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Stage it pulls up to Mitarai Japan Federation of Economic Organizations chairman “consumer tax 10%, necessity”


  • 山冈肯齐委员会主席将接受民主党委员会主席会议,而不是小泽一郎在国会开会,介绍了计划在国会通过的法案二中
    > National anti- Chairman Kenji Yamaoka of the Democratic party to receive ruling party national anti- chairman conversation, inside the National Diet Ozawa meeting, 2 bills the policy now of being formed at the National Diet was explained

    • 1 强调日本的传统和索赔, “至少有百分之十的消费税所需的电梯停到路边,”他断言 1 gt “Expanding consumer tax however to intended tax it converts and is possible to lower Social security expense should be applied above current 2 times” that the former insistence of the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations again gt It emphasizes “at least consumption tariff increase above the 10 is necessary” that it emphasized
      • “的税收宗旨,以扩大销售税他们打破收取社会保障Terubeki”我强调了传统的索赔和日本经团连“,至少10%的消费税税率要靠边升降机它强调“ “Expanding consumer tax to intended tax it converts to social security should be applied” that the former insistence of the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations again It emphasizes “at least consumption tariff increase above the 10 is necessary” that it emphasized
      • 经团联,但他们可以期待略有降低企业税,因而会说为什么,这也是一个环境税缴纳的两倍以上现行的社会保障费用 If also Japan Federation of Economic Organizations says why having however it is possible to lower income tax a little Pay also the environmental tax with social security expense as above current 2 times

    • 20收入所得税为20年19年18年2005年,2004年,↓率1月1日修订的个人所得税,2007%20%20%23%23%13住民税%13%10%10%10%33总计% 33%30%33%33%税基调整幅度,地方财政2007↑(收入2006年)的收入结果在2006年的收入双重征税,所得税应税至少5%的税万日元的增加,7减税超过3% 2007 January 1st income tariff reform ↓ Income year 2004 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Income tax 20 20 20 23 23 Inhabitant tax 13 13 10 10 10 Meter 33 33 30 33 33 ↑ 2007 local tariff reform basis of assessment 2006 income The result of dual taxation to 2006 income the lowest assessable income person increased taxes the 5 the person above assessable income 7 000 000 Yen was reduced taxes the 3
      • 3%的减税,国会议员102万日元,政府官员,包括法官将在减税至少21000000日元 With tax reduction of the 3 as for member of the Diet 1 020 000 Yen as for the national public service personnel who includes the judge it becomes tax reduction of minimum of 210 000 Yen

    • 349这是,从一拉面父亲消费税从来宾我得到什么呢?不像拉面店的顾客,用户还外国炮,它是不是我付税在日本患者 349 As for that the father of the Chinese noodles house consumer tax amount receiving from the customer the ro which is from the ru Different from the customer of the Chinese noodles house the CANON user or the Japanese patient of the foreign country consumer tax something it is not paid
      • 如果您已开始了拉面元1050多日元,电梯只有出售840000000日元,拉面店的退税是10万日元(应) 10 500 000 Yen spending it began the Chinese noodles house when but only the sale of 8 400 000 Yen it is That Chinese noodles store is returned 100 000 Yen consumer tax expectation
      • 这个问题是佳能魔法避难储税总统应该提高,使我要去取消销售税 In other words as for problem if consumer tax rises the tsu lever which it has been about that the extent which rises CANON president who makes a profit will increase consumer tax
      • 顺便说一句,但是我做马氏手流多税或汽油税的小路是混乱的系统,一旦被退回溃疡是的,我们应该认为,如果最后一个营业制度本身作为但 … tsu te complicated system u … Multiplex taxation or tax increasing if the ru it is the oak which is it is returned just last enterprise you think that this system itself it should have crushed once but it is

    • 515不,不,销售税的事情我有原来的税务和社会福利用途,但时代在增加消费税削减公司税驱动tTA胖乎乎
      515 The consumer tax which well, comes coming out well originally with welfare intended tax [tsu] [te] thing, the place as for the consumer tax increment turned to the tax reduction of totally income tax

      • 686所得税和公司税,经济过于依附从不能支持稳定和安全的养老金和医疗费用,我没用 686 As for income tax and income tax influencing too much by business fixed cost such as annuity medical care Because it is not supported stably it is useless what
        • 减去所得税和无收入税有点短,如果此税税率对这些公司一方面投入不 If speaking simply if little there is no income because tax is little enterprise paragraph tax does income tax by all conceivable means tax does not enter

      • 880 Sugoisugoi哇!我会说什么,老人的编年史?愚蠢的!死的? 880 To sugoisugoi So The obsolete old person being what the ru Being foolish It dies
        • 在一个Sugoisugoi哇!我会说什么,老人的编年史?愚蠢的!死的? 1 To sugoisugoi So The obsolete old person being what the ru Being foolish It dies

      • 940不能指望国内需求,毕竟它如何厕所嘉代越来越多的人在提交破产die投资崩溃的企业是我所喜欢的救恩出口商 940 Domestic demand expectation not to be possible After all before investment collapses because the populace dies going bankrupt steadily somehow margin as for the toilet Export enterprise like corporate body rescuing how it does
        • 但是,如果国内需求预期将不会从挤压取之于民,或者,最终毫无意义的方式向外国投资Kukara Simply if it squeezes to substituting from the citizen and takes domestic demand expectation not to be possible After all because investment faces overseas meaningless
        • 基本上对日元大幅贬值(甚至包括金融崩溃)国内活动将只 Substantial weak yen public finance failure it includes basically due to there probably is only a domestic demand activity
        • 逻辑故障,成为1997年经济衰退前,衰退了破产的山一615 615 If Yamaichi collapsed in depression It comes to the point of before 97 depression logical failure

      • Auaua面临同样的威胁,我不能给学生一个749替代的特殊需要
        749 Alternate plan the intimidation which is not lifted how The same as [auaua] of special support student

        • Kayui Kayui江河‖゚‰∴∵∴∵ü。Ø∵。 关闭゚゚゚ü ü‥∵〜图标的问题。゚゚○○ (·∀· kayui kayui River river river river ∵ THEFR ‰ U River river ∵ THEFR ゚ o ∵ ゚ hu ゚ u n U SIME ∵ ゚ ゚ o ゚ o 92 ∀
          • Ø゚1 ∵∴∴(三゚∵‥)゚Ø ∴ ∵ :∴ ゚ ∵ ゚ THEFR o THEFR c ∵ ゚ ゚ o THEFR 92 ゚ U d ∵ THEFR ゚
          • ‖ ‖。◎゚ ゚◎ 〜〜ü゚゚关闭图标 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯‖河流゚∴∵。゚ヽ∵3〜 ゚ ゚ ゚ hu ゚ u n ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ River river ∵ THEFR ゚ 3 ∵ ゚ REPT
          • ‖ ‖。◎゚ ゚◎ 〜〜ü゚゚关闭图标 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯‖河流゚∴∵。゚ヽ∵3〜 ゚ ゚ ゚ hu ゚ u n ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ River river ∵ THEFR ゚ 3 ∵ ゚ REPT
          • ‰∴∵∴ü Ð Kayui Kayui河河道゚。Ø∵。 关闭゚゚゚ü ü‥∵〜图标的问题。゚゚○○ (·∀· kayui kayui River river river river THEFR ∵ THEFR ‰ U d ゚ o ∵ ゚ hu ゚ u n U SIME ∵ ゚ ゚ o ゚ o 92 ∀
          • ‰∴∵∴ü Ð Kayui Kayui河河道゚。Ø∵。 关闭゚゚゚ü ü‥∵〜图标的问题。゚゚○○ (·∀· kayui kayui River river river river THEFR ∵ THEFR ‰ U d ゚ o ∵ ゚ hu ゚ u n U SIME ∵ ゚ ゚ o ゚ o 92 ∀
          • ゚∵∴∵ %〜〜澳河。(三库赛库赛河流゚3∴∴〜Ø‖゚人∵。 River river ∵ THEFR ゚ ∵ o c person ゚ THEFR 3 kusai kusai River river o THEFR ゚ ∵
          • ゚∵∴∵ %〜〜澳河。(三库赛库赛河流゚3∴∴〜Ø‖゚人∵。 River river ∵ THEFR ゚ ∵ o c person ゚ THEFR 3 kusai kusai River river o THEFR ゚ ∵

        • NULL As the worker works at the thing enormously cheap cost I do not think” Elegance Hiroshi Origuti Day to day employment dispatch gutsudouiru group chairman Original Japan Federation of Economic Organizations director Original Japan Federation of Economic Organizations director The subordinate was arrested one after another ↑ Present radeiahorudeingusu Origuti presently in the foreign country in the midst of escape To become “in industry number 1 injury is permitted” Forest Junichi Talent dispatch company crystal president “The person who is can acquire differential doing difference does not freeze to death and or is not starved to death and or has not done” Okuda 碩 Former Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations chairman Former Toyota Motor Corporation chairman The judo six step which loves the weak thing unkind treatment That say “the part timer and either one of inoccupation is good ” Yosihiko Miyauchi Chairman Orikkusu Former regulation reformation private open propulsion meeting chairman Father of Murakami fund Inn of can po Manager of trade “Differential theory is the presumption” Okutani 禮 child Talent dispatch company the earl president The Japanese postal services corporation imitation director amuuei inquiry member Soka and Soka “Very free tar lifetime employment” Southern Kiyoshi 之 Talent dispatch company pasona president Soka and Soka
          • 经团联主席(丰富的演讲),经团联会长税税收减少的影响(即富发言)有较大影响的税务办公室继承税,继承税所得税。税率由忽视税收瓦特狡猾手段 Japan Federation of Economic Organizations chairman the rich person the tax whose influence is little Consumer tax Japan Federation of Economic Organizations chairman the rich person the tax whose influence is large Inheritance tax and income tax Inheritance tax place The tax ignoring is the tariff rise of consumer tax it is sly w

        • NULL Average salary Government employee 8 000 000 Yen One There is treatment lt In the constitution amendment bill furthermore including the privilege of salary treatment rise of the government employee the ru it does w Small and medium sized business 3 200 000 Yen Free tar 1 700 000 Yen Even retirement lump sum grant Government employee 34 000 000 Yen lt Unless it increases taxes being enough saying Somewhere Small and medium sized business 7 200 000 Yen Free tar 0 Yen Even bonus Government employee 1 800 000 Yen lt Working because of the bonus of the government employee those the ru way Small and medium sized business 430 000 Yen Free tar 0 Yen Average annuity Government employee 320 000 Yen in every month lt Government employee annuity and national pension merger margin vuoke National pension 60 000 Yen in every month Free tar It is not The salary of 8 000 000 Yen in annual income in government employee without lowering the tsu lever which increases consumer tax with government employee annuity and the tsu lever which supplies the shortage of the retirement lump sum grant the shank
          • NULL Average salary Government employee 8 000 000 Yen One There is treatment lt In the constitution amendment bill furthermore including the privilege of salary treatment rise of the government employee the ru it does w Small and medium sized business 3 200 000 Yen Free tar 1 700 000 Yen Even retirement lump sum grant Government employee 34 000 000 Yen lt Unless it increases taxes being enough saying Somewhere Small and medium sized business 7 200 000 Yen Free tar 0 Yen Even bonus Government employee 1 800 000 Yen lt Working because of the bonus of the government employee those the ru way Small and medium sized business 430 000 Yen Free tar 0 Yen Average annuity Government employee 320 000 Yen in every month lt Government employee annuity and national pension merger margin vuoke National pension 60 000 Yen in every month Free tar It is not The salary of 8 000 000 Yen in annual income in government employee without lowering the tsu lever which increases consumer tax with government employee annuity and the tsu lever which supplies the shortage of the retirement lump sum grant the shank

        • NULL The Soviet Union DREPT gt lt l No ¯ ¯ REPT ni Two ⌒ ri ─ REPT REPT Three Three two No REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT REPT mi The it does HKRPT L ∧ he r 92 REPT No DREPT 92 REPT 92 REPT no REPT Demoniac superhuman Rice field 碩 ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 ┌ DREPT REPT ⌒ The Soviet Union DREPT gt human ⌒ l lt l i ⌒ no ⌒ ri ─ gt H lt ⌒ REPT ─ ─ To 92 REPT REPT No No No No REPT No 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ゙ ¯ REPT te No REPT No REPT r ¯ 92 It does J 92 92 92 It does J Demoniac superhuman Rice field 碩
          • ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Ÿヽ, ┌ ヾ,ヽ :: 布鲁诺 ° ¯ ¯ 升 ∧∧ ──ヽ资源⌒ · · ( )●( ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ,ヽ 布鲁诺ー 他杀死我,连法国籍的引进和奴役 Y REPT ┌ DREPT REPT No ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 l ∧ ∧ 92 ⌒ ri ─ ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT REPT 92 No lt We was dangerous with slave system introduction and nationality method

        • ü家伙使用这些词的自由主义剥削制度词汇永久皇帝远新左左
          Left flank terminology summary New principle of freedom Exploitation Regular member Emperor system As for the person who uses these words extreme left

          • Waremashita行数次泡沫破灭后刺激经济,美国政府的要求,许多大公司 我们的行,我们主要是用于大型企业受益,许多人我不是来一次的好处 After the bubble collapsing countercyclical measures and the like were done many degrees but the many of them request of big business and the American government So it was done it was used because of the profit of big business mainly benefit did not turn to many citizens

            • | |在换言之,亏损的主要原因的结果是只有高收入人士的优惠政策为大公司和
              | | In other words, main cause of the deficit, only it is the result of big business and large amount income earner favorable treatment policy,

              • ││这种税收也是一个卡兹茂木世界各地的汽车通过,和巨大的电力出口。|制造业│(跨国公司)的好处是岂有此理
                │ Enormous export of the automobile and the electricity etc which applying on the world and, make this consumer tax of the │ and, turn. | The │ manufacturing industry (multinational) it is to bring the extraordinary profit

                • ♪我会是德国政党可以按照时间表饮食 柏迪重点一直是处理这两个法案,禁止国防改革法案国会官僚
                  Group of people going/participating together also a party German politics becomes possible, it is the ♪ > Treatment of 2 bills of the National Diet reformation-related bill which prohibits the bureaucratic reply became the focus

                  • ヽ ヽ ヽ ,布鲁诺 布鲁诺7ヽ ( ⌒,苏联─ヽ⌒⌒ ( )( )( )( )搜索引擎优化 金融 布鲁诺ヽ,乙 ≡≡ ≡≡ 彡 ヽ ,我 奖章 ─ヽ ° ≡≡ ≡≡ 聪 吉 与 ) ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡≡ ≡≡ ≡≡ 彡 日本。名誉主席粪便 92 REPT 92 92 REPT 92 REPT no REPT No 7 ⌒ ⌒ Soviet ⌒ REPT ─ i ⌒ u 諭 Good fortune the Soviet Union Sutra REPT No i ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 彡 REPT and i Decoration REPT ─ ¯ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 諭 Good fortune Ream ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 彡 Japan Droppings joint signature honor chairman
                    • 布鲁诺 工作队解散!警方累! Toeeei∧。 最近,我接到陛下的最高荣誉奖章 NULL

                  • 上诉法院法官双重征税,立法机构证明他的“政治决定,决定离开一个技术决定,这决定是非常不合理和认证事实足以证明不存在“的论断,标志着一段文本与行
                    With dual taxation appeal making clear decision as for the President of the Court, proof A, “being something where judgment of the legislature deviates judgment of discretion policy and technically, When to be considerable it is the thing with irrational ones, it is made to recognize judges the insistence proof of the fact which is enough it is not”, that it tidied up with composition of one line

                    • 丰田有东西进入美国,日本派。我在日本的钱,他会像电梯收紧分配给劳动者的思想在美国工厂的工作是不是在劳动力市场 Toyota something which has advanced to America in Japan group Tightening distributing to the simple worker who with the high treatment which in Japan cannot think of the gold which it made works at the American factory it seems the ru way it is
                      • 丰田有东西进入美国,日本派。我在日本的钱,他会像电梯收紧分配给劳动者的思想在美国工厂的工作是不是在劳动力市场 Toyota something which has advanced to America in Japan group Tightening distributing to the simple worker who with the high treatment which in Japan cannot think of the gold which it made works at the American factory it seems the ru way it is

                    • 他还活跃在这个疯狂的线程ID和僵硬的(笑) -消费税-税收制度,建议取消从11年的“每年2%” -日本经济的可持续增长至关重要
                      [kichigai] ID does the [tsu] densely, even with [sure] active (laughing) Consumption tariff, it lifts from 11, proposition = to “every year indispensability Japan Federation of Economic Organizations 2%” - sustainable growth

                      • 但是,你感到愤怒,因为其他国家的关税535如美国几乎?进口车进入了什么事比20年多前率过高的威士忌?当时,早期时报(波旁),我是不是5 000日元 535 In fact therefore the tariff foreign countries such as America are anger but When 20 years tariff of the import whiskey is too high before above chiyachiya you inserted but what At that time the Early times the bourbon has done 5000 Yen with reason

                        • 你是否支持日本s时,地点是试图使日本良好的梳子,如果没有得到日本一些食品公司 Supporting Japan as for ru Being about it has been about to improve Japan There is no enterprise which designates Japan as the food
                          • 全球的公司,我要说的全球标准,让他们在日本做 If at global enterprise the global standard tsu te you say it could let do that in the Japanese country

                        • 例如对于两个原因让我决定什么是必需品还是奢侈品,贵国的一个原因,美国的免税,鱼沼越光DVD在2000日元至50%,每公斤300日元承担大创获豁免该DVD有50%的税收不一致 Reason 1 It makes decide whether the country the luxuries or the necessity it means Reason 2 For example if as for the United States non taxation you suppose the 50 in DVD In fish swamp Koshihikari 2000 Yen of 1 kilometers non taxation In DVD of 300 Yen of die di saw taxation of 50 With the contradiction which is said occurs

                          • 做事如经团联会长御手洗取消,日本展示了一个异常
                            The Mitarai like kudzu doing, Japan Federation of Economic Organizations chairman [ru] situation, it is recognized that Japan is abnormal,

                            • 减轻负担的措施,作为对收入低,我还包括帮助销售税的退税政策,以生活的必需品
                              Low as a reduction of incidence step of the income earner, life It included also the institution building which returns the consumer tax of the necessity

                              • 删除的生命权是受到宪法的保障(切杆Namabo发言)我会听他们的故事,如果 If deletion namabo it does to discontinue the right to live which is guaranteed with constitution hearing story

                                • 前跳的极端Bisugidaroo你我一直胆小或恐吓s 751
                                  751 You have become frightened intimidation to something, it is, To jump too much to thorough argument is [ro] your

                                  • 加息所创造的消费税,因为我会说简单的业务不断洗到外国公司章程像一个漂亮的消费税税款下看看。另一种负担因素穷人的坏经验,我愿意承担尝试引入只峨自杀朱达罗穷人税收甚至举起刮高层次减少到扭转世界,不是吗?我也许能达到你的水平得到了暴力,会出现一个U基 The toilet saying according to the ru consumer tax tax increase even plan of mere financial world is thing Lowering income tax the heterogeneity consumer tax fixed The ro which is the pauper by the fact that the tax system is introduced Without being disgusted it will make bear that it has done So the burden ratio of the pauper who probably will be rubbed the greatest in the world there is a high level and increasing The suicide person decreases just increases as for the tax revenue conversely probably will be Gradually being serious the causing re where the riot happens it is reaching to level the ru
                                    • 加息所创造的消费税,因为我会说简单的业务不断洗到外国公司章程像一个漂亮的消费税税款下看看。另一个因素负担的穷人的我承受高层的贫困人口要实行的税收制度,税收仅增加自杀峨刮可带动世界的大部分将被减少坐下来reverse也许做他们的水平,发生暴动文 The toilet saying according to the ru consumer tax tax increase even plan of mere financial world is thing Lowering income tax the heterogeneity consumer tax fixed The ro which is the pauper by the fact that the tax system is introduced Without being disgusted it will make bear that it has done So the burden ratio of the pauper who probably will be rubbed the greatest in the world there is a high level and increasing The suicide person decreases just increases as for the tax revenue conversely probably will be Gradually being serious the causing re where the riot happens it is reaching to level the ru
                                    • 这不是很可笑Daro ll低着头说会取消销售税,因为他们憎恨的梁采取是企业税 Therefore income tax being taken hate the tsu te When consumer tax it lifts the ro where the sale is the decrease tsu chi ya u The head it is strange don t you think it is

                                  • 升降机及拉动收入的一次税制你想寻找低税率,对企业,如s和A想看到的in厕所销售税收是很明显的是什么打印机默默
                                    When you look whether national income rising with the previous consumption tax-deducted lifting & the income tax lowering or the tax revenue rises at As for answering clear Saying nothing, sell the toilet even with the printer

                                    • 即使我们的国家,我希望我会Isure的律师请求你的老师组织起来到多债务?
                                      If our country, now should have asked multiplex debt rearrangement of popularity to the teachers of the attorney, don't you think? it is?

                                      • 古薄弱,企业税和累进税特别税收优惠的投资不会因为公司需要一个渐进色调相反我
                                        As for income tax there is no progressive taxation, it is, On the other hand opposite promotion you want to see, make a profit about [ru] enterprise with the special favorable treatment tax system cheap become

                                        • 哪去公司的逃避新兴(低工资国家如中国和印度)会不高兴,即使只有低工资的竞争,使
                                          Ahead enterprise escapes young country Because (low wages country such as China & India) is, doing wages competition low, just it becomes unhappy

                                          • 嘿,我不经团联可笑,而公务员体制改革大喊大叫,为什么?铲球必须先行的改革作为优先考虑,而不是民间消费税上调是应该知道 It is strange Japan Federation of Economic Organizations does not shout why to be able to combine government employee reformation You must strive for government employee reformation consumer tax tax increase compared to as a most priority first as for Although it is expectation of consent
                                            • 15,869 20%的消费税,并把基本商品 周五,07 869 With consumer tax as 15 20 as for the daily necessaries deferment
                                            • 嘿,我不经团联可笑,而公务员体制改革大喊大叫,为什么?铲球必须先行的改革作为优先考虑,而不是民间消费税上调是应该知道 It is strange Japan Federation of Economic Organizations does not shout why to be able to combine government employee reformation You must strive for government employee reformation consumer tax tax increase compared to as a most priority first as for Although it is expectation of consent
                                            • 生活的必需品,如美国的免税,就像一台打印机或数码相机或50%肯定最喜欢的食物品牌 As for the United States or the daily necessaries to a tax free The brand item or the digital camera or the printer like taste item may be the 50
                                            • 百分之三十的销售税将是什么,外国免税!我可能会成为可能 That it probably is the consumer tax 30 when it probably is what as for the foreigner exemption from taxation Also many levers become possible
                                            • 相反,儿童保健,学习涉及消费税至15%瓦特,但我们的孩子没有好处,这是很好的0% The change childcare as for those which relate to study as for consumer tax however it makes the 15 w If there is no child treatment as for this it is good to make the 0

                                          • 在743?为了使他们留在日本企业法人税基尔一个座位都没有逃到国外Gemasu?如果是这样,“日本时间作出贡献的日本公司,因为它”“你必须聘用日本人”但是我再也不能忽视日本,特别是该even法 743 So If income tax is increased in order to make the Japanese enterprise remain it escapes to the foreign country but So if it becomes if “the Japanese enterprise therefore it does not contribute to Japan ” “If it does not employ the Japanese ” it becomes with without either the justice which is said All the more it means Japan to be ignored but it is
                                            • 在743?日本企业对Gemasu基尔公司税外逃?如果是这样,“日本时间作出贡献的日本公司,因为它”“你必须聘用日本人”但是我再也不能忽视日本,特别是该even法 743 So If income tax is increased in order to make the Japanese enterprise remain it escapes to the foreign country but So if it becomes if “the Japanese enterprise therefore it does not contribute to Japan ” “If it does not employ the Japanese ” it becomes with without either the justice which is said All the more it means Japan to be ignored but it is
                                            • 尽管依靠企业税,经济衰退 应直接到弱结构“,指出 Not to depend on income tax business depression gt Weak structure should be corrected” that reference
                                            • 尽管结构依靠企业税应该直接向脆弱的经济衰退,“注意到 Not to depend on income tax business depression gt Weak structure should be corrected” that reference
                                            • 所得税和法人税是太依赖于经济,税收从这里是不妥 Because it influences income tax and income tax by business too much You have made a mistake the fact that tax is taken from here
                                            • 特殊措施,公司税税率从43年2于1984年。 1989年3%42%40%1990年37。 5%,1998 34。 5%至30%,1999年,被告知在下一阶段制定井 As for corporate body tariff from 1984 with 2 annual temporary measure 43 3 in 89 from 42 40 in 90 37 5 in 98 34 In the 5 in 99 following one another to the 30 it was lowered
                                            • 看大大降低企业税,所得税大幅往下看,销售税提高到发言,丰富了发言赞成日本在丰 To lower income tax substantially income tax substantially lowering The bu is consumer tax was increased but With rich favorable treatment Japan did not become Yutaka
                                            • 虽然他们做那么多手削减所得税与公司高管薪酬和股东分红消费峨 While just that doing the profit which you inserted in the hand with corporation tax reduction goes out in official remuneration and share dividend

                                          • 在对青少年的工资销售税附表呕吐它来到我们面前和溃疡,如果他们有食物,背景虚化
                                            Wages of the young layer which consumer tax before lifting, you eat and crush lift, becoming dim

                                            • 在日本的外国投资者,而不是每天坐在了大部分的份额,日本利润下降,他们对如何排除。附表渴望成为一个政治扭曲 The Japanese domestic thing compared to foreign country In the investor how pulling out the profit from Japan the good juice Because whether it makes inhale of day It becomes enthusiastic to twist politics
                                              • 在日本的外国投资者,而不是每天坐在了大部分的份额,日本利润下降,他们对如何排除。附表渴望成为一个政治扭曲 The Japanese domestic thing compared to foreign country In the investor how pulling out the profit from Japan the good juice Because whether it makes inhale of day It becomes enthusiastic to twist politics

                                            • 在日本,维修和保养,如老,如果付诸区分喜欢升级的好处?我认为将在大规模生产时代的失败 In the country former times repair and maintenance and upgrade like benefit attaching likely if it discriminates converts Losing in age of mass production defeating the ze which you think that it is
                                              • 维修和保养,并升级到一些人,因此不会与客户等候在日本科库 The person is in repair and maintenance and upgrade unless and it copes in the country it means to make wait the customer

                                            • 在连续梁CON组结果为20年。应该扭转从通货紧缩的政策是破坏!由公司去海外逃逸国内公司的利润不出来 20 years of continuing to be swindled the result inside Because it is deflation of destruction … we should make the policy of opposite As for the enterprise which escapes to the foreign country in the country it is the enterprise which cannot put out the profit
                                              • 在连续梁CON组结果为20年。应该扭转从通货紧缩的政策是破坏!由公司去海外逃逸国内公司的利润不出来 20 years of continuing to be swindled the result inside Because it is deflation of destruction … we should make the policy of opposite As for the enterprise which escapes to the foreign country in the country it is the enterprise which cannot put out the profit

                                            • 基尔是应投诉的外观上更如果我住只是生活的必需品,奢侈品税说万 It should have lifted but it imposes a tax to the daily necessaries it is If just the luxuries lifting more as for complaint the word cup

                                              • 增加值在英国(税务系统的健康,教育,食品和其他商品是不征税的味道)如果我的结构,但不是10%
                                                If the value added tax system in England (it does not impose a tax to medical care, education and the food and the like other than the taste item) is, it does not care even with 10%

                                                • 奥田,出口│日本经济团体联合会前主席,丰田│││606,现任总统的管理都御手洗佳能 大幅度下降。 422已享受的好处 606 │ │ As for front Chairman │ Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations Okuda Toyota as for Chairman present Mitarai the CANON manager With │ in each case enormous export decrease Benefit 422 You have enjoyed
                                                  • 集团利润后Kattara♪好分发606。这很容易和你的论点也是真正的共产党人和蓝色我不会说谎 606 When it makes a profit because it distributes the all right ♪ Sutra group Lie it is not attached How also the communism person is deep blue easy theory

                                                • 如果721人头税,但只有你不能得到销售税付给我我发言,因为富人可以购买的每一个检验的凌志因为,穷人和堂吉诃德不单买我有相同的平均hundreds 721 If head tax the pauper who with only hundred equals and donki is not bought The kind of rich person who buys the rec suspension every vehicle inspection Supplying although ru consumer tax you cannot receive by your are the same what
                                                  • 如果721人头税,销售税是付给我本人发言,因为富人可以购买每一个雷克萨斯的检查,差唐吉诃德不仅购买我有相同的平均数百 721 If head tax the pauper who with only hundred equals and donki is not bought The kind of rich person who buys the rec suspension every vehicle inspection Supplying although ru consumer tax you cannot receive by your are the same what
                                                  • 我会让他们失望Baiin 746?他们时代的货币在市场上不再烦恼,它最终会差 746 It should have decreased don t you think it is So if it does the gold stopping turning in city Being troubled after all the pauper
                                                  • 我去,那就错了它,在我自己的销售税从客户失去出口业务是不支付我会说什么? Although consumer tax you cannot receive just export enterprise from the customer the payment wa there is no just yourself the te The ro whose it is strange and is to lose

                                                • 如果你有一个和税收以如此的规模在会上对蓬勃发展的经济衰退抑制一些面积在泡沫经济,因为税,必定会打破繁荣的雪崩崩溃when does没有工作Birudoinsutabiraiza厚
                                                  At the time of prosperity the [tsu] to hang bitterly, to take, because it exempts from taxation the recession period, very the bubble and depression can be held down are Even the recession period having collected taxes on the same scale, as the time of prosperity the built-in stabilizer does not do and collapses functioning avalanche the [u] [tsu] [te

                                                  • 如果我们假定一个单一税率例外无奇,目前在比什么,即使没有暴力
                                                    If the even taxation which is not exception is designated as prerequisite, they are not anything ones other than rash act regarding present condition

                                                    • 当是最后外国消费者,消费者的销售税是采取我将不接受我,还是来back ll为什么呢?我们说了很多,但最近我变成了外国消费者的地方完成我想象这样的事情。我认为不一致 When the last consumer is the foreign country it means that consumer tax has not received from the consumer but it is even then the fact that it returns why is Recently the varieties being said however the ru because we has represented in such feeling the place where end becomes the consumer of the foreign country In order for contradiction to occur you think
                                                      • 权限级别。并让他们失望,并在显示细节销售税从☆我不认为你有足够的资金和外国儿童通过 Privilege floor Because it may be enough there is no either money which it cannot decrease and gives to the child of the foreigner Don t you think consumer tax it lifts So

                                                    • 当然始终与消费税,即喷洒冰上基达妒忠诚意味着穷人
                                                      As for consumer tax-related [sure] even when, snowdrift of jealousy and [higami] of mean poor people

                                                      • 彻底改变手枫木产品││││,但说出来,使社会福利,消费税上调。 大幅增加,在出口退税│,也利得税,公司现正50%的负担。意向零照顾雇主的贡献是显而易见的养老医疗││ │ │ │ Apply the │ hand to change the item welfare social security is brought up but with consumer tax tax increase Increase amount of │ enormous export drawback corporate body taxes of big business presently enterprise bearing the 50 │ The intention that is clear it will designate the business main burden of medical annuity nursing which the │ is as zero
                                                        • ││││在所有 它的魔力,因为这并不免除销售税,出口销售的激励机制是存在的税收│ │ │ │ As for the mechanism of the │ you say that consumer tax is exempted concerning export sale it is outrageous It is existence of the │ favorable treatment tax system
                                                        • 枫叶产品完全│││易手,但说出来,使社会福利,消费税上调。 大幅增加,在出口退税│,也利得税,公司现正50%的负担。意向零照顾雇主的贡献是显而易见的养老医疗││ │ │ Apply the │ hand to change the item welfare social security is brought up but with consumer tax tax increase Increase amount of │ enormous export drawback corporate body taxes of big business presently enterprise bearing the 50 │ The intention that is clear it will designate the business main burden of medical annuity nursing which the │ is as zero

                                                      • 成本│───────────────────────────────────────────────┌查看详细下降到劳动力成本将被迫镇压其他选择,但较高者意味着工人工资 ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ In order to reduce cost labor cost in other words wages of the worker stop obtaining are not held down low

                                                        • 我们想解除他们,比如社会保险,税前索赔枫一消费者认知的白痴,我就呕吐雇主负担的wwwwwm9社会保险费的西方发达国家的最低折扣在( ^д^)雅゙゚小康的关键-雇主支付的社会保险费是国家在发达国家中最低的发达国家(参考文件的最低水平)雇主支付的保险费在社会
                                                          If it means social security commenting like thing, before insisting the consumption tax-deducted lifting with one remembering of the fool, Pull up the business main burden of social premium of lowest level even with the European-American advanced nations, wwwwwm9 (the ^ д ^) [hu] ゚ [ki] ゙ [ya] - As for social premium business main burden in advanced nation lowest level (data compilation) As for social premium business main burden in advanced nation there is a lowest level

                                                          • 我加载了感冒和极端心理,而且身体,武藤敏郎会辜负什么经济影响,在最高水平的清洗
                                                            But even physical, being cold psychologically, to extremely the [ru] to do, the higher stratum of society section You think that very purgation bears the largest economic result,

                                                            • 我想我来晚了,我觉得我已经采取了510?与我的信用被用来作为利润和商业界的追求自我,并试图解除去年烟花拍摄音频 510 Already the hand late tsu te feeling the ru it is it isn t So vis a vis the pursuit and the business world of self profit in order that you make your own feat it has been about to launch the last fireworks… with

                                                              • 我有这个人的角色,他们编排的承诺外需的主要出口国的需要
                                                                The fact that demand of the top party of the export enterprise which is devoted to outside demand is arranged is role of [koitsu

                                                                • 我谈谈经验累螺旋“20年丢失,厕所”的,而我知道,“这将提高税收,”说 After entering into opposite Shin characteristic spiral although “20 years which are lost” it became as for the toilet While perceiving to that you call “tax increase margin”
                                                                  • 和就业之间的巨大差距,想摧毁而且还期待下的企业税收改革和税收的增加,除非经常性的既得利益公务员法团 If Special Corporation proper government employee acquired interests are not reformed even when increasing taxes lowering income tax Employment destruction and differential it spreads
                                                                  • 大规模的骚乱,也可以拉出一志位和成年人提高税收 When it increases taxes even with the gentle citizen The large scale riot refuse possibility comes out
                                                                  • 比将首选投资者和公司高管高工资,没有加税问题 If enterprise makes wages rise prefer from the investor and the official increasing taxes there is no problem
                                                                  • 消费税上调了日本经济类型成为坏苦,而不是更少的税收 When it increases taxes with the Japanese type consumer tax business becomes bad the whole tax revenue decreases rather
                                                                  • 爱国主义是对他的案件有关加税很难限制他们是怎么尖叫爱国主义 It is patriotism that it is patriotism screaming only the ru person About the case which opposes to tax increase desperately
                                                                  • 被迫成为消费税上调的承诺,民主党13民主党,自由党与谢野馨也看到这样的 13 Also the Democratic party stops obtaining pledges converts consumer tax tax increase In the Liberal Democratic Party and there is such reading in the Yosano new party
                                                                  • 这些章节完整(刚刚整理项目构成)来的正是在任何速率的实际情况,临时加税的进一步浪费 You do not start to such part as for business categorization just the pause It increases taxes and passes and how the se furthermore just squanders probably

                                                                • 拉比───────────────────────────────────────────────└正如巴特勒指出,资本主义现在是“过度集中的财富”和“自由贸易”活动,消费需求停滞,并崩溃供应之间的平衡,也就是说,它消亡的危险is排减单位,并不会说太多说
                                                                  └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ If consumption activity blunts, awakening however much supply, it is wasteful

                                                                  • 无用的降落伞,建设者,儿童津贴的血液。国家负担没有说明他的屁股擦和目前管理不善是一个大型垂直! ?财政热切愿望“,然后在日本没有在IBD的消费税”不是贷款,但没有人听到口号背诵s
                                                                    Wasteful order exerted from above, earth building, child treatment blood. Large losing government of discharging and the like the rear end wiping of the person who was done national burden! ? Earnest wish of financial affairs, “the consumer tax tax increase non dying subject of the Japanese end” advocating, who does not listen

                                                                    • 日本是不是现金支付水平低,“...卫生部长夫人-社会保障福利-长的孩子是”全额现金支付,“他的妻子的卫生部长在长远的眼光... [04 / 13]
                                                                      Japan level of cash provision is low”,… long wife thick labor phases As for child treatment with “payment in full cash provision”… long wife thick labor phases opinion [04/13

                                                                      • 日本的出口依赖仍上升约15%的国家类型的国内基本
                                                                        Even now when it rose as for the Japanese export degree of dependence 15% Basic domestic demand type nation

                                                                        • 日本经团联的发展战略称为○“超级大国”的健康,显然整个故事,7月9日正在考虑发展战略草案,或创造需求为日本经济团体联合会,
                                                                          ○ Japan Federation of Economic Organizations growth strategic clarification To “healthy large country” demand creation Whole aspect of the growth strategic plan which the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations examines on the 9th, became clear

                                                                          • 是啊,我给你买家伙真正重新导入了三遍650?但是,消费税的税率在朱达罗从愚蠢,我听到坏的影响为零老钱使用不当或者不显示细节上的生命的必需品,特别的外国人,我想我它是什么我想要更多的非法移民和贫困老人的养老钱用Tteru 650 As expected if 3 times importing conversely everyone you buy don t you think it is But as for consumer tax the ro which is the tax system which is taken from the fool So how offensive instead of lifting the daily necessaries are designated as 0 is good but As for doing special you think that it is the old person and the poor foreigner who do not use the gold but don t you think But as for we poverty whether from the annuity old person and the illegal stay like foreigner using the gold the ru
                                                                            • 古亚马孙看,听或根据企业缴纳的税款不能税我到日本,我觉得税务期间采取只在税 That Amazon tax is not paid to Japan when you hear Income tax lowering as for tax you think as the age shelf which only is taken with consumer tax
                                                                            • 是啊,我给你买家伙真正重新导入了三遍650?我听到坏的影响为零或者查看详情必需品到特别消费税,但它是好的,但我觉得我不老,旧人使用外国人差钱的退休金,但穷人我想更多的国外资金非法或使用Tteru 650 As expected if 3 times importing conversely everyone you buy don t you think it is But as for consumer tax the ro which is the tax system which is taken from the fool So how offensive instead of lifting the daily necessaries are designated as 0 is good but As for doing special you think that it is the old person and the poor foreigner who do not use the gold but don t you think But as for we poverty whether from the annuity old person and the illegal stay like foreigner using the gold the ru

                                                                          • 查看细节,如果你做销售税,预计需求驱动的细节只有在最后for观察显示白痴包括对工作已money,“我会买it say而你失去!”强权刺激经济made我茹think喜欢 ? 05%的地方恢复一年之后,“他们会想购买糖果税了!”我们不要再愚弄和Baiin Consumer tax it lifts if it is immediately before lifting to dash because you can expect demand If the fool who is the gold the buying wa is not “among now loss ” Thinking likely whether business it can stimulate … After that resetting to the 5 in rank of 1 year later Because “consumer tax it went down the ze which buying now is the chestnut ” With and it should have swindled it is it is not

                                                                            • 查看详情,但与此相反380食品,国防消费税从那些谁可以减少购买国内销售金额companies ll 380 As for the foodstuff when the consumer tax which is paid it lifts tariff returns Because those which also domestic sale enterprise can buy decrease although consumption tariff is increased as for opposition as for the person As for the Imperial Family other than of defending and legislation tries riding probably to depending on conversion all private managements simply and It is proper approval what don t you think Tax we would not like to pay with we would like to presume upon consumer tax The same as Korean
                                                                              • 354简单,但事实上,我不想说,而是你可以少买,你想在税津贴井 354 Gently because those which can buy distantly with the allowance where consumer tax rises decrease although you should have mentioned the ear shelf
                                                                              • 520退休金和医疗保健的负担,而不是让市民的税务负担,这是由公司承担 520 Annuity and medical burden are made to bear to the citizen are with consumer tax not to be we should bear at enterprise don t you think
                                                                              • Etara认为是正常的,10%的税组成部分以及谁应该从这样失去 Normally when you think because the consumer tax 10 it depends on also the part although it is the expectation which loses
                                                                              • 不公平,要求他们退还销售税Bakkari然后丰田和佳能,我再也不能接受的意见,即使是愚蠢的瓦特 So when it does Toyota and CANON having returning tsu temporary consumer tax without also the opinion that it is sly becoming The fool agrees upon w
                                                                              • 但是,逃税或作弊,他们是在他们的收入,并从那里可以从旧的优势 So cheating income in consumer tax the people who have evaded taxation because there is also a merit which can come off even from the old person
                                                                              • 出口公司已支付驱动tTA从哪个国家国内消费者无需支付销售税从存款支付税款驱动tTA凯塔营销companies ll回来税 As for export enterprise the consumer tax which is paid returns From the consumer tax which also domestic sale enterprise keeps from the consumer Pulling out the consumer tax which by your pay you have paid to the country
                                                                              • 增值税退还10解除了对产品有这么佳能纳税05 15,10,佳能公司将需要获得 The consumer tax 5 which CANON pays To there the consumer tax 10 to stack Because the fact that it is returned is 15 CANON becomes 10 profits to do
                                                                              • 如果你不需要自己的销售税668公务员薪俸民间一半 668 When government employee it allows reduces by half consumer tax itself there is no necessity
                                                                              • 如果你在国外销售的商品我不接受销售税采取从客户,我什至不付销售税或其他业务,对不对? When the thing is sold in the foreign country Consumer tax cannot be received from the customer therefore it is As for even enterprise not paying consumer tax and the te being good the ro which is natural
                                                                              • 我反对销售税附表帝国的人,国防,除了私有化立法是我很同意吗?不想纳税,但韩国国家以及甜僵尸 Although consumer tax it lifts as for opposition as for the person The Imperial Family other than defending and legislation as for making all commercialization It is proper approval what don t you think Tax we would not like to pay with we would like to presume upon the country The same as Korean
                                                                              • 我梁下的销售税,他们现在雇用,就业的增长并没有责备他,如果要对其征税将是很有意思 When now consumer tax it lifts employment decreasing don t you think it becomes funny thing When tax we want unless employment it increases
                                                                              • 我这种说法,并没有这样的信息唯一的缺点是愚蠢的看法是分歧绝缘体不懂得销售税说354 354 Like this the large fool whom either the consumer tax which is said you cannot understand misunderstanding That it is drawback when you insist it becomes wretched
                                                                              • 政府没有钱开始的,但如果这并不意味着他们应该削减公司税,取消消费税税率,如果站在 In the first place although there is no gold in government there is no meaning where it increases consumption tariff even if and passes and can reduce taxes income tax the ginger
                                                                              • 来吧出一个明确的立场上采取了销售税,金钱甚至雄厚的企业发言,但是,仅仅是一个后的所有服务免费乘坐 However the rich person or enterprise without producing the money increase the consumer tax It rides in service after all simply just
                                                                              • 桥本是税推出3%的销售,为什么不改变埃泰感事情已经爆裂,一旦进入衰退复苏路线 When Hasimoto introduces 3 consumer tax recovery keynote It is and the tsu pe is changing to the depressed route It probably won t be remembered
                                                                              • 淇,如果它发生的购买和收据唯一吸引消费者看前后负荷和汇率变动的详情,有关销售税的显示一次19,你提高它几次税与大短期 19 When consumer tax it lifts at one time to dash on the front and back where tariff changes because consumption refraining from buying happens It is short many degrees increase tariff to period little by little is
                                                                              • 聋人和依靠销售税,这意味着政府已经违反了我们刑事逃税 It tries probably to depending on consumer tax means the fact that government is defeated in the tax evasion offender
                                                                              • 那么966是一种怀疑,最终看我应该去的消费税奢侈税的无不是一个麻烦 966 hu mu … The troublesome thing after all do how like this it is not it designates solves consumer tax if as luxurious tax commodity tax and it lowers the shelf

                                                                            • 根据修订后的查找所得税和法人税完成(投资回报率,使工作)
                                                                              Because the income tax lowering after the income tax modifying Ryo (is restored with the employment investment effect,)

                                                                              • 此外,我也浪费起来,不顾腐烂之前,需要加税 In addition whether necessity it questions and about rots well in obtaining that tax is increased the wastefulness which is ignored that
                                                                                • 此外,我也浪费起来,不顾腐烂之前,需要加税 In addition whether necessity it questions and about rots well in obtaining that tax is increased the wastefulness which is ignored that

                                                                              • 消费活动──────────────────────────────────────────────└如果放缓是浪费时间,以刺激一些供应 └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ If consumption activity blunts awakening however much supply it is wasteful
                                                                                • ┘─────────────────────────────────└ NULL

                                                                              • 生命的低级生命就是忽略Gokiburinetouyo荒谬言论wwwwwwwwwww行科拉尔是错误转变政府主席厕所,你知道我们不这样做销售税的事情资本主义wwwwww比后进入最后几天,切割和摒弃弱的高科技系统,嵇敏案规定对行业重税

                                                                                • 由于财富从年轻人到老年人,可以由青年消费需求预计转让
                                                                                  Because moving the wealth to the young person is done from the senior citizen, you can expect also the domestic demand due to the consumption of the young person

                                                                                  • 相? 5%7%10→→%呢?保持开放的各种水龙头,而它适合什么?如果你不吞约20%,水库或本人然 Gradual 5 gt 7 gt 10 like The various faucet with while open the combining which is in time At a stroke unless about the 20 it does as for the water 溜 ma viewing

                                                                                    • 税的公司在海外使用我看税收孔嵌入你嘿嘿用的东西的社会保障支付在日本一角钱只是不要你付出了单独的社会保障,以及企业所得税鉴于对科技企业的税收,如果不是全世界,日本低 As for consumer tax something use in social security well Because you use in stopgap of income tax The foreign country try seeing As for enterprise not only income tax and it bears social security separately the ze which is Is just Japan Either one sen is not borne If you consider that the tax which depends on enterprise Japan the greatest in the world is low
                                                                                      • 即使销售税将实施的今天,不等待,不命名或社会保障?我们用鳕鱼不好,我觉得你变得有点更加体面的国家 When current consumer tax is introduced as for pretext social security the tsu ke which is not Being used honestly the cod becoming the inside tsu and honest country however you think as the ru
                                                                                      • 如果两者之间的差异首先推出了不带任何安全网的高度递减的间接税 Without there is no either safety net introducing the indirect tax whose opposite Shin characteristic is high the original mistake

                                                                                    • 继承税超过一定的阈值(如5000万美元)以上的极端Gerubeki率金额
                                                                                      It should increase inheritance tax to extreme ratio one fixed amount or more (concerning) amount such as 50,000,000

                                                                                      • 美国没有公共医疗保险,雇主支付的社会保险公共保费只比低柏迪,私人养老金是由雇主支付,再加上有负担的医疗保险和排减单位,我们如果美国雇主比全国高出贡献
                                                                                        As for America because there is no public medical insurance system, when it compares with just public social premium, business main burden is low, but When the private annuity which the business main thing has borne, burden of medical insurance is added, how the business main to bear of America is higher than our country

                                                                                        • 而零收入税,销售税,只有百分之四十的所得税为零,但我最好不要,♪这将是外国居民,从条约的好处泪水的眼睛将是零
                                                                                          To income tax zero, if makes just consumer tax, it is good even with the 40% When it becomes income tax zero, because also benefit of taxation convention becomes zero Don't you think? it becomes the resident foreign tear eye it is, the ♪

                                                                                          • 至于未来,下一代的民族企业如何税(公司税),你说1 3时,我已经唱过了全国物流领域(人口增长,移民可能在)稀释剂或税务它广泛纷纷转向物流(销售税的),将成为更广泛的国家可能 Next generation of future as a national image how tax of enterprise income tax it lowers that Active doing the physical distribution of the area which has thing and the nation which you say it increases population even with immigration yes Vis a vis the movement of the physical distribution thin tax it is applied widely this consumer tax with you say the notion that where It means about the nation which it is possible to be accustomed largely
                                                                                            • 至于未来,下一代的民族企业如何税(公司税),你说1 3时,我已经唱过了全国物流领域(人口增长,移民可能在)稀释剂或税务它广泛纷纷转向物流(销售税的),将成为更广泛的国家可能 Next generation of future as a national image how tax of enterprise income tax it lowers that Active doing the physical distribution of the area which has thing and the nation which you say it increases population even with immigration yes Vis a vis the movement of the physical distribution thin tax it is applied widely this consumer tax with you say the notion that where It means about the nation which it is possible to be accustomed largely

                                                                                          • 规划双重征税,因为贪婪,由自民党国会议员进行的,我们应属于财政部官员
                                                                                            Because of my interest selfish desire it plans dual taxation, Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman and the public official of the financial affairs ministry who are executed should cease to exist

                                                                                            • 该表,你会看到,即使在英国国民保健服务,是经营的税收,医疗保险不包括罕见
                                                                                              Furthermore, you know that the chart is seen, but as for England medical insurance is not included partly due to the fact that NHS is used with tax,

                                                                                              • 财富│──────────────────────────────────────────────┌少数富人集中,没有专利的钱很多贮元积蓄简直是聋人的鼓励,是非常丰富的即时支付│太行轻微,而那些矫饰,穷人没有钱,我们本来没有袖子│如果不接触,可以更主动的消费者
                                                                                                ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ In order to reduce cost, labor cost, in other words wages of the worker stop obtaining are not held down low

                                                                                                • 这是购买的应税金额,以及该产品的存货采购价格,办公用品和娱乐开支购买需要进行出口交易,固定资产及其他费用和广告费用购买还包括支付Maremasu
                                                                                                  Although other than purchase price of inventories of the commodity and the like, the export transaction is done, also expense such as purchase of the necessary office work supplies and expense account spending and ad expenses etc and purchase price of fixed assets are included in the amount of this taxation stock,

                                                                                                  • 销售税的计算缴纳(1)获得由升降机消费税出售(2)消费税是驱动tTA支付供应商(1)(2)拉来支付差额的税务机关至 As for calculation method of the consumer tax which you pay 1 Selling the consumption tax assessment which can 2 The consumption tax assessment which is paid with the stock 1 The empty 2 pulling you pay the balance to the tax office

                                                                                                    • #社会保障局工作组退休金部材料(第三部分)(2002年4月19日)在(第06)的国民负担率(税收负担,社会保障缴款)保费变化的社会保险指出,这种国际比较:
                                                                                                      # Thick labor economical data Social security conference annuity sectional meeting (3rd) (2002 April 19th) inside, (data 6) national burden ratio (tax burden and social security burden) change, There is following kind of statement in country-by-country comparison of social premium burden

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