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Execution of Japanese, furthermore 3 person…The Chinese government transmits


  • 2004年中国警察“ 八王子俘虏一人的参与案件,如果它是人类的朋友作证”,并已放映了移交 The Chinese public peace authorities “testify 2004 the man in commitment the man of the acquaintance participated in Hachiozi incident that ” that conveying It came
    • 2004年6月,武田对毒品的被告人在广东省公安厅在酒店被捕3 1公斤中国作为占有 2004 June Defendant Takeda assuming that stimulant approximately 3 1kg was possessed at the hotel of the Guangdong Province was restrained to the Chinese public peace bureau
    • 2008年中国警察,“ 八王子俘虏一人的参与案件,如果它是人类的朋友作证”,并已放映了移交 The Chinese public peace authorities “testify 2008 the man in commitment the man of the acquaintance participated in Hachiozi incident that ” that conveying It came

  • 268死缓(实际终身监禁)毫不拖延和死亡(死刑完全),有两种类型的
    268 Stay of execution equipped capital punishment (as for substance indefinite penal servitude) with postponement it is not capital punishment (capital punishment) there are 2 types completely

    • 4人死亡,仍然不是。这只是一个女人的死亡是这一个美丽的女人裤裆火烤死因为Kararashii Unless even then it dies four It is ahead the crotch On the one hand capital punishment of the woman fire roasting capital punishment As for this as for the woman it seems from the reason of clean characteristic
      • 4人死亡,仍然不是。这只是一个女人的死亡是这一个美丽的女人裤裆火烤死因为Kararashii Unless even then it dies four It is ahead the crotch On the one hand capital punishment of the woman fire roasting capital punishment As for this as for the woman it seems from the reason of clean characteristic

    • 61哦,但我在国外以虚假的指控是不是罕见的石窟由语言障碍和调查能力有限,大部分葡萄2 5公斤,以中国有限的Orikomu尽管采摘说那里的行李袋面粉是非常困难的并且更为频繁,但机场官员不是咬鸡传染性法氏囊病Derya m 61 Well separately in the foreign country not just China from the wall of word and the limit of investigation ability False charge something it is not unusual Don t you think so As referred to the powder sack of 2 5kg here the cheek ri densely any mu are the difficult industry in the baggage But the airport staff is 噛 with the ri ya to end it occurs frequently probably will be more and
      • 日本如龙,因为我是澳大利亚人,当我想如果它是一个支持小组和新闻可以被错误地指控29乙泽井Dakejan m福岛 29 When it is the false charge Being possible the support group becoming news the ru The Australian time likely How the ze Therefore ruffian resident or B The wa it is with the ru Just Fukushima it is

    • 675然而,该部长应有权以帮助千叶它会一直保持沉默像其他贝类,作为司法部长,为什么你不容忍我吗? “千叶先生容忍死刑,”嘿,你就会明白在这个好吃吗? 675 So the expectation which has the power which is helped As for Minister of State Chiba like the shellfish the ze it continues to become silent This already as Minister of Justice Acquiescence tsu lever well “As for Chiba acquiescence capital punishment” Like this it is good understanding it is well

      • NAA的学校或死刑在日本和中国,看看中国的祖先被认为是中国Netouyo杆伊尼
        Don't you think? the Japanese capital punishment existence position group idea is close to the Chinese [netouyo] China you saw to be, is Whether the ancestor being the Chinese system -

        • Netouyo Netouyo,不要只说在这么有意义的差异,以手指都在人类长期的爆炸,我不知道自己是谁 netouyo with the human who calls repeatedly that At all because it is the word where meaning is different if only you call netouyo You do not know whether it points to who

          • TTP的:/ / image.blog.livedoor.jp / keitensaishujin /国际医学学位/三/ 8 / c8ccf247。JPG格式
            ttp: //image.blog.livedoor.jp/keitensaishujin/imgs/c/8/c8ccf247. jpg

            • [千叶]我来自中国,教授或摆动,中拘捕两名男子,他们涉嫌欺诈[03 / 27]
              It shakes from China and includes the indication?, with fraud suspicion the Chinese 2 human arrests [03/27

              • “刑事司法协助条约在天”(2008年11月签订生效)根据2009年1月向警方,要求中国派遣荷兰警方通过调查,调度进展
                “Also Japanese-Chinese detective help treaty” (2008 11 Month coming into effect) of on the basis, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department 2009 January, via the National Police Agency the investigator Dispatch was requested to the Chinese side, schedule adjustment was advanced

                • “第一,死刑马苏耀西 ”日本政府的反应在中国,并通知↓↓↓在中国获得一个合理的民意感:“经过三年预期,我加了〜 ” “林谷芳的小出→执行熊熊”正在使用该国的古好。良好的政治态度 “First 1 people capital punishment it does the ” you notify ↓ The Japanese government the feeling of public opinion are grasped ↓ The reaction tolerably for China… ↓ China Don t you think “and 3 person after the tsu pa addition ” As for “execution while using well even in the country as though piecemeal gt it is the 怒 涛 ” Proud political technique
                  • “第一,死刑马苏耀西 ”日本政府的反应在中国,并通知↓↓↓在中国获得一个合理的民意感:“经过三年预期,我加了〜 ” “林谷芳的小出→执行熊熊”正在使用该国的古好。良好的政治态度 “First 1 people capital punishment it does the ” you notify ↓ The Japanese government the feeling of public opinion are grasped ↓ The reaction tolerably for China… ↓ China Don t you think “and 3 person after the tsu pa addition ” As for “execution while using well even in the country as though piecemeal gt it is the 怒 涛 ” Proud political technique

                • 不过,大赦国际呼吁,为的Burgers很多不干预疯狂“的阴谋,日本政府保留死刑”,因为
                  But, amnesty as for the party who is said deviating, the [ru] Vis-a-vis internal affair non- interference even “the existence position the capital punishment system conspiracy of the Japanese government which we would like to do”

                  • 中共政权已经过去了相当整洁,使鸦片王朝普遍在晚清至民国的射击队,我很认真真的站在他((((;..゚从鸦片后,就进入...)) ))级部队拉夫゙゙゙゙库卡胡夫
                    The opium which from the Qing Dynasty final period spreads that much in people national period clean at all with Japan Communist Party administration Without the [tsu] which the person who relates to the opium the [do] guns down the fact that it becomes, always and densely always sows it is it is empty don't you think?… ((((; . . ゚)))) Mosquito ゙ [kuka] ゙ Khufu ゙ [ruhu] ゙ [ru

                    • 他们促使目标前往中国,和敏感的药物对忍将列入Masere他们的行李!不过,当然无理指责中国,没问题
                      If it invites the target in the Chinese travelling and makes the drug that baggage creep in One even number rising! Of course, but the false charge as for the partner China, non problem

                      • 但我没有这样的要求和近亲的不判处死刑囚犯没有兄弟和亲戚谴责
                        The condemned criminal is not in flesh fell The condemned criminal is not in the sibling The condemned criminal is not in the next of kin But and so on and so on condition don't you think?

                        • 但是暴露他们的耻辱,他得到了这份工作不称职的白痴每一代人,如果他们这样做会毫不犹豫地执行处决,可以排除率有道理的,因为这里的高犯罪率也是中国不要犹豫我想做的事情不要犹豫 As for them being everyone foolish shame of the disabled generation who can be employed it starts exposing If the other side it executes capital punishment without modesty Because height of crime ratio of the Chinese rejection can be justified to the reason this without modesty We want without modesty

                          • 但是,如果将失业工人或褐色的头发,我的猜测是人诬陷或在雇员或雇员的名字列在蜜月
                            If inoccupation of this calling office worker or the brown hair but that when it is newly-married travelling the person with the part presentation employee or the employee of the company which has name, it probably is false charge what

                            • 作为一个居民,我觉得中国是好的,共产党,2通道只有惊讶这个问题的时候,已成为中国国际成因的死刑,如果你认为看坏的反应或意见,他们说什么解除污染从日本来建立信任随着时间的推移,日本方面在国外生活和污染 As we feeling of the Chinese residence well enough also in limited to this time unexpectedly You think that 2ch opinion and the reaction you see … When unskillfulness it does the Chinese capital punishment system becomes fire kind of international problem conversion consist of… … With saying or and others it is dense catching long time confidence of the Japanese who is built up You polluted disgrace of the overseas resident Japanese
                              • A的埃塔的政治决定将审议反日情绪在中国和面对死刑的日本和一对四中扎德说中毒死亡因为中国共产党 Therefore thing also in with the poison gi yo u za vis a vis Chinese capital punishment 1 in Japanese 4 capital punishment It probably is the Chinese domestic anti Japanese feeling and after thinking of the pasteboard dump political judgment by the fact that it does

                            • 你不是一个中国的警告,涉及发生什么事,当我来到博览会无意中中国941
                              941 Coming to the Shanghai international exposition carelessly, it relates with the Chinese, there is no warning something of the [tsu] [te] Chinese side which it solves and becomes

                              • 你必须适应饺子我把这些毒品犯罪380同胞,当他们只有不歧视的方式废物经营日本消费者在世界
                                380 The [ro] which is not agreeable to dividing and is The 餃 child is un-discriminating crime to for the general consumer of Japan On the one hand this drug guy trading of the rubbish world

                                • 你的意思是日本毒品走私,Niko的破灭,日本有关机构?如何在日本成熟或发送调查?

                                  • 你认为哪个国家,我会向中国出售的速度是谁阻止日本在进入日本从朝鲜的毒品走私和犯罪,你大连 It does with the criminal whom from Dalian it tries to smuggle in Japan the yo After obstructing the fact that the drug of the North Korean product enters into Japan speed it deals with how There is no the Chinese tsu te good country

                                    • 元,但承认,这一事实被起诉(1)紧。未遂罪(2)指挥差异犯罪和其他黄金,放在第(3),没有提供索赔不利的社会 Although very prosecution fact it recognized 1 the denseness As for crime attempted incident 2 as for crime the pouring money of others it was under directing and arrangement 3 You insist that adverse effect to society is not given
                                      • 元,但承认,这一事实被起诉(1)紧。未遂罪(2)指挥差异犯罪和其他黄金,放在第(3),没有提供索赔不利的社会 Although very prosecution fact it recognized 1 the denseness As for crime attempted incident 2 as for crime the pouring money of others it was under directing and arrangement 3 You insist that adverse effect to society is not given

                                    • 原谅我一直在裁缝站在店看看,运气,他们不知道,我得到了这样一个好人,我执行的很快,因为我在做志愿 While knowing making clothes in the carrier if it is passed therefore you do and the like anyhow it is dense it is voluntarily it executes quickly and the chi ya tsu te is good
                                      • 如果您没有进入房间,而不是牛顿执行委员会,开始了不少灾民仍然不活它的家庭住在另一房间茹 Furthermore when the victim cannot enter to the execution attendance room mainly and the like in the bereaved family who stays in another room Confronting it is broadcast live

                                    • 哦,这家伙是太好技巧→拆除外及谋杀案的死刑罪犯的身体结构,因为我觉得它湾诬陷他,我没有做任何在日本好,我会屠夫?大鹏→与来自附近屠夫也是一个国家,那么对不起艰巨真正的罪魁祸首→执行→幸存者 Well therefore as for it is dense the person who thing is not done easily in Japan with the false charge you think as the structure cup even with capital punishment but… Performance of corpse dismantlement of disjointed homicide is good excessively don t you think gt as for the criminal the butcher shop gt Butcher shop taiho execution of neighborhood gt the true criminal open ru gt the bereaved family me it is How therefore the country which is also incident
                                      • 什么在中国死刑?胡夫゙゙功率水平 瞬间杀死射击队?朝鲜的死亡或枪杀我从四肢骨骼的折叠起来 The Chinese capital punishment tsu te what kind of Mosquito ゙ Khufu ゙ ru You die instantly with gun down Or After the North Korean capital punishment being snapped the bone of the quarters it is gun down don t you think

                                    • 啊我参与抢劫和执行在八王子市一家超市规划,以及制订整洁篮孺住在日本的森传球,我的HN,河濑·说法,但我觉得Hikki森篮 Neat and the pulling basket which stay next in Japan the ri and the like in the execution schedule person It participates in Hachiozi super burglar incident But a a we HN kawase hitsuki The pulling basket there is no ri
                                      • 就在第一次执行我转移,我会尽量并行执行判决死刑立即Kattara视为中国不抗议辜分钟日本甜 Before the executing when you understand that just among the transmission how beginnings Japan does not protest being seen sweetly China it becomes average capital punishment decision on the same day execution
                                      • 是啊我死亡以及茹留整洁,拉车森喜朗在日本通过,我的HN,河濑·说法,但我觉得Hikki森篮 Neat and the pulling basket which stay next in Japan the ri and the like in the execution schedule person It participates in Hachiozi super burglar incident But a a we HN kawase hitsuki The pulling basket there is no ri

                                    • 囚犯的信息,其余3死囚现在说出来,使中国与438个已知的日本,以及对武田照雄超市参与拍摄的八王子死亡。但有两个,我不知道我必须做一遍然后对日本否认参与调查的死刑问题 438 From China the bringing up to Japan There is information of the condemned criminal here As for the remaining three person Teruo Takeda who assumes that you spoke the participation to Hachiozi super gundown incident and also that Two people However denying participation circumstance vis a vis the Japanese investigation position which is listened Already it is possible to be capital punishment don t you think it becomes with the tsu lever
                                      • 2009年9月13日,几名警察部门的调查人员进入调查之一,从地方到15 〇四天,质疑驱动tTA线 2009 September 13th investigator several people of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department investigation one section do to enter the locale 4 days circumstance listening it did from 15 days

                                    • 因此,中国将有一个日本俘虏了?我想还是从日本派出100强
                                      With that the condemned criminal of the Japanese stops staying in China? When it did you apply still, however the [re] [ru] which 100 human rank is sent from Japan

                                      • 在此之后,十几逮捕了一名中国共犯17人 包括日本和日本人井阶段后,该集团涉嫌走私武田“元缔我”和 After that following one another crime partner over 10 people of Japanese Chinese both countries which include Japanese 17 Was restrained Defendant Takeda made “the manager” of the smuggling group
                                        • 在此之后,十几拘捕了17人 包括日本和中国的帮凶,日本井阶段后,该集团涉嫌走私武田“元缔我”和 After that following one another crime partner over 10 people of Japanese Chinese both countries which include Japanese 17 Was restrained Defendant Takeda made “the manager” of the smuggling group

                                      • 坚决和476“毒品生产,谁已经进行了”喜欢“,和亚只是运气,”我觉得我只是不被判处死刑 476 There is no “person where it did and the tsu oak produced the drug made carry” the te The “mere carrier” just becomes capital punishment is not applying it does also the air
                                        • 为了让人们摆脱了日本人是坏,我笑一笑,“这下面是一个纪念品,”这么好,我们到达Baiin毒品进入俑和我说 The hateful Japanese is disposed Laughing smilingly “it is and this it is the gift” that saying it should have transferred even with the ornament of the drug entering therefore it is

                                      • 大连市中级人民法院审判18日2007年1月(相当于区法院),大连,2007年8月20日二审判死刑。独家省人民法院(相当于高等法院)在大连举行门将死亡通知书就行审前拘留,其中驳回上诉由日籍男子是从犯日圆3年徒刑,罚款78万5万人民币(约)
                                        One Making clear 2007 January 18th The Dalian city class people method institute (suitable to district court) Capital punishment decision Two Making clear 2007 August 20th Dalian. Economical high-class people method institute (suitable to high court) Appeal rejection Capital punishment decision Ahead detaining The Dalian city keeper place Special mention item With one making clear as for another Japanese man of crime partner penal servitude 3 year, fine 50,000 origin (approximately 780,000 Yen)

                                        • 如果你是诬陷,但不要怕,它没有任何地方是众所周知,中国是危险或不危险的,现在吃的东西,他们不会强奸民族体育是一件好事,绝对的媒体访问一个特别委员会42达罗如何成熟的大脑,我关心的公务员或旅行例如,如果死刑,但它是一个家族的朋友是一个进入药物袋,握住你的借口,旅行那边是找对 Well when there is a false charge however we fear when it is the place where China is dangerous with this as for known fact being done there is no good thing That rape probably is national skill when the food it probably will be dangerous travelling are recommended the mass communications which do not become extinct in special a die It is to travel to brain weather and be possible the ro te which is in someone in the bag the drug inserting when it does capital punishment It is good to the excuse which stops travelling to that direction of the family friend don t you think
                                          • 如果你是诬陷,但不要怕,它没有任何地方是众所周知,中国是危险或不危险的,现在吃的东西,他们不会强奸一个国家体育是一件好事,建议的具体行程细节绝对媒体展我觉得一个例子头骨之旅,或者,如果死刑,但它是一个家族的朋友是一个进入药物袋,握住你的借口,旅行那边是找对 Well when there is a false charge however we fear when it is the place where China is dangerous with this as for known fact being done there is no good thing That rape probably is national skill when the food it probably will be dangerous travelling are recommended the mass communications which do not become extinct in special a die It is to travel to brain weather and be possible the ro te which is in someone in the bag the drug inserting when it does capital punishment It is good to the excuse which stops travelling to that direction of the family friend don t you think
                                          • 日本,中国人民期待的相反,我永远不会执行漫游?我想知道如果我感觉迟钝S是习惯 When you see from the Chinese person conversely Japan is capital punishment without executing forever what which is the gu which is the gu does The do it is habit to obtain The kana which is the tsu te feeling

                                        • 如果她Janakere运气和部分为故意裁缝店将会如何,只有时间,他们没有发酵或进入该国,直到你离开呢?曾经认为在所有的,而不是一个福利包的免税种植,你会期望在机房?这将永远无法像将在工作过程中发出的,是不是所有你能做的就是拉过我的地方 Deliberately it was arranged in the carrier if it is it is not after leaving until it enters between Only the extent which is trained there probably is a timing Because the merit which is set up to the paper bag of the tax free store does not happen to think completely the tsu which is set up to the baggage It is possible to being te supposition Such a ones don t you think as for the tsu te thing which is set up the luggage thief doing at will
                                          • 2006年4月,入境事务赤野经常重复中国,中国一直非常显着的警察 2006 April Akano to repeat emigration and immigration frequently in China from the Chinese police It was marked high level

                                        • 如龙策划韩国是在良好的手中,这往往是太容易浪费组成Shimeru被杀死,只是日本蜥蜴的尾巴

                                          • 它可以更容易,如果日本行刑队处决中国作为一个更大的心理负担,因为绞刑的
                                            Therefore as for Japan 絞 neck punishment psychological burden of the execution person is large The Chinese way if gun down although it can execute easily

                                            • 官方宣布将提供给日本人民是让气体排除“毒品带来的好处。”
                                              In the future the Japanese is utilized in breathing of the people As for formality announcement “drug holding 込”

                                              • 家居安全外交部/重罪谋杀日本海外卷.03认为他们做梦都想不到的!我们认为不会有很多人出国旅游要求,没有在日本国内外毒品犯罪
                                                Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas safe home page/overseas Japanese incident book Vol .03 In unexpected felony where! Drug crime in foreign country Seeking those which from Japan are not, you think that the foreign country the person who travels is many,

                                                • 就像一个奇怪的政治犯展览52,非常感谢人权204恐怖分子,在电视中做来谴责工厂Hikiage人体模型我不觉得这是非常好的 204 52 Protection of fundamental human rights terrorist Fatigue The strange spreading displaying like of political offense human phantom factory pulling the condemned criminal You do with the television the time however well enough the air which is clean did
                                                  • 就像一个奇怪的展览204人52,当我在电视上做Hikiage来谴责我不觉得幻影工厂是不错 204 52 The strange spreading displaying like of the human human phantom factory pulling the condemned criminal You do with the television the time however well enough the air which is clean did
                                                  • 神奇的人喜欢展览52,当我在电视上连续工作在死来厂Hikiage人体模型我不觉得这是非常好的 52 The strange spreading displaying like of the human human phantom factory pulling the condemned criminal You do with the television the time however well enough the air which is clean did

                                                • 尼泊尔创建由不停止,直到他们缴纳申请孩子的笑容开始蔓延紧急韩国
                                                  Urgent spread Start of child treatment application The Nepal person and the South Korean where laughing does not stop

                                                  • 异教徒刽子手★,3国外长冈田克也也转移在记者会上说,中国政府过去两天,我国政府进行走私判刑3日本人谁收费药物证实判处死刑很明显,这已放映了移交
                                                    * Japanese execution, furthermore 3 human = Chinese governments transmit As for Foreign Minister Katuya Okada in press conference of 2nd afternoon, the Chinese government, with drug smuggling crime capital punishment decision When punishment 3 of Japanese whom it has decided is executed it made that it conveys clear

                                                    • 当审判经历了现在提请足够捕捉诬告与日本轻松地批准核准死刑或不认罪,没有潜力 When capital punishment is recognized easily When from now on the Japanese is caught with the false charge There is no possibility of not passing sufficient trial becoming innocence there is no
                                                      • 犯罪人从他们哪里总是错误的,甚至要到中国法院系统,我就死了许多与他诬告 The human commits the mistake by all means therefore it is Saying from the Chinese judgment system the person who dies being the false charge large number it will be

                                                    • 当然这个问题是否在中国死刑* * *日本资本是否到它是真实的死亡走私毒品到日本?
                                                      Issue of this [sure] * Propriety of the Chinese capital punishment system * Propriety of the thing which designates the Japanese as capital punishment * Had the Japanese who capital punishment is done done drug smuggling truly? Which?

                                                      • 德鲁458人被俘的囚犯为使药物在发言已经Kiroguramureberu包括日本从朝鲜经中国
                                                        458 It was caught that the condemned criminals from North Korea probably will bring the stimulant of kilogram level to Japan by way of China,

                                                        • 怎么能住多少人吸毒,每公里使用驱动tTA更好囊使用我不能买你自己的风险柏迪不坏,但他们也卖Ruhou经销商已经知道罪掉以轻心战时鸦片战争和公众缺乏平衡无知,他们觉得太不相同什么时候你死刑 However you do not know whether with the drug of the kilometer unit how many humans can be designated as the disabled person Also the one which sells is bad but buying using there is no self responsibility As for the one which you used crime being light you feel that the connection even the capital punishment tsu te excessively has lacked balance Age are different from the time of the opium war where the public is ignorant being it does the yo
                                                          • 在日本刑事颠覆(吸引外部干扰故障)除了抢劫纵火杀人死刑的人会死亡和过于严厉的男药物运气 With the Japanese criminal law national turning over 患 attraction outside civil war other than homicide burglar setting fire becoming capital punishment mare The carrying person of the drug as for capital punishment is too harsh
                                                          • 根据处罚资本按照国家法律的是另一个国家,我什至不能弹出日本公司,驱赶非法外国人的接受习惯的 The foreign country following to the law of that country as for capital punishment in the habit which is admitted Cannot either expel the illegal entry foreigner dauntlessly the Japanese tsu te … which
                                                          • 独裁不在乎不合理,因为死刑不关心他的死刑,我想你最好承认,它的那些国家更 About capital punishment of dictatorial nation there are no unreasonable ones The air difficult the trap well as for you say that capital punishment it is such country It is to call there is no person who recognizes thing more

                                                        • 我会发给您可以自由旅行,监管风险,目前风险诬陷330?
                                                          330 The false charge it comes, visiting America with [se] and others [re] [ru] risk preparedness It is, therefore it is, don't you think? non problem?

                                                          • 我已经是像反歧视或民团或朝总联Ntsukyouso党或民主党或社民党和日本都在,请让我们所有死刑?中共
                                                            Even in Japan the Democratic party or corporation people party or party or Nitukiyou group or Dowa or people group of everyone It is entire connected [tsu] [te], but it is it is not entirely to a capital punishment? Also in

                                                            • 我必须承认,如果日本废钢学徒国家宪法和杀死,所以我不在乎,如果真正的罪犯
                                                              If truly the offender killing, you are not concerned Such a kudzu If constitutional government nation is admitted, you must learn either Japan,

                                                              • 我想处决前的坏!在纸面上,但日本现在实际上是一个党,超过半数的韩国人归给我杀了,因为韩国日本古早期住在日本真正关心的事情,我们或许可以做ー因为它
                                                                Execution forward fall is desired! But on the document the Japanese, therefore really the resident Korean Korean, the murder [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] you give quickly, As the present ruling party where the naturalized Korean is above the half the situation causing brick which you feel concern The [do] - with it is for our genuine Japanese therefore - thing

                                                                • 我没有死,但这种结构,而不是一种虚假的收费口密封或不Janakarou Hanitora或?该药物是进入袋,给我钱,我会逃跑 见』拒绝你,所以我在恐惧或不常见 Capital punishment does not care but it is This false charge or hanitora or the oral seal well probably there is no type The drug being inserted in the bag because overlooking the gold when cross over with it denies that therefore it may be normally the fearful wa
                                                                  • 真或药物?我终于装到最小邪教组织的政治盾构对接或周围,而不是市民,个别员工和? Truly drug After all the shield it pierced in such as minsu or the cult it was inserted Politician employee and general individual well

                                                                • 我的意思是,我们要把这次关键证人南粮,或者你想保持沉默的事情之一,爆裂的相关表格中什么事件背后的?如果你是自己的代表来执行的罪犯,但我欣赏他,欣赏讲公平 The material witness of nun payment entering as for ru tsu te thing on the reverse side of incident China relating in a some way we would like to sealing ru thing orally If we assume as for representation execution that accompanying this person is execution offense you say that it is grateful in that appearance it is grateful but it is
                                                                  • 这是已知的,请在中国犯罪形势驱动tTA严惩通知我越来越多的从地球上消除,并执行 After knowing the Chinese circumstance of severe punishment because it is crime Executing steadily please eliminate from this world

                                                                • 我给日本政府,民主党在调查这些案件对不需要阿一阿一,你也应该看到,死刑附表嵌入式雷声将能够赶走它,没有杀人的材料和民主后,尽自己所能御仁中国成为一个良好的手干完 The Democratic party having administration between of the ru may make steadily capital punishment Either ichiichi notice does not need Either the investigation for incident does not do the Japanese side Even with murder at will separately calling and Because it can make the material which drives democracy afterwards the favorite selfishness doing you receive To the Chinese benevolence
                                                                  • 我是来自日本,中国是冷静或者它作为好人和惩罚日本的死亡,他们仍然做得比日本不可能是感激,不是吗? Still resident mashi But the extent which in such a people Japan it is possible to make capital punishment China does that in substituting therefore it is The ro which appreciating it cannot divide Japan and is
                                                                  • 鸠山和间接的威胁,甚至丰田丰田150我做或不喜欢中国的影响是死刑,即使你说我们会说我是一个解决问题的 (◎Ø◎) ! Poppo味儿对我们的水平 150 Indirect threat is not effective in Hatoyama but it is Toyota how being the problem solving the ru does at even Toyota Capital punishment being said it is the Chinese thing and 92 o po tsu po tsu po Level of extent

                                                                • 我讨厌被放在一个好以死,但日方认为你给我朱达罗日方严格的死刑交流,甚至在拉日,中国毒饺子罪犯朱达罗给我说,你是一个严格的外汇政策由于没有一个及格 Therefore well as for becoming capital punishment assuming that it is good the Japanese side puts out the harsh exchange condition the tsu te the ro which is to say But capital punishment the Japanese side puts out the harsh exchange condition the tsu te the ro which is to say Therefore even China the reason which does not deliver the criminal of the poison 餃 child to Japan
                                                                  • 关于药店的运气,我去中国,但是,这是死亡,相反机会从中国携带的商店,它可以做一个实地释放瓦特浓 In regard to the carrier of the drug which enters to this tsu te China But capital punishment as for the carrier which is carried to Japan from China conversely The ro which is runaway what w

                                                                • 或许这些家伙,在日本从事抢劫,我Itsuke绍布买我三个多行至中国,以逃避梁的钱,我把发言应占溢利解除日本派出DQN销售那是什么?什么是不甜绍布发生在日本的球紧只坦白Kesatsu The oak lever when and others the tsu te the burglar doing in Japan That gold it escaped to China Furthermore 3 human tsu te going it is accustomed to buying shiyabu Carrying back to Japan selling in DQN it tries to increasing the profit It is sweet in management tsu te shiyabu of the bu tsu chi ya ke Japanese k police
                                                                  • 或许这些家伙,在日本从事抢劫,绍布Itsuke买什么我带给中国的钱线,我带给日本回国DQN发言或解除派出利润和销售?什么是不甜绍布发生在日本的球紧只坦白Kesatsu The oak lever when and others the tsu te the burglar doing in Japan That gold it escaped to China Furthermore 3 human tsu te going it is accustomed to buying shiyabu Carrying back to Japan selling in DQN it tries to increasing the profit It is sweet in management tsu te shiyabu of the bu tsu chi ya ke Japanese k police

                                                                • 所以,我付的代价,我可以说,日本和中国学徒会违反国家利益,因为毒品罪重罪垫我我,我也不会执行或班班白领犯罪谁诬陷一重罪新浪我觉得 So the compensation paying the felony person there is no false charge or an idea offense in China if is it is it is it is possible to execute Therefore the felony which is not unable to infringe drug crime no za national interest Also Japan learning China you think that if to severe punishment it should have converted
                                                                  • 那么,什么补偿金,并拿出机关因达好,如果你问我,新浪这样的处决犯人送往,回收 So the compensation paying the felony person there is no false charge or an idea offense in China if is it is it is it is possible to execute Therefore the felony which is not unable to infringe drug crime no za national interest Also Japan learning China you think that if to severe punishment it should have converted

                                                                • 新浪或牲畜在日本和Chankoro被根除啊,如果有422日在日本死刑,但朱达罗废物污染和禁忌也兴高采烈地向外国人在日本或选举权 422 If it designates also Japan in the same way as capital punishment resident and chiyankoro it may be able to eradicate don t you think is Resident or the Chinese domesticated fowl and animals to ride in foreign carrot administration or condition too much the ro which is Although Japanese country it is the rubbish which is 穢
                                                                  • 被埋葬在黑暗的事件有关的八王子市超市决定死亡中武田 When it designates Takeda as capital punishment The Hachiozi super incident where the Chinese is related is buried in the darkness because

                                                                • 无家可归的人愚蠢,有点钱捕捞,贩运毒品,如果做了,并做个案Hoihoi遐有运气了很多功夫马祖等死刑,尽管知识,很少引起其他比我 NULL
                                                                  • 中国毒品走私,如果做了,我很自私的一刻,如果我偶尔赶上了死刑,我帮 If stimulant smuggling something you do in China if it is caught the capital punishment tsu te understanding therefore the ru it is You think that there is no ginger
                                                                  • 很难to ll有退休钱,贩运毒品是在日本接触,支付20万日元〜30万请只负驱动tTA Retirement age retiring because it has been troubled with the gold you could offer drug smuggling in the Japanese country contracted at remuneration 200 000 300 000 Yen
                                                                  • 有关药物的驱动tTA取自被告接受照雄藏有1 5公斤鹈甘弘日本武田企图偷运到大连机场 Cormorant fishing Hiroshi virtue From the Dalian airport it tried you will possess the stimulant approximately 1 5kg which is received from Defendant Teruo Takeda to smuggle in Japan

                                                                • 日本千叶地方检察厅逮捕了一名伊朗走私毒品2008年9月26日1公里03:01千叶地方法院,对知觉收费违反兴奋剂管理法,还因为海关法,日本伊朗人美容公司横滨,在西部丘陵在青叶区主席先生,沙洛姆Mehrabi(37名)的,墨田区江东桥,祖土Satouri(28 2)对犯罪嫌疑人被起诉
                                                                  Stimulant 1 kilometer smuggling Resident Iranian human arrest Chiba area inspection 2008.9.26 03: 01 As for Chiba area inspection, with crime of Customs Law and sense consequence medicine control method violation, Yokohama city greenery Ku is beautiful with the resident Iranian person company president of hill west, [meherabi] [shiyaromu] (37) with the same company employee of the Tokyo Sumida Ku Koto bridge, [satouri] [saido] (28) both suspects were prosecuted

                                                                  • 日本民主党,它几百人去,我们失去了劳动能力的死刑判决杀害数百名恐怖,我想你会浪费纳税人的钱对国家处决康复设施,或太短暂,是凡人 With the Japanese hundreds Democratic party administration hundreds people killing with terrorism capital punishment decision loses work ability with that you said Or whether it means to waste tax with the regeneration facility that when you think Execution to a nation it is major crime of the extent which is not enough
                                                                    • 在日本,首先,我也许不会来了脚轻,贩运毒品是不局限于中国,他们也成为非常严重的罪行处以死刑 In the first place because in Japan it is light it does not come with the pin however perhaps Buying and selling the drug does not limit either the fact that with felony it becomes very capital punishment to China
                                                                    • 日本已经失去了工作能力,做进去,我是否会浪费税或康复设施,但过于短暂,死是弥天大罪 The Japanese of some person loses work ability with that you said Or whether it means to waste tax with the regeneration facility that when you think To a capital punishment it is major crime of the extent which is not enough
                                                                    • 日本民主党,因为它会服从司法部长裁定死刑,杀害数百名恐怖,死刑必须 With the Japanese Democratic party administration hundreds people killing with terrorism assuming that capital punishment decision came out Because Minister of Justice protects it does not become capital punishment

                                                                  • 日本民主党,死刑,因为他们不执行,即使在和平与安全的单独监禁在一个疯狂杀人陷阱等待
                                                                    Because with the Japanese Democratic party administration, as for capital punishment it is not executed, being caught with the human murder doing at will At the German room peace

                                                                    • 日本的死刑,他们就已经在执行的时间挖掘这么多好嘿我博乌大学,千叶县议员 The Japanese capital punishment unless it has executing with this extent even rhythm don t you think the e It probably will learn good thing Chiba…

                                                                      • 曼达拉我代表进行处决的女巫愚蠢冈田做,中国甚至不能排除它坐在千叶只进行打击黑帮暴徒判决和飞将转了许多茶和?
                                                                        Even executing punishment vis-a-vis [chinpirayakuza] it is not possible China executing capital punishment in place of waist coming out Chiba [babaa], although the [ru] [tsu] [te] Okada's [aho] it is, and others what it is in the brown 々 inserting and the [tsu] is and?

                                                                        • 朝鲜(韩国语Rashiku口音最接近朝鲜有可能超越利益听到古),因为太多正常,即使中苏Shimare奇怪寻找中国口音韩国或 NULL
                                                                          • 已经听到传言说,它也是相当恩戴隐性秘密警察人员寻找苏北韩投诚者在北朝鲜和地方机构 You say that also the North Korean destination system and the North Korean secret police staff who searches the deviation from north person well enough have lain hidden Rumor has been heard
                                                                          • 朝鲜(韩国语Rashiku口音最接近朝鲜有可能超越利益听到古),因为太多正常,即使中苏Shimare奇怪的故事,一个中国口音韩国或 NULL

                                                                        • 来吧,我做朱达罗租金行刑队发送到中国我是一个很好的日本监狱的囚犯日本?
                                                                          Next, commitment being done in the Japanese jail, also the [ru] Japanese condemned criminal sending to China Gunning down, the [ro] you should have received and is?

                                                                          • 梅塔承认毒饺子与中国当局的非,即引起国内批评的在高,为了安抚批评者,我突然来到强硬措施?中国不是一个真正的国家不知道
                                                                            Because the authorities recognize the Chinese fault with the poison entering 餃 child, from the fact that criticism increases in the country, In order criticism it quiets to convert, it resorts to attack step suddenly strongly, passing? As for China the country where dividing is not recognized truly

                                                                            • 正如中国的访问对干预和手段,提高了对法律的执行和死刑的反对中国在中国犯罪,只不过是更多的干预
                                                                              The Chinese foreign intervention in domestic affairs for Yasukuni worshipping similarly, in, the Chinese country crime with the Chinese law vis-a-vis executing in capital punishment and like this those where you say are not anything person other than foreign intervention in domestic affairs

                                                                              • 武田照男被告形成了一个团伙对应的混合物组成,共约30天,并袭击日本全国各地的驱动tTA资产的房子,因为在2000年左右,2002年11月逃离中国从名古屋机场 Preparation Thought Defendant Teruo Takeda formed the Japanese Chinese mixed gang which consists of approximately 30 people from around 2000 attacked the property residence at every place in Japan but To 2002 November it escaped from the Nagoya airport to China
                                                                                • 形成白天混合组成的一个团伙约30,但驱动tTA袭击日本全国各地的资产自2000年左右的房子,2002年11月逃离中国从名古屋机场 Approximately the Japanese Chinese mixed gang which consists of 30 people was formed from around 2000 the property residence was attacked at every place in Japan but To 2002 November it escaped from the Nagoya airport to China

                                                                              • 武田谴责30日被捕,然后被走私发生在7月,1995年“三八王子市的射击”(仍在调查,2009年)为“合不知道”等和故事一直围绕 The Takeda condemned criminal before being restrained the person with the smuggling incident occurred on 1995 July 30th “Hachiozi 3 human gundown incident” 2009 Presently while investigating concerning “the acquaintance did” that and so on it assumes that you spoke around
                                                                                • 司法部长被罚款谁晋升为死亡的理论,不论采取暂停蛋糕和独自谴责捺其实拍一张邮票,这事让我觉得像一文也有官僚问题得到 That the capital punishment propulsion disputant reached legal phase assuming Actually when overfull format 捺 one person not to remain it hangs the condemned criminal It does also the air that may occur problem government office with that

                                                                              • 死亡fast re一村居民或一些流氓确定中吉焦全度妍是由中国管理属国家是日本寄生在你是一个属于中国人,如果你要清除我回到老快 Ruffian something the village therefore resident what steadily with capital punishment ok China GJ Therefore as for chiyon tributary people what of China the tributary people who are parasitic on the Japanese country the Chinese side should manage it accompanies returning wants purifying steadily and
                                                                                • 在我国政府于11月29日,大约有外国人已被证实死刑的罪名已被送交日本政府计划的刑罚执行 The Chinese government last month even on 29th concerning Japanese 1 capital punishment has decided with similar crime punishment The policy of executing is transmitted to the Japanese side
                                                                                • 蔓达梦死我讲好朱达罗使毒品包括鸦片巢穴!现在的问题是,是否同样的待遇施平壤未经授权经销商 When the stimulant is brought to the opium den the ro which is possible to be capital punishment is Problem the trader of the North Korean government non official recognition has administered the same disposal or is
                                                                                • 这只是越来越多的居民在吉焦死刑或部落流氓确定的东西全在姬,中国应管理好中国人民和日本的寄生物种我是来自中国的民族归属感,如果你要我清洁越来越多的年轻回国 Ruffian something the village therefore resident what steadily with capital punishment ok China GJ Therefore as for chiyon tributary people what of China the tributary people who are parasitic on the Japanese country the Chinese side should manage it accompanies returning wants purifying steadily and

                                                                              • 死刑日在全体员工的本地公司的生产基地和791那些希望中国移动这样做
                                                                                791 As for the local Japanese employee of the enterprise which production foothold moved in China So doing, we want making everyone capital punishment

                                                                                • 死刑是适当的,都是一个良好的基调无限的权力,甚至性交获得官方码头时,我虽然杀死1
                                                                                  Capital punishment says propriety When one person you kill, chaotic condition riding, even the public official of end arbitrary it does, probably will be

                                                                                  • 每个人都反对死刑,死刑在国际上的Burgers你知道你了吗?我不喜欢来自中国的反对?这是他们面前仍然是死刑,即使麻原彰晃Danmari
                                                                                    Everyone of capital punishment group of objectors, international, capital punishment decreasing, the [ru] is the [ro] which is? The Chinese way therefore it does not oppose? At the time of flax field capital punishment decision it was Don Mali, you

                                                                                    • 演讲的,就是证据,因为我不相信中国的司法部门舔我,我是你不能抗议以及死亡的,对法律,充分披露,等我说,每次一法官说,否则,我谴责他们的国际协议,以创建一个Rubeki考虑是否执行机构和国家的死刑案件送回家这段时间
                                                                                      Alone, sufficient protest for also capital punishment was achieved and said and could lick The Chinese administration of justice how it cannot trust completely, therefore it is Presentation of evidence, the appointment of attorney and perfection release etc. of judgment As for the place where it should call unless speaking every time To that concerning the condemned criminal, in this case the sending doing in the home country It should make the international kind of agreement which is considered in presence of capital punishment of execution vicarious execution and that country

                                                                                      • 相反的规律,不是为的投诉有重罪,因为它在国内其他地方,不要犹豫,接受其他国家也死抗议死刑
                                                                                        Therefore with law of the country of out-town felony what complaint the place where you attach or Assuming that it was opposite, protest receiving from the foreign country, capital punishment it should hesitate it is not

                                                                                        • 经过三年左右外记回本。幸运,因为我们得到了自由屎死刑,然后吸纳社会的希望在后面的胶福建曼达拉我读!我觉得日本是在与人蓬蓬气味乙 With merumaga of intense reverse side the sutra these 3 When you read Reverse side society and the do tsu pu ri of the Fujian ministry being connected the te The being disgusted ya being able to have making simply capital punishment lucky tsu te feeling The resident B ill smelling pu it is the pu it is it was also the old boy
                                                                                          • 我国刑事,说多少,但Tteta鸠山说,他的生命或只保护,千叶思加Hayo看到一个反对死刑的惩罚杀害 A lot of offender say As for Hatoyama that much we would like to protect life although you say As for Chiba although it is capital punishment opposite you see whether the murder
                                                                                          • 经过三年左右外记回本。幸运,因为我们得到了自由屎死刑,然后吸纳社会的希望在后面的胶福建曼达拉我读!我觉得日本是在与人蓬蓬气味乙 With merumaga of intense reverse side the sutra these 3 When you read Reverse side society and the do tsu pu ri of the Fujian ministry being connected the te The being disgusted ya being able to have making simply capital punishment lucky tsu te feeling The resident B ill smelling pu it is the pu it is it was also the old boy

                                                                                        • 经过谈判之前,中国公布的特别选举鸠山和小泽一郎等人处决。决心避免死刑特赦“外交胜利”的情况,将不存在非
                                                                                          After China declares execution, the result Hatoyama and Ozawa negotiating Before the House of Councillors selection special. Capital punishment evasion presenting decision the “diplomacy result” with amnesty With probably there is no synopsis which is said?

                                                                                          • 绑在任何情况下,日本的徒弟,我有太多的重量,因为不可分割尽管日本抗议ー789傻瓜,效果无法理解日本人民的抗议,但可以判处死刑的犯罪本来有 The ge which Japan is done it is foolish 789 Protest saying therefore the Japanese it is made heavy excessively if is also the rabbit learning Originally although it was the crime where can be also a capital punishment because you cannot agree upon for the Japanese Protesting the effect it is kana
                                                                                            • 251 254你是什么意思?即使将鹦鹉,折磨死我不是死刑 251 254 What thing Even if it probably is oumu to that but although it makes capital punishment the wa which is not torture death
                                                                                            • DQN如何这样一个大规模的死亡惩罚垃圾约在每一篇文章都是很好分钟神奇我DQN甜蜜鱿鱼 At the extent where such a DQN makes capital punishment Is made one by one the article the mass rubbish which How the wa which understands well whether it is sweet in DQN
                                                                                            • 千叶是因为我喜欢中国,韩国,中国为学徒飞执行太棒了!和其他学徒,但我可以不 Therefore as for Chiba the Chinese Korea favorite what learn China concerning execution You do not learn other things and also the te is good however
                                                                                            • 如果你是有点离不开它太沉重了抗议日本虽然189人的影响是否对日本的抗议从不能接受死刑,尽管它本来有可能是犯罪 189 Protest saying therefore the Japanese it is made heavy excessively if is the rabbit angle Originally although it was the crime where can be also a capital punishment because you cannot agree upon for the Japanese Protesting the effect it is kana
                                                                                            • 政府或有多少证据,审理的死刑执行,适用于如允许轻易证实,抗议有关细节,应该有可能 To capital punishment How much trying evidence As for the Japanese government it should verify being That linseed If execution is recognized simply It probably is necessary to protest
                                                                                            • 日本黑帮绑吉焦789ー这样的傻子,你被判处死刑,我要感谢你中国 The ge which Japan is done it is foolish 789 GJ Such a ruffian it makes capital punishment if you appreciate in China and the oral ya are not good
                                                                                            • 美国人,欧洲人,而是要确定究竟是否执行死刑,日本,我怀疑他们懒得做死亡或完全 Whether or not the American and the European person make capital punishment however it judges strictly Therefore as for the Japanese trouble as for being doubtful with all capital punishment calling and

                                                                                          • 美国873事件是免费的,即使没有显着,“受害人家属”,“罪犯的官员”,“官方”合法的选举,别提多“平民”,以满足起始号码
                                                                                            873 America not to be important incident, the [te] “the victim bereaved family” “prisoner authorized personnel” “legal profession authorized personnel” And it was chosen, “the ordinary citizen” attends

                                                                                            • 苏方的国家,甚至一个像样的天安门屠杀98 WWW的革命,成千上万的普通市民的文化
                                                                                              98 The country where tens of thousands people kill the normal native people in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the Tien An Men incident even honesty www

                                                                                              • 被诬陷,被一外国人犯罪的死刑判处死刑,相当于运动好公民为犯罪的国家本身,而是哲学的过程中,它应该是一个刑事处罚仍然严重は阿莫罗索残留,成为自信 If it is not the false charge as for the Japanese who commits capital punishment suitable crime in particular country being executed in capital punishment the proper However idea itself of civic movement is splendid after all punishment is proper harshly The offender pampers with to attach it rises
                                                                                                • 政府保护306异教徒,但我不知道它应该做的大使馆,以便在工作中是相当法庭 306 Even for Japanese protection as for government however it probably is such a proper what As for that on the other hand while judging the work which the ambassador staff should do it was because

                                                                                              • 西和我做了外交努力,以更多的恩戴无噪音外交牌?它的时间,帮助群众Gidasunjanaika首脑大声灰尘什么? We would like to make the diplomacy card it is with more 騒 well with diplomacy effort under calling thing kana Gradually the mass rubbish helps the tsu te starts making a noise it is it isn t
                                                                                                • 毕竟,他们说,“外交努力,避免战争,也没有谈合”我已经证明是妄想 After all the party you say “evades war with the discussion and diplomacy effort” It is the case that being delusion is proven

                                                                                              • 触发分钟混乱中国朱达罗魔法现在甚至不祥的相关药物已被发现在中国历史上我的意思是人民牺牲的和鸦片战争的利益,结果只有一个多年的缺席分钟100神社中心超过它只能从鸦片战争死刑由于自然或药物
                                                                                                If the Chinese history you see, the [ro] where relationship of the drug even the ogre gate understands immediately and is whether the [tsu] [te] you say, Therefore as for opportunity of the Chinese confusion from opium war what From opium war did central 祠 hall amount absent result how much national interest and the citizen of 100 years or more become sacrifice? In drug as for death penalty proper result

                                                                                                • 谦逊的国家是一个犯罪感,所以我发言中排在等待中死亡超过100转。你是在发达国家
                                                                                                  Where therefore the condemned criminal 100 or more order to wait the country, Certain semantic Chinese [tsu] [te] detective. It is advanced nation

                                                                                                  • 这不是比日本人生活在受污染地区的1 3中国或日本或中国建行值可以出售死囚器官,你最好不要罕见药物或发酵亿博之这可能 Don t you think it is not to go in China The Japanese international exposition the one which does not go is better The drug being trained the capital punishment decision internal organs there is also a possibility of being sold and The Japanese may be the internal organs or a value produces from the Chinese who lives in the area which was polluted

                                                                                                    • 这个愚蠢的民族国家的左翼政府没有出卖为中国的头舍不得让篭络讴宇久的权利和废除死刑的资本是完全可以认为我是吸
                                                                                                      In other words it is licked completely, passing, thing In the habit which is praised in China the head not rising e.g., it is the capital punishment abolition which is human rights The sufficient you are cajoled this the [sayoku] treason national ruin administration which acts playfully

                                                                                                      • 这位官员拒绝对日本政府,但我国政府。询问“在中国的司法是独立的,是多生在国外工作的执行情况是不是国内法”,表明了否定的答复,并 Simply vis a vis the Chinese government the Japanese government officially the decrease Concerning requesting “Even in China as for jurisdiction we to be independent the foreign country cannot influence in execution of domestic method ” With negative opinion was expressed
                                                                                                        • 这位官员拒绝对日本政府,但我国政府。询问“在中国的司法是独立的,是多生在国外工作的执行情况是不是国内法”,表明了否定的答复,并 Simply vis a vis the Chinese government the Japanese government officially the decrease Concerning requesting “Even in China as for jurisdiction we to be independent the foreign country cannot influence in execution of domestic method ” With negative opinion was expressed

                                                                                                      • 这是日本当时在日本被捕 只出售任何业务,从大型利润将是有利可图的,但他们会说,他们以较高的价格出售,价格低买只 NULL
                                                                                                        • 在任何行业,是有利可图的,因为他们会说,他们在更高的价格出售,购买日本→中国以低价格的根只与我不知道任何方式,不是吗? If with any trading purchasing with low price sale and others it is not with high price because the profit is not produced Japan gt as for the Chinese tsu te route the ro which how is mysterious

                                                                                                      • 遥远的将来,当它被日本吞并在中国,人们可以很容易的家伙绝缘子等隶扱3 Mikoma染色到骨头作和日本之间的等级关系中国
                                                                                                        When future, Japan is merged in China, way the slave it is easy to do to handle as a third citizen, Because in the body the blotch densely it can increase the Chinese and Japan top and bottom relationship

                                                                                                        • 酒店大约3 1千克局药物作为中国公安中国从12个不同的帮凶被拘留在日本和中国是拥有毒品购买的15公斤,13公斤光,将房子卖了,终于有机会究竟是什么原因 Assuming that stimulant approximately 3 1kg was possessed at the hotel restraint to the Chinese public peace bureau Crime partner over 10 people of Japanese Chinese both countries The stimulant of 15kg was purchased from another Chinese 13kg it became clear to sell in the carrier
                                                                                                          • 森正夫桃子。关西国际机场线来船上的国际机场,有充分理由元认知抑制剂塑料袋5分钟只1 25公斤当场被捕,并带一个隐藏在其中 Forest victory man Peach When you will embark to the Seki empty going at the international airport vinyl sack 5 Dividing into the sense consequence medicine 1 25kg which it stuffs Restraining the place where it has hidden in the waist belt with flagrant delict

                                                                                                        • 需要“大麻在日本。如果你卖给他的死刑是好的,因为中国是重罪犯,请告知我的铝得到哟啊:”我们只想说,我是这样的 In a word… “Japan flax Handling because the ru person felony the Chinese who commits is good with capital punishment the yatsu chi ya tsu te aruyo ” tsu te thing would like to call it is don t you think
                                                                                                          • 须“中国是如此优秀的,请在日本的重罪犯死刑铝告知我的了哟啊:”我们只想说,我是这样的 In a word… Because “in Japan felony also the Chinese who commits is good with capital punishment the yatsu chi ya tsu te aruyo ” tsu te thing would like to call it is don t you think

                                                                                                        • 顺便说一句,虽然这一犯罪认为早生靠近,层攻击的受害者遭受暗杀波精神病正如你可以看到这一切,让出一国会议员永田,取蛋糕,所以想我可以如何得到精神病折磨受害者我认为,锅ü By the way this crime if Assemblyman Nagata is remembered as understood the victim in the psychosis That you contracted a disease while making think around to bet on torture with electromagnetic wave attack because it is the method which assassinates When the victim is thought as the psychosis it is the 壺 which the stratification is thought
                                                                                                          • 顺便说一句,虽然这一犯罪认为早生靠近,层攻击的受害者遭受暗杀波精神病正如你可以看到这一切,让出一国会议员永田,取蛋糕,所以想我可以如何得到精神病折磨受害者我认为,锅ü By the way this crime if Assemblyman Nagata is remembered as understood the victim in the psychosis That you contracted a disease while making think around to bet on torture with electromagnetic wave attack because it is the method which assassinates When the victim is thought as the psychosis it is the 壺 which the stratification is thought

                                                                                                        • 龟井或意见,我不会告诉Mizupo? NAA的我什么也不做,因为他们吹嘘的家伙万维网
                                                                                                          The comment [ma] of [mizupo] and Kamei - is? Therefore Benkei inside [koitsu] and others it does not do to what, www

                                                                                                          • (无论将被处理后,脑卒中死亡是因脑干应该只讲除外)惩罚更多的幸存者。我听到我的子弹价格收取费用, If the brain stem is driven out because it becomes brain death after that to process at will Furthermore in bereaved family place Claiming commission and bullet price The tsu te you heard however
                                                                                                            • (无论将被处理后,脑卒中死亡是因脑干应该只讲除外)惩罚更多的幸存者。我听到我的子弹价格收取费用, If the brain stem is driven out because it becomes brain death after that to process at will Furthermore in bereaved family place Claiming commission and bullet price The tsu te you heard however

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