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If Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 28.6%, Futenma failure “Hatoyama Cabinet resignation” 49.7%, as for political party support ratio democracy 27% our people 24%…Day tele ★4


  • 10所得税20年19年18年2005年,2004年,收入年↓率1月1日修订的个人所得税,2007%20%20%23%23%10住民税%10%10%5%5%5居民税%5%10%10%10%33%33%30%33%总收入33%的最低应税2007年修订的地方税率↑(2006年的收入,2006年税收收入基数)导致双重征税加税是百分之五,在应纳税所得额超过7亿日元的3个百分点的减税 2007 January 1st income tariff reform ↓ Income year 2004 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Income tax 10 20 20 23 23 Inhabitant tax 10 10 10 5 5 Inhabitant tax 5 5 10 10 10 Meter 33 33 30 33 33 ↑ 2007 local tariff reform basis of assessment 2006 income The result of dual taxation to 2006 income the lowest assessable income person increased taxes the 5 the person above assessable income 7 000 000 Yen was reduced taxes the 3
    • 所得税20年19年10年18年17年04年所得税率↓修订2007年1月1日为1%,低于收入应税一九五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元人在升学率10%10%5%5%的人口税5%5%10%10%10%15%15%20%15% 15%的总基地)2007年修订的地方税率↑(2006年所得税纳税率超过700万日元应纳税所得额过渡 Tariff change of the person where assessable income is 1 950 000 Yen or less 2007 January 1st income tariff reform ↓ Income year 2004 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Income tax 10 10 10 5 5 Inhabitant tax 5 5 10 10 10 Meter 15 15 20 15 15 ↑ 2007 local tariff reform basis of assessment 2006 income Assessable income 7 000 000 Yen super tariff change of the person who is

  • 1601 -元韩元当然- 452动机的秘密[帐户三国人]:商人@现场直播!:2010 / 04 / 11(星期日)23:50:29编号:AvhLmSEX和我...做星期五这项调查的支持率12或内阁的支持率。这是6%
    The [sure] � 1601 which nurses the won 452 : Trader @ Live! : 2010/04/11 (Sunday) 23: 50: 29 ID: AvhLmSEX Don't you think? it is with,…, in the support ratio investigation which Friday was done Cabinet support ratio 12. It was the 6%

    • 395民主党人从日美同盟派从来没有,是谁?认真最强竞争者在401教前,我离开自由专业人士,因为菅季军Haraguti菅?原口小泽于宠物? 395 As for the Democratic party from the Japan U S alliance absolute desperate defense group Who Teaching with maji 401 As for rightmost wing with 菅 the next point blastopore Therefore 菅 tsu te former professional citizen with left flank liberal As for blastopore with Ozawa s pet so
      • 49。 7%wwwwwwwww什么?保卫下一行是“少于50%梅罗率讲话”我会腐烂或死亡Gesugomi瓦特 49 7 wwwwwwwww What As for the desperate defense line of this time whether “stop under the ratio 50 ” w Die rot gesugomi

    • 417 TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d o4oBHdNo6Sk
      417 ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = o4oBHdNo6Sk

      • 494 (4)不知道,不回答3 5%或Karanai所以我支持自己分钟太危险了,太疯狂 494 gt 4 It is not understood you do not answer 3 5 This is dangerous The reason where you have supported by your understands unless kichigai it passes
        • 494 (8)我不知道,不回答3 5%或Karanai所以我支持自己分钟太危险了,太疯狂 494 gt 8 It is not understood you do not answer 3 5 This is dangerous The reason where you have supported by your understands unless kichigai it passes

      • 616(..゚)汗゚何( ,_哦`)津゚关闭(^∀^)拉゙克(^∀^)拉゙Rakke゙克(゚∀゚)开放哈卡゙Hhaka゙力Ahyahyahyahya(·∀·)架F Ahyahyahyahya开放哈卡゙Hhaka゙力(六゚∀゚)(布鲁诺∀゚゚)布鲁诺Hyahyahyahya Ahyahhyahhyaヽ(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)人(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)布鲁诺Hhyahhyahhya
        616 ( . . ゚) [ho] ゚ Caen ( ' _ & `) [hu] ゚ [tsu] ( ^ ∀ ^) ゙ [ra] ( ^ ∀ ^) ゙ [ratsuke] ゙ [ra] (゚ ∀ ゚) [ahiyahiyahiyahiya] Mosquito ゙ [tsuhaka] ゙ [haka] ゙ [ha] (∀) mosquito ゙ [tsuhaka] ゙ [haka] ゙ [ha] [ahiyahiyahiyahiya] [he] (゚ ∀ ゚ [he]) (no ゚ ∀ ゚) no [hiyahiyahiyahiya] [ahiyatsuhiyatsuhiya] REPT (゚ ∀ ゚) [me] (゚ ∀ ゚) [me] ( ゚ ∀ ゚) person (゚ ∀ ゚ ) [me] (゚ ∀ ゚) [me] (゚ ∀ ゚) no [tsuhiyatsuhiyatsuhiya

        • 862 我在这个国家是无知的人认为缺乏所有这些点 862 gt 828 gt You do not pay either construction cost honestly converting to the debt of the country gt The foolish people of this country such point of view have missed in entirely

          • TGNahf 二氧化铀瓦特乙这是不错的工作,他们丢下的喷射燃料揭露民主党耻辱的说,他们无法完全摆脱了www TGNahf uO It is good it works w Completely in order the 曝 ke to put out shame of the Democratic party which cannot do the dodge Burning Charge Throwing Under Quaintness www
            • 469:交易 现场直播!:2010 04 12日(星期一)00:01:07编号:主席团AvhLmSEX要求的只是在做一些研究461 m 469 Trader Live 2010 04 12 month 00 01 07 ID AvhLmSEX 461 Inside just investigation doing in request from certain bureau the ru

          • “神奇的楚风吹绒毛库珀”媒体应该研究的资料,这个国家的社会和经济活力的表现。胡坐抓伤,而霸权主义,犹太(狐狸锅)音频陷入了盖车库和游说公众感应交货
            “If the wind blows, as for the mass communications which should verify the dynamism of social economy of the formula where the bucket house makes a profit” In this country feeling. While the 胡 坐 is scratched in leadership, we have fallen to public opinion induction and political world construction of the Judean ([nabetsune]) transmission

            • ⌒γ 92 Γ ⌒ Is re l ⌒ 92 HKRPT 92 i ⌒ ⌒ Don t you think It is “ l ⌒ i l REPT No human ⌒ re ⌒ REPT 厂 ¯ No and 92 human human no Human and no L i no r “ ki L REPT No u ha ki l to REPT eeyuyuno mo Ryo 92 ¯ ha ya REPT to REPT h “REPT ha ha REPT r ku i gt
              • 布鲁诺 ヽ, ⌒⌒ )我 ヽ⌒⌒)“时,一般人说谎,笨拙的手势 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT “As for the normal person when lie being attached conduct is clumsy

            • ┐┌28 6 57 5 ││。 20%││├ 。 ││。 也不尽相同,以图10比较,而不是%││├ 如果您觉得满意度相当高古 ││ 。 。 ││ 不支持率受欢迎─────────└ ┌ ┐ 28 6 57 5 │ │ 20 ├ │ │ │ │ When it compares in the graph that much there is no difference 10 ├ │ │ On the other hand you can feel support ratio high │ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Support ratio Non support ratio
              • Tteru室结束,升 喜〃微光刘::一些美军士兵如果我们不能只分成了良好的基础 Being left over your ru room l │ ku hi lll DREPT N hi lll ri Several dividing into the US military base it should have lifted it is not

            • ●支持地方输入4枝野/ 04名张市长选举,三重县(现)4○/反对派,熊本市长选举2004年(现在)●无党派人士与4 / 11市长,鸟取,鸟取县(现)民主赤松高岛等。支持
              Branch field local entering support - 4/04 Mie prefecture Nabari mayor selection (reality) 4/04 Kumamoto prefecture Uto mayor selection (reality) vs non post - 4/11 Tottori prefecture Tottori mayor selection (reality) Akamatsu high 嶋 and others you support democracy

              • ●民主制度3号3月28日木更津,千叶市长选举(目前)3●侃支持将本地/ 28天草,熊本市长选举(目前)●3 /静冈函南市长选举28(新)●3 /东京市长选举日退出)3●池谷当地的支持进入下粂28(新/市长选举壬生,枥木县28个(新)民主当地山冈
                As for democracy system 3 rank - 3/28 Chiba prefecture Kisarazu mayor selection (reality) 菅 local entering support - 3/28 Kumamoto prefecture Amakusa mayor selection (reality) - 3/28 Shizuoka prefecture Kannami town mayor selection (new) - 3/28 The Tokyo sunrise town mayor selection (new) side 粂 Iketani local entering support - 3/28 Tochigi prefecture Mibu town mayor selection (new) democracy Yamaoka local end

                • 一○赢得胜利的不民主●基于08系列比22胜民主○在民主党市长当地2010 /市长南宗右马,福岛县,17(新)一○是我揉1 / 24的严重冲突市政旧合并名护新)市长选举,冲绳县(狭义韩元,1●普天间问题,而是整个运动精益/ 24市长五泉,新泻(新)系统至第二位自由民主党
                  2010 local head selection Democracy type 8 victory 22 defeat/miss ○ democracy type victory - Non democracy type victory 1/17 The friction of old city town after the Fukushima prefecture south Soma mayor selection (new) combining being serious, it had had trouble 1/24 Victory, but Futenma base problem advance and retreat is in a dilemma at Okinawa prefecture Nago mayor selection (new) narrow margin - 1/24 To the Niigata prefecture Gosen mayor selection (new) 2 rank our people system

                  • 三个选到本地4倍●简/ 11市长在日光,枥木县(现在)4●欢呼选举他们成为当地的松树福田枝野/ 11市长益子,枥木县(现在)中,民主党候选人以上的山冈○秘书4 / 11市长多摩,东京(新)4●氖股的公司,真正的人/市长选举津幡,石川县11(新) 4●09票的压倒多数选举民主/武雄佐贺县11市长(现)4○/ 11福冈京都市长选举(新)与社民党系统
                    菅 3 local entering - 4/11 Tochigi prefecture sunlight mayor selection (reality) Fukuda branch field Akamatsu and others local entering support - 4/11 Tochigi prefecture Masuko town mayor selection (reality) as for the candidacy which is defeated the democracy Yamaoka private secretary 4/11 The Tokyo Tama mayor selection (also new) substantial people riding together of corporation [ne] - 4/11 Ishikawa prefecture Tsubata town mayor selection (with new) '09 House of Representatives selection democracy preponderant poll - 4/11 Saga prefecture Takeo mayor selection (reality) 4/11 The Fukuoka prefecture seeing and it is dense town mayor selection (new) vs corporation people system

                    • 上诉法院法官双重征税,立法机构证明他的“政治决定,决定离开一个技术决定,这决定是非常不合理和认证事实足以证明不存在“的论断,标志着一段文本与行
                      With dual taxation appeal making clear decision as for the President of the Court, proof A, “being something where judgment of the legislature deviates judgment of discretion policy and technically, When to be considerable it is the thing with irrational ones, it is made to recognize judges the insistence proof of the fact which is enough it is not”, that it tidied up with composition of one line

                      • 主审法官在裁决“是不合理的,不进入效果显着,同时修订和修正的所得税和地方税的法律不能”,并表示天空
                        As for President of the Court, in decision Saying, that “were not enforced in identical time with income tax method amendment and Local Taxes Act. amendment, it cannot do to be considerable to be irrational ones,” With you expressed

                        • 人。动姬没有间谍!而我们的“新速度减去25队 ”%! ! People It is not perturbed in the operative Our and the like “team 0 25 new speed ”
                          • 是啊!进入招供! ! !我是不称职的代理人? ! ! ! It is Confession it entered It is how disabled operative what

                        • 他们对645“好像眼睛的支持者,值得民主inferiority ll拉回来什么样的有关失败的部长10年前的有财政部部长了瓦特 645 Vis a vis that “considered as the eye of the supporter if the same democracy the wa which is suitable inferior” has answered but it is In addition the loop point you want Generally as for our people however many sets the Cabinet ku me it is as for the Democratic party the talent of financial affairs minister of state does not stay the te Failure minister of state of over 10 years ago the ze w which is extent what which it starts pulling
                          • 祢现在我排除在民主党内阁?如果内阁后,所有这一切的习惯是什么? ? ?民主党主张让我教? ? ? The pulling out from of the minsu party is the current Cabinet don t you think If this all refuse the following Cabinet how does The minsu party supporter teaching

                        • 他母亲的死亡和严重的迷走神经的汉字或出租或接收的数据包没有葡萄酒的好处一个笔套绷带酒吧不仅是错误的,他们翻阅曲棍球杯煮熟充分挖掘媒体对待权力,要我喜欢你的女儿受欢迎的人的生日是什么牛排的环保爱好者鸠山手流驱动tTA我会说Birubekitomade厄运 Misunderstanding the Chinese character katsupuramen Boiling attaching of atka mackerel Cap of borupen Bar commuting Liquor Adhesive tape The straying whether you receive the benefits or do not receive of Visiting a grave in deathday of the mother the popularity taking The stake it gives a feast in birthday of the daughter As for the mass communications which were hit in such a it is with hurubotsuko deviating the ru Hatoyama something because of terrestrial environment as for the mankind when it should fall into ruin to although you said

                          • 但是今天早上我太微妙当然校正鸟越世祖巴上午咀嚼万宝至快速借口告诉尖端国防上的民主
                            Even morning [zuba] Torigoe of democracy protection the track it corrects delicately So now morning discharging the philosophism of horse Fuchi high-speed price hike explanation

                            • 但是,日本的政策是弯曲,亚洲唯一的先进国家,国内生产总值Ooseta成为世界第二大
                              So with the policy indiscriminately, the only advanced nation it does Japan to enter in Asia, GDP reach worldwide second rank and the [se] are

                              • 但现在它注意到了黄金周的几千家汽车到目前为止我苏木八二二零零零日元!这大大低于看看 822 In Golden Week holidays it goes home by the car Until now the wa which the several ten thousand those where it was required from this are sufficient several thousand Yen As for this substantial reduction

                                • 你们这样做时,他们首先确定的搬迁地点,“你认为首相鸠山,要辞职,我觉得不是吗?(1)49 7%我(2)我不认为42 6% (3)不知道,不回答7 6%犹豫动摇我国家安全的基础,我不认为42 6%的大脑腐我不喜欢居住的疯狂甚至茹 As for you when the tip of relocating is not decided “Doesn t the pigeon thinks or think as for mountain prime minister that it is necessary to retire 1 You think 49 7 2 You do not think 42 6 3 It is not understood you do not answer 7 6 The security which is the basis of the country fluctuating although the ru you do not think but 42 6 Staying… The tsu te ru which the brain miso rots and sows
                                  • 你们这样做时,他们首先确定的搬迁地点,鸠山首相,我认为我们需要去,我想不会! (1)49 7%我(2)我不认为42 6%(3)不知道,不回答7 6%犹豫动摇我国家安全的基础,我认为42 6%的人甚至不留茹 我卷起一个烂脑 As for you when the tip of relocating is not decided “Doesn t the pigeon thinks or think as for mountain prime minister that it is necessary to retire 1 You think 49 7 2 You do not think 42 6 3 It is not understood you do not answer 7 6 The security which is the basis of the country fluctuating although the ru you do not think but 42 6 Staying… The tsu te ru which the brain miso rots and sows
                                  • 我不认为问题12是“辞职!朱达罗氖溶解在我说牛市!”这就是所谓的权利 Question 12 you do not think “Resignation gudaguda saying don t you think with the ro which is dispersion ” The tsu te what you say correctly interprets

                                • 合开朗离不开它。“普天间是没有用的,”鸽子逗留5月下旬,我只住一选举,不得贽与和谐瓦特 “It was scramble Futenma useless” combining sacrifice and election measure To 5 ends of the month as for the pigeon remaining schedule harmony shelf w
                                  • 在你做564贽只有我住冲绳! ! ! !自民党博彩一种耻辱! ! ! ! 564 The notion that where you should have designated the Okinawan as sacrifice Shame is done the re Liberal Democratic Party

                                • 因为我试图把重点从官商勾结的政治的类型广泛的政治和今天仍然是,而且有助于有点麻烦,但这个结果是夸大渲染 NULL
                                  • 自由民主党和媒体甚至不喜欢看设置在74,出现奇Naa m只是似乎总是有问题没有做好 74 Unless either our people lower with set the mass communications way it seems that is not good being popular Always chaos happens exactly well it is …

                                • 在安倍的时间和自由民主党25%:20%的支持率从政府的约30%,但自民党失败单位
                                  Abe time as for our people and democracy 25%: Because it was about 20% Although also Cabinet support ratio was 30% unit, the Liberal Democratic Party wipeout

                                  • 在选举后马上“有公路影响了经济的捕鱼它配备了自由!”“难怪我永远不会成为过时的铁路和渡轮!”以为我是卷起标榜 Immediately after the electing “there is an extent economic result to which the change comes with highway free conversion ” “Railroad and Becoming ferryboat how abolition it is helpless is ” And so on with it was the statement stripe chestnut but it is …
                                    • 山崎的东西“有巨大的经济成本效益比,当公路变得自由,”我希望你能解释一下为什么我说我说目前的趋势 Yamazaki something “when the highway it converts free there is an enormous economic result above expense” however the tsu te you say Why so whether you can say we want explaining but it is
                                    • 当地雇员说什么我822?不要试图在一个走向自由,努力大步轻了 822 What saying the ru it is Directing to no charge conversion it took the big one step it isn t

                                  • 外国选举权和她娘家的姓,但当然我不反对什么,他们都压倒了所有节假日更好地分散在很多免费的儿童津贴更快
                                    But as for foreign carrot administration and surname classified by married couple proper child treatment and high-speed free conversion and holiday dispersion It is many there is no opposite one entirely? It is the overwhelming victory red sandal wood with something

                                    • 奥田Takahumi由审判长的判决是有说服力的,而不是古缺乏的丑恶可耻的决定
                                      It is the scurvy decision where the decision by this Okuda Takashi sentence President of the Court should, rather than saying, that persuasive power is lacked, the shame [zu

                                      • 它在过程中发生,我设置了政策是由派遣制造业过剩建造业吸纳劳动力自由化
                                        Naturally, it occurred there, don't you think? surplus working population of constructive industry with the policy which is made to absorb into the manufacturing industry with freeing the dispatch with set

                                        • 它成为一个流浪在街头进行统一的业务减少工资,我会降低赞助费用是不够的,他们有体面的覆盖面 If by your do not report honestly are not done the extent sponsor advertising outlays which Decreasing salary decreasing and or going bankrupt to be perplexed to the roadside it becomes although

                                          • 它进入外国人没有选举权不是通过民主的过程中,自由民主党,攀登,开始数,但他们希望把票都在这里 Not inserting in democracy because it does not pass through foreign carrot administration of course The Liberal Democratic Party stand up everyone It is something which is wanted inserting vote around this
                                            • 而这种转变不能判断一个体面s认为,应该从日本分离拿起投票权 It can make honest judgment such transforming with you cannot think denizenship picking up it should isolate from Japan

                                          • 官员,讨论在与东京大学的精英进行平等协商,但我要研究进入众议员 You argue with the elite bureaucracy of the Tokyo University coming out equally it studies also Assemblyman side in that appearance and the oral ya is not good it is
                                            • S您从来不说这不是一个大问题,因为我也是在东京大学学习真正走出234 234 As expected therefore studying abroad it has done it is with the Tokyo University coming out you want and call the callous saying without being it does thing the yo

                                          • 小泽欢呼到外地,二○王国左/深谷市长07(新)Ğ小泉Ryuuzi平沼(人群)的直接,二○自己打气,民主党人/津山冈山市长选举21(新)由工会
                                            Ozawa local entering support, left wing kingdom 2/07 The Saitama prefecture Fukaya mayor selection (Riyuuzi G Koizumi new) Hiranuma (group of people) direct line and democracy selfishly support 2/21 The Okayama prefecture Tsuyama mayor selection (new) labor union graduate

                                            • 当然即使这样,他进入众议院选举,民主党应该有很多东西要留茹,我要挖掘驱动tTA我什么他们不是手掌一半返回民主党通过 Even in this sure as for the person who was inserted in the Democratic party with the House of Representatives selection ahead although the large quantity it was the expectation which stays The palm is returned at the half year which passes the Democratic party is hit and it is ru person tsu te no what
                                              • 鸠山是一个确认的汽油放火烧自己的手中,如果我摇它打算756 756 Although it was the expectation gasoline you winding selfishly by your applying the fire is Hatoyama

                                            • 总理洋一舛添15 4%的人是合适的,我将它理解为增加水 Is the fact that is suitable in Prime Minister who Masuzoe Main point one 15 4 It inflates this With you probably will understand the fact that you say

                                              • 我不反对私有化(私有化凯塔从卡诺汉娜这样的民主是好的,或反过来我想你会 好,在国家层面提供服务或财务或维持它,然后各种,完成私有化将是太困难和输入),但现在他们不喜欢,小泉纯一郎是不是在,麻生太郎,谷垣祯一先生, After I from that time opposition to commercialization becoming commercialization this one was good becoming democratic kana with thought conversely but… So maintenance or public finance thing of service at nationwide level rear every after all complete commercialization is difficult it is probably will be don t you think was but We did not dislike Koizumi Aso also Tanigaki

                                                • 我们我们我们我们我们我们692( ,_哦`)津゚关闭(^∀^)拉゙克(^∀^)拉゙Rakke゙克(゚∀゚)开放哈卡゙Hhaka゙力Ahyahyahyahya(·∀·)架F Ahyahyahyahya开放哈卡゙Hhaka゙力(゚゚∀f)(∀゚゚布鲁诺)布鲁诺Hyahyahyahya Ahyahhyahhyaヽ(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)人(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)方法(∀゚゚)布鲁诺Hhyahhyahhya
                                                  692 We We We We We We ( ' _ & `) [hu] ゚ [tsu] ( ^ ∀ ^) ゙ [ra] ( ^ ∀ ^) ゙ [ratsuke] ゙ [ra] (゚ ∀ ゚) [ahiyahiyahiyahiya] Mosquito ゙ [tsuhaka] ゙ [haka] ゙ [ha] (∀) mosquito ゙ [tsuhaka] ゙ [haka] ゙ [ha] [ahiyahiyahiyahiya] [he] (゚ ∀ ゚ [he]) (no ゚ ∀ ゚) no [hiyahiyahiyahiya] [ahiyatsuhiyatsuhiya] REPT (゚ ∀ ゚) [me] (゚ ∀ ゚) [me] ( ゚ ∀ ゚) person (゚ ∀ ゚ ) [me] (゚ ∀ ゚) [me] (゚ ∀ ゚) no [tsuhiyatsuhiyatsuhiya

                                                  • 我们都溃疡和自由民主党,该党是多极化的形成,即使政府在其位小泉清和会失败。这种混淆起来,因为它没有霸权的非极性“,”和 If our people and both of democracy are crushed political party multipolarization to be formed Koizumi Seiwa meeting failing government of substituting Because leadership does not surface it becomes “non polarization” of confusion
                                                    • 我们都溃疡和自由民主党,该党是多极化的形成,即使政府在其位小泉清和会失败。这种混淆起来,因为它没有霸权的非极性“,”和 If our people and both of democracy are crushed political party multipolarization to be formed Koizumi Seiwa meeting failing government of substituting Because leadership does not surface it becomes “non polarization” of confusion

                                                  • 我最好是免费的,但现实的公路我要去改革公务员工会是怎样一个仆人双方民间的支持改革1月最有可能无法为民主党414
                                                    414 So being most unreasonable for democracy is government employee reformation Although one of the support parent is the government employee labor union, how you were to do, reformation How highway free to convert still the [wa] which reality is

                                                    • 我本想亲自到选举,他们想打败我gdgd等级行 的家伙,他们仍然CON组总理闽批准多交流的意愿,或 Privately this way to House of Councillors selection gdgd So going we want being crushed gt minsu When the prime minister changes the person who still is swindled being because support ratio rises
                                                      • 如果你认为我是出于喜欢Hozai后缀门刚手流选举是没有这一点 脏泽 Is dense the gate It is dirty zawa does not stop the te House of Councillors selection it can win when You remembered that you have babbled
                                                      • 所有“嘎驱动tTA出来我真濑頑張”胃管防治内阁议员在众议院解散内阁的我说什么 How the se “however it persevered be possible it is” the tsu te saying the Cabinet is dispersed At the inside of pipe official building House of Councillors the stomach which fights

                                                    • 我的意思,只是政权更迭改变政权,情况是什么,但我为什么你不只是让我只说,布什政府曾采取他们裂纹 The tsu te you say or that much administration alternation administration alternation Although one time administration try making take only tsu te that it was said When just a little it tries being able to let do this circumstance of what

                                                      • 我知道所有或害怕或不我有很多居民对议会法律改革或外国的人权或基本法律
                                                        Foreign inhabitant fundamental law or protection of fundamental human rights method or the National Diet method amendment However we fear all the way it is Being known at all or

                                                        • 我要去真正影响支持率的外观给予峨铢,下不能得到解决,直到5月,当我普天间?但是,即使超出了对媒体的他妈的鸽子沉思乡间渡假别墅出租瓦特 As for truth when solving to Futenma how May batsu and support ratio lowering impact being the intention of giving But the pigeon passing kuso even the plan of the mass communications you removed w
                                                          • 我决心以武力解决马祖鸠山在普天间我只想做你的注意力集中在1 3讲话站在那里的道路,直到下届政府 The solution being decided unreasonably to Futenma how May therefore the ru it is as for Hatoyama because of next term administration raising the way to somewhere whether it stops just as for the ro focus which is
                                                          • 鸠山还谈论邻居,我的意思是年轻的父母是从我听到的一种常用来梅罗的谈话,瓦特 With say or stop Hatoyama even in the story of the accompanying and the parent and neighborhood empty w which the tsu te normally is audible

                                                        • 我还追溯至明治时代的时候出了错伊藤博文,内阁与其说是自由的无能白痴
                                                          Not to be wrong going back to Hirohumi's age Itoh of the Meiji restoration time, there is no such [manuke] disabled Cabinet

                                                          • 抗震设计工作是在7月下旬开始根据你的暑假,学校,政府援助的抗性为韩国建造的地震,弹出的赠款将约15万亿日元
                                                            Earthquake-proof conversion construction adjusting to summer vacation, is started late from July, At government for earthquake-proof conversion construction assistance of the Korean school, the schedule which provides the help money of approximately 15,000,000,000,000 Yen

                                                            • 显然,我看到在涩谷车站前的统一站在模型,上校王子亥欧蜜蜂的婚姻是一个骗局
                                                              You looked at the real thing where [kuhio] colonel of that marriage swindler before the Shibuya station bee public stands with the uniform, it seems

                                                              • 正是他们在793前原诚司说,成为像你出门在外时,瓦特Tsuka玛莎虚假电子邮件到目标开放804 Ntsukyouso 793 Maehara s excuse tsu te the false mail handle when surpassing w which becomes entirely 804 Nitukiyou group you have meddled to with also the target
                                                                • 日航○嘴里扔出来后,看任何东西,甚至说:“我不知道他们,”前原诚司先生是一个令人失望 JAL ○ throwing Meddling in with anything then in “me it is gatsukari state Maehara who is not known”

                                                              • 民主党人说,驴是更长,但新闻解禁仍是“民主党会更为严重,如果自民党”的是,在媒体,我很忌讳 The Democratic party saying yaba still as for thing already considerably it became reporting rescindment however even then “as for the Democratic party it is more terrible than the Liberal Democratic Party” Don t you think in other words mass communications it is taboo what

                                                                • 民主党竞选工作人员角色扮演公关●4 / 11冈山市长浅口(新)对候选人的弟弟菅
                                                                  Democracy luck mobilization ADVERTISES with [kosupure] - 4/11 The Okayama prefecture Asakuchi mayor selection (new) as for the candidacy which is defeated the brother-in-law of the 菅

                                                                  • 民主党邀请了当地的驼鸟政策,无视他们是488倍麻生太郎说,他喝醉了鸬鹚的媒体信息,媒体鸬鹚喝醉了,没有任何信息,检察官怀疑马铃薯你会笑你会得到尝试,因为我 488 Local disregard thing of Aso administration era by the fact that growing hoarse principle causes in the Democratic party information of the mass communications is designated as gullibility that is say the people Information of investigation and the mass communications many doubts do not do and have made gullibility therefore it is Laughing tsu chi ya u don t you think
                                                                    • 麻生太郎等人在488,他将努力和吞咽鸬鹚新闻信息,我会笑你会得到尝试吞下我的媒体马铃薯检察官和可疑的任何信息未经鸬鹚 488 At the time of Aso administration information of the mass communications is designated as gullibility that is say the people Information of investigation and the mass communications many doubts do not do and have made gullibility therefore it is Laughing tsu chi ya u don t you think

                                                                  • 民主制度是一个四党消除色彩深度/ 11市长安中,群马县(目前)系列赢得独立自由一次比4月11日市长,绿,群马县(现在)赢得自民党系统一旦其他/ 14个独立比3若宫,福冈市长选举(新)是一个独立的派别麻生太郎
                                                                    In addition democracy type side political party color thoroughness removal 4/11 The Gunma prefecture Annaka mayor selection (reality) once our people type victory vs non post 4/11 The Gunma prefecture green mayor selection (reality) once our people type victory vs non post In addition 3/14 But the Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor selection (new) non post, Aso group

                                                                    • 民主制度是排名1●3月24日市长松浦晃一郎,长崎县(现在)1 220 000票民主制度的第一票(长崎州长选举(新)32万至自民党系统)1 / 2●3 / 04中
                                                                      As for democracy system 3 rank - 1/24 As for poll of Nagasaki prefecture Matsuura mayor selection (reality) democracy system 1 rank (our people system) 1/3 - 2/04 Nagasaki nomarch selection (New) poll 320,000 to 220,000

                                                                      • 没有676,编号:8QDCvZCR0(电脑)u003d编号:TGNahf +二氧化铀(移动)见你吗?瓦特
                                                                        676 Well, ID: 8QDCvZCR0 (PC) = ID: TGNahf + uO (carrying) Don't you think?? w

                                                                        • 由纪夫鸠山,副内阁官房长官652 ... ...大臣麻生太郎,经济企划厅,经济和财政政策部长,部长,内阁官房长官福田康夫,外务大臣...局长冲绳开发厅,性别平等部长安倍晋三,内阁官房长官..., ...卫生和福利部长小泉纯一郎,内阁官房长官,首相邮电同时,外交部长()农业部长(兼首相)...内阁官房长官大臣森喜朗,教育部长,交通部长,建设部长小渊惠三首相办公室秘书状态...的,冲绳开发厅局长,内阁官房长官,外务大臣
                                                                          652 … Cabinet secretariat secondary Director Yukio Hatoyama Taro Aso … Director General of the Economic Planning Agency, economic fiscal policy charge minister of state, general affairs minister of state and Minister of Foreign Affairs Yasuo Fukuda … Chief Cabinet Secretary, development agency Director and man and woman joint participation charge minister of state Okinawa Shin Abe three … Cabinet secretariat secondary director and Chief Cabinet Secretary … Minister of Health and Welfare, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Junichiro Koizumi, Minister of Foreign Affairs (prime minister additional post) and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (prime minister additional post) Mori Nobuo … Cabinet secretariat secondary director, Minister of Education, communication industrial minister of state and Minister of Construction Keizo Obuchi … Prime Minister's Office general affairs Director, development agency Director, Chief Cabinet Secretary Okinawa and Minister of Foreign Affairs

                                                                          • 相反,民主党是不小的697名成员,对上半年的业绩还无法清楚看到or m合格的自民党人在此选择的失败 697 Few Democratic party Assemblyman Assemblymen selection of our people are human what which is defeated Nature the same is not possible now Furthermore when the result of half year you see the ro which is clear
                                                                            • 这并不是说右半性能少数成员697民主党人,但看到or m清楚不可能合格的自民党人在此选择的失败 697 The Assemblyman whose Democratic party Assemblymen are not few selection of our people is human what which is defeated Nature the same is not possible now Furthermore when the result of half year you see the ro which is clear

                                                                          • 经过215,丸川上电视我有一个讲话自民党选举中违反法律的认可
                                                                            215 Because after, the circular river did the Liberal Democratic Party advertisement with TV, it makes stop with Public Office Election Law violation

                                                                            • 规划双重征税,因为贪婪,由自民党国会议员进行的,我们应属于财政部官员
                                                                              Because of my interest selfish desire it plans dual taxation, Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman and the public official of the financial affairs ministry who are executed should cease to exist

                                                                              • 该成果是在邮政储蓄隐藏孩子★龟井媒体傀儡的事情是让游戏现在我匆匆离开犹太金融
                                                                                * The achievement where Kamei mail storing hides puppet child = of the mass communications makes the horse leg the Judean circulation of money display which was flurried, callous Toda

                                                                                • 谢谢Bidashitana自由伸位的支持率可以被排除老害与谢野馨距离或242 wwwwww细野和公明党,甚至更好的是鸠山和小泽,社会民主党和龟井和田中,冈田,腰,留在银河野中,简也许如果我再向普及之前或截断或www哦,不,我将失去瓦特民主党人 242 Fairness and distance was possible and or Yosano or old age damage support ratio started extending with the favor which it comes out our people wwwwww Rather thing ruling party Hatoyama and Ozawa and Hosono corporation people and Kamei and Tanaka When Nonaka s waist gi it is the chi ya ku and Okada 菅 before somehow it truncates whether support ratio you reset don t you think www The a without tsu chi ya u or w The Democratic party
                                                                                  • 谢谢Bidashitana自由伸位的支持率可以排除与谢野馨距离或老害一wwwwww细野和公明党,甚至更好的是鸠山和小泽,社会民主党和龟井和田中,冈田,腰,留在银河野中,简也许如果我再向普及之前或截断或www哦,不,我将失去瓦特民主党人 1 Fairness and distance was possible and or Yosano or old age damage support ratio started extending with the favor which it comes out our people wwwwww Rather thing ruling party Hatoyama and Ozawa and Hosono corporation people and Kamei and Tanaka When Nonaka s waist gi it is the chi ya ku and Okada 菅 before somehow it truncates whether support ratio you reset don t you think www The a without tsu chi ya u or w The Democratic party

                                                                                • 转让税收是财政大臣谷垣祯一。一次,他们揭示了居民收入和税收双重征税狙到2006年收入组
                                                                                  The tax source transferring/changing where Tanigaki is financial affairs minister of state. The time, the aim of dual taxation of income tax and the inhabitant tax which are assigned is disclosed to 2006 income

                                                                                  • 隐色民主制度,地方民主的估计。 2●拒绝/石垣市长28(新)3●小泽系统欢呼到本地/市长选举兵库县洲本07(新)是专有的第三位自由民主党
                                                                                    To hide democracy type color, guess of the democracy branch. Denial - 2/28 Okinawa prefecture stone wall mayor selection (new) Ozawa local entering support - 3/07 Hyogo prefecture Sumoto mayor selection (our people system monopolizes to new) 3 rank

                                                                                    • 非市政系统的候选人在地方选举中执政的自民党能够做到这一点自杀的最自民党分裂
                                                                                      In district candidacy other than our people system as for self-governing community of head majority Our people doing, separation election just it is autocidal

                                                                                      • 顾来的衣服在第一线的黑色极地犹太国家的就业经济,文化趋同
                                                                                        The tip where the economic unity by Judea arrives converges in black conversion of employment culture of each country

                                                                                        • 风暴开始对倒塌的自民党?眼交付48分钟18 00的产经新闻4月11日,并发挥保守大胆的建议“第三极” 读卖新闻发表11例执政党40分钟,在4月11日受益开发计划署“日本Tachiagare”紧急措施,也有反对分钟意识形态差异井选?产经新闻发表4月11日3 01 Start of the Liberal Democratic Party collapse To maintenance playback bold proposition April 11th 18 48 transmissions Product sutra newspaper Also the case which the eye “3rd extremely”… administration ruling parties of the typhoon is profited April 11th 11 40 transmissions The Yomiuri Shimbun Company The new party “rise Japan” As for urgent topic House of Councillors selection measure In difference of idea opposition April 11th 1 3 transmissions Product sutra newspaper

                                                                                          • 鸟类。如果严重的,嘿我认为是来自领导,因为这是一个步骤,将获得董事会奥巴马反正就来了解目前唯一建议不 Bird When it is terrible it meets to obama has understanding that temporarily it is not current plan just That even one step Such a leads reads public opinion therefore it is
                                                                                            • 我同情与奥巴马和朱达罗目覚没有更好看他们打盹进入停止或功能237 237 The ro which becomes alarm clock where sunuzu function stops stopping state and is The wa which is pitied obama

                                                                                          • #ヽヽ。 : ヽ 岛 : )( 我ヽ⌒ 。 ┃。 今天对此,我们会 : 布鲁诺Eeeeヽ ーヽヽ ┳ ヽ ┃ REPT REPT REPT i i ⌒ REPT U REPT ┳ REPT and ┃ ┃ It designates today as this extent solving … REPT noeeee REPT REPT ┳ REPT 92 ┃
                                                                                            • NULL 4 11 Tottori prefecture Tottori mayor selection 4 11 Saga prefecture Takeo mayor selection 4 11 The Okayama prefecture Asakuchi mayor selection 4 11 The Gunma prefecture Tomioka mayor selection 4 11 The Ibaraki prefecture deer 嶋 mayor selection 4 11 The Tokyo Tama mayor selection 4 11 The Gunma prefecture green mayor selection 4 11 The Gunma prefecture Annaka mayor selection 4 11 Tochigi prefecture sunlight mayor selection REPT REPT REPT REPT i i ⌒ REPT U REPT ┳ REPT and ┃ ┃ It designates today as this extent solving … REPT noeeee REPT REPT ┳ REPT 92 ┃

                                                                                          • (1)49 7%我(2)42 6%的人不认为我在研究体面的范围,这个数字将不再醒来 gt The Liberal Democratic Party by any chance to 5 ends of the month which Prime Minister Hatoyama expresses when it cannot decide ahead relocating gt Doesn t Prime Minister Hatoyama thinks or think that it is necessary to retire gt 1 You think 49 7 2 You do not think 42 6 matomo in investigation contents and the object there is no wake which becomes such a number
                                                                                            • 因此,我辞去众议院议员进行理论很快茹197?当他在朱达罗奔茹自我保护茹 197 Gradually resignation theory comes out of House of Councillors don t you think it is The time where the 奔 ru person appears in self protection the ro which is

                                                                                          • :: 〃岛:: ::长:: 你的兄弟,我会拯救民主党 i l It does with friendship something the yo rescuing the Democratic party
                                                                                            • ::: 〃岛:: ::长:: 你的兄弟,我会拯救民主党 i l It does with friendship something the yo rescuing the Democratic party

                                                                                          研究 開発