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The book that 2,310,000 Yen funeral cost of Japan, America 440,000, the English 120,000… 'funeral does not need', sells


  • 599非宗教葬礼是父亲或母亲感到非常气愤,问:舔佛教扎西,但我有没有宗教信仰,我不是我说我頑張“我得到一个体面的Gunowakarikitsu这是谁的亲戚吵不在于他们的宗教是没有我这样做我有一个极好 599 The father the te it is with non religion obstinate Hari it is without and calls funeral and has said to do but me non religion When” the person who is gotten angry to put out you did suitably the kindred did makes a noise has finished to know the empty luxuriously whether the mother has licked Buddhism Whether or not by your non religion it is not
    • 599非宗教葬礼我父亲这样做,是高档的和适当Gunowakarikittetakara我懂了宗教,而是大声的亲戚谁没有母亲扎西佛教我应该说我是什么我没有頑張不在于与人没有宗教 599 The father the te it is with non religion obstinate Hari it is without and calls funeral and has said to do but me non religion When” the person who is gotten angry to put out you did suitably the kindred did makes a noise has finished to know the empty luxuriously whether the mother has licked Buddhism Whether or not by your non religion it is not
    • 当你说很容易理解和描述葬礼490,“我很生气,问:舔,”和人民 490 When the funeral which is easy to know whether you call explanation it does “Whether it has licked the person who is gotten angry” being
    • 谁面临的葬礼费用太高,所以我,我已经被冉呼吁亚卡拉 It is high in funeral The person who focuses cost so should have done and it was yakara main point viewing it seems it should not have been

  • 650不,我这样做是因为深檀家也深信日本人迷信
    650 Because well, the Japanese superstition is deep Agreeing upon also the 檀 house, the [ru] it is

    • 701殡仪馆馆长,土豆作出了葬礼,以满足家庭的喜悦,并弹出一个利润还是坏事?即使我死在我的意外或疾病715对子女和孙辈,翻译仍然是一个信仰不是一个葬礼?我的妻子和家人,我已经准备好我说无论怎样葬礼古一致的亲属? 701 As for the funeral house doing the funeral which the bereaved family is satisfied and rejoicing putting out the profit being bad thing 715 His own child and the grandchild in accident and the sickness by his even with when it dies first The belief which funeral does not do after all meaning The wife and the family and the kindred how saying the tsu te thing which is the preparedness which carries out funeral unnecessary
      • 526 527年底,他的葬礼葬礼那些经常在街上可以看到它的结果都在他们自己的,但我Dekinain用于死者的葬礼,但我猜测它的意思是遗产的人谁是很难理解 我一起去,但也不能完全孤立 526 527 After all your own funeral is not possible by your it is don t you think The result there is many also a viewing thing as desired But as for funeral those for the deceased don t you think farewell system probably is thing what for the person who is left That becoming simultaneous the ru it is with to understand however there are no any which the zu leprosy it does in addition can separate completely

    • NULL 496 Originally as for the temple being corporate body residence There is no baggage of the individual However typical official of the corporate body superior of temple when majority Because is the monk doing favorite there is also a ru place But the extreme even if one In case of the generally known 檀 house temple shareholder like it rubbed the 檀 house To celebrate the ancestor of the 檀 house because at the time of funeral being joint with everyone and having maintained and managing the temple That patsy superior of temple If the 檀 house relates maintenance more it is good however it is probably will be When excessively points to that the superior of temple who does not wish is many From usually we would like to appear to being defeated service job saying the 檀 house it is many Just funeral should have been accustomed to care
      • NULL 496 Originally as for the temple being corporate body residence There is no baggage of the individual However typical official of the corporate body superior of temple when majority Because is the monk doing favorite there is also a ru place But the extreme even if one In case of the generally known 檀 house temple shareholder like it rubbed the 檀 house To celebrate the ancestor of the 檀 house because at the time of funeral being joint with everyone and having maintained and managing the temple That patsy superior of temple If the 檀 house relates maintenance more it is good however it is probably will be When excessively points to that the superior of temple who does not wish is many From usually we would like to appear to being defeated service job saying the 檀 house it is many Just funeral should have been accustomed to care
      • 即使在日本或罚款,檀家做648,我,你会很施量的布払 648 Even Japan properly the 檀 house doing the ru and Offering the good amount paying the ru ze
      • 我们的方法织物,但来自佐世保的葬礼,但我喜欢在福冈老妇。檀家如此亲密,如果Hayo亘先生接受了taken ll吃饭什么的,甚至你的名字蜡网代切顶,如果我说我Temasen But inside Fukuoka what although Sasebo the after it came specially because of funeral of the old lady Cloth When it tries probably to transfer Receiving from the 檀 house of kindness increase it is the tsu te saying That it probably will refuse even because it did The carfare and the meal substituting it had receiving with pretext

    • Tive收集,此举在这个问题只有在葬礼上,亲戚不断,并认为没有什么人858瓦特那些谁是宗教的奢侈品。仪内投下了一本公约的葬礼将这些家伙说我不是要创造一个 858 Gathering just the flesh fell which being on the rush is done in this case funeral doing excessively the wa w which you think that there is no relationship Religion person 贅 Making funeral because the ru it is it is not They are no more than one cast of this convention
      • 卡兹Gunante Kosuku在金面前死了,我想它,但是当我死了娘纪念馆,一个葬礼,我希望纵横交错收集作为亲属钱瓦特tive It is dense the gold it makes with the deceased which is less crowded as before how that would like to do even the Kuyo time when the te me obtaining dies gathering just the flesh fell which being on the rush is done in the gold funeral the trap w which is wanted doing

    • TTP的:/ / images.google.com /图片?hl u003d恩&Q二大教会及rlz u003d 1R2GFRE_jaJP365微米u003d 1&&u003d即使用UTF - 8&&山为N u003d无线标签

      • 不够好有关葬礼,三周年后的第一周年,销售七周年即将到来 叫我休息持续存在,并且一,它是你的圣殿 Funeral is to obtain assuming that well it is good after that 1 lap 忌 3 lap 忌 7th anniversary of death… questions is sales You telephone to stop the temple
        • 我建立了第一个鲸鱼很高丧葬费,并认为Etara钱过来说,你不 When you think the money turning when funeral generation is high there are no times when the eyebrows are raised

      • 不这样做张奈良田免费Dattari前皇帝与佛教名称编号法号道路名称77,尽管在死后炫耀,需要花费约2500万50000总共昆虫 77 Posthumous Buddhist name Road number Legal number Ex Emperor To make simultaneous and not to stretch chi ya useless and the seeing glory and if just posthumous Buddhist name it is being free may be about 50 000 and sum total or 250 000 do not catch

        • 与社会民主左翼党的民主Hazime圣多美和普林西比,可以杀死日本朝日和卖国媒体
          The treason media of the left flank political party and Asahi every day etc which begin the democracy corporation people made Japan useless

          • 业以外的纳税人,但现在已经破旧,我只关心了葬礼和店铺数量增加
            But other than of the industry where tax is thrown now ragged just nursing and funeral increase the number of stores,

            • 丧葬,抛Komikomi 100,000米,如果我们在一个地方喜欢的事无名死者的人骨Reyo ll使排名专营权谥号
              Franchise someone who with funeral and posthumous Buddhist name is done at [komikomi] 100,000 rank make Bone something unrelated France to throw to one place likely and include from calling

              • 为什么一个繁荣的精神神道753和ww节分,但生活正是我们最国庆节施塔特哈勒朝圣到世界的法国神父在IBD的不是什么是谦卑一块
                Spirit boom the kana ww which does not come 753 and paragraph amount, 詣 [ri] and the Japanese holiday [tsu] [te] Generally although it is shintoism, in end of life - As for the [tsu] [te] monk there is no either fragment of humbleness to the French world

                • 五卡如你是做淘金的许多ü恩戴一周年有人死亡的死亡埋葬我觉得另一个家庭葬礼
                  Already you think that it is possible to be the family 葬, After dying, lap 忌 the paying/inserting bone your various money it is required and

                  • 人[由]这是一个白痴捍卫真理岛田裕美,厨房,做一个葬礼,葬礼没有一个东西让我的手,只是出于对死者本人茹
                    [Work] Hiroki Shimada It is dense the fool who protects [oumu], the chitin should do funeral, omission funeral When something you do, the deceased transforming, it comes out

                    • 什么是佛教的名称或没有消失后,返回到消费者s 242礼金?我不明白礼金回到他们自己的特殊意义或结婚礼品或礼金回来老实说我会说是我不知道如果只有经济上的帮助,是比其他的父母在朋友的葬礼翻译是一个充满了对应用程序的礼金,并返回它是填充我是你的包裹周五 242 It becomes with the condolence gift return not to go out it is the sutra which is not posthumous Buddhist name tsu te what With you say or withdrawal ones of honest condolence gift return or wedding meaning is from the wa Especially condolence gift return If by his becomes the help which does not know whether even a little it is economically at the time of funeral of the parent of the friend with thinking the money it wrapped but it is When the condolence gift it is returned to that it is excuse with it became all the way
                      • 佛给我们留下了我死之前“保持训练,如果你有时间做我的葬礼,”我的意思,它否认了葬礼,并说 As for failure before dying When “there is a spare time when we funeral is done training margin” With saying funeral the tsu ke which is the negative red sandal wood
                      • 当死亡的欢送仪式需要什么我喜欢谥号后,我说你不知道我知道吗?装饰正式葬礼我还是一个整洁的外观变化的新形式的直接和 When dying as for necessity of the ceremony of the separation however it is understood The sutra which does not know whether what you say posthumous Buddhist name tsu te what Strangely decorative as for type funeral taking a second look Don t you think the new shape where it will be clear is better
                      • 我想这回没礼金242消费?我不明白礼金回到他们自己的特殊意义背部或货币礼物或结婚礼物老实说,我觉得我的意思是你的黄金,如果只是为了帮助朋友的父母在经济上比其他的一个葬礼翻译是填补了礼物,并应用货币填充回邮信封,我很 242 It becomes with the condolence gift return not to go out it is the sutra which is not posthumous Buddhist name tsu te what With you say or withdrawal ones of honest condolence gift return or wedding meaning is from the wa Especially condolence gift return If by his becomes the help which does not know whether even a little it is economically at the time of funeral of the parent of the friend with thinking the money it wrapped but it is When the condolence gift it is returned to that it is excuse with it became all the way

                    • 什么是方奔驰,什么食物牛排炸弹爆炸,捐赠或付款Joey:不是我不傻,为什么腐败祭司高木卫一我衷心拥抱她会来吗?非劳动收入,已滚动了,我把他的土地充分随机的东西 Benz riding the stake the ku the ku eating the woman you hold and unless in the tsu te ru smelly monk who is sown offering which the fool is high pays with something the scale it is Something the land having at random all the way there is a te unearned income and the person of the ri which is sown it is and

                      • 从历史上看,日本664系统“檀家(系统请寺)”因此,以江户时代人们发出了寺庙的地方所有义务的要求进入日本,与日本的祖先生活在很少纯由于人也在场流系统是檀家地索诺寺不知何故,大部分人会越来越多的名称,将某种庙 664 Therefore Japan historical “the 檀 house system temple receiving system ” The fact that enters into the temple somewhere of citizen in the Edo era could be required In a word being born purely in Japan as for the person where the ancestor of the Japanese is having become the 檀 house of the temple of some oak and others Because the system is flowing to also the present time most people mean that name has been recorded before the temple of some oak and others
                        • 如果你调用所有的寺庙僧侣的檀家葬礼,运输,我们一代又,谢谢你的法案,它只是成本1亿日元,是一个谥号了 If cell of the temple of the 檀 house it calls in funeral fare sutra generation gratitude generation and posthumous Buddhist name generation 1 000 000 Yen it entered just that

                      • 他们仍然是自由,在高中时,葬礼。基本免费的! (如果你有兴趣在户外选择瓦特)
                        Following to high school free conversion, 葬. Basic charge free conversion! (As for applicant in option blue ceiling w)

                        • 他们甚至没有在主或贪婪确保信徒。上周五该公司支付囊高一个简单而愚蠢的正式佛教
                          Although it is not the believer certainly, the worshiping bankroller. Buddhism the high gold in the trader who is formalized simply it is absurd to pay,

                          • 但只有30万300万净储蓄,只好自杀死亡,如果父母能成为 Although net income savings is only 300 000 with 3 000 000 When you die in the parent there is no other choice but to commit suicide

                            • 但奇怪的530,或者应该有一个佛教的既得利益和洙远远为什么瓦特四郎四郎神社教堂,葬礼。收入管理已下到寺庙将大致 530 But it is strange why doing to there if it does not protect Buddhism vesting It probably will not become or w In shrine in margin Christ church margin and funeral Management Earnings probably will be inferior to the temple largely but it continues
                              • 这是210,而且还与书籍在亚马逊手流亚伊,和既得利益所在哇我来吧 NULL

                            • 佛教净土得到适当的名称和恩戴我不是真正的钱880 m没有真正思加亘10万日元或解释○○这只是在他的一生,赢得得度
                              880 As for legal name there is no gold with pure land Mamune something, it is Originally entering the Buddhist priesthood, acquisition it puts out to lifetime, Only explanation/releasing 0 or Only 100,000 Yen it is transferred truly

                              • 你已经花了600多亿元的亏损,喝够了,说吉利礼品Tteta在殓葬费或货币,但已就约7 0亿,他去世时,我的祖母 When the grandmother dies however the condolence gift about 7 000 000 q rasii which is Funeral generation with the extent which had not become the giri deficit you say empty 6 000 000 or more it caught it is the shelf
                                • 你只是在时间,但不得少于10万的基础上,如果你有265个居民日常用 265 From usually if there is association Even with 100 000 or less you do with room

                              • 你疯了吗? 〜佛的眼泪』梯子发言说200000000(笑)的话我会觉得今天的孩子(笑)这仍然很糟,我小时候在那里呆了厚厚的奢侈Celsior液的Burgers来 Don t you think it is strange France which is the common a seeing the tsu te saying when you talk 2 000 000 te laughing It probably is cell how lines feeling of today laughing serushio riding bukubuku getting fat the cell of ru luxurious concentration now rubs or is attached
                                • 你疯了吗?佛泪,说话带着梯子〜200万美元(笑)的话我会觉得今天的孩子(笑)被气坏了孩子仍然在厚软弱什么的Burgers奢侈Celsior液 Don t you think it is strange When the French tsu te which is the common a seeing you talk 2 000 000 te laughing It probably is cell how lines feeling of today laughing serushio riding bukubuku getting fat the cell of ru luxurious concentration now rubs or is attached

                              • 你知道你不说背后没有搞乱在记录中的情景一样乌诺我们不知道亲人的名字Jijiibabaa
                                The [ro] where what sloppy you say [jijiibabaa] of the kindred who name does not know without being the [ro] [ku] with the shade is hateful what

                                • 你知道,像规则的发展对当地,但至今,每一种宗教,原becomes m走在了所有的东西一样, That but so with any religion Being local rule like advancing original ones Completely it becomes kind of something which is widely different it is
                                  • 你知道,像规则的发展对当地,但至今,每一种宗教,原becomes m走在了所有的东西一样, That but so with any religion Being local rule like advancing original ones Completely it becomes kind of something which is widely different it is
                                  • 在国外,在我看来,通常有足够的捐赠从宗教机构,或可靠的整体集合,所以我会捐给国际 Because the foreign country from usually is contribution in the religion facility way there is with a tsu lever but Contribution tsu te foreign country so the extent which becomes depending it gets together kana

                                • 出发,一切消极! !净土佛教与佛教的宗教和U可以说分歧,我想也有一个试图重现奢侈的葬礼天堂 Sending bi and all denial Buddhism even the religion which is different you can call pure land teaching and there is also a lively funeral in order to reproduce the paradise pure land and is not kana
                                  • 来自远方的祭司用大约335惊喜,“葬礼费”是Toran,“贡献社会”是,我将收取每年 335 The monk accompanying from the extent long way which is surprised But as for “funeral generation” viewing is as for “contribution to academic society” every year is claimed

                                • 出来,我是这十年内两次葬礼,我已经约40万元?他88岁,来自86个,但可能是一个小葬礼凯塔埃泰亲属是绝对的死亡 However two funerals it put out in these ten years inside the ze which is each about 400 000 Because they were 86 years old and 88 years old the kinfolk dying also funeral has been small but

                                  • 利润通常只有剃光它甚至不超过茂木税法拉利,奔驰,宝马,为滑板车和轻型因为我有你的业务活动的捐款虽然只有瓦特剃光轮储,乞丐被剃光,我也得到三天塞板我不喜欢只在日本
                                    In monk of gaining too much taxation margin Usually in the habit of Ferrari and Benz and BMW offering the scooter and lightly is it is in the one for business operations which receive w The monk circular profit, as for the beggar and the monk when three days you do, unless you stop, applying, just Japan

                                    • 剃光汽车,酒类及妇女发挥Biwoshimakurukotogadekinakunarudakedazo有趣的微型车和进口车从爆裂
                                      The car of the monk, lightly from the foreign car changes to the automobile, The liquor and woman play the stripe the fact that it comes just becomes impossible

                                      • 南博我从你的身体在一块,但并不奇怪的医生和护士很多人说里诺塞聪合
                                        [nanbo] because it backs up, the knowing combination of the doctor and the nursing loyal retainer saying, whether with corpse one body is many unexpectedly

                                        • 口袋当前的消费趋势将波大约282万美元,在葬礼后,呈现消费的腹部和胸部的Ishiya他的家人和亲戚 282 If 6 000 000 as for going out in bosom of the cell about 1 000 000 After the funeral house you go out in the stomach of bosom and the kindred and your own family of the stonemason
                                          • 922岁是不可能采取任何葬礼我有地方长老,所有的东西就是我寻求加强凯塔古无家属决定 922 The senior of area managing single handed everything of funeral thing something which requests judgment from the bereaved family completely there were no former times but it is

                                        • 吃肉喝酒Bishitendakara完成她当然我玩的东西,每天为10,000 Koitsura是烂黄金瓦特剃光和好的是免税的
                                          Rot gold what of the monks? 10,000 it is possible [koitsura] everyday everyday the liquor drinking, therefore the meat 喰 [tsu] [te] woman it has done to play, w Tax not catching in good thing

                                          • 哇不改变447英镑100英镑99到40英尺想知道你有英镑埋在所有的选项,我不知道英国和Ku较弱? With 40 99 pounds With 447 100 pounds It does not change on the other hand becoming 1 pounds cheap the ru Or English without being recognized burial option is entirely added kana of the chi ya tsu te ru

                                            • 国家认证和佛教葬礼从传统的日本,如果你看看是一种思维案件往往是灵感的商业欺诈行为?“欺诈”,我瓦特
                                              Inspiration commercial law [tsu] [te] fraud often becomes incident, but If it tries thinking, funeral Buddhism from the Japanese ancient times “Fraud” of national recognition is, w

                                              • 在一次葬礼中之岛大阪医院(现称兰花千里的家伙)分支的是真正的箕面市立医院
                                                Nakanoshima of [mu] oak Osaka University hospital (as for person of current thousand villages intellectual viewing) As expected there was no branch office of the funeral house in the Minoo citizen hospital

                                                • 大乘佛教是佛陀和一般不是佛教是Tonaeta这种怪诞的字都讲一样的东西
                                                  Generally as for Mahayana Buddhism being similar to any which the explanation/releasing 迦 advocated, grotesque ones which do not counterfeit Such a thing Buddhism well

                                                  • 好吧,我付的钱越来越少,我就没有什么可输了,我会用优衣库的衣服,我不会买一辆车,你将能够使婚礼过于敏感离开安上葬礼除此之外,它有一个差距,也有助于在极端贫困 Well it will do also the funeral leaving and it probably reaches the point where also wedding makes cheapness and You probably will not buy either the car and also the clothes probably are uni clo and Nothing only stops using the gold Salary decreases steadily it is there is no thing ginger which is The first certain is extreme poverty and differential
                                                    • 554基督。伊莫我不知道他们之间的差异和免费致我的父亲古挖掘他,神经不受愤怒Tteta我从来没有说过我行唱葬葬礼了一位基督徒公司的老朋友我只是说,感觉厌恶 554 Christ You do not know either the difference of the person tsu te priest and the pastor whom it hits Merely the aged person of the acquaintance going to the Christianity funeral of the colleague of the company When it is the how how nerve which sings song with funeral is gotten angry in just the empty merely detestation impression Saying don t you think it is the ru feeling
                                                    • 我读了她的父母葬德塔阿姨,我觉得当时他没有多少更低的顶部200000 Also the parent inside reads the wa As for funeral of the old lady it has made the cheapest about 200 000 person with you think

                                                  • 如果你的祖先檀家以前那样说,你自己,“99%的一个”是一个
                                                    If you the ancestor has entered to the 檀 house, you yourself have become “one person among the 99%”

                                                    • 快速的变化对我没有简化日本的葬礼,我们将毫无疑问多元化
                                                      Sudden change is not, funeral of margin and Japan and keeps simplifying diversifying as for you probably will not be wrong

                                                      • 我不是谁你挥霍宠物早生松阪牛肉剃光Gugurainara有助于死刑,并希望豪华周五独自前往日本,而我认为在没有得到任何原料来自恩戴我愉快地石窟死亡艾达大坏ー于其广前文化,使
                                                        After dying, what it is done and passes and is not delightful Living, you think inside the [ru] and the [tsu] drill would like to die being extravagant The gold leaving, supplies to the monk if the extent which the Matsusaka beef being able to feed in the pet, spends a lot of money the person who [mashi] As for we the Japanese so [yu] - we abhor policy culture

                                                        • 我个人认为,鉴于绝对,“严重”我会自我背叛的象征我的意思吗?一个人在端午没有一个块是你期待什么东西,包括但不是他们的(?)我觉得你永远占据在放肆
                                                          You think privately, but it is, don't you think? the symbol [tsu] [te] “of grave” [tsu] [te] self revelation? Is not 1 people, but by his including, it is not many bizarre, the simply person 1 divisions (? ) It possesses with eternity riding, speaking presumptuously, you think

                                                          • 我也喜欢一个葬礼理念,也是对我的身体这么恼人的所谓后更多的追悼会 But funeral trouble after that the memorial service is the u za more It becomes also the body of the one which is called
                                                            • 我不想要一个葬礼,拥抱我,说我们到了南头直升机骨灰撒大海 Funeral how it does not need it sowed the remains to the sea south by the helicopter and was said and the head held

                                                          • 我什至不能保持正直,即使他去世或已成为一个重要的家庭说他们真诚的感情 Your own gentle feeling When the important family dies staying standing even when you cannot be

                                                            • 我什至垃圾处置与做尸体在死后我试着葬礼等非
                                                              Funeral it probably will melt, you say nothing the [ze] which probably will die We dying, the kitchen garbage and together the corpse the [ze] which it is possible to deal with

                                                              • 我什至没有采取谥号后,876位或?这是怎么一回事,我不这样做没有好处的葬礼合格后1淘汰时间表喜欢的事?这也可能是英寻和可选Netara瓦特 876 Rear posthumous Buddhist name generation it wasn t taken The inside something the schedule chart after the funeral the fact that it is like was transferred Unless this you do entirely it is useless When with you ask there are also times when it is abbreviation possible when is w
                                                                • 你知道你只是粉饰及谎报先生的葬礼,我做了一个电影? qqqqq The tsu does the movie of the funeral house how The ro where are lie story what only of clean things qqqqq
                                                                • 我不能避免瓦特葬礼认为我已确定为435绝缘子与普通居民 435 Normal associating the re funeral evasion how it is to be thought w

                                                              • 我回家了,但他们有获得与熨烫医生的医疗证明形式的唯一选择,我采取卧铺费 Accompanied returning by the home it catches and however there is also the hand that has the chart of diagnosis the doctor of attaching write don t you think sleeping car charge catches separately

                                                                • 我是说,如果世界上的精神,并不意味着它在地狱的下降或倒乱伦佛教谥号也提出很多麻烦瓦特高啊,地狱即使你吃奶下降或谥号高
                                                                  Spiritual world how riding, if you say, with special care high posthumous Buddhist name attaching, if the domesticated fowl and animals raw road of Buddhism it falls to the hell, meaning it is not w If the [a] -, high posthumous Buddhist name not falling even to the hell?

                                                                  • 我最近呼吁,行为葬礼穿殡仪厅之间的素食菜肴燃烧Irashiku许多非正式葬,哭出来,我不希望释放他的父亲身边,他们真的烧的母亲,主祭适当的大姐姐做斗争了,人们对他的说法折腾出来,谁出席 Recently the summary 葬 is many burning at the funeral hall which seems that you behave it is vegetarian dishes to the ru interval It was funeral but it is the mother being by any means burnt we would like to leave saying side of the ru father Starting crying expelling the person where the chief mourner attends the older sister whom you insist that how it does properly Large you quarrelled by your
                                                                    • 737整个专辑 事件的,因为我有家庭,并认为葬礼往往是因为峨 737 When gt even you think well therefore the event because the funeral tsu te relative gets together

                                                                  • 我相信只有名字相称的追授是Derya狗屎没有财务关系我来到该地区,值得一题与死者宁相称驱动tTA滚装船
                                                                    Stacking the virtue which the 寧 [ro] deceased corresponds to title the [ri] [ya] There is no anything related to money and proper posthumous Buddhist name the expectation which is attached it puts out,

                                                                    • 我鲁鲁公墓收集骨面积(部分Caloote)墓石花好,如果只是部分的面积与香你根本没有什么太大的权力,以30万日元
                                                                      As for the graveyard the [ru] area which supplies the bone (the [karoto] part) with the incense stick If there should have been just an area part of the flower As for tombstone about 300,000 Yen It should have taken on there just

                                                                      • 截拳道预制房屋在庙里的东西好?日本已经出现了清真寺和伊斯兰天主教豪华一神教,因为它是合理的踢帮助哮喘病人在井穷乘钱做,但我觉得他们说的人或喷射,我很自私,甚至值得挂周五佛教寺院和神社
                                                                        Don't you think? temple something it is good being the prefabrication shed? Seeing the luxurious Catholic church and the mosque of the Islam in Japan, rather than the money spending in such a thing, the fact that it helps the person who pants in poverty is muscle Therefore this as for however one Protestantism the person who proposes the air which is does, Even the Buddhism temple and the shrine of shintoism spending, the suitable money the [ru] it is,

                                                                        • 扩大到禅宗一般性的人口this净土信仰,江户时期,“庙the请制度”that农村的communities将加强every角落的渗透,以佛教仪式的葬礼the country基于
                                                                          This pure land teaching belief spreads to the general populace, with the “temple receiving system” in the Edo era also the village by the fact that the same body is strengthened, Funeral of the Buddhism type which designates the method of the zen buddhism sect as the basis permeates to every nook and cranny of the country

                                                                          • 据该书Suretai,Dearurashii奢侈品,钱放在你的爱好原本就是贵族爱好檀家
                                                                            According to the book of [suretai], the 檀 house itself originally nobility being dissipated The money is bet on hobby, it is luxurious thing, it seems

                                                                            • 日本认为,从悲伤,我们鹰忙梳子,他们邀请了许多客人存活分心
                                                                              Japan inviting Sawayama's guest, the chief mourner making busy, sorrow is confusing the feeling which the [te] is

                                                                              • 最终它来偷葬的公司,我不知道这可能使智障背诵经文,在价格便宜?周一因此,它是合理的,要在短的头发和Naere家伙看到经 The 葬 festival trader coming to final even with the Buddhist priest s stole way the sutra is advocated at cheap fee It becomes it is it is not kana If is the person of the crop the sutra advocates such it is visible in that appearance and

                                                                                • 最近,我发现它(我接受她母亲的福利),我说我的葬礼在打击了我的福利揉
                                                                                  We did unintentionally some days ago the case (receiving welfare, the [ru] mother-in-law) with having trouble, discontinuing welfare, funeral,…

                                                                                  • 有些人不是办法,只有吉尔691沿古神道与儒教和原因,它不会只相信佛教,我觉得有些人不是没有办法解决这个他们有缒在路线,但预计从宗教组织多是采取自由以及税收 691 Just Buddhism probably is not the meaning which has been believed Also shintoism and Confucianism the simultaneous ku simply It does not come near but if the person good fortune it is unless you cling to this the person who is thought in the extent which does not have the road it will be and Well freely tsu lever Toda Simply from religion corporate body taking tax

                                                                                    • 有尊敬并Yaran辉煌的葬礼,我太日本高 真的觉得日本人葬礼改革取得了染色研究从三个非亲属古这3年的好 Japan too high to be is Nice funeral it is with there being a world body … Because flesh fell 3 was gone in these 3 years dyeing seeing in the body it was understood As for the Japanese funeral the one which is reformed is good with the ma ji

                                                                                      • 沉默是否有切实的赖葬礼将带给我这样是不合理的,而不是游客,但Motenasanai追我们采取措施,安排他们的东西是什么刚刚去世鄂如家庭堪让我想想驱动tTA认真思考自己的miokuri Although the family just died the tsu te which it withstands While you being chased in this program arrangement of that Unless have the guest you must form is unreasonable Carrying to such wind the is funeral house Because you ask you made waive gently and it was serious and you thought
                                                                                        • 你可以在保持价格高坛一旦他们使用的东西?显然,“租”没有人10000日元,如果他们写,说我不 Altar something you use and turn and high price take being it does the yo Clearly “rental” writing if 10 000 Yen no one calls complaint

                                                                                      • 火葬场工作人员公园有一些灰烬种“标记火化后的这个例子(为标志注册商标)撒来”,并解释说,只有 There being about like the park in the crematory For example from clerk in charge “as for ash after the cremating this marker The sign of R it spreads” With just there is explanation
                                                                                        • 埋葬或在火葬场火化以外的教堂的葬礼可能能够独立之际,教会是不坏脚费 When from funeral of the church in the place outside the church it is cremation at burial or the crematory separate occasion Unless the fee is added the useless causing re it is

                                                                                      • 然后,我不要我不要做水龙头多from 直接到火葬场我¥ 0
                                                                                        Lowest just this sale lift the [tsu] [te] being said by major funeral house [tsu] [te] ministry and board, therefore the [ru] it is, but the one which is not hit excessively is to call But after, it is other country, -related cost thinks and the [tsu] drill has come out but it is But well as for 2,310,000 how seeing, fabrication what, if the general people if the [ze] which settles approximately extremely with 1,300,000, funeral unnecessary and grave [irane] the person the government office > they are 0 Yen with crematory going straight

                                                                                        • 现在的泡沫是不是荣耀,所以我将挥霍有关该事件被称为崩溃的泡沫繁荣作为访问,不会再Bisorehodono
                                                                                          Now the prosperity about of the bubble it was not, assuming in addition that 10,001 that much prosperity visited again, Knowing the collapse of the bubble, because the [ru] you do not spend a lot of money about that time

                                                                                          • 现在,日本佛教,和平和人权团体的反面的,采取的异端间谍索金加回力,已成为左派
                                                                                            The Japanese Buddhism boundary… now, it is swindled in peace, and the human rights group is caught to also the construction of [souka] and wickedness enlightenment, to left flank has converted

                                                                                            • 礼金不受继承,谁日元主持这样的方式继承高所得税率从税,继承税豁免,100万日元5000万+ 1000 ×和继承人
                                                                                              Because as for the condolence gift, there is no inheritance object, the income tax whose tariff is higher than inheritance tax depends on the chairman By the way, basis deduction of inheritance tax 50,000,000 Yen + 10,000,000 Yen × heir-at-law

                                                                                              • 祖父的案件,有3亿日元的葬礼 足以在葬礼礼金 In case of pop In funeral 3 000 000 Yen On the 49th your 200 000 In first tray your 500 000 Funeral was enough with the condolence gift
                                                                                                • 3年保险你就可以像我说我的血腥谋杀创新随志摩蔓捐赠要求你给我你让你死的地方50000 Insurance annual 3 50 000 rank to offer likely solving When it dies at the time of the request stripe shank tsu te word tsu the ya it is good

                                                                                              • 祭司然后前往老虎机,或沉迷于1位离开土地或免税的,如果我不知道合卡兹是太强大死刑,死亡,我想从恩戴志位禅宗认真不过,我也去了所以,我看到你可能听说去低价葬礼 As for the monk the extent which dies making the ru Tax free it is too invincible Saying to the land which just a little leaves to the acquaintance pachinko concentration it is and being maji we want dying Therefore the zen buddhism sect to be anything say be too terrible the wa So whether or so funeral saying cheaply you have heard

                                                                                                • 穆斯林犹太基督教教会在每一个基地(宗教机构),寿司和一个小捐赠我对你说
                                                                                                  As for the Christ Judean Islam the church of basic every week (the religion facility) saying You offer small amount, the sushi

                                                                                                  • 第一本书我是一个小280,古代(基准价),萨克我租金约一半的价格最近返回Shinikakeru不租在许多礼品目录囊,或 280 First however you wrote a little Kaziro the price base about half price The price tsu te which is applied on the return as for receiving it is many recently to receive with the catalog gift
                                                                                                    • 这一数额并不一半左右的价格我租回报驱动tTA Shinikakeru 253礼金? 253 The price tsu te which is applied on the condolence gift return about half price of the amount which receives there is no something

                                                                                                  • 老人无家可归的人更接近1 100年,特别是和平死亡摆动你会戴着羽毛都很好地工作在农村挂葬礼周五
                                                                                                    Working at the funeral house of countryside, the [ru] everyone influence is good well enough Especially being nearly 100 years old, large the money it applies mourning house of the old people who get stuck

                                                                                                    • 而且不仅压碎,但持续时间长,甚至疾病或股骨,富钠的石器我左侧股骨约250
                                                                                                      250 It remains it is about the femur, - When it turns over with even that femur and the [tsu] [te] is period of the contraction is long, however it is broken the [ri] it does

                                                                                                      • 葬礼,并没有要求]岛田裕美[上] 2010年4月9日增加朝日周刊问题[
                                                                                                        Funeral does not need [Work] Shimada Hiroki [publication] weekly Asahi 2010 April 9th increase number

                                                                                                        • 该庙,并继续利用佛教赚钱系统变得Naruku没有它檀家没有葬礼,不再佛教664,尊严和凝聚,看看是否有很多人生活地狱谁已这只是一个壮观的葬礼开始自己,梅塔弟子佛陀去世后的梳Shibaraku NULL
                                                                                                          • 我说533是不是说没有任何一瓦特不再是佛教葬礼 NULL

                                                                                                        • 走出低价Kunaru那里,你有会员卡或地区的竞争,殡仪馆馆长高凯塔3 473我做的是没有竞争只有一个葬礼 473 Doing the ru When three there is a funeral house in the area it is competitive There being a member card when it enters it becomes cheap Inside there being only funeral house one because the te it does not compete it was high

                                                                                                          • 这位老人的住院恩戴老妇的亲人死后死亡是把你说坏的东西,当我来到Tteta生老人说。因此,过于隐蔽或谥号是可怕的原因,他们并不吃惊,我开始玩的人说是一个很大的数字只是一个 The pop living at the time of the ru insult the tsu says the grandmother of the kindred the pop dying with posthumous Buddhist name institute When the number it is attached that it was the enormous nice person starting saying you were surprised When the reason posthumous Buddhist name is enormous therefore it is meaning too unclear
                                                                                                            • 而不是573的前皇帝学会。这就是你做你的祖父前瓦特问题的?政客?一些上市公司的创始人?大型的行政流氓? 573 Instead of ex Emperor institute Whether number w Your pop what it rubbed Politician Founder of part presentation enterprise Large staff of yakuza
                                                                                                            • 进入102之间的墓葬。公司以“如果它的成本这么多前皇帝”,并获得打击以www 102 It goes between 葬 The trader “the ex Emperor if at about this price” www which is sprayed

                                                                                                          • 这是佛教? !新年到寺庙祈祷,身穿烟,并告诉你丢的钱世祈祷,和尚的葬礼是调用50万付,这是因为坛前,背诵了经典的家弓了,也让你的房子里有一个 In other words Buddhism In New Year s Day it goes to year s first visit to the shrine in the temple the smoke throws the photographic fog and the money offering and prays 500 000 paying to wake to call the cell advocating the sutra If it returns to the house you worship in the family Buddhist altar there is the amulet in the house of everywhere
                                                                                                            • 如果亲属已经去世,但 我们希望在这世界上是幸福真的不知道』是一井田要求发言,我相信佛的感情成为谁的人去世,我离开房间或日本神社,我待观察泣诉 Simply when flesh fell dies with netherworld becoming happy it is the request that the te we want Actually knowing that it is not the ru feeling to the person who dies It believes the French way as for the Japanese however you place on the family Buddhist altar or the room as for we it is visible weirdly

                                                                                                          • 这是这样,那么剃光头穿的法袍,并收到各种施舍你假装围绕产品
                                                                                                            This to leap, the Buddhist priest's stole wearing, to a head monk, Lap the [ru] doing to shake in mendicancy, offering the varieties you receive

                                                                                                            • 这殓葬费(包括鲜花和灵车和棺材),地方焚烧火化费,否则我不认为700磅,所以我知道我已经考虑Etara其他杂费 Cost of the funeral house the casket bucket and the flower and the hearse it includes in this to burn when cremation charge of the place in addition sundry expense you think very it is not but 700 pound something it is not completed
                                                                                                              • 100000厄凯一棺材,你知道全世界2000万?从与任何装饰祭坛只从 The ro which is 100 000 and 200 000 world casket at buckets 1 From decorating the altar from something

                                                                                                            • 遗产以及他们如何能对他的意图与他的家人,亲戚和死者密切与一些我通常不会看到这一切,就算你会说什么或抱怨随机瓦特 This person how says leaving the te With intention of the family relative there are also times when the deceased does not do as desired die The usually estranged relative w which complaint is said at random
                                                                                                              • 是所有死者嘉豪从什么新鲜的心396 NULL

                                                                                                            • 问题是那里,这一进程将成为佛教和日本佛教葬礼是一个通过教育乡村社会问题玛丽塔声誉 Becoming an important point then the Japanese Buddhism funeral Buddhism process which it keeps converting and by village society it is the problem the world body which cultivates
                                                                                                              • 祝美誉,因为它是50年代后期和独居在东京的23个行政区和509─我认真建议 509 50 generation latter halves of Tokyo 23 Ku putting out single living therefore there is no world body and the like it is w The male be completed with maji

                                                                                                            • 随着佛教的古名,现场根据产品高度我的优点。您的捐款数额,而且我有s u003d取代的优点 Posthumous Buddhist name being attached according to the height of the virtue which it stacked Raw Also the replacement chi waited in amount virtue of offering it is
                                                                                                              • 如果你ー143,由前皇帝如果你愿意,我什么好处而代以代替 143 Because we want the ex Emperor being something which is substituted to virtue it is substitute it is

                                                                                                            • 雅达利将不会把一个殡葬礼仪或殡仪馆馆长,但我有什么研磨医院?我们说对我来说,来到丧家 If atari of the funeral house is not attached the hospital attachment However the funeral house is the tsu which how is done The tsu te being said that funeral corporation It comes
                                                                                                              • 嘿,我有一个问题率费包葬礼因此,我十分瓦特“设置”中的感觉好多 Pack rate system of the funeral house is problem don t you think the e As for quotation inhaling at this extent w With “set” a lot of tsu te feeling

                                                                                                            研究 開発