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With Fukushima not seeing [ho] minister of state “stimulant Japanese capital punishment…'Just a little it waits in China and' should increase with voice” the ★2


  • -领导人福岛瑞穗部长,社会民主党出生率消费者“觉醒(区按)死刑的代理[我说等候一个多Gerubeki』不
    Corporation people party the Fukushima Mizuho consumer little child conversion charge phase of party chief “Awakening (like this consequence) what with the medicine it makes capital punishment 'Just a little it waits and' with it should increase the voice which is said it isn't?

    • 616西(不要被治死他就恩戴俄,首脑会议与会者需要大量)你知道你会决定,直到我听到你说了境界北罗我这样说呢?由于许多美国人,尤其是如何! Ijan』能唤醒无茹说一些日本人死亡 616 Europe and America with saying hurting when becoming and r in a word summit participation country calls to capital punishment saying with a lot of you hear the decision ma The ro which is the tsu te ru Especially because the American is which extent With the voice which is said there is no reason which the Japanese can make capital punishment something it is
      • 151哦,你被判处死刑已经执行恩戴这样的意外的人,等待一分钟!这仍然是有意义的 151 If so so this person does not intend in such a wind and luck being done hurting becomes capital punishment Just a little waiting In other words you can understand still
      • 417好吧,如果犯罪团伙犯罪指控将是日本死刑 417 As for the offender in Japan which does not become capital punishment crime you should have committed it is
      • 616西(首脑会议与会者还需要说)你知道你会决定,直到我听到你说了境界北罗我这样说呢?茹能唤醒无事Ijan死亡,特别是日裔美国人 616 When Europe and America with saying in a word summit participation country says saying you hear the decision ma The ro which is the tsu te ru Especially the American there is no reason which the Japanese can make capital punishment something it is
      • 856,而不是死刑,我想尝试昼夜温差,杀害和折磨他们招供 856 Not to be to make capital punishment torturing after making make confession We want trying to kill
      • 893的真实和做有系统ṛ,我们大量死亡 Truly 893 Does organizationally r with a lot of to make capital punishment
      • Tteru或把重量,死刑的数量将伊藤诚重量轻 Having ru weight being light weight you think that it is good being capital punishment at frequency
      • 中国的毒品死亡 u003d DQN你觉得它只是我?他茂木过多 With just the Chinese stimulant DQN tsu te It is to call it is not even with capital punishment The tsu te person too multi to be
      • 也就是说,如果罪行成立,以吸引外部干扰总是“死刑”将被处以 In other words if outside 患 attraction crime is formed By all means it means to be punished by “capital punishment”
      • 什么是线的经验,如果是一个体面的审判是不错,我把毒品包括发言是非常令人不安的,而不是罚款的问题与死亡 Whether honest judgment was done it is very insecure but If the stimulant the fact that you brought is fact there is no problem with capital punishment
      • 但是,不要让它我基本上执行了日本国王什么人说塞纳 The Chinese person probably will say what but the Japanese is designated as capital punishment how it makes do basically and it is the chi ya useless
      • 但是,外部干扰,吸引犯罪(第81条)只,“将被处以死刑”已被定义为 But outside 患 attraction crime just 81 provisions “execute in capital punishment” that it is stipulated
      • 你在由中国鸦片毁了一个国家?在日本拥有的钚,就在执行死刑,如果这是一个合理的人制造核武器 It is China which with the opium designates the country as the me chi ya oral ya If it has produced the plutonium possession and the nucleus in Japan with the person who is said the ro which is proper even with capital punishment
      • 即使在日本提出审判,死刑是不是这样伐丽流认为,日本政府是不是真的这样的承诺 Assuming that you bet on judgment in Japan the case which does not become capital punishment It is thought but as for the Japanese government very that kind of definite promise is not possible
      • 可以执行从国家谁麻原彰晃和邪恶更喜欢,宫崎勉 The atrocious person the flax field and the Miyazaki working hard employment way rather than becoming the nation which cannot be made capital punishment it is mashi
      • 如果您不认罪将免于死刑,而现在,但它是一种兴奋剂成瘾每个人逃到中国1 3 But capital punishment between escaping with this if it becomes innocence the stimulant addict escapes to everyone China probably will be
      • 妈祖被抓获的前护士在马来西亚最近,但我不知道他是否再次死刑 Recently being is the former nursing teacher has been caught after all probably capital punishment what in Malaysia
      • 学生们!成为一个稳定的公务员队伍,努力学习!这不会是一个合适的死亡或运气部分本可怜Biyamitaini Pupil ladies and gentlemen Studying securely you probably become the government employee whom it stabilizes So if it does this pitiful carrying we would like to stop being inserted There are no either times when it becomes capital punishment
      • 宝水,甚至死亡为AA好人,如果我做这毫不奇怪,我知道 As for not seeing po unexpected good person shelf Therefore so as for the person who becomes capital punishment knowing the te doing the ru it is there is no ginger
      • 我们似乎认为,从轻发落,如果在国外引起太多比日本等待 Very being caught in the foreign country it seems that is thought that punishment is lighter than Japan
      • 我是马祖抓获宾博阵列在马来西亚时,我不知道死刑 So if you say however the foolish woman has been caught in Malaysia are and capital punishment decision it probably comes out
      • 据新华社报道,29日表示,在行刑现场的使用驱动tTA新疆乌鲁木齐市注射 According to Xinhua News Agency electricity you say that on the 29th the capital punishment which used the injection in the same autonomous area Ur rod city was executed
      • 死刑是致命的了!来吧,做一个奇怪的先例这里(日本)我不能死太暴力罪犯谁新浪 Make steadily capital punishment When strange front example it makes this Japan the brutal Chinese human offender it stops being able to make capital punishment
      • 瑞穗“等一分钟!如果首相要死刑或者鸠山”你说什么,中方和底部 The not seeing ho “just a little waiting Instead we want designating Prime Minister Hatoyama as capital punishment” that Please call to the Chinese side
      • 要与帮派有关的一切,它可能没有足够的人死刑,死刑的一个问题以任何方式 How because the se mob and others probably is seeing because the good dying it will not do There is no what problem with capital punishment
      • 觉醒(区通过)代理死刑是我等待的Gerubeki一点 没有说是否』 Awakening like this consequence what with the medicine it makes capital punishment Just a little it waits and with it should increase the voice which is said it isn t
      • 达罗是寻求加强它,而不是诬陷,以证明它不是一个单一的死刑,即使你在统一的生活和它说等待 You say doing that wait simply it makes capital punishment it is becoming the ro where the fact that the fact that the fact that it is not the false charge not to be thing is proven is requested is ahead
      • 这是干涉内政,谁也不能死冬虫夏草Zhang ll屁股当你不干预,从做新浪 Because the foreign intervention in domestic affairs shelf such a thing is done When interfering from China it cannot stretch and The Chinese person it stops being able to make capital punishment
      • 部长水错误 修福岛,“日本毒品死刑中国 等着我有点 ,是从日本!』Gerubeki和语音自主以上 Not seeing insect Minister of State Fukushima “With the stimulant just a little to wait in Japanese capital punishment… China because it becomes the Japanese autonomous area With it should increase voice

    • 99日,拥有儿童或父母的孩子从我们不是当作一个独立的人 99 As for Japan as for the child possession ones of the parent rather than because as for the child it is not handled as the alone human who becomes independent
      • 如果驱动tTA医学处理,早逝在该国Chankoro我真的什么帮助 If handling the medicine there is no ginger Gently in chiyankoro country 逝 tsu te giving

    • Erorusa南部委内瑞拉委内瑞拉军队空袭摧毁了委内瑞拉军队28日的跑道使用毒品组织在哥伦比亚,空袭,摧毁在跑道使用哥伦比亚毒品贩运组织,由哥伦比亚草甸最靠近边界的南部并表示天空
      The Venezuelan troop to raid the runway which the Colombian drug organization uses, destruction Venezuelan southern [erorusa] As for the Venezuelan troop of the South America on the 28th, with the grassy plain which is close to the southern anti- Colombian border the Colombian drug organization You expressed that it raided and destroyed the runway which is utilized,

      • Tsuka,如果没有困难 我go ll在日本运行死刑,手。感谢您告诉你,对不对?中国,的确,拉罪人。如果无情的早期作品!来吧,它带来的音频或 When the handle it is Japan capital punishment it is not executed and the te is troubled and the ru is with the hand Showing thank you for the ro which is As expected China criminal pulling te work is quick in law without pardon With raise
        • Tsuka,如果没有困难 我go ll在日本运行死刑,手。感谢您告诉你,对不对?中国的确,他们坚持不懈地努力尽快罪人!来吧,它带来的音频或 When the handle it is Japan capital punishment it is not executed and the te is troubled and the ru is with the hand Showing thank you for the ro which is As expected China criminal pulling te work is quick in law without pardon With raise

      • [法院],他的母亲离开了汽车,杀死婴儿的身体,法院缓刑缓刑[佐贺区法院判处谋杀母亲的婴儿被遗弃的尸体] [家庭法院家事法庭-一个男孩厕所死于出生后不久即学校男童→高非决定审判-母亲提到的女孩-一,2008年缓刑杀害儿童英吾28日被判处死刑,缓刑告诉他母亲的儿子扔Naseta(4月)2008年谋杀婴儿母亲的感化( 07年11月17日的儿童)的杀害她的两个,感化“婴儿不禁同情与”广岛高等法院的死亡率

        • _NULL_
          Sense consequence medicine smuggling: At the Narita international airport 1164 gram smuggling The Chinese suspect prosecution/Chiba The bag and the sense consequence medicine to arrest 120 kilometer = doubtful boat pursuit - Chinese total 9 in the fishing port, the Kochi prefectural police Between Japan and China periodic charter flight using sense consequence medicine smuggling and 2 human arrests Sense consequence medicine with suspicion the Chinese 5 human arrests To the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and organization elucidation Kochi prefecture Muroto prosecuting man 9 of the Chinese in the sense consequence medicine smuggling incident of city Sense consequence medicine smuggling: Prosecuting the Chinese From Hong Kong 2. It arrests at 99 kilometer - - Narita Airport /Chiba Sense consequence medicine control method violation: The Chinese Mafia number 2 and others the arrest - - Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Persevering more in the Chinese government, we would like to receive

          • _NULL_

            • 不过,我是日本领导人党的执政也暂时的,在信贷承认了我在摆动的尾巴我来到中国在过去的几年很多人来说,位是再见我可以把它给晒黑的脸Mizupo立场没有?我有两个艾希手流的要求有点太多等待,等待我会做3分钟 But Japanese administration ruling party it put out even party chief what of the temporarily it shook the tail in the support 那 so far over long time Considering also the achievement the chi tsu mizupo it is it is raising the face to call it is it isn t Just a little waiting it has done to ask distantly therefore it is waiting about 2 and 3 minutes

              • 不,那是出社民党,高潜力在日本朝鲜人的声音,他们被称为,调整后的天空 Well the corporation people party put out voice when you inspect that it was the resident Korean the possibility of saying is high
                • 我(反对派)我猜它显示的细节,看看是否在日本, I increase opposite voice You verify probably will be that whether or not that resident

              • 中共人,毒贩,因为我得到一个交易商感觉中国共产党在韩国,10天监禁,日本药物,因为我有一个感觉,日本共产党中国,这是死刑,事虽然有一条款说言文马铃薯筋合ü
                When also in the person, also in does the connection of the sense consequence medicine in the country, at imprisonment 10 day, When the Japanese, also in does the connection of the sense consequence medicine in the country, capital punishment… When this it is, however something there is a reason which says one word complaint,

                • 中国在死刑反对者是比我更呼吁,千叶池塘也可以在所有吻合,或为了保护语音广播后的生活不能把你的行Tteta Well you cannot approve completely but Chiba is better than the swamp where you say Although it is capital punishment group of objectors voice is not increased to China When after it is and would like to protect after has gone also radio wave
                  • 向井Hazime万我结构死刑!盖多经销商就像被杀害,特别是如果Zapanizu打雷 Making capital punishment absolutely the structure cup It should kill the road outside connection like steadily If zapanizu all the more is
                  • 我在日本获得了错误的中药带来一个谜,而不是死刑是一样的垃圾 As for being strange although it is the same kudzu having the drug in Japan as for the ru Chinese the puzzle which is not made capital punishment

                • 中国外交部谴责。签署的文件(司法部长,千叶)TTP的:/ / blog.livedoor.jp / the_radical_right /档案/ 52461283的。html
                  Place of the Chinese condemned criminal. In document signature (Chiba method phase) ttp: //blog.livedoor.jp/the_radical_right/archives/52461283. html

                  • 中国目前有4个敞开的日本死囚缓刑,谴责当地人称之为赤野的第一次选举是由可能性谴责了这一信息,我知道关于谋杀八王子市从那里,小心,不要做它,或让我活下去
                    Presently, the Japanese condemned criminal where stay of execution is not attached 4 is in China, but because the Akano condemned criminal first being chosen another condemned criminal is a possibility of knowing the information of Hachiozi murder case, it is the consideration that when it probably will utilize,

                    • 中国,日本将201元我觉得像随地吐痰干预在文字的戒律对国家宪法,你做了人道主义干预大店一样,玩假装?中国不是这样,他们恨你,幼稚的行为是合理的,采取的蛋糕歌曲查看详情
                      201 It probably is China, but it probably is Japan, but vis-a-vis the constitutional government nation, admonishes foreign intervention in domestic affairs in the composition which the nausea The [tsu] [te] which it does, you your the foreign intervention in domestic affairs [tsu] are dense the humane house which loves play? But as for disliking China your selfishness, to reason the [a] it is cut off in the immature speech and behavior which is bent

                      • 中国,日本,594所以按照法律,但它的不正确的,依法惩处的是日本,日本的担心不符合法律,以为已埃泰抗议什么是错,对其他国家我不是完全必要的需求作出让步来和其他国家的司法系统,甚至可以认为,外交谈判 594 Therefore it should follow China the law of the home country because Japan unless you follow the Japanese method is not good following to the Japanese method it is correct to punish But thinking of that that the foreign country by mistake is there are even times which protest and or ask the negotiation with respect to diplomacy How it is not necessary to concede to the administration of justice system of the foreign country separately extensively it is
                        • 因此,日本594但正确的是要惩罚我在法律根据日本不符合日本的法律,并要求外交会谈,并提出抗议埃泰考虑哪些国家不对其他我不完全有必要作出让步,司法系统,因为其他国家要来的 594 Therefore because Japan unless you follow the Japanese method is not good following to the Japanese method it is correct to punish But thinking of that that the foreign country by mistake is there are even times which protest and or ask the negotiation with respect to diplomacy How it is not necessary to concede to the administration of justice system of the foreign country separately extensively it is

                      • 什么人是不知道从非洲,后来被带到英国国籍驱动tTA黑色,当英国有话要说,我彻底地致力于保护该国的公众 Accompanying with certain African graduate was the black who takes the English nationality from after but When something England being the tsu te where the country protects the citizen by all power has been thorough the fact that you say

                        • 什么是错的呢? 同样的罪犯)不得以重罚,affords日本日本人比! 难道他们不抓了日本法院的中林!由于绝对认为,即使沿反正故事 In the first place something is problem what Same the offender the punishment which is heavier than Japan with the Japanese is given chi ya useless Chinese the way is the Japanese cutting deciding to be chi ya useless You think as viewing in story to whichever but it is
                          • 什么是错的呢? 不要被重罚,让该绝对认为比日本同罪! 难道他们不抓了日本法院在中国林!鉴于即使沿故事无论如何 In the first place something is problem what Same the offender the punishment which is heavier than Japan with the Japanese is given chi ya useless Chinese the way is the Japanese cutting deciding to be chi ya useless You think as viewing in story to whichever but it is
                          • 关于这是因为与毒品有关的Homerubeki中国,日本和fellow ll卖给你会受到严重的更多的工作应该是最高刑罚 In regard to this China should be praised Japan relationship of the drug should make harsher The 輩 which it makes and or sells should make the highest punishment
                          • 国际犯罪(犯罪的犯罪以外的领土)将受到惩罚(第3条,第2号) In addition The crime which is committed overseas offense in overseas you are punished 2 provisions 3 Number
                          • 在严格的猜测驱动tTA 558可怕的毒品犯罪与毒品遭 558 Because it encountered to the terrible eye with the drug it is harsh in drug crime it is probably will be
                          • 经过对这些碎片的国家抱怨会生气?严厉惩处和药物在该国的宝座那里 When complaint it is attached to such country the stomach probably will stand To that the drug anywhere is penalized harshly in the country

                        • 从执政党并不反对核电福岛瑞穗,日本自卫队也将在冲绳强烈的实际支持,我不能证明这个地方不再只是社民党赖希 NULL
                          • 我要说的是,反对派可能是语音或解除Gerubeki符合只有一个政府,在执政的谈判,因为正是 When it should achieve voice opposition party like thing you say Therefore now at the ruling party government itself what You should have gone to negotiation by your

                        • 从第一时间介入肯定会想塞板,我必须停止侵略的国家
                          If we would like to stop by any means, for the first time, invading that country from foreign intervention in domestic affairs, there is no other choice but to obstruct,

                          • 他不认为毒品价值白痴,可恨幸运的家伙,编织成利润
                            The person who does the drug thinks that it is suitable [aho], but carrying, the person whom it gains is unspeakable

                            • 你必须增加肉供应人类一个罪人从供应太低
                              Because supply of the human flesh is too low The [ro] which is only supply quantitative increasing with the criminal and is

                              • 你愿意做它由中国很早就这样做敏感的犯罪,毒品犯罪热出鸦片战争冤情以及在抢劫银行出这样的英国 If it is to obtain it is not crime it is good separately As for the support 那 that former times in hatred and pain of the opium war making England Therefore in crime of drug very sensitiveness
                                • 查看详细资料,包括在墨西哥毒品战争变成犯罪青少年(1 2页)2009年4月10日11:6300人死亡,在过去一年爆发的药物之间的领土争端,而不是该组织10战争“。”墨西哥正在升温 The Mexican drug war which involves the young people in crime Page 1 2 2009 4 10 11 10 “Drug war” intensifies on the one hand Mexico e g last year with such as the dispute over territorial claims which is during organizing the deceased approximately 6300 is produced in 1 years

                              • 你说了这将是专业的,当然690囚犯
                                690 Naturally, it becomes the occupation, prisoner That

                                • 例如,在2002年9月,紧张淇行政杀害在东京歌舞伎町,中国有组织犯罪集团 For example September of 02 the Chinese group Tokyo Mob staff gundown incident was caused in Kabuki Cho

                                  • 关于药物吸引处罚Gerubeshi日本!酒井法子死亡!
                                    Also Japan should pull up the penal regulations of the stimulant! In Noriko Sakai capital punishment!

                                    • 具体来说,非法使用炸药(炸药措施。第一条罚款),致命决斗(第3条 关于决斗罪),采取了强有力的和致命的飞机(两部法律有关的飞机和处罚文章),致命的空难(2条法关于惩治飞机等),杀死人质(第04处罚法的行为有关,迫使人质)是 Concrete Explosive illegal use explosive taking Penal regulations 1 provision duel homicide the case 3 provision regarding duel crime the aircraft it is strong homicide such as taking The legal 2 provision regarding strongly the punishment of taking and the like of the aircraft aircraft fall homicide the legal 2 provision regarding strongly the punishment of taking and the like of the aircraft Hostage homicide the legal 4 provision regarding the punishment of the coercion behavior and the like by the hostage is
                                      • 具体来说,非法使用炸药(炸药措施。第一条罚款),致命决斗(第3条 关于决斗罪),采取了强有力的和致命的飞机(两部法律有关的飞机和处罚文章),致命的空难(2条法关于惩治飞机等),杀死人质(第04处罚法的行为有关,迫使人质)是 Concrete Explosive illegal use explosive taking Penal regulations 1 provision duel homicide the case 3 provision regarding duel crime the aircraft it is strong homicide such as taking The legal 2 provision regarding strongly the punishment of taking and the like of the aircraft aircraft fall homicide the legal 2 provision regarding strongly the punishment of taking and the like of the aircraft Hostage homicide the legal 4 provision regarding the punishment of the coercion behavior and the like by the hostage is

                                    • 去年,全省人民高级法院(高等法院)上诉被驳回,并判决
                                      Last year, high-class people method institute of the same ministry (high court) with appeal to be rejected, decision It had decided

                                      • 同样的罪行,“死亡”的犯罪意图与临床资料显示,大部分将重罚不采取行动,防止损害日本的存在,并可能是一个国家的背叛,以阻吓 The heaviest punishment the same crime “capital punishment” Having the gist which faces to crime controlling the betrayal for thing and the homeland where the behavior which harms the existence of Japan is prevented There are times when it does
                                        • 朝鲜是排名最好的来源,希望在每个国家作出死刑朝鲜的Burgers As for North Korea which is first resource making with nation from the ru Every North Korea it is the rank which is wanted making capital punishment

                                      • 因此,毒品犯罪和反死刑,因为死刑只有当一个历史背景和文化内涵最合我认真的干预,更可能涉及死刑的指控Warazu在中国,但我不写一个可恶

                                        • 在本届国会会议后也说,因为我一定会在苏法案通过,以保持她的娘家姓氏即使市民清楚地看到自民党之间的差异

                                          • 在某些情况下,他们来调整对来自其他州购买的所有互联网贩卖地点
                                            From other prefectures inspecting the illicit sale place with Internet, you say that there is also a case which comes to buying

                                            • 在神户,在大麻管制法违反了今年12月起我把隐藏于去年1克,指导已逮捕了4名女孩和女孩,因为我已经把大麻藏 In Kobe city during the hemp control method violation which this year hides 1 grams from December of last year Assuming that the hemp was hidden 4 girls such as woman junior high school student being arrested being guided
                                              • 在神户,在今年1月至去年12月,指导已被逮捕4名女孩和女孩,因为我已经把大麻藏 In Kobe city during the hemp control method violation which this year hides 1 grams from December of last year Assuming that the hemp was hidden 4 girls such as woman junior high school student being arrested being guided

                                            • 在这种情况下,(双重危险原则重新确认的病例为同一人一旦被宣告无罪。确保惩罚不能)不适用
                                              In this case principle of one thing non- re-reason (the person whom innocence decides once with the same thing plan re-. It penalizes It cannot do thing) it is not applied

                                              • 墨西哥贩毒组织,落检察官头和一个被遗弃的五名警务人员杜兰戈头教会在墨西哥北部州6名警察,有教会案件,被遗弃外或
                                                The Mexican drug organization, the head officers 6 abandonment to church The head of policeman 5 person and 1 trial counsels to be cut down in Mexican north section [dourango] state, outside the church There was an incident that it is abandoned,

                                                • 大女童被捕。女学生与一个隐藏的城市神户的14岁,一年,我是将大麻校服隐藏的口袋,警方Wakarimashi大麻管制法在接受采访时说,他已经违反了没有被逮捕涉嫌被逮捕或神户是须磨区,在小学三年级女生就读公立初中14年 Woman junior high school student arrest Large It hides Assuming that the woman junior high school student of 14 years old of Kobe cities had hidden the hemp in the pocket of the uniform of the school in doubt of hemp control method violation It was found with collection of data to the police that it is arrested Those where it is arrested 14 years old where it commutes to the Kobe city Suma Ku public junior high school are the 3rd grade woman pupil
                                                  • 大女童被捕。女学生与一个隐藏的城市神户的14岁,一年,我是将大麻校服隐藏的口袋,警方Wakarimashi大麻管制法在接受采访时说,他已经违反了没有被逮捕涉嫌被逮捕或神户是须磨区,在小学三年级女生就读公立初中14年 Woman junior high school student arrest Large It hides Assuming that the woman junior high school student of 14 years old of Kobe cities had hidden the hemp in the pocket of the uniform of the school in doubt of hemp control method violation It was found with collection of data to the police that it is arrested Those where it is arrested 14 years old where it commutes to the Kobe city Suma Ku public junior high school are the 3rd grade woman pupil

                                                • 大连市中级人民法院审判08年6月30日(相当于区法院),大连被判处死刑二审4月1日,2009年。独家省人民法院(相当于高等法院)在法庭上被解雇的人员死亡是排在大连监狱的地方,提出上诉。 50多岁的日本男子是焦点,我知道判决公告共犯被告15年监禁 One Making clear 2008 June 30th The Dalian city class people method institute suitable to district court Capital punishment decision Two Making clear 2009 April 1st Dalian Economical high class people method institute suitable to high court Appeal rejects Capital punishment decision Ahead detaining The Dalian city keeper place Cutting deciding Focus Obscurity Special mention item Japanese man I defendant of 50 year old generations which are the complicity decided penal servitude 15 year decision
                                                  • 2008年6月,接受下级法院判处死刑,上诉被高等法院驳回的决定发表了2009年已完成 2008 June capital punishment decision was received with one making clear appeal was rejected with 2009 high class people method institute decision had decided

                                                • 女孩的父母“是大麻源,我把我的女儿,”九十年代的警察,两天,我听到一个女孩在警察的情况, 当地雇员进入校服口袋大麻发现浸泡,就是逮捕 The parents of the woman pupil “the daughter have the procurement route and the like of the hemp” When with you consult the police on the 2nd with police station you inquire about circumstance from the woman pupil because the hemp having entered into the pocket of the uniform of the school is found It means that it arrested
                                                  • 女孩的父母“,我把她的大麻,”九十年代的警察,两天,我听到一个女孩在警察的情况,但他们将进入校服口袋大麻浸泡看看为该逮捕 The parents of the woman pupil “the daughter have the procurement route and the like of the hemp” When with you consult the police on the 2nd with police station you inquire about circumstance from the woman pupil because the hemp having entered into the pocket of the uniform of the school is found It means that it arrested

                                                • 如果民主党官员,政府机构可以出入,可在国家的信心,37之间的工资差异 - Gemasu八千五百万日元
                                                  If you become the Democratic party staff, be able to enter and leave each ministry and board, be able to participate in the secrecy of nation, you give the salary of 37 - 850,000 Yen

                                                  • 如果这些罪行在外国行一,该名男子的日本调查当局发现没有在法庭认罪,接受中国可以做不受刑事追究 It does these crimes in the foreign country that man receiving judgment of acquittal at the Chinese courthouse illuminating in criminal law prosecutes the Japanese investigation system It is possible to do
                                                    • 2003年3月事件发生后6个月内,该名男子在澳门引起中国当局赶上中国 From incident 03 March of half year later that man in the Chinese Macao was caught in the Chinese investigation authorities

                                                  • 它无法判断太好,为什么让自己的思维如何476好,我不得不把一个意义 When it can judge that and that is wasted why by his 476 It seems the way It will try thinking well whether it has feeling of

                                                    • 它甚至没有提及该名男子是由少数人暴政处决华人抗议当局如果这

                                                      • 并发挥好几年,如果我的水平已经猜到我在此很走私,因为我看到死时,我们可以,毒品泛滥是不是在日本 When it is found well therefore capital punishment tsu te correspondence smuggling being completed with this the ru it is probably will be If this several years and the empty the stimulant overflows in Japan and can apply don t you think it is
                                                        • 你要排在一个危险的国家永远118瓦特古也是一个虚假的指控,说责任,我遇到了类似的路线雷区驱动tTA 118 The ro w which is not the meaning which goes into dangerous country and is Even with the false charge the self responsible shelf kind of those which it keeps running to the minefield
                                                        • 好问题,但如果这是诬告,被诬陷我可以帮助 If this false charge but problem However perhaps well the false charge there is no ginger
                                                        • 总是穿只可能与295,死刑,我认为毒品是正确的等待一小瑞穗 295 If the possibility hangs on always as the not seeing ho said you think capital punishment with the stimulant that just a little wait
                                                        • 通化茶 事件时,她立即死亡诬告他,否则我也想的也许就是陷入从娜 The u it traps this case perhaps and the tsu po is the empty With false charge instantaneous death punishment tsu te in person in question with tsu chi ya cartridge viewing

                                                      • 幸运的感觉如何抑制毒品和犯罪的刑法典在日本商业用途,该药物的概率是一种药物,如果你与他们感到淹死过轻,我决定减少 NULL
                                                        • 淹死的概率是一所以如果你觉得药物也感觉轻的毒品和毒品犯罪和商业,因为它是日本刑法少 The Japanese criminal law to impress in the profit making intended drug and sense consequence medicine crime because never it is too light in type of drug When is when perceives don t you think the probability where you are drowned to the medicine decreases

                                                      • 废除死刑的国家(瑞典),它们也是如此,李梁的主要原因杀人逃避到一个柏青哥店抢劫,据说已逃往国外,是国际通缉
                                                        When capital punishment abolition country (in case of Sweden) to it escapes, Also the Japanese plum which makes principal case of pachinko store burglar murder case, is said that it escaped overseas, it is in the midst of international designation arranging

                                                        • 弹出被炸毁的方式,不,已经哭了好苏加可怕好,有些人可能会高兴哭基达 The middle it blows out the causing brick which well starts crying… Well the person that it will be delightfully it is crying but
                                                          • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL

                                                        • 当他们穿着听到伊集院是我周年电台周一或死刑,我觉得自己像一个复杂而死亡
                                                          Monday deathday? I hearing, the Ijuin radio, as for the condemned criminal it has died at the time of the [ru] the shelf It is complicated feeling

                                                          • 您将出售给日本人民,你会击中毒品intake ll意义,因为日本人民按照自己的法律,我们听从朝鲜非法入境的法律比
                                                            The Japanese citizen first from respect of the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea law should observe the law of the home country As for the Japanese citizen striking and/or inhaling the sense consequence medicine and/or selling breach of law of the home country

                                                            • 愚蠢的中国女性生活在其他国家的学徒囊干预如此糟糕,我的学徒,日本和新加坡的药物将处死那些谁毒品买卖
                                                              Internal affair it interferes to the foreign country it is the foolish woman Because it is hateful, to learn China, learning Singapore, even in Japan the illicit sale person of the drug and the stimulant will make capital punishment

                                                              • 愚蠢的狗屎是助长了毒品交易商和432公司具有良好的恩奇 432 Corporate body of the good resident in inside and the connection of the drug are done the simultaneous ku are droppings manuke
                                                                • 线 在这里尤其是古166只是一个毒贩或自杀,或一个傻瓜 gt 166 As for going to special a the fool the ro where is just the suicide applicant or the connection of the drug

                                                              • 我不经常看见死亡的受害者已完成了由我请理所当然如果Katazu飒,马旦真毒品被捕 It was caught truly with the drug if it is satsusa and the one zu ke te When the verification whether there is no victim who is inserted of it is completed Don t you think it is possible to be capital punishment
                                                                • 大麻。出口大国,是党让朝鲜提供多项优惠 Flax From export large country and North Korea varieties Because the profit it has had offering it is the political party

                                                              • 我会变成这样的法律规则,对持有毒品处决,因为在中国乡镇根据感观,或别人不?这只是日本法院规则的法律,如果我让罪恶的手在日本,中 Entering in rule the other side attending to the home village The sense consequence medicine possession with the Chinese law capital punishment as for being executed natural without being If the Chinese commits crime conversely in Japan conforming to the Japanese rule it is judged just to put out
                                                                • 我进村方式,如果它使乡镇的观感感,囊中死刑正当根据,以藏毒按照 Entering in the home village attending to the home village If the sense consequence medicine possession is suitable to capital punishment is with the Chinese law Following that rubbed the muscle tsu te
                                                                • 而不是提了死刑,因为这些代理商传播的社会意义,是严重和更现实 Capital punishment system commenting compared to sense consequence medicine spreading society probably is serious problem to more realistic

                                                              • 我得到了我要解除非法禁锢在中国Detchi日本毒贩
                                                                Inventing the drug illicit sale person of the Japanese with the false charge, there is some profit in China, it is

                                                                • 我想我,一看你超重的女人发生了从一个护士毒品被判处死刑,贩卖新加坡或马来西亚? So whether well it is Singapore or is Malaysia Capital punishment decision probably will put out with drug illicit sale The debu woman of the former nursing teacher how became
                                                                  • 咦?什么麻烦的是,朝鲜不再出售毒品死刑及商店好运! It is When the carrier is designated as capital punishment The North Korean stimulant becoming unable to sell The thing kana that it is troubled
                                                                  • 我渴望被视为对圪台价值良药然后爆破死亡 It is possible to make ringing capital punishment We would like to increase the value of the medicine therefore it is It becomes according to the desire

                                                                • 戒律,因为我们没有看到我用什么来妨碍对中国说,谁也射击队中是一个 Being whatever to the Chinese partner who has also the fact that even at the 痴 China it becomes gun down punishment it is wasteful Because of warning therefore

                                                                  • 排减人认为,虽然类似的双方甚至是第一点的世界从我们自己也被春天的。 。党或团体茶小鸡 您的孩子在部队,因为独裁者远不及它的及中共 NULL
                                                                    • 嗯,这质疑民主,但不是绝对的折磨,我知道你可以的,如果中国共产党 If democracy such interrogation and torture however it cannot make absolute are also in the ro which is possible
                                                                    • 我想运行到卖国共产党Bihetsuraimasumasu科凯因此,自我保护的述评为休克外国人外籍人士在这里做一个死刑 Now when capital punishment is done the Japanese of the resident in inside trembles and rises and both in flatters because of self protection and flatters and runs to treason more and more it is it isn t

                                                                  • 政府不抗议中国最早古为什么?博爱精神是怎么回事?日本律师协会联合会是问题?我总是喜欢一对早期古Dasou声明

                                                                    • 故意的感觉。在中国死刑,如果协议是朱达罗这些国家将走私的东西,他们不是吃别人一旦我粉碎贩毒组织,也刻意微升
                                                                      Intentionally sense. If you smuggle, the [ro] which is possible to be capital punishment, is As for [ro] China which is such country Also drug smuggling how organization crush intentionally easily It probably is the party who designates others as the food

                                                                      • 无花果Yadjanee Zapanizu我对日本的文明生活靠脸像这样只有当W
                                                                        Just such a time depending on the Japanese, the civilization person it confronts, is the [ji] [ya] [ji] [ya] well [zapanizu] w

                                                                        • 日本千叶地方检察厅逮捕了一名伊朗走私毒品2008年9月26日1公里03:01千叶地方法院,对知觉收费违反兴奋剂管理法,还因为海关法,日本伊朗人美容公司横滨,在西部丘陵在青叶区主席先生,沙洛姆Mehrabi(37江东)其雇员和桥梁,墨田区,祖土Satouri(28),嫌疑人都被起诉
                                                                          Stimulant 1 kilometer smuggling Resident Iranian human arrest Chiba area inspection 2008.9.26 03: 01 As for Chiba area inspection, with crime of Customs Law and sense consequence medicine control method violation, Yokohama city greenery Ku is beautiful with the resident Iranian person company president of hill west, [meherabi] [shiyaromu] (37) with the same company employee of the Tokyo Sumida Ku Koto bridge, [satouri] [saido] (28) both suspects were prosecuted

                                                                          • 是否虚假指控“唯一”之后我等待,因为我是重要的疯狂死刑 Whether or not the false charge “just” is important Therefore capital punishment it waits as for tsu te okashii
                                                                            • 失业超过5年的监禁一年以上,比10年监禁死刑 As for inoccupation of 1 year or more imprisonment punishment As for 5 years or more penal servitude As for 10 years or more capital punishment

                                                                          • 有没有,特别是在中国大使馆前示威抗议,这是已知的,您的死刑废除死刑的公民权利和群体村瓦特

                                                                            • 此外,抢劫凶杀人员杆诚东京2000年12月,中国当局已经逮捕了一名杀人疑犯汉语川崎,2001年11月 To in addition to December of 00 Tokyo trust Kin staff burglar Chinese suspect of murder case and November of 01 Kawasaki Chinese murder case is arrested in the Chinese authorities
                                                                              • 成瘾患者和健康人45 000和贪婪谁,陷入债务额和杀害的人,那么你是毒品和金钱 It designates healthy person 45 000 as the poisoning patient makes the debt being covered Medicine metallurgy we want the human murder the quantity which is done

                                                                            • 死刑在这个意义上讲,一个合理的生活,因为在监狱坐牢的药物重型实在太低
                                                                              Capital punishment as expected is too heavy with the sense consequence medicine Penal servitude life sentence is applied

                                                                              • 毒品犯罪组织官员行贿在委内瑞拉机场的运作,有些指出,走私会容忍
                                                                                Drug organization to bribe in the Venezuelan airport management authorities person, acquiescing smuggling There is also indication that it is,

                                                                                • 没有外国干涉的事情?动物死刑废除死刑的时候,眼睛盖是说,“我们是世界各国的思想在发达国家,”我在杂音很习惯瓦特
                                                                                  Therefore thing of the foreign country it does not interfere? When capital punishment abolition theory hitting, in the cover word eye “With advanced nation of the world the commenting” [tsu] [te] in the habit which babbles w

                                                                                  • 目前内阁龟井,战国,瑞穗,千叶,我领导的一致将取消顶部的局部放电
                                                                                    The present cabinet Kamei in the head, the 仙 valley, the top of Mizuho, Chiba and capital punishment abolition discussion ream being even, probably is the [ru

                                                                                    • 米诺临床药物严厉处罚是有原因的鸦片战争,中国历史从我的一
                                                                                      Because there is a history of opium war, don't you think? China facing to the drug with severe punishment is a reason

                                                                                      • 给定的干预,我绝对说,中国在外国的压力法干涉中国的司法行为规则的伐丽流线驱动tTA
                                                                                        Internal affair drying crossing, as for in the administration of justice behavior which conforms to the Chinese method which is done in the Chinese country from the foreign country pressure Applying, it means that it interferes it is

                                                                                        • 艾日嗯面积,而浮雕刻了一个打破我和被捕的污染扩散剂药物,因为人们总给人一种Warota 428毒贩和购物者1年零两个月,茂木屁股了,赶上了隔离企图贩运十分猖獗,西成区,大阪是日本的主要贸易地,“艾日嗯区”在那里我的办法9月1票反对,最后警方为1个月,直至最后被捕,因为一个特定的结果发现,一共有428人被捕,年贩运者和购物者2个月 Meeting phosphorus area yaba passing warota Drug illicit sale person and 428 purchase customer total arrests at 1 year 2 month Although the extent of medicine pollution of the sense consequence medicine and the like again became relief that exposure it will be escaped illicit sale swaggers is made the domestic prominent transaction place the Osaka city Nishinari Ku which “it meets targeting phosphorus area” prefecture police policing When from the September last year it tackles special arrest measure illicit sale person and it was found at 1 year 2 month to the end of last month that 428 purchase customer total is arrested
                                                                                          • 雕刻是浮动的药物污染的蔓延我休息是复杂的地震技术是将是一个打击贩运集团 Although the extent of medicine pollution again became relief that exposure will be escaped it converts also the method of the illicit sale group skillfully

                                                                                        • 英国政府曾要求停止执行,精神疾病是根据中国国营新华社报道,最高法院(最高法院)是“没有理由怀疑精神状态”,并批准执行 The English government assuming that there is a spiritual disease requested the execution stop of punishment but According to Chinese government managed Xinhua News Agency the highest people method institute the Supreme Court “there is no reason which doubts spiritual state” that it did approved execution

                                                                                          • 被定罪,并指出法庭定罪,梁在接到判决后,刑事国内
                                                                                            Previous offense the Japanese country It points to after the guilty irrevocable judgment of the criminal law offense which is received at the courthouse and

                                                                                            • 被起诉,检察官说,当被告竹内吉隆坡国际机场在2009年10月30日迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国1或4 毒品藏在一个手提箱06英里我见过带来浸泡被捕 It was prosecuted but according to prosecution as for Defendant Takeuchi in the United Arab Emirates Dubai or October 30th of 12 009 Kuala Lumpur The occasion where it arrives at the international airport stimulant hiding 4 6 kilometers was found in the suitcase was arrested
                                                                                              • 竹内被起诉的被告继续检控程序的2009年11月的化学和控方专家已捕获 Defendant Takeuchi was prosecuted in November of 09 but with prosecution because it is the chemical judgment and the like prosecution procedure It was continued

                                                                                            • 让我们都了解我们的外国律师成为国外茄子Arukarashouga外国锝((笑)法) Law of foreign wa foreign appearance from a ru ginger eggplant Law of everyone foreign country will be studied laughing

                                                                                              • 请告知代理我在执行一次发送中国从日本囚犯执行是不全面的司法,疏忽的部长
                                                                                                Because also the condemned criminal of the not yet execution which overflows from the neglect of duty of Minister of Justice in Japan sends to China Collecting, please substitute and executing

                                                                                                • 达罗和干扰自然保护他们的citizens m 425?如果你在中国中国逮捕所有日本人民,什么也不做在日本抱怨多少干预呢?可以解释说,如果这事是在一个真正的白痴的干预,认为峨 NULL
                                                                                                  • 介入逮捕外籍你,因为中国的妄想的异教徒法律瓦特坏,不是吗? gt China restraining the Japanese of the resident in inside legally Your delusion internal affair interfering to the reason the ro w which is useless
                                                                                                  • 无论如何,我会从弯曲不必要的压力,相信外界的干预斯托 Foreign intervention in domestic affairs stopping dissolving Because it is said that it submitted to external pressure it becomes excessive nature

                                                                                                • 这个犯罪已被捕,在日本驻中国共产党,临时如果(难民没有国籍),如果是这样,日本政府认为他们是不相关的,他们会做我的法院的法律的迅速共产党 Also in this criminal who is arrested in the country temporarily resident the refugee who does not have nationality If is because it is not to be relationship in the Japanese government quickly with law also in It is possible to judge

                                                                                                  • 这是中国120百分之率要感谢日本,他们要杀死一个人一个不杀坏人贩毒幸好不是犯罪苏冲动囚犯意外和突然,但损害任何传播大小的水平要无法计算,日本应该被处死,我也绝对的资金来源和朝总联雅库扎 This appraises 120 China and would like to appreciate in Japan the scoundrel who cannot be killed even alone It is grateful to kill Sudden impulse and even with the crime which is committed suddenly or the extent of damage calculates drug smuggling from something It spreads to the level which it is not possible also Japan should make capital punishment yakuza and money source of entire ream It can cut off
                                                                                                    • 我不是一个龟尾兴奋剂的财政资源和社会民主党之间的北朝鲜和山口 North Korea and Yamaguchi group and corporation people party Being the case that it designates the stimulant as money source the shank

                                                                                                  • 这样,药物干预可能会被清洗Yanainarahottokebayoroshii等待如果我什至把虚假的驱动tTA ·良好的交易费用,他和藏有毒品的重罪,因为被告会知道Tteta NULL

                                                                                                    • 集团的销售额据说已进入抑制剂一袋巧克力感或欺骗调查人员的眼睛 In order to cheat the eye of the investigator Inserting the sense consequence medicine in the sack of the chocolate candy you say that there was also a group which you sell

                                                                                                      研究 開発