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Decision Kagoshima district court of disciplinary dismissal and cancellation of Aku Neiti staff


  • 14.6%的利率限制法的关系(借贷),它将是取之不尽,用之不竭足够的服务,如果由高级人员之间的差异索赔
    As for 14.6% interest restriction law (something related to loan) upper limit If the chief claims consolation money separately from this, it probably will be recognized not to be wrong

    • 502养老金崩溃,政府债券偿还非,什么人才是公路生产过剩大坝会发现WWW的阿久根级别国家官员,通常是当地值得 502 The deficit financing bond of annuity failure and repayment failure the talent tsu te www whose overproduction of the dam highway is excellent Public official what of the countries of Akune level normal district it did not enter
      • 竹原出了什么问题,而且我怎么进得来,你可以把牙齿塞板以及在国会的一些官员,这是再阿久根 Also Takehara method was unpalatable but with this the Akune national assembly and the staff of part what Doing using the brake already the impossible shelf

    • 57:28编号:ZZJp6VHY0小泉问题已被任意扭曲世界的直接动机是正义的,因为你没有得到篮天诛01秒的有一个问题,人们结果应该和必须隐瞒,事实是,降落伞上的目标是不断开发,篦其中公共替代立即冲进谈仇讨求保持诛狗施加苛敛自我他们是金钱与奢华的剥削市民,尽量听取他们的悲痛,使降落伞是市民将不可避免地继续 57 28 ID ZZJp6VHY0 Koizumi is Yosihito who does the world correcting Crime motive concerning the case which the 恣 mind is distorted doubt It does not have you do not obtain The tsu which because the second heaven 誅 is not put out you exploit from the citizen and sows it is order exerted from above We should see that it was necessary to hide the fact that was the target As a result the ri which story makes revenging of the dog it has substituted To force 苛 斂 誅 seeking to the general citizen as for the self from the citizen In luxurious concentration in the future with the gold which you exploit the general citizen in order exerted from above 恨 It is inevitable to be able to deepen at looking No one the order exerted from above which is not produced and Good treatment of the government employee is not wholly abolished The limit it probably means that second third Yosihito appears
      • 这可能会被拒绝革命人民谁剥削贵族的财产,什么是合法的系统的财产』 改变由国家交换或 There are also times when property of the nobility which exploits from the people with revolution is denied In other words something the orthodox property it changes with national system

    • 937经理经销商的事务?前首席留给谁赶走市长昨日通过
      937 As for representation with adjutant general? The mayor adopting, the person who expelled yesterday former chief

      • · 956 ° °并没有不寻常的或以为正义? ANATA中国?例如说,你就从司法行政(市长此事件),我认为这是不寻常 956 … When the administration of justice is abnormal with not thinking anata Chinese If you say in regard to the latest case you think that administration of justice compared to administration mayor is abnormal
        • Tsunbo阳台,然后一个文官政府为人民我,我不站组成 With the citizen as a tsunbo stand the administrative tsu te for the citizen it does not consist

      • “延伸局对市长的工资(如果没有该文件的法律依据)”↓“市长失业”↓“清除的文件覆盖的雇员”和员工谁没有理由处罚果皮不会 “Document where the mayor in the bulletin board projects staff allowance and does not have legal basis” ↓ “Mayor unemployment” ↓ “Staff poster removal” So probably there is no reason which penalizes the staff who is peeled

        • 一个问题是前总统职位世袭市长阿久根132的母公司,公司,该公司目前运行姐妹三个。地点兴产长期就业(地地址)在鹿儿岛县的位置()1小时阿久根市,鹿儿岛县)8:00-17:00;收入等形式的工资-工资:工资[支付]系统:140,000〜120,000日元日元节日/假期节日:另外5个工作日期:其他年假:85天-主题/拍卖-雇员投标公共工程建筑公司一直是市长本人- -鹿儿岛县阿久根市市长,国会拒绝了每日出勤[03
          132 Mayor Akune which the company of the parent descent is done serves the president at one time, presently the recruiting of the company which the younger sister manages Corporation three. Industries System of employment Regular member Duty station (metropolis and districts) Kagoshima prefecture Duty station (address) Neiti Kagoshima prefecture Aku Working hours 1) 8: 00 - 17: 00 Allowance annual income : Salary system : 120,000 Yen - 140,000 Yen Holiday/holiday Holiday: Day other things Weekly holiday: In addition Annual holiday: 85 days The mayor himself becomes the employee the engineering works company where bid successful bid - - the national assembly attendance denial of Mayor and every day the Kagoshima Akune [03/20

          • 一般来说,条当时竹原“市长也是前市长,纸覆盖,他的左线仪内举行驱动tTA在墙上公民和大会堂只是一个无关紧要的”个人“的影响,对 Generally at the point in time when it peels as for Takehara “also former mayor to be the mayor as for the poster the city hall and irrelevance While the mere one citizen did to the wall it kept leaving it is no more than “a private property”
            • 680那么,在同一时间,市长和市长竹原“公民”,但我 680 Don t you think well when also Mayor Takehara is the mayor “the citizen” it is simultaneous
            • Tsuka,如果他们说这是一个重大的政治要求的形式,但加沙地带逮捕竹原Sanakattara The handle important insistence is written politically when with you say if is When it does not peel but Takehara arrest
            • 一般来说,条当时竹原,“前市长”和伸展的文件是左到墙上,而张只是一个无关的驱动tTA市政府和市民的“个人财物”在仪内 Generally at the point in time when it peels as for Takehara “also former mayor to be the mayor as for the poster the city hall and irrelevance While the mere one citizen did to the wall it kept leaving it is no more than “a private property”
            • 但是,即使在被逮捕违法的,市长说,如果仍然没有人竹原唯一的,它肯定会再次出现良好Nasattara Not to be violating to law even being arrested even then if the mayor only the Takehara way is That when already you do to the favorite may
            • 即使有一个暂时的副市长947,第2是相同的竹原 947 Assuming that the secondary mayor existed temporarily therefore Takehara 2 the same
            • 涵盖了竹原三逃生纸张的巨额利润是坚持以一个小部族,如。我这样的企业兴产 Adhering to the small thing the Takehara whole group like the poster because it let escape the big profit Three Industries are such a company what
            • 难道有什么不从后进入城市的市长这些政策的错误,是竹原,它已经制定 After becoming Mayor Takehara something those which change it is with city policy kana being something which is already enforced

          • 不要紧,可能他们有创三○一瓦特他们不是市长,甚至在此线程上自来水,他仍坚持我的标签上曾批评市长Tteta瓦特 301 Don t you think something related to chiyon e w The mayor hitting with this sure whether it is even in the ru people label pasting in mayor criticism turns the person w
            • 无论如何,我希望他将放弃闪耀为选举和市长辞职所有Happijan则W The mayor resigning although House of Councillors selection it should have run as a candidate How the se it falls and w So when it does everyone happy it is

          • 不过,委员会的决定,因为它是非法的降级,降级经理是谁,不,我将不得不支付工资水平的导演,苏加撤消某个时候 But therefore with decision of personal commission as for this demotion dealing illegality this the section chief who demotes You reset to the origin once upon a time or you do not pay the allowance of section chief class become necessary
            • 在管理人员的能力等,以便确定,早当人们降职,座位有限眼睛查看 In addition because fixed capacity of section chief class has been decided when the person who demotes returns fixed capacity over Discernibly that it becomes

          • 为什么我复制和粘贴,因为修订的条例第183最后一位,再次当选为市长或竹原? 1。沮丧感从发展必须保持唯一的阿久根,危机(接下来的夕张市财政崩溃的可能,尤其是我的 )正式开幕,与部分新干线(鹿儿岛〜矢代)线Express将不会带来不便,因为我苦 183 At last because regulation was unraveled that kopipe revision stripe shank Why Mayor Takehara being reappointed 1 The blockade impression and the crisis atmosphere that as for the next just Akune takes from development and is left whether we city… it was from public finance failure of especially Yuubari city Super express was gone � Shinkansen part being open to traffic between Yatsushiro Kagoshima upon attendant and became inconvenient
            • 阿久根市市长,市长张竹原体量的停止他们正在通过削减公务员薪酬陪同公民拒绝出席会议,一年员工工资从原先计划在4月,平均减少百分之06建议修订条例加入没有 Stretching the body it obstructs the reduction of Mayor and government employee allowance Akune volume Mayor Takehara at the beginning planned attendant upon attendance denial Staff allowance from April 1 years average approximately 6 reduction Additional proposition of the regulations amendment plan which it does was not done
            • 阿久根市市长,市长张竹原体量的停止他们正在通过削减公务员薪酬陪同公民拒绝出席会议,一年员工工资从原先计划在4月,平均减少百分之06建议修订条例加入没有 Stretching the body it obstructs the reduction of Mayor and government employee allowance Akune volume Mayor Takehara at the beginning planned attendant upon attendance denial Staff allowance from April 1 years average approximately 6 reduction Additional proposition of the regulations amendment plan which it does was not done

          • 什么是你扑绝望市长阿久根的,应当找到600万的年薪我可以说,太高工资虽然没有工作不称职的,他们就会成为我们的公务员不称职,矿山之一的收入 他妈的你不工作,只有如此,大约3对我们来说太高 Mayor Akune desperately busing as for having done It probably is disabled government employee The fellows being disabled salary too high to be in the habit which does not work With saying annual income 6 000 000 what but about 1 3 of my annual income Just that is too high in kuso which does not work
            • 当阿久根市的决定“市长缺席,不能发表评论,”我即使在事情wwwwww治疗精神分裂症 At the time of decision as for Neiti Aku “the mayor being absent you cannot comment ” when is It has gone to with also the remedy of the integrated malfunction symptom it is wwwwww

          • 他们建立了一个乌托邦希望在Minamitorishima伊宁站在同一个或一群诚实各方特别帐户获得幸福
            Don't you think? the party of the honest happy actualization party or resident in special meeting and we want building the utopia together with south Torishima

            • 伐丽流认为,现在竹原市市长阿久根☆光盘+人民和我两个人,一个伟大的人! !竹原先生+,但他们批评的人的共识,公务员+
              * The ROM person who thinks that it became, Mayor Neiti's Aku Takehara is two large saint what of the + people! ! Criticizes Takehara with + as for the person who the government employee the collective will of the + people

              • 但是,它可能不知道的是国家权力本身的办公室,因为在那里,然后我就带鄂如大家对本地区的巨大给出 Simply however perhaps you are not conscious even the countryside public office of everywhere that appearance Everyone having the ru it does authority the influence which is given to area is huge
                • 449“我不关心他们的投入,”我授权给被解雇,因为他们几乎是如果不是大多数,我没带任何人 449 The ho it is in the reason that “we does not like” and the ho is and makes the neck how Don t you think authority has no one

              • 例如,土地包括在土地改革后二战和解放很多钱
                For example, Sawayama's land newly rich was possible with postwar farmland release and reformation

                • 其中从“谣言的学生,阿久根市市长赛微(拉彻゙゚柯小康万维网)”只是
                  “The fish - that Mayor Akune of rumor ([hu] ゚ ゙ [ratsuchiyo] www)” was from between the pupils that

                  • 北━━━━━━疯竹原(゚゚∀)━━━━━━!!!!!
                    Takehara madness [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ! ! ! ! !

                    • 即使只有1负或首席辩护率法所私立大学的学生在第三至最高法院请请请不要被胜利即使法律竹原谁辩护律师精英
                      Please do please please to the Supreme Court Department of Law raw of three flow private universities defending the chief, it is not defeated and, The jurist and elite attorney defending Takehara, it cannot win

                      • 即使如此,即使美国,当交换囊,说奇怪的事情,但我改变任何东西交换法 To America also whatever doing when phenomenon changes it changes regardless even with law it is
                        • 修订附表有关经济改革,如果是这样的法律什么727平方 727 Therefore riding in law if it becomes amendment and reforms the story which is completed
                        • 即使如此,即使美国,当交换囊,说奇怪的事情,但我改变任何东西交换法 To America also whatever doing when phenomenon changes it changes regardless even with law it is
                        • 如果上帝宪法和法律,但我同意,说实话这Nejan ll Constitution and law the God way if we you approve but don t you think such a thing honesty it is
                        • 我选择了所有议会选举,以使这种修正井727 727 Such choose kind of member of the Diet who law can be amended with election

                      • 发现KkTdzdxw0排斥造成疯狂只是因为公务员
                        KkTdzdxw0 You just call the government employee the [kichigai] discovery which causes the rejection symptom

                        • 古元首到建筑物的界线,每天告诉我他们· · · ·尺寸门前払大多数Ketara收到这种屈辱仕打错误的发言,引起了我的损失 While Monzen payment understanding everyday the head it goes to lowering in the government building … When such a humiliation treatment is received we causes compensation for damage claim not to be wrong
                          • 古元首到建筑物的界线,每天告诉我他们· · · ·尺寸门前払大多数Ketara收到这种屈辱仕打错误的发言,引起了我的损失 While Monzen payment understanding everyday the head it goes to lowering in the government building … When such a humiliation treatment is received we causes compensation for damage claim not to be wrong

                        • 同时,市民支持的市长将“改变国会结构,梅台站,并接受一个进度计划苦肉附表市长的改革”,捍卫了 NULL
                          • 为了确保适当的人,但组织也不可能给予任何措施,损害 Securely still in the person who corresponds in organization many damages giving The kind of step which is not used

                        • 哎呀,我想你知道你剥去的文件,该案件,但这个法庭的紧张局势?是不是该死的超市传单,有 NULL
                          • 法官也没有接受公众的信任,这是荒谬的口服喷出 The judge where either trust of the citizen is not received how is unspeakable meddles to administration

                        • 因为我将允许政府官员,法官和公务员是神奇的一刻,我们看到了底:“你看起来好还是不苏,略低于?我认为最疯狂的手流Hayo ll远远低于苏见 Therefore the government employee it is permitted but it is as for the government employee and the judge that we are despised it understands” If just you despise the ro which still is mashi Instead of you despise large portion thinking that it is the demonian the ru
                          • “魔法法官是你失望的一刻,我们看到了”你看起来好还是不苏,略低于?我认为最疯狂的手流Hayo ll远远低于苏见 “As for the judge that we are despised it understands” If just you despise the ro which still is mashi Instead of you despise large portion thinking that it is the demonian the ru

                        • 在他的再次当选,如果解雇→表决通过不信任召回75 6%,但不要求阿久根市的市民欢迎会是一个商人阿久根 75 However it is not the recall with nonconfidence motion approval dismissal gt in case of re election while holding office the 6 Neiti Aku is the merchant In brief public opinion of the Akune citizen
                          • 当人的信心没有被通过,重新选举,但驳回→不记得公民民意的阿久根75 75 However it is not the recall with nonconfidence motion approval dismissal gt in case of re election while holding office the 6 Neiti Aku is the merchant In brief public opinion of the Akune citizen

                        • 在公平委员会驳回,因为我们排除非法,市长的唯一途径,恢复原告如果没有,不是吗?

                          • 在此之后,审计要求,对居民来说已支付或无薪工作,以工作人员的市长,我个人或责令赔偿现任市长是什么?
                            After this, the mayor without using the staff, does the inhabitant audit claim, the compensation order [tsu] [te] flow in the mayor individual, concerning allowance being paid?

                            • 地震发生之后49“关闭了当地的商店,”他们放在一个纸切和国家在美国假期“后,”日本尝试当地商店“纸切,他们被置于一个在美国,”日本官方如何不负责任或“私人讲师团,结束了以后,我也有官员说,这种垃圾宫本ü 49 Immediately after the earthquake disaster “you go to bed and the ma do” that one slip of paper putting “you go to bed and the ma do” that one slip of paper placing “immediately after the Japan in America “the Japanese public official how in America Irresponsible ” with the private seminar which is said was done don t you think Miyamoto the rubbish public official who is said it was
                              • “地震发生之后,政府办公室负责 部门在神户,看看是否这就是为什么他们在美国”,说,做了描述 “Immediately after the earthquake disaster the government office which is in Kobe the patsy of the post where it is why comes to America re ru ” With the reason which is said was explained how

                            • 如今,作为市长还是市长,市民回阿久根不顾法律的细节,剩下的一个“叛逆的设置,”我要认证
                              As still, when current mayor is the mayor, the Akune citizen opposes to one person remaining law, recognizing “vain of rebellion”

                              • 如果你不符合公平委员会是一个严重的监狱服务瓦特由地方公共
                                When you do not follow fair commission, It is the penal servitude punishment due to Local Officials Act. w

                                • 如果其他100宗意外疏忽,往往的情况是,他们只同意提供的医疗费用的全额支付结算谈判对手
                                  When mistake of the partner does the accident of 100, opposite side presenting just the full payment of medical expense in private settlement negotiation, the case which is agreed to that is good

                                  • 如果投诉是,虽然私营部门。你是不是即使是好的绒毛线勉我吗?我有能力,你知道我想什么? Ki和应变审判,税务感谢Takaranaku If that dissatisfaction in people Although it is serving if it goes being good it does the yo There is an ability therefore it is it becomes somehow it is the ro which is Until judgment causing it is in tax the empty Without it is the te good
                                    • 在私营部门不这样做406?再来?我做了很多私人 406 You do not do even with people a Doing all the way it increases people
                                    • 如果不满意,你最好不是唯一的专用线?我有能力,你知道我想什么? Ki和应变审判,税务感谢Takaranaku If that dissatisfaction if it goes to people being good it does the yo There is an ability therefore it is it becomes somehow it is the ro which is Until judgment causing it is in tax the empty Without it is the te good
                                    • 由于私营部门,例如,对他的老板要求上来,以不合理的,我会在权力骚扰申诉吉尔 If even people requires unreasonably the superior compulsorily It is appealed with pawahara
                                    • 真正的限制,他们不知道什么是私人的家伙,“私营部门,私营部门,”我很希望检 Truly “with people it wishes to call with people” only the person who does not know people It is don t you think

                                  • 如果没有一个像样的工作,删除文件应剥离的紧张局势,建立了1 3拉里尔私会受到惩罚的法律征税 If either honest work it does not do it peels off the poster which is not good peeling off and is penalized law tax is robbed in building
                                    • 那家伙喊恩戴司法建设的法律,只能假报纸和电视做同样的想法 Law in building justice as for the person who shouts only the same thought as newspaper and TV inchiki which it is not possible you probably will do

                                  • 已关闭(关闭造成损害的),你可以请求分钟(但是从company m不友好的论调临时残疾赔偿。) It suspended business suspension of business damage occurred when it can claim however ru suspension of business compensation it is pulled that much from at the company
                                    • 持续经营意识是否不允许485一边怀疑是否该法案是不是真的 485 Whether it is or the modesty which is sense it sets aside being the intention of not claiming truly it can combine

                                  • 市政厅是推动不给滑稽和致命的公务员粪便的城市发表演说梅萨公民对阿久根
                                    That Neiti's Aku citizen has the droppings government employee stop It is strange not to crash in the city hall,

                                    • 市长“公私差距”只是一份公报说,最重要的承诺,并拒绝出席一个声音可能是敏感的问题,从市长的支持者 As for mayor “correction of government and private sector differential” in most importance pledge Because it puts out as for attendance denial the mayor Voice of doubt may rise from also the supporter
                                      • 市长“公私差距”只是一份公报说,最重要的承诺,并拒绝出席一个声音可能是敏感的问题,从市长的支持者 As for mayor “correction of government and private sector differential” in most importance pledge Because it puts out as for attendance denial the mayor Voice of doubt may rise from also the supporter

                                    • 市长和批准两个厨房走出基地还开展了椰子和两个认证厨房重新选举“消费税古鲁泥敏捷性。越野基地。”
                                      As for off base mayor 厨 two and recognition The palm which supports to re-election 厨 two and recognition “Go out quickly the tax mud. Off base”

                                      • 市长王天林继承的失败在英超地方裁继承地方选举失败
                                        As for [kichigai] mayor with local cutting/deciding successive battles successive defeats As for [kichigai] prime minister with local election successive battles successive defeats

                                        • 年收入在城市里面,阿久根9.4亿或18
                                          940 The annual income which is well versed to Neiti's Aku internal circumstance 1,800 ten thousand

                                          • 建议澄清松树。 。对于美国国会坚持长期成员,“国会有结果埃塔诚河内认真考虑是否以这样的速度,”会谈,以纠正目前的情况是,市长在与什么胜算,只有解散议会 The pine which makes proposition clear Concerning Assemblyman Hisashi “the national assembly the result of thinking whether this way it is good being of seriously” story The present condition where the mayor and the national assembly have been opposed with something is broken the standpoint that was emphasized there is only national assembly dispersion
                                            • 710因此,如果你想要它,但我讲出来向国会Nannee市长 710 Therefore if we would like to do that that the mayor does not appear in the national assembly don t you think in story what you smiled
                                            • “自愿解散人群”从学校将等待决心去做,使新市长想直接你,让你更自信至少在非常,好 Until “voluntary liquidation” doing in the mayor group that we would like to redo newly Because the multitude is decided the method which at least puts out non confidence is better because
                                            • 他们说,我是市长,我在39万日元小学生自我控制卡兹200井,并确保你宝贝 39 2 000 000 Yen tsu te mayor who has been made it seems that was said personally even with the certain baby and the elementary school student
                                            • 听说该公司称为运气官员市长黑!我是说和 It is called black enterprise When you hear in a certain authorized personnel Mayor ganbare With you said
                                            • 好市长,但它会降低,选举官员不能得到言论自由,除非在极端情况下摆脱梅萨Oenai不能 The mayor if you drop with election is good but fact of the matter cannot smell as for the staff who considerable thing If it is not it is not possible to make stop
                                            • 对于城市的官员至少我想我会说是可怕的,体面辜?难道你不知道市长批评很多 At least concerning the city staff matomo meaning thing enormously however you think as the ru The mayor being criticized with something you do not understand whether ru
                                            • 市长回到学校是反国会一定不会被解散,然后确定候选人没有给我的体面市长 As for counter mayor group dispersing it probably is secure to be able to return to the national assembly but honest mayor candidacy not being decided it is and
                                            • 我想退休,仍然Janakatta嘿,我希望你能最有效地前市长31日 31 It is best to appear in for front mayor however it is well… You think that the kind of year which retires still it was not
                                            • 这只是一个正常的Hagashita,摆在首位,在加沙地带“市长”而不是“前市长发射仪内”在 Normally just it peeled off to put out Former mayor who at the point in time when in the first place it peels “the mayor” is not “becomes the neck” It does not pass

                                          • 弹出一个骗局不认为这次会议景观购买健身器材饿死后方滑稽把戏销售什么市长亲
                                            Collection of mayor group meeting, with health equipment sale the [ji] [ji] deceiving, the buying [wa] the vice commercial law which is done The scenery is remembered

                                            • 思再试一次或要求辞职后提交埃泰裁定不当解雇和更换九三八瓦特鄙视没有一件事我可以投弃权票的原则 938 Disciplinary dismissal after the injustice and decision come out the ri which is made official suggestion discharge changing the re challenge tsu it does or w Unless you know either the principle of one thing doubtful reason the splash

                                              • 总就业的公共测试,如果有关权利阿久根市,收到了较好梁或是否招募萨摩仙台泉,鹿儿岛县,或年龄等限制瓦特回力
                                                If the general public offering employment test of Neiti's Aku the extent which is received, Kagoshima prefecture or flooding city or Satsuma Kawauchi city Employment test the one which is received is good, but it is caught to age restriction? w

                                                • 我不喜欢嘿 我去公职人员以外的基地洙〜啊〜〜我不是说要多少公务员改革法,即使杀手不能被解雇 The off base government employee being protected the ru it is with you do not do is well a government employee reformation hi way don t you think Homicide committing unless the law which it cannot make the neck somehow
                                                  • 不要做公务员的时候全在非全时工数十人,我将创建一个黑色的业务结构苏 Many ten people work without doing with yami working full time Making the system which turns business ru is the government employee
                                                  • 但是,这并不已经Muwakedaga公司,如果有溃疡,或根本没有政治上的进步是公务员向井Hazime But if the company but the reason which is sufficient the case that there collapses when it is the government employee politics does not advance absolutely
                                                  • 你知道没有人会增加犯罪受害者的Burgers多少税是浪费了为关闭员额官员 How much tax to be wasted with consequence of the off base government employee with crime the victim Increasing knowing anyone whether the ru ru expectation
                                                  • 公务员不这样做 我去,我喜欢嘿秀〜啊〜〜我不是说某种必要的公务员制度改革的法律,即使杀手不能被解雇 The government employee being protected the ru it is with you do not do is well a government employee reformation hi way don t you think Homicide committing unless the law which it cannot make the neck somehow
                                                  • 如果你正在做的公共服务,因为它更容易从私营部门的利润,让Ttena寄生的最佳手段 The government employee doing ru one Because there is easier putting out taste than people By all means sort it makes live upon until now the tsu te
                                                  • 如果自来水公职人员应该已经过去,什么证明是夹在关闭电源基地 Temporarily if the government employee 叩 it is and solves even at off base It proved power obtaining re ru tsu te
                                                  • 相对于私人部门的公务员,不涉及税收假期和带薪休假也是奖金 As for the government employee by comparison with people holiday and paid vacation The bonus there is no relationship in the tax revenue
                                                  • 至少有374人优秀公务员美国萘乙酸从有 374 At least because in America as for the excellent person you do not become the government employee
                                                  • 跟他们之前,他们“每个人都可以杀一次和公务员”,或者说,他们有可能退出 That “among government employee what those of you everyone kill” the shelf which it may propose

                                                • 我也赢得了帮派在民事赔偿,而我们不喜欢的执行,但我估计其他不合理的政府 Winning yakuza with civil compensation it cannot execute when similar kana Therefore this time the administrative partner don t you think it probably is unreasonable what
                                                  • 你想知道在其他民事责任,或恢复失去的时间寿司 Already being unreasonable it does the yo With civil compensation Only recover the time when it makes wasteful
                                                  • 我也赢得了一个民间帮派,我们不喜欢的执行,但我估计其他不合理的政府 Winning yakuza with civil affair it cannot execute when similar kana Therefore this time the administrative partner don t you think it probably is unreasonable what

                                                • 我会吞工人的能力公务员的工作时间每天60小时,约8倍多两倍私营部门的一部分?我死了,他妈的公务员 As for ability of government employee above private 2 times 8 times that free tar About 60 hours it works on the first don t you think it is Die the kuso government employee
                                                  • 一个由政府官员case m那边的公务员,是不公平的不是法官任命的法官,除了一 Therefore the judge the government employee it is friend what of the government employees At this incident unless it leaves other than the judge is unfairness
                                                  • 毕竟,我是一个非同寻常的国家法院的公职人员的朋友!排减单位也赋予了立法权限比其他市长对我们的权利! “ It is abnormal national what the courthouse friend of the government employee after all It gives legislative right and jurisdiction other than we mayor ”

                                                • 我喜欢峨星瓦特之前,这些你自己的事情,比如民主,言论自由有不同的意见,绝对公正,只有一个线路输出瓦特!并在希特勒的奇怪Waranai? 820为什么“失败占领”,破坏宪法“入侵”台独宪法“,我说,我同意因达陷阱宪法修正案 Democracy or the free tsu lever of speech which you advocate it is thing w When there is the opinion which are different by yourself keep coming out w By yourself absolute justice Somewhere is not different from Hitler 820 Why you do not call “occupation system breaking down” occupation constitution cancellation” “independent constitution enactment” it is We is approval in constitution reform
                                                  • 按宪法颁布所有820,我将代表您停止不负责任呢?我只能继续在自己的发言将带来超过60年“是紧紧固定推进”我是错的字 820 Constitution could be pushed when to some extent it stops tsu te expression You holding also 60 years or more with your own intention it is strange “is pushed” to express ru in the how word which

                                                • 我想我,如果连被拖欠的工资拖欠或逾期付款首席+似乎在这些情况下赎回%的权益在这个问题上是什么05?或14.6%?即使是这么晚的费用,成本我不是我已经付出了一个陌生的城市性格Shinakerya
                                                  So, way well, the unpaid allowance + delay damage money pays to former chief with this case, but Becoming interest rate [tsu] [te] 5% of the delay damage gold with such thing plan? Or 14.6%? If change it does not deal with either this delay damage gold, city to pay and it is the cost which the [te] does not have,

                                                  • 我的676,而我坚决服从法律和司法机构“哦作出了我的傻瓜!”你为什么Giruyona生气了什么是可爱的瓦特 676 By yourself while having protecting firmly in law the administration of justice system “I was made foolish ” tsu te kire te ru is too cute w
                                                    • 它的人甚至不符合司法Itsukimasen认为恰当援引比非基地其他 How appropriate to call does not happen to think other than off base vis a vis the human whom you do not follow in even administration of justice

                                                  • 我的意思是,政府官员驳回了与我的死亡案件?
                                                    As for disciplinary dismissal of the government employee the [tsu] [ke] where capital punishment and simultaneous [tsu] [te] are judicial precedent of the courthouse?

                                                    • 我要如何改变公务员的待遇排减单位和公众继续成为市长的“水平”瓦特不同的方式和市长认识到,如果一个国家的宪法对日本附表招牌下的滚装船我不会有任何程度瓦特· · ·通常小于独裁者希特勒瓦特(他的权力完全是通过合法 As for thing and the mayor continue doing how it changes the treatment of the government employee w where “level” is different The method of the mayor is recognized if is Japan becomes necessary does not lower the signboard of constitutional government nation w … w whose is lower than Hitler He is formed full power trust method has become lawfully the dictator
                                                      • 在821,这样做的人,日本人exchange m滑稽如何?总理逃税,不必拉体面守法的国家渔业单独Orosenai鸠山秋 821 So with such method Japan changes just which it is Tax evasion prime minister and Hatoyama potsupo one person it pulls honestly and fishes and the constitutional government nation which cannot be lowered how it does not need

                                                    • 接下来,让我们在每年的平均收益民工在县内中小企业看这个作品

                                                      • 既然是违法的沉重,我觉得他们认为市长等待一个快速的方法,驱动tTA失去他们的工作是记录测定刑事指控和监狱?如果出现这种情况,因为有资格,他们可以复活,甚至没有一百万竹原 Because plain breach of law is piled criminal prosecution and decision of punishment above imprisoning being done It has judged that the mayor the method which waited for the fact that unemployment it does is quicker it is it isn t So if it becomes because there is no either suffering election right even by any chance there is no possibility Takehara reviving
                                                        • 但市长连任选举,要求选民或竹原,Hayo阿久根公共决策,是说这是如此 But above Mayor Takehara is re elected with the election which questions public opinion decision making of the Akune citizen is so to be

                                                      • 日本,立法者和政府官员,当地酋长当地冶体立法者,政府官员获得1天不等的奖励世界上在该国的高级官员
                                                        As for Japan, from the member of the Diet bureaucracy until the head and prefectural assembly Assemblyman and the public official of the local our 冶 body in the world It is the � public office heaven national � which obtains the highest remuneration

                                                        • 旧在时间 - 古泉问题和赤字的高增长率后,合并是一个特别帐户赤字,直到没有了古泉市综合医院,内科,大多数赤字阿久根从洪水合作首领阿久根,我们认为(我们称是因为他们是可怕的
                                                          At that time as for developmental characteristic problem and ratio of the deficit to be high conventional flooding city etc was the deficit whose special accounts are substantial, but after the combining, the internal medicine of the flooding municipal general hospital is gone to, Akune most was thought as the deficit It is said that Akune flooding agricultural cooperative union length of graduate (it was enormous selfish,

                                                          • 本国公民阿久根“低文化标准”不反映呢?全国人民“感觉的东西”你失去了你的票,恩戴好波凯?达罗现在!嗯,我喜欢问同一个政府 As for the Akune citizen “lowness of standard of living” of the self is not reflected The person of countryside “feeling what ” poke rejoicing you vote and the chi ya tsu are it is the ro which is The ro which after so long a time is However well similar it rubbed also national government don t you think

                                                            • 枥木县高级法院法官梁然后收到诬告被判无罪,认为这有责任采取其他天的试用枥木,那个谁是唯一的女法官排斥一切,而忽略任何再审它是什么,你不

                                                              • 此外,行政工作人员的平均年收入一般在千叶县高80个城市最日元每832人
                                                                Furthermore, as for annual average remuneration of general administrative officer of Chiba city per one person at 8,320,000 Yen in 80 municipalities inside prefectures It is highest

                                                                • 此次召回的运动阿久根市市长?阿久根,鹿儿岛县,市政选举后,深有速度辜法律混乱
                                                                  As for movement of Akune mayor recall? It regulates with law Being quick, after the House of Councillors selection Stupor deep Kagoshima prefecture Aku Neiti government

                                                                  • 比较日本官员和政府周围391人事成本。支出比例17-18%,6%的国民生产总值的比例为英国政府。开支的18-19%的比例,政府7-8%的法国国民生产总值的比率。支出比例25-26%,13-14%的国民生产总值的比例为美国政府。支出的比例由28%和10%的国民生产总值的比例为德国政府。支出比例16-18%,8%的国民生产总值的比例已经是日本在发达国家中最便宜的世界恩戴
                                                                    391 Comparison of government employee labor cost of each country Japan Anti- government. As for annual expenditure ratio 17 - 18% and opposite GNP As for ratio 6% England Anti- government. As for annual expenditure ratio 18 - 19% and opposite GNP As for ratio 7 - 8% France Anti- government. As for annual expenditure ratio 25 - 26% and opposite GNP As for ratio 13 - 14% The United States Anti- government. As for annual expenditure ratio 28% and opposite GNP As for ratio 10% German country Anti- government. As for annual expenditure ratio 16 - 18% and opposite GNP As for ratio 8% As for most having been completed most cheaply with advanced nation Japan

                                                                    • 没有622,最后我沿着Senakya恢复,但现在不是了 我已经出来,但我不在乎,“目前的局势”不会发生 622 But well if you do not reinstate anymore viewing tsu te conclusion already coming out ru reason… However after how it is good the wa which is not “current present condition”
                                                                      • 07弯曲基地。市长“非法的”我是被迫恢复驳回了行政处罚,不是吗? 7 Sled ya base In the mayor was made to discharge with “illegal” administrative disposition therefore it is the ro which reinstates and is

                                                                    • 法官不写东西,但不是像个人的感受,但我认为这是一个在产经新闻最近的一篇文章,但拒绝了外国人统治普选的理论一边?正如,你知道有一个符号,法官承认外国人的普选附表吗?当时他正与他们的脚我只考虑到日本人民的感情,现在我说,普选和反对外国公司 However something kind of the fact that it is not my feeling is written to the judge you think that it was the article of the recent product sutra but However it rejected with decision of foreign carrot administration side theory As the kind of inscription which recognizes foreign carrot administration was done The ro where the judge was and is As for him that time considering the feelings of the people of resident it attached that but present condition firm opposition by foreign carrot administration You say

                                                                      • 现在在哪里直辖市,舒适的位置市长“的,”他的口袋里“只是浪费税的立场,我无法判断这没用 Temporarily the self governing community of any tax just is made wasteful the easy standpoint mayor” “your own bosom” you not to be If it is not standpoint such wasteful judgment is not possible
                                                                        • 现在在哪里直辖市,甚至转过身去在债务变得省长或市长将被逮捕,该机构制定的规则,我 Temporarily the self governing community of any tax just is made wasteful the easy standpoint mayor” “your own bosom” you not to be If it is not standpoint such wasteful judgment is not possible

                                                                      • 由于先进的医疗待遇之后不知道刚才的一部分,市长的博客帖子阿久根现在剩下的皇室,他们将驱动tTA生活带来障碍的自然选择会出在这里,马的骨头自卫队家庭自战前 组织讲富人』小泽一郎设有办事处开展工作的所有,池田大作,安倍晋三,小泉纯一郎,麻生太郎将匹配非看公告第9条的犹太奴才ü外交政策的唯一保证是什么产生了强烈的基因工程与安全 Below portion of the burogu article of Mayor Akune In the past has made the fact that survive it had the dysfunction which is selected naturally with favor of high level medical care As for the current emperor house Masashi the lineage which also the nondescript this is not understood wordily In Self Defense Force there is about to do all constructions for the rich organization which is from prior to world war 2 Ichiro Ozawa Ikeda Daisaku Shin Abe three Junichiro Koizumi as for Taro Aso the Judean stooge Putting out constitution 9 provision very the diplomacy which swears non game the only the strongest security policy It was produced in genetic engineering “the person Pig” for high class stake of restaurant It is sold as The mankind is raised in the dominant person layer which has the special gene 9 As for 11 the book of the person that the nucleus was used with our performing original work We would like to have reading the book of “Richard koshimizu ” The Rockefeller group has searched the woman of the Japanese with purpose of gene collection Word benjiyaminhuruhuodo When the Japanese the propaganda empty eye awakens it is possible to rescue the mankind and the earth The person whom it accompanies the mayor as the member of the board of education 25 000 000 humans have lived in the cavity earth the underground Geology special Kochi university professor full As for Hiromi “inside the earth having become the cavity There are two pyramids there take the balance of the earth” that we say
                                                                        • 如果你是阿久根恩戴拒绝恢复聘用我这样做的城市,鹿儿岛县?忘掉它,我得到的职位,负责提供并阿久根市 Neiti Aku refuses reinstatement if is if employing with the Kagoshima prefectural government And giving the post which supervises Neiti Aku it is
                                                                        • 市长名单月刊法官反对执政的阿久根 TTP的: www yomiuri co jp 国家 新闻 二千〇十万〇四百十三 OYT1T00168。媒,博士不看工资清单的方式通过审查法官或我希望人们只是 It repels to judge salary summary… decision to Akune mayor burogu ttp www yomiuri co jp national news 20100413 OYT1T00168 htm Judge salary summary inspecting specially don t you think it is exactly good to the person who was not the opportunity which you see and is not
                                                                        • 我仍然认为你的待遇阿久根比200万个私人年收入不足朱达罗日元约10市府员工本人 The ro which with about Aku Neiti how government employee 10 is sufficient at annual income 2 000 000 Yen Even then being favorably treated from people the ru it is the kana which is not
                                                                        • 政治 ,“城市的官员,54%以上的年收入超过700万 废话!”厚。批评的工作,“市长”博客说竹原,4★阿久根市长连任 政治 “城市的官员,54%以上的700万年薪 “The city staff annual income 7 000 000 or more is 54 … detarame ” With thick To criticize unemployment “ burogu mayor” Takehara it re elects with Akune mayor selection 4 “City staff annual income 7 000 000 or more 54

                                                                      • 筑丰九州北部相扑(田川,Ootou)相扑九州南部的阿久根
                                                                        Sumo champion of Kyushu north section Chiku Yutaka (Tagawa and Oto) Kyushu southern sumo champion Akune

                                                                        • 经理被降职可可类席位464,我的立场目前正在与另一人有可可 464 In the seat of the section chief class where keke demotes another human whom keke accompanies presently is sat down
                                                                          • 当时,他们的地位与行政总裁的薪酬击球我已经坐在 NULL

                                                                        • 茨城大学的官员都感到非常骄傲多哥连接茨城通过的市长,我说不好的东西好公仆有关经验被
                                                                          By Ibaraki mayor bragged about the connection adoption name of the father of study after the Ibaraki city staff rattan which, Truth after the rattan

                                                                          • 茨城大学的正式名称是多哥的父亲自豪地拉多哥通过市长茨城,真正
                                                                            By Ibaraki mayor bragged about the connection adoption name of the father of study after the Ibaraki city staff rattan which, Truth after the rattan

                                                                            • 萨克市长认为这不公平,这是一条线我有他们祖先的财产在家里的眼睛的主人共同富裕人士的迫害对自己的老板,他们的财产,如果连续参数
                                                                              As for thinking that this mayor is sly, by his ancestral generation after generation property taking over, otium cum dignitate Being the wealthy person, from with respect to manager wealthy layer it does the persecution of the general populace with the eye line, it is dense Toda

                                                                              • 诚实的故事,但我只是负责人是前行政长官,他们也有关事务,当时我打破或纸条经理保税此成员 Honest story also this pasting paper peeling Assemblyman or adjutant general of that time having related but just you say what that the execution patsy was this former chief

                                                                                • 谈到学校“市长会议”城市“自愿解散”的决议已经离开了“自愿解散”将大大“信心”,并坐下来了 So if you said city discussion of “mayor group” put out the resolution of “voluntary liquidation” but so If “voluntary liquidation” the extent which is done “non confidence” the trap which is put out

                                                                                  • 这些谁做改革派前市长朱达罗只能说是坦率地说,也许并不现实峨这只是市民的想法是看到了屁股 The ro where the mayor before the bu tsu chi ya ke is reformation group When you saw from the citizen you can call method that the ma mud tsu filter you applied it was the causing brick realistic

                                                                                    • 这是7月在商业部和劳工部,千叶县,一个2002年的调查统计是4.37亿日元的赔偿比上年包括选择含奖金
                                                                                      As for this Chiba prefecture But those due to the statistics of the commercial Labor Relations Div., in 2002 July investigation as for annual remuneration including the bonus It is a little more than 4,370,000 Yen

                                                                                      • 那么在日本,所以设置庆应义塾大学毕业生或以上的毕业生起点工资,例如为东京,但我无法不先
                                                                                        Japan, for example Tokyo University soldier/finishing initial wage on with says from Keio soldier/finishing Because the setting kind of probably will be first is not don't you think?

                                                                                        • 那么,这即将摆脱地方法院发现众议员案件故意虚假或盗用费用收据研究政策,我们不正义
                                                                                          Also incident of state affairs research expenditure illegitimate diversion or territory acquisition forgery of the [ma] and the Assemblyman intend Therefore the extent which is overlooked don't you think? justice how it is not in courthouse & area inspection

                                                                                          • 阿久根市的官员否认#,删除的文件的总劳动成本人员伸出了鹿儿岛县,在大会堂的判决在鹿儿岛区,阿久根撤消志野,前首领被驳回(45),但5月9日决定,撤销案件的处置元求竹原信三市市长和法院的鹿儿岛区
                                                                                            Disciplinary dismissal of # Aku Neiti staff and decision of cancellation The Kagoshima district court Peeling off the paper of labor cost sum total of the staff who projects inside Neiti's Kagoshima prefecture Aku city government building, The man of former chief who becomes disciplinary dismissal dealing (45), in Mayor Shinichi city and Takehara the dealing taking going out It did and decision of the lawsuit which was requested on the 9th, was the Kagoshima district court

                                                                                            • 阿久根市长提出不信任议案,“为什么市长市议会派,”阿久根市市长竹原信三,鹿儿岛县(51)12元提出不信任动议的成员大会确定的四个支持市长的公民。“弹出一个不信任动议,或为何市长亲

                                                                                              • 阿伯悠闲地待在家里,照顾到残留的困境为期3天的公职人员将大户
                                                                                                With in the disastrous state of the citizen government employee 3 days of the appearance or it does not stop in the air and the [yu] [u] [yu] is uninformed home waiting

                                                                                                • 隆重的捕鱼美津写在这里?市长是不是这个位置应该是除了应声虫淘汰只是想对自己说什么借口呢?一般业务剥离后离开的文件中,但有张力的Heck我会说是愚蠢或开除,有多少公司立即fired m更受欢迎市长萨博的Burgers自私的理由,市议会 NULL
                                                                                                  • 隆重的捕鱼美津写在这里?这市长是不是这只是一个应声虫,消除借口为自己不说呢?一般业务剥离后离开的文件中,但有张力的Heck我会说是愚蠢或开除,有多少公司立即fired m更受欢迎市长萨博的Burgers自私的理由,市议会 NULL

                                                                                                研究 開発