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The automobile lighter/writer “if section 2000 Yen of one way it does not exceed, instead of profit there are no either 1 Yen” highway free conversion, substantial price hike discount service one after another disappearance


  • 1000日元,或以某种方式对地方计划免费假期,我觉得相当优惠的突破
    Among such holiday 1000 Yen, as for local road free conversion you think that it is the plan which conceded rather as a break step

    • 159等,以不太适应Shidashi小康的实际人数不,我会从我在1000日元? 159 There is no ETC discount to start Actually because the number of cases which is adapted is small It does not catch from at the time of 1000 Yen don t you think it is
      • 159等,以不太适应Shidashi小康的实际人数不,我会从我在1000日元? 159 There is no ETC discount to start Actually because the number of cases which is adapted is small It does not catch from at the time of 1000 Yen don t you think it is

    • 223龟背加拉,麻生太郎在周末,因为我通过法案ETC100公路建设,建筑使用的财政资源0日元公路有关的折扣优惠,尽管秸秆不仅限于使用高速公路我用ü这不是所有的人处于不利地位 223 The bill that passing the turtle and others at the time of Aso administration uses the revenue source for earth day celebration ETC100 discount 0 Yen discount in highway construction from the ru The highway you use the person who does not relate to highway construction you do not use not just is everyone demerit
      • 加拉223稻草做龟尽管通过一项法案,以资助公路建设无关的用途,谁是1000日元,周末和节假日与麻生太郎公路建设不仅限于使用高速公路我用ü它的所有缺点 223 The bill that passing the turtle and others at the time of Aso administration uses the revenue source for earth day celebration ETC100 discount 0 Yen discount in highway construction from the ru The highway you use the person who does not relate to highway construction you do not use not just is everyone demerit
      • 这个周末将权力不止,短距离的部分,通常会Tteta有时使用自由等等已经采取了各种农村我同意under ll手流哈希,在 It reaches the point where in addition to earth day it can ride usually sometimes and uses short range section It becomes free and ETC long ago taking the ru does the origin approves we mark of the district
      • 这是第一次利率调整,麻生太郎曾苏ETC1000周末的折扣预算削减一旦日元道路建设,他们将为了抵御这种批评 As for in the first place latest fee modification Shaving in order to turn budget for the earth day celebration ETC1000 circular discount which Aso administration did to road construction Therefore those in order to exchange the criticism

    • 284呢? TTP的:/ / www.yomiuri.co.jp /电子日本/ tokyo23 /新闻/ 20100327 - OYT8T00111。媒?从u003d瑙尔练马外环道路-小康预算部26世田谷区,东京外二环路(外环道路)练马世田谷-之间(16公里)宣布,2010财年预算中没有分配给建设
      284 This? ttp: //www.yomiuri.co.jp/e-japan/tokyo23/news/20100327 - OYT8T00111. htm? from = navr Outside ring road Nerima - Setagaya next year budget send-off Diplomatic relations ministry As for national traffic ministry on the 26th, Tokyo contour annular road (outside ring road) Nerima - Seta ravine It announced that budget 2010 is not distributed (approximately 16 kilometers) vis-a-vis constructive business

      • 387的自行车,只是一个过程的发射数将不会辜→→查看详细included ll穿对接打击渔业口袋格罗夫要注意从他的口袋里喷射→→→逃避它立即停止收费非常值得他们付出了很多关于轻易万 387 For the motorcycle It stops at the fee place gt the glove it disperses gt the bill is removed from the pocket gt fishing is thrust to the pocket gt the blow section is attached gt takeoff Distance just is gone about several tens of thousands is a value of the extent which it is good paying lightly

        • 513%100 50%的折扣拉动价值的,但宁愿等一些原因,看看你的手,另一方面,我Tsunda等什么呢?我在错误的方式,显然 513 100 discount was made 50 discount that if you say there is also a reason which it waits but Marking up conversely it waits for what it is Opposite running it will have done clearly but

          • Ttemasu小泽说683,但我做蚀本的路线,研究公路走在W我永远不会做任何事来保护它,不管你以前如何小泽甚至瓦特 683 However Ozawa the highway marking up makes the railroad line operated at a deficit and the ru tsu te which is sown saying increases w Even when you protecting however much don t you think this how it will do there is no Ozawa w

            • [政治]或取消在年底假日...早起的鸟儿折扣阪神都市圈和实用价值,500至900日元取消
              Substantial price hike? The capital city high and the Osaka and Kobe high speed,… nighttime early morning in 500 - 900 Yen discount and holiday discount abolition

              • _NULL_
                2000 Yen upper limit By the standard-sized car the or less of one-way travel distance approximately 75km while presently is Holiday 1000 Yen abolition By the standard-sized car the or more of one-way travel distance approximately 40km price hike ETC mileage abolition Discount of 4% - 16% amount -> This year abolition ETC nighttime discount O'clock at 0 - 4 the 30% it pulls at highway everything of NEXCO management, -> this year abolition ETC commuting discount 6 - 9 o'clock, o'clock other than big city suburb of 17 - 20 50% pulling -> This year 20% amount reduction and next year abolition ETC early morning nighttime discount O'clock the big city of 22 - 6 being suburban, the 50% pulling -> This year 20% amount reduction and next year abolition Large multi frequency discounts Continuation Capital city high ETC discount With ETC loading 20% discount -> Abolition Capital city elevation separation fee ETC loading -> It adjusts to ETC discount abolition and marks up with the substantial all user (Example: Tokyo) Tokyo 900 Yen line 500 -, Kanagawa 800 Yen line 400 -, Saitama 300 - 500 Yen line ETC non loading -> In comparison with the ETC on-board car largest 100% extra Evenness 900 Yen Tokyo lines, 800 Yen Kanagawa lines, 500 Yen Saitama lines

                • _NULL_
                  Name of organization (main jurisdiction government agency) Japanese policy investment bank (Financial affairs ministry) Financing the long-term funds such as large-scale project International cooperative bank (Financial affairs ministry) Financing the economic activity in import and export, investment overseas and the foreign country National life money market (Financial affairs ministry) Financing the business fund such as small and medium-sized business Commercial and industrial association central safe (Economic industrial ministry) Business fund such as small and medium-sized business molten Small and medium-sized business money market (Economic industrial ministry) Business fund of small and medium-sized business (long term) financing Housing Loan Corporation (National traffic ministry) Financing the residential constructive purchase fund Agriculture and forestry fishing industry money market (Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries) It finances to the agriculture and forestry fishing industry person Public business credit municipal treasury (General affairs ministry) Financing to local government bond of municipal corporation Financing to local road public corporation land development public corporation * <- Badness. Shoes Okinawa promotion development finance municipal treasury (Cabinet prefecture) Financing the long-term funds which designate Okinawa industrial development promotion as purpose

                  • “1月29日,大会主席,议会选举石井石井公司在长崎举行的集会(四)”会更好,如果选择的长崎,长崎是民主党反对我会指示苏立场认为是合理的
                    ” January 29th, the speech of one Assemblyman Ishii with the entire rising to action meeting which is held with Nagasaki One selection anti- Chairman Ishii (the Democratic party) If “Nagasaki one is done such selection, that the Democratic party administration probably will show the attitude of that appearance vis-a-vis Nagasaki, I think

                    • ↓利润率下降的交通陷入夜间在夜间通宵消除分裂吸引更多的傍晚交通↓南非销售下降
                      Nighttime it divides and pulls with abolition nighttime traffic density sharp decrease ↓ With profit deterioration the nighttime business reduction of SA ↓ More and more nighttime traffic density sharp decrease

                      • ⌒ 看看丿│哈哈!意义 ⌒ ¯ REPT REPT 92 No ¯ 92 92 ¯ manimani swindler 92 REPT To REPT REPT REPT REPT No 92 REPT REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No 丿 REPT │ ¯ no REPT │ u hu hu Japan friendship tsu ¯ No lt REPT 丿 The │ hu hu tsu it is understood Meaning

                        • 一分钟增加565是一种对法律的修改,我应该是围绕新的道路建设费用
                          565 But as for increased revenue amount of the latest method amendment coming to the point of turning to new road constructive cost the [ru] it is,

                          • 下一步它编织成你是不是自民党税的价值至少在说,你是怎么做到这只是一个社会实验和浪费,也增加了峨负担的人谁最终 At least don t you think price hike The Liberal Democratic Party being packed the tax next increasing wastefulness therefore society just it experiments As for this method the method where finally national burden increases

                            • 东京30分钟,但我不会走路真正的人民不仅有山手线926住在我
                              926 But only inside the Yamate line the pure Tokyo person you have not lived as for 30 minutes you do not walk

                              • 东名和神的东西应该是免费的已经被赎回,我被迫承担建设成本高的分钟我可以用旧的建设,以切实解决新的高速 Tomei and name God something being redeemed although it is the expectation which long ago becomes free the tsu which high speed makes in here and there and sows it is the empty Old high speed using being able to make new high speed constructive cost amount bear the ru
                                • 东名和神的东西应该是免费的已经被赎回,我被迫承担建设成本高的分钟我可以用旧的建设,以切实解决新的高速 Tomei and name God something being redeemed although it is the expectation which long ago becomes free the tsu which high speed makes in here and there and sows it is the empty Old high speed using being able to make new high speed constructive cost amount bear the ru

                              • 什么是平板率郊区的意义,而且博时井认为,有什么字? ü家伙用我的东西少阪神关西
                                Meaning of the thing where big city suburb has become the object of flat rate system however you think, that it is large, how probably is what? Kansai something the Osaka and Kobe high speed the person who is used it decreases

                                • 什么骗人的,我很敏感,瓦特值是煤气,我什至不解除都开玩笑 我是完全不同的东西在真正的民主的事情,做一个字瓦特Tteta The fraud w which how is said As for gasoline it has increased in price the wa which is even capital city high price hike… truth acting playfully the ru democracy You say thing doing w where ru thing is different quite
                                  • 主要通勤都一样怀疑我不知道我在想看看真正的价值? However it is not understood well The kind of person who has commuted with capital city high main may be substantial price hike tsu te thought the oak and others

                                • 他们不跑了近100英里,我得收我超过2 000日元?我运行约100公里,朱达罗不断突破,即使我是2000日元日元在2000年我返回有关往返度假旅行,现在我是在开玩笑,来回10 4000日元 Unless nearly 100 kilometers it runs it does not reach fee of 2000 Yen or more don t you think it is About 100 kilometers running the ro whose about 2000 Yen are even So far if holiday with round trip running for 2000 Yen although it has returned this time whether round trip 4000 Yen… you have acted playfully
                                  • 我来回5人是如何在东京大阪13瓦特140K的,即使你飞 6小时,我挂魔法 13 The do just is the human has gone and returned Tokyo Osaka it is w Throwing with 140k 5 6 hours catch

                                • 付款来吧下来的地方,如东京,名古屋要去支付使用费,如果他们裁定这之前,支付30万亿债务
                                  30,000,000,000,000 debt pay Principle passage money pay and if Tomei or the payment chair it is with the empty lower densely

                                  • 你没有钱并不是我们在储备良好的信誉或者有点过于苛刻的原始发行最高最高
                                    If some government bond issue because originally the buried deposit gold was not trusted to with applying, it is good, but supremacy most large amount It is too harsh

                                    • 例如说我的标准做,毕竟483,我只是表决结果是否 483 After all something applying decision criterion if you say whether or not it is connected to vote just it is what don t you think
                                      • 例如说我的标准做,毕竟483,我只是表决结果是否 483 After all something applying decision criterion if you say whether or not it is connected to vote just it is what don t you think

                                    • 其他手续的费用是用了把公司的初始成本为浮动自费一切劳动,公路在自己的折扣师樟脑手续茹分钟的什么是不抱怨 ETC as for attaching by all individual payment The cost which depended on the early cost of the labor cost which floats the highway company being individual there are no many complaints as long as ETC it divides and pulls and does
                                      • 等都是你疯了,如果我走了关闭下一次选举的自由民主党,但只有在一些公司的奴隶 As for having become insane without ETC discount becoming just the corporation domesticated fowl and animals of part You should have inserted in with also our people with the following election
                                      • 该元素ü目前的趋势,增加了交通挤塞和有限的时间假日ETC m很大的心理想怎么说了重新获得的成本初始 As for procrastination increasing with holiday and period limitation The psychological element that is huge we would like to recover the cost which depended on the early cost of ETC it is

                                    • 减少官僚政客和数量,但是我们只是希望能恢复的税收在吃他的土豆 The number of politicians and the bureaucracy is decreased it should have recovered the tax which they eat and make the thing sufficient story it is
                                      • 减少官僚政客和数量,但是我们只是希望能恢复的税收在吃他的土豆 The number of politicians and the bureaucracy is decreased it should have recovered the tax which they eat and make the thing sufficient story it is

                                    • 列车平均时速快Ĥ 70〜十公里每小时25至市中心10公里 u003d u003d 30公里 萨克H从市中心也大约是出了问题 With mean time speed High speed 70 10km h Lower road 25 10km h Streetcar 30km h Because probably will be the lower road irrelevance it puts out the fact that you use

                                      • 刚刚运行的自由与阿里山公路的问题过于花哨的谨慎高兴短的距离。 W过多茂木五桥多收购的意向,只有在短期内,其他手续 Such a color chestnut without becoming aware with highway free conversion short distance the flattering of the sufficient it runs Too multi it is w hashita gold profit of foresight with the intention of doing attaching to ETC
                                        • 这条公路成为自由寄生虫无手续。香椎是不是W组每天怀抱的梦想,这种寄生虫绘制泪水的眼睛什么马 With highway free conversion ETC parasite nothing Group tear eye the dream it is drawn the day when bosom or abortive grain w This parasite umaa of what

                                      • 取消农业税临时并非要成为一个恶魔和429错误我假装无辜瓦特
                                        429 The error to demon it will convert, but it did the provisional tariff abolition which is not and the mule [tsu] gave and w

                                        • 只有治愈债务子女是金渴望直接(在What到支付的子代儿童和债务支付的未来,需要的时间)的父母一样that is there愚蠢is less than黄道带标志猩猩我想,我不知道因达 The gold of foresight we want your own child the debt soaking you owing therefore child treatment what It turns the future payment to the child generation kind of aho which is done the parent However you think that it is below the monkey of morning three end four there is no consciousness it is don t you think

                                          • 哇...在1867年结束德川政府就像一个武士Tteta屉优武狗屎是垃圾,是一个
                                            1867… government of Edo ending, became [kuso] likely has been proud warrior class the rubbish like,

                                            • 唯一不把党的这种不负责任和不诚实的政府不能作出任何信托委任
                                              Being such an irresponsible, being insincere, as for administration it is not left to the political party which reliance you cannot put altogether

                                              • 因此,期待在其他手续的社会实验,我的股票不是一个群体的浪费利息分钟所有的债券和居高临下的会议纪录,甚至是假
                                                Therefore as for the reduction with the social experiment of ETC, even deception Stock it is done amount of squander of present reduction amount and the right group as a government bond entirely

                                                • 因此,民主党同意计划草案,而不是全部山崎,自民党占主导地位的政策指向驱动tTA看到很多行 Is not the case that all calls to all Yamazaki plan and the Democratic party plan approval but the predominant point than the policy where the Liberal Democratic Party does is more seen
                                                  • 因此,民主党同意计划草案,而不是全部山崎,自民党占主导地位的政策指向驱动tTA看到很多行 Is not the case that all calls to all Yamazaki plan and the Democratic party plan approval but the predominant point than the policy where the Liberal Democratic Party does is more seen

                                                • 在5000高价格20 000日元将要乘坐的票价在500日元教练每乘客谁想要降低30日元 High speed fee of the long distance coach goes down to 5 000 Yen from 20 000 Yen but Also riding in a car fee 30 of passengers probably will go down per one person 500 Yen
                                                  • 从5000的高价格20 000日元教练希望降低票价500日元乘客谁想要降低30日元? High speed fee of the long distance coach goes down to 5 000 Yen from 20 000 Yen but Also riding in a car fee 30 of passengers probably will go down per one person 500 Yen
                                                  • 在5000高价格20 000日元至500日元将要根据教练谁想要乘客票价降低30日元 High speed fee of the long distance coach goes down to 5 000 Yen from 20 000 Yen but Also riding in a car fee 30 of passengers probably will go down per one person 500 Yen

                                                • 在价格升降,是市中心拥挤,更多的二氧化碳,并增加效率低下,整个日本峨
                                                  At fee price hike, the lower road being congested, more and more non efficiency of carbon dioxide and the whole Japan increases

                                                  • 在没有任何公众利益,抑制自由的一段旧线,消除还需要帮助,我自己被私有化的一部分,6月被扑灭1,000日元假期
                                                    In the general citizen without many benefits, Free conversion section obstructs the local railroad line, The necessity also for the self-help with commercialization to do is gone, As for the part which has been moistened at holiday 1000 Yen disappearance

                                                    • 如果民主党,但不这样做花河野洋平是叛国从准备好交给任何席位的议会中占多数的广大瓦特它的欺诈骗局
                                                      In case of this treason political party Democratic party occupying preponderant large number with parliamentary seat of the National Diet, with what although it is in a state where the favorite selfishness it is achieved because you do not do, w It is fraud, fraud

                                                      • 如果车辆装有等等等等我起飞,距离邻県手续折扣长期运输车辆为驱动器2000日元装入了汽车业也在增加财政负担,我不仅是%大幅增加人数,我不主张在一个民主的恶魔从螨,但我向人民道歉是合理的
                                                        If the ETC equipped car because ETC discount is applied, when it is next door prefecture, 2000 Yen it cuts, it is, It is substantial increase what, for the ETC equipped car don't you think? Land Transport Bureau industry fiscal burden on the nation increases Because as for the long distance transport vehicle number % only it is Still, but democracy the ogre domesticated fowl and animals which have been supported apologizing to the citizen naturally what,

                                                        • 学生恩戴的也是免费的高速经济停滞也出现堵塞滤网,帽友好的平日发行量是一个完美的无过失的经济政策,竟

                                                          • 它是政治,人力和信息就是“1月30日,岛原道的规划实地考察期间,在众议员前原诚司土地部长前原诚司本能地泄露”基本上岛原道路上,我们会做很好,我认为
                                                            When that is politics, that is feeling of the human,…” January 30th, the case of Shimabara road schedule area inspection, the speech of Assemblyman Seizi Maehara who is leaked unintentionally Seizi Maehara National traffic minister of state “Basically, as for the Shimabara road, you try probably to keep doing securely

                                                            • 它的主要债务将增加该系统具有良好的保健月废除了已故老人282
                                                              282 Also the latter-term senior citizen medical system abolition is good, it is this human amount to be borne increase amount from this month

                                                              • 峨微妙但尚未制度是否改变担特点,因此,如果您有良好的自我清洁行动的自由民主党
                                                                It can bear the function administration alternately, whether or not but still the sensitivity, if there is self-purification separately in the Liberal Democratic Party, it is possible to be that

                                                                • 市政府官员已录得近770亿美元购买土地的预算路10环和土地成本外,“觉得很遗憾,您无法启动4月行动”的故事
                                                                  In 10 budget site purchase expense and the like of outside ring road schedule area Approximately with “if from April business commencement could not do the person in charge of the capital which appropriates 7,700,000,000 Yen, you spoke regrettable”

                                                                  • 当然不认为Waretara达到4年后的政策,如果一个政治家需要责任“,并说我 4 years passing when it is thought naturally that policy is not achieved you take responsibility as a politician” With you say

                                                                    • 快过拨款■:1导流道路建设。 3万亿日元的政府政策
                                                                      * High-speed discount revenue source: As for road construction diversion 1. 3,000,000,000,000 Yen Government policy

                                                                      • 我也解除香烟税,我想我说什么东西跟棒棒邦和狂欢与都市的电梯也削减这从道路的运动,使瓦特我看到的想法? So well tobacco tax the price hike shelf with this the capital city high at price hike the van van van and the doing at will Furthermore because of something if you say because the road we would like to make because of election measure w To some extent the spots it is cut off
                                                                        • 二二五零日元→九○○○日元单程以前我只当它快速Comiket(包括城市)或太奇怪了,到2000年是一个循环瓦兰 Until now just at the time of komike high speed using one way 9000 Yen gt 2250 Yen capital city high includes Reaching 2000 Yen excessively the strange straw it is

                                                                      • 我们不知道的紧凑型轿车的承诺层等公路(高速公路权力,他们通常不会)线约100公里的运行赶走通过,看到层层成为正常公路驾驶它很讨厌 The layer which does not know the promise of such a highway usually is light the automobile which does not ride in the highway Running the surpassing lane at 100 kilometers runs the highway usually and if sees from the layer which has been accustomed it is annoyance

                                                                        • 我们在说什么限制看看是不是主要的523?自述恩戴我写一对来自至少 523 Being said at price hike as for ru main contents there is no story of the upper limit but At least 1 After extent reading write
                                                                          • 这2000日元的2000日元的最高速度在街上不永远 Upper limit 2000 Yen as for the notion that where you say as for fee of 2000 Yen or less without being sort until now

                                                                        • 我写的,他们应该更开放在这里,但你没有自由,不,不这样做解除Dattsu价值 The tsu te which is converted here free it is written but it is Well it does not make free and also the te is good but marking up how it does it is the tsu which is
                                                                          • 或信用卡公司或供应商(sb或)我出奇的滑稽,取消未经批准该公约的埃泰 The credit company or the provider SB code changing selfishly it marks up and or the me chi ya oral ya has done

                                                                        • 我反对408“,使远离它゚关键゙手续托盘或汽车动力Tteta运气”是 408 As for we whether conversely “it is riding in the car which ETC is not attached until now hu ゚ ki ゙ ya ” was
                                                                          • 当一个单位,以1000日元买一个驱动tTA手续Kawaisosu驱动tTA疯狂傻瓜 When reaching even 1000 Yen also aho which as deviated buys ETC kawaisosu

                                                                        • 我听到一个怪异的八王子从调布至500日元线奥多摩湖古昨天日元,由2000至750日元驱动tTA青梅说我付八王子直接从中央到道路?或4000日元?
                                                                          We would like to hear, but it is, although it goes to yesterday Okutama lake From Chofu with Hachiozi 750 Yen you paid in Oume 500 Yen, entering the sphere middle road from Hachiozi that way, but it is It can go for 2000 Yen? Or 4000 Yen?

                                                                          • 我摆脱提的价值,更好地站在肚子苏乞丐欺骗行为,同样乞丐讨厌欺骗我们
                                                                            As for we from price hike commenting, the behavior which swindles the beggar becomes angry and, it was swindled About the same to also the beggar the stomach stands

                                                                            • 我是一个无线电驱动tTA三百二十一瓦特回应我说二氧化碳类似的东西:“我起来,我要减轻他们的负担,但苏?”旗帜“当你失去什么生活msgstr”地球 321 Kind of being similar you said but it is w which is reply Although me “CO2 it decreases burden increase is necessary don t you think ” When the flag “earth is broken also becomes impossible what life being it does the yo ”
                                                                              • 这610平方米的民主党人我说我快,我只是做了所有减少二氧化碳的?瓦特高功率,使每个人,是的,你自由发挥的差异吗? 610 That as for the Democratic party high speed riding with everyone CO2 削 decreasing saying the medium tsu fungus w Everyone high speed in order to be able to ride it converts it is with it is different free it is

                                                                            • 所以说,我玩的傻瓜651,有薪假期,没有强迫所有这样的事情在说,“Tteru通过的法例,我们要提出采取惩罚基诺,是伟大的节日只是混乱软件产品线分布,而不需要穿过古交互相,每个人都会堵塞所有Kunaku 651 Therefore the play word of the fool in the first place such a thing do the possession 休 mandatorily” In order to make take saying that it should have passed through the bill of the penal regulations attachment the ru With just that as for holiday decentralizing to the software without either great confusion everyone procrastination and while to be packed in travelling As for the necessity to go it is gone completely
                                                                              • 愚人节的恶作剧,或者说假日都惊人的632,即使没有这样的一回事,“是的。如果他们采取未消化的购买和增强公司由具有严重的惩罚”将通过该法案解决一个一个问题,如果no m混淆 632 When holiday is shifted the play word of the fool in the first place such a thing is not done the te “Possession In case of not yet digestion enterprise to buy with the extra the harsh penal regulations be attached” If it passes through the bill it is the problem which is solved in the one shot without many confusion

                                                                            • 手续,而不是一半,民主和大都会的价格范围等我想无论距离支付的最高金额不存在 Instead of ETC vague as for democracy unless there is ETC with as a fee of classified by capital city high distance whether in distance It has been about to try to pay straw zu most large amount
                                                                              • 涂料492,现金等,在我将收集不同瓦特的成本 492 In ahou ETC and the cash the cost which depends on collection probably will be different but w

                                                                            • 批量折扣优惠,业界频繁强烈要求最多三个将继续跟踪
                                                                              1 Large multi frequency discounts of the maximum of 3 discounts whose request of track/truck industry is strong continue

                                                                              • 折扣午夜,夜间折扣,通勤折扣,其他折扣或优惠假期,不是吗?1000日元继续吗?
                                                                                Nighttime discount, nighttime discount, commuting discount and holiday discount As for discount other than 1000 Yen the [ro] which is continuation?

                                                                                • 效益居在这项政策意味着,一些长途车超过了极限,甚至不同的折扣后,只有约10辆,占全部车辆安装唯一的非手续
                                                                                  In other words as for receiving benefit with the latest measure the long distance car of the part where also the rear of various discounting exceeds upper limit amount and, Only the ETC non equipped car which is only 1 tenths of all the traffic densities

                                                                                  • 日本共产党似乎已经从人们有更多的耐心和对组织的生存王子的首要任务 The Japanese Japan Communist Party the handle is being done amiability more and more from the citizen with the continuance of organization as a most priority
                                                                                    • 日本共产党似乎已经从人们有更多的耐心和对组织的生存王子的首要任务 The Japanese Japan Communist Party the handle is being done amiability more and more from the citizen with the continuance of organization as a most priority

                                                                                  • 查看详细操作513其实我什么歌我,并承认由国土部部长前原诚司解除?
                                                                                    513 National traffic Minister of State Maehara recognizing, price hike although the [ru] fact the 捻 [ji] is bent with something?

                                                                                    • 根本问题是“开放”快Tteta政府说,你知道你可以忽视他们的表现癌症吗?你知道我想要一个手下来冬季或彩色之间的障碍 As for basic problem “high speed free conversion” say administration the ro which is the cancer gun to ignore your own manifest Unnoticed the hurdle going down selfishly the ru it is
                                                                                      • 通化,“开放”快恩戴那是大声喊叫,而我应该做在非彩色冬季凯塔 The u “high speed free conversion” loudly shouting Unnoticed coming to the point of without being the ru it is

                                                                                    • 梅塔睡得最近ー终于开始做的时候,自由民主党1000日元度假的房子,只是相对于只是杉相反的是果酱时,他提出了一个自由和民主的反对派靖和自由的拥挤和反对 当你解除解除了该法案,如果它 Don t you think and others after all simply the opposite house no shelf When our people start doing 1000 Yen holidays being too cheap when it is delayed to oppose … When democracy proposes no charge conversion when it is free when it is delayed to oppose … If that it is when price hike plan is put out when it is price hike to oppose …
                                                                                      • 它的快速和自由瓦特原则,但更应该是一个社会的WWW实验免费的,而我的一些电梯 High speed is expectation of principle free conversion w Although that it is while society of part free conversion experimenting as for other things price hike tsu te www

                                                                                    • 民主党“亚洲某些”什么是“牢记党子”这甚至不是改名!我想你会得到一个报告中总结的东西来瓦特海报
                                                                                      Therefore as for the Democratic party “Asian political party what because of specification” “Sub- heart party” and new name margin! When with poster something it makes the vertical writing, the [ze] w which you think that it becomes [sama],

                                                                                      • 民主失败,因为我们想成为我的免费凯塔,越来越多的市民的负担将继续把它特别容易把马苏耀西要增加,汽车在冒烟瓦特欺诈的主要目标,并发现只有排除〜是在一个糟糕的方式 Because as for democracy as for your own failure you would like to make the thing which is not in the future burden of the citizen increases steadily Especially don t you think easily to take from the cousin as for the tobacco car perfect target w Fraud the one which cannot be perceived is worse is
                                                                                        • 唯一的硬东西打扰石窟最后爆裂10人的其他生命,我也做欺诈巨星 In addition whether fraud Festo… it has already ended Being enthusiastic to only to make national life painful

                                                                                      • 民营化的日本道路公团 社会:16人员,该公司滑动端的退休津贴1亿日元 日本道路公团估计,日元每年4公营机构所涉及的间谍业务操纵1000亿或降落伞一 Road public corporation commercialization 16 officials retirement lump sum grant 100 000 000 Yen At new company with sideslip affiliated 4 public corporations There is an estimate that annual 100 000 000 000 Yen is stolen at consultation compulsory enterprise regarding the Japanese road public corporation
                                                                                        • 民营化的日本道路公团 社会:16人员,该公司滑动端100万日元的退休福利 04大九寨公众有关公司估计,该公司已被盗窃或操纵降落伞每年1000亿日元 Road public corporation commercialization 16 officials retirement lump sum grant 100 000 000 Yen At new company with sideslip affiliated 4 public corporations There is an estimate that annual 100 000 000 000 Yen is stolen at consultation compulsory enterprise regarding the Japanese road public corporation

                                                                                      • 汽车拥有率的差别,因此大大影响了632交通汝不存在
                                                                                        632 There is no fluctuation in possession ratio of the extent car where substantial influence appears in the present condition traffic density

                                                                                        • 消除贴息,右后卫,现仅2000日元正式负责将手续丑陋的乞丐一大优势休闲出游, There is no discount service right to formal fee just returns the ro Excursion of the leisure reaching 2000 Yen the big merit The ETC beggar sees the tsu accompanying
                                                                                          • 在这种情况下,“来自由的公路,”你认为它会说乞丐一样严重 “Margin speaking highway free” in such a circumstance as for ru you think that it is the beggar with maji

                                                                                        • 然而,大税手续价值,而不是它是否生效的新的情况下,驱动tTA牛不认为错误的政策,Tteru认为我可以设计出更有效的办法 But that when you say whether the effect to which suitable huge tax is thrown with the ETC slag is above that As for that that you think whether there is no policy which you are wrong and thinking that it is the expectation which can be devised with the method efficiency being better the ru
                                                                                          • 然而,大量的背景税收平等的手续,而不是影响到它是否被付诸表决,牛驱动tTA认为错误的政策,Tteru认为我可以设计出更有效的办法 But that when you say whether the effect to which suitable huge tax is thrown with the ETC slag is above that As for that that you think whether there is no policy which you are wrong and thinking that it is the expectation which can be devised with the method efficiency being better the ru

                                                                                        • 租金15000日元周五晚上,我去津轻,青森吃拉面的地方我从外面快速城市电力部门,温泉后,我进入海锚车站沿途,他们正在认真有关柯s的高速功率从太阳中条东南方,我回来时,我已经使用轨道关越→→→中部地区的东海环环→→→北陆东海北陆
                                                                                          Friday borrowing to evening for 15000 Yen, that big city section it came off, after high speed riding densely Aomori saying, the Tsugaru Chinese noodles eating, the anchor the hot spring entering with the station of the Seki road After the Japanese seacoast going south intently, and high speed riding from Nakajo of the Nitto road, Hokuriku -> Tokai Hokuriku -> Tokai annulation -> the center -> sphere middle -> Seki surpassing -> outside ring using, it returned

                                                                                          • 竞选时的承诺也有少数人是越来越Nakarazu和退休人员和长途电话运营商耀西基诺旅游等于奇迹的概率,但一个单一的胜利,自由君秋但它也是一个愿意出卖在预期event ll Pachidearukotonantehobo But the probability where so you sleep and the air which returns puts out fairness fully and is equal to miracle such as our people independent victory Also the citizen who such as the employee resigned on reaching retirement age profit has been done and long distance transport trader of the travelling favorite exists little Pledge before the electing being the lie tsu pa chi the occurrence which how almost is while supposing

                                                                                            • 美浓人每周休息期间,你将适用于它在本周但好消息,“其实我觉得我们是自由的,解除情绪价值的消费者的”形象是不太问候 Because also weekday becomes application it is good news in the person who goes to bed in weekday but “Although it is expectation of no charge conversion the image that really it reached price hike” may not rather in consumer state of mind
                                                                                              • 我从税收大幅减少,并不在于它不是后人们的感情和愿望的债务石窟并释放命名 The tax revenue is decreased sharply therefore it is until owing converting speaking free desired the kana there is no feeling something of the citizen

                                                                                            • 自由民主党和快速运动的目标是在对面,“事实上,超过收费普通车,御殿场的单程2000日元,东京将集成电路(东名),Katsunumachō集成电路(中心),枥木社区(东北),Iwama先生集成电路(常盘),Honshiyou儿玉集成电路(关越)
                                                                                              The high-speed free conversion which the Democratic party aims is the movement of the counter electrode” Actually, for passage money to exceed 2000 Yen one way by the standard-sized car, if Tokyo Gotenba IC (Tomei), Katsunuma IC (center), Tochigi IC (northeast), Iwama IC (Tokiwa), Kodama Honjo IC (Seki surpassing)

                                                                                              • 计算机前度过 计算机前度过(不就业,教育或培训)中华工程教育学会 套装 (在就业,而不是在教育或培训) NEET Not in Employment Education or Training IEET lt ito gt In Employment not in Education or Training
                                                                                                • 907首先,为时未晚把手续是谁不是谁,我原本行程路线 907 In the first place the person who ETC is not attached after so long a time is the person who originally does not go to travelling
                                                                                                • 企业减税完全取决于这是什么税加息自民党一月手续 Consumer tax rise Corporation tax reduction ETC right enlargement This tsu te the Liberal Democratic Party it is completely
                                                                                                • 可以肯定的是,经过1月6手续吸收了大塞车茹来自或快爆裂或穿四他们与軽 After ETC the June is light four which is not attached the cup because it comes to high speed Large procrastination inevitable shelf being disgusted ya
                                                                                                • 地北手续终于植根于社会,可以解释你的头脑,以算出苏举古音频养父返回基地敲门 Finally the air which is made clearing it is reason as though but ETC which takes root in society is reversed the chi ya bu stand
                                                                                                • 它会不会刺激经济的必要泥覆盖税收管理的难度,如果我619手续朱达罗并不重要。 619 It has made management easy if it is from tax assistant don t you think it is not necessary 填 If countercyclical measures don t you think something related to ETC the ro which is
                                                                                                • 当我到达手续有限公司里程?我不知道在猴子即使经过4年的免费 When ETC mileage became period limitation it is 4 years passing free about not converting the wa which is recognized even with the monkey
                                                                                                • 无论是手续是不是明智的政策有,而且我是应该取消的实际效果,我不知道怎么去摆脱它了为什么不同品牌 Both utilized ETC wise policy to put out but expectation what which was really increasing the effect why this Or the meaning of abolishing is from the wa
                                                                                                • 该手续也较刚刚线交换位置,而我不是恩戴我也永远拖下去有趣纳税人的钱 Well also ETC it spread extremely and tax throwing forever lazily Don t you think the strange story tsu te it is with it is to call kana

                                                                                              • 话说出来,生气是对我的打击政策,政府说什么东西我Tsukawa周五氖然后再次(自民党),但来马上觉得要给予党的损害民主党它是无用的 Until now when disadvantageous policy you are struck out by your the hu te ku being done Don t you think already gold something the handle wa if the tsu te you say government the Liberal Democratic Party the damage the kind of air which is given did but After becoming the Democratic party don t you think useless
                                                                                                • 话说出来,生气是对我的打击政策,政府说什么东西我Tsukawa周五氖然后再次(自民党),但来马上觉得要给予党的损害民主党它是无用的 Until now when disadvantageous policy you are struck out by your the hu te ku being done Don t you think already gold something the handle wa if the tsu te you say government the Liberal Democratic Party the damage the kind of air which is given did but After becoming the Democratic party don t you think useless

                                                                                              • 说谎的政府津贴党免费的,如果他们不 It is It is And others Nothing Charge It does ro Lie Coming Government Party
                                                                                                • 说谎的政府津贴的权利,免费的 Nothing Charge It does ro Lie Coming Government Right
                                                                                                • 说谎的政府津贴的权利,免费的 Nothing Charge It does ro Lie Coming Government Right
                                                                                                • 说谎的政府津贴的权利,免费的 Nothing Charge It does ro Lie Coming Government Right
                                                                                                • 说谎的政府津贴的权利,免费的 Nothing Charge It does ro Lie Coming Government Right

                                                                                              • 资源,以造福于儿童看不起全速迈向无铅汽油在采访宝藏
                                                                                                High-speed free conversion Gasoline reduction Child treatment The revenue source everything maintains with the buried deposit gold

                                                                                                • 这↓?如果字符表中查找关于INDEX2009过程中收集政策瓦特自由民主党 公路,自由和原则
                                                                                                  ↓ that? Somewhere in operation sheet of no charge conversion letter of price hike w The Democratic party policy collection INDEX2009 < No charge conversion of highway > The highway makes free as a general rule

                                                                                                  • 这位负责人的妻子,“如果没有失信取消下一次选举的”逃脱,而不是做任何事情把他们的手
                                                                                                    As for the long wife “when it abolishes up to the next House of Representatives selection, there is no pledge violation”, that escaping, Presently nothing the hand is attached

                                                                                                    • 这是一个真正的民主是欺诈w ll是蓝色我不在乎,它是永久的,而不是一个民主的暂定税率取消
                                                                                                      In democracy swindler deep blue shelf w Even, how it is good, but instead of as for democracy provisional tariff abolition it is perpetuation

                                                                                                      • 首先公路的目的是不是安全到达目的地早期古! Nde ve混合,然后没有任何免费的速度感 As for in the first place highway attaching to destination quickly safely there is no purpose It is not packed to free meaning of high speed completely
                                                                                                        • 古宫崎挨饿免费使用收费的早期菅直人是一个快速的方法我没有胆量,他们需要 Also tube Naoto being free unless is quick and Miyazaki the high speed road needs in order the use wa to do Good nature is done

                                                                                                      • 首都高速公路系统额外距离456现正考虑从早已等候时间
                                                                                                        456 Rate system classified by distance of capital city high speed being examined considerably from before, [te] now in pending

                                                                                                        • 鸠山的不只是迎合美国太迟了如何与鸠山向美国作出让步,以确定评价鸠山,你不能相信的是悲伤 As for the place where Prime Minister Hatoyama is sad Prime Minister Hatoyama how flatters to the United States after so long a time it will concede also as for the United States as for never appraising and trusting Prime Minister Hatoyama it means without being
                                                                                                          • 鸠山的不只是迎合美国太迟了如何与鸠山向美国作出让步,以确定评价鸠山,你不能相信的是悲伤 As for the place where Prime Minister Hatoyama is sad Prime Minister Hatoyama how flatters to the United States after so long a time it will concede also as for the United States as for never appraising and trusting Prime Minister Hatoyama it means without being

                                                                                                        • 鸡传染性法氏囊病已开始采取556秒,这个傻瓜!美国外交已经成为几乎不可能的,记录明年发行政府债券达到创纪录的高度肯定
                                                                                                          556 The [wa] which end takes the stripe [tsu] already, this [ahou]! Toward America diplomacy to become in fact impossible, as for government bond amount of issue In history being highest, next year securely record renewal

                                                                                                          • ::::( 人 ( ーヽ ) 布鲁诺¯ °, ) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i ⌒ i In addition it is swindled the chi ya tsu seed human no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                                                                            • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ 公路我认为我是运行免费的吗? 。〜°,¯ ¯ Nitsu⌒醋 ゙,r不邪恶的所有信息选民相信⊃ヾ表现软弱,民主党分! ! 左¨ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i l human 92 That being free it can run the highway thinking ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ ni ゙ r iso ⊃ The feeling weak voter who believes the manifest of the Democratic party everything is bad l ¯

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