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“Current 35 years old, former times compared to annual income 2,000,000 decrease. Therefore” the editor of the book which you cannot get married, “getting married, it is not accustomed happily! Voice you gathered”, the ★2


  • 146性别反正你如果你曾试图扔掉她的童贞,甚至援交恩戴丽系统,他们遇到的?我自己,我是处女,是位爱与婚姻,以满足性欲是处女抛弃驱动tTA特热带来兴趣,我觉得它有良好的无所谓 146 Temporarily the manners it encounters and asking even in the support intersection woman who to system is if the ephebe it tries throwing away We as for the time where it is the ephebe with the purpose which satisfies sexual desire had interest a little in romantic love and marriage but The ephebe throwing away re te such a thing the wa which how becomes good
    • 也是33岁,她不螨不日历年龄,但处女 Being also 33 years old still her with the calendar age which is not furthermore the ephebe
    • 也是36年来,螨不是没有日历生涯,她并没有年龄,但业余处女 Being also 36 years old employment history it is not yet her with the calendar age which is not furthermore the amateur ephebe
    • 也是46岁,她不螨不日历年龄,但处女 Being also 46 years old still her with the calendar age which is not furthermore the ephebe

  • 208二步日本军队二战前。从它是万能的,在脚的重点方面的来源,“我殖八濑现代定义我,因为我从”举例说,国家政策,与我埋孔一如既往,所以我不得不死于劳累过度频繁班邦已被滥用更在工作场所它已被作为国家力量的地位
    208 As for pre-world war 2 Japanese military step. Because it was universal principle, from side concern as a resource of the infantry “bear, increase”, in national policy If you say to modernism, being more used hard at the workplace, overwork death has occurred frequently the van van empty always the stopgap national policy Being coerced as, passing

    • 303艾希纳卡伤心,希望婴儿的出生率低于认为,如果人权得到尊重,他们的配偶或子女
      303 If sad kana, the spouse and child human rights are respected and to severe punishment are converted birthrate of the extent child who is done goes down

      • 32岁东部。如果她不是在所有年轻,8.5万个就业机会和收入在25岁东京,从农村到小药房
        32 years old East. Remote region Small preparation pharmacy In 25 years old switching jobs from Tokyo, annual income 8,500,000 The completely young woman is not

        • 330什么样式不同的感觉呢?对于男人来说,如果他们不作一个孩子,但我觉得幸福是更有可能作出不通过婚姻或同居 330 Consciousness is different to some wind For the man if the child is not made the living together and commuting 婚 may become happy However the air does
          • 正如预期的不同生活在一起,我会感觉都经历了327结婚 327 Entirely however you experienced Living together and getting married consciousness is different and the tsu pa

        • 529,无论是大学教育的挑战,高中是清楚的,我会走出去无情地清除以前的课程
          529 As for the obstacle university when will have done elbowroom education to high school, without pardon level before elbowroom? And others it puts out

          • 590 不自信的年轻人石窟他们可以作出自己的孩子,他们的父母让我 590 Or there is no self confidence designating that the parents make yourself as their own child
            • 590 不自信的年轻人石窟他们可以作出自己的孩子,他们的父母让我 590 Or there is no self confidence designating that the parents make yourself as their own child

          • 696 不再相信,只有在下午行Roiho平日,但没有一个女人调情与另一名男子?事实上,已婚瓦特清楚,可能是可笑的,但已使单瓦特质疑学生是否一直在紧紧什么什么精神 696 When gt there is no self confidence go to roiho in weekday daytime As for that the housewife the reason which has been done even in the other man and fickleness w That as for marriage the absurd causing re it is certainly w But celibacy working mentally hard because some and having lived because some With it reached the point where it asks question to self
            • 为什么你有紧张的428结婚前,身穿与线程的关系始终?如果你不觉得这样真实的独身 428 You with anytime being stuck in sure related to marriage the ru are with something If truly celibacy principle such a thing it does not do

          • 793出(笑为你在同一水平相当),我宁可死,如果我结婚瓦特 793 Well enough it does at the same level laughing If you get married the one which dies is better w

            • 797“我不认为它是古色”,而再见,古Narukara我们的父母高度依赖于一个人的子女占,但我真的不想念一个人石窟 797 “You do not think that it is lonesome ” it is not to be because degree of dependence to the parent around the te and child one person becomes high Actually it is not lonesome it is
              • 女性对男性经济的依赖和对工作的国家如日本志位罕见的世界(香港妇女不这样做,也有例外,等等) About Japan the woman as for the country which economy depends in the man being the world is unusual as for Hong Kong as for the woman it does not work And so on there is also an exception

            • 842领取福利。我会帮我家伙在采取^ ^保证金要求关注的主题
              842 Welfare receiving. Margin taking fear in condition, the [ru] person it was, die the ^ ^

              • NULL Opening being repaired if it keeps living it is easy As for others there was a wit that in we it is gained on the stock market but “the good year doing the one person two person of the woman how miserable it is not…” with thinking whether ru it is from the wa We itself “being able to utilize we income in full bear the ease which the e ww married person tired tsu is done doing thinking sir plug ww ” the ru it does w The salary which you make by your with only the how pain which you use by your or Although freedom we like the celibacy generation when marriage how it does regular mutual supervisory state gaki we dislike and The merit which marriage how is done is not found with maji
                • 我不得不踢它在它自己的机智应变柱,只是没有感觉 There was a wit that in we it is gained on the stock market but the we itself the air had not been attached

              • qNZQkgbi0你就像自觉地悲观的家伙德塔比赛我已写信给董事会非常加藤 As for the person whom qNZQkgbi0 likely only pessimism has made our conscious excess Kato writes matches contents to the bulletin board just
                • NGID:KUfy3ofX0什么?什么?这是关于锅,我并没有说有多少分钟壶瓦特细则 NGID KUfy3ofX0 Obtaining What The a bo it is what you say amount can or w

              • Tatte没有人可能是地位,是任何东西,而是一个爱好婚姻,孩子不想赚更多的钱是花了,太多甜埃塔愚蠢这样的事情就像住在一个暂停 How if the gold you do not get married oh not to be passed passing regardless the gold can be bet on with on hobby more The child we would not like to do to make we would like to stay at moratorium Such it is the sufficient the fool who presumes is too multi
                • 但我可以说123人被一个傻瓜不爱往下看人类处理,并未 You say even with 123 but the human who does not fall in love to despise to make foolish the human to be done to handle because the lever it was not

              • _NULL_
                1 - Average annual income ranking of TV station employee (from 2006 securities report calculation) 1 rank, Fuji Telecasting Co. 15,740,000 Yen (the average age 39. 7 years old) Employee several 1384 people Sale 593,400,000,000 Yen Operating profit 58,700,000,000 Yen 2 rank, TBS 15,600,000 Yen (the average age 49. 5 years old) Employee several 190 people Sale 306,600,000,000 Yen Operating profit 16,400,000,000 Yen 3 rank, the Japanese television 14,320,000 Yen (the average age 39. 8 years old) Employee several 1116 people Sale 346,600,000,000 Yen Operating profit 28,500,000,000 Yen 4 rank, Asahi National Broadcasting Co. 13,650,000 Yen (the average age 41. 3 years old) Employee several 1128 people Sale 249,300,000,000 Yen Operating profit 17,000,000,000 Yen 5 rank, TV Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd. 12,190,000 Yen (the average age 38. 5 years old) Employee several 669 people Sale 119,700,000,000 Yen Operating profit 7,000,000,000 Yen - As for annual income of that woman analog? With news salary differential of the mass communications which are not taught - Annual income of the principal mass communications employee of Japan Educational background criticizing society, as for the respective company only large soldier/finishing adoption

                • “在平等就业机会法,但我可以在世界上是能够生活与工作的前提是夫妻双方古

                  • “有没有必要适应急于低生育率,中西辉政贫困父母的孩子没有增加的山顶S扩大购买避孕套增加社会差距现在是排减单位”(脑,安国际安倍晋三,教授人类与环境研究,京都大学研究生院政治学家。)
                    “Little child conversion there is no unhappy [u] necessity, differential society spreads and the poor layer which if cannot buy the condom increases, the child increases immediately” (Terumasa Nakanishi International political scholar Kyoto university graduate school human mental study course professor Abe Shin three brain)

                    • ー,三,“我与”你娶一个女人,如果这一切我的最好? “我让音乐頑張你”从他写了一个女人,我觉得他们只是一个“赎回,说我使瓦特我,但现在不是单身 If the woman that “I persevere together and increase” is everyone you get married the ro which is “You persevering only the woman to be please can point to ease to me” saying because it was written with the feeling which you say” with it was said we came w So now being the case that you do not get married
                      • “不要结婚,他们没有建立一个免费的儿童”进入了我们的手 “The freedom which does not make does not get married the child” We inserted in the hand
                      • ー,三,“我与”你娶一个女人,如果这一切我的最好? “我让你音乐頑張”不只是妇女不结婚,每个人从 If the woman that “I persevere together and increase” is everyone you get married the ro which is “You persevering only the woman to be please can point to ease to me” saying because it was written with the feeling which you say” with it was said we came w So now being the case that you do not get married
                      • 不能娶埃塔层增加,并没有说未婚的男子站在 And because the layer which you cannot get married increased it stopped being conspicuous with you can call the human who has not gotten married
                      • 但我不认为最近的是男人和女人不会嫁给这样一个人的人 Recently because such a human is not both the man and woman you think that no one gets married but it is
                      • 但最好不要结婚离婚比现在,我认为婚姻应该是累了,都希望找到合作伙伴认为终身精神发育迟滞 Way you divorce immediately if does not get married but the person who mashi If the kind of partner both until the end we would like to be is found you think that we should get married
                      • 如果孩子是我的家伙后悔嫁给他之前,他竟然说实话,我觉得他们不写在 When the child is as for the person who regrets the fact that you get married to be saying because it was written with the feeling which you say the wa which is honest unexpected

                    • 一个伸展平均国内生产总值200亿元,下降疯狂小鸡没有,但我只是希望日本国民的收入低于国家制定的中心,只有强制性的永久,临时禁止,富人征税立即
                      As for average 2,000,000 the decrease shelf which is not Hirotune It is the case that GDP does not extend, central annual income going down with advanced nation, the [ru] national [te] Is just Japan, the regular member there is only obligation, dispatch prohibition, imposes a tax to the rich person

                      • 一个或ー20 Kodomoteate税收明年居民税,或50%%我会喜欢?
                        - The umbrella, as a revenue source of [kodomoteate] from next year don't you think? the consumer tax 20% or inhabitant tax 50% UP?

                        • 一代体制改革的婴儿潮使婴儿潮一代在劳工市场中是没有的疾病大量汉森索纳
                          Nodule junior the [so] the quantity of [so] is many appearing in the labor market Above nodule generation restructuring

                          • 一般地生活一天一天我觉得410应该是适当的通风,让他们的世诚克惹周围那么,什么是甜的汤井对这个词来甜s 410 Sufficiently that Higure seems the air does even with the living but… Normally that surroundings probably will not permit When only by your you should have been good as for tsu te the presumption you call to start presuming

                            • 不幸的是,已婚的真实故事亲切,我接受真正愚蠢的家伙!一朗的打击率平均水平,但这个事实我可能会更多→由于离婚率和分居家庭离婚率在现实的是在体制
                              As for unhappy story of the married person to tell the truth the [ke], believing slowly, as for the [ru] person the fool! -> Fact like batting average of divorce ratio [ichiro] If so this being the ratio which on the system divorces, considers the actual condition such as separation inside home, it goes more, don't you think? probably will be

                              • 不感兴趣的人增加了PART7爱

                                • 不知怎的,我已婚,有Tteta她住户不知我想我这样做带来一个光明的未来,我的家庭?人民区别日本人现在穷人生活没有他们难以置信的认真思考,是创建子结婚你会送 How it is associated without her how not to be but the marriage red sandal wood You think that the family tsu lever it is it could have bright future with something Not to be wrong now the extent which cannot be thought poor life as for the Japanese citizen sending the tsu it is getting married The tsu te which makes the child and sows it is
                                  • 不知怎的,我已婚,有Tteta她不知何故住户,他们都很好,所以我觉得我有一个家 How it is associated without her how not to be but the marriage red sandal wood You think that the family tsu lever it is it could have bright future with something Not to be wrong now the extent which cannot be thought poor life as for the Japanese citizen sending the tsu it is getting married The tsu te which makes the child and sows it is

                                • 为什么瓦特?关上水龙头来到她像疯了似的从两个绝望的福利官员 Why w The government employee to hit welfare desperately with 2 because the tsu te which sows it is
                                  • 为什么瓦特?关上水龙头来到她像疯了似的从两个绝望的福利官员 Why w The government employee to hit welfare desperately with 2 because the tsu te which sows it is

                                • 也许我是一个拉一个快速电梯开始支付退休金的年龄提高峨ü想我只关心服务的唯一方式,您可以做114个自杀死亡的孤独感,即使在婚姻子无Shinara这种情况会 114 For suicide and lonely death it can service the ro which is You think that nursing just increases Annuity age of payment start being pulled up steadily the ru it does Perhaps getting married if the te there is no child it probably is similar circumstance
                                  • 我希望,如果你亲吻它好古护理服务的唯一方式,您可以做些什么,在孤独库塔死亡,我想 If we year the time where you ate for lonely death it can service the ro which is Nursing becoming good re time to be however

                                • 互联网是个月,和无限的立场4电脑连接到工作或收看新闻在整个家庭约5000日元可以享受电影和爱好 Internet in month for 5000 Yen PC which is 4 units with the connection at will looks at whole family news with this It works has enough the hobby of the movie and the like

                                  • 什么是国家的未婚一大批老人,无论是行?只要打开官员的权力,金钱和一些市民被发送到优雅的生活,没有多少人陷入贫困
                                    Even with advanced age the national [tsu] [te] where the unmarried person is many, being all right? Confronting the money turns to just the government employee and the person in power of part, elegant life can send, Many citizens are ruined to poor layer

                                    • 仅此一点让我们禁止堕胎避孕率强奸以外出生仅如果k护理
                                      If just birthrate makes the air, prohibiting the interruption other than with rape Prohibiting contraceptive appliance With just this k

                                      • 他不看的卡兹可以结婚的男女结婚不包含www卡兹告诉妇女线在大学古隆艾希な风险甚至面和线遇到这样一个人1 3卡兹达罗是什么?工作人员将是最酷的女人的方式到哪里我需要坚定的人结婚,她退休朱达罗他离开→寿附表卡兹? You cannot get married the person whom the man or the woman cannot make www Risk it is high to get married with the woman whom it cannot make and As for the woman going to the university the ro which is kind of something which goes to the encounter with the kind of man who can be made The woman becoming the regular member the man and the kind of marriage which can be made gt the ro which is 寿 quitting work With the woman to retirement age company tsu te somewhere it needs directly the bean jam

                                        • 但塔卡我知道吗?在现代的时候,你会付下来的捏如果公司是单一的,我会受到改组 So knowing it is high When today the company is pinch allowance decreasing becoming the object of restructuring The ze which is celibacy what

                                          • 做什么更多的净草原北海道2通道膳食马瓦住房谁想要我做一个家有一个Rerito类的简单゙一巢゙Kku゚关闭草原建立一个特别区蔬菜和糙米,服装防雪装Dokata裤子和桑拿,热高科技内衣
                                            It is how net to do in the large grassy plain of Hokkaido to be, 2ch Special Economic District is made Making the nest like simple house of [hu] ゚ [rerito] ゙ [tsuku] ゙ in the grassy plain, it makes the applicant there live As for meal unpolished rice and vegetable, as for dress sauna underpants and [dokata] protection against the cold arrival, heat TEX underwear

                                            • 再这样的事情,体验至今已不算了,你是来踢它关系到另一个组或避免 NULL

                                              • 即使是白领公务员工资的1.7倍,正式员工平均工资确定,即国家人事管理局的建议,决定匡工会和企业低工资的临时工在集体谈判,并继续成为该修正案才能被确认,即使稻胜就业还是现在,你告诉推低的平均工资,20年前,我根本不存在非正规雇员
                                                Being average, as for the government employee allowance which is 1.7 times that of the white-collar worker with the National Personnel Authority advice the rule As for wages of proper employee with collective bargaining with the union and enterprise rule It is low, wages the dispatch worker even employment was not recognized before the legal amending Now, pushing down average wages, as for [ru], 20 years ago non the formality which does not exist It is the employee

                                                • 可爱的偶像妇女现在独立道路的选择将有一个肮脏的IDE硬盘,收入低的人结婚的时间约 If the extent where the current woman can and is not and suffers hardship marrying to the man of earnings low the ge The road of self support is chosen
                                                  • 可爱的偶像妇女现在独立道路的选择将有一个肮脏的IDE硬盘,收入低的人结婚的时间约 If the extent where the current woman can and is not and suffers hardship marrying to the earnings man low the ge The road of self support is chosen

                                                • 因为有很多的乐趣,即使只有一个人谁可以品尝但较高的工资,更不用说结婚峨Chattara儿童能买的东西你想省钱,甚至事情玺夫妇住他们的正常生活Reberugata中线瓦特 Because hobby and amusement there is a large quantity Salary being low if just one person it can live normally When it saves also desired ones you can buy Not to mention marriage child something it to be possible the chi ya tsu cod life level abnormal play falling w

                                                  • 因此,“人不能结婚”,但不会导致小康社会,2009年,“Konkatsu繁荣”的发生,这是媒体的风扇周围的空气流动的婚姻 Hiding the result which bears “the person who cannot get married” But it is the case that it becomes 2009 “婚 life boom” occurred the air which fans marriage the mass communications was flowing to the center

                                                    • 在一个世时代的社会结构和峨杆买任何东西,如果你让出来,年轻的一代,如果你不能得到更多的钱在十年前的泡沫经济,一个不公正感(1不满感)是东西太感谢你 If only the money it puts out the kind of times which can be bought regardless and in social structure The unfairness of the young generation where you cannot receive the money even from bubble period before the generation the unhappy impression so you question it probably is the thing
                                                      • 如果与人公平,即使没有多大意义的不满,甚至没有我们有没有钱 If the person and it is fair there is no money and the te there is no that much unhappy impression

                                                    • 在这个意义上说,2名理论的费米,现在流行通过他们的逻辑宁滚装单身母亲家庭综合Tteru
                                                      You say that in such sense surname & the single mother classified by married couple are done popularity and others, As for reason of current [huemi] 寧 [ro] logic passing, the [ru

                                                      • 女子租了一个我有我的449的公平分享,权利我只能谈婚姻?所以娶了这样的事情家里有钱的女儿吗?我住在家里博罗的女儿德塔国家的土壤我嫁给我的秋田 449 You associating with the woman who your own status fit is the ro which if you should have gotten married sufficient story is The reason which wishes to get married with the daughter of the house of such an affluent layer with something You have lived it is the daughter in the rag house of we wife how Akita Tsuchida building
                                                        • 这是一个富裕的生活比今天!那一代甜! “我认为,亚历克斯:听起来投诉说 As for life although it was affluent even from now Presumption generation ” The ze which you think that tsu te complaint it is said

                                                      • 如果卖方合蟹说我知道是348亿美元的年收入为0.4 Tteta
                                                        348 As for the crab seller of the acquaintance the yearly turnover 400,000,000 [tsu] [te] saying, the shelf

                                                        • 如果引入退休金福利制度并举,以转移和分担Beshikkuinkamu 300,失业保险金采取停止梅Hayo消除童工将被罚款,不要求学校收费高,我不强制如果是这样免费餐
                                                          300 Whether it should introduce the BASIC income and work sharing and the shift system, that Welfare, annuity and unemployment insurance may be abolition simultaneously Child treatment and taking you will stop, high school gratuitous conversion there is no necessity, there is no compulsory education, therefore it is Gratuitous, if it converts, the school lunch expense shelf

                                                          • 如果自雇人士分别为100万美元的年度销售收入4 66亿日元 466 When it is the family operated business of 3 000 000 Yen in yearly turnover 100 000 000 annual income how it does it is
                                                            • 如果自雇人士分别为46 6万美元的年度销售收入100万元 466 When it is the family operated business of yearly turnover 100 000 000 annual income 3 000 000 how it does it is

                                                          • 如果调整医疗制度的,但我觉得被迫挑起长寿的根源

                                                            • 定义,因为他们不情愿的许多致富的,还有一点万超过300瓦这将是日本重要的总规划的安全网还免费为贫困学校的孩子们高津贴
                                                              When 3,000,000 it exceeds, therefore the definition, rich person w whose it is many not to be able to receive, Don't you think? child treatment and high school gratuitous conversion probably are the important safety net of Japanese entire pauper plan

                                                              • 您将线及饮料可怕随时准备50000我家每月在35岁以下,但收入微薄3日在万年薪我本人,05次1年6储蓄仍然是你排在大阪和东京之行相反,它是 But at we how annual income 35 year old annual income approximately 3 000 000 every month 50 000 inserting in awfully It goes to drinking in year 5 6 times go to travelling in Osaka and Tokyo Doing still it is the extent which it can save
                                                                • 340 150年历史的公司代表Rerorero wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww薪酬 Annual income 1 500 000 34 years old Company representation rerorero wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                • 422 不管他们长大的收入仍然是“想嫁给一个男人谁永远是工作,”因为我可以肯定 422 If gt year you take after all as for annual income how that “we would like to get married with the man who works” the tsu te it becomes by all means therefore it is
                                                                • Sagattara更多的收入在该地区再次,我宁愿在家里做Deitore When annual income above this it goes down in the district already deitore has been done at the house the one which mashi It becomes
                                                                • →→事业,工作生活在中等收入下降平衡埃泰视为“工资”和“不足智多谋”升降机及挂起 Lifework balance thinking even with annual income decrease you switch jobs to moderate work gt gt “There is no “Atuki giving” admirableness” with to hang
                                                                • 什么是名人超过500年的收入! 30个月工资,100在460的奖金,使 Annual income 500 tsu te super serebu shelf Therefore monthly income 30 even with bonus 100 460
                                                                • 从股份上升前的第一次尝试,但我想我是撤退和公司音频恩溃疡是39岁 The company collapsing with 39 years old however the do the kana which it will do the tsu te you think Stocks annual income it rose for the first time from before
                                                                • 在最好的猜测400万台,甚至35年后与10,现在是一个年收入3亿日元 When presently annual income is 3 000 000 Yen in 35 years old perhaps It probably is at the very most 4 000 000 Yen level even in 10 years later

                                                              • 我一直以来有泡沫等等,我是一个持续下降的平静
                                                                Maintaining the breathing spell state from now on the bubble has atrophied be the [do], being consistent, is those which are

                                                                • 我会707濒危物种?这是针对华盛顿公约?
                                                                  707 Don't you think? extermination fear kind? In Washington treaty becoming the object, don't you think??

                                                                  • 我有一个体面的电话号码,但是不是因为我shadow ll观看第一个真正的首次出现? The quantity of that appearance it enters but it is because only the figure makes first first the air it does not appear in the chart it is it is not
                                                                    • 有些会是什么原因我不欢迎,甚至应该看起来体面 But approximately figure expectation what Why there is no mote Why it probably is what

                                                                  • 我死了,我不是他们的人没有一个女子的手,无抗体增加抓地力,而不是婚姻?天哪,实在需要的蛋糕頑張日本食品绝缘体牙齿我现在还很年轻,生还茹 Instead of marriage the people the hand of the woman you have not grasped died it is the ze which is Still the current young person enduring the tooth being serious when it perseveres as for Japan the tsu te which still reanimates
                                                                    • 首先,对自己的亲婚姻“我不结婚的更大的风险”来自我宣传,不危及生命Kitatsu我只是说我想要的东西, In the first place because marriage group publicizes selfishly “unless you get married the risk large ze ” tsu te How you live and pass and the ze tsu te which is the accessory we just would like to call risk

                                                                  • 我结婚10年,我曾遇到的第一次,我男朋友是许多濒危物种18时
                                                                    There was the new his person whom at the time of 18 it is possible and a variety but encountering, as for me who get married in 10 years the extermination fear kind shelf

                                                                    • 我结婚了,我想这是比任何爱好沃塔不orz,最好不要结婚,尤其是如果玩家 However you got married orz which you think that the one which is not done is good Rather than the wota hobby tsu te saying if gema all the more the person who does not get married is good

                                                                      • 所以,如果我有另外的古时候没有更好的信息仍然是846个字节长,被送往一旦资金830它不再向企业家在空气中有时这些可以自由安排,即使我没有死不是吗? 830 Fund dying stopping turning it does not care if please freely If the extent which it starts a business vaguely with your these times dispatch and the byte still mashi 846 Feeling was gone if is it should have divided it is it is not
                                                                        • →这些人在大学就读的大学生创业精神和我住不下struggling ll School days suffering hardship it studies gt Starting a business to university age Such people surviving stubbornly the ru however

                                                                      • 所有您需要提高他们的子女更好的教育孩子的很多更好的父母合触摸ü 200万儿童生活在假期将取消每年的收入,如果你父母只有一个孩子挂ü没有想到钱 As for being necessary for parenting you think that there is no gold The parent betting on the child it probably is re ru time Even if comes in contact with the holiday child even at annual income 2 000 000 the parent who It probably is considerably good education for the child

                                                                        • 披露中所用正确的报税表,但。老龄化与结婚后,第一个解决方案不 If it is not used in the form whose tax is correct not yet Late marriage conversion and little child aging do not solve first
                                                                          • 披露中所用正确的报税表,但。老龄化与结婚后,第一个解决方案不 If it is not used in the form whose tax is correct not yet Late marriage conversion and little child aging do not solve first

                                                                        • 排减的最大原因枯萎男子在婚姻,婚姻。我认为,我们看到了乞丐的女人
                                                                          As for the largest reason where the man weakens in marriage, 婚. After you try to look at the beggar woman

                                                                          • 政府雇员30只以下♀♂JKJD电流。成功来得栗子喜欢它的时代,如果你请客只波塔瓦特
                                                                            XXMAL Government employee limitation of 30 or less XXFEM JKJD reality. If it sponsors the party of limitation W where the times [botsuta] chestnut business it may succeed, come

                                                                            • 早期的冰河时代(30年代末至今)和已故的冰河时代(30年代初至今),与它
                                                                              It probably is between the glacial age previous term (the present 30 generation latter half) and the glacial age latter term (present 30 generation first half)

                                                                              • 毕业生的就业率是兰花,你知道它是哪一年更糟糕,今年30多岁的瓦特凯塔就业年龄比年初冰
                                                                                As for employment ratio of new graduate even from this year Employment glacial age of 30 generation first half was worse still Next year how becoming, whether the [ru] intellectual viewing w

                                                                                • 灰的童年 敏感,杂乱每贡先生(原糟糕的父亲,会)得到了有效洗脑,太多的媒体 Sensitive atsushi of time of infancy metsushi and the mitsugu hitting as for that originator the useless father probably will be brainwashing the mass communications has been effective too much
                                                                                  • 一旦删除从电视上洗脑Hehehe ll成为主流信息网 hu hu hu tsu When it is removed from brainwashing the television information of the net becomes main current

                                                                                • 然而,我结婚适合,排土场又非生育率下降,他们是政治家的事从思想螨刺激人口增长不承担,我一直得到很多奇怪 Non 婚 conversion little child conversion measure how just you do it is wasteful what already Although that it is because the politician party still thinks of phenomenon with increase in population prerequisite becoming the varieties strange you wrapped
                                                                                  • 出生率的下降可以不使用廉价的资助托儿所的小房子,祝你住1 3 gt Being cheap utilizing the house and the nursery which live The revenue source being little there are times when little child conversion measure it is possible

                                                                                • 父母们知道什么是公立学校Kasazu招行正是采取行动的机构和私人对私人学校
                                                                                  The parent who knows that to the public school the line umbrella [zu], accurately with the private school and the preparatory school The color chestnut that you take measure,

                                                                                  • 疏忽和欺诈行为和企业忽视小竹中平藏859瓦特春天,讨论交流10年的经验,但小泉前丢失被截断通缉的灾难已经在那里的青年w和谁我承担。这是工会 859 The fraud due to enterprise Koizumi s and Takenaka s noninterference and negligence Again w Even in 10 years when before of the Koizumi is lost as for work sharing argument Although it had risen awfully as for truncating the young person when it is everyone s what of somewhere w Acquired It is Union
                                                                                    • 疏忽和欺诈行为和企业忽视小竹中平藏859瓦特春天,讨论交流10年的经验,但小泉前丢失被截断通缉的灾难已经在那里的青年w和谁我承担。这是工会 859 The fraud due to enterprise Koizumi s and Takenaka s noninterference and negligence Again w Even in 10 years when before of the Koizumi is lost as for work sharing argument Although it had risen awfully as for truncating the young person when it is everyone s what of somewhere w Acquired It is Union

                                                                                  • 相反,我认为,减少财政负担,对婚姻的紧张情绪,这一次我认为这是在所有和美国相反
                                                                                    That when you say whether mental burden and economic burden decrease in the marriage, this time of today when so is not, thinks as the completely opposite shelf

                                                                                    • 社会 “即使没有什么疏忽发射沿”尾道市的官员,包括辱骂和发射狂欢→退休汇票2000万日元的 但鲍不能得到这个延伸线在鸡,我很惊讶我其实我认为是福利瓦特当然,像新Birunoni有趣的是,小鸡当然他们击败拉伸认为公务员 “Whatever doing in the neck viewing” The Onomichi city staff order disregard and filth etc we would like to do at will gt even with neck… as for retirement lump sum grant 20 000 000 Yen in being able to receive Also this sure not extending hurt after the strange shelf thinking don t you think w As for sure of welfare the funny way although it extends as for government employee hitting sure in order to think it does not extend

                                                                                      • 米完美世界日本人的公务员队伍,但我的自私妄想831“卡兹Gitai他们像往常一样正常工作”和“要服务于国家”,既符合专业发言的感觉 831 But we selfish delusion It is form what of ideal of the government employee tsu te Japanese “Working normally we would like to make normally” when the feeling that “we would like to serve to the country” both the occupation which is filled up

                                                                                        • 股东和公司职工,以减少十亿美元的薪水,同时减少税收改革小泉富奇诺
                                                                                          Employment income several 1,000,000,000 of the worker decreasing, the shareholder and enterprise, rich tariff decreasing substantially Koizumi reformation

                                                                                          • 萨克说,但没有你的30岁和40岁结婚不要性别相同的眼睛是不会产生的结婚,她30多岁和40多岁的我希望人们在这里不是一个临时或兼职和儿童字节除了住得辣Kunaru Warenaku的故事,我会捅它只是同性或歧视的一个枢纽,将注定 But by his saying what as for with the eye of the same sex not getting married with 30 generation 40 generations however it is good With the woman you do not get married with 30 generation 40 generations or as for the person where the child is not borne When the byte and the part and dispatch it is It becomes hub and others re ru destiny With just that from the same sex discrimination saddle u It becomes unable to join to story You live more and more and become harsh
                                                                                            • 萨克,但没有说他们的眼睛和同性Ru m垃圾90%的妇女 But by his saying what as for with the eye of the same sex not getting married with 30 generation 40 generations however it is good With the woman you do not get married with 30 generation 40 generations or as for the person where the child is not borne When the byte and the part and dispatch it is It becomes hub and others re ru destiny With just that from the same sex discrimination saddle u It becomes unable to join to story You live more and more and become harsh

                                                                                          • 该版本面积一直是大企业的利润和暴政“,”资本主义没有规则,但他们会如何罚款倾斜,住户,非生长,很容易受到外部冲击(掌声)和日本经济我已经指出,
                                                                                            Violent profit pursuit of big business is made runaway “Rule there is no capitalism”, how and the [se] to make housekeeping expenses domestic demand become thin, there is no growth power, Whether in the external shock quite fragility ([ze] to be, the [ku]) it made the Japanese economy, the finger Picking out

                                                                                            • 资金支付29名儿童,因为要取消了豁免的家属,单无关
                                                                                              29 Therefore as for the revenue source of child treatment, abolition of deduction for dependents, there is no relationship in celibacy

                                                                                              • 运行后,自民党和10万移民,都下降约300万年薪,他现在也全职
                                                                                                When the Liberal Democratic Party executes 10,000,000 immigration and the like, now with the regular member also the person about of annual income 3,000,000 all ruin

                                                                                                • 这个问题我身上的事,我在我的职业生涯很我不在乎(我站在这可能是无能的)妇女的社会地位施〜布鲁诺恶化的消费者Surechi像只因为我的反应比较 Something point slipping the ru my success is how is to call as for being disabled certainly hitting the ru Although social advance of the woman says with it just reacted Because the surechi tsu po to be noshi which goes out
                                                                                                  • 596我们面前的问题是他们反对,“我做我的最好的”我想我不会我一个女人吗?问题是我穿的东西代表 596 Vis a vis you problem “I persevere together and i increase” how is thought the woman who Don t you think without being Something the ri which point does changing the ru

                                                                                                • 这是864%甚至惠玛丽塔的总人数不符合对等的爱情故事的人谁
                                                                                                  864 As for that entire number % story of the person where the phase thought mutual love which is not full is favored

                                                                                                  • 这是过去和现在一样,将同样的未来,说扎西鄂如水果吗?请随时想,如果你想 Assuming that past and presently it was the same you probably can say that as expected future is same We would like to think as the same if is please freely

                                                                                                    • 这是过去和现在的房子,因为我们能够肯手流卡兹井也被加班,员工和企业走出去的小生意,因为小企业都远远不合理的加班
                                                                                                      Because very that even with the employee of small and medium-sized business and small business it made former times with overtime work generation, because it could build the house Instead of now overtime work, because it goes bankrupt, the excessiveness

                                                                                                      • 通常我不会很难以置信的愚蠢落入醉女人,我看他提意见,我已经结婚了鸬鹚结婚
                                                                                                        Usually, with the opinion of the person marriage how commenting and getting married as a gullibility The fool who falls to the woman infidelity how very it will not be

                                                                                                        • 那是1493年,刚刚过关将Shiageta Ppoku嘎瓦像一个正常的房子办公楼当地昆斯鲤 1493 That tsu te the well the tsu after a certain district just normal house tsu po ku gawa to do dense office like building it is probably will be
                                                                                                          • 493哦!我希望这个!感谢欣赏信息 493 This calling Grateful information sankusu
                                                                                                          • 那是493,只有把戏,Shiageta Ppoku嘎瓦像一个正常的房子办公楼当地昆斯鲤 493 That tsu te the well the tsu after a certain district just normal house tsu po ku gawa to do dense office like building it is probably will be

                                                                                                        • 队伍万年,同步超时男子迅速提升内部第一季度在
                                                                                                          Ten thousand year mere clerk, the man of same period quickly promotion Overtime of the present term inside the company, was 1st

                                                                                                          • 顺便说一句,虽然这一犯罪认为早生靠近,层攻击的受害者遭受暗杀波精神病正如你可以看到这一切,让出一国会议员永田,取蛋糕,所以想我可以如何得到精神病折磨受害者我认为,锅ü
                                                                                                            By the way, this crime if Assemblyman Nagata is remembered, as understood, the victim in the psychosis That you contracted a disease, while making think around, to bet on torture with electromagnetic wave attack, because it is the method which assassinates When the victim is thought as the psychosis, it is the 壺 which the stratification is thought

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