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“'The person where is naturalized to the party chief of capital Governor Ishihara not seeing [ho] Minister of State Fukushima, is' the speech… whereMe the parents you are not naturalized”, “it is race discrimination”,…Legal measure range of vision ★5


  • 13,您知道韩国人“,并说,在墙上愚蠢的小Shimeru工人遭受经济政策的不利影响要心志位优秀的帮助并不大的贫穷工人不是谁不喜欢的民族主义这不是完美的我笨拙的孩子,将完善Ru ll失败! !宝是我的水! ! ! 13 As for so the ro which is the Korean” abhorrent the national refined principle person The kind heart where poor we would like to help the worker The counter result just a little the fool who torments the worker with economic policy When the blood rises to the head to fail the chi ya u doji tsu child The perfection which is perfect it isn t As for we not seeing po
    • 13所以说它发送的头脑和真理不得拖累韩国大前尴尬羞愧的生活被Kashiku说谎或获得 13 So the Korean shame or the forcing Lie being attached living there is no shame oak ku omae it does this probably will be sent to the heart which is And talk the truth
    • 一旦日本的方式“你们韩国人在我们面前”是一个Mizupo说,“歧视”,什么是W Facing toward the Japanese as for “the ro which is your Korean” mizupo “discriminatory” no shelf w

  • 1“(归化),问题本身,而是种族主义这一”思维大概不是什么我站在一边的日本国会议员在日本,虽然它是对你不歧视另一不可忽视 1 “Designate the naturalization as problem the race discrimination which it is thing itself and” The ro which as for this is not discrimination separately and is Japanese member of the Diet is in spite on the Japanese side standing because you cannot ignore the possibility of not thinking of the thing
    • 我成了一个成员,但在日本不归?它是纯粹的日本人或“归化”或Fabyo驱动tTA字的意思?哦房子名字也多次被公开之前,我是瓦特 Although it is resident without being naturalized becoming the Assemblyman Or although it is the pure Japanese the huabiyo tsu it is in “naturalized” tsu te word As for rear your name to public the ru don t you think No degree w

  • 483 TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%BB心跳九个人口众多%%92%E3展%82%B7%E3展%83%公元前%E3展%83%AB公司%%E4类第8B%E4类学士学位%%%B6的这种BB心跳我是那家伙在做瓦特
    483 ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E9% BB % 92% E3% 82% B7% E3% 83% BC % E3% 83% AB % E4% BA % 8B % E4% BB % B6 You do such a thing the [ze] w which is the person

    • 490 Hukushima瑞穗拥有儿童色情物品,但法规和一名女子。我会和你一起去仔细检查石原慎太郎是审慎,不存在青年组,甚至不存在的青年小说家上利检查
      490 As for the Fukushima not seeing [ho] although it is the woman, child pornographic simple possession correcting/rule. In prudent group Also non existence young people expression regulation is prudent group As for Ishihara who confronts although it is the novelist rising, non existence young people expression regulation group

      • 560 Mizupo也是一个无耻的,你说你会认为我的经历呢?石原先生,我认为这是驱动tTA小泽一郎说,到目前为止,停机坪?我认为基本上是牛的头,你是我的一切会想? Louppy m不是领袖,所以人员的权利,只是装修瓦特也没有实权绝缘体 560 Thinking that also mizupo is impudent were said your own thing ru The Ishihara meant Ozawa s thing to turning distantly it is it isn t You think that substantially it is the party chief and everyone so thinking it does with the ru the yo rupi there is no party chief therefore mere to decorate w There is no real power or a personal right and
        • 然而,首先,石原说,揭示的方式,梁,荷花美术小泽,我们为什么不为什么人的问题作出反应 As for in the first place Ishihara speech to be something which is directed to Ozawa and the lotus 舫 although it is clear The wax where the person who is not relationship with something reacts and the chi ya bears
        • 现实的损害,在困难条件的,而是与石原的,甚至喜欢你的东西,而暂时的,我会实事求是地纠正石原先生 Realistic damage in the sense hindrance when Ishihara you say Assuming that it meant kind of that you say temporarily Ishihara is correct realistically don t you think probably will be
        • 石原的感觉,我始终认为,所有的东西往往倾向于选择显示来话就从 As for thinking always in Ishihara kimochi chooses the word from the mu of the abnormal play which is understood With the notion that where you say is

      • Bakauyo总督狗屎的家伙法西斯种族主义者Gerokasu如果你看看福岛先生写在信Louppy,自定义或归你看到的事情,我不敢日本,为U总督至少可以说风凉话的人一个家伙 The gerokasu u of the fascist guy of the discriminatory principle person it is densely as for bakauyo capital governor rupi If you look at the writings Fukushima the ro refuse which the how thing which is not the Japanese is understood and is That being able to meet you were naturalized that as for capital governor who says disagreeableness as a person the lowest person shelf
        • 可爱的家伙在大声呼喊偶像要消除歧视,种族主义歧视的人,我吃Tteru支持WWW的歧视曾经地图的关心,我用 That discrimination shouts probably will be eliminated the person who with the discriminatory principle person With discrimination 喰 tsu te ru WWW Until now the people of the suffering discrimination which has been supported being utilized becoming aware to ru thing

      • Hukushima瑞穗领袖“,原日本”石原话,请让他看到这一切,甚至出元领袖土井多贺子 re太尴尬或揭示事物瓦特 Not seeing ho Party Chief Fukushima in former party chief please remembering “originally capital Governor Ishihara Doi high densely Japanese” speech gt lt After all selfishly his own thing and misunderstood by his naturalization discriminating disclosure It is too shy the ro w which is
        • ↓显然将是 政治行动 社会民主党领导人Hukushima日本瑞穗“原始的”石原评论或反驳准备呢? Somehow the ↓ it may become lawsuit Not seeing ho Party Chief corporation people party Fukushima in “originally Japanese” speech capital Governor Ishihara preparation of counterevidence
        • 石原,也模糊了什么你和我有一个共同的名字手指゙车你不说的是领导者石原为O( · · д ) There is appointing in to ゙ ko of Ishihara s speech it is But the ro which as for or O where also Ishihara becomes dim is not the party chief and is д

      • Ubaou那家伙像坚持和居民的权利,公民不被绑架日本人是日本政客不断在说,他继续掩盖绑架问题应继续进行并完成制作福岛瑞穗朱达罗不寻常,让有良知 Adhering with resident as for the kind of person whom it tries probably to take the right of the citizen there is no Japanese The apprentice to increase kidnapping you questioned and when attaching and to conceal kidnapping problem continued the kind of person who continuing the politician and others re ru thing If the Japanese as conscience and the ro which is not permitted is Fukushima Mizuho is abnormal
        • 真实的社会中一般成人的是,他们不回应愚蠢愚蠢愚蠢等406只消极反应是指瑞穗 406 Therefore being foolish Those where it does not react to ridiculous thing being the true adult In general society as for this reaction of Mizuho being defeated is meant

      • ü认为,经过这一年卖出833别怀疑为什么日本是一个叛徒,因为我刚才说的事归孙子一样可以成为公众人物的问题,所以他们说这种事情不限制 833 With something the Japanese sale and others don t you think the can it is the te you think As for after all place such Therefore the grandchild of the naturalized person with saying the traitor it does not limit Therefore when the public servant is such it becomes problem
        • 嘿由817 WWW的愤怒,而他们认为自己已经在日本市场销售,为什么别怀疑年 817 Separately 怒 and others well www On the other hand with something the Japanese sale and others don t you think the can it is the te you think

      • _NULL_
        Because in Japanese welfare ratio 1% Receiving the welfare of the confronting 5%, from the [ru] Japanese as for election right there is a major premise that in the human who does not have nationality relation it is not, That cross over, election right you conspired with democracy, large were confused Japanese politics As for the object of high school gratuitous conversion to the Ichijo school, as for the Korean school, there is no qualification of the Ichijo school The same vocational schools as the private school, the teacher who is taught there teacher license does not have The Korean entire ream makes also the textbook and does not receive the Japanese screening of school textbooks The anti-Japanese education system of the Kannari day direct control which has consisted at the fund from North Korea To decorate the portrait picture of the man who orders kidnapping without either being ashamed Japan It is you drive to gold, aligning to that, gratuitous conversion margin it makes a noise National Japan which is abnormal the anti-Japanese politician is many

        • “民主政府也即将崩溃。”64 [“保护。”出生计划,连续4周]
          “The Democratic party administration #64 where also early collapses” (“Preservation. Birth” four week continual plan)

          • 』[创新和研究在工业技术术语世界,而是一个非常好的事情,如果在日本的政治革新“,公民是具有相同的混淆,在世界上的困难”
            But 'the word, reformation' in the world of industrial technology and scientific research very much good thing, 'reformation' of Japanese politics” is confused society and makes civil life inconvenient” when the same

            • ー?这一个,我还是这么多,因为我在日本度过,我将是一个巨大的赔款肩自来水昨天在法庭上代表大会共有来自和媒体说,相似到美国和西欧国家再见我? Therefore this Japan still being completed at this extent however the ru America and west Europe If you say kind of that it is similar in the country from the national assembly and the mass media with upper judgment of entire hitting The enormous indemnity back negative wa it is done don t you think it is
              • “相当被称为种族主义,但韩国人!”宇野说,我们不要忘记过去的活动是什么瓦特的歧视性究竟是什么人w m韩国人的道歉和赔偿所有福岛要求四郎! “Korean calling is race discrimination ” Very that it is discrimination w It is dense former activity just was what it is w As for Korean in everyone Fukushima apology and compensation claim margin

            • 个人主页 审判的真相,并赢得了韩国报纸或杂志上介绍的任何部分,是他们不写 Winning vis a vis the description of some part of the magazine In the newspaper and the like is not written
              • 个人主页 审判的真相,并赢得了韩国报纸或杂志上介绍的任何部分,是他们不写 Winning vis a vis the description of some part of the magazine In the newspaper and the like is not written

            • 中日甲午战争后,明治维新,日俄战争,为国家二级保护二战期间的主权,这一点,我们的前辈,他们是强有力的,有多少牺牲
              From Meiji restoration the Nisshin war and Russo-Japanese War, World War II… Sovereignty of this country the notion that where [ru] because of protection, our ancestors, could force the sacrifice of some extent?

              • 为什么ー联合航空,而不是输入一个公民的普通法丈夫依然如此,今天的两个名字的婚姻?我有一个孩子?一个女孩......为什么,你的国籍是没有普通法的丈夫说什么?为什么?如果父母是不是疯了,但我的爷爷奶奶没有说我没有归化入籍?
                The [a] - why, while it is surname classified by married couple fact 婚 as now It does not enter into the register of the husband of the inside edge? Don't you think? child one person it is? Girl. Why, with the register of the husband of the inside edge It has not entered into your register? Why? However the parents are naturalized, say expression are strange The grandfather grandmother is not naturalized?

                • 为什么我什至不听,为什么这名男子由大家,“我不算是入籍公民!”感谢大家谁出价电梯是什么?麻烦的是,有些人才入籍?在香椎或尴尬? This person why Although no one is heard separately why “As for me the wa which is not the naturalized person ” The tsu te it is to be identified When the naturalized person it is recognized it is to be troubled Or it is shy
                  • 430,你会喜欢这个版本,即社会网络像她的两个实况调查 430 As for such when it shoots fact being recognized 2 like Net society

                • 他们期待着神奇的猜疑土井土井儿子 户籍韩国塔卡的土井田中的法院以及共同社田中被写入到户籍米伦卡诺东洋别人看到,所有命令是 当然及 About Tanaka Doi it is similar high even with Korean judgment of the child Tanaka of cooperation communication looking at the Doi family register Doi doubt clear and others gt That it did it is but Whether others are the family register seeing re Until with you wrote Should refer to
                  • 消息来源证实了田中 户籍 我有二战确认塔卡的湿重的土井孩子的家谱在互联网上? ? In source Tanaka With it is ww Doi genealogy of the child was verified high with Internet ww

                • 但是,令人吃惊,这是最激烈的黑色密封是通过秋季野村右翼作为著名的大派坚持比赛 But Nomura fall most that you rage it is known in being pasted the black seal even to unexpected as the great man of race group right wing it was mediating helping

                  • 但是,即使户籍或看到,实际上是“收回”像我这样说,有一个爆裂或更换工作的舆论监督和人民投入实际案例,在“绑架”将看附和,玄熙金事件“,Hatiya真弓”是什么?父亲的代理人,他们可以作用 So the family register showing really “the back it rides and” with says the true person and the inserting substitution wa tsu chi ya tsu is the public opinion construction which the ri is done When “kidnapping” of example being it was exhibited and Kin Ken princess incident “Mayumi Hatiya” the tsu ke which is The operative of father part being
                    • 和韩国的许多代理商,朝鲜表示,它已变成了很多线写信给我们的工作计划,为市民在同一时间 In other words inside Korea many The North Korean operative the time deliberately writes in simultaneously similarly the public opinion construction which in large quantities line You say that having cracked was ascertained

                  • 例如说,你的愿望,只有在差异不归公民,legal m真正是不是做任何事情使自己与众不同,你的公民入籍吗? If there is no naturalized person that it is different just although you should have said it is legal measure what with something As for truth you yourself have discriminated the naturalized person it is it is not
                    • 为了您的祖父的803,因为它是一个归化公民叛徒!你说什么Waretara? 803 Therefore as for your pop the naturalized person it is the traitor When the tsu te it is said how it does

                  • 半岛人民,中国已给予专利权Etakunaku,美国,法国,俄罗斯,意大利,德国,英国,巴西,伊朗,非洲 等给出的S是好的一个家伙?我很高兴 We would not like to give denizenship to the peninsular person and the Chinese the te American French the Russian the Italian person German Briton the Brazilian person the Iranian person and the African person… etc It is possible to give it is the shelf Good wa
                    • 真的,什么是尊重瑞穗金正日?为什么我说我们离朝鲜半岛人民? ? ? ?太多的人利用半岛乐趣,向下看太多,太多的歧视 The ho it is with not to see as for the ho respecting Kim Jong Il Why being called the peninsular person it could it is It makes the peninsular person foolish too much sees too much under discriminates too much

                  • 哎呀,如果它出现问题,Monyomonyo战争后,韩国人做罚款日本“纯”我有一个相当从小到W
                    [moniyomoniyo] doing with [te] or postwar chaos, but also the cod and the Korean to the “pure Japanese” it could substitute it is nicely quickly, w

                    • 国家有关户籍。通知登记06。你的孩子的生活在国外,但玛丽塔的考虑,即使你已经有了一个出生外国国籍(我换句话说,如果日本和外国出生公民),出生率和日本3个月内表明有意保留国籍(日本诞生的“国家储备”来签名,盖章的方块),除非追溯至出生日期,将失去日本国籍的说明请告诉我 Family register nationality Seki About the notification of the report 6 Attention item When the child which is born in the foreign country also nationality of the foreign country is acquired with birth it is good If you can apply when it becomes heavily the nationality of Japan and the foreign country depending upon birth birth within 3 months The intention which reserves the nationality of the report and also Japan indication “the Japanese nationality of the birth certificate is reserved If to the ru ” column you sign seal it does not do going back to the day of birth the Japanese nationality Because it means to lose please note
                      • 在韩国法院系统 它确实伤害了户籍 我们的来源集中在是不是免费的,而且必须说ü With judgment Has not become the focus It does not become the source that this is not the Korean system
                      • 在韩国法院系统 它确实伤害了户籍 我们的来源集中在是不是免费的,而且必须说ü With judgment Has not become the focus It does not become the source that this is not the Korean system
                      • 在韩国法院系统 它确实伤害了户籍 我们的来源集中在是不是免费的,而且必须说ü With judgment Has not become the focus It does not become the source that this is not the Korean system
                      • 在韩国法院系统 它确实伤害了户籍 我们的来源集中在是不是免费的,而且必须说ü With judgment Has not become the focus It does not become the source that this is not the Korean system

                    • 土井塔卡是职业军人的大女儿,孩子的母亲,父亲的祖父是伯父父亲神户志位和夫医生中将Hukushima瑞穗日本哲也筑紫大突击队活着连太郎2通道铁下降,“这潭宝( - ∀·)★φ“是出自一个人站在他的祖父特别帐户是属于谁的人出来在日本和韩国是归化入籍中日宣传
                      Doi it is high as for the mother of the child as for the eldest daughter and the father of the professional soldier the Kobe medical practitioner As for Kazuo's Sii grandfather Japanese Lieut. Gen As for father of Fukushima not seeing [ho] survivor of special attack unit As for large uncle of Tetuya's Tsukushi cascade Rentarou The 2ch [kote] “[po] densely it is it is ( ∀ ) Φ *” Being the resident naturalized person coming out As for the man who has resident in special meeting post when it is the resident South Korean where itself grandfather is naturalized in town declaration coming out

                      • 塔索的采取民政゙゚小姐赢得唯一证据提交法庭审判中作为户籍是一个简单的走在公园
                        It just submits to the courthouse you can win the family register attested copy as an evidence Mistake ゙ [ho] ゚ [taso] taking, it is simple judgment before breakfast

                        • 如果左前方津津有味88螺纹之前你知道。“硬写出来”结果我做了什么事情呢?我不知道 88 Because as for you being delightful it was understood “entry has done desperately” with front sure the result Something it was or is Don t you think a

                          • 如果朝鲜国籍,你疯了我给的资格?什么是日本在日本,如果我不说这是一个面地舔灰尘质量?或者,和我们的废物中,什么我们日本人,但这样的话我很愚蠢的人们争论的需要归,反正 If while it is the Korean nationality suffering election right having don t you think as for ru strangely Don t you think it becomes the tsu te If with something the Japanese it is the Japanese it is to lick mass rubbish rank you probably can tsay The ma in the chiyon rubbish margin in the Japanese margin to either one being naturalized the trap which is the kind of speech which it has made the human moss which refutes above necessity
                            • 1 “(归化),问题本身,而是种族歧视的人”在普通的生活并不好归 1 gt “Designate the naturalization as problem the race discrimination which it is thing itself and” It is good for the person who is naturalized to live normally
                            • ü原告说,如果文章最初平成归周围,使其工作进行,例如该文件是1985年入籍为IN 文章名称,事实上,美的差异。现有的法庭会说 For example if there is an article that you were naturalized to 1989 time As for the plaintiff if it produces the document which is naturalized to 1985 with that With it becomes the decision which is said
                            • ü原告说,如果文章最初平成归周围,使其工作进行,例如该文件是1985年入籍为IN 文章名称,事实上,美的差异。现有的法庭会说 For example if there is an article that you were naturalized to 1989 time As for the plaintiff if it produces the document which is naturalized to 1985 with that With it becomes the decision which is said
                            • ü原告说,如果文章最初平成归周围,使其工作进行,例如该文件是1985年入籍为IN 文章名称,事实上,美的差异。现有的法庭会说 For example if there is an article that you were naturalized to 1989 time As for the plaintiff if it produces the document which is naturalized to 1985 with that With it becomes the decision which is said
                            • Wareru m说我遭到了不公正的嘲讽,而归由一个人躲在被 1 While hiding the fact that it is the person who is naturalized living from the ru Disagreeableness is said it is
                            • “如果从韩国入籍,如果它是一种荣誉,”但不说你,我会尽力看它在根据 When we assume if “you were naturalized from Korea reputation it is thing” With the place where you cannot say seeing how despising the ru
                            • 不错,没有提入籍的公民,是差,但他们扭曲的一个字的政治气氛对这种归化公民 There is no naturalization human commenting the te making use of the word such naturalized person It is pitiful to be able to twist political feelings
                            • 但是,即使明星运动员Irujan我是谁生活公开让人们采取了明确的立场,它已归藏 The fact that you are naturalized is not hidden living grandly the ru person how With the show biz celebrity and it is it is with the sport player
                            • 如果朝鲜国籍,你疯了我给的资格?什么是日本在日本,如果我不说这是一个面地舔灰尘质量?或者,和我们的废物中,什么我们日本人,但这样的话我是一个谁做的青苔无论如何,即使入籍 If while it is the Korean nationality suffering election right having don t you think as for ru strangely Don t you think it becomes the tsu te If with something the Japanese it is the Japanese it is to lick mass rubbish rank you probably can tsay The ma in the chiyon rubbish margin in the Japanese margin to either one being naturalized the trap which is the kind of speech which it has made the human moss which refutes above necessity
                            • 我欢迎喜欢的人归石平先生的年龄或同意,金美 728 728 Agreement If gold beauty age stone flat like naturalized person it is large welcome
                            • 我的意思是,我对外国人普选“我没有权利归化”,因为法律的意思是,我很压抑入籍 The te you say or the foreign carrot administration tsu te “you are not naturalized and also the te there is a right” the tsu te you call Therefore law naturalization is controlled it is don t you think
                            • 此外,审判和应变奇,谁是日本人,或归化的人谁可能是自己在法律上明确,我会鼓动,以促进分化 Furthermore causing judgment someone being the Japanese someone the naturalized person Itself the black and white attaching with law and instigating discrimination conversion promotion It is
                            • 甚至432,显然,“韩国人,”但我是愚蠢的和不必要的愤怒,我们期待与瑞穗说,你知道这就是我瓦特说:“我失去了我的入籍美国从,说:”这个试验Waretara“! !说:“不喜欢他们的愤怒 432 How seeing being called “the Korean” when mizuho which gets angry above necessity you see However ru either one is recognized to foolish w It is called when “the ro which is the naturalized red sandal wood from America” so “judgment ” You did not get angry probably will be
                            • 由于归化公民,但有282个叛徒,在逻辑上是说萨克Nattoku歧视,或者说,一个合乎逻辑的协议发挥了漂亮的房子 282 Therefore so the naturalized person it is the traitor it is discrimination natsutoku with you say logically or every logical way as every clean you agree
                            • 自然化,你知道你是说歧视,因为我刚才说种族主义不归“种族”歧视和事实,他对我说什么 You were naturalized it is naturalized says and just says even race discrimination the ro where the one which is said is discrimination “The race discrimination” tsu te about the person who is said the fact which discriminates
                            • 虽然归化,而不是日本,但我讨厌政治伐丽流将只为你的国家 You were naturalized even in spite not to be because of Japan because politics it does just because of graduate country it is disliked it is
                            • 该哎呀,你不需要他们拼命地反驳入籍不会说这个问题巴兹 If the te umbrella this there is no problem speech it is not necessary to refute desperately vis a vis naturalization comment you
                            • 谢Reyo愚蠢的turn m美国基地不是说这些人已经归化日本半岛居民谁 Residency Japanese Naturalized person In these only the peninsular person at the point in time when the kind of expression which is not done aho Apologize to the American base

                          • 学校招生范围的自由媒体是现在的钱看国家的问题,韩国从朝鲜学校不是一个谎言,如果他们是京都当地政府出的钱,四位来自京都市和京都韩国大学毕业生的老虎机这个行业共58万日元税款的学校或就业无韩国对朝总联的地方只有学校投资一,朝鲜的绑架,很多人,从北朝鲜间谍我认为,绑架已经到了日本和成员,这是不是一个真正的朝总联在日本大差异
                            Now becoming problem, gratuitousness conversion of the [ru] Korean school There is a lie in mass communications reporting The gold has not come out of the country to the Korean school, The money coming out of the local self-governing body, it is [ru] In case of Kyoto, from Kyoto city and the Kyoto prefecture The tax which is 58,000,000 Yen in total in four Korean schools is thrown As for graduate of this Korean school pachinko industry? About only the Korean entire ream there is a place of employment, The North Korean kidnapping, as for many citizens, the operative from North Korea Coming to Japan, you think that you kidnapped, but as for this the big mistake To tell the truth human of the Korean entire ream of Japan Kidnapping the Japanese In the receipt the North Korean operative comes to Japan Majority In case of Yokota Megumi The rare case where the North Korean operative kidnaps accidentally Even 200 people say the majority of the kidnapping victims who Being something by the human of the Japanese domestic Korean entire ream Training the kidnapping execution offense of this Korean entire ream the Korean school Our taxes will be thrown there, Hatoyama administration Immediately after the blessing of 15 years old is kidnapped, It was taken in North Korea, with the photograph that, The expression which it can have in fear was floated Even now, the image the head the [gi] [ru] It becomes very balance feeling And the Assemblyman who protects this North Korea is many in democracy With the abnormal actuality which is said

                            • 悲伤和银行雷苏奥林匹克娜Netouyo螨不相信这样做只是老人的感情石原慎太郎,但不只是一个好看的漫画感控制我 The netouyo pitiful tsu which believes Ishihara s being preoccupied old person still it does orinpitsuku And the bank just cartoon regulation the eye not awakening yet
                              • 这是一个漫长的时间我Netouyo湿重啊,我也腐败脑猪濑酱,养老Pikonetsu瓦特 The wa ww which is the way of the netouyo visor Don t you think the wa where also the brain seeing so of the a and the boar shoal becomes corrupted the ro pi it is dense tsu w

                            • 我不知道我在日本自己也不太归它不是日本,因此您不必将归? You do not understand well but it is Because by his is not naturalized it is not the Japanese Because by his is the Japanese it is not necessary to be naturalized Being which
                              • 瑞穗韩国为合资格申请入籍和家长确实是我不是一个讨厌的孩子就是这样的情况西西土井塔卡 gt Me either the parents are not naturalized As expected mizuho the Korean it is disagreeable w to be recognized Doi high also the child so was but w

                            • 我们可以克惹根与义务的成员出版的起源,像美国这样的国家,如诽谤文通过从
                              Way such slander slander does not happen, America the coming out of the Assemblyman publication of our roots should have been required likely

                              • 我是一个自动报价他们远吗?w只留下石原词,一出Nakya Doing to there with the self self introduction ru kana If it does not come out without coming out w where just Ishihara s word remains
                                • 韩国看到了一个比瑞穗石原慎太郎更好的景点,而且年龄太高 The eye which you saw Ishihara s one the Korean po is from Mizuho the back is too high with as those age and

                              • 我有一个日本的户籍制度,因为在战争之前,它们能够更好地做一个记者招待会上公平接受采访时带我到大,祖父母户籍
                                In Japan there is a family register system from prior to world war 2, therefore it is, the family register attested copy to the 曽 grandparents Having, if righteousness 々 boldly you interview in press conference, it is good

                                • 我认为石原慎太郎是一个归化公民Eeyan 828? ,你会经常Fabyo
                                  828 The obtaining obtaining and it is As for Ishihara the kana which is not the naturalized person? To be good the [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] [ru] it does,

                                  • 我让她娘家的姓瑞穗Hazime新闻和崇高的法案,它看起来像他们会采取日本和韩国人的权力的法案的土地,最终破坏家庭制度
                                    The surname bill classified by married couple of the not seeing [ho] one pushing how The Japanese nobility, pulling, destroying the family register system It is the bill because the Korean Korean takes over the land from the Japanese it is

                                    • 执政党领导人鸠山龟井日本石原,因为他们是世代攻击你明显瑞穗
                                      Therefore with ruling party party chief as for Hatoyama Kamei ancestral generation after generation Japanese It is clear Ishihara not to see and to attack the [ho]

                                      • 无论如何因此,如果您有被歧视反对人们批评你是归政治埃泰被认为是日本的第一次裁决批评党将不会很快解除了朱达罗的问题,我没自由 Thinking of Japan in first if you criticize the person who does the naturalization human discrimination which does politics anyhow So the fact that is not criticized therefore it is the ro which is not problem and is Relieved the ke Already it is the party which becomes not to be the ruling party immediately
                                        • 他是一个秘密,归化公民是一个致命的错误只是为了感谢我゚゙何证明瓦特 The notion that where the fact that it is fatal secret it is the naturalized person it just proved in mistake ゙ ho ゚ appreciation w
                                        • 我要对发现奥马伊归在它的陷阱捕获的瑞穗石原慎太郎 Not seeing ho That it tries calling to the people who are naturalized Will not it was caught to the Ishihara trap
                                        • 无论如何,如果你这样批评政府的归埃泰谁已被认为是日本第一执政党不会在短期内免除朱达罗的问题,我不能自由地批评 Thinking of Japan in first if you criticize the person who does the naturalization human discrimination which does politics anyhow So the fact that is not criticized therefore it is the ro which is not problem and is Relieved the ke Already it is the party which becomes not to be the ruling party immediately
                                        • 福岛瑞穗归化公民受到歧视? !这是不允许它归公民? !福岛瑞穗,敌人曾入籍公民? ! The Fukushima not seeing ho did naturalization human discrimination As for this it is not to be able to permit for the naturalized person The Fukushima not seeing ho turned the naturalized person to the enemy
                                        • 选举权的外国人居住在日本 地方议会所统治的,而我是归石原指出了为什么? The prefectural assembly is controlled in resident So is being naturalized with something Ishihara is the indication red sandal wood

                                      • 是谁一有什么打算没有原先报告的有关法律不明确或无大众传播媒介,但议员们甚至不知道这个国家,这是不是韩国人条件没有那么多的甚至几十年,他们继续旋流ー Current by your the reason which you know whether the law regarding the mass media how has become It is not but is alone member of the Diet of this country being the original Korean so without being A state where it is not reported clearly is continued the eddy with many ten years
                                        • 人的日本生活,即用什么,因为大会已经派出一个代表国家制定法律来保护您的资产 Life of the Japanese citizen in order to make the law in order to protect property as a representative sending to the National Diet The ro where it is the case that it has put out

                                      • 暴力犯罪,强奸和韩国肇事者是家庭制度,往往是明显的事实,不是吗?韩国
                                        Criminal of brutal crime and rape incident Korean and Being many in the lineage of the Korean type the [ro] which is the fact which is done clearly

                                        • 此帐户暂停直播的特点是面带微笑接受,因为有一个暂停后的行为违反了生活微笑
                                          Smile live program functional halt dealing This account because there is a behavior which violates to the Condition of Use of smile live program has received the stop dealing of comment contribution

                                          • 毛泽东思想是邪教的分层根源主要是由金日成,毛泽东思想的影响
                                            And, as for the Maoism as for the stratification influence is received to Mao Tse-tung and Kim Il-Sung active idea with root of cult religion

                                            • 求石原附表社会民主党领袖福岛瑞穗声明收回消费者的社会民主党领导人福岛★(低生育率部长)7月19日在国会记者招待会上,东京都知事石原慎太郎17日在避免对当地的集会梁普选foreign该日为这句话的效果,有一些人入籍的执政党总统手指什么名字“太,但我是不是我的父母naturalized否认“
                                              * Fukushima corporation people party chief seeks withdrawal of the speech of capital Governor Ishihara Corporation people Party Chief Mizuho Fukushima of the party (consumer little child conversion charge phase) on the 19th, the reporter to interview inside the National Diet, Tokyo Governor Sintarou Ishihara with opposite meeting of foreign local denizenship of 17 days, very appointing those which are avoided Concerning speaking the gist that the person who is naturalized in ruling party party chief is, “me, my parents It is not something which is naturalized”, that it denied

                                              • 没有种族主义的方式好,我是说所有的焦点往往是调整和名人的根源在美国政界,我们是歧视?很显然,他的根在这非常重要,“虽然韩国的根源是日本政治家”时只为好 The ro which race discrimination cannot boil and is The American politician and famous person his own roots Often being inspected to a topic because the ru whether being discrimination As for making your own roots clear tremendously important matter On that “the roots however it is Korea because of Japan became the politician” that say story of time harboring
                                                • 所以没办法种族主义,你正在谈论往往通过检查和名人的根源在美国政界,我们是歧视?很显然,他的根在这非常重要,“虽然韩国的根源是日本政治家”时只为好 The ro which race discrimination cannot boil and is The American politician and famous person his own roots Often being inspected to a topic because the ru whether being discrimination As for making your own roots clear tremendously important matter On that “the roots however it is Korea because of Japan became the politician” that say story of time harboring

                                              • 清水先生,一薰Hatirou名誉教授,千叶,“小泽一郎是出生于济州岛,”云的标题和U没有写这是这样的: The Shimizu of university emeritus professor Chiba 馨 eight 郎 “Ichiro Ozawa with the title end state island graduate” has written following kind of thing
                                                • 我祝愿你与人抱怨肖像ν两位数的速度,并继续传播谣言在传递名誉教授,千叶大学 Next it continued to let flow university emeritus professor and false rumor that Chiba the Ν fast people together Although it should have appealed don t you think

                                              • 熊河━━━━━━* ^∇^)| |━━━━━━!!
                                                Bear ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ river * ^ ∇ ^) | | ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! !

                                                • 父母不归,也! ! m9 坐゙姬!Urinarinida错? !
                                                  Me either the parents are not naturalized! ! m9 [tsu] 丶 `д ' [hi] ゙ [shitsu]! ! Nice [urinarinida]! !

                                                  • 现实层面的社会是不是在玩叛徒房子与逻辑的信息,全面的人,只有“因为人归在”如果我不是接近事实 Society every logical way has the actual aspect which is not Comprehensively only concerning those people Therefore “the naturalized person it is the traitor” As for tsu te Not to limit it is close to fact

                                                    • 瑞穗是归化公民的歧视,也不承认过度反应,但我工作了一个一个的名字,我在我的双重失败,“谁归u003d香椎尴尬:”如果你认为早生,种族歧视
                                                      The not seeing [ho] has failed in double sense Although is � your own name are not reason, the excessive reaction � naturalization human recognition is discrimination, “naturalized person = the shy” way Making think, it is race discrimination

                                                      • 田中户籍可以找到在该杂志的书是我写的wwww左派左派第一次世界大战称为它适用于法院的降低部分真理如下 土井韩国人描述的任何部分 谁赢得了报纸,然后他们没有书面 With something you can verify Tanaka with the family register wwww With the book which generally known left flank writes because left flank shank ww That it corresponds to the part of direction under description below Winning vis a vis the description of some part of the magazine In the newspaper and the like is not written
                                                        • 田中wwww可以看到我的家庭登记簿有左派书面所谓左派第一次世界大战它适用于对韩国人的下部 的个人主页真理法院低于 来形容任何期刊的一部分,谁赢得了报纸,然后他们不写 The family register you can verify Tanaka with something wwww With the book which generally known left flank writes because left flank shank ww That it corresponds to the part of direction under description below Winning vis a vis the description of some part of the magazine In the newspaper and the like is not written

                                                      • 石原延生手流明确星期日中午谈话节目,说老化是我不能够解决移民Tteta
                                                        Ishihara you can hit, Sunday with discussion program of the noon clearly, little child aging, when it can solve with immigration You say

                                                        • 石原慎太郎的父亲是特别的。唯一的负面我请重油船在军事发展出货量,韩国人,他们把在大连,一个在中国唯一的大山分行利润。蒸锅是一个导演 As for Sintarou s father special Contracting the transport of the military heavy oil by the oiler the mountain where it grows suddenly puts the branch office on Dalian and the like gains largely in Korea and China It was the board of directors of the steam ship
                                                          • 石原慎太郎的父亲是特别的。唯一的负面我请重油船在军事发展出货量,韩国人,他们把在大连,一个在中国唯一的大山分行利润。蒸锅是一个导演 As for Sintarou s father special Contracting the transport of the military heavy oil by the oiler the mountain where it grows suddenly puts the branch office on Dalian and the like gains largely in Korea and China It was the board of directors of the steam ship

                                                        • 石原第17次研讨会以“地方立法全国起义”和“人归本,并说你父亲,你母亲的归化是,或者是你的孩子
                                                          As for Ishihara with “nationwide local assembly rising to action meeting” of 17 days, “are naturalized among these the person, the father and the mother who You are naturalized, your that child are?

                                                          • 石原诚陈,陪他到他的妹妹,媳妇的坟墓,我只是想在韩国Nanmyo
                                                            Also Ishihara restraint, accompanying to the visit to a grave of the justice younger sister, Although [nanmiyo] it should have done with the Korean Peninsula

                                                            • 美国作为“意大利美国”,“波多黎各的美国”作为“韩国日”日本“中说:”我尝试类似的东西 NULL

                                                              • 而韩国人的权利的人。野村已处理好,“一个国家的耻辱可耻的行为”在日本和愤怒,但只知道新闻办公室报告和石原都知事石原慎太郎的反对,“所有匍匐在他们道歉,日本对韩国人!“ 编辑 和石原慎太郎发表了轰鸣声 Although it is right wing resident Cori the un person Nomura which has been tackled improvement “is the destruction honor behavior which paints the mud in the face of the Japanese race As though” with it is the fire anger Ishihara s refutation is known in reporting and crash in the Ishihara Sintarou office and kneel on the ground “in all resident Koreans and apologize ” The main point source Ishihara you scolded
                                                                • 而韩国人的权利的人。野村已处理好,“一个国家的耻辱可耻的行为”在日本和愤怒,但只知道新闻办公室报告和石原都知事石原慎太郎的反对,“所有匍匐在他们道歉,日本对韩国人!“ 编辑 和石原慎太郎发表了轰鸣声 Although it is right wing resident Cori the un person Nomura which has been tackled improvement “is the destruction honor behavior which paints the mud in the face of the Japanese race As though” with it is the fire anger Ishihara s refutation is known in reporting and crash in the Ishihara Sintarou office and kneel on the ground “in all resident Koreans and apologize ” The main point source Ishihara you scolded

                                                              • 花田将启修,长,主编9月26日发布2008年在执政的11站WiLL2008 295页的问题,“郭Biitashimasu深切的歉意所有有关人士,儿子和土井先生塔卡”并发表了道歉 As for the WiLL chief editor flower rice field period 凱 monthly WiLL2008 year November edition in page 295 of 2008 September 26th sale which precedes this decision That “Doi high we apologize to the child person and related everyone deeply” the apology sentence was published

                                                                • 蒂鲍惠子的同情者和我们 - 马克思下来,小泽,或准备行使其权力,允许司法原则的贡献鸠山苏模拟
                                                                  In Minister of Justice placing Keiko sympathizer Chiba of Marxism It is as for, preparation of the command authority motion which permits Ozawa's and Hatoyama disguise donation?

                                                                  • 该公司创始人是在一代人从紧张的暴发户文建船舶安泰爱知县自己,蜡创造的船公司来来去去,在家工人收集到韩国谁来到大阪,济州出稼茂木快乐没有绝对的坏,他挪用资金的谣言,和韩国的命运,他们有一些深
                                                                    That the good rumor where it causes the body from the Aichi boat newly rich and that the Korean workers who, from the end state island and the like have come to migrant in Osaka the home probably will make the boat company which comes and goes it says to the founder who builds the same company with one generation, that the fund which was gathered was usurped does not become extinct, something, Korea and connection are deep

                                                                    • 还提请,包括在党的社会信任的丧失,而且还批评了这是石原的派系领导人,石原道歉新居
                                                                      Furthermore, because social criticism was poured, Ishihara apologized to Arai e.g., also intraparty confidence losing 墜 from the fact that at that time Ishihara is the leader of faction

                                                                      • 这Yangotonaki房子。我非常,他为我们的名誉主席先生薪金欺诈,正统的右翼集团,日本的青年,区域黑手党,雅库扎罚款正确的历史序列正确住吉会 This and every it is it is not the shrine The exceedingly nice the swindler has served honorable president orthodox group right wing group the Japanese youth corporation the wide area designated mob pedigree of Sumiyoshi meeting series is correct yakuza right wing
                                                                        • 这Yangotonaki房子。我非常的优秀,他的名誉会长先生薪金欺诈,正统右翼团体日本青年,区域黑手党,雅库扎正确的历史序列正确住吉会 This and every it is it is not the shrine The exceedingly nice the swindler has served honorable president orthodox group right wing group the Japanese youth corporation the wide area designated mob pedigree of Sumiyoshi meeting series is correct yakuza right wing

                                                                      • 这助长歧视,有一个新闻社区紧张载文特别帐户,如东洋强奸的歧视问题行为在很大的青梅公众情绪,引起损害的声明本措施是不知道 Not to be that also the te will fan discrimination that it will spread discriminatory feeling to public opinion causes problem conduct such as assault incident at every place the resident in special meeting which There being a society which becomes news The damage which is worn by this speech is unfathomed

                                                                        • 这是将这一决定的办法就是一个例子,我知道我已否认传闻,造成日本在按照这个理论→→和当时的文件 This is one example but such a technique It goes to decision and The successful lawsuit gt it is recorded before the newspaper gt this in basis resident negative theory left flank rumor It is understood already don t you think
                                                                          • 这是将这一决定的办法就是一个例子,我知道我已否认传闻,造成日本在按照这个理论→→和当时的文件 This is one example but such a technique It goes to decision and The successful lawsuit gt it is recorded before the newspaper gt this in basis resident negative theory left flank rumor It is understood already don t you think
                                                                          • 这是将这一决定的办法就是一个例子,我知道我已否认传闻,造成日本在按照这个理论→→和当时的文件 This is one example but such a technique It goes to decision and The successful lawsuit gt it is recorded before the newspaper gt this in basis resident negative theory left flank rumor It is understood already don t you think
                                                                          • 这是将这一决定的办法就是一个例子,我知道我已否认传闻,造成日本在按照这个理论→→和当时的文件 This is one example but such a technique It goes to decision and The successful lawsuit gt it is recorded before the newspaper gt this in basis resident negative theory left flank rumor It is understood already don t you think

                                                                        • 远左和韩国鼓拉弦落后,阿伊努人受到歧视的利益在想出了令人印象深刻的频道樱利益歧视,“阿伊努真理的”不仅仅是谷歌,他们看电影 Beautiful discriminatory right was completed by extreme left and the Korean who pull the thread with the reverse side The Ainu type has been disclosed discriminatory right with the channel cherry tree The gugu tsu te you look at animated picture with “Ainu s truth”
                                                                          • 由于大多数这些缺陷屎和成真我会想什么说什么我说我浪费朱达罗思想歧视与蟑螂因为我的兴趣在自然968 968 Both the ru of right cockroach whatever saying as proper ones thinking the ro which is wasteful Difference dividing if you say Kanai thinking regardless uninformed therefore the ru kuso insect the majority

                                                                        • 通化,在石原的起源非常家庭“所指称的朝鲜人,”但你还是有,或Dounokouno他妻子的弟弟,以及许多瓦特通化,但这样仍然是゙业务゙Chousenhake,我还煽动的话业余的波波古放电他奉承,基本上所有的韩国人
                                                                          But coming out “Korean doubt” of the [u] or Ishihara whole group itself is our, the wife of the younger brother how like this when, w which is various But also [u] or butterfly plug brush ゙ Ness ゙ [mi] so what, the amateur is instigated with just the proboscis, flattery per per the person who is spat basically is everyone Korean

                                                                          • 那么,所有的条约,但在韩国基本解决,“道歉赔偿”,以日本发言,我想这是法律所采取的行动?
                                                                            Although, in day Korea basic treaty solution end everyone, Legal measure can be taken even in the resident which speaks “apology compensation”, it is probably will be?

                                                                            • 那么,现在瑞穗卖国政治Ihanai错误猜测,政府是绝对融入半岛及同系谁就会更白
                                                                              Well, as for current treason politics there is no mistake in the peninsular person being mingled into government, probably will be As for the not seeing [ho] even with margin it will be in other things 輩

                                                                              • 部长们,井讨厌韩国人,你知道她的第2级的上帝,我会站在贫困妇女
                                                                                With the Cabinet minister, the Korean we dislike, the woman of friend of the pauper how 2 the [ro] which is God level

                                                                                • 龟井片面的战斗友谊结束已故国会议员荒井Shoukei他的同事 石原已抛出在街上唯一的负
                                                                                  The friendship confrontation to colleague Assemblyman Kamei who protects Assemblyman Kay Shaw the late Arai to end > > > > > in spite even in the same party member having slandered and slandering Ishihara Quarrel confrontation Kamei who wins with the capability behavior which develops from quarrel in the car > > > > > being defeated, Ishihara who is expelled in road surface

                                                                                  • (记者田中晃土井塔卡独生子女政策的人的思想日本出版社,东京,书号4924644390参考)
                                                                                    (Tanaka Akira work 'Doi it is high the child Human idea policy' Tokyo publication and ISBN 4924644390 Reference )

                                                                                    研究 開発