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Democracy lotus 舫 “with Futenma failure, Hatoyama prime minister resignation? … Every year the face of the prime minister being different impaired, the Japanese national interest”, the ★2


  • - 投票给民主党的权力基础 - “联盟”下最大的组织“用户界面岑森”副总统在集会参加17表达反对普选反对授予国外[04 / 14]
    Democracy support parent” combination” affiliated largest organization “UI [zensen]” to foreign carrot administration grant to opposition statement With opposite meeting of 17 days secondary chairman attendance [04/14

    • - 是一个巨额汇款到朝鲜,我们已经使用了专政和核生存
      Enormous the amount is remitted by North Korea, is used in nuclear development and prolongation of life of dictatorial system

      • 2008年,民团的代表,参观了朝鲜庆祝韩国当选总统李明博说:“苦的管理规定由老虎机行业,”埃塔抱怨
        In 2008, representation of people group, in order to celebrate the Korean Japanese plum discernment Hiroji period president election Visiting Korea it did, it appealed “the agony of the management which is due to the regulation to pachinko industry”

        • Shisan名无 10周年 2010 04 14(星期三)20:42:16编号:EeuH8 d70 CNN是并不严重,“泰国和日本的无政府状态”,但瓦特 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 14 water 20 42 16 ID EeuH8 d70 CNN it is terrible… “As for tie and Japan anarchy” When is w
          • 你的名字是377↓72:电影显示没有 名称 圣人就 发布:2008 10 17(星期五)03:51:28编号:RCbqhuxf ll给一个字亚雄古议员,邪恶 72 This ↓ 377 Name During name non cinema screening sage Contribution day 2008 10 17 gold 03 51 28 ID RCbqhuxf Yasuo badly word tsu chi ya and others me obtaining

        • _NULL_

          • “全球利益高于国家利益”之称的国家利益模糊进一步把基地政府现在说,你会喜欢 “Terrestrial benefit saying from national interest ” ru base foreign policies right talks national interest after so long a time becoming dim
            • 我还是一分钟或损失民主党议员一样愚蠢Karanai利益? aho like democracy Assemblyman Impairing national interest the ru you don t understand yet

          • “无政府状态”就像国家和外国媒体埋葬那些歌我纳鲁更为那些损害国家利益 “Anarchy” and it is abused to the overseas mass communications a kind of state where considerably impair the Japanese national interest the wa droppings which
            • 我们不能采取总理的讲话会损害国家利益的广泛责任 Also the prime minister not taking responsibility in his own speech impairs national interest largely probably will be

          • “每一个在国外糟糕的一年(总理)已经损害国家利益,我期待不同,”我会说我同意,鸠山,它呢?女 gt Every year the national interest which is impaired by the fact that the face of the prime minister is different was impaired “at the place of diplomacy Everyday the story of the prime minister being different impaired national interest at the place of ○ diplomacy
            • 选区的选民没有什么比这家伙不能失去纳鲁国家利益和立法者下降情况下这样的傻瓜! Such fool member of the Diet te … Other than impairing national interest they are not anything ones The voter of constituency of koitsu drops without fail

          • “每一年在外交(总理),每一天,我的利益外,已损失○我有一个不同的脸损失(总理)我另一个故事,以损害国家利益 gt Every year the national interest which is impaired by the fact that the face of the prime minister is different was impaired “at the place of diplomacy Everyday the story of the prime minister being different impaired national interest at the place of ○ diplomacy
            • 我也是国家利益损失的是思维的房地产大亨谁秘密资金和逃税,如果女人的愚蠢愚蠢的国王 ?这是愚蠢的我? The head is bad tax evasion king and bribe real estate king where how thinking impairing national interest the ru … This woman being foolish It is foolish don t you think
            • 每总理外国利益)在日常今年在外交×(○破坏,它有一个不同的脸(总理)我另一个故事,以损害国家利益 Every year the face of the prime minister being different impaired national interest at the place of × diplomacy Everyday the story of the prime minister being different impaired national interest at the place of ○ diplomacy
            • 纳鲁损失大于国家利益,并继续担任总理秋踢比已在国家利益受到损害,总理的脸是不同的,每年 The national interest which is impaired by the fact that every year the face of the prime minister is different compared to The national interest which is impaired by the fact that potsupo continues to be the prime minister is larger

          • “秋千和回旋处,”首相鸠山是“提前退休”给!
            Prime Minister Hatoyama of “morning end reforming” does “early resignation”!

            • 。* * *政府是鼓励大胆攻击自杀的独裁者,统治阶级的特权* * *对申请人有没有使用极权专政,通过促进个人崇拜和团结,崇拜和个人自己的目标是彩色或在冬季“,好像他们是紧靠在一起的”打印到交付
              . * Dictatorial government encouraged special attack death for honor, but the applicant from privilege dominant class was nil * The worship object unnoticed with the advertisement, cult of personality and agreement union of the fascism dictatorial nation which utilizes the, By your of individual “ Like whether it is intimate same one body of, “ It is surprinted

              • ーヽヽ 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 u003d≡。 ヽ⌒, ヽ ヽ⌒, u003d ≡ 岛布鲁诺,到 ) 。 2 u003d二 ⌒布鲁诺布鲁诺布鲁诺≡ ° 我 。 ヽ 。 我 u003d ≡()22) 二)。 ()和2所中学) 2) u003d和≡ 。 (ヽ ( 一 u003d ≡岛 二ヽ一,我 2 u003d≡,゙ REPT REPT No ⌒ REPT 92 Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i 22 zu i l human As for Venus the po which is which ≡ ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT No ≡ ⌒ REPT 92 92 92 92 REPT ⌒ REPT ≡ i No To 92 92 II ≡ No ⌒ two no no ¯ i 92 REPT i ≡ 22 Two Two It does two Two ≡ It does 92 REPT 92 ≡ i II REPT i II ≡ ゙ and No ゙ no “Korea people group” The action which supports the Democratic party was taken In the television and the like “the Korea style” booms are praised pachinko CM and the like is many In Asahi and everyday the newspaper and the like name reporting of the resident South Korean Korean offender is done
                • 查看详细的比例占据了和柏青哥店的经理朝鲜族民族韩国人说老虎机■我们也有70 90 Pachinko and resident Korean Korean The ratio which occupies in the manager of the pachinko store of the resident Korean Korean 9 is said extremely from 7 tenths

              • 下任首相辞职后,它的民主啊再见井给予100%,但他们也不会配合 Is after democracy retires being cooperative to Prime Minister following don t you think Well the 100 so it does not do however probably will be

                • 不管38干预,即使在我们頑張我们彻底改变了我们看日本的顶端插入某人得到击中所以没有灰尘质量
                  38 From calling, someone the Japanese top 挿 [ge] it changes regardless even by foreign intervention in domestic affairs, Our lower classes how persevering, the mass rubbish that there is no step

                  • 严重的是,情况没有提到民主党的政治是我觉得他们是适合首相鸠山是在真正的另外4年? Serious story with political situation commenting pulling out Democratic party Assemblyman you probably think that Hatoyama as many as 4 years after is suitable truly in the prime minister
                    • 严重的是,情况没有提到民主党的政治是我觉得他们是适合首相鸠山真的吗? Serious story with political situation commenting pulling out Democratic party Assemblyman you probably think that Hatoyama as many as 4 years after is suitable truly in the prime minister

                  • 临时,即使小泽也标志着鸽居座发言不只是解决问题的普天间,一个数字的支持率将被民主党内阁的支持率 When temporarily Futenma problem could not be solved and that way the pigeon and Ozawa continued to remain Cabinet support ratio and the Democratic party support ratio reach one column probably will be
                    • 如果你这么说,我认为10%的支持率仍然是即使鸠山 So you say if is it should have left in the support ratio 10 unit becoming as Hatoyama it is not

                  • 为什么“你必须改变每年Waranakere”我认为这是更好地考虑(瓦特是,毕竟埃塔,Yamatomoni在日本,“首相”是啊,我可以缺席附表人员对我的工资在科托行??? Why “every year you must change ” you think that the one which was thought is better but w In other words to the after all place and Japan the ya honestly is possible the fact that to serve” the prime minister” The talent saying staying with e thing OK
                    • 例如说,具有讽刺意味的是,赖斯也有很多人已成为证明总理 Including sarcasm if you say the talent where is accustomed to the prime minister Cabinet minister is the proof which Sawayama is

                  • 为什么是这个家伙,民主党人是他们唤Kichirashi别人攻击对手,如果它不甜外记什么事,他们的家伙是信用最好的类型无法医治这些开放我 With something like this the person of the Democratic party probably is intense sweetly what in his own thing If others partner who is not relationship attacking thoroughly you scream and the chi it seems open in your own thing and are repaired Such person most it is the type which cannot be trusted
                    • 和219,在一个有说服力的,即使您的自定义群集伊特罗波恩唤Jimingaasouga不好板从埃勒盖 219 With you of bonkura saying there is no persuasive power From calling jimingaasouga screaming with the eroge board the ro refuse

                  • 从来没出县“(当选的名护市市长稻岭惠一进先生建议民主党)2010 /美国01”目前的建议是最好的“〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜2010 / 02。美国国会的“地提出反对,该国提出的县外(一致)”2010年/ 03鸠山“并没有放弃从冲绳
                    Outside absolute prefecture” (rice plant ridge Shin of democracy nomination Nago election to Mayor) 2010/01 The American “current plan the best” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2010/02 . The transfer of facilities of transfer of facilities opposition inside national assembly “prefecture and outside overseas prefecture (all the meeting agreements)” 2010/03 Outside Hatoyama “prefecture it is not abandoned

                    • 但是,这不是恶化与美国Kusorenhou 1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww关系也面临着每年都有所变化,哇自民党wwwww不会损失太多公开wwwwwwwwwwwwwww国家利益在国家利益每次 1 kusorenhou wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Our people changing every year the face however the relationship with America did not deteriorate so much wwwww As for democracy at each time national interest is opened national interest impairing too much wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                      • 但是,这不是恶化与美国Kusorenhou 1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww关系也面临着每年都有所变化,哇wwwww自由民主党不失去国家利益太wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1 kusorenhou wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Our people changing every year the face however the relationship with America did not deteriorate so much wwwww As for democracy at each time national interest is opened national interest impairing too much wwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                    • 但等待如果你想一点点。 重新成为总理本身是一个疯子,也不会损害那些纳鲁的利益已经失去了国家利益 But just a little we want waiting The demonian becoming the prime minister ru thing itself isn t probably that the method which loses national interest impairs national interest
                      • 但是,等待一点点如果你想。纳鲁也许损坏总理大臣对国家利益的观念比疯子 But just a little we want waiting The demonian becoming the prime minister ru thing itself isn t probably that the method which loses national interest impairs national interest
                      • 我本身成为首相鸠山由象征,而是国家利益损失 Kind of those which are symbolized to Hatoyama becoming the prime minister although you say that ru thing itself national interest is lost
                      • ,总理秋鸽,我此事的进一步损害国家利益 The prime minister being pigeon potsupo about the case which impairs national interest above that

                    • 但需要的蛋糕切割居直百分之二十的普天间问题上的支持率,我认为你能说要辞职呢?湿重
                      So, taking a threatening attitude with Futenma problem, when 2 tenth of support ratio it cuts, how [se] resignation it seeks, it is with to do, the [yo]? ww

                      • 作为自由党的政客PD和促进老虎机老虎机■。议会娱乐行业推广,和民主。肯和娱乐行业的健康发展,已宣布计划合法化现金及柏青哥
                        * Pachinko and political world As a pachinko propulsion discussion ream our people. Game industry promotion Assemblyman union, democracy. There is an entertainment industry healthy rearing workshop and the like, Plan such that conversion of the pachinko is legalized is announced

                        • 克惹的利益,如果不是不可能丧失继承颈部纳鲁鸠山这个妈妈,我会迷失自己的状态
                          If this mother Hatoyama continues the prime minister, national interest it impairs, is not, impairs the nation itself the [chi] [ya] [u

                          • 公司枝野亲属630市民只能做了它的分类
                            630 As for the public-service corporation where the relative of the branch field is It is outside the categorization object when

                            • 千野忠男是富裕的,但鸠山的儿子,主要问题(海军航空基地搬迁),关于他的不诚实的印象是强烈反对奥巴马,民政事务总署和美国之间的紧张关系,日本确认
                              As for Hatoyama which is the large rich son, major issue (transfer of facilities of the air base of the navy) to in regard that insincere, but The fact that the Japanese and America relationship is deteriorated impression was acquired strongly vis-a-vis [obama] administration

                              • 升 ,ヽ 布鲁诺 l REPT l l ┣ ━ l gt l l no ┃ y i l ┃ ┃ l 92 ⌒ REPT ━ ╋ ┓ 92 l 92 92 l l ku 92 92 ┃ ┃ └ 92 REPT No 92 92 92 No ⌒ REPT ku REPT ─ Γ ⌒ 92 gt ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 l ¯ ¯ Two i 92 i REPT REPT no no i gt i 92 ¯ l ゚ human 92 REPT No
                                • ヽ┃┃┃这家伙:升 Dense Tsuga ┃ ┃ ┃ REPT l REPT l l ┣ ━ l gt l l no ┃ y i l ┃ ┃ l 92 ⌒ REPT ━ ╋ ┓ 92 l 92 92 l l ku 92 92 ┃ ┃ └ 92 REPT No 92 92 92 No ⌒ REPT ku REPT ─ Γ ⌒ 92 gt ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 l ¯ ¯ Two i 92 i REPT REPT and no i gt i 92 ¯ l ゚ human 92 REPT No

                              • 华盛顿▼最后决定是唯一一个愚蠢的机器声束做美国首相鸠山4月22日发行的外务省发言人的文章,“鸠山决定不是我没什么”▼“A级战犯”,内阁官房长官亚大平原命名为“鳗鱼先生”美国外交政策专家▼“到目前的趋势在中学教学小学的是艰难的,”小泽大胆▼“你能给我一个国家,是拍摄一张照片,但谁我行140”▼总理的经验“,美国是白痴的Burgers鸠山说,”更多 Weekly sentence spring April 22nd number Article America increased sound in Prime Minister Hatoyama The fool came with the private machine Nothing Washington last conclusion “ hatoyama is decided ” As for “A class war crime” plain secretariat director nickname “sea eel” The American diplomacy specialist “as for teaching the thing of the junior high school student to the elementary school student is serious” “As for the country which has Ozawa impudent going with 140 although you take also the photograph ” As for prime minister experience person “America saying that hatoyama is foolish the ru ” Other things
                                • 04月08日春同刊周刊找出的问题,“鸠山日语摆在我们面前,如屁”湿重 Weekly sentence spring April 8th number Index “Prime Minister Hatoyama The ho it is as for you It seems like the fart” ww

                              • 博任不可能再在火消如何愚蠢的指责政府是唯一的批评自民党,“每年在不同的外国(首相)已经失去了它的国家利益,面临着”而不是赚钱。“在每分钟领域的外交关系(总理阿霍山),损害国家利益的自私,我说不同的“我是从每个人 Such a aho the fire fighter doing while is just our people criticism to a consequence of administration it is unreasonable it probably will rub the lotus 舫 Every year prime minister the face being different impaired national interest “at the place of diplomacy” It is not the te Each time aho mountain prime minister speech being different has impaired national interest “at the place of diplomacy” When is everyone understanding from the ru
                                • 两者即使他们离开政府为关键的东西自由“,但”我不能晒黑党思加郁 While is just our people criticism administration whatever making take “Only that” only the political party which it is not possible growth it is it is
                                • 博任不可能再在火消如何愚蠢的指责国家利益,不同的自民党政“每年在外国(首相)已经失去面临”而不是以“外交地方每次(愚蠢山首相),损害国家利益,我说不同分钟“从大家说我自私 Such a aho the fire fighter doing to a consequence of our civil administration right it is unreasonable it probably will rub the lotus 舫 Every year the face of the prime minister being different impaired national interest “at the place of diplomacy” It is not the te Each time the speech of aho mountain prime minister being different has impaired national interest “at the place of diplomacy” When is everyone understanding from the ru

                              • 博莲花“Majikon?s水准我这么无知,我是沉默的滚装船!” Lotus 舫 “ majikon The se obtaining which can Also the foolish people saying nothing the ro ”
                                • 博莲花“Majikon?s水准我这么无知,我是沉默的滚装船!” Lotus 舫 “ majikon The se obtaining which can Also the foolish people saying nothing the ro ”

                              • 博莲,并愉快地扫了一点点洒在你的预算瓦特0是九十二万亿日元如果你觉得你自己的风险。你7瓦特万亿日元 The lotus 舫 will not so you question it makes joyous w A little when you feel your own responsibility how is In budget of 92 000 000 000 000 Yen 0 It is 7 000 000 000 000 Yen w

                                • 如果你不采取他们的责任,由于模仿你只要把它远远这样苔内外如此,它不是一个民主的再 If it does the kind of imitation which the inside and outside make the moss to here and solves and does not take appropriate responsibility As for that already there is no democracy

                                  • 如果你坚持的竞选宣言还爆裂Encording更换总理,这是有道理的,如果选举不能达到,继续留任体现鸠山 The prime minister substituting if the manifest is firmly maintained as for election necessity or Hatoyama continuing to remain the manifest cannot be actualized if is general election is muscle
                                    • 自由民主党未能在首相更换哇每一件事情改变了进入首相后,不提前选举,即使它并没有改变基本的政策或哇 As for those where our people are useless not to be that the prime minister every year changes the te The prime minister substituting and or basic policy changing dispersion entire not electing

                                  • 如果我们将北手流辿想起了自杀狂热基本的心理学“自私自我保护的本能”将导致
                                    When we assume that and, state of mind of the mania trust suicide bombing it grows and it keeps tracing to the basis of the mind which is built,” Selfish self retention instinct “ It probably will reach

                                    • 它是美国占领军司令在为他的大多是为了生存恳求贸易帝国被占领的忠实仆人回报 Vis a vis the American army of occupation commander itself life 乞 it was and it transacted the fact that I under faithfulness of the army of occupation you become with the continuance of the Imperial Family as an exchange condition

                                      • 安全电子及通讯技术协会,警察局长的前主席前是工作人员之一/或占领了警察的人从阿根廷557附表3已进入全面进攻之前,顾问时间一处长
                                        Front chairman of preservation electronic communication technology association is front National Police Agency director, With thing and [aruze] where 1/3 of the staffs the police graduate person occupies General front superintendent It had received as the regular attendant advisor

                                        • 居民联盟在日本,但柏青哥当局是在网络和资金,并朝总联及前瞻性
                                          As for the Japanese public peace authorities the pachinko sees as the financial net of people group, and the Korean entire ream

                                          • 岩男先生的良好补充Huzii西村Yuukou,梅塔我开始了一场运动,控告鸠山美由纪小组因违反选举!传播! !你的投票呢!鸠山堂在[。宣布禁止狩猎发言攻击?其次是操作名称。音频突击游戏] - 一个违反了选举法首相鸠山指责! 2
                                            Fujii massive rock happiness and Nishimura happiness 祐, Hatoyama you see and keep with election violation The group the motion which accuses was begun! Spread! ! You participation margin! At Hatoyama hall '. Announcing the rescindment of the shooting hunting'? As for maneuvers name '. The shooting hunting' - the Public Office Election Law violation of Prime Minister Hatoyama is prosecuted! 2

                                            • 已提出给予在这种情况下外国永久居民选举权地方
                                              Local denizenship grant to the permanent residence foreigner is examined in such a circumstance

                                              • 席位,邮政改革的时间(在任何情况下,事后评价)小泉的新自由主义线收购,特别是那些
                                                As for parliamentary seat of that time (as for ex post facto appraisal rabbit angle) the new free route of Koizumi's, Those which are obtained with especially postal services reformation

                                                • 我不知道什么时候离开的宪法修正案获得从20年的可能不是永远永远 Unless constitution you must amend because you do not know no ten years it becomes later and That time perhaps it does not come permanently
                                                  • 什么是销售的思维了宪法修正案,小泽税?分离和内容是 Does Ozawa probably think of constitution amendment consumer tax rise Content as another is

                                                • 我们有一个在现实世界中谁是无神论者。为了地位,并考虑目前的趋势是所有的事情只有本地化的国家,也是一个独立单位的“个人”我唯一得到满足,作为一个举足轻重的物质“生活时间”一最。值得
                                                  These people being the atheism person, as a actuality in the world. It is present, just a physical state where localized it does thinks everything of existence, It is that independent single unit “ My individual “ Only profit sufficiency, as materialistic conclusion “ Life limited to of one time “ So most. It becomes value

                                                  • 我突然觉得驱动tTA“埃塔好改变面部手术,”如果他们开始说或鸽子,并 You thought suddenly but it is “fairing because it changed the face all right” When the pigeon produces to say how it will do that

                                                    • 我认为美国的经济政策越来越不信任,使更多的核问题的秘密协议
                                                      You think that secret agreement problem of the nuclear holding 込 and have increased to America with economic policy unfaithful,

                                                      • 日本首相或鸽子粪便而且要确保该问题不能只坐 下鄂如政府还确保短期不利变化的影响不是太获得太多太大的变化相当滚筒,不会做你的宝贵 Japanese prime minister time time is changing too much certainly There are also times harmful influence which is changing too much certainly There is also a problem that with only short term administration cannot place the waist But the droppings pigeon the te me it is useless
                                                        • 混蛋!而这个女人是日本和其他成员归混蛋! !日本第一的超级计算机的超级计算机冻结罪恶(2004)第31号⇒(2009) mukatsuku And the Japanese the naturalized person where designates such a woman as the Assemblyman mukatsuku Harmful influence of supercomputer freezing The supercomputer 1 rank of Japan 2004 ⇒ 31 rank 2009

                                                      • 普天间故障总理在党的历史条件下执政的自民党,因为一Poppo似乎也有特殊的问题,作为一个美国人,我认为国家的交流人未怪异执政党经常会做或在伊拉克撤退在军事方面基本上是没有什么变化如此之大 As for the Futenma failure how seeing with the consequence po tsu po 1 The prime minister of time of our people ruling party was with especially cannot think problem but it is The American way as for the country where often the ruling party changes as for the Iraqi withdrawal or such a being The military aspect does not do so big reform basically
                                                        • 嗯,不失败普天间,妥善资助子女免税额,以及速度自由,但我本人消除汽油税 Well Futenma not failing high speed converting free the revenue source of child treatment as securely if gasoline tax it should have abolished it is

                                                      • 李会接受这一点,小泽会见民主党领袖小泽一郎,命令我想提请人们注意,并回答了古小泽稍后听取民团
                                                        As for Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi this receiving, That in conversation with the Ozawa Democratic party representation, we want having interest, it ordered, Ozawa responded that in future you hear from people group,

                                                        • 此外,“我想赢得选举或者在夏天”,并呼吁的问题,“民主党为中心”和人民,“在野自由民主党为中心”的人,他们将超过这两个国家是这样,这是第一次扭转 In addition the person who is made the “Democratic party central ruling party” so far vis a vis the question “we want winning either one with Upper House election of the summer ” had exceeded the person who is made the “Liberal Democratic Party central opposition party” but this time it was reversed for the first time
                                                          • 但是我不会试图控制和瑞杉什么分歧,我会说这样的事我不明白的反对,并认为这次再次后果性质,是一个民主政权 Becoming democracy administration no degree you thought it is from the wa Opposition party age it probably will solve saying ru thing doing when ru thing is different too much It has done even with the short story whether it is it is not that

                                                        • 比荏外交中国的民主也是一个更大的问题,以4人死亡异教徒
                                                          As been Japanese 4 capital punishment problem, cowardice diplomacy to China of democracy probably will be larger

                                                          • 清单257已指出,即使是没有可能桑扎有事实错误和自相矛盾选举前的阶段,这是切断与新闻界和Negakyan〜 257 As for that manifest there being factual misconception and self contradiction at stage before the electing unless there is an actualization characteristic although sanza it was pointed out Because it overcame in the negative can don t you think
                                                            • 当拉回到现实的妄想是指出选前说,如果它与相对应的,“我认为加税是快乐Itama的”从它摆脱不想要 In regard to this if you said from before the electing as pointed out is When it is pulled back to actuality from delusion because “tax increase is to think is cartridge u fact of the matter before that it is happy ”

                                                          • 然而,即使小泉言论我,太过分,邮政的服务来回报,柏诚还摧毁黑线,放松管制也塞板,问题稍微信任的人,但小泉获得2 / 3位继续不使用一个席位
                                                            Nevetheless, Koizumi returning stopping even when, postal services structure counter group, Cancelling the route of PB recovery even when, flexible regulation stopping, Without questioning trust to the citizen, it continued to use the parliamentary seat of 2/3 where Koizumi obtains simply

                                                            • 瓦卡Renho你来说是不是487的主要方式,就是我说,他们是来自日本的内,日本在中日朝鲜人从汽化嗯我穿去上班是在水果,它们损害国家利益我不是一个人去真相的背后是什么海部俊树和山富市ü认为你的鸽子粪便,体重较轻,而我认为,阴影获得 NULL
                                                              • 这位总理说,每天不同的东西,我只有一个损失,日本的国家利益 Everyday the speech of the prime minister being different how much impaired the Japanese national interest

                                                            • 福田康夫在她的照顾它,我不得不削减解答渡边和内阁颈部
                                                              Yasuo who becomes aware to that, the Cabinet remodelling, cutting Watanabe's neck, made noncommittal

                                                              • 科举制度是“活着的上帝”的税收和赞扬抢夺老百姓形容它是一个由系统非常恶意,类似于北朝鲜的金正日独裁“特权阶级和贪婪的“象征的是一种制度,应立即取消该死如果旋转
                                                                As for emperor system “ Living god “ To say that with by the fact that it names it swindles tax and year Mitsugi from the commoner and takes it is the system due to quite vicious intention, It resembled closely to the North Korean Kim Jong-Il dictatorial system “ Aristocrat and the symbol of avarice “ So being, it is the disgusting system where it should abolish directly

                                                                • 纳鲁很多意见我失去了国家利益,但秃头是洙第一次国家利益,是一个质量问题后,最好的两个垃圾问题是不是批评利益的政策,无视国家 The tsu te opinion which impairs national interest to be many but the baldness same as for in the first place minsu Japan Being back burner first problem puts out national interest does not criticize the policy of national interest disregard Also the mass rubbish is problem
                                                                  • Ren4添加到NDS的ROM的DL的它,我输给了日本的国家利益 ROM of NDS DL doing Ren4 The Japanese national interest is impaired it is with the shank

                                                                • 美国陆战队普天间航空基地(宜野湾冲绳县),如果不搬迁定居由05年底的,涉及到首相应该鸠山由纪夫下台蟹说:“每一年在外交(总理)你可能有不同的利益损失负前景面临“有表示
                                                                  On the one hand, when the US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) transfer of facilities problem conclusion it does not do to 5 ends of the month, Whether Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama should retire, every year “at the place of diplomacy to in regard, () the face of the prime minister being different National interest was impaired”, that negative opinion was expressed

                                                                  • 美日安保驻留在任何时候,因为没有理论,你可能会想诚实的美国军队撤出日本驱赶
                                                                    Therefore regular permanent station there is no cherished opinion Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements, as for truth we probably would like to expel the US military from Japan

                                                                    • 而年轻劳动力和老龄化婴儿潮老害。太多代沟之间的大票
                                                                      With little child aging nodule old age damage Young layer and labor. Differential of vote of the generation is too large

                                                                      • 联系马伊拉408“我死”或“我从来没有进入滚装船热水”或写穆纳哟!说话的感觉好像我不知道写不好瓦特 408 Will not and others… That “die” “entering into lifetime hot water the ro ” you write Yo So doing as for the feeling which entry wants it is sufficiently understood but w
                                                                        • 联系马伊拉408“我死”或“我从来没有进入滚装船热水”或写穆纳哟!说话的感觉好像我不知道写不好瓦特 408 Will not and others… That “die” “entering into lifetime hot water the ro ” you write Yo So doing as for the feeling which entry wants it is sufficiently understood but w

                                                                      • 自由总理在和你“讲话梅罗,梅罗讲话”,并说他们来继续?无知的人不会相信我会埃泰意义呢? If with something meanderingly continued to say in the prime minister of our people that “stop stop” As for the foolish people thinking that such a thing it is not remembered the ru
                                                                        • 在正常情况下,自民党快乐“,毫无思想表决任何东西,”太多的贫乏签无知的人认为 这是花Asou In normal state “without thinking at all you vote to the Liberal Democratic Party” the foolish people that were too multi… Aso was the poor lottery

                                                                      • 自由民主党拒绝我想我真的是安倍晋三首相小泉井后,突然
                                                                        Hurrying Abe after the Koizumi, designated the decline of our people as the prime minister and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is met especially it is probably will be

                                                                        • 茹戈你把所有的自由民主党也减少儿童浪费时间和减少的唯一一紧张汽油税税额为自由也有公路,约05000000000000日元甚至买不起的早期古排序,我们甚至会billions ll屁对接(笑)
                                                                          Hundred million units even in stretching the fart viewing It is quick with categorization about 5,000,000,000,000 Yen device margin Though highway no charge and gasoline tax decrease and densely, the [ri] [ya] where treatment reduce the wastefulness of all our people age it is possible, it is the [ro] which is (laughing)

                                                                          • 萨克鸠山首相说,在事情出了袋子从美国被称为傻瓜会说Tteta鸠山也损害国家利益它拿走,总理是愚蠢的,没有国家 Being called the fool from the United States the ru where ru Hatoyama mono as for saying impairs national interest with Prime Minister and sows You call also Hatoyama probably will be unless the prime minister has with the fool the country …
                                                                            • 宇野你说了一些不可能的假设下,我说人的偏见主管的首要国家利益这样做愚蠢的鸠山,我不可能像花 The Hatoyama like fool the prime minister just does impairs national interest The competent human tsu te you say with the hypothesis which cannot be mono as for saying the trap which is unreasonable
                                                                            • 首相鸠山被称为美国愚弄了的袋子从还将Tteta鸠山说,对国家利益的损失以外,总理是愚蠢的,没有国家 Being called the fool from the United States the ru where ru Hatoyama mono as for saying impairs national interest with Prime Minister and sows You call also Hatoyama probably will be unless the prime minister has with the fool the country …
                                                                            • 首相麻生太郎是伟大的,我们的后代焕发出了问题埃塔消费 Aso Prime Minister great was shoots light with the future where we go out not to be wrong

                                                                          • 跑下来,我打的退休丑闻的支持率达到一年又一年。这是什么我Takuse萨科?在制定这个角色。万件?我死了
                                                                            Every year every year with viewing thing under support ratio scandal the [tsu] [te] retreating/quitting. It has approached being what in habit? This not being useful. As for ten thousand? Die

                                                                            • 辞职和杀人辞去民主党无论如何,除非这sort m没有真正负责任何力量 Temporarily it is are If it does not do even in the homicide there are no times when it gets off Assemblyman resignation and part it is as for the Democratic party The ho it is with there is no responsible power don t you think
                                                                              • 从党的辞职将Merubeki求萘乙酸Dabusuta逃税当时的苏 The dubbing star it does At point in time of tax evasion Assemblyman resignation we should seek from the intraparty section probably

                                                                            • 达罗一个更好的人比我站在什么原因,他们说,虽然舛添痛苦玺
                                                                              Although painful excuse doing, how Masuzoe something which raises on compared to much [mashi] the [ro] which is the human

                                                                              • 迈拉往往认为我们愚蠢,但Etara小夜,莫宁一个难得的机会消灭了日本的表面放电模拟
                                                                                So will not, and others When you think well [bakasayo], the Japanese faked gushing forth to the surface It clears Thousand 載 [zo] which is chance of one couple

                                                                                • 这将是值得信任的政府的立场交换意见,知道如何奇怪的一位首相,但作为一个大国的差异Ihanai哲学和态度可以改变爆裂印章总理? ? ? The prime minister changing the roller roller the administration which is not the big difference in idea and attitude Although it is same prime minister idea and attitude the roller roller the administration which changes Don t you think either one probably will be is relied on

                                                                                  • 这是517多党民主中指出执政党的政治领导不能改变解决总理,政府能够妥善地运作,即使首相是谁不 517 As for that changing the prime minister it does not solve The administration ruling party being the Democratic party above putting out political main leadership whoever becoming in the prime minister government honestly there is no possibility functioning of doing

                                                                                    • 这是徒劳的事业1990年当选为先前承诺,因此勾销
                                                                                      This ruin conversion of pledge pulling, like of time before 1990 causes the ruin conversion of election

                                                                                      • 这是由于自然唯物主义的观点是真实的事情立即,自然each在一个单独的独立,目前的趋势是认为没有更多的相互关系,各自独立每个自其他个人,个人的利益和生存“自私自我保护的本能”,以查看专注于原始丛林生存的追求,这样的竞争法的,将在物质社会的积极作为人类的基本原则
                                                                                        This is same thing actuality something due to the materialistic natural view which is, as for each one of the independent single unit in naturally, mutually relation above that Because you think, that it does not have, each of the individual which becomes independent mutually is continuance and the profit of the self individual “ Selfish self retention instinct “ In order to begin and end to pursuit, it means that the weak meat strongly the primitive struggle for existence like the food is as a general rule affirmed, with materialistic view large of human society

                                                                                        • 这是短命内阁先后从,Naudaro利益损失的国家,而他留在英超苏伤害,而不是目前丧失工作能力
                                                                                          From the fact that the short-lived Cabinet continues, Instead of disabled lets flow the harm the person who The [ro] where the thing where remains in the prime minister impairs national interest and is

                                                                                          • 邪恶战后最大的傻瓜我玛丽塔生活等谈这样的心情通过操纵舆论的人任意媒体,但媒体还是官僚和政治家们开始我目覚,媒体最初几个月的我将失去信誉,而不是攻击的目标 The mass communications such mysterious circumstance were born by the fact that the 恣 mind public opinion is worked it is After the war largest badness and being the bureaucracy in without the mass communications But calls group of people folly the do public is awaking instead of several months as for the mass communications confidence is lost first it becomes the object of attack don t you think probably will be

                                                                                            • 问题的原因是没有解决普天间民主党人说,他们从仙台弘前政权所谓的自由民主党是一个糟糕的吮吸
                                                                                              As for the cause Hiroshi's Kawauchi of the Democratic party Futenma problem not solving Because the Liberal Democratic Party of front administration is bad, the [tsu] [te] as for the speech which is said the lowest shelf

                                                                                              • 风扇是坏的鸠山,鸠山让我记住谁部长辞去了在5月被包扎 抱歉,我太松冈,小泽一郎,鸠山是成正比的比尔 1 It is bad to the Hatoyama fan but Hatoyama the bandage just has done in May the minister of state is made to stop the person who is the memory where… Matsuoka how it is too pitiful… If Ozawa you compare to Hatoyama
                                                                                                • 我记得我是放手的人部长在太穷了包扎 我面对松冈,小泽一郎,鸠山是成正比的比尔 The bandage it just has done in the face the minister of state is made to stop the person who is the memory where… Matsuoka how it is too pitiful… If Ozawa you compare to Hatoyama
                                                                                                • 风扇是坏的鸠山,鸠山查看详情五月讲话,讲话似乎迫使梅萨 1 It is bad to the Hatoyama fan but Hatoyama the bandage just has done in May the minister of state is made to stop the person who is the memory where… Matsuoka how it is too pitiful… If Ozawa you compare to Hatoyama

                                                                                              • 鸠山内阁的危险地带的支持率(百分之二十繁忙)!这次选举,“在野自由民主党为中心”的人跳下赢得民调显示细节人工神经网络的愿望,去年减少百分之30鸠山内阁支持率
                                                                                                Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio dangerous waters (20% stand) thrust! As for House of Councillors selection the person who desires of the “the victory Liberal Democratic Party central opposition party” increases rapidly In the public opinion poll of ANN, support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet cut 3 tenths finally

                                                                                                • 鸠山束卖国兄弟日本23日公告重组的目标瞄准经济福田康夫麻生太郎,日本100万亿日元,通过丢弃来保护自己在安倍晋三试图摆脱查看详细困扰的国家...
                                                                                                  23 Abe which it tries to exterminate the resident which spoils the country Fukuda which protects 100,000,000,000,000 Yen of Japan with the throwing away body and passes Aso which aims toward restoration of sound government finance Hatoyama which put out the Japanese treason in goal It is and is…

                                                                                                  • (Suretai),总理的脸是每年不同的利益,权利之前,相当于削减科学预算Butta国家你的损失已是日本的 suretai Every year the face of the prime minister being different impaired the Japanese national interest The ro where also your scientific budget butsuta cutting is equal
                                                                                                    • 我已经失去了日本民主党时代行为的兴趣,我说立法者和荷花博 Action of the Democratic party of opposition party age impaired the Japanese national interest that the lotus 舫 the Assemblyman says
                                                                                                    • 牛是更不利于国家利益仍然是现任总理,现在我只能破坏我们的国家利益面前排序 1 While it is current prime minister impairs national interest considerably and also your categorization impairing national interest the ro which is the ru

                                                                                                  • (节选) 只拣※当然有关的项目 民主党众议员美术莲花“人民的财产,不仅在国内,以前旨在促进国家的科学和技术,或其他人,”当然※ Excerpt Related sure The democracy lotus 舫 only the Assemblyman “talent in the country which is not property as for aiming toward technology establishment natural” Front sure
                                                                                                    • 项目 排序只是美术民主党议员莲花“人民的财产,不仅在国内,其他旨在促进国家的科学和技术,或”I ll笑再次宾博2★瓦特 The democracy lotus 舫 only the Assemblyman “talent in the country which is not property as for aiming toward technology establishment natural” 2 Already this foolish woman of laughing tsu chi ya u ze w

                                                                                                  • ,新公明党,百分之3 0,共产党1 9%,1 6%,社会民主党,人民的新党0 4%,民主党人成立的目的炮制接受批评的其他各方都在它Tsumaranai自民党“日本Tachiagare”1 6个百分点依然 As for the other political parties the Komeito 3 0 the Japan Communist Party 1 9 the corporation people party 1 6 the national new party 0 4 as for democracy with tsumaranai thing aiming to toward the saucer of the Liberal Democratic Party criticism both the joining party it did “rises Japan” was restricted to the 1 6
                                                                                                    • 其他党,公明党3 0%,1 9%共产党,社会民主党1 6%,0 4国家党%,而目标盘接受自民党新党批评为“日本Tachiagare民主党人”保持在1 6% As for the other political parties the Komeito 3 0 the Japan Communist Party 1 9 the corporation people party 1 6 the national new party 0 4 as for democracy with tsumaranai thing aiming to toward the saucer of the Liberal Democratic Party criticism both the joining party it did “rises Japan” was restricted to the 1 6

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