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It is the Japanese government-related person “usual thing. With special care the safety net preparing, Prime Minister Hatoyama tears that trembly” 


  • 如何才能国↑晚餐瓦特10分钟的聊天联合国在一次非正式首脑会议在
    > The Japanese-American informal summit meeting ↑ Thing or w of chat 10 minutes of time of dinner

    • 1 已获得当地协议的 和绝对的要求,对于这两个立场,除非你已经看到,它通过将开始审议该草案,而不是感动 American government lt 1 gt hindrance comes to the US military use as a condition for agreeing to the transfer of facilities plan of the Futenma airport It is not lt 2 gt you have obtained the agreement of local end to designate thing as an absolute condition the prospect of these 2 points If it does not stand unless examination of transfer of facilities plan can be begun it is standpoint

      • 1000万亿日元的债务,以图在挨饿的人是愚蠢的,我没有见破鸽和泽无知的人
        [matsu], as for the foolish citizen being starved to death with 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen debt, the pigeon and the foolish people who cannot penetrate [oza] it is

        • 225 TTP的:/ / www.google.co.jp / hottrends趋势/?萨u003d X和433 u003d prbx_hot_trends&克拉u003d标题及q u003d%E3展%83%AB公司%E3展%83%公元前%E3展%83%94%公元前83%E3展%+%B3的九个人口众多%%答9%E5公司%B1的%B1的我加载它从中线或突突10:00左右

          • 29:25编号:吨 OhI0K7P 1 48 741名:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 04 16(星期五)13:08:45编号:吨 OhI0K7P 48分之48 米卡凯努内衬与显示器之间从写晴朗的夜晚,一些令人惊讶的是已知的兰花 29 25 ID T OhI0K7P 1 48 741 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 04 16 Friday 13 08 45 ID T OhI0K7P 48 48 While the night opening from it is stuck and supervision entry something intellectual viewing is enormous
            • 22名称:Shisan名无 10周年 发布日期:2010 04 16(星期五)02:29:25编号:吨 OhI0K7P 1 48 741名:Shisan名无 10周年 张贴于:2010 04 16(星期五)13:08:45编号:夜吨 OhI0K7P 48 48 米卡凯努明覆盖与书面的监测,一些令人惊讶的是已知的兰花 22 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 04 16 Friday 02 29 25 ID T OhI0K7P 1 48 741 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 04 16 Friday 13 08 45 ID T OhI0K7P 48 48 While the night opening from it is stuck and supervision entry something intellectual viewing is enormous

          • 405美国的新闻总是幻想有一个合法的军事危机煽我要把你知道你搞砸国美国独立战争期间看到奥巴马告诉美国,如果你亲吻的最后两位数的过程是这样的我说,在伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器是北罗?微笑。摇它是NattsuーBakajaianizumu Tokya肌肉做什么我道歉下降马德尔奇恩奇恩 405 As for the news America going between the ro which is the ru Fanning crisis that there is a justifiability in the US military it makes misunderstand Always America is this hand Looking at the war which past America set up the re it is understood When obama says gochiyagochiya As for the massive weapon of Iraq niyaniya Apology mada which you dropped The chin chin tsu te it comes at last and the ya it is to call is It is swung in muscular bakajiyaianizumu the tsu
            • 405美国的新闻总是幻想有一个合法的军事危机煽我要把你知道你搞砸国美国独立战争期间看到奥巴马告诉美国,如果你亲吻的最后两位数的过程是这样的我说,在伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器是北罗?微笑。摇它是NattsuーBakajaianizumu Tokya肌肉做什么我道歉下降马德尔奇恩奇恩 405 As for the news America going between the ro which is the ru Fanning crisis that there is a justifiability in the US military it makes misunderstand Always America is this hand Looking at the war which past America set up the re it is understood When obama says gochiyagochiya As for the massive weapon of Iraq niyaniya Apology mada which you dropped The chin chin tsu te it comes at last and the ya it is to call is It is swung in muscular bakajiyaianizumu the tsu

          • 703最大的问题是什么做的,而不是基地,我会责怪它鸠山砸在地面全部在日本国内和国际信任你说了,因为民主党人和Tatte ll说,该Louppy领导人都对日本人民 703 How it does the base itself there is no largest problem the te It probably means that international confidence of the nation Japan falls to area Hatoyama consequence and consequence of the Democratic party with the tsu te which was said Therefore as for designating that rupi as the leader the Japanese citizen don t you think

            • 724韩国?在该国的小国?而从太平洋到韩国,开始与日本,中国,没有不可能通过俄罗斯水域 724 Korea Inside country of that small country As for the entrance and exit to the Pacific Ocean to in the first place Korea unless the Japanese China and Russia territorial waters it passes the excessiveness
              • 他们也大致鄂霍次克海无限不太平洋和东中国海上和俄罗斯的完全 As for Okhotsk completely Russian ones Also the Sea of Japan is similar So it produces also Dong Hai The Pacific Ocean devastating at will

            • 906疯牛病不买美国的邮政储蓄和国库券在您的预算不认为小泉狗一样认真,美国私人股权被挖掘的盾构拒绝进口牛肉疯牛病污染的美国民主党人试图恢复牛肉进口我想说的话,穿着一屁股? 906 Import of the BSE pollution beef is denied The tsu which hits bald hawk fund and sows is Koizumi with the American dog Consideration budget increase amount is done With mail storing buying the American bond It has been about to reopen BSE beef import the Democratic party which The shield piercing in America we would like to call the ru
              • 公司支付适当的通风时间,对人民,实际情况是这样的秃鹰股息 As for enterprise without turning to the salary to the citizen the shareholder having allotted to the bald hawk is the present condition

            • Getara以下的障碍在这里,被批评和不成功的“(约首相),有些人主张 Here hurdle When it lowers when it is off center that it is criticized” around prime minister there is also a voice which is protected

              • Mawase是驻扎在日本,但生活在大家庭中撤退将接近该基地驻扎后未能立即丢弃 When also the rear of the cancelling is being stationed however it means to be confined in base The being stationed in Japan which also the family is made to live in large quantities fails same

                • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ ⌒ ゛゛゛ 92 No REPT bou ……… 彡 i i 92 92 i REPT i r ⌒ ⌒ i lt Guidance power zero REPT no No REPT and no lt Beginning with successive prime minister from America open and the largest loser kichigai the small man who abused 92 92 92 No lt suparupi which was denied that and even the face we would not like to see from obama finally t i REPT 92 REPT nini U 92 Λ and no 92
                  • 你知道你的意思?我出来可能是公开敌视美国 You know it means what The possibility America becoming open and the enemy comes out and passes and it is thing

                • [摘要]例如动画津市所有政治路线的立法表决没有执政委员会举行了议会制度,必将给议会后,在该法案的命运阿糖胞苷博小泽2,2★空前-民主党官员-减肥。饮食限制,例如改革法案,山冈,国会事务委员会主席,并计划在会上看到小泽里沙,秘书长,还讨论了反对党进入
                  Summary animated picture [be] With whereabouts of Ozawa 2 bill the latter half National Diet turbulent inevitability If without holding national assembly system conference the ruling party votes the bill, the constitutional government history upper beginning * 2 The National Diet answer of bureaucracy. The National Diet reformation-related bill of restriction and the like, the opposition party opposing, deliberation it enters and verifying the policy where it can point In the conversation of national anti- Chairman Secretary General and Yamaoka Ozawa

                  • ー92,如果试图撕裂袭击冲绳大多数人认为那样 鸽子呢?人们认为是不承诺以外冲绳搬迁可能是真的Louppy区别? 92 That when it has been about that therefore the pigeon as the wastepaper will designate with the Okinawa thinking … That Perhaps doing rupi being serious when you have endeavored in transfer of facilities outside Okinawa prefecture you misunderstand

                    • ヽ 阿 ¯这样,甚至寻找宝藏ヽ线! !直到昨天,更担心 未来的日本 巳(:: )我的东西发挥介意可爱的偶像! !卡鲁猪排,看看今天的宝藏,美国ー REPT a ¯ REPT The kana which probably will go to with also the treasure searching Directly Japanese in the future to yesterday in worry he ¯ It did not become something in the air which plays at all and the i Today the kana where some treasure is found the u …
                      • :::⊃: ── ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° 是啊,“和”什么 ⊃ ─ ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ The u it is “and” it is what

                    • 为什么不是523茨城?工作人员与机场或东西Ttetajan朝鲜建设者 523 Ibaraki being useless Also Korea quick ground building Assemblyman is airport kana is makes
                      • 没有或河间530?我认为,我们也很高兴茨城县土民 530 The middle river the tsu ke which is not solved You think that also the Ibaraki earth people rejoice

                    • 什么是体面改正马苏耀西朱达罗371小学水平?搬迁带来的W音频所说的美国部队转移到日本方面居丈高,使手进军到手掌和鸽子返回 371 The mark having the ro which is elementary school student level You correct w America which coerces transfer of facilities overbearingly As for offering transfer of facilities the Japanese side the palm returning as for making the wastepaper the pigeon
                      • 县外,这意味着移出到美国攻打台湾,但我特别的不是别人,它确实没有什么消息 That outside the prefecture overseas he it relocates this attacking Taiwan it calls the United States that it does not do especially at all It is not anything less than message
                      • 鸠山不是他们的投入照顾,他们不关心美国照顾它迫使进入搬迁到居丈高 It does not like either Hatoyama but it does not like either America which coerces transfer of facilities overbearingly

                    • 什么是强奸案件数年隆夫苏罪和危害当地居民?在高度的巨大纪律
                      Crime is committed vis-a-vis the local inhabitant Rape of annual several cases how did high? Wonderful disciplined height

                      • 但Minashitara单独违反了联合国宪章和美国801联合国会员国,不论联合国决议,无条件地孤独,因为它是不够的服务,制裁对伊拉克的军事和实施,总是好的当你来,即使日本没有宣战的袭击,他们可以自由地抱怨,如果有人说筋合伐丽流 801 That you violated to the Charter of the United Nations when even America you regard independently Independently unconditionally assigns military sanction vis a vis particular country United Nations participation country regardless of to the United Nations resolution can recognize thing Therefore reason when even when liking also declaration of war attacking dying Japan there is no reason which is said complaint from everyone

                        • 但它是必然的,所以美国,中国大陆对日本在台湾采取了什么大的安全威胁,不超过它希望,不仅是提供一个在冲绳举行 If it tries making the United States as for naturally so putting out for Japan Taiwan also in converting in regard to security big Being threat above desiring that there is no other choice but to offer the place inside Okinawa prefecture

                          • 但我在世界各地美国公众生活在不牺牲723名美军士兵和海军作战峨 723 So as for the US military the American people life do in sacrifice there is an armament which it can fight with the naval combat force in the world

                            • 作Reyo或政党,反对美日安全公告看86,但我会想我念党寻求加强安全建立修订自卫队埃泰
                              86 Putting out the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements opposition, the political party make That, advocating self-protecting troop establishment, don't you think? it is to call even at the political party which requests security reform

                              • 例如说,你已经投降,糊糊涂涂的,为什么它完全依赖于美国的军事,从没有一个国家比美国的保护地 So if you ask why you yielded slovenly as for that National defense it depended on America completely because it is American protective country it is not anything less than
                                • 问题是,对袭击,日本官僚和政客,是屈从于没有太多阻力 Problem finished the Japanese politician or possible the bureaucracy or many resistance vis a vis the attack yielding It is thing

                              • 冈田就像我党在442自由民主傻瓜韩国外交史上的样子,我会做的是对政府发布暗恋否则打开尘封(什么是一次向公众开放)和现在这个问题我是完全封闭的发夹委员会信息问题从目前朝鲜包括玛丽塔宗男从刊登Suzuki m真正秘密,即使国民大会和委员会的时间 442 Being swindled the ru Okada releasing the secret agreement which weathers as done politics which was opened camouflaging however the ru The diplomacy details at one time closing information those which are released generally present Korean problem in the Liberal Democratic Party day Korea and now concerning completely the ru As for being problem in even commission and the National Diet the point which has been hidden But as expected because it was thrust from Suzuki muneo it may release to time in commission
                                • 情况比我更差的时间从恩戴,并测量了喷射定时隐蔽,正如你在幕后谈判的进展我 NULL

                              • 冲绳县内搬迁到轴,德之岛(鹿儿岛县)和Todometai尽量减少损失转移到总理和政府直升机看起来像合的期限内没有解决政府所设立的计划,使他因为他们认为 To designate the transfer of facilities to inside Okinawa prefecture as the axis Tokunoshima Kagoshima prefecture to the helicopter unit With the government program which combines moving and the like the prime minister when conclusion it is not possible during the time limit and shock to administration It is from thinking that we would like to leave in minimum
                                • 由于冲绳。我刚刚返回驱动tTA支付租金美国数十亿美元 Even Okinawa prefecture Paying the enormous money to America returning just you received

                              • 华盛顿岩田。奥巴马-总裁Hiroshi,12县名护市举行非正式会议鸠山由纪夫与首相,美海军陆战队普天间机场(宜野湾冲绳县)就搬迁到军营的美国凯塔分钟,我求他强烈当前计划搬迁到施瓦布性能
                                <= Iwata Washington. Hiro> [obama] American president, in informal conversation of 12 days of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, The US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) in regard to transfer of facilities problem, the same prefectural Nago city side field old It understood that fulfillment of the current plan which relocates to the US military camp [shiyuwabu] coast section was requested strongly

                                • 即使某月的德之岛我的支持者,最后647票支持的候选人谁小镇的选举后期还指出我好德之岛镇德之岛300票或数量较少的小票为9000,较这是因为即使说是否一个轻松,德之岛伐丽流
                                  647 The group of supporters [tsu] [te] of Tokunoshima portion, in the Tokunoshima Cho parliamentary election of the end of last month as for the number of polls of the group of supporters candidate, vis-a-vis poll several 9000 or less The [ze] which is only over hundred ten votes Therefore even in Tokunoshima three town, in even Tokunoshima Cho which calm is said relatively this

                                  • 古愚蠢线挂他们的头和自己的决定,以维护其在5月5月底我尝试模糊周围很多麻烦卫冕
                                    With special care, that surroundings will protect, May conclusion gradating, although the [ru] Personally May conclusion asserting, the fool who goes to the neck hanging

                                    • 四郎在普天间四郎公布秘密协议,但我对他们说什么没有在外交上与经验,对竹岛issue m出了很多问题 In secret agreement release margin the varieties doing in margin Futenma however the ru when you say from the viewpoint of diplomacy in addition to there is no no one result it is outside problem vis a vis bamboo island problem

                                      • 在执政,已经开始在我陷入一个场景运动背后的普天间问题找到一个校正的过程中解决的方向缓和的条件
                                        Inside government & the ruling party, eases the condition of conclusion of Futenma problem searches course correction with the direction which the movement which It was started at below water

                                        • 在普天间如果继续下去可能导致进一步的比目前的建议的最后期限只剩下消除临近,美国是最自己的时间表(但鸠山宣布)出来满足这些我 There being only an extent current plan which the time limit approaches if it becomes and furthermore leaves while being unable to become either Futenma continuation America is most time schedule Hatoyama declared selfishly but put out those which coincide
                                          • 这里现在是我最好的 5 他们说的原因,所以,激发思想的普天间问题 Now here Because of excuse is thought with Futenma problem it is earnest

                                        • 士兵们发生美国所犯下的罪行,但400并没有降低发病率冲绳犯下的罪行
                                          400 Rate of occurrence of the crime by the US military soldier is lower than rate of occurrence of the crime by the Okinawan, but it is

                                          • 多少,并显示了一天的日本经团联的方向,但假设是,政策是不加税一如教育公路玛丽塔(如儿童津贴)的 我想我有它,或来到这里,并增加税收“民主党人这样做行吗?”这也难怪人们认为我 How much day Japan Federation of Economic Organizations says showed directivity with the policy child treatment education highway and the like which is united the fact that it does not increase taxes as prerequisite So although you thought coming here tax increase “at or the Democratic party which is all right ” With the one which is not thought is strange
                                            • “组策略假定玛丽塔(舱单)是满意,并没有得到充分的检讨 ” The policy which is united as prerequisite the manifest agreement is not possible that it makes take a second look completely
                                            • 多少,并显示了一天的日本经团联的方向,但前提是教育政策不加公路税(如儿童津贴),但我有一条线,或提高税收来这里,“无论是行民主党?“这也难怪人们认为我 How much day Japan Federation of Economic Organizations says showed directivity with the policy child treatment education highway and the like which is united the fact that it does not increase taxes as prerequisite So although you thought coming here tax increase “at or the Democratic party which is all right ” With the one which is not thought is strange

                                          • 大多数,但我会拉回到章告诉记者,唐宁街,以及是否有可疑的“创建日本 瓦特 鸠山由纪夫秘书长政治民主是一个无耻的行为,损害国家利益,”财政部长中川昭一。“岩石采访中,“鸠山由纪夫,党的书记一般民主党批评这个数字,记者想为”世界各地的起源 Though pulling press corps at the prime minister official residence ru Whether or not the Japanese it is doubtful but w The destruction honor which impairs democracy Hatoyama Secretary General “national interest it is conduct” Nakagawa financial affairs phase criticizing “interview unsteadily” As for Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama of the Democratic party such form was dispatched “in the world vis a vis press corps
                                            • 大多数,但我会在你的脚拉回来,张,钻针可疑日本政府是否 瓦特 鸠山由纪夫秘书长民主“损害国家利益是可耻的行为,”财政部长中川昭一,“头晕会议”鸠山由纪夫民主党秘书长批评的记者对“原产于这样的数字世界 Though pulling the foot ru Whether or not the Japanese it is doubtful but w The destruction honor which impairs democracy Hatoyama Secretary General “national interest it is conduct” Nakagawa financial affairs phase criticizing “interview unsteadily” As for Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama of the Democratic party such form was dispatched “in the world vis a vis press corps

                                          • 如果你想做好,不能再破坏回旋水域的潜艇已默许在日本专属经济区,也放弃了雷达巡Rashita延伸,从北到南日本,美国大陆?
                                            The US military Japan proper abandons also the radar net which is stretched around from north to south, Inside the Japanese territorial waters and combat operation of the submarine which has acquiesced at the exclusive economic zone It will not be possible and the appearance probably would like to cancel if it does?

                                            • 如果你想在海上运动,沙滩不长,如果你喜欢什么孤单纳豆以外的笑声?我也有海鲜和海上粪Rashii When liking to train at the sea laughter Long Beach it is it is The ro which is not at all other than the fermented soybeans and is Although there is a sea also marine products ones seem the droppings and

                                              • 如果我们合党自由民主党的故事在最初,移动到关岛的海军陆战队,在形成陪同甚至在返回空军基地的普天间基地搬迁,搬迁时间或什么的普天间,作为搬迁地点我现在的你,这是一个严重的问题,是什么原因导致什么时候,我试图向我这样一个问题开始了吗?
                                                Originally as for being discussed under the Liberal Democratic Party administration, the Marines moving to Guam, in the form which is annexed to that, transfer of facilities and Kadena base return of the Futenma base So, between sometime, just the tip of relocating of Futenma transfer of facilities being converted, to problem [ru] present condition… the… this [tsu] [te], every time something started being done with cause, problem apparent so, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is?

                                                • 它会继续,即使一方零管理的资格,我就死于劳累过度在鸽后
                                                  The party of administration charge ability zero continuing that way, overwork it just dies in winding up the pigeon

                                                  • 它有676教育津贴及家属扣除,扩大了故事,我已经审查了所附的财务资源,ü?我为什么一直在讨论销售税,以资助
                                                    676 But as for that deduction for dependents and expansion of education treatment, the story which is completed with the revenue source second look which accompanies that? Therefore very consumer tax argument has done for revenue source guaranty

                                                    • 安倍晋三没有反应,但当时我在美国买美国国库券,福田,麻生太郎,在日本Masugomibasshingu完成 Repelling to that the American bond Abe Fukuda and Aso which are not bought it was done with domestic mass rubbish busing by America

                                                      • 尽管日本政府支持伊拉克,经济重建或不那么直接和日本建立了区域经济到了崩溃的边缘的原因。“
                                                        As for the Japanese government although the Iraqi economic recovery is supported, why it does not try probably to rebuilding the Japanese before the failure sun/size regional economy?”

                                                        • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ 布鲁诺 ゙Lihi゙熙。丶丶ç□升升 (ω゚゚)停止! (布鲁诺和°,一开球J No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i l human Leave the Futenma problem 92 No 92 hi ゙ rihi ゙ C □ l 丶 l 丶 ゚ Ω ゚ Stopping No ¯ and i It does J
                                                          • ∧ ∧(ω゚゚)在5月底结束的公开排练゙ー致命的责任。丶丶ç□升升 ()停止! (布鲁诺和°,一开球J ∧ ∧ ゚ Ω ゚ Leave 5 end of the month conclusions ha ゙ riha ゙ C □ l 丶 l 丶 Stopping No ¯ and i It does J
                                                          • ∧ ∧(ω゚゚)搬迁计划,是一个致命的责任ーー゙开放排练。丶丶ç□升升 ()停止! (布鲁诺和°,一开球J ∧ ∧ ゚ Ω ゚ Leave the transfer of facilities plan ha ゙ riha ゙ C □ l 丶 l 丶 Stopping No ¯ and i It does J
                                                          • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ 布鲁诺 ゙Lihi゙熙。丶丶ç□升升 ()停止! (布鲁诺和°,一开球J No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i l human Leave the Futenma problem 92 No 92 hi ゙ rihi ゙ C □ l 丶 l 丶 ゚ Ω ゚ Stopping No ¯ and i It does J

                                                        • 很有可能采取报复性司法Burijan冷漱口水替代259瓦特
                                                          259 Retribution shelf The way of the cold current it may change to the gargle, it is w

                                                          • 我充满了氦气氢气易燃,不阻燃五〇七瓦特 507 There is no fire resistant helium gas and w where the te combustible gaseous hydrogen fills up and increases
                                                            • 此外,补偿费用和钌是岛内外的岛屿变得拥挤,甚至城市或 Furthermore as the island whether the cost which arises in outside the island assistant 填 and even the town 賑 and it becomes

                                                          • 我失去它与Gugure地位的国家和旧金山和约部队地位协定
                                                            Starus-of-Forces Agreement and San Francisco peace treaty [gugure] and That is standpoint what of defeated countries

                                                            • 我将在这里我有这个中国过去Attaro朱达罗太好了,我喜欢我的人,没有权力这样做,净225严重的是,通过这项运动的这并不是说 或者其227?你知道你是萎蔫是一个隐藏的问题,在政治资金等问题我普天间? 。我开始有其他问题或困难,现在清除干净。达罗透露狂欢?它没有多么危险的是坦率地说现在才由表造成的剥落 225 That the maji shelf… the administration which such a thing is done probably will pass net election activity it does not try and someone somehow it is The ro which is unpalatable rather and is… Even past the ro which such a thing considerably is… China or side it is dense… 227 Perhaps the time it isn t without Becoming the invisible cloak of problem and Futenma tsu te other problem of politics and the gold the ro which is the ru Getting off that current problem it cleared when you propose other question The ro which the exposure stripe comes and is Although it is the problem whose one it is dangerous bu tsu chi ya ke now not to make a noise in the chart
                                                              • 这是一个很大的挑战问题上斗争的Burgers为Louppy的普天间在教育,从潜意识只有我和妈妈的帮助周围的人总是纹,因为这是毫无严重性面对一切。它s被Tteta站在角落Louppy塔莎想我有某人或某事会不会考虑改变在头部像它甚至不知道来 Although it is big topic for rupi how good story Even in the face the seriousness the potato it is The mother and the person around helping always to suffer hardship and others being brought up with the zu from the ru Futenma s problem It does not try to think with the head and you think that someone somehow Although now it has let stand in predicament rupi even that is understanding the tsu po which does not come

                                                            • 我提请内阁,洗涤液的普天间发出一系列的竞选资金
                                                              With Cabinet remodelling, combining election measure, the step which designates the consecutive problem of Futenma's as [chiyara

                                                              • 我现在是打击力量゙1,日特多牛排Warota是哈密茹先出
                                                                But now one person mosquito ゙ strike what [hami] the stake which comes out passing first, [warota

                                                                • 搬迁说服他去州长一起外出的县是调整后的净报纸文章都可以接受的名护市794 re所有从中线是没有其他比民主党党 794 In order to align the governor who is side field old admission to the transfer of facilities outside the prefecture as for persuading the Democratic party which is not other things The newspaper article of that time falling on the net inspecting from the ru everyone
                                                                  • 搬迁说服他去州长一起外出的县是调整后的净报纸文章都可以接受的名护市794 re所有从中线是没有其他比民主党党 794 In order to align the governor who is side field old admission to the transfer of facilities outside the prefecture as for persuading the Democratic party which is not other things The newspaper article of that time falling on the net inspecting from the ru everyone

                                                                • 无极“冈田”的零基础的研究“2010年 04鸠山”并没有确定的法律或马祖3月 You promise” In Okada “zero bases while examining” 2010 04 During Hatoyama “March it is not decided legally
                                                                  • 你球是吗?“2010年 04鸠山说:”我说我已经把1月结束 As for the ball the ro which is you” 2010 04 Conclusion is attached the tsu te which you said in Hatoyama “May
                                                                  • 无极“冈田”的零基础的研究“2010年 03鸠山”并没有确定的法律或马祖3月 You promise” In Okada “zero bases while examining” 2010 04 During Hatoyama “March it is not decided legally

                                                                • 无论哪种方式,孩子们(和威胁),木村我应该包括营,娱乐,甚至安藤,葡萄采摘我的示波器不会是狗屎晚间新闻说,这架Mi -
                                                                  In any case, hospitality (& intimidation) to doing, the expectation which you hold in the camp and is packed In even Kimura & Ando, as said to [kusomiso] with news of evening, [tsu] [chi] [ya] [oshimai

                                                                  • 日本进攻打击经济,广场协议,建设咨询,更多和改革的报告年度蔓延到小泉的改革 As for the toward Japan attack in economy plaza agreement and structural conference It continues with the annual reformation demand book and the like reaches to Koizumi reformation

                                                                    • 是希望购买的上校库亥欧贸易主真正的工具这个博客
                                                                      The main thing of this [burogu] [kuhio] colonel of the real thing sees stocks the trading instrument

                                                                      • 显然,我看到在涩谷车站前的统一站在模型,上校王子亥欧蜜蜂的婚姻是一个骗局
                                                                        You looked at the real thing where [kuhio] colonel of that marriage swindler before the Shibuya station bee public stands with the uniform, it seems

                                                                        • 最近,市民有兴趣,我只会鸠山的言论,民主党人和怜悯的普天间迁移问题
                                                                          Don't you think? probably is just the speech and behavior of Hatoyama and Democratic party Assemblyman where recently, the citizen being an interest is tossed about in Futenma transfer of facilities problem

                                                                          • 来确保该协议的53个批准了美国和联大第1995条和107条的取消和
                                                                            And the fact that abolition of 53 provisions and 107 provisions is resolved in the General Assembly 1995 Verifying that America being approved and ratifying, it is dense

                                                                            • 每一个人的发明一样难以记者潘狐狸大使藤崎一
                                                                              1 Fujisaki stop American ambassador [nabetsune] journalist all Everyday it seems the fabrication hardship way

                                                                              • 猎人寻找! 。“突击游戏说”我们知道他们禁止我们 樱花小鼠H22 4 14 西村Yuukou良好的合作与岩男先生Huzii鄙视的人鸠山由纪夫和鸠山由纪夫协会,“选举法”。我们追求的运动路线的指控 “ News of shooting hunting” rescindment cherry tree H22 4 14 Knowing Nishimura happiness 祐 with Fujii massive rock happiness to cooperate the Hatoyama Yukio person and the Hatoyama Yukio sponsor The motion that is done you will overtake “Public Office Election Law violation” doubt
                                                                                • 猎人寻找! 。“突击游戏说”我们知道他们禁止我们 樱花小鼠H22 4 14 西村Yuukou良好的合作与岩男先生Huzii鄙视的人鸠山由纪夫和鸠山由纪夫协会,“选举法”。我们追求的运动路线的指控 “ News of shooting hunting” rescindment cherry tree H22 4 14 Knowing Nishimura happiness 祐 with Fujii massive rock happiness to cooperate the Hatoyama Yukio person and the Hatoyama Yukio sponsor The motion that is done you will overtake “Public Office Election Law violation” doubt
                                                                                • 猎人寻找! 。“突击游戏说”我们知道他们禁止我们 樱花小鼠H22 4 14 西村Yuukou良好的合作与岩男先生Huzii鄙视的人鸠山由纪夫和鸠山由纪夫协会,“选举法”。我们追求的运动路线的指控 “ News of shooting hunting” rescindment cherry tree H22 4 14 Knowing Nishimura happiness 祐 with Fujii massive rock happiness to cooperate the Hatoyama Yukio person and the Hatoyama Yukio sponsor The motion that is done you will overtake “Public Office Election Law violation” doubt

                                                                              • 现在,民主党人曾坚持对两件事情在麻生太郎 Well the Democratic party insisted two things at the time of Aso administration
                                                                                • 麻生内阁天打败恶棍演示 Scoundrel heaven Aso Cabinet overthrow demonstration

                                                                              • 研究人员和超过687 Chattara的,一些真正的“自我”你为什么要学习?该Tteta称号使研究人员研究这个东西,真的是我就知道我不认为s 687 You pass as the researcher the chi ya tsu cod You have researched what truly “by yourself” kana It has the title researcher as for knowing however the ru The dense Tsuga some it studied with you cannot think truly
                                                                                • 但增长时机20年代和30年代初大多数社会,和研究者在我们Chattara作为,我没有好 So the time 30 generation first half from 20 generations which grow most socially You pass and as the researcher the chi ya tsu cod already it is useless what don t you think

                                                                              • 约翰尼:什么我不得不迁移普天间基地迁移二六八瓦特要求日方,所以我花了美国,这意味着美国决定最后吞下恩戴我不专注于一切,只有你不断的普天间基地所以 268 Transfer of facilities needing strongly tsu te anta w As for transfer of facilities of the Futenma base demand for the Japanese side America drinking that although finally it began to be decided Therefore as for America completely you are not hasty therefore the Futenma base just is used that way
                                                                                • 我希望有人从普天间移动的699,但我很希望日方 699 Moving from Futenma speaking desired therefore solely desire of the Japanese side don t you think
                                                                                • 老实说,普天间迁移问题是媒体的候选人搬迁地点以外的冲绳饮食不感兴趣,他们认为这样 Honesty as for Futenma transfer of facilities problem ahead the National Diet mass communications Okinawan relocating as for area other than candidacy area so as for interest you think that it is not

                                                                              • 纽约股市均高,但前一天的1年7个月来第一次结束,也避开了日元汇率在国外,相关股票获利的销售主要是出口导向和资源
                                                                                The American New York market of preceding day after 1 year 7 month became high price, but foreign exchange Also increase in yen value of quotation was sidestepped, focusing on export concerns and resource-related stocks the profit decision sale came out

                                                                                • 编号方式:T / OhI0K7P你己经是一个具有里程碑意义的换证直出埃泰
                                                                                  ID: T/OhI0K7P already it is good ID changing, it comes again,

                                                                                  • 编号:OmlZHQJ20之前存放另一方面,笑气或杀害苏
                                                                                    ID: OmlZHQJ20 The air where you it stops already and dissolves, laughs and kills?

                                                                                    • 编号:OmlZHQJ20睡眠和狗屎我已经wwwwwww滚装船
                                                                                      ID: OmlZHQJ20 Already, the droppings doing, sleep, wwwwwww

                                                                                      • 萘乙酸知道,我不喜欢许多贪婪的老板,即使我要你的崩溃,但雷曼餐站在他们在各自公司的着陆场免费很多麻烦
                                                                                        You understand, but as for we simply Riemann With special care, plan doing the landing point at affiliated each company, being greedy, the [wa] which falls and the [chi] [ya] [u] superior or is many

                                                                                        • 访问惨败,这是激烈的,但无论如何,我们必须福田普天间外交伊朗无视民主与伊朗有萘乙酸即使重新谈判,暂停拉了一个大错我预见这也许亚
                                                                                          Large mistake of which being full latest visit to the United States, reserving at one time, even you re-must negotiate Futenma with the Iranian problem, Fukuda rages in Iranian negligence diplomacy of democracy, such large mistake inhaling, whether you foresee, don't you think?

                                                                                          • 输入接受修正案的henoko清盘轴周围事物的时候,后端的领域,与钻的回报,“减少一个结果决定在冲绳的负担”得到了一定的形状
                                                                                            The time base to the thing which rewound to around end of year the acceptance side field old amendment, With the return of the training place as a result of “Okinawa reduction of incidence”, it makes the shape which obtains fixed conclusion

                                                                                            • 达罗类型的人,军费相当阿赫罗832,825到学校里,我会想你的830项宪法修正案“的和平宪法比现在更清楚修改宪法!说:”人,低。普通型,也想像,如果我不喜欢的人相反Kottaro 832 On the other hand the ro which is the person of the type that increase the war expenditure 825 830 Thinking the ru it is the ro which is And “amending constitution in constitution amendment group more and more from now in clear war renouncing Constitution Way” with the person who says is It is cheap The type which is imagined even hatefully normally the tsu lever tsu where the human of true opposite is it is the ro
                                                                                              • 等我不知道有关军事大多数日本人,特别是梁印象深刻的故事,因为他们获得权力军队的紧急已知尽管美国,平均观察到其他国家,如果把欧洲的平均水平军费美浓“完成自己的军事能力”,我可以带,也需要指出的是核武器武装 Me who almost do not have knowledge concerning the Japanese armament as for receiving especially being impressed in the story of both people military power Now then America if you do not know and like the foreign countries throw like the European war expenditure “the personally owned military affair which completes Also ability” it can have and it is the indication that also nuclear armament are achieved

                                                                                            • 这一比喻的相似性,多个债务人,就像他的不高兴一旦他们不再欠的钱,莎拉终于替换期
                                                                                              If 喩 you obtain this, the multiplex obligator stopping turning, finally the refinancing of the plate gold being confused, it seems the [ru] way it is

                                                                                              • 这些络缲日认为,东京审判,作为美国历史自虐史观的角度
                                                                                                As for these, you think as the same connect reeling as our 虐 view of history of the American Tokyo judgment view of history

                                                                                                • 这伸展等“经验被失去的十年”和12年期间最,更遑论本国内生产总值比足,已发现在人均国内生产总值下降到12杆六合举行一次由世界最大的三家 That was lost “ Instead of ten years” to be 20 year at this time GDP If it does not extend almost and per one person sees with GDP from worldwide three rank It slumped at once in nearly 20 rank

                                                                                                  • 这听起来像你,谁是政府任命的中央是一个很好的家伙谁带来了许多倍,在过去577根据文献
                                                                                                    577 According to the literature and the like of former times Often In crossing the sea person excellent person Don't you think? it is selected on center of politics like

                                                                                                    • 这是一个决定提请全国大选在日本如果日本汤驱动tTA非常好携带电台578!当然,要着眼于制度的改变相信贵党在未来选举的自由 578 Also radio wave is extensive It is to be to be decided with election of the Japanese who had the Japanese nationality It is free to aim toward the administration alternation to the political party which of course you believe with the following election

                                                                                                      • 这是一个情况下,我动摇了布拉日单方面万维网 美国民主党人,唯一的理由Kishimen长车道今天上午在相当大的负面的中期选举中,我们应该退出利益沿其让步日本的国家
                                                                                                        The Japanese side shaking unilaterally, although it is [ru] circumstance, www > The American Democratic party doing to pull, large the running of the extent which it makes be defeated with off-year election, the concession which parallels to the Japanese national interest you should have pulled out

                                                                                                        • 这是因为有一个双边安全,日本是蒙古严重损害我想说的是,经济损失 In other words Japan U S Security Arrangements Because it is Japan receiving enormous damage means to be defeated economically

                                                                                                          • 那么,古挖掘日本大规模垃圾亀井小泽鸠山,前原诚司小泉小泉同情者战国竹中平藏都继承党的路线,我周围的中川隐藏Chikaramochi单位伊塔河野高硒Abunaku自民党将邮政储蓄和简易
                                                                                                            Well, when the Japanese mass rubbish hits Kamei Hatoyama Ozawa, Sengoku Maehara of the Koizumi sympathizer, the party of everyone of Koizumi Takenaka route succession, per Kono [itsuta] flat [sekou] Nakagawa 秀 of our people having power, in addition mail storing simple preservation it becomes without the horsefly

                                                                                                            • 首先是854,宪法修正案不能增加国防开支,以及我会来把一个足够大的力量来影响公众舆论和清扫这些家伙在我9条修订对国防开支增加了对你永远不会弹出自杀赶走美军基地,但它并不是
                                                                                                              854 When is first, it opposes to 9 provision amendments, The left flank which opposes to defense expanses increase is cleared, With the extent big power where and others it is dense influences national public opinion limited to the [ru] Constitution amendment or defense expanses increase amount is not possible and Although that is not possible, it is the how suicide behavior which expels the US military base

                                                                                                              • 鸠山提出不信任内阁议案的最后! !大会[丙二醛]
                                                                                                                Hatoyama nonconfidence vote in the Cabinet finally submitting! !

                                                                                                                • !゙(·) 欢迎达夫咖啡 ゙ i human 92 Welcome to the pigeon coffee
                                                                                                                  • 我的意思是愚蠢的鸽子或一个真正的浪漫主义,我会说这是无用获得真正的重型堆垛 If the pigeon calls romanteisuto truly or calls the fool or does not accumulate actuality more it is useless

                                                                                                                研究 開発