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While Aiko and the new term receiving it does not attend attending school commencement of work system vigorously, Masako watches over, in the homeroom the attendance ★3


  • ...充满循环和不幸的人越来越多,也是一个暗澹暗示对未来的皇后形象,雅子,作为一个人
    . hapless and increasingly loopy It seems that hints the form of Empress future Masako, it will be dismal as a citizen

    • 116可怜的公主是谁欺负“,但有传言称,希望有亚斯伯格症的评论这样一针也没有,它描绘了漫画家的童年,陈”硝基“读恩戴,提供一个掴形象 116 The Aiko way being hard on pitiful” Guess rising that like opinion is asuperuga now it did not come with one pin but That cartoonist drew his own child age reading “nitro” it could grasp image
      • 爱子公主是找一个好汉字的“语言”才班已经过时,而早退 Chinese character lover Aiko coming out just class “of national language” After there was a day that it leaves early
      • 爱子,但我相信 只有在IDE中的DNA大正天皇接受了强烈的联合 But to the last we imagination As for Aiko DNA of Emperor Taisho It succeeded strongly because It probably won t be
      • 甚至有传言称,要成为爱子亚斯伯格116引脚和一个没有它,它描绘了漫画家的童年,陈“硝基”恩戴读掴的形象布置 116 Guess rising that Aiko is asuperuga now it did not come with one pin but That cartoonist drew his own child age reading “nitro” it could grasp image
      • 第一次是132天,公平“的欺负可怜的公主,”我喜欢凯塔许多意见 132 As for time of beginning extremely “the Aiko way being hard on pitiful” Like opinion was many

    • 13:30 23编号:MbKZuTQ6?专利法条约(12000)离场者抵达,奖励点 每一个主日学校进修学院公主 号2010年4月25日 公主“逃学”学习院小学部的问题浮出水面所以,我从他们的撤离出来 13 30 23 ID MbKZuTQ6 PLT 12000 Point benefit The Gakushuin new term of leaving school person Aiko which comes out finally Sunday everyday 2010 April 25th number The leaving school person came out of the Gakushuin elementary course where “the non attending school” problem of Aiko comes to the surface so is
      • 323 Dasou天皇夫妇将可以直接开始学习院苏公主站在生命的 323 The Crown Prince husband and wife probably will produce the intention from first of rebuilding Aiko life with Gakushuin
      • 卫生学校,扩大产量,一牛说,雅子为您带来抱怨:素描簿(东京):2010 04 13(星期二)00:13:30 23编号:MbKZuTQ6?专利法条约(12000)最后指出离场者利益 每星期日公主在学习院学校 2010年4月25日发行 公主“逃学”是啊,谁的问题来自于驱逐浮现学习院小学 The leaving school person is present and Masako complaint the tsu you call and 1 Sketch book Tokyo 2010 04 13 fire 00 13 30 23 ID MbKZuTQ6 PLT 12000 Point benefit The Gakushuin new term of leaving school person Aiko which comes out finally Sunday everyday 2010 April 25th number The leaving school person came out of the Gakushuin elementary course where “the non attending school” problem of Aiko comes to the surface so is

    • 170野村真,我和田是时代的直接下属的对外事务部
      170 Nomura certain, was the subordinate of Owada's of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs era belonging directly, it is, don't you think?

      • 17岁的老年人 虽然罕见皇家王子的生活,仁亲王殿下宏“的话,那么身体状况?”作为正在地位有些人我连面他的兴趣娱乐嘴可以采取理解的态度,这也同样是因为他有更好的 While being born the royalty Imperial Prince 17 year old seniorities In Crown Prince Imperial Prince Tomohito “With that as for condition of body do u ” With the reservoir mouth it is one kind of what which is effective As some status therefore your own one on with saying You cannot understand the fact that with just that can take this much attitude
        • 爱子公主是一致的状态,她的父母(人民)没有忘记我的爱和对事物的基础 As for the position of Aiko Royal princess love and the collective will of parent citizen Without forgetting that it is the basis don t you think

      • 327数学时间“死记硬背”捉儿子和我曾在分数或小数古踬
        327 Don't you think? the child which as “time of memorization” considers arithmetic stumbles with fraction and decimal

        • 614的“小姐”多小山说,学习院幼儿园原团长,
          614 It is chief hill of that “multiple lady of the court” [te] original Gakushuin preschool

          • 623是并不过分的开幕仪式是不抗拒s被忽视的太子妃雅子公主 已经或有时在一个仪式上说,?如果我的工作和典礼仪式的,似乎远来的工作太少 623 As for not putting out to commencement of work system The Aiko way… it does not withstand that There are also times when Princess Masako has neglected the ceremony because Although the ceremony and the ceremony are method of working So far in order to neglect the work it puts out

            • 682是不相关的公主,现在当皇太子小学,但我把它带到宫殿直接驱动tTA更好的归属你永远不会知道橘子吃午饭每一轮 682 The Aiko way however there is no relationship When His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince present is elementary course when the whole tangerine comes out with school lunch How to eat was not recognized and had that way in the Imperial palace and returned
              • 新年给你,488玩具,更令人震惊的是,它会只需要他们观看了微笑王室夫妇 488 That New Year s Day toy that the Crown Prince husband and wife smile just has watched over the fact that more it is the shock

            • 765名妇女,根据七,太子妃雅子也张贴到学习院Higashimiya“不信任”,已透露给苏
              765 According to woman seven, The Masako way in Toumiya job and in Gakushuin “the infidelity” is designated as the dew, it requires

              • NULL www kunaicho go jp kunaicho koho taio taio h21 1204 html Recently in the article which it is related to the Imperial Family of the magazine of part those which both majesties photographed were released but in each case as for sound entering as for doing the official business Not to be tradition from Showa era His Majesty the Emperor and being done the official business together with the intention of Her Majesty the Empress Description of the gist that is appeared it is something which is but this confronts the conduct of Her Majesty the Empress It is misconception and also the fragrance which attends public event many on the side of Emperor Showa 淳 confronting the empress Quite because it is impolite thing In this case we had decided to explain the relationship of fact as the Imperial Household Agency
                • NULL 306 The fragrance in Showa era 淳 about the activity of the empress 2009 December 4th ttp www kunaicho go jp kunaicho koho taio taio h21 1204 html Recently in the article which it is related to the Imperial Family of the magazine of part both majesties being even what does the official business Not to be tradition from Showa era His Majesty the Emperor and being done the official business together with the intention of Her Majesty the Empress Description of the gist that is appeared it is something which is but this confronts the conduct of Her Majesty the Empress It is misconception and also the fragrance which attends public event many on the side of Emperor Showa 淳 confronting the empress Quite because it is impolite thing in this case relationship of fact is explained as the Imperial Household Agency It made especially
                • 皇室视频画面,是迄今为止已经采取的公众,如宫内厅,庆祝生日,新的一年,我没有任何声音输入 Video image of the emperor house was released so far those which the Imperial Household Agency photographed in turning point such as birthday and New Year but sooner or later sound had not entered

              • Www yuko2ch net 马可 马戈 src目录 1239346880056。JPG是工程处房子宫内视频发布密斯王子在2004年11月号月刊拥有44适得其反9月24日,王储(岁)长镜头。隆宫爱子(2岁)的录像公布 www yuko2ch net mako makok src 1239346880056 jpg Monthly t mistake 2004 November edition The Crown Prince one house video release appeared in the reverse side As for the Imperial Household Agency September 24th His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince 44 years old the length which photographed Satoshi shrine Aiko 2 years old video image was published
                • 宫内厅,但我们并没有幻想和事实的指控进行了多夫人绝对不会复工 As for the Imperial Household Agency as for the fact where the lady of the court has done multiple unless it is However clear it seems it increased suspicion you do not reinstate probably will be absolutely

              • “下一个折叠类的一类。锯暴力儿童(余烬)”,“孩子将要每天打的”只有一个小时,情况不能去上学了我发誓要同她的母亲常住当然不是,“仍然在恐惧中的”你将收到一本由专家辅导早上,当我会说这不是罚款或散? “Grade crumbling of class of next door You looked at the violence child former times it was ” “It may strike with that child becoming ” If one day one hour mother company there is no just this it becomes not be able to attend school how Already this situation without being normally it does the yo … “There is a still insecurity and with” easygoing thing says and in ru case is not… Properly counseling of the medical specialist making receive ru
                • “折叠类下一个类。锯暴力儿童(?)”“的child即将天hit于”只能1小时一,情况不能上学不再我发誓要成为母亲accompanied他,这不是正常 “在我们的忧虑仍然存在,”你将收到一本由专家辅导早上,当我会说这不是罚款或散? “Grade crumbling of class of next door You looked at the violence child former times it was ” “It may strike with that child becoming ” If one day one hour mother company there is no just this it becomes not be able to attend school how Already this situation without being normally it does the yo … “There is a still insecurity and with” easygoing thing says and in ru case is not… Properly counseling of the medical specialist making receive ru

              • “你维护一个女人的未来皇帝”寇绫那智(公法。陪审团61岁的东京),自明治时代,公主可望作为王室的未来天皇的第一位女性,通过您认为自由贸易协定该署负有主要学习院,从欺凌接受男学生,似乎在向你逃学 “We protect future woman emperor” 那 Satoshi Sentence river the populace method Jury 61 years old Tokyo Ever since Meiji as a His Majesty the Emperor Japanese Imperial Family first woman in the future being expected Aiko which is with the Gakushuin elementary course which you have commuted the pupil of the man Receiving the empty unkind treatment you became non attending school
                • 每周妇女更令人印象深刻的“医院可能有一个隐藏的宪法学”的大胆和出近江 As for the weekly woman as for being impressive The small index “isn t Gakushuin to be concealment constitution ” was the bold type

              • 。 政府是鼓励大胆攻击自杀的独裁者,统治阶级的特权 对申请人有没有使用极权专政,通过促进个人崇拜和团结,崇拜和个人自己的目标是彩色或在冬季“,好像他们是紧靠在一起的”打印到交付 Dictatorial government encouraged special attack death for honor but the applicant from privilege dominant class was nil The worship object unnoticed with the advertisement cult of personality and agreement union of the fascism dictatorial nation which utilizes the By your of individual “ Like whether it is intimate same one body of “ It is surprinted
                • 。 政府是鼓励大胆攻击自杀的独裁者,统治阶级的特权 对申请人有没有使用极权专政,通过促进个人崇拜和团结,崇拜和个人自己的目标是彩色或在冬季“,好像他们是紧靠在一起的”打印到交付 Dictatorial government encouraged special attack death for honor but the applicant from privilege dominant class was nil The worship object unnoticed with the advertisement cult of personality and agreement union of the fascism dictatorial nation which utilizes the By your of individual “ Like whether it is intimate same one body of “ It is surprinted

              • 一个声音喊来在新生儿期症状,疾病,他们Tsukimashita隆城边像小猫
                Condition Tearful voice of newborn baby period, like the kitten name of a disease was attached from the shell high thing

                • 七女(2010 04 29)出席开幕仪式的有爱子公主雅子 元“不信任”,是爱子缺席雅子,开幕礼上她的小Nakarazu雅子意图影响 Woman seven 2010 04 29 Crown princess Masako it included in Aiko commencement of work type absence lt two gt “infidelities” Aiko commencement of work system Masako Masako intention influences the fact that you are absent little
                  • 七女(2010 04 29)出席开幕仪式的有爱子公主雅子 元“不信任”,是爱子缺席雅子,开幕礼上她的小Nakarazu雅子意图影响 Woman seven 2010 04 29 Crown princess Masako it included in Aiko commencement of work type absence lt two gt “infidelities” Aiko commencement of work system Masako Masako intention influences the fact that you are absent little
                  • 美智子,有点ー是,当他们被包围了罕见的严厉是张伯伦在爱俄如规范,因为他是一个王子和未来的重茂,英俊王子是,如果天皇和我不怀疑任何人一个拥抱 If Mitiko a little you think the Crown Prince and the future very in the lord in waitings who serve with the intensity which is love As for the time where you are surrounded probably become nice Crown Prince and the emperor that No one held doubt

                • 不想想像,我踢了30年连续居住和他的妻子皇后皇冠
                  We would like to imagine, it is not, the Crown Prince and spouse as an Empress emperor 30 years we stay on how

                  • 中国平民被屠杀的工作,是相当多的中国各大城市数 The Chinese civilian who is slaughtered with that rose to considerable number at every place in China
                    • 中国平民被屠杀的工作,是相当多的中国各大城市数 The Chinese civilian who is slaughtered with that rose to considerable number at every place in China

                  • 也许430或出席或缺席,是不是在最后一分钟,以满足毕业履行对权力的欲望首席雅子,或作为一个教师,同时要求夫人在各种学习院,公主想仆人,混淆了自己领域的保护必须提高一个女儿看看谁是大坦率地说,给定一个奴役感向她的同学和他们的父母 430 Perhaps when it does in order to fill up the sufficiency impression of Masako power desire the kana which is not… With place of execution attendance or absence the various demand for Gakushuin Simultaneously with the soldier finishing garden Mr chief as a lady of the court it makes the Aiko way servant when You run about in confusion actual place by your prepare more exaggerated VIP guard than someone to the daughter The subordinate impression is given to the classmate and those parents of the daughter
                    • 我学习院午餐,吃一滚就是无声的谈话是否禁止所有在饭厅亭 Gakushuin giving eating getting together in everyone dining room coming to the point of eating gently by whisper strict prohibition the ru it seems

                  • 亲王在会上抛出388大生轮遇到这个问题,“它适用于一心痛,”我只说,
                    388 So, if you say As for the Crown Prince this problem in Hiroo Toumiya with circular throwing “Heart it hurts,” that is announced only the shelf

                    • 什么,在一个复杂的度假方式,抗议开幕式不满意的进修学院的支持
                      Because there is a dissatisfaction in Gakushuin correspondence, the notion that where you made commencement of work system go to bed in sense of protest?

                      • 他们自己就是特曾分别放在优先考虑的是,即使想到什么是思想的基本电流一样 As for your own things leaving whatever making take precedence tozen and like thought in is root Flowing comes to the head
                        • 据说,它是对承诺的负面克惹集体自杀,最后的疯狂,因为这是自己的基础也被打死 If that is defeated to game you say that group suicide is done because the insanity that was in root finally you murder even by your

                      • 但如果孩子的父母之间,没有你,我知道特优TTA和学校退缩,如此寒冷的人(父母)我从来没有如果 The parent the child The do doing in the school the way when it is you have not known such a cool citizen the parent How without being it does the yo
                        • 此外,如果我们的孩子,没有你,我知道特优TTA和学校退缩,如此寒冷的人(父母)我从来没有如果 Our child The do doing in the school the way when it is you have not known such a cool citizen the parent How without being it does the yo

                      • 但现在这是不可能从皇后那么this m凯塔和难得的好原料悠仁,雅子,是要成为空中皇后的皇帝,如果即使是王储偶尔他或验证基鲁文不能从反对派能拿出一个好的蜡,但我想我应该呆在家里,并帮助 NULL
                        • 448雅子,有权,而我是想行我喜欢现在我遇到我的王子,然后确定的?从W我将所有的乐趣,你会遇到一个朋友被绑架的王子? 448 Masako it has gone to the kind of place which certainly occasionally encounter the Crown Prince by your it is don t you think w After encountering the friend you tease and the kidnapping tsu are in half with the ri red sandal wood to do the Crown Prince the yo
                        • 这种情况下,因为那里是906,即带我王妃雅子的辞职!是我没有说更难了,我也这么认为驱动tTA觉得我希望我的儿子娶了一个人可能来自一个好的起步 906 Because there are such details abandons the Masako thing in the Crown Prince tsu te You could not say hard it is because you could get married with the person whom by your like so doing to also the son saying you thought it is the kana which is not
                        • 雅子其他人不能变得更好,即使有古美智子是顺利我应该留在外交部提请包装,它仍然是一个绝对错误的人 Mitiko even the mark Masako which it is not good doing well It is dense already is strange without fail as a person… That way to Ministry of Foreign Affairs remaining the expectation which reaches the limits

                      • 公主公主 进修学院,并“直接谈判的决定,”120分钟!期刊名称:妇女自己[2010年4月27日发行] 351:如果你的妻子可爱:2010 / 04 / 12日(星期一)18:38:21编号:2tlHhLKq0“的决定的直接谈判,”哇,这120分钟!你不是威胁我会抓住总统衣领上拉瓦特特嘉没有让我离开学校的孩子?我相当高兴,不是吗?你这么尖端和Roiyarumonpe
                        Masako to Aiko < heartbroken CARE > Gakushuin and “direct negotiation 120 minutes of determination”! Magazine name : Woman herself [ 2010 April 27th number] 351 : It is lovely the madam: 2010/04/12 (Monday) 18: 38: 21 ID: 2tlHhLKq0 “Direct negotiation 120 minutes of determination” We fear the [tsu]! The pulling [tsu] grasping the nape of chief director, there is no intimidation red sandal wood, don't you think? probably will be, w It was the leaving school red sandal wood or, the child which pointed? Rejoicing rather, the [ru] it is it is not? [roiyarumonpe] and the edge are cut off, therefore it is

                        • 其他学校或学校,每天这样的自私我承认我和你,两个小时,是另一种,但我想他们可以找到我我承认逃学疾病的状态好了,有一天他的母亲。学校,家长的第一天开始,即使其他的学生,“我希望他来上学的一大”我可以悠闲地,其他著名大学的专业辅导,使我觉得我不想要一个甜蜜,专业治疗,撤军不会被宠坏的,对不对? The other school does such a selfishness without recognizing the yo One day 1 and 2 hour attending school circumstance of sled ya non attending school If the sickness tsu te it recognizes however it probably is another what Everyday the mother same Although attending school and one person class going participating view even the other pupil it is “Little by little you should have attended school” how it is leisurely The other distinguished school thinks that such it is not sweet If special counseling special remedy with that useless leaving school well
                          • 其他学校或学校,每天这样的自私我承认我和你,两个小时,是另一种,但我想他们可以找到我我承认逃学疾病的状态好了,有一天他的母亲。学校,家长的第一天开始,即使其他的学生,“我希望他来上学的一大”我可以悠闲地,其他著名大学的专业辅导,使我觉得我不想要一个甜蜜,专业治疗,撤军不会被宠坏的,对不对? The other school does such a selfishness without recognizing the yo One day 1 and 2 hour attending school circumstance of sled ya non attending school If the sickness tsu te it recognizes however it probably is another what Everyday the mother same Although attending school and one person class going participating view even the other pupil it is “Little by little you should have attended school” how it is leisurely The other distinguished school thinks that such it is not sweet If special counseling special remedy with that useless leaving school well

                        • 冯克莱什么,但她的第一Tsutomaranai我几乎不良行为和太子妃雅子的现有董事会长在她面前批评什么是已知的,但爱子。硕士扬州我收到了这个家庭,Bisou浴市民一个拦河坝的批评,但现在已经推迟了对自闭症的父亲的智慧,在这里我是后天残疾的例子(出生时的数组)爱子来自一个家庭的疾病的方法将它 Directly although from before crown princess Masako evildoing and how possibly it does not stop with the previous woman board However you knew the way of her bonkura with something As for the criticism to Aiko Although you refrained This family w which from now on may pour the converge of criticism from the citizen But also the father intelligence is late with our closing this is acquired obstacle don t you think with are when giving birth of example Aiko obstacle probably comes from either lineage
                          • 1。我不知道哪里太子妃雅子惹这样的粉碎?所以,如果你真的讨厌媒体,雅子,我不知道什么特别法庭对她的婚纱帝国党的进入,但我几乎Tsutomaranai公主? One The Crown Prince probably is attracted such a Masako somewhere If truly mass communications dislike Masako although crown princess how possibly it does not stop You probably adhere to her entering the Imperial Court with something
                          • 水龙头是不友好雅子也是一个不好的坏英国王储不反对,如果他们雅子结婚乔,但我觉得栖息有理由回家,所以培养和王子美智子皇后甚至说是有约束力的邪恶。这是一个相当问题,我会批评别人雅子 As for Masako being hit however you think that it is helpless in our industry complacency Also the Crown Prince who got married with Masako by any means and saying does not transfer is bad Also the majesty who does not oppose to that is bad and also Mitiko who raises such a Crown Prince saying badness Joining Also the person other than Masako is criticized and chi ya u ones considerably are problem don t you think

                        • 凯塔将优于其他相称雅子如果还从皇室王储
                          If the Crown Prince corresponding partner from the Imperial Household Agency Whether it was better than Masako

                          • 到现在为止,公主儿童的,不知道我在做什么太自私和朋友,所以不要听分钟受伤,是不是有点和释放你的朋友吗?辜是如此害怕,孤立学校 So far however the children are not recognized and reason the friend do Aiko Being selfish even in remainder to hear because there is no amount wound the friend left a little it is it is not Being isolated with that it became fearful the school
                            • 从迅速衰落,理论悠仁的爱子的诞生,皇帝的,我们不需要手现在爱子雅子也许你说的布道 悠 benevolence being born after Aiko emperor theory withering quickly Masako stopped using the hand on Aiko and something being scolding whether ru
                            • 圣人 张贴于:2010 04 13(星期二)18 23:哦,35,后来,他们爱子公主不能停止微笑我与你的朋友见面,如果你能像你的信中得到更好的兴奋给朋友或或 sage Contribution day 2010 04 13 fire 18 23 35 The a and after then as for Aiko the letter of encouraging receiving from the friend and or being Meeting with the friend it had become the smiling face that
                            • 我也有愚図爱子,一个沟通的问题是,如果你问我只已严重纪律附表 Aiko being fretful if the training ke te it can make through harshly it was the problem which is completed
                            • 爱子公主是罚款 Vigorous Aiko
                            • 直到现在,在儿童,但是他们太自私,不知道我在做什么朋友爱子,我没有听到分钟受伤,是不是有点和释放你的朋友吗?辜是如此害怕,孤立学校 So far however the children are not recognized and reason the friend do Aiko Being selfish even in remainder to hear because there is no amount wound the friend left a little it is it is not Being isolated with that it became fearful the school

                          • 合作团体和狂热的野心朝鲜支持恐怖主义的国家,我把它死的光荣的死亡是自杀运行皇帝崇拜,自由,在历史上日本帝国。疯狂已经非常相似,这样的恐怖组织将愿意自杀炸弹客的行为,即使说到 Terrorist support nation and that cooperative group such as North Korea had mania trust ambition that executed special attack death for honor with emperor worship Nothing of the Jipango which remains in history We have resembled closely with insanity rather now then that kind of terrorist organization if with it becomes even suicide bombing behavior it is and does not question Probably will be
                            • 合作团体和狂热的野心朝鲜支持恐怖主义的国家,我把它死的光荣的死亡是自杀运行皇帝崇拜,自由,在历史上日本帝国。疯狂已经非常相似,这样的恐怖组织将愿意自杀炸弹客的行为,即使说到 Terrorist support nation and that cooperative group such as North Korea had mania trust ambition that executed special attack death for honor with emperor worship Nothing of the Jipango which remains in history We have resembled closely with insanity rather now then that kind of terrorist organization if with it becomes even suicide bombing behavior it is and does not question Probably will be

                          • 和雅子Denfuta转移测试是一个小行Tteru市民一旦中线
                            Furthermore, Masako one time falling to examination for admission of the [denhuta], going to public small, the [ru

                            • 嗯,很显然,这种报道并不知道这些照片的数量,欢迎人们到您的家,文仁天皇,皇后和自然的微笑,微笑 Well if you look at the news photograph which you are countless way it is clear Both majesties and fall 篠 the citizen who receives Miyake naturally the smiling face and the smiling face

                              • 因此,爱子议员,治疗和教育设施的母亲专门从事自闭症和母婴分离,治疗和教育,从非专家,这是非常紧迫和重要的事的权利
                                Therefore as for Aiko, the mother and child separating, with the autism special 療 growth facility, other than the mother 療 growth, being very urgent from the special staff, now, to receive, it is to be important

                                • 土豆你可以调用皇帝毛泽东会见了天皇和皇后,春季游园会10月15日为皇后主办的,他们公开在赤坂御苑Hazime赤坂东京,天皇和皇后以及皇太子德仁他们的继承人,温哥华冬季奥运会他们会见了参加者和滑冰银牌得主浅田真央妇女的数字
                                  You discuss with both majesties Also true middle was called The garden party of the spring of the emperor and empress both majesty sponsorship 15th in the afternoon, with the Akasaka 苑 of Tokyo & original Akasaka opening, Both majesties and the Crown Prince and others royalty, discussed with the figure skating woman silver medalist Asada true middle and others attendee of the Vancouver winter Olympics

                                  • 在中国和日本的战争会来我生命线古肩许多荒谬的战争孤儿的命运 In Japan and in China many war orphans absurdity shouldering destiny it means to keep living and depending upon this war
                                    • 在中国和日本的战争会来我生命线古肩许多荒谬的战争孤儿的命运 In Japan and in China many war orphans absurdity shouldering destiny it means to keep living and depending upon this war

                                  • 在中国许多地方占领了大屠杀,以及对非作战人员和囚犯的微不足道的原因,有出一刺刀和军刀行赎回 Was done with trivial thing as a reason by bayonet stabbing and the military sword slaughter at every place in China which was occupied vis a vis the captive and the noncombatant
                                    • 在中国许多地方占领了大屠杀,以及对非作战人员和囚犯的微不足道的原因,有出一刺刀和军刀行赎回 Was done with trivial thing as a reason by bayonet stabbing and the military sword slaughter at every place in China which was occupied vis a vis the captive and the noncombatant

                                  • 埃塔欢迎学校的新学期,“和行为粗鲁的孩子,”什么是改善?法政大学教授尾木直树,我们研究了东京的成德Hukaya正史2P的教授问题
                                    In the school which enters new term as for “rough behavior of the boy” it probably is to be improved? 2P which verifies problem with the comment of great professor and Fukaya 昌 will Tokyo forming virtue great professors tail wooden Naoki Hosei

                                    • 太子妃雅子是“生病”,但在医生的治疗意见,在“”,并提交手除了你自己也没有很好的常识再制“雅子妃”是不动的房子遇到
                                      Masako way but in “sickness” while receiving medical treatment, Also “doctor group opinion” by your e.g., it makes announce including the hand, It does not pass already common sense of any With “the Masako way the Toumiya house is moving system”

                                      • 如果只对投降的负面,因此军队不是现代战争的陈词滥调全球 Because of that if it becomes being defeated game you say that it surrenders it was the troop where common sense of worldwide modern game does not pass
                                        • 如果只对投降的负面,因此军队不是现代战争的陈词滥调全球 Because of that if it becomes being defeated game you say that it surrenders it was the troop where common sense of worldwide modern game does not pass

                                      • 如果孩子的恐惧或更大的身体,释放该地区一旦你的儿子娶另一个愿望天皇和皇后不可抗拒的,如果我说我将转移到的地步,你说有没有被直接的经验?它唯一的儿子将成为公开看到长寿但至今时间较长,但忽视了它是很自然地想到,如果我照顾模仿任何丑陋的数量,我也想看到的是天皇皇后和 We fear with the child where the body is large when you corrected and the way you were said to the place where it is not and You wanted to transfer it does not accumulate don t you think probably will be When the te you say or one time of Empress emperor get married already the son runaway Being seen publicly therefore son what which keeps living seeing and the tsu accompanying and imitating and about note doing even with the basin shoes you think that it is proper but it is When to be long it is neglecting to here already the wa where also Empress emperor is visible in the same type
                                        • 但最近我Dakejan新一代278,大正天皇Tarashii奇怪,以为我觉得太Dekiyo当前皇室,我前往工作表皇后(官方),经常出茹我想我已完全将减少公共服务本身,我觉得这对夫妻的特殊的,但我认为即使没有获得绝对不是同情,或不知国家需要更多这样 278 So just that tsu te 1 generation it is Recently that you think the present emperor house was possible and passed whether it is it is not Also Emperor Taisho has done strange thing seems and the empress protruding in the chart work the official business the special air which also those where it comes out frequently is this married couple does You think that the official business itself should have been decreased but it is whether so being necessary Domestic facility consolation it is not and you think that also the te is good but it is

                                      • 如果爱子,如果他们是自闭症或不符合不喜欢雅子不稳定的人的屁股?即使相同的行为爱子,你是由雅子的精神状态奇交换反应? “母亲节无论你的心情不好”,或警方不能爱子它认为最糟糕的父母 When we assume the Masako like emotion unstable person and it makes simultaneous if Aiko is our closing yaba it is to be it isn t Aiko acting similarly the reaction changes with Masako spiritual state it is the ro which is “As for the mother today it seems that mood is bad” that because it probably cannot conjecture You think that it is the worst parent for Aiko
                                        • 670真实的我,我经历了朋友的孩子有自闭症的扭曲拥有自来水 670 To tell the truth me butsu there is the experience which was hit in the child of the autism of the acquaintance it is

                                      • 妇女善于通过恐吓和邪恶的狡猾脏雅子,一个天真善良的女子崇高和体面的和诚实的人乔纳金典子,陈毛
                                        Being wicked, being cunning, being vulgar, woman = Masako whose intimidation is proud, [kimu] [yona] Being pure, being honest, being elegant, nobility noble woman = Noriko, true middle

                                        • 妇女的去甲肾上腺素一类规范公主特别援助?你知道你不应该是伟人和太子妃雅子到底是什么?如果是这样,王储或没有牛,说你倒霉
                                          Aiko way don't you think? with woman something of [te] special support grade specifications? With that the Masako way becoming men hells and/or becoming very thing the [ru] it is the [ro] which is? When we assume that is, in His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince the grief way only you say

                                          • 学习院小学是教育学生与人认真思考的是,第一次公主,挖掘坚定地编织成的女性精神的尊重,并明确了女皇帝的元素的诞生,他们应该继续以科学系和王室的未来女转换的必要性
                                            As for Gakushuin elementary course, that To look at thing in the pupils of the man and the [tsu] dust educate, including Aiko, the woman To hammering reverence mind securely, woman emperor is born Thing the sheath, directing splendidly in future, inevitability of conversion to the woman Imperial Family And so on it keeps making learn continuously, it should, is

                                            • 小学的孩子,但我有一双蒙特问题的孩子,干涉它的唯一像样的会议纪律一流的,因为公主的母亲,父母的日子在任何时候也是我的学校汝应能! “”是不是欺凌父母担心的Dzukimasen“说我是 In the small school of the child monpea of the problem child is but it is in the first class forum As for disturbing the fact that the honest training ke is done the Masako of the mother way the school inside with when class going participating view that we should try it is possible ” “As for ijime because you do not become aware that it is not the guardian ” With you spoke
                                              • 小学的孩子,但我Montpere困扰的儿童,在一个会议上一流的公主“的,甚至我的学校,你应该像茹能够遵守在任何时间,班级!”“欺凌不是parent Dzukimasen和气体“,并说这是 In the small school of the child monpea of the problem child is but it is in the first class forum As for disturbing the fact that the honest training ke is done the Masako of the mother way the school inside with when class going participating view that we should try it is possible ” “As for ijime because you do not become aware that it is not the guardian ” With you spoke
                                              • 爱子议员,你是唯一一个体面的养育预防,难怪公主和雅子的母亲 In Aiko As for disturbing the fact that the honest training ke is done the oak and others which is not Princess Masako of the mother

                                            • 已经够了出来现在是王室王储的一直倡导一个开放的光束,如果您有任何缺陷的爱子出生
                                              If now when the Imperial Family who if was innate obstacle in Aiko and opened is advocated To some extent the Crown Prince should do coming out already

                                              • 年“替换成员后进入推广,”Minamigumi三,学习与发展研究所“(或避免类似的情况,并重新邀请)祢最好的疲惫,说:”组织已 Promoting the member substituted as for “3 year south group” the Gakushuin authorized personnel “In order again not to cause similar situation the best was exhausted” it has become the formation which is said
                                                • 我Ttemasu适合学校发展的同时也学习院这样的公主 Because the Royal Princess evolves Gakushuin into such school Being in time it increases

                                              • 当然东部战线是病态的。谁是捍卫你走了吗?为什么东方。谁捍卫了皇太子(太子妃雅子为主)嘿什么附表辱骂我们增加其他人带来音频 The unsound east which is in front sure The person of protection stopped staying Why east The person of protection Toumiya mainly the Masako way looks down upon other one in order to raise it is probably will be well
                                                • 另一边,他们认为我做 你最好磨损雅子差异的真正公主爱子公主在 There has confused already but it is … Truly from the Aiko way the one which the Masako way is separated is better
                                                • 当然东部战线是病态的。谁是捍卫你走了吗?为什么东方。谁捍卫了皇太子(太子妃雅子为主)嘿什么附表辱骂我们增加其他人带来音频 The unsound east which is in front sure The person of protection stopped staying Why east The person of protection Toumiya mainly the Masako way looks down upon other one in order to raise it is probably will be well

                                              • 我208官僚儿童,不过,我知道医院通过三岛由纪夫的年龄从
                                                208 But the child of the bureaucracy how, the reason which from Yukio's Mishima day it is passing to Gakushuin

                                                • 我不会告诉直到我“”我不知道其中隐藏“,可以阅读和鬓角,下降到地面和尊严缺乏苏顺带日本。王储,“恩戴也看过”爸爸的达里语癌症王宪文场景,以及语音收入仍然是必要的 The ma is is” “whether hiding somewhere” and so on with it calls off next The defect which drops the Japanese dignity to area “The father reading in the Crown Prince ” With the circumstances which badger have supplied with human voice
                                                  • 我和矢口否认日本皇后爱子的可能性提高,减少对土地和缺乏尊严苏顺带。即使我被驱逐帝国皇太子夫妇 The possibility of Empress Aiko to be denied again completely next The defect which drops the Japanese dignity to area If also the Crown Prince married couple should have been banished the Imperial Family

                                                • 我不接受流行性腮腺炎和风疹的分数在所有327个小学教学我总是指出,“阅读”这是一个
                                                  327 When it is you wipe, however fraction class it has not received completely in the rubella, directly it is the perfect score It is arithmetic [tsu] [te] “reading solution power” of the small school

                                                  • 我去了雅子,深妄想是一种疾病,是精神分裂症?
                                                    Masako delusion saying extremely, as for thing, as for name of a disease it is the integrated malfunction symptom because?

                                                    • 我有很多是弱智的ーSP5 可能的,完全不同于ー得到幻灯片或亚斯伯格症的残疾人士真我知道,我说什么我知能塔里氖朱达罗是你吗?明白了吗? That However there is a variety even in intellectual obstacle SP5 The u cod it is true characteristic intellectual obstacle asuperuga at all difference That don t you think the slide tsu the empty your intelligences it is the ri the ro tsu te which is you say It was understood
                                                      • 我有很多是弱智的ーSP5 可能的,完全不同于ー得到幻灯片或亚斯伯格症的残疾人士真我知道,我说什么我知能塔里氖朱达罗是你吗?明白了吗? That However there is a variety even in intellectual obstacle SP5 The u cod it is true characteristic intellectual obstacle asuperuga at all difference That don t you think the slide tsu the empty your intelligences it is the ri the ro tsu te which is you say It was understood

                                                    • 截至目前为止,点差是1比同年龄爱子,悠仁亲王的时间或提高到看看具体?
                                                      When at point in time, 悠 benevolence Imperial Prince is the same age to presently, the point which is inferior than Royal princess Aiko, It is listed concretely even at one?

                                                      • 日本帝国陆军部队和时差我主要国家的,皇帝“来崇拜上帝和绝对忠诚”的假想国。已被煽动,“集体神经质”,因为它陷入其中,我已经派遣部队到前线作战 As for the troop of Jipango being different from the troop of major power of that time Emperor “ God to worship absolute loyalty “ Doing from the country emptiness Being instigated “ Group abnormal state of mind “ After falling and others being done dispatching troops The game wa it was done at front
                                                        • 日本帝国陆军部队和时差我主要国家的,皇帝“来崇拜上帝和绝对忠诚”的假想国。已被煽动,“集体神经质”,因为它陷入其中,我已经派遣部队到前线作战 As for the troop of Jipango being different from the troop of major power of that time Emperor “ God to worship absolute loyalty “ Doing from the country emptiness Being instigated “ Group abnormal state of mind “ After falling and others being done dispatching troops The game wa it was done at front

                                                      • 注射不在这里,或者如果您通过鼻子倾倒牛奶的食物? I类男孩Naijan未来的关系 我希望你能解释一下为什么它会是个男孩无法参加语言班的男生只有瓦特未来因何不去数学很好吗?瓦特 The food it does not throw out and or the milk it emits it is not from the nose Don t you think there is no boy something related to class of next door it is … why the boy of class of next door Only national language the wa w where it becomes it is or wants explaining the reason which it cannot attend Also the fact that it does not appear in arithmetic being consequence of the boy w

                                                        • 测定,军队犯下的光荣集体自杀和自杀死亡被捕获,如果该小组已不再是一个疯狂的杀手 If you become the captive the troop of the determination that already is the homicide group of insanity it does group suicide and special attack death for honor
                                                          • 测定,军队犯下的光荣集体自杀和自杀死亡被捕获,如果该小组已不再是一个疯狂的杀手 If you become the captive the troop of the determination that already is the homicide group of insanity it does group suicide and special attack death for honor

                                                        • 爱子公主之间的雨伞约下午十二点45分4个小时后,分别以后,回家与公主 As for Aiko 4th time after the ending 0 45 PM around Masako both the mark pouring the umbrella it left school
                                                          • 打破学校往往成为有关的暴力行为在焦虑和同年龄和公主 gt Feeling insecurity in rough behavior of the classmate the school it became tend to go to bed that Aiko which is done
                                                          • 爱子公主之间的雨伞约下午十二点45分4个小时后,分别以后,回家与公主 Aiko 4th time after the ending 0 45 PM around Masako both the mark pouring the umbrella it left school
                                                          • 爱子公主后,4小时后,伞之间的差异下午12时45分左右回家与公主 Aiko 4th time after the ending 0 45 PM around Masako both the mark pouring the umbrella it left school
                                                          • 走出学校往往成为有关的暴力行为在焦虑和同年龄和公主 Feeling insecurity in rough behavior of the classmate the school it became tend to go to bed that Aiko which is done

                                                        • 爱子的同学,“暴力”的空前驱逐
                                                          Aiko classmate, with “violence” unprecedented leaving school

                                                          • 爱子,陈郁为778。雅子瓦特传说与父母是一致的命名方式似乎去,像我是能够做到的凯塔雅子没有他的智慧吗?此外,人们被命令(大生Higashimiya)或让你的工作吗? 778 Aiko superior Legend and simultaneous w As for the Masako parent as for method of attaching the consistency of around there side way it does but In Masako without having the intelligence to over there Or the subordinate who is ordered Hiroo Toumiya being slipshod job
                                                            • 爱子,陈郁为778。雅子瓦特传说与父母是一致的命名方式似乎去,像我是能够做到的凯塔雅子没有他的智慧吗?此外,人们被命令(大生Higashimiya)或让你的工作吗? 778 Aiko superior Legend and simultaneous w As for the Masako parent as for method of attaching the consistency of around there side way it does but In Masako without having the intelligence to over there Or the subordinate who is ordered Hiroo Toumiya being slipshod job

                                                          • 王储意义上的的名称相扑摔跤相扑摔跤手从,王子感到惊讶的是,他们更愚蠢的爱子
                                                            Remembering four crotch names of the sekitori, because the Crown Prince had been surprised As for the Crown Prince whether fool than Aiko

                                                            • 皇太子捍卫者谁是不喜欢陷入操纵任何其他的房子(几乎秋筱家庭)有一种倾向,
                                                              The method which protects Toumiya, your own thing the other shrine way (almost fall 篠 Miyake) Making slide, information there is a tendency which is operated

                                                              • 真的,我爱子公主去接受学校与班级的每一天,我从来没有听过的,坏男人是朋友,相信
                                                                The [ho] it is with, the [wa] which is unprecedented Crown princess everyday saying to the small school, class receiving together, the [ru] how As for Aiko, the [wa] which you think that friend relationship became useless,

                                                                • 科举制度的地位就古人类,而不是贪婪的利益和竞争是不可避免的,以维护皇帝制度,建立宗教或部分故障或彩色的冬天,但与宗教,民俗同时考虑利用天真的信仰神格几代人的继承,欺骗正在开展保持无与伦比的权威世界上任何宗教的荒谬

                                                                  • 第一天的学校和高度警惕的新学校在校门口占领宫内厅官员和警察
                                                                    The new term first day which becomes attending school under the full alert where the Imperial Household Agency and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department authorized personnel encamp before the school gate

                                                                    • 编号:HMrh3WxMP,我们从来不认为,这种“人悠仁”是我认为的只是你的想象力
                                                                      ID: HMrh3WxMP Never you think, but This “悠 benevolence way”, is not to be no more than an existence in regard to your imagination, probably will be?

                                                                      • 被邀请参加,浅田真央滑冰,以及七名球员是两个罢工高桥大辅温哥华奥运会Medari,前横纲大鹏纳亚雪吉是珊珊和女演员松坂庆子
                                                                        As for being invited, Asada true middle of figure skating, the Takahashi Daisuke both players Vancouver Olympic medalist Other than 7, paying/inserting valley happiness happiness of actress Matuzaka celebration child and original sumo champion Taihou and others

                                                                        • 要紧紧把握住你想要什么,他们认为这是一个非常优秀的897方式,志位皇帝在春天“ ,随着皇后呢?最后,我逃跑的梁,以防止你做这个旅游热线的客户到海外学习的帝国Hayo Mitiko驱动tTA的家庭,当我觉得我是公主嫁给他是每天电话拉 897 As for attachment you thought in desired ones” that it is kinder one truly simultaneous it is not either both Majesty emperor and empress of… spring Although Mitiko s Imperial Family it entered and in order to prevent doing to sea travel abroad study it escaped End the hot line being pulled everyday being telephoned made marrying it is After the parent and child shelf you thought the Masako time
                                                                          • 他们坚持你想要的897随着天皇是不是现在?最后,我逃跑的梁,以防止你做这个旅游热线的客户到海外学习的帝国Hayo Mitiko驱动tTA的家庭,当我觉得我是公主嫁给他是每天电话拉 897 His Majesty the Emperor current simultaneous there is no attachment in desired ones Although Mitiko s Imperial Family it entered and in order to prevent doing to sea travel abroad study it escaped End the hot line being pulled everyday being telephoned made marrying it is After the parent and child shelf you thought the Masako time

                                                                        • 该周刊杂志“雅子的文章就像一个朋友抱怨驱动tTA希望词典夫人在多我”,在安装后,国家官员遇到“遇到多个职位不是”否认
                                                                          In the weekly magazine “the [masako] way when we want stopping in the multiple lady of the court, it grumbled in the acquaintance” With after the article is recorded, Hiroo Toumiya “as for multiple it is not in Toumiya job”, that it denies

                                                                          • 过去主持天皇和官方,一些来自一个响亮Gininatta公主和服
                                                                            It became the crown of His Majesty the Emperor past and the great fuss about nothing where kimono something of the chair and Royal princess comes out

                                                                            • 这位母亲祖母的正常“在我结婚清子黑的呼吁是如此土豆鸡,像宫能剧诺利我?的电话Ttena公主命名恩戴?”,“义子等马可像骂人Bideiikedo嘿,我想房子皇太子的是一个孩子?“Tteta我说我现在已经没有房子像我呼吁○○?或者不喜欢爱子的房子?
                                                                              Mother inside [a] “Front of the Kuroda Kiyoko [tsu] [te] getting married is called the [norinomiya] way the [tsu] [te] the [wa], don't you think?? The Aiko way being the name calling with [tsu] [te] something? ” “The 眞 child way, it is good the child way, however it is possible to be the name calling, when it is the child of the Crown Prince, shrine way expectation well? ” However the [tsu] [te] you say, now 0 shrine way the [tsu] [te] it does not call? Or as for Aiko the shrine way without being?

                                                                              • 这对学习院监护人,权利和公正的爱子Ochokutta记者?学习院还多野,我说很好爱子Tteta
                                                                                As for that the Gakushuin guardian fell and, the [yo] just ate the reporter of Aiko and the weekly magazine the [ro]? Also Gakushuin Hatano, the excellent [tsu] [te] calls Aiko

                                                                                • 这是人民我很讨厌被停在特许权使用费,如果他们这些家伙每天拼命工作徽章也喜欢感到有点不相信首相,但我认为我从未有工作 Being the royalty if hate It is the stopping re tsu te feeling don t you think As for the citizen everyday working desperately that although you think even the work it is how long Thinking Feeling And others also the prime minister is dense to some extent margin
                                                                                  • 这是人民我很讨厌被停在特许权使用费,如果他们这些家伙每天拼命工作徽章也喜欢感到有点不相信首相,但我认为我从未有工作 Being the royalty if hate It is the stopping re tsu te feeling don t you think As for the citizen everyday working desperately that although you think even the work it is how long Thinking Feeling And others also the prime minister is dense to some extent margin

                                                                                • 那么如果原始活力的东西652,接近医院或密集的训练改革,但云层将要被淘汰,或者有一个!Gakushuin d正好相反的是,没有任何改变Waranai后,工作人员可以爱子依然
                                                                                  652 Something spirit of beginning, it presses for thorough reformation to Gakushuin, if it is not, either one stops being from Gakushuin applying Although it was condition, without nothing changing after all, while also Aiko is board of directors going to work

                                                                                  • 除了冠文仁亲王,亲王夫人都日立,客户忍浩三笠头。客户明子,出席会议的久子公主殿下客户
                                                                                    Other than the Crown Prince fall the 篠 shrine, the Hitatinomiya both husband and wife, shrine Tomohito's Mikasa length. Bin child and the Takamadonomiya Princess Hisashi child attended

                                                                                    • 雅子罢工从这个真理我知道我的精子和卵子受精皇帝提请雅子开始
                                                                                      Masako ovum The fertilized egg which was made with the spermatozoon of His Majesty the Emperor After knowing this truth The Masako strike started

                                                                                      • 领导的帝国战争假想皇帝崇拜。搅拌,从游戏的士兵没有它,我担心它会死去,这是不容易 For the war guidance section of empire Emptiness of emperor worship With instigation because the soldier front without fearing the thing which dies fighting probably there is no such a easy thing
                                                                                        • 领导的帝国战争假想皇帝崇拜。搅拌,从游戏的士兵没有它,我担心它会死去,这是不容易 For the war guidance section of empire Emptiness of emperor worship With instigation because the soldier front without fearing the thing which dies fighting probably there is no such a easy thing

                                                                                      • 首页悠仁秋筱这样尖锐的染色体异常的(5P :Mainasu゙针 高)是。IQ20通常〜30日,是不可能在所有的宝座, NULL
                                                                                        • 首页悠仁秋筱这样尖锐的染色体异常的(5P :Mainasu゙针 高)是。IQ20通常〜30日,是不可能在所有的宝座, NULL
                                                                                        • 首页悠仁秋筱这样尖锐的染色体异常的(5P :Mainasu゙针 高)是。IQ20通常〜30日,是不可能在所有的宝座, NULL

                                                                                      • 驱动tTA江东无因达和租户与四五一瓦特Riarusayoku小夜是唯一的帝国公主是前政权的房子外面遇到了公主的雅子Okyawaiso受害者是最佳年龄谈到轻蔑辱骂我瓦特
                                                                                        451 It has not associated with [riarusayoku] it is shelf w As for [sayo] The Imperial Family other than the Toumiya house relegates in [borokuso], but [okiyawaiso] of old system victim The Masako way just the Aiko way it is age by all power, w

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