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Nightmare it revives? The pachinko industry which has been converted with three store systems, in great fear…Gold soaring and casino bill


  • 她不能这样做警察的有效耐受在酌情权,但警方说,狗屎沃伦
    > In fact with discretion of the police acquiescence Such a thing doing, from the [tsu], as for the police although it is to be said that they are the droppings,

    • 14。国家机构来管理个人卡,和一个不利的异常捕获率个人,执法机构存在欺诈行为的调查 14 By the fact that nationwide organization manages the card classified by individual capturing the abnormal disadvantageous ratio of the specific individual The investigation system investigating the existence of illegality
      • 14。国家机构来管理个人卡,并捕获了错误的个人保证金,欺诈调查机构调查的存在 14 By the fact that nationwide organization manages the card classified by individual capturing the abnormal disadvantageous ratio of the specific individual The investigation system investigating the existence of illegality

    • 14天来启动该法案的目的是通过两党赌场合法化“8月13日国际议员为促进旅游业(赌场PD)的”上,老虎机赌场仍然是必要的事实上的承认警察赎回的决定梅塔也是在立法会的法案固体看起来相同的机制
      The nonpartisan which aims toward the formation of the casino legalization bill and starts on the 14th As for “international sight-seeing industrial promotion Assemblyman union (casino discussion ream)” on the 13th, Concerning the pachinko where conversion is recognized in fact with discretion of the police As the casino bill it set also the policy of keeping legislating converting with the same mechanism and

      • 32“地区的罪犯释放”... ד与犯罪分子同流合污”...◎
        32 “Offender runaway”… × “The offender to support”,… *

        • 435回本身,而不是违反规则而不是朱达罗,我什至引起部分不进入老虎机老虎机店,他们一定会痛苦 435 The ro where return itself does not become rule violation and is Simply entering into the pachinko house the part which the pachinko is not done is caught So certainly painful wa

          • 485 595:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 04 / 16(星期五)22:59:39编号:6pyTnAJA0进入该事情的,而不是只说“他们的犯罪警方决定刑事执法作为老虎机游戏偏差的权利,使公众海关冉速不当行为“,并造成或更好的是在行政诉讼形式
            595 485 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/04/16 (gold) 22: 59: 39 ID: 6pyTnAJA0 It is not such, the [te] Simply “not managing the pachinko as gambling crime of criminal law in a way, leaving the injury which disturbs the deviation and the public manners of discretionary right of the police” Causing administrative litigation whether better

            • 526骗局,警方判断,或柏青哥赞成贪污
              526 When it is judgment of observing/thinking It becomes fraud and usurpation, friend of the pachinko and

              • 724 我古河道德帕金森帕金森赌场赌场柏青哥连锁店协会是我们的政治顾问顾问顾问马基雄政治政治连锁店协会协会连锁柏青哥柏青哥武岩屋,我抛弃古贺一成呕吐三兄弟家伙“道德?Gyahahahaha
                724 > Koga of casino discussion ream moral spat and threw away Koga one forming [pachinkochiensutoa] association political field adviser Cave Takeshi [pachinkochiensutoa] association political field adviser Yosio Maki [pachinkochiensutoa] association political field adviser Our casino discussion connected [chinko] three sibling “morals? [giyahahahaha

                • 844名行政人员,而不是默许Uhauha陌生人我知道您接受的货币收益或娱乐客户Bakarinari帕蒂
                  844 Instead of acquiescence, staff receiving the money profit and treat, is [uhauha] Does not know to become the [pachi] customer,

                  • 908赛,自行车赛,赛车收入部分的贡献减少了地方政府的公共资助
                    908 Horse racing, the competition wheel, as for portion of the profit of regatta being restored by the sponsorship self-governing community It has contributed to public good

                    • 913“,以击败信贷老虎机”从“非借来的感觉击中,”唯一的老虎机球被枪杀我可能欺诈的原因之一我心“的代表。”如果你问一个骗局现金不可能休息 913 The empty “you lend in order to strike the pachinko” “there is no air which is struck although as for borrowing” Becoming fraud line the empty it probably is reason what Just 1 spheres striking the pachinko “the air changing ” if remainder is converted as for questioning to fraud the impossible shelf
                      • 结算所是一个很大的不无店铺我自己也是目前的趋势如果有一个基督徒。我已经去需要做的就是所谓的兑现存储在特定 Store side as for the switching central the ze where also what you teach it is somewhere is taboo what Unless it converts at the specific store the useless tsu te it is strange to say don t you think

                    • NULL 00 publications the Japanese time Gold Including tax negotiation price 3 589 Yen Buying the premium it just sells at the precious metal store interest rate 2 54 suitable Now with even time deposit per annum rate 0 5 po tsu chi Furthermore if this buying and selling method it is possible to continue unlimited If it compares 1 000 000 Yen questions and oh makes goodmakes good 102 In 50 000 Yen If it repeats oh with while saying w which it is possible to even 2 times In simplicity calculation with just one day one time per annum rate 970 exceeding w Actually in compound interest calculation furthermore Don tsu If there is no fund being possible from the plate gold the gold to borrow at 30 day interest free
                      • 一三六○○○○○○日元至102之前,我们可以说。如果我们重复至50 000日元,而它doubled ll实际上进一步加剧!没有钱,我借的钱萨拉瓦特30天的免息资金 136 1 000 000 Yen questions and oh makes goodmakes good 102 In 50 000 Yen If it repeats oh with while saying in even at 2 times ru w In simplicity calculation with just one day one time per annum rate 970 exceeding w Actually in compound interest calculation furthermore Don tsu If there is no fund being possible w from the plate gold the gold to borrow at 30 day interest free

                    • NULL 1 Buying the ball the pachinko do exchanging to the premium it converts in the market “irregularities” Temporarily assuming that it is illegitimate just a little just striking kore conversely if “win it may conversion you say with the shed which is not OK it is
                      • NULL gt Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” That the premium which you receive how will be done freedom of the customer it is not
                      • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”is ll说什么我作弊的原始习惯的? Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand
                      • 甚至没有买老虎机球,并取代旧的探索发行日期保费现在这样做是没有时间龙时称他们是发布日期,通常被置于太软Reasofuto老虎机是交换有关折扣价格3,我不会 Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand

                    • [111]社会适应在她试图日圆老虎机存储一个球04,逮捕了涉嫌非法侵入
                      111 The woman whom it tries to adjust at the store 4 Yen of 1 Yen pachinko balls, with building invasion suspicion flagrant delict arrest

                      • [政治]老虎机现金,帕金森开始考虑赌场合法化,“柏青哥不是赌博或”5★处理讨论马岛0.2 ch.net /测试/ read.cgi / newsplus / 1271300621 /
                        Examining the conversion and legalization of the pachinko Casino discussion connected start, “as for the pachinko without being gambling?” it copes with argument * 5 tsushima .2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271300621/

                        • “我继续黄金价格上涨这种方式,它 金产品的价格超过了不得不考虑的电梯,”说,“合作社在东京商业分销。” (丰岛)发言人 “The gold has soared this way price soaring to continue if price of the gold commodity is exceeded it examines either price hike you do not obtain” Like this as for talking “Tokyo commercial circulation cooperative” Toshima Ku the public information person in charge
                          • “黄金价格的这种持续的一样,它 金产品的价格超过了不得不考虑的电梯,”说,“商业布局的合作”东京(丰岛区)发言人 “Price soaring of the gold continues this way if price of the gold commodity is exceeded examines either price hike does not obtain” Like this as for talking “Tokyo commercial circulation cooperative” Toshima Ku the public information person in charge

                        • “诚信”不奇怪利用wwww,作为行动万维网“
                          ” Truth ” wwww availability there is no fragment, according to the maneuvers www”

                          • 一般市场交易价格在黄金金条,保持胸部向上和向下保费
                            [tansu] while having kept the bullion which is the premium, it rises and falls the gold transaction price of general quotation

                            • 不是我的礼物不是来自有形的交流发挥奖球无驱动tTA所有权是购买更换处理呕吐,如果在我手里,因为客户不充分 Not to use the ball which you buy for amusement because you exchanged with the premium the reason which is mentioned tsu te method or Therefore as for proprietary of the premium which you exchange the reason which is completely on customer side that how it probably will handle that the selfishness Is
                              • 茹并认为金的情况,我认为鲁思维方式和方法,不发挥,不仅取代亚手拍 As you check the circumstance of gold quotation conversely in the pachi house without amusement exchange only That think of the kind of plan which it cannot point you think that it approaches

                            • 为什么人民自己欺骗朱达罗柏青哥店。异常处理和我打赌臭
                              The [ro] where the pachinko house itself is irregularities With something people. Although it is gambling, exception it handles and it is what

                              • 人们不会进入球门老虎机老虎机店“非法侵入投诉”,可在1鳃,但真正的东西,因此它甚至可以租,这个特别奖赠品,因此不能严格适用 gt Perhaps it can appeal the human who is inserted in the pachinko store not to be pachinko purpose with “house invasion” but Because actuality is something which is borrowed it can go even with this but Because the special premium to the last is the premium it cannot apply this
                                • 299真正的玉玉开朗,不需购买或贷款,保费返回塞板,撞上一爆裂饼干 299 As for actuality you cannot buy the ball and lend and you stopped the fact that with the ball the air changes and strikes and reset to the premium
                                • 你在第7个工作溢价承认我是565,我没有一个被公认的只有三家商店计划喷射 565 7 being recognized separately in business as for ru with just the fact that the premium is produced 3 store systems being recognized there is no ru reason
                                • 可爱的偶像,如果我打的球弹出数的基础上溢价发言时把球回借苏则是另一回事 When returning the ball which you borrow whether or not it has and it plays with the fact that the premium which responds to the number of balls is produced another problem it puts out
                                • 此外,苏等人从特别的礼品店(必须是购买时按下),他们没有得到使用唯一之 NULL
                                • 的目的,老虎机老虎机厅没有人变成“非法侵入”鳃可能会抱怨在这方面严格的事情,甚至可以使租金,这个特别奖赠品,所以不能应用 gt Perhaps it can appeal the human who is inserted in the pachinko store not to be pachinko purpose with “house invasion” but Because actuality is something which is borrowed it can go even with this but Because the special premium to the last is the premium it cannot apply this
                                • 相反,警察,不要触摸礼物交换,你的游戏机制造商要得到遵守 On the other hand the National Police Agency does not touch to premium exchange would like to be adhered to the amusement machine manufacturer it is the ro which is

                              • 什么做什么我接受礼品店使用的零件被驱动tTA采取了澳德巴克斯你只要接受它,除非我接受客户自由取Ritakunakere特别奖从客户以外的杂货店和其他,你走在这样一个单词,通过这样,他们没有采取,因为他们购买的商品购买黄河驱动tTA How it does the premium which it receives freedom of the customer it puts out how If we would not like to receive the special premium from the general customer outside the other stores the ro which it should not have received just is Therefore the old part house of the automatic backs the commodity which is bought with the yellow hat it can buy unless Assuming that you proposed the ro which is not the reason which such passes and is
                                • 什么做什么我接受礼品店驱动tTA被用于零件澳德巴克斯采取没有你想接受,如果我接受礼品店取Ritakunakere客户自由驱动tTA向黄河买其他产品你必须去通过这样的词等,他们并没有被剔除,所以他们买 How it does the premium which it receives freedom of the customer it puts out how If we would not like to receive the special premium from the general customer outside the other stores the ro which it should not have received just is Therefore the old part house of the automatic backs the commodity which is bought with the yellow hat it can buy unless Assuming that you proposed the ro which is not the reason which such passes and is
                                • 所以人们都兑现安泰,他们开始从买东西的顾客一个特殊的礼品店外的普通 NULL
                                • 这家商店,汽车速度球出了将公布每日的基础上,净(个人电脑·移动)和商店宣布在前面,球之间的竞争在2009年实现盈利在市政层次的地区和地区商店之间的阻碍 That store appearing ball ratio of that stand to make release at one day unit PC carrying such as net and It notiifies before the store to rank converts at the prefectural city Ku unit and makes conversion coming out ball ratio competition cause between the stores

                              • 他们似乎真的让我感到吃惊,并使用一个真正的风筝,这不是他们所想出来时,假现金?
                                The real thing you use the surprise especially The [tsu] [te] you say, or as for truth, there is no in great fear something in the copy being discovered the case of conversion?

                                • 令人震惊的事件后,也将减少根除溺婴的痛苦和悲伤志位和贷款丑闻
                                  After eradication for debt pain also sad incident and gruesome incident of filicide decrease, probably will be

                                  • 以上证拠一月称为老虎机产业是一个现金购物的速度,我很无视老虎机特定行业的市场价格瓦特真实的现金 Ignoring market price The tsu te which has been converted at pachinko industry private rate That The tsu te which is pachinko industry and one body as a conversion shop substance you say Evidence it is from some w
                                    • 你说什么或Warerun现金,没有任何过错柏青哥?自由燕等 When the pachinko it does not do and converts that way irregularities it is said with something it is Such a freedom and it is

                                  • 但他们在大厅喝空间的烟尘喝Memasen 为什么会这样啊烟草摄入量 So that smoke in the hole it is and cannot drink the drink in the space gt lt The tobacco it probably will inhale so with something
                                    • 嗯,首先介绍了约百分之每一个硬币,但最好将逐步看起来像一个烟草税 Well first introducing into one ball for about 1 Yen like tobacco tax gradually It is best to keep lifting

                                  • 你甚至会租你贿赂release m领域的犯罪,尽管你吃什么饭税并不是说我得了和警察纵容四郎?如果它甚至没有工作之后,滚装梅台没有妥善poller.I
                                    Acquiescence well Exposure margin and police With tax in [meshi] 喰 [tsu] [te] [ru] habit it makes no offender runaway is Receiving even with bribe, [ru]? Hesitant thing there is no at all, if is, properly work margin, the tax thief

                                    • 公民将不允许我这样做的特权,并在日本全国各地的前面一个突出的城市,柏青哥店以打老虎机的宣传
                                      As for meeting of the citizen who does not permit resident privilege town declaration for pachinko eradication Each city of entire country most you do meanderingly before the pachinko house which is conspicuous,

                                      • 减轻重申,故事是不是民主党绝对的邪恶的韩国人在沿
                                        Relieved margin, it is the Democratic party administration For the Korean in without fail bad story viewing

                                        • 几分钟后该软件是开放的,每天12小时的老虎机前,全年有908并指示我们加泽大赌博和赛马好得多
                                          908 Throughout the year everyday 12 hours doing business before the station, with the software in several minutes as for one time [gase] From the pachinko which produces large per, horse racing and the competition wheel directly are [mashi

                                          • 卡兹束接收10万日元和现金兑换市场在真正的金钱瓦特
                                            Also the genuine gold having converting at the conversion place of the market, 100,000 Yen w which can be made

                                            • 哦,好吧! “为推广旅游的国际议员(私隐赌场)”老虎机协会将设法大多数观察家
                                              Fool? Majority “of international sight-seeing industrial promotion Assemblyman unions (casino discussion ream)” The pachinko somehow it probably is the observer of association, but

                                              • 哦,如果他们在市场价格购买的商店给我拿出我的珠宝店萘乙酸殡仪馆看到老虎机前面的,当然看上去很不错的繁荣,在市场出售价值究竟在做了同样的金属翻盖肯定的事情,保持,无限循环的现金在3500日元购买黄金在市场→→客户现金管理单元在3500日元的价格来购买黄金对黄金低于3500 The extent which well becomes The precious metal store putting out before the eye of the pachinko store if the store which it buys with current price it puts out it is enormous it may prosper Of course putting out with pachi when the ru when the requiring which completely sells the same bullion with current price it is similar when gold quotation is less than 3500 The customer buying the gold at the pachi conversion place gt the gold it is bought to 3500 Yen with current price gt at the conversion place the infinite loop in 3500 Yen
                                                • “替换”它与市场的现金奖什么欺诈?非法用什么钱“市场”出售?你甚至使用外用贵金属回收和再利用旧手机 gt Exchanging to the premium it converts in the market “irregularities Obtaining With something being illegitimate to sell the gold in “the market” Collecting with even the precious metal of carrying which is old in your reuse use tsu te times
                                                • 我只是不买我的前面,在569古玩店古玩店老虎机?我卖3500日元的收入至少应有什么喷射古玩店,在其他公司购买3500日元当作我如果他们购买了我的保费比其他公司三五○○日元从柏青哥店很奇怪你能给我什么顾客 569 Only the antique of the pachinko house before that antique store tsu te eye you buy The antique store tsu te profit to put out in order selling for naturally 3500 Yen or more that the other trader Buying from the other trader the pachinko store buying for 3500 Yen or more as a premium treatment Don t you think tsu te something which is lifted to the customer for 3500 Yen it is the strange feeling
                                                • 替换存储在家里没有一个平等的柏青哥店奖,我在市场上出售黄金价格Gattara在最危险的现金,如果拍小亚现金Agaranakere When it does not do at the equivalent store and the premium exchanges the pachinko and storage and gold quotation rise in the home selling in the market if it does not rise conversion risk is least at the conversion place of the pachi house
                                                • 甚至不要买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”的自由,不与优质客户驱动tTA的租金? gt Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” That the premium which you receive how will be done freedom of the customer it is not

                                              • 嗯...啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊扎马遐拍手M9公路(^Д^)雅゙烧゙烧゙烧゙关键゚亚夫゙゚Tinho关键゚小康P这是良好的古无我业家伙
                                                Obtaining - [tsu]. . . The [pachi] house [za] well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well the [a] m9 (^ д ^) [hu] ゚ [ki] ゙ [yahu] ゚ [ki] ゙ [yaki] ゙ [yaki] ゙ [yaki] ゙ [ya] It is p [chinko] industry how it should have been gone [teinho] ゚

                                                • 在这种情况下,这些规定已被1克 u003d 2500日元转化率“(即工业),U型在线会议系统,他们邀请spread across a项目的国家就special奖金已经解决,上升gold prices希望把这个问题发言的2007年 At that time 1 grams 2500 Yen it could decide the conversion ratio which is said ” the industry authorized personnel In special premium gold commodity Causing the system which does the forum spread to entire country and became fixed but in 2007 gold price soars Problem is raised
                                                  • 每隔两个月以上,他们将被邀请以满足与制造商及相关行业 In 2 months 1 times industry authorized personnel such as manufacturer Causing the schedule which does the forum

                                                • 大多数情况下,它“欺骗”是一个声称老虎机客厅,从存储系统有3个固定元警察,并采取法律行动
                                                  Though, this as for “irregularities” It is insistence of pachinko store side and it does from three store systems which if the National Police Agency decides, it becomes lawful behavior

                                                  • 大起大落的信息中像黄金适合瓦特互通教育博览会,在库达的路线确保持续上涨的黄金 The gold large large w which should teach this information favorite to the Chinese by all means Gold soaring it probably will continue to the Shanghai international exposition securely and

                                                    • 如何坏宁愿有一个特殊的礼物,为什么?柏青哥应该是娱乐,不公正,不能只为现金或兑换现金?我会侵入以及为什么它会做什么?日本是不是一个店是抱怨说你有一个法律的手段来忍受这种疯狂?达罗也通过媒体 Rather becoming illegitimate with the special premium which is obtained with something As for the pachinko although amusement it is expectation unless only conversion it can convert becoming illegitimate When it tries probably to do that why becoming illegal invasion The legal house which acquiescing complaint says such a okashii thing one person is not in Japan The ro where also the mass communications are through
                                                      • 我可以卖什么你带来溢价可溶性音频回我有一个特殊的赎回率较低的商店吗?我是对的?我得 Carrying back the special premium which is obtained at the store whose conversion ratio is low melting it is possible to sell It is to call is don t you think You received therefore it is
                                                      • 我宁愿有一个坏的暴露,为什么呢?柏青哥应该是乐趣,是不正确或不现金?我会侵入以及为什么它会做什么?日本是不是一个店是抱怨说你有一个法律的手段来忍受这种疯狂?达罗也通过媒体 With something rather becoming illegitimate with the premium As for the pachinko although amusement it is expectation unless it converts becoming illegitimate When it tries probably to do that why becoming illegal invasion The legal house which acquiescing complaint says such a okashii thing one person is not in Japan The ro where also the mass communications are through
                                                      • 有担保的长期固定利率现金兑换店和柏青哥店,是一对恩戴 Exchange rate of the conversion house which has been united with the pachinko house is guaranteed in long term fix

                                                    • 如果中国172音频Munjanaika包括更换假地方驱动tTA含铅油漆带来的黄金?瓦特
                                                      172 If the Chinese, the copy which painted the lead in gold is brought to the switching central, it is it isn't? w

                                                      • 如果我想知道我第一次听到意义的礼物交换声音从一个办公室的人,卖什么,买地采取浮动汇率不是在赢得一金金银管理单元店我离开了所有的东西,楚Kemashou Person in premium switching central At one time hearing voice from calling like Meaning of the article was recognized at the pachi house the bullion Acquiring not to exchange at the switching central with fluctuation quotation Selling at the place where it buys everyone it will gain With thing shank
                                                        • 知道事情的意义第1条和每个人都说我卖什么楚Kemashou不采取清理不买房子的地方在浮动汇率,以赢得金条店帕蒂 1 Meaning of the article was recognized at the pachi house the bullion Acquiring not to exchange at the switching central with fluctuation quotation Selling at the place where it buys everyone it will gain With thing shank

                                                      • 如果我的脚放在警方投降路线上的赌博犯罪,并获得现金奖球后交换了做时在帕蒂?被逮捕的权利?卡约我想我会做一个正式的审判将带来包括音频查看详情 pachikon doing after comes out and receiving the premium with the ball converting at the switching central The police going with that foot being densely when you surrender gambling crime how it becomes It can have arresting properly You can bring to proper form judgment if we you try to try doing but it is
                                                        • 赖恩戴我请原谅我眼中的泪珠,眼睛周围的时间较长的电话对我们临近结束我的免费电话,警方在附近的地方,把希望寄托Konkerudo在世纪之交100早上,我,今天约100间歇WWWWW Therefore also today spare time about 100 times 110th doing from morning the konkerudo tsu te of neighborhood being densely the tsu te which gambling has been done informing Around it appears in the last one telephone already please pardons asking with the tsu te tear eye and it is WWWWW
                                                        • 那么,这将在亚单元泪水,对日本没有好消息是我猜 Well the fact that the pachi house becomes the tear eye for Japan probably is good news what

                                                      • 如果私营部门的一半,因为政府的路线坤至少40%的市民赌博值得去国库,并逃税不能消除现有的汇款到朝鲜,也是透明的。 70%的溃疡将是这一点,他们最好穿着
                                                        Public gamble minimum of 4 tenths goes to Treasury, therefore it is If people the Treasury going puts out half naturally, transparently is converted and becomes North Korea without either illegitimate remittance and either tax evasion is not possible Previous. And, the good thing [zu] [ku] [me] where 7 tenths of point probably will collapse

                                                        • 它看起来像你突然开始发出这样大的打击,但错过了一定的距离,需要通过踏板车Dabetsu蛋糕与等候的卡车停杆六合无线电助推器5 wwww 5 To be close the track truck of booster radio loading stopping it has prattled the ri When the scooter of specification passes Remoteness coming off overissue it starts to be a big hit it is suddenly wwww
                                                          • 计算机控制?计算机控制本身将无法忍受和远程控制,我可能已经Horukon Computer control Perhaps the computer control of the stand very thing it is but There is no horukon control and remoteness don t you think probably will be

                                                        • 客观的人们分成两个老虎机老虎机店,不是,“爆窃”也可能是鳃任何投诉,他们说用了很荒谬吗?嗯,我刚打100日元硬币,我租的行古面条其余部分,我们正在得到承认?显然,这不是更清楚了吗?我会看他的手的规则数量的小鸡生病汝电影 2 Perhaps it can appeal the human who enters into the pachinko store not to be pachinko purpose with “house invasion” but To in each case This the saying which is outrageous probably is temporary Just 100 Yen striking the ball as for then it keeps receiving whether it is to recognize Clearly margin clearly In some ma your own rule you making many selfishly what you observe at ru is attached whether the mu
                                                          • 客观的人们分成两个老虎机老虎机店,而不是“非法侵入投诉”,可在1鳃,这一个也不会说荒谬的线索?嗯,我刚打100日元硬币,我租的行古面条其余部分,我们正在得到承认?显然,这不是更清楚了吗?我会看他的手的规则数量的小鸡生病汝电影 2 Perhaps it can appeal the human who enters into the pachinko store not to be pachinko purpose with “house invasion” but To in each case This the saying which is outrageous probably is temporary Just 100 Yen striking the ball as for then it keeps receiving whether it is to recognize Clearly margin clearly In some ma your own rule you making many selfishly what you observe at ru is attached whether the mu
                                                          • 柏青哥店的目的,而不是人类进入老虎机“非法侵入”鳃可能会抱怨,而不是没有一些措施,他们并没有站在任何情况下,“说 Perhaps it can appeal the human who enters into the pachinko store not to be pachinko purpose with “house invasion” but to in each case Doing you must raise a some measure ” that you say

                                                        • 容忍公证人公证,并在日本土地收购是警察局和检察官,法官会要求检察官起诉前检察官发现犯罪集团在黑暗中被伺ü家伙法官或
                                                          Notary before the station acquiescence resident land acquisition As for notary the former judge and public prosecutor Although the police does stand case, asks to the public prosecutor, the public prosecutor asks indirectly whether in the judge becomes guilt, Everyone [guru

                                                          • 忙碌的或者静态的! ? 13。世卫组织提供援助,工业和医疗设施,以治疗病人的成瘾作为柏青哥赌博是一个国际认证病理病的津东
                                                            If quiet in the atmosphere which is made quiet! ? 13. The pachinko dependence symptom as the pathological gamble dependence symptom which is recognized one of international disease in WHO The patient the facility and medical assistance in order to heal are made to prepare to industry

                                                            • 我不会感到惊讶,如果这个国家的水平,站在行政诉讼,但帐目由艾达没有特别的袭击恨老虎机,和我自己的规则Makaritootsu没有这个意义上关于思想 As for this national resident in special meeting developing into administrative litigation strange level Therefore as for we dislike the pachinko however it does not strike such an individual rule oven temporary passing as for ru How thinking it is strange
                                                              • 你可以控告政府及特别帐户是最近的暴力,除非站在别人的唯一信息,我只 Recently if radical resident in special meeting administration only is kana how others who do not sue with is wretched but

                                                            • 我也想向法庭申请我会控告你的民主国家为人民党从803
                                                              803 One of the original Democratic party suing vis-a-vis the country, you have judged Also signature activity has done seems the way

                                                              • 我向你们警方释放犯罪领域已经离去,只起诉民族团结 The present condition where already the police has made crime runaway national agreeing uniting the prosecution stripe only comes is in investigation
                                                                • 我向你们警方释放犯罪领域已经离去,只起诉民族团结 The present condition where already the police has made crime runaway national agreeing uniting the prosecution stripe only comes is in investigation

                                                              • 我必须说,如果它不是某个地方,或者是不是还有赌博,哪些是不应该我应该是非法的? Yaiijan的猛药 If when specification unless densely it is the useless tsu te it is that don t you think after all gamble Becoming with the tsu lever don t you think illegal what In addition the high medicine ya calling it is
                                                                • 当然,是否532,它是非法的,如果我离开了商店没有任何访问方便的设施我进入 532 Certainly entering into konbini without utilizing the facility at all if it comes out it becomes with the illegal tsu lever

                                                              • 我想我会借用球382老虎机比其他欺诈目的
                                                                382 The ball borrowing other than the object which the pachinko is done from the [ru] it becomes irregularities, it is it isn't?

                                                                • 我是不是该公司的新闻流量,以吸引和不知何故?我怎么很成现金卡老虎机球的眼睛看是愚蠢的 Well it is different from the news which the same trader lets flow for the collection customer how without The fool at the pachinko house of card type the ball converting discernibly the ru wa
                                                                  • 逮捕或二手交易商牌照的没有?我没有要在指定商店兑换现金?驱动tTA觉得问题 Because there is no license of antique trade being arrested Unless you must convert at the conversion place which the store appoints You thought in doubt

                                                                • 我没有想到这个!柏青哥死直接进入该系统贵金属交易商河津方式获得金条→→结算所宣布的现金(笑)
                                                                  Was there this hand? Conversion declaration -> the bullion you receive, it goes straight to the precious metal dealer -> facing toward the switching central The system of the pachinko it dies, (laughing)

                                                                  • 我没有特别的礼物交换结算所瓦特我会拉吊卡鲁反托拉斯周一
                                                                    W which does not exchange the special premium at the switching central and the [te] it is to call is Don't you think? it is caught to antitrust law violation it is

                                                                    • 我的意思是,所有的交换卡给我,如果赚钱的老虎机老虎机店,最好到做同样的事情他们打算购买前要低得多苦像真正的money,如果你仔细考虑我有金売茹 If the genuine gold if you think very carefully whether the te you say stocking rather cheaply because it probably is the ru As you the pachinko house doing the same thing makes a profit most If me the pachinko house all exchanging to card system the gold it sells
                                                                      • 我的意思是,所有的交换卡给我,如果赚钱的老虎机老虎机店,最好到做同样的事情他们打算购买前要低得多苦像真正的money,如果你仔细考虑我有金売茹 If the genuine gold if you think very carefully whether the te you say stocking rather cheaply because it probably is the ru As you the pachinko house doing the same thing makes a profit most If me the pachinko house all exchanging to card system the gold it sells

                                                                    • 我觉得我一直很反托拉斯法是触摸我,我是只承认3柏青哥店计划
                                                                      Three store systems being recognized in just the pachinko, [ru] the air the [ru] way concerning antitrust law doing, viewing

                                                                      • 据官员透露,蓝晨朝总联,“先锋(联邦不)”是严格固定的位置,韩国大学(小平,东京)和学生,全国10所学校(约2000),学校质量朝鲜它们包括学生
                                                                        According to government-related muscle, morning blue to be defined “the spearhead (the plug [po] [u])” of entire ream with, Korea The large school (Tokyo Kodaira city) in the student and entire country 10 schools (approximately 2000 people) the Korean high class which is It consists of the pupils of the school

                                                                        • 文章从我得到的钱翻盖赌博(赌场)PD是赌博(赌场)为卫应具有自来水钯规划署Kihajime网,“局部放电〜 米中立的信息:”我错了。因此,该流!赌博(赌场),局部放电,中,试图合法化帕蒂 The gold receiving from pachi the ru casino the casino discussion ream Because as for this article the casino the casino the net has started to hit discussion ream Trying probably to protect discussion ream “discussion ream is neutrality ” it has been about probably to let flow tsu te erroneous information The casino the casino discussion ream at that time has been about to legalize pachi
                                                                          • Tarashii来吧超低价出来,创造一个原型项世嘉的加入并没有意识到这一点)10。投注。引入税 Sega That it will enter when the experimental model is made super being cheap it was possible it seems but the entry which now is does not actualize 10 Betting Tax is introduced
                                                                          • 这次比赛的赌注。该行业主要是异常rough m资本扩张势力,预算更容易在同一时间税收卡兹修真理的大会,上升 With intensification of competition betting As for the abnormality where industry has made a big hit in speculation being settled Major capital expands power the tax revenue raises simultaneously and public finance becomes easy

                                                                        • 旧,或土井多贺子社会党“人民健康的娱乐”这样做,是样子或Usobui
                                                                          Whether former times, Doi Japan Socialist Party it is high thing “Healthy amusement of the populace” the lie [bu] it is it is

                                                                          • 时间规避法律,管理及所有员工(包括兼职)是永远流放从工业和投资柏青哥店。接管(以避免财产的宪法权利的侵犯,如果在法律面前的赌注检测规避假设签字承诺接受的资产没收。为了让业界)拍卖出售,如果这是困难的与责任 The evasion of the law manager and all salesman part time job it includes from industry Resources of permanence exile and pachinko store etc In order requisition to evade the property right infringement with respect to constitution in advance evasion of the law divulgence When is when it agrees to property forfeiture signing the pledge book in prerequisite betting Industry is permitted If that difficulty the sale with auction is required
                                                                            • 5。柏青哥和管理及所有工作人员(包括兼职),都是专门的赌注。允许政府官员和业界均认为,规避法律的严惩 5 The pachinko manager and all salesman part time job it includes everything especially betting The regarding government employee who permits the industry With it does evasion of the law behavior punishes harshly
                                                                            • 759不行,兵马俑。只要税的人。还有什么是赌博?如果您有足够的古私营部门的作用仍然是虚假的魔术 759 Never tera With just taxation people It continues to be gambling If while it is private enterprise the error to demon it converts with a lot of and is effective
                                                                            • 周一,因为它没有批准一个游戏商店市南区始终被困Hazure无发疯瓦特 Therefore it does not come off what it is not formed as a gambling it is as for the w sled ya store the trap which becomes desperate
                                                                            • 如果一个老虎机赌博。法律的要求介绍税,将使新进入者,将可巩固财政仍然是不 The pachinko betting If it legalizes tax introduction in condition and actualizes new entry Restoration of sound government finance just becomes possible is not
                                                                            • 已采取的赌博及烟草数百美元,黄金做也许能获得多少Narasou保费巧克力 In the premium the chocolate and the tobacco the extent which receives the causing brick which probably will be trained As for tens of thousands Yen being exchange of the gold gambling
                                                                            • 市民有什么区别赌博,并在一个私人个体经营,赌注。我不交税 Furthermore different from public gamble with management of my person betting Either tax is not paid
                                                                            • 并可能不明白,不作非法赌博被捕为什么柏青哥店 Whether and why the pachinko house is not arrested with illegal gambling you cannot understand completely
                                                                            • 得到一些食物,如果你得到日本警方和税务司法从日本,仅治疗药物行业“不是一个由三家商店游戏系统”,如方便, Tax receiving from the Japanese ru administration of justice and the policeman In the industry which designates the Japanese as the food makes the drug soaking “Therefore 3 store systems there is no gambling” and so on with convenience is assured
                                                                            • 本来明显的赌注。这是荒谬的,你是从刑法的豁免只老虎机产业 NULL
                                                                            • 警方已柏青哥赌博。从一个给定的配合协助,并急忙瓦特你已经或更确切地说,它是不是远离协助及教唆 The police recently betting of the pachinko Because it was appealed with assistance being flurried kana w of the ru With you say or don t you think assistance

                                                                          • 柏青哥先生有没有选择的时间线中什么也得不到支付做些瓦特与518号法律第07( 518 7 not doing business at all with law because the gold enters being helpless at spare time the pachinko it goes it is probably will be w
                                                                            • 我只承认我是在商务领域的鳕鱼老虎机562号法律什么07 562 With law 7 just the pachinko being recognized with the item business some cod the ru

                                                                          • 法案推出的14个目标是通过两党赌场合法化“赌场现金为推广旅游的国际议员(私隐赌场)”愿向立法机构对同一观察老虎机它的坚实元 Formation of casino legalization bill Aiming “international sight seeing industrial promotion Assemblyman union casino discussion ream ” of the nonpartisan which starts on the 14th Also the conversion with the pachinko as the casino bill set the policy of keeping legislating converting with the same mechanism and
                                                                            • 两党)1月14日推出“国际议员赌场旅游促销(本报赌场)赌博(钯PD是叛国没有得到公司的钱,他们从公司谁我申明,它不反对单元达罗 gt “International sight seeing industrial promotion Assemblyman union of the nonpartisan which starts on the 14th casino discussion ream The casino the casino the gold receiving from the discussion connected pachi trader the ru people And others it is dense treason discussion ream disadvantageous thing does in the pachi trader the ro which cannot boil and is
                                                                            • 警方带着扭转经营领域打击非法赌博紧缩整体或多少动荡,社会学科 Manages illegal gambling the police of the anti place which conversely having managed together How many has disturbed social public morals

                                                                          • 流氓扑克店,同样的方法“存储”三要收取的问题,没有要求做击中,老虎机,以保护韩国的想法,我抓住,我真的不寻常
                                                                            The poker house of [yakuza], doing with the same “three store systems,” also the [te] being indisputable Although it exposes, instead of it does not expose the Korean pachinko, to protection as for [tsu] [te] having done The [ho] it is with it is abnormal,

                                                                            • 现有的公司排除在投标资格,诱使他们进入了母亲的各种新业务,以避免寡头垄断 From the bid qualification person as for the existing trader excluding Entry of the various new business parents is invited oligopoly is evaded
                                                                              • 4。寡妇的承包商。为预防,存储在每个地区若干问题,并就国家和人数上限 4 It depends on the specific trader 寡 For obstructing the upper limit is provided in the number the quantity of stores at of entire country and every area

                                                                            • 甚至不要买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”的原则,如果没有现金是因达客厅的关系与老虎机,右手客户的保费做自己的瓦特从甜蜜的鸣叫击败他们加入他们接受该输入不是我做他们的工作表格W gt Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” That the premium which you receive how will be done freedom of the customer it is not

                                                                              • 甚至没有买一在市场上老虎机球,以取代现金奖“欺诈”,即使暂时非法科雷,我打出一个小逆转,“小屋他们没有权利赢得确定我会在说话或现金 1 Buying the ball the pachinko do exchanging to the premium it converts in the market “irregularities” Temporarily assuming that it is illegitimate just a little just striking kore conversely if “win it may conversion you say with the shed which is not OK it is
                                                                                • 10万日元,否则我硬币,现金10万日元,市场it ll卖,我不能卡兹茂木,没有风险津贴 100 000 cyclotomic and the ball applying 100 000 Yen conversion If in the market the sale tsu chi ya u without risk the allowance income is possible don t you think
                                                                                • 不要合法化现金头扭转其悲痛之前Misun赌场瓦特帕金森 NULL
                                                                                • 但需要从商店买取更多的额外费用茹耶你补充奖金,说是小新的黄金相比,苏滑雅客户1负仅下降 When the premium is added anew rather than buying from the sled ya conversion house excessive cost is required however probably will be it is defeated and they are ratio edge ya small ones in the gold which the customer drops
                                                                                • 如果你要去赌场合法化摊位柏青哥合法或非法的现金做这是值得商榷的一间小屋像他们胡散臭,有趣的故事,它不能 Because conversion or yami like thing it has done with the suspicious shed Being suspicious getting together you wrapped If the casino is legalized unless it makes either the pachinko legitimate this and in strange story
                                                                                • 我从老虎机游戏行业锥应该做一个整体而不是老虎机产业,灰色的业务我知道我是关闭的现金 The pachinko how it peters out and therefore what pachinko industry every it should have made rather roundly casino industry the conversion how gray as for trading you stop it is the shelf
                                                                                • 或者说,如果你能如赌场,客人可以从我离开的可能性不是作为一个有趣的游戏在那里 With you say or the casino are possible if is as a game that is funny therefore it is Also does the customer take
                                                                                • 柏青哥和赛马也行,如果你到行?显然,条件和多少现金了一个球 If horse racing and regatta have made OK when it designates also the pachinko as OK 1 coming out balls with somewhat conversion Condition stating clearly
                                                                                • 柏青哥球,甚至没有在市场上买1,以取代您的现金奖“欺诈”,“骗”你不须很紧张 1 Buying the ball the pachinko do exchanging to the premium it converts in the market “irregularities” Temporarily assuming that it is illegitimate just a little just striking kore conversely if “win it may conversion you say with the shed which is not OK it is
                                                                                • 甚至不要买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”,即使暂时非法科雷,我打出一个小逆转,“他们没有权利打得赢”,我说好的,好 gt Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” That the premium which you receive how will be done freedom of the customer it is not
                                                                                • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”我不是很清楚什么是非法的 Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand
                                                                                • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”是毫无意义的第一个球囊购买 Buying the ball the pachinko do exchanging to the premium it converts in the market “irregularities” First buying the ball semantic obscurity
                                                                                • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“欺骗”了,不仅发现通过疯狂的规则柏青哥 Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand

                                                                              • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”的情况,也发生在2007年的黄金上涨,该行业已相当紧张,
                                                                                Buying the ball, the pachinko it does not do, exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand

                                                                                • 白痴,你不应该使用合法的溢价瓦特乌加的优先级比你不应该峨书面疯尽管只有感情在这些家伙我投诉霸道的非法新闻呢古,疯狂我死 aho and the premium how you probably will use but is legitimate behavior the ro which w And others it is dense being preoccupied so news you write on the habit of ru kichigai greatly is Appeals illegal characteristic the method which is preferential item the ro where kichigai Die
                                                                                  • 我很高兴地让他们骂我,但我是来给我送她的玩具和孙子,祖父礼物 The pop the toy of the premium has in the grandchild and or however is delightful well enough it is don t you think

                                                                                • 私人放债人与警方移交老虎机“降落伞付款后,行贿←不当利益不是”高山正之(前记者,在帝京大学教授):“如果被剥夺妨碍日本柏青哥的骄傲
                                                                                  Pachinko right Order exerted from above of 貪 [ru] presentation loan trader and police <- “As for order exerted from above deferred payment of bribe” The pachinko which Takayama Tadayuki (the great professor original Teikyo journalist) “takes the pride of the Japanese and degrades

                                                                                  • 税率期待不以为然税和烟草税,减少了未来,以高税利润水平下降到了资金的投资管理卡兹附表柏青哥店 As for tariff while looking at consumer tax and tobacco tax in the side glance future the pachinko store plant investment In order to decrease sharply profit ratio to the level which somehow can make fund high tariff conversion is assured
                                                                                    • 斜眼看消费税税率,并在未来减少,以高税收的利润率下降到一定水平,投资基金管理卡兹附表柏青哥店 As for tariff while looking at consumption tariff in the side glance future the pachinko store plant investment In order to decrease sharply profit ratio to the level which somehow can make fund high tariff conversion is assured

                                                                                  • 第一行辜上午两个小时或792只交换保费相当于创新很难说,经过爷爷的最好打300倍左右旋转坚尼争拗你休息一天,我作出一个愚弄了时间获得更好的驱动tTA在玩具商店里买你多少现金峨 792 About 2 hours kana It is foolish to go at morning one Time making in the day off going to the afternoon about 300 revolutions turning it is best to strike ru To the rear ji it is the word tsu dissolving If in the premium unreasonably equivalent transformation the extent which is obtained converting when the one which you buy at the toy house is profit
                                                                                    • 434最后,“奖品硬币交换系统”在一,它首先包括了acts re有趣的刑法携带?那么球将开始保持肌肉系统都不能替代 434 Finally “you exchange the ball to the premium” above being the system that Don t you think the behavior which conforms to that as for crime treatment strangely Then from first with the ball what it makes the system which is not exchanged probably is muscle
                                                                                    • 在古列或两小时一早上约792只溢价峨创新交易所说爷爷的最好击败后,旋转300次,我会坚尼争拗休息一天,我作出一个愚弄了时间我得到更多,并在购买玩具商店和现金驱动tTA 792 About 2 hours kana It is foolish to go at morning one Time making in the day off going to the afternoon about 300 revolutions turning it is best to strike ru To the rear ji it is the word tsu dissolving If in the premium unreasonably equivalent transformation the extent which is obtained converting when the one which you buy at the toy house is profit
                                                                                    • 替换同等或略force狙的,我通常打一个单一的,这只是一分钟,你要不做或少了的,是提高我想我speak回报驱动tTA损伤是reduced保费租金在翻阅金 Equivalent transformation also not aiming separately unreasonably striking simply normally The amount which hit received the gold with the premium thinking that it is you should have carried back just The defeat miss wound it decreases a little
                                                                                    • 柏青哥球,甚至没有在市场上买1,以取代您的现金奖“欺诈”是欺诈? (Ω゚゚)由Terra的转售? 1 Buying the ball the pachinko do exchanging to the premium it converts in the market “irregularities” Temporarily assuming that it is illegitimate just a little just striking kore conversely if “win it may conversion you say with the shed which is not OK it is
                                                                                    • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”我是记者给我写这些无聊的东西了! ! !你! ! Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand
                                                                                    • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”是作弊?作弊?作弊? Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand

                                                                                  • 第一驱动tTA觉得有什么地方买不到老虎机球,球直接获得金钱编织到柜台说我带来了很多现金仅仅购买 gt Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” That the premium which you receive how will be done freedom of the customer it is not
                                                                                    • 因此,如果你来749瓦特溃疡老虎机看起来不会辜证券交易所,直到如果他们想谈店 749 The pachinko store can be crushed with that if it comes w If the fellows until stock is gone at the store it may exchange

                                                                                  • 系统存储三位前岩作家笔,但在文章和将要暴露的特殊和高尔夫球,在这种情况特殊的,礼物的价值后,被替换的弹弓,钱会交换again日本警视厅已造成损失近接触不系统的值是允许商店附表三说,他们必须替换的货币价值and can不把等价的,因此,我用这些钱取代由于起步元
                                                                                    Three store systems at one time the ball-point pen and the stone of the lighter/writer, golf ball That and so on it had made the special premium, it is in the article, but In this case, because value of the special premium which the ball of the pachinko is exchanged afterwards, the value of money which re-is exchanged and alienation has occurred, If the National Police Agency, is not equivalent transformation, as for recognizing three store systems that it is not possible, you propose, result, value of money are close, Using the gold, in order to exchange, it began thing

                                                                                    • 老虎机852是合法的,迅速的合法化,只是我觉得我不是说没有人可能是因为我没有警察抓住,他们不断的情况下长字符串,以确定法院,我只是打电话 852 The pachinko is perhaps said legalizing quickly converting legitimacy with no one it is the kana which is not Because simply the police rubbed does not expose it will judge also the courthouse but A state where it is not continued meanderingly whether the tsu te just you say
                                                                                      • 852老虎机是合法的,简单地说什么我想每个人大概不会,因为我不被警察抓住,他们就不会继续与国家法院来决定,我只是叫 852 The pachinko is said legitimacy with no one perhaps it is the kana which is not Because simply the police rubbed does not expose it will judge also the courthouse but A state where it is not continued meanderingly whether the tsu te just you say
                                                                                      • 一旦老虎机赌博合法化的城市,有真正是对我会是有趣的站 When the pachinko is legalized as expected before the station and having gamble throughout the city becomes speaking strangely
                                                                                      • 三九〇 〇日元到三千五日元1g3900无法律风险,有时甚至完全出售日元 There are also times when it can sell with 1g3900 circle No risk and being complete legitimate it can designate 3500 Yen as 3900 Yen
                                                                                      • 为了做到依法迫使警察非法逮捕也将合法用户,我发现了一个伟大的机制 In order to make the excessiveness doing legitimate the legitimate customer is arrested illegality how is the enormous mechanism in the police
                                                                                      • 但很快,气氛很可能会冲成的,也许我很动人,这也是渴望合法化侵略单元店 Because there is an atmosphere so gradually punch may enter The pachi house being hasty perhaps it has been about probably to move to coercive legalization
                                                                                      • 客厅的老虎机,并迅速合法化,我认真Baiin,对税收法规木圈 As for the pachinko house legalizing quickly after with regulation making the guruguru firewood Tax the tsu te which is surrounded you should have done it is

                                                                                    • 老虎机合法化,是不是以前一样好,这显然是由于非法操作或W警方没有确定是否在决定许可开始 The fact that the pachinko is legalized is good thing So far because it was clearly illegal w Original business permission is decided is with discretion of the police
                                                                                      • 让我们在合法化的法律制度先行,要杀死像香烟税逐步看 First legalizing to put the net of law like tobacco tax keeping lifting gradually it becomes extinct

                                                                                    • 老虎机或禁止税收私有化几块,扔在一个时间来恢复国家的福利成本提升,开始编号,老虎机,如果是连私人高利率
                                                                                      Already, private management of the pachinko is prohibited or, if private management taxation of high rate margin And starting the government-managed pachinko, welfare expense even a little collection margin

                                                                                      • 老虎机是一个团结的休息◆47◆韩国人的生活团结到一个重要的行业还活着 2006年委员会的工业行业与韩国第一娱乐 02 15 Pachislot单位,以减少危机委员会成员,听取他们的业务操场 10,日本东京,韩国商会在商务部(财,太平洋贝尔公司总裁),工业委员会5月10日东京市中心娱乐中心,南麻布韩国(徐金正日主席)号关东一次。会议是开放的 47 As for pachinko key industry of resident compatriot… to survivor union To survivor union… Korea trade ream First game industry commission 2006 02 15 Member 10th of game industry commission which can deepen the crisis atmosphere in decrease of the pachisuro stand Tokyo The resident Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry the 崔 bell it is thick the chairman on the 10th at Tokyo south Azabu Korean central hall Game industry commission Chairman Shoichi Xu 1st Kanto area The forum was opened
                                                                                        • “柏青哥游乐场是古是免费,也许能赌博”从氦氖 “被禁止现在,我会尽力严重和法制化的现金”,但我只是没有什么可以说瓦特 我一分钟,我就毁了历史性的我茹 NULL
                                                                                        • 哎呀,反飞机(机械峨球数的回报),也许他不这样做恐怕茹巴利坏客户?大部分商店,然后工作,如果游客计算后,球在娱乐和工作的总%。没办法知道已被一些虚假的魔鬼 The te or jet counter the machine which counts the number of balls which are returned illegality having done we fear bare ru in the customer it is it is not Most stores working if calculation after the te and the game the customer is present the ball number working the meter The error to demon being converted it will count but because it is not it is not understood
                                                                                        • 我的意思是445系统,这一问题被称为柏青哥店的操场上,而不是击中转换的鳃一柏青哥机球暴露 445 Is not about the system tsu te you say or as for the pachinko house to be able to change the ball into the premium The game place tsu te which strikes the pachinko stand you say the fact that is subject
                                                                                        • 没有操场,但在计算当前机器“,但不Tteru操场球吧!”我鲁然巴勒 So the game do when it is let flow to the calculation machine although “the game it has not done the ball decreasing the ru ” The tsu te bare ru it is
                                                                                        • 高达433或非法侵入,但微妙的(但法官可能会在这里)谁领域进入应发挥出来的比赛,而不是追逐客场进球 433 Whether to house invasion crime but the sensitivity the judge makes perhaps this however probably will be As for the person who enters into the game place not to be amusement purpose the expectation which could be expelled

                                                                                      • 船部,财政部和汽车自行车赛,马部,全盘部,该部彩票,老虎机和警察
                                                                                        As for boat diplomatic relations ministry, competition wheel as for automatic multipara ministry, as for horse racing Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, as for toto literature course ministry, as for lottery general affairs ministry, And as for pachinko the National Police Agency

                                                                                        • 萨克我说,会议和公证制度,而不是一个居民,我在与司法和警察勾结什么...
                                                                                          That when you say administration of justice is adhered with the police and resident with something, The notary system meeting,…

                                                                                          • 警务管都购买古董。业务,因为,如果我不能继续采取每月甚至假谁购买这样的礼物 Antique negotiation both police tube of police Therefore industry type such a inchiki premium negotiation Without being managed by anyone continuously the ru
                                                                                            • 从双方的下购买和古董柏青哥店做警察的管辖权,并在会变成什么遗漏 Because the both police has governed the pachinko house and antique negotiation it becomes with anything with forbearance

                                                                                          • 该古董商警察的管辖范围之外,老虎机法所预留的只有智利的一部分,节俭商店,一个良好的套件,在更多的监管 To remove jurisdiction of antique trade from the police the pachinko with as another just the part of antique trade with law More kitsuchiri it tried to regulate it is good
                                                                                            • 拉回到一个法律,将采取不同的东西 我不明白他们每月古尽早ü,如前民主党完全失去了信任警察 Something may be caught to also another law the shelf… which Unless you manage if possible quickly don t you think the police the Democratic party likely completely reliance before losing

                                                                                          • 赌博是合法的或警察干预呢?老虎机的东西我Yaranee
                                                                                            As for the gambling where the police has lain between lawfulness? Pachinko something well

                                                                                            • 达罗没有买礼物给我,我在那里采取的妈祖被确定为更好地诚实三菱材料被送往385吉尔在我误投诉 385 It is appealed with also error when it is the one which is sent to the Mitsubishi material gently being decided in calling the ru The ro which it buys the premium of any and is
                                                                                              • 创新奖Tteta觉得奇怪,当她看到有人谁赢得了多次更换 When the acquaintance wins several degrees observing at that you exchange you think as the strange premium tsu
                                                                                              • 我想我有一个家伙把你的手说的是捕鱼织成现金或奖品,很像一个结算所镇 So well it is the entirely paperweight in the premium switching central or was the fishhook or you brought and converted The person was
                                                                                              • 甚至没有买老虎机球,市场现金奖品以取代该“作弊”不知道这个意思 Buying the ball the pachinko it does not do exchanges to the premium and converts in the market “irregularities” Now meaning does not understand

                                                                                            • 这将意味着我们将出租或秘密资金或者接受的眼睛娱乐世界警察的决定的,你知道的疯狂谣言的现状如此,我的生活好人民的警察喝的血太多日本人不但和平呆 The eye doing to drop with discretion of the police recommending from high quarters and or hospitality receiving and or the bribe receiving as for ru tsu te thing the blood of the populace The police slurping also the ru is similar what Being able to understand the present condition of these kichigai instructions the peaceful being preoccupied Japanese to be too multi

                                                                                              • 这是一个668,权限打开了新的标准决定我应该这样做直辖市正确,那么你应该给我许可,我很快就符合标准,不削减对这个团伙进行业务到达时立即 668 Is the local self governing body should do new opening of shop permission Properly standard deciding when it has satisfied standard rapidly permission it should have put out When after you see in the mob and the rudder me transfer same discontinuance
                                                                                                • 这是一个668,将允许地方政府开辟新的,我就被允许严艾希落 668 Is the local self governing body should do new opening of shop permission Properly standard deciding when it has satisfied standard rapidly permission it should have put out When after you see in the mob and the rudder me transfer same discontinuance

                                                                                              • 这是因为侵犯了被逮捕企图取代球陷入提请其他商店260天 260 Recently that the ball of the other stores will be exchanged the fact that the person who is caught is arrested was illegal invasion Empty
                                                                                                • 好吧,简单地说,没有考虑到这样的法官会判决根据苏侵入 Well such a relationship dying the judge decision probably will lower simply with house invasion crime
                                                                                                • 这些客户,然后禁止,你知道什么叫妙语警察入侵和恩戴回家后仍 If such customer even after that comes to an entrance and exit prohibition the police calling it makes house illegal invasion The ro which is tsu te ochi

                                                                                              • 这是行业本身正在萎缩排减单位,除了一些本地的主要赌场在我北罗法案将突突带走
                                                                                                Industry itself produces and reduction tendency when the casino bill it comes here, the major company of part other than the district It goes out at a stroke, don't you think? probably will be

                                                                                                • 这真的是一个165韩国警察保镖的wwwwww另一个男人赚钱只会损害钱币商店进入是不可能做到的滥用权力只涉嫌与朝鲜就没有看到任何这样wwwww wwww
                                                                                                  165 The [ho] it is with as for the police already carefulness stick shelf wwwwww of the Korean The person who in money-making of the Korean magazine pocket house becomes damage Attaching with any suspicion, unreasonable doing arrest wwwww Abuse of such a power wwww you have not seen

                                                                                                  • 远程行为现金,丫丫拍手鼓掌,是充满了腐败和无法无天?
                                                                                                    Remoteness, conversion behavior, [pachi] house of illegitimate being lazy As for the [pachi] house being illegal zone?

                                                                                                    • 金香的东西吗?我认为这是一个棕褐色的身体与金色可恨 It was the gold of that tsu te mono phone But you think it is that the beefsteak toe it is the object which gold is done

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