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To tell the truth misery than dispatch!? “Black conversion” the regular members ★5 of the eating out retail chain which is done


  • -无家可归,睡在现场的人来到汝好-出席杀人案件后,品酒前串行副○
    It attends the test drinking meeting of the wine immediately after the ○ former assistant secretary continual killing and wounding incident

    • 03:32编号:lPNRXRjg0 167万维网它甚至不是自雇人士,如果我要睡觉:在白天在21000000瓦特↓〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜名204↓Shisan名无 10周年 圣人 发布:2010 04 13(星期二)11:35:09编号:197 lPNRXRjg0转售,发布服务,亲和力和证券交易所,并插槽帕蒂 03 32 ID lPNRXRjg0 167 Independent margin www If month 210 000 it is possible sleeping at daytime and others the re ru w ↓ ↓ 204 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 04 13 fire 11 35 09 ID lPNRXRjg0 197 Service industry of resale and posuteingu ahui stocks and exchange pachi and suro
      • 查看详细卡兹210 000分钟只需10名中学:L2bPEw4i0 Gugurekasu历程 In 10 minutes which pass even with the junior high school student 210 000 ID which can be made L2bPEw4i0 lecture gugurekasu Above

    • 204股票和交流,翻转,但我要帮助这个风险10插槽?因此,我们暮万维网 204 Stocks and exchange pachi and the suro how risk te it is densely it is quantity but… That live with that www
      • 204股,交换,翻转,但我要帮助这个风险10插槽?因此,我们暮万维网 204 Stocks exchange pachi and the suro how risk te it is densely it is quantity but… That live with that www

    • 2小时来回是进入一个在郊区,川口市和横滨,川越,泽,船桥,要么道歉排队或高崎,群马县和冈崎,爱知我不是什么可怕的千叶那么可爱或谁是
      Suburb being, apology inserting, round trip 2 hour, Yokohama city and Kawaguchi city, Kawagoe city, Tokorozawa city, Funabashi city and Chiba city how being lovely ones, it is terrible Takasaki city of how Aichi Okazaki city and Gunma to line the person who is done it was

      • 549安全卫士打盹,或在休息时间比较紧,我工作时间长也是
        549 Because the guard accurately is a rest and nap time even with long haul duty, targeting relative it does not become

        • 57 27艺术朱达罗私立大学在日本被大学充斥着劳动力成本减少了更多的艺术管理研究生Nankadaro 58私立大学或自由派的私人艺术的毕业生是Menherubabaa诙谐石窟
          57 27 Private university literature soldier/finishing [menherubabaa] kana it is the [ro] which is 58 The [ro] should decrease the labor cost of the private university literature soldier/finishing management more, Private university literature prevailing, Japan became funny

          • 725因此,新的菜单,“鸡”在所有694个餐厅和萨拉逃脱到自己,我希望把长,劳工成本是全国连锁的劳动力市场是最好的菜是商业颈部接受个人(不付款,如果)梅塔进步是降低成本和储存不当造成 725 Then new menu “chicken rice” extent it puts out and wants being 694 The original eating house how the deviation from plate the market which is the saucer of private business most it was the neck Labor cost the nationwide chain labor cost the default and is the result of advancing store expense reduction unjustly
            • 更好的是,有文员或零一学券制,只收取一个办事员糸井入口处放置在,以及全面的存款,其余的将发生如果自我?我觉得突然降低劳动成本?我想我已完全是100倍的东西我不希望我们吃的店员早生 NULL

          • 742 “高学校的雇员,但是”我只是没有获得高中毕业不是唯一的否定,大学给予绝对的下巴用东京大学的驱动tTA隧道的话说,“大部分高中毕业生没有征求他们自己的能力,从穿着复杂,拥抱 742 But gt “we of the high soldier finishing employee has come out only high school it is not defeated to large soldier finishing that don t you think it is as the ru zu said Tokyo University is used with the cog it is” Generally your own capability you not to consult high soldier finishing the complex holding in large soldier finishing from the ru
            • 但高中的员工,“但我没获得我高中毕业并不是唯一的负面,我给予绝对下巴用东京大学的驱动tTA隧道的话说,说:”经过几次的总统赎回时天之后的薪金我惊呆了 But “we of the high soldier finishing employee has come out only high school it is not defeated to large soldier finishing that don t you think it is as the ru zu said Tokyo University is used with the cog it is” After with serving when said to the president several days later it will be agape
            • 调用的是我前面的申请人工资恢复公司来看着老板在职业生涯中期,但敏感的地产体面的黑色“或在梅塔讲话什么?”“我是一个什么样的人?“目瞪口呆地听着他们不听一边 Inside however it was honest looking at the resume where the black real estate rising superior comes being halfway adoption telephoning to the company which the applicant has served before “stopping with something ” “It was what kind of human ” Hearing that you have heard with side it will be agape

          • Sokko停止了很大程度的餐馆的汉堡包加入是正确的人可以阻止我仍然瓦特 We you joined certain hanbaguresutoran but in harsness of remainder sotsuko w which is stopped Stopping after all it was correct answer
            • 因此,原始和假期应该予以纠正或严厉的残余锈须支付加班费妥善 Therefore originally as for the severe rust remainder and holiday going to work overtime treatment should provide securely correct should

          • TTP的:/ /班至小学课程。viploader.net /新闻/ src目录/ vlnews013118。JPG的民主党支持者,民主党反对民主的人通常是对民主的良好支持,是反民主的反民主代理Netouyo基莫不是自民党是反民主的罢工绝对灵芝邪恶
            ttp: //up3. viploader.net/news/src/vlnews013118. jpg As for democracy supporter general people As for democracy support normal As for democracy support virtue As for anti democracy heart it is, [netouyoanchi] As for democracy our people operative As for anti democracy ray cyst As for anti democracy absolute badness

            • “这是否说峨立场的阶段,现在,基米?”“如果你聘请一位经理基米雷克南?”“你认为,如果将老人基米雷克南?”堵塞了的话,听到这些事情古马苏(在这种情况下,不能听到的问题当然没有道理的语调显示详情) “The kana which is the standpoint as it is called in current your stage ” If “you the manager you are employed ” If “you the senior you how probably will be thought ” That you hear to such word is plugged this time you do not hear in the kind of tone which interrogates of course
              • 小家伙还是把它的智慧875,或者我只是失去了两次行业工作在恶劣的投诉正在建设Etara谣言的接触管理人员在一 875 The person whom intelligence turns to there is little when and it appeals two degrees it stops being able to work in the industry through bad rumor with connection of the manager

            • →→泡沫Buchikire黑人没有被低工资的增加是新出现的黑色的低工资就业→→中国泡沫 Bubble collapse gt low wages black gaining force gt not to become national buchikire Bubble collapse gt low wages black gaining force gt it became the Chinese employment
              • 于队友Yareyo 5个工作日内,完善的社会保险,带薪休假可以被消化,因此,100万日元的年收入为3 3残业无服务 yu u meito do Two weekly holiday there is no social insurance completion and paid digestion possibility and service overtime work With that 3 300 000 Yen in annual income
              • 牛年最不支付工资,最低工资保障,完全保险,也有薪假期s At least allowance you pay and the minimum wage protection and insurance completion paid is given

            • 什么你不想要女孩,我做任何一个链条中一个可爱的女生字节行鼓以及我吗?我觉得我是一个更好的私立学校,高中女生,但Yaritai Lovely woman Takao the byte has done at the chain store where we goes well but it is daughter kana of the ya and others re te ru But woman Takao and the ya ri you want when it is the kind of air where the private school is better does

              • 什么是21万月薪在400个小时,一般Yabaku?但税后,我会在至少一个小时的罚款?至少,最低工资所有者塞纳别怀疑我保证!到底是什么店! Don t you think the salary 210 000 tsu te it is dangerous normally with month 400 hour work Don t you think with net income even then lowest hourly wage sensitivity At least the manager preservation proves the minimum wage the can It is what kind of store that
                • 正如奴隶和工人成为376名员工私人,这样呢?劳动局也没有必要来证明你说的奴隶劳动的方式对滚装基达后萘乙酸 376 Therefore also the government employee the private worker and similarly in the slave being accustomed It is backward After that it is distantly it means to officially recognize slave work Also labor basic station stops needing

              • 什么是您在家工作我会觉得277是一个细节微风与KAZ显示你可以从倒卖粮食的Burgers没有错对自己没有关系?第一次世界大战元人才热像餐厅,我将有一个相当的眼睛交给这只是无用,直至发酵before the繁荣generally我不会,可quantities购买大型没有root的个别人等281这个家伙可以很容易地,随便给顾客带来周一行,但我觉得艾滋病 277 As for working at the home you are not wrong Eating with ahui from the ru So the tsu te which you can make very easily with resale thinking the ru ww 281 The individual without the route to stock such a rare ones in large quantities it can do there is no expectation where it does the yo Therefore generally before becoming boom unless you train useless what Considerably talent of the connoisseur is don t you think Eating and drinking likely it warmed it is it can make the sufficient person who is carried to the customer simple with however think it is
                • 所以现在如果你转售的213?每个人都在做它,我们可以发挥饼干垮了快速看的方式 我卖一个较高的购买价格,以确保古古w是把它卖了将雷亚到这样一个稳定的纹纹朱达罗高于购买价格Hazuneedaro手转模糊 213 Therefore if now what is resold It can sell securely high than purchase price it is When such is found simply everyone doing the ru w It can sell high than purchase price rare the ro which is rubbed Such it is stabilizing inserting in the hand don t you think the expectation which it is possible the ro becoming dim which is the e

              • 从合同瓦特发展中国家不是日本人的就业出现了平行文化的“我不能停下来欠租金或有工作,”因为我打电话,Bakkari愚蠢的,如果我不学什么,瓦特从这样的事情,为什么西方我瓦特 Because the Japanese te employment agreement culture there is no like developing country w “Using receiving because there is a ru favor it is not stopped ” With aho which is said tsu temporary is it is w With what just such place from Europe and America does not learn in what it is w
                • 在西方,我很羡慕这样一个封闭的店铺如收银员和顾客附表即使在时机成熟 In Europe and America the customer being when time comes don t you think the store which closes the register is envious

              • 他加入了6 002网站在10月1日在阿鲁巴991,这将成为埼玉县的一家商店的经理在3月栗桥承包商每年一月
                In 1991 October part-time job You join as, becomes the Kurihashi store store manager of Saitama prefecture, two 〇 〇 as a contract employee every of year from March of six the [ma] It did

                • 但如果他加入公司,“黑链”和“黑公司”是,我会怎么办? But when the company which joins the “black chain” and “black enterprise” is how should have done probably
                  • 但如果他加入公司,“黑链”和“黑公司”是,我会怎么办? But when the company which joins the “black chain” and “black enterprise” is how should have done probably

                • 但是,餐饮业是一个不好的地方,他们说谁被淘汰了,我是相同的状态我不是佛子抗癌药物更有效或 However expression it is bad as for food service industry as for the place where it is cut off cutting off the anti cancer gun medicine bu tsu which is not effective anymore densely it is with it is the same what as ru state don t you think

                  • 假名是前一段时间一个人或一个轻松拖放像拥有全部的东西委员会注意到蛋糕偶然跑进员工语音中继站 Was when in the employee who stops when the locust ri it meets accidentally with the station 憑 it comes and it has become the ri it does in the calm kind of person where the thing falls
                    • 他们将仇恨言论梅罗 Hate And others Quitting words me ro

                  • 凯塔驱动tTA认为的重量,最开始到现在,当我提出该Dokasou and分为10的京滨Express Line车站,使它能够贴近工业road track maintenance字节到午夜厘米cut
                    What you think that we to now was heaviest, was the nighttime industrial road station being soon at the byte of railroad maintenance, when those which cut the railroad track of the Keihin bullet train in 10 centimeters while starting assuming that the [do] so,

                    • 刚刚加入,没有经验,所以我相当高的起点一九零零零零日元薪金
                      You just joined, initial wage of 190,000 Yen how it is enormously higher one at experience zero

                      • 埃泰的医院抱怨腹部疼痛哈市前泽店10月10日,80同死
                        Maesawa on October tenth last year appealing the stomachache at the store, to be hospitalized, the death on same 18th

                        • 多次在做现场的状态,但安全公司,往往是交通招生
                          However the security company of traffic control collection it is many on occasion, turning one actual place with several people, [ru] state

                          • 如果你看看本联盟本身的思维,我会分区在日本仍然是在公司既得利益老
                            If it tries thinking, the labor union itself and the party who with high age conversion remains in vesting dividing, [ru] the Japanese shelf

                            • 如果您有任何投诉,会恶化转移明显优于对手,“未来公司将增加在引衰退黑色绒毛长 If there is a complaint that the partner probably is the superior it conveys clearly” If in the future depression is prolonged to black also the enterprise which is converted keeps increasing

                              • 客户会Sabakenee普通酒馆Kusojijii系统W是可怕的可怕和民
                                You will be able to judge the normal customer and well probably will be, but [kusojijii] w As for the harmony people it was terrible as for… pub system it is terrible

                                • 已在退休30年的行业的职业生涯的转折点,赛道的大热门,因为莎拉星期五
                                  First-rate large coming out, success course coming off in 30 year old industry turning points, when retiring even the plate gold

                                  • 平均年龄20多岁!什么,我设立了根据年龄,味噌鳕鱼正常脑组织,“30岁,40岁,如果会发生?”到目前为止我在大脑思考的酱,但它使一的工作岗位,我不知道如果不能扭转方向 Average age 20 generation However the tsu te it depends on also the number of establishment years the normal brain seeing and the cod When “it becomes 30 generations and 40 generations how it becomes ” The tsu te it may think it rubbed but don t you think … As for the kind of recruiting which the brain seeing so turns to there it is not faced conversely don t you think it is probably will be
                                    • 平均年龄20多岁!我是在工作的许多人在年轻的构成瓦特面带微笑的照片和生动的年轻古我不是这个工作很多员工 Average age 20 generation The employee being young it is the workplace where there is a vigor In the photograph the pause taking with the smiling face ru young person large number w Such a recruiting is many don t you think

                                  • 广泛的权力骚扰自主不平衡仍然是必要的和客户的责任,上级克拉默
                                    Being blamed in Kramer's customer, and the superior of [pawahara] the autonomic ataxia spread

                                    • 应停止服用,没有得到的回报,如果任何人以为我想现在要做 Thinking that you probably will do from now when the ru person fails is if because recovery stops being attached the one which it stops is good

                                      • 当地的电子商店 - 经济 - “没有比来自于消费电子产品零售商的零售价格低是购买我们
                                        Shop front price of the home appliance mass sales store is cheaper the regional electric appliance store “us than stock value

                                        • 我们大多数人都有些事情现在创业Etara消失,但泄漏是1000年瓦特老人
                                          When the droppings venture which now is goes out large portion, as for a leak ten thousand 々 year shelves w

                                          • 我们有危险的人工作时间长,地点在这种危险,他们觉得很奇怪,先生 这是什么工作,为什么。我对我的权力,地方做更多的现有客户谁这个敏感 Such danger Because long haul work is done it is strange that is you think the dangerous person at the place the lever it is what work it is if the tsu te the extent which is placed the place where the customer who is good to other things was let flow One like this the ri
                                            • 如果我等待足够长的权力,地方的人在危险这种危险,但这是敏感,谁做更多的现有客户 Such danger Because long haul work is done it is strange that is you think the dangerous person at the place the lever it is what work it is if the tsu te the extent which is placed the place where the customer who is good to other things was let flow One like this the ri

                                          • 我制造和销售自雇,但我想降低成本,增加产品ü我死在处理答复
                                            But as for we self-management of production and sale unit cost the [wa] which goes down, the item which is handled with the [wa] which increases exhausted

                                            • 我发现更诚实,其余16个21万小时的单独工作一年来在这家餐厅连锁店在3月辞职,但我想,即使我的工作任务,其中加班工资Sun可能Yokattara这项工作的思想,他们害怕会采取这样的蛋糕和食物中毒发生什么事,唱出来,有时会生病或者什么也不知道,我不 However from March of this year it started working with the eating out chain with 16 hour works as for the day off month 5 day Now however the salary good leprosy to be overtime work generation inserting just 210 000 Honesty we would like to stop already you do not understand…… with work or how it should have done in other things Sometimes becoming entirely hateful when you pile up the poison to cooking that you think and whether how it becomes you fear chi ya u by your

                                              • 我只是6个月或1分钟bonus m不再被困在低报酬的辛勤工作,但没有 That bonus one time was six months s amount… Now already even how with simply intense duty small salary without becoming the ru

                                                • 我想我是坚强儒家文化是强大的韩国职业是最卑微的出生餐饮业公认的(我能理解韩国电视剧了。)
                                                  So as for Korea whose Confucianism culture is well strong as for the lower 賎 occupation eating and drinking industry [te] recognition forces and (the Korean drama sees and the [ru] is well understood)

                                                  • 我是一个人的奴隶许多养活这些家伙每一年,我想出了很多富有Girunjane埃泰
                                                    Wealthy layer is too multi, don't you think? it is Yearly increasing, although the [ru] it does and others it is dense it raises, no human slave is, it is

                                                    • 我是一个员工我买妇女的衣服被打破驱动tTA Irane打破妇女的衣服,我常常男性雇员
                                                      The man employee tearing the lady clothes well, and [irane] the lady clothes which tear you bought, the how employee was

                                                      • 我是在一个讽刺说ü球员只是在等待和峨Ttemashita万,并说这里是错误的汉字一点点 When this even just a little makes a mistake in Chinese character waiting that it increased the person who as if to say says disagreeableness stayed

                                                        • 我的意思是我的意思是常规的工作流程,而不是邪恶的意识漂流的停滞和疲劳性能Kerya
                                                          You call flow production, or call custom?, Instead of the achievement bad [ke] [ri] [ya] stagnation impression it drifts to the weariness impression

                                                          • 我的父亲曾在当地中层管理人员的大型企业,50多岁,晚上8时至800万年薪在家里工作在上午07时,由于加班是没有办法管理
                                                            As for we father with local duty 50 generation middle management of major enterprise, morning 7 o'clock going to work night 8 o'clock with returning home annual income 8,000,000, Therefore administrative position allowance for overtime work is not attached

                                                            • 我看到你真正的日本民族本身PART37黑色
                                                              Don't you think? to tell the truth Japanese [tsu] [te] country itself black something PART37

                                                              • 我要你负担? “这是你的好更好,我会尊重,如果魏:”如果我说我想要 We want being concerned combining “Your one is nice you respect don t you think it is great” the tsu te we want saying kana

                                                                • 我说话的时候能够更加方面,他们做的工作,但是值得,“我很放心让我离开那里或者你伤害了总统,”我告诉你,什么是赎回惊讶 Even now it is one what which works under suitable good conditions depending when you speak “When the wound it melts because the president produces from there it is relief” it is what depending although it was said you were surprised
                                                                  • 我说话的时候更方面工作,但不值得的,他们感到意外物凄喾 Even now it is one what which works under suitable good conditions depending when you speak “When the wound it melts because the president produces from there it is relief” it is what depending although it was said you were surprised

                                                                • 我隐瞒或没有向他的修理费用在汽车修理业务表弟他们不知道什么时候雇用关系
                                                                  When employing, nothing informing, unless there is a relationship, repairing the repair expense of the business car in frame, that it was deducted, combining

                                                                  • 所以现在如果你转售的226?大家都这么做,我们可以发挥的cookie垮了快速查找的方法令 我卖一个较高的购买价格,以确保古瓦特废弃电子商店的东西的丝高end of它was年apparent from last在年底出售古浓高金属现在我和他们不卖给他们或贮的要停止,直到ー瓦特伯尔笑的样子,不只是一个人来的电子商店,但它是“我很沮丧,”其实我喊的w 226 Therefore if now what is resold It can sell securely high than purchase price it is When such is found simply everyone doing the ru w It can sell the metal high and it is higher than end of last year clearly Electric appliances store something saving the edge rubbish of the electric wire as for the party whom now it sells laughing does not stop probably will be w However the ma there is no just electric appliances store don t you think “It is depression” that you have called repeatedly in rear world direction but really… w
                                                                    • 我告诉你,我成为一个高风险的,如果你是在地狱债务的方式失败,我没有190最多才能无转售 190 Unless there is a talent of resale it is absolutely unreasonable don t you think When so it fails it is debt Also risk being high the shank The wa which does not become story

                                                                  • 护理保险金,销售税(竹下政府在一个true 89),20岁的学生,不论退休金
                                                                    Nursing insurance payment, consumer tax (to appear under Takeshita administration in bubble midst, at that time Yokohama exposition YES '89), annuity the student regardless of 20 year old or more

                                                                    • 招聘投资未来→→坎塔拉Untara潜力,起薪34洙Temasen之间劳基法,甚至政府雇员所有→高级人员
                                                                      34 Hiring of new graduates -> extending through promising future First duty it grants, it is the cod can cod -> to future investment & superior talent guaranty Labor Standard Law -> being protected with even in the first place government employee, increase it is

                                                                      • 接收增值服务,不仅服务的最低要求引进的354芯片的地方是没有什么,你想在一个社会,保证社会保障支付的自我,如果只有一个成年人每周工作40小时反正难道他们不也很好的员工在欧洲平行的工作人员给小费了,如果客户只Takere 354 Temporarily if adult one person works week 40 hour The social security which it can become independent We want being the society where wages are guaranteed… It is introduction of tip chip system then We probably would like to receive the connection customer who has the added value be no other choice but to the connection customer of the necessary minimum The customer pays the tip chip to the staff It is good being like Europe and America it is not or very in the employee
                                                                        • 当有人不能成为债务严重昏迷被约1星期,似乎工作一百九十八小时工作Iteta 198 While working collapsing about 1 weeks the person who has become coma state is When being terrible 20 hours it works it is like

                                                                      • 无偿加班,每天我穿在柏青哥店的一些小的工作,但我很强烈的约200小时,每月有取胜的埃泰投诉? Working at the certain small to medium sized pachinko store but the ru it is but as for service overtime work about month 200 hour being forced the ru it is appealing there is a victory calculation tsu te
                                                                        • 我这么04小时无偿加班,每天强我穿在柏青哥店的一些小的工作,和我抱怨埃泰取胜? Working at the certain small to medium sized pachinko store but the ru it is but as for service overtime work about month 200 hour being forced the ru it is appealing there is a victory calculation tsu te

                                                                      • 日本市仍然受到骚乱发生遵守。物理损伤每天
                                                                        Even then either the riot without rising, the Japanese whom you follow In the city everyday physical injury

                                                                        • 时间卡被压在19至20时,未经允许,并被迫超时工作茂木直到超过23至25时在家里 As for time card o clock at about 19 20 selfishly pushing Being able to work overtime to past 23 o clock returning home 25 o clock
                                                                          • 如果你有一个酱店,所以没有现场的分离是不坏我不禁无偿超时工作 If the store pumps because actual place it becomes unable to leave being hate it is the case that it cannot avoid servicing working overtime

                                                                        • 时间长的宝座负担的部门经理和工作得到早上3点回家,我离开的未来在上午7点回家,每年收入几百几千的税后一零二日元
                                                                          At seven o'clock in the morning coming out of the home, while you being assigned the heavy responsibility of long haul work and the store manager who at next morning three o'clock return home, Annual income was over 200 100,000 Yen with net income

                                                                          • 是不是在3000年销售兴旺的豆腐店?日商1000万美元,10万天日元,豆腐Ranakya被出售,每3分钟,10至05小时
                                                                            There is no yearly turnover 3000 [te] super prosperous store at the tofu house? The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry 100,000, as a tofu 100 Yen one day thousand, When it makes 5 hour businesses in day, 10 sales and others you must be 3 minutes,

                                                                            • 有1家餐厅卫生及员工淋浴室,更衣室(实际存储),而不是这么多的水平作为一个小商店(开放个人志位也难,因此它最终将主要· · ·)不公平不公平地降低劳动成本和便宜tive收集客户销售,但利润的企业。行政赔偿是WWW的暴涨
                                                                              [huamiresu] had hygienic equipment such as employee shower room, but the changing room (substantial warehouse conversion) even Because the small-sized store which is not (also business at private level is difficult, after all the major company probably is [tsu] [te] thing, but…) The customer gathering with unjust bargain sale, it shaves also labor cost unjustly, but, enterprise interest. As for official remuneration skyrocketing www

                                                                              • 有8小时休息时间,每天167,是在节日期间每周一天,它得到了21万,这家伙会变成哭泣在1个月,所以应该不是自雇 167 There being 8 hour days off on the first there being a week one day holiday 210 000 receiving the te There is no expectation where independent something it can make the person who with that cries in one month and inserts

                                                                                • 有一个很大的惊喜来自银行,然后再多人的医疗工作对很多人来说 Before the change of occupation person is many the bank graduate person is enormous being many in connection with the medical care which is you have been surprised

                                                                                  • 比赛高中和大学都在新时代,也许前者更健康和大学的骄傲贝鲁仍毫无根据的比较
                                                                                    When high soldier/finishing [konpu] and the large soldier/finishing non basis in university all the entrance age pride is compared After all, perhaps former is healthier

                                                                                    • 灵是一个中文输入372个国家的泡沫后,立即崩溃,无法想像
                                                                                      372 The Chinese inserting, after bubble collapse you could not imagine a state where it exceeds

                                                                                      • 然而,教育是保护资历和终身雇用长期雇员时间早已过了最后爆裂
                                                                                        But it has already ended the times when enterprise protects the regular member with seniority and lifetime employment raises

                                                                                        • 的黑人?一个奇怪的使用日语,你知道黑色代表和零售食品服务? To black it converts Strange Japanese is used the ro where black representation is eating out and retailing
                                                                                          • 当地雇员一样工作条件,而这些事,他们给你一个体面的食物吃了我退出Omoen Such a duty state the honest food being offered the ru think it is You eat out the wa which is stopped
                                                                                          • 的黑人?一个奇怪的使用日语,你知道餐馆黑色代表的零售? To black it converts Strange Japanese is used the ro where black representation is eating out and retailing

                                                                                        • 离婚是没有这么多的人将要嫁给一个女孩的字节(郜考虑为什么)我不把他们的事,不仅经验也用来制造转行 Generally because the man gets married with the girl of the byte divorce is many think reason You switch jobs only the experience which even is not usable it has
                                                                                          • “我想不会有很多人认为我会比别人滚装谁我想我会頑張”这是我的思考的聪 “Persevering thinking that common sense think from the person whom you think as the ru you think that the ru person is more ” the tsu te it cautioned

                                                                                        • 糖尿病,肝炎,从目前我们来了,世界已经被漂白的高增长时期以来几代人的化学
                                                                                          Therefore society what of the generation who is bleached in the chemical substance after the diabetes and the hepatitis and the high growth period

                                                                                          • 经理突然生病在采取出售,其余连续工作120小时不睡觉,在阴影副经理你不是附近,以帮助越南办事处
                                                                                            When the store manager in sale becomes sudden illness, the headquarters do not hand over help with the shade to which the secondary store manager 120 hour sleeplessness non- 休 continual duties

                                                                                            • 编号:Db4kWjuw0家更像是一名保安人员谁显然做到这一点,看到那么多↑茹
                                                                                              ID: Db4kWjuw0 When you look at the ↑ less, this person is the home guard [tsu] [po] clearly,

                                                                                              • 自我重复同样的事情的一年,即使它确实工作,因为如果你吻我的表演,告诉255万细节卡兹思想不愉快事情朱达罗工作更容易吃21立即卡兹卡兹在所有卡兹立即对一些贫困210 000和损失风险在风险预期的或不前,你只说将需要几年的时间,有时你的孩子想查艾滋病对社会思加生效事无伊藤 255 With eating out 210 000 the ro where the one which is made is easy Without thinking at all going to work the re it can make therefore it is If even contents of work you do also one year repetition of the same thing As for self management when it is and unskillfulness does also the risk which cannot be made completely there is also a risk which becomes the deficit 210 000 in order to make when several years it is required it is That before the simplicity or the word tsu chi ya fish unless it has appeared in society only think it is the extent child chi ya ma

                                                                                                • 自爱,宗教势力采取了早会,第二晚的敌人一英里眉头(在什至想拖延列车)清除合理和有效的家伙提案背后茹WWW的住宿,工人的劳动副 The self enlightenment favorite and religion the morning gratitude which caught is forced haphazardly being late is designated as the enemy of the eye the eyebrow rises even with streetcar delay Being rational when you propose efficiently purgation www And others it is dense staying on the reverse side the vice corporation labor loyal retainer

                                                                                                  • 该司还个体劳动,奴役和专制主义的人的绝对教学产业链问题上,如该Giterunomo m以上 After all work side to be individually divided with chain industry absolute conversion With corporation teaching manual despotism conversion to slave converting too much also ru is problem what

                                                                                                    • 该连锁餐厅或便利店,差异有话要说了极限,即使工厂的产品谁做技术,工业和其他最终不能走相同的过程,我要做饭好点,但仅几分钟,容易迷路的劳动力成本,但私人拥有的餐厅,因为它的品牌和技术fees厨师stable手,但什么事情可以原教旨主义deployed market赞成在它自己的颜色我是想,我会说意味无附加价值与品牌和厨师,将在明天晚上溃疡 With eating out as for chain development the tsu te thing shelf which is the limit konbini from different as for the commodity technical ones which the person makes Producing at the factory if end does not process the cook it cannot go The same main point as the other industry type equal to labor cost amount loss is easy to come out But when it is eating out of private management it stabilizes conversely Because service charge of the cook that way becomes the brand it can develop profitably with individual color When with market mechanism principle of phenomenon is thought with anything discernment evening it collapses don t you think probably will be If added value attaches to the brand and the cook and is not industry type what which is not meaning it puts out UniformityLimited tsu te person shelf of sale
                                                                                                      • 降低公司评价反正我死汝纳鲁从最低削减劳动力成本,但商店的销售do没有许多繁华的商店纳鲁死亡,字节质量,not坏多出低动机 However it can die even at the prosperous store Because even at the store where sale is not left over labor cost is shaved to the extremity which it is full and can die it is the shelf Also appraisal of the company to be low because quality of the byte also motivation is low excess it is terrible

                                                                                                    • 这是一个多小时,又可以让18小时的工作,然后跳出值班休息显示对一定要出现在3个小时,第二天又“点燃”只 Above that with prohibition Work hour of one turn 18 hours as for the inside rest it is done to require the fact that by all means three hours are taken and The next day of turn “to open” with the day off

                                                                                                      • 这是现在人才流动的薪金外劳的不断恶化的安全→→→我没有缺乏
                                                                                                        You do not serve, -> lack of talent -> the guest worker -> public order deterioration This current flow

                                                                                                        • 这首歌曲是不完全不作任何周五,退出公司或服务,他们说你瓦特卢井,或只赚钱,让员工自愿西西乞丐的我做什么好 Although very that there is no gold which corporation song is made service the enterprise which is proposed w Your i i the volunteer being able to point to the employee or w which makes money Whether beggar w Well it is what
                                                                                                          • 您还需要多次坚忍的时间表,必要的放肆甚至是相当被称为Herahera乞丐 Stoic in large quantity there is schedule management and a necessary scene and the beggar being called also the figure thickness which the spatula spatula it is possible is needed

                                                                                                        • 那么,作为城市的电器商店商店溃疡,控告一家大商场网苏大溃疡 Well as the large sized store crushed the electric appliances store of the town it is the case that the net crushes the large sized store
                                                                                                          • 溃疡可以预期,但缺少云雀趣味,我们已经把音回应 There is no skylark that however you expected whether also gasuto collapses it endures the chi ya tsu shelf

                                                                                                        • 除此之外柏青哥825萨拉周五,超市,电器店,全球环境展望:晚清关和二手店等,所以是男性的服饰店
                                                                                                          825 The pachinko and the plate gold, the super, home appliance store, the old house of GEO and BOOK OFF etc, also the gentleman clothes store so other than that the shelf

                                                                                                          • 隆河内当然营业额的连锁餐厅业务,勤奋工作,是不是为什么大多数的工作单调的
                                                                                                            As for ratio of separated workers of the eating and drinking industry of the chain being high, as for intense duty of course, The first reason work is trivial, the kana which is not

                                                                                                            • 震动机的管理和最重要的,停在大肠杆菌爆发的第二天,其他字节清洗,清洁和具有相同的经理,你会带出用具列队欢迎的健康商店其他经理负责的第二天,同样与坦白,我现在在一个地方从去年○经理“○利用它做些或显示的细节来”和普通电话 With the machine which when manages shake the other byte washes from something with next day colon bacillus outbreak Stop the store manager washing the same the store manager of the other stores of hygienic charge of the corporation projecting the kit holding tsu Washing it dies and starting and also the following day being the same we it is lastly from the store manager with densely “0 you ask somehow” Usual telephone
                                                                                                              • 伸出1位和回力从仓库阅读恩戴到广辞苑约分厚的文件没有任何问题,测试终于洗大肠杆菌观赏 About the wide quitting words 苑 starting pulling the thick manual from the warehouse reading a little When paying attention you washed at last colon bacillus inspection it became without problem

                                                                                                            • 青年就业支持 - - 社区工作坊已站在...在电影中的角色放进电脑技能
                                                                                                              Learning technical skill of the young person employment support… personal computer, it makes engaging in life use the workshop

                                                                                                              • 高中毕业后,少数全职现在已稳步管理(月薪740梅佐他离开17)格式(?)我从来没有听说过在大学早逝,在冰川时代 After the high soldier finishing directly now steadily with the small to medium sized regular member administrative position 17 o clock quitting work Annual income 740 maso Appearance With the university 逝 tsu te you have not heard glacial age
                                                                                                                • 零售商店的经理(工资和非节假日的梅佐420过去每天午夜)反正你白痴,游戏的直觉 The retail store manager everyday morning the way You do not go to bed Annual income 420 maso How if se aho intuition has a match

                                                                                                              研究 開発