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To ETC mileage abolition with introduction of upper limit rate system


  • 334编号:zxYjLpd60点并非完全不同的原因,我会陷阱一极大的不便,家人分享使用多卡在
    334 ID: The reason is different from zxYjLpd60, but as for not being able to point not being able to sum up Sharing plural cards in the family, using, the [ru] the enormous inconvenient trap

    • 371黑色的企业,我会做没有这样的危险→韩国将创建名片?第一地点等从未在从没有折扣的方式,唯一的政策的Koreans m 371 Don t you think gt dangerous Korean enterprise something where black the card it can make at enterprise Therefore in the first place there is no ETC with as for how discounting for the Korean policy what
      • 371黑色的企业,它会让我的名片是不是韩国?第一地点等从未在从没有折扣的方式,唯一的政策的Koreans m 371 Don t you think gt dangerous Korean enterprise something where black the card it can make at enterprise Therefore in the first place there is no ETC with as for how discounting for the Korean policy what
      • ·手续从六十○公里表现 小时→四郎危机不是一个缓慢的速度在常吕彻 Therefore as for ETC the high performance the fee place it can pass with 60Km h because gt it is dangerous proceeding slowly margin
      • 公路驾驶ETC1000微风,不是对我意味无上限本身施塔特哈勒采取将2 000日元日元 In order to run the highway swiftly it probably is ETC1000 circle but they probably are 2000 Yen but upper limit system itself Unless it cancels there is no meaning
      • 是什么手续的里程,每点的50日元,使用权的办法机制,可在8 000日元在1000点自由 As for ETC mileage tsu te the mechanism where with utilization of 50 Yen you can obtain 8000 cyclotomic free passages with 1 points and 1000 points

    • 4 我试开凯塔良好的生活,但我不能买第二辆车鄂如五年前更换,驱动tTA最终买了一个常识性的汽车太昂贵,但更昂贵 Although the second car is replaced 4 5 years ago it has testdriven in life but don t you think it was good simply price being too high because there was an expensive impression the standard sized car was bought after all
      • 831 我很流利汽车在正常贷款人,严重的,因为如果我使用低价 831 gt The generation car tsu te it is flimsy even by the standard sized car because the cheap article you use it is terrible
      • 我的贷款人能说流利的820车通常,并不严重,因为我用低价 820 The generation car tsu te it is flimsy even by the standard sized car because the cheap article you use it is terrible

    • 467加油站或日圆疲弱的时间有25古快餐税,这是太多,但我认为公路阅读元 467 But the gasoline station at the point in time when tax 25 Yen of fast food does not become cheap you think also the highway becomes like this that you could read
      • 或停车,或加油站,快餐建设要先行或 Parking zone gasoline station drive of fast food through

    • 762停止&Go和它的收费环境,加快手续更恶因达减速车道的白痴西西不要让他笑
      762 At fee place STOP & GO acceleration Deceleration of the ETC lane either one is bad to environment, it is, w It can amuse, is, the Mo 迦 w

      • [研究] 80%的自由速度“的建议,我认为违背的诺言” - 产经新闻
        High-speed free conversion plan 8 tenths “you think that it is pledge violation,” - the product sutra newspaper

        • →日报→非手续只在周末的所有型号,只有在车辆→一般的国家只有一部分,它确定以外观,但不知道这个国家的整个底部发现了自由 Only general vehicle gt to all the models Only earth day celebration gt everyday gt There is no only ETC with OK And as for portion of countryside no charge conversion If you see altogether Japan it is visible in only reduction
          • 驱动tTA等设备和讨好公众利益,该部Demonbane公路特许权不会你要我瓦特頑張苏敏 Dresses up the general people the 咆 吼 of the ETC right road right diplomatic relations economical right side which the feeling calling w It is to see it does we want persevering

        • ○入口处的公路扩建,我已经使用的社会资本,使其能够减少交通挤塞和经济损失
          It increases the entrance of the ○ highway, now is Using social overhead capital effectively, procrastination and the like Economic loss is lightened

          • ヽ布鲁诺:ヽV网络网络。 苏网络 │ ,,美 ° ::: No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92
            • NULL ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ku ku pu To do my me ku ku pu su ku su │ Because the highway it converts free su ku su │ su tsu Poll it may in the Democratic party w su tsu 92 ku pu No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92
            • 为了获得自由,政府当局采取的唯一的字后Ukabanai我认为他们破坏了它的崩溃,日本来制定不同的 After from no charge conversion administration you took the varieties invents That me chi ya oral ya Only the Japanese collapse tsu te word you come to mind
            • 城市地区无它 我想我是最好的常客谁是永远不会取消,但他们让出祈祷书的小围栏 No charge conversion as for the urban district however was written on also tsu te mani which is excluded small Never expelling opening stopping to mileage the ro which is thing what which someone desired
            • 如果你没有,所以我知道特别适合公司,但不利于交通之间的“口袋”中,我认为开放驱动tTA支出快,司机是不 Because it is procrastination when being in time however you thought that high speed you use with” our stomach” In other words with no charge conversion there is no especially merit in the driver however the company does and others is not
            • 民主党人不能是自由的,对不起我的意思是,每个人都说有没有 With you say or cannot convert free being it does and the wooden pail me it is calling the Democratic party no one is said don t you think
            • 里程如何摆脱? !这不是允许我真正解除自由的价值你说的话 To mileage losing Free the tsu te which is converted saying te price hike it puts out You cannot permit truly

          • 一旦你获得100点在结婚后贮一点,否则!当然,这类索赔方面也出现了coming ll认为他们 Unless so it is when 100 point storing it waits with the rear 1 points you get married it is With thinking the ru person claim it probably will come naturally and
            • 一旦贮你要结婚了 我的里程1000点 When my mileage 1000 point storing it waits you get married it is…
            • 你已经得到了人们谁是我的,我认为甚至贮明年将是1000点 Thinking that in the future in 1 years it becomes 1000 important points saving even the ru person it is therefore it is
            • 否则,一个点100分!当然,这类索赔方面也出现了coming ll认为他们 Unless so it is when 100 point storing it waits with the rear 1 points you get married it is With thinking the ru person claim it probably will come naturally and

          • 一旦取消,最高收费介绍,这一点我是谁运行卡兹井范围常常在结束时,电梯和可观 If it is abolished upper limit rate system being introduced running short distance frequently the person who makes the point In other words it reaches substantial price hike
            • 一旦取消,最高收费是介绍,你有一个点卡兹井我经常旅行的短距离,并解除实质性 If it is abolished upper limit rate system being introduced running short distance frequently the person who makes the point In other words it reaches substantial price hike
            • 我是一个积极的人,但我是卡兹井点频繁的短距离跑,用来通勤Tteta Running short distance frequently the person who makes the point The wa which just is we you use in commuting

          • 下五个损害其飞行常客驱动tTA的公司,这是不承担责任 Five companies do not owe responsibility altogether concerning the damage which the mileage register person sustains because of this
            • 下五个损害其飞行常客驱动tTA的公司,这是不承担责任 Five companies do not owe responsibility altogether concerning the damage which the mileage register person sustains because of this
            • 下五个损害其飞行常客驱动tTA的公司,这是不承担责任 Five companies do not owe responsibility altogether concerning the damage which the mileage register person sustains because of this

          • 不知道我不知道我要说690,我会站在我的努力正在取得了同步的搬运工在这一分钟,你的生活? 690 Whether something would like to say at all it is from the wa Your life that fool Consisting in regard to effort of this amount shipping agency the ru it is
            • 不知道我不知道我要说690,我会站在我努力了其搬运工愚蠢在你的生活? 690 Whether something would like to say at all it is from the wa Your life that fool Consisting in regard to effort of this amount shipping agency the ru it is

          • 东京,名古屋等,以207状态,没有 御殿场83日元至2,500元。 Kimahen达到7公里,100公里
            207 When Tomei ETC it is not it is state Tokyo > Oi Matsuda 1,850 Yen 57. 9km Tokyo > Gotenba 2,500 Yen 83. 7km 100km be able to arrive, the [ma] side

            • 什么是142 200公里,至少几百英里,而不是2000日元limit m不是到IC?最终,我会Uhauha其他长途驾驶?我并不需要花费少,这是一个真正解除一些部长和其他手续考虑穿着锐瓦特 142 Unless several hundred kilometer tsu te about 200km it goes at least the ze which does not go up to IC of upper limit 2000 Yen Don t you think finally other than of long distance travelling uhauha The expenditure which does not need it decreases and also the minister of state is substantial price hike ETC attaching the ru it is and regards w
              • 你通勤未来集成电路2 000日元,但我想我将使用一个球电极到www行政失当的世界在这里wwwwwwwwwwww With commuting using up to IC of next door although the ru whether 2000 Yen www It becomes extreme misgovernment here of public shelf wwwwwwwwwwww
              • 如果解决的百分比收费制度,每763量等等,我将降落伞Uhauha权利?我并不需要花费少,你会说我从部长的实际价值和电梯很 763 If commission system of fixed ratio around liquidation amount don t you think ahead order exerted from above of ETC right uhauha The expenditure which does not need it decreases and also the minister of state calling substantial price hike therefore the ru it is
              • 至少有几百英里,我不限制142 200公里至2000日元,没有太大的墙?最后,长途比升降机价值,旅游等考虑穿着锐瓦特 142 Unless several hundred kilometer tsu te about 200km it goes at least the ze which does not go up to IC of upper limit 2000 Yen Don t you think finally other than of long distance travelling uhauha The expenditure which does not need it decreases and also the minister of state is substantial price hike ETC attaching the ru it is and regards w

            • 什么是有221这样的情况下?我没有从根本不在乎什么原本也使用比果 221 Such details met it is the tsu ke which is In the first place because either haika was not used the wa which is not made at all the air
              • 手续没有忘记这个故事和新闻界忽略当前系统哥里摩托车猪枪权利 The ETC right pig the cancer gun ignoring the two wheels the details which gori push the present system You forget it is it is not

            • 从党茹,只好坐在国会议员的秘书被逮捕3人,即使我将有647逃税净化
              647 Even when evading taxation, the private secretary being arrested, 3 as for the party where the Assemblyman who remains stays compared to There is self-purification, don't you think?

              • 从民主政治的嘴唇一,被愤怒,他们嗅觉Usokuse(JoJo的Ketara民主的胜利,打开盖子机管局站,愚蠢白痴的联合政府和鸠山与小泽专政的折扣和非水基脚宝龟井 当地雇员伸展
                [usokuse] smell [punpun] has done to proboscis politics of democracy empty ([jiyojiyo] AA abbreviation When you open the cover, Hatoyama of democracy overwhelming victory, and Ozawa's dictatorship and [aho] Kamei of [aho] with coalition government and foot pulling of off base not seeing [po]

                • 他们不希望在风暴或你的车辆恐惧? ?最后我穿什么,因为我想我会碰到打破,货币价值的东西在车内无人看管或没有这样做,把正在做的手续,然后再删除该卡每次? Your onboard storms we do not fear Thinking that we attaches what and passes and after all the spots is torn from the ru As for those of the gold eye have tried not to place in the unmanned car Credit card each time of ETC you removing the ru
                  • 手续是不相关的NEXCO徽章第一个星期日西方NEXCO,南非20%的产品毛重志位结束愉快或安静,我也收到租金鄂如儿童伤亡 日本邮票拉力赛 There is no anything related to ETC but NEXCO west Japan First Sunday SA commodity 2 discount is delightful plainly The Japanese in NEXCO of GW or end of year stamp rally the child receiving is good You can receive also the badge and

                • 他们说,因为我不知道原因井的腿上笑笑我尝试打开修补程序包含Madashimo令人兴奋的,如果我哄笑516 516 The gahaha tsu te laughing excitingly if opening it is rather Therefore with the implication laughing it is from the wa of meaning excuse concentration …
                  • 经济正在放慢了!哄笑!粉扑,粉扑 Now business with deceleration Good Heavens gahaha potsupo

                • 你不知道为什么车不享受优惠的待遇,如道路占用同一地区安代快速降低税收已故DQN insulator m只是你从司机分心? ! !
                  Although the same area is occupied even on the road Tax the cheap high-speed generation cheap automobile is favorably treated lightly with something, it is from the [wa] You are slow therefore and only the DQN operator it is disturbance what! ! !

                  • 你永远免费,要么等或资助的失业救济和儿童福利,这些有价值的完整性和你所拥有最好的魔幻烟熏没有明显的成本挂? NULL
                    • 我给他买了手续发动手我有先见之明或没有更好的股票! ETC the person who is bought There is no discernment of foresight Don t you think stocks or the hand the one which is not put out is good
                    • 等等等等,唯一一张牌,但我不认为这是错误的,因为他们只有信用卡 Therefore the ETC private card tsu te ETC private credit card however you think that there is no mistake
                    • 要手动从手续! (不知道什么政策民主党人想要做最聪明的劳动力成本挂魔法 From ETC to manual operation kiritsu Although the labor cost tsu te most expense catches policy of the Democratic party which does not know at all whether how we would like to do…

                  • 你那是自由党的高速收费公路免费魔术,而他们讴虚假欺诈
                    While high-speed no charge praising, the error to demon to convert with no charge conversion of the toll road and the [ru] fraud political party

                    • 免费,快速像你说我Takuse德克萨斯州奥斯汀,但很快被淘汰里程或者你可以梳公路卡免费门票种兔! Losing the capital city high speed coupon ticket and the highway card Although instead it was mileage So being something which can be abolished simply Furthermore high speed no charge you say in habit
                      • 且来到原住民种族在海湾大都市臭狗屎瓦特356 是很容易理解 356 Lie attaching kuso native Even when the capital city high even in the gulf it is dense in running and Is easy to know w

                    • 其余债务将在未来的无子女的,对不对?电梯或加税的权利?一个乞丐?阿延○?
                      In order debt not to leave in the future saw, As for price hike and tax increase the [ro] which is proper? Being the beggar? Being ○ [yon]?

                      • 取消现有的折扣,并解除了用户的价格大约近距离,清单为2009年的选举(宣言)公告束“在开放的公路,”可能要面对批评和相反 With the abolition of former discount focusing on the short range user to reach fee price hike House of Representatives selection manifest of 09 years Administration pledge with it put out when it retrogresses to “highway free conversion” it probably will put out also criticism is
                        • 我也取消70短程中型很好,如果你觉得平日也用ü距离人民长期与真正的交易 70 Short distance and medium range are price hike substance With the person who weekday is used profit feeling does in case of long distance

                      • 取消现行制度的折扣,“缓解措施动乱”,只要10年,优惠折扣,即每一个通宵目前的5(仅市区)和通勤优惠(仅限农村)和3我几乎有一个强连续卡车行业,我求折扣高达每月3次,这取决于继续金额“打折多将频大” Among the present discount systems which it wholly abolishes as a “sudden change relief measure” only 10 reality Nighttime discount of resident in 5 discounts only the urban district with commuting discount only the local section the ho which is made 3 discounts respectively Track truck industry requested continuation strongly it makes maximum of 3 discounts according to month amount utilization amount “the large amount multi 頻 It continues degree discount”
                        • 取消现行制度的折扣,“缓解措施动乱”,只要10年,优惠折扣,即每一个通宵目前的5(仅市区)和通勤优惠(仅限农村)和3我几乎有一个强连续卡车行业,我求折扣高达每月3次,这取决于继续金额“打折多将频大” Among the present discount systems which it wholly abolishes as a “sudden change relief measure” only 10 reality Nighttime discount of resident in 5 discounts only the urban district with commuting discount only the local section the ho which is made 3 discounts respectively Track truck industry requested continuation strongly it makes maximum of 3 discounts according to month amount utilization amount “the large amount multi 頻 It continues degree discount”

                      • 只有加强排放相似的环境税增幅491(精巧
                        491 If discharge increases with that, environmental tax just is strengthened, ([kiritsu

                        • 四郎四郎手续假日至1000日元的各种奖励,这个新的利率相比,例如那些在交换引进认为,前提是取消一结束,我觉得值沿 In various favorable treatment steps of ETC in margin holiday 1000 Yen margin if you think that it was the prerequisite which sooner or later is ended By comparison with time before these introducing as for the latest new fee in price hike the viewing way the air
                          • 手续四郎推进,即从每分钟替代四郎比果里程折扣,我不能说因为我不认为取消了秸秆的政府更迭没有方向的 Because it was the nuance which is called to margin and mileage substitution of margin haika discount amount on ETC prepayment This as for tsu temporary administration did not change and however you think that also the te became direction of abolition
                          • 手续折扣或里程在一定程度上是因为该公司将降低成本,以高速公路,你不这样做公司支付高速公路 Because ETC discount or mileage becomes expense reduction of the highway company The highway company bearing a certain there are no any which should

                        • 在5年的金额手续个人认为学习和里程超过10万
                          Privately in these 5 years as for the amount which [toku] is done you think with ETC and mileage that 100,000 it exceeds,

                          • 在一周时间状态你有一个122免费乘车,轻车主如能充分集音频胜利
                            122 If the status where you is a unearned income at weekday spare time, at the same time it is light the automobile owner complete victory group

                            • 在任何情况下,手续德塔有限优惠待遇我基本上无忧伸长手续,传播目的,传播推广,很可能已被取消后的时间,无论如何,我总是知道 Does favorable treatment step of ETC limitation basically at that time has been restrained in something the spread promotion object of ETC Spread how time being abolished it is not strange the tsu te you have recognized directly
                              • 在任何情况下,有限的优惠待遇德塔手续伸长担心,我基本上是促进的目的,手续的时间,很可能被取消曾经很受欢迎,总是知道什么 Does favorable treatment step of ETC limitation basically at that time has been restrained in something the spread promotion object of ETC Spread how time being abolished it is not strange the tsu te you have recognized directly

                            • 城市地区232和2000年必须有限额内的不圆?如果是这样,它的收费从厚木到另一个,它唤醒2,000日元受益的将是我第一次每行限制了富士发布
                              232 Big city suburban section becomes outside application of 2000 Yen upper limit kana? If we assume that is, therefore to Atsugi another fee, going to around Fuji, the [wake] shelf which for the first time can receive the benefit of upper limit 2000 Yen

                              • 如果以后的矫饰更多信息,但现在它的怪异听,城市地区进行区间1000日元,假日,但大约30%的折扣,现在全市(包括神和东名)举行的2000极限高点他们将结合他们在排除 If after the detailed person is we would like to hear but is But now as for the urban district deviating from 1000 Yen section as for holiday about 3 discounts The urban district of this time as for high speed generation such as Tomei and name God outside the object of upper limit 2000 Yen encountering kana of the ru
                                • 如果你成为一个目标,即使在城市地区的人是2 000日元,现在的价格几乎是滑稽Waranai If it becomes the object as for the person of the urban district reaching 2000 Yen now almost price does not change

                              • 如果你看看下打702的电梯速度是浪费,溃疡,给出一个借口,看看埃泰搬运工托运人的运费低得多的价值 702 If high speed does reduction price hike wastefully that much giving the excuse of freight reduction to the shipper the shipping agency collapses
                                • 在这个意义上说,他们已经接近总承包商,要知道,没有交通,我们认为现在的大型公共工程项目,几乎没有实际的意外 In such sense it is close to also the earth building but because almost there are no public works projects in transport unless it is large accident there are no either times when the actual condition is known

                              • 尽管相变化,手续ORSE系统布拉本身的区别克祖根据对利率敏感的其他组织等u003d邪恶之间的支持者排除伤害洙我这样的傻瓜,我妈坚实的思想短我穿什么自来水,这本身就是做各种组织的官员和他同样或层,这是没有降落伞Kusubeki没用的你是闪烁或不罚款不仅停止与你的头脑思考。你

                                • 峨谎言似乎Oshaburi什么粪便451像获得市民的民主,他们是邪恶的白痴捕鱼打开它的投票 451 Droppings democracy being attached the tsu te lie which gives the fact that it is oshiyaburi like to the citizen Fishing to that vote the fool who is inserted is bad
                                  • 民主党粪便451 m期待傻瓜才会这样想,我会 451 Also the droppings Democratic party so probably has expected the fool who is thought but

                                • 当你去Tteta下免费如果你要求我们必须承认之前就已经开始快速确定1000七三二日元即使折扣传递给普通人:带薪→Creca m s的A 手续车辆装备卡日元购买了大约3000把蛋糕马苏Creca→来吧 等卡的工作板上单位免费的吗? → 等单位需要船上的证书蛋糕免费Creca工作或点或礼物卡→Creca 等单位需要的工作板上蛋糕免费卡? 1000日元及其他手续快速启动补助金 芮达电梯等设备的车辆流量→车店 732 If 1000 increase in yen value speeds immediately before starting to you make recognize simply When descending giving to the old boy discount OK The tsu te it is the ze Normally the charge gt When the kureka ETC card it makes The load machine you can buy for about 3000 Yen gt When the kureka ETC card it makes Load machine no charge gt When the kureka ETC card it makes Load machine no charge Gift certificate or point gt When the kureka ETC card it makes Load machine no charge 1000 increase in yen value speeds ETC subsidy start gt Car shop load machine price hike It is such flow
                                  • 378之前,如果你问你去当设备穿越车辆确认并通过了一个折扣,老人是确定我会说什么我闻到人 378 When rising before if you make recognize by way of the load machine When descending giving to the old boy discount OK The tsu te saying the ru person was is

                                • 快速动神价格:来上班,晚上 如果伴随着剧变30公路使用%折扣在部分路段的年救灾期间的没有,我政府introduced一天一个新的最高rate在6月充分了解该系统 High speed road new fee In nighttime commuting 3 discount with… sudden change relief within year Attendant upon the part section free conversion of the highway government introduces into June whole aspect of the new upper limit rate system which 1 days you understood
                                  • ×○取消手续与收费开征里程限制到取消的手续,交通记录,个人信息不会泄漏离开降落伞 × To ETC mileage abolition With introduction of upper limit rate system ○ To ETC abolition With this private information such as transit record becomes unable to first leak order exerted from above

                                • 我们将带走一个行业收费系统的工作是从朝鲜半岛自杀,因为它是黑色的,要降低票价,以支付转换船员的工资管理人员绝对不会看不起 Therefore the origin black the industry where peninsular system keeps taking work at freight of suicide behavior the freight which goes down transforms to allowance of the crew the manager does not lower his own allowance no matter what

                                  • 我将166卡手续,也为工作所做出的任何数量的公司卡图像,所以不要弹出里程其余款项为事先并用它来支付相同的价格确定,即使是好的工作的人迈尔只有三分钟,他们做行重复使用所需的手续,你想我从一卡可以注册?和私营企业,那里就会发出同样的里程 NULL
                                    • 大都会471折扣平日从丢失,当骑在高周在首都,如果手续载人一般弹出门卡支付相同的价格也行,即使是好的人,让他们的工作,但我觉得 471 Because it became without capital city high weekday discount when capital city high riding in weekday If it tries to produce the ETC card with the manned general gate OK If the same fee you pay securely it will have working even in the person that you think but is

                                  • 我的意思是只有手续万维网内扬我死了党对民主的严重
                                    ETC attaching, don't you think? [ru] meaning - it is www Die being the Democratic party serious

                                    • 我说的自由,因为太快,resources m而来?我是狗屎了
                                      Even high-speed free conversion saying, from somewhere in the revenue source the [ru]? The [tsu] [te] it is pointed out awfully

                                      • 手续只奖励积分或学分 哎呀,他们支付的原高速信贷行,所以你不必成为不仅是载人门实际上通过,,,,手续供应商发出破产有关的上限不得 The benefit of ETC became just an important point of credit Therefore from the te or the origin as for high speed credit payment OK substantial the manned gate Because the not passing te it is completed becoming As for part manufacturers involved in ETC eaves common bankruptcy shelf

                                        • 打折期间通勤NEXCO网站“,2011年3月31日,”我说,我去过,也不会连这问题? TTP的:/ / www.tokutoku - etc.jp / etc_full / 02。网页
                                          In the sight of NEXCO object period of commuting discount the [tsu] [te] is clearly written to “2011 March 31st”, but it is, the reason which overturns this? ttp: //www.tokutoku-etc.jp/etc_full/02. html

                                          • 把戏结束了!这是致命的,复苏都市比果做票!
                                            It is to act playfully! Then make [haika] and the capital city high coupon ticket revive!

                                            • 服务区,其他手续,但只有一个这样的出路,Aiunoha啊,但the成本高,因为有效的无人值守,if收集的价格,从麻烦我忘记工作在他们的效率,我不知道 NULL
                                              • 茹的转变也能痛在一周的假期也ETC1000在限制缓和拥挤的只有一小部分的效力,因为它们已被证明在密集的周末,几乎才圆 As for being possible to shift holiday at the place where also weekday makes the upper limit as for little ratio only without being Because it is proven with the centralized tsu pu ri of consecutive holiday of time before the ETC1000 circle this procrastination relief Almost there is no effect

                                            • 本州四国联络高速 - 运输 - 用于高速标准型车的价格上限3000日元在6月[开始10 / 04 / 02]
                                              The main island Shikoku connection road 3000 Yen standard-sized cars High-speed fee upper limit system [10/04/02] of June start

                                              • 本州四国阪神高速公路有限公司手续高速公路股份有限公司西高速公路东日本高速公路股份有限公司,结束在日本的公路里程有限公司条款(手续频繁飞)第28届Gozyou公司等里程要退出通知订户里程结束日期前6个月 ETC mileage service Condition of Use East Japanese highway corporation Medium Japanese highway corporation West Japanese highway corporation The Osaka and Kobe highway corporation Main island Shikoku communication highway corporation End of ETC mileage service 28th provision As for five companies when it ends ETC mileage service to 6 months ago of end day in the mileage register person It notifies
                                                • 我们应该怎样做这38卡将耗尽Orimashi圣人2010 04 02(周五)10:23:42编号:tCvQJw7 更多 通知 How it was completed this 38 As for the card we having run out sage 2010 04 02 gold 10 23 42 ID tCvQJw7 One… gt End of ETC mileage service gt 28th provision As for five companies when it ends ETC mileage service to 6 months ago of end day in the mileage register person gt It notifies

                                              • 民主党人甚至不死刑,而是一个守法的国家法案渴望的不是没有承诺或保留娘家姓或投票的外国人进一步解除几乎收费或加拉汽油以下,休假背叛,和美国,什么是紧张?这些是
                                                It keeps being betrayed in democracy Either gasoline cost does not go down and high-speed fee substantial price hike Furthermore in foreign carrot administration or surname classified by married couple or the bill which is not pledge enthusiasm Although it is constitutional government nation, it does not do either capital punishment, America awkward Being what? As for [kore

                                                • 没有其他手续费用已经回到石器是一个确认,在悬念只有官员,我什至不能强迫任何人的命令
                                                  The ETC authorized personnel says joy and sorrow just has done with,… Although you attached, the money return the [tsu] [te]… well, everyone forcing and ordering not being done, inhaling

                                                  • 没有悬挂的557多? 1,100日元1,000日元阪神都市圈城市桥梁1500日元〜1000日元神东名?不圆?
                                                    557 It does not catch more? 1000 Yen bridges The Osaka and Kobe metropolitan area 1100 Yen - 1500 Yen Name God Tomei 1000 Yen National capital region ? Circle It is not?

                                                    • 混合收费公路和自由区,猛虎组织计量和大都会,并认为他们推出的折扣刺激环保车,在拥挤道路使用收费仍是自民党expected向峨增加的诱因中的积极方向的ETC民主党人推动的不便,试图传播大多数非等在负方向 Existing together of free section and pay section capital city high and the Osaka and Kobe meter rate system introduction of echo car discount When of those are thought after all as for congestion of the fee place it is expected that it increases The Liberal Democratic Party propelled ETC with favorable treatment step plus direction The Democratic party unless it is has been about to spread ETC with inconvenient 0 direction
                                                      • 470溃疡免费的手续的苏Tteta觉得这是不可能认为反对派进行实质性的好处时,如在电视上报道,这是意外 470 As for no charge conversion thinks that it is unreasonable The fact that it crushes was outside supposition to the merit of ETC When it reports with this television you think that suitable rally comes out
                                                      • 90高速车程,周围的百分之良好,只有你你是等?该手续已经兜售一和传播新一代拉伸,即使金额手流哈希是已知的,什么是不喜欢他们试图收集顶端使用费从快瓦特 Well high speed approximately nine tenths of vehicle which rides attaching ETC the ru it is the ro which is Already ETC spreading with profit induction being able to know the multi 寡 the ru it does new extension generation Gradually fee receiving from the user the tsu te story which you will collect it is not w
                                                      • 当地居民已购买瓦特从旅游门票优惠券店如手续是通过所谓善意的行车拥挤的地方没有他们经常接触的人 Because the person of local end runs the coupon ticket purchasing with the gold note shop passes no one ETC lane the te The tsu te where the usual window is congested w which is praiseworthy about to say

                                                    • 现在42岁,父母梁用的汽车,兄弟姐妹薄古野我会Peraiyatsudaga
                                                      42 But the [a], as for we attaching to the car of the parent sibling the person whose old field electricity is thin

                                                      • 现有的303芯片。包括IC外观低层,聪明。而我的进度,手续无法使用,除非该集成电路。意义,你增加的费用减少方面存在什么样的结果并没有相关的福利待遇也许 303 Existing I C Downgrade is included smart I C Advancing conversion If it is not ETC I C which cannot be utilized When it increases The merit in the fee aspect decreasing as for meaning of existence perhaps you can discover
                                                        • 我错过多少是无论如何无任何公路等并没有成为不必要的,对不对? So When margin highway free conversion keeps spreading to either one As for ETC the ro where it is the case that it becomes without necessity
                                                        • 现有的309芯片。包括IC外观低层,聪明。在我的进度,手续不可用,除非该集成电路。意义,你增加的费用减少方面存在什么样的结果并没有相关的福利待遇也许 309 Existing I C Downgrade is included smart I C Advancing conversion If it is not ETC I C which cannot be utilized When it increases The merit in the fee aspect decreasing as for meaning of existence perhaps you can discover

                                                      • 田径1000日元,如果你想进入埃泰是透光率更换轻型卡车和没有电梯太快速的,我觉得做事时,自民党的利益博时井我要取消整个地段,是多么 米愚蠢 It is light even because it does not increase to high speed We want replacing the fee of the track truck lightly If 1000 Yen tracks trucks however you think that the various merits are large As for those which were done in our people age it abolished entirely saying The do just it is it is foolish what ……
                                                        • 在这个国家的白痴是什么希望,现在轮到我来投票埃泰考虑我做什么我的头被认为是在精神发育迟滞 The fool of this country a little it reaching the point where you think with your own head Thinking whether how it should have done we want it reaching the point where you insert your own one vote

                                                      • 电梯,而不是自由的,消除了各种折扣,你将最终瓦特━━━━゙忠诚不是它会合作纳门(#..゚)鲁阿━━━━!
                                                        Instead of no charge conversion marking up, there is no various discounts, whether to point service end w Don't you think? it is to lick, - the [ko] ゙ ━ ━ ━ ━ (the # . . ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ [rua]! !

                                                        • 看来,一个可靠的方式来释放更多的面值648%的速度万维网申报汽车运行70个,但都会区Tsuka 10等我们已经说什么设备,什么是他们真正手续樟脑免费的吗?如果你是一个疯狂的朱达罗...
                                                          648 In like free transit declaration book reliable improbable shelf www Although high speed of the handle national capital region 7 tenths of car which it runs are already said the ETC equipment end [tsu] [te], being serious, ETC being the air which is lost? When we assume that is, is instructions of insanity the [ro]… which

                                                          • 稻城Oohashi过境时的610,但不幸的是他们支付折叠微笑,我觉得折扣高,因为它是推动手续的情况下如长途旅行中,没有这样的手续是用S受益绝缘体,没有意识的选择区间,现在的最佳时间是PA对南非的手续,如果我不使用免提茹使得更多的时间来缩短距离,因为只有一个门口 610 When crossing Ohashi Inagi regrettable if happy present raw you pay and but run the benefit of ETC where the extent discount amount which it runs becomes high When enjoying being able to meet there are no times when it selects the kind of section which cannot use ETC at the time of long distance movement and nowadays Because there is a ETC private entrance in PA and SA because furthermore headway shortening is possible there is no hand which is not used

                                                            • 等待,不要上班和深夜折扣优惠的社会实验?里程我认为这是必然的效果并没有被废除或不相关的交通,不是吗?
                                                              As for nighttime discount and commuting discount social experiment the [tsu] [ke] which is not? When there is no procrastination effect, abolition becoming, however you think that there is no manner, The [ro] which as for mileage is not relationship and is

                                                              • 等等等等,不是因为它是废除废除里程
                                                                ETC there is no abolition, the [te] Therefore ETC mileage service abolition…

                                                                • 编号:女+ dPoqM30楼高的地方,我不知道美国的首都
                                                                  ID: Capital city high of the country of somewhere you speak f + dPoqM30 probably will be

                                                                  • 要设置422率,集成天线423感谢您,但我不认为这是排除无用,现在我分开等大部分的天线?排除或不这样做,其他手续也没有保险和古峨公路补发新卡的效果可以在介绍自己的位置,取消公路卡 422 The extent which is made fee setting thank you 423 Unless it pulls out you think antenna one somatotype that it was useless but now Almost it is the antenna amount mold release When it changes to the substituting highway card which abolishes the highway card with the not pulling out te calling and ETC introduction what insurance are times when it is effective
                                                                    • 540 etc您不必使选举在卡片韩国反对 540 The ETC card the Korean measure which cannot be made does with necessary something the yo with election measure
                                                                    • 603首先,全线政策一致呕吐我快,手续什么都没有做的民主党人现场Bakkari没有 603 In the first place the policy ze which tries that the Democratic party probably will do at high speed is the bu Unless there is ETC actual place doing and others those which is not the re it is tsu temporary what don t you think
                                                                    • 797手续Idaro Ttena实际使用!我想否认说或赎回意向 NULL
                                                                    • 估计数是包含在其他手续或说什么,我不能从一个身穿更换峨车一车 ETC being attached when it changes to the new model car from the ru car you do not call at all and also the te is included in estimate and
                                                                    • 假期都在升降机等,在大量交通收费不使用他 In consecutive holiday after being marked up does not utilize ETC the person who at large number the fee place large procrastination
                                                                    • 因此,我不知道从其他手续,Shiidaro绝对正面覆盖兴趣里程的价格更快乐和诚实的会计 Is from the wa of reason of the right being covered from ETC mileage the one which with cheerful accounts is made honest fee setting absolutely is correct the ro which is
                                                                    • 志位长的时间,即使我曾经在一个重要的非汽车安装汽车安装的,即使我的大门永远致力于手续往往只有一 The equipped car exceeding the non equipped car substantially it is long passing how long in spite as for ETC exclusive use the gate which is only one is many
                                                                    • 手续发出这样的政策是更好的,那么你敢不敢把政策等不可能在非泥泞 The kind of policy where the one which has ETC is better being able to meet ETC there is no problem with unreasonably the ri the policy which pushes
                                                                    • 投诉不作为一个系统不能在取消手续比果预付,以便有可能是抱怨里程不再存在 As is not complaint with haika abolition ETC prepayment system being possible That becoming abolition in order for complaint not to come out mileage was possible
                                                                    • 根据362高速公路回避?关越它不是像小东名手续线 NULL
                                                                    • 现在,您不必外出很大的价值没有很大的折扣,这东西啊手续升降机 No umbrella a Such you do not make an excursion and there is no either ETC discount It is substance enormous price hike don t you think this
                                                                    • 相似的投资考虑的手续,谁投资都在复苏了 If of ETC is thought investment the person whom it invests has collected oh with while saying
                                                                    • 等“只”适用于优惠的价格,而且我认为这是不合理的思考,我认为这一点是,即使获得绝对离开〜 ETC “only” as for the generous treatment price which is applied how thinking you think that unreasonable painful brown it was state but you think the point that it is possible to leave but it is
                                                                    • 等等 特别假日 假日1000日元高速公路11★ Highway holiday upper limit 1000 Yen 11
                                                                    • 里程手续引入或者取消该卡推出高速公路 Being introduced instead of abolishing the highway card with ETC introduction is mileage

                                                                  • 让他们知道他们会Baiin我看到夏天都在民主党参院选举?我要去竞争力的大屠杀1个席位中的非是一个谎言谎言一样会被击败像去年大选的胜利
                                                                    Being able to show to the Democratic party with House of Councillors selection of the summer, don't you think? it is? Great victory of the House of Representatives selection of last year seems like lie, wiping out, Lie like wiping out, to compete with non reelection parliamentary seat, the [chi] [ya] [u

                                                                    • 设备ID和680等,等的不是身份证?然后计算出中心,对不对?

                                                                      • 该国的响声的收费获得的心情,但这个城市可能会派上用场,如果你不需要漂亮,时间等是,不要这么不景气,你就会到达我们准备星期五之一不想把几年前 If at the fee place of garagara of countryside in the feeling which profit is done however perhaps it does not need In the city the treasure it will be well enough ETC The time the money the money preparing is one by one transferring that such a ma mud tsu filter of the tsu te it is Because we would not like to do you attached several years ago
                                                                        • Do ll屁股了罚款,但包括101名,收费是收费的浏览器,可心情,感受得到的里程看到网站 101 It is small it thrusts but at the fee place it does not become the feeling which profit is done The bill seeing looking at the sight of mileage it becomes the feeling which profit is done
                                                                        • 也许你不希望在该国使用费城市的拼杀非常有用的,是你一时间等由周五提供前几年从这样的疼痛,屁股要做到这一点,将其传递重视 If the fee place of garagara of countryside however perhaps it does not need In the city the treasure it will be well enough ETC The time the money the money preparing is one by one transferring that such a ma mud tsu filter of the tsu te it is Because we would not like to do you attached several years ago

                                                                      • 这不是连手续总部的民主改革然后不便降落伞的白痴谁使用恨
                                                                        That compulsory entire Motoyama reformation margin the Democratic party ETC 憎 it does and with makes the user inconvenient the fool

                                                                        • 这是一个有点恼人,有442连接东京,易于使用,但它加倍惊奇质量瓦特四百四十九瓦特 442 Don t you think it is easy to use there Simply don t you think it is connected tend and difficult in Tokyo w 449 Even in picture quality doubly surprise w
                                                                          • 这是什么ーーーーーーーー他们的孩子并不重要,不是吗?449 449 This of what The ro which as for the child who is in the foreign country is not relationship and is

                                                                        • 这是一个高中孩子的单亲免税额不明白自由的意义,抑郁和自杀打田津手的钱我们的国家广播公司和日本自定义的动作,如果没有民主的婚姻东西更criminal m失控人人都会生气的东西我把颜射成员Koroshitai

                                                                          • 选举公民从东京都议会是在对528压倒性的胜利,只是你很可能像果酱是多么大的民主党

                                                                            • 通勤折扣,折扣假期和假日的时间来买东西,他们避免了往返市区的交通挤塞,但相对较短,朱达罗Tteta留给用户的手续的权力,将一半的公路价格我将是一个重大打击
                                                                              The [ro] commuting discount and holiday discount should leave, But relatively short range, avoiding the procrastination of the road, in commuting time and shopping of holiday In the highway which with ETC becomes fee half price it is riding it becomes the shock which is suitable to the user

                                                                              • 里程年4月获得通过,因为明年我是积极的,它甚至没有按比例减少的过程中,并低于1000点贮我,如果至少100点 Therefore as for mileage to 4 ends of the month of the next year when it acquires effective what At least that 1000 points even under 100 pointing it was saved even if process doing with proportion distribution restoration margin

                                                                                • 问题是我并不比普通汽车有害气体的里程,然后轻去那里高大许多类型的模型通常不能驱动有点吓人 Problem fuel economy is worse than the standard sized car it is don t you think then lightly however the back high model is many just a little we fear this type even by the standard sized car
                                                                                  • 新的最高税率系统,最大2 000日元一段较长时间,即使汽车的平均行驶里程 As for the new upper limit rate system travel distance becoming long by the standard sized car 2000 Yen the upper limit

                                                                                • 阿公路开放゙马塔?(·∀·) 当地雇员/奇恩奇恩凵☆⌒
                                                                                  Highway free conversion [mata] ゙ [a]? (∀ ) [tsu]/凵 ⌒ * Chin chin

                                                                                  • 除酱油,如果你阻止我很多旅行的风格,他会! 凸(..゚)γ - 〜〜〜什么是你Ekobubu自豪排减单位购买1000日元高速公路运行池田感谢老师!我只听到从目前的话题古有困难!
                                                                                    When and others it operates disturbs subject it droops fully, letting flow! > Convex (. . ゚) y - ~ ~ ~ With the favor of large Mr. Daisaku Ikeda it can run you can buy proud [ekobubu] at highway 1000 Yen, it is! Because subject letting flow, it is grateful hearing!

                                                                                    • 顺便797押金(保证金)不预付但未
                                                                                      797 The [tsu] [te] or deposit (the guaranty money) not to be but prepayment

                                                                                      • 驾驶无政治 - 到 - - 4★早在2010年财政年度,如果克惹
                                                                                        If - it is quick to driving school gratuitous conversion, within 2010 * 4

                                                                                        • 高五,什么税,以支付安装费确认像我这样做几乎没有什么好处的手续! ORSE拆除他们在返回的钱!等等 - 在我杀它比果。修订→我有一个里程优惠取消
                                                                                          The high money, that substantial tax like setup fee paying, whether merit nothing of ETC which you attach! ORSE dismantling, the money return! However [haika] it abolishes, if ETC before. There is discount, -> abolishing, deterioration to mileage

                                                                                          • 麻生太郎一〇二日元超时3万亿美元的基金,提供优惠的驱动tTA已经使用了2 5万亿5000亿日元是造成意外操作,因为一旦公路建设,跑出削减我晒黑 102 Aso era among 3 000 000 000 000 Yen of revenue source which is prepared in discount as for already using 500 000 000 000 Yen Because remainder 2 500 000 000 000 became to turn to road construction the revenue source where it discounts was attached the bottom it is
                                                                                            • 你是如此沙哑使我能在这Tteta利用外资基金的孩子?子女免税额,因为民主党 Uses in this also the revenue source in the child of the foreigner having he grows hoarse it is with to do the yo With consequence of child treatment of the Democratic party
                                                                                            • 因为他们是自由之前,对不对?梅罗字典我慢慢地从一个严重的财政资源?因此,这是耀西河内 Because even you no charge the revenue source are harsh stop the tsu te going simply the ro Therefore it is good being this

                                                                                          • ( 人 ) (心计划) ー ヽ human Concept 92 REPT
                                                                                            • 电子泰克 itetsuku

                                                                                          研究 開発