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菅 “As for Naoto financial affairs phase have the recognition that citizen, if 'it increases taxes, the Japanese business becomes good',” “with use circumstance of tax in economy the plus” ★6


  • 2009年第一次补充预算执行的财政部分,但实际国内生产总值的0.2不同意下面的描述和新闻界点1 3
    Part execution stop of 09 primary supplementary budget, Agreement did not go to explanation that substance GDP is pushed down 0.2 points,

    • 20:35编号:AEGb5Ru9恩戴我想死325说真的,我觉得驱动tTA他们要我行我,回力认真天涯海角包狗 20 35 ID AEGb5Ru9 325 Well you thought that the wa which is wanted dying truly with maji in the dog we want keeping pulling to the end of area
      • 产品名称330:交易 现场直播! 圣人 张贴于:2010 02 11(星期四)04:20:35编号:AEGb5Ru9恩戴我想死325狗严肃认真地,张拉回来,直到结束我想如果你要我驱动tTA s线 330 Name Trader Live sage Contribution day 2010 02 11 wood 04 20 35 ID AEGb5Ru9 325 Well you thought that the wa which is wanted dying truly with maji in the dog we want keeping pulling to the end of area

    • 374福利院基本上留给他们如何表达它“被任命王位”是什么状态? 374 Welfare basic leaving to each home Presently this just which entering in a state where “it is left”
      • 另一个问题是,有一种思维,削减大量的工作伦理和福利过度方式 Furthermore when being problem is complete too much welfare it is also how to think will to work being shaved

    • 459增加流下来Gerubeki我继承税和赠与税
      459 In order to increase flow, inheritance tax and donation tax should be lowered,

      • 586当然这是一个牛市,我觉得从树木的瓶子的内容已朽音频,被绑垂直线制度变化影响的项目,我认为基本上它手中的是不适当的,想一个现代民主 586 Because as for now being gudaguda certainly already Oki content had decayed Because you think that is however you think that administration alternation it stood quickly in vain So as for the route of democracy today the so gu trap it is basically and with thinks

        • 790官方的工资,我阐述了廉价和私人公司相比,一所大学
          790 Allowance of the bureaucracy cheaply is intense in comparison with the private enterprise uniting of university same period

          • _NULL_
            The head use [netouyo] * With the highest tariff lifting examination = income tax reformation - 菅 financial affairs phase * Arguing pulling up the highest tariff With income tax tax. Special committee * Income. Strengthening the promotive system “in earnest argument” 菅 financial affairs phase desire * With child treatment and income tax tax increase the highest tariff it takes a second look to = revenue source guaranty, - 菅 financial affairs phase * “Big business rich tax increase” starting * New tax examination to senior citizen property = 仙 valley person * Opinion it follows one another to “differential” correction, the = intellectual person invitation public hearing - House of Representatives budget committee * Bond favorable treatment tax system, in abolition forward Prime minister * To NPO favorable treatment tax system expansion = tax assessment 控. Pillar - government tax pitch such as introduction * [tatsukusuheibun], offering the information of tax evasion to national tax agency

            • Ø゙显示器能够被资助受益 儿童在消费税上涨的人的人哪人 在人们谁男子韩国谁谁谁谁゙监测安全感 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° 〜♪〜♪〜 ♪〜♪ □□ , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, □□ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ 修复─∧ □□ ────升丶 ∀ ,ヽ づ关闭 O Person nita ゙ which can do the revenue source of child treatment with consumer tax tax increase o Person Person Person Person Person Now as for the Korean nita ゙ which you can feel at rest Person Person Person Person ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ □ □ □ □ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ─ 卜 □ □ ─ ─ ─ ─ l 丶 ∀ l 丶 ∀ l 丶 ∀ l 丶 ∀ l ∀ 丶 hi REPT hu zu REPT hu zu REPT hu zu REPT hu zu REPT hu zu ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ L ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT L No J No J No J No J No J ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
              • “我的偷税漏税,增加税收,然后再是”瓦特Bitekitana民主党将可能包括从井底没有傻瓜,但我还是会继续支持踢 “My tax evasion and your taxs increase” actualized w Well therefore as for the Democratic party supporter without the bottom the fool even then it continues to support however it is probably will be
              • 加税将起飞时没有在欠发达国家,而不是日本?随便撒将再次上升? When it increases taxes as for business becoming good there is no Japan and there is no te underdeveloped country In addition the rose it just spreads probably
              • 我疯了税提高Kakoitsu wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww托奇wwwwwwwwwwwww鸟的头部是所有民主派人士? wwwwwwwwwwww Tax increase wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww With the chi it has deviated it is dense wwwwwwwwwwwww Being the Democratic party tsu te everyone bird head wwwwwwwwwwww

            • “如果国内需求扩大,日元升值了,我感觉好多了,如果经济是高税收,”所以他们不救阿斗 If “it makes increase in yen value domestic demand expands if it increases taxes business becomes good” The fool who rescuing it will be is not
              • 辜加税,如果经济是好的,为什么百分之99的所得税,甚至瓦特 If business becomes good with tax increase when it tries doing to with also income tax 99 how w which is

            • 一般平均收入“为”true家庭,人们可以称之为个人驼背叉 General average income layer “to” the household which corresponds the 叉 it isn t to call the individual the populace

              • 不仅表现在鳃头部违反民主镇压党作为古乞丐用他们的双手排序然而唯一减薪或折扣Zitirou我民团就像一个民主党国会议员和碎片 The head holding down in rubbish like democracy Assemblyman and people group salary of ru autonomous labor pulling or the staff reducing Although it is first categorization the Democratic party of the manifest violation which it does not try to start to the 其 re
                • 这样说是双重的流动人员Kakiko或者编号,称为635的观点,即一半的薪水,叫你滚装船ーー一倍 635 Because the tsu te which designates the however staff as time it is speech of the flow of kakiko which is said With salary as a half when number of people are designated as time the do is the ro the tsu te you say

              • 不知道,但超过一天,将不只是金钱,但没有提供未来已经在日本已上升撒有空闲时间留给使技术 Either idea without there was no reason where future is prepared in Japan where once upon a time just the gold which is gone is left over leaves to spare time and being free the rose spreads technology
                • ,不仅要考虑从大量国外埃泰上升撒古,饥饿本身太危险,以处理所有民主党人在他们的税收 Because so only the rose spreading the absurd amount is thought in the foreign country What itself tax the handling wa is done is too dangerous in the first place Democratic party

              • 丹羽行政人员:“销售税557必须是终身的公务员,不若灯
                Niwa of economic committee association: If “status guarantee of the government employee is lost, consumer tax is increased There is no necessity

                • 之后,自由党政府必须保持财政万亿日元,没有大小GDP500泡沫水平,克服通货紧缩 As for our civil administration right after the bubble collapsing Public finance move was done with the level which maintains GDP 500 000 000 000 000 Yen but It was not the scale which overcomes deflation depression

                  • 人们的误解,我时候,我没有工作,而不是做一个难得住第一家 However one which has been misunderstood well it is first unless enterprise is made vigorous Employment is not born
                    • 他们甚至不雇用就业和工作嗯,我说470人在一个大公司能 470 Saying that employ the person at big business although there is no either work employment is not possible
                    • 我不说什么工作和公司在大井451人就业,不能 451 Saying that employ the person at big business although there is no either work employment is not possible

                  • 他们提出了清理工作沿着欺骗性只有Pafo人在习惯!你会米希知你喝多少加布公务员1年?我40万亿? 40万亿! !我是公务员薪酬盘旋约400万公民之间,以及700和8 000亿 With the habit categorization job pahuo citizen Having deceived is patience viewing The government employee has done to drink annual a lot of gabu Knowing whether ru The ze which is 40 000 000 000 000 40 000 000 000 000 Allowance of general citizen 4 000 000 Although approximately with it is transitive as for the government employee 700 8 000 000…

                    • 但它不只是单一的经济社会783“差距”,以消除它的小生命,是美佐江恩戴歪曲人们的心中。如果每个人都有效的平衡差,说他是没有瓦特投诉ü 783 Simply simply there is no problem just of economy “Differential society” has borne even the distortion of heart of the people In order to cancel this even a little the place Balance is effective If everyone poverty as for the person who says complaint w which stops being
                      • 达罗仍然无法平衡预算,我不认为小泉回来行? It returned to the Koizumi route it isn t After all unless public finance balance it can point the ro which is unreasonable

                    • 你知道你做什么和需要做的和增加政府的工作秩序,增加463武力提高税收鄂如使用政府资金的 463 Increasing unreasonable doing work the tsu te which will increase the gold which can use government and with tax increase by government order probably will increase demand it is the ro which is
                      • 您可以订购工作,使外界的道路,但这么多,当然不会有乐趣的各种考虑 But in addition to of course making the road because as for the work which can be ordered there is a variety also it probably will be funny to examine there various types

                    • 保持选举前虽然Hozai Kunaru资源,减少浪费,他们埋藏宝藏,以及现在的经济是好,如果税?创新是民主党是一个完整的集粪日本语 Before the electing it is the reduction of the wastefulness which is the buried deposit gold being that there is a revenue source to babble This time if it increases taxes business becomes good is The ho it is as for the tsu and the Democratic party kuso the ro it is the shelf
                      • 我只批评自民党还是民主党,但我会说为什么和大加税?中线手可能 But the Liberal Democratic Party calling consumer tax large tax increase is the ru Why only criticism of the Democratic party does combining It isn t one hand falling

                    • 元存古托卡兹利益率窃取收集小块用于购买政府债券
                      As for the deposit which was gathered with the simply similar interest applying to government bond purchase When the [chi] waiting [ma] it makes

                      • 免费门票还可以免征退休金都营小公立高中的学费减免,以季票折扣
                        National pension payment in full exemption Capital barracks traffic free riding in a car ticket It discounts to the commuting ticket of JR It exempts also the tuition of public high school

                        • 关于列预算,根据需要适当地分配面积第一,日本也没有多少在百分之八十的小企业就业的占1 3保持它今天上午与工作职责的重要应建立一种制度来救人 In regard to the budget uniting necessary amount is distributed to area first securely 8 tenths of the Japanese employment are occupied At the place where how much you did small and medium sized business in not making essential employment require The populace the system which is relieved must be established
                          • 关于列预算,根据需要适当地分配第一地区应该建立一个系统来摆脱困境的日本小企业的会计资料的80%的就业展 In regard to the budget uniting necessary amount is distributed to area first securely 8 tenths of the Japanese employment are occupied At the place where how much you did small and medium sized business in not making essential employment require The populace the system which is relieved must be established

                        • 创造需求的家庭最终消费支出的有效402,有百分之波动,我们减少了我 402 It created effective demand with housekeeping expenses end use expenditure there was a Riemann shock comparatively we have not decreased
                          • 政府开支创造有效需求,他们可以增加国内生产总值的流量伸肌1 3 Effective demand is created with government expenditure If flow is increased GDP extends

                        • 区域差距在扩大,但一直特别自公民,只为方便大企业扩张,“权力下放计划”必须立即纠正 The regional disparity which our public citizen is advancing is made to expand only big business advance is made easy as for “decentralization of power plan” It must be corrected at once

                          • 区良好的经济,物业税和收入较高的税收为富人高收入,赠与税,收入再分配的财富或任何类似Beshikkuinkamu低税政策,以加息继承好是
                            In order business to improve, property tax and donation tax to income tax tax increase and wealthy layer of the high income earner, It is low with inheritance tax tax increase to income earner layer the policy like the BASIC income with something It is good to redistribute wealth,

                            • 即使现在,金融重建,敏感,民主党的支持率下降,无知的人会要求领导人舛添瓦特的大力支持,大政府不能阻止通货紧缩未能实现,直到
                              Public finance will reconstruct from now even, support ratio of the Democratic party going down, The foolish people seek the strong leader and support [masuzoe] w, Big government does not actualize and either deflation does not stop

                              • 和最近,马苏耀西,我意识到什么是错的,如果有合适的投票选举权鄂如瓦特Wattara有趣的傻瓜现在的民主自由民主党,我说这导致了最坏的结果大臣舛添总理你知道,我不知道 Recently when it is to You are wrong normally the selection which gives election right to the foolish people all together and the shelf feel keenly w When now from the Democratic party it changes to the Liberal Democratic Party Although you say that the worst result masuzoe prime minister is caused Because that is not recognized is don t you think
                                • 和最近,马苏耀西,我意识到什么是错的,如果有合适的投票选举权鄂如瓦特Wattara有趣的傻瓜现在的民主自由民主党,我说这导致了最坏的结果大臣舛添总理你知道,我不知道 Recently when it is to You are wrong normally the selection which gives election right to the foolish people all together and the shelf feel keenly w When now from the Democratic party it changes to the Liberal Democratic Party Although you say that the worst result masuzoe prime minister is caused Because that is not recognized is don t you think

                              • 回收的消费社会差距复苏,税收自然会返回到昭和时代税遗产税!郁花税的辩论,但那么晚!
                                For recovering the recovery consumption of the correction tax revenue of social differential, reset inheritance tax to the tax system of Showa era! As for argument of consumer tax then with it is not slow!

                                • 在投资收益,不想要的,Dekinaijan拓展业务?税前利润从资本投资的不友好论调,和公司税附表下降,利润和股东股息,因为这将需要资本投资 Unless the profit is obtained plant investment and business it cannot expand it is Because also plant investment is pulled before the imposing a tax from the profit when income tax is lowered the profit that way in the shareholder Allotting also plant investment stops doing
                                  • 216加税缴纳企业所得税和就业Yasenai不是瞧不起,因为它是工资扣除税收后支付波束,法人税的基介绍和增加就业 216 As for income tax unless it lowers Employment and salary cannot be increased Therefore as for income tax after deducting salary taxation increased income tax the method which employment Salary increases
                                  • 388企业所得税扣除工资税的是,在梁基税,提出了增加就业和工资 388 Therefore as for income tax after deducting salary taxation the method which increased income tax increases employment and salary
                                  • 405的公司尝试从亏损到尽可能降低公司税已古瓷器,你 405 Because enterprise in order to complete income tax if possible cheaply tries to make deficit balancing of accounts with it does the yo

                                • 在韩国总统访华期间,以庆祝从说明总统选举的代表说:“小泽,他们想给予你的当选要求的地方投票权,对韩国人”的稀有和礼并引进或
                                  As for Li president, the occasion where Korea was visited because representation and others of main Korean Airlines people national group of resident celebrates president election, “In Ozawa representation, local denizenship is granted to also the South Korean, the fish we want doing to ask”, that it introduced that it was asked,

                                  • 增加了对国际收支和子女免税额平衡压力已进一步对社会福利的年度预算增加继续恶化越来越多 While welfare budget every year continues to increase furthermore doing if it increases burden with such as child treatment income and outgo balance deteriorates benefit 々
                                    • 例如,第20%的税应认为你将受益10万5万儿童纳莉 For example you should have thought that child treatment is designated as 50 000 either 100 000 or with consumer tax as a 20
                                    • 您的孩子从中受益 你要去税Baramakenaku 360 360 When it reduces taxes child treatment not scattering does from with the tsu chi ya u the yo

                                  • 大非的国家官僚机构的设计,激发思考,我浪费人才霞关
                                    Other than the bureaucracy which thinks of the gland design of nation, Kasumigaseki is wasteful talent what

                                    • 大麦,或安全MMF的外国货币和欧元美元...好,周围的问题,吉尔已经被强大的国家面临来自发达国家的资本流入还支持在新兴市场货币
                                      Barely, MMF of the foreign currency building safety?… Dollar and the Europe, problem accumulation put out, the surface where currency high of young country are supported in financial influx from advanced nation is strong

                                      • 天哪凡使用税和税卡约在一起吗? ? ? ? ? ?与日本,洒一子女免税额,并不是因为它燃烧得更好,奇诺经济非常丰富的免费学校,国家,你认为我会驱动tTA税已结束,区别? Huh Increasing taxes you use the tax just somewhere it is The Japanese te child treatment it scatters makes high school gratuitous conversion Extremely because business being good it does enormously in rich country Also tax being abundant whether ru however you thought it is different
                                        • 凡使用税和税卡约在一起吗? ? ? ? ? ?喷在国外? Increasing taxes you use the tax just somewhere it is Discharging to foreign country
                                        • 我觉得我更自杀是多么敏感,降低或提高经济的税收在这达达 This business tax increase and angle just is in the dadaism going down Whether the suicide person the air which is increased…

                                      • 如果少了孩子和老人国家的进步无用消费的基本商品税上调的娱乐业务,第二位是老虎机排名第一的逃税最差的一年,是个不错的方法,采取多种色彩的地方,与税务儿童逃税或705,而来自第一个采取从供应商或Rubeki的爱好爱好逃税从一个小 705 With you say or tax evasion and the like the one which is not taken from the place where you take is worse Annual tax evasion worst ranking 1 rank with water trading 2 rank pachinko When it consumes increases taxes to the daily necessaries little child conversion it advances Because as for developing country and former times as for the child as for being many hobby is little The dissipated trader who has evaded taxation it is not entwined and should take
                                        • 但民主党人担心的收入没有增加税收是我的话有很多Ttemashita? So As the Democratic party not to increase taxes the te all right As for the revenue source there is Sawayama The tsu te saying it increased don t you think
                                        • 我不会说好不好分钟从我的头,即使在经济并不认为加税给出绝对恢复 Because we head it is bad however to be good there is no amount can increasing taxes you think business that it does not recover it is

                                      • 如果政客利用征收遗产税是一个政治组织...好,把选民的投票率与高很多老人是正常的,但我也觉得不是有利于提高税收
                                        Furthermore, the politician utilizes the political organization, as for inheritance tax… Well, the senior citizen layer which closes the large number of the voter poll ratio is high however and, you approve tax increase also you cannot think

                                        • 对不起,如果承诺不解散将条纹什么一起飞的结果感到高兴,为什么这样做,是要提高税收泪毕竟做到了,他们只是离开或改变完全和卖国假期四郎公开道歉狗屎被解散咬 Pledge when it is holiday modification with entirely as a wastepaper only excessive thing and treason hard doing and the tsu te After all when it increases taxes why business becoming good It cannot put out no one satisfactory result if dispersion probably is suji but That it did not inhale apologizing to the citizen dispersion margin kuso
                                          • 1 “如果经济的方式使用Machigaenakere得不到更好,即使加税,”你让你的方式他们所驱动tTA薄雾排除错误的使用WWW的经济已经下滑更多我希望历史的粪便敏 1 gt “Increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use business becomes good” How to use you are wrong already it does and solves and what omits it is tsu www Business furthermore downward curve……… Don t you think history droppings minsu tsu
                                          • 什么是税收的增长,工资上升Kidaro撒国会海外,减少税收ü瓦特的数字先在各成员和民主党说,他们也说没有感觉苏 来管理国家,一旦奖金减少,税收上的要求,供市民伊四郎我瓦特 It increases taxes and passes how the ro w which is the rose spreading in se foreign country Before the Democratic party which does not have either the feeling which is turned to the country tax increase after executing Assemblyman several reductions and Assemblyman allowance bonus reduction In citizen tax increase request margin w
                                          • 四郎简要解释清楚到底是什么经济将会得到更好的要加税,所以我觉得鱿鱼Warazu相变 Whether to think as usual When it increases taxes why business becoming good It is easy to know concretely briefly explanatory margin
                                          • 当税收被列入桥本感冒我对狂欢经济优势正在复苏有很大的麻烦 When Hasimoto increases taxes with special care recovery the business which was set up was cold at a stroke don t you think
                                          • 我感到非常遗憾和道歉,公开承诺将被解散了一些东西,如果没有条纹满足一要提高所有税费后,不要浪费离开或叛国罪或只是改变假期,它完全撕裂四郎解散屎咬 Pledge when it is holiday modification with entirely as a wastepaper only excessive thing and treason hard doing and the tsu te After all when it increases taxes why business becoming good It cannot put out no one satisfactory result if dispersion probably is suji but That it did not inhale apologizing to the citizen dispersion margin kuso
                                          • 民主党政府开支埃泰思加马苏没有做373分钟以外的开支?我怎么会消失,因为当时的民主党将至少增加税收 373 Only the amount which has been expended overseas in the Democratic party which does not increase government expenditure If it increases taxes after the Democratic party going out at least it makes do

                                        • 射击队在所有362家族民主党和他们的,我使用的是恢复他们的资产结束 362 Democracy 党員 and those whole group followers all gun down So it accompanies and others uses property and business makes recover
                                          • 波兰,而不是总统,我希望所有的大型喷气式客机下降Chirya民主党力量 There is no Polish president and the te democracy 党員 everyone the jumbo jet which is placed fell and the dust ya was good although

                                        • 尽管限于378民主党人,仅次于民主党曾经坦率地认为只是不喜欢这样或支付我381工人那么多,你很可能是一个好主意让大家出了日本人民应该强迫你知道你支持我完全从众议院抑制s 378 Not just the Democratic party because the idea where everyone of the Japanese citizen is good it cannot put out the ro which very much is what When it is we treatment such only is happens to think in the worker 381 The bu tsu chi ya ke already as for the Democratic party the support not obtaining te it is to call the ro which is The House of Representatives holding down completely therefore the ru it is
                                          • Kemashita敏感的连续电流弟弟10瓦我没有做的是增加流动将消耗即使它使工人的利益,因此政府 Here 10 years it continued to go down in reality but w Therefore government even with giving treatment to the worker making consume Unless flow must be increased it is
                                          • 如果吃了照顾和强硬,不差我觉得自己的工人或工作在这些移动的方向,以改善情况 If eating out and nursing kitsui with the direction which improves such work circumstance Unless the worker himself moves you think that it is useless

                                        • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ ⌒ )。本人 ⌒⌒。i)本人 · · 我, 你们远足 ¯( 人 )·我♪我逃税 布鲁诺 。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i 92 92 i Your taxs increase ¯ human ¯ i We tax evasion ♪ 92 92 No 92
                                          • 491 记税,例如销售,我们会考虑保安局投诉表明了积极的经济方面的加税这个工程 491 gt Consumer tax and the like in mind tax increase plus conveyed the idea of keeping appealing the side which works in economy
                                          • 尝试进一步拨浪鼓朝鲜该国货币单位重新命名以来,“仍然只是加税,”我想我这样做 North Korea denomi doing the country furthermore seeing that it becomes shakily “there is after all only tax increase …” It became with the tsu lever it is it is not kana
                                          • 消费消费税上调后一定会觉得不应该有坏,但它同时也将造福于儿童,而不是采取行动或不包括在内,如伤风感冒被纳入有形 When consumer tax it increases taxes because consumption is cold securely Unless the kind of disposal which is not cold is taken simultaneously it is unpalatable however probably will be You think that child treatment is useless
                                          • 经济将变得更好”,并表示,所有,但 gt “Increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use gt Business becomes good” that expressing Shelf
                                          • 经济应该Machigaenakere他们使用的方法,即使加税已证实,该更好,我想分享的公众的看法,以提高日本经济是否需要加税“的基础上指出,这种税有鉴于此,我们会考虑保安局投诉表明了积极的经济方面的加税这个工程 Increasing taxes If you do not make a mistake in use business has made that it becomes good if it does necessary tax increase We would like to have sharing the recognition that in the citizen” the Japanese economy becomes good that to express consumer tax and the like in mind Tax increase plus conveyed the idea of keeping appealing the side which works in economy
                                          • 菅大臣★“经济将变得更好税增加支出”,副总理兼财政部长哈希菅日本的演讲在外国记者俱乐部“,经济的方式Machigaenakere加税,即使他们用好,”说,所有和消费税有鉴于此,我们会考虑保安局投诉表明了积极的经济方面的加税这个工程 菅 Minister of state “tax increase It becomes vigorously with purpose” If 菅 the Vice President and financial affairs minister of state lecture in the Japanese foreign correspondent association “do not make a mistake increase taxes and in use Business becomes good” that the thought of keeping appealing the side which you express consumer tax and the like in mind tax increase in economy plus works It showed
                                          • 逃税556从消费税和税,不再是难以避免的路线,我期待好税比直接间接税Ruhou 556 As for consumer tax tax increase the line which is not avoided anymore it puts out Because it is difficult to evade taxation you think that the one which more indirect tax than direct tax is lifted is good
                                          • 那么,你泰尤对公共当局的立场鲁磨出来,他们开始离开,坚持要提高税收,是名 Well when it starts insisting tax increase the tsu te which administration is lowered thoroughly you say Unless you do with stance the citizen keeps the name and others re the shelf

                                        • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ 布鲁诺 S是一个很大的麻烦布鲁诺┐─┌我(丶ヽ。茶叶注册商标)ヽヽ )1( 丿ヽ,ヽヽ 和 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i ⌒ ⌒ i l human Business is not good it is even 92 No ┌ ─ ┐ Don t you think it is the sled ya a serious the e i 丶 REPT Brown REPT r REPT one 丿 REPT REPT REPT With no no

                                          • 当地政府官员和讨论,但不是非受托机构,地方议会议员的薪金,这实际上是最重要的来源
                                            Other than not being discussed the local government employee, the trust group and local assembly Salary, this really first prime mover

                                            • 忘记加税不会Dashimashi容易赢得条纹人民政治是消除公务员的薪酬预算的赤字削减了142的问题 142 Cancelling the deficit at allowance reduction amount of the government employee is suji Useless putting out also the easy tax reduction for the popularity taking of the politician tax increase how is irrelevant

                                              • 我们不明白,经济复苏结构→他不断提高税收...我希望有人能解释一下有关程序一次追
                                                Tax increase -> the mechanism of business improvement is not recognized at all… Chasing one time procedure, we would like to have explaining, it rubbed

                                                • 我们支持措施-希腊-希腊,如果人们接受政府正式签订了喝希腊是未知是否养老金减少,王位司不削减税收和政府官员物凄
                                                  The latest support step Whether or not the [mu] it is unclear, but temporarily the Greek government If it accepts, you can assign tremendous tax increase and government employee reduction annuity reduction etc in the Greek citizen

                                                  • 我猜想这个家伙这个走进像一个邪教是要牢固湿重127〜傻瓜没有口是心非或新闻読和(主要支持者的)是媒体不是通过 大众更多的垃圾,只有这样的外交表现,外国记者俱乐部的日本在这样一种方式゙设备强制粪便Yareyo 127 Like this the yu u person is fixed to cult religion it is probably will be It does tsu oak two tongue ww Furthermore the newspaper the fool who is not read main bearing stratum it does not lead gt The Japanese foreign correspondent association Performance for foreign country Do in the kind of form to which the mass rubbish reports this more droppings mosquito ゙ nsu
                                                    • 〜真正的花花公子,这两个部分。该scammers m波纳雷夫劳累过度死亡 The ge which it does truth this two In swindler group It is porunarehu overwork death

                                                  • 我自己的老鹰,属于自民党,不新鲜的空气(新鲜空气本身是没有多少在这里对兰花的解决方案)怀疑自由民主党说这是艾滋病
                                                    Don't you think? as for [washi] itself it is not the Liberal Democratic Party and it belongs to the new wind and the [ru] (as for the new wind itself as for story of here solution viewing is many) from how like this calls to the Liberal Democratic Party

                                                    • 所得税增加,但对房地产税是为了提高爆破行!如果从继承税日本国会刚刚过去一直是甜的遗传性...
                                                      But opposition to the tax increase of income tax as for inheritance tax strengthening ringing, OK! Because inheritance tax is sweet, the Japanese National Diet the [tsu] [chi] waited in only hereditary Assemblyman…

                                                      • 所支付的金额的税金四七零零零零零零日元而是一个蒙特或有多少?如果每年缴纳税款或工资收入4亿日元托哥12至30,000 s吗?他说即使附表支付了近四倍近1万和50万的年收入,它只是因为它位的国家税收,从渐进或收入至少1000万嗯,我不
                                                        National tax payment amount 470,000 Yen you say, but some rank being [mon]? As for national tax payment amount when annual income is approximately 4,000,000 Yen with the white-collar worker 12 - 30,000 Yen [tsu] [te] [toko]? When nearly 500,000 you supply, when it becomes, nearly 4 times, Therefore the country of progressive taxation annual income 20,000,000 you do not say so simply until Well at least from annual income 10,000,000 rank?

                                                        • 措施公务员失业双重公务员的数目,以时间来消耗所有的薪水,他们拿走从公务员队伍的能力,以节省现有只有我一倍,公务员人数民事和一半的公务员收入民事朱达罗根本不会结束通缩对于新的政府雇员也更容易摆脱通货紧缩的时候,我已经消耗了30万亿的所有费用日元的收入帐户将工资的一半,甚至说服了现行公务员
                                                          Deflation breaking away the [ro] which how is simple The number of government employees should have been designated as time with the income of the government employee as a half just The remaining strength which is saved from the existing government employee is taken and salary all is made to turn to consumption Because the number of government employees is designated as time, it becomes also unemployed person measure, for the new government employee Even at half of present government employee salary it becomes income of agreement If government employee labor cost 30,000,000,000,000 Yen turns to consumption entirely, deflation how it breaks away simply

                                                          • 数百万亿美元的国债是表现在库务局是一个瓶颈,实际上所谓的,所以我们要到低利率债券,政府可以提高很多 Debt no 100 000 000 000 000 Yen of country of lie of financial affairs economical type the tsu te it says that time it becomes the bottleneck Actually because the government bond interest has kept going down it can supply government with a lot of
                                                            • 我们喜欢说我恒志位动物园或人才,你知道,所以我不需要几百 The zoo or the entertainment production being said however it is long the ro where so hundreds people do not need and are

                                                          • 施和其他人(对外国慷慨的1%的家庭)在正常朱达罗 As for the administering to others the rose to the foreign country to spread the ro whose within of the 1 of housekeeping expenses is normal

                                                            • 最好能够更好地防止通货紧缩税以武力或价格最低的东西附表国家或决定,但是我会提高?根服务器 Tax increase something it does The kana where the country decides floor it is doing Isn t the one which you force obstruct deflation good ba 菅

                                                              • 有什么更好的利用经济朱达罗五人将支付5万日元的东西不是每个人每月子女免税额
                                                                If there is no child treatment something and 50,000 Yen in every month provides to everyone everyone gold using, the [ro] which becomes vigorously and is

                                                                • 来吧进入顶部不是任何人都将被自民党政治家鸠山周围的政治家管作为一个单独的冲击,即党的收集民主,因为他们追它远离他出来 If as for propriety the Liberal Democratic Party tsu te politician of the time where Hatoyama the tube become the politician as another being the case that it is the apex where anyone would like to enter Therefore gathering of the people who were expelled from there the Democratic party

                                                                  • 樟脑无多少预算两性平等端午端午的福利和儿童福利262,权利,没有销售税会大大减少或Tekya
                                                                    262 Child treatment is man and woman joint participation is budget being welfare is lost, or it decreases substantially and the [ro] where also the [te] becomes somehow without [ya] consumer tax and is

                                                                    • 民主党人希望将子女免税额是利息支付给大日本柏青哥728 727儿童,并采取措施支持新型的老虎机-小泽会见了李总统要求,如保护老虎机产业获得选举权] TTP的:/ /日。 yonhapnews.co.kr / Politics2 / 2008 / 02 / 21 / 0900000000AJP20080221003500882。网页总统21日由第一日会见了小泽一郎的民主党,党的代表在韩国
                                                                      727 728 The pachinko right favorite Democratic party As for child treatment pachinko support step of fresh force And even in resident child treatment provision ttp: //japanese.yonhapnews.co.kr/Politics2/2008/02/21/0900000000AJP20080221003500882. HTML President Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi on the 21st, conversed with the Ozawa Ichiro typical and others one line of the Japanese Democratic party in visiting Korea

                                                                      • 现在是通缩776(紧缩经济)这样做的国家陷入平衡我减少加税比移动差,要支付的收入,远低于低,他们可能会失去工作完成
                                                                        776 Now of deflation depression that (shrinkage public finance) those where you do are the bad hand than tax increase Instead of economy of the country falls to balance at a reduced level, goes down from the allowance of the income earner low, it is not unable to lose work itself

                                                                        • 简先生是这个运动的和公民,心脏病什么会热古
                                                                          Civic movement graduate 菅 becomes like this with, Something the chest becomes hot

                                                                          • 经修订的国籍法,和儿童津贴,购买排放,税率的变动,环境的区域划分的视野日假期,选举权外国人,冲绳,新民主党联盟的公明党的一切权利人权立法,表决通过强硬
                                                                            Nationality method amendment, child treatment and discharge right purchase, in every holiday area with modification the Japanese dividing, Foreign carrot administration, Okinawa vision, environmental tax, protection of fundamental human rights bill everything the Democratic party Komeito By combination, it was voted strongly and was formed

                                                                            • 经济应该Machigaenakere他们使用的方法,即使加税已核实好,或有公共效应刺激消费开支的多少,如果和公共工程值得一加税是在何种程度上的消费倾向区别不是来自螃蟹 Increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use business it becomes good has made that How much there is consumption stimulus effect when the amount which increases taxes is expended to public works projects and the like the citizen Due to propensity to consume which the difference appears

                                                                              • 继承税和赠与税下Gemashita我,用来发言并不富裕,但小气瓦特

                                                                                • 编号:O2CtTlci0驱动tTA但我认为民主党的忠实,这只是一个愚蠢的瓦特
                                                                                  ID: As for O2CtTlci0 whether the democracy believer you thought, but, kind of w which simply is foolish

                                                                                  • 而子女免税额(包括在韩国和海外的儿童)的免费高中(学校正在考虑向韩国),您有万亿日元,慷慨和湄公河流域在阿富汗04日much ve做它不可能保持
                                                                                    Child treatment (saw such as China and South Korea of the foreign country it includes) High school gratuitous conversion (to the Korean school while examining) In Afghan Mekong river drainage basin and the like rose spreading and the like of 4,000,000,000,000 Yen Doing, thing of the extent which cannot be doing

                                                                                    • 自行分配财政政策刺激措施作为效率低,不能有效的“世界的思维方式,如果他们说,经济学家的共识外汇肖像围绕”可持续经济增长和金融稳健提供“一个国家的思维方式,在发达国家是常见的知识 As for discretionary fiscal policy is not effective as a stimulative step Non of being efficient” how to think consensus of the economic scholar in the world If you rephrase “soundness of public finance brings continuous economic growth” With of saying how to think between advanced countries common sense
                                                                                      • 2001年7月22日热那亚首脑会议外 “没有做好准备 jienovua summit About press conference 2001 July 22nd Stimulative step as for gt circumstance of business is bad that the person who worries how is from the notion that where but gt Preparedness is necessary

                                                                                    • 菅直人,“Fundakutta税收和经济措施,以减少对日本在朝鲜的日本”和组武富士老虎机“噢 你可以勉强弥补赤字 ” They are the droppings from the Korea Naoto “Japanese and restoring to the resident Korean countercyclical measures it does the tax which ate” Takefuji Corporation the pachinko group “do do… at last deficit assistant 填 the shelf… which may”

                                                                                      • 论经济复苏削减(解除管制)的有害香烟纹→现在→公共工程的国际趋势,禁止国有赌场的形式而不是其他老虎机的国际趋势是加税资讯科技软,但像一名混蛋,并警惕通胀的经济复苏需要放松货币政策的趋势→旧头老或不年轻的投资人在日本
                                                                                        As for [seori] of business recovery Tax reduction (flexible regulation) -> even harmfulness of the tobacco and the like just is increasing taxes international tendency Making the government-managed casino in other things, prohibiting the pachinko international tendency However public works projects -> IT or the soft it rubbed from this, don't you think?, trend is needed for business recovery Easy money -> inflation as for being cautious in the aged person and the young domestic talent where the head is old investment margin

                                                                                        • 豁免贫瘠租赁人民悲痛的皇帝埃塔,减少兵役,甚至玛丽塔修复拒绝自己的房子

                                                                                          • 身体献给我狡猾和滑移比辩护律师,肚皮Gagotoshi啖农民比得到你指定了一条腿犹太人民挨饿
                                                                                            It is young, it does and breaks the farmer and from here it offers to that body of the [tsu] [te], 猶 percentage coming, the 啖 [wa] it does the leg from here in the [tsu] [te] stomach, but every it does,

                                                                                            • 这些措施,以支持这一利率是07年左右的债券利息,当前的。通常小于3%6。 0-6。这似乎是5%,甚至超过4万亿日元Shimashi提出这样的利率,[希腊]将被迫支付利息
                                                                                              The latest support step So interest rate 7 where it is present government bond investment yield. 6 where it is lower than the 3%. 0 - 6. It seems that becomes the 5%, but this The [u] supplying a little more than 4,000,000,000,000 Yen with the interest, The interest cannot be paid

                                                                                              • 这位老人闭嘴匍匐在朝圣者就没有在高古濑户大桥线仅3
                                                                                                Seto Mitsuhashi being high, making the old person it probably will stop being able to go to pilgrim, even with kneeling on the ground the [ro

                                                                                                • 这是不是民主,我也没有补贴削减公司税,包括我,它甚至不是一个工资相当于平均工资的成员公众嗯,当然房屋的判决。运输也取消 Already although useless shelf democracy it cannot cut into either the subsidy of Special Corporation the tax increase tsu te in the same amount as the average wages of the salary citizen of the Assemblyman margin of course also the dormitory the sentence Abolishing also fare
                                                                                                  • 这是不是民主,我也没有补贴削减公司税,包括我,它甚至不是一个工资相当于平均工资的成员公众嗯,当然房屋的判决。运输也取消 Already although useless shelf democracy it cannot cut into either the subsidy of Special Corporation the tax increase tsu te in the same amount as the average wages of the salary citizen of the Assemblyman margin of course also the dormitory the sentence Abolishing also fare

                                                                                                • 这是最快的,他们很快就会让你最终做一些事情,如公共工程管理 It tries when probably to do such as an administration it means that public works projects are quickest after all
                                                                                                  • 这是最快的,他们很快就会让你最终做一些事情,如公共工程管理 It tries when probably to do such as an administration it means that public works projects are quickest after all

                                                                                                • 这是社会的一个企业的国家增税投资在400瓦的消费,经团连电梯所得税每年在一个巨大的利益
                                                                                                  400 One of national investment to the business world is consumer tax tax increase, w Japan Federation of Economic Organizations every year is increasing the enormous profit with consumer tax right

                                                                                                  • 这种情况还没有投票,党员的问题目前从“嘶哑的声音伐丽流职责国民大会”由社会民主党党首福岛瑞穗和听到的,田中康夫,日本的代表党,每个外国永久居民表达了他们决心实现本地普选
                                                                                                    Still from attendance Assemblyman of the same party, “responsibility as the National Diet is questioned”, to the situation which is not voted, that voice was heard The Tanaka Yasuo representation of Party Chief and new party Japan Mizuho Fukushima, determination was stated to local denizenship actualization of the respective permanent residence foreigner from the corporation people party

                                                                                                    • 鄂如韩国,日本朝鲜人在教育上总的工作自由租金总额二三〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元成本7,000日元23000日元50,000日圆,增加母亲和儿童的生活住房费用15万元,福利得到6.0亿日元的日本纳税人水和污水基础率也免除保险制度免费医疗的费用全额支付医院费用完全健康,多尔日本NHK的附表中确认,直至世界永远免除学费任何公立学校也是豁免豁免退休金?
                                                                                                      As for resident Korean South Korean from blood tax of Japanese Welfare Year 6,000,000 Yen You can receive Cost of living month 150,000 50,000 Yen residential expenses Mother and child addition 23,000 Yen 7000 Yen education expenses Total month 230,000 Yen Function you can receive simply Medical expense health insurance treatment payment in full simply Going to hospital expense payment in full provision Top and bottom aqueduct basic fee exemption As for NHK payment in full exemption National pension payment in full exemption It exempts also the tuition of public high school How long this rose maquis system it recognizes to resident some world?

                                                                                                      • 销售税,冻结行动需要检讨。为了化解这一问题的房子在长期低 国家战略部长义人战国战国6月13日会议上,国家战略在内阁会议后的记者鸠山由纪夫宣布冻结对消费税4年的总理有关的谈判桌上,“如果现在的税收(财政)对这个大墙桶”,并描述所有,思维,显示有必要重新考虑 Consumer tax freezing second look necessary increase Designates the House of Representatives as issue during tenure also dispersion 仙 Tanikuni house strategic phase As for 仙 valley Yosito national strategy charge phase in Cabinet conference postscript person interview of 13 days Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama In regard to the consumption tax deducted lifting which states 4 annual freezing if “while it is the current tax revenue It crashes public finance in the big wall” that you expressed the second look conveyed the idea that necessity
                                                                                                        • 销售税,冻结行动需要检讨。解散也是争论的 国家战略部长战国战国义人的国家战略在记者招待会上就取消6月13日在内阁会议后对拉04年的税务宣布冻结鸠山由纪夫总理,“我如果税收收入(财政)对这个大墙桶“,并描述所有,思维,显示有必要重新考虑 Consumer tax freezing second look necessary increase Designates the House of Representatives as issue during tenure also dispersion 仙 Tanikuni house strategic phase As for 仙 valley Yosito national strategy charge phase in Cabinet conference postscript person interview of 13 days Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama In regard to the consumption tax deducted lifting which states 4 annual freezing if “while it is the current tax revenue It crashes public finance in the big wall” that you expressed the second look conveyed the idea that necessity

                                                                                                      • 顺便跳楼自杀和日本的老年痴呆症的自杀率的确顶部
                                                                                                        As expected Japan of suicide ratio top class Every country you jump off with dementia, our killing?

                                                                                                        • 麻生太郎,07%的税,说民主党人更好,鸠山正是销售税%玉米和多久的世界如此,当自民党也解释了民主党全国代表偷偷摸摸害羞的变化作出改动或假期到国外或选举权和小添和高中开放韩国,她的娘家姓,我或其他言论,我子宫颈癌疫苗对儿童的权利或人类
                                                                                                          Aso says the consumer tax 7% was better The Hatoyama Democratic party scattering so to the world, just Consumer tax what % being the intention of doing?, The Liberal Democratic Party time was explanation to the citizen, but Very the Democratic party tries probably to pass very secretly foreign carrot administration It tries to change holiday, the Korean high school free conversion and surname classified by married couple, it is protection of fundamental human rights when When it is the uterus cancer vaccine in the child don't you think?… another stopping

                                                                                                          • ? ( Ω ),但不否认所有公共工程项目,公共福利,并发现它是古消耗没有?瓦特你知道日本经济现在下落不明?刚刚吃,我是如此的需求?我通货紧缩瓦特的,这种情况并没有得到足够的需求来供应 Ω However there is no reason which all denies public works projects at public works projects as for welfare consuming tsu te what which is gone w Knowing now something is not enough in the Japanese economy the ru The ze which just is consumption and demand w As for deflation tsu te the circumstance which demand is not enough vis a vis supply
                                                                                                            • 如果自由分钟子女津贴被取消只能去公共工程项目和补贴 If it becomes our people the amount where child treatment is abolished just turns to public works projects and the subsidy
                                                                                                            • 苏105次,公共工程项目,但如果我认为,是社会保障开支将可能要大幅削减 105 Turning to public works projects as for that you think how but it is possible to cut social security expense substantially probably will be
                                                                                                            • 这种情况还没有到了我的时间洗脱巡增加人民财富的同时也增加了公共工程所发行的债务从债券来解释如何? So far because it was the government bond issue with public works projects debt increasing also property increased simultaneously but How you explain the present condition which has stopped turning to the populace
                                                                                                            • ? ( Ω ),但不否认所有的公共服务,没有福利会发现它是消耗古?瓦特你知道日本经济现在下落不明?刚刚吃,我是如此的需求?我通货紧缩瓦特的,这种情况并没有得到足够的需求来供应 Ω However there is no reason which all denies public works projects separately as for welfare consuming tsu te what which is gone w Knowing now something is not enough in the Japanese economy the ru The ze which just is consumption and demand w As for deflation tsu te the circumstance which demand is not enough vis a vis supply

                                                                                                          研究 開発