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  • 123或当时“现在世界上对业务,利润必须更多地参与,成为猎物的权力,我不能科沙妮奇公司,因此只能消极的权力”,是,龙马简而言之,只是“贸易盈余”,但银河享受以上的利润,因为在今天其他在手的东西缩骨通过创业,今天的单白龙马形象过分美化不传播到世界 123 The ma at that time “trading which designates the world as the partner is done from this if it does not do it is from the 儲 to do If it does not cause the enterprise which becomes the prey of the powers is not defeated to the powers in reason viewing” With doing Riyuuma When to now you refer but it is to pass is enjoyment of the profit “the enlargement of the mere with trade black ink balance” But there is about to lead to the starting a business house mind today with one side Therefore the margin which the Riyuuma image beautifies too much the reason where prevails in mono present world

    • 15龙马的繁荣? ? ?身高不是电视判断当前痛苦的www我们清新的兰花你周围炒作 15 Riyuuma boom Because television stand it is not seen at all format viewing www The do se electricity it does painfully with extravagant advertisement the around the yo
      • 1龙马繁荣? ? ?因为我不看电视万维网清新兰花判断您是否有炒作周围疼痛电 1 Riyuuma boom Because the television it is not seen at all format viewing www The do se electricity it does painfully with extravagant advertisement the around the yo
      • 龙马臂或者更确切地说,我将只是一个良好的基达后,孙正义是单一龙马瓦特 Riyuuma boom rather than there is no sufficient article that or simply Riyuuma we are liked grandchild justice w

    • 391“法官应落在半日记”,或者流行的老男人,我Demonai古岸太郎基达长寿 什么是好的或? 391 “Will halfway the 斃 re it is format official” we like With jijii which is not the ro ku which lives long the popularity person… being
      • 它看起来像一个白发老人的照顾不能进入东好,乘上很奇怪 The considerably if eccentric you apply it is not liked it is in Higashi Osaka Siraga jijii

    • 3影子军队,经常色拉寺坂本真田广之在做一个说服猪排
      In corps 3 of the shadow, the Sakamoto steed world correct, the Sanada wide 之 did victory Kaishu well

      • 644没有讨论的外国人驱逐出境的不跳舞Tteta啊你是武士阶级也是常识兰花瓦特种姓或江户 644 Argues the 攘 barbarian in warrior class Whether there is no obtaining obtaining dances is the populace w Status system of the Edo era intellectual viewing
        • 他的家人也没有完成业务作为副业,教育驱动tTA将此问题的发言,是从他自己的童年武士阶级 In addition that parents home did trade with outside employment while from time of his himself child in warrior class with doubt was brought up

      • 801组名称“海辅助部队,”金八博士“,”坂本龙马是从八,从上周五的播出,“坂金八”
        801 “Sea support party” of group name As for “the Sakamoto” of gold eight teacher from with Riyuuma, Therefore eight o'clock of Friday broadcast “Sakamoto gold eight”

        • Aburagitta叔叔或一个真正的佐佐木小次郎,宫本武藏在现场或没有动摇或切腹玺雪痛苦的看法时,你讨到发言
          To tell the truth when breaking the snow was not shaken that The scene whose hara-kiri is ugly Kozirou the Sasaki with Miyamoto Musashi is the oil [gi] [tsu] the old boy

          • NULL ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt As for the army which is started 6 鎮 from the stand of Meiji era after that Gradually increase 鎮 As for the stand the army division now referred to Nisshin war at that time 7 army divisions In the Russo Japanese War from 11 it increased to 21 army divisions But from Taisho era 21 army divisions in 17 army divisions arms reduction When the ▽ lt Japanese Chinese war starts In addition increase swelling to… 51 army divisions In second next large wartime To as many as 172 army divisions… ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt The army division is increased to wartime The mass standing army division it is wasteful in peacetime to maintain As for Self Defense Force 14 Inside 4 brigade Rear central conformity group As for this even pre world war 2 Imperial Guard Division like it is When you refer to pre world war 2 Germany armament SS
            • 525( ▽ ) 雷曼战争经费由俄日,野村收购雷曼冲击最后溃疡 525 The ▽ lt fund of Russo Japanese War was offered Riemann collapsed last year Riemann shock It was purchased in Nomura

          • Oomura Masuzirou的年中(水平武士底部)为总司令陆军萨长尚未确定,或者他们进行井赢得战役的鸟羽,伏见,大象或宇和岛前看到你的蒸汽,因为它方便等工匠灯笼制造和船舶 - 已经被提名,否则我会作出真正的轮船
            As for Masuzirou Omura, although midyear present (the lowest class of the warrior) being status As the highest commander of the 薩 long troop, Fushimi Toba swaying, in victory It leads, whether Uwajima because as for the [u], 'as for you it is the paper lantern craftsman, therefore skillful That the steamship make', it is designated, the steamship work [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] is truly the [ri]…

            • [速度+] [爱媛],“哈娜左武的外表,尼莫。控制在宫殿,第一黑夜戟,石完成”〜龙马未婚夫是“美丽”的文章记录引述宇和岛族发现:产经新闻(2010年4月4日19:19分发)
              [Speed +] “Left 那 [ha], permitting/inserting color [mo]. In palace, first [nite], 薙 sword [nimo], proficiency [shi]” - As for fiancee of steed “beauty” It is ascertained from record of the Uwajima feudal clan Article quotation origin: Product sutra newspaper (2010.4.4 19: 19 transmissions)

              • “你父亲的狗”的出现,流行的CM软银移动电视,总统还画围绕自身的数字不友好龙马哲也武田桂浜中所起的高知,“龙马爱”,结果发现 “The father dog” appears With software bank Mobile of popularity television CM Riyuuma Tetuya Takeda 扮 with the Kochi Katsura beach You can peep “the Riyuuma favorite” of the president even in view of the fact that the form is drawn

                • “公路穿过,谭上班族”的感觉时,她的脸就知道了描述为一个历史爱好者的历史小说和现实的幻想出像你在或 “The highway it goes” that with while history to do the like face It puts out huantaji which is named the historical novel it is When knowing the actual condition it is being it does the fraud impression the yo

                  • “迎接一个不同寻常的雕像肯手流坂本龙马和唐卡题词猪排Kaishuu”特优建设和人民谁我不关心什么的雕像,它是真正
                    “Riyuuma's victory Kaishu Sakamoto bronze statue and the meeting which builds the song stone monument” Although at all there is no relationship, the people whom the bronze statue it tries to build, the [ho] it is with it is abnormal

                    • ∧∧( 同长州 ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt Because of 攘 barbarian Reverberating furnace for individual iron manufacture As for the Satsuma feudal clan which has produced the cannon Actually It collides with England In war With that As for the 攘 barbarian it judges that it is impossible The ▽ lt also Tiyousiyuu is same
                      • 日本海隆宏Giwoyosoni出来,因为它结合了穰做,是什么样子越来越难以忍受美好的事物和新的大个子 控股船,甚至在没有革命的思想家,你只是想成为行业老大我 NULL

                    • ∧∧( 攘埃泰调整。萨摩和长州运行的驱动tTA意识到这是无法执行的外国人驱逐出境的,英国和盟国和战争实际
                      ∧ ∧ ( = ゚-゚) < 攘 barbarian motion welling up in the Japanese all earth The unequal treaty where the government of Edo ties with America causes ( The ^ ▽ ^) < arranging armament individually 攘. As for Satsuma and Tiyousiyuu whom it ran to execution Actually England and United Nations and going to war You realized that the 攘 barbarian is unreasonable,

                      • 。哦,〜 ,男≦金巛彡ヾ菲雅皮 年 〃ヽ巛彡巛彡噢⌒ ヽ三魏晋南北朝 D转换, 33。3个B !米 利33 3 333ヽ ! 333 333 ≧ 333 万桶 ≧33333333 3 333。! 3 333 HKRPT ≦ Benevolence f 巛 彡 vy DREPT ⌒ HKRPT 巛 彡 REPT i 巛 彡 gt No REPT The Soviet Union 巛 彡 彡 Ω Ω gt gt 巛 彡 彡 human ∫ 从 Y 彡 r ┬ ∬ no SIME mi three 从 lt The ze which Japan breaking country is done i 彡 ≪ REPT 彡 Three REPT ihe 33 ni i three mi 3333 REPT i 33 333 333 ≧ 333 i 33 333 332 ≧ 3333 92 3 333 333 248 to Three the ∧ 33 Soviet Union 33 333 331 968 to No Three V 33 3333 ⌒ 33 333
                        • 。哦,〜 ,男≦金巛彡ヾ菲雅皮 年 〃ヽ巛彡巛彡噢⌒ ヽ三魏晋南北朝 D转换, 33。3个B !米 ヽ3 333 33年 ! ≧333 333 333 万桶 ≧33333333 3 333。! 333 333 333 HKRPT ≦ Benevolence f 巛 彡 vy DREPT ⌒ HKRPT 巛 彡 REPT i 巛 彡 gt No REPT The Soviet Union 巛 彡 彡 Ω Ω gt gt 巛 彡 彡 human ∫ 从 Y 彡 r ┬ ∬ no SIME mi three 从 lt The ze which Japan breaking country is done i 彡 ≪ REPT 彡 Three REPT ihe 33 ni i three mi 3333 REPT i 33 333 333 ≧ 333 i 33 333 332 ≧ 3333 92 3 333 333 248 to Three the ∧ 33 Soviet Union 33 333 331 968 to No Three V 33 3333 ⌒ 33 333

                      • 不间断的帝国线。横井湘南是简直是一派胡言,抱歉事件从未对龙马出来
                        Eternity one. As for the Yokoi small camphor tree of height of stupidity, it is regrettable in Riyuuma transmission not to come out no matter what,

                        • 乃木神社左生命驱动tTA多哥靖国神社的事情是一个神圣和215名士兵和他们的康复是一个由大扇乃木麦克阿瑟尼米兹大风扇的MP Togo m站在管理的目的,并防范 215 The soldier is the object of worship housed As for the Togo shrine and the Nogi shrine surviving nimitsutsu with large Togo fan It depends on the fact that MaARTHUR is the large Nogi fan Respectively it reconstructs In MP it has let stand in the guardian

                          • 事实上,大多数日本人民,我经历了历史以来的江户时代150没有一个非虚构小说之间的区别,而且我Shiba ll工作 150 However like the it probably is what as for the actual place most human distinction of fiction and the nonfiction has not been attached The Japanese after the last days of the shogunate history is Riyoutarou Siba making the ru is
                            • 为什么你们是伟大人物的排名在“芝”的回答,我没有?怎么这么笨? With something as for you with ranking of great man “Riyoutarou Siba” you do not answer it is It is foolish

                          • 人743是穰每一个人,而他们并担心跳舞了我最后的古线的国家是什么章的生命,明治维新,一读空气“或不啊,我想是的,鱿鱼娜嗯,是啊,”人民韩亚诚我不想多的爱热潮同样的事情大家都这样想这样做将取消 743 This person everyone is the 攘 barbarian when it is the restoration stretching life while worrying the future of the country Without reading the air “to be able to obtain not be or be able to obtain not be or be able to obtain was and ” with danced the populace who to tell the truth the favorite Very when it becomes boom it stops wanting to do We would not like to do the same thing as everyone it is the shelf
                            • 我穰每个人,而他们并担心跳舞了我最后的古线的国家是什么章的生命,明治维新,一读空气“或不啊,我想是的,鱿鱼娜嗯,是啊,”真实的人我知道我再也不想同样的事情大家都想要做这么多的成功的爱 We everyone is the 攘 barbarian when it is the restoration stretching life while worrying the future of the country Without reading the air “to be able to obtain not be or be able to obtain not be or be able to obtain was and ” with danced the populace who to tell the truth the favorite Very when it becomes boom it stops wanting to do We would not like to do the same thing as everyone it is the shelf

                          • 什么800万子孙遗弃的旗本的骑兵排除肠子,他们仍然不喜欢龙马没有达到预期?
                            腑 The descendant [tsu] [te] of the direct retainer of the shogun 80,000 horseman of coming out, and even [tsu] [pa] now the steed dislike?

                            • 什么是疾病的像协同教学龙马龙马顺便超过年度河流Doramahoruhorukyanpen但它是一个目前Zutto You call the Riyuuma illness or even Riyuuma teaching like it is expectation the tsu exist however That applying every year the tsu to usual big river doramahoruhorukiyanpen the multiplier effect tsu te

                              • 他们有他们自己的“坂本龙马”鸠山邦夫辞去自民党众议院成员,我想说,前财政大臣与谢野馨,立场和前卫生部长舛添洋一不同的政治,“萨长”的比喻,我去买胶水约束力的两个Bitsukeru
                                Saying, that the self would like to become “Riyuuma Sakamoto”, the Liberal Democratic Party as for member of the house of representatives Kunio Hatoyama which leaves a party, political stance The Masuzoe main point one which is different front public welfare work phase and Yosano 馨 front financial affairs phase even if, both are tied to “薩 length” It volunteered the role of the adhesive

                                • 你在高知龙马庆祝,就像宗教的创始人和冷静的家伙家伙饿
                                  As for praising Riyuuma in Kochi, everyone poor-looking parenthesis doing, only the founder like person of the sect

                                  • 你怎么能成为完全文龙马和我苔藓样河流繁荣金也很好太积极龙马的内野
                                    The [ro] which the big river moss feeling putting out Riyuuma boom how at all does not occur and is Riyuuma of the infield saintly positive of JIN is too good the shelf…

                                    • 你来吧,知道的人正在处理,一个英雄,“嗯只是想万维网町陶器业务的儿子出生的商人交易老鹰雅wwwww万维网 埃塔变化求在日本的家伙!或弯曲萨长wwwww”,或者说 The hero being done to handle when this person knows ru thing When “son trade and trade of the chi yo www my ya merchant and coming just you want wwwww Japan was changed that the party of www sled ya 薩 length ro wwwww” Whether with you say don t you think
                                      • 孔商户死亡,共济会,獾是奴才在这里同研究员谁过来输入关键字的西 Merchant of death Freemason s and Europe and America stooge… keyword of here The 輩 which you insert the same hole 狢

                                    • 你知道你会知道每个人都保持了S四二九瓦特和我的人,因为当时高估或发明土佐没有S系统熟练瓦特的参与,而是时间的德川我怪胎人在什么都不知道,在大井山 429 It is it is anyone knowing the ro w the ru Rather than fabrication of the Tosa system which is not clear It was the person of overestimate from that time it is shelf w At that time of the last days of the shogunate regardless it is not even with the great man Knows the person who is known the eccentric tsu te place which the Seki mountain
                                      • 编造繁荣呢?过了一会儿 青少年远离龙马』? In addition fabrication boom When it does for a while Riyuuma of the young person it leaves

                                    • 其余居住在明治时代,军队明星的红大政奉还就我们有很多次,而前幕府请,权表现得更为明显猪排说服
                                      It survived even in Meiji, old shogunate side many degrees being begged, it was engaged to responsible post The [ro] where the leading part and victory Kaishu of the large governmental 奉 還 considerably are more dramatic

                                      • 再见家伙是不是更有趣的问题,如果557配件?怎么说谁是大U的,但在此之前你知道冉瓦特 NULL
                                        • 即使没有合增加抗体,我不知道从哪里把他的神经是永远也看不到实时 In the person either it has not been agreeable either you have not seen in real time The nerve to insert to there is from the wa the wa

                                      • 出于龙马实际上是一个海龟端午辅助部队,它的一部分,已是什么引发它有关样式的权力的剑星秘密北方式也是一个自己的行动,其甚至不描述评价,“江户真是一个伟大的人,推动各种有影响的:“因为我的主要 Actually Riyuuma sea support party is in the Kameyama corporation is conduct power was in that appearance and There was also a power about of the tsu ke which is the North Star one swords style license initiation but Such aspect is not appraised or is not described The various great men and the capability person were moved “in the last days of the shogunate” It is main what it is
                                        • 那一切,而不是他们认为他们来到良好的热龙马哲辅助部队,海上所起的是着迷线国度龙马 It is and others the steed plays goes Tetuya of the sea support party which has been fascinated With the reason which likes the steed of the thinking which is hot

                                      • 剪断 两萨摩长州藩。合处置,鉴于在兰花,梁除了在Tosa裕之,并支付由三方联盟,那么这个方法坂本,他的鲁粛休米仲比恢复,并支付了很多事情进一步亚什么 Omission Between 薩 long two feudal clans Adjusting you close through Tosa the adding beam you make triangular alliance work viewing in the 之 as for the barrel To a Sakamoto maneuver he in restoration history 魯 粛 compared to furthermore for the sake of does many things barrel ones 也
                                        • 剪断 两萨摩长州藩。合处置,鉴于在兰花,梁除了在Tosa裕之,并支付由三方联盟,那么这个方法坂本,他的鲁粛休米仲比恢复,并支付了很多事情进一步亚什么 Omission Between 薩 long two feudal clans Adjusting you close through Tosa the adding beam you make triangular alliance work viewing in the 之 as for the barrel To a Sakamoto maneuver he in restoration history 魯 粛 compared to furthermore for the sake of does many things barrel ones 也

                                      • 哈希高杉Inakya长州藩将服从政府的保守派,德川我的抓地力,撒物种并不觉得索诺高杉松阴
                                        If the high cedar is not, the Tiyousiyuu feudal clan the conservatives grasping administration, 恭 order does in Tokugawa and, As for spreading the kind of idea in that high cedar the pine shade

                                        • 土方已起草了关于在患者室,篮行为或那些进入现场的大来佐茶
                                          The basket having in the room, in the manual laborer who the taboo in bureau of example has drawn, the scene where Okita inserts brown 々

                                          • 在历史上被通缉的解释肿胀司马,土佐和韩国队队长流氓瓦特
                                            As for swelling up with Siba view of history, Korean captain and Tosa [gorotsuki] w

                                            • 在实际情况出现,但他处理的犹太传说和神秘的城市,听鼓,,,这是可能的处理方法,抗日战争神秘阴谋与日方和犹太资金撤出俄 When Judea you hear occult city legend the person who is handled appears however Judea the money putting out in the Russo Japanese War to being attached to the Japanese side occult conspiracy theory the shelf which may to be done to handle

                                              • 坂本龙马和象征皇帝制度是束光刻横井湘南没有第二次世界大战中日本的经验对于现在,我的意思也符合两个共和国的思想准
                                                Current Japan without experiencing either the Pacific war being able to draw is Yokoi small camphor tree and Sakamoto Riyuuma It coincides to the idea semantic two there is also a symbol emperor system = quasi- republic

                                                • 坂本龙马恢复如果龙马ü认为杉手流进行美化,以处理,一看是不是出逃离家乡,所以我受到歧视wince的梦想,密切与人民的力量,以一个在谈到古仲良会来的,我不只是伸手那些谁是外贸大 Riyuuma Sakamoto beautifying too much thinks as the ru If Riyuuma is not as for the restoration the mark which is not you are nonplused to treatment It is discriminated escaping from the empty hometown while talking dream it gets near to the people who have power and becomes chummy breaks out in the foreign country and interference it is there is no just human tsu te in trade

                                                  • 天空的调整,明年的河流不,我想我期待明年可怕orz The big river of next year was inspected but terrible orz Next year you think that you do not see
                                                    • 最精彩的戏剧在处理从岩崎Yatarou河水会得定制控制器 Yatarou s Iwasaki treatment you question and good handle and others big river drama becomes short story tailoring

                                                  • 庄三田中伊庭182。我不是刚告诉你为什么海拔
                                                    182 Tanaka Masashi structure The Italy garden. Why hardness is not listed, don't you think?

                                                    • 当要求Bikakeru中冈中冈被暗杀还好随着“石川?”我哭下一个假名 When being assassinated in Nakaoka and simultaneous It calls in Nakaoka “Ishikawa all right ” With with pseudonym The wa which it can cry
                                                      • 无损检测应该是快死了,即使逃脱暗杀梅毒376 376 Assassination escaping the expectation which immediately has died in the syphilis

                                                    • 彰艾希的方式是说,如果转让明治初期弥太郎472龙马,听取近龙身穿新闻媒体。濒死体验弥太郎是龙马转移出他们最龙马年底销售它的像,但交流不会结束的赞美是一个非常重要的 NULL
                                                      • 彰艾希的方式是说,如果转让明治初期弥太郎472龙马,听取近龙身穿新闻媒体。濒死体验弥太郎是龙马转移出他们最龙马年底销售它的像,但交流不会结束的赞美是一个非常重要的 NULL

                                                    • 您没有公务员和854做自己的溃疡,但没有去奔波之使用工作 854 That you probably will crush the government employee by your there is no red sandal wood the te the using tsu running Only work it had done
                                                      • 什么是当前和更换龙马,我知道你杀了仆人Tsubusou颜射一黑帮故事的市民作公众 When it replaces to Riyuuma tsu te today The bu tsu trying probably to crush the government employee the ro which is the story which is killed in public yakuza

                                                    • 我一点时间,毕竟德川,西方侵略,他们缺乏一个令人信服的故事并非来自暴行,我不知道我的情况下匆忙翻译研磨 Because the last days of the shogunate thing tsu te after all the European American invasion behavior and atrocity cannot be drawn Lacking the persuasive power of the story it is from the meaning wa of tsu faint it does in scenario It becomes it is don t you think

                                                      • 我不太明白它中线我们对待龙马你喜欢的英雄和隋梁独自完成,但我不知道如果只说我来到坂本恢复从建筑师的明治 It probably comes from viewpoint tsu te somewhere Riyuuma Sakamoto leading figure of the Meiji restoration When it passes quite The hero who alone is achieved being handled likely the ru it does It does not fall very to the 腑
                                                        • 你对人不讲道理或志贺聪大田疯子一些历史龙马历史学家我没有坂本拾起司马先生 When how Siba Riyuuma Sakamoto does not pick up The suitable maniac history only ota it is not known it is the person whether the historian of part

                                                      • 我也没有采取过最近幕末360金的事情办好,而不是接受Atsuhime但是塔瓦凯以外的其他因素龙马德川幕府的后宫转移现在做事百分之二十百分之过去两个星期 360 Either these days are not taken The element other than the last days of the shogunate has appealed JIN reason to put out Seriously rather than also the princess calling last days of the shogunate ones shogunate harem ones Now doing as for ru Riyuuma transmission here 2 weeks continuing 20 crack
                                                        • Atsuhime是什么吗?即使我这样做,你知道你是个旅游的地方埃塔作为第二阶段增加 Before seriously the tsu ke which is the princess That you do the time that it became the stage the traveler it increased densely it is the ro which is

                                                      • 我们不在乎弥太郎从日本广播协会,并应看到田中龙马
                                                        The steed and Yatarou how how from calling NHK should do Tanaka Kakuei transmission

                                                        • 我会卖给你长崎龙马随机商品在购物区,你会介意我做即使像河流年底Wattara没有迹象霍尔我是愚蠢的市长塞尔 The Riyuuma goods selling at random at the Nagasaki shopping center however the ru being able to sell there is no ru sign However aho mayor made also the fact that it is the commemoration mansion like when the big river it ends it probably is the air which how is done

                                                          • 我作为一哲也开始武田,发现他没有像他的垃圾,并宣布龙马
                                                            Tetuya Takeda as beginning, Riyuuma the favorite in the person who has been declared the [ro] [ku] the case where the person does not stay

                                                            • 我在做吉田松阴胜久,例如一个Namaze,当我来到松阴黑船是23岁,是在29年被斩首是一种严重
                                                              For example however raw shoal Katsuhisa did Yoshida Shoin, When the black boat comes, as for Shoin 23 years old, as for the 斬 neck being done 29 years old is

                                                              • 我已经包括了可疑Munohadoukato,它是好的音乐,把代表是否古罚款,没有任何事情和你神奇的于凯分钟 Sinking as for that you think how but inserting detailed description and music well the te receiving ru there is no with something and understands
                                                                • 每次交易中描述了一个幽默的土方和大来357,我不知道为什么我收到受伤Fujoshi 357 Whether the reason where the hitting and the decaying woman receiving which describe the exchange of the manual laborer and Okita humorously are good

                                                              • 我恨带来非凡的长臂dealer m左派这些天(然后龙马是不是军火商瓦特)
                                                                As for having abnormal hatred in the weapon merchant Nowadays it is about [sayoku] Don't you think? (furthermore as for Riyuuma the weapon merchant - it does, w)

                                                                • 我的河流Ryoma m本身不是从有趣的瓦特在第一龙马氖像古福山乐趣,我不饱和吸引他们多是我来逐渐得到新鲜,此人 Because the Riyuuma very thing is funny but the favorite Don t you think as for big river funny wa w Also Riyuuma Fukuyama grew tired first however it was fresh gradually The wa which is not massage charm this person
                                                                  • 我喜欢的东西氖从河里Ryoma m龙马没有兴趣在第一瓦特古福山乐趣,我不饱和吸引他们多是我来逐渐得到新鲜,此人 Because any Riyuuma things are funny but the favorite Don t you think as for big river funny wa w Also Riyuuma Fukuyama grew tired first however it was fresh gradually The wa which is not massage charm this person

                                                                • 或者是曹曹的故事驱动tTA旅行前曹防治诸葛亮与刘备关杀诸葛亮是驱动tTA移动骑撒旦要你更离奇的故事这只是忽略戏剧毕竟是历史...
                                                                  How, therefore with [se] drama historical fact disregard what fantastic notion we want making more the story The Seki feather where Akira Morokuzu where the devil transfers ran Liu preparation under murder 曹 virtue and story of the 曹 virtue which fights with Akira Morokuzu together…

                                                                  • 战前的土壤。德川家族的由司马辽太郎(笑施工战争英雄)
                                                                    Prior to world war 2 the earth. Party after the war the great man of the last days of the shogunate when it was made by Riyoutarou Siba (laughing)

                                                                    • 推翻了外国人和美德只在第一个开放的政府学校开除。矫激理论穰竞争,他们是去上学,其实我是让我,我有一个坏分钟或灭亡的国家,
                                                                      As for 攘 barbarian first just opening of a country falling down curtain group and virtue. It has become the dispute with the maintenance group 矯 Intense 攘 barbarian theory hurt understanding that the country is ruined, don't you think?

                                                                      • 日本NHK播出了“你呀!龙马”被触发,但较高的社会地位,叫道:“虫”,他很想看看她随将最终形成了幼儿 NHK had televised “ it is Steed” With opportunity status was low “cried and the insect” yearned to the form where the child which is keeps achieving important matter eventually
                                                                        • 2011年7月24日246,其次为过渡至数码地面广播将终止日本NHK 246 2011 July 24th area deji movement NHK it cancels next
                                                                        • NHK的头饰头饰头饰240♪而不是3月,全国新闻俱乐部 The chi yo it is the ma ge chi yo it is the ma ge chi yo it is the ma ge march ♪ 240 Rather than calling NHK the reporter s club shelf
                                                                        • 龙马其他地区的边界效应是有利可图,以吸引比不刮手,我不使用 The steed is a collection customer effect because and it becomes the gold Even a little as for the area which has the edge there is no hand which is not utilized

                                                                      • 明治维新明治政府也将设置所有清扫芝Ryou万马人类成就的史学家,不是一个真正的浅底
                                                                        Attacking/questioning curtain and Meiji government establishment and Meiji restoration Everyone, Riyuuma alone achievement The Siba Riyoutarou `view of history '[tsu] [te], the bottom is shallow truly

                                                                        • 最后一行驱动tTA下关水族馆你知道你正在使用的景点周围龙马于今天展示龙马和面板的鲸鱼骨 Now Riyuuma Sakamoto it has utilized with view Kouti of here and there the ro which is At the Shimonoseki aquarium which before this goes the skeletal specimen and Riyuuma s panel of the whale were displayed together
                                                                          • 苏照1小号等方式向外国人提供服务作为普选的坂本龙马的 The public information man of the darkness which by the fact that Riyuuma Sakamoto is publicized illuminates the way in foreign carrot administration It has role as

                                                                        • 毫无疑问,在溃疡,有一天我觉得Tteta不间断王子也湘南Ryouma
                                                                          You think difference it is not that Riyuuma and the small camphor tree the monarch of eternity one type how collapse once upon a time to that,

                                                                          • 没有110,是不是想和下降,黄金半岛,如果景气龙马,一个历史事实,所以我想成为一个繁荣的画马出越来越明显的事实龙,每一次在每一次踏上尽管一年这次活动还参观开始从简单的泳衣,如果日本,你可以做钱最终可能会下降明显,直接的浪费,如果你do m Haribote事件本身,而世界欧村作为一个旅游城市,对 110 Well the gold and the like we would like to drop to the peninsula are not but it makes steed boom if is Don t you think we would like to have making the boom which portrays truth Riyuuma of bare fact of historical fact With that usual usual this area sharing good luck sight seeing event less than of 1 years If it is the Japanese country it is good dropping the gold but isn t it clear to go out of use immediately After all the event itself is haribote what You do if is view Kouti who designates the world as the partner Like European town village

                                                                            • 没有多少人知道,我支持Ranai共济会Pashiri狙ü开放贸易与日本 When it is Freemason s pashiri where Japan aims for opening of a country and trade Without knowing the person whom it has supported is many
                                                                              • 他说,日本的共济会规划开放回 Way Freemason Japan opens to the world concerning the back A story that you planned

                                                                            • 猪排说服了“标准,对系统中的制度”承载更多,我想我也被赋予绝对崇拜作为Busayo
                                                                              You think that it is possible to [busayo] to be worshipped victory Kaishu's one as “a guidon of anti-establishment in system” but it is,

                                                                              • 田中昭三196我会看坏在已知债务轻仆人?
                                                                                196 Don't you think? as for Tanaka Masashi structure debt stepping on pushing down famous?

                                                                                • 科技强国,海军和第九条,其中前三个预言日本150年的惊人发展原则
                                                                                  Constitution nine provision and the navy and technology establishment, 3 principles of the Japanese development it estimates also 150 years beautifully before

                                                                                  • 站旅游信息中心和高知女巫不,我是不寻常的态度恶劣老人做酒店的停车协议
                                                                                    Is cooperated with [babaa] and the hotel of the sight-seeing information office of the Kochi station attitude of [jijii] of parking which It was bad abnormally

                                                                                    • 第一个是愚蠢滞留在土佐人没有伤害的错误立场,即不与加特林西乡高森聘有
                                                                                      The way of domineeringly of the Tosa guy of [aho] the Gatling councillor also it has been, Saigo prosperity not to be wrong [kire] probably will be even at the standpoint

                                                                                      • 苏觉得我和腐烂病比必要的龙马是不好玩,这是一个插曲我没有信用意图,但它并非没有道理认为,人们甚至成为一个球迷,但像勇Hazime恢复ü人们喜欢说,在“明治维新并没有被暗杀 形式无疑是一个差异, Separately it does not look down upon Riyuuma above necessity and or as for the air which decaying is done it is not smooth And there is also a funny episode where there probably is also an achievement and the person who becomes the fan being that it is strange and it is not you think So the person who original Isao of the restoration is said quite likely When “it is not assassinated in addition as for the Meiji restoration it became difference it is not in the shape which is different
                                                                                        • 我试图明治时代明治维新时代所有的人的传记可能从江户时代老百姓谁发挥它一 The last days of the shogunate restoration age person biography From the last days of the shogunate applying in the Meiji restoration it tries arranging the person to the age order which participated in general It increased

                                                                                      • 该建议之间的差额将Idaro敖受过高等教育的招生,录取过程中,它看起来像成为教育中的后门
                                                                                        The [ro] which is the mistake with calling high educational background AO admission examination and nomination admission examination, it is accustomed to high educational background it is even with the backdoor

                                                                                        • 软银中医也出现武田哲也,是谁在娱乐行业的崇敬龙马
                                                                                          Tetuya Takeda who appears in CM of the software bank, in the entertainment world one person who reveres Riyuuma

                                                                                          • 这个数字是多少原本龙马英国策划的萨摩,在幕府为了对付亲法西斯结盟萨长not ll蝴蝶是人们学习和猪排在耳学问的概念说服和湘南横井仪内超过剂已被高估,因为小说主人公作为一个受欢迎的是写在作家司马辽太郎说U和恢复被暗杀前的唯一
                                                                                            Originally it is not the many person Being something which England and Satsuma plan because also 薩 long alliance makes the shogunate of the French approaching oppose, Riyuuma Sakamoto is no more than an agent It learned the conception of the Yokoi small camphor tree and victory Kaishu with ear study and just talked to the person When it was assassinated immediately before the restoration, it is excessively appraised because it has become the protagonist of the novel which the popularity writer, Riyoutarou Siba writes

                                                                                            • 这将137 re类似可疑人物在小说到Munoto包括!和创造性的人,有可疑烧伤基于历史事实,历史事实,混淆,我不是要去工作 137 Don t you think as for that when it sinks to the characters of fiction similar ones As for confusing thing and historical fact and the creation where sinks in the person of the creation which turns historical fact to the origin it is not
                                                                                              • 除了享受它作为一个创造性的工作,我很幼稚,其实最多敷衍 If creation enjoys as creation as for tsu te anyhow the bed 衍 to actuality the child ji seeing the ru

                                                                                            • 这很酷的新选组大北祖师江户时代的军事警察
                                                                                              Military policeman party of the Edo era Souzi Okita of new 撰 group Don't you think? it is groovy

                                                                                              • 这是什么引起早泄洗涤日〜我不能模仿的门外汉短语如三菱使您拥有一个伟大的人的亲属和竹市,仅足够Tteta海辅助部队使用过程中颌骨Yatarou工作,而岩崎
                                                                                                Japan is washed and the [tsu] [ke] which is premature ejaculation Such catch - you cannot imitate the phrase ordinary person, [koki] you just use with the cog sufficiently the great man to put out to the Iwasaki Yatarou sea support party era of MITSUBISHI, You can brag also the fact that it is Takeiti and the kindred being, it does, the [yo

                                                                                                • 这是很好的?什么新闻了,直至现在没有哭Itetajan可怕的繁荣?照顾照顾,因为龙马日本人吗? It is to call it is not So far boom saying awfully you have sighed the mass communications it is What Therefore Riyuuma Sakamoto the Japanese the air the trap it is difficult

                                                                                                  • 这是这两个极端来住在江户坂本龙马和土方岁三我84
                                                                                                    84 Don't you think? the both poles edge it was how to live in Riyuuma and the manual laborer year three [tsu] [te] last days of the shogunate Sakamoto

                                                                                                    • 进科技委员猪,狗不认为它是从龙马港元做了神秘的转让,但我感觉!最好以故意拉臂奇龙马到公众洗脑 T pig S benevolence dog HK doing Riyuuma transmission you remembered that it is doubtful from the ru the air was attached Riyuuma boom was caused intend in order to brainwash this citizen
                                                                                                      • “开始”开始的理论,我没有隐瞒什么,我知道有人这样做,是坂本龙马开始 “In the first place” theory is begun but In the first place whether Sakamoto Riyuuma tsu te what one wa which was done the tsu chi ya it is not don t you think
                                                                                                      • 什么恨从井田龙马,我只能看到一个因为你从主观分析的适当瓦特的不是这样做的话剧 Therefore Riyuuma dislike it probably is what but the suitable analysis shelf w which is seen from only subjectivity Doing simply with drama the ro which is from the ru
                                                                                                      • 伊斯兰教后进入,并嘿萨长土井,江户戏剧的事就是无聊萨长和龙马 You were taught 薩 long Dohi but is the last days of the shogunate thing drama is trivial with just 薩 length and Riyuuma
                                                                                                      • 感ー( ö )这是卢武铉龙马其实没有什么人?内涵是教哦,如果您移动或历史记录 Plug se o no Is Riyuuma one which really does what If the result which moved history it is teaching the ku putting out a
                                                                                                      • 我护理,试着说了假日度假,并希望太愚蠢鸠山邦夫龙马 Even however how it is good the fool goes to bed and e g Kunio Hatoyama would like to become Riyuuma that go to bed and say
                                                                                                      • 查看详情,以便携带音频音频基尔它带来了关于龙的马,把心去接受它,但我不能专门软件 If Riyuuma is raised it does not leave to the air which accepts extent and special a which are raised but is
                                                                                                      • 该网络的权力或沟通技巧〜笑〜峨忽视,如果说有什么人或龙马 Communication power network power When the person whom you say has neglected Riyuuma you can laugh
                                                                                                      • 进科技委员猪,狗不认为它是从龙马港元做了神秘的转让,但我感觉!最好以故意拉臂奇龙马到公众洗脑 T pig S benevolence dog HK doing Riyuuma transmission you remembered that it is doubtful from the ru the air was attached Riyuuma boom was caused intend in order to brainwash this citizen
                                                                                                      • 龙马是一个具有历史意义的工作,后来,当我不清醒的年轻人 Riyuuma does the activity which historically is meaning in most late year but As for young time it is plain what don t you think

                                                                                                    • 钟哟狩猎和嘈杂暂停驱逐穰外国人Chankoroーー它的
                                                                                                      It is the 攘 barbarian, - it is the 攘 barbarian, - [chiyankoro] hanging, [chiyon] to do to hunt, - the [ze] -

                                                                                                      • 长崎出岛的土地是被称为龟,但由香里常吕Tomonoura真的没有选择,只能搭载的也是
                                                                                                        As for Nagasaki which has in the Kameyama corporation there is no manner doing As expected the inlet of the 鞆 goes on board area of the place edge as for the fact that you say too excessively

                                                                                                        • 音频为您带来的繁荣和提高我不是一个好于一体,并围绕这一龙马一样,我听到了我的价值Egui,如果你想总结的东西如果人们知道 1 Boom and it is good separately to raise but it is The steed and around that doing The suitable obtaining gu saying you heard but it is When the thing knowing the person is we want summarizing
                                                                                                          • 伪物Rashii写了一集信影响的项目,赢得了比赛与小说没有多少萘乙酸桂龙马 Because episode of the steed fabrication is many That it won with the tournament with Katsura also the letter which is written seems the copy and

                                                                                                        • 龙马转移的玩笑话恩戴毎回打感觉重要的数字是,我没有只看到问题的方法第一部分然而,当这个标题开头?哦,我也做一个谈话后半年或一年 It is with as for essential Riyuuma transmission each time it is with the cord trailer te feeling which goes it is seen yet to only the middle of part but it is when main part it starts In 1 stories half year 1 year lapse be too rough wa
                                                                                                          • 正如所料,他们看起来都转移农业Kakasazu点燃我Omoshire s龙马 The Riyuuma transmission main thing it does and the re obtains Every week you do not miss and try And the tsu pa it burns the u

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