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To follow to Ferrari, [ranborugini] the manual car for abolition fuel economy improvement


  • 162的AT抗体权力没有增加你你不只是瓦特吨,当您关闭或转移的速度或高山体验“AT是不是必需的,”这迫使我错了,我可以说 162 Only you AT there being a thing which rode it does yo w When with MT down shift you experience at the mountain or high speed “AT unnecessary” how becomes unable to say by mistake
    • 在金刚山骑骑几乎所有的金刚山茹司机作出不切实际的图片网址 As for the MT riding however everyone AT it can drive as for at riding everyone MT the tsu which cannot be driven it does the yo
    • 这样的污点是嫉妒的高维容易!现在我可以说我发言的主要在w迷你车 As high dimension done the pleasure it is envious Like this we which is said now as for main by at car Good Heavens w mini

  • 267编号:5biY2MJ20是另一种平滑Ğ AT ll觉得我不是说对的Burgers
    267 ID: You think that 5biY2MJ20, there is no [sumusa] G and the [ru] it is it is concerning AT classified by [te] calling,

    • 277然而,在图标方面的顺利,没有雨伞没有出来土耳其 277 But in the point smoothness as for those which surpass to the torque converter it has still not come out
      • 扭矩通过它,因为我不觉得乏味,加速器和发动机工程 NULL

    • 306卡布奇诺是一个令人兴奋的感觉我也会跑在街上Byunbyun
      306 The [bi] [yu] it is the [bi] [yu] it is even with the town riding running, becoming the [ru] feeling, it will be the cappuccino exciting

      • 30升的引擎是一个相当大的12缸水平对置DML30HS和系统(500马力)是一种产品恩戴
        Furthermore horizontal opposition 12 cylinder 30 liter the DML30HS system which considerably is the large-sized is said engine (500 horsepower) it stacks

        • 31日萘乙酸Sports m像恶魔错误的印象,并成为一个真正的男人做u什么区别(如果没有的事情,但电力驱动tTA)文档,它认为目前的趋势是最好的感觉和在汽车操纵Gakoggakotsu什么是少数
          31 Sport AT [tsu] [te] something the error demon conversion blotch which is different from the true manual you want it is impression what, However (it has not ridden,) [gakotsugakotsu] of the manual is worked the feeling which As for thinking that it is Daigo taste of the car, the minority group no shelf

          • 445前的燃料和填写在比较后几升的油箱(30分钟舱容量 40公斤的最大差异)错误比我差的都见过,没有燃料 445 In the past while full tank refueling and the tank tank capacitive component 30 difference of 40kg rank with you have looked at the relative article of fuel economy at several liters but There was no difference above error

            • 47 u003d旧的观念已不再存在于扭矩转换器将使用电子控制电磁离合器的AT
              47 Common sense whose AT = torque converter [te] is old already Present AT uses the electronic control electromagnetic clutch

              • 562 GTIClubPlus拉里科特迪瓦蓝色海岸?
                562 GTIClubPlus rally [kotodajiyuru]?

                • 693啊? ?我不带你的孩子朱达罗执照吗?它被称为山开始Daro ll仍希望她的底部恩前卫刹车后,赶上2你要去拉离合器制动器推出了根据MT和我不是一个玩家我带来牌照库克斯 693 a Your license the ro which is gaki which does not have The slope takeoff tsu te as for the fact that you say emergency brake pulling saying The clutch takeoff it was completed together Unless the emergency brake it pulls the ro where the bottom is the tsu chi ya u in rear The game mania no shelf which MT 厨 tsu te license of 2 does not have after all
                  • 430吨从那些谁经营转变,在关闭期间,尽管离合器 430 Because those people the clutch without cutting from MT age shift operate
                  • 693啊? ?我不带你的孩子朱达罗执照吗?它被称为山开始Daro ll仍然要根据议员推出2恩前卫和后要去抓住你一起拉刹车离合器和制动器吨,我不是一个玩家我带来牌照库克斯 693 a Your license the ro which is gaki which does not have The slope takeoff tsu te as for the fact that you say emergency brake pulling saying The clutch takeoff it was completed together Unless the emergency brake it pulls the ro where the bottom is the tsu chi ya u in rear The game mania no shelf which MT 厨 tsu te license of 2 does not have after all

                • 725 AT的什么人将是有限的,如果没有这样的美味时,需要的吨附表踩踏的罚款,甚至当我恢复到踏板踩 NULL
                  • 好吧,我301的AT的很可能是唯一的男人很少许可证是一个男人,我什至不能驱动MT是你正在增加 301 Well as for man tsu te of AT limitation it will not be rarely but as for license being increasing it does man tsu te that it cannot drive MT with the ru the yo
                  • 如果发现错误的意外情况,责任将机 人的责任,而不是让问题,在由于结构性问题 Concerning stepping on being wrong accident the machine to leave and not to be problem of the human leaving therefore the structural problem of AT
                  • 该加速器是Furaibaiwaia ECU的发动机几乎是从制造商的投诉必须按照控制原因,我猜的好 When the accelerator is AT with huraibaiwaia because the engine almost is under the managing ECU Even claim the manufacturer probably will be circumstances is to call corresponding

                • 974 «世界是陈“的士运气的,”她不能“或”不应该想好“形象的一个( ,所以会觉得现实世界中的形象,我 )”,并该司机认为»已和«“在车辆”驾驶技术的说法“,”不成熟的人“车乘”与失明价值的,司机»如果你是乘客“(咦?这的司机?瓦特( ゚゚д))) 974 In the ≪ world lt lt as for luck of the taxi “driving is good” or “it must be good there is the image” Image of the actual world so probably will be with you think but gt gt with that driver feels the ≫ te time At the same time The ≪ lt lt as for at car the car where “operational technology that much the person “immature person” who is not” rides gt gt with that driver doing the value attaching which is said when the ≫ it is In passenger “ that This driver AT w hu ゚ ” “ That This driver AT ゚ д ゚ Mosquito ゙ Khufu ゙ ru ” And so on with because it is not thought it painted with the magic
                  • 246这些谎言?不坏3踏板我做一个老的AT比其他的力量,我只是不认为他们只包括令人印象深刻的东西,他们用呢?平滑Shifutodaunritada G号,而不是永磁式缓速器,建成了标准的生活Shifutodaunritada制动功能下降迫使弹出一个计算机控制的转变 246 As for such lie Former times it is possible and rides in bad 3 pedals AT a little being convinced that with only the impression is not usable with just the ru shihutodaunritadasumusa As for G in place of the permanent local battery system retarder the down shift retarder function which produces damping force with the down shift which is due to computer control It is built in usually

                • AT是一本级跑车,所谓半,而不是为了一个液力变矩器,因此吨自动离合器控制的自动离合器控制,比家伙像极笨拙ü吨线更好地在Ku控制更好的燃油经济性更好
                  Therefore as for AT of sport car of this class, generally known semi AT… Not to be the torque converter, the automatic control of the clutch The feeling which being automatic, does the clutch control of MT The unskillful droppings AT where than MT of the person is better controlled as for fuel economy becomes good

                  • Chitchaku引擎轻型或攀爬交通352希尔,失去他们的行李区,我? 352 It is light tora or the engine being small when it is AT The baggage product it is coming out the slope it does not climb
                    • 48无级变速液力变矩器,似乎我用Wakenaijan ü 48 So is Torque converter and CVT how you use it cannot boil it is
                    • 车子和自行车进口车麻烦或麻烦的Bakkari The car and the motorcycle AT being the tsu temporary it is troubled The import car trouble it is ill smelling

                  • Gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 001。jpg格式TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 036。jpg格式TTP的: gigazine。太平绅士 IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 012。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 013。JPG的透视 gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 001 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 036 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 012 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 013 jpg Roentgen inspection
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 001。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 004。JPG的砂型制造 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 001 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 004 jpg Sand mold making
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 009。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 010。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 012。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 013。JPG的透视 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 009 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 010 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 012 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 013 jpg Roentgen inspection
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 028。JPG的缸 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 028 jpg Cylinder head
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 032。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 036。jpg和活塞,它连接到曲轴连杆 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 032 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 036 jpg The piston and the connecting rod which connects that to the crankshaft
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 057。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 060。JPG格式从那里我终于完成了 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 057 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 060 jpg Doing to here finally it is completion
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 061。JPG格式 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 061 jpg

                  • Gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 040。jpg格式TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 041。jpg格式TTP的: gigazine。太平绅士 IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 042。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 044。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 045。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 049。JPG的发动机试验台单独行动 gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 040 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 041 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 042 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 044 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 045 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 049 jpg Operational test of engine as a single unit
                    • TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 014。JPG的TTP的: gigazine jp IMG公司 2010 03 11 ferrari engine 铁 018。JPG的摩擦。加工石油而打的救济 ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 014 jpg ttp gigazine jp img 2010 03 11 ferrari engine fe 018 jpg 摩 While pouring the oil on for lightening cutting work

                  • K表说,它是如此的音乐飞嘿,国内阶级1.5健身/维茨遥感12RS · 3月波兰,瑞士和大约在同一价格范围比其他Korutorariato Demiosuporuto我开车数组K
                    Therefore it is pleasant with say K, don't you think? Fit of the [e] and domestic 1.5 classes/Vits RS and [suisupo] March around 12RS [demiosuporuto] [korutorariato] and the price range being the same The K car [tsu] [te] a little [are

                    • Musherarugon兰博基尼?这Murushie Murushierarugo Murushe?穆尔,石等拉莱多巴哥Murusherago姆鲁制度。 ゚゚。· ゚。゚(。Д )我〜哇,嘿,我们已经知道我,这样的车〜〜 ranborugini mushierarugo It is murushie … murushie … murushierarugo … That muru and muru … mu ru shi e ra go … murushierago ゚ ゚ ゚ ゚ Don t you think the д the u wa it is already knowledge and others the e such a car
                      • Musherarugon兰博基尼?这Murushie Murushierarugo Murushe?穆尔,石等拉莱多巴哥Murusherago姆鲁制度。 ゚゚。· ゚。゚(。Д )我〜哇,嘿,我们已经知道我,这样的车〜〜 ranborugini mushierarugo It is murushie … murushie … murushierarugo … That muru and muru … mu ru shi e ra go … murushierago ゚ ゚ ゚ ゚ Don t you think the д the u wa it is already knowledge and others the e such a car

                    • Mutame离合器踏板轻 ,有没有必要采取座位位置,如果电源晃乱淘金的困境 In order to step on kuratsuchipedaru correctly ride it is necessary to take the seat position which is not attitude is difficult to be disordered
                      • 但我不能调整踏板的位置是平行或不上油门,刹车踩 In order when the brake and the accelerator are not stepped on to become parallel position however we cannot assume that the pedal you do not adjust don t you think
                      • 鉴于Mutame离合器踏板,你需要采取正确的座椅位置,难以构成障碍 In order to step on kuratsuchipedaru correctly ride it is necessary to take the seat position which is not attitude is difficult to be disordered

                    • _NULL_
                      24 It chooses from here 9 Name: Name it is not the @ so it probably will go to the drive which is, [sage] Contribution day: 2010/02/19 (gold) 19: 49: 14 ID: rVvxDppc0 The domestic car which has MT setting [toyotavuitsutsu] Professional box, [karoraakushio], [karorahuiruda] and o lith, rush NISSAN March, note and NV200 [banetsuto], [teida], [teidarateio], [ekusutoreiru] and fair ready Z, skyline coupe HONDA Fitting, [shibitsuku] and [shibitsukutaipu] R Mitsubishi Colt and colt rally art version R, run sir evolution X, [pajieromatsudademio] [akusera], [atenza], roadster and RX - 8 Subaru In presser, [inpuretsusaaneshisu], in presser WRXSTI, [huoresuta], [regashii] B4 and [regashiitsuringuwagonsuzukijimunishiera] Swift, [esukudodaihatsubigo] The car which is MT setting in Japan is sold, 19

                      • 不限车,国产车你现在发售(不包括商业的唯一途径),并:精益求精(6MT可能)小于3.5万日元,约2ℓ跑车轿车下面,旅行车(1盒没有。)说,汽车是怎样的呢?特别是,如果阻燃
                        It is not the limited car, now presently being sold and by the [ru] domestic car (excluding for commercial business,), Below 5MT (6MT yes) approximately 3,500,000 Yen, 2& #8467; When the sedan below, (is not 1BOX,) it is the coupe and the wagon, There is what kind of model? Especially, if there is FR

                        • 五十铃尤其是独特的“经济学模式”已被编程,自动转向,如果发动机转速的燃油效率
                          The especially chair HKDRT as for individual “ECON mode” in the engine rpm limits whose fuel economy efficiency is good To move automatically and in order to shift gear, it is programmed

                          • 五速手动档汽车和I 2。副速或10吨,但速度吗?
                            As for we car Manual 5 step speed change & 2. It is plugged with secondary speed change and they are 10 speeds MT, but what?

                            • 亲吻的汽车无级变速器227生态,而是优秀无级变速器传动效率的麻烦,少气通常由耐用,即使没有良好的里程不多,无级变速器需要的支出,交流完全没有必要 227 Don t you think as for echo car CVT e As for CVT you say that it is superior in transmission efficiency but because durability is low with special care fuel economy being good Excessive expense catches well enough with CVT exchange

                              • 从吨查看详情缓慢加速转向攻击下一个5速,电磁离合器降档自动更多在分钟梅塔缓慢加速,效果强烈的鼓Enbure Rather than 5 speeds it keeps inserting with the accelerator loosening with MT The accelerator is loosened the one which being automatic with electromagnetic clutch AT down shift amount enbure is effective strongly
                                • 但是,人们可以驾驶手册在AT Burgers方程和权力有限,他们都不可否认的分歧 However the manual it can drive AT riding the ru person AT limitation there is the massive rock way barrel difference
                                • 即使在761绕组线,速度是AT 吨,因此, 761 Therefore in winding and in straight line as for speed AT gt MT
                                • 因此,即使踏板前2吨,涵盖了在国内法(在驾驶执照可以是有限的。) Therefore with domestic method AT it handles also 2 pedals MT with AT limitation license operational possibility
                                • 欧洲和发展中国家是不可避免的吨往往会忘记,即使是主流 As for Europe and developing country MT even main current to forget thing becoming tend there is no manner
                                • 这就是所谓的AT是不同的,我没有参与到目前的燃油经济性改善人类 With AT conversion the fuel economy improvement tsu te as for the fact that you say the tsu te strange no shelf where the part where the human cannot participate exists

                              • 但是,从目前的表现差异,应该换一个从城市车程,因为更换小
                                Simply because for the time being there is a difference of efficiency, the expectation which changes from the small-sized automobile for the town riding

                                • 例如说,国内部分,对AT和MT数量踏板他的尊敬
                                  If you refer to division of the Japanese country, AT and MT are distinguished at the number of pedals, don't you think?

                                  • 保时捷和交通拥堵都累吨卖给我,两人发言驱动tTA赢了?
                                    Being nonplused to capital city high procrastination, Porsche MT I who was sold win, group?

                                    • 兰博基尼和杂交种在未来10年。燃料是用85 V10引擎发达国家,发展中国家的技术进步导致通过控制附表气缸的燃油效率 ranborugini in the future in 10 years the hybrid car and The V10 engine which can use 85 fuel is developed You say that the engineering development which is connected to fuel economy improvement by the fact that the cylinder is controlled is advanced
                                      • 696的AT控制加速器和刹车时会现场,吨不需要额外的转变和离合器 696 If AT when with the scene which is controlled with the accelerator and the brake it is MT being the case that shift and the clutch become excessively necessary
                                      • AT是发动机转速,油门开,我从燃油喷射控制总量很 Because AT engine rpm accelerator opening has controlled the fuel oil consumption comprehensively don t you think
                                      • 据变速杆操作↓,所以我将控制转速 ↓ Adjusting to shifter operation it controls rpm don t you think so is

                                    • 冉的38名军事情报,军用车辆和坦克,现在我的AT
                                      38 The Korean troop intellectual viewing, the current military car and the tank is AT

                                      • 加速器212 还发现,做了错误的,他们在激烈的刹车灯事件,造成很少,在(可能)不是我,我喜欢这项运动模式的离合器相似了MT的变化,但它是错误踩从权力阻止,不太可能崩溃 212 That the accelerator the brake you step on and are wrong and almost it has happened with AT accident is good probably will be as for me Although it is sport mode like if it changes it is MT with to step on making a mistake because it can cut off power with the clutch it is difficult to become accident
                                        • 1盒轻型和轻型它像一只老虎,我仍然有可能会在1吨燃油经济优势 It is light when 1BOX and lightly tora is still in MT there is a predominant point at fuel economy however it is probably will be don t you think
                                        • 20 558上电Tteta年是最后采取更换峨科托是6MT NULL
                                        • 212加速器 刹车踩错了,如果发生事故,其中大部分因为我有一个坚硬的AT(可能)是,从离合器·吨,切断了电源在轻,但它是错误,不太可能崩溃 212 That the accelerator the brake you step on and are wrong and almost it has happened with AT accident is good probably will be as for me Although it is sport mode like if it changes it is MT with to step on making a mistake because it can cut off power with the clutch it is difficult to become accident
                                        • 299名女子,所以是不可行的,但大多数的人们 NULL
                                        • 955令人惊讶的Auris(花冠欧洲版5门)被误认为是古书面6MT这样我就卖给国家的车辆在一般真实 955 In unexpected thing the o lith the European edition Corolla 5 door the fact which is 6MT Normally selling in the country it is misunderstood that you write ru model on such wind
                                        • MT是为那些谁采取音乐或漂移的爱好,他们把我应该去追踪 The drift or the tune riding hobby for the person the position is in the circuit and should have solved MT
                                        • 今年3月,948辆Micra 160SR‥‥萘乙酸我从未进入日本spec m构成侵权,但1 5升:精益求精棕褐色,如果我买 948 But as for maikura 160SR infringement specifications what it does not enter to Japan it is With march 1 5L If there is 5MT but you have bought it is
                                        • 从1 3日,美国蒙大拿马祖决定这样做,你知道你我会更省油兰博基尼瓦特瓦特瓦特傻瓜傻瓜在你面前head m老,您以前 3 1 From AT MT being decided in the fuel economy calling the ro w which is the ru Don t you think as for ranborugini fool w As for the fool w which is you The head is old it is as for you
                                        • 从手工残留的引擎,于吃嗯志位齿更 Rather than the chin refuse operating the manual In the gear and is kinder in the engine
                                        • 你必须在地方,至少Eashifuta我,,,,是不是一辆跑车,还是我的U瓦特味道的气氛 At least to an air shifter rank the bucket Sport car AT tsu te w Don t you think atmosphere just you taste
                                        • 半比赛,他们都是以例子说明,禁止除思想调控是一件事情,如果你寻求一个半速度,但我明显优势 Excluding the example which is prohibited with regulation Thinking from the fact that the racing car becomes everything semi AT If speed is pursued it is clear for semi AT to be profitable
                                        • 即使没有离合器踏板和半专业的操作更快捷,如果前545 545 The top professional driving semi AT which does not have the clutch pedal is faster
                                        • 吨总是喜欢,但我试图在权力很大的MT系列类型,如果我是较早到达底部可怕的事情 Liking MT from former times but it is riding it is directly in the past family type it became that cod trade in value is terrible to MT
                                        • 哟运行速度是920 吨科托是的,我的意思吗?如果我没有理解 920 It does… It runs fast gt semi AT Running is enjoyed gt MT tsu te thing or e If that it is it is agreement
                                        • 困境的AT 761吨,我从来没有排除在于它从红色to ll真 761 As for me of MT because it has not been able to have made a foolish mistake in AT as for that deep red lie
                                        • 在每石初吨司机也将经历什么,自己用的假设完全相反 With all shichiyu the driver managing MT completely when it is ru tsu te prerequisite there probably is also reversal but
                                        • 在金刚山有限公司已脱离了思维,觉得生活要踢走的汽车销量将分别发言,谁在牌照采取的是不采取满足甚至牌照 AT limitation even MT license license making the kind of party take who is not taken satisfactorily was produced in order to be accustomed to selling the car you think that it rubbed
                                        • 如果你不希望被转移任意更改吨,让机器Shitakerya的AT(无级变速器)朱达罗 If selfishly being shifted being changed hate MT The machine entrust to do fungus ri ya AT CVT the ro which is
                                        • 尽管他们的摊位吨做法,而且我不骑平方米,当时我飞到丰富的音频Konaseru In MT Although it stalls even with the person who has been accustomed the rich person riding in a flash there are no times when it rides and can handle It is
                                        • 我实际上是在所谓的权力吨的模式,我经常要排队上下Wanakya手动齿轮 Riding in AT really with generally known MT mode manual gear down and rise the line wa there must be either a te frequently is
                                        • 我工作的一吨绞纱的最有效的发动机运行良好,但我没比AT Being able to use the engine most efficiently as for ru The wa which is AT which it runs more politely skillful than MT
                                        • 我的意思是177,AT和一张嘴我可以说,我不是很多人不知道有一个方法多种 NULL
                                        • 是的,双速4速827吨,在一些还 827 The u it is If there are also 4th gear MT There are also 2nd gear AT
                                        • 法拉利车队的东西,我很名为吨轮班当我跑得快,就是出售包括在更加动感 Ferrari something designating F1 shift being more sporty than MT when it can run fast Selling the ru
                                        • 然后大家Tenee东西搞成746,在机构间紧急教育我看到座位下的东西 746 Everyone doing so something greatly don t you think the e to do despising at riding or what don t you think the e
                                        • 现在和在AT联同47个欧洲货币单位,你让我从我们的生活是综合防治前的引擎 47 Now cooperating with ECU the engine and integrates controls AT is Becoming natural don t you think from the ru
                                        • 现在对我来说,我不自动使用仅出租车因为AT我只按摩无关 Now only the rental car for we which is not used Therefore automatic only AT the trap a which is not anything related to massage
                                        • 现在是284吨的形象已成为一个怪胎驱动汽车 284 Now becoming MT has become the image of the car where mania rides
                                        • 甚至没有赛车的AT Tashika已得到些什么?吨燃油经济性,没有一个是好,较长的时间延迟 The certain race lace private car to AT the tsu ke which is not converted Already old fashioned that MT fuel economy is better
                                        • 由于这些特殊的早期表现邪恶,并使这些经验有一次,难怪他们决定不使用整个事情是不 Especially because early efficiency was bad when you experience such of one time judging that all AT is not usable There is no excessiveness
                                        • 看到好的吗?我喜欢那部车Kusohaipawa,在欧洲货币单位,我要巩固公路控制通过链接到一个公开,因为它就是自杀机 It is good don t you think it is Such a kusohaipawa the car how Cooperating AT and ECU not to integrate and control the public road mere Therefore suicide machine
                                        • 设置完成与梳子,而且成效Enbure努力,但Enbure像一个有趣的运动效果余吨,为古模式的相似性的 enbure making difficult to be effective depending upon setting it is and or does but Although it is sport mode like if it changes enbure it is effective in the same way as MT
                                        • 这只是我刚才Terya驾驶学校在金刚山许多男人的蔓延,我想如果我把车开不 This much AT spreading don t you think the ri ya MT driving at only the… training place saying you think that the man it is many

                                      • 半电子控制到956万的AT我认为,只有疯狂。法拉利的案件Getoragufodo驱动tTA DCT和使用AMT的系统是什么意大利的公司?
                                        956 As for making semi only AT of electronic control when it is rash, the thought cup? In case of Ferrari when is, the [tsu] [ke] which is DCT of [getoraguhuodo] and AMT which used the system of the Italian enterprise?

                                        • 即使对于我来说说我的驾驶即使』的女儿和丈夫,我确实无法更好地只选择和更好的燃油经济性 Saying that we one fuel economy is good to that because also the wife drives if with it becomes only AT it can select the master by any means
                                          • 和 我的车,从驾驶』,即使结婚,丈夫是唯一的选择我不擅长 Because we car also the wife drives to that if with it becomes only AT it can select the master by any means

                                        • 取消一个人的?不能开车在街上,看到这一切我的齿轮卡兹千兆里程不希望在一个高速档低速驾驶乐趣...
                                          1 Manual abolition? You cannot drive with your own as desired gear, it is not funny With high gear fuel economy income with low-speed driving…

                                          • 古说,在金刚山邪恶骑,一个邪恶的优越感,因为我们的孩子喜欢古骑在金刚山说唯一的信息是不是从一个自卑的感觉
                                            The child [tsu] [po] it is and puts out the MT riding which says AT badly, from the superiority complex As for at riding which says MT badly, from wretched inferiority complex the shelf

                                            • 和优越的离合器不足,如果我看到了古宝马M3是驱动tTA快速Semiotoma认为我们得到的权力
                                              Steadily, becoming [semiotoma], if the [ku] the clutch the kana which is possible to be less BMW of superior Having placing in M3, you thought

                                              • 在Nechan,其他职等非常严重的类型上经前期综合征的制药公司,但我是药剂师把我推得薪金将GT - R的
                                                [nechiyan] inside, with extremely serious OL Serving in PMS of the medicine manufacture company, but the [ru] phermacist it has, GT-R of last type rolling, the [ru

                                                • 在他3月943 12RS的Micra C + C是更加有吸引力的比
                                                  943 In your own mark from march 12RS [maikura] C + C one is attractive

                                                  • 在这个意义上说,在约97%的Yunosukosumo什么?吨,并在日本汽车在乘用车总销量的比例在AT车的比例(%)1994 77 5 1995 2422386 3123984 3181286 2569253 3317955 2792197 80 8 1996 3233411 84 2 2820261 87 2 1998 2879940 1997 2525476 2000 2473548 87 7 1999 2646483 271 084万91 2 2341320 88 5 2555328 2747925 2001 2861203 2002 2712654 93 0 2003 2893001 2751974 95 1 94 8 In such sense AT yunosukosumo Being about 97 Sale quantity ratio of the MT car and AT car in Japan Year Car total AT car AT ratio 1994 3 123 984 2 422 386 77 5 1995 3 181 286 2 569 253 80 8 1996 3 317 955 2 792 197 84 2 1997 3 233 411 2 820 261 87 2 1998 2 879 940 2 525 476 87 7 1999 2 646 483 2 341 320 88 5 2000 2 710 840 2 473 548 91 2 2001 2 747 925 2 555 328 93 0 2002 2 861 203 2 712 654 94 8 2003 2 893 001 2 751 974 95 1
                                                    • 现在约有97%的是什么?吨,并在日本汽车在乘用车总销量的比例在AT车的比例(%)1994 77 5 1995 2422386 3123984 3181286 2569253 3317955 2792197 80 8 1996 3233411 84 2 2820261 87 2 1998 2879940 1997 2525476 2000 2473548 87 7 1999 2646483 271 084万91 2 2341320 88 5 2555328 2747925 2001 2861203 2002 2712654 93 0 2003 2893001 2751974 95 1 94 8 Now being about 97 Sale quantity ratio of the MT car and AT car in Japan Year Car total AT car AT ratio 1994 3 123 984 2 422 386 77 5 1995 3 181 286 2 569 253 80 8 1996 3 317 955 2 792 197 84 2 1997 3 233 411 2 820 261 87 2 1998 2 879 940 2 525 476 87 7 1999 2 646 483 2 341 320 88 5 2000 2 710 840 2 473 548 91 2 2001 2 747 925 2 555 328 93 0 2002 2 861 203 2 712 654 94 8 2003 2 893 001 2 751 974 95 1
                                                    • 通常在有限的许可,将在音频“MT是过时的!”我会说什么游戏的朋友是在什么MT是一个伟大的选择,我喜欢赛车运动的?即使游戏在AT它已经过了好使用 From usually with at limitation license having “MT old fashioned ” The tsu te saying the ru acquaintance But with the game supo car favorite what of MT selection being what If at favorite AT use even inside the game

                                                  • 基诺半Ronchikontororu一个破折号,如果信号903在(夏令或副秘书长)不是最好的速度
                                                    903 If signal dash semi AT of the [ronchikontororu] attachment (DST or DSG) is fastest

                                                    • 如今手表是手表或者手机490嗯,我指的问题并不是一个爱好或迷恋与非 490 Don t you think well… The current times when carrying becomes the clock substituting… Because the clock to see there is no meaning of attaching other than the glory or hobby don t you think …
                                                      • 490哦,是的!无损检测产品制造商除了这个任务是兰博? 490 Well so There is a manufacturer which stacks this mission in addition to ranbo

                                                    • 如果一个相对便宜的车,418宝马,奥迪,大众汽车DSG的每个产品我
                                                      418 When it is the relatively cheap car, DSG per BMW, Audi and VW the car which was stacked

                                                      • 如果你是一个人,我想你会被告知何时买或不买我可能吨卧铺火车带的蛋糕,我认为是古组成的相似性是没有的事有位古色的一点点,然后你,交通问题是不是我过去经常使用亚历克斯:声音 It is sad with you think but As for you that the mule which was said whether you buy MT which perhaps is not bought Being similar to something when you think that it is ru composition It is the bed train Being gone is a loneliness of tinge but as for you that when it is questioned whether you use the portable expedient which is not used
                                                        • 在金刚山厨房我螨得不到良好的驾驶里程比我更好?鄂如织成的笑,看到这一切 The MT 厨 tsu te your own driving fuel economy are better than AT still With being convinced you can laugh
                                                        • 如果你试图控制速度和齿轮只是一个加速器365 Burekipakapaka while开关该项工作作为一项艰巨的加速器 持有驾驶的AT可能是正确的做法 365 When it tries that will control the gear and speed with just the accelerator AT driving is difficult While like the switch turning on turning off the accelerator burekipakapaka Whether it is the operational method AT being correct to do

                                                      • 如果该文档是那么好得到的DCT离合器踏板在两个沃塔手工做的课程四人帮我想想我可以吗?刚刚Dorimuzukamutouru
                                                        So if the favorite the manual if DCT the manual should have been operated is Of course with clutch pedal 2 It is to call to [wota] it isn't exactly at that extent? Just [dorimuzukamutouru

                                                        • 希尔开始Assist是921,我觉得他们几乎用的例子吗?其中还包括华润- Z的
                                                          921 As for hill start assist good adoption example it is many, it is it isn't? It has been attached to also CR-Z

                                                          • 当年轻人不在身边,但我会带婴儿潮一代,自从驾驶学校毕业生的AT 吨我,但我现在的问题,不是吗?美浓吉见义明 As for the time where the person around the nodule is young having however the ru since automobile school graduating directly AT gt was MT now the ro which is the problem tsu te place of the taste
                                                            • 如果年轻人围绕当时的婴儿潮一代,在 吨我,但我现在的问题,不是吗?美浓吉见义明 As for the time where the person around the nodule is young however AT gt it was MT now the ro which is the problem tsu te place of the taste

                                                          • 我不喜欢同样的效果时,停车Enbure 213古→s出塔拉自杀爆炸速度来就轻了不要以为放缓vehicle包装等恩戴的Burgers已执政away你徒步的踏板蠕变常数阿姨说,我会跑出去这么蠕变担心吨半踢它燃烧时,我会离合器在集群中运行,但总是 213 When enbure one constant speed it comes out with kind of AT which is not effective the foot separating from the pedal running with creeping the ru it is the ro which is It is with between the cars being plugged when you try to decelerate you step on and make a mistake gt suicide bombing terrorism Running also when parking similarly with creeping it becomes so from the ru But grandmother MT inside running with semi kura it is worry when the clutch burns from the ru
                                                            • 3吨,是一个工作,我将离合器更省电的轨道,甚至模仿如何成熟,并推出如胶成为恶魔在错误的集群恼人一半的时间要滞后之间的你,我仍然不够灵活吨Kikan The clutch less 3t track truck riding with work until the ru is connected when departing time lag the u tsu is distant forcing The error demon conversion blotch with semi kura wants also imitation it is to be possible to do don t you think still about MT the adaptability coming can

                                                          • 我不需要我从一个爱好得Haitsu,吨说我喜欢厨房球迷,我是不可能的古芮达物凄
                                                            In brief it is in category of hobby and therefore [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru] reason, MT 厨 with saying, it is unrelated tremendously to fan,

                                                            • 我只想在金刚山和兰博基尼也将是把它关系瓦特瓦特你喜欢什么,我可以把两种牌照,大 ranborugini how it probably is MT only to that but it probably is AT but it is relationship it passes and puts out w License having to large sized two kinds the te and such it is even w
                                                              • 353辜老的AT咸工作的穷人,这将是比现在更好Narana吨 353 It is old and the yo tsu pa it is if AT If now is better than MT which unskillfulness operates probably will be
                                                              • 57没有,什么在扭矩从无级变速器端午端午比我瓦特 57 Well when something torque converter AT is it is CVT because it is relative w
                                                              • AT的壁炉,但后Ganganshifutodaun家伙从美国Zasou Tsukanai刹车灯,但 But AT it shifts knocks down Because the brake lamp it is not attached but the person of rear so the u za

                                                            • 我只能说,这意味着小公共车Wareru ll不买东西你用来谋求以提高舒适性和豪华车,但他们· · ·没有业余爱好,而且在吨领域,然后闪烁不这样做,甚至没有活着的留 With saying the comfort the luxury car which is sought and the small sized popular car which is used in shopping as for meaning however it is not don t you think … With making the chi and others hobby MT survives in only field may the kana which is not

                                                              • 我在国内生产DCT的身边,这是对的GT - R?传统的AT Torukonbesu半甚至是一个字...
                                                                Being domestic, DCT stacking, as for [ru] about GT-R? You talking semi AT of torque converter based [regashi].

                                                                • 我在旅途中从贪婪茹754香烟or m有磨喝咖啡,但我会用你的手机来浏览和操纵 754 gatsugatsu from the tsu te which it runs The coffee you drink and or the tobacco inhale Nabi operate and or carrying would like to use it is
                                                                  • 也可以漂移,扩大机离合器操作,还可以跑得快的 Also it is possible the machine the clutch will operate but to be able to do also the drift separately and to run fast

                                                                • 我开始意识到那夫人的AT满意,我开始在街上骑
                                                                  When starting satisfying the town riding with AT, It became - the [tsu] [te] you were conscious

                                                                  • 我有一个506车队,但已恢复不是那么好规范到旧的模拟,因为什么危险从更高效的电子控制,甚至取消一些司机的前 506 How electronic to control efficiency is good even F1 excluding the top driver of part because… The specifications rising to remainder therefore danger however the 戻 tsu chi ya tsu te it is in analog of former times
                                                                    • 那一刻我看到了简要行码头和范围探针上月采取的蛋糕 When last month it goes to the old searching It promptly decided instantaneously looked at the scope dry dock

                                                                  • 我说你不能躺在权利Warota山启动或手动拉在一旁?
                                                                    If slope takeoff side pulling it is not, amateur [warota] which it is not possible As for your right foot manual?

                                                                    • 排减单位和顺利尾巴消失苏白痴的道路上,汽车的功率越少,我会伤害你从市场二手离合器,只有好处 The tail the fool who is slipped goes out with road surface and the clutch riding in the car which is damaged even from the old market the ru It decreases and there is only a merit
                                                                      • 排减单位和顺利尾巴消失苏白痴的道路上,并使用更少的汽车市场也伤害了我的离合器,只有好处 The tail the fool who is slipped goes out with road surface and the clutch riding in the car which is damaged even from the old market the ru It decreases and there is only a merit

                                                                    • 新鲜需要时间,但Tteta权力的汽车牌照手册说,台岛Waretara是不可能实行现在的权力 As for time of the license collection however it is riding in the manual car ride after so long a time to question when it is said Unless you practice the excessiveness

                                                                      • 无保证金石川好他们只有一年的交流后,30岁的老一代将改变222,你看,是不是连你?蜘蛛为什么我喜欢这种流动仍然很长一段时间 222 What it tries that the generation of the old person probably will change just made 30 years later 1 years later there is no great difference if and that extent the ro which is recognized is even with you and Therefore as for such flow those which follow to long term
                                                                        • 我想我会在汽车电源288多一点?我不是走在他的脚 288 Riding in the car there is no great difference at ru point in time it is it isn t You be able to walk with your own foot

                                                                      • 最初5年现在我的权力汽车或MT什么家伙实际上是少? But first 5 years AT cars riding now MT what As for such person being little
                                                                        • 该转换器是不是很清楚,我反对485吨Cooks m茹喜欢住 485 The MT 厨 to which is fights with the shifter well from the wa is like it stays

                                                                      • 来吧驾驶那里,进入了33名军事征兵问题生死攸关
                                                                        33 Because there is a draft system When it enters into the troop, as for driving the car life and death problem

                                                                        • 梅辛193 DCT的尝试能够通过目前的覆盖面只有在没有电子设备可能会
                                                                          193 When past the article it tries searching, DCT without adopting the causing [re] which makes current e-gear only it is

                                                                          • 正常巴士或巴士145,研究4 2 这是1 3 5?的汝巴方频繁,地方和发射,发射率近两个转变,真正的时间滞后分钟,他们看到我并没有从一档到二档输入 145 When it is the shuttle bus or the normal bus R 2 4 1 3 5 Becoming don t you think It rides in the shuttle bus of local end often but when it departs with almost 2nd gear takeoffs by any means from amount and 1st gear which have the time lag of shift inserting in 2nd gear you have not observed at ru
                                                                            • 这一普通巴士或巴士145,研究4 2 1 3 5我变成什么?当地的汝常平巴士,我看到的速度将推出近一个双速或者他们可以不 145 When it is the shuttle bus or the normal bus R 2 4 1 3 5 Becoming don t you think It rides in the shuttle bus of local end often but when it departs with almost 2nd gear takeoffs by any means from amount and 1st gear which have the time lag of shift inserting in 2nd gear you have not observed at ru

                                                                          • 汽车驾驶员(试点故意)的开发难度吨 在第一的大桶,凯塔也觉得很好看的障碍,民政事务总署下的控制,Imasuta或者类似熨斗邪恶凯塔 Automobile operation being able to meet operation degree of hardness MT gt AT If with you put The hurdle of AT development and operation being good to lower being bad… Such a thing is thought it is noshi
                                                                            • MT是仍然低迷,我恨交通拥堵,快速或陷入停滞,只是当我难过,因为它会与你的重点或好运气 MT is languid after all procrastination of high speed hate it is it becomes therefore unskillfulness ira being attached at the time of the ru being hasty at the time of the ru it stalls immediately and
                                                                            • 这踏板吨2你是什么意思?没有人板栗的现象,有什么不同? It does with thing of this tsu te 2 pedal MT the yo The person who does not have chestnut phenomenon it is different
                                                                            • 驱动tTA制造笑而不损失西甲日产的无级变速器,我想我看不到有任何驱动tTA市场上以及我的意思是,吸收力的时间,否则想在日产濒临破产的驱动tTA wwww NISSAN purimera it fails it to be possible in CVT laughs that it says was defeated You think that it could market well with that at that time before the NISSAN bankruptcy sun size Wwww which you think that there is no being disgusted ya excessiveness

                                                                          • 法拉利的象征,五取得意大利工艺使发动机12缸发动机锭从第一个开始在溶剂残留量
                                                                            The Italian craftsman art which makes the Ferrari symbol and V type 12 cylinder engine The engine making starts from the place where first the ingot is melted

                                                                            • 海温是同一类型的车车是女儿,但仍然很容易使用无级变速器CVT的是适合,但讨厌的NaA
                                                                              But the wife the SST car of the similar type car, the fact that it is easy to use after all is CVT but… as for CVT of fitting hate

                                                                              • 特别是,兰博是,如果我有是的,这是非常沉重的离合器权力 Especially when it is ranbo where power has been abundant it means that also the clutch is very heavy
                                                                                • 557按应急按钮,但我希望他立即停止训练 557 The emergency button pushing the streetcar should have stopped directly but it is

                                                                              • 现在和过去相比,如在燃油效率方面的相似性方面的性能吨的考虑,而认为不是一个方便,几乎什么吨,在距离你的优点是很容易好它是免费的没有错,Ru和奥巴议员你看看权利或司机电话交谈,而对细胞没有太大的交通十字路口,在金刚山我觉得这个位子井
                                                                                Now when in the efficiency aspect and you compare to former times in the point of fuel economy, you think that the predominant [tsu] [te] of MT almost it is not, On the other hand if of convenience is thought, AT being superior from MT, as for [ru] you are not wrong Simply, while in the crossover where the traffic density is many speaking by the portable telephone when the [oba] driver which has turned right you see, We of the MT riding which at [tsu] lever you obtain and - with you think

                                                                                • 现在,越来越多的癌症患者都在积极采用碳纤维Ry的
                                                                                  Adopting the carbon fiber positively More and more from now on the cancer patient ry

                                                                                  • 甚至我的私人261无级变速周一纳卡足够逃跑,但· · ·持续存在的问题,我不无如果思加百千万亿马力小排量汽车无论如何 261 But one for we owner occupied home CVT it runs the distance of the extent where becomes problem it is kana… Only the small aerodynamic volume displacement car which does not have which being full horsepower it is stacked it is to put out
                                                                                    • 吻218是无级变速器的环保汽车?生态类型的汽车运动,无论如何,除了一小排量将成为SST的主导 218 Don t you think as for echo car CVT e Every being full echo car and sport type other than the small aerodynamic volume displacement sooner or later SST probably becomes main current but

                                                                                  • 电力电子器件的AT Ttetara这个类的关车将有很大的差别,如果你正在运行成
                                                                                    It probably is AT, but the car of this class riding, turning if it runs to cod electronic device OFF it means very thing

                                                                                    • 电磁离合器405机器,所以我工作的离合器吨,顾不会改变的有效转移Enbure 405 Therefore MT where the machine operates at tsu te clutch of the electromagnetic clutch Without shifting changing enbure it is effective
                                                                                      • 761的AT是如此尴尬的香椎限制?但我不认为你想羞辱 761 AT limitation is shy so However you think that there are no times when you are shy separately
                                                                                      • 如果你开车不坏的工作或粗糙而阿克塞尔在金刚山无级变速长于“以上”这 If unskillful driving whose accelerator work is rough AT from MT rather than CVT is already “on”

                                                                                    • 的AT(自动变速器)古转达没有直接转矩离合器变速器DCT的滑动比(双)技术,因为 AT the automatic transmission compared to there is no slide Because DCT which conveys torque to direct the dual clutch transmission and the like there is a technology

                                                                                      • 离合器扭矩和正常的AT和MT 414给出的绝对出塔拉我想对汽车的双重使命配备了 414 Loading normal torque converter AT and the mission of 2 systems of clutch MT when it comes out the car You think that it is good but it is

                                                                                        • 科尔内打破愈合〜413&车打入角落,而出现下滑,而后轮滑动功率带控制点的最高转速轻松涡轮声反应在加速器,会同处理微妙排除只是一个轻微的角落柜台驱动器只,只驱动器在全速通过在我们的一个角落里出口面积与转速 413 While heel to with shifting knocking down with corner invasion it invades the corner Turbine sound is pleasant at response highest rpm of the power band everyone and others the rear wheel While controlling slide with delicate gearing of the steering wheel and the accelerator To run with counter feeling and come out the corner in the corner exit in reburimitsuto Applying you run with the full throttle and come out the corner
                                                                                          • 在较低的转速运行,他们将有助于广泛的问题稍微安静,室内和室外 In addition travelling at low rpm contributes to also silent characteristic largely regardless of outside the interior room

                                                                                        • 自动摄像机将是愚蠢的,你Otomachikkubaka车,你看,作出更加准确和方便Kuotsubaka Also the camera makes automatic foolish and it makes also the car automatic foolish and Even the clock being more accurate makes the convenient quartz foolish and
                                                                                          • 什么是真正需要的运动吸收半自动,没有问题 tsu te request there is no it absorbs and problem by any means sporty with semi automatic

                                                                                        • 自杀攻击,因此您能迅速和你提出很多有意还是ü认为他们很快took ll他们的手放在你的状态拓谷脚在踏板上控制在任何时候,消失蠕变可以在一定程度上解决与邮轮什么也遇到Hirukuraimuashisuto程度的残余也许 Creep turning off the foot position it is in the regular pedal and you think that it is quick to put in a state where it solves Even now occurring intend about the ru it puts out and may it be possible directly However perhaps it is cruise control it can cope with suicide bombing terrorism Hill climb assist is the kana which should leave also convenience

                                                                                          • 行驶在附近的轮胎抓地力的AT 吨我限速
                                                                                            At speed of travelling near the limit of grip of the tire AT < it is MT

                                                                                            • 跑车里程?这种差异Udaro不适,而不是分裂的沉重闹事,我s五十铃诚实地说,Navi5早期古是一个耻辱,20年的喷射 In sport car fuel economy Extreme strange feeling As for ro this which is different and is Making say difficultly and honestly that you divide The chair HKDRT 20 years being quick to put out Navi5 it was regrettable
                                                                                              • 389 NAVi5 驱动tTA但是,道路已经是前几十年来通过我的 389 But NAVi5 lt that is the road which I passed already several dozen years ago

                                                                                            • 进一步改进驾驶感觉的车Easasu所有驾驶条件和智能化,传感器检测梯度和负载能力,使智能自动变速箱齿轮阶段,确定了最理想的情况,而驾驶在“经济学模式”与
                                                                                              Also travelling feeling improves under all travelling conditions with making intelligent Furthermore, the sensor inspects slope and the loadage in the air suspension car, way judges the optimum gear step according to the situation which is in the midst of travelling and shifts gear automatically It was made intelligent loading “ECON mode”

                                                                                              • 除了表达他们发现踏板轻脚车,踏板转移2无论它们手柄,您有三个踏板,吨古,处理,
                                                                                                Excluding the stepping type parking pedal, if the pedal 2 as for speed change method regardless of AT treatment, If the pedal 3, similarly MT treatment

                                                                                                研究 開発