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The Democratic party “detective! Knight scoop!”So well-known Okabe ball (50) to supporting Osaka constituency


  • 104嗯,我有一种感觉,它的胜负难料艺术 6月三原儿童竞选众议院议员为今年夏天的传闻,4 08事件“,自民党的首张个人专辑” “我们起床树桩讲话茶我“ 104 Well the air which both is called either one does but it is … The Miho ji yu where House of Councillors selection running in this summer is rumored it is the child in 4 8 in the event the “Liberal Democratic Party debut”… and the tsu chi ya it is “to roadside speech”
    • 75元随机收集市民在街上,商店和广告(较少资讯)我刚举行牡蛎 75 At random advertising on the shop and the street the person feeling weakness at only the place where it gathers the shank

  • 2004年在大阪选举中,民主党,自由民主党选区有一席,新公明党获得
    At House of Councillors selection Osaka constituency 2004, the Democratic party and the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito has acquired 1 parliamentary seats at a time

    • 390电视季节1月在IT产业转移的经济衰退的时候,冈部先生出了高水平,可保证新人的投入成本是30岁好得多 NULL

      • 459 465自民党甚至聘请宫古的儿子6月三原诚,麻生太郎再次s是一个可怕的人才,拥抱我们的狗Bakauyogominito成员只有通过完成的负面 459 465 As for our people talent Assemblyman holding awfully as for this time and the Miho ji yu it is the child and Aso true Miyako supporting complete through being defeated dog bakauyogominito

        • 565好了,朋友说需要的蛋糕的学术价值端午是整整3年,但它是最大的全国性法律高中教师模拟考试和东京总统
          565 Well, when you say with scholastic ability, a certain worth is the friend Tokyo University method department head and high school nationwide mock examination 3 annual all top Was however

          • 714名64:古典Shisan名无[圣人]发布:10 / 04 / 03(星期六)20:26编号:dNw7E /门将操作东方有线网络监管的特殊地位现在看到国家把国家翁苏核苷酸日本国立雅虎DOCOMO的全国所有非盟- NET的mesh.ad.jp wakwak.ne.jp rev.home.ne.jp. 。 。Infoweb.ne.jp。 。 。Plala.or.jp ·这是一个非常大的严格限制
            64 714 Name: There is no Classical name [sage] Contribution day: 10/04/03 (Saturday) 20: 26 ID: dNw7E/Gk Being use temporary, merely current you happen to see regulation circumstance OCN entire country DION entire country ODN entire country YAHOO entire country SO-NET entire country DOCOMO entirely AU entirely mesh.ad.jp wakwak.ne.jp rev.home.ne.jp . . infoweb.ne.jp . . plala.or.jp …… This is terrible It is super large-scale regulation

            • 776现在是因为民主党在中线,他们作出正确的决定,以更好地2001年的选举结果
              776 Therefore now, the Democratic party declining fortune, the method which designates the election result 2001 as the judgment material is better

              • Gajiri贫困和自民党是如何采取扰乱兽尾立但是,如果Shuchueshon尾立尼科获胜?冈部150万票,或者只是像尾500 000票立 In tail stand tsu chi ya good annoyance shelf If how much Liberal Democratic Party says dwindling with this shiyuchiyueshiyon the ro which can win tail stand and is When such as Okabe 1 500 000 vote and tail stand 500 000 vote
                • 428因此,我自己的例子说,对于有限,将捕获的民主党是否定的冈部的候选资格 428 Therefore only by your if you say Okabe candidacy even with the people party You probably catch in the same way negatively

              • NULL NULL
                • NULL REPT Sale Country REPT REPT REPT Well well The netouyo chi ya it is teaching it is the chi yo it is r r r 92 r At “the House of Representatives” as for political party of independent majority the party kana of somewhere REPT human so i and REPT With “House of Councillors” as for denomination political party of independent majority the party kana of somewhere REPT No No ¯ i It is Once more with big voice It is not audible wwww Person Entrance no REPT ninino 92 92 92

              • S神冈重复沸腾内脏仍会出现,我们不知道人们是否真的言言铀,冈部我可以说是带来耳朵听谭古 Upper Oka and others the wa it is to boil it will reel and probably will return but whether or not really one word you say it is from the wa to do Saying as for Okabe the ear holding which hears it is it is
                • 您只能投民主党,更是愚蠢的政策,无论多么有名的大阪不冈部 Okabe being famous in however much Osaka Only foolish policy there are no times when you vote to the Democratic party which it is not possible
                • 我很失望 我喜欢叛逆冈部马里( ·ω· )角゙庄保是 Although it was the Okabe ball lover be disheartened being… treason the Ω shiyoho ゙ n
                • 我的ING从科诺,决定与这样一个吝啬运行完全由民主党冈部 However because Okabe from the Democratic party stinginess was attached completely with running tsu te thing it decided in not seeing

              • [自民党]全固态计划招聘一名女演员三原顺子女士比例代表制选举,“反小泽女孩行动”自由妇女“,”日刊体育亮点候选人
                The Miho [ji] [yu] of the actress it is child person supporting policy it becomes firm to House of Councillors selection proportion representation Eyeball candidacy and daily sport “of Ozawa [garuzu]” opposition “our people woman maneuvers”

                • _NULL_
                  Original public peace investigation agency “[yakuza] (the � social person) 6 tenths the Dowa authorized personnel, 3 tenths of [yakuza] are the resident Korean Korean” Truth of secret passage Came resident old woman “I to Japan with conscription” Kazuo one house murder incident The Korean immediately after the being defeated circumstance Hatoyama prime minister side, in “mobster” bribe? 15 year House of Representatives selection, to Kumata Assemblyman side 2,000,000 Yen 1 : Success [uho] Φ *: 2010/03/29 (month) 02: 07: 50 ID: ? ? ? 0 Defendant former public 1st private secretary and victory place Keiji who are prosecuted in the disguise donation incident of Hatoyama Yukio prime minister side (59) The case of the House of Representatives selection 2003, Kumata of the Democratic party which ran as a candidate from the Osaka 1 Ku Atsushi. Member of the house of representatives (the Democratic party) on side When cash 2,000,000 Yen was transferred, the group of authorized personnel You testified to the collection of data of the product sutra newspaper

                  • ⌒我 是一个女人的候选人?女人! 梅罗确定的脸! 布鲁诺( , ) 计时 他们是来与一个好女人,我年轻的古吉见义明美浓客户? 哦Eeyuyu古 :。 所有你需要我帮ーヽ顺从 并按下按钮,人员长期人员只! ! ! 。 ⌒ i The candidate is the woman Woman No lt Decide with the face No and 92 No Being young accompany the woman where we taste is good 92 ku eeyuyu HKRPT Like we as for being necessary submissive REPT Are just the standing up necessary personnel and the button pushing necessary personnel 92 92 92
                    • NULL 92 REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Woman Woman Woman Woman ⌒ i The candidate is the woman Woman No lt Decide with the face No and 92 No Accompany the woman where we taste is good 92 ku eeyuyu HKRPT Like we as for being necessary submissive REPT Are just the standing up necessary personnel and the button pushing necessary personnel 92 92 92
                    • NULL 92 REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Woman Woman Woman Woman ⌒ i The candidate is the woman Woman No lt Decide with the face No and 92 No Accompany the woman where we taste is good 92 ku eeyuyu HKRPT Like we as for being necessary submissive REPT Are just the standing up necessary personnel and the button pushing necessary personnel 92 92 92

                  • △3,大阪不断民主团体:民主△尾立Hazime由纪:自民党冈部马里○:○公明党北侧一生:共产党△宏隆石川:休米忠清水×社民党:太好了。党朗子获得幸福:以两个民主井议席大阪ü很可能主持斗争与党的第三共产党的组成看来几乎不可能Hukada利子 The Osaka constituency constant 3 The △ Democratic party Tail stand source happiness The △ Democratic party Okabe ball The ○ Liberal Democratic Party Kitagawa itsusei ○ Komeito Hiroshi Ishikawa 崇 △ Japan Communist Party Shimizu loyal history × Corporation people party Large Bright child Happy actualization party Tosiko Fukada It may become the composition which disputes the 3rd chair with Japan Communist Party shelf Well the Democratic party 2 parliamentary seats as for taking is unreasonable in Osaka
                    • △3,大阪不断民主团体:民主△尾立Hazime由纪:自民党冈部马里○:○公明党北侧一生:共产党△宏隆石川:休米忠清水×社民党:太好了。党朗子获得幸福:以两个民主井议席大阪ü很可能主持斗争与党的第三共产党的组成看来几乎不可能Hukada利子 The Osaka constituency constant 3 The △ Democratic party Tail stand source happiness The △ Democratic party Okabe ball The ○ Liberal Democratic Party Kitagawa itsusei ○ Komeito Hiroshi Ishikawa 崇 △ Japan Communist Party Shimizu loyal history × Corporation people party Large Bright child Happy actualization party Tosiko Fukada It may become the composition which disputes the 3rd chair with Japan Communist Party shelf Well the Democratic party 2 parliamentary seats as for taking is unreasonable in Osaka
                    • 如果一个孩子出遥洋久本雅美社民党公明冈部马里Sawaguti恭子自由民主党860,不感兴趣 860 Our people Yasuko Sawaguti Democracy Okabe ball Fairness This Masami Hisashi Corporation people 遙 Youko If comes out it is funny
                    • 我们还共产党就像进入一个跳跃,但它声称引进成员来自娱乐恩戴松竹大会。我把这个东西投赞成票,执政的共产党,非中性。冈部我把这个东西去投票,自己的。这可能下沉 Also Japan Communist Party this time being like shout is being inserted The Osaka city discussion of the Shochiku Co Ltd entertainment graduate is thrown it seems it is with You to carry ruling party vote to the common property the ambiguous non party Vote carrying to Okabe Our There is also a possibility sinking

                  • ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆民主党党的RASHI身份民主-区1 -众议院的表决,以保证会议的民团同盟在大阪新年问候问候相信朝鲜人联盟生野分行淳熊田“的选举,大家感谢”是
                    * * * * * * The Democratic party it seems, * * * * * * The greeting of Democratic party Assemblyman where at the Korean people group Ikuno branch is not believed You greet in the New Year party of people group and Kumata member of the house of representatives the Osaka 1 Ku which promises denizenship you do thickly, “It could be elected with favor of everyone,”…

                    • 。民主党是绝对,因为它不是已经站在进入皮肤只有在党是没有这么多的恐惧和危险从完全撕裂 It will raise but you do not insert in the absolute Democratic party Already because disguise peeled off completely Rather than saying that it is dangerous it is the fearful political party
                      • 如果成员或与该时刻的朋友,可以是坏的民主党人党,但它借来一分钟 If there is that place and a member and a friendship But may understand that minsu is the useless political party

                    • 两个议席重视大阪蜡,甚至莫扎特小泽切诺基侦探或谁的经验发言元奈特舀对手什么也没关系,因为你知道你的选区你不笑我觉得呢?这并不容易,因为现任,是不是这么多好运气,如果你采取过滤文 2席挖比例投票 Whether the reed because it is laughing constituency it is anything Where from calling in opposite horse knight scoop experience person Mozart of detective or naniwa which it stops Also Ozawa being serious 2 parliamentary seats you probably will take with it is not thought it is the ro which is Ease it cannot point in the incumbent because and the unearthing of proportional vote Fortunately when 2 parliamentary seats you take about lucky the kana which is not
                      • 自民党没有太多愚蠢的事埋在等候座位之一,竞争也将沿着无论如何,如果visibility ll她谈谈果汁的姐姐在坂田的愚蠢旋钮 As for the Liberal Democratic Party in Sakata of aho voice applying juice The knob older sister how viewing How it becomes se degree of eminent game and about one parliamentary seat being buried with aho the oven cup

                    • 什么是坏家伙竞选民主党恩戴及头部从这一时期?我只是一个对所有与党的地位的同时,他们认为修辞政治骗局
                      Reaching to this period, the person [tsu] [te] head which runs as a candidate from democracy it is bad? Although it is the sufficient fraud political party which arranges oratory with this party idea and raises

                      • 什么是自然或半,一半男性和女性是不足够的名字朱达罗?自民党甚至名字,但不是很多谷垣祯一男孩和男人运行?瓦特 The ro which is not something of the extent which designates and is… Man and woman half and half something being unnatural As for our people however running of the man is many Tanigaki baud designating even is w
                        • 奇高丝和政治改革的人很快我沮丧,我会向您发送邮件的人也努力与谢野馨也龟井小泽谷垣祯一 The citizen when to be quick despair to politics and cause the reformation Ozawa and Tanigaki and Yosano and Kamei direct to the citizen and send message and the ru are

                      • 今天的选举结果,发生了什么事?逗子市,但只负Dattarashii民主博罗瓦特
                        The present election result, how it became? In Zushi city it was the democracy rag being defeated, however it seems, w

                        • 他的表现还算可以,但从未收到小泽可怕的魔法租一个U是美好,但很难收到
                          Running OK is received in the person who passes without fail This Ozawa is enormous, is Until OK is received, it is to be serious

                          • 佐和子是不是所有的兄弟院长基阿川是应义策略管理,庆应义塾大学教授,研究技术中心和尖端科学。魏罚款不毕业,从纽约州律师执行主任,乔治敦大学法学院
                            At all, there is no relationship, but as for Sawako's Agawa older brother University of Tokyo advanced technology research center special duty professor Celebration 應 justice private school university integrated policy dean Celebration 應 justice. Permanent director The Georgetown University roast cool soldier/finishing With former New York attorney It is great well enough

                            • 党的官员说,展后的播出将结束入世后的外观,商业价值和前景的冈部马里招聘秘书长小泽一郎在本月的某个时候公布 NULL
                              • 党的官员说,展后的播出将结束入世后的外观,但冈部,招聘前景本月的某个时候宣布小泽一郎,秘书长 According to the party authorized personnel Okabe after broadcast of program of performance schedule ends even during this month Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa supporting The prospect that it announces
                              • 冈部马里或349书籍,想法或意见的自由民主党通常不会看到这将是一个可能 349 Okabe ball Book speech Conception If the empty it does Could be our people probably will be With it is understood normally
                              • 我可以理解,他们不再具有商业价值,以及冈部马里我至今仍看50 Reading to here After all it became also 50 Okabe ball Commercial value Already it is not You could understand with the tsu lever

                            • 其中一个人的反日汉奸?或由韩国人?我很失望...
                              1 Also this person being the anti-Japanese traitor? Or person of the Korean Peninsula origin? Be disheartened is the [wa]… which

                              • 具有Q人对话,从大阪:如果我赢了,我毫不怀疑,运行冈部马里什么办法阻止赢了?答:A和最强的候选人,最终喷射 Conversation with the man of the Osaka graduate Q When the Okabe ball runs that it is election secure however you think There is a methodological tsu te which obstructs election A Putting out ultimate strongest candidacy and
                                • 如果一个国家认真可悲的政治,思想,候选人失去了人才和王朝候选人已经用完,综艺节目,甚至人谁正在研究政策 The person who the country thinks of anxiety and politics seriously researches policy running It is defeated to celebrity candidate and the hereditary candidacy which have appeared in variety program

                              • 即使中国和韩国Datsu一大洒他们讨厌它! ! !如果这是社会主义和欧盟的高中社会主义的自由,但社会主义韩国 Will not and others the tsu which is abhorrent in even China Korea If you say that high school gratuitous conversion is socialism socialism it puts out EU also Korea is socialism
                                • 在法国,这时候大家从行,那是敌人的一所学校高我可以自由的学生给予奖励谁出席 In France high school gratuitous conversion becoming the enemy because no one goes This time the bonus lifting in the pupil who attends the ru it is

                              • 即使这样的想法正在运行的430个众议院议员舛添?我想我会看你现在自民党
                                430 When Masuzoe ran as a candidate to House of Councillors, such a thought? Now the face of our people to want stopping seeing, however the [ru

                                • 因此,我们的工作越是岁男子身穿东大阪模具厂在我做(社长:旧人的雇员:三十岁男子)当选为我永远不会把神冈部马里艾希手流 orz Inside the factory of the mold doing with Higashi Osaka however the ru Then working the ru grandfathers the president Grandfather and employee inside 3 grandfathers God it has done to handle the Okabe ball The wa … orz which is elected absolutely

                                  • 在大阪选区,现任的尾立Hazime由纪(46)和已经批准的决定是连任命小数点第二我党和府党总部
                                    At the Osaka constituency, Already it officially recognized decided the incumbent tail stand source happiness person (46), was advancing choosing a person of 2 public attention with the same party prefecture ream as the party headquarters

                                    • 坂本龙一和z龙酒吧“,是更多有才华Yanaikatokaomottakotonai鸣叫不是吗?”“就像Tsukkoma,坂本,我从来没有,这些想法Imadakatsu moetry in motion”我用笑和Omoshirokatsu或 With dragon z bar In Ryuichi Sakamoto “Your own one there is no talent that you have not thought whether it is it is not ” With being thrust Sakamoto “well the a Such conception applying still doing the wa which is not” has laughed It was funny

                                      • 奖学金没有偿还的已经建立起来,有钱的捐款,但社会主义才能去美国上大学的贫困在 With the scholarship of repayment unnecessary it has been formed with contribution of wealthy layer poverty being the United States which it can go to the university It is socialism
                                        • 这下,小泉政府削减奖学金,一直在试图最终私有化国立大学 That under Koizumi administration scholarship will be shaved the national university finally tried to be commercialized

                                      • 岛田真一,因为民主党大阪。 Tive收集后,滚动支持和最接近大阪崇拜比你认为Tteta家乡或备份公明久元
                                        Therefore Osaka as for the Democratic party Shimada 紳. That you think whether it supports, Gathering the support which than native place is closer to worship in Osaka, the [ru] it seems and After Komeito Hisashi book

                                        • 布奇和我当选冈部好,石川县,北川晃车针尾立竞争和第三位。和旧的人能匹配北侧尾立同期,装饰品,你会觉得球府议的艾滋病人在公共决策的人 Don t you think well with butsuchi election and Okabe Ishikawa and 3 rank dispute tail stand and Kitagawa Righteousness From prefecture discussion age ornament similar Kitagawa jijii the enemy thinks is uninformed in tail stand the empty Being the people people public it is decided chi ya u kana
                                          • 任何一方。冈部,毕竟2个席位中的民主Marukara收集选票,我认为,易投反对票? Non party Because vote and democracy vote get together entirely in Okabe 2 parliamentary seats after are easy to fight it is it isn t

                                        • 平泽的过程中,许多成员在日本,韩国等如果创价学会的权力基础,因为这意味着合1选举的坚实基础细节将会强劲
                                          Hirasawa Naturally, because the resident Cori un member is many in Soka academic society of the support parent, the meaning being agreeable, for the sake of the election basis is set is strong, probably will be

                                          • 库博士和不现实的,听到明诚827,听到的古古和论证交给我有点不相信很多做以南大阪 埃克阳光站访问。 NAA的不是索取及厚Tteta我认为这一学说是知道符合什么民主党人嘿 什么都没有,我们非常真诚,但是,明诚冈部和惊奇 827 When true light you hear it does not come with the pin but when the hand or the za it does and with hears it is certain just a little to pull When it is south Osaka it is many don t you think gt The te or the za it does Before the station and visiting However the u tsu it forces with inducement and with it thinks Honesty you do not know doctrine excessively It coincides with the minsu party the combining e With says Okabe true light was surprise
                                            • 尾巴。公明不难赢得绝对死亡率西伯利亚旗冈部冈部,如果当选,甚至尾立驱赶北侧。可惜骂 NULL
                                            • 库博士和不现实的,听到明诚827,听到的古古和论证交给我有点不相信很多做以南大阪 埃克阳光站访问。 NAA的不是索取及厚Tteta我认为这一学说是知道符合什么民主党人嘿 什么都没有,我们非常真诚,但是,明诚冈部和惊奇 827 When true light you hear it does not come with the pin but when the hand or the za it does and with hears it is certain just a little to pull When it is south Osaka it is many don t you think gt The te or the za it does Before the station and visiting However the u tsu it forces with inducement and with it thinks Honesty you do not know doctrine excessively It coincides with the minsu party the combining e With says Okabe true light was surprise

                                          • 当我一看候选人的高度,但我只有一个漫长的最佳候选人,通常甚至不觉得五木,地产。志位也难以招募纹 When it tries being listed by candidacy only this person it is saying but extent best candidacy You happen to think normally or the truth Supporting it is difficult it is
                                            • 人才招聘招聘党,候选人也平方它会神奇的表演,也助长了它愚蠢的投票 Celebrity candidate in the political party which supports and in the celebrity candidate which rides to that to that Boring even foolishly votes

                                          • 我Tteta认为会留啊是啊耶耶耶 ( ·ω· )马里民主井舀夜长“是或娶她先生是海洋仍然〜电子邮件和传真像整个收集的票数可能出现巨大的山从Rurashii Although you think that obtaining it can be able be able be able be able is be able be able be able to obtain … the Ω Well democracy The ball directly in the knight scoop” even now becoming the Mali wife and like mail and FAX like the mountain it comes because it seems Tremendous vote gets together probably will be
                                            • 马里是啊是啊耶耶耶我觉得Tteta东张西望之夜将永远留 ( ·ω· ),但民主Hairenai井 Obtaining it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain Although you think that the ball directly is in the knight scoop … the Ω However well it cannot enter into democracy

                                          • 我不需要不必要的民主党人!茹每次我看Tantei骑士东张西望一直很好,我得到了一些很好的理由存在的冈部马里 Excessive thing it does it is the Democratic party Liking the detective knight scoop each time you see but it is It is the reason which likes also the existence of the Okabe ball it is
                                            • 冈部女士如果当选,将选出的形象和声誉,侦探骑士勺 When Okabe is elected With image and degree of distinction just of detective knight scoop It means to be elected

                                          • 我想讲话的适当通风形象壊古的东西我希望强大的性能冷静附表阅读党民主的脚本编写的讲话 The performance which calls off the script of the speech which the Democratic party prepares indifferent should have been done Something lecturing strongly without breaking image we want

                                            • 我感到非常类似的刑事或轰炸韩国大韩航空系统吧美丽的脸我冈部马里
                                              It is the beauty face of Okabe ball [tsu] [te] Korean type, don't you think? The criminal of the Korean Airlines bombing incident feeling being similar well, the [ru

                                              • 我猜想,问题仍然陷入688 679眼,以党的形象,民主是Intanettsu浏览和搜索很可能是坏发誓,这难道不是最佳时机苏消费一次瓦特,反正我有一个重要观点为民主党候选人的,我是瓦特石井和同族 NULL
                                                • 我猜想,问题仍然陷入688 679眼,以负面形象浏览和搜索很可能是穷人Intanettsu不发誓,不具备消费一次完美的时机瓦特苏,反正我有一个重要观点为民主党候选人的,我是瓦特石井和同族 NULL

                                              • 我的支持者说,从有利的经验,你尾立 当地雇员尾立知名度和北侧和自民党后,朱达罗是头部比其他鱿鱼794 794 A little the head the squid re is the ro which is the Liberal Democratic Party supporter Rear Kitagawa and tail stand degree of distinction and saying from the result being tail stand profitable it does the yo

                                                • 我觉得局长的继任冈部马里Itsukanakatta 147,也许是正确的选择Kozima惠子
                                                  147 The successor private secretary of the Okabe ball did not happen to think, but it is, whether the Kojima celebration child fitness don't you think?

                                                  • 我认为他们将努力发挥现任尾立和底部?另一种说法是太慷慨了,现在尚未决定投票摄取的政治局势中心
                                                    After all, incumbent tail stand it means to play the least significant dispute, it is it isn't? The thought is too sweet probably of taking in non party layer in current administration management circumstance,

                                                    • 投票选举2001年7.91亿美元,我不是说即使小泉的支持率在最佳状态的时间的时间,我现在超过100万票,为何明显下降
                                                      791 As for 2001 House of Councillors selection Koizumi popularity time of the best condition Although 1,000,000 vote it is not said even that at that time, ebb tide it is considerable with something, becoming soon, 1,000,000 vote it exceeds, it is?

                                                      • 政客不采取行古小泽头?因此,民主党专政,公务员制度改革和进步或可以做永远
                                                        Ozawa's neck the politician who goes to taking without being? The Democratic party dictatorial system, forever government employee reformation or the Shin [ma] it is the [ro] which is -

                                                        • 新公明党的80万张选票,762冈部的趋势是下降的,也许我们可以而且有100万票
                                                          762 Therefore as for fairness ebb tide tendency 800,000 vote does not go, probably will be As for Okabe 1,000,000 vote the causing [re] which goes it is

                                                          • 日本人民没有能力保护财产留给be in捐赠并根据日本妇女作为性奴隶的军事总部的orders of苏联,未发生抵抗或粗鲁s忍
                                                            As for the Japanese leaving behind people who do not have the technique which it protects following to the order of the Soviet Army Headquarters, the Japanese women as a victory girl Doing, only it endured e.g., it delivers,

                                                            • 是的,人们也大多湖Kurabuminsu仁居住在大阪进入任何愚弄一些冈部马里 It is to insert with a lot of Okabe ball the empty It makes Osaka foolish it is you want but it is margin people 潭 kurabuminsu
                                                              • 冈部马里Guguttara思想,只有像来到了这一点,斗〜。html的TTP的: www asyura com 索拉 bd7 味精 35 Okabe ball Idea However so the gu gu tsu cod such it is it came out the o ttp www asyura com sora bd7 msg 35 html

                                                            • 有一个男人骑在我表明了汽车梁用棍子或愚蠢的贴纸上的东西 So if you say it is riding in the sticker of this program or the car which sticks what aho the person was

                                                              • 杠杆和勺晚上是要去美浓已经被列入搁置?无关,但它是抗日的朝鲜人进入刑事各方充分冉
                                                                Lever, as for knight scoop of recording being completed with net profit [tsu] lever shank? At all, did not enter into the anti-Japanese political party of the bright/fresh human being lazy with the offender with it is good, probably will be

                                                                • 松原Tiaki朱达罗或在后面你知道,这也是一个不错的程序现在助理若返651 651 Now if the program assistant becomes younger and it does that well the tsu te place The ro where Matsubara Chigira is return

                                                                  • 民主党is m白痴的女人Uyouyo在这样一个环的w女自民党350
                                                                    350 Using the wheel on such a Liberal Democratic Party woman, but idiocy the woman [uyouyo] being the Democratic party what w

                                                                    • 民主党不太可能给外地女人执意采取愚蠢的流行作家芮达端午展台女孩性反转
                                                                      The manners lighter/writer is can gal deterioration is for the popularity taking Only supporting the foolish woman the Democratic party which is not the head

                                                                      • 民主党人★,大阪,大阪府选区选举,招聘先生冈部马里调整选举(:3)自由民主党前的日期,谷川秀善01年7月30日山本隆选举结果之前,新公明党982887 864154民主党人白滨和义2,每3次602312新的共产党新的自由之前,山下渡边义雄彦1 594063 195508 116216◎北冈弘新派系 The Democratic party you adjust to Okabe ball supporting House of Councillors selection Osaka constituency The Osaka prefecture the number of reelections 3 Election result As of 2001 July 30th This Mountain stream Siyuuzen The Liberal Democratic Party Before 982 887 2 This Shirahama One it is good Komeito Before 864 154 3 This Yamamoto Takasi The Democratic party New 602 312 1 Yamashita 芳 Raw Japan Communist Party Before 594 063 Watanabe Yosihiko Free party New 195 508 Kitaoka Hiroshi Takashi Groups New 116 216
                                                                        • 大阪选区选举(:3)自由民主党前的日期,谷川秀善二零零一年七月三十日选举结果982887 864154前新民主党和和义山本隆2每3公明白滨每602312前自由党共产党山下雄渡边义彦◎1 594063北冈弘新派系新195508 116216 Constituency The Osaka prefecture the number of reelections 3 Election result As of 2001 July 30th This Mountain stream Siyuuzen The Liberal Democratic Party Before 982 887 2 This Shirahama One it is good Komeito Before 864 154 3 This Yamamoto Takasi The Democratic party New 602 312 1 Yamashita 芳 Raw Japan Communist Party Before 594 063 Watanabe Yosihiko Free party New 195 508 Kitaoka Hiroshi Takashi Groups New 116 216

                                                                      • 民主党人在众议院的议员选举与多个选区,特别是已派出两个或两个以上候选人
                                                                        The Democratic party with House of Councillors selection, at plural reelection Ku is advancing supporting the candidate 2 or more

                                                                        • 民主党人正在侵蚀毒害 奇来吧东张西望之夜 orz,因为我控制规模Tsuka博粘贴?内阁立法局官员,他说我们是孩子的津贴,限位板和国内 The knight scoop is attacked in the poison of the Democratic party… Pardoning … orz Or that kopipe of handle large scale regulation tsu te cause The bureaucracy of Cabinet Legislation Bureau stopping child treatment in inside the ru tsu te person
                                                                          • 我同意这样一个子女免税额?我想成为政治家?人口仅1民主朱达罗 NULL

                                                                        • 然后,敢于逮捕425第一次世界大战严重的欺诈行为,如果自民党水平Iteta工作,接触到的行政诞生的民主,我将发票从民主党政府的无能负责,我只是想对你为推动国家是不是要在一天内就作出Mon m 425 Try arresting ww Fraud of the level where the Liberal Democratic Party is terrible works the Democratic party administration being born Exposing the Democratic party which does not have administration charge ability dividing from the ru stimulation applying the ro where is just the ru Don t you think it is completed it is in national as many as one day it is
                                                                          • 诈骗425多层面的民主相同的,因为它是一个好不同的水平,但他们是骗子和罪犯被捕 425 Level is different from the same fraud It handles in same rank is Democracy is crime level It is the extent which it is possible to arrest with the swindler

                                                                        • 维基百科看到758,我热情比索诺石井石原伸照,我几乎每年都参加
                                                                          758 When [uikipedeia] you see, more enthusiastically than Ishihara Nobuaki how that Ishii one, almost every year it participates

                                                                          • 自民党参议院候选人佐藤由香里,片山皋月,自民党与谢野馨,你要真正赢得它,只会让你逃跑Inokuti田邦子 The Liberal Democratic Party House of Councillors selection candidacy Sato yu temporary and Katayama to be attached Kuniko et al Inokuchi Being serious the ro which is not the air which wins and is The Liberal Democratic Party Yosano escapes and
                                                                            • 不过,它不会说日本是否或日本民众的幸福片山皋月 Even then Katayama that when you say whether being attached makes Japan and the Japanese citizen happy It probably is not that

                                                                          • 自由共产党人600,000票对70万票对80万票,是不是公明党在所有钢在困难来
                                                                            Fair 800,000 vote Our people 700,000 vote As for communist 600,000 vote griddle When the party of everyone comes, it is difficult, it is it is not

                                                                            • 该模型是由一个在福冈进行大专,但谭将开始Medatsu,非入侵性,而且我认为人们我是谁 From junior college age the model doing in Fukuoka however it will do from first it has been conspicuous it is probably will be Basting the better ku or there is no person whom I call I

                                                                              • 谁是逮捕了3000人以上被强行推我每120包括步枪的人,与8个坐席,必须作出 The Japanese who rises 3000 people and or more is restrained e g you strike with the rifle doing pushed in coercively 120 people at a time in the room about of 8 tatami mats
                                                                                • 谁被拘留,你已经没有采取任何行动Torezu难以置信的狭窄自己要保持站立五天驱动tTA咀嚼的仍然是一个大漏洞 As for the Japanese who is restrained remainder narrow while movement was all not coming off and the large urine discharging was put in state while 5 days it stood

                                                                              • 谁的选民选择退党一旦这些家伙都这样经验丰富的反对党部长Netouyo程度是你之前,我道歉,自民党比罗蔓生毕竟生根的欢呼和麻生太郎,安倍,石破茂或教导他们有这样的舛添从人们看不到眼睛茹是第一感计算在相同的地位加藤的话,一个人的领导者处理团伙从但在一个没有决定紧急类型的人谁可以

                                                                                • 钐柳村上的情妇我在东京冈部好吉津 我确实有一个民主党人的眼睛一样,那个女人在我做的污垢或S我曾在大阪消费 SM good finishing with the lover of the Okabe tsu te Murakami dragon … However in Tokyo it went out you do it is in Osaka Such has an eye on the woman who becomes dirty with something combining the Democratic party

                                                                                  • 阿Machami出塔拉,“关西毅恒说:”我们得到100万创价票大阪说,你笑古和移动犹豫不决的选民来投票2,000,000 1,000,000票,如果好的人才
                                                                                    When [machiyami] it comes out, “invincible Kansai” Saying in the Soka 1,000,000 vote of Osaka which is taken and laughing 1,000,000 vote The talent lover floating vote 2,000,000 vote moves

                                                                                    • 高中仍然是自由的,因为民主党政府的政策,是自由民主党的政策是不可能的
                                                                                      Therefore even then as for high school gratuitous conversion, the Democratic party administration when the measure which it is possible it puts out and it is the Liberal Democratic Party, it was the measure which cannot be

                                                                                      • 鸠山转移资金,并没有得到资金的政治报告中提到熊田先生,说为什么一个秘密资金的证词
                                                                                        As for delivering and receiving the fund Hatoyama, We are not stated in the political financial income and outgo report and the like of Kumata both person side, If according to testimony you can call the bribe

                                                                                        • 鸠山辞去区小林逃税是没有一个人可以Itashishi民主党众议员的背部捐赠法是违反犯罪集团
                                                                                          As for Hatoyama tax evasion king As for Kobayashi reverse side donation Also the Assemblyman of farmland method violation does, Furthermore either one person does not resign As for the Democratic party offender group

                                                                                          • ( 冈部马里,50岁以上的女人有代表性的一个有吸引力的Gidemo阿川佐和子
                                                                                            ( ' � `) no < Okabe ball, Sawako Agawa 50 it passes, with typical case of the attractive woman

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