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Plain secretariat director, publicly marine passing and problem between the Okinawa Miyako islands of the Chinese fleet apparent the thought without of doing the statement ★2


  • 1 1 gt “You hold the doubt now why this time” When is problem apparent do Being foolish It dies gt
    • 汉堡是你们的问题与愤怒什么?我不是我已经进入领海 Getting angry the ru people problem apparent have done what There is no reason which enters to the territorial waters it is

  • 564 565中共军事远征队,今天之后拍击在海上自卫队一直升机护送,布鲁诺托里关闭在日本领土进展 564 565 As for the Chinese communist troop campaign fleet The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship after the menacing presently by the helicopter To the Japanese territory open sea no Torishima under way
    • 中共军队远征舰队,在起飞后,布鲁诺拍击托里海上自卫队的直升机护送日本领土,在今天的进展 As for the Chinese communist troop campaign fleet The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship after the menacing presently by the helicopter To the Japanese territory open sea no Torishima under way
    • 中共军队远征舰队,在起飞后,布鲁诺拍击托里海上自卫队的直升机护送日本领土,在今天的进展 NULL
    • 中共军队远征舰队,在起飞后,布鲁诺拍击托里海上自卫队的直升机护送日本领土,在今天的进展 NULL
    • 中共军队远征舰队,海上自卫队驱逐舰,直升机今天在威胁到日本托里布鲁诺领土小康进展 As for the Chinese communist troop campaign fleet The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship after the menacing presently by the helicopter To the Japanese territory open sea no Torishima under way

  • 569事实上,他们移动或远,威胁专家从不会朱达罗古移动现在,没有人,这是错误的开始需要的措施的事实是: 569 Actually moving so far or the ro where it is the case that it is not either the sign which moves from now on From threat theory of the calling specialist the measure which is based on fact is necessary
    • (斯奈普TTP的: japanese china org cn 日 TXT文件 2009 11 30 内容 18979508。媒国防部长,他因为这埃塔不被认为是中国的威胁,日本的军事扩张用它做 Or less abbreviation ttp japanese china org cn jp txt 2009 11 30 content 18979508 htm It is possible to designating the kind of person who thinks of the Chinese military expansion the Japanese threat and whether the callous it does not grind as defensive phase

  • 57:2009编号:???北泽俊美采访国防部长国防部长撤回陆上自卫队部署于8月24 0★与那国岛岛,包括新闻采访的日本经济,为岛部署陆上自卫队在冲绳的与那国岛“在这种情况将与亚洲国家的政策,以刺激邻国认为,如果不必要的”,并表示所有的政策是要澄清退出 57 2009 ID 0 Withdrawing the Land Self Defense Force disposition to the Yonaguni island Defense phase interview Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive as for phase on the 24th with interview of the Japanese economic newspaper and the like about the disposition of Ground Self Defense Force to the Okinawa prefecture Yonaguni island “In the situation which keeps cooperating Asian with countries policy which in vain stimulates the neighboring country as for that you think how ” that you expressed you made the policy of withdrawing clear
    • NULL By the way on the one hand “The neighboring country is stimulated in vain” Defensive phase the Chinese troop restraint The Land Self Defense Force disposition to Yonaguni island Withdrawal 2 1 The gu it is JSGFLSFOXQ The gu it is thick Φ 2009 09 25 Friday 11 57 29 ID 0 Withdrawing the Land Self Defense Force disposition to the Yonaguni island Defense phase interview Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive as for phase on the 24th with interview of the Japanese economic newspaper and the like about the disposition of Ground Self Defense Force to the Okinawa prefecture Yonaguni island “In the situation which keeps cooperating Asian with countries policy which in vain stimulates the neighboring country as for that you think how ” that you expressed you made the policy of withdrawing clear
    • 日本防卫大臣,“埃塔被认为是不是一个Hazime威胁到日本和中国,”2009 11 30,出来了,“每周的中文报纸”中国月刊日本版的“新闻”,以屉优。出现在哪一个独家采访的日本防卫大臣北泽俊美说,编辑 The Japanese defensive phase “of China has not been thought the Japanese threat” 2009 11 30 Presently it is in the midst of selling in Japanese edition “monthly China NEWS” of the “Chinese newspaper weekly publication” Hari one In chief editor Monopoly interview to the Japanese Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive phase which depends is published

  • 588不,不,即使船只通过。因为右边停下,但我不会,我定下舰队所示。加奈子,我不认为通过的目的和放松 588 Well though well call the warship Because there is a right It is not possible to obstruct So however it probably is what The fleet uniting 示 You think that there is no tsu te calm thing which purpose passes
    • 588不,不,即使船只通过。由于有权阻止,因此这不能,但我不认为车队通过放松和假名 588 Well though well call the warship Because there is a right It is not possible to obstruct So however it probably is what The fleet uniting 示 You think that there is no tsu te calm thing which purpose passes
    • 不,不,572舰,甚至沟通。有这样的权利,不能停止 572 Well though well call the warship Because there is a right It is not possible to obstruct

  • 655嘿,什么经济区是不应该自律,而不是我的经济活动,调节,使结构的近海渔业资源,如或人为 655 It is and is economic zone tsu te has regulated fishing industry or the sea bottom resources or the artificial building it is being There is no reason which regulates economic activity itself…
    • 651嘿,什么经济区是不应该自律,而不是我的经济活动作出规管架构近海渔业资源,如或人为 651 It is and is economic zone tsu te has regulated fishing industry or the sea bottom resources or the artificial building it is being There is no reason which regulates economic activity itself…

  • 688“所以我通过在公海,这不是说→对项目的影响,通过说,为什么不”,说的基础上,通过对项目的影响,为什么不说?我说在中国的日本没有?人们说的东西是不是?好东西我必须说,中国必须采取理解不?民中宣传反正你只是想找一个威胁哈纳瞬态内向瓦特 688 “Because it is passing by the public sea it is not to should call that why it passed ” that expressing gt It is not to should call that why it passed It is not to should call Without meaning that Japan should call to China Without being to should call to the citizen Without being to should be the thing where China does not take comprehension and the te is good In any case as for China the ro w which is the harboring where minsu does the chi yu u advertisement which is not threat

    • NULL 567 The Chinese troop of 20 years ago Combat force 4 000 000 person 8000 tanks mechanized gun 15000 field artilleries 4400 fighter planes 420 bombers 600 transport planes Destroyer 18 frigate 32 patrol vessels 870 Atomic submarine 5 submarine 45 landing warships 54 ↓ Current Chinese troop Combat force 2 200 000 person 8800 tanks mechanized gun 25000 field artilleries 1400 fighter planes 80 bombers 600 transport planes Aircraft carrier 1 destroyer 28 frigate 50 missile boat 200 Atomic submarine 9 submarine 55 landing warships 280 The Japanese Self Defense Force Combat force 260 000 human gt 220 000 person Tank 1200 gt 600 mechanized gun field artillery 900 gt 600 gates Fighter plane 360 gt 260 machines and 40 transport planes Helicopter aircraft carrier 1 escort ship 55 gt 47 missile boat 9 gt 6 Submarine 14 gt 16 amphibious vessels 9 gt 13
      • 8800坦克都在中国220万军队641,火炮 盖茨25 000野战炮,飞机1400架飞机,80战斗机,轰炸机,运输机600架飞机,潜艇航母,船舶28艘驱逐舰,海军50艘护卫舰,导弹快艇海军200人,海军09艘核潜艇,船舶55艘潜艇,舰艇280艘登陆舰的,两个67万2 300辆坦克在韩国军队,火炮 野战炮4500门,飞机540架飞机,30架运输飞机,轮船11驱逐舰,09,海军护卫舰,27艘护卫舰,20艘潜艇舰,两栖攻击舰 641 The Chinese troop Combat force 2 200 000 person 8800 tanks mechanized gun 25000 field artilleries 1400 fighter planes 80 bombers 600 transport planes Aircraft carrier 1 destroyer 28 frigate 50 missile boat 200 Atomic submarine 9 submarine 55 landing warships 280 The Korean troop Combat force 670 000 person 2300 tanks mechanized gun 4500 field artilleries 540 fighter planes 30 transport planes Destroyer 11 frigate 9 korubetsuto 27 Submarine 20 landing warships 32 The Japanese Self Defense Force Combat force 260 000 human gt 220 000 person Tank 1200 gt 600 mechanized gun field artillery 900 gt 600 gates Fighter plane 360 gt 260 machines and 40 transport planes Helicopter aircraft carrier 1 escort ship 55 gt 47 missile boat 9 gt 6 Submarine 14 gt 16 amphibious vessels 9 gt 13
      • NULL The Chinese troop of 20 years ago Combat force 4 000 000 person 8000 tanks mechanized gun 15000 field artilleries 4400 fighter planes 420 bombers 600 transport planes Destroyer 18 frigate 32 patrol vessels 870 Atomic submarine 5 submarine 45 landing warships 54 ↓ Current Chinese troop Combat force 2 200 000 person 8800 tanks mechanized gun 25000 field artilleries 1400 fighter planes 80 bombers 600 transport planes Aircraft carrier 1 destroyer 28 frigate 50 missile boat 200 Atomic submarine 9 submarine 55 landing warships 280 The Japanese Self Defense Force Combat force 260 000 human gt 220 000 person Tank 1200 gt 600 mechanized gun field artillery 900 gt 600 gates Fighter plane 360 gt 260 machines and 40 transport planes Helicopter aircraft carrier 1 escort ship 55 gt 47 missile boat 9 gt 6 Submarine 14 gt 16 amphibious vessels 9 gt 13

    • NULL Scenario “of foreign carrot administration” fear Former Tokyo University historical compilation place professor Nobuhiko Sakai concerning the Japanese invasion also in on the basis of speech contents compilation 1 2010 Foreign carrot administration approval ↓ 20XX year Somewhere resident Chinese city Okinawa Power the tsu you take 2 ↓ 20XX year If “the riot” 3 occurs in Japan you say that the resident Chinese is protected Righteousness obligations The original People s Liberation Army comes 4 The trade of China which possesses world s largest American bond To fear deterioration Europe and America the Tibetan Uighur autonomous area similarly Japan It makes the seeing murder 5 It is the symbol which as for success of the Beijing Olympics Europe and America and Japan see and make the murder
      • NULL Scenario “of foreign carrot administration” fear Former Tokyo University historical compilation place professor Nobuhiko Sakai concerning the Japanese invasion also in on the basis of speech contents compilation 1 2010 Foreign carrot administration approval ↓ 20XX year Somewhere resident Chinese city Okinawa Power the tsu you take 2 ↓ 20XX year If “the riot” 3 occurs in Japan you say that the resident Chinese is protected Righteousness obligations The original People s Liberation Army comes 4 The trade of China which possesses world s largest American bond To fear deterioration Europe and America the Tibetan Uighur autonomous area similarly Japan It makes the seeing murder 5 It is the symbol which as for success of the Beijing Olympics Europe and America and Japan see and make the murder
      • “工作的程序来日本排除骨”中共“日本纲要公布第二阶段的工作”(“解锁”的补习班意义的“拆卸”)田母神山庄H21 10 31,先生,田母神如何,是共产党。“日本纲要公布的“三阶段论人民对日本侵略的第二阶段的工作描述新浪TTP的: www shukenkaifuku com ronbun ronnbunn17 11 25。媒中国西藏新闻2009年7月7日维吾尔动荡侵蚀。中国内地的讲话为2009年日本侵略日本酒井信彦侵略历史的前东京大学教授,中共大屠杀惨案 4月26日 “The construction program which makes Japan spineless” The Chinese Communist Party the “Japanese release second period construction summary” as for meaning of this “release” “dismantlement” Tamogami private school H21 10 31 Excellency how Tamogami explaining that Chinese Communist Party the “Japanese release second period construction summary” Three gradual theory of the Japanese invasion by the Chinese person ttp www shukenkaifuku com ronbun ronnbunn17 11 25 htm Uighur riot news July 7th of 09 The Chinese Tibet 侵 Slaughter The Chinese Communist Party History of holocaust And to the Japanese invasion Former Tokyo University professor Nobuhiko Sakai you lecture concerning the Japanese invasion also in 2009 4 26 Securely Japan being invaded by the Chinese human mass immigration race it is erased and exterminates

    • “自从我从公海,它通过对项目的影响,为什么不说”Soburemennui级级潜艇詹韦公斤x1或者x2 x2潜艇胡锦级补给舰Dachian。 Toudjon类X1的救援船队航行。 X1的这个拖船之前,它的设置为支持业务,包括船舶玛丽塔 “Because it is passing by the public sea it is not to should call that why it passed ” that John way � class x1 Kilometer class submarine x2 soburemennui class x2 Hu chin class supply ship 1 dachian type diving Life guard x1 toujiyon class fleet crossing the ocean Tugboat x1 Your this it was included to the support warships It is the maneuvers group
      • 你,你为什么不坐下看电视,因为它是民主的逃避,是Tenjan运送和供应船拖带潜艇,不仅 It is what democracy escapes therefore the waist When the television you try seeing There is no just submarine the towing warship It has accompanied it is to the supply ship
      • 如果你不漂浮普卡普卡潜艇潜艇,但我不认为我只有雅尔,拖带和补给舰。我在1月与舰队按照完全s The submarine floating 1 pukapuka if about the ru However you think in only the jiyare te ru Towing warship and replenishment Attending the ru how the fleet it is completely
      • 那是719部队。政府,并拥有和经营的船舶被及是,我的路线基本上是初步的在该国沿海水域属于澄清的目的,并提交,和国旗公报说,如果潜艇浮出水面我通过 719 That Troop When it is the ship which and each country government owns and or operates After at the coastal country waters submits route basically and beforehand making post and purpose clear If the submarine surfacing putting out the national flag it passes it is

    • 一个开放的太Kauyofahi瓦特゙约里之前。潜艇的入侵是应该受到谴责共产党中国更
      [ha] ゙ [kauyohuahi] ゙ [yo] [ri] passing w It was before. Violation of territorial waters of the class submarine should be criticized also in more, but

      • 一般船舶等),可以证明该船舶“和打击”不按照安全指示的各项水上安全,海上舰艇的活动,我们并不怀疑责任区属于国家所有,如果这个国家的反应对外国(即信用,行为退休打破条约),问题伐丽流 The general ship and the like the boat which it can prove” “In accordance with the indications in regard to waters preservation in regard to security it is not the aggressive sea area in the sea area where as for conduct of the warship entirely belongs the national responsibility which the question When it opposes to this confidence with respect to diplomacy of nation namely destruction 却 behavior of treaty is questioned
        • 一般船舶的安全,而不是作战舰艇Q的海洋水域的行为负责,我们是属于所有的国家,如果这种反信贷,对外国国家(即退休的行为打破了条约)是Q伐丽流 In regard to security of the general ship it is not the aggressive sea area in the sea area where as for conduct of the warship entirely belongs the national responsibility which the question When it opposes to this confidence with respect to diplomacy of nation namely destruction 却 behavior of treaty is questioned

      • 专属经济区水域,因此不是一个法律问题,不是吗?我不知道有些人,是中国专属经济区之一托哥有关船只之前不接受联合国海洋法公约法律,外国军队和我国政府的活动由国内授权在专属经济区,在轻因为我认为,消除非法外国船舶,日本专属经济区的活动在这个过程中,在中国是非法的100% There are no territorial waters and therefore EEZ there is no problem legally it is it is not That however you think whether there is also a tsu te voice as for China from the time before about EEZ of your own toko The activity in EEZ of the foreign troop vessels which do not receive the permission with the Chinese government illuminating in the United Nations law of the sea treaty and the Chinese domestic method is illegal With insisting because it removes the foreign warship also the activity naturally in latest Japanese EEZ Chinese is the 100 illegal
        • 573专属经济区的公海自由的充分服务的原则通航关于适用于从经济利益的严格 573 Because the fact that it is recognized in EEZ to the last they are economic interests doing The principle of high seas freedom is applied in regard to navigation
        • 第58条第3条专属经济区625,所以当行使自由专属经济区内的公海的权利和国家的侵蚀所承认的权利的经济,对不对?Me m这样的规定说的话 625 Therefore as for 58 provision 3 sections the occasion where the right of freedom of the high seas is used in inside EEZ Being recognized inside EEZ you do not have to damage the economic right of that country of the ru the ro which is the stipulation
        • 第95海军也表示,他们没有其他国家在专属经济区的管辖权 Furthermore as for the warship even inside EEZ of the foreign country there is no the jurisdiction depending upon the same 95 provisions
        • 通常的通知其他国家甚至船舶科学研究专属经济区(直至现在船只未经宣布的研究提出过抗议),但那些谁不觉得不舒服以良好的军舰航行自由来去奇怪 By even the scientific investigation boat notification to partner country with normal EEZ protested until now even by the investigation boat of non notification The person who does not feel strange feeling in the warship navigating favorite selfishly is strange

      • 中共军队远征舰队71 72 76 110后,今天拍击在海上自卫队一直升机护送,布鲁诺托里关闭在日本领土进展
        71 72 76 110 As for the Chinese communist troop campaign fleet, The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship after the menacing, presently by the helicopter, To the Japanese territory open sea no Torishima, under way

        • 中国拥有有限的手,向太平洋,泰国的动荡,据估计,军事干预是小and d应付外来的援助?戏剧,?马歇尔货船 我在沙濑户内海是什么? 传递冲绳附近,那里的太平洋将恐吓空气中舰队?我太平洋风暴开始了! The Chinese hand is limited it was expected that small scale and the military intervention which is done little by little continues to the Pacific Ocean countries but… As for disturbance of tie support outside Our performing The freight of the Marshall boat which sinks with Setouchi probably is what Chinese the fleet passing the Okinawa adjacent waters it probably is the air which overpowers where in the Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean storm starts
          • 民主派“不需要美军基地保持警惕,不调出中国舰队驶向冲绳海域,”我要说的话会?美国军方将已经结束了一天的协议中,将退出Ku m要保持在亚洲的安全? As for the Democratic party “the Chinese fleet navigating the Okinawa adjacent waters it seems that it is not cautious is not dispatched The US military base it does not enter” that with it probably is intention what which is said As for America making Japanese Chinese military pact tie from the Asian maintenance of public order the hand It probably is intention what which it pulls

        • 中国机队的10余艘船舶,包括日本的潜艇,但我对面的专属经济区马祖说,我们决定走军国主义抗议或它就像一旦你已经看到了漫游的挑衅
          Swaggering Chinese EEZ with the fleet 10, Japan includes the submarine conversely when you show When it is provocation behavior that it is militaristic conversion being said, being decided in the [ru] which is protested and, sows but the [ru] it is,

          • 中国潜艇过境路线博客,国际医学学位- 44。FC2的。com /米/ 1 /米/ mamoretaiwan / 20100414195458574。jpg格式海岸警卫队?理念和水域www1日本。Kaiho.mlit.go.jp /日本海洋资料中心/ ryokai /海岸警卫队ryokai_setsuzoku.html地图不存在,宫古之间的公海我冲绳
            Passing route of the Chinese submarine blog-imgs - 44. fc2. com/m/a/m/mamoretaiwan/20100414195458574. jpg Maritime Safety Agency? Conceptual drawing such as the Japanese territorial waters www1. kaiho.mlit.go.jp/JODC/ryokai/ryokai_setsuzoku.html In the map of Maritime Safety Agency, the high seas how it does not exist between main island and the Miyako island of Okinawa

            • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上的第9至第舰载直升机飞行训练焦油驱动tTA的飞行路线培训等 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • Hozaita睡眠状态或从海上的友谊,我是部署在舰队补给舰舰和它一拖中国儒家国Rashii(w是驱动tTA知道它实际上是在营门 The sea or sleep talk of friendship from the side which babbles To the towing warship and the supply ship the tsu te which develops the fleet which is accompanied Confucianism country the corresponding shelf which seems w China went down to the troop gate the similar conscious shelf
              • Soburemennui类,让一流的方式,方法让一流的船舶护卫舰的两个,东中国海地区的中央,已确认,他曾问题的培训,如舰载直升机的飞行线U soburemennui class and John way � class concerning John way � class frigate 2 Dong Hai In the Chubu sea area it is verified that training such that it flies the ship based helicopter is done
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did
              • 中国舰队,冲绳 国防部的宫古岛之间传递,DDG和49分钟11 2010年4月13日7观看领域的发展在东中国海上舰载直升机9 row ll飞行训练或 The Chinese fleet main island of Okinawa passing between the Miyako islands Defensive ministry trend contemplation 2010 April 13th 11 49 As for missile destroyer and the like on 7 9th east China In the underwater sea area Flight training of the tar such that flight training of the ship based helicopter is done it did

            • 井878“专属经济区”照顾的责任,因为该地区是不知道,但可能Urotsukanaku渔民将让漫游拓谷会故意让中国渔民的水管理的目的,因为我水果
              878 Therefore well “the exclusive economic” waters if China purposely the fisherman loiter around there you have the extent which is solved you do, probably will be Therefore the sea area perhaps the fisherman is, you do not loiter and also the [te] carries out the note obligation

              • 从我Kasazu ll正在通过暗示的目的还在于明,出于领土周围令人遗憾的反正。什么电梯,然后按行动 Without revealing either purpose the dangerous place passing therefore the ru it is about the comment of regrettable put out How se territory It probably is pushing up conduct what and
                • 从我Kasazu ll正在通过暗示的目的还在于明,出于领土周围令人遗憾的反正。什么电梯,然后按行动 Without revealing either purpose the dangerous place passing therefore the ru it is about the comment of regrettable put out How se territory It probably is pushing up conduct what and

              • 从琉球群岛和美国帝国主义倭人只有一行出荣耀!打开辉煌的人。万歳!
                Wazin and the American emperor keep being present from Ryukyu which is glory! People opening which is glory. 萬 year!

                • 他们出来,并听取他们的steering m的中国海军潜艇救援无能解决被封锁的战略失误
                  Becoming steering impossible, [doji] of the home country which is sunk hearing the strategic nuclear submarine that the disabled Chinese navy appeared in rescuing,

                  • 伊朗,以色列和中国领导人的透明度并不容易看到美国抗议说,我看首脑反应井赛
                    You look at the reaction in summit meeting, is the shelf Japanese-American leader does not repel penetrating Don't you think? you do the Iranian Israel and China well

                    • 伊顿朱达罗美国,因为美国和中国在中国的合作,因此日本一直在施加压力,重申美军在日本的重要性,中国普天间问题得到1元发行新租用的升空美国的压力使船队航行离海岸的冲绳逗留茹早受益的不仅是我的贸易,美国和美国我 Therefore even the American and China joint work you say the ro which is America re to make the importance of US Forces in Japan recognize with Futenma problem being able to apply pressure on Japan China with people original close problem can receive postponement in the American pressure As for navigating the Chinese fleet with the Okinawa open sea the transaction tsu te reason which is very only the merit in either one in the United States Those where it stays in the back are America
                      • 中国普天间,这是问题,“机会案”在这被邀请认为早生 Furthermore as for that Futenma s problem making China think “chance” The latest thing plan was caused
                      • 伊顿朱达罗美国,因为美国和中国在中国的合作,因此日本一直在施加压力,重申美军在日本的重要性,中国普天间问题得到1元发行新租用的升空美国的压力使船队航行离海岸的冲绳逗留茹早受益的不仅是我的贸易,美国和美国我 Therefore even the American and China joint work you say the ro which is America re to make the importance of US Forces in Japan recognize with Futenma problem being able to apply pressure on Japan China with people original close problem can receive postponement in the American pressure As for navigating the Chinese fleet with the Okinawa open sea the transaction tsu te reason which is very only the merit in either one in the United States Those where it stays in the back are America

                    • 但我要谈谈所谓的代理人,行政波尔布特,波尔布特,毛泽东的文化大革命,他们都赞成
                      But, this staff the operative who is said has mentioned Pot Pol, but Pot Pol is approved Mao Tse-tung's Cultural Revolution the party

                      • 你想知道的是寻找舰队100年前708巴尔说。除非供应基地,以确保它是可悲 708 If you look at the Baltic fleet of 100 years ago way you understand same If the supply depot is not guaranteed way it is cruel
                        • 你想知道的是寻找舰队100年前708巴尔说。除非供应基地,以确保它是可悲 708 If you look at the Baltic fleet of 100 years ago way you understand same If the supply depot is not guaranteed way it is cruel
                        • 在原因。我通过这个地方的船队?依赖于是否中测试,我想我是一个民主党人 Why in Did the fleet pass this place Trying the Democratic party don t you think the ru it is probably will be Whether or not it is subordinate to China

                      • 儿玉源太郎与严乃木希典大山,西乡从道,山本权兵卫,人们喜欢多哥典型的事情,当然,他谁的斗争明治随古难1 3到胸部的不同热可能
                        Gentarou Kodama, Izu Oyama, Nogi rare model, Saigo secondary road, Gonbei Yamamoto, Heihachiro Togo With the typical person who was said As for thing of course thing, with everywhere with utmost effort participation struggle In the Meiji person whom it accomplishes There are some which make the chest hot

                        • 共产党的知识,尽管这仍然是羞耻的种族清洗和种族的歧视仍然可怕的中国
                          The shame not knowing as for the Chinese Communist Party you say that it continues still hideous race discrimination and race purification,

                          • 内阁官房长官平原或者说,全世界各国政府围绕这不仅排除髋关节的问题,即使通过峨说,水域与中国海军海上领土和在日本冲绳宫古?
                            As for plain secretariat director even Okinawa of Japan and the territorial waters of the Miyako island can be said the sea which the Chinese navy Passing, is government of such waist coming out that in the world problem apparent it does not do?

                            • 内阁官房长官平原政治 “绑架”到“工作起来”于 不对劲,他们说,24日在记者招待会上,内阁官房长官平野博文校正,当他宣布也门释放被绑架的日本工程师“绑架”到“工作起来”于说不是错了两次,退出,该行为纠正后的记者招待会室,总理办公室 Plain secretariat director the ““ yu u framework” and you call kidnapping” make a mistake… corrections Secretariat Director plain Hirohumi in press conference of 24 days the occasion where release of the Japanese engineer who is kidnapped in Yemen is announced The ““ yu u framework” and 2 times it is kidnapping” and makes a mistake after the interviewing there was one curtain to which prime minister s official residence reporting room issues the correction sentence

                              • 冈田和外交部长也抓住了韩国军队非法占领竹岛是日本领土是不公开发言,我觉得
                                As for Foreign Minister Okada the Korean troop occupying the bamboo island of Japanese territory illegally Unless occupation you think, you speak publicly and

                                • 前卫,这5艘海上作战导弹舰12中程(共约门)到,但如果两艘船公斤Kottarou防御部队将在收到第一个2护卫舰,人民的力量的谁就会是的..
                                  If in the transoceanic combatant ship (intermediate-range missile total 12) latest 5 kilometer class 2 As for avant-garde moderate defense capacity can be used probably is even with escort ship 2, densely the [tsu] that is the wax, Riding, as for the [ru] person cartridge viewing

                                  • 包括船舶的10艘驱逐舰和潜艇国分仲4 12 4月13日通过中国船队在琉球群岛,车队现在已经证实,通过海洋,太平洋公海之间的宫古和冲绳这是唯一途径,并继续航行于布鲁诺鸟岛方向走 The Chinese fleet Passing the southwest archipelago April 13th 12 4 10 such as submarine and destroyer of the Chinese navy with fleet public sea between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa It is verified that it passes Presently to open sea no Torishima on the Pacific Ocean directing direction it means continuing navigation
                                    • 包括船舶的10艘驱逐舰和潜艇国分仲4 12 4月13日通过中国船队在琉球群岛,车队现在已经证实,通过海洋,太平洋公海之间的宫古和冲绳这是唯一途径,并继续航行于布鲁诺鸟岛方向走 The Chinese fleet Passing the southwest archipelago April 13th 12 4 10 such as submarine and destroyer of the Chinese navy with fleet public sea between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa It is verified that it passes Presently to open sea no Torishima on the Pacific Ocean directing direction it means continuing navigation
                                    • 包括船舶的10艘驱逐舰和潜艇国分仲4 12 4月13日通过中国船队在琉球群岛,车队现在已经证实,通过海洋,太平洋公海之间的宫古和冲绳这是唯一途径,并继续航行于布鲁诺鸟岛方向走 The Chinese fleet Passing the southwest archipelago April 13th 12 4 10 such as submarine and destroyer of the Chinese navy with fleet public sea between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa It is verified that it passes Presently to open sea no Torishima on the Pacific Ocean directing direction it means continuing navigation
                                    • 包括船舶的10艘驱逐舰和潜艇国分仲4 12 4月13日通过中国船队在琉球群岛,车队现在已经证实,通过海洋,太平洋公海之间的宫古和冲绳这是唯一途径,并继续航行于布鲁诺鸟岛方向走 The Chinese fleet Passing the southwest archipelago April 13th 12 4 10 such as submarine and destroyer of the Chinese navy with fleet public sea between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa It is verified that it passes Presently to open sea no Torishima on the Pacific Ocean directing direction it means continuing navigation
                                    • 包括船舶的10艘驱逐舰和潜艇国分仲4 12 4月13日通过中国船队在琉球群岛,车队现在已经证实,通过海洋,太平洋公海之间的宫古和冲绳这是唯一途径,并继续航行于布鲁诺鸟岛方向走 The Chinese fleet Passing the southwest archipelago April 13th 12 4 10 such as submarine and destroyer of the Chinese navy with fleet public sea between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa It is verified that it passes Presently to open sea no Torishima on the Pacific Ocean directing direction it means continuing navigation
                                    • 包括船舶的10艘驱逐舰和潜艇国分仲4 12 4月13日通过中国船队在琉球群岛,车队现在已经证实,通过海洋,太平洋公海之间的宫古和冲绳这是唯一途径,并继续航行于布鲁诺鸟岛方向走 The Chinese fleet Passing the southwest archipelago April 13th 12 4 10 such as submarine and destroyer of the Chinese navy with fleet public sea between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa It is verified that it passes Presently to open sea no Torishima on the Pacific Ocean directing direction it means continuing navigation

                                  • 发行203 168疯了,我Chankoro轻视死亡火消 168 203 Fire fighter chiyankoro which desperately converts problem diminutively dies
                                    • 524 525,531的问题,并Chankoro火消我拼命轻视死亡 524 525 531 Fire fighter chiyankoro which converts problem desperately diminutively dies
                                    • 646的问题,拼命,我Chankoro轻视死亡火消 646 Problem desperately Fire fighter chiyankoro which is converted diminutively dies

                                  • 国家义务的任何外国在第三届水权利和义务58 611其他国家在专属经济区,其权利行使其专属经济区及公约在击中的义务的,和U支付的考虑,也是最好的国家及沿海和权利义务的,以及对本部分的规定,除非本公约和国际法遵守法律的规定而设计的该国与其他沿海的规定 611 Same 58th provision Right and obligation of other country in the exclusive economic zone 3rd section Obligation of the foreign country inside the waters Each country uses the right of the home country with this treaty in the exclusive economic zone and fulfills the obligation of the home country hitting Following Bank Country Right Interest And bi Justice Duty 妥 This Thought Consideration Payment u With it does In addition if the counter it does not do in stipulation of this section following to the other rule of this treaty and international law Following Bank Country System Fixed It does ru Law 遵 Mori It does ru
                                    • 也是经济区“,而无须事先通知的独家是否调查或帆”,“理由配备的武器足以威胁保持航行水域中的安全”和“有能力调查的海”的一,船员“为对恩戴“,”Gezu广告目的“打破你喜欢什么 The exclusive economic zone “being or the investigation which is navigation without advance communication” “Safety retention of navigation inside the waters is threatened to load the weapon which is sufficient” The vessels which when “possess underwater inquiry capability” “uniting the faction ” “you do not inform purpose and” invade easily out
                                    • 通过什么途径可能没有一个明确的披露目的,或国家进入到其他地区的经济专属的Ku ll的权利听不到有项目产生的影响,通过 It passes by every kind of route either clear purpose is not disclosed Above penetrating into the exclusive economic zone of the foreign country ze tsu It is With Hearing ku As for right a certain reason

                                  • 国防部新闻办公室联合员工产经新闻4月13日发表,船只和潜艇7:12 10分钟通过国际水域冲绳,中国上周五上午,两艘潜艇的中国海军舰艇基洛级,级驱逐舰2艘Soburemennui昨晚共10艘,包括10宣布,该公司一直致力于通过从太平洋和东中国国际水域出海以西大约140英里,冲绳西南
                                    The Chinese submarine and the like 10 Passing the high seas of main island open sea of Okinawa April 13th 12:7 transmissions Product sutra newspaper The defensive economical joint staff watch section 13th morning, the kilometer class submarine of the Chinese navy 2, total 10 such as [soburemennui] class missile destroyer 2 the 10th night, From Dong Hai directing the high seas of Seinan west approximately 140 kilometers of main island of Okinawa to the Pacific Ocean, it announced that it passes

                                    • 在南部岛屿是致命的居民年轻人轮流(商业和实地观察)
                                      So, be permanently stationed the young person to the island of south side with work shift system (as for business observation and field investigation)

                                      • 在该地区的美军基地,只要我在思考我提出的一项协议853 852我不认为保护?苏奥我会告诉你,仅仅因为在日本的前进基地 853 852 But in general in thought agreement what If there is the American base you do not think the area that it protects Therefore Japan the advance base protecting because of that the story tsu lever just of the ru
                                        • 美国将退居防线关岛,韩国,刚离开了前进基地结构我不能死在冲绳的先发制人的攻击,其中包括中国核 America backs up the defensive line to Guam destroying with the preemptive attack which includes the Chinese nucleus in Korea and Okinawa just leaves the advance base which it does not care

                                      • 声明谁对人民热爱和平和民间团体,一旦是什么? 88式反舰导弹和建立在冲绳部署第七届团SSM的四郎
                                        That [re] [re] [re] As for opposition declaration of the people of the citizen group which loves peace? The seventh surface-to-ship missile regiment establishing in Okinawa, 88 type SSM disposition margins

                                        • 大平原解雇外国人在普选赞成不向它的战略战术的胜利后,这一次粗略而且你最好,drop with风险管理不足的技能的人在大选。在日本全面支持朝总联的借口,可能是一个适当的情报,你有一个砖吸引锤子或外部干扰,非再生 Strategically being able to utilize the strategy victory as for the neck of the plain of the foreign carrot administration large approval In this case with crisis management ability inadequacy having with the saw after dropping The people in general election ahead Synthesis support from ream in entire connected resident in excuse With the outside 患 attraction hammer making playback impossible whether appropriate the intellectual brick
                                          • 大平原解雇外国人在普选赞成不向它的战略战术的胜利后,这一次粗略而且你最好,drop with风险管理不足的技能的人在大选。在日本全面支持朝总联的借口,可能是一个适当的情报,你有一个砖吸引锤子或外部干扰,非再生 Strategically being able to utilize the strategy victory as for the neck of the plain of the foreign carrot administration large approval In this case with crisis management ability inadequacy having with the saw after dropping The people in general election ahead Synthesis support from ream in entire connected resident in excuse With the outside 患 attraction hammer making playback impossible whether appropriate the intellectual brick

                                        • 如果455的问题,在公海或?国家,冲绳附近,“舰队”或危机感,不是漫游? 455 If the public sea there is no problem The home country Okinawa neighborhood you loitering in “the fleet ” there is no crisis consciousness

                                          • 如果中国通过海峡的船舶通过,基诺来挑起日本恐怖轻轻,但我有一个家伙排除海洋反应的高,甚至举止甚至注意到,尽管破碎该provocation m行为也违反了礼仪 1 When China which Japan provocation dies lightly and starts the warship passes the strait of the surprise notifying is the manner Even if being the high seas However the person who does the unrelated less is As for rule also without tearing the behavior which does manner violation is provocation what
                                            • 如果船舶经过其他国家的海峡有规则,但他开了一个少公海和言谈举止,甚至连我也注意到,尽管避免了骨折的挑衅行为 When the warship passes the strait of the foreign country notifying is the manner Even if being the high seas However the person who does the unrelated less is As for rule also without tearing the behavior which does manner violation is provocation what

                                          • 如果您收到冲绳基地问题上没有任何准备的光束攻击,只是为了“成为一个坏人Girukara”在行政鸽子的太愚蠢,你美国的要求对绝缘子在租赁和威胁财驱动tTA不是吗?美国“如果中国队冲绳附近徘徊,鸠山Kudarouー゙的”K托儿所照顾真正“在我们 Either preparation of Okinawa base problem do when attack is received Simply “the partner is bad” because with even excessively pigeon administration is too foolish The United States asking in the chi yo it was and with applied threat and received it is it is not When the American “Chinese fleet urouro does near Okinawa as expected kureishi ゙ you probably will become aware even with Hatoyama” In “k
                                            • 嘿,一个架次的中国队在美安全危机,日本,深深觉得这种气味的金鸡纳加速率从原来的民主党 To be and be in crisis of Japan U S Security Arrangements in combat mission of the Chinese fleet After becoming the Democratic party Accelerating it became burned smelling
                                            • 总部设在冲绳基地问题上,布什政府Girukara鸽子的太愚蠢,你美国的要求对绝缘子在没有驱动tTA彩花的租金,并威胁?美国“如果中国队冲绳附近徘徊,鸠山Kudarouー゙的”K托儿所照顾真正“在我们 Because with case of Okinawa base problem even excessively pigeon administration is too foolish The United States asking in the chi yo it was and with applied threat and received it is it is not When the American “Chinese fleet urouro does near Okinawa as expected kureishi ゙ you probably will become aware even with Hatoyama” In “k

                                          • 如果没有照顾辜冲绳峰会或“鸽派”系统Inishiachifu鸠山!“
                                            When you do not become aware, it receives Okinawa” Pigeon “Hatoyama [inishiachihu] ゙! ”

                                            • 官方的做法,但美国经济确实好,它古,古音或声音渔场,一个嘈杂的大左派国会然为什么,你会伸出来拉一些抗议活动,市长 Officially practice with business you did well with the notion that where you say but is Sound echoes in the fishery when left flank was agitated in the reason viewing reason in demonstration started pulling to certain mayor

                                              • 宫抵达帝国的一个午餐会,迎接皇帝奥巴马花你一辞仪皇后u003d 14天(美联社)泰国王室访问和带来的天皇陛下的鳃Somusawari接机服务,皇后- 14时,故宫,黛安娜王妃李(李Myoung)主席小泽一郎和他的妻子同共产党的大屠杀,“如果陛下的健康不良事件,低的优势(其他)的希望假期找到了我们,“说天空与
                                                For lunch meeting it arrives at the Imperial Palace, the [obama] American president = 14 days when bows to both Majesty and emperor and empress greets (AP) Carrying the bouquet, both Majesty emperor and the empress who can welcome the king family and [somusawari] Crown Prince of the tie which you visited = 14th in the afternoon, the Imperial Palace Imperial palace Princess Diana Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi ([i] [miyonpaku]) president and spouse The slaughter guy of the Chinese Communist Party If as for Ozawa “the physical condition of the majesty is not superior, predominance it is low, (as for other) event If you should have gone to bed”, also you expressed

                                                • 尖阁群岛的早晨占领了,像新浪基北罗竹,我喜欢做,如果他们还击时,他们来了,我只驾驶巡逻艇?自喷出什么?你怎么说哭小睡或从自卫队是违反宪法的时候了国际冲突呢?日本自卫队部署尖阁汤快! Asaoki who when the bamboo island likely is it comes the 尖 official building archipelago being occupied in China the te When the patrol boat runs shooting when it returned when it serves how it does it is Self Defense Force putting out Because it became international dispute when Self Defense Force it puts out violation of constitutional provisions saying crying and falling asleep Quickly Self Defense Force to dispose to the 尖 official building archipelago the ru
                                                  • 以前government m不可能的,适当的通风和它的目标是重新夺回第一不敬竹岛 With front administration it is unreasonable what first unless the bamboo island you aim toward recapture accurately don t you think

                                                • 当直升机是一个临时海上自卫队驱逐舰监视中的“纳米珠洲90”在近米 In this case the Chinese helicopter a time The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “tin average” which is in the midst of precaution watching Approximately you say that it approached to 90 meters
                                                  • 当直升机是一个临时海上自卫队驱逐舰监视中的“纳米珠洲90”在近米 In this case the Chinese helicopter a time The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “tin average” which is in the midst of precaution watching Approximately you say that it approached to 90 meters
                                                  • 当直升机是一个临时海上自卫队驱逐舰监视中的“纳米珠洲90”在近米 In this case the Chinese helicopter a time The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “tin average” which is in the midst of precaution watching Approximately you say that it approached to 90 meters
                                                  • 当直升机是一个临时海上自卫队驱逐舰监视中的“纳米珠洲90”在近米 In this case the Chinese helicopter a time The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “tin average” which is in the midst of precaution watching Approximately you say that it approached to 90 meters

                                                • 我试图明治时代人类的所有时期明治时代,一般人谁发挥它使用几乎从江户时代生活
                                                  The last days of the shogunate restoration age person biography From the last days of the shogunate applying in the Meiji restoration, it tries arranging the person to the age order which participated in general, It increased

                                                  • 据周二上午国防部直升机部,护送在东中国海域航行的“珠洲奈美”的办法海
                                                    According to the defensive ministry, the helicopter 8th morning, the escort ship “tin which is underway approaching the Dong Hai center sea area commonly”

                                                    • 政治 - 内阁官房长官平原,就在冲绳Kozima玛米亚,2★中国舰队公海去世表示没有问题的思考
                                                      Plain secretariat director, publicly marine passing and problem between the Okinawa Miyako islands of the Chinese fleet apparent stating the thought without of doing * 2

                                                      • 新浪军舰的海军漂亮飞越飞越专属经济区最美好的东西不知道是什么
                                                        As for the Chinese warship clean warship As for the Chinese violation of aerial domain clean violation of aerial domain You do not understand EEZ what ones

                                                        • 无损检测,并护送日本会说这个问题是这样,那些家伙是如此,如果你让我谈谈接受甚至是邻近国家的问题,每当您浏览海上自卫队在公海扭转好?你知道你应该投票,马祖 If you say that this time is problem Japan the escort ship with thing something of the public sea as for the fellows at each time it navigates the Maritime Self Defense Force conversely in peripheral country problem apparent it becomes the tsu te story which also what it is done accepts but it is possible to being that Being decided in calling the ro which is the ru
                                                          • 什么是好,如果你做我也将接受全国各地的一个问题,输入每个辩护船舶航行在公海和日本说,如果这个问题呢?你知道你应该投票,马祖 If you say that this time is problem Japan the escort ship with thing something of the public sea as for the fellows at each time it navigates the Maritime Self Defense Force conversely in peripheral country problem apparent it becomes the tsu te story which also what it is done accepts but it is possible to being that Being decided in calling the ro which is the ru
                                                          • 哦,奶奶海上船只,如果 “97海军攻击”和“爆炸船99”,并以防范零“反对”,唯一要做 Well the marine warship or the a … If with “97 warship attacks” and “99 warship blasts” attaching “Zero” to guard
                                                          • 我会说,他们正在密切注视着我因此日本政府也派出一艘驱逐舰 Therefore Japan and the escort ship is dispatched it is to put out you probably say that government have carefully observed but
                                                          • 此外,第八届落在海上自卫队驱逐舰监视“珠洲纳米”约90米接近舰载直升机 In addition the Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “tin which undertook precaution supervision the ship based helicopter approached to approximately 90 meters commonly” on the 8th
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 监测移动到这是海上自卫队的驱逐舰,走近第八届约100米到中国直升机护送从船上看到飞行中的立场和对项目的影响 The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship undertook precaution supervision but The helicopter which is seen that it flew away from the Chinese warships on the 8th approached to approximately 100 meters in the escort ship
                                                          • 等待等待662,当你说了我送护送,权利的问题,我对此表示赞赏。 662 Wait wait the escort ship the tsu te which has dispatched at the point in time when you say problem apparent the tsu lever Toda ro which has been done

                                                        • 日本人杀害了很多绑架,间谍需要,没有什么夹紧很少的国家之一外国政府 Being kidnapped being murdered the mass Japanese furthermore the country which cannot manage the espionage activities government with no one foreign country
                                                          • 日本人被绑架的许多国家有一紧一发生什么外国政府情报 Being kidnapped the mass Japanese furthermore the country which cannot manage the espionage activities government with no one foreign country

                                                        • 日本通通过国际水域的结果,如果他们用最短支付其他国家的军事交往在一个谦虚礼貌拜会船舶或两艘船只造成进一步武马苏这些言论现在10艘,这将是很明显严厉的螃蟹,但挑衅 Such speech causes further growing impudent One and two where if with military interchange chart Satoshi you visit in the foreign country There probably is uses shortest distance and high seas passing of the result Japanese adjacent waters but This time 10 it is show of force conduct and provocation behavior clearly

                                                          • 日比wwwww民主党惊讶的腰只有排除Afosu中国
                                                            China waist coming out Democratic party administration [ahuosu] wwwww of surprise Cinema

                                                            • 时间schedule ll民主解放军降落在日本,什么时候?
                                                              Time schedule of democracy, The Japanese landing of the People's Liberation Army when?

                                                              • 朝鲜和伊朗目前的核欺骗和古巴导弹危机,中国和俄罗斯是朝鲜的核武器将被视为导弹危机的高度相似,1962年古巴
                                                                The North Korean nucleus and the Cuban crisis The Chinese and Russia deception Present North Korean and Iran nuclear problem, is thought that the Cuban crisis and similarity 1962 are high,

                                                                • 水经济区国家的内陆独家提供的任何部分或本,定义海洋法公约第86条07 603基米开湖水域是年轻和石窟还包括任何群岛国的群岛水域适用于所有地区的海洋,他们雷纳 603 The United Nations law of the sea treaty 7th section High seas 86th provision Definition Application of stipulation of this section No country Anti Other things Mark Sutra End Water Limits Territorial waters or inland water or in archipelago waters of no archipelago country Containing ma re It is Sea Ocean It applies to all parts
                                                                  • 611自由航行的国际海洋法公约第水域法律,通过58也适用于专属经济区 611 Freedom of navigation of the high seas of law of the sea treaty is applied even inside EEZ by the same 58 provisions
                                                                  • 水经济区国家的内陆独家提供的任何部分或本,定义海洋法公约第86条07 603基米开湖水域是年轻和石窟还包括任何群岛国的群岛水域适用于所有地区的海洋,他们雷纳 603 The United Nations law of the sea treaty 7th section High seas 86th provision Definition Application of stipulation of this section No country Anti Other things Mark Sutra End Water Limits Territorial waters or inland water or in archipelago waters of no archipelago country Containing ma re It is Sea Ocean It applies to all parts

                                                                • 监控过程中通过plain m这里,但它不是太严重,说我怀疑的法律权利根据国际已获通过,但我就是不说我或其他人很 As for the plain as for navigation therefore right what which with respect to international law is recognized however how there is no such problem the proper However the ze which this is watched securely only tsu te extremely only too natural thing you call
                                                                  • 问题是我知道的国际法律,国际法律,但问题,我见张的Burgers!我想我讲什么威胁 As for there is no problem with respect to international law being understood the ru tsu te Without problem with respect to international law the te watching the ru However tsu te threat and the kana scale it is with you think

                                                                • 相反护送船行我是绝对安全和汉娜索诺冶炼也觉得有明显的男子

                                                                  • 第5条。06条中国西藏的镇压。外国人选举权的7条荷兰的悲剧。李。在里面。总理的文章部长在20年(2015年)的表示,日本首相,澳大利亚,日本和失去的消费第09约8 2050。中国赤裸裸的野心。“太平。管理师”的文章建议10。田母神的评论,共产党“纲要上述工作在日本在第三自由” 假设,绝对不可能看到中国和钌苏一再入侵其邻国不要说在目前的 Data 5 The Tibetan oppression of support 那 Data 6 Tragedy of foreign carrot administration Holland Data 7 Japanese plum In The prime minister 20 years later 2015 when it becomes not to go out speaks Japan to Australian prime minister Data Japan around of 8 2050 Data 9 China Open ambition “Taihei Division management” proposition Data 10 Tamogami explanation and the Chinese Communist Party “Japanese release third period construction summary” Or more is hypothesis but when you look at the support 那 which presently in progressive repeats invasion in peripheral countries It cannot be without fail With you cannot say
                                                                    • 第5条。06条中国西藏的镇压。外国人选举权的7条荷兰的悲剧。李。在里面。总理的文章部长在20年(2015年)的表示,日本首相,澳大利亚,日本和失去的消费第09约8 2050。中国赤裸裸的野心。“太平。管理师”的文章建议10。田母神的评论,共产党“纲要上述工作在日本在第三自由” 假设,绝对不可能看到中国和钌苏一再入侵其邻国不要说在目前的 Data 5 The Tibetan oppression of support 那 Data 6 Tragedy of foreign carrot administration Holland Data 7 Japanese plum In The prime minister 20 years later 2015 when it becomes not to go out speaks Japan to Australian prime minister Data Japan around of 8 2050 Data 9 China Open ambition “Taihei Division management” proposition Data 10 Tamogami explanation and the Chinese Communist Party “Japanese release third period construction summary” Or more is hypothesis but when you look at the support 那 which presently in progressive repeats invasion in peripheral countries It cannot be without fail With you cannot say

                                                                  • 第一地方专属经济区现在我得到了我缮习惯甚至不明白了在公海自由原则w的应用
                                                                    In the first place, first even application of the principle of the high seas freedom in EEZ what you take after so long a time in the habit which does not understand and have repaired w

                                                                    • 第二次世界大战后,越来越像一个愚蠢的孩子遗弃分钟听,全神贯注,和人民谁新浪韩放电。敏感的战争,以准备,由塞纳和韩俄两国发送一个愚蠢的战争的结果和第一个大型的大规模使用武力对付台湾和韩国,并与新浪,洪水和毒品,主要日本。这是绑架
                                                                      After the Pacific war, [bakagaki] which does not have the hearing dividing likely, Intently, To north and south Korean and the Chinese person anti-. War 厭 [ri], It confronts North and South Korea and Russia and China and Taiwan Large-scale use of military force and war ahead is sent the foolish result which It is according to North and South Korea and China, drug inundation and the Japanese large. Kidnapping Is

                                                                      • 经过冲绳冲绳,宫古之间传递,对11日在南部海域,进行了海上补给舰在供应
                                                                        After between main island and Miyako island of Okinawa passing, In the Okinawa south sea area on the 11th, the underway replenishment by the supply ship was executed

                                                                        • 综述-阿民主党国会-所有动画慈官僚。饮食限制,例如改革法案,山冈,国会事务委员会主席,并计划在会上看到小泽里沙,秘书长,还讨论了反对党进入
                                                                          Summary animated picture [be] The National Diet answer of bureaucracy. The National Diet reformation-related bill of restriction and the like, the opposition party opposing, deliberation it enters and verifying the policy where it can point In the conversation of national anti- Chairman Secretary General and Yamaoka Ozawa

                                                                          • 背叛党!日本破坏党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁 NULL
                                                                            • 背叛党!日本破坏党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁! ! !这是民主党! ! ! !背叛党!日本破坏了党! !日本大奖赛党不闪烁 NULL

                                                                          • 胡锦涛大部分没有问题,我得走了从拍摄的照片,以纪念胡锦涛握手的人手中以100这是很自然的岛屿民主党众议员
                                                                            The Assemblyman of the democracy island as many as 100 shaking hands to the 胡 brocade 濤 President It had taking to the souvenir picture, therefore it is Problem apparent this thing it is proper not to do,

                                                                            • 自民党有456我无话可说,我对在国际水域入侵苏联军舰,而不是通过
                                                                              456 Instead of as for the Liberal Democratic Party high seas passing the territorial waters being violated in the Soviet warship, you did not call at all

                                                                              • 芒斯日本民主,因为选民选择叛徒,我wwwwwww
                                                                                Therefore public opinion of the Japanese where that chooses the traitor Democracy man Say wwwwwww

                                                                                • 虽然不算无能的政府或军事埃泰朱达罗或者更确切地说,问题并不算差,我担心的是对手自卫队舰艇将于Japan re一间谍飞机在国际水域 Therefore public marine what Also Japan with the spyplane either the Self Defense Force warships or to be cautious the partner passing problem or Unless with you say or do the ro which is useless National defense the disabled Cabinet which is not thought quite
                                                                                  • 然而,鲁莽或只是你窥视,现在我只看到他们与你防范 However it exhibits the fact that it is cautious in the partner As if here you reconnoiter and the tsu which sows it is the ri you do

                                                                                • 课程名称,日本应该拥有核武器的潜艇大和海江田舰长
                                                                                  Japan should have the atomic submarine Of course name it is quick the mark Kaieda captain

                                                                                  • 这一次10。它会做,车队的行动接管待观察,揭示了军事演习的意图入侵冲绳 This time 10 Super fleet conduct taking with ru reason As for this intention of the military exercise which supposes the Okinawa invasion is visible clearly
                                                                                    • 妈的,顾指出,预期很快。我收到采取的!入侵台湾的S甚至出现 The being disgusted ya it is quick unexpectedly 尖 It may be taken Even the Taiwan invasion it was visible

                                                                                  • 这架直升机,“我觉得危险,”世界上只有一个干净的副本Ttemasu天桥的(笑-参谋长联席会议办公室- 4月8日(星期四)上午,一架直升机传船只是暗示从中国船舶监视护送在“珠洲纳米”接近100码的水平距离为100英尺的高度飞越
                                                                                    There being just the low altitude flight that as for the helicopter “you felt, that it is dangerous,” being taken cleanly, it increases, (wry smile - Joint staff watch section - That April 8th (the wood) morning, from the Chinese warships, is thought the departure warship it did the ship-based helicopter which The escort ship “tin which is in the midst of precaution watching it approached commonly,” the horizontal distance approximately 100 yards, it approached the high-level approximately 100 feet flew

                                                                                    • 那么,“专属经济区”,我们将围绕拓谷漫游故意让中国因为水捕鱼,名称将正式抗议活动的经济,如果拒绝
                                                                                      Therefore well “the exclusive economic” waters if China purposely the fisherman loiter around there you have the extent which is solved you do, probably will be, If it becomes disturbance of economic activity, it becomes the pretext which can be protested formally and

                                                                                      • 邻居应该不会刺激日本自卫队部署问题与那国岛→→不及格冲绳,宫古之间的10艘潜艇
                                                                                        Submarine 10 of China passing -> problem apparent does not do between main island and the Miyako island of Okinawa The Self Defense Force disposition -> the neighboring country should not be stimulated in Yonaguni,

                                                                                        • 附录4。正在进行中,中国继续屠宰不人道行为
                                                                                          Data 4. Presently in progressive, China continues slaughter with non humane behavior

                                                                                          • 飞越,“这是公海”刚中国 时事 部在北京中国外交政策。首席发言人在7月13日的简报飞往靠近海上自卫队直升机护送认为,中国海军从一艘军舰的,“具体情况是不知道的,报告海洋和高是“中提到,而且什么问题都进行了适当的披露,舆论不 Fly by “they are the high seas” China The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs 姜 As for secondary reporting Bureau Chief that in conventional interview of 13 days the departure warship it did from the warships of the Chinese navy The helicopter which is seen approaching to the Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “it consents concrete circumstance concerning flying It is not but according to reporting they were the high seas” that opinion in the citizen that you express as for problem you are not It disclosed securely
                                                                                            • 然后,在海中的政府尽快。我自己被披露,并适当跟踪和监测信息,向公众 After as for government rapidly after that sea And so on surveillance intelligence pursuit in citizen Securely we would like you to disclose is
                                                                                            • 该理论认为,沿海国家,“如果没有证明它是不是没有侵权”,因为在自己的专属经济区的其他一些国家的事情。我犯了一个导航排除专属经济区而取消了的原则,自由的海洋 With the reason as for coastal country “without being proof of the thing which is not infringement of rights” in the reason with how much the foreign country of EEZ our Being possible to obstruct navigation The principle of the high seas freedom inside EEZ to ruin is converted
                                                                                            • 飞越,“这是公海”刚中国 时事 部在北京中国外交政策。首席发言人在7月13日的简报飞往靠近海上自卫队直升机护送认为,中国海军从一艘军舰的,“具体情况是不知道的,报告和公海是“所有,并表示,问题并不在视图中显示 Fly by “they are the high seas” China The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs 姜 As for secondary reporting Bureau Chief that in conventional interview of 13 days the departure warship it did from the warships of the Chinese navy The helicopter which is seen approaching to the Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “it consents concrete circumstance concerning flying It is not but according to reporting they were the high seas” that opinion in the citizen that you express as for problem you are not It disclosed securely

                                                                                          • 鸠山由纪夫,他们都说我笨,鸠山由纪夫,他们说,愚蠢的10艘中国通过冲绳附近海域的海军船只通过,他们说,冲绳岛鸠山由纪夫愚蠢的水域通过,是中国海军舰艇10 ,那将来到冲绳岛背面的水域,日本通过10人,更多的海军船只在中国 With consequence of fool speech of Yukio s Hatoyama warships 10 of the Chinese navy passing main island adjacent waters of Okinawa With consequence of fool speech of Yukio s Hatoyama warships 10 of the Chinese navy passing main island adjacent waters of Okinawa With consequence of fool speech of Yukio s Hatoyama warships 10 of the Chinese navy passing main island adjacent waters of Okinawa It returns to Japan another
                                                                                            • 嗯,这是政府,媒体说我们和时间的宫古之间正在冲绳,过关只是天空中的谷歌地图音 Well this government to put out being said from the mass communications temporarily about between main island and the Miyako island of Okinawa Just you inspected it probably is what with gugurumatsupu

                                                                                          • (逾期罚款岭※)联盟的方法毛派斯大林苏联所看到的,是臭名昭著的高“自我批评”,“摘要”,“清除”的风格已推出
                                                                                            (* Ryo slowly punishment) Ill repute it is high technique of the Maoism person whom the Soviet Stalinism person saw, as” self-criticism”, Style” of summary” and” purgation” is introduced

                                                                                            研究 開発