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“Japan is late”, possession regulation strengthening of [agunesu] [chiyan] and the child pornography request - the Democratic party workshop ★4


  • 成为儿童受性的愿望是要避免的,但应避免道德和法律问题,赞成的道德问题,不是宗教
    > It should evade the fact that the child is dealt with of sexual desire To should evade, but approval, Being problem of moral ethics and religion, it is not problem of law

    • 考虑驱动tTA遭苦难儿童色情制品的年轻受害者,为什么没有按↑根除儿童色情,“贫穷”被拒绝认证的魔鬼
      > To consider the suffering of the young people who encounter to the damage of the child pornography, elimination of the child pornography ↑ Well therefore, “elimination” is denied by the proof of demon

      • 17:10编号:ysiG2bmr0 146名: 名无周年Shisan 8 圣人 发布日期:2008 03 16(星期日)07:20:39编号:2FBNcHvd0情况下,我认为他们喷出大量英国一百三十瓦特好吧,如果你反对政府的政策,我将瓦特关于儿童色情物品被捕涉嫌藏有 海外盲人 由于某种原因,让她看看 逮捕他的妻子把下载的儿童色情影片的机会发现 17 10 ID ysiG2bmr0 146 Name Name it is not eighth anniversary sage Contribution day 2008 03 16 day 07 20 39 ID 2FBNcHvd0 130 Massive attack incident is remembered w England government policy when it opposes why is arrested with child pornographic possession suspicion don t you think w In order to show to the blind husband … arresting the wife who downloads the child pornographic animated picture which is found accidentally
        • 英国 4 28 334 Shisan周年的8名无新!2008 05 03(星期六)08:32:57编号:6loNH9YM0约,甚至错误地指控骚扰,拘留准备签署社会记录情报没有快乐的地方租了,但不能否认,如果你亲吻保释 England 4 28 334 Name it is not eighth anniversary New 2008 05 03 Saturday 08 32 57 ID 6loNH9YM0 Generally even the 痴 Chinese false charge until you sign to the written record which the investigation system is prepared Putting out from the detention room you cannot receive deny and although the re either bail is not done

      • 392 对于存在的第二次审议的效果不消除一空清理后的人谁就会带来希望有,怀疑可能事与愿违在这方面 392 gt As for this regulation gt Strange has natural disposition the fact that the parameter which is decreased is requested gt parameter control gt Strange already have natural disposition the people who excitation It tries not to be able to point gt operating the boundary line gt The ro which is the gist which is thought gt gt 2nd concerning consideration of the influence which loses the recreation with the non rear of the person whom already it has gt It is the doubt whether and it is not the counter result at this point in time

        • 409 咦?为满足趋势 409 gt The near relation and insult of animation appreciation there is no purpose You appreciate specially with something gt Because making her it cannot emit animewotaku healthily escaping to animation the ru gt gt For example but as for we garter and net taihuechi gt Because this looked at such image accidentally it is the case that it has become so gt gt Also the garter and the net tights it entered from image it is with to do the yo So gt Making her being able to emit healthily from there it is it is wwwww gt a When it had wearing because natural disposition is satisfied you wrote but it is… It is there to be too much elbowroom you
          • 强奸是不是动画观看目的的394或近亲?例如我的动画电影Animewotaku逃脱我不能发泄她的健康,Taifechi袜带和净,我从图片进入驱动tTA的渔网丝袜和吊袜带,但是这并不偶然看到这些照片是不是?您打开的声音并没有偏离我从那里可以让她wwwww 394 The near relation and insult of animation appreciation there is no purpose Because making her it cannot emit animewotaku healthily escaping to animation the ru For example but as for we garter and net taihuechi Because this looked at such image accidentally it is the case that it has become so Also the garter and the net tights it entered from image it is with to do the yo Making her being able to emit healthily from there it is it is wwwww

        • 52 @ 10周年名无Shisan新!2010 / 04 / 01(星期四)21:13:26编号:FFWpCU160 | _ _ _ |娱乐| | _ _ _ _ / / / _ _ _ / / | / _ / | _ _ _ _ _ / _ |是在纸张或不能透过雷塔Ø∩∩(十7)/ / _ Tsukouta也被宣告无罪Tsukouta温妮分享∧∧/ / _∧∧∧∧∧_ _ ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧(

          • 526将色情减少的数目,“家庭团聚”我开玩笑地说,似乎少受害者受虐待的儿童色情不等于它和不足,如果受害人没有虐待儿童 526 If the quantity itself of pornography decreases with “re integrated tsu te tatemae of the family” the victim of suffering abuse child pornographic performance decreases That is not thing and the equal where the victim of child abuse decreases
            • 415简单的占有法规色情,从儿童的分布将更少,更好的执法将更加 415 Because with simple possession regulation circulation of the child pornography probably will decrease more it probably becomes control easy
            • 因此,公明党,“家庭团聚”什么是在开玩笑说,你与受虐待儿童的保护干预 Therefore Komeito with “re integrated tsu te tatemae of the family” has disturbed the protection of the suffering abuse child

          • 750 乍一看有点长,只不过,它希望更多的结果 NULL

            • 840中国很可能买一个小女孩向峨情妇
              840 In China in order to make the mistress the woman can be bought young, so is

              • Asahi.com] [卫生部官员,商业部信息泄漏温尼伯11月13日通过的,而这正式以书面谴责
                The literature course economical staff, [uini] leading, business information outflow The same ministry with November 13 date, this staff noted strictly in the document

                • SEKkOmfJO编号:grIkOrm70,因为我常常不与其他的冲突每一?这不是非常小,也不是最后一个星期一猪排瓦特地址 SEKkOmfJO ID grIkOrm70 Don t you think if each other it should have tried not to touch The less it did it is lastly to win it is not tsu te reason it is to put out w
                  • 355编号:ChHtZ nXO煽日泰好像不只是一个坏心的人不明白我的快乐简单传播面糊这样做对 355 ID ChHtZ nXO as for being like we just would like to fan so doing simply when it makes the partner Happiness just does tsu te the person who is not understood the head is bad

                • _NULL_
                  1 Don't you think? don't you think? - -, doing the people [tsu] [te] anti-Japan movements of the group which requires child pornographic method amendment with something, [ru] just power? Reference material collection 'pornographic buying spring concerning the meeting of problem workshop' and 'the ECPAT stop child buying spring' - Pornographic buying spring problem workshop 1. Pornographic buying spring the basic data of problem workshop 2. Representation before Tsunoda Yukiko and 'military comfort woman problem' 3. 'The insistence, counter emperor system' - Meeting of ECPAT stop child buying spring 4. Basic data of meeting of ECPAT stop child buying spring 5. Meeting of ECPAT stop child buying spring and 'military comfort woman problem'

                  • _NULL_

                    • ↑为什么?你是同样的目的? 其他人也少,零囊想太多无谓的,除非理想 ↑ Why is Purpose is the same gt The less it did even in the other human but if it is not zero idealism it passes the fact that you think that it is meaningless

                      • ♪♪Kaikaikai机会钰铠Tsukai Kaikaikai艾格尼丝索马里就像是在中国赚钱,只为提高土地♪♪讲座Gapogapodokan任何他们来ーー♪如果我能来,住在豪宅,但弱恋童癖Kimoota♪大万胜很快你♪♪ kaikaikai ♪ kaikaikai ♪ yukai tsukai As for agunesu chance ♪ With the Somalian land money making ♪ The Chinese way however it is weak the ♪ kimoota rorikon It comes to the mansion living is Regardless it comes and is the ♪ Lecture fund raising gapogapodokan ♪ Instantaneously the house the large mansion ♪
                        • 我可以在其他国家,但可能是日本死亡,赚钱只为饲料 When you do in other country it is not unable to be killed but in Japan money making It becomes news item
                        • 艾格尼丝机会钰铠Tsukai♪♪Kaikaikai Kaikaikai人只会使货币在中国土地♪♪♪索马里是你的家很快筹款扬声器Gapogapodokanー♪如果不来什么来ー♪Kimoota恋童癖,但我很软弱♪大豪宅 kaikaikai ♪ kaikaikai ♪ yukai tsukai As for agunesu chance ♪ With the Somalian land money making ♪ The Chinese way however it is weak the ♪ kimoota rorikon It comes to the mansion living is Regardless it comes and is the ♪ Lecture fund raising gapogapodokan ♪ Instantaneously the house the large mansion ♪

                      • ーKoneyou或狡辩与什么“儿童权利性欲!”我的意思是,该项运动将不会Roripedokimowotaribu实际结合可爱的偶像
                        Don't you think? the [ma] - what kind of quibble it is dense, the way “In the child desire the right to do! ” The [tsu] [te] as for the [roripedokimowotaribu] motion which is said there are no times when fruit is borne, probably will be

                        • 不幸的儿童色情物品是不是只发给414目前黑暗日,至少是“不仅违法发行”仅仅是“儿童色情物品”可以是一个原因,我不 414 Under present conditions it can circulate the child pornography with only the darkness Regrettable at least in Japan “with only the darkness just those which it cannot circulate” There is no meaning which can become the “child pornography” it is the shelf
                          • 这样,他们是在海外,我拍摄的视频流我在黑暗中的色彩和绑架儿童很 When such party is the foreign country kidnapping the young child color it is video taking letting flow to the darkness the ru

                        • 不想要一个真正的辩论中,所有的资本代表,“他们应该永远不会写超过18年,”并解释说,“决不Idaro嗯,”包括一 ll对接rare问题时相反的我或做 In actually deliberation those which completely do not have the person in charge of capital “If 18 years old or more it should have been written absolutely” that explaining From it has thrust “the ro tsu te interpellator who that is not meaning and is” conversely
                          • 但不希望一湮没的性描写一切事物一样,现代的东西,“没有什么是从未见过18岁以上”,并仍 Even with recent ones those which completely do not have sexual description When it becomes “something which is visible absolutely 18 years old or more” the total destruction tsu po it is after all

                        • 为什么不降低的罪行,日本犯下的日本青年197人的速度是一个社区but ll特权或与国际关系不好的邻居瓦特的水平往往过低瓦特
                          197 Whether the reason where brutal crime ratio of the Japanese young person is low, resident privilege w But international society the neighboring country and as for relations being bad normal level it is too low w

                          • 什么是儿童和天敌之间的关系是484受害者的儿童色情制品监管?如果有专家的调查结果,我透露了你的手段辣妈辣妹顶部
                            484 It means that child pornographic regulation and the child are a related characteristic in characteristic crime of damage? If there is a research result due to the specialist, we would like you to disclose being by all means, the shank

                            • 但是,危险的冒险,喜欢毒贩,他们真正想要什么,如果这笔钱附表卡兹
                              The illicit sale person of the medicine even with risking danger likely, it can make the gold, if that to be, saying, don't you think? the party

                              • 你觉得她的哥哥甚至漫画390呢?毕竟,我瓦特动画哦,我无法区分现实,使你的东西之前,也许?这是有道理的 390 To be possible the brother to be with eroanime it is it is not After all it is animation w The a being by chance your actuality and distinction of the fake it has it is to serve is Then agreement it goes
                                • 你觉得她的哥哥甚至漫画390呢?毕竟,我瓦特动画哦,我无法区分现实,使你的东西之前,也许?这是有道理的 390 To be possible the brother to be with eroanime it is it is not After all it is animation w The a being by chance your actuality and distinction of the fake it has it is to serve is Then agreement it goes

                              • 例如说什么问题也减少了供应量减少的需求驱动tTA我说这是令人怀疑是否617或以下 617 Demand decreasing applying but the fact that you say doubt Assuming that it decreased if you ask whether supply decreases that doubt
                                • 我的意思是,为什么“日本一直在缓慢而不是成功的”,不知是否是评估 With you say or why “Japan is late you do not say well” that whether it is commented doubt

                              • 倾向或因为他自己的力量表明,导致性犯罪动机没有多大意义的,以在所有373
                                373 Reaches to in the first place characteristic crime therefore the motive which power of oneself ostentation Natural disposition excessively there is no relationship

                                • 儿童基金会大楼建设的首要位置超过25亿元的基金,是出书提请○
                                  The ○ from inside the financial contributions which get together 25 Spending hundred million Yen, the UNICEF house which you built in first-class area

                                  • 公共服务 螺纹教育部 PART19 实时新闻 教育部官员甚至突破1 3 Tsukouta官员承认,其实我的“是什么意思Karimasen分钟”的新闻,他们痛 教育部官员恋童癖,温妮运行关闭 商业信息最新新闻 部净 毕业后从东京部官员“儿童色情物品”的内部文件,还泄露 Education scientific economical thread PART19 After all the bureaucracy it probably will be attached it is Education scientific economical staff fact it recognizes “What thing you do not understand” The rorikon staff of the education scientific ministry it flows out business information with uini Tokyo University soldier finishing literature course economical bureaucratic “child pornographic” outflow Internal data of ministry

                                    • 关系是明确的,我喜欢阅读意味着,如果你对所有文件发出得出这样的结论高或关系
                                      Clearly there is a related characteristic, when or related characteristic is high, if there is a research dissertation which can be concluded reading by all means, like

                                      • 写什么,甚至认为是前636省略不睡觉你不?交换性罪犯说有趣的事情坦布 636 Because those which are written even before are drowsy sparing without being The thing time where you say time changes the characteristic offender extra troop

                                        • 出租店例如客户名单,“只有一个受过教育的猜测和it是恰当的进入加萨,如果有更多明确的和好,并指出加萨据报道,上演一single者共other than的society甚至能够进入仍会出现 NULL
                                          • 加萨已进入唯一一个受过教育的猜测和削减例如一个客户出租店的名单,并应更明确,然后转谈加萨据报道,举办单一者共以外的社会甚至能够将仍然出现 NULL

                                        • 另一种倾向是Ginaikaraaru乃至趋势,即使不意味着没有结束,一个趋势,这不会好,如果你有其他暴力手段
                                          Natural disposition to the last There is no natural disposition which because it is no more than an expedient is, the [te] other natural disposition Or if there is other violence expedient, with excuse

                                          • 哎呀,不是吗?旧漫画没有获得公民权,现在?我会在那里为文化混合流行,卡通,我觉得问题 Waren的袜带说,我们不说这是真正的危险来自吉良耀西在她手下在你面前跳的阴影像西西隐藏我想像一个错误如果W“我不知道的倾向只到所有个人后,对不对? The ro where as for the te or former times about now animation citizenship was not obtained and is That blending to the animation culture which is popular as for ru you think that it is problem gt Therefore as for the garter your real saying that it is dangerous It is to be said it hides in the w te or other than her even if and w Kira it is imagined that when it is the shadow like the wa w which is troubled gt The ro where the natural disposition the wa is entwined to only the individual after all
                                            • 垃圾我是一个受欢迎的动画公民大众文化没有434 这s埃塞公民获得好之后,疯狂就像一个笑话,因为 434 The animation culture which is popular Citizenship Mass rubbish me …… ese citizenship giving and tsu te …… Because joke like it rubbed that madness condition after well

                                          • 哦,你有毒品或枪支被证明有害的媒体受众具有强烈的负面效应原理
                                            As for the [tsu] and the drug and the handgun being harmful being proven, the [ru], as for those due to media viewing is denied with powerful effective theory

                                            • 唯一的筹款欺诈艾格尼丝楚WWW的抹布我会做它,赶跑需要有人回西藏
                                              With fund-raising fraud [agunesu] www of easy gain Someone packing up, being sending back unnecessary, sending to Tibet

                                              • 嘿,嘿艾格尼丝! ! !你有一个坚硬的直立在谋杀发生,并继续从我父母虐待儿童进入这一年!规管的二维图像,像“ü漫画批准之前说怀疑藏有一个简单的,我想我更大的刺激帮助受虐待的儿童,甚至已经成为现实 It is and is dense and others agunesu After entering into this year the child abuse murder case by the parent happening to consecution the ru Photograph and cartoon or 2 dimensional regulation approval Before” how like this saying the simplicity possession now this instant being abused in actuality the method which helps the ru child without being ahead
                                                • 可爱的偶像仲间1月安倍打电话通知你的家,也一致认为,朱达罗监管的2 D色情党自由民主党931 931 The ro which is our people The party of child pornographic 2 dimensional regulation approval it puts out Also Abe the extent companion who is called in the house it is
                                                • 嘿,嘿艾格尼丝! ! !你有一个坚硬的直立在谋杀发生,并继续从我父母虐待儿童进入这一年! ü才说或怀疑的二维图片和漫画,我想我拥有更大的刺激帮助受虐待儿童,甚至在今天的现实 It is and is dense and others agunesu After entering into this year the child abuse murder case by the parent happening to consecution the ru Photograph and cartoon or 2 dimensional regulation approval Before” how like this saying the simplicity possession now this instant being abused in actuality the method which helps the ru child without being ahead

                                              • 在一色情犯罪少数孩子是日本最不发达国家在发达世界上最发达的国家
                                                With advanced nation Japan of first child pornographic underdeveloped country The number of crimes it is little, with first advanced nation

                                                • 在日本,该词典Shirabetara 639 18岁以下儿童儿童儿童相干如果它适合
                                                  639 When you inspect in the dictionary, in Japan the child = child = Child under 18 years old If don't you think? coherence is agreeable

                                                  • 埃塔适应问题需要强有力的监管修正案查看详情拥有一直是影片的扩散和儿童色情照片
                                                    The child pornographic photograph and spread of image have converted to problem,… Necessity of the legal amendment which strengthens possession regulation was appealed

                                                    • 如果你把每月马祖国家儿童色情强奸儿童,至少我觉得值得考虑绝对马奈,我不知道哪里是美丽的国家?艾格尼丝先生? The country whose child rape damage is least managing the child pornography if the ru You think that there is a value which Manet is done but it is it probably is the cute national tsu te every what agunesu

                                                      • 如果你的工作只是作为一个坏的商业信誉和对美妙的致命的指控,如果自雇伤口 Assuming that suspicion cleared up if the family operated business and reputation trading if with just that does unskillfulness as for work the fatal wound

                                                        • 它很容易能够想象的条件和操作七百二十五瓦特枪支管制后该外国法律的运作是一件事情,我也不参考类似案件 725 The range shelf w which can be expected easily from the operational actual condition of the foreign country and use etc of gun sword method Those which you do not do from similar example refer
                                                          • 现实是发达国家和净风险,实际上却暴露不仅决心的基础上与我都 The net advancing the actual condition being disclosed really when it is the scolding which neither is basis it has been divulged

                                                        • 家庭和壮逸泰国作为一个杀人犯10年后再次在某种程度上逃离扣留
                                                          Somehow with dealing reservation the [re] [te] after that 10 years above Again [taiho] it does [soitsu] as a murderer

                                                          • 富士夕刊部官员 毕业后从东京 “儿童色情”工作的一部分,似乎已拥有该部官员还透露内部文件,所谓的单未修改的色情材料的潜在冲突与分配的犯罪高 Tokyo University soldier finishing literature course economical bureaucratic “child pornographic” outflow Internal data of ministry As for portion of the work which is seen that this bureaucracy had owned the generally known non correction mono with wa it is the se The possibility of being contrary to thing distribution crime is high
                                                            • 单。谁持有人将分发,分销商说,他们身上作出规限后,他发表声明,大意是在408当有没有监管提及有关国家不 Single That the retention person becomes the distribution person spoke the gist the occasion where it refers concerning the present condition which is not regulation but 408 After the regulating a speech that has not done the simple possession person becomes the distribution person

                                                          • 小熊部组织的流动。法律与保坂隆躲藏。温妮首席指称的儿童色情下载 歼科协泄漏被发现,高中足球韭菜泄露内部信息终身学习,山梨县使用小熊部工作人员,中2009年10月 Literature course economical organizational uini style Concealment Hosaka filial piety method Chief uini child pornographic download doubt Literature course economical staff uini use Internal information outflow of life long study Soccer Yamanasi Leek � high school As for outflow being detected 2009 middle of October
                                                            • 实事求是地说,618“幸运的攻击习惯的眼光,以及它宅男ー”这是危险的,他们监管的歧视两位数的感情差异,而我 618 Speaking realistically “with well the range of vision se me otaku habit obtaining ” how Law is regulated on the one hand with discriminatory feeling the one which incommensurablly the dangerous shelf

                                                          • 干预,日本将有更多的紧急援助,文明回力把自己的脚
                                                            Because foreign intervention in domestic affairs, Japan is possible by your, the foot it pulls How to help the not yet opening of a country probably is urgent business

                                                            • 德无欧舒丹雪松或独裁者或毒枭口味好还是坏乳房皮卡61黄金或黄金为何
                                                              61 Gold or hobby bad cedar Don't you think? the dictator or drug king why [rokudenashi] likes gold [pika

                                                              • 惠普董事会艾格尼丝,讲坏的感觉只有冷淡芒斯熟悉的生活,他们合
                                                                The HP bulletin board of [agunesu], with only lukewarm collusion man Say feeling is bad

                                                                • 我一直在描述他们的食物是否有所不同,这显然是对452条款青年在东京的修正案修订条例
                                                                  452 About the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan The explanation which crosses with the text of amendment plan clearly being done, there is a [ru] place

                                                                  • 我们不知道,但很少有知识和503,儿童的色情管制,有研究发现,如果有增加埃塔绑架强奸的孩子?不仅见到了躺在统计数字意见,但我从未见过 503 You do not know in limited knowledge but is With the regulation of the child pornography being a research result that rape kidnapping of the child increased Other than giving an advise of the sufficient amateur who looked at statistics you have not seen but it is
                                                                    • 对规例的相关性虐待儿童和儿童色情制品,并在温度可研究考虑,指出如果有关系 Concerning the correlation characteristic of child abuse and child pornographic regulation if there is a research result that it is relationship There is a necessity which is thought concerning that probably will be

                                                                  • 我会取消侵犯人权的投诉郜归因于中国基金骗子巴巴
                                                                    Fund-raising swindler [babaa] Returning to China, appeal the human rights violation, the kudzu

                                                                    • 我卖我的地方,你正在分发儿童裸体照片,或708,我都会把你当作我的客户名单租金提的是,儿童色情音像店门前,但没有看到?和材料的泳衣,但会有一个轻微不色情 708 The place where the naked photograph of the child is distributed as for place how we which is sold However you have not seen before the customer list commenting of the rental video at that video store The child pornography how handling the ru combining There are times which the minor melts and says the swimming wear form however probably will be as for this there is no pornography
                                                                      • 在这一点上我说厚,就是我想在一个未成年人,东京翻译,漫画描绘调节后的事实和紧迫 As for the tsu te thing as it is called in this timing the meaning which becomes in fact boost of the thing which it has been about to regulate the characteristic description of the minor Tokyo in cartoon

                                                                    • 我反对的法律,会造成相反的效果,它可以更容易地控制如何埃泰增加生产的需要不认为新的法律rejects查看详情 If the kind of law where the effect becomes opposite it makes but opposition Modus operandi increasing if control it becomes easy to do as for the necessity which refuses new method you think that it is not but

                                                                      • 我想看看反对Akiramen问题 在如此微妙的地方 现在我在做什么以及与和平踢 Doubt is recognized if it is the ze … which will refute… When it is such a sensitivity being densely it is to abandon…… So gt Now speaking well it does any ru things quietly and dissolves the tsu te

                                                                        • 摘要 例如动画津市所有政治路线的立法表决没有执政委员会举行了议会制度,必将给议会后,在该法案的命运阿糖胞苷博小泽2,2★空前 民主党官员 减肥。饮食限制,例如改革法案,山冈,国会事务委员会主席,并计划在会上看到小泽里沙,秘书长,还讨论了反对党进入 Summary animated picture be With whereabouts of Ozawa 2 bill the latter half National Diet turbulent inevitability If without holding national assembly system conference the ruling party votes the bill the constitutional government history upper beginning 2 The National Diet answer of bureaucracy The National Diet reformation related bill of restriction and the like the opposition party opposing deliberation it enters and verifying the policy where it can point In the conversation of national anti Chairman Secretary General and Yamaoka Ozawa
                                                                          • 摘要 例如动画津市所有政治路线的立法表决没有执政委员会举行了议会制度,必将给议会后,在该法案的命运阿糖胞苷博小泽2,2★空前 民主党官员 减肥。饮食限制,例如改革法案,山冈,国会事务委员会主席,并计划在会上看到小泽里沙,秘书长,还讨论了反对党进入 Summary animated picture be With whereabouts of Ozawa 2 bill the latter half National Diet turbulent inevitability If without holding national assembly system conference the ruling party votes the bill the constitutional government history upper beginning 2 The National Diet answer of bureaucracy The National Diet reformation related bill of restriction and the like the opposition party opposing deliberation it enters and verifying the policy where it can point In the conversation of national anti Chairman Secretary General and Yamaoka Ozawa

                                                                        • 日本不拖延,进一步增加的可能性,排减单位是进行?从理论上讲它可以转移,可以正确阿里 Without being in Japan which is late it is advanced As for the possibility of increasing above that If you discuss with possibility the ro which is the possibility ant
                                                                          • 日本一直迟迟不超过它本来应该归因于中国进行 Without being in Japan which is late it is advanced As for the possibility of increasing above that If you discuss with possibility the ro which is the possibility ant

                                                                        • 有471例子,埃塔后的儿童色情和儿童色情制品分销加强规管?大多数人会说,任何人都可以做到这一点 Ttena蒲蒲婴儿儿童,强奸,看到我唯一会做一套强奸?如果家长确实有孩子,但我不知道问题或可能在儿童包括轮流无论哪种方式? 471 After the child pornographic regulating being an example that child pornographic circulation increased You think that such a thing no one is said but… As for child po child po as for rape it is seen with only another ones from rape don t you think it is Actually if the parent who has the child it is problem what perhaps both the child is involved
                                                                          • 你知道你错了被发现茹看到你好好看一看检获537发病率在它被认为是强奸 包括不是一个因素至今悬而未决然后 537 If there is no exposure ratio and to that unsolved it sees in rate of occurrence of the rape incident which is included it is good don t you think it is Because you see in exposure ratio it becomes strange it is the ro which is

                                                                        • 民主,他们不知道国会现实抗日民族提交一项法案-在html身份国民议会法案呻/ www35。Atwi ki.jp /高利亚/页/ 1128。
                                                                          Submitting democracy and the National Diet method amendment plan The actual condition of the counter day which the citizen does not know - Natural shape of the National Diet method amendment plan http: //www35. atwi ki.jp/ko lia/pages/1128. html

                                                                          • 澳大利亚。商业虚伪反复一边看直播,而不是她的附表骗子含泪唱史诗歌曲
                                                                            It is great. Living the woman swindler who repeats hypocritical commercial law, the tear sings Daisaku song

                                                                            • 牛甚至不觉得有点太有用的号码,漫画,牛,如果你觉得对经济Muhazumonaito开车犯罪的动画的立场,并说稍微进一步说20年前我有更多的速度一路卡约Kukara我想出 Numbers being too few You think that it does not become either reference and cartoon and animation spur crime to there If you think that there is no either expectation where it may be such when and furthermore you say 20 years ago and the like Not saying more completely as for influence coming out you think as the ru from early on but it is don t you think

                                                                              • 甲南大其他聋人学生整天。即使是欺诈,但他承认那个女人的谎言一被释放,你going ll安置事务所,税务工作者被逮捕
                                                                                Generally it does not come, is Konan Oobu 痴. Because, the woman lie confessed even in the fraud incident, you were released The [ze] where however, that office worker securely it is arrested the detention room goes the [ru] it is

                                                                                • 的灾民,我这里使用的是413,但儿童色情表演是国家使用的意思,我演的人权和儿童色情是有限的,因为他们不这样做,看之间的相关性不要在火焰上提出?该轮到自己而不是其他国家的统计,所以研究者们没有完全得到,或转折点的火焰 413 The victim whom I use here uses in the sense coming out orator of the child pornography but is Because the being present orator of the child pornography does not limit the human of that country it is difficult to find correlation characteristic it is it isn t Because statistics of the foreign country unless it is the researcher do not enter into the medium 々 hand don t you think it is difficult
                                                                                  • 835 阶段,是不是你经营或↑言说是有点工作经验(笑)这是儿童色情法奇怪的交流方式运作理由不认为尼科?我觉得谁买的,都是不只有法院 835 gt Very that you cannot call with the stage which is not used at all and ↑ The ro which as for you the operational result laughing as for operational form of child pornographic method changing to basis that it is not you insist and is When is only the human who is purchased you can judge it isn t

                                                                                • 穿性感迷你裙和比基尼瓦特嗯,我说你知道你是我为这个女人感到Ideta卡兹
                                                                                  Well [minisuka] and the bikini wearing, making with amorousness, w the woman of the callous says what the [ro] [tsu] [te] feeling which is

                                                                                  • 纯合正常Sefusefu u003d 907平方米 u003d钐钐 u003d Sefusefu女同志小女孩性游戏,撞上其他Sefusefu平方米 u003d奥奥Fabyo Ttenai要放弃所有的差额,美万维网 907 Normal SM sehusehu Homo SM sehusehu SM sehusehu of lesbianism It is young SM auau of the woman Play and sexual desire as for the partner who is thrown the story which is different completely There is no huabiyo tsu te abandon www
                                                                                    • 当你说出Fabyoru Fabyoru他们带来的痛苦面前一片哗然巫万维网WWW的表兄似乎仍是一个证据证明了www线之间的现实和幻想耶Aniwota When plane gi disturbance it is brought up huabiyo ru huabiyo ru www When it is painful included shelf you www who want Sled ya aniwota the evidence where distinction of actuality and delusion is not attached is it is www

                                                                                  • 考虑到驱动tTA痛苦遭462青少年儿童色情的受害者减少扩散和传播儿童色情的儿童分发消除当前色情
                                                                                    462 To consider the suffering of the young people who encounter to the damage of the child pornography, elimination of the child pornography Prevention of the diffusion of the child pornography which has circulated to reality and reduction of circulation

                                                                                    • 艾格尼丝“百分之九十的人(禁止简单占有”)赞成的要求真正意义☆→内阁路线是“有害信息有关的特别调查”的 90 of agunesu “citizen in simple possession prohibition approval” gt When real intention is questioned It did the Cabinet prefecture due to those “the special public opinion poll regarding harmful information”
                                                                                      • 简单占有700人尚未什么,也就是说 700 If the simple possession person it tries entering they are the people of a state where nothing has done

                                                                                    • 艾格尼丝像诈骗者是要你打在该国反色情自动
                                                                                      At the homeland we want the [agunesu] like swindler doing even with automatic pornographic eradication motion

                                                                                      • 艾格尼丝想要→175犯罪率“马秋”Niponhasusunderune→
                                                                                        175 Crime ratio it rises, -> [agunesu] “[meshiuma]” -> [niponhasusunderune

                                                                                        • 虽然一些社会学家附表提高终身雇用制度,因为,即使没有犯罪的增加提高了派遣
                                                                                          The social scholar of part lists lifetime employment system to the reason, but dispatch increasing, crime does not increase

                                                                                          • 该条例的内容是怎么回事?在首都收到的数字内容某处Tashika报纸,“我发现古茹和成人不能写入分区条例,这是”我与你是 As for content of regulations how becoming the ru That “it does not regulate there was a thing which thing and the adult who being zoning write also the contents where the newspaper publishing company of certain somewhere receives explanation to capital see” don t you think

                                                                                            • 该艾格尼丝家园,但要谈对一个乞丐女孩恳求不是赤裸裸的,我不知道她发生
                                                                                              At the homeland of [agunesu] the beggar girl who does the beggar with bareness has become in topic the way, but, She how became kana

                                                                                              • 超过七成的小型武器的百分之艾巴塔健介说,军事专家在中国取得 According to the Ebata 謙 mediating helping person of the military critic as for 7 tenths or more of these small sized weapons is China make
                                                                                                • 超过七成的小型武器的百分之艾巴塔健介说,军事专家在中国取得 According to the Ebata 謙 mediating helping person of the military critic as for 7 tenths or more of these small sized weapons is China make

                                                                                              • 达罗分层家伙几乎是364剂,并捍卫它的这种不寻常的阿格尼斯
                                                                                                364 The [ro] which almost is the operative party of the stratification, So as for protecting to abnormally vis-a-vis [agunesu

                                                                                                • 这将是在当前的高度讨论一项法案,国会会议专政 民主 国会法案狂欢 开始 独裁统治的开始ー ( ö ) 将被传递到大会法案(1)国民大会不包括特别助理机关内阁秘书局政府回应立法(2)副部长,议会秘书的不断增加(3行政)取消政府证人(4)由他们,和学术专家例如举行听证会,普选●外国人在外国人面前裁决选举权法案,规定“ The dictatorial bill now is deliberated at the National Diet The National Diet method amendment plan Start of dictatorial politics it starts 92 the o Those which are included in the National Diet method amendment plan 1 Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is excluded from the government special assistance person who replies at the National Diet 2 The secondary minister of state constant of state affairs official is increased 3 Abolition of government witness system 4 Opening of opinion listening meeting from staff and men of learning and experience of administrative organ For example about foreign carrot administration before The denizenship bill is submitted to the ruling party “foreigner” You have not violated “to this constitution of the opposition party The specialist of constitution interpretation accompanying ” As for decision with the Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau “Supreme Court the citizen the Japanese nationality person as for giving other than that it is unconstitutional it is judged denizenship” after The denizenship bill is submitted to the ruling party “foreigner” You have not violated “to this constitution of the opposition party The specialist of constitution interpretation accompanying ” It is Ozawa “constitutional constitutional” Being Hatoyama “constitutional the shank and the Supreme Court side theory with it is recognized” Branch field “ goukendesu ” In addition by the fact that the bureaucratic reply which is the specialist is prohibited “Interpretation of the bureaucracy which is the specialist” is lost vis a vis all phenomenon means that “interpretation of the Cabinet minister where the hair grows in the amateur” influences national government Summary animated picture Keeper of law to absence
                                                                                                  • 哄笑“,也不可能做出来的法院赶走了民主党控制的国会,而且我在整个生病违宪法案 gahaha ” Democracy from the National Diet The keeper of unreasonable doing method expelling The unconstitutional yabai bill it has been about probably to pass entirely

                                                                                                • 这意味着,363和355共同犯罪,不论刑事或监管作用,因为对漫画的色情漫画,而我不是说好? 355 363 When it collects In other words therefore as for the offender cartoon animation and influence of the pornography regardless of the offender as for regulation meaning saying the kana which is possible to be thing
                                                                                                  • 拉回到你的屁股Pataita更有效的儿童色情制品的国家调控没有做任何事情,一切再次发生,我认为是伟大的425 425 When that happens every thing is not done after all the country where child pornographic regulation ketsu the pulling tsu pa you want wants one as for the effect thinks that it is tremendous but

                                                                                                • 这项研究发现,儿童绑架强奸驱动tTA降低儿童色情物品的监管?该条例没有理由,如果没有更大的
                                                                                                  There is a research result that rape kidnapping of the child decreased with the regulation of the child pornography? If it is not, there is no reason which is regulated above now

                                                                                                  • 逆转理论是要减少,如果需求下降,供应458,我相信奇怪Waranai 458 If demand decreases if the theory that is not destroyed supply decreases either the place where I believe does not change

                                                                                                    • 那么,美国是暴涨的太歇斯底里的女人太旧毒爆炸强奸,悲剧开始它开始破坏家庭是幸福 You rape increase too much Hysterical the elderly poison woman it passes America so the shelf increases the tragedy which starts destroying happy home starts
                                                                                                      • 毒扩散老妇瓦特歇斯底里,我开始摧毁的悲剧,一个幸运的家庭开始 w Hysterical the elderly poison woman increases the tragedy which starts destroying happy home starts

                                                                                                    • 阿Gaishutsuresu 466倍后,她的女儿后,太多看我的穆基省略它会睡眠Gaishutsu艾达瓦特
                                                                                                      466 Wife of her age After you spare with the [wa] which the [wa] which is [gaishiyutsu] is drowsy and is [gaishiyutsuresu] you see, It becomes in rear [muki] over w

                                                                                                      • 项目(议程顺序):儿童卖淫和儿童保护的立法和法律改革的行为受到惩罚及儿童色情(32群众饮食169)儿童卖淫和儿童保护的立法和法律改革的行为受到惩罚及儿童色情(12,171人群议会)
                                                                                                        Matter (subject order): Child buying spring, legal amendment bill such as punishment and child protection such as child pornographic behavior (169 National Diet groups of people 32) Child buying spring, legal amendment bill such as punishment and child protection such as child pornographic behavior (171 National Diet groups of people 12)

                                                                                                        • 驱动tTA知道时间,指出这个词的第一个获得692收费,似乎已经避免了容易被误认为逮捕是无法理解不够 692 Because the word acquisition crime was informed for the first time by indication you do not know whether sufficient understanding does but Way it becomes easy to avoid misconception arrest the shelf

                                                                                                          • (ü作为性对象,书籍和独特的青年[治疗s提不因为在第80 2 6←有关家长]第二句青年存在的项目,包括第七条责任等) -第五条规定的6 80] 父母等,衣服所有的石窟年轻人谁是下色情及30岁以下青年和儿童没有穿只有一些因此,很年轻只穿着比基尼内衣位国家(包括被视为相当于国家
                                                                                                            (The books handle the young people as the sexual object and the like which [<- the composition which is six two 2 of 18th provision duty of the guardian et. al who relates especially of the seventh provision each number which includes non existence young people comment in the reason]) > The guardian et. al thickly all of [te] clothing or when part is not acquired or when only the swimming wear or the underwear are attached (includes a state where it is regarded equality to these with the person under the child pornography and the inside 13 year old of the young people

                                                                                                            研究 開発