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Democracy side of the Tokyo University coming out 粂, the sign colored paper makes a mistake is produced to auction Chinese character


  • 我的父亲是一位卡车司机和我的母亲我是一个挣扎的东京大学学生的生严多科拉兼职典型的家庭收入低于1000万wwwwww
    > As for father teamster, as for mother part timer Typical Tokyo University raw of household annual income 10,000,000 or less and it is Some and others side is self-supporting student what, wwwwww

    • 07年的重要证词,但不是很多的钾和矛盾,是紧紧意识固定种植新记忆的K先生苫米地仍然混浊,阻碍真相它也指出,
      But 7 years even at the presently it passes with the memory which is planted anew especially and Tomabeti where the discrepancy is many in the testimony of essential K The consciousness of K it continues to become turbid, it is to be also the indication that it obstructs truth elucidation,

      • 487左派政府是知识分子,知识分子的镇压,历史已经证明,以清除
        487 As for left flank administration the intellectual, it oppresses and history has proven the fact that purges intelligence layer

        • 50:29编号:OymD TLA的道路边。神奈川县立章为研究新的成员,教师和哉,该小组的成员比例系统三村复兴自己的 50 29 ID OymD TlA By the way side With new member of the same Kanagawa prefecture connected post as teacher as for Assemblyman Kazuya Mimura of proportional revival group Became the investigator it seems
          • 16名字:先生后党派:2010 04 03(星期六)17:50:29编号:OymD TLA的道路边。神奈川县立章为研究新的成员,教师和哉,该小组的成员比例系统三村复兴自己的 16 Name Non party Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 17 50 29 ID OymD TlA By the way side With new member of the same Kanagawa prefecture connected post as teacher as for Assemblyman Kazuya Mimura of proportional revival group Became the investigator it seems

        • 579民主“人口,容易使用”唯一的选区去甲肾上腺素的真正意义,因为它已经失去了
          579 There is only meaning the Democratic party as “the number of heads which it is easy to use” don't you think? it is with At actually constituency defeat it puts out,

          • NULL Excerpt end Image of crime prevention video of the apartment where national pine National Police Agency director snipes how became “National pine director sniping” Furthermore following in 97 “With oumu believer doubtful point of the former Master Patrol Officer admission gt Why there is no special result “ Just Tomabeti English “ Leaving The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department public Abe investigated requested Brain scientist When you look at the personal history of the person Tomabeti English way there is a discernment perhaps in the field of science It is visible but if you inspect properly as for that the foreign country “ You worked under the famous scholar “ You question to be in field of brain science There is no the result which you feature in addition it is not on the register in academic society such as psychiatry it is not the person that appraisal of the brain scientific boundary is high
            • 我是公开进行的是娱乐记者招待会平均在前面的预期随着时间的伦理在屏幕上缺乏资金,辅导员 』 麻原彰晃(麻原彰晃)刚刚在 代表大师』。洗脑是曲折』文Korimashita和一些催眠的批评,“即使今后在一天的1997年,”警察局长和前奥姆真理教钾,而且部长国松的肇事者的暗杀证词 It is the entertainment average to open press conference before the gold folding screen but at that time it is lacking in the ethical impression as a counselor Just it became guru in place of the flax field Akira Akira It is brainwashing that and so on the criticism which is said happened at part” Furthermore following in 97 Hypnosis is applied on K of Master Patrol Officer former “with the oumu believer it could point to a testimony that it is execution offense of national pine director sniping incident

          • NULL NULL
            • 发现720的一个因素。 Ootake诚孪生兄弟1。东京大学教育学院,使高中入学优先重视对双胞胎 720 In association 1 As for Otake true younger brother of twins 1 Twins priority entrance it was possible Tokyo University Department of Education attached high school soldier finishing

          • Pds exblog jp 侦测器 二十零万零六百零九分之一 16 81 a0034181 21263210。jpg格式 pds exblog jp pds 1 200609 16 81 a0034181 21263210 jpg
            • 130 TTP的: tokiy img jugem jp 2009 052万 466261。JPG是危险的,如果你想让它万维网 130 ttp tokiy img jugem jp 20090520 466261 jpg It is dangerous if this desired www

          • Q表的拍卖我,我再也全国已通知12月1日2005年2月,从什么是我第一次拍卖中进入为什么?一,(引自一篇博客文章在2月9下一页粂氏)雅虎拍卖清单,识别(地址验证)和抓了必要的程序,居住地点,(在办公室是无用的, Q as for body me charity auction although notification has been made on December 1st of last year Why it means that after first auction entering into February A from burogu article side 粂 February 9th quotation It exhibits with yahuokushiyon this human verification address verification procedure being necessary address Area with the office it is useless
            • ),还接受一次不厌其烦当她无法决定,你应该保持球输入密码(儿子在21日内申请确认身份采取了驱动tTA接受真理不知道,有一个决定 Furthermore when with special care one time receiving the password which is received this person definite You must input within 21 day after the recognizing admitting applying it not to be possible to protect the rule the so When it is there is the rule you did not know but

          • S Teitashi评论员错误的地点在伊拉克外交部副部长的山本的数田,一名法官上里没有答案选狗的名字一个著名将军德川幕府5
            Yamamoto one making a mistake at the time of foreign-affairs secondary minister of state the Iraqi place thickly, to do, the judge rising The certain commentator did not answer being the dog tycoon, the name of five generation General famous Tokugawa

            • TTP的:/ / www5。酚醛- x.net /〜kusogaki / sakuhin /图像/ bamoidooki.gif
              ttp: //www5. pf-x.net/~ kusogaki/sakuhin/image/bamoidooki.gif

              • Www yokosuka style net estyle 日记 博客 2009 10 03的。html 除了听到的是非常好,或占了一半,具体形式时 www yokosuka style net estyle diary blog 2009 10 03 html gt The very being audible is good is but concretely in some way making reduce by half making convert how long
                • TTP的: 石破茂 shigeru cocolog nifty com 博客 2009 10 后 1cec html ttp ishiba shigeru cocolog nifty com blog 2009 10 post 1cec html

              • ·。爱 ⌒⌒我)。 怎粉? ? ゚爱(·) ー (·)我, 欧享゚通过,因为局长我! ゚ ::⌒( 谁)⌒::: ·゚ 因为你可以通过秘书゚! ∧∧。 ゚ ┬ o i ⌒ ⌒ i Scattering how it does ゚ o i i ゚ o It passes with consequence of the private secretary ゚ ⌒ human ⌒ ゚ ゚ It passes with consequence of the private secretary ∧ ∧ ゚ 92 ┬
                • ゚ · · 我, 欧享゚因为它通过了秘书长! ゚ ::⌒( 谁)⌒::: ·゚ 因为你可以通过秘书゚! ∧∧。 ゚ ┬ ゚ ⌒ 92 ゚ o i ⌒ ⌒ i Scattering how it does ゚ o i i ゚ o It passes with consequence of the private secretary ゚ ⌒ human ⌒ ゚ ゚ It passes with consequence of the private secretary ∧ ∧ ゚ 92 ┬

              • “下一步粂! 没有耶!不来这里!”“如果你现在停止,我更多或Ttarashi曝光,真的” “Side 粂 … The scale it is This come ” “It stops already and the time and when above this it does the lawn ku honma ”
                • 它是地下○○三维J Ø K表E将 As for this G O O D J O K E Probably will be

              • ↓→文本摘录Tomabeti秀结婚学者的灌输Oumushisutazu→Tomabeti秀,回顾了体育记者
                Tomabeti English -> You got married with that [oumushisutazu] Brainwashing scholar Tomabeti English -> Part excerpt of composition Recollection of ↓ and sport paper reporter

                • 不是一个可怕的书铭牌郁库拉国防部国防部长久间章生的第一个字,例如你和书法家
                  If you mention the writing brush, it does with Hisama, the [yo] First defensive minister of state The extent which writes the nameplate of the defensive ministry it is enormous

                  • 不能有时间到他们的实力努力,从别人的角度,而忽略社会的共同意识,不论信件已知的和教条式的耻辱
                    Spending time, to force effort by your, in addition to being possible, Because common sense of society and the eye line of others are ignored, being self-righteousness, the shame not knowing it becomes the letter

                    • 东京大学,我们认为我讨厌这么没用,我会觉得更多的教育Bakkari家伙是同行,未来粂我们认为这会得到这样的 Side 粂 the stand shelf calling to the extent educational background how part where the like person boils it may be thought being don t you think it is hateful As for Tokyo University such a person it probably will be thought that it is the tsu temporary

                      • 事务和整个无法想像如何愚蠢的政府接受市民所关闭的说话,我不能在晚上储存按摩认为难以 The speech massage at the store of the night the world how catching Foolishly cannot imagine national government the wa which duty roundly cannot possibly be thought
                        • 他承认他们朱达罗这样一种方式来回答我是真的想对代表日本政府和采取的260 260 The Government of Japan it replaced therefore it is A certain meaning correct answer ro them who actually are such recognition

                      • 五百四十二天的武士生活,不然我可能会拼命驱动tTA这样说,否则一个人的生活发生意义之一,是没有什么区别Udaro 542 Age of the warrior however perhaps so you said Whether in lifetime life in the 懸 ke ru or the same place life the 懸 ke ru the ro where meaning is different at all and is

                        • 什么是594东京出“应该更容易了解你自己的”不奇怪很多人都没有坚实的忌讳,因为没有办法写笔记或意见,以便在第一时间这些话的人友善,你来学习我 594 “Tokyo University coming out tsu te by yourself you should have been easy to know” with setting study method because the ru That note probably will be written with the letter which is easy to be divided into the person because there is no in the first place such conception the person where the letter is dirty is many unexpectedly

                          • 什么是soooo凉爽欺骗眼睛上方,而不是从法律瓦特很大差异字符谁学院通过了律师资格考试在东京
                            With Tokyo University method department administration of justice test successful candidate At mistake extent of Chinese character to foolish The [ge] which the eye line [tsu] [te] is done - it is groovy from above w

                            • 什么是宣战的198和平与平等的放弃!什么是暴政限制!

                              • 什么毁了我,你已经日本神话WWW的学校教育的关系官僚主义和大企业,是目前日本最大的增长约束万维网
                                Already the Japanese educational background mythical [tsu] [te] the [ze] www which has collapsed Now as for academic clique of big business and bureaucratic organization the Japanese biggest growth drag www

                                • 什么?这不是由Itan小学生写的?登陆图片※:TTP的:/ / img189。Auctions.yahoo.co.jp /用户/ 4 / 0 / 5 / 8 / yokokume_office - img240x320 - 1269685471wdw6fk60486。jpg格式TTP的:/ / img303。Auctions.yahoo.co.jp /用户/ 4 / 0 / 5 / 8 / yokokume_office - img240x320 - 1269685650vtdl5412443。JPG格式
                                  Obtaining…? This elementary school student wrote, it is it is not? * Sign picture: ttp: //img189. auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/4/0/5/8/yokokume_office-img240x320 - 1269685471wdw6fk60486. jpg ttp: //img303. auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/4/0/5/8/yokokume_office-img240x320 - 1269685650vtdl5412443. jpg

                                  • 他还没有融入这个从看到肮脏的话写在一个当然我只是其中805什么我当然不介意直人 805 However you see from this sure 1 As for the person who is written with the dirty letter it is not Only the people whose certainly heart is straight no shelf
                                    • 他是一个耻辱,香椎喜欢还是做它从万单位售出1瓦的照片 Shy person shelf 1 such after becoming the way which can be sold at ten thousand units do and w

                                  • 但该国愿意打破开幕19日,文化革命?与普通的日本没什么区别会
                                    19 Opening of a country reforming country The air which is done even with the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution? If the normal Japanese you do not make a mistake

                                    • 例如,对于经验被视为摇摆舞出并返回到发生事故,并延长Biteshimaimashita延长至今日(我们认为这是太复杂,晦涩解释 For example even in the accident that seeing it returns to starting point Because it whirled it extended to the extension to this day explanation being too complicated meaning it is unclear With you think
                                      • ),而赎回回到舞蹈,还发现了该事件波,并延长Biteshimaimashita延长至今日(我们认为这是太复杂,晦涩解释 Even in the accident that seeing it returns to starting point Because it whirled it extended to the extension to this day explanation being too complicated meaning it is unclear With you think

                                    • 光从没有头晕的感觉停留在民主淌下来的艰苦努力在你好看

                                      • 全部1儿童基金会(儿童基金会),所以捐赠。 。 11或者,您知道wwwwww骚扰
                                        1 Because it contributes to payment in full UNICEF (UNICEF) . . 11, the [ro] wwwwww which is disliking

                                        • 另外首相错读的自民党,民主党每日报告有关候选人,哦,熊权结束在Kasugomikuoriti

                                          • 哦,错误的政治Etara分钟,我很自私我要辞职的字符?事情我谴责该委员会的
                                            When the [a] - the [a], Chinese character you make a mistake, as for the politician the [tsu] lever which should resign understanding, the [ru] don't you think?? At commission impeachment mono the [wa] which is

                                            • 唯一的民主党议员说,教育是值得要么你过关,和w So just this educational background nice democracy Assemblyman probably is both what that w
                                              • 唯一的民主党议员说,教育是值得要么你过关,和w So just this educational background nice democracy Assemblyman probably is both what that w

                                            • 奇摩是在大脑的革命,所谓的反应已出售和昂贵,或11日元你获胜的出价将会回升媒体由Dakejan wwwww wwww只是一个耻辱漂白 It was the intention inside the brain of the heart ku me being bid successfully large amount of calling echo being picked up to the media it is the ro which is Successful bid amount 11 Yen wwwww shame is just was bleached simply wwww
                                              • 是不是欺诈,什么分歧茹ü发送货物被拍卖出售,每? 1 When it was exhibited by auction and was bid successfully there is no tsu te fraud which sends the item which is different

                                            • 如何在地球将出售自己在最后一刻我是多么想呢?他们希望听到的,“我认为即使1日圆Ttemashita希望捐赠!”或什么的,不管什么 Just will this person probably be thinks is that it can sell with somewhat Hearing like If “it can contribute thinking that it is good even for 1 Yen it increased ” As for such from another calling

                                              • 如果他们说了错误的驱动tTA卡诺Asou狙古可怕的耻辱香椎或者没有这样一个错误的彩纸汤拍卖日在这里从107不允许可爱 107 Here Japan it puts out Such mistake it is shy enormously with the colored paper of auction Perhaps doing aiming The empty you can permit the Aso saying mistake lovely
                                                • 麻生太郎Umakattara书写的内容,但写在Ku新年的地址,甚至我的笔迹 When about Aso the letter is good Although you write we with the address or handwriting of the New Year s greeting card

                                              • 学研究也很低小泉进次郎有一个错误的教育非常重要,即使我喜欢这个。我会去通过与悲惨拥抱我已经离开东京的B Even such time educational background tsu te important shelf Sinzirou Koizumi making a mistake it is low study Being quaint although end it is the u When you do with the Tokyo University coming out it meets to the miserable eye
                                                • 再来? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?大学了(笑) a Tokyo University it comes out laughing

                                              • 它是你进Zirou色纸装饰是附近杂货店的如此公开表示,相当高的成交价为横须贺
                                                Sinzirou's colored paper is decorated at the vegetable store of neighborhood, by Yokosuka citizen If that it may be bid successfully well enough with high price

                                                • 布鲁诺的⌒( 布鲁诺 ヽ卢武铉,⌒γ ⌒ ゚ ヽ)゛ No ⌒ no No REPT Γ ⌒ REPT It is ⌒ 92 i 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 7 person Friendship 92 92 ⌒ ゚ 92 REPT DOTDT 92
                                                  • 布鲁诺 ⌒ ゚ ヽ)゛ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT It is ⌒ 92 i 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 7 person Friendship 92 92 ⌒ ゚ 92 REPT DOTDT 92
                                                  • 布鲁诺゚ · ⌒ヽ ゚ No ⌒ REPT
                                                  • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ ヽ 三:三个或三个: ::⌒( 布鲁诺 布鲁诺ヽ °, ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 REPT ⌒ 92 REPT No No ¯ ¯ REPT ni Everyday everyday what does the becoming dim which is ⌒ REPT Three Three three ⌒ no No REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                • 当局销毁的另一个208民叔,他们只是善于关键,但左派和W是这样做的东西,包括我的名誉 208 As for destruction of authority minshiyu other things w the sayoku party makes proud But the place where you are including also your own reputation fatal
                                                  • 一个关键的数字是一个政治家,但我很带到新闻或一千一百一十一日元 1111 Yen… Being picked up by the mass communications well enough although it is the ru politician Fatal numerical shelf

                                                • 当我重写国家胜我,对防止误传和保费不公平及违反
                                                  Body [me] victory benevolence When you rewrite, the [ro] which and act forbidding misleading representation violation is unjustifiable premiums and

                                                  • 彩色纸Suretenpure TTP的:/ / blogimg.goo.ne.jp / user_image / 29 / 8E型/ 0452cdca2ddc80d68ba2fc42ce57ef6d.jpg奖金,Suretenpure TTP的鸟越先生:/ / roxytap.cocolog - nifty.com /博客/ 280707a20080707095027984的。jpg
                                                    Colored paper [suretenpure] ttp: //blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/29/8e/0452cdca2ddc80d68ba2fc42ce57ef6d.jpg With being defeated, Torigoe [suretenpure] ttp: //roxytap.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/280707a20080707095027984. jpg

                                                    • 我也都刻墓碑Tteta说我回家了如此积极的国家,是我听到老妇人教她书法的203大学的。 ○这是写10章
                                                      203 At the calligrapher teaching even at the university, you heard in the [ru] old lady, but speaking correctly with that, you say Being carved in the tombstone of countryside of the house all. 廿 It is 10 inscription

                                                      • 我在哪里,他将捐出全部拍卖出售,而这也就是为什么如果你不能信任総籍,但不会说,因为如果你自己已经捐赠了1 3故意让卖家不麻烦
                                                        The contribution stripe inhaling those which were sold in the auction payment in full some somewhere, it cannot trust the person generally Although it is the story which if why is, such without applying time specially, main person of the exhibition person may contribute because it does not do that, is

                                                        • 我希望,未来粂鸠山,幼稚或愚蠢的习惯表达出来东京一个喜欢多说话行事
                                                          Hatoyama good side 粂 with to call, one by one Conduct or revelation how to talk another Tokyo University coming out, being immature in [ru] habit, it is low the brain

                                                          • 我建议,我们Metakatta恳撤出为了处理导航,但我知道我是鳕鱼竞投啊 The a a … knowing but the cod it is bid it is Bidding successfully when you want to recommend cordial 々 and secession in transaction Nabi

                                                            • 我有那么多的投入运行瓦兰F在底层比上年来自东京大学和改变(例如:高田麻由子)或返回在所有的框架...我猜家伙为时已晚
                                                              As for the base layer one which even at Tokyo University enters well other than the previous term the F run and the strange straw it is the empty (example: Mayuko Takeda) Densely the [ro] which always is latter-term or return home framework what how the [se

                                                              • 我注意到在Ku 120日元杜绝形式,他们职位的名称和地址到背面写上彩色的纸139普通
                                                                139 Normally name and address writing on the reverse side of the colored paper, it reaches with 120 Yen stamp of the mail outside fixed form

                                                                • 我的意思是什么人中山聪,如果她想让选出的代表,有关垃圾粂喜欢让愚蠢 But Nakayama intellectual mind tsu te human what aho 粂 in the like rubbish the Assemblyman if the extent which can be let do When you want being elected to her
                                                                  • 11 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww日元 11 Yen wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                  • ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー144西伯利亚ーー 144 kita
                                                                  • 但是,尽管在智力生活〜傻瓜你知道你使用的不是在这里是好的,但我想如果 But without knowing lifetime it is good even with this aho which it is and uses ro as for that you think how
                                                                  • 但是,尽管在智力生活〜傻瓜你知道你使用的不是在这里是好的,但我想如果 But without knowing lifetime it is good even with this aho which it is and uses ro as for that you think how

                                                                • 我的父亲是一位卡车司机说,她的家庭是一个难得的兼读学生,学习通过你在东京和兼职大学的期末考试的研究工作涵盖所有学费和奖学金,因为你可以洒人权的理想进展律师和1 亲 As for the father the teamster as for the mother to be born in the home part timer providing school expenses with scholarship and part time job to learn at the University of Tokyo passing to administration of justice test lastly as for study because it is possible the human rights group which strives to ideal You became the attorney 1
                                                                  • 我的父亲是一位卡车司机说,她的家庭是一个难得的兼读学生,并通过在东京大学的期末考试,部分大学学费的奖学金,并涵盖所有是一个律师 1 As for the father the teamster as for the mother to be born in the home part timer providing school expenses with scholarship and part time job to learn at the University of Tokyo passing to administration of justice test lastly as for study because it is possible the human rights group which strives to ideal You became the attorney 1

                                                                • 或者说,他已写信给民主党,包括任何经常受相称众议员420僵尸
                                                                  420 Therefore zombie Assemblyman the object person it is many The Democratic party also the person who is written is included in proportion

                                                                  • 晚上英联邦战斗机的空军72分钟的一个晚上,所以他们没有办法的F 我发现了一个立场,对展览,描绘了86个,中川先生是如何这次展览,“北海道的特产您的目录的通知只是“卖高于 Because there is no manner one evening keeping vigil when fighter plane F of the old days of 1 72 Air Self Defense Force assembly it paints 86 and exhibits This Mr how Nakagawa was exhibited “the name commodity delivery catalog of Hokkaido” compared to bids successfully with high price
                                                                    • 我不喜欢做一个模板莱出价最高的人,“但我有胶水的出售价格,它通常被认为没有必要将展出Etara We probably making ten pre for the successful bidder It bid successfully “with the paste but To think well because there is no basin and others we exhibit

                                                                  • 民主党■■,无代表小泉进次郎先生粂名未来10■■Shisan百科改变所带来的后果十周年@ [] 2010 / 03 / 11(星期四)06:45:09编号:ZriSkj2P0成为:粂未来该请求的地址被删除,并且进Zirou维基编辑娜我11瓦@ Shisan名无十周年[圣人] 2010 / 03 / 11(星期四)06:46:36编号:ZMPBTta60成为:10法师作者:wwwwwww十周年Shisan 106名无@ [圣人] 2010 / 03 / 11(星期四)09:18:40编号:th4s3o + c0的成为:11维珀浩忠凸是严重的。众议院办公室旁边的一个名字,金粂胜Gininatta阵列噪声:网络事务和[webmaster@yokokume.jp上]发布:09 / 11 / 10(星期二)13:52主持人:221x243x226x14。Ap221。Ftth.ucom。 ne.jp(文本
                                                                    * * The Democratic party and side 粂 Assemblyman Koizumi Sinzirou's Wikipedia circumstance of alteration incident * * 10 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] 2010/03/11 (wood) 06: 45: 09 ID: ZriSkj2P0 Be: With the address which the side 粂 deletes requests, Sinzirou's wiki is compiled, it is, - w 11 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] 2010/03/11 (wood) 06: 46: 36 ID: ZMPBTta60 Be: 10 Wwwwwww being [maji] 106 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] 2010/03/11 (wood) 09: 18: 40 ID: th4s3o + c0 Be: 11 It is [maji] VIPPER being convex, large correcting/rule. [are] which becomes the noise Member of the house of representatives Side 粂 victory benevolence office 1 Name: web charge office work [webmaster @ yokokume.jp] Contribution day: 09/11/10 (fire) 13: 52 HOST: 221x243x226x14. ap221. ftth.ucom.ne.jp (Text abbreviation - You can read also the [te] without) IP search sluggishly the [tsu] it is dense the [mu] ↓ IP address Host name 221x243x226x14. ap221. ftth.ucom.ne.jp Sinzirou Wikipedia compilation past record (Up-to-date) (Before) 2009 November 5th (Wood) 20: 10 (Conversation) (8,492 bytes) (-> First election) (Cancellation) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Being defeated ♪ Contribution record “of”

                                                                    • 瑞穗的Hukushima 265“岛”将出现在清美的Tsuzimoto字符概况
                                                                      265 Letter “of island” of Fukushima not seeing [ho] It is visible in the profile of Tsujimoto Kiyoshi beauty

                                                                      • 真神31。绵贯民辅是一家专业冈田克Okada m不是字符善于不合乎常理,但仍然增益变化
                                                                        31 As expected God. As for Watanuki Occupation handle The letter is good As for Katuya Okada After all it is the eccentric Common sense coming off, the [ru

                                                                        • 研究人员现在只有886,但我觉得驱动tTA议席选区选出新的,我会转甚至复苏对比例
                                                                          886 As for this time having become the investigator whether only the new member of the small constituency successful candidate you thought, but Also proportional revival group entering, [ru

                                                                          • 硬Youkenmei(以及其他)说,“我的生活,但在(生命),击败一个人的大脑”硬(努),它“只是一个字段(1名),打一个人的大脑”,但,你知道你是一个不错的政治家 With utmost effort when it is and the tsu does and the yo it is to receive the niece is “living between the ru lifetime it perseveres eagerly” With utmost effort when it is and the tsu does and the yo ke it is the niece is “one place field the same place with it perseveres eagerly” but When it is the politician either one it is to call the ro which is
                                                                            • 如果政客做了更错误的汉字,他们想努力骂他很难,没有书面 To make a mistake in Chinese character if from being possible the politician Were not wanted writing with utmost effort and with utmost effort
                                                                            • 我675“硬”这样想我生病被这样对待我选择,我们一般用“硬”,那么我 675 Therefore as for we when “with utmost effort” is choosing specially the ru likely being thought hate it is used generally it has done “with utmost effort”

                                                                          • 胜人闹我,她会说,我很高兴我们希望,在您wwwwwwwwww瑞穗wwww The not seeing ho it is good body me victory benevolence You correct it seems wwww you it was good wwwwwwwwww
                                                                            • 我,我希望我的发言瑞穗米栏的成员可以有屎坏印象,我在写作 The not seeing ho and it is good the body me it is good As for qualification having Assemblyman attorney the letter accompanying the unskillful ku the wa which impression is possible

                                                                          • 虎胆龙威但要生活好,如果你住的生活从一罕见,风险和一个人的生命是,或者其他人,“原料”,因为它是“自己从”一个地方,它取自人审美意识比人们拼命地说,足以我们 If it makes lifetime After being born it dies whether it is good even with utmost effort but Because so lifetime and life 懸 ke ru natural is “the raw” very thing If “the same place” you see from others from that you take it is not enough With life 懸 ke ru one feels aesthetics in those which are not unable to be said
                                                                            • 因为事情改变什么的话,应该不错,但艰苦的生活,直到他们死于一种罕见的生活永远如果你住我,直到他们死于一种罕见的活,他是相当温和 Therefore the word tsu te those which change whether it is good even with utmost effort but After being born until it dies if it makes lifetime After being born until it dies the 懸 ke ru tsu te it will be lifetime and life extremely vague don t you think

                                                                          • 许多信件,因此我留给政治家和书法的迹象会更好,如果政府机构更好
                                                                            Brandishing/scattering at all leaving to the signboard and the like of ministry and board, because the [ru] politician it is many, don't you think? As for the letter better one probably will be good

                                                                            • 谈到掌声和倒彩,因为其他工作,兰花销售和伊坎的名字几乎没有通知,直到下次选举咬洗澡,只是尽我所能说的奈恩利基?
                                                                              If you mention other work, therefore jeering and applause, somehow attention pouring Name sale viewing to question up to the following election and regard, like opening industry Only it perseveres, or it is?

                                                                              • 还有一个从那个时候 引文需要政治日记 ,绰号“总理”为 2 The main point source nickname made “the prime minister” partly due to the fact that you have intended the politician from that time 2

                                                                                • 这是日本最负盛名的中线,但我认真横线反弹,因为东京鸠山的革命形象 Hatoyama the wa where with consequence of the body me Tokyo University image is the abnormal play falling with maji Although it is the highest study prefecture of Japan …
                                                                                  • 也许他的钱购买的驱动tTA鸠山丰富的飞行员也像艾希家伙118座? 118 It is dense always the house seems the rich person you bought with the gold as though and it is Hatoyama it is it is not

                                                                                • 通化生活(Isshou)是一个硬一个地方(合)我们将有一个用于短语的发音通常由ü派生和意义差别硬 u Lifetime it is and the tsu does and the yo u the same place is and the tsu does eagerness and the yo pronunciation and the meaning of deriving from eagerness are different It is used generally as another ripening language
                                                                                  • 国立大学,但从来不知道本人而言,初中学校的社会studies“时间是从一的保护during了学徒的土地和善良生命的语言很难说 The national large soldier finishing which me it does and but is not the word which” is said to the time of social studies of junior high school with utmost effort is the word which is attached from the fact that becoming eager it protects place territory in favor and age of public service

                                                                                • 通过帧踢生活生活生活生活写生活缺乏踢×赌注生活居住哦,我会写信给你一个白痴身穿滑稽字典 Life 懸 ke ru Life is bet Life it is lacking Life can be written Life you run Life is applied Life × Well strange thing writing the wa where the ru and the dictionary become foolish

                                                                                  • 野田圣子,例如旧的形象,但短发凯塔,邮政选举。如果你从Metara领域延伸,在过去的选举,并开始和你的头发被打败,它瓦特,你可以恢复你丢失的相对叶长发妇女在3个地区稍长,最后一次为高知民主党人运行
                                                                                    For example but as for Kiyoko Noda former times the image where the hair is short, postal services selection. When it starts extending the hair from the around, With previous House of Representatives selection defeat it is intimate w To that, the woman and proportion revival of the Kochi 3 Ku which runs from the previous Democratic party long hair have been defeated the Kanai [wa] [zu

                                                                                    • 错字,但现在已被公认为出院撰文登记形式,但不是公开的政治家古色纸二氧化碳排放的二氧化碳顾向中标人发出通知将彩色文件处理是错误的驱动tTA二氧化碳排放量将被排放到峨去地球与中标人在夜间睡眠二氧化碳disposal m不再会考虑是否负担超过一一日元遥 But now the misprint which is acknowledged The politician making the boldly colored paper until reaches in the writer CO2 which is discharged Until it reaches in the successful bidder CO2 which is discharged Until the colored paper which you are wrong is dealt with CO2 which is discharged CO2 which is discharged the occasion where the successful bidder deals with That it probably is the burden which exceeds 11 Yen much for the earth When you think the ze which also the night becomes unable to sleep
                                                                                      • 排版错误已被确认,但现在,政治家已公开凯塔拉有色纸,理惠塔约尴尬的错误县级香椎 But now the misprint which is acknowledged The politician making the boldly colored paper until reaches in the writer CO2 which is discharged Until it reaches in the successful bidder CO2 which is discharged Until the colored paper which you are wrong is dealt with CO2 which is discharged CO2 which is discharged the occasion where the successful bidder deals with That it probably is the burden which exceeds 11 Yen much for the earth When you think the ze which also the night becomes unable to sleep
                                                                                      • 有什么不对劲我Zadoudemoiikedo汉字在纸上它甚至不是一个政治家会做多一点困难是 Chinese character making a mistake however the ru anything za how it is good if the politician just a little it will be already and probably will criticize in the colored paper margin
                                                                                      • 粂方“,并当选,甚至彩色纸张上的古”这不是议会坏从那里我穿颜色在纸张上,因为总理 Side 粂 “became member of the Diet and you write even with the colored paper ” Even the prime minister the colored paper writing in the national assembly therefore the ru it is somewhere is bad it is

                                                                                    • 阿东京大学,我真的觉得我们的路线Tteta民主党人?真正的不同,虽然我觉得比什么都没有 It has gone the place of Democratic party Assemblyman the tsu te being Tokyo University where we think truly That however it is to think what whether it is not to be different as expected

                                                                                      • 音频反日教育,但也有聪明的战士有更多的被洗脑民主党,还有一点,我认为你也很难处理愚蠢的民主党人认为与真正的自由贸易协定远远超出允许范围
                                                                                        Already, when a little it is clever, being brainwashed in the Democratic party, but it may be brought up in the anti-Japanese soldier to here outside standard the fool When is, also as expected Democratic party being troubled with treatment, the [ru] it is it isn't?

                                                                                        • 页第7页。Auctions yahoo co jp 日 拍卖 g89717067收盘价:十一日元wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Sugidaro然而尴尬 page7 auctions yahoo co jp jp auction g89717067 Successful bid amount 11 Circle To be too shy the ro wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is
                                                                                          • 基莫革命wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Heart ku me wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                          • 律师,东京 28年 u003d我国会我 Tokyo University coming out Attorney Member of the Diet 28 years old Body me
                                                                                          • 百家姓说是“非常艰难”TTP的: 第7页。Auctions yahoo co jp 日 拍卖 g89717067收盘价:一一日元wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Sugidaro然而尴尬 Body me sign “with utmost effort” ttp page7 auctions yahoo co jp jp auction g89717067 Successful bid amount 11 Circle To be too shy the ro wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is

                                                                                        研究 開発