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Torigoe “newspaper, only opinion of the United States…The base it is unnecessary, voice of the citizen that deliver Japan!”… Because three counter garden person “prime ministers do not do, support ratio depreciation”


  • - - - - -红旗-已知的文字秘密协议免除士兵管辖权美国-第一刑事法庭岩波Karenai秘密协议美军士兵-犯罪-犯罪-每日新闻社和日美安全部队-岩波书店,秘密协议。“帮凶“历史的联盟 - - 自民党与美国秘密协议 - -
    - - - - Primary jurisdiction abandonment of American soldier crime Original clarification of the Japanese-American secret agreement The Japanese-American secret agreement The American soldier crime which is not judged Secret agreement Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements and American soldier crime Alliance history “of complicity” - - The Japanese-American secret agreement and the Liberal Democratic Party administration - -

    • -阿根廷总统费尔南德斯,会议主席最后指出隶属历史的美利坚合众国国“的合作是为了不依赖”的“新区域”,强调有必要建立
      The [huerunandesu] Argentina of previous meeting chairman large The manager, to point out the history of the subordination to the United States of American state countries, “not to be subordination, cooperation The necessity which constructs “the new regional order” of power” was emphasized

      • 15时24分重新播出今天的114年的特殊项目,日本NHK的日本和韩国之后的影片解体新闻暗杀日本和韩国第一闵妃↓系列 免费 观看新闻视频在线 Veoh在韩国↓第100周年吞并根据日程鸠山非常悲伤,管道,或相信你会证明日本媒体历史这种谎言不会是冈田话语? Present 24 15 from re broadcast NHK special Project JAPAN Series Japan and the Korean Peninsula 1st time ↓ 閔 Princess assassination incident Day being dispelled after the Korea 114 years Free News Videos Watch News Videos Online Veoh ↓ Adjusting to day Korea merger 100th anniversaries Hatoyama which is not Murayama conversation the tube and Okada conversation are produced it is it probably won t be The Japanese media has justified the history of such a lie it is the ze which is it is believed
        • 所以,我发现了一个很好的借口鸠山真是韩国489 100周年的兼并 489 It is the pretext the day Korea merger 100th anniversary tsu te Hatoyama may like surely …

      • 1958年10月4日,首相岸信介(当时)会议上的谈判第一次修订后的安全条约也参加大使麦克阿瑟(相同)是“小组委员会关于刑事司法管辖权1953年10月28日在该委员会会议纪要商定,如果日方已被记录,以落实行使管辖权“显然是他不得不做一个总
        1958 October 4th, bank trust mediating/helping prime minister (at that time) In 1st conversation in of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty reform negotiation which participated, MaARTHUR stop Nippon University use (same) “In agreement minutes of the sectional committee October 28th of 53 regarding criminal jurisdiction, the Japanese side In case of a certain, transfers the use of jurisdiction the gist which is recorded” that having expressed discernment and others Whether it is done

        • 375是的!这是该国南部的征兵制度在奉承颂万年!在战争期间仍在进行中
          375 So is! Conscription system it puts out even with south [chiyon] of ten thousand year power country! Even now during wartime

          • 44850至35000美元,日本军队在日本需要的蛋糕下降低于美国部队在美军对日本的支持比韩国支持朝鲜和韩国的美军是在与此不一致的立场,我不只是一个暂时的 United States Forces Korea 35 000 US Forces in Japan 44 850 Being able to rub North Korea and Korea temporarily with this assuming that the US military supported Korea When the support to US Forces in Japan is less than Korea compared to as for Japan the trap which is not just a little standpoint
            • 如果这是天的初步情况后,立即核轰炸的日本城市。根据该公约应该有一个庞大的韩国或中国对北核报复 When this is fact temporarily and it is blasted the Japanese city with the nucleus instantaneously day Being based on treaty Large scale nuclear retaliation should be done vis a vis North Korea or China

          • 935的防御无法进入日本,普天间海军陆战队是不是100%肯定 935 With as for the notion that where you say as for Marines which are in Futenma not entering into the Japanese defense 100 certainty
            • 我只能提出问题与有Rumai只要尝试移动到关岛最后→→名护市普天间 Therefore Futenma gt the side field old gt it moves to Guam it is direct it is close If you just should have been patient there be a problem will not

          • Condition m疯了太多Netouyo Tottara过敏点燃和茹朱达罗鸟越宰报纸头条大声向胡锦涛主席胡锦涛的意图
            When intention of the 胡 brocade 濤 is recorded before the index of the newspaper hugely hugely The [ro] which the allergy causes also [netouyo] and is When you take in Torigoe, it is madness condition what of that extent

            • Gerubeki投诉,岛民认为他们是微妙的,而是一个防御系统理论的纸上谈兵
              Dissatisfaction of the islander to be 掬, it should, is with you think, but talking national defense as a system theory is body

              • NULL Excerpt end Image of crime prevention video of the apartment where National Police Agency Director national pine Koji snipes how became Doubtful point “of national pine director sniping” K former Master Patrol Officer admission gt Why there is no special result “ Just Tomabeti English person “ Leaving The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department public Abe investigated requested Brain scientist When you look at the personal history of the person Tomabeti English way there is a discernment perhaps in the field of science It is visible but if you inspect properly as for that “ You worked under the famous scholar of the foreign country “ With you say to be in field of brain science There is no the result which you feature in addition it is not on the register in academic society such as psychiatry it is not the person that appraisal of the brain scientific boundary is high
                • NULL Excerpt end Image of crime prevention video of the apartment where national pine National Police Agency director snipes how became Doubtful point “of national pine director sniping” K former Master Patrol Officer admission gt Why there is no special result “ Just Tomabeti English person “ Leaving The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department public Abe investigated requested Brain scientist When you look at the personal history of the person Tomabeti English way there is a discernment perhaps in the field of science It is visible but if you inspect properly as for that “ You worked under the famous scholar of the foreign country “ With you say to be in field of brain science There is no the result which you feature in addition it is not on the register in academic society such as psychiatry it is not the person that appraisal of the brain scientific boundary is high

              • “如何常识毒气喷上”的,因为我不甚至拥有更多的毒气受害者遭罪犯被认定为肇事者困难古,以及如何使用一个计时器定时喷洒驱动tTA要考虑任何数字据称,该小组进行的,为什么不 “ Sensible binary gas spreading method “ As in order the criminal to specify furthermore execution offense itself not to encounter to binary gas damage difficult As for the time limit type spreading method of using the timer and the like although it is thought with a lot of why the execution offense group such as that

                • “我是一个纯粹的日本人”,开出自己的人民并没有被踩1 1 3连,听取了他和“日本人民的声音,这 “Am I the pure Japanese” Although and so on with it is not heard entry of the person who personally increases the self introduction “Is this voice of the Japanese citizen
                  • 但是,真正的左派泄漏,与日本鸟类最终目标解放军“解放” But as for a leak pure left flank As for last purpose of the Aves the Japanese “release by the People s Liberation Army”

                • “松本沙林毒气攻击:”许多人早就知道的中毒症状犯罪的开始时间? [麻原彰晃通过公共辩护人。修先生从工作]→
                  “Matsumoto sarin incident”: Directly from crime start time from before The symptoms of poisoning consciousness person was large number! [Flax field public defender crossing over. 脩 From literary work] ->

                  • →+自卫队修宪的人数在不断增加的禁令,日本经济和就业,很可能会大大改善军工行业
                    Constitution amendment -> with rescindment of the increase + military industry of Self Defense Force, as for the Japanese business and employment the shelf which may be improved rather

                    • 。 松本沙林毒气沙林袭击注射。我的车。什么是验证 怪异点在松本市沙林毒气攻击,长野县另一种方式,非常。存在 Sarin geyser of Matsumoto sarin incident As for car re Being verified By the way in the Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city sarin incident the very incomprehensible point already one It exists
                      • 。 松本沙林毒气沙林袭击注射。我的车。什么是验证 怪异点在松本市沙林毒气攻击,长野县另一种方式,非常。存在 Sarin geyser of Matsumoto sarin incident As for car re Being verified By the way in the Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city sarin incident the very incomprehensible point already one It exists

                    • 。 沙林注射。球员本人作出或驱动tTA破袋第一伞沙林在汽车,地铁为什么 的松本沙林毒气袭击中,长野具有毒性造成6月27日1994年爆炸的气体被加热沙林注射。二手汽车,炸死7人是毒气喷入大气层 Sarin geyser The party who made the car in the subway why tearing the sarin sack ahead the umbrella The sarin geyser which in the sarin incident of Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city which occurred on 1994 June 27th heats the binary gas component and ventilates The car is used Binary gas spraying is done in the atmosphere 7 people died
                      • 正是这种沙林注射。法官Kukara官邸附近的汽车,作证说,注射及沙林核查大型鼓风机,通过核查沙林注射。汽车,注入的空气保持广泛的有毒气体的浓度。可能猜测是否有能力 As for this sarin geyser To be verification of the testimony which we assume that the car from the judge official residence vicinity injected the sarin with the large sized blower with verification Sarin geyser Maintaining the binary gas component density from the car the wide ranging geyser in the atmosphere Whether ability possibility no it can presume

                    • 。 法官及律师曾代表鹦鹉一些外出或为什么不 毒气事件是一个“独特的邪教组织奥姆真理教犯罪你”如果,犯罪总的情况已令人费解的是一个非常大的,矛盾是一个谜,其中之一甚至可以指出真正的轻松,这种情况是怪异我刚刚它,奥姆真理教在他们已经指出,从侧面,而不是一般的公共课水平 As for oumu defense counsel of part and the judge of incident charge why without doing these indications In at this binary gas incident “ Individual crime of oumu teaching group “ When with it does quite in the entire image of the crime big incomprehensibility it is Furthermore the individual contradiction and puzzle it can point out truly simply Taking just that incomprehensibility of at this incident it is not side of oumu truth teaching and it is already pointed out from general society and it is proper level

                      • 。* * *政府是鼓励大胆攻击自杀的独裁者,统治阶级的特权* * *对申请人有没有使用极权专政,通过促进个人崇拜和团结,崇拜和个人自己的目标是彩色或在冬季“,好像他们是紧靠在一起的”打印到交付
                        . * Dictatorial government encouraged special attack death for honor, but the applicant from privilege dominant class was nil * The worship object unnoticed with the advertisement, cult of personality and agreement union of the fascism dictatorial nation which utilizes the, By your of individual “ Like whether it is intimate same one body of, “ It is surprinted

                        • 。:: 彡关闭 “,彡彡彡彡Mimimimi, ::: 女三米升 ” ヾ彡彡米,3!由于0 4亿人口,几百万的闲置资金在5大不思议我,¯ J的彡我Ž┃ 2 u003d × 33ヾ升(如小泽先生)是常见的发言游资丰富 hu 彡 92 gt gt 彡 mimimimi 彡 彡 彡 f three mi l 92 gt gt DREPT three 彡 彡 mi If it does from the populace as for 400 000 000 and 500 000 000 being tansu deposit however wonder it is ¯ 彡 j i z ┃ z x DREPT 33 l Ozawa like as for the rich person tansu depositing normal
                          • 彡关闭 “,彡彡彡彡Mimimimi, ::: 女三米升 ” ヾ彡彡米,3!由于0 4亿人口,几百万的闲置资金在5我不思议大,¯ J的彡我Ž┃ 2 u003d × 33ヾ升小泽(如先生)是常见的发言游资丰富 hu 彡 92 gt gt 彡 mimimimi 彡 彡 彡 f three mi l 92 gt gt DREPT three 彡 彡 mi If it does from the populace as for 400 000 000 and 500 000 000 being tansu deposit however wonder it is ¯ 彡 j i z ┃ z x DREPT 33 l Ozawa like as for the rich person tansu depositing normal

                        • 一个共同的货币,喜欢旅行口开放后,立即对我自己鸠山不平等条约,我想出采取什么样的谈判手文胸? 。头以上的空气气味Girudaro
                          1 Although [u] or Hatoyama itself has mentioned unequal treaty [tsu] [te] American visit immediately after the opening to the world likely, the [tsu] [te] which goes out to negotiation with the hand [bu] and others It is what idea what? . The [ro] which the head and empty it passes and is

                          • 不寻常的情况和审判麻原彰晃麻原彰晃→面试→为什么你一直忽视
                            The interview of flax field defendant -> As for abnormal situation of flax original judgment why being left? ->

                            • 不要以为基不闪烁Birutte伟大的城市,也不看我会非常严重,足以看到我会笑的雷鸟227线驱动tTA 227 However it went to the thunder burr seeing about the laughing tsu chi ya u it is the town which is not maji at all When the base it is not you think that tsu te exaggerated it falls into ruin it is not
                              • 一旦听到什么,我真的是一个民族?实际上已听到妥善消毒Birutte d说话泽基地? 1 Entire country hearing truly it turns If Misawa something the base it is not the tsu te actuality which falls into ruin you heard properly

                            • 中国共产党党的入侵西藏,东土耳其斯坦(新疆维吾尔族)的入侵
                              The Chinese Communist Party has invaded Tibet, east Turkestan (Uighur autonomous area) it has invaded

                              • 中国更是问题的一个小巷中散发出来的,而是一个手段,但中国的核打击的具体措施,第9条“或”外交“不叫,我说了一个明确的计划 Above being the large country China that it comes out with sea lane problem the expedient which opposes to the Chinese nucleus is called concrete plan but Even then as for the fact that you say do not call concrete plan 9 provisions” “in diplomacy”
                                • 383然而,如果第9条,它必将有9条一样的东西?我觉得我是认真的,这些家伙 383 If even then 9 provisions if 9 provisions somehow certainly Being the tsu te serious you think is and others it is dense

                              • 为松本沙林毒气事件Hazime汤姆是袭击造成6月27日1994年,returned ll尝试挥杆奥姆真理教沙林毒气,他们是狂热信徒的犯罪及其教主麻原彰晃马苏 Sarin incident of Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city which occurred on 1994 June 27th is begun when it tries looking back at oumu truth teaching sarin incident It is made the flax field of the founder and crime of those mania trust believers

                                • 为此,朝鲜船只进入日本港口的说出来,可以是核武器,直到问题包括核是一个港口禁止呼吁采取Rubeki
                                  Even because of that, It means that the Japanese entry into port of the bringing possible North Korean ship of the nuclear weapon until nuclear problem is solved, should take entry into port prohibition measure,

                                  • 亚太地区仍然是不稳定的那样的不确定性存在的,美国在冲绳之后,包括日本自卫队和美军在日本修改宪法,以收阻吓作用,以确保国家安全的是一个重要的合作,并采取部分 As still the instability the uncertain element to exist in the Asia Pacific region the resident in open sea United States Constitution amending US Forces in Japan which includes Self Defense Force important role as expected as the deterrent which guarantees the safety of our country It is
                                    • 740因此,即使日本自卫队的军队和它确定宪法修正案?我只有在日本的美军基地,我认为要预防冲突东亚 740 Constitution amending to national military converting Self Defense Force don t you think OK We the US military base just is Japan Becoming dispute control of east Asian area you think as the ru

                                  • 但放心日本第9条“那么评论,美国的军事对手的傻瓜应訳无我不希望这个国家是洙糟糕,我什至不反对 Because so there are 9 provisions in Japan relief is” therefore tsu te purport the US military base group of objectors does not make the partner it is That and hateful this being hateful probably there is no meaning which can protect the country but the foolish person
                                    • 但放心日本第9条“那么评论,美国的军事对手的傻瓜应訳无我不希望这个国家是洙糟糕,我什至不反对 Because so there are 9 provisions in Japan relief is” therefore tsu te purport the US military base group of objectors does not make the partner it is That and hateful this being hateful probably there is no meaning which can protect the country but the foolish person

                                  • 你知道你对减少美国在三泽,军事基础的泪水眼睛的人青森我?由于收入基数
                                    The [ro] which is inhabitant tear eye what with the Misawa how US military base reduction of Aomori? Therefore revenue source base

                                    • 俄罗斯和韩国都没有错了辜基地将成为一个事我不说的基础来自于已多次威胁,并经常入侵面积比以往任何时候都 Because there is a base it probably is not to say but When the base is gone not to be wrong Dew China and South Korea so far above frequently territory violation You menace over again

                                      • 军事防御值得。电梯的情况下,起草了宪法,反间谍法,你叫我从代理商集体废物万说,国家责任的忠诚本
                                        The US military it is, viewing = self-protection. Upgrade, conscription, constitution amendment and espionage law, in nation obligation of loyalty This the mass rubbish operative [tsu] [te] it is said from the word cup, it is the [ro] which is

                                        • 剁碎的冲绳人民的意愿并不重要,因为即使该基地将奖金,我想我的安全刚手流双选举对日本的利弊美,他可能做双竞选宣言,导致这场毁灭公告告诉双边安全瓦特
                                          Applying for and against of Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements Although group of people going/participating same day election you should have done Therefore base how [omake] Also Okinawa public opinion how is good As for [minsu] putting out the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements cancellation in the manifest head, group of people going/participating same day election do Whether it can win, w

                                          • 前几天,台湾完全控制整个亲政府,中国,台湾派遣海军陆战队在冲绳一直是需要防止这种中国至高无上的既成事实
                                            Until administration in the parent holds the Taiwan all earth completely When it is necessary in several days, to dispatch resident in Okinawa Marines in Taiwan, to prevent the fait accompli conversion of the control by China It has done

                                            • 北○。钝感是驻扎在冲绳的海军陆战队员国和美国国务卿这是一回事,当我们国家的袭击准备的是,重要的是,这些Dearimashi,并从地理,效果可以迅速查看详情上述事件在该区域中的一极的情况,并确保我带来的好处等尼吉 ○ north Minister of state As for the US military Marines which have been stationed in Okinawa deterrent first in one our country attack When attacking being done conformability and such being important furthermore and from geographical condition Quite to increase the effect quickly when situation occurs at the Asia Pacific region it is possible It means having such advantage
                                              • 预算不考虑金钱578部队在日本,美国。如果存在薄弱的马铃薯 578 With gold of consideration budget the US military stop If you are stationed cheap ones

                                            • 发现屏幕娱乐款项平均状态介意 我在监狱里,开幕的时间,因为缺乏这样的新闻道德在所谓的发布会上,沉默一辅导员 』 麻原彰晃(麻原彰晃)代表 大师只是』。洗脑是曲折』文Korimashita和一些催眠的批评,“即使今后在一天的1997年,”警察局长和前奥姆真理教钾,而且部长国松的肇事者的暗杀证词 Entertainment average spiritual state of gold folding screen It means that the generally known oral sealing opened press conference ahead commitment but at that time it is lacking in the ethical impression as a counselor Just it became guru the flax field Akira Akira of in place It is brainwashing that and so on the criticism which is said happened at part” Furthermore following in 97 Hypnosis is applied on K of Master Patrol Officer former “with the oumu believer it could point to a testimony that it is execution offense of national pine director sniping incident
                                              • 收入。麻原的精神状况是造成 后可兑换在枪口的第一线,所谓监狱 Taking in The spiritual state of flax field defendant who occurred afterwards There is a possibility the generally known oral sealing being done ahead commitment

                                            • 嘿,好了,它的筑紫原Uzita比尔和具体特点可有不同,但没有太多差别扎西说,它甚至不是一名护士,我不认为这是错误的 If you compare Tsukushi and with Tahara the sled ya just a little the causing which is different However there is no re so great difference says saying the nurse to do as for that you think that you are not wrong

                                              • 四郎在鸟越寺岛四郎,这些家伙,我的大脑就像一个学生锻炼时间
                                                In Torigoe in margin temple island margin, And others it is dense as for the brain miso It is the same feeling what as student movement age, don't you think?

                                                • 因为一个人是反美,我会说这是一个反美,你可以理解瓦特
                                                  1 Therefore as for it is dense the anti-American principle person, you can understand [ru] thing well as the anti-American principle person saying w

                                                  • 在其他一些国家的前一年你在美国〜〜,〜我认为这是在斯堪的纳维亚半岛的诡辩
                                                    To before your 1 years In the foreign countries - in America -, in north Europe - it was philosophism it isn't?

                                                    • 在奥姆真理教在最后。这些恐怖分子的模拟出了错误,朝鲜当时许多。他们一直占主导地位的贡献者 oumu truth teaching of final stage sect It is the terrorist group which it disguises not to be wrong that time many north mornings It seems that is controlled in the cooperator
                                                      • 在奥姆真理教在最后。这些恐怖分子的模拟出了错误,朝鲜当时许多。他们一直占主导地位的贡献者 oumu truth teaching of final stage sect It is the terrorist group which it disguises not to be wrong that time many north mornings It seems that is controlled in the cooperator

                                                    • 基地的问题,我用它这样gdgd政府的不当行为采取行动的对手
                                                      Problem of the base, conduct of the group of objectors with the irregularity of the latest gdgd administration Like this, it utilizes, don't you think? it is

                                                      • 天真的女演员,即使有一天?我权力对拓谷波的讨论,文章和幼稚拓谷,是炫耀一个〜暗示一个看起来很好笑,或做多阶段Warazu
                                                        Once upon a time that naive former actress? In rear end horse of argument power The [tsu] [te], it solves, when it solves, immature discourse, it announced to the proud [ge] and applied laughter, but phase The change doing, [ru]?-

                                                        • 如果你想看看838,并使用冷战,但是,政治家像那么非早熟的一个超级大国不平等条约,反对战争,但是是一个了不起的
                                                          838 If it tries thinking, cold war says was utilized, in the superpower furthermore in the victorious country partner such The politician of that time when it can increase non- unequal treaty is enormous

                                                          • 如果我们将北手流辿想起了自杀狂热基本的心理学“自私自我保护的本能”将导致
                                                            When we assume that and, state of mind of the mania trust suicide bombing it grows and it keeps tracing to the basis of the mind which is built,” Selfish self retention instinct “ It probably will reach

                                                            • 它价格昂贵,使资金,开始做他们自己的业余毒气“搔到一个随机调查数起”是它的动机喷洒毒气即使在这里,在那里交换关系的资金不知道产生毒气一极 Investing large amount fund to that the amateur from first handmade doing binary gas “ In order to disturb entering investigation “ It means that is motive of binary gas spreading but the tip of supplying the fund which relates to the binary gas production quite is unclear even here

                                                              • 它是足够,它可以借大挂不是要复制复制测试车辆,但在报章发表的,他们可以自由地在任何地方的图片和文章 As for this reappearing experimenting Because about that it is not large scale thing but the expectation which is released to the mass communications concerning the reappearance vehicle that photograph and the data is not everywhere

                                                                • 对更多的债券发行而定,并继续对日本金融讲义已经来到了破产的边缘
                                                                  It depends on government bond increase, the Japanese public finance which continues scattering has come to before another failure sun/size

                                                                  • 小组委员会同意联合委员会关于刑法这个“秘密协议”的文件已被记录在美国政府
                                                                    Agreed at this Japanese-American joint committee criminal sectional committee “secret agreement” in the American government document record The [re] [te] it is

                                                                    • 引人注目的方面的折射苦笑着对日本日是日本的心脏的和平与安全,是预留的是将日本自己,哲义和平主义我们的责任是,它甚至不是以武力相威胁的邻里 It cannot avoid smiling wryly at the aspect where Japan U S Security Arrangements are refracted but you expect in heart as a Japanese the be As for coming Japanese peace and as for safety to be something which it should guarantee with intention of the Japanese himself the peaceful main thing Persisting in justice it means that also the self control which does not become threat of neighborhood is our responsibilities

                                                                      • 当我在首相麻议员,鸟越是“Aso m据报道,国外的批评忽视这样”没有什么海外报告的?不过,我觉得我做了我的卡约出了错 The time where Taro is the prime minister as for Torigoe “as for Prime Minister Aso in the foreign country being reported by such a wind being neglected the ru ” Quoting overseas reporting it probably isn t criticized I am with think not to be wrong but it is

                                                                        • 我Idaro犯罪率较低的犯罪率,巴西军方将在静冈瓦特夕张,第二是这样的,真的
                                                                          The [ro] w which is lower than the crime rate of occurrence how Brazilian human crime ratio of the US military and is Shizuoka prefecture when this way is, becomes second Yuubari city, with [maji

                                                                          • 我们有一个在现实世界中谁是无神论者。为了地位,并考虑目前的趋势是所有的事情只有本地化的国家,也是一个独立单位的“个人”我唯一得到满足,作为一个举足轻重的物质“生活时间”一最。值得 These people being the atheism person as a actuality in the world It is present just a physical state where localized it does thinks everything of existence It is that independent single unit “ My individual “ Only profit sufficiency as materialistic conclusion “ Life limited to of one time “ So most It becomes value
                                                                            • 我们有一个在现实世界中谁是无神论者。为了地位,并考虑目前的趋势是所有的事情只有本地化的国家,也是一个独立单位的“个人”我唯一得到满足,作为一个举足轻重的物质“生活时间”一最。值得 These people being the atheism person as a actuality in the world It is present just a physical state where localized it does thinks everything of existence It is that independent single unit “ My individual “ Only profit sufficiency as materialistic conclusion “ Life limited to of one time “ So most It becomes value

                                                                          • 我是美国军事占领的方式喜欢有我在中国最后的分析?鸟越是间谍
                                                                            It requires the Chinese way, although it has occupying, the US military with disturbance something the shank? As the Torigoe operative

                                                                            • 或死刑或福利,或西Fundarakandara外国投票权利,阻止它,也因为世界流动Fundarakandara
                                                                              Welfare or capital punishment system, foreign carrot administration, in Europe and America [hundarakandara], Don't you think? the flow of the world will stop also [hundarakandara] [tsu] [te

                                                                              • 战前,三国联盟[德国和意大利人民的共识,说什么Tteta人,谁做你说话,我是你的纳吉
                                                                                Prior to world war 2, 'the collective will' [tsu] [te] of the citizen you call the Japanese-German Italy three national alliances the people and, Your doing mouth, It is [ji] It is what

                                                                                • 报纸必须保持它在日本的某处365基地,美军基地的美军基地,我需要的人,我认为日本人民对日本◎包括在日本的某个地方,他们会受到蒙骗,以为是 365 The base must be put in the Japanese somewhere if As for the newspaper as for the Japanese citizen as for the US military base you think that it is the Japanese somewhere The Japanese citizen thinks and surpasses that the US military base is necessary 込
                                                                                  • ○日本的是,美国军方◎我认为日本人民在日本的某个地方觉得他们受骗的有美国的军事基地是需要 As for the ○ Japanese citizen as for the US military base you think that it is the Japanese somewhere The Japanese citizen thinks and surpasses that the US military base is necessary 込
                                                                                  • 报纸必须保持它在日本的某个地方,365基地,日本人民应该耐心等待,因为新闻 365 The base must be put in the Japanese somewhere if As for the newspaper as for the Japanese citizen as for the US military base you think that it is the Japanese somewhere The Japanese citizen thinks and surpasses that the US military base is necessary 込

                                                                                • 换言之,以增强自我意识的日本,如果美军从日本撤出,“本盖封闭附表包括日本军国主义复活”,是消除邻国成为一个合乎逻辑的恐惧
                                                                                  In other words, if Japan raises independence inclination and the US military withdraws from Japan There is no “cover of the bottle which shuts in the revival of the Japanese militarism”, neighboring countries are insecure It is the logic that it becomes,

                                                                                  • 日本废物处理厂,即使是违反废弃物处理厂的建设将Narandaro必要无

                                                                                    • 日本的军事复兴,你知道你反对美军撤出是?我跑到动摇它是荒谬的言论,他们可以声称解放军! The US military withdrawing it opposes to the Japanese national military revival it is the ro which is Being swung in 妄 word of the party who is not unable to insist People s Liberation Army stationing it accumulates

                                                                                      • 日本,人民的声音通知,该基地所需的头!你以为我会需要它,如果你的吻,它呢?女数decent ll带来你的头,矮,不知道或相当意义的存在,美国军队的威慑万维网,脑肿瘤的家伙。 Shitoran或转让?我是愚蠢的,或从原来的呢?我会向新闻界讲出这无论如何水平 The base voice of the citizen that deliver Japan it is unnecessary It is unnecessary how thinking as for ru the ro w which is very little Honest atama having the re about the US military meaning of existence as a deterrent the wa or the tsu and the wa it is www With you say or are dense in the brain the swelling To spread viewing Or so being foolish from the origin In any case appearing in the mass communications way this you speak don t you think
                                                                                        • 大脑1 3压迫鸟越不是我病了你可能得了癌症已扩散到 You are hard on everyone sick person it is it is not Perhaps as for Torigoe the cancer spreads to the brain

                                                                                      • 日美同盟,特别是国家的基石,国家的外交大臣冈田○我们,在荷兰的心脏的日美安全安排 Minister of state ○ Okada Japan U S alliance to be pivot in the intersection overseas our especially the Japan U S Security Arrangements system forming the core now It does

                                                                                        • 材料说服当地的情况,政府民主党人“需要”比离开更被称为决定,并没有说服零 The material which persuades local end present condition as for the Democratic party government above putting out the decision “necessity” must depend on persuasion being the case
                                                                                          • 要说服当地材料,诚实,但我一直麻烦推,只有黄金和好客关闭 The material which persuades local end honesty only overcome with the gold and hearty welcome saying but the is balance place

                                                                                        • 此外,我们的反日韩国○想法,我不再使用任何标点符号○韩国通信消费将能闻到写普及率 Furthermore as for the ○ bright fresh people of anti Japanese idea when it reaches the point where it is detected with entry The ○ bright fresh person it is ill smelling altogether it stops using the punctuation mark sign in order to turn off
                                                                                          • 埃塞左转入形状这么好我不知道为什么日本的左翼反美反s 505 505 It probably is left flank tsu te anti Japanese anti American what of Japan with something … Therefore the ese left flank which enters from shape

                                                                                        • 武藤敏郎句子包括思想丰富的课外阅读,误导,恶意抗日,将发给他们,并会一句谎言,撒旦句标点符号,有一个类似的符号滥用功能有关与有关的照顾 When many compositions are read error induction and the anti Japanese idea which is malice it reaches the point where you can distinguish the composition of lie The punctuation mark the air is attached to being feature of the misuse kind of method which is almost similar with the sign in composition of demon
                                                                                          • 永恒不再是从墙上升,仔细记下凉标点符号,句子标点符号苏寻找危险,让点来看一个共同的,就是我们的虐待的迹象 It stops knowing that the blood climbs in the head but noting calmly when the punctuation mark you search the sign very carefully The common point that can be discovered in dangerous composition the punctuation mark several it is misuse method with the sign

                                                                                        • 海军陆战队转移到关岛完全解决在它的位置+我将肩负起嘉手纳基地的恢复成本关岛迁移普天间搬迁费用开发成本
                                                                                          The Marines Guam extensive moving Ahead + moving cost Guam moving service cost Futenma Conclusion it does with take-over of Kadena returning cost

                                                                                          • 然而,小泉好像是说时代基础的差距拉大伐丽流,小泉真的降低了收入的富裕,贫富差距日益悬殊
                                                                                            Furthermore, Koizumi says foundation of differential enlargement likely, but Actually it decreases the income of wealthy layer to Koizumi day, has expanded the differential of wealthy layer and poor layer

                                                                                            • 独裁的政府,但是,自杀是一个光荣的死向公众宣传尽管认为美德教育,从统治阶级的特权,我是谁的临床措施,就是死的光荣和自杀死亡,并没有一个谁 But as for dictatorial government in the general citizen as for special attack death for honor when it is virtue educating while having publicized Taking the initiative as for the person who faces to special attack death for honor it had not made some one person from privilege dominant class

                                                                                              • 电影镜头的另外一架直升机在空中覆盖苏奥姆真理教信徒总部设在静冈县,从8 7外墙卡诺萨蒂扬大卡,“只是看着我,说万,”大小时间较长的使用光圈管道出来的碰撞不明 Furthermore it is 7th in image of the reporting helicopter which projects the oumu truth textbook section of Shizuoka prefecture from the sky or from the external wall of sateian whether 8th of “ You see and only the word cup “ The pipe of big use obscurity of the aperture had extended long

                                                                                                • 第一道曙光出现在还包括安全问题,但我认为这样的事情在冲绳的基地作为存在?四郎四郎花园三反瓦特鸟越,切实维护了全县的言论之前,基地内提出在大选前,鸠山,开始谈苏元适合冲绳再次瓦特傻瓜 The tsu te which you do not depress to either security problem examines just the presence of the Okinawa base It is such In w Torigoe in margin three counter garden before the margin and the election Hatoyama transfer of facilities speech outside base prefecture It protected and the tsu which sows it is forward it began suitable story in order again to swindle the Okinawan w
                                                                                                  • 普天间搬迁县外,一个独立公民的共识!我注意到,不仅保守示威,冲绳等声音 As for transfer of facilities outside Futenma prefecture in the prefectural people collective will non zu The conservative demonstration by the Okinawan Unless you deliver either such voice don t you think

                                                                                                • 红旗 红色 众议院秘密协议委员会对美国军队遗弃的刑事管辖权。美军被迫在下一阶段Gunoha废人我怀疑,日本遗弃管辖权众议员核查的要求,或者因为没有一个秘密协议 American soldier crime With secret agreement jurisdiction abandonment The House of Representatives committee Red Assemblyman verification request It does not doubt that Japan has abandoned jurisdiction that the American soldier incident which is not obtained follows one another Isn t because there is secret agreement
                                                                                                  • 红旗 红色 众议院秘密协议委员会对美国军队遗弃的刑事管辖权。美军被迫在下一阶段Gunoha废人我怀疑,日本遗弃管辖权众议员核查的要求,或者因为没有一个秘密协议 American soldier crime With secret agreement jurisdiction abandonment The House of Representatives committee Red Assemblyman verification request It does not doubt that Japan has abandoned jurisdiction that the American soldier incident which is not obtained follows one another Isn t because there is secret agreement

                                                                                                • 美军基地的美军基地,应该不需要美军基地的美军基地中的不应该是必要的,我不需要在日本的美军基地
                                                                                                  The US military base is needed The US military base is needed The US military base is needed The US military base is needed The US military base is needed The US military base is needed The US military base is needed As for such a we Japanese

                                                                                                  • 要求开始与“一旦进入这里接受所有反对政府,是被迫的军事冲突,和平”,对外国帝国主义,和平和保护音频踢仍然非常困难 In the first place “if partner country accepts this request entirely military collision is not possible it is peace” that you say The country of empire principle diplomacy at the partner it continues to maintain peace with the difficult industry
                                                                                                    • 要求开始与“一旦进入这里接受所有反对政府,是被迫的军事冲突,和平”,对外国帝国主义国家,踢保护继续发言非常困难的和平 In the first place “if partner country accepts this request entirely military collision is not possible it is peace” that you say The country of empire principle diplomacy at the partner it continues to maintain peace with the difficult industry

                                                                                                  • 认真的,奇怪的文物已经张贴标点符号陈述他们如何使用,笑草,但不自然的句子结束乐趣和笑声使他幸福的人“wwwww”,令人沮丧和绝望的不自然下降书面没有约束力,但不接近。符号“orz”排减并添加了一个句子标志杆埋在蔌呒蛾污染和句尾的是不合理的,你可以写的韩国美浓群众思想的特殊反○ The giving gu re the contribution sentence which has strange feeling and unnaturalness in method of using the punctuation mark Although it is not the composition which can amuse others happily pleasantly with last portion unnatural joke “wwwww” Being dejected although it is not the composition which is close to despair not to limit with the knot the unnatural falling E g sign “orz” is added Burying end of composition with the sign which has strange feeling as for the contribution sentence which you pollute There is a possibility of entry of the special ○ bright fresh person of the lump of anti Japanese idea
                                                                                                    • 然后,幽默惯性来了,当1 3阅读后,标点符号不自觉地,现在签支票 In that way don t you think 2 when it is accustomed to the ru The occasion where the contribution sentence is read in non consciousness the punctuation mark it reaches the point where it checks symbolically

                                                                                                  • 达罗日本并不需要的东西更多的反日民族绑架朝总联让我们才首次排序
                                                                                                    First the [ze] which the Korean entire ream will categorize The [ro] which facility something of anti-Japanese kidnapping nations does not need in Japan and is

                                                                                                    • 这些家伙都不是一个愚蠢的,他们把基地我猜他是叛徒了东京大学和冷家
                                                                                                      Because they of the Tokyo University being present are off base, because it is foolish, it is not They probably are level-headed lineage traitor what

                                                                                                      • 这将是我的父亲10(恶性脑肿瘤已经转移肝癌)的死亡我
                                                                                                        10 It does We father died being that (the malignant encephaloma where the liver cancer/gun spreads)

                                                                                                        • 这是由于自然唯物主义的观点是真实的东西立刻在每一个单独的性质独立,目前的趋势是认为已经没有更多的相互关系,每个人有相互独立的自治个人的利益和生存“自私自我保护的本能”,以查看专注于原始丛林生存的追求,这样的竞争法的,将在物质社会的积极作为人类的基本原则
                                                                                                          This is same thing actuality something due to the materialistic natural view which is, as for each one of the independent single unit in naturally, mutually relation above that Because you think, that it does not have, each of the individual which becomes independent mutually is continuance and the profit of the self individual “ Selfish self retention instinct “ In order to begin and end to pursuit, it means that the weak meat strongly the primitive struggle for existence like the food is as a general rule affirmed, with materialistic view large of human society

                                                                                                          • 这样做是因为极权国家和消除各种不同的想法和信念,因为党是一组的克隆
                                                                                                            If why is, because the fascism nation which everything removes thought and the principle which differ is that party alone clone group

                                                                                                            • 这样的天堂。忠诚如绝对崇拜或灭私“标准化教育”的精神,以及印刷和交付是从童年,因为如果其他人左右,“他改变自我,就好像它是”一种幻想把种植其中,这是一个细节翻译成临床显示光荣的死是自杀攻击会回答我的另一个自我,以保护他的生活发生s That kind of heaven You called absoluteness worship or destruction my loyalty etc “ Spiritual standardization education “ When it is surprinted from time of the child Just other than around the person” It seems like whether you are your own offshoot of “ Being able to plant hallucination but the meaning which faces to special attack death for honor That you replacing to your own life protect your own offshoot probably is correct answer
                                                                                                              • 合作小组和北朝鲜为支持恐怖主义的国家,也使我狂热的野心,它是由这位皇帝自杀死亡的崇拜,自由,在历史上日本帝国。疯狂已经非常相似,这样的恐怖组织将愿意自杀炸弹客的行为,即使说到 Terrorist support nation and that cooperative group such as North Korea had mania trust ambition that executed special attack death for honor with emperor worship Nothing of the Jipango which remains in history We have resembled closely with insanity rather now then that kind of terrorist organization if with it becomes even suicide bombing behavior it is and does not question Probably will be

                                                                                                            • 通过世界像,即使成为临时从日本原子弹爆炸发生我想我真的值得一从日本和美国军队全部撤出了日本经济,但我想绝对没有给多愁善感的结束,但在W When it withdraws the US military extensively from Japan really how it becomes don t you think it is probably will be So after becoming Japan being bombed temporarily the world there is no tsu te thing which through is done You think as emotional argument but it is It ends the Japanese economy however probably will be w
                                                                                                              • 我只错这是不可能的感情为魔术标签不解释具体原因,美国军队驱赶弹出通化 The concrete reason which expels the u or the US military is not divided explanation The error to demon just it has converted with emotional argument and label Hari

                                                                                                            • 附近的居民和煽动他们推向左倾反美思想,冲绳423
                                                                                                              423 Left flank of anti-American ideology surging in Okinawa, the inhabitant was instigated

                                                                                                              • 鸟的头部和出口前国防部部长。积分也出于情感原因,我永远不会太郎蝴蝶瓦特 然后拉出情绪理论他们合国防部长:我想我“基地”垃圾就像我说Tteta瓦特 Just a little defensive minister of state meddling before the bird head Taro talking absolutely in emotional argument the ru point w … So defensive minister of state voicing the emotional argument to the inquiry well “annoyance you call the base” w
                                                                                                                • 国防部部长和开放了一段时间以前,我们是从水龙头部长和其他执政党袋越来越 Just a little defensive minister of state meddling before the bird head Taro talking absolutely in emotional argument the ru point w … So defensive minister of state voicing the emotional argument to the inquiry well “annoyance you call the base” w

                                                                                                              • 鸟越,是说“不”蚂蚁的结论,这将是是否应制订具体方案萨尼阿 As Torigoe says the conclusion “unnecessary” it is the ant with you think but in that case alternate method must be put out concretely

                                                                                                                • 鸠山和奥巴马总统在核安全首脑会议晚宴线[开始赎回非正式会议』
                                                                                                                  Was done in dinner meeting beginning of nuclear preservation summit 'the informal conversation' of Prime Minister and [obama] American president Hatoyama which

                                                                                                                  研究 開発