitting REPT 92 333 33 33 i Human ¯ i No rn L no 92 nl h l l l l l No 33 Three 33 l l l l l REPT r 92 92 r ⊂ REPT REPT one i 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Hatoyama Hitting prohibition lt omoika ゙ aa aa aa REPT
            • 626 ,,,研究 1゙Omoika Aaaaaヽ , 626 r no ⌒ REPT REPT Γ ⌒ 92 S T O P Hatoyama Hitting REPT 92 333 33 33 i Human ¯ i No rn L no 92 nl h l l l l l No 33 Three 33 l l l l l REPT r 92 92 r ⊂ REPT REPT one i 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Hatoyama Hitting prohibition lt omoika ゙ aa aa aa REPT
            • ,,,研究 ⌒ ) 。我 一)写出侮辱民主党禁止和鸠山 r REPT No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 S T O P Hatoyama Hitting 92 92 ⌒ 92 92 92 i 92 i The entry which makes Hatoyama and the Democratic party foolish is prohibition

          • TTP的:/ / f40。aaa.livedoor.jp /〜itdreams /上传/ IMG公司/一二七〇一三一一三七。JPG格式
            ttp: //f40. aaa.livedoor.jp/~ itdreams/UPLOAD/img/1270131137. jpg

            • _NULL_
              No & ⌒ `REPT Γ ⌒ ' \ [atsu] [tatatatsutatatatsutata]! . // ' ⌒ \ ) [uhowatsuchiyaaaa]! ! . i / \ / i ) i ( ) ` ' ( ) i,/ _ - ¯ ⌒ [ni] ', 25% CO2 reduction ! l (_ _ human _) | - - _ - = [iso] ⊃ ', Environment. Carbon tax ! \ `-' / '¯ = _ - _ - ⌒ [ni] ', Hatoyama initiative ! . /^ . - ¯ and ¯ _ ~ - - _ - ¯ = _ [iso] ⊃ ', Also friendship Asia the same body ! | _ _ _ ゙ _ _ _ and _ - _ = `))', Supplementary budget execution stop ! | `l ¯ - = _) ¯ = ⌒ [ni] ', Political main thing. Germany. Categorization! ¯ - ) = _ r DREPT [iso] ⊃ ', The discharging to the Chinese Korea of child treatment ! ¯ - ) = _ r DREPT [iso] ⊃ ', Resident denizenship ! No & ⌒ REPT, ⌒ [ni] ', 44,000,000,000,000 Yen government bonds ! Γ ⌒ ' REPT ¯ = [iso] ⊃ ' Increase in yen value permitting/inserting. Stock price hovering ! // ⌒ ⌒ \ ) ¯ = [iso] ⊃ ' Offender party chief i /: : : : : : : : : ⌒ ⌒ REPT ) ! : : : : : : : : : : : ( ) ` ' ( ) i/ | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (_ _ human _) | Japan already has died [kiritsu] \: : : : : : : : : : : : : `-' / Hatoyama administration. Derived power

              • ゛,,,, ゛,姓名,立场:杀手皇后身体(和你的雪和猜测:63岁),゛∩,破坏力:甲(但只给日本 92 92 92 DOTDT DOTDT Stand name Killer queen Substance and with and ma Going 63 year old children DOTDT ∩ Destructive power A however only vis a vis Japan

                • 于机管局骑发言之前,你真的相信,他们不能关闭冲绳人感到困惑,因为我
                  Turn shelf of [tsu] [chi] AA of [yu] You believing, because as for the Okinawan being confused, being able, it increases in actuality

                  • 人们谁需要我的话从来没有基泰和信任的人或全国的臭呼吸水平朱达罗这将导致混乱,说前一个不信任我们不要混淆什么是不瓦特 Only the citizen of entire country the ro which is my word Chinese cabbage breath level in one As for the notion that where confusion is caused we would like to believe that it is not Because the ma your word is not trusted no one as for confusion w which is not done
                    • 基泰或不信任,我的话所迷惑,这使人们对周围的人谁的国家,说上一个不相信我们没有任何混乱瓦特 Only the citizen of entire country the ro which is my word Chinese cabbage breath level in one As for the notion that where confusion is caused we would like to believe that it is not Because the ma your word is not trusted no one as for confusion w which is not done

                  • 什么人是睡在它外面欺骗总理背叛了死去的人只从医院青年迅速缓解重申不老,老年,但我觉得 The prime minister who swindles the citizen and betrays is being half asleep The citizen to become dim because only the old person it is thought relieved margin Quickly passing away to the hospital
                    • 在此之前,愚弄你,等 』的事情,最终他们与一个真正的日本人留下的感觉 In you et al as for being swindled even at as expected Japanese left flank has perceived on end of year

                  • 什么天才,是什么样的做法,是从东京是一个很轻微的一线之间,或什么人说
                    The [tsu] [ke] which is the Tokyo University coming out Somehow, the genius calls the paper single, but It was somehow one in the paper single

                    • 什么是政府的一大这一点,虽然只有几分钟的距离来攻击你,因为我喜欢文,每天都在发生咆哮好东西来的国家内阁的和稳定的。我蛤饲料,忘记其他你是新认识的人。这是一个全身的勺子,你成为一个空白镜头 Because this administration being enormous happens blurring of speech and favorite selfish speech something of the Cabinet ministers the everyday way It is about to stop understanding whether it is possible to attack which In News item of the clam how everyone forgetting already the ro which is the ru New Although it was the scoop of the 渾 body the tsu chi it waited in the blank shot
                      • 什么是政府的一大这一点,虽然只有几分钟的距离来攻击你,因为我喜欢文,每天都在发生咆哮好东西来的国家内阁的和稳定的。我蛤饲料,忘记其他你是新认识的人。这是一个全身的勺子,你成为一个空白镜头 Because this administration being enormous happens blurring of speech and favorite selfish speech something of the Cabinet ministers the everyday way It is about to stop understanding whether it is possible to attack which In News item of the clam how everyone forgetting already the ro which is the ru New Although it was the scoop of the 渾 body the tsu chi it waited in the blank shot

                    • 什么白痴会把责任如果其工作人员强调壊抨击民主党协议来评估出一次Warou Yashari环境即将结束的365基地网站的未来
                      365 Environmental assessment of base constructive schedule area probably ends gradually applying, the time coming out, it probably is responsibility of the Democratic party which agreement plan the [bu] [tsu] was broken, but The eyeball [hi] [tsu] you have attached somewhere [aho] which is

                      • 他们敲他喜欢他们的电梯是在电力驱动tTA运费,但我的妻子是一个难以想象的长度571
                        571 The long wife rode in the freight elevator that with, cannot be people who were hit however

                        • 他们理应看到一个专门的隔离病房设置一个严重的过度Munchausen为时过早酒吧与古基诺
                          Lie habit is too harsh Isolating quickly in the ward of the prison attachment The 診 [te] you receive in the medical specialist, it should

                          • 他们用长远的言论,但我看高雅的,但所有的行为“非常庸俗的”S渴望看到
                            As for the word which you use oratory elegance so showing, however the [ru], Everything of speech and behavior being visible “quite vulgarly,” it is helpless

                            • 但是,推迟只有在这个意义上阅读的文本,我说没有一分钟神奇的,也许有人种自然灾害
                              Composition you just read, you understand someone's speech In such sense, the natural disaster causing [re] of a certain kind it is

                              • 你安装降它们的消息,这家伙不再是可憎的家伙就在滚装船上院选举中,小泽,Purification m了!鄂如认为关键是企图投票给民主党和
                                Already dense Tsuga disgraceful behavior doing to be done, placing in news, as for [ru] Immediately before the Upper House election Ozawa is dense lowering, the purification ceremony was completed! You can think in the maneuver that with and you will vote to democracy,

                                • 原来你要批评的自由权利问题的Heck自由民主党,因为我喜欢异常更自民党一直不抹屁股批评他人纪律推动政府rather 米少瓦特
                                  The [te] the [ro] which is not the right to criticize in these problem our people and is Therefore as for the origin kind what which by your sow On the other hand our people who push the rear end wiping to present administration and like other personal affairs they are critical are abnormal Therefore such it is, as for our people parliamentary seat decreases steadily, it is, w

                                  • 发言应有钱或有妒地位,是ー,很难,“我的感觉是浮动贝鲁当他们微笑单薄,很难回答,因为我认为这会感觉从愚蠢的,我会觉得 The rich person who has position is something which is jealous don t you think balance” With becoming the feeling which is said you think that ru is present condition Therefore the case of the reply thin and others becoming the feeling which floats laughing thinking that the ru it is ridiculous from the ru
                                    • 已经在共同的Burgers最大的年度刚刚发言反对家伙从丰富的疯狂 The dense stuffing chi ya oral ya gold having from the ru it just is made the partner When it is normal long ago it is be tired the ru

                                  • 发言的人,我就带了正确的决定,如果发言的人翻盖假摔有权决定哪些材料可以猜测如何使用的决定,做进一步的混乱和人民根据该业务鞍将是,鸠山你有没有意识到,它已经被你自己的言论倒装假摔吗?芮体铀不说了,你去Dabure与否?
                                    Speech of the [ru] person, is the material which can be presumed how you use that balance, with balance If speech of the person who has balance runs about in confusion, trading doing on the basis of that, as for the [ru] people It becomes [hame] which runs about in confusion above that So, as for Hatoyama having been conscious of the fact that your own itself speech have run about in confusion? Or yet it is off-center unless with, the intention of persisting?

                                    • 另外,“警察”和“自卫队”我得到的只是站在丑闻报道
                                      Instead it reaching the point where only the scandal reporting “of the officer” and “Self-Defense Official” is conspicuous, the [ru

                                      • 啊!我从来没有!难道你不...义新一贯的差异我想我只是不称职的就是,在你从该死的小SMAP的影响
                                        [a] -! Doing, increase it is! Being consistent, the [te] [me] obtaining is with just the disabled [tsu] lever You misunderstand, it is, you influence are less than [sumatsupu], it is

                                        • 在党的新闻发布会上电梯,开始数平沼,在我坐下来,中心的“母亲”“我们讲的意见,取消你的党是站在Watakushi”想不站在旁边Tteta部分愚蠢的笑我认为他们不能成为首相10年后祖 In interview at the time of the Hiranuma new party start up sitting down on the center as for ru “the mother” “That I do to start the new party that we advised” the spatula spatula has laughed with cartridge u next door not being useful How someone where becomes the prime minister of 10 year later thinks
                                          • 在党的新闻发布会上电梯的数量,开始,你坐下来在党中央的“母亲”“我们的意见Watakushi常委会委员和你说话”在未来的一部分Tteta想不轻浮,和笑声我认为他们不能成为首相10年之后 In interview at the time of the new party start up sitting down on the center as for ru “the mother” “That I do to start the new party that we advised” the spatula spatula has laughed with cartridge u next door not being useful How someone where becomes the prime minister of 10 year later thinks

                                        • 在您可以真正的厨师,将公布的晚餐,他们特地请大家不要混淆 Before actually cooking is possible confusion of everyone does not have to be caused by announcing the menu of the late boiled rice
                                          • 168名议员,我明白了!是啊,他们是不会卖给你如何让这个承诺将采取混淆视听 NULL
                                          • 在您可以真正的厨师,将公布的晚餐,他们特地请大家不要混淆 Before actually cooking is possible confusion of everyone does not have to be caused by announcing the menu of the late boiled rice

                                        • 在这种参日泰,并确定时的思维方式和政策的我,20,和那些与应用,并计划在心中的东西可以带给升力和Dearimashi像合音频我们早生 In that situation being something which when we would like to start deciding the method of thinking with says policy to 20 o clock And and we have happened to have those such as concept for that
                                          • 9。这是使用或不获取一个明确的共识,以决定是否要考虑的是共同的政策 9 It means collecting It is used because it does not make whether deciding whether examining policy or agreement is obtained clear
                                          • 在这种参日泰,并确定时的思维方式和政策的我,20,和那些与应用,并计划在心中的东西可以带给升力和Dearimashi像合音频我们早生 In that situation being something which when we would like to start deciding the method of thinking with says policy to 20 o clock And and we have happened to have those such as concept for that

                                        • 如果仍然是指向绝望的逻辑而不是政治和官僚逻辑,以彻底改变陈旧冗长的问题是毫无意义的空洞的欺骗诡辩的自由主义者更恨
                                          The wound it pointed to the logic of politics and the logic of the bureaucracy well Although it is expectation, The [ri] changing which this philosophism quibble evading point does being meaningless Repugnance points to empty talkative above that

                                          • 如果你将看到电源厂从日本列岛的废除核武器充满了断层,许多新建筑在相反。这个决定是很难接受的运作
                                            From the Japanese archipelago of active fault being lazy If it is the nuclear power plant that it becomes extinct, it is understood, but Conversely in large quantities new building. In the decision making that it works, Acceptance it is unable to submit possibly

                                            • 如果我有132个疼痛的屁股他,但必须魔术Sanakere错了,我通常被迫使用复杂的技术古卷与浓烟筛。
                                              132 Being pierced the painful place, error demon conversion you must be, but is, therefore normally the excessiveness, it cannot avoid using the technique of the philosophism which is wound in the smoke

                                              • 如果日本公司时,他不是我只蝴蝶在国民大会新闻发布会上,和总统说或假设的国家包括最笑了,即使股东Teruru总是看到人们半微笑他们谈话,似乎是正确的只有傻瓜Uketorenai股东 When Japan makes enterprise the fellow is the president Just at the time of press conference it does not become Talking at the National Diet at the time of the ru the shareholder citizen always sees At even at the time of ru Rather than the implication laughing Supposing state as for at that semi laughing talk as made the shareholder foolish only It cannot receive don t you think
                                                • 如果日本公司时,他的Burgers蝴蝶国民大会新闻发布会上,国家主席的假设,股东也总有人看,半笑,他们谈话,唯一Uketore股东似乎是愚蠢的我不 When Japan makes enterprise the fellow is the president Just at the time of press conference it does not become Talking at the National Diet at the time of the ru the shareholder citizen always sees At even at the time of ru Rather than the implication laughing Supposing state as for at that semi laughing talk as made the shareholder foolish only It cannot receive don t you think

                                              • 布鲁诺 / Konfyu,Konfuja,Konfyuga /:::::::::::: \
                                                No & ⌒ REPT, Γ ⌒ ' REPT [medapani], [medapanima] and [medapaniya] // ⌒ ⌒ \ ) [konhuyu], [konhujiya] and [konhuyuga] i /: : : : : : : : : ⌒ ⌒ REPT ) [medapani], [medapanima] and [medapaniya] ! : : : : : : : : : : : (○) ` ' (○) [konhuyu], [konhujiya] and [konhuyuga] | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (_ _ human _) | [medapani], [medapanima] and [medapaniya] \: : : : : : : : : : : : : `-' / [konhuyu], [konhujiya] and [konhuyuga] /: : : : : : : : : : : : \

                                                • 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 REPT gt gt no └ lt 92 no
                                                  • 岛哈贺゚ : 。 杰杰Ÿ!升 炭 。您! o ゚ hahe gt lt rv lt ¯ REPT 92 ll l to Y77l j l 7 l gt jl l ha HKRPT i REPT Vi No REPT a l No re j j i l ha ku

                                                • 布鲁诺 (○)本人 哦,我说!文 现在我一无所有,但真相 No ⌒ REPT o ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT i ⌒ ⌒ i ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ ○ i a … bare fact Now However the thing tsu te … which happens there is no at all
                                                  • 2 22 07 ー ¯ ヽ 没有得到任何的思考 2227 2227 ha REPT … Being what ru Don t you think from the wa with you think but r One a T 92 广 UMLAT ¯ REPT 92 I do not think at all
                                                  • , Ø ⌒ )。本人 ⌒⌒我)479好 NULL

                                                • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ ⌒ ⌒( 丿〜 丶扭曲人 布鲁诺丶ヽω No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i l human Γ ⌒ ⌒ DREPT 92 No Γ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ 丶 Truss Tommy 92 92 HKRPT nono 丶 the ⌒ Soviet Union 丶 ⌒ ⌒ 丿 Person 丶 butsu No Ω REPT 丶

                                                  • 当然,饿着肚子上床睡觉,因为你,当然会,届时,让你吃一顿饭,菜单有决心作为一个整体,他们的努力奉献承诺致 Naturally because it does not mean while it is hungry to enter into the futon proper thing to that way the boiled rice can be eaten In order for the menu to be decided all power the fact that you concentrate is promised
                                                    • 当然,饿着肚子上床睡觉,因为你,当然会,届时,让你吃一顿饭,菜单有决心作为一个整体,他们的努力奉献承诺致 Naturally because it does not mean while it is hungry to enter into the futon proper thing to that way the boiled rice can be eaten In order for the menu to be decided all power the fact that you concentrate is promised

                                                  • 我们的资产是第395结婚后,“权威”,是想石窟,和爷爷的“的方式,他们不是政客”,并煽丽塔是一个政治家克莱因说,波恩我们做了什么但我也觉得踢 395 Getting married with property aim as for the next becoming desired “authority” To the grandfather “it is not faced to the politician” the tsu te it is said bonkura In order to become for the politician it fans and just you built does also the tsu te air but

                                                    • 我会更加认真地对待我,如果我说谎,甚至会带来足够大的博士学位,斯坦福Madashimo如果这个家伙毕业于教育学院,东京大学说57瓦特显然是一个政治团体穿着排除
                                                      57 If about Tokyo University Department of Science and Engineering soldier/finishing being rather Stanford large, the doctorate having, to [ru] how 詐 Naming, it becomes the cod important, w Speaking clearly, as for educational background of [koitsu] with the political world topping the group, from the [ru

                                                      • 我刚才跟一个外国人,我只是挂在大厅后我你填写你最混乱
                                                        By himself has been confused most being, it does, the [yo] Beginning to stuff to the rear public office, also the [ru] foreigner somehow, don't you think?

                                                        • 我可能会说Netouyo叛国,如果获得通过直选对外国人和民主党支持者上议院无知的人我喜欢这个民主的胜利在有利于外国儿童并没有得到它的方式偏执无理由或不混同于一个小尴尬只是朱达罗视为偏袒或欺诈的新闻报道或表现,如韩国的免费学校多项好处?在片刻说Ttenai多看看所有适当的语气,对我来说不是,但对他们的未来摆在我们面前
                                                          Foolish people of democracy support This way when democracy wins overwhelmingly House of Councillors, the treason bill of foreign carrot administration and the like passes Perhaps, as [netouyo] said, it becomes, unless it can boil also basis will have done dying delusion, but If child treatment or the Korean school gratuitous conversion or numerous manifest fraud of foreign favorable treatment or deflection reporting etc of the mass communications just a little you think, the [ro] the strange just point? Suitable thing speaking, it tries inspecting a little, because of we is not, they are future because of you

                                                          • 我同意807 哈佛大学博士论文的大量高
                                                            807 Agreement > As for thesis for a doctorate of the Harvard graduate school when it is suitable high level

                                                            • 我想这方面重叠,有时在一个反应器109大地震
                                                              109 Once upon a time, the place of major earthquake and area of the reactor are piled up, it is probably will be

                                                              • 我担心你会希望反映市民的比波纳雷夫的生活 一塌糊涂
                                                                It is the extent which stops wanting to be worried about the life gauge of [porunarehu] from confusion of the citizen >

                                                                • 我敢肯定,这是真的,总理和我认为你可能将它真正明智的直线看起来每个人的更好,因为它的,没有人否认Shinee说,这是我行头 The prime minister as for we the tsu where the head is good The te saying Everyone dies denial to obtain Even it is fact it is Everyone your own one being honest Ken saying You probably think and That fact it puts out certainly

                                                                  • 我没有戴在你的信任,而不是事实,基泰这将导致混乱条款第一中线大家如何在我国的国民1 1 As for the notion that where only the citizen of entire country has caused confusion to one in my word we would like to believe that it is not First be able to settle you
                                                                    • “基泰,从不相信我的话,这会导致混乱的人周围的人谁的国家,”Gyahaha!胃杀死 As for the notion that where “only the citizen of entire country has caused confusion to one in my word that it is not we would like to believe” giyahaha It can twist the stomach …
                                                                    • 因此,包括冲绳和信任,而不是事实,基泰这将导致混乱摘录计算,每个人如何在我的国家的人,“产经新闻文章2010 04 01(星期四)19 16 :06 Therefore beginning Okinawa In addition as for the notion that where only the citizen of entire country has caused confusion to one in my word that it is not we would like to believe” Product sutra newspaper Part excerpt of article 2010 04 01 Thursday 19 16 06

                                                                  • 我生活在一个四维世界,所以会弹出898
                                                                    898 [omae] living, in the [ru] 4 dimensional world so probably will be

                                                                    • 我给你一点点,让选举至今谁试图解散辞职的内阁责任采取什么人破坏! Taking the responsibility which is confused the citizen The Cabinet resigning in a body when it disperses and it elects Permitting present thing little bit the chi ya u
                                                                      • 应用程序不取消任何一个是混淆?你知道你不是从任何混乱解除申请 1 Because you do not say at all it is confused becoming Because nothing is said it is confused it is the ro which is

                                                                    • 我(·) 鸠山罢工的禁令。 ヽ, ,, 92 92 i i rnl h 92 92 l human nl h l l l l l r 92 92 No l l l l l kopipe and entry da me stopping opposite REPT r 92 92 r ⊂ REPT REPT one i 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Hatoyama hitting prohibition REPT
                                                                      • 我(·) 鸠山罢工的禁令。 ヽ, ,, 92 92 i i rnl h 92 92 l human nl h l l l l l r 92 92 No l l l l l kopipe and entry da me stopping opposite REPT r 92 92 r ⊂ REPT REPT one i 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Hatoyama hitting prohibition REPT

                                                                    • 或者这样的问题,而不是空谈,民主和程序问题,这一进程将要发言,接受适当填补仅仅结束的过程中,没有外交困惑,因为即使没有这个家伙甚至民主党人,在所有没有取得任何进展,甚至 Word there is no such a problem problem of the te and procedure If democracy it pierces and stuffs it means the chi to do procedure securely but It is not that in dense or Democratic party Therefore it is confused Does not advance naturally either diplomacy completely
                                                                      • 真的,我说把信任票目前的趋势中,并迄今为止唯一的“民主党没有变成”我很高兴我不认为Tteru输入电流是真实的东西,当时我周围 Truth voting until now the te Being able to say with the only self confidence “You did not insert in the Democratic party” it is tsu te thing Truly that time Being let flow around thinking that it was not necessary to insert ru …

                                                                    • 教育是一个482,我从出纸很过分,你知道没有其他办法,他们并不觉得我在做一些事情,因为这东西就是为什么我认为政客们的大学在专业凯塔Terya教授作为一个很好的乐趣 482 There is an educational background and issuing also dissertation therefore the ru it is making specialty professor funny at the university you think that the ri ya it was good Lever sometime doing politician something the ru it is even feeling Already the ro which is not faced at all and is

                                                                      • 昆虫被非法占领竹岛做我因达好,因此我打扫新址
                                                                        Therefore If it designates ahead moving as the bamboo island, it is good, it is Don't you think? as for the insect which has been occupied illegally extermination

                                                                        • 是的厄运Biruwa总理做逃税疯狂的国家,一个真正的国王与诈骗者叛徒
                                                                          With the traitor with tax evasion king true characteristic [kichigai] Prime Minister doing with the swindler, [ru] country The sled [ya] the [wa] which falls into ruin

                                                                          • 普天间我站在他们把我埋了白沙滩是我可以得到广泛摆脱基地嘉手纳基地的土地整合?
                                                                            With concept [tsu] [te] white beach open sea reclamation Integrating Futenma and Kadena, the base of the overland section Without inhaling?

                                                                            • 有没有来往,把他们变成洗澡,做饭发生了一些变化,在这个过程是不正确的,你的行为你吃一顿饭,它本身的影响Dehagozaimasen Because there is exchange such that takes a bath and does not enter as for several modification points occurring in process of cooking it is fact but It is not something which it has an influence on behavior and the very thing which eat the boiled rice
                                                                              • 有没有来往,把他们变成洗澡,做饭发生了一些变化,在这个过程是不正确的,你的行为你吃一顿饭,它本身的影响Dehagozaimasen Because there is exchange such that takes a bath and does not enter as for several modification points occurring in process of cooking it is fact but It is not something which it has an influence on behavior and the very thing which eat the boiled rice

                                                                            • 有限的问题,尽管基地所在。即使内阁部长混乱诚实的公民拥有总理的讲话的外国领导人 Not just base problem lie In the speech of prime minister national foreign leaders even even Cabinet minister of our Cabinet honest mayhem
                                                                              • 有限的问题,尽管基地所在。即使内阁部长混乱诚实的公民拥有总理的讲话的外国领导人 Not just base problem lie In the speech of prime minister national foreign leaders even even Cabinet minister of our Cabinet honest mayhem

                                                                            • 松原在电视上经常忘记我在口中Zette民主党国会议员从东北,万宝至,长岛狗屎,你会说老鼠带来什么小泽鸠山团伙成员或氦氖
                                                                              Don't you think? [zetsute] to forget, - empty Democratic party Assemblyman It has appeared in the television often Matsubara and horse Fuchi, Nagashima, people Don't you think? in Ozawa Hatoyama what word [wa] - mouth the droppings guy whether [tsu] of

                                                                              • 梁中的应用我睡觉,直到晚上,让吃晚饭,我的政策,这种想法是我的家人决定在20日下午2时左右,大家都在宣传,Dearimasu寻求提高我的工作是理解 As for I saying this evening you sleep until in order to try to be able to eat the late boiled rice my policy my thought Those where it decides 20 o clock in aim publishes to everyone of the family requests understanding are my work
                                                                                • 梁中的应用我睡觉,直到晚上,让吃晚饭,我的政策,这种想法是我的家人决定在20日下午2时左右,大家都在宣传,Dearimasu寻求提高我的工作是理解 As for I saying this evening you sleep until in order to try to be able to eat the late boiled rice my policy my thought Those where it decides 20 o clock in aim publishes to everyone of the family requests understanding are my work

                                                                              • 森雅子155 141国会议员,一些文件,“我可以只让你看,”朴实而把裤子出站是在去一个袋子,他们说我什么驱动tTA幸运冲床瓦特Gidashite wwww赎回查询 155 141 In Assemblyman forest Masako “may show whatever document to just you” The tsu te the person kana which was said Being the place where it puts out from the bag however stop it was applied in the plain w The underpants starting dispersing punch it was visited in happiness wwww

                                                                                • 每个人在家庭中,你认为你的理解和信任是可能基泰 Regarding everyone of the family we would like to believe that those which can receive understanding you are convinced in addition so you are
                                                                                  • 每个人在家庭中,你认为你的理解和信任是可能基泰 Regarding everyone of the family we would like to believe that those which can receive understanding you are convinced in addition so you are

                                                                                • 每个人的Ttena如果你有一个/ www.kantei.go.jp很大的麻烦呻做之前你陷入愤怒与抗议信发送到总理/
                                                                                  Everyone, the [ze] which in the prime minister official residence the protest sentence probably will be sent Having been confused place with because of you, even large annoyance http: //www.kantei.go.jp/

                                                                                  • 汝今晚睡觉前,这将是吃了晚饭,你吃什么,当然,从决策推断 NULL
                                                                                    • 汝今晚睡觉前,这将是吃了晚饭,你吃什么,当然,从决策推断 NULL

                                                                                  • 滨崎步滨崎步只有三个,而不是5分钟,我不认为156也值得一提的党的领导人155,吻
                                                                                    155 To be brittle for the party the reason shelf which is not the party chief 156 Don't you think? there are no five minutes and [te] three step just walked, the [e

                                                                                    • 炭 车 : L ⊥,译(:。:(:L时:1,::。购物车 ヽ, : Ÿ j 前 ヽ一布鲁诺,一架L:哈。::(1 ,辜)):。゚醇Ø ha to 92 l ⊥ j l l to REPT REPT j i no l 1 ha HKRPT l ku REPT REPT to jr a ┬ a ha REPT l a toi rj 92 i tsu i REPT ha r u 丶 No ku ol ゚ o
                                                                                      • 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 ー :: ) 丶 ¯ ー (: ::。 No No 丶 ¯

                                                                                    • 由于每个人都可以借用你的家人分钟,才进入床,虽然我承认我Degozaimashi您处理您的生产线,你必须吃晚饭,我认为要了解可能的方式 As also everyone of the family is understanding before entering into the futon to eating the late boiled rice those which it can receive you recognize distantly The midst when process is done understanding it was is it came to be with it is about you think
                                                                                      • 由于每个人都可以借用你的家人分钟,才进入床,虽然我承认我Degozaimashi您处理您的生产线,你必须吃晚饭,我认为要了解可能的方式 As also everyone of the family is understanding before entering into the futon to eating the late boiled rice those which it can receive you recognize distantly The midst when process is done understanding it was is it came to be with it is about you think

                                                                                    • 目前滚装船我自己的眼睛!什么?基泰信号?万维网你说的嘴已经出现动摇的话,我不会相信这句话更积极的卡诺艾希 Actuality see Obtaining We would like to believe You say with that mouth or www Turning being swung whether some speech is correct even becoming unable to believe probably is the ru but
                                                                                      • 因此,无论如何 我想我很高兴木偶小泽小泽发言,如果你说更多吗? You speak already If Ozawa should have spoken it is How the ro which is puppet what of se Ozawa s

                                                                                    • 相反负)⌒γ YTTTTY ¯〃(()阿(超级真棒),乙(真棒),C级(如人类),D(下Nigate),电子(非常Nigate)(先生» ーヽ向诺诺布鲁诺 ¯ 〃升) ー彡 f ( ) ( ) , , ( ) 有限公司〜〜 ° ° 女⌒ ⌒第V 技巧:触摸鄂如母亲或秘书或材料的变化,炸弹 On the other hand 0 Γ ⌒ YTTTTY ¯ A super sugoi and B sugoi C the same as human D nigate and E super nigate Person ≫ no To REPT nono ¯ l 92 彡 he 92 92 92 ri ¯ ¯ ⌒ he ⌒ V Ability Those which it touches are changed into the bomb … the private secretary or the mother
                                                                                      • TTP的: ja wikipedia org 维基 %E4类素B2%BB心跳%%E4类%%95%E7的学士学位%9C条%9E条%E5公司%%98%E5公司公元前%a4的第9A% ttp ja wikipedia org wiki E4 BB B2 E4 BA 95 E7 9C 9E E5 BC 98 E5 A4 9A

                                                                                    • 神社是一个很好的标准杆掉以轻心,我经常呼吁,在一个标准杆鸠山掉以轻心,也不能不懂日语,因此它是重要的不理解,接受,甚至心理伤害没有 Being light per you call the portable shrine tsu te is well said but Because being light on the per top even Japanese you cannot understand Hatoyama well Being criticized even the psychological damage it does not receive to the reason which you cannot understand

                                                                                      • 美国,我们需要在5月时的通信通过原有的建议,采取一些不明白,即使从走出去的任何其他建议,我是知道的声明包括备选方案包含它Torasutomi没有 America in order to pass through the plan of beginning time is necessary to May that including that it was truss Tommy speech because you probably have recognized Putting out other whatever kind of plan agreement something there is no reason which is done
                                                                                        • 汝无行现在东京大学在日本冲绳科技朱达罗围绕你可以向后或到期日至5月 Unless Okinawa it goes from now it is the appreciation time limit to May The ro Tokyo University reason manufacture which about reverse operation it is possible and is

                                                                                      • 翻译不翻译[]鸠山魔芋“什么政府被普遍认为自己”普天间问题
                                                                                        “As for the thought of Hatoyama government my myself concept” Futenma problem

                                                                                        • 谷垣祯一的话说,至少有365“或外县或州或国家的”古是正确周围听到从6月的公益副本的二氧化碳排放自民党,我认为批评一些应该事件收集无是一种罕见不 365 At least way Tanigaki says “inside the prefecture or outside the prefecture overseas ” as for extent as for the right to hear as for the citizen you think that it is If to June from calling it is settled safe even with the carbon copy of our people it is not necessary to criticize but

                                                                                          • 这一天,英国。危机史美同盟的大萧条的日本,现在又在100年的苏珍珠港或大萧条反复处置?
                                                                                            1 Japan and England same. Abolition The Great Depression Pearl Harbor In 100 years great depression of one time The Japan-U.S. alliance crisis Well as for history repeating?

                                                                                            • 这些家伙肯定是议员对众议院的成员名单投票,以支付孩子没有投票给我们!我叛徒我们狗屎!
                                                                                              The summary of Councilor you approve child treatment You do not vote to and others it is dense absolutely! [ku] [so] traitor [me]!

                                                                                              • 这似乎掩盖一个僵尸群玩一些死亡的剑我有一个鼻子等保护措施182
                                                                                                182 There is such a defense method with… However much without dying cutting, it seems like the crowd of the zombie who is played back

                                                                                                • 这使人们看到他们将证明自己的常识,只是不认为有驱动tTA说是在我说没有,或者 或者他们不这样做,我认为我是关Warazu还负责推动与Hishoga Kokuminga Jiminga Because of this you justify by yourself and camouflage in the sensible person but You just said you do with it is not said that there is thinking afterwards although or by himself thought or not to relate jiminga Responsibility is pushed to hishiyoga kokuminga
                                                                                                  • 4。Warazu〜否认它相关的条件也很糟糕的信号基泰否则,梅代伐丽流用来关闭为自己辩护 4 We would like to believe that is not It has entered very unpalatable state in spite to deny that in order for you to justify by your it is used with tightening

                                                                                                • 这并不是说,迷人而准备作出一个汉堡包井认为,但它并不是甚至思维方式,在一般情况下,再有,面条了言有决心,有没有Marimashita This until you say is not to be but it was the midst when it prepares in the thinking that we would like to make hanbagu but It was decided that so without of being it is also how to think after all as a outline and does not make coming side
                                                                                                  • 这并不是说,迷人而准备作出一个汉堡包井认为,但它并不是甚至思维方式,在一般情况下,再有,面条了言有决心,有没有Marimashita This until you say is not to be but it was the midst when it prepares in the thinking that we would like to make hanbagu but It was decided that so without of being it is also how to think after all as a outline and does not make coming side

                                                                                                • 这是多么愚蠢的家伙wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                  The wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww fool as for it is dense wwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                                  • 那么,什么会晚宴,什么是还没有准备好公布,大家当然,我们会明白我的想法 Whether because of that something becomes the late boiled rice it is not the stage which still is published as for the notion that where Even in everyone proper thing we think as the thing which you can understand
                                                                                                    • 那么,什么会晚宴,什么是还没有准备好公布,大家当然,我们会明白我的想法 Whether because of that something becomes the late boiled rice it is not the stage which still is published as for the notion that where Even in everyone proper thing we think as the thing which you can understand

                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,虽然这一犯罪认为早生靠近,层攻击的受害者遭受暗杀波精神病正如你可以看到这一切,让出一国会议员永田,取蛋糕,所以想我可以如何得到精神病折磨受害者我认为,锅ü
                                                                                                    By the way, this crime if Assemblyman Nagata is remembered, as understood, the victim in the psychosis That you contracted a disease, while making think around, to bet on torture with electromagnetic wave attack, because it is the method which assassinates When the victim is thought as the psychosis, it is the 壺 which the stratification is thought

                                                                                                    • 马氏地跟随,但将被释放,现在的头脑中还计划,我将只输入Dearimasu一步烹调过程中,家庭是感谢大家,但在那里,现在在等待一个Itadakanakere发言如果Narimasumai Following it means to publish but because it is the stage which keeps entering to the process of cooking with concept still It is regret in everyone of the family but if now for a while it does not receive waiting will not become
                                                                                                      • 马氏地跟随,但将被释放,现在的头脑中还计划,我将只输入Dearimasu一步烹调过程中,家庭是感谢大家,但在那里,现在在等待一个Itadakanakere发言如果Narimasumai Following it means to publish but because it is the stage which keeps entering to the process of cooking with concept still It is regret in everyone of the family but if now for a while it does not receive waiting will not become

                                                                                                    • 鸠山灵机一动它,并转移到美国在冲绳的海军陆战队空军基地,我认为空军迁移到这个地方一样,其他地方有一个基地
                                                                                                      The strange plan of Hatoyama That relocates Marines to the Okinawa Seek Spartan base, Air force it has relocating to the other base says that somewhere, You think that densely it is with such,

                                                                                                      • ( 人 ) ( 人 ) 时空削减现在我不收紧 human human Temporarily at space time there is no deadline it is the ze which is
                                                                                                        • 3个字。绷紧使用,为后来被称为天空晃Toshii不认为这是一般 3 There is thinking After expressing that it assumes that it is correct generally word of the tightening which is used

                                                                                                      • (用于普天间迁移问题),但过了一段时间回来,被传递到驱赶恶劣的情况下,甚至自己周围 Use for Futenma transfer of facilities problem However after time returns by your also around furthermore are driven to terrible circumstance
                                                                                                        • 县内转移容易,如果一个民主党人Dattarou 535社民党我你有喝至少是容易 535 If the Democratic party independence the wax which simply is transfer of facilities inside the prefecture at least as for the corporation people easily The ro which you cannot drink and is

                                                                                                      • ,民主党“没有国籍的数目”的他们,其实物凄※“韩国人有一名秘书,”民主党人现在电视已不再是无接触
                                                                                                        So, as for democracy 党員 “there is no nationality provision” * “The South Korean private secretary is” of really tremendous number the Democratic party where With TV it became unable to directly touch, but

                                                                                                        研究 開発