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To leave child 4 to inside of car of car and the parents' home visit car to burn up, 4 human deaths…Hokkaido


  • -对贫困保养机油泄漏,电线业余精神发育迟滞使用的设备将排气支管线路火灾的催化热,在几分钟之内的,而梁悬挂在绝缘泄漏故障的引擎火在安全方面释放了车辆在安全方面,你吴
    Being service defective, the motor oil leaking, at heat of the catalyst of the air release pipe the fire break-out Diverging wiring, with amateur wiring which it tries to be able to use the instrument, being insulation defective, leaking, the fire break-out The engine while it applies in the number sufficiently the car safe aspect and in the crime prevention aspect it does that it leaves with NG, the [yo

    • 04内扬燃料实在可惜,这是正确的地方更方便Utoki烟草摄入量? 5,因为我管嗯屙Kaikure啦! 06,我白河,那么我有孩子吗?周一DQN答案不是吗?我去他们的投入,我的父母并不认为这是一个儿童男子,Takunakatta员额居底部的时间从一个较长的免税额 The fuel it had to that it is and don t you think is When 4 the tobacco inhaling the ro where the one which is anywhere is convenient 5 even it does not come and or gives and don t you think it is 6 it did and don t you think and others the child did don t you think it is As for the reply of DQN there is no such a mon As for going to the parents home the wa which you think that it is the allowance se bi ri The child accompanying because as for not entering you did not want to stay long
      • 641 1,我认为他们没有穿了很多!我们想这样,可惜内扬2燃料,Ne m钱,我得到3沉淀温度发言,作为一个计算机只因为孩子的尸体被充满 641 1 dressing all the way from the ru the unconcern Don t you think the wind it is dense it did the fuel had it is and don t you think is Don t you think 2 the gold it is or it does not come and receives it is Because 3 all the way the child it is oh the fungus it does at body temperature

    • 06:01编号:BdRdaQSk0读的书,他们同情流量较少少,立即感到悲观 06 01 ID BdRdaQSk0 After the sympathy less writing the less it lets flow doing to read dismal in barrel feeling
      • 750 713名: 名无Shisan邮政十周年:2010 04 03(星期六)13:06:01编号:BdRdaQSk0他们阅读的书籍从目前的同情地址少,立即感到悲观 750 713 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 13 06 01 ID BdRdaQSk0 After the sympathy less writing the less it lets flow doing to read dismal in barrel feeling

    • 2第三排s Ttena我谨知道燃料之间的火我可以说,羊毛,你就是他们中放置了一个打火机你点烟懒得第三排座位,如果有一个3岁的?

      • 3年,2年,并拧紧你的胸部会发出了7个月的双胞胎和光明的未来,但不过,我睡着了下跌twins from the怪异的7个月时间听到父母相同,今年的儿童我说,离开车吗?我可以说在你家门前,和嘿呀认为这是不太清楚,但更要始终保持足够的眼睛 When 3 years old 2 years old future of the twins of 7 months is thought the chest can be tightened We would like to hear in the parent where but is has the child of the same year You sleep calling the twins of 7 months the empty the car it leaves Therefore before the parents home with saying the extent sufficiently over always You think that it is the year when the eye is distributed but it is To be good it is from the wa
        • 我自己,“当你结婚,成为家长们也这样 ”即使你现在是单身,所以我觉得驱动tTA Because by your thought “when you get married if the extent which becomes such a parent…” the tsu te Even now it is celibacy

      • 462 464羊毛可伐丽流很容易认为,这样的材料燃烧石油,重点介绍作为燃烧默默地卷曲的表面Gasu 462 464 Because the fleece is the petroleum material perhaps it is thought that it is inflammable but In order the Chilean Chile to burn the surface it burns gently

        • 4个已在车中的第二列两个双胞胎汽车座椅一名男子。 。毛议员。预计浸泡她看到两个中心,加强对她的儿子女儿夏天的第三排座椅(3)这两个已预期下降和他 Which 4 people as for being in inside of car of car from the seat in the interior 2nd line the man of the twins Middle properly Middle properly see 2 people who are found in the seat in the 3rd line eldest daughter step summer 3 with see as the eldest son 2 people who You say that it had collapsed
          • 四车的人都看到了他们的座位在两车可能是从第二排浸泡双胞胎,这是一个坏的儿子和女儿认为座位的两个第三排 Which 4 people as for being in inside of car of car from the seat in the interior 2nd line the man of the twins Middle properly Middle properly see 2 people who are found in the seat in the 3rd line eldest daughter step summer 3 with see as the eldest son 2 people who You say that it had collapsed
          • 她最大的孩子走在夏季(3)和长度。 。汰陈(2),7个月的男性双胞胎。 。毛议员。毛相信她,警方已经证实了快速IDE As for child eldest daughter step summer 3 with length 汰 2 man of twins of 7 months Middle properly Middle properly seeing The same station hurries verification

        • Daro m脱氧核糖核酸DQN大鹏保险欺诈在一篇文章中巧妙互通即将从这个星球上消失(
          The [ro] where with the article of next few days [taiho] is the [ru] With insurance money fraud DNA of DQN should go out from this star, ([kiritsu

          • DQN分娩或怀孕的未成年人的姓名和案例...没办法可能是故意疏忽案文是否
            In DQN name in minor childbirth fecundity?… It makes intentional it does if possible making mistake, the incident shelf which happens

            • NULL 674 The ro w which is the extent which rots and is With park autism The incident where the child of some obstacle having kills in the mother The burglar to enter and the mother to be accustomed to binding in the refrigerator as for the infant the death On end of the listening mother While it is throwing body suicide and the death from the sidewalk bridge the document the incident which is committed Also incident of suzuka the i is said completely doubtfully at the point in time when gouken you die the tsu ke As for coming off lively like just incident of the artist when you can think However the parents home it went w 681 In order the te to receive the intention of staying If gt there is no parents home support in the life which you can sleep honestly or Well the parents home the place where it has incident returning you have stayed with it was in the article
              • NULL 674 The ro w which is the extent which rots and is With park autism The incident where the child of some obstacle having kills in the mother The burglar to enter and the mother to be accustomed to binding in the refrigerator as for the infant the death On end of the listening mother While it is throwing body suicide and the death from the sidewalk bridge the document the incident which is committed Also incident of suzuka the i is said completely doubtfully at the point in time when gouken you die the tsu ke As for coming off lively like just incident of the artist when you can think However the parents home it went w 681 In order the te to receive the intention of staying If gt there is no parents home support in the life which you can sleep honestly or Well the parents home the place where it has incident returning you have stayed with it was in the article

            • NULL As for the wife as for the night it is absent with water trading As for master inoccupation season worker To the parents home 1 hour half according to mapiondoraibu by the car According to the inhabitant of neighborhood it had often visited the parents home where the mother and the grandmother of the master live From tsu lever Toda in the face showing of the grandchild there is no homecoming of the tsu te feeling the te After sending the wife to the store the rice it has being able to feed in the parents home and you think that it just went Because you conjecture there is no either spare time putting out gold from information of the inhabitant of neighborhood it is soaked it is it is not entering the parents home The master parent and 4 infants being accompanied therefore trouble sleeping at inside of car of car if the ru lay down to dissolve the tsu te You think probably will be and
              • 我Tteta看到这个消息后,还是孩子 远离启动引擎,而车的孩子睡在木津释放被置于什么是要通过分离氖数百挂发动机,我已经结婚了娱乐圈? With the news which we saw as for the children you sleep the empty While the engine was used it left has become the tsu te The engine it keeps applying with the child putting tsu releasing in the car with Number it leaves sufficiently it leaps the wa As for wife water trading

            • TTP的:/ / www.fnn - news.com /新闻/ /文章/ CONN00174792头条新闻。网页
              ttp: //www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00174792. html

              • · · ·可怜的孩子回家多麻烦,如果我去世了,离开了汽车该死的是好的,但如果它确实凯塔将看到太阳Ichanbaachanni同样面对 In children yes 哀 thought… With special care it came to the parents home if it is ji i if showing the face of the grandchild to the a although it was good It has left to the car the tsu you died temporarily
                • 噢,我死了可怜的事件只是孩子们从大火燃烧Pawauindousuitchi适合在英国或某处 So if you say whether the English angular tsu from the power window switch of fitting The fire break out doing the child burns and dies the yes 哀 thought which incident oh the seed

              • ×的商场,商店时要小心,收取损坏的汽车和经过这么复杂的东西暴露出来,对任何其他×的第一份报告没有其他不便,但并非不寻常在左侧我从来没有在家◎ × When it is shopping center because there is other car and a possibility damage appearing to the store When the varieties it is complicated it is claimed afterwards difficult × The place where most annoyance is not caused for other things and the te goes out and unnatural is not the parents home Don t you think how
                • 真是奇怪 我什至不能在患病的06岁的91岩开幕 It is unnatural …… 91 When the lock it catches is to be opened even in 6 years old also the inside

              • “Touta选择(→苏Shisaru不需要的电流洗爆裂)”,“星期六事件”是(1)快速洗沙流苏
                “Selection [touta] (you wash away suddenly, -> unnecessary ones are let flow and the [ru])” “instructions [sata]”, ([i]) the sand is washed away roughly

                • “我们列车垃圾规模分散,是凌乱的”谋杀了错,如果美国放弃年龄07个月的儿童到那里
                  “As for inside of car of car the rubbish scattering and others temporary, will have been disordered” To there 7 month saw leaving after the raw If America not to be wrong murder

                  • →父母车起火后只剩下儿童转移到另一个地方赔偿无→逮捕山居笔记
                    The car which leaves just the child is not arrested destruction by fire -> as for the parent, A little more than the mountain of the parents' home -> there is no compensation to the place

                    • 丈夫:我要去Gakiu哦,一口发球发挥,如果你离婚或子女支持4人,但我想我会正与另一...好,我没有支付Inakerya?
                      Master: The [a] [gaki] [u] [ze] [e], play [te] - to do, separation [tsu] kana - When so you divorce, whether rearing expense equivalent of 4 - … If it is not, don't you think? you do not pay and the [te] are good?

                      • 不要夸大为5.74亿美元?根据对5325汽车火灾
                        574 Exaggerated there is no 10,000 case? Vehicle fire 5325 cases

                        • 乍看之下,是要在出现意外道奇谋杀!这一事件背后可能已在幕后错,但中村由纪子
                          At first glance, it is visible in accident, but this is murder case of skillful method! Not to be wrong Satiko Nakamura probably is secretly maneuvered on the reverse side of at this incident

                          • 也许它的528岁的老父亲。职业生涯他的父亲出绞纱1月刚刚纽妻子没有工作,因为 NULL
                            • 显然有点最近和保护儿童谁使用电话线Obusari我猜你的意思是说,我总是穿衣服只 Recently the bu the ri string the users are few it seems The child is protected with probably is what thing what Always attaching to the body you call carrying the ru

                          • 井口保护应涉嫌杀害他的父亲抛弃你,我得到增加足够的埃泰→分钟→10小时10分钟时间的孩子?如果日本想埃泰考虑如何保护儿童免遭虐待父母津贴ü死刑之前弹出一个外国孩子觉得这孩子的父母种过甜
                            Child leaving time 10 minute -> over ten minutes -> several sufficient Gradually increasing, the [ru] Stand case it should do the father in the protection patsy abandonment homicide? As for Japan you think that it is too sweet in the parent of this hand, To the child of the foreign country child treatment before putting out, abuse from the parent whom it makes die We want devising of the method of protecting the child

                            • 什么是好车容易的燃料和令人感到惊讶,10000 annual火灾或意外事故,以及在某些情况下火,但没有他们认为燃烧的缺陷和维修保养不善,但本公司细则too beautiful少得多s火焰 Well as for car tsu te unexpected being something which is inflammable But as for annual 10 000 depending upon accident and misfire arson and case the service malfunction and the reason which burns with defect But this burns too much just a little cleanly something…
                              • 没有439,扼杀在尸体解剖发现从,一氧化碳中毒死亡,可能纵火 439 Well after with strangulation it is discovered with autopsy because carbon monoxide poisoning making die it probably is arson

                            • 他们回家,我不知你是否会觉得以前下降到滚装你的行李?儿童座椅从外到穷人不会让自己的孩子 嗯 When it is homecoming lowering the baggage first the kana which is the tsu te feeling Because the child himself you probably cannot remove the child seat In yes 哀 phase…

                              • 他的父亲是在车外,而我小时候已经开始30分钟的引擎,而失业,甚至更轻的汽车在5月Oitaatta While the engine was used 30 while the child minutes was put in inside of car of car it left As for father inoccupation You put the lighter writer in inside of car of car oh you cannot know high Even
                                • 他的父亲是在车外,而我小时候已经开始30分钟的引擎,而失业,甚至更轻的汽车在5月Oitaatta While the engine was used 30 while the child minutes was put in inside of car of car it left As for father inoccupation You put the lighter writer in inside of car of car oh you cannot know high Even
                                • 车轻和纸尿布,现在我可以呆在这样的父母是自私或纸屑散落在 Inside of car of car the lighter writer and the paper diaper scattering and others has applied with the trash… the parent staying becoming like this you cannot know high don t you think

                              • 但是,不要在乎一个字符的影响等785 DQN今天,我父母甚至担心父母朱达罗 785 The ro where those where it does not designate such as the air are the DQN parent It designates the place where letter means even with the parent of today as the air
                                • DQN突然死亡,而且还形象立即成为一个车祸,从孩子的 However there is the image which DQN with as an accident of the car dies and hurries therefore that child…

                              • 你会喜欢的货币价值,本保险?如果有可能是最保险的记录下来,然后大
                                Don't you think? insurance money aim? If there is the record which has joined to huge insurance immediately before In 89 ten…

                                • 使用854 Nnu电驱动tTA゙文北罗资料我有DQN儿子回线或东西
                                  When the son returns, information [kiho] ゙ [nnu] 854 Being DQN wiring which used the electro- tap,…

                                  • 假设作家抛弃他们用一个3岁嘿,便去了作家是这样的抛弃不使用729,我也许能茹作出点火如果电子打火机,苏动议另一项从那里点燃我不贺阳认为玺困难 729 Becoming disposable lighter writer tsu te thing don t you think the ru the e When we assume that 3 year old children are the disposable lighter writer if the electronic lighter writer However the causing re which it can ignite it is as for from there moving the fire to other things You think that it is difficult but it is
                                    • 为期3岁的老作家将点燃的火焰,但现在我觉得穿着古志位和一些简单的火灾 If the lighter writer of former times in 3 year old children as for ignition however you think that it is difficult Now there are also some where the fire arrives simply die

                                  • 儿童的身体发现入Rudaro公园扼杀在福冈,提供人寿保险,如果这种保险是一个货币价值,我们的母亲的犯罪保险金目

                                    • 其余4人仍然汽车内启动引擎,但汽车驱动tTA几分钟后回来的,火了 When while the engine is used it leaves 4 person in the car number sufficiently it returns to the car afterwards You say that it was burnt up

                                      • 其余的在你的祷告! ! ! ∧ ∧ ( ν We pray happiness in the other world ∧ ∧ Ν

                                        • 刚刚发生的4个孩子,因为我死了居民埃塔层次居民的武士?你对狗的死乌鸦我04
                                          Loyal retainer agriculture and technology trade eta road people Because 4 children of the road people died, the [tsu] [te] how it did? The crow 4 does at the extent which dies, the [yo

                                          • 哦,妈的孩子计数器统计ー租金将被迫支付哦,你也应该瓦特高泰浩゚゚考奇
                                            The [a] - densely though treatment it becomes unable to receive, - [ku] [so] [] The [a], in addition [ho] ゚ [koho] ゚ [ko] it should have made or, w [tehe

                                            • 哦,探亲或帕德踢从发动机如果孩子们晚上10点睡觉之前,文玩打火机或恩戴燃料埃塔来到一个孩子的要留过长或正在发生的事情要马上回来 If the a 22 o clock before the children sleep with the empty engine applying tsu pa the parents home visiting When the intention of returning immediately overstayed kana of kana The one of the children rising playing with the lighter writer it burnt that

                                              • 在年龄分布?你会踢你,如果你在06年打开大门,也无法将你释放不到2岁的它...
                                                As for age distribution? If 6 years old the door you probably will open with own power if and, 2 years old or less the eye probably cannot boil is separated and…

                                                • 埃斯蒂马海狮178 DQN我不在家管道工和消防员Dokata · · 要不断增加...
                                                  178 As for the DQN high ace it is many in such as [dokata] and the kite plumber … It probably will add [esuteima

                                                  • 多少距离我有一个汽车和家庭?唐卡是关于释放不超过听到孩子们的尖叫声?这是好东西,但凯塔梁咏琪带来Tettara乔木车停在至今未到位,这将做,如果我看到他们在Kattaroー沿巴巴的脸孙子在您休息的祈祷 Distance tsu te which rank of the parents home and the car it was The extent where scream of the child is not audible it is left it is By the car without stopping in such a distant place although the tsu cod it was good accompanied it is with something … The face of the grandchild showing to jiji and baba in such a thing of the cod viewing the ro which is applied …… We pray happiness in the other world………
                                                    • 地狱火是热的小尸体被无情地烤地郁 所以我放在任何你想像中危险的前线作家在孩子感兴趣的苦难埃塔越南,对粗心的父母你的灵魂祈祷,你的胃和立场不同的限制 Heat of the hell of the flame which burns the small body without pardon it probably is the suffering which exceeds… imaginations It keeps putting lighter writer how dangerous ones before the child who has interest with anything how The stomach stands vis a vis the hasty parent We pray happiness in the other world

                                                  • 夜被冻结,但不知怎么这些天 有一个 山口, 爆炸的时间在山上这让我吃惊,如果是在线播放比尼附近的朋友家,他们就什么也不知道现在我的儿子从它,只是表明你是什么家 When nowadays how it does nighttime there is a pass which still has frozen you call repeatedly but in the mountain The son who presently does not know in what going to play just in the house of the friend of neighborhood Because now you probably are surprised when you return home you think that something it is understood

                                                    • 如果你知道周围的司机座位火的起源,我已作出了在第三列是提高独生子女办?我怀疑妻子有556分钟的混乱,至少10。此外,婴儿未在工作场所 If around the driver s seat the fire origin it is understood the 3rd line but have no other choice but to the child is fire original what with something Furthermore the infant lowest being 10 minute leaving Chaos it is doubtful but it is 556 As for the wife with work it was not in that place

                                                      • 如果你继续呼吸白痴亲慈首脑在未来取代绘制一个孩子的生活和一个傻瓜,因为我抽烟为Y 我,我会做很好的孩子吗?不幸的是,部分教育比他们的父母是愚蠢的 Therefore those which the tobacco tsu te fool inhales Life of the child in exchange continue to inhale even from this the foolish parent Y the child was good don t you think it is In foolish parent Raising unhappily rather than

                                                        • 它可能会感到兴趣不大,将会是5岁或我做一个小问题是否老作家目前的趋势在今年我处理三个孩子和两名有一个临时作家216 216 Assuming that there was a lighter writer temporarily three year old children and two year old children the lighter writer how Whether it can handle but just a little doubt what when… five years old it becomes Perhaps it touches with some interest basis but…

                                                          • 希雷恩很难是一些按单元刚刚贼婆午饭的销售点享受这种奇怪的Burgers从便利店或
                                                            As for ZIPPO something the point [ke] is difficult causing viewing which, [konbini] with selling, as for the [ru] way Click, therefore just you push, -

                                                            • 我一定去的只有一个或燃烧的火焰,造成发动机具有讽刺意味的援助
                                                              Sarcasm that engine one of cause of destruction by fire or helped destruction by fire especially, it seems, but

                                                              • 我不知道它的痛苦看起来像古申是如何被烧死我...但我是溺水和痛苦,并听取Dokkoidokkoi
                                                                The death by fire [tsu] [te] about which being painful, it is harsh it is it probably is what… As for drowning and agony you have heard that the [do] [tsu] the well [tsu] it is dense densely, but

                                                                • 我们的手在自己孩子的父亲奥马尔朱达罗但你没有孩子是从保险金为4个孩子
                                                                  From child treatment the [ro] where insurance money equivalent of 4 of children is [uma] Doing and [tsu] shelf father In children praying hands

                                                                  • 我住在加州的我被逮捕时,在车内释放仅13岁以下的儿童放在车
                                                                    Living in California, however the [ru], putting the child of 13 years old or less on the car alone, when the car it leaves, arrest

                                                                    • 我可以得到儿童津贴,如果我要为儿童648巨额保险资金
                                                                      648 The insurance money being required for the child, from cod child treatment The enormous gold enters into the hand

                                                                      • 我想你想模仿任何它约3 230岁?我也是出于对火灾可能是如果有足够的贼婆 230 When it is about 3 years old it wishes to imitate with anything it is it isn t Coming out even at on however the ru if jitsupo can be a fire sufficiently

                                                                        • 我是故意污染的645(更加方便为燃料),或者是我们在所有的邻里时代 嗯,就在告诉花河野洋平听到警察包括Misurya 645 You had polluted purposely in order to make inflammable from usually like this being … The ma the police hears this in neighborhood and the ri ya which is packed is immediately understood
                                                                          • 随着时间的推移 嘿,认为它是,但不是强迫燃料已玺s 432好笑如仪表盘上的白色毛皮 However it cannot be timewise it is not don t you think e … 432 When the strange white fur it is to melt in the dashboard whether it is inflammable

                                                                        • 我跌倒了儿童睡着了,我在车上方虽然是什么?周二Bisuruno玩什么时候?你经常看到我的行驱动tTA?可爱的偶像出来玩打火机穿着衣服看看即将奇? The children sleep the empty it continued to place in the car it is don t you think When you play with fire Often going to seeing the tsu it is it is with to do the yo Occurring finding the lighter writer directly from midst of the clothes you play

                                                                          • 据警方介绍,棚桥先生知也附表随时桔梗住在那一刻,我从函馆(24)参加了4个孩子,参观了他的家乡厚泽部 According to the same station how from the fact that it is Hakodate city Kikiyou Shelf bridge Tomoya who just a little lives with ease 24 4 children accompanying Visiting your own parents home of Assabu Cho
                                                                            • 我的意思是,这不是它的距离,使输出的脸,我觉得有些端午桔梗函馆七饭 The tsu te you say or Nanae Cho are from the fact that it is Hakodate city Kikiyou how Just a little the face it puts out with ease and there is no kind of distance which comes

                                                                          • 日本NHK广播电台688新闻一天,我说清楚Tteta失业
                                                                            688 With NHK radio news of the noon, the jobless [tsu] [te] you say clearly

                                                                            • 智力残疾儿童发现可疑死亡1胜,2009年造成2008陌生人119 32)的儿童杀害残疾儿童的父母谁知道陌生人0 2010(60)女生→(15知道父母的儿童谋杀案胜月Ryou残疾儿童,杀害一(21)女孩→(5)死亡1人死亡136例儿童智力残疾的孩子谁涉嫌杀害父母2006年去世的儿童与残疾儿童家长2007年可疑谁知道0 159歌词今井武(41)男生→(9)儿童父母死亡158 2010 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 0 people The child murder by the parent 32 people 2009 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle Katuyosi in 1 people 60 gt woman Takao 15 The child murder by the parent 119 people 2008 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 1 people Victory wood 諒 21 gt girl 5 The child murder by the parent 159 people 2007 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 0 people The child murder by the parent 136 people 2006 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 1 people Imai Ken language 41 gt Boy 9 The child murder by the parent 158 people
                                                                              • 智力残疾儿童发现可疑死亡1胜,2009年造成2008陌生人119 32)的儿童杀害残疾儿童的父母谁知道陌生人0 2010(60)女生→(15知道父母的儿童谋杀案胜月Ryou残疾儿童,杀害一(21)女孩→(5)死亡1人死亡136例儿童智力残疾的孩子谁涉嫌杀害父母2006年去世的儿童与残疾儿童家长2007年可疑谁知道0 159歌词今井武(41)男生→(9)儿童父母死亡158 2010 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 0 people The child murder by the parent 32 people 2009 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle Katuyosi in 1 people 60 gt woman Takao 15 The child murder by the parent 119 people 2008 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 1 people Victory wood 諒 21 gt girl 5 The child murder by the parent 159 people 2007 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 0 people The child murder by the parent 136 people 2006 The child murder with doubtful person intellectual obstacle 1 people Imai Ken language 41 gt Boy 9 The child murder by the parent 158 people

                                                                            • 最后一个孩子在某种程度上Mutosono睨DQN Shitarashii笑语愉快的情绪带到你的蜡
                                                                              When you glare, that child laughing amiablly, somehow tried end probably to humor of DQN it seems

                                                                              • 有些父母被烧毁弹弓儿童和蒸,或者说我其实自己20分钟,放弃了,因为我很超过3小时 The parent who steams the child with the pachinko and burns by yourself about 20 minutes you saying Actually because it has made desertion of 3 hours or more
                                                                                • 蒸或烤的商店停车场抢购10岁Narumase道路是注定要被杀死你知道你对妈妈的男友踢 It becomes which road 10 year old increase to steam whether to burn at the parking zone of the pachi house it was the destiny which you kick in the man friend of the mother and is killed it is the ro which is

                                                                              • 棚桥的妻子,一家餐馆的员工,季节(雪)女士(20),6个孩子和一个四口之家
                                                                                As for shelf bridge, wife of eating-house employee, season (going) (20) with 4 children 6 human families

                                                                                • 母亲嫁到三条,新泻县,冈山县,126个家庭案件在迪斯尼乐园玩我Bitagatta
                                                                                  126 From Okayama prefecture it married in Niigata prefecture Sanjo city Don't you think? the mother, incident of the return which wishes to play at Disneyland

                                                                                  • 汝消耗和发动机的回报,如果汽车的燃料,国家失控“这不是一个单纯的意外 When it returns the engine is applied the car burns it was in a state where the hand is not attached” As for this there is no mere accident
                                                                                    • 汝消耗和发动机的回报,如果汽车的燃料,国家失去了控制“,它说的是 When it returns the engine is applied the car burns it was in a state where the hand is not attached” As for this there is no mere accident
                                                                                    • 汝消耗和发动机的回报,如果汽车的燃料,国家失去了控制“,它说的是 When it returns the engine is applied the car burns it was in a state where the hand is not attached” As for this there is no mere accident
                                                                                    • 那么火是通常与烟草发言不多,DQN昆虫已列入我在车上讲很多东西容易使燃料s Normally about the tobacco you attach the fire and the can to burn so brings DQN to thing various inside of car of car easily and

                                                                                  • 汽车保险死亡赔偿通常不超过6年,它从来没有得到过财政或死亡保险。只有大约捐款Orinai ll说...我猜测,人们正在谈论的货币价值保险的保险怎么办?
                                                                                    It probably will not get off automobile insurance and Assurance under 6 years old how usually it is not and Death of educational endowment insurance. About only the inquiry gold the time it is not… The insurance money aim [tsu] [te] saying, as for the [ru] person story of some insurance?

                                                                                    • 汽车座椅在一辆面包车7。毛议员。她的身体似乎中央是第二列,夏季正常行走。我完全浸泡的尸体被发现在第三排看到汰 As for the car being the wagon car of 7 passengers Middle properly As for the corpse who middle properly sees the 2nd line Step summer properly 汰 The corpse who sees properly was found in the 3rd line
                                                                                      • 北海道警方河。我只是把人员驾驶,他们将唯一真正的黑色燃烧面包车在房子前面停,浸泡在4个孩子的尸体从车上发现 Road police policing river At the point where the office member runs the wagon car which has been parked before the private house having burnt deep black 4 children being the corpse from inside of car of car it was found

                                                                                    • 汽车留下的孩子 尽管家访,而不是向Jijibaba感我是否带出了一个关键看不到的孙子女的面孔,我的感觉是否削减汽车发动机不是(NHK的报道),该站是在家里,尽管我的前面,并有很多不自然护理Dzukanai直至燃烧循环 Parents home visit is in spite to leave the child to inside of car of car the face of the grandchild is not shown to jijibaba You have not remembered whether or not it came out with the key and was the engine of the car cut How you have not remembered it is in accordance with NHK reporting Until before the parents home you had stopped it becomes total loss in spite you do not become aware Unnatural thing is a variety
                                                                                      • 我看了日本NHK儿童新闻在名称中是一个完整的部门宿舍。这款车的名称感觉诺亚系统゙何曦 Now news you saw with NHK As for name of child complete DQ Name The air like ho ゙ kushi Noah type did the car

                                                                                    • 汽车突然着火,造成4名儿童在家里停在前面9:45 -下午2时左右星期三Yashirotyou“0:15山北海道Atsusabu通讯发表在4月03日一所房子,北海道,从S燃料车“有110和
                                                                                      Before the car burning up and the child 4 death = parents' home while parking - Hokkaido April 3rd 0:15 transmissions Current events communication 2nd 9:45 PM around, from the private house of the mountain of the Hokkaido Assabu Cho corporation “the car burns”, that was 110th

                                                                                      • 烧伤将认真点燃的汽车在成人材料是困难的。这并不容易,因为物质燃料s The adult being serious applying the fire with the intention of burning As for interior material difficulty Therefore the material it does not burn simply
                                                                                        • 烧伤将认真点燃的汽车在成人材料是困难的。这并不容易,因为物质燃料s The adult being serious applying the fire with the intention of burning As for interior material difficulty Therefore the material it does not burn simply

                                                                                      • 白色的地毯和后面板61,一环镜花或白色,
                                                                                        61 In rear dashboard in white carpet and rearview mirror wheel and kana of white flower

                                                                                        • 相反,她的父亲的616是不是最好的父亲是一个坏人,不值得一提的反正
                                                                                          616 As for the father the [ro] [ku] there is no person It does it does not change to the father being worst in either one

                                                                                          • 睡眠 分钟,然后回到了数十名的汽车驱动tTA燃烧着塞板是一个城市的道路 Because gt as for the children you slept while the engine was used leaving to inside of car of car gt About several dozen minutes when it returns doing you say that the car which you have stopped in the town road burnt
                                                                                            • 只有他们烧毁的轿车将他们的蛋糕要回了几分钟到家庭,而只有父亲离开了由于某种原因,儿童车 Why while it leaves the child to the car just the father number having risen sufficiently in the parents home when it returned to the car it had burnt that
                                                                                            • 睡眠 分钟,然后回到了数十名的汽车驱动tTA燃烧着塞板是一个城市的道路 Because gt as for the children you slept while the engine was used leaving to inside of car of car gt About several dozen minutes when it returns doing you say that the car which you have stopped in the town road burnt

                                                                                          • 矫正Warota 643的www。毛 特大Shoon女士祭发言 国王加热在提出日。那好父亲无法律。乐的东西会照顾她的孩子没有我训练吸烟者垃圾足额 643 Correction warota www Middle the ri yo u concave ri it is Sho middle you apply concave it is Justice fine shelf Father nothing With smoker interior rubbish being lazy tsu te Care something of the children it will not be made roku
                                                                                            • 201 〇七个月双胞胎男孩。毛泽东(祭日)的罚款。中环(加热),似乎完全 201 gt In 7 months boy of twins Middle the ri it is properly Middle it is it is seen properly
                                                                                            • ↓ 〇七个月双胞胎男孩。毛泽东(祭里)妥善Shoon女士(加热),似乎完全 ↓ gt In 7 months boy of twins Middle the ri it is properly Sho middle it is it is seen properly
                                                                                            • 夏季行走(或腌制),陈(3),长子。汰(俊太)陈(2),在07个月双胞胎男孩。毛泽东(祭里)妥善Shoon女士(加热),似乎完全 Step summer the ayu 3 the eldest son 汰 The palpus it is it is 2 in 7 months the boy of the twins Middle the ri it is properly Sho middle it is it is seen properly

                                                                                          • 稍等一下,它一直零七个月至2年至3年1张及Chairuto特优゙被奇像往常一样睡觉和?无需离开座位谈仍然゙提出Chairuto引擎?
                                                                                            Just a little wait, When 3 years old 2 years old they are 7 months, sleeping normally, the way occurring, the way and it is the [chiyairuto] ゙ seat because? The engine [chiyairuto] ゙ without sitting it has left it is with while you applied?

                                                                                            • 而且我从来没有,如果我不speak m有包括加热,使汽车加热器? 100V的插座,你有车?
                                                                                              Never you think, but the electric heat heater you bring it is it isn't in inside of car of car? There is a model which is the 100V electrical outlet?

                                                                                              • 自重更轻燃油可以使您的双手释放834 m危险,我知道你从来没有让他们无用茶触摸孩子 834 Releasing the hand it burns and the oil lighter writer which it continues it is dangerous it makes the child touch absolutely and the chi ya the ro which is useless
                                                                                                • 为什么我回家吗? 因为他们不睡在车上和孩子们,推出的某处 Why being the parents home gt The children being in the car unless you must sleep because you go out somewhere
                                                                                                • 我什至不能危害孩子你释放你的眼睛,从被遗弃的汽车很少让孩子独自一 Although even separating the eye from the child it is dangerous Increasing because the child how it cannot there be times when in the car it makes desertion
                                                                                                • 我什至不能危害孩子你释放你的眼睛,从被遗弃的汽车很少让孩子独自一 Although even separating the eye from the child it is dangerous Increasing because the child how it cannot there be times when in the car it makes desertion

                                                                                              • 袋和你父亲纵火汽车→192,他甚至没有住在脚和儿童受益端金干涉四个孩子→→我想离婚 192 The father and the mother would like to divorce gt four children disturb gt With edge gold such as child treatment it does not become either complement of life gt the fire is set to the car
                                                                                                • 我想知道如果我睡着了四个小时前,甚至10?一个好踢,我离开了7个月不过儿童 10 o clock also the front four people sleep kana Nevertheless the child of seven months how leaving well the ke ru

                                                                                              • 该项目是不是经常性或高辛烷值的车?Vittsutabo,一辆火灾发生几起案件是因
                                                                                                The regular you are inserting it is not in the [haioku] specification car? As for [vuitsutsutabo], that vehicle fire several case occurrences is intimate with cause

                                                                                                • 贼婆165还是个孩子我一点火灾死亡引擎驱动tTA证实了在过去Panik的列车,将下降到水泥地上,然后用双手释放感到热,我就带雷 165 By his time of gaki the paniku tsu has past with Zippo The fire the point was having the ru becoming hot steadily releasing the hand dropped into the land of the concrete If that the engine in the car which was applied death decision
                                                                                                  • 贼婆165还是个孩子我一点火灾死亡引擎驱动tTA证实了在过去Panik的列车,将下降到水泥地上,然后用双手释放感到热,我就带雷 165 By his time of gaki the paniku tsu has past with Zippo The fire the point was having the ru becoming hot steadily releasing the hand dropped into the land of the concrete If that the engine in the car which was applied death decision

                                                                                                • 这也是不合理的,支付子女抚养费的丈夫,丈夫失业(24)设s Gakiu,S是正在处理的狂欢
                                                                                                  Therefore also the master pays rearing expense the excessiveness, Master inoccupation (24) The [gaki] [u] [ze] you obtain, dispose at a stroke and can

                                                                                                  • 这些小家伙得到报应篮子这些我仍然觉得是不是学生家长很少有趣的志野○Warina一个坏家伙是谁挂的时间在上
                                                                                                    After all such riding, you do not feel retribution you do not obtain This child does the human ○ and isn't probably to be the origin change? The bad companion where as for the parent the time the chord it was

                                                                                                    • 这款车将是什么? 200,000预驱动tTA地方买,而不是10年三菱得利卡中线,但它不是吹火灾甚至滑稽
                                                                                                      The car probably is what? In medieval times you bought at 200,000 rank, if 10 year falling extent of Mitsubishi [derika], blowing the fire, however it is strange and it is not

                                                                                                      • 这种沉闷乏味的夜生活出了错朱达罗近餐厅的员工在晚上10时

                                                                                                        • 那么,事情更容易传播放在Itetara材料很容易燃料或坐垫,我希望它在燃料的S 在任何情况下,他们把父母的线路故障时,他们伤害的作家 Well the cushion putting in place those of the material which is inflammable in the seat the cod Because it is easy to spread it burns up immediately however probably will be … In any case the lighter writer as for mistake of the parent whom it keeps putting itai
                                                                                                          • 我想的太简单火焰,大多数汽车内部不奇怪,它必须在此?它通常是访问我的父母孙子朱达罗是嘘声,即使放在有类似情况 It is not on this of doubtful thing Generally does interior of the car burn up such simply As for the grandchild who visits the parents home to that you put when Whatever there being a circumstance the ro normal which is buingu
                                                                                                          • 那么,事情更容易传播放在Itetara材料很容易燃料或坐垫,但它愿意燃料广泛s中 在任何情况下,他们把父母的线路故障时,他们伤害的作家 Well the cushion putting in place those of the material which is inflammable in the seat the cod Because it is easy to spread it burns up immediately however probably will be … In any case the lighter writer as for mistake of the parent whom it keeps putting itai

                                                                                                        • 餐厅工作(卡瓦?)21岁的母亲和3岁的孩子在什么年龄的孩子?妊娠。 17年,我认为峨
                                                                                                          Eating-house duty ([kiyaba]? ) Mother 21 year old, child 3 year old Child of some year and? 妊. When you think, 17 years old?

                                                                                                          • ( ゚) 为 ゚ Therefore lt the accident which is in the midst of embarking ゚ lt Occupant accident insurance or personal injury insurance ゚ lt You pay the object
                                                                                                            • 511名儿童的生命保险和意外伤害保险旅客保险个人汽车保险,但不是在所有自然不自然 511 But in child as for life insurance unnatural occupant accident insurance of automobile insurance Personal injury insurance completely is not unnatural
                                                                                                            • ( ゚) 为 ゚ Therefore lt the accident which is in the midst of embarking ゚ lt Occupant accident insurance or personal injury insurance ゚ lt You pay the object

                                                                                                          • (日祭)的罚款。中环(加热)她(包括07个月) 4人 gt According to the same station as for being seen that you died Hakodate city Kikiyou Cho gt Shelf bridge Tomoya 24 step summer in the ▽ eldest daughter the ayu 3 gt ▽ length 汰 The palpus it is it is 2 In 7 months boy of twins Middle gt The ri it is properly Middle it is together 7 months 4 people
                                                                                                            • 据调查,棚桥先生,“这将是在汽车打火机U”型烟一直在谈论 According to the investigation authorized personnel “oh you cannot know the lighter writer which inhales the tobacco high in inside of car of car ” you say the shelf bridge
                                                                                                            • 棚桥先生知也(24)左赛季他的妻子(由纪)(20)夏季步骤女儿(或腌制),陈(3)长。 。汰(俊太)陈(2)对双胞胎男孩。毛泽东(祭日)的罚款。中环(加热)她(包括07个月)哦 Shelf bridge Tomoya 24 Season of wife going 20 Eldest daughter step summer the ayu 3 Length 汰 The palpus it is it is 2 Boy of twins Middle the ri it is properly Middle it is together 7 months a
                                                                                                            • (祭日)的罚款。中环(加热)她(包括07个月) 4人 gt According to the same station as for being seen that you died Hakodate city Kikiyou Cho gt Shelf bridge Tomoya 24 step summer in the ▽ eldest daughter the ayu 3 gt ▽ length 汰 The palpus it is it is 2 In 7 months boy of twins Middle gt The ri it is properly Middle it is together 7 months 4 people

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