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Prime Minister Hatoyama of the only being bombed country & Japan, with nuclear summit at the time of [obama] president and standing story to “Futenma” explanation


  • 186 ,包括胡锦涛,中国,德国,印度,德国和巴基斯坦等9国领导人在全球的!你会带来什么效益?
    186 > In addition to the Chinese 胡 brocade 濤 President, the leader of nine countries such as Germany, India and Pakistan As for Germany having, [ru]?

    • 830洲际弹道导弹,我说我穿弹头期间与八个元江Hazime
      830 The nuclear warhead of 8 shots being attached in the ICBM one basis, what you call to [ru] age is?

      • NULL Is alternate plan of obama “Futenma transfer of facilities probably the rice cake ” po tsu po “huh” Is the plan which is substituted to obama “current plan the rice cake ” The po tsu po “say the rear end increase it is” obama “huh” po tsu po “huh” obama “still without becoming the rice cake it probably means ” po tsu po “huh” obama “huh” The po tsu po “it is with the tsu lever which changes ” Is obama “something ” po tsu po “plan” obama “huh” po tsu po “huh” Your obama “rice cake un it is not it is withShank” Also those which do not have po tsu po “plan have” obama “huh” po tsu po “huh” obama “with un it will put out with this ” Excessively we do not like po tsu po “plan” obama “huh” po tsu po “huh” If obama “un it is not it does not become story” With prejudice something of po tsu po “ obama shank” obama “huh” po tsu po “huh” Other than inside obama “our un Okinawa prefecture it does not recognize” po tsu po “Okinawa plan how it is it is ” obama “huh” po tsu po “huh”

        • NULL NULL
          • (·)我, 。ヽ。(升 布鲁诺(不适用 谁 ) 总比最好的,你需要做的不是你的思维!ヽ,布鲁诺 (哟 ──ー 醋⌒厂Nitsu ° , ヾ,异ṛ⊃ 左¨ 92 No ⌒ REPT i no REPT i Γ ⌒ 92 u ⌒ 92 u human i 92 i ll REPT The Soviet Union i i REPT No l n human Isn t the highest one than lowest thinks and how is possible to pass REPT no 92 yo ─ ─ 厂 ¯ SIME ⌒ ni r iso ⊃ l ¯

        • NULL ─ human person 从 human Human 从 and human human ¯ ゙ ─ ゙ ni ─ r ─ ─ baraku it is I it is yukio Three re i ni ni ≡ About conversation it probably will be possible to do ni ゚ д ni Mosquito ro Trust me ni ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ l ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ¯ ∧ ∧ tsu ゚ ─ ゙ ¯ ⊂ д MARU ni ─ HKRPT O To it does REPT ゙ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ The president you know each other ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ │ The ear at all hu ゚ aan … └ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ┘ Λ ∩ ∧ ∧ д ∧ ∧” Mosquito ゙ tongue д 92 ko ゙ ton 22 222 ⊂ 92 92 ⌒ no ¯ U U It does 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
          • NULL ─ human person 从 human Human 从 and human human ¯ ゙ ─ ゙ ni ─ r ─ ─ baraku it is I it is yukio Three re i ni ni ≡ About conversation it probably will be possible to do ni ゚ д ni Mosquito ro Trust me ni ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ l ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ¯ ∧ ∧ tsu ゚ ─ ゙ ¯ ⊂ д MARU ni ─ HKRPT O To it does REPT ゙ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ The president you know each other ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ │ The ear at all hu ゚ aan … └ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ┘ Λ ∩ ∧ ∧ д ∧ ∧” Mosquito ゙ tongue д 92 ko ゙ ton 22 222 ⊂ 92 92 ⌒ no ¯ U U It does 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
          • ,3个D 三德! 双D Ð (!,五十铃 阿 这家伙超过上没有您的超级完美埃塔 哦 ヽ ° ヽヽŸ人,他在这里 ヽ ヽ人民 b ni three three te ni two Three two ni nini re ha i hi ≠ r ¯ ¯ Y f ¯ ¯ Y ⌒ REPT three ¯ ¯ r 厂 HKDRT ri It is … No r u ne Y No r tsu ino You see or the 盧 military affairs 鉉… to ⌒ r i i 仆 ri HKDRT a 92 The outstanding talent who exceeds you exceeded well perfectly 92 HKRPT 92 REPT ¯ 92 REPT REPT Y It means that the person is here… REPT 92 Person REPT 92 92 92 92 i 92

        • Poppoppo,Mamega Hatopoppo,仲Kattekoi Hoshikerya与野,Sonnani,Amakunai
          [potsupotsupo] and [hatopotsupomamega] [hoshikeriya] [katsutekoi] [yononaka], [sonnani] and [amakunai

          • Torasutomi施瓦布营地关闭,我认为12月在该说明它最后
            Truss Tommy was with the [tsu] lever which decides in December note of last year, With [kiyanpushiyuwabu] open sea

            • TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E3展%83%95%E3展%82%格A1%E3展%82%a4的%E3展%83%AB公司:分而rule_plan_of_Japan.png
              ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E3% 83% 95% E3% 82% A1% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% AB: Divide-and-rule_plan_of_Japan.png

              • Warenaku常用短语是在自民党,“日本和孤立的”用于在媒体最近Waremasen瓦特我在这里隔离的情况是诚实的,说我的战争并在战争前 Becomes unable to use widely in our people age the phrase which “is isolated Japan which” Recently don t you think it is not used with the mass communications w Honesty saying prior to world war 2 to after the war there was no circumstance which has been isolated to here is
                • 常用短语作为自由过程中使用的经验,“日本孤立”用于在媒体最近Waremasen瓦特我在这里隔离的情况是诚实的,说我像以前的战争,直到二战结束后 Was used widely in our people age the phrase which “is isolated Japan which” Recently don t you think it is not used with the mass communications w Honesty saying prior to world war 2 to after the war there was no circumstance which has been isolated to here is

              • _NULL_
                Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Futenma As for comprehension ahead relocating after 5 ends of the month advance shipment examination Preferring toward America agreement Pledge violation [kita

                • ° MARU
                  • 一年后↓↓ ↓ One year later ↓
                  • 信托或W Trust Me Above w

                • · 我 ⊂ ( 人)゚。 ─ ─ human person 从 human Human 从 and human human ¯ ゙ ─ ゙ ni ─ baraku baraku r ─ ¯ ¯ Me it is the friend don t you think Three ⊥ ni ≡ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 You see that with and others it does ni tsu ni Γ ⌒ REPT ro You see that with and others it does tsu ni ⌒ ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ l ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ Y ⌒ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ¯ i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i ⊂ human ゚ ─ ゙ ¯ 92 kusun ni ─ 92 No ⌒ to lt ¯ ゙ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Acquaintance Al ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ │ The ear at all hu ゚ aan … └ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ┘ ⌒ 92 ¯ ¯ ⌒ REPT ⊥ i 92 ” Mosquito ゙ tongue tsu ゚ ha 92 ko ゙ ton 22 222 ⊂ 92 92 HKRPT ⌒ no ¯ U U It does 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Never it is seen with real with
                  • NULL Former times ♪ … …… mona which how is done ∧ 酋 ∧ ♪ ∧ and ∧ ∧ ∧ 92 ∀ д ∀ ⊂ ⊂ no REPT No It does hu Someone is dense ♪ In president…… Your itself mona ∧ 酋 ∧ │ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∀ ∩ д ∀ ⊃ No ⊂ REPT J Now Γ ⌒ 92 ♪ … …… nika which how is done ⌒ DREPT ♪ ∧ ∧ ∧ and ∧ ゚ Θ ゚ д ∀ ⊂ ⊂ no REPT No It does Someone is dense ♪ Γ ⌒ 92 In prime minister…… omaera itself nita ゙ ⌒ DREPT ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ゚ Θ ゚ ∩ д ∀ ⊃ No ⊂ REPT J 179 The a a have laughed at nomuhiyon age bosom to force the ze …
                  • 。我 升° ⌒⌒ ) 湖 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° j的j我 i 3333 ≧ to 3 333 333 mi DREPT 33 丶 mi three he ゙ 33 No he three ┌ ⌒ ha ha three ee ≧ to j l r i REPT HKDRT tsu REPT ≦ eto ri i ≦ ¯ ¯ V l lt j l mutsu ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒ l no ⌒ REPT l l lt CHANGE ¯ ¯ ¯ Γ ⌒ REPT 92 l ¯ ⌒ ⌒ 92 l ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ j j i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ri ri ゙ i l REPT yueeen U human REPT REPT i 92 REPT 92 n l REPT l V 92 gt l l ∪ ∪ ha ha l l l 92 ∪ ¯ ¯ ∪
                  • 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i Trash me human 92 92
                  • (((三期ヽ )(((我)布鲁诺 ⌒ :我 ⌒⌒我 REPT Three i No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i

                • “凯塔直接对话的基础后,对自由的进入和音频信号传输基泰的感情,是好”(环顾四周,我的爱,Kuhi゙熙)
                  “There was no direct story, concerning the base, but as for feeling we would like to believe that it was transmitted sufficiently,” ([kiyorokiyoro] and [hi] ゙ [kuhi] ゙ [ku])

                  • 。,研究 r No REPT
                    • L:我(·) · 我, l i i

                  • ヽ)不需要任何利益 REPT There is no national interest There is no such a necessity 7 ├ DREPT REPT 彡 A little law It just changes l to 92 丿 i r MARU REPT 彡 Tibet world It can look mi r f l REPT i mi ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT No i l j to r ゚ REPT i l REPT 彡 No HKRPT ll ゙ ゙ i REPT SIME mi tsu i ll ゙ 92 ⌒ REPT ri 92 i ni i No a … it fears but it is good REPT REPT i REPT No i Still it is 2nd month kukukuku … r ゙ i 92 No i 92 l i i REPT t No i to gt ku hu i r DREPT REPT ¯ ゙ ゙ REPT r one
                    • NULL NULL

                  • 不友好的核安全首脑会议在华盛顿开幕,禁止使用核武器的安全性对无核“被动”关于“我想要一个和”全面的辩论,显示奥巴马之间的意愿和
                    With the nuclear security summit which is opened with Washington, use of the nuclear weapon for denuclearization possession country is prohibited In regard to passive security” ““sufficiently we would like to argue with [obama] presidents”, that desire was shown

                    • 之一。 ,, 我 , (海外) : (海外) : :: 东岸的同胞瞧。 哦 ( 3 )ヽ:: 啊 ー 机管局 92 wa o o a a a a 92 Three REPT Well 92 a a
                      • )) ♪( ) 1,♪Merikena 92 92 ♪ 92 merikena ♪

                    • 之后,恩前卫“什么的权力很大,过去的潜在利益,”奥巴马不是无情地对接
                      It is in rear, “past right power can the [se] obtaining party where” [obama] is pierced obstinately

                      • 也许他们认为弹出窗口,“日本是否丽等人显示出,或有形的存在国家作为唯一的领导人原子轰炸什么沉默の彰艾希?中国和美国,通常与他们的解决核爆炸轰炸的是我们自己的公民将蜡 Perhaps it is previous coming out with you think but “Japan can show the existence impression as a leader of the only being bombed country Because you ask saying nothing being correct China and America and the Soviet Union being the home country normally the nucleus exploding the native people who are bombed to that will be
                        • 也许他们认为弹出窗口,“日本是唯一的国家遭受”不要晃艾希是什么意思?中国和美国,这将轰炸了我们自己的公民,这将是一个核爆炸在一个正常的国家苏联 Perhaps it is previous coming out with you think but “Japan can show the existence impression as a leader of the only being bombed country Because you ask saying nothing being correct China and America and the Soviet Union being the home country normally the nucleus exploding the native people who are bombed to that will be

                      • 从印度加强与中东的关系是,即使美国从伊朗的核问题可以间接支持
                        Because between related to India - the Middle East strengthening is something the empty, the American side support probably is possible even with the Iranian nuclear problem

                        • 但20官方美日首脑会议,一出席首相,在这两天的30个核安全首脑会议未能实现与展望
                          Simply, also the prime minister attends 12, the case of nuclear security summit of 13 day, official Japanese-American summit meeting does not actualize It became the prospect

                          • 但我国是一个无核武器拥有一流的技术和优越的生态环保技术,基础设施明显优于共存。排减星和谐的世界体系,传播 But our country also was superior with the nuclear weapon the technical power echo which is superior the technical echo which is superior below coexistence Dispatching the system you advocate harmony to the world
                            • 但是,我们的国家是,不必与上级技术基础设施的核并存。排减星和谐的世界体系,传播 NULL
                            • 日本没有核武器,容易合作,具有优良的基础设施和优越的技术生态环保存在。系统在世界 As for Japan with the nuclear weapon echo the technical echo which is superior it is superior also the coexistence where below it is superior The system is dispatched to the world
                            • 日本没有核武器,容易合作,具有优良的基础设施和优越的技术生态环保存在。系统在世界 As for Japan with the nuclear weapon echo the technical echo which is superior it is superior also the coexistence where below it is superior The system is dispatched to the world

                          • 作为首脑会议的空中轰炸的国家,他们从来没有愚蠢的女儿谈话支撑迁移普天间不必要的座位在会谈本身,使敦子与建议削减国家没有一个国家的核与核,和消极的国家对核裁军谈判这一减少役割无密切。雪松
                            Itself having the country and the conversation where the country which the nucleus does not have with nuclear summit recommends reduction unnecessary How unreasonable story of Futenma moving is done with that seat Air wife fool As being bombed country, conversing with passive country in nuclear disarmament, it presses for reduction role Nothing. Cedar

                            • 你谈了一点,“奥巴马”,谁胆敢在普天间问题复杂化的“Poppo”哦,不,这是一个“奥巴马”那么,“这个故事样的,开始数字键盘 Just a little story…” obama “well Futenma s problem was made complicated” The po tsu po “ a well with that the shank…” “ obama that” star star This a kind of standing story
                              • 老实说,我只是危险的心态,阅读技能,以满足与奥巴马Poppoto It just meets with the po tsu po which has the skill of reading heart technique honest story for obama it is dangerous don t you think

                            • 像我这样愚蠢的人在煤,但经过仔细查塔是要转向以民主,自由民主党的立场一对煤 However you inserted in democracy with the intention of setting moxa in the Liberal Democratic Party Furthermore you set moxa by your and the chi ya tsu are like the foolish citizen
                              • 从30月底的婴儿潮,但是,认为只有在自由民主党驱动tTA改建煤 下 Simply the baby boom generation thinks from 30 year old latter halves that moxa you just tried to place in the Liberal Democratic Party

                            • 全北和今天的天气故事什么交流的话,起数和鸽子,那么为什么它“从总统说明了接受的意思是”这将是一次释放到像 When in the pigeon and the standing story with the story of present weather and word is exchanged with anything after that why “mind of acknowledgment was received from the president” that to catching it announces and it probably is from the chi ya u
                              • 日本的耻辱,鸠山,毋宁死恩戴我要求你早,因为他们已经 The Japanese shame hatoyama The fish you ask and therefore are quick it dies

                            • 全国平均水平的407领先的日本国防开支是根据什么?如果这相当于平均在其他国家,国民生产总值的3%至15万亿日元应该是必要的...
                              407 The Japanese defense expanses like first-rate nation are what standard ? If you call like the foreign country, GNP 3% Suitable But as for 15,000,000,000,000 Yen necessary expectation…

                              • 关于日本“核轰炸的唯一国家”朱达罗国外是因为他们对待核试验的受害者,也是日本bombed re辐照不是唯一 NULL
                                • 可爱的偶像就大喊大叫喜欢乡下的原子弹受害者愚蠢的事情,并就问题的当事方爆落至花哈拉 The atomic bomb going into this thing country which was dropped when it is the victim being bombed country it does just how the foolish thing which shouts

                              • 其中国家主席胡锦涛,包括中国,德国,印度,宣布计划以满足部队分别与巴基斯坦等9个国家的领导人
                                As for president Among these, in addition to the Chinese 胡 brocade 濤 President, the leader of nine countries such as Germany, India and Pakistan Announcing the schedule which converses individually

                                • 即使我们不想交谈的日本人对他们的叮咬和圈我就带核国家做到这一点,直接从美国和抱怨,这次首脑会议峨ー核武器或仅仅只是一个什么并不意味着我会?哦损失。更正,“只”的事情我不 Therefore the summit which appeals nuclear extinction simply Making America and the chi ya nucleus having and ru country and others and the knee being accustomed to being attached being the case that we would like to converse Don t you think this time to the Japanese partner meaning just saying a losing Correction “just” there is no tsu te thing
                                  • 即使我们不想交谈的日本人对他们的叮咬和圈我就带核国家做到这一点,直接从美国和抱怨,这次首脑会议峨ー核武器或仅仅只是一个什么并不意味着我会?哦损失。更正,“只”的事情我不 Therefore the summit which appeals nuclear extinction simply Making America and the chi ya nucleus having and ru country and others and the knee being accustomed to being attached being the case that we would like to converse Don t you think this time to the Japanese partner meaning just saying a losing Correction “just” there is no tsu te thing
                                  • 鸠山由纪夫首相7天,审查核制度奥巴马(美国全国公共电台)宣布,表示敬意的礼物,表示愿意同步显示详细步骤,争取废除核武器 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the seventh obama American president announcing the second look NPR at nuclide system You sent eulogy to doing directed to nuclear extinction and you stated the desire which you walk with two human tripods

                                • 周二周四亥核核暴力? ! ! ! ! ! !哦,哦炮的(核弹)或周四,我亥(周二亥暴力星期四)味噌希望,不知怎的,大脑暴露核核核核核核核核核核尽快核核核核核核核核核核核 Nuclear nuclear wooden boar fire violence exposing Furthermore it is to act playfully nuclear blast In addition Wooden boar Is Wooden boar fire violence exposing Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus How we want doing the brain seeing so which is bombed gradually
                                  • 美国将不会给该国的核计划不会宣布核攻击 America in the future does not have the nucleus It declares mushroom vis a vis the country that it does not do

                                • 在一个记者招待会的789后,我觉得如果 奥巴马是相同的,因为它可能是一个谈谈』 789 After that in press conference Is obama president my thinking the same As for extent the shelf which it may say
                                  • 在一个记者招待会的789后,我觉得如果 奥巴马是相同的,因为它可能是一个谈谈』 789 After that in press conference Is obama president my thinking the same As for extent the shelf which it may say
                                  • 鸽子“达拉克克!这是日本首相的我,”奥巴马,“确定你是首相 Pigeon “ daraku It is I it is Japanese prime minister” obama “OK you are the prime minister

                                • 在加强国际核恐怖主义的目标,由74个经济体领导人出席
                                  You aim toward strengthening the international nuclear terrorist prevention system, the leaders of 47 country attend

                                  • 在周四的晚餐,交换意见的机会,对国家恐怖主义是国际社会面临的威胁(产经新闻)和美国总统奥巴马相互交谈使用的第一天的非正式首脑会议的晚宴上核
                                    Each country representation gives an advise exchanges in the dinner meeting of the 12th night concerning the threat of the nuclear terrorism to which international society faces (product sutra) [obama] American president you discuss to nuclear summit first day informally making use of the opportunity of dinner meeting

                                    • 在日本,你可以说谎,隐瞒资金仍埋,你地北各方还欺骗人民说什么狗屎在民主选举和党说谎被抓到你自由通行费?人不自然CON组卡诺花愤怒吗?
                                      The buried deposit gold being hidden still in Japan, the [ru] and lie it is attached, when it makes high-speed fee free, lie it is attached, Calling the political party which is chosen democratically, awfully, it does at the political party which deceives the citizen the [yo]? Getting angry, naturally there is no citizen who is swindled kana?

                                      • 外交部的外交和停止功能,如外相田中真纪子289次
                                        289 Tanaka Makiko foreign minister day likely Ministry of Foreign Affairs falls to dysfunction

                                        • 如果你是保守的共和党总统感兴趣的日本发射的将可能是下一个
                                          Republican Party president of the conservatives it probably becomes perhaps next, how sets up to Japan There is an interest

                                          • 如果这种宝贵的同事70,000票283第一次世界大战嗯,这是没有时间,因为他们是浮动日本泡沫鼎盛时期的真实
                                            283 Same mind of valuable 70,000 vote in such a place ww Well because at that time it was peak period of the true bubble of Japan, making merry, also the [te] was helpless

                                            • 它会转换为大脑吹,吹鼓舞士气的讲话,即使在任何的眼睛
                                              Being in whatever kind of eye, to be converted by scolding encouragement inside the brain of [potsupo], from the [chi] [ya] [u

                                              • 实体时刻漂浮在少缴因为身体的混乱痴梦萝卜,但我想激活即日起暂停了宪法,如目前
                                                Therefore as for the substance, the distracted object which is based on the 痴 dream which floats in moment, Like present condition the effect which is similar to constitution stop immediately is made to move, it is,…

                                                • 布鲁诺 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ “ ° ¯ ¯ ”¯ No ⌒ REPT No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i ゙ i ∩ human ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ∩ human 92 92 j lt horahukimi Truss Tommy gt 92 92 lt ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ” ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ” ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i i i 92 i Person www of obama Or goraa which you do l When I can be upset it means that Japan is serious www REPT human 92 92 92 i 92 ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                  • 其中,(美国)工作组,讨论了哪些工作队伊科。 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 从那里正在考虑,在美国的 的努力奇迹在找到答案哦 沉默的声音 ,请相信Watakushi ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯∨¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯∨(゚゚д) Among such the Japanese American working group Making the team you argue and are dense ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Because it is the place where it examines that in Japan and America 92 While keeping endeavoring looking at the answer It is noisy say nothing You say that please believe me ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ∨ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∨ ゚ д ゚ lt ⌒ REPT no no lt

                                                • 总理的“S,你将移交给我的各种会议上可以”和Ku奥巴马零值,你会听到我这样做之前,根据该决定 That as for the prime minister “it is possible in meeting to convey various intentions from me ” Therefore your will and the like value zero which is heard and obama lowered judgment it is
                                                  • 及时,或方便,或规定或转动手机铃声我想奥巴马 Don t you think timing it is good we want the telephone of obama sounding Or it is lucky necessary

                                                • 我可以告诉了我认为从军事的凹痕和地方共识候选人透视图呢?事情鄂如你有没有说如果他们只会拖延你的要求
                                                  Although the contraction included of candidacy area agreement of local end and examination from military viewpoint at all are, what is conveyed, it is? Only request extent of delay there are no times when you can say it is it is not

                                                  • 我在那里我得到它的袭击的国家呢?还是中国?我飞我来日本,台湾和越南埃泰攻击呢? ?有些过于恐惧或不说话让我当美国军队袭击 The country of somewhere questioned and bore attacks to that China Taiwan jumping over attacking to Japan When the US military it stops being when it attacks fear it passes slightly
                                                    • 这410年1月美军瓦特可能连说我的差距 410 That the US military it is possibility w Story slipping the ru

                                                  • 我想我该会议首次在一个两杆记得我所拍摄的这次访问无论你是吹牛幸雄约关系,并呼吁巴拉克和美国合?印迹拍摄的照片太容易鸽驱动tTA So well in new conversation the tsu te which becomes the relations to call with baraku and yukio you brag don t you think With visit to the United States of this time the photograph of the two shot the kana which is taken The photograph where the pigeon is taken enjoys too much
                                                    • 小泽和金鱼。现在,日本和其他国家的访问取消Kuratta ll军队想到它,我相信有年龄 Ozawa and goldfish The visit to the United States cancellation saddle tsu of the corps it is to do Also the foreign countries Japanese now thinking as the calamity year shelf ru expectation

                                                  • 我是一个艰苦的工作,我不知道美国总统谈论某事或感觉之间长期存在的分歧最担心奥巴马成为比我一个日本人,但鸠山 Although it is we Japanese from Hatoyama obama became worry Such a lunatic and standing story what it is done it is from the wa The United States president tsu te serious work no shelf
                                                    • 427“ 奥巴马,他们认为这是一个頑張你』” 427 “It could persevere to obama president and with it received the thinking which is said”

                                                  • 我是受害者面对自己时,南京大屠杀的许多受害者是广岛和长崎以上。日本猴子!
                                                    From the Hiroshima Nagasaki how the Nanjing holocaust The victim is many The victim it is confronted is how long. Harmony monkey!

                                                    • 我普天间开始与一个描述,我将学习你的頑張普天间不同了(∀゚゚)(゚。゚ ) ¶ ⊂) 醋Ψ ) 是的,祝你好运 ⊃⊂⊃⊂ 。 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° Dekinee认为只有这 In the first place Futenma s explanatory tsu te now the varieties persevering it increases hu Futenma ゚ ∀ ゚ ゚ ゚ ¶ ⊂ Ψ SIME The u it is persevering don t you think ⊂ ⊃ ⊂ ⊃ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Only this extent with imagination stamp e …
                                                      • 富,我将学习你的頑張普天间不同了(∀゚゚)(゚。゚ )¶ ⊂) 醋Ψ ) 是的,祝你好运 ⊃⊂⊃⊂ 。 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° Dekinee认为只有这 The hu now the varieties persevering it increases hu Futenma ゚ ∀ ゚ ゚ ゚ ¶ ⊂ Ψ SIME The u it is persevering don t you think ⊂ ⊃ ⊂ ⊃ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Only this extent with imagination stamp e …

                                                    • 执法宣称反对俄罗斯的统治和听到的,起数Tatte消费者不是怕你的脚放在美国拥有核武器的使用 Insists rule to force vis a vis Russia and the like which America use of the nuclear weapon Unless you hesitate flame failure passing with resolute attitude you heard

                                                      • 把你的小猫出来了,过于坚持从原古猫行坚持凡是母语猫“钩!”,并说土著猫行辜看到前面的奥巴马我去什么
                                                        It came inside, the kitten whether the [tsu] of, keeps adhering to the former cat to everywhere Because remainder it is persistent, as for the former cat “[hutsu]! ” With saying, it keeps going away The former cat before the eye is visible in [obama]

                                                        • 排减单位给予奥巴马在鸠山为最大耻辱,我会请吃饭小泉麻生太郎在首脑会议上与
                                                          In order to give biggest humiliation to Hatoyama in [obama] president, Taro Junichiro Koizumi and Aso We would like you to invite to dinner meeting or summit

                                                          • 日本NHK记者Tteru 206我的知识,而且是一个年收入20万元,40岁出头
                                                            206 Me knowing, as for the [ru] NHK reporter with 40 generation first half But annual income 20,000,000

                                                            • 日本富山鸽子挖一个坑,美国将弹出驱赶天空中的普天间美军基地搬迁计划与沉重他们不喜欢美国大时代珍珠港假敲千他们挖掘珍珠港死亡人数400万二战后日本人杀害3000名美军士兵谁这个人是叛徒和阎王厚科凯Bakkari中国
                                                              With and the [ma] the United States is abhorred Putting out the Futenma base transfer of facilities plan which does not have actualization characteristic The intention of expelling the US military It has been about to apply the United States on the trap Hitting Pearl Harbor, 1000 times it hit Japan and apply was done 3000 US military death people of Pearl Harbor Japanese of the Pacific war death people 4,000,000 With and the [ma] in China 媚 the [tsu] temporary [u] [tsu] [te] it is This human traitor

                                                              • 日本诸兄运气和中国糖果店,威胁说,将挑战的毒品来源是向日本北部的比
                                                                Moroe of the carrier Japanese of the drug by China confronts the north challenge which Japan compared to is ahead being discharged of the medicine It probably is intimidation

                                                                • 日本首相将是人的处理,更少的时间是假名玛莎香椎土豆口袋里的,就是嘲笑布什和卢武铉的科拉 You laugh with kora of nomuhiyon and the bush and have done in the thing time bosom or the abortive grain Never the human who is handled below that becomes Prime Minister Japanese with

                                                                  • 是的,我做我得到的有关启动的多边会谈的地方如双边协议?你如果您需要设置一个两国之间的正式协商会议
                                                                    It stands at the place of conference between the many countries and bilateral conferences of story how is possible it is? If bilateral conferences necessity officially conversing and setting being it does, the [yo

                                                                    • 汉族移民数量大到自主倭人男子倭人强迫劳工,妇女将接受绝育倭人
                                                                      Chinese family mass settlement does to Wazin autonomous area, as for the Wazin man forced labor, as for the Wazin woman receives contraception operation

                                                                      • 白宫前或扔他去脱光衣服,或作出杜宾Ikake追,或在地下职业摔跤首次亮相 Being peeled in the nude it is expelled before White House when You make chase to Doberman when Underground professional wrestling you debut when
                                                                        • 白宫前或扔他去脱光衣服,或作出杜宾Ikake追,或在地下职业摔跤首次亮相 Being peeled in the nude it is expelled before White House when You make chase to Doberman when Underground professional wrestling you debut when

                                                                      • 目前的解决方案驱动tTA基于错误的开始,现在欺诈和剥削的盎格鲁撒克逊式的丛林社会的法律,日本领导人将提交给世界一个生态社会共存的远景,错误的开始从古代日本精神的和谐我认为应该 Now when you understood that Anglo Saxon s style weak meat strongly it is something where food society is based on fraud and exploitation you think that the Japanese leader the echo which is based on the mind of harmony from the Japanese ancient times should present the vision of prosperous coexistence society to the world
                                                                        • 目前的解决方案驱动tTA基于错误的开始,现在欺诈和剥削的盎格鲁撒克逊式的丛林社会的法律,日本领导人将提交给世界一个生态社会共存的远景,错误的开始从古代日本精神的和谐我认为应该 Now when you understood that Anglo Saxon s style weak meat strongly it is something where food society is based on fraud and exploitation you think that the Japanese leader the echo which is based on the mind of harmony from the Japanese ancient times should present the vision of prosperous coexistence society to the world

                                                                      • 秋是我和奥巴马媲美,会议不可能说,奥巴马是一个乔乔我奥巴马甚至没有对S会议 Therefore as for potsupo obama and equal what As for not being able to meet to obama potsupo It cannot meet to potsupo either obama it is
                                                                        • 394警司我会告诉奥巴马,我不关闭上午 394 If we obama that it cannot make SP GET NEAR don t you think you indicate
                                                                        • 714哦,奥巴马的核安全首脑会议在噗!“你是什么时候 714 At nuclear security summit potsupo “ o obama president Time it is good is
                                                                        • 但有预期,该噢,奥巴马的核安全首脑会议在噗!“你是什么时候 1 But expectation At nuclear security summit potsupo “ o obama president Time it is good is
                                                                        • 奥巴马也将继续是必要的会高兴地称赞Shikunai猴子,我宁愿做种族它与三足 obama president being praised in the monkey probably will not be delightful and two human tripods you want together It probably will not be
                                                                        • 那么实际上,我想使我病了,不跟奥巴马和鸠山大理石花纹 Actually the a you converse with Hatoyama and sashi riding It is not obama and you think that also the te boringly is

                                                                      • 级别很可能是一个巨大的损失索赔708
                                                                        708 You doing enormous compensation for damage claim, strange level

                                                                        • 绊倒人分心,谁是第一,重雄长岛这样接近奥巴马记者,“嘿!巴拉克!”奥巴马是什么?我挥杆的方式,回到“Torasutomi!Torasutomi!”奥巴马反正假微笑挥手井吊只神秘的声音突然,他们听到已经超越了新闻界
                                                                          First being mistaken in the reporter party, to get near to [obama], Sigeo's that Nagasima way “the hay! [baraku]! ” [obama] probably is what? With looking back, at the place “truss Tommy! Truss Tommy! ” [obama] which in the voice applying of the semantic obscurity which suddenly is audible from the reporter party temporarily shakes the hand with the amiable laughing

                                                                          • 美国在峰会行的小路,不仅打开了一个明智的决定,在5月的前景很可能是他们不
                                                                            As for the American side, May conclusion While view does not open, that summit meeting, it is seen that it judged that it is not profitable step,

                                                                            • 美国政府正在考虑短暂的,鸠山内阁?政府认为本身短命或民主党人?
                                                                              The American government, sees that the Hatoyama Cabinet is short-lived? Or you see that the Democratic party administration itself is short-lived?

                                                                              • 美国道歉和赔偿汤让我鸠山在韩国文化!
                                                                                You do also Hatoyama in Korea style, To claim apology and compensation to America, the [ru]!

                                                                                • 美日首脑会晤首相的官方一个真正民主的理想丑陋的家伙,一个真正的前景并没有实现
                                                                                  Official Japanese-American summit meeting became the prospect that it does not actualize You see truly, the [tsu] accompanying person shelf As expected it is Prime Minister of ideal of the Democratic party supporter

                                                                                  • 老年人口是电力驱动tTA老年医学取消承诺绝不为已故的退休金
                                                                                    As for old person layer annuity guaranty rode in the pledge of abolition of latter-term senior citizen medical care certainly with purpose

                                                                                    • 联合航空,亚〜♪“。和大脑,解释说:“总统解除申请,说明申请解除日本政府的计划显示了一个祝福,因为他们明白生命苦奥巴马,我认为是最高会议”没有任何尴尬或按你会提交了,我想这个家伙真的希望奥巴马和恐惧 Don t you think a in addition ♪” As for the brain and “as for the president explanation you say Also obama president solves reason because you had nodded approval 示 the Japanese government program explanation is said You think” that you did Because it announces probably will be in press conference either shyness without obama koitsu the bottom of the heart Fearing it probably is the ru
                                                                                      • 管理目的的这种优势Hatoyama ll愤怒拍摄美国以外的有关问题瓦特结果 315 The edge tsu being able to let stand Hatoyama densely that in the cameraman it makes outside the photographing range indicating w muchiyakuchiya getting angry with maji the ru it does America in regard to Futenma transfer of facilities problem
                                                                                      • 联合航空,亚〜♪“的申请粉扑,粉扑在”一个记者招待会之间的普天间解除日本政府解释我的计划,你知道,总统奥巴马 Don t you think a in addition ♪” At press conference Concerning potsupo “Futenma the Japanese government program explanation is said from me Also obama president understood

                                                                                    • 至少我可以做茹胡锦涛会见?支那卡诺真正的外交成就没有?
                                                                                      So, 胡 brocade 濤 with being able to converse at least? To real there is no diplomacy result being?

                                                                                      • 要发送到南美到欧洲,非洲和中东到俄罗斯中国和东南亚,印度到生活,让生活更环保的社会的愿景 Echo vision of prosperous coexistence society to China to southeast Asia to India to the Middle East to Russia to Europe is dispatched to Africa to the South America
                                                                                        • 要发送到南美到欧洲,非洲和中东到俄罗斯中国和东南亚,印度到生活,让生活更环保的社会的愿景 Echo vision of prosperous coexistence society to China to southeast Asia to India to the Middle East to Russia to Europe is dispatched to Africa to the South America

                                                                                      • 该国本身使用原子弹轰炸日本,他们不否认,也没有完全意义上的战略在使用 It does not deny that itself the fact that it is being bombed country is utilized but As for the Japanese party completely there is no conception which is utilized strategically
                                                                                        • 我不集体拥有约429苏加“你谈论邪恶马苏耀西说:”我会说什么你们 429 What you speak by yourself although it is not settled “you speak the ro tsu te which is suge ” saying it is the ru party

                                                                                      • 赫伦鸽子“Torasutomi”奥巴马“这是,可爱的,有趣的党!阁下阁下山楂”苍鹭鸽子“奥巴马先生,♪頑張本有被欺骗,更兴奋。” sagi pigeon “truss Tommy” obama “ itsutsu nice party joke H H Haw” In sagi pigeon “ obama more the persevering and encouraging chi ya tsu it is the ♪”
                                                                                        • 无论数量谈论起也将要去看奥巴马面对Mirya It tries making obama the ri ya face to see would not like probably will be Whether or not also standing story does

                                                                                      • 风险所采取的相关材料BBC的水维吾尔Aniwaru节能医生中国当局扣留 The danger aniwaru doctor of the Uighur person being restrained to the Chinese authorities is not reflected upon the taking of BBC You accompany to the material
                                                                                        • 所以这是绑在椅子将涉及与Kerubeki身穿燕尾服,如果你 Therefore if it participates dressing the restraint clothes we should bind in the chair

                                                                                      • 鸠山已是公司之间的整个谈判的主要公司,我是指单独或Darotsu Japan m通货紧缩的类,是整个行业都干满功率从正在争先恐后发言,奥巴马现在,他们可以干,因为我是Poppo的地方 When with you say or this is business talk of major enterprise Already as for Hatoyama being struck hard in obama hurubotsuko being done from all industries every company the ro which is the class which is dried As for Japan which handle one person deflation has been done now being dried with consequence of the po tsu po the ru it is the cousin

                                                                                        • 鸠山曾经有机会和方向,相机“他们觉得我的转让给奥巴马,而理解是,总统认为他们是頑張顶部 When Hatoyama “conveyed my thinking to obama president instantly facing toward the camera comprehended it received the thinking the president persevering then

                                                                                          • 鸠山由纪夫,总理 请相信我 我相信 奥巴马 奥巴马 我当然是由鸡传染性法氏囊病告别繁忙的会议在30秒中 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama obama president obama president Because In 30 seconds conversation end
                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫,总理 嗨 嗨 奥巴马 奥巴马我只是 它 再见在繁忙的会议,由5秒,鸡传染性法氏囊病 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama obama president obama president Because In 5 seconds conversation end

                                                                                          • 鸠山,“奥巴马和建立关系潜Kemashita苏不直接对话。”
                                                                                            Until you speak “with [obama] President Hatoyama directly, relationship of the telepathy which is not could be built,”

                                                                                            • 鸠山,但我321描述以及美国的远见,以互相一方从边缘的苔藓套磨损,奥巴马也有苔藓以及整个日本 321 But as for Hatoyama the ri which the sleeve is done from the person edge which meets explaining vision to the moss not only America the ru it is obama all Japanese has made from the first the moss
                                                                                              • 321鸠山是青苔我是来自一个国家的边缘透过提出诉讼的一方套筒以及美国,奥巴马也有苔藓以及整个日本 321 But as for Hatoyama the ri which the sleeve is done from the person edge which meets explaining vision to the moss not only America the ru it is obama all Japanese has made from the first the moss
                                                                                              • 奥巴马还解释山区斗争有关的东西,从数量傻瓜“好吧,谢谢你 The aho mountain stands explaining whatever desperately in the story Kohama “so is or thank you
                                                                                              • 日本已表现出对世界的看法认为,鸠山倡议 As for Japan you think that with Hatoyama initiative vision was shown in the world
                                                                                              • 日本已表现出对世界的看法认为,鸠山倡议 As for Japan you think that with Hatoyama initiative vision was shown in the world
                                                                                              • 莫斯是美国308一样!鸠山不允许!是这样吗? 308 The American way it made the moss Hatoyama which you cannot permit Is or so is
                                                                                              • 莫斯是美国321一样!鸠山不允许!是这样吗? 321 The American way it made the moss Hatoyama which you cannot permit Is or so is
                                                                                              • 鸠山是“为什么我呼吁两个人?”文Koshitara疾病和火灾,伊藤诚,我认为答案打麻将峨 Hatoyama “why called two people When” with the fire illness is caused when is in order to strike mah jongg When you answer you think that it is good
                                                                                              • 鸠山:“嘿!巴拉克!Torasutomi!”有些两秒钟就足够? Hatoyama “hay baraku Truss Tommy ” If there are also 2 seconds sufficiently it isn t
                                                                                              • 鸽子“Wanmoatorasutomi”奥巴马“了!” NULL

                                                                                            • (1)以追踪核材料制造商,可以看到。“识别系统”,以日本 培训和 ,而支柱 1 It can pursue and can verify the production origin of the nuclear matter “ Judgment system” Japan gt It makes on the center 2 in Ibaraki prefecture Tokai village which is area of appearance of the Japanese atomic energy the foreigner Acceptance technician of management gt The te trains thing and the like is the pillar
                                                                                              • (1)以追踪核材料制造商,可以看到。“识别系统”,以日本 培训和 ,而支柱 1 It can pursue and can verify the production origin of the nuclear matter “ Judgment system” Japan gt It makes on the center 2 in Ibaraki prefecture Tokai village which is area of appearance of the Japanese atomic energy the foreigner Acceptance technician of management gt The te trains thing and the like is the pillar

                                                                                            • )( 日本不说你也知道,我听到看到这一切! !诺姆⌒ ⌒ ⌒诺姆 ⌒ 津市゚F ヽヽ布尔诺布尔诺布尔诺布尔诺 ヽヽヽ 布鲁诺布鲁诺 lt You realize Japan which does not inquire about that you say but it is good nome ⌒ ⌒ nome ⌒ ⌒ he ゚ tsu 92 No no REPT no No no REPT no REPT
                                                                                              • 布鲁诺 ( ·)我 我不知道是否“至少在县外”的议案,并 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i Certainly I said “outside lowest being prefecture”

                                                                                            研究 開発