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Before the space shuttle launching of the Yamazaki Naoko embarkation, husband and daughters parties…With the favor where Naoko's “you are…”Story announcement


  • 148,少废话,如果你问小对象是(飞机下降到空气阻力几乎)免费的严重性
    148 When the [ma] [ji] less it does, if it falls the object whose aerodynamic drag is small from the airplane, () nothing it is almost heavy It becomes power

    • 167? “秋天的更小的物体在空气阻力(几乎)零重力的”U?瓦特产生的空气阻力可以做什么是没有意义的,我认识你吗?此外瓦特WWW的降落伞打开了它出租了,我很享受在拖小垫子多少呢?我真的瓦特上的微重力实验的飞机可以降落在梅塔吉尔相同,重力加速度的地球站更多不必要的例句同意瓦特
      167 ? “When the object whose aerodynamic drag is small it falls, (almost) the weightless” [u]? w Because as for aerodynamic drag doing whatever, it occurs, being that meaningless, you understand don't you think?? In addition w The parachute [tsu] [te] www that you open, shutting how small Aerodynamic drag it receives, don't you think?? w Actually as the acceleration of free fall of the earth the aircraft which it falls at the same acceleration But minute gravity it can experiment it is in the inside of a plane the excessive proverb stops the person who good fortune w As for the latter part agreement

      • 202? ?什么“梦想”的东西,比如采用浮动Tteru艺术呢? ?达罗丈夫的家庭故事,空中交通管制站宇航员从国际空间站,并巩固他们走出东京大学航空航天工程? ?你是我得到一个偏执狂在你小的自定义标准的语言吗?我很生气,该鲸鱼了嫉妒白痴的排名很低结束 202 No “dream” tsu te someone saying such being restless the ru Tokyo University aerospace engineering coming out the ru astronaut The ro which is story of home of the husband of the original international space station controller which supports that With some refuse with petty your standard delusion language tsu chi ya tsu te ru The fool who is in ranking the most base atama to be strange the tsu chi ya tsu te ru is in envy the shelf

        • 2通道有时间,我呼吁自维基,它是那样容易,但我不太好,因为如果妻子致力于巩固 There is a spare time when oneself it appeals with 2ch and uiki When it devotes to supporting the wife although it is good The one are very easy by yourself

          • 45:00编号:CAVomrHV0町万维网第一次世界大战写维基信息从最高层 学术新镇社区有线电视服务(学术新镇社区有线电视服务) 波分 210 235 48 0 74是主机名称筑波20 95 213 58 Houston hfc comcastbusiness net IP地址分配美利坚合众国的国家(美国)都已经结婚丈夫是WWW的位置休斯顿 45 00 ID CAVomrHV0 chi yo ww The entry origin www of wiki Superior information Foundation research school city community cable service Academic newtown Community Cable Service Allocation 210 235 48 0 20 It is Tsukuba Host name 74 95 213 58 Houston hfc comcastbusiness net IP address allotment country The United States of America us It is Houston Which address www of wife master
            • 268名:没有可爱的妻子 圣人 张贴于:2010 04 06(星期二)13:45:00编号:CAVomrHV0町万维网第一次世界大战写维基信息从最高层 学术新镇社区有线电视服务(学术新镇社区有线电视服务) 波分 210 235 48 0 74,是筑波,主机名20 95 213 58 Houston hfc comcastbusiness net的IP地址分配国家美国美国(我们)也是她的丈夫结婚WWW的休斯敦 位置 268 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2010 04 06 fire 13 45 00 ID CAVomrHV0 chi yo ww The entry origin www of wiki Superior information Foundation research school city community cable service Academic newtown Community Cable Service Allocation 210 235 48 0 20 It is Tsukuba Host name 74 95 213 58 Houston hfc comcastbusiness net IP address allotment country The United States of America us It is Houston Which address www of wife master

          • 543 Youtsu那里所有的“家庭丈夫日记圈(幼儿部)”凯塔我会看好我的丈夫,我有我自己的丈夫是真的吗?不知是否她的丈夫更留下深刻印象,但我的数字有点短头发一分钟,这使她的影片拥抱一切,我不喜欢死亡 NULL
            • 嗯,我向井是尊重所有人的所有到期零性感的,是直子(我有耗尽之前),并会发言呼吁重视家庭的奈勒看起来很女性化,一会儿 Well as for Mukai the impoliteness sex appeal confronting completely it is zero Because as for Naoko as for deterioration it advanced but already a little it is the lux which the woman seems to the family nera Interest is called it is probably will be
            • 婚姻和孩子,直子结婚错误的行为,但我认为他的行李 出生到了什么?嗯,我在凯塔好丈夫照顾谁照顾孩子做househusband Marriage and the child for Naoko although you think that it is the baggage By mistake marriage childbirth something it does what Well the househusband doing however it was good being the master who looks at the trouble of the child

          • 5分钟的前一个从现在到140情报旅在航天飞机Taremashita山崎直子的Heck没有人类今天。你要在宇宙?你在做什么在国际空间站上?周五我们有这样的不同的东西使用它而且,我认为他们巴克 140 About 5 minutes ago secretly from now Naoko Yamazaki with the space shuttle You went on a journey to outer space The te now What we would like to do at outer space What it does at the space station When your such a money it is use in being different more you think as the barker
            • 丹。什么是你捍卫嫉和嫉妒。我单身,我发现自己只是不错,但我会说一过直子www ll认为我的丈夫是soooo古直子坏印象索纳将要出来的其他媒体 旦 It has protected and envy 嫉 Saying ru beautifully only single engine case tsu te by your are single engine but www Naoko thinking the ge which is done with the ru The master would not like to have appearing in the media already Naoko s impression becomes bad the so

          • 617时间,但我更愿意向任务,这一次站在国际空间站的一个奇怪的任务,所以请尽量在一组的,带来equipment supply模块,另一个supplies装运的,外部燃料箱的山崎应该更换或舷外我是一个从船上宇航员执行任务的专家,我飞一个机器人手臂
            617 Always, but it reports to the mission priority it is, this time strange atmosphere Therefore one of ISS assembly missions, equipment and material carrying and goods replenishment in replenishment module After, tank exchange outside outboard or the schedule which is done Because the Yamazaki astronaut has embarked as a mission specialist, The robot arm is operated

            • 699 我会说什么愚蠢的山崎坏事,所以这里的意思是永远不会争吵?怎么这么笨? 699 gt Yamazaki s insult saying here it is to dissolve probably will be without fail in ru aho Therefore being what Fool
              • 699 我会说什么愚蠢的山崎坏事,所以这里的意思是永远不会争吵?怎么这么笨? 699 gt Yamazaki s insult saying here it is to dissolve probably will be without fail in ru aho Therefore being what Fool

            • 779从国际空间站的通信设施,一些基本的国际空间站,在日本JAXA的方式,广播发现只有我使用的通讯设施已经在至少35个热,我是现存最古老的飞行26年的职业生涯抑郁症也是在前面瓷砖带,我安全返回
              779 Because there are the communication facilities even inside ISS, as for the basis you think that ISS, for Japan the communication facilities of JAXA are used in broadcast, [deisukabari] already is existence oldest going/participating of 26 year active service 35 times or more it has flown There was peeling of the heatproof tile even before, but it has returned safely

              • 785向井万起男病理世界权威,因为,和脚的东西,只有一个标题奖金丈夫前宇航员 785 Therefore as for Mukai ten thousand happening man worldwide authority of pathology The attaching foot blotch where title of the husband of the former astronaut is defeated you want it is

                • 894背景音乐版权侵权不知在狂欢,如果YouTube将上报处理别人有
                  894 With BGM infringement of copyright stripe chestnut shelf The YouTube [tsu] [te] third party reporting, coping, kana

                  • 922 ?我说这塔约在她的丈夫,还骂孩子,不想离婚,宇宙是不是Kitakatta线从 922 gt Giving birth from being possible gt unmarried to be the mother also either Naoko so did not hit but it is 706 Wants to become strangely the astronaut it forces gt gt As for source You say in the master book So you you do not divorce and the child wanting When you want to go to outer space the empty the kana which is not
                    • 922 中的?我说这塔约在她的丈夫,还骂孩子,不想离婚,宇宙是不是Kitakatta线从 922 gt Giving birth from being possible gt unmarried to be the mother also either Naoko so did not hit but it is 706 Wants to become strangely the astronaut it forces gt gt As for source You say in the master book So you you do not divorce and the child wanting When you want to go to outer space the empty the kana which is not
                    • 以至于每个媒体家族中曾有机会多次的日本宇航员太空行古至今有436名家庭受到批评,但我从来没有接触 436 So far the Japanese astronaut many times outer space being an opportunity which goes However that each time also the family has exposed in the media Even one time the family has not been criticized
                    • 你没有娶一个女人从马祖决心成为一名宇航员?您还没有翻译的情况后,进入婚姻后改变 Therefore becoming the astronaut has been decided the woman it does with the proposal red sandal wood the yo After the marriage will not there be a meaning where circumstance changes and
                    • 因为它很容易在一个宇航员优秀刚刚打电话的人在许多方面是 In other words the astronaut tsu te you just say in various sense extending Even the human who is superior
                    • 套房还有些外貌(笑)这是如此罂粟收到,它是畅销书,“宇航员的妻子”业务1月至今成功 The figure appearance and suitsu laughing it may to do to receive to that appearance to put out the book being able to sell “Wife astronaut” As for business for the present success it is
                    • 我什至做,也丰富了家庭,现在我看起来像一名宇航员的要去儿童小说的是什么,这是完全不可能 Also working being complete also home tsu te for the present probably is fabrication what Don t you think the child there is the astronaut collection which bears considerably an excessiveness
                    • 我说,他甚至没有自来水可以做你的丈夫深受直子,与只携带居民我,让我来发言煽解除宇航员1 706翻转 I did not hit the master also Naoko so separately but it is 706 Raising the astronaut strangely because it has fanned just it tried associating
                    • 然而,巨大的税收支出,日本政府的太空计划,美国航天局宇航员弹射名誉白人学员中,有没有黄色的,因为我不希望包含在广场旁边 However because the Japanese government space exploration expense and the like and enormous national tax the next it is packed in NASA It came to the point of with producing the yellow honorable white astronaut where we would not like to place
                    • 结了婚,但我会成为宇航员,而是一个正式的家事假,不包括期权,其中载有因果 But temporarily We becomes the astronaut when it is you do not get married and Cause and effect is included to the family

                  • 937 ü思考一下,让最好的视频和可爱的公主好您的朋友家人的照片第一个出来,当你切出离婚,被视为坏的家伙直子 937 gt Already going to outer space because object it achieved the master just a little having divorced the all right shelf gt By his thinks that most is a possibility Therefore the tsu which is the princess densely putting out image and the family close friend picture first When you quarry out divorce way Naoko is visible in the villain
                    • 937 ü思考一下,让最好的视频和公主你女儿的事,第一家庭的好朋友图片并指出,当你切出离婚,被看作是直子的坏人 937 gt Already going to outer space because object it achieved the master just a little having divorced the all right shelf gt By his thinks that most is a possibility Therefore the tsu which is the princess densely putting out image and the family close friend picture first When you quarry out divorce way Naoko is visible in the villain
                    • 969直子,我想她ー娜绝对处女,直到结婚 969 Until Naoko you get married it was the virgin absolutely na which it is probably will be
                    • 他们不是595直子自来水,这是一个有点阵列Yashari丈夫出随机茹,我觉得我只是指出了 595 It does not mean that Naoko is hit At random don t you think the master who is present is just a little are the tsu te being pointed out you think that is just the ru
                    • 我什至不知道她的丈夫,甚至目标是学术工作的通知还不够好那么,当生活前多Naoko m追赶驱动tTA胜 Perhaps the husband well educational background or with the Imai chi work did not reach in goal but It won life at the point in time when Naoko is caught it is

                  • 966 2007年7月7日(七夕),成立之日周年ASTRAX
                    966 > 2006 July 07th > SPACE CAKE > 2007 July 7th (Star Festival), as for that day the establishment commemoration day of ASTRAX

                    • Iiyan由677?如果是这样诚实的好运气,让羡他留下了,似乎我能想到丈夫牛的背部问题之前,我和我丈夫想你只能羡慕,但一穷 677 Calling and it is separately You think that it is problem of the lady and the master and The person where also the master is good so it puts out the lady Happiness so it is enviable with you think gently but Only envy but as for you whom it is not possible yes 哀 thought
                      • 129 m这里只是嫉妒她的女儿与一个高收入的瓦特 129 You just envy in the husband who had the wife of high earnings the ro w

                    • “国际空间服务公司,建立有限责任公司,成为公司的总裁和首席执行官平行 As gt the limited company international space service corporation is established are inaugurated as Representative President and the highest management patsy same company

                      • “我穿的运作国际项目”,或最后的分析发现妻子从摆动,和丈夫,我可以踢很好地护理和照顾方便迫切以上,乡间渡假别墅出租陷阱如何不释放粪便中获得 “Therefore as for me moving with international project the ru it is” if it shakes and it sees from the wife whom the za it does The master who the childcare and nursing can push how being too convenient how release it is with the droppings the trap
                        • 我喜欢看到这样做不是为我自己,即使是合作伙伴,以支持和关怀的家庭护理夸大太多时 When it makes remainder exaggerated for the partner there is no childcare or nursing or times when the family is supported and as made your own because of the te it is visible don t you think

                      • “清古也承认,她最大的宇航员的标题”将被称为非限制性短语
                        “The fact that largest title is the husband of the astronaut is admitted with good grace” The [tsu] [te] also the phrase which is said becomes the joke

                        • 不过,我希望969人,妇女,一个骄傲和有点困难,而且扮男人 969 When the partner is the woman even then however it is good when it is the man there is also a pride and it is difficult probably will be
                          • 不过,我希望963人,妇女,一个骄傲和有点困难,而且扮男人 963 When the partner is the woman even then however it is good when it is the man there is also a pride and it is difficult probably will be

                        • 东(海)和大型三流私立学校毕业湿重。什么是惊人的,因为我是一个家伙Yohodo ll土地丈夫早逝髪结不丈夫?瓦特
                          East (sea) large ww With three flow private school soldiers/finishings. Husband The husband of the hair arranging the 逝 [tsu] [te] [ru] it is it is at area [chinko] being enormous considerably? w

                          • 人怎么说,宇航员是什么?一涉黑犯罪一出塔拉瓦特兄弟
                            You think that the astronaut [tsu] [te] no person it is? When one person offender is present, even no w

                            • 什么是宇航员肯有目的的人来控制颜色,包括黄色和全世界呼吁白人种族主义,白人仅为多年Kimatsu
                              Astronaut [tsu] [te] appeals race predominance of the white to the entire world, There is a purpose which the colored race which begins yellow race pick-off is done, Only the long time white had been decided

                              • 从Seishitsu侃,“有些基板做最后的工作,无论如何,”但我听到沙哑,“联系Wattara结束”或关闭的回答是梁 Can consequence it does and from “ends job at some minute ” although the tsu te it was heard “When it ends you communicate” that with it is the chi it is the plane replying the shelf

                                • 以前人们陷入长期与选举大约在同一时间我也已婚直子Tteru 609线“,用了10年”没有再见,没有计划生育“有人向你开口说,”哦,阿里也是birth m 40但年龄,婚姻,生育,但它是Karikitsu分钟突击结婚,生育,或者当它是最好的发言主要集中在科学bring的brain美丽的正义果酱 609 Is also the wife As Naoko as for the person who is chosen in the same time going long ago the ru “10 years it was required” it is not to be the te “the empty it pointed ” it is in the non plan childbirth Well but as much as 40 generation childbirths the ant age if with the beauty just of the bean jam the owner of brain of science When however it has finished to understand it probably is lightning marriage childbirth at above whether it is good to getting married to give birth

                                  • 但可能不会是零,也不会是从中年,温和的需要,如果你能永远瓦特,需要的蛋糕Taseyou think他们带来了教育的权力没有人一点都没有,ANATA由于她说了什么可以导致 As for possibility there is no zero however probably will be after becoming middle age You probably will do passing to some extent there is an excessiveness being it does yo w When completely if you try to be able to give those abilities in the human who does not have knowledge As anata said perhaps it is possible result

                                    • 先生土地“,并没有像他们享受遗憾”,并传达,并安全地返回山崎“这不是你远远的感谢 When the ground “in order there is no being regretful enjoying ” with it conveys when Yamazaki returns safely “With the favor where you are to here this it is
                                      • 山崎前乘坐航天飞机显示详细信息,包括“遗书”我不是一本书 Before boarding Yamazaki and to the space shuttle “the will” is written it is
                                      • 山崎安全返回后,“我想说喜”的说话,微笑 When Yamazaki returns safely “We would like to say that return ” that you spoke with the smiling face

                                    • 即使我的孩子能够照顾他的父亲,母亲照顾,幼儿保育工作,如果你在发言时我吗?我会说简单,我们的,因为已婚妇女一般谁的立场 We when the child can do work stopping in childcare of nursing of the father nursing and the daughter of the mother when childcare it does As for the tsu te easily being able to say The wife being woman large therefore general job
                                      • 956妻子“在繁忙的糯米,照顾父亲,母亲照顾,幼儿数年才能清理他的女儿只有暮 NULL
                                      • 即使我能有孩子,如果幼儿在婚姻和工作的话我?我会说简单,我们的,因为已婚妇女一般谁的立场 We when the child can do work stopping in the wife when childcare it does As for the tsu te easily being able to say The wife being woman large therefore general job

                                    • 只是一个轮廓,“清古也承认,她最大的航天员称号,”记住,他们已致函或笑驱动tTA
                                      In the place of profile “the fact that largest title is the husband of the astronaut is admitted with good grace”, that Being written, there is the memory which you laugh

                                      • 只有当科学排序操作,如“正因为结果不能提高”,甚至她的两个“梦以及经济发展的需要,”他写了这样,我我同意 The case of business categorization “science and the like is not the result rises immediately because…” Even with this 2 “not only economy dream necessity…” Being written the te it is but I am agreement

                                        • 同样,这一切,宇航员埃利森鬼冢是梦想存在一个日本宇航员,即“Charrenja”,因为他是死于意外
                                          This, as for everything, is existence of the yearning of the Nikkei astronaut the [erison] [onizuka] aviator who, that After dying in the accident “of [chiyatsurenjiya]”

                                          • 嘿,我嫁给了我哥哥的丈夫喜欢一遍,但是 甚至成为一名宇航员,嘿,我只是拉皮条的家伙一顶漂亮的冷却或怪物或笨重的设备,价值从来没有人结婚宇航员教育 But even what and got married with such a master combining e … Becoming the astronaut the astronaut of high educational background is made marrying how The dekai man or the eccentric of the suitable vessel the good parenthesis it does and only himo man rank of the i is the combining e
                                            • 嘿结婚的丈夫或兄弟,但也是这样的 唉,我唯一的地方嘿人我皮条客和冷静的好人或笨重的设备或同等学历怪胎,我娶了一个受过高等教育的宇航员 But even what and got married with such a master combining e … Becoming the astronaut the astronaut of high educational background is made marrying how The dekai man or the eccentric of the suitable vessel the good parenthesis it does and only himo man rank of the i is the combining e

                                          • 因为我没有什么响亮的遗嘱或宇宙是在w最几百公里以上的661
                                            661 At most even the will which is outer space at sky several hundred kilometers making a noise, what whether the [ru] it is, w

                                            • 团57?日本NHK早上好,我会说Tteta货物运输
                                              57 Mission? NHK of morning, the goods 搬 sending, you say

                                              • 国际空间站,但我们诞生了,抚养孩子,所以这个实验,开始。已婚,但我由于所选出来的女性成员Komoti奇诺 When so the space station is possible Then to give birth because parenting experiment starts This It reaching the point where the woman soldier of the married state and the child having is chosen but the ru it is
                                                • 国际空间站,但我们诞生了,抚养孩子,所以这个实验,开始。已婚,但我由于所选出来的女性成员Komoti奇诺 When so the space station is possible Then to give birth because parenting experiment starts This It reaching the point where the woman soldier of the married state and the child having is chosen but the ru it is
                                                • 此。已婚,并出来的孩子谁选择给站诞生于太空,因为它是认为是儿童的饲养试验,经验似乎选择儿童care恩戴 This The married state there is a child and as for the person being chosen To give birth at the space station because parenting experiment is thought The childcare experience person is chosen it seems

                                              • 图像※:夹心恩戴山崎,她丈夫的土地真人大小的面板拿起横幅(右)和她的女儿,结城
                                                * Picture: Putting the life-size panel of Yamazaki's, the ground (the right) of the husband who designates the banner as the hand the eldest daughter superior rare

                                                • 在EVA的woo m太学术化的空间飞行。这不要紧,我喜欢土方教育
                                                  Space flight educational background concern no shelf Space/large house of outboard activity. Although there is no anything related to manual laborer between kana and others educational background, don't you think?

                                                  • 在失重条件下植入实验是一个不受欢迎的感觉是什么它会发言邪恶古Gumee我得工作瓦特
                                                    You called the imbedding experiment in weightlessness well combining [gami] feeling being bad, disreputable what probably will be w

                                                    • 家庭主妇是诚实的,但我也停止了工作约40岁,我无法想象如何更加容易,如果女儿是一名宇航员,还是人为刚才我吗?
                                                      So work stopping honest we, becoming the househusband, if the wife the astronaut the [tsu] [te] how it probably will be pleasant, as for the man approximately of 40 years old where you imagine just we kana?

                                                      • 山崎的丈夫,但为什么是最酷的维基市民? 世界宇航员的丈夫,为什么? WWW的东西,可能是灾难性的过剩在我 Although it is the Yamazaki husband and the general people with something the wiki bean jam Husband of astronaut therefore www Something it may become excessively miserable
                                                        • 但是,说那人我不认为我是好丈夫驱动tTA山崎浪漫与你的 只是看到好的一面,人们 Being possible after you thought the master and Yamazaki to be romantic but it is But this human te it may be said We would like to look at just the good aspect the person

                                                      • 山崎的职业生涯地面三菱空间软件工程,航空航天工程,东海大学毕业三菱电气公司)作为潜在的空气流量控制器(MSS的:一个子公司,加入了主妇的家庭经验,训练美国航天局的国际空间站,以巩固
                                                        As for personal history of Yamazaki ground Tokai university engineering department aerospace engineering course graduation Mitsubishi space software (MSS: Subsidiary company of Mitubishi Electric Corporation) joining a company There is training experience with NASA, as a ISS controller candidacy In order to support the family, the principal occupation househusband

                                                        • 山崎直子∧队列针 - _∧ 请告知它从天空我帮助我的土地(^ ^)
                                                          Yamazaki Naoko ∧ _ ∧ [hi] ゚ [yu] Don't you think? < the area [be] it is please support empty me, (the ^ ^)

                                                          • 山议员是一名宇航员Yamehen Yamehen〜〜阎王议员♪
                                                            The mountain stops the astronaut, in the side - - The mountain it stops, the side ♪

                                                            • 建议建立平坦的土地瓦特山崎YouTube的渴望名单←wwwwwwww
                                                              YouTube summary w of Yamazaki ground compilation <- With self revelation desire full opening recommendation wwwwwwww

                                                              • 当然,零重力条件,使你能够实现它,因为从收入Kitsuita宇航员性能或婚姻爱情或按出题寄生虫表演 Naturally because as for the weightlessness which can be actualized with that title of the astronaut hard it was because there are earnings in the performance it lives upon to that or pushes out married couple love and performs
                                                                • 当然,零重力条件下才能实现的时间太短,所以飞行,而不是空间不 Naturally because as for the weightlessness which can be actualized with that title of the astronaut hard it was because there are earnings in the performance it lives upon to that or pushes out married couple love and performs

                                                              • 当这种情况发生,社会霸权的国际空间主导地位的,抓住事物的专业知识,这将迫使大获许多活动空间 So when becoming as for holding the leadership of leadership international society of outer space It becomes the power which obtains many know how in activity at outer space
                                                                • 宇宙的要给予优先考虑人力,但正如我说我的感受百年 The fact that it rises to outer space even with the kind of human who prefer your own feeling is 100 years later

                                                              • 我丈夫有什么公司,我做响,想感受总统的头衔陷入一个商人〜有名片并行咨询恩戴缩骨,甚至表面类似于做生意的人有兴趣在一个小的争论到Nihohi The company tsu te of the master wanting the title of businessman president doing the ru feeling does it is don t you think It has lined up into the card of the suspicious consul same nihohi as the kind of line of business where just a little pulls interest does
                                                                • 没生意的人会认为这样的修改,只是它们的创造者会是一个音乐家将相当 That you compiled by your only the calling kind of businessman which cannot be thought the calling chestnut thornback tar well enough it is calling musician te

                                                              • 我们的支持和背部,但我认为这是伟大的,自我表现天空的优势地位,采取的立场在我嘶哑自来水
                                                                As for supporting the lady however you think, that it is nice, the kind of attitude which utilizes the standpoint in self revelation The [so] and others it is hit, don't you think?

                                                                • 我会好起来的Serya手臂从地面遥控等,医学专家将腹腔镜飞行机器人对人类生命的唯一书面债券应收款项为某人的说明
                                                                  Making the will write, the money spending, it throws the human, if it is Robot arm what Don't you think? in expert doctor of the intraperitoneal mirror makes operate from the ground and the [ri] [ya] is to call remotely -

                                                                  • 我可以写的邪恶顾他的妻子离婚,甚至不值得 我就知道苦笑在最近的报道,周围的人这两个,你看,我要去 To be able to write the thing of the wife who divorce is not done badly tsu te it is suitable… Knowing these two people as for the human around the ru Recent reporting seeing you have smiled wryly it is probably will be

                                                                    • 我得少讲恶心羡慕是正常的泛滥是充满嫉妒少讲,以解决有关罢工行动后,这种嫉妒的丈夫第一次世界大战頑張但一旦他们现在在我的一个梦都路严重的是,这些人在某种程度上更要证明它是一个生活不值得一提送Ttena The wa ww where the envy regarding the master less sort is overflowing always in envy and overflows and sort is full in envy and the te nausea does It has persevered also two people facing toward dream although Is such hitting behavior after justified those which the less how does As for such people the ro ku life it is not sent with maji probably will be
                                                                      • 我要少说话,少恶心关于认真嫉妒的丈夫第一次世界大战这些人在某种程度上更证明殴打等行为,但之后我在梦中的方式很頑張都自私没有什么好是一个生活不派Ttena The envy regarding the master less being full the te nausea the wa ww which is done It has persevered also two people facing toward dream although Is such hitting behavior after justified those which the less how does As for such people the ro ku life it is not sent with maji probably will be

                                                                    • 我有一个维基,他或者编辑自己的个人资料瓦特哎呀,这是一个集体是多么想驱动tTA虚荣心的项目,我经常用白蜡制成瓦特 Compiling wiki by himself the person who makes the purohu substituting is it is shelf w The te your own item you tried you probably to make well The do just it is the lump of vain heart w

                                                                      • 我笑着说类似的东西峨有困难时期,我不是非常多的女人对自己的同类和我的妻子说,我们↑愚蠢的事情,丈夫就更换部分 When the part of the ↑ wife is replaced to the master Such housewife of the tsu te foolish thing saying it is many don t you think The like thing where by your suffer hardship outrageously saying the te you can laugh
                                                                        • 如果金钱就是力量,以火箭,俄罗斯呢? Ijan的古安,山姆,但我们觉得可怕瓦特我说蠢事万维网 The money putting out to the Russian rocket if it rides That is cheap w However the air which tsu te foolish thing may be said makes enormous www

                                                                      • 我简直不能保佑一个人工作了多少人,多伊尔成为宇航员在母亲和我在美国开始 In America beginning with the mother when circumstance of the person where becomes the astronaut it is effective you cannot bless either very this person easily
                                                                        • 山崎直子的丈夫被指控宇航员戏剧,点燃百科 In Naoko s astronaut Yamazaki husband tumultuous with Wikipedia our performing doubt

                                                                      • 我觉得我峨丈夫结束了对国会和40岁的经营自己的生活?新公明党,自民党系统,我希望看到从波推
                                                                        As for the master running as a candidate to the Assemblyman with about 40 years old, the [tsu] [te] feeling kana which finishes life? As our people or Komeito system it expects considered as push inclination

                                                                        • 排减单位,增加了for world opportunities with任何接触的女人,她的丈夫照顾父母,为照顾我们child,without做有点太独while远远离开她的丈夫不是得到的cooperation种,因为它不但想想收到更好的卡约埃塔 So the opportunity which touches with the housewife of world increases and without nursing the parents of the master and taking care the child cooperation of the master being obtained Therefore alone doing the reason where either the ru lady is not little As for story of that hand you think that the one which you refrained is better but it is
                                                                          • 但在世界上,和她的丈夫照顾父母,幼儿对于我们来说,没有这样做有点过分没有离开丈夫独自的合作没有得到这些传言,因为这是一种更好的演绎并非没有埃塔给出绝对认为 So without nursing the parents of society and the master and taking care the child cooperation of the master being obtained Therefore alone doing the reason where either the ru lady is not little As for story of that hand you think that the one which you refrained is better but it is

                                                                        • 明天,4月7日(星期三)上午4:可爱的偶像空间站38日飞越可以看出,这一历史性的时刻,它追Ikakeru穿梭(天气)JAXA的官员“可以看到国际空间站”呻/ kibo.tksc.jaxa.jp / ·变种,细节[由发现号航天飞机-亚硫酸- 4★131 [新闻直播+] [ -当然接送国际空间站·铱卫星- ] -三级天文气象局]
                                                                          Tomorrow April 7th (the water) early morning 4: 38 The historical instant, ISS which flies through the Japanese sky and the shuttle which chases that sees, whether the [re] [ru] (weather circumstance) You will look at the JAXA official “space station” http: //kibo.tksc.jaxa.jp/ As for details with this Space shuttle [deisukabari] STS - 131 * 4 [news real condition +] Satellite [sure] - 3 classes [astronomical weather board

                                                                          • 果皮是国际空间站的地方,让我Retarashii翅片耐热材料,我所看到的画面感动,面对冰would m的可能性,不会降低飞机本身是旧的
                                                                            If it moves to ISS, image the kana which is seen The heat resisting material of the fin and rudder to peel off, however to be to drop, because as for such a place peeling off as for the possibility the ice striking it is low The fuselage itself saying, old it probably is thing what?

                                                                            • 此人怀疑或维基百科先你正在编辑自己的帖子,说的宇航员精神发育迟滞或名人向井万起男有什么差异,突出的一个家庭在一个公正的病理学家我这并不是说维基百科是不是因为他本身是没有错的,有一个搬迁政策维基百科上的文章,“我觉得有没有明显的职位更突出的是上市百科全书”流产 In doubt or in the past you compile the article of Wikipedia by your As for in the first place this person with just family tsu te of astronaut Different from the prominent Mukai ten thousand happening man as the pathological scholar Something because it is not the case that it is the kind of result which can be called the work expert The notion that itself where being strange reason it is the article in Wikipedia There is the deletion policy of Wikipedia “The article which is not prominent characteristic special mention characteristic of the extent which is stated in the encyclopedia” It is caught it is it isn t
                                                                              • 即使从维基百科有没有这样的详细的文章和编辑的唯一的人去思考,我不认为一个完整的人站在想当哇 That this person compiled in Wikipedia only from the notion that where it is the detailed kind of article which cannot be thought Seeing well it is enormous it wishes to be conspicuous human something of the houses there is no probably will be
                                                                              • 此人怀疑或维基百科先你正在编辑自己的帖子,说的宇航员精神发育迟滞或名人向井万起男有什么差异,突出的一个家庭在一个公正的病理学家我不是因为没有维基百科本身并没有缺失政策有趣的文章在维基百科“那里是我认为没有显着的职位更突出的是上市百科全书”流产 In doubt or in the past you compile the article of Wikipedia by your As for in the first place this person with just family tsu te of astronaut Different from the prominent Mukai ten thousand happening man as the pathological scholar Something because it is not the case that it is the kind of result which can be called the work expert The notion that itself where being strange reason it is the article in Wikipedia There is the deletion policy of Wikipedia “The article which is not prominent characteristic special mention characteristic of the extent which is stated in the encyclopedia” It is caught it is it isn t

                                                                            • 热箔- 782释放我觉得问题是意料之中的,但如果你损坏,措施的飞机,身体的舱外活动消磨,由机器人手臂在轨维修和检查我应该有计划麦芽,即使无法弥补的损害的国际空间站,因此我在等待救援和疏散
                                                                              782 As for exfoliation of the heat resisting material you think that it is while supposing, As for problem, when the fuselage is damaged physically, by exfoliation but The inspection by the robot arm on the track, As for repair and measure with outboard activity beforehand there is a malt [te] 10,001, evacuating to ISS even with in case of the damage of repair impossible extent, it can wait for rescue,

                                                                              • 然而,“东京航天”和“航空航天东海”,像许多差异也是一个有趣的小路字符w在顶部和底部
                                                                                But, Like “Tokyo large aerospace” and “Tokai large aerospace”, with one letter The extent, apex and base also it is funny to be different, w

                                                                                • 然而,美国航天局的宇航员在要求日本参与?如果你只是实验,并进行合理的费用,美国宇航局应该依靠我,你拉美国宇航局将接受实验的钱也从其他业务(笑)机械臂实验?宇航员培训,各类住宿费用她的家庭?这只是一个梦想的科学回报? But is the Japanese astronaut participation with NASA necessary If just experiment putting out the cost of that appearance you should have asked to NASA Because also NASA is trading experiment and the like it undertakes with the money probably will be laughing Robot arm experiment Aviator training this human family stay cost every Is this the compensation just of science and dream

                                                                                  • 现在,我看美国航天局电视,或转动瓦特从日本各地媒体的许多问题
                                                                                    However NASA-TV you see, the [a], Don't you think? the question for empty Japan in each country media it is many w

                                                                                    • 甚至不是一个习惯,挤压宇航员资格七二八瓦特
                                                                                      728 In the habit which either grazing does not make qualification of the astronaut w

                                                                                      • 生殖行为马塔゙ー重力实验?(·∀·) 当地雇员/丁☆⌒凵
                                                                                        Experimental [mata] ゙ of the reproduction behavior in weightlessness -? (∀ ) [tsu]/凵 ⌒ * [chin

                                                                                        • 由于太空计划卫星(卫星侦察卫星卫星)卫星Bakkari是务实Tsumaran我喜欢 Even space exploration business The application satellite the weather satellite reconnaissance satellite broadcast communications satellite the like utility satellite when it is the tsu temporary tsumaran

                                                                                          • 由于生活并不一帆风顺山崎,但我是不自觉地测试这些夫妇选择什么,如果我选择对方的丈夫 In order for Yamazaki s life there is no satisfaction it probably chooses the master Because of ordeal choosing mutually in non consciousness it is the couple the ru way

                                                                                            • 磨损不影响垂直尾翼对接u003d国际空间站-航天飞机飞行山崎TTP的:/ / headlines.yahoo.co.jp /氢氧?阿u003d 20100407 - 00000047 - jij -地社会的回报,当我做这一切的权利
                                                                                              With the fin and rudder influence it is not in exfoliation = ISS docking the shuttle of - Yamazaki embarkation ttp: //headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl? a = 20100407 - 00000047 - jij-soci Whether this return time being all right

                                                                                              • 秋山先生是一家私营公司,是一个驱动tTA TBS电视台支付的钱,但它是纳税人
                                                                                                As for Akiyama TBS of one private enterprise paid the money, but Tax of the citizen it puts out this,

                                                                                                • 科学卫星(moon 卫星火星卫星)或“现在什么线一个月?四郎经济刺激资金,如果你使用这样的事!”黄金的故事,黄金等Bakkari精梳人环境不好笑 Scientific satellite month The satellite Mars survey satellite “going to month after so long a time it becomes something If the gold you use in such a thing countercyclical measures margin ” With umbrella Story of such a gold gold gold gold with tsu temporary as for the human it is not funny
                                                                                                  • 例如,如果您想火星探索,二号人物,也是未知的死亡50。只有从悬挂发送,更好的发言,从800亿到100从一个航天器,我认为肯定更好梁杆 For example the Mars survey probably would like to do human 2 rank also life and death being unclear 50 Applying rather than sending 100 shots you think that the method which launches the probe of 1 departure 80 000 000 000 is mashi absolutely

                                                                                                • 究竟宇航员267(包括任务专家和载荷专家),以“走在工作”,但不要卡诺悟迈代我坏话,他们瓦特的名字什么的科学和技术最先进的生产线的部分空间我所有能做什么纳鲁浪费纳税人的钱呢?古亦是空间本身一样,我可以彩色U型线空间实验,我的色彩我秘密的可能性 267 The do just it is the astronaut the mission specialist and payload specialist both However you do not know whether “the simple work tsu te which can do anyone” we would like to look down upon w Going to outer space connects name in one member of leading technology the tsu lever which The so just it is the wastefulness combining of tax Itself going to outer space the color which does at outer space it is experiment color it is concealing possibility the ru
                                                                                                  • 宇航员,其他家庭的,谁是真正认真欢闹远向媒体,究竟是什么?但人们 In family of other astronaut The tsu which the plain gauze gi appears in the tsu te mass communications which are sown to here and sows it is the person the tsu ke which is Simply person
                                                                                                  • 现在,当我看新闻看山崎直子发现宇航员发射是一个标志魔鬼的手指和拇指和小一旦我设立了一个电视摄像头的方向 When now you look at the Yamazaki Naoko astronaut with news of the deisukabari number launch You signed the demon which raises the thumb and the little finger facing toward the television camera
                                                                                                  • 相反,让Hopporakashi责任照顾她的丈夫,而且父母抚养子女出东京,Bimawatte终于飞到世界各地,或航天员的任务就踢37 Conversely Tokyo University coming out nursing and rearing child the parent neglecting with the master leaving in the world it flies turning Finally settling to the mission with 37 the astronaut
                                                                                                  • 这武田Yajiu人们不必要从今天上午的专业astronaut m严格“试点妈妈:”如果我要说的是,我认为没有必要说,我特别强调,母亲或嗯,我经历了辉煌 Now morning and the ji being well Taketa Therefore as for this person occupation what astronaut to the last The “mother aviator” saying above necessity How it is not necessary to emphasize that it is the thing plate mother it is it isn t Like thing says gorgeously through being done the shelf
                                                                                                  • 马里米原书的日本TBS电视台俄语翻译,当我谈到被抓获秋山先生当选宇航员“线驱动tTA空间因疾病(癌症或特定)没有成为或“我认为Waretara硬,强不强,好头一个选择Barenai健康,而不是更多的压力,以及身体和精神上,我在古洙 In Maibara Wan Li of Russian interpretation book the Akiyama of TBS When is chosen in the astronaut however there was a story “It became the sickness especially cancer gun with the influence which does to outer space it is it isn t ” When with it is thought because it is serious the head excelling mental well physical strength not only the ru The extent which is not above this being healthy unless it is the person who is strong in stress it is chosen unless

                                                                                                • 究竟这个人特别或一分钟马洛伊什么,但这种风格的一个观点是,过去的宇航员的,但带来Tteta反感,只是没有草料自来水沉默从刚刚踢? However you saw from 1 you do not understand whether it is such flow with something Just this person being special antipathy has even in the present astronaut Because there is no sufficient news item which it can hit just it waits

                                                                                                  • 维基wwww等待我的丈夫的向井千秋充分WWW的故事
                                                                                                    Wait wwww The WIKI article of the master has been complete from Mukai Chiaki, www

                                                                                                    • 维基家伙被漂白甚至TTP的写在自己的辊瓦特:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E5公司%a4的%%型E7%9B条8楼%E4类声发射%%%80%B8座%广管局%E4类学士学位
                                                                                                      It is dense, you write always wiki by your and you are bleached with the [ri] which is sown w ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E5% A4% 8F % E7% 9B % AE % E4% B8% 80% E4% BA % BA

                                                                                                      • 编号:1az4 / MHA0 m挣扎这样呢?到底编号:1az4 / MHA0如果我没有拉的感情触发负的黑桶? ? ?
                                                                                                        ID: 1az4/MHA0 So it is desperate what with something? Just something ID: The trigger of the black negative feeling where the 1az4/MHA0 throat it does It pulled, it is? ? ?

                                                                                                        • 编号:Rw3uCEeVP说错一句日语,我不喜欢?
                                                                                                          ID: Something composition of Rw3uCEeVP is strange Japanese being poor?

                                                                                                          • 美国航天局已经从对方的公寓和旁边的两个意外住野生活在快速的方法,培训在
                                                                                                            The room of the apartment which lives while the training with NASA accidentally in the angular field and next door From the fact that it becomes as for two people in approaching suddenly

                                                                                                            • 自民党消除废物的项目团队“的经营政策,只有和排序清单”自民党政策研究委员会消除废物的项目团队细节勉先生担任主席库诺太郎查看现场,4月5日(星期一)从“排序和商业库存政策只有线“上的唯一商业库存排序玛丽塔政策措施包括在2010年的预算一直在帮助民主党组织召开审查致成效的用处
                                                                                                              The Liberal Democratic Party Wasteful eradication project team “Policy inventory business categorization” live broadcast Taro Kono serves the chairman As for the Liberal Democratic Party Policy Affairs Research Council wasteful eradication project team, From 4/5 (Monday), “policy inventory business categorization” is held, It was formed by the Democratic party administration The action the policy inventory business categorization of the measure which is included in 2010 budget, You scrutinize concerning the usefulness effectiveness

                                                                                                              • 至于私人宇航员,森没有兴趣也没有,每个主题将提高作为日本宇航员税我有,采用大空间飞行无金额为何?
                                                                                                                Concerning the astronaut individual, completely there is no interest Even with Mouri, the same At each time topic of the Japanese astronaut rises, why huge tax using Outer space it does not fly and does not become?

                                                                                                                • 该名女子already m遗憾,甚至没有95瓦特Kamitsui它,手流河内,他们感到惊讶,这本书是写色N无,我已经从这个坏印象每对新人,我的唯一 95 The me it is with the previous woman w Biting the ru it is not to be the te is color it is being surprised to being written on the book which is when the ru With just the notion that where the impression which is received from that book the married couple was bad respectively Good Heavens
                                                                                                                  • 不用担心,因为即使我说没有一对夫妇制造商捆绑屎你们喜欢 Not to worry the te your like unko production machine To have become in the bundle the enemy trap therefore the married couple
                                                                                                                  • 确实,所谓的我我读了这一点,但是他们夫妇似合我们,我的意思是彩色 Certain the book being issued therefore ru expectation read It is the married couple who matches color it is in sense

                                                                                                                • 达纳,而这样的普通家庭主妇,美国航天局,我要工作,我想工作或生意,开始圪台人数想成为一名宇航员,不喜欢,工作和养育子女和家庭主妇彻凯塔更好的棕褐色,如果我认为它支持,我觉得 Like danna and rather the thing normal housewife we would like to be employed to nasa when you want to work when Business we would like to start when would like to become the astronaut that without being done Persisting in work of the housewife and childcare if it supports it is it was good that you think whether it is it is not

                                                                                                                  • 这也是目前在帝国资料库我要这个家伙瓦特参数发现,一个有趣的家伙 This presently even with the empire databank the wa w which is not caught to search It is dense the funny person shelf
                                                                                                                    • 联系人:a suma astrax biz但目前似乎没有帝国建立在资料库搜寻W或倒塌? (笑) gt At the company establishment commemoration party Space which is announced Cake… gt How probably will be gt Inc asutoratsukusu Space hood division gt Ahead communicating a suma astrax biz Company establishment seems that is done But presently even with the empire databank w which is not searched It collapsed Laughing

                                                                                                                  • 顾和他的妻子的家庭所有驱动tTA工作米奈我知道那里的今天第一次在电视上,她紧张的情况下宇宙奇在美国是我的丈夫离婚我已经用尽了家务和护理追我们宇航员和我Dabutta
                                                                                                                    The [wa] which existence is known for the first time with the present television The wife who does not reflect upon home with only work and, Being chased in the housekeeping, and nursing with exhaustion to divorce arrange doing master [tsu] [te] Toda the woman astronaut who in America incident is caused the [wa] which was hit

                                                                                                                    • (在此之前,千秋周前往该协会说什么万起男先生稍微,你已经做或Tasou)和我,我们的人民病理世界的温和知识 Chiaki without calling to ten thousand happening men at all visiting America whether the academic society 1 week it has done to that so At the same time by your in approximately the world of pathology the person who can know

                                                                                                                      研究 開発