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  • 161鸠山,而不是白痴,被称为稀有气体更好鲁钝可爱的偶像
    161 Hatoyama is not idiocy, the inert gas where the one which is called stupidity is good

    • 176哦,当然,感觉就像一个漂亮的女人进Zirou丸川,和一些非常强大的,但它不是清清 176 The ho it is with the ho it is with with the feeling the circular river such as woman Sinzirou fairly well very force Certain and refreshingly it is forcing
      • 176哦,当然,感觉就像一个漂亮的女人进Zirou丸川,和一些非常强大的,但它不是清清 176 The ho it is with the ho it is with with the feeling the circular river such as woman Sinzirou fairly well very force Certain and refreshingly it is forcing

    • 190安倍成蹊,东京大学鸠山哦,但没有,这不是我想说什么黑暗教育的?瓦特 190 But as for Abe as for Seikei and Hatoyama Tokyo University reason Well educational background how relationship it is possible speaking indirectly wanting w

      • 543 Yokokume仍然是,因为我想成为政治家来凯塔严重到更多的好东西,也许知道的人才,并提出在电视上亮相之前,他已被埋葬 543 As for yokokume that way the thing knowing talent doing with the television whether the person who debuts was good don t you think Desire being unskillfully densely became the politician because it rubbed oh with while saying it was buried
        • 543 Yokokume仍然是,因为我想成为政治家来凯塔严重到更多的好东西,也许知道的人才,并提出在电视上亮相之前,他已被埋葬 543 As for yokokume that way the thing knowing talent doing with the television whether the person who debuts was good don t you think Desire being unskillfully densely became the politician because it rubbed oh with while saying it was buried

      • 791 re的是不是一个28岁的孩子!
        791 > Makiko Tanaka There is some result? Sinzirou still is 28 year old hungry ghosts!

        • NULL Transmission http www pressnet tv Transmission person Hasimoto gendaiseijikeizaisouken yahoo co jp VENTURE 2005 Year 07 Month Establishment Junichiro s Koizumi research Junichiro ○ Koizumi judges how doing concealing the woman assault incident of the school days which it causes personally You cheated Small Woman assault incident summary school days Junichiro ○ Koizumi to cause woman assault incident in 1967 April in Kanagawa prefectural police arrest record oh It is It was hurt by the fact that it is written on the book which “sells the Kimura book store store manager who sues that personally With you insist” that fabricating it attacked
          • 事实的情况下意外地杀死了他的情妇小焊接小泉纯一郎新闻稿 媒体 资料 :分配(呻 www pressnet tv )来自:桥本gendaiseijikeizaisouken yahoo co jp 创业版 07,2005小泉纯一郎小泉纯一郎成立○个月的研究,以及如何,一个小试验,而隐藏或奇谎报案件的强奸自己的学校紧张的日子。关于强奸案(学校天)○小泉纯一郎时,警方过滤事件发生在1967年4月强奸,神奈川县逮捕了,书店经理木村起诉他们,“如果我是推销自己 Truth of Koizumi Junichiro lover Kohan strange dead incident PRESS RELEASE Mass communications information offer Transmission http www pressnet tv Transmission person Hasimoto gendaiseijikeizaisouken yahoo co jp VENTURE 2005 Year 07 Month Establishment Junichiro s Koizumi research Junichiro ○ Koizumi judges how doing concealing the woman assault incident of the school days which it causes personally You cheated Small Woman assault incident summary school days Junichiro ○ Koizumi to cause woman assault incident in 1967 April in Kanagawa prefectural police arrest record oh It is It was hurt by the fact that it is written on the book which “sells the Kimura book store store manager who sues that personally With you insist” that fabricating it attacked

        • W你不能满足于一无所有到最小? ITE一直是有效的机智瓦特慎好的。 Living in peace w To minsu being without being plugged it does the yo w The Sinzi �… tact being effective the te it is to call it is
          • W你不能满足于一无所有到最小? ITE一直是有效的机智瓦特慎好的。 Living in peace w To minsu being without being plugged it does the yo w The Sinzi �… tact being effective the te it is to call it is

        • Yokokume离开汤出水沟,小泉,贝鲁和比一个家庭几代人建立政治人才是真正遗憾
          Comparing with the Koizumi whole group where [yokokume] started coming out lower stratum class, the talent of the generation after generation politician could forge as expected pitiful

          • [问题] 2009 / 11 /战国水管问题宝众议院18日内阁委员会关于2010年清单[讨论] / 3 / 2众议院全体会议辩论修改所得税法。讨论的问题] [2010年年底/ 3 / 12众议院内阁委员会业务只排序,问题就儿童受益枝野仙石水宝-问与答- 2010 / 04 /问题的财政部长,龟井邮政改革委员会众议院金融服务- 06问与答- 2010 / 4 /北泽部长要求普天间问题09 -安全理事会-自民党残端委员会主席讲话回合(东京) - 2009年12月18日
            2009/11/18 The House of Representatives Cabinet commission It asks a question to the tube Sengoku not seeing [po] concerning the manifest 2010/3/2 The House of Representatives plenary assembly discussion Income tax method amendment. Discussion 2010/3/12 House of Representatives Cabinet commission It asks a question to the branch field Sengoku not seeing [po] concerning business categorization and child treatment etc 2010/4/6 The House of Representatives financial affairs financial commission Asks a question to Minister of State Kamei with postal services reformation 2010/4/9 Security commission Asks a question to Minister of State Kitazawa with Futenma problem Liberal-Democratic Party roadside speech meeting (among Tokyo circles) 2009.12.18 The roadside speech which even Sinzirou's front Koizumi of election starting point can be said The Yokosuka center before the station The support speech with Nagasaki Sinzirou Koizumi in Tottori city It tried comparing Sinzirou side 粂 victory benevolence and Koizumi

            • _NULL_
              There is no Sinzirou, but It is too beautiful? The Aomori city discussion canvasses with tomorrow Shimane ttp: //www.jimin.jp/jimin/youth/news/index.html “JIMIN NEXT Roadside speech meeting” 2010 April 11th (day) [1] 10: 00 - 10: 45 Matsue city Matsue grommet [ji] lake hot spring station [2] 13: 30 - 14: 15 Izumo city JA it is not, the main office (Izumo city now city town 95) [3] 17: 00 - 17: 45 Hamada city Hamada silver heaven town shopping center ○ attendee Party youth Bureau Chief Makoto Osamu Inoue (group of people) (All schedule) Party youth assistant chief Flat military officer discernment (group of people) (All schedule) Party woman assistant chief Ishii green (going/participating) (Schedule [2] [3]) JIMIN NEXT SPEAKERS (Convention appeal woman representation) Yuri Fujikawa City assembly Assemblyman Yato (all schedule) Secretary General before the party: Hiroyuki Hosoda (group of people) (schedule [1] [2]) Party Deputy Secretary General: Takeshita 亘 (group of people) (all schedule)

              • “古驱动tTA说好我做了新的古好!”我认为,你越是工作进Zirou好,但别人做的自民党?我们认为,在评价织机 “You said well Although it is the new member doing well the ru However” with you think So Sinzirou is good if it works the extent which is done The Liberal Democratic Party tsu te other people what doing the ru With being thought appraisal does not rise
                • 柯伦这就是我进Zirou他们敲头,我听到了噪音和柯伦 It tried hitting Sinzirou s head it is but The faucet the faucet and sound did

              • “哪里是我的力量凯塔”如果你回去,我不想撤退到世界刚刚获得笔试检讨 To we would like to return “the place where by his is strong” if is withdrawal to the world where it can have appraising with just the paper test It is the case that you think that it should have done
                • “哪里是我的力量凯塔”如果你回去,而不是退却在世界上我只得到文件测试评估 To we would like to return “the place where by his is strong” if is withdrawal to the world where it can have appraising with just the paper test It is the case that you think that it should have done

              • “而且,他已作出贡献的房子一说我不是,作出战略性的方式继续发挥,小泉次郎先生会说这是成功的,”和分析 “Koizumi does not say has participated with one by one but To make the road to which the Koizumi house strategically makes Sinzirou play back you can say probably will be that succeeded ” that you analyze
                • 在老天的份上,“小泉讨厌讨厌讨厌小泉一郎,”你为什么不毕业 To some extent “Koizumi kirai Koizumi kirai Koizumi kirai …” The empty graduate

              • ★定居先生,先生进Zirou查塔不对劲,叫他的儿子“小泉先生!” -自民党国会议员小泉进Zirou恩戴挑战28辩论(与前总理大臣在父亲的讲话)5月9日,父亲和给予之间的差异
                * It calls the living in peace person and the son the father and makes a mistake and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is Sinzirou “Junichiro Koizumi! ” Former member of the house of representatives Sinzirou Liberal Democratic Party Koizumi who has challenged to the dispute of the Cabinet minister with speech of the father transferring of the prime minister (28) On the 9th, was mistaken for the father

                • 〜顺化可能是难以解决Pedakarane耻辱本地考生
                  As for living in peace Therefore [tsu] [pe] don't you think? It is shy - Whether local candidacy

                  • 一个好的钢琴拉踢了我会摔跤场地罪行拥有同样的错误 Being proud of the fact that it can pull the piano skillfully at the meeting place of the wrestling you commit the same mistake of the ru
                    • 凡梁灵巧地拍摄的东西很多钢琴,而不是在没有摔跤手流刚 Or piano what being the place where the saddle skillfully it can repel it is not the case that it can win at the wrestling

                  • 世界上最卑鄙丑恶的东西花河野洋平,习惯没有才华和能力,是要通过继承政权
                    Being meanest with this world, ugly thing, in [kuse] which is not capability or talent, is to designate political power as the hand with inheritance

                    • 中共希望看到首相小泉纯一郎时,进Zirou进Zirou敌人→中国→田中小泽一郎,共产党的一个中国朋友 Friend also in Kakuei Tanaka gt Ichiro Ozawa The Chinese enemy Junichiro Koizumi gt Sinzirou When Sinzirou becomes the prime minister looking at the Chinese Communist Party like
                      • 中共代理人和朝日电视台日本广播协会·日本TBS电视台·我使用朝日,二郎仍会出现在二进制总是要杀人 As for the Chinese Communist Party Using the operative and the NHK Asahi National Broadcasting Co TBS Asahi newspaper By all means Sinzirou it probably will appear in crushing
                      • 中共希望看到首相小泉纯一郎时,进Zirou进Zirou敌人→中国→田中小泽一郎,一个中国的朋友 The Chinese friend Kakuei Tanaka gt Ichiro Ozawa The Chinese enemy Junichiro Koizumi gt Sinzirou When Sinzirou becomes the prime minister looking at the Chinese Communist Party like

                    • 也有约60人死亡采取了保护主义政策,从省长不是军国主义和小泉,石原
                      Militaristic Governor Koizumi and Ishihara protective policy taking and others Because it is not, also 60 approximately were killed

                      • 你会回落美浓到目前为止,安倍内阁职位?韩亚小泉的恶魔
                        From return of the postal services structure counter uniting of Abe Cabinet it does in falling down tendency, the [yo]? As for Koizumi demon shelf

                        • 像进了Zirou政治家,但肯尼迪,我会知道谁我会看他的这本传记的肯尼迪和材料,连接,毕业入口连接,并取得大学学历的声望它种类 In the politician who is similar to Sinzirou is Kennedy but this Kennedy that biography and If the person who read the data knowing it probably is the ru but with connection graduation of connection entrance educational background of the distinguished university It is the type which it gets

                          • 关东学院国小六湾,东1,金泽区,横滨六浦 - 50 - 1私立学校
                            As for the Kanto institute six inlet small school, Kanagawa prefecture Yokohama city Kanazawa Ku six inlet east 1 - the private school which is 50 - 1

                            • 关东学院湾小学,1988年4月6日进Zirou教育,经济学硕士美国哥伦比亚大学政治学研究生院,关东学院大学,2006年5月和2004年3月毕业诉诸过度关东学院大学从高中美国战略与国际问题研究,2006年6月收购发行(CSIS)的研究者 Sinzirou s educational background 1988 April Kanto institute six inlet small school entrance you pass at ever since junior high school high school university and the Kanto institute 2004 March Kanto Gakuin University department of economics graduation 2006 May American Colombian University Graduate school political department master degree acquisition 2006 June The American strategic international problem laboratory CSIS research worker
                              • 此后,华盛顿智库“战略与国际研究中心”(CSIS)的调查工作了作为辅助 After that Washington think tank “strategic international problem laboratory” CSIS you were employed as an auxiliary investigator

                            • 再揭露这种可耻的自我自我利益在制订整体,那么就不要玩政治
                              Therefore, as for the shame kind of exposing where the politician with ego exposure is already active because of my interest selfish desire Stop already

                              • 北泽国防部长,为响应Kitarashiku s纯一郎先生身穿Zirou进先生“是反对想起了,当我们遗憾(去年秋季),并作出了”,说金 Also Kitazawa defensive phase seems Sinzirou wearing Junichiro was visible “When we are the opposition party regret could be made closely resembling one hu ” that it leaked while replying
                                • 江藤新平是联想的额头,我是怕看这家伙是邪恶的家伙绝缘体切断头,但没有被驱赶出政府现在 Seeing it is dense it makes the ru and the Eto recruit closely resembling But the reason where Eto that the head which is cut off ruining is feared in the companion expels government well……

                              • 博修波兰。飞机,俄罗斯。世界紧张局势的要拉的水平撞向冷战,但我敢肯定突突 NULL
                                • 博修波兰。飞机,俄罗斯。世界紧张局势的要拉的水平撞向冷战,但我敢肯定突突 NULL

                              • 反应 在“提醒反对派,我们感到遗憾,当时(去年秋季)进行了,想。”北泽,它看起来像韩国人
                                > “When we are the opposition party, regret close resemblance (the one [hu]) with could make do,” that it leaked while replying. Kitazawa, Korean like shelf

                                • 只是说,一个氦氖度693西西还没有连接源入场 693 Don t you think only thing of educational background say w Furthermore the source of connection entrance it is not w

                                  • 和Zirou善。为什么环境差异与妻子或自我,在没有分歧
                                    Sinzirou. The wife why difference being attached? Pride and difference of environment

                                    • 和我们自己,没有错,我就被我们意识到我们的新放松“,并驱动tTA词 元阅读从一开始,不得不看紧张 It is not to make a mistake it probably is the consideration” probably undoing the tension of the new member you said but gt ho It probably is the consideration” gt probably doing you said but as for the living in peace person “without using the glasses Because gt it started reading it was not visible and the te became tense
                                      • 和我们自己,没有错,我会意识到我们的新驱动tTA放松“的这个词,他会平静下来,”你不适用,而从一开始元阅读glasses ve被迫寻找紧张或 It is not to make a mistake it probably is the consideration” probably undoing the tension of the new member you said but gt ho It probably is the consideration” gt probably doing you said but as for the living in peace person “without using the glasses Because gt it started reading it was not visible and the te became tense
                                      • 和我们自己,没有错,我会解决我们的新意识放松“一词和驱动tTA ve被迫寻找紧张或 It is not to make a mistake it probably is the consideration” probably undoing the tension of the new member you said but gt ho It probably is the consideration” gt probably doing you said but as for the living in peace person “without using the glasses Because gt it started reading it was not visible and the te became tense

                                    • 哥伦比亚大学的继任小泉进次郎身份小泉宣布退役,美国“学校管理知识的国家反对殖民统治,”这是第二次世界战争,能说流利的日语tive收集人才,但是大学的时候了,这是日本的敌人,美国反对,“日本解密单位”,但也形成了神奇的一刻在学校确定
                                      Sinzirou's successor Koizumi of former Prime Minister Koizumi whom it retires declares natural shape Colombian University, “the instruction school of the management know-how for American colony dominating power” as for being, In World War II, skillful talent of Japanese, gathering to this university, At that time, is American hostile country it confronts Japan which the “toward Japan code-breaking unit”, This university you understand even by the fact that it is formed in the stage

                                      • 哦,这家伙是平庸的,但很多女孩我想痛疼痛子宫英俊小泉二世 The uterus the eddy being in the ikemen tsu pu ri of Koizumi 2 world but the ru it is like the large quantity it is It is dense the a ordinary person
                                        • 埃塔更多错误名称如果一般人将是任何小于164 164 If that the ordinary person name you make a mistake as for the one which below that the tsu chi ma u

                                      • 嗯,这只是官僚的一些工作人员穿着只需轻按,我们的战斗打的球,我最喜欢的地方,所以我 Well as for staff te bureaucracy it is because of that but it is Fool whether do tsu of quarrel spraying likely hitting however just the ru it is
                                        • 瑞穗436:“那么,颠狂,我就卖奶奶的了吵架了?” 436 Not seeing ho “that is the a the i quarrel selling in me the ru is or the a ”

                                      • 回顾从早稻田政治家的论点,并认为不好的变迁作者:谈

                                        • 国际战略研究中心是一个克林顿,前行政及管理工作均布什在美国的官员与政府密切联系,并正从日本转移 As for CSIS besides the fact that original staff of Clinton and bush both administration works the Japanese American both governments where the bureaucracy proceeds from Japan There is a close relationship
                                          • 高层官僚,无与伦比,“体面”这是一个男人 Top level of the bureaucracy the extent which does not become comparison “ matomo ” is the person

                                        • 在发电有限的,它不拟让步,但夺走Warerubeki
                                          As for power with those limited to of one generation, as for that it is not something which it should you transfer, it is something which it should you take

                                          • 在奥卡拉其他的日子,我们的错误,说他们喜欢的人Hanayo教子教子的经典
                                            When those which and the [noriko] way are, Noriko of [okara] and make a mistake are typical

                                            • 在良好的时刻,而不是削减完全改变了,然后让出一个根本的改变,森被认为不站起来反对浪,在社会和钌并不困难,但是值得的,真的觉得
                                              It does to change and is good Instantaneously, you considered even in the dissension not standing partner to do to change, as for [tsu] [te] flashing It is suitable difficult thing When it appears in society, you feel keenly

                                              • 头发,假装什么随机的,“我们必须拧出抹布和干,他们来到了严重的阿瓦萨的眼睛!”要不断发生,我的意思是黑暗的,我讨厌看她的诅咒 That something the hair it shook and disturbed “as for us it dried way the dustcloth is squeezed in the terrible eye It was adjusted Well is with the look which” it is the te the darkness you say or such as grudge of the woman
                                                • 头发,假装什么随机的,“我们必须拧出抹布和干,他们来到了严重的阿瓦萨的眼睛!”要不断发生,我的意思是黑暗的,我讨厌看她的诅咒 That something the hair it shook and disturbed “as for us it dried way the dustcloth is squeezed in the terrible eye It was adjusted Well is with the look which” it is the te the darkness you say or such as grudge of the woman

                                              • 如果你可以,我会摔跤场景准备发言合早生和龟井和预拍摄民主 When we assume if it was possible previously arranging with democracy and Kamei in advance scenario you have prepared It becomes with the professional wrestling tsu lever

                                                • 如果搭配丸川氛围,完善的健康,你可以期望有一个大的协同效应是在攻击力也非常好 If the circular river and pair atmosphere and being healthy exactly attack power being preeminent the multiplier effect You can expect greatly
                                                  • 如果搭配丸川氛围,完善的健康,你可以期望有一个大的协同效应是在攻击力也非常好 If the circular river and pair atmosphere and being healthy exactly attack power being preeminent the multiplier effect You can expect greatly

                                                • 如果现任自民党众议员尼塔浩一郎小我想我走出了教练是一个失去的人才,很可惜玺
                                                  If Assemblyman large Nituta active service, you will be identified the education person in charge of Koizumi and jr it has come out it is probably will be The Liberal Democratic Party lost the regrettable talent

                                                  • 很难看到,我会非常方便的特性来晚了40多岁,是一个必须具备的老花镜...
                                                    When it is 40 generation latter halves, letter of labor assistant is the [ho] with to be visible, it becomes the [zu] and others [ku], it is,… The leading glass is indispensableness

                                                    • 律师或公共关系,或受托人,利益调整和谈判工作,这名商人的法律知识的没有succeeded ll只需辉煌
                                                      Public relations attorney, receiver, negotiation and interests adjustment with work, Therefore the businessman who has the knowledge of law, it cannot succeed just the entrance examination bright person

                                                      • 我倾向于直觉398绝缘子分歧,在一个细节政治家学术或信仰显示随做我看到goal m教育重要的不是,教育程度较低,应该将测试文件丢失,你会适应,而我不能作出最后期限不工作了有权势的人对时间的最 398 But you misunderstand tend is not scholastic ability in the politician and te educational background is important what It is insufficient the belief which accomplishes what facing toward goal low in educational background That it probably is the test when it probably is dissertation cannot put out the highest capability to the time limit the human who Making payment date be in time with work how without being possible it does the yo

                                                        • 我想小泉进次郎邯郸招高入住网站的评价■“47画”良性祝福运气 运气好幸运●社会生活的发展,凭借的信任是非常罕见的键以发言的梦想很大,但是运气是一种罕见的笔触玛丽塔避免他人失去原惠运气,受到隔离,并创造一个环境合作取得了许多人 It tried forecasting with the onomancy sight whose appraisal is high Koizumi Sinzirou … Entire picture “47 pictures” While heaven blessing virtuous luck being born obtaining the reliance of society with virtue a fortunate quantity which develops The secret which luck furthermore is improved With big dream make the environment which obtains the cooperation of many people When you avoid others and become lonely tsuki is lost The origin it is the number in pictures which are favored fortunately

                                                          • 我想这父母的燕尾鄂如生命的尽头仍难以接受从现在的生活支付的税款,尽管情报 Seven shining of this parent from now on until it dies salary receiving directly from tax the hardship not knowing way finish life it is probably will be

                                                            • 我正在得到国会的无知的人以百万计的纳税下来?和马德森(Terya无知的人不让我降落在鸡一个滑稽的议会控制Kiritsu刚刚大喜神!下一步自民党mobocracy死亡是一个下沉指南古日
                                                              I increase Assemblyman allowance of [un] 10,000,000 receiving with blood tax of the foolish people, Work? Doing, [masen] ([kiritsu] The short story of the viewing farcical play which is the [ku] inside the National Diet doing, the [ri] [ya] The foolish people are to be exultaion Just God! ! The Liberal Democratic Party next is to be the dead God which leads Japan to sinking with group of people foolish politics

                                                              • 我的意思是,在严重的政治,作为一个优秀的大学法律(包括历史进程的思想理论反正)好好学习,2通道明白,比他在政治语言几乎所有政治Tteru如果学徒教授从事研究工作,还好,它看起来更 With you say or political science process theory and the like just studied idea history properly seriously in a general way anyhow in the Department of Law of the university Politics talking with 2ch the person approximately of ru 9 tenth compared to being able to understand the thing of politics it is much Properly if that the pupil it enters in the professor who has been researched all the more the shelf
                                                                • 378很好,我研究日本的政治学教授(忘记了名字,并教别人)和我从学徒毕业 378 Properly the professor who researches Japanese politics name memory lapse someone teaching the pupil doing to enter You have graduated

                                                              • 我还没有被洗脑或他们是受欢迎的小泉W纹欺诈者的希望如此残酷的死亡恩戴 Koizumi being brainwashed popularity still the ru person it is it is W which is Dying cruelly in such a swindler desired the potato it is

                                                                • 技能作为反对派突击队长型的现在可以走了太多的嘶哑的节目时,我觉得自以为是的领导人是
                                                                  For the present, showing, you think ability as special attack captain of the opposition party as the [ru] but When it makes the leader of organization, self-righteousness passing, perhaps the [so] [tsu] [po] the type which is faced

                                                                  • 政治专家说,有马晴海“(现任总理),小泉的儿子又是相当的接受(和刺激以为更大的利益,如果连接,只连接认为排减单位”说: “ Koizumi s of incumbent prime minister son it accepts Arima Harumi of the psephologist and if connection there is a merit very for side When of large thing is thought only you think connection” that it points out
                                                                    • 政治分析家说,马晴海“(现任总理),小泉的儿子又是相当的接受(利益),而不是更大的刺激思维,只考虑连接排减单位,”他说: “ Koizumi s of incumbent prime minister son it accepts Arima Harumi of the psephologist and if connection there is a merit very for side When of large thing is thought only you think connection” that it points out

                                                                  • 政治家和世界的政治力量,如果你想要拆除世袭日本禁止无处嗯,我吃饱了。但我只能削弱
                                                                    Everywhere politician of the great power of the world is the hereditary being lazy If well Japan we would like to dismantle, to a hereditary prohibition politics. But if it should have weakened just

                                                                    • 无论是多数,反对党,现在能够祸从口入中,善于咒骂不全是污共同从辜口,苏是不是能够在公众发言,议员们将要希望大家喜欢进Zirou我 The ruling party and the opposition party until now At the competent malicious tongue house the mouth it is skillful dirtily to abuse There is no ability to speak with disabled public Because was general Stops wanting to expect to like Assemblyman Sinzirou
                                                                      • 工作人员是否有能力有能力自己的情况,因此,如果环的结构能力的政治家,但会 In this person ability it is it does ability it is it does in the staff collectively as a politician If competent with that structure cup

                                                                    • 时代在绝望的诽谤是否下令飞往苏阵取了国会前我鸭子
                                                                      That time the foremost line of the national assembly is encamped and be able to order the fact that jeer is thrown, desperately with yell slander slander

                                                                      • 有一肚子疼为北泽Itetara觉得我听到了,我们看到这样的影片诡辩
                                                                        However you saw to the animated picture middle, inquiring about Kitazawa's philosophism, the cod stomach became painful

                                                                        • 次郎最终形成线拓谷进这个孙中山田中真纪子:我猜你瓦特
                                                                          When it goes with this plug, the last form of Sinzirou's becomes Makiko Tanaka, it is probably will be w

                                                                          • 正如预期的魅力来惹最重要的政治家的优点和缺点的东西与我做了什么或谁是谷垣祯一,绝大部分魅力吉田茂田中小泉纯一郎也尽其所能瓦特是不是小,甚至只是看看
                                                                            And as for being most important in the [tsu] [pa] politician It is the charisma characteristic which attracts the person and attaches Merits and demerits of the thing which you did how that Shigeru Yoshida and Kakuei Tanaka and Junichiro Koizumi there was preponderant charisma Tanigaki and kana it is that w which is How seeing, don't you think? simply, the petty offical -?

                                                                            • 没有什么能不能成为人民党紧急Kyodokyodo许多的燕尾紧张表现在家长
                                                                              With seven shining of parent person just of performance Now then when it becomes the ruling party, [kiyodokiyodo] being flustered, is not possible at all

                                                                              • 现金交货返回井的习惯,并不需要钱,我会说太多,不是吗?塞科633金 633 Saying that the gold does not need the gold fake to be too dense to return to ru habit with cash on arrival the ro which is
                                                                                • 井交货现金回报苏尽管我会说我不需要太多的钱,不是吗?塞科633金 633 Saying that the gold does not need the gold fake to be too dense to return to ru habit with cash on arrival the ro which is

                                                                              • 神奇的帮助你运动,我认为他们会做60瓦,而不是民主,自由民主党的如意算盘是古年初下降 60 So thinking when election you do it is saved w However there is no Democratic party support we want the Liberal Democratic Party collapsing quickly it is with

                                                                                • 绮鱿鱼是联合航空秋坏的感觉639左右的意思呢? 639 a About potsupo is feeling it good for sense to be bad

                                                                                  • 自民党可能已计划脚本不能说什么,如果是错误的心态这个小泉兑新民主党领袖, Don t you think the Liberal Democratic Party probably is air what which opposes to the Democratic party with Koizumi as a new leader You call also this exchange and not to be making a mistake perhaps the script of according to schedule
                                                                                    • 小泉进次郎老师(流利日语万维网) Sinzirou s Koizumi teacher Japanese flimsy www

                                                                                  • 解决。主席“小泉先生!”(我的意思是毕竟你,是父母的提携。)进Zirou“小泉的订单,而不是马上解决的紧张,谢谢你”(指采取敏感性利用一种挑衅,但高增长瓦特)知道目前所采取的人才 Living in peace “Junichiro Koizumi chairman ” Meaning You how after all they are seven shining of the parent Sinzirou Koizumi “right away tension solving thank you for” meaning Making a reverse use of provocation w which is high sensitivity rise With the tsu capability is recognized with exchange
                                                                                    • 埃塔解决名称问题,“解决先生,谢谢你紧张不解决,说:”进Zirou排减单位是具有讽刺意味的笑,当他们这样的政治家基达 In living in peace which makes a mistake in name “living in peace teacher tension solving thank you for” that Laughing Sinzirou who can say sarcasm is politician direction
                                                                                    • 解决。主席“小泉先生!”(我的意思是毕竟你,是父母的提携。)进Zirou“小泉的订单,而不是马上解决的紧张,谢谢你”(指采取敏感性利用一种挑衅,但高增长瓦特)知道目前所采取的人才 Living in peace “Junichiro Koizumi chairman ” Meaning You how after all they are seven shining of the parent Sinzirou Koizumi “right away tension solving thank you for” meaning Making a reverse use of provocation w which is high sensitivity rise With the tsu capability is recognized with exchange

                                                                                  • 该公司正在研究通过大学Sekoseko挑战,二郎足够的进步,或一个年轻的组织,可以促进自民党谈呢?不会 sekoseko studies in order to pass to the obstacle university in the party in about Sinzirou talk being good Is the young man who confronts the organization Liberal Democratic Party and can contribute It will not be
                                                                                    • 该公司正在研究通过大学Sekoseko很难讲进度次郎,一个年轻的或好,才能有助于自民党?不会 sekoseko studies in order to pass to the obstacle university in the party in about Sinzirou talk being good Is the young man who confronts the organization Liberal Democratic Party and can contribute It will not be

                                                                                  • 达罗包括lack ll屁股了!北泽“,说这没关系Ttemasu民团我咨询,”但我会说我会瓦特小吃该会让他们感到愤怒,甚至没有能力在美国 The ro where thrusting is not enough and is As for Kitazawa However “you consulted people group saying that it is all right it increases” How it is the word tsu chi ya u person on that upset either the United States chi ya u talent it is not w
                                                                                    • 国防部长暂缓北泽说:“我们是公民可耻!”它证明一个场景 In the Kitazawa defensive phase which is exchanged idly “the prefectural people are made foolish ” With The scene which it vociferates

                                                                                  • 迈克尔格林先生是国家安全委员会高级总监亚洲古典Zatasareta国际战略研究中心采取了与小泉的工作了日本办事处主任连接的作为
                                                                                    Koizumi is American National Security Council Asian upper-class department manager of old knowledge Michael Green who Because was inaugurated as CSIS Japanese department manager, connection employment was rumored

                                                                                    • 这么多的好朋友,虽然628倍局长次郎进展“,但现在能够总理”嗯,但它并不可怕〜是如何率
                                                                                      628 So Call a lot of flesh fell similarity, “even with Sinzirou of private secretary age as Prime Minister it can go now,” With manner of the appraisal which is said is enormous, that -

                                                                                      • 这位家长的燕尾阿拉木图鄂如:我猜你知道生命结束时仍难以接受,尽管现在从税后收入的生活。我忽略了山,代理商享受税收居民,如果从日本粪便恳求福利wwwwwwww
                                                                                        Seven shining of this parent from now on until it dies, salary receiving directly from tax, the hardship not knowing way finish life, it is probably will be

                                                                                        • 这听起来,因为这是法院指定的Ategaibuchi 523!饭岛确定哪个或哪些是继承了他的父亲,一个贫穷的工作时,我正在寻找,当她第一次会议上做纯一郎“怎么?”它与像他急于谈 523 Therefore national selection they were the rations it is the kana which is not Or it was succession from the father which As for Iijima being poor job you have searched the time when for the first time meeting to Junichiro “it can keep doing ” With like it is insecure you speak
                                                                                          • 我想因为这是法院指定的Ategaibuchi 525?饭岛确定哪个或哪些是继承了他的父亲,一个贫穷的工作时,我正在寻找,当她第一次会议上做纯一郎“怎么?”它与像他急于谈 525 Therefore national selection they were the rations it is the kana which is not Or it was succession from the father which As for Iijima being poor job you have searched the time when for the first time meeting to Junichiro “it can keep doing ” With like it is insecure you speak

                                                                                        • 这家伙应该运行对小泉遗传改变选区犯规埃泰
                                                                                          Hereditary opposition Koizumi should run as a candidate changing constituency, As for it is dense infringement

                                                                                          • 进Zirou但关东学院的毕业生,毕业于政治科学精英超级哥伦比亚大学
                                                                                            But as for Sinzirou Kanto institute large soldier/finishing, the Colombian University graduate school political department soldier/finishing It is the super elite

                                                                                            • 进Zirou是“自己的小丑,”秋田美人超过仪内的所有代表:“让我说,有美的时候,我们已成立一个竞选演说”,他仪内井田在各地的讲话“恨 As for Sinzirou “by the fact that it designates by his as the clown Akita with “the Assemblyman whom the beauty it does not pass at all” as a set support speech There is the opinion that can reflect upon but we dislike the speech “of the Assemblyman whom the beauty it does not pass at all”
                                                                                              • 和进Zirou,秋田“他仪内对美了,”让我说,有美的时候,我们已成立一个竞选演说“,他仪内井田在各地的讲话”恨 Sinzirou and Akita with “the Assemblyman whom the beauty it does not pass at all” as a set support speech There is the opinion that can reflect upon but we dislike the speech “of the Assemblyman whom the beauty it does not pass at all”
                                                                                              • 进Zirou是“一个小丑可以做你自己,成为一个制造商类型的气氛围绕”汤 As for Sinzirou “by the fact that it designates by his as the clown Akita with “the Assemblyman whom the beauty it does not pass at all” as a set support speech There is the opinion that can reflect upon but we dislike the speech “of the Assemblyman whom the beauty it does not pass at all”

                                                                                            • 进入相当困难,但360,哇-真棒毕业更难进Zirou
                                                                                              360 But entering suitable obstacle, as for graduating furthermore obstacle Sinzirou the [ge] which is done - the [wa] -

                                                                                              • 除了个性开朗,每天可通过诉诸东洋纳卡为越来越庞大的信贷从周围是艰苦的工作
                                                                                                In addition to cheerful character, because it is diligent, obtaining the tremendous confidence around, it can pass rich every day

                                                                                                • 驱动tTA真纪子说的话,当我流浪总统参选小泉爸爸“以一家伙是谁?不论在!”要曰小泉,什么“在一个男人或一个女人!』伐丽流说话,而不是痛苦的,“甚至不好笑的笑话 dadei Koizumi when being perplexed Makiko said president selection running the word where If “the man do It does not pass with something ” It has been said Koizumi “As a man in the woman it does not pass with something With there are no any extent balance things which are said” Also lower news item is funny
                                                                                                  • 田中真纪子说,他们住在一起,没有他们就人身攻击只有791口污 791 Makiko Tanaka the mouth be no other choice but to dirty personality attack and it makes simultaneous it is

                                                                                                • 鸠山将是至关重要的,如果和小泽辞职的房子世袭继承我不是水龙头,小泉将开征简剖腹和山冈
                                                                                                  If hereditary criticism the Assemblyman resigning Hatoyama and Ozawa, 菅 and committing hara-kiri Yamaoka Grandly, be able to hit the descent of the Koizumi house,

                                                                                                  • 鸠山由纪夫先生中风■“34画的护理”可以改善他们的运气其实怪胎在考虑利用 即吸引足够幸运的关键优势的事实,偏心怪人●更好的运气去工作时,特别但可以看出,没有认真努力寻找环境摆脱困难的决定,选择了可爱的偶像已经到来意味着一个连续试验和不幸 Hatoyama Yukio … Entire picture “34 pictures” By the fact that the eccentric is taken in countergambit luck the number of notes which can be improved by the fact that it is attached to special work fortunately The secret which luck furthermore is improved Choose the environment which can appeal the eccentric eccentric for countergambit Do not escape from difficulty under any condition Because you endeavor seriously head angle is displayed but there is the hint to which ordeal and misfortune come continually

                                                                                                    • 鸠山由纪夫和田中康夫,这是每个人的朋友或一个人或一个梦的地方,如我想了很多东西的地方,作为一个政治家的敏感
                                                                                                      Something Yasuo Hatoyama and Tanaka as for being similar to the varieties, the [wa] which you think as the [ru] When it is delicate, the dream house thing eight one beauties as a thing or a politician in frame

                                                                                                      • 鸠山由纪夫,总理(63)去年夏天在大选前,和冲绳人民“,至少转移到县外”,并承诺将奉行“我可以答应?”的问题,而不是挂梁
                                                                                                        Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (63) before the general election in the last summer, Vis-a-vis the Okinawan “transfer of facilities you can overtake that it pledges outside lowest being, prefecture and” “can promise don't you think?? ” With The question it applied

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