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“Child treatment. In native country 4 children” -> annual 624,000 Yen (about annual income 15 years's amount of native country) provision…Ogura Satoshi Akira “details without stuffing, start?”★11


  • 11:14 78 tbcutw2R热潮,在短短的外国人百万富翁!鄂如家似乎支付租金10万人口,居民被收养儿童的收养没有在全市泄漏地点在日本和200 500 11 14 78 tbcutw2R You just call the foreigner at a stroke 100 010 000 millionaire When with native country marrying the inhabitant it registers 500 adopted children to municipalities of 200 places in Japan 100 000 you can receive a leak child treatment
    • 为探测手段在目前不超过一式两份市一居民外国人 At present time overlapping in plural municipalities there is no expedient which detects the foreigner who does the inhabitant register

  • 11:48编号:621 U6hro6fH0名称:玉兰(西部) 发布日期:2009 07 19(星期日)10:59:12 84编号:ulKLAjqI我滨崎步弓弦100我会同意,至少是“国籍条款集克祖“我只是一个收缩 11 48 ID U6hro6fH0 621 Name hakumokuren west Japan Contribution day 2009 07 19 day 10 59 12 84 ID ulKLAjqI Hundred steps transferring because agreeing to this At least “not to provide the nationality provision” as for just the tsu te withdrawal margin
    • 729 543此名称是:不是可爱的妻子发布:2010 04 02(星期五)15:11:48编号:U6hro6fH0 621名称:玉兰(西部) 发布日期:2009 07 19(星期日)10: 59:12 84编号:ulKLAjqI滨崎步弓弦,我会同意1 100,至少是“定克祖国籍条款”我只是一个收缩 729 This it is 543 Name It is lovely the madam Contribution day 2010 04 02 gold 15 11 48 ID U6hro6fH0 621 Name hakumokuren west Japan Contribution day 2009 07 19 day 10 59 12 84 ID ulKLAjqI Hundred steps transferring because agreeing to this At least “not to provide the nationality provision” as for just the tsu te withdrawal margin

  • 178你不知道冲突,子女免税额,你只想a ve得到一份情报报告说每一天都是一个梅罗男子站,我的意思是他们混淆what Demonai朱达罗任何理由给他们那些谁可以出租关爱和税收 178 Contradiction must report from the wa every day the ro which is just intelligence As for child treatment paying tax the ro becoming dim which regardless is not even with the meaning which it distributes for life guarantee of the person whom you can receive is The thing delirious utterances which do not have meaning stop
    • 为什么媒体不恰当地报告了儿童津贴问题?我是从,并涉及到异常情况Kiyou淇日本的基础,我有一个问题每日报告 The mass communications do not report the problematical point of child treatment properly with something it is It has been about that the abnormal situation which relates to the Japanese foundation will occur therefore it is every day you must report although it is matter
    • 你只是想有一个聪明的孩子津贴不知道人的话矛盾的东西stop 178梅罗并不意味着没有模糊what Demonai朱达罗分发任何税款理由for谁付出关爱的的people 178 The ro which is just the intelligence where contradiction is not recognized The ro becoming dim which regardless is not child treatment even with the meaning which is distributed for life guarantee of the person who has paid tax is The thing delirious utterances which do not have meaning stop

  • 233然而,更多的是税收资金,即使我们认为取消对外国工人的公共援助在这
    233 But, above the fund is tax, the guest worker the object of this public assistance That you think the empty how removing also,

    • 25 岁的日本女性的就业率54个经合组织指出,在较低的国家,“日本进展率的诞生,它是重要的人力资源,以确保妇女的劳动人口 Work ratio of the Japanese woman of 25 54 years old in OECD countries it points out that it is on subordinate position “In Japan where little child conversion advances for labor force guaranty talent application of the woman becomes important

      • 283儿童受益税和种公共援助资金,只是我太可能是针对外国工人在日本从事社会工作
        283 Because child treatment is one kind of public assistance which designates tax as the fund, in the Japanese society Also the guest worker who engages to work should not deal with, just applying,

        • 485宽敞的教育本身和它的细节,只是像一个刚刚因为马奈显示,自民党有大洞的第作为在国际压力国籍的消除如何我能为孩子Affairs benefit自民党Foreign那么489是不会批评现在免费,100分钟的护照吗! ! 485 Because elbowroom education and abolition of the nationality provision of child treatment there was a hole in the pressure where the Liberal Democratic Party administration is international the tsu te Kind of Manet who expands there the sufficient story which is done it puts out There is no intention of criticizing after so long a time as for that itself as a method of the Liberal Democratic Party diplomacy 489 Even if the passport equivalent to 100 please
          • 你知道你是这么一个婴儿时,马奈附表只是因为有大洞民主党在自由津贴期间,大部分的孩子?别让我做缮囊政权改变这种状况? Because there was a hole in child treatment of a lot of Liberal Democratic Party age the tsu te When kind of Manet who expands there it does the scale it is the ro which is Has repairing such place substituted administration intersection without being

        • 52:57编号:Z9uVsBnp 2 2 ,因为它是写Itadake分钟,他们说,川崎的是这样的,我认为是更好的和不可接受的,并提请大 52 57 ID Z9uVsBnp 2 2 Itikawa s Kawasaki opinion just was written that way but Unless it passes that you think such whether the one which spread is better
          • 521:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 04 05(星期一)04:55:11编号: UHq7AEm0 73 Dzukanakatta的头脑和应用效益 521 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 05 Monday 04 55 11 ID UHq7AEm0 73 gt When and the like applying the treatment You did not become aware

        • 802分离保管并不需要证明他们有声望,特别是你可以在应用程序没有羁押809 802 You state separation watch protection the shelf It is not something whose especially proof is necessary 809 Watch protection is not done and is the ro … which
          • 808分离保管并不需要证明他们有资格,特别是你可以在应用程序没有羁押809 808 You state separation watch protection the shelf It is not something whose especially proof is necessary 809 Watch protection is not done and is the ro … which

        • 831和,为“永久居民的儿童福利因为,那是你想要尝试应用早期和being平均国内古,通过或从国籍条款”(全文大会:1981年3月2日天),强烈要求民主党仍然茂野浩(数字信号处理器岁)我一直在很多我喜欢目前的民主社会党和前 831 And “As for something such as child treatment to the permanent residence authority through removing the nationality provision it is quick the interior average You to apply we would like” The National Diet minutes 1981 March 02nd With as for requiring strongly Kansei Nakano who even now is in the Democratic party old Democratic Socialist Party and old Japan Socialist Party and the like It is present democracy party what don t you think
          • 831此外,由于“永久居民子女利益的,我们希望能尽早提出申请试用是国内平均辜什么国籍条款”(国会记录:1981年3月2日)和强请求正确,民主党人仍然茂野浩(数字信号处理器岁)我一直在很多我喜欢目前的民主社会党和前 831 And “As for something such as child treatment to the permanent residence authority through removing the nationality provision it is quick the interior average You to apply we would like” The National Diet minutes 1981 March 02nd With as for requiring strongly Kansei Nakano who even now is in the Democratic party old Democratic Socialist Party and old Japan Socialist Party and the like It is present democracy party what don t you think

        • 861 747名:没有圣人名称[该办公室旭日]发布日期:2010 / 04 / 05(星期一)14:41:09编号:Z9uVsBnp [1 / 2]和590孩子的手高津区,川崎对于应用程序,目前的预测呼叫中心城市的“毫无根据
          861 747 Name: There is no name of the sunrise [zu] [ru] place [sage] Contribution day: 2010/04/05 (month) 14: 41: 09 ID: Z9uVsBnp [1/2] Concerning the child step 590 human application of Kawasaki city Takatsu Ku, in coal center of city the electric convex “Factual non root

          • NULL 49 59 ID bxJ3MTqD0 590 children it has treated with the Takatsu Ward Office of Kawasaki city The person of the Asian type it was As expected he has grown hoarse accompanied by another room How it becomes 157 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 51 55 ID kOmYKQY10 153 The ro which is lie 173 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 55 25 ID bxJ3MTqD0 157 Well w The do swiftly the person of the Asian type the document in the window You express in shiyoruiarimasu and fluent Japanese equivalent to 590 Having with the cardboard about the half of that the u waits with the document 572 Name 153 sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 10 45 19 ID bxJ3MTqD0 153 Before less The Takatsu Ward Office you said
            • 153名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人在 发布时间:2010 04 03(星期六)08:49:59编号:bxJ3MTqD0你有一个病房,川崎市高津亚洲儿童津贴为590分钟157房间发生了什么事,是他的名字确实一直与另一人:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布时间:2010 04 03(星期六)08:51:55编号:kOmYKQY10 153哦,不! 173名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布:2010 04 03(星期六)08:55:25编号:bxJ3MTqD0无分一五七瓦特590文件人民在亚洲办事处倾销纸板和流利的日语,说Tteta Shoruiarimasu 153 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 49 59 ID bxJ3MTqD0 590 children it has treated with the Takatsu Ward Office of Kawasaki city The person of the Asian type it was As expected he has grown hoarse accompanied by another room How it becomes 157 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 51 55 ID kOmYKQY10 153 The ro which is lie 173 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 55 25 ID bxJ3MTqD0 157 Well w The do swiftly the person of the Asian type the document in the window You express in shiyoruiarimasu and fluent Japanese equivalent to 590 Having with the cardboard about the half of that the u waits with the document 572 Name 153 sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 10 45 19 ID bxJ3MTqD0 153 Before less The Takatsu Ward Office you said
            • 153名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人在 发布时间:2010 04 03(星期六)08:49:59编号:bxJ3MTqD0你有一个病房,川崎市高津亚洲儿童津贴为590分钟157房间发生了什么事,是他的名字确实一直与另一人:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布时间:2010 04 03(星期六)08:51:55编号:kOmYKQY10 153哦,不! 173名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布:2010 04 03(星期六)08:55:25编号:bxJ3MTqD0无分一五七瓦特590文件人民在亚洲办事处倾销纸板和流利的日语,说Tteta Shoruiarimasu 153 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 49 59 ID bxJ3MTqD0 590 children it has treated with the Takatsu Ward Office of Kawasaki city The person of the Asian type it was As expected he has grown hoarse accompanied by another room How it becomes 157 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 51 55 ID kOmYKQY10 153 The ro which is lie 173 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 55 25 ID bxJ3MTqD0 157 Well w The do swiftly the person of the Asian type the document in the window You express in shiyoruiarimasu and fluent Japanese equivalent to 590 Having with the cardboard about the half of that the u waits with the document 572 Name 153 sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 10 45 19 ID bxJ3MTqD0 153 Before less The Takatsu Ward Office you said
            • 153名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人在 发布时间:2010 04 03(星期六)08:49:59编号:bxJ3MTqD0你有一个病房,川崎市高津亚洲儿童津贴为590分钟157房间发生了什么事,是他的名字确实一直与另一人:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布时间:2010 04 03(星期六)08:51:55编号:kOmYKQY10 153哦,不! 173名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布:2010 04 03(星期六)08:55:25编号:bxJ3MTqD0无分一五七瓦特590文件人民在亚洲办事处倾销纸板和流利的日语,说Tteta Shoruiarimasu 153 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 49 59 ID bxJ3MTqD0 590 children it has treated with the Takatsu Ward Office of Kawasaki city The person of the Asian type it was As expected he has grown hoarse accompanied by another room How it becomes 157 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 51 55 ID kOmYKQY10 153 The ro which is lie 173 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 08 55 25 ID bxJ3MTqD0 157 Well w The do swiftly the person of the Asian type the document in the window You express in shiyoruiarimasu and fluent Japanese equivalent to 590 Having with the cardboard about the half of that the u waits with the document 572 Name 153 sage Contribution day 2010 04 03 Saturday 10 45 19 ID bxJ3MTqD0 153 Before less The Takatsu Ward Office you said

          • NULL 92 ¯ Three Three REPT 92 ≡ aiya ≡ REPT To nita ゙ ∧ ∧ nita ゙ REPT REPT REPT REPT ∧ ∧ Support 92 ∧ ∧ No 92 REPT REPT No 丿 No ∀ ha ∀ REPT ¯ no No North φφ ¶ Korea 92 REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 No REPT ku ee □ □ yuyu HKRPT 丿
            • ⌒ Pakatsu ¯ ヽ,, 3 NULL

          • Ologun是痛苦或Somahon目茶失控的行动或应用,而是因为萨尔CON组处女。 Indaro兄弟?这是伟大的,超过100份申请
            Therefore as for [somahon] the ephebe be able to apply, however well [sarukon] or [orogon] or eye brown pain. The sibling it is to be the [ro] which is? The shelf which 100 people or more it can apply and may

            • Tokudane▽“支付给我们一个外国人子窗口启动应用程序。困惑?”Ozura,我塑 The ▽ dane which is solved “Child treatment and application start In foreign correspondence window Perplexity ” ozura white 々 it forces
              • 家庭主妇及长者会减少理解这么短的时间观看特别戴恩 Scoop seeing you can understand at such a also the housewives and the elderly age which little time probably will be few and

            • TTP的:/ / 2bangai.net / search_id /的index.php?关键字u003d u4NwczMbP u003d 2010&&年月u003d 04天u003d 04&&u003d搜索u4NwczMbP行动第一次看到由Kichika任何
              ttp: //2bangai.net/search_id/index.php? keyword = u4NwczMbP & year = 2010& month = 04& day = 04& action = search The way of [kichika] ゙ [i] of u4NwczMbP viewing that

              • u4NwczMbP似乎顺理成章,而且不是很好,但是我来的外国人也与公平的一部分,但要说服人们看到这些家伙的劳动人口为Demoaru是fully工作Kitaku日在日本够冷限制新加坡外国工人一样的权利是一样的攻击进入日本,但你来我们在日本的孩子甚至手流感,以有利于外国杉地位或还有什么我没有采取任何严格意义上的免税额一致的其他措施的立场只 As for the logic of u4NwczMbP there is also a 肯 ke ru part it is the shelf Simply the foreigner but like are convenient completely it is unreasonable to persuade the person who would not like to see only as a labor force But they coming to Japan which would like to work are the ru Receiving the Japanese no shelf The sufficient level headedness which restricts the human rights of the guest worker as though it is Singapore there is no Japan and Favorably treating the present condition foreigner too much in Japan which is even the ru impression The wa which adjustment of measure of other things does not take just child treatment to strict and the te is conspicuous
                • 中国在不明白所有,但它传递到日本以外的孩子们能理解与否,rather峨given政策child ll外籍工人的子女在日本谁have now滨崎步弓弦或more 1 100 1 who have孩子和我说的是在日本的宝座税务部门,我国政府和中国人民是不是采用什么我可以只有一名津贴? 100 steps transferring if you say that gives to the guest worker where the child is in Japan still you can understand It distributes to the child who Japan overseas is you cannot understand completely By the way as for the Chinese as for the person who has the child above one person with one person tsu child policy tax being assigned in the Chinese government the ru With as for the notion that where you say the Chinese who to Japan is only one person can apply child treatment and says and it is thing
                • 编号:u4NwczMbP逻辑是有说服力的,如果只看到一个良好的劳动力,我只是方便外国人也有他们的一部分,他是公平的wonder m来日本Demoaru工作Kitaku在日本够冷限制新加坡外国工人一样的权利是一样的攻击进入日本,但只限于支付在日本的孩子们甚至手流感,以有利于外国杉地位或还有什么我没有采取任何其他措施符合严格的立场 ID As for the logic of u4NwczMbP there is also a 肯 ke ru part it is the shelf Simply it is unreasonable to persuade the person who would not like to see only the foreigner as the labor force whose are convenient But they coming to Japan which would like to work are the ru Receiving the Japanese no shelf The sufficient level headedness which restricts the human rights of the guest worker as though it is Singapore there is no Japan and Favorably treating the present condition foreigner too much in Japan which is even the ru impression The wa which adjustment of measure of other things does not take just child treatment to strict and the te is conspicuous

              • Www21。Atwiki jp kodomoteate 页 32。html的199名:774蜜月代理:圣人发布日期:2010年 2003 12(周五)18:31:16编号:cJ10uPwr称为民主党本身 NULL
                • 199名:774蜜月代理:圣人发布日期:2010 03 12(星期五)18:31:16编号:cJ10uPwr称为自由民主党 199 Name Agent 774 meeru sage Contribution day 2010 03 12 Friday 18 31 16 ID cJ10uPwr You telephoned to the Liberal Democratic Party
                • (电子邮件是不够无效?)Ĥ★TTP的: www21。Atwiki jp kodomoteate 页 32。html的199名:774蜜月代理:圣人发布日期:2010 03 12(星期五)18: 31:16编号:cJ10uPwr称为民主党本身 The mail the Imai chi effect is thin h ttp www21 atwiki jp kodomoteate pages 32 html 199 Name Agent 774 meeru sage Contribution day 2010 03 12 gold 18 31 16 ID cJ10uPwr Our People Party You telephoned

              • “儿童的日本津贴的歧视了!”“系统总联”的成员,外交部被占领,“儿童权利公约的,”6月1号的每周例会上,交换意见新潮
                “As for the Japanese child treatment discrimination! ” In Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is occupied the “Korean entire connected type member” “Right treaty exchange of opinions meeting of child” Weekly new tide June 1st number

                • “朝总联的会员制,”外交部被占领,“儿童权利公约的,”6月1日会议每周一期的问题交换意见新潮
                  In right treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “child who is occupied the “Korean entire connected type member”” Exchange of opinions meeting Weekly new tide June 1st number

                  • →→从全球经济崩溃,美元崩溃→中国→日本货币崩溃坍塌·完
                    The Japanese value of money collapse -> the American dollar collapse -> the Chinese original collapse -> world economy collapse -> THE END

                    • 下个月,你是我带来了办公室的电话,以实际支付,请负责人40 × 13 000日元 � Next month as for you going to the government office with the remittance result please claim 40 human × 13000 Yen
                      • 下个月,你是我带来了办公室的电话,以实际转让,请要求一个人5 × 13 000日元 � Next month as for you going to the government office with the remittance result please claim 40 human × 13000 Yen

                    • 为什么站,以防止外国人形成的普选问题,我不知道是否有可能争辩说,民主党人子女补贴问题 Why stopping the fact that prevention of foreign carrot administration formation is designated as issue the Democratic party Designating refutation possible child treatment as issue applying don t you think you think
                      • 为什么停止选举权问题的外国人,我不知道是否有可能争辩说,民主党人子女补贴问题 Why stopping the fact that foreign carrot administration is designated as issue the Democratic party Designating refutation possible child treatment as issue applying don t you think you think
                      • 取消子女免税额,如果基尔公告,以防止外国人认为普选产生选举胜利出了错可以 If child treatment abolition and prevention of foreign carrot administration formation are put out you think that House of Councillors selection it can win overwhelmingly not to be wrong
                      • 我不支付孩子的运动称为免税额分钟将怎么办呢?行?东西我已认真 NULL

                    • 之间/ 3的工人成为一个非正规就业,30多万自杀
                      In at that time 1/3 of the workers to become non proper employment, as for the suicide person 300,000 or more

                      • 人大常委会对国王和我进入民主党的特别帐户,而不是进入极左尼吉
                        Entering into the resident in special meeting which is in the counter electrode of the Democratic party of the extreme left wing, it probably will fight and

                        • 什么是当前的自我切割 似乎适用规则”(葛西)表示, The flow was hit cutting gt According to Kasai s explanation the problematical point was pointed out with the child treatment system even in spite the manifest Unless gt pledge is carried out the flying which questions hasty with the result of… and House of Councillors selection as an air “while it is time insufficient child treatment gt It seems that applies rule” Kasai with you say
                          • 根据开赛描述的问题,尽管指出了儿童津贴制度,并履行 草率和关心选举结果的承诺Tasanai Toutobi清单和“时间不够左看来,孩子的规则适用于效益“(葛西)表示, According to Kasai s explanation the problematical point was pointed out with the child treatment system even in spite the manifest Unless pledge is carried out the flying which questions hasty with the result of… and House of Councillors selection as an air “while it is time insufficient child treatment It seems that applies rule” Kasai with you say

                        • 今天是写,这是一分钟200,走出申请文件一并扎伊尔大使馆 Today the Zairean embassy collecting and the application document is produced coming There was the entry that… they are the total 200 people
                          • 我不能确定应用程序的链接的200人在扎伊尔大使馆陪同 Ahead linking however you could not verify the Zairean person When they are 200 human applications with ambassador staff company

                        • 会以某种方式帮助别人,也通过了100人或不行为什么,但我很生气,你们在日本仍可望进入茶的评论,如苏,我住我的地区,该公司的工资,我我,我的家人,但我只是觉得我很乐观,认为一切都会好,我已经病可能已被慢慢地手,他们会来爬行效率 When someone probably somehow however you resent do not act at all We 100 adopted children is that the kind of comment which is mocked it tries inserting Everyone still as for Japan we living as for ru area we serving as for the ru company as for we family with That just we probably is all right the hawk binding however you think as the ru Already yabai perhaps the hand to be late gradually it is effective

                          • 但是仍然没有播出,我想是因为通过法案的差异应该从报告中的 Because the bill has passed because the discrepancy is reported How you think as kana but is Rather than even then not broadcasting it is good
                            • 但是仍然没有播出,我想是因为通过该报告不一致的都是伟大的从 After the bill passing because the discrepancy is reported How you think as kana but is Rather than even then not broadcasting it is good

                          • 但是,如果您需要对收入的限制,认为藤井裕久的差距,出现鸠山由纪夫和总理18日财政部部长
                            Simply, whether there is a necessity of income restriction, on centering, on the 18th Prime Minister and Fujii Yasuhisa financial affairs phase Yukio Hatoyama The gap of opinion came to the surface

                            • 关西Kyotanabe市特种7.25帐户Pachiyakarana沿被迫站在农业西村仁新千年民主党草案通过宣传卖淫的书面意见
                              Forcing taking lie [tsu] [pa] [chi] of the Democratic party and empty Capital Tanabe urban declaration Nishimura who approves the resident in special meeting Kansai 7.25 victory girl opinion book equal/

                              • 制作假证件,采取我的费用,我我们种的业务,不能为儿童津贴资格的儿童谁问,“他是鸠山对过去政权丸川,继续解决投诉的S只 The document of the fake is made commission is taken child child treatment is made to receive to the requester It doesn t mean that trading kind of is possible ” So far the circular river person continued to appeal solution vis a vis Hatoyama administration
                                • 制造假证件,我采取的收费,但我不能接受孩子的好处新手业务为,“他已在过去丸川鸠山政府,解决投诉的S和继续有 The document of the fake is made commission is taken child child treatment is made to receive to the requester It doesn t mean that trading kind of is possible ” So far the circular river person continued to appeal solution vis a vis Hatoyama administration

                              • 功率投影,凸梅尔投掷传单,张贴,4人参加的示威随志摩※您的4要求参与 日(星期日) ※节将同时举行波斯立川,横滨 The electric convex the mel convex and the handbill firewood the person who can participate in posuteingu and demonstration asks participation 4 4 day simultaneous occurring frequently POS celebration Tachikawa Yokohama is held
                                • 我猜是647?梅尔凸的形式也可以通过https散装每部◎卫生部司法部柜: 网站www e gov go jp 政策 servlet的 建议的意见,他们写匿名的,通过发送一分钟 647 Now whether thing To the public welfare work Cabinet secretariat Ministry of Justice other each prefecture ministry the form which the collective mel convex it is possible https www e gov go jp policy servlet Propose Writing opinion with anonymity you can send in 1 minutes

                              • 北方的福利,例如免费的学校和儿童608颂恩和韩国,日本和交叉的血
                                608 It is - We assume that, the Japanese blood tax with such as child treatment and the Korean school gratuitous conversion crosses even in north [chiyon],

                                • 即使是所谓的经济效益,社会效益和标准计算,收益甚至没有度量标准片段
                                  Even with respect to policy economic result, social effect and the calculation standard and effective measurement standard It is not gained

                                  • 原根。准尉报告,并接受我袭击了苏联女兵,并现场只踢开车去,但克制呕吐抢救一名妇女被强奸和苏联女兵裸日本的街道,日光由于没有采取行动塞板苏联士兵被迫击败他们与剑
                                    Field law. When the junior warrant officer when the Soviet soldier has attacked the woman, receives information, runs in actual place and attaches, Because the Soviet soldier the Japanese woman has raped with road surface of in broad daylight in the nude, that the woman probably will be rescued, it stopped, but Because the Soviet soldier does not stop behavior, it judged inevitably with the military sword

                                    • 发生了什么事?个人信息,以便该进程是多伊尔没有回答的小很难回答,最后驱动tTA看好 How it became When the tsu te it is effective because it is the individual details are not answered but It replies procedure that it ended favorably It was the face which just a little is troubled
                                      • 发生了什么事?个人信息,以便该进程是多伊尔没有回答的小很难回答,最后驱动tTA看好 How it became When the tsu te it is effective because it is the individual details are not answered but It replies procedure that it ended favorably It was the face which just a little is troubled
                                      • 发生了什么事?个人信息,以便该进程是多伊尔没有回答的小很难回答,最后驱动tTA看好 How it became When the tsu te it is effective because it is the individual details are not answered but It replies procedure that it ended favorably It was the face which just a little is troubled

                                    • 唯一的限制外国公民在国外的生活,你是我的附表承认儿童节目及我活到日本居民支付的16岁儿童benefits值得of采取年该公司它们的效果不错的大部分优惠我付出,直到孩子的孩子? ?我的意思分钟马洛伊 Well the maximum conceding although working it is at the company and takes in resident child treatment provision of annual 16 years Living in Japan it does in the limit that it recognizes just vis a vis the ru child the yo Living in the foreign country the child hand hitting to the child of the ru foreign register Meaning the wa which does not understand
                                      • 鸠山友爱,这是支付年度津贴的儿童在16岁参加工作的日本如果你是一个陷入困境的公司 You agonizing although working it is at the company and takes in resident child treatment provision of annual 16 years This Hatoyama friendship

                                    • 四个孩子自己的国家,“40零六二日元每年→(15年每年的收入约占该国)小仓智明付款 ”more合理乔木开始的?“我看到那么现在的他是很难检查9★ 4 children” gt annual 624 000 Yen about annual income 15 years s amount of native country provision… Ogura Satoshi Akira “details without stuffing to native country start ” 9 If now you can look at that less with the desperate checker
                                      • 小仓是“更梅奈有道理的,我做什么我就可以开始〜”,并开始悲叹 gt Ogura “details without stuffing it is possible to start it is the combining which is ” with it grumbled

                                    • 国家之间仍然是好的获得965自动柜员机恩戴错与否,国家利益,但它会在海外的钱只是喷
                                      965 If ATM between nations the empty still national interest is entwined still it is good, but this is the gold discharging to mere foreign country

                                      • 在日本和血液你们的明天。这是友谊的精神,我不是为我工作頑張苏式悬挂
                                        From your tomorrow and in resident blood. Persevering in order to discharge, be able to work, This friendship mind and

                                        • 在泡沫的失败,从不良贷款的应收剩余债务小泉纯一郎内阁中凯塔
                                          With defeat with bubble collapse, debt of the inferior claim which caught was left to Koizumi Junichiro Cabinet day

                                          • 奇泡沫看女权主义文滤网过滤地面家庭解体,以及不同的方式从他们踢入侵者 To cause the area lifting bubble to cause family collapse feminism the aggressor Because it sends

                                            • 好东西是早期退休工资自愿解除财政部认真对待我,被通缉的原因是什么 To serve the Ministry of Finance seriously the ri ya which voluntarily retires good ones It probably voices desire with something
                                              • 该部官员80,专用住房。我创建了一个贷款公司,交给他们 NULL

                                            • 如果低工资就业的外国子沢山,津贴,低工资的孩子,如果乐和不规则,养老金,永久返回原籍国家没有缴纳税款外,并可以不来健康保险,子女教育(高中,大学收费),没有退休金,生病无保险的外国人,残疾人,低工资的移民增加对外经团连思维能力无法承担的代价,日本社会的老龄化,以帮助日本人民有一个坏的闪烁达罗失去了孤独的第一和第二次冰河时期的就业带来灾难性的婚姻左,死亡无子女一代的首选工作
                                              You employ the child Sawayama's foreigner low at wages, child treatment put out It is low, if wages, non the formality national pension, being able to pay either health insurance charge and tax to [roku], The foreigner not to reside permanently not return home to native country, education of the child (high school and university gratuitous conversion) Non annuity, non insurance foreigner sickness and obstacle, with aging social obligation fees increase Disabled Japan Federation of Economic Organizations which cannot be thought The foreign country also the Japanese ruins wages immigration low The [ro] where the fact that the Japanese is rescued is the priority [rosujiene], as for miserable employment of 1st and 2nd glacial age leaving Marriage, not be able to make either the child, lonely death

                                              • 如果你转载了日本经济低迷的消费税的上调,特别是销毁将埋葬洞我和费用分钟子女免税额加息进入黄金时代
                                                If with tax increase expense amount of child treatment stopgap business it deteriorates Especially, if consumer tax tax increase ruin If reprint Japan enters into golden period

                                                • 子女免税额是第一个地方“,日本的出生率下降,”官方发展援助的贫穷国家儿童的什么我做什么我回应或
                                                  In the first place child treatment is “little child conversion measure what of Japan” Whether ODA kana it is in the child of poor layer of the foreign country, if it should have corresponded

                                                  • 学徒也是一个妓女,只要经纪人楚蛤哪双脚,让器官捐赠
                                                    Furthermore being able to point to the year seasonal public service and prostitute and the internal organs offers etc If the pin it leaps, the double profit of the broker

                                                    • 学校教育部对幼儿园和小学管辖下的朱达罗万家庭收入低于300 +超过Ginandayo好看宽正面向幼儿园儿童ü通过主管部
                                                      As for object small school and preschool of the Education Ministry jurisdiction of household annual income 3,000,000 or less The [ro] which is possible to be the child whom it commutes to the nursery school of + Ministry of Health and Welfare jurisdiction is The frontage to expand it is what too much

                                                      • 它上升到一个孩子或Ku撒附表生活在国外,外国纳税人响亮的,什么是悲伤
                                                        Something being sad, blood tax of the citizen the rose it spreads to the child of the foreign register which lives in the foreign country combining

                                                        • 对于今天的修正案提出,邀请嘉宾的青睐站立在“田村”是什么,我还是谁!什么?你这是什么“主席”是这样做的决心站在多数“田村”由我做燕子进展仍然不验证或有效?“董事长田村”为“修正草案,未来不包括在”,是这个!我应该如何继续是必要的进展,这个!“委员会头“和关于草案的表决线 Concerning the amendment of this day submitting standing up of the ladies and gentlemen of approval is requested” Tamura “is or this I still It is what As for this which is what your abnormal play” With chairman “standing up large number that way you decided” Advancing with without either verification of the Tamura “effect being done is ” The chairman “about the original idea which excludes amendment next” “Such a thing of Tamura Such a thing may be advanced it is ” It votes concerning chairman “original idea
                                                          • 对于今天的修正案提出,邀请“的田村先生们站在赞成”什么什么?你这是什么“主席”决心站起来,让多数“田村”效应由我做燕子依然没有得到很好的进展验证?“董事长田村”为“修正草案,未来不包括在”,是这个!我应该如何继续是必要的进展,这个!“主席”草案的表决行 Concerning the amendment of this day submitting standing up of the ladies and gentlemen of approval is requested” Tamura “is or this I still It is what As for this which is what your abnormal play” With chairman “standing up large number that way you decided” Advancing with without either verification of the Tamura “effect being done is ” The chairman “about the original idea which excludes amendment next” “Such a thing of Tamura Such a thing may be advanced it is ” It votes concerning chairman “original idea

                                                        • 平均收入,“30000”,其中的来源?狗愚蠢“尼泊尔卢比,”一个单位的“日元”的想法是错误的 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d 政治 “儿童福利 Source where of average annual income “30 000 Yen” The foolish dog has mistaken in the unit which is called the “Nepal rupee” for “circle” “Child treatment

                                                          • 我将在日本最关心的10人在扎伊尔,吸收百分之十的人,我估计它是儿童,可能超过1000亿日元的效益仅外国儿童 NULL
                                                            • 有一个故事我出来反对延长偏离了日本出生率下降在所有你从129的目的,子女津贴 129 It has deviated from the gist of child treatment being it does the yo In the first place although it is the story which comes out with extension of little child conversion measure of the Japanese

                                                          • 我很惊讶我忘了在你说几句话,一个人的46 76 噢,那你可以做一个额外的一天如果你不说话的额外要求的民主只要求到会的自民党可能是什么?不要紧,后该团伙采取的蛋糕送到了同样的措辞,以民主的舆论,如果自民党要求通过电子邮件发送茹 76 No you 46 So by his saying also the callous forgetting If gt there is no chi in day excessive thing it does is when The tsu te those where you say when in just demand to our people becomes demand to democracy mean excessive thing If the demand mail you send separately in our people you should have sent to also democracy with the same contents it is There is no rear public opinion how relationship

                                                            • 我很紧张,日本有一个单一税率,日本的许多年,结婚20的儿童被紧张,我是一个单一税率,奇怪的爆裂real使多少儿童不结婚 As for Japan unmarried ratio rising being ru as for the number of children of the married person from 20 years ago As for Japan unmarried ratio rising being ru the number of children of the married person has not changed to tell the truth excessively
                                                              • 我很紧张,日本有一个单一税率,对已婚子女数目并不太大的变化前20年爆裂 As for Japan unmarried ratio rising being ru as for the number of children of the married person from 20 years ago As for Japan unmarried ratio rising being ru the number of children of the married person has not changed to tell the truth excessively

                                                            • 我打印的经济复苏,尽管税收增加是致命的,如果你要打印的氦氖我在E较弱法案,日元银行
                                                              If we would like to make weak yen, the bill have Bank of Japan print To print, don't you think? business recovery to be able with tax increase, -

                                                              • 我死了日本球员? Japanese everyone it dies it is
                                                                • 我死了日本球员? Japanese everyone it dies it is

                                                              • 日本工人不能把自己的孩子,因为低工资的295工作地地为低工资是不是想什么?
                                                                295 It is low, working at wages, it is low, you do not think the thing of the Japanese worker who cannot have the child in wages reason?

                                                                • 日本的老龄化正在白皮书每年发出的内阁批准了对2004年大纲中减少儿童的社会,
                                                                  After the few child aging white paper of Japan few child conversion social measure general principles the Cabinet conference being decided in 2004 It reached the point where every year it is issued

                                                                  • 比秘密协议,洒在他们的人民的鲜血想愚弄公众的敌人,疯狂Tteru Bikomuhouga调用埃泰特权
                                                                    Secret agreement compared to, scattering the blood tax of the native people foolishly likely to the hostile country people, giving right it calls, [mu] one deviating densely, the [ru

                                                                    • 民主党的身份-民主党在当地语-生野朝鲜居民联盟TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d HKb3Gd0 _ qbg
                                                                      The greeting of Democratic party Assemblyman at the Korean people group Ikuno branch ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = HKb3Gd0 _ qbg

                                                                      • 泰国的孩子们,我现在安全,但三,因为它会增加至1000人,其他人或法律从朱达罗为700瓦特什么 But as for the child of the tie person whom we presently has guaranteed three therefore to thousand people the intention of increasing w 700 Therefore according to law what the ro which is natural
                                                                        • 电视驱动tTA认为你通过苏通的方式,我不能不是这样的打算 As for the television being directly through whether the intention of passing you thought but so the reason shelf which is not

                                                                      • 现实情况是,一旦我有社会建立了日本在做所有这些家伙都不愿意在低工资的工作,外国工人 The work where everyone dislikes the guest worker with cheap labor There is the actual condition that the Japanese society which has been formed due to the fact that they do turns
                                                                        • 261因此,社会,即使有人不喜欢做Mawaran它,它是廉价劳工 261 Therefore such cheap labor being unless someone does society the ma straw is
                                                                        • 现实情况是,日本社会是,一旦我做,所有这些人都不愿意从事低工资的外籍劳工 The work which foreign work everyone dislikes low at wages There is the actual condition that the Japanese society turns by the fact that they do
                                                                        • 这并不是说,听到那个小顾能公司提出设立由日本发动工作在低外籍工人 The Japanese enterprise which has been formed by being able to use the guest worker low at wages You hear that it is not little
                                                                        • 通过有效的工资低,工作在171外国工人,同样的税收,做 171 When substantially it has paid tax through the fact that also the guest worker works low at wages it is the same

                                                                      • 理性到子女抚养费支付外国孩子在日本是94国外,“因为孩子应该逻辑是在原日本”已被打破分钟,在最后我 NULL
                                                                        • 它也可能是唯一有资格的儿童照顾机构拉远说,像一个孩子或邪教山岸和美国790 790 yamagishi the cult which is said detaching the child likely from the parent Also the group which rears just the child may become the provision object don t you think is

                                                                      • 留言:这是不是你的工作,积极防止外国这种对日本的税金流出珍惜
                                                                        One word: It is the valuable work where the fact that blood tax of the Japanese flows out overseas is prevented beforehand

                                                                        • 直到最近,这是内战,第二次来的东西我觉得从一到Rutsegobia老板,前南斯拉夫
                                                                          To recently it was civil war state, boss two [a] to of old Yugoslavia [rutsuegobia] The empty comes what, so feeling…

                                                                          • 确认资金的权力来自前东欧集团那里,许多媒体的影响力的公共生活了卖国的反革命是taken ll力量,这个东西的方式,
                                                                            There power was acquired with financial help from old east side, with the reformist power = anti-Japanese traitor the governmental financial mass communications, Being taken over, the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is in those the other side

                                                                            • 移民涌入→给予外国人选举权的支付子女→一没有外国国籍的第674(或外国居民的基本法律) ‥日本奴役救助法案,以保护外国人人权的侵犯 674 The nationality provision it is not child treatment gt foreign immigration mass influx gt foreign carrot administration grant or foreign inhabitant fundamental law In order to protect the human rights of the foreigner the human rights violation relief bill Japanese slave conversion
                                                                              • 顺便说一句,我不知道也许我是不是什么゛综合移民的涌入令人发指的质量给予外国人选举权的→→外国国籍,一无子女免税额涌入→外国国籍,一个没有孩子吗? °Д°)))575 Gakugakuburuburu姓名:职位可爱的妻子,如果:2010 04 02(星期五)23:02:44编号: ocKlaH30‥543不怕!国籍移民涌入普选方面给予外国人→→外国对一无子女免税额 ‥我都支持救市法案,以保护外国人人权的侵犯 The tsu te or the nationality provision it is not child treatment gt foreign immigration mass influx gt foreign carrot administration to attach taking part Perhaps doing don t you think brutal konho DOTDT something kana gt The nationality provision it is not child treatment gt foreign immigration mass influx gt foreign carrot administration grant MARU д MARU gakugakuburuburu 575 Name It is lovely the madam Contribution day 2010 04 02 gold 23 02 44 ID ocKlaH30 543 We fear The nationality provision it is not child treatment gt foreign immigration mass influx gt foreign carrot administration grant In order to protect the human rights of the foreigner the human rights violation relief bill Don t you think it has been linked entirely

                                                                            • 经合组织建议,除了到“开放电力和燃气”,“加强反垄断违法行为的处罚”,“正规工人加强培训机构的非”,“差饷税拉动下看企业”和峰包括玛丽塔
                                                                              In the proposition of OECD, in other things penal regulations strengthening for “the freeing antitrust law violation of the electrical gas” “” “Lowering “strengthening corporate body tariff” the training system of the non proper worker” and so on was included

                                                                              • 编号:u4NwczMbP朱达罗劳工官员流氓是什么意思?什么Ntsukyouso?从债务,我不介意的税收资金,日本纳税人
                                                                                ID: u4NwczMbP The [ro] which is the work henchman of the [tsu] [te] government employee? Nitukiyou group? Because the tax which is the fund the [tsu] lever which is blood tax debt of the Japanese citizen there is no head

                                                                                • 而且,你在日本的消费工资一直加速日本的低工资的外劳被
                                                                                  Furthermore is, wages are not consumed in Japan and as for the [te] the Japanese who does not become the guest worker accelerates wages conversion low

                                                                                  • 自民党消除废物的项目团队“的经营政策,只有和排序清单”自民党政策研究委员会消除废物的项目团队细节勉先生担任主席库诺太郎查看现场,4月5日(星期一)从“排序和商业库存政策只有线“上的唯一商业库存排序玛丽塔政策措施包括在2010预算一直在帮助民主党组织召开审查致成效的用处
                                                                                    The Liberal Democratic Party Wasteful eradication project team “Policy inventory business categorization” live broadcast Taro Kono serves the chairman As for the Liberal Democratic Party Policy Affairs Research Council wasteful eradication project team, 4/5 (month) from, “policy inventory business categorization” is held, It was formed by the Democratic party administration The action the policy inventory business categorization of the measure which is included in 2010 budget, You scrutinize concerning the usefulness effectiveness

                                                                                    • 自民党直至现在,当政府官僚机构和国家利益的国家政体的同时,他们也按自来水和平衡,但同时保留了不知怎的,我是地方好,民主党的东西,因为它涵盖了从底层我觉得茹 Until now at the time of the Liberal Democratic Party bureaucratic administration while balance taking it is pushed hitting although However how it was not and kept the national body and national interest however result orai there was also a place Something as for the Democratic party the air which it has been about probably to overturn from the root does
                                                                                      • 354民主的批评,自民党,该产品被发现隐瞒视角从无根据的信心 354 As for the Liberal Democratic Party democracy criticism the self confidence which does not have the basis of the eye line from above appears and disappears

                                                                                    • 茂木超过10分钟〜TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d U8 - 6sDWi9h4中的证词,他们使用普通话的警务人员负责对犯罪
                                                                                      10 minutes it passes, - ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = U8 - 6sDWi9h4 The testimony of the officer who uses the Beijing language and takes charge of the Chinese crime

                                                                                      • 该公司被迫检讨没有日本人的税款。并通过不限数量的外国人很容易伪造,正如他们所说的只是一个叛徒民主党有Rimasen
                                                                                        Blood tax of the Japanese the [ro] [ku] without either examination the door. E.g., it gives to also the foreigner whose forgery is easy limitlessly, The Democratic party only the traitor is an expression

                                                                                        • 软银的儿子USTREAM讲话传达给他们穿奇怪的中线
                                                                                          USTREAM speech of the software bank grandchild who was relayed had settled strangely

                                                                                          • 较少见,但把这些106天,一般人可以做,如果我们的生活 我猜网估计知道 106 If recently however such less you happen to see frequently the net doing the te and such it is The general people know you recommend and should the ro which is what

                                                                                            • 这就是你所期望的宏观透视效果只,在这种情况下我也有权利接受谁的同时,采取职工能够参与到日本社会的贡献可能都有权作为耀西河内 This to the last macro expects the effect with point of view to be something which simultaneously someone When you saw in the point whether there is a right to receive as for the worker who has contributed to the degree of contribution to the Japanese society Entirely that say whether it is not to be good assuming that there is a right
                                                                                              • 考虑到他们的贡献津贴275日本社会对儿童,256是第一次听到一个说法叫 256 275 The compensation child treatment for the degree of contribution to the Japanese society the tsu te the theory which is said was heard for the first time
                                                                                              • 这是你期望的宏观透视效果只,或者如果我有权利在工人来说是谁在同一时间接受了贡献到日本都有一个权可能诚河内 This to the last macro expects the effect with point of view to be something which simultaneously someone When you saw in the point whether there is a right to receive as for the worker who has contributed to the degree of contribution to the Japanese society Entirely that say whether it is not to be good assuming that there is a right

                                                                                            • )也许同样不能被一个小方法:恶意埃泰我吗?日本我想我调整了天空变成了不超过一市居住在 We just a little malice budding The kana which cannot the same thing With thinking you inspected but it is As for the Japanese without being able to designate the inhabitant register as plural municipalities was ascertained
                                                                                              • 福利费用从福利班邦接受这种压力有显着的市财政预算 Because the van van it receives welfare as for welfare expense public finance of municipalities It presses substantially

                                                                                            • ,日本,驴为您带来的w(((三ヽ/)(((我)布鲁诺 / /↑ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -友谊系统- - - - - - - - -星期五- - - ┌┐──────┌慷慨的孩子│→│→购买债券─├├邮政│┐──┴──┌┐──────
                                                                                              Japanese whether [tsu] don't you think? - w (( (REPT Three/) (((i ) No & ⌒ REPT, / Γ ⌒ ' \ ( . // ' ⌒ \ ) | : i / ⌒ ⌒ i ) < l : i ( ) ` ' ( ) i,/ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ l (_ _ human _). | (REPT Three/) )) │ foreign child │ * actual condition several obscurities \ | ┬ | / ( i))) └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ `. Ι `-' < / / ↑ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Friendship system - - - - - - - - - Gold - - - ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┐ │ Postal services ├ ─ purchase -> │ Government bond The ├ rose it spreads, -> the │ child treatment │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┘ ↑ Debt Debt │ Mail storing 20,000,000 limit │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ Gold . │ ↓ ↓ ↓ ┌ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ Day Book Country People . │ The Japanese child │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘

                                                                                              研究 開発