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Also Prime Minister Hatoyama declared “it should examine,” that “BASIC income” system introduction argument quickly to rise, the concrete movement the ★2 which follows one another


  • 1 难道我只是匆匆来到刚刚两年的经济衰退?我要停止时间是越来越多的婴儿潮世代退休,雇主将很快恢复 1 2 year depression which passes is flurried just came or is The nodule being steadily retirement age the ze which is the times when it keeps stopping it revives employment immediately

    • 1)多少每人每月将使商务智能? 2)如果税收制度?是怎么打的所得税率是多少? 3)如何处理社会保障?毕或社会保障对你们呢?我环顾回答埃泰 1 Per one person doing some BI in month 2 As for the tax system how doing Altogether earnings becoming some tariff 3 Social security how Designating BI as everything of social security tsu te thing answering seeing on the center
      • 例如说,05日向9900万日元 1000日元相当于8 BI是将要支付的金额超过1年 If 990 000 Yen you say it is suitable to the amount which one year or more is provided with BI of 5 80 000 Yen

    • 3本地流动资金,他们希望降低生活成本,鉴定04的可能,如果他们接受严格的欺诈→如何处理财政? →退休金,失业福利,社会保障分配给每分钟成本
      Flowability of the district whose cost of living is cheap rises 3, illegality receipt -> If it does strict this human verification, corresponding yes 4, is the revenue source how done? -> Annuity and the unemployment benefits gold, appropriating welfare expense amount

      • 40:04编号:67 76 67 7J26rikW0这是明显的权利。国家公安委员会已发送到该团伙的写家 40 04 ID 7J26rikW0 67 76 As for 67 clearly the right Entry house of mob It transmitted to National Public Safety Commission
        • 全部1■■2通道返回论坛 最新50 社会鸠山也“考虑”,并表示“Beshikkuinkamu系统”导言。 80 2★首相后立即敏感,迅速采取行动的具体辩论: 名无Shisan十周年:2010 04 03(星期六)00:40:04编号:67 76 67或7J26rikW0明显权。国家公安委员会已发送到该团伙的写家 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Also Prime Minister Hatoyama declared “it should examine ” that “the BASIC income” system Derived Argument quickly rising The concrete movement it follows one another 2 80 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 03 Saturday 00 40 04 ID 7J26rikW0 67 76 As for 67 clearly the right Entry house of mob It transmitted to the National Police Agency
        • 全部1■■2通道返回论坛 最新50 社会鸠山也“考虑”,并表示“Beshikkuinkamu系统”导言。 80 2★首相后立即敏感,迅速采取行动的具体辩论: 名无Shisan十周年:2010 04 03(星期六)00:40:04编号:67 76 67或7J26rikW0明显权。警方送往写店团伙 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Also Prime Minister Hatoyama declared “it should examine ” that “the BASIC income” system Derived Argument quickly rising The concrete movement it follows one another 2 80 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 03 Saturday 00 40 04 ID 7J26rikW0 67 76 As for 67 clearly the right Entry house of mob It transmitted to the National Police Agency
        • 全部1■■2通道返回论坛 最新50 社会鸠山也“考虑”,并表示“Beshikkuinkamu系统”导言。 80 2★首相后立即敏感,迅速采取行动的具体辩论: 名无Shisan十周年:2010 04 03(星期六)00:40:04编号:67 76 67或7J26rikW0明显权。警方送往写店团伙 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Also Prime Minister Hatoyama declared “it should examine ” that “the BASIC income” system Derived Argument quickly rising The concrete movement it follows one another 2 80 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 03 Saturday 00 40 04 ID 7J26rikW0 67 76 As for 67 clearly the right Entry house of mob It transmitted to the National Police Agency

      • 439 Tsuka,你没有一个周五很多幕后,我将分发 439 The handle and the ro which is not the reason which the gold how it can circulate in large quantities with the reverse side and is
        • 439 Tsuka,你没有一个周五很多幕后,我将分发 439 The handle and the ro which is not the reason which the gold how it can circulate in large quantities with the reverse side and is

      • 4。主观我决心同 理想的世界今天,随着生产力的提高和并非不可能 4 It scolds with subjectivity gt And the today when productivity improves as for the ideal world it is not impossible
        • 今天,随着生产力的提高和理想的世界是不是不可能 And the today when productivity improves as for the ideal world it is not impossible
        • 今天,随着生产力的提高和理想的世界是不是不可能 gt And the today when productivity improves as for the ideal world it is not impossible

      • 683上, 阿瓦沃的AAA Fuwaaaa啊我!
        683 `[ro] '

        • 684的“L改变税率”和“顶出效益”的机制发现,目前唯一能够受益不喜欢吃零食,不仅抛弃社会主义自由主义市场经济,我是多么地 684 “Tariff is changed” that with just the existing mechanism that “the benefits are produced” The socialist tsu po it is without throwing away free market economy and can eat by stealth just advantage the tsu te it is dense kana
          • BI的自由派正在推广一种新的,不是社会主义者很多孩子不明白的是,组成否认 Propelling BI the new free person in order not to be able to understand the composition what it denies socialist person child it is many

        • 884便利店和餐厅,然后我就租了奖学金不是不是所有的外国人,在运输行业工作,也没有奖学金。如果没有相关的因素,不是吗?
          884 [konbini] and the eating-house, foreign everyone who works with the carrying trade receiving scholarship, will not there be a [ru] reason After, there is a scholarship, without the possession. The [ro] which as for magnification ratio is not connection and is

          • Beshikkuinkamu取消,1 705或宝(所得税收入,那些谁只能租住一做一定数额的所得税纳税人谁)没有。
            705 The raw [po] abolishing, the BASIC income (the revenue source income tax, the person whom you can receive one fixed amount income tax only the person who pays tax) should have done, it is not

            • BI的进展1 3按自由市场原则,有些人想通过养老金,失业救济,社会保障作为一种福利资本主义交换有趣,人们想介绍的BI The person who desires BI introduction in order to push free market principle it is and The person who desires BI introduction annuity and the unemployment benefits gold as the capitalism social security system which changes to welfare it is
              • 497 Beshikkuinkamu福利,如果没有,不要生病接受医疗片段 497 If are not welfare and are the BASIC income becoming the sickness Medical care cannot be received
              • 4,如何处理财政? →退休金,失业福利,社会保障分配给每分钟成本 4 is the revenue source how done gt Annuity and the unemployment benefits gold appropriating welfare expense amount
              • 一个或ー四八○○○日元一刀切第一(福利费用800万元× 0 6)和实验布莱恩好的。 The ri ya which first experiments welfare expense 48 000 Yen evenness 80 000 × 0 6 it is to call it is
              • 他们没有大的价值非工作放在Kunaru也没有社会保障养老金古Narushi Also welfare is gone and the reason which makes big value the work where also annuity is gone
              • 我觉得这个简单,只要停下来,所有的津贴及儿童福利 Welfare and child treatment etc are discontinued entirely Because this if it does you think that it is possible to be simple

            • J Yamou床鹰温差之间和我感受到了真正的世界或习俗的由来
              J refuse source? Because temperature difference of actual society could be felt, my [ya] already you sleep

              • NULL ∠ It does not should eat ni 7 ni f 92 l r it does the re 92 he l three ┘ ∧ i l ha ha l 92 REPT l l l i l gt l l gt l lt gt l 92 92 REPT l 92 l 92 ∨ l Y o
                • │┐─────────┌。 疯狂报警│! ││。 └ ── ヽ┘( ー )布鲁诺(至)古 ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ │ kichigai warning │ │ └ ─ ─ ┘ REPT no To ku

              • [75]总督桥本政治改革“不能把公众的压力,政府官员,接受财政援助的民间工会公务员民主党,三方”韩国人在工程承包公务员如龙2★毕我几乎做一个社会进行
                75 Because as for not being able to reform the national public service personnel system which presses the governor “public finance under the bridge the Democratic party has received support from the labor union of the government employee” * 2 It is social what which substantially executes BI with three people of the government employee earth building public works projects [yakuza] Korean don't you think?

                • ·ω· )朱达罗就像律师相应的文件和政策,我把民主关闭 503 Even the ruling party in just the reason the democracy commenting word tsu chi ya u person thinks with this that the ho it is with it is the democracy illness If the policy which is not understood well it cannot return at that place therefore it is “it should examine ” the ro which is only tsu te saying and is the Ω Appropriately the like ro of the attorney which is rubbed So becoming policy of democracy body it slips it is
                  • m谈论民主和纸张 503 Even the ruling party in just the reason the democracy commenting word tsu chi ya u person thinks with this that the ho it is with it is the democracy illness If the policy which is not understood well it cannot return at that place therefore it is “it should examine ” the ro which is only tsu te saying and is the Ω Appropriately the like ro of the attorney which is rubbed So becoming policy of democracy body it slips it is

                • “海虫海※ u003d腐腐和社会悬殊投资者(政府,企业,富裕)海上森林防腐才华的工程师和科学家Kushana u003d BI的倡导者(加热新鲜,民主,田中)空间失控兵Beshikkuinkamu ” Decaying sea differential society Insect investor of decaying sea government and enterprise wealthy layer Forest competent technician and scientist of decaying sea kushiyana BI propulsion group raw heated discussion and democracy Tanaka… Large God soldier BASIC income
                  • “风之谷:”工程师和科学家志摩没有努力令人遗憾的是,生活本已很少清理污染人类世界 ” Now the deer “As for the technician and the scientist who do not spare effort It was born in order to make this world which the human pollutes clean

                • “贫穷之间的传播差距,我们将陷入传统的社会保障故障
                  “With the extent of poor differential, former social security has fallen to dysfunction

                  • ⇒倡导者整洁,失业,Wapua,不积极。奴隶,这家公司。 ⇒公共服务工人的对手,官员,既得利益者,投资者,这场冲突仅仅是一个管理
                    Group of supporters ⇒ neat and unemployed person, [wapua], non righteousness. Slave, corporation. Worker… Group of objectors ⇒ government employee, public official and acquired interests person, investor, manager… Simply this opposition shelf

                    • 不可能的,即使没有种族或其他过度的价格竞争,无法负担的时间来开发领域竞争力的产品因逃逸 On the one hand excessive price competition or unreasonable it does not develop does not compete and also escaping to another field the commodity which does not compete the spare time when it develops and room it is possible

                      • 中等人才,他们在适度的工作,是不是适度卡兹Gitai平庸的人没有好
                        About being competent in extent, working in about extent, the mediocrity mediocrity which we would like to make in about extent there are no many merits in the person

                        • 也就是说,给定绝对认为它不是限制征购 In other words you think that it means that nation has restricted shopping but it is …

                          • 亲 日期博客,“一个空洞的说法”,并背诵为不排减单位,一致反对 gt Even on the net vis a vis the Horie your sentence person of group of supporters as for Hiroyuki wide going thing Nishimura 2010 February 21 gt With date burogu opinion has not been settled e g objection is advocated as a “empty argument”

                            • 什么是不符合日本的BI垫。我们只是要恢复到正规就业和资历
                              It does not meet to BI no [za] Japan . To be revived formality employment and seniority, the [se] time harboring

                              • 他们参加了麻烦播出孝文堀江,2010年2月21日Horiemon现场微笑“微笑生活,直到早晨。” The horiemon thing Horie your sentence people participating on 2010 February 21st with smile live program it is broadcast It is “to morning smile raw heated discussion”
                                • 但是,你会更没有钱或工作,或没有,他们将删除所有的工作?我不认为我们担心堀江 With when it does not work and the money can receive also the te when it becomes everyone it stops working it is it is not is Horie Unless there is worry thought now the shank

                              • 付款和税款的基础,通过NHK的Beshikkuinkamu拉你的订阅费和差异(巧妙

                                • 估计,45%收入税,或零系统,估计在所有现行的社会保障和福利,如养老金?
                                  As for the estimate, income tax even 45%, the present social security system of annuity and welfare etc After making all zeros, being estimate?

                                  • 但是,在实际操作中,因为我Futtobu金融崩溃和国家经济Chattara无拯救许多人的时候,你不要尝试思考, Fails and with actual use public finance the hu tsu flies from economy of chi ya tsu cod country therefore it is it does not try turning to saving and or the various thought te are not good
                                    • 但是,在实际操作中,因为我Futtobu金融崩溃和国家经济Chattara无拯救许多人的时候,你不要尝试思考, Fails and with actual use public finance the hu tsu flies from economy of chi ya tsu cod country therefore it is it does not try turning to saving and or the various thought te are not good

                                  • 但未来是黑暗然后他们翻译它作为,或者谁想要更多的企业家和优秀的人,试图弥合Gitoshiteno Beshikkuinkamu数起胶,即使失败,一次或两次增加对绝对认为峨 So that in the future with dark meaning about the excellent person we want starting a business and One time and two degrees failing as connecting in order to recover When there is a BASIC income you think that the person who challenges increases it is
                                    • 我认为美国是说什么是坏的尝试圣耐心,以413:“我已经失败3次启动 413 The French face to three times The tsu lever and the wa za are bad it is the kana which is not When it is America “I so far as many as 3 times started a business and failed

                                  • 你不会做瓦特所有民主党的支持率,逗子市议会选举很可能是驱动tTA超过民主党票的人
                                    Support ratio does at everything, [yo] w Also the Democratic party being useless, in the Zushi city parliamentary election the party of everyone the Democratic party The number of polls was exceeded rather, so is

                                    • 你杀的窗户,可以在Akarasama权市政厅疯狂掠夺
                                      Giving destruction of life give and take right to the window of the city hall, as for [ru] In [akarasama] [okashii

                                      • 全部支付书付诊断疾病或受伤,或有一条街道的历史记录和终端几十比索下降,容易
                                        As for payment in full provision sickness and wound of chart of diagnosis attaching, or, If hello there is a personal history log where many ten corporations were dropped by the work terminal, it is easy to pass

                                        • 前财政大臣与谢野馨,读卖新闻发表了25分钟,民主党人在4月12日辞去自由党03
                                          Yosano original financial affairs phase, submitting our people secession report April 3rd 12:25 transmissions The Yomiuri Shimbun Company

                                          • 只适用于1 120准则没有健全的论点更复杂
                                            120 Very applying the guideline of philosophism to sound argument the philosophism shelf

                                            • 唯一的例子我发言反对富人)将有两个20万,如果每月收入36万儿童每月工资的一父亲以每月支付80 000 As for it is opposing just the rich person Assuming that example 80 000 it is provided in month If the child two is even with the Atuki giving father of monthly income 200 000 it becomes monthly income 360 000
                                              • 唯一的例子我发言反对富人)将有两个20万,如果每月收入36万儿童每月工资的一父亲以每月支付80 000 As for it is opposing just the rich person Assuming that example 80 000 it is provided in month If the child two is even with the Atuki giving father of monthly income 200 000 it becomes monthly income 360 000

                                            • 嗯,我觉得这数字是不一样的,他们Beshikkuinkamu英尺我们说没有,但我只是一个收入转移,消费税百分之四十的话,百分之五十的收入税或不疯狂认为艾滋病 Well as for amount you think that it is not enough at all However… By the way… as for beshitsukuinkamu mere income moving how being said however the ru Does consumer tax is 40 when income tax is 50 instructions of sanity think it is
                                              • 463的问题是一个丰富的层位是45%的人说没有朱达罗的收入税,以接管 463 As for being problem the rich person the ro which is to take the income tax above the 45 even from the kind of layer which cannot be said
                                              • 这些服务和产品的主要客户是不超过500万日元的年收入层?因为我说我会在消费下降,减少沮丧边界附近的中产阶级 As for the customer of main of those services and the commodity there is no layer above annual income 5 000 000 Yen Center near the border is the decrease tsu chi ya tsu markedly empty consumption falling the ru

                                            • 因为只有加快Dzukeyo贫富两极分化在较低的中线是唯一的中产阶层加税,不冷不热空气
                                              Only center becoming tax increase, falling to the lower stratum It accelerates even just, be able to become aware the bipolar conversion of wealth and poverty, the random

                                              • 土方,托里库米,港灯清洗,药物人体试验,收集学校没有钱用于医疗萨拉兼职做生意的57附表2沉,流氓,我们想请兜售
                                                The part-time job where the manual laborer, the [ku] you see and take, so the [ji] [hu], the corpse of human body experiment and the medical department of the medicine sinks Bill collecting of the plate gold, the ruffian, the [po] it is the [bi] coming Please lose the work which we would not like to do

                                                • 在大约6 77亿迷人的故事,但我在5月的一半,我做瓦特万维网采取所得税 677 Is attractive story but about month 50 000 do w Half is taken with income tax it is to put out www
                                                  • 鄂如基本收入的税收被认为是固定在471和刚刚踢它从制度,以避免困难玺 471 When it is the income tax revenue source you think in evenness As for the basis the place where the difficult system is avoided therefore don t you think

                                                • 在流,把它一起支付相同的工作,但我会觉得驱动tTA NULL

                                                  • 在系统设计29种不同的“工作伦理的人,是共产主义失去了一样,他们想成为一个贫富悬殊更自由的经济”可能是一个不好的地方,拿起自由主义和共产主义我有一个更大的
                                                    29 When you are wrong in the system design, “like communism will to work of the citizen is lost, above free economy difference of wealth and poverty spreads”, that you say At the point where communism and principle of freedom are bad the possibility of becoming taking is large however

                                                    • 埃塔杂我们更好地仔细考虑自己的丈夫是否打败谁,杂在你wwwwww杂一贯打败了日本帝国和仪内奴隶的韩国人始终超过wwwwwww Wwwwww where the one which was thought whether as for the Japanese his own master is who of well is better As for your defeat Japanese being consistent Jipango as for the defeat Japanese being consistent Cori wwwwwww which is no more than a un slave
                                                      • 埃塔杂我们更好地仔细考虑自己的丈夫是否坚持谁打败了韩国的奴隶在你杂wwwwww仪内wwwwwww Wwwwww where the one which was thought whether as for the Japanese his own master is who of well is better As for your defeat Japanese being consistent Jipango as for the defeat Japanese being consistent Cori wwwwwww which is no more than a un slave

                                                    • 基尔对新公司的地位应该说,如果不是他们只需要一个合资格的人,如果收入我宁愿生产力几次了吗?为什么“我们并不需要人来继续进食的早生”是什么,也不能改变现实的不合理?但是,事实并非如此不合理之企业的变化,社会转型同意不合理? If it does not need if the new company starts with just the competent human if the tsu te where also productivity rises earnings probably are several times The unreasonable actuality that “feed the human who does not need it continues” is not changed with something it is As for unreasonable actuality of such a company although it is not changed you approve to the reform which makes society unreasonable

                                                      • 外商在便利店如一些常见的是找到生命的错,最低工资和右侧,获得精英工作时超,但说话思加索诺毕就到了一个志愿者形成良好的工作与如果U说,引入来踢 Being konbini something as for the foreigner who is seen carefully with minimum wage and the entwinement of right to live the super only elite If it is to attach into the job of that hand BI it is introduced It reaches the point where you settle favorite to job in a way volunteer
                                                        • 外商在便利店如一些常见的,穿什么,但工作卡兹培训津贴低于最低工资多伊尔的名称,如果我租的日本奖学金 Being konbini something as for the foreigner who is seen carefully with minimum wage and the entwinement of right to live the super only elite If it is to attach into the job of that hand BI it is introduced It reaches the point where you settle favorite to job in a way volunteer

                                                      • 外方要求,但我不934,BI是想从周五从国家分配,但我不会不管生活在日本的外国人,我 NULL
                                                        • 当你意识到这一点,折叠蒲蒲减少原料 智能,在BI当前Wapua叫我看眼睛,系统将只 Such actualizing as for present namapo with namapo BI which is reduced As for present wapua only BI discernibly that it becomes the system which is said the ru

                                                      • 奥登Umaiyouφ∧∧∬(u003d゚゚ω)〜布鲁诺(x)和饮料都可以吃生鸡蛋,大米Iyou以上∪∪,komatsuna无限的酱汤,饮料,食品和大米的纳豆无限的基础上,但是你可以尝试喝绿茶
                                                        ∬ ∧ ∧ Φ Oden [u] [ma] [i] [yo] [u] (= ゚ Ω ゚) no - ( x) ∪ ∪ Most the [i] [yo] [u] which can do the meal of the United States Raw egg drinking at will and miso soup drinking at will of Komatsu greens, It is the fermented soybeans boiled rice eating at will and the green tea drinking at will

                                                        • 完整的非劳动所得,并愿意在该地区被奴役的工人正试图所得税收入 When it has been about you will not start to unearned income to designate income tax as the revenue source the air which the worker to slave is converted full the shelf

                                                          • 将不考虑价值598 毕即使有做很多其他的事情 598 It is not worthy of to examination probably will be gt BI Although you say that the fact that it should do in other things is a lot of
                                                            • 470 467商务智能系统是首次在社会保障是不是针对 NULL
                                                            • 我说你要去感受它的BI理论来他已不再拥有在引进工作失踪 When that you say however the air where the theory where the person who works with BI introduction stops being stops being formed was completed

                                                          • 就业保险的公司已支付养老金约30日元的税收约30万亿日元从1年+%的消费税税率表根据90000000000000万亿和60
                                                            Because the unemployment insurance + public welfare annuity which enterprise has borne is an approximately annual 30,000,000,000,000 Yen, Tax revenue approximately 60,000,000,000,000 Yen of consumption tariff 30% amount adjusting, 90,000,000,000,000

                                                            • 当然代理商发现573作为某种wwwww这Beshikkuinkamu子女免税额(笑)什么一Uyouyo代理人允许尝试梅萨瓦特
                                                              573 Operative discovery wwwww This [sure], how in the same way as child treatment, doing The operative whom the BASIC income (laughing) it tries to make recognize has done [uyouyo] w

                                                              • 您将与杆亘我Beshikkuinkamu人谁好只需要缴纳个人所得税
                                                                Income tax supplying, if the money it should have transferred to just the [ru] human at the BASIC income probably

                                                                • 我还没有走出春天他们浪费金钱,政府注意到没有艺术没有意义,保持经济平衡转载永久性的,我只需要平衡的地方合 As though the gold is the hot and cold water growing because there is no reason which comes out The government note reprinting permanently if economic balance there is no technique which it maintains meaning or Whether the do tsu balance only is adjusted
                                                                  • 我什至可以说一分钟神奇的僵硬,因为只有我一个人进行902经济衰退,政府不可能或永久纸币的发行 902 Because it is depression if one time densely the tsu drill execution tsu te it is story you understand but Permanently government note issue it is not possible

                                                                • 收入 “支付残疾者的百分之十,”消除“社会弱势”,以加强措施
                                                                  > It is low introduction “of presentation being attached tax credit system” to income earner layer, revival “of mother and child addition of welfare”, > Strengthening the measure to of the “social weak” such as abolition “of one percentage burden of the handicapped person”

                                                                  • 无能的人在80 000日元1个月行统一200 25毕,但我并没有缴纳税款将168000000日元1至10月每人才 25 To do 200 BI of the month 80 000 Yen disabled but to the competent 10 people tax of the respective month 1 680 000 Yen is made to pay the reason which means…

                                                                    • 无论如何,因为愚蠢的民主党人,幸存的退休金福利,资源和知识,不要无意义或收入税增加 Therefore how the se the Democratic party the fool As for annuity welfare as for continuance and revenue source tax increase of income tax It is about probably to do with semantic unclear thing it is the ro which is
                                                                      • 周五峨并考虑你的情况变得更好的BI福利比全职是一个很大的一部分,但我觉得多一个蚂蚁 Full time the part compared to how welfare the money when the present condition which can be received you think as for BI you think that it is the ant Unification tsu te is huge

                                                                    • 日本的人口分布到极点 u003d 10000日元,如果日元○一个月万28000000箱子15年万亿日元三六○○日元50 000日圆80 000每到所有100 u003d 76年为4 8万亿日元强度 u003d 2万亿日元,每年如果目前880000000000日元社会保障预算每年的122000000000000 The Japanese population Approximately 128 000 000 person When it distributes 10 000 Yen in every month to Japanese everyone In case of 10 000 Yen Annual 15 360 000 000 000 Yen In case of 50 000 Yen Annual 76 800 000 000 000 Yen In case of 80 000 Yen Annual 122 880 000 000 000 Yen Budget of present welfare annual approximately 2 000 000 000 000 Yen is strong

                                                                      • 有些人不工作不能胜任,而是38头奶牛,正如我们希望的东西是10个新的企业能够即使公司它由抽筋 free feel为standing 1 38 Is done at the number of disabled being heads being the case that also the work which it is that being gone the company becomes stand hanging if The new company should have made with just the competent 10 people just
                                                                        • 你的伴侣不称职的人“谁不小的筛或食品宇部作品”彻头彻尾的Yabatte不要说像愚蠢的事情,他们希望得到更多的或额外的工作 Only the disabled human “does not work the person who it does not should eat” that aho thing proposing it comes out the plain gauze the tsu te excessive work increasing and the ru
                                                                        • 然后,其中,我觉得全世界都没有你们的工作,甚至能 gt The so it is with among those even the competent people not to work you think that it becomes the world where also the te is good
                                                                        • 然后,其中,我觉得全世界都没有你们的工作,甚至能 The so it is with among those even the competent people not to work you think that it becomes the world where also the te is good

                                                                      • 权(如龙)日本↓由于某种原因,只在韩国人的身份“经常购买毒品”收到日元保护的流氓生活泷川亿驱动tTA韩国接管了2.1欺骗福利成本踢是正确的,指定专人到韩国-论员工的福利有福利性的更换和借鉴,妇女杆从20多岁的英子教授高福利养老金专题讲座暂停多瓦如龙60%,30出版公安部研究室主任%的日本
                                                                        Right wing ([yakuza]) the natural shape ↓ why only the resident Korean… “The stimulant often purchase” Violence 団員 of Takigawa city which swindles a little more than 200,000,000 Yen welfare expenses and takes Proper right, resident Cori un will appoint the fact that receives resident Cori un welfare the social worker - the gold long child professor special lecture The welfare which is higher than national pension Welfare presentation of the woman of 20 generations the staff who has sex in exchange, suspension from job dealing 6 tenths of [yakuza] Dowa, 3 tenths resident… public peace investigation department manager announcement

                                                                        • 每个人都有权投票的324负责人在日本党也处于领先地位,并背诵反对s
                                                                          324 The party of everyone the party chief and staff advocates objection in resident denizenship and

                                                                          • 毕独居?尼塔伊或死亡?钱的BI和退休的储蓄,为了节省您的时间担心这些私人保险是辜工作的基本结束,挑战者是作为分散风险和创业生涯贮钱元ü Lives with just BI We would like to dying Saving for old age turning the gold of BI in private insurance about relief you save working after all in is the basis The challenger uses the gold which is saved as risk dispersion of switching jobs and starting a business
                                                                            • 担心保存到金融崩溃,我不认为我最终会工作梳子?在50 Dorutsuー了100美元,直接来自于所有的反对做什么奇怪的爆裂沿着你的资金根本 NULL

                                                                          • 江户川桥站有乐町线●(退出的1a)●有乐町线站7分钟护国寺(5号出口)当使用8分钟步行至巴士,巴士将停止后,最亲
                                                                            - The Yuraku Cho line Edogawa bridge station getting off (exit 1a) walking 7 minute - The Yuraku Cho line Gokokuzi station getting off (exit 5) walking 8 minute The bus the case of utilization, the below-mentioned bus stop becomes the vicinity

                                                                            • 渡边吉见义明顺便所有党派的界限,小泉你幸福我是一个过时的!“鸠山内阁的新的经济增长策略
                                                                              Well applying, it does party [tsu] [te] or either one Watanabe good beauty of everyone on the Koizumi route, the [yo] “The new growth strategy of the Hatoyama Cabinet is old condition still

                                                                              • 盖伊3.00亿年收入2.7亿日元30万美元的净收入的税种,BI是在每年的收入3.96亿美元,净率40%,日元2.37亿元
                                                                                The person of annual income 3,000,000 presently with income tax 300,000 net income 2,700,000 Yen So, with BI becoming annual income 3,960,000, with tariff 40% net income 2,370,000 Yen

                                                                                • 税收Tive收集的,精简的社会保障制度,以重新分配国家制造Alternatively ll hakomono或无用(即取消福利和退休金)有优势 Tax gathering wasteful hakomono instead of making to the citizen with the system which it reallocates social security It is slim welfare and abolition of annuity with there is also a merit which is said

                                                                                  • 税率为:百分之65,百分之15-20成人一个典型的come ll计算的程度反馈
                                                                                    If even in ratio of taxation against national income of 65%, general white-collar worker from 15 20% It becomes the calculation which returns

                                                                                    • 粗略地说,目前的福利制度将不会收到几乎不治之症和障碍,
                                                                                      Generally, the physically disabled person and the incurable disease patient etc cannot receive the current welfare system, in fact

                                                                                      • 考虑这些事情之前的手,和儿童 - 加上复活的母亲。给我回了不治之症的预算明显减少工作进行
                                                                                        Such it is from examination before, mother and child addition revival and the child hand. The incurable disease-related budget which is reduced for devising substantially is made to revive,

                                                                                        • 股票股利和贷款,也不会好,如果外汇资本收益的边际税率
                                                                                          If it makes also the capital gain of allotment and claim and exchange of stocks progressive taxation, it is good

                                                                                          • 自上次生命线福利,福利,可以说把中风和头部上吊自杀
                                                                                            Because welfare is the last lifeline, when welfare is discontinued, it is neck hanging suicide

                                                                                            • 自从工业革命继续地北525,我的泡沫梁杆由工业的发展,大多数certainly m回前工业化 525 After the industrial revolution it came continuing directly it could repel the developmental bubble of industry therefore it is The fact that it returns before the industrial revolution is most secure what
                                                                                              • 我没有生活在社会救助241他从几乎没有?第一次世界大战坏要创造一个增长行业 241 Still rescuing the person who almost does not appear in society how it does it is ww Growth industry it is attached if and others it is not useless

                                                                                            • 该系统能消除每05人可以摆脱of保险制度工作,可以得到消除养老保险金保证了minimum收入,表姐充满好 1鄂如孩子的出生率1导致的爆炸increase如此paid 80 000即使没有流动的需求增加,因为峨 This system is good the cousin being lazy Because earnings the minimum are guaranteed It can abolish welfare The pension scheme can be abolished Unemployment insurance can be abolished Because they are 5 80 000 provisions concerning one person Birthrate increases explosively Because also the child increases as a result immigration there is no necessity
                                                                                              • 该系统可以消除每05人可以摆脱福利养老金计划的最低保障收入,所以充满了良好的表兄弟 移民子女的增加,峨峨如支付增加80 000因此诞生以来的爆炸率不要求 This system is good the cousin being lazy Because earnings the minimum are guaranteed It can abolish welfare The pension scheme can be abolished Unemployment insurance can be abolished Because they are 5 80 000 provisions concerning one person Birthrate increases explosively Because also the child increases as a result immigration there is no necessity

                                                                                            • 达罗50万亿日元不太确定它是我们的福利负担和政府,但养老金成本开支820
                                                                                              820 But there is no annual expenditure of national treasury charge of annuity and welfare expense If it applies that, the [ro] which is about substantial 50,000,000,000,000 Yen

                                                                                              • 这一机制被发现彻底消除腐败的游说,奥巴马反映了自由主义意志坚决的尝试删除一个新的网络已经牢牢嵌入我的有美国政府内罕见的情报是 This to remove the mechanism where the lobbyists became corrupted completely inside the American government intelligence agency Secure the obama administration which it tries to delete the network of the new free person who is imbedded It is the manifestation of determined will
                                                                                                • 这一机制被发现彻底消除腐败的游说,奥巴马反映了自由主义意志坚决的尝试删除一个新的网络已经牢牢嵌入我的有美国政府内罕见的情报是 This to remove the mechanism where the lobbyists became corrupted completely inside the American government intelligence agency Secure the obama administration which it tries to delete the network of the new free person who is imbedded It is the manifestation of determined will
                                                                                                • 这一机制被发现彻底消除腐败的游说,奥巴马反映了自由主义意志坚决的尝试删除一个新的网络已经牢牢嵌入我的有美国政府内罕见的情报是 This to remove the mechanism where the lobbyists became corrupted completely inside the American government intelligence agency Secure the obama administration which it tries to delete the network of the new free person who is imbedded It is the manifestation of determined will

                                                                                              • 这是因为他们利用了人谁做验证是否瓦特,“如果人们想支付给外国人”会有所帮助,如果他们说不 Because that is method of the party who exploits the citizen w If certainly “the citizen would like to provide to also the foreigner” that you say there is no manner probably will be
                                                                                                • 也许你一直在看着他们已经利用该系统是什么恩戴 Is with some system he et al to be exploited The treasure being done whether ru you have seen

                                                                                              • 那些谁给我打电话,我住养分不劳而获的“奴隶的能力,”我是来把他们的地方?拓谷不要在桎梏中呢? The tsu te which raises that non workable living person you say it has the “competent slave” from the do tsu It is the case that you attach solve even with the fetter and

                                                                                                • 那,如果说有些人谁想要Beshikkuinkamu的他妈的! ! As for the fact that the person that is and how says we are wanted the BASIC income the ro which is lie

                                                                                                  • 鄂如茶也只吃米饭和海带是您童年的膳食天空Momoya Nagatanien
                                                                                                    Time of the child you can eat also the food boiled down in soy of the laver of the Nagatanien tea soaking and the pink house which was eaten

                                                                                                    • 随着国家土地租金低,但较高的费用将根据您的保护地租
                                                                                                      With the countryside whose land house rent is low, as for protective expense adjusting to land house rent, it becomes low

                                                                                                      • 鸠山馆〒112 1,文京区音羽东京0013 7 1号电话:03 5976 2800传真:03 5976 1800地下运输请使用 Hatoyama hall 〒 112 0013 The Tokyo Bunkyo Ku Otowa 1 7 1 TEL 03 5976 2800 FAX 03 5976 1800 Traffic guide Please utilize the subway
                                                                                                        • ●都营巴士(〜松阪屋野早稻田车库)音羽Hazime丁目巴士站 Capital barracks bus the Ueno Matsuzakaya Co Ltd Waseda garage Otowa one Chome bus stop

                                                                                                      • 龟井和小泽,知道你成为一个社会主义国家,阀门金融中途点,我只是债券的依赖。它被命名后的支持率下降,因为加塔独裁者
                                                                                                        As for Kamei and Ozawa in the habit which is making socialist nation, as for the essential revenue source Only depending on the government bond, the valve inside vague. Therefore dictator support ratio Abnormal play it falls and it is what,

                                                                                                        • (不是一个茶叶米饭饮食和海藻Momoya Nagatanien只有您的每卡路里或低价格将贫困
                                                                                                          When (it becomes poor, per price low you cannot eat the food boiled down in soy of the laver of the Nagatanien of calorie tea soaking and the pink house

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