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Hatoyama Cabinet support, 25%. As for non- support rapid increase 61%. “Even at 6 tenths Futenma failure of the Democratic party supporter, prime minister resignation there is no necessity”…Asahi newspaper investigation ★2


  • - - - -隆平川田大家的党@古同样的承诺,以供外国人艾滋病毒普选:2名晋升制度的选择:促进人权立法的权利:促进废除死刑:促进其他TTP的:/ / WWW的。ryuheikawada.jp / PDF格式/ mft76。PDF格式TTP的:/ / blogs.yahoo.co.jp / dune01220227 / 48570736。网页
    - - - - Similarly the party Kawada dragon flat @ chemical injury AIDS of everyone Pledge Foreign carrot administration: Propulsion Selective surname system of married couple: Propulsion Protection of fundamental human rights bill: Propulsion Capital punishment system abolition: Propulsion In addition ttp: //www.ryuheikawada.jp/pdf/mft76. pdf ttp: //blogs.yahoo.co.jp/dune01220227/48570736. html

    • -日本吞并朝鲜道歉和赔偿,一个完整的商业秘密开放日本的索赔南京事件和议会在被迫道歉的专利自愿放弃的,因此决定合并,日本人在中国新疆日本部将
      Day Korea apology and claim of merger, apology and claim of the Nanjing incident The Japanese enterprise secret complete opening conversion and forcing of independent abandonment of patent right At the National Diet, the merger to the Japanese China is resolved, becomes the autonomous area Japanese ministry

      • -选举权的外国人:日本的特权:姓制度选择取消双:人权立法反对:反对废除死刑的死刑:反对子女免税额:我是谁检讨,特别是政治家你好吗?
        Foreign carrot administration: Opposition Resident privilege: Abolition Selective surname system of married couple: Opposition Protection of fundamental human rights bill: Opposition Capital punishment system abolition: Opposition Though it is dense, treatment: Second look Famous [tsu] [te] someone it is with the [tsu] [te] politician?

        • 149暂缴税呢?该宝藏,据说工作?免费的公路?民主党人说,他们是邪恶的东西债券血清。便利消失呢?瓦特了,神奇的浪费,即使你错在这种 149 How it did provisional tariff How it did a story that it goes well with the buried deposit gold How it did highway free conversion As for the government bond luckily to somewhere as for the Democratic party that it is badness it went out w Already the error to demon converting with such a better one it is wasteful

          • 17 -朝日新闻社,一个全国性的调查进行了两次18天(手机)说,3月13日,14日鸠山内阁的支持率在25上次调查的百分之(),低于去年9月增长百分之32 30%优惠驱动tTA就职以来的首次
            The Asahi Shimbun both days of 17 and 18 the nationwide public opinion poll which is executed (the telephone) according to, as for support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet With the 25% previous investigation (March 13 and 14 days) to depreciate from the 32%, since September last year administration starting the first time 3 tenths were cut

            • 1我,或日本国民谁拥有什么民主党真的想学习?无剑蕨和加剧的问题,我为民主党政府研究基地是驱动tTA采取解决问题的公告基地负责? 1 The Democratic party supporter tsu te of the investigation object being the Japanese nationality possession person truly Putting out the solution of base problem the Democratic party which takes administration deteriorating base problem although the ru when there is no responsibility is
              • 我是一个特例,而不是什么所谓的言语梅罗站的问题,因为迄今相当普通七三五瓦特这是不太可能有问题 NULL

            • 584人,我并不需要一个地震海啸台风核废料焚烧也是一个火葬场,人民的声音对我的发言 584 When is you say that the rubbish incineration place or the crematory or the nuclear plant or earthquake or the typhoon or the tidal wave do not need you speak for also the voice of the citizen
              • 伊莫227纳税,也是主要的投入,并接受垃圾处理,马萨在日本表明饮酒 227 Drinking being able to surpass in Japan it increases also the payment of tax also the rubbish dealing place and the acceptance of the nuclear plant

            • 87批评政府抛出你看,我不只是得到它自食其果反对和批评政府,浴缸时间? 87 Administration throwing out criticism and administration basin turning criticism becoming the boomerang just it curves it isn t
              • 朝日210没有什么,日经指数Niko的邮政定期检讨政策的批评 210 The ro where what introduction Asahi and Nikkei have criticized postal services second look policy periodically and are

            • Ameblo jp 德田,金城武 天 20100313。HTML的进入将改变后,之后民主党官员做了民主党人对岛民Buchigire混乱,并要求会议,德之岛虎雄先生不,我什至不能满足我 ameblo jp tokuda takeshi day 20100313 html You say that it changed if is after that vis a vis Tokunoshima chaos in the Democratic party which was done islander buchigire The Democratic party authorized personnel not be able to have either the te which begs interview in Torao meeting altogether
              • NULL Why the opposition party our people in connection with Futenma in following in the midst of efforts Tanigaki It converses with local local entering nomarch and the inhabitants of Okinawa and Kagoshima 2010 03 13 15 Ginowan city Futenma s local end representation and inspection of entering local end inhabitant and exchange of opinions meeting Similarly side field old inspection local end and exchange of opinions meeting Nomarch and conversation Okinawa in interview in Hatoyama majigire feeling Torao boss Tokuda of Tokunoshima is visited in the sickbed “President Tanigaki chief director and conversation Tokuda” burogu of member of the house of representatives Tokuda Jr ttp ameblo jp tokuda takeshi day 20100313 html After that vis a vis Tokunoshima chaos in the Democratic party which was done islander buchigire The Democratic party authorized personnel not be able to have either the te which begs interview in Torao meeting altogether

            • NULL NULL
              • 布鲁诺 Ξ Ξ 升二 ヽ ヽヽ ) 升 ヽ 。 Eeeeeeee ━━升(吨)┥━━━━ NULL

            • _NULL_
              The Japanese-American secret agreement The American soldier crime which is not judged Why their crimes not being judged? The victim of rape and assault seeking judgment, it cannot As for, whether why is the ─ ─. In the Japanese-American secret agreement and those related documents which with thoroughness collection of data become clear, The numerous skillful trick and the Japanese-American both governments in order to try American soldier crime in Japan The saying adjusting was hidden. The energetic young journalist chases the exterritoriality of today. Secret agreement Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements and American soldier crime The nuclear secret agreement which is understood from zero Secret agreement - - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs leak of secret incident - - Alliance history “of complicity” - - The Japanese-American secret agreement and the Liberal Democratic Party administration - - The Japanese-American nuclear secret agreement

              • “你可以看看随远吗?”不信任奥巴马,美国总统,民主经验的支持者被按照百分之六十的东京首脑会议去年11月,“首相没有在普天间,”信托(相信我),“指的是天空,并说,”但我们不会与任何诉讼 lt Futenma transfer of facilities gt “accomplishing ” American president distrust As for obama president in the summit meeting which in the November last year was done in Tokyo The prime minister “trust me relying on me ” referring expressing even with 6 percentage “Futenma failure of the democracy supporter But “ nothing is advanced
                • 60%的民主党人的“失败的普天间,Rupizu什么看起来像民主党而不需要辞职 gt Prime minister resignation there is no necessity even with 6 percentage “Futenma failure of the Democratic party supporter It is Democratic party supporter tsu te rupizu it is
                • “你可以看看随远吗?”不信任奥巴马,美国总统,表示经验和“正符合东京首脑会议去年11月,首相”信任(相信我)指的是天空,“但此案可能不会做任何事情 lt Futenma transfer of facilities gt “accomplishing ” American president distrust As for obama president in the summit meeting which in the November last year was done in Tokyo The prime minister “trust me relying on me ” referring expressing even with 6 percentage “Futenma failure of the democracy supporter But “ nothing is advanced

              • ※所以,根据军费开支在日本的外交力量,当然日本已经减少了其周边国家
                * Therefore, with the Japanese diplomacy power circumstance Can reduce war expenditure and Japan neighboring country of course

                • ↓自由民主党,但也无望,社会民主党,人民的新党,公明党,伙计们,Tachiagare,创新的党,民主党的大联合舛添,参加选举的总和房子多数在上
                  But our people useless useless ↓ Democracy, the corporation people, the national new party, fairness, everyone, rise, large combination of the creation new party and the Masuzoe new party Even with democracy and House of Councillors selection majority is taken with summing up

                  • ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○当地政府的支持率突然下降●○●○●○●○●○●○●○:大幅削减目标的基础问题上,必须搬迁地点在鹿儿岛冲绳 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Cabinet support ratio urgent decrease area Okinawa Kagoshima When with base problem it makes the target ahead relocating be sure to decrease suddenly
                    • 鸠山公务员制度改革,要与媒体有关内阁的支持率驱动tTA任意线,完成交给的承诺和人民的希望和禁令 Because Hatoyama the mass communications there are no the air times when such as the Cabinet support ratio which the 恣 mind does it makes We want carrying out the promise with the citizen such as government employee reformation and compulsory prohibition

                  • ♪♪羞辱羞辱我们不是461〜〜我一直梦想生活在一个由民主♪♪痴迷者
                    461 As for shyness heart ♪ shyness heart ♪ we - ♪ Living with dream, the [ru] - the ♪ by Democratic party fanatic

                    • 主任。 ...塌陷案件泄漏中线官僚主义:冈田吉之岛了...世界工会在企业泄漏事件...普通公民积极分子和人类病例煤气中毒花圃中的中线:可怜的上帝在大脑:我们的灾难。鲁苏゙゙菅我们的政治家小泽力量... Nyanko俱乐部案件:前眼泪。福田一
                      Official. Drop out in deterioration…… bureaucratic societies Example: Jusco Co., Ltd. Okada Drop out in union rising…… enterprise societies Example: Poor God plain Unfortunate person of your flower garden inside civic movement house… brains Example: 遍. 菅 The [ya] of the Ozawa mosquito ゙ [rusu] ゙… political world it is densely club Example: Tear top. Fukuda certain person

                      • 人工神经网络的自民党参议院投票调查中,23.0%,24.1百分之民主党人4→/ 13(星期二)舛添先生,党的凝视与一个新的。寻求大阪,宫崎县知事
                        Ahead House of Councillors voting of ANN investigation our people 24.1% Democracy 23.0% -> 4/13 (Tuesday) Masuzoe, new party glare ream. Groping Osaka, Governor Miyazaki

                        • 什么是民主的支持者...朝总联民团,Ntsukyouso,不仅是集团山口组的犯罪敌人的普通日本公民在
                          Bearing stratum [tsu] [te] of democracy . People group Entire ream, Nitukiyou group, mob of Yamaguchi group affiliation There is no only enemy of the general Japanese citizen?

                          • 什么濒危物种为626?文字的谨慎选择瓦特
                            626 Extermination fear kind It is the protective object? In selection of word w which will pay attention

                            • 他真是不错,但他们不关心政治,这意味着严重。什么我越来越好市民将古排放乐趣 As for them as for truth politics how how being good Serious mind What the person whom it spits is teased is favorite what don t you think
                              • 他真是不错,但他们不关心政治,这意味着严重。什么我越来越好市民将古排放乐趣 As for them as for truth politics how how being good Serious mind What the person whom it spits is teased is favorite what don t you think

                            • 伊朗军队是太愚蠢朱达罗197瓦特如果没有在所有可能的侵略如果W明白为什么贫穷,并得到日本和美国的外交政策的今天,最根本的制度不同的是180,如果没有安全裤我将生活在同样的情况或将ü魔法对中国分钟 197 If there is no possibility of aho passing w invasion the ro w which is in the first place troop Iran If now Japan does not appear in the diplomacy top and bottom hand has understood the reason which is not obtained in America when security is gone The national body probably will understand 180 degrees as for the same circumstance to the Chinese partner who is different being born
                              • 一百七十九瓦特美军在日本的人,因为我很着迷,我认为入侵的可能性,我不担心中国和韩国都没有 179 Even Japanese w The people who are attached to the US military are worried about China and Korea you think that it is but There is no possibility of invasion
                              • 不这样做,即使只是为了帮助被屠宰和新浪荣格入侵该国的金融崩溃,即使Minsumodo NULL

                            • 但你不只是自来水自民党过去的错误,毕竟辜,仍然可以不看民主自由民主党到目前为止我不是115 的主要事情要脏钱还要引导他们记住,你是 115 The present our people saying unless you show the place only after all also democracy hitting the past wrongdoing after all of the place our people it just is done gt Your own gold you are dirty you cannot correct Forgetting essential thing the ru
                              • 115 忘记了过去主要的错误辜自由民主党毕竟是我自己的钱不能直接脏 115 gt Only also democracy hitting the past wrongdoing after all of the place our people it just is done gt Your own gold you are dirty you cannot correct Forgetting essential thing the ru

                            • 但是,真正的161。自由民主党或未列入只要赶走一个负责任的内阁酸note改变我让民主一年不不讨论哪种方式你天在数撤回例如抵制因为你觉得你太可爱liability我 161 So it is actual Useless John Blaming the mistake of the Democratic party unless the Cabinet it drives to the point of alternating The Liberal Democratic Party how to blame is too sweet That if you think whether it deliberated denied withdrawing in several days deliberation coming out the ru it does and don t you think which and it is
                              • 248或反对,但我想我会做公正和充分的讨论和结束前,我犯了一个有礼貌的替代,而是反对南玻 248 However you think that the ma it is to call is with that don t you think The opposition party produces opposing nanbo Polite counterproposal making how the se deliberating suitably to finish and

                            • 你可以有代理,是坏,但自民党,在那里我的世界第二大经济强国?但我做,而不是目前的赤字酱同样数额的资产在哪里?如果他们离开自民党并不理想,但在思想选举法所有政党什么的清除
                              The operative that is, it is useless the Liberal Democratic Party is useless, but Economic power of worldwide number 2 it made where? However you call the deficit discharge of untreated effluent, property above the same amount as for making where? Therefore as for ideal your own thought what if the political party it chooses with the method of elimination, only our people it remains

                              • 你想让我万维网soooo偏颇报道1人辞职的我不是一个支持者湿重的百分比
                                The [ge] which it does - deflection reporting www As for resignation margin [tsu] [te] no percentage it is with the human who is not the supporter it is, ww

                                • 内阁普天间问题,回溯中,在痛苦↓翻腾-在5月底,普天间问题,↓↓6月-在没有最终解决,以内阁责任的普天间问题,6月辞职,↓启动儿童津贴民主党- 7月↓率复苏,上议院选举
                                  With Futenma problem Cabinet, two revolution three revolution, writhing ↓ Five ends of the month, Futenma problem, conclusion it does not do after all, ↓ ↓ June, to take the responsibility of Futenma problem, Cabinet general resignation June, start of child treatment provision ↓ The Democratic party support ratio recovery ↓ July, Councilor general election

                                  • 县以下设施,共用设施的使用私人设施只在东京,神奈川,静冈县山口,美国的军事设施在北海道,青森县,千叶,福冈,山口,广岛和长崎共享东京,神奈川,埼玉,静冈县,青森县佐贺,长崎和冲绳反对民主党人Twitter的电子邮件等,或者要求您请教县搬迁了县以上的内阁每个基地 As for the prefecture which is the leased facility common use facility of the US military below Leased facility The Aomori Saitama Tokyo Kanagawa Shizuoka Hiroshima Yamaguchi Fukuoka Nagasaki Common use facility The Hokkaido Aomori Chiba Tokyo Kanagawa Shizuoka Yamaguchi Saga Nagasaki Okinawa Twitter And Mail and the like So Democratic party Assemblyman Confronting Cabinet Vis a vis each capital prefecture Transfer of facilities of base Way you examine in the above mentioned prefecture You request

                                    • 可以解决普天间,我觉得人是看和释放而离开,钱是在牛市的杜鹃瓦特夷鸠山在反对派政治家已成为一个party ll一次居座 If it cannot solve Futenma at May you think w that the citizen looks at Hatoyama as expected and releases While with politics and the gold the ee appearance doing in opposition party age Once when you become the party it remained with gudaguda
                                      • “普天间航空基地的继续使用”,但在5月底解决朱达罗,谁只是它玩弄人性,人们可能会被暗杀,它成为一个有关注 With the ro which is 5 end of the month conclusions “Futenma continuation use” Simply just this playing with human nature the ru and that becomes worry whether it is not in each case to be assassinated
                                      • 漂白和无奈Aredake我除了纯粹的普天间845色,我也15% 845 That much color it is in addition to Futenma to bleach disabled the 15 it is it is
                                      • 解决不了的问题比140普天间,如果我说我就可以张,可能的解决办法是及时解决 140 As for problem not being able to solve Futenma compared to although there is no reason which can be solved during the time limit when it can solve persisting ru thing

                                    • 哈! Souta゙,゙Yotounohasu Minshutouha Eikyuuni゙Senkyowonakushiteshimaeha
                                      [hatsu]! [souta] ゙ and [senkiyowonakushiteshimaeha] ゙ [minshiyutouhaeikiyuuniyotounohasu] ゙

                                      • 在陌生,但谁也说,日本民主党囊,民主党人要调查Rashii
                                        Investigation of the Democratic party supporter object it seems, but even, the Democratic party supporter Japanese it is doubtful, but it is

                                        • 如果你可以提交到一个半至11月,一些民主党人抵制预算通过后,众议院通过自动也可在60天30天再次通过的法案 If being able to submit it is to the November middle the Democratic party resisting however much budget from the House of Representatives passing in 30 days the automatic formation and related bill was re approval possible in 60 days
                                          • NULL Foreign carrot administration two Before being formed treason bill such as register admission and foreign inhabitant basic bill as a stage “The National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “The National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “The National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” “National Diet reformation related bill” Well the formation se it comes You must obstruct this firmly The internal data of the Democratic party National Diet reformation is ascertained From laws bureau “constitution interpretation right” deprivation 2009 12 10 01 29 The Democratic party political reform propulsion headquarters Secretary General Ichiro headquarters chief Ozawa drew up details of the National Diet reformation such as prohibition of the bureaucratic reply which it is recorded inside the data on the 9th It became clear

                                        • 如果您想政府就职典礼朱达罗潮流的普及另一个变化是failure m不支持
                                          Way non- support becomes support ratio at the time of administration start, if the [ro] which already at the time of the tide is Administration alternation was the failure, it is

                                          • 它的调查是针对媒体,他们将提升自己的粮食和大米Mukenai给观众和读者,我不能忍受烟周二损伤 As for public opinion poll raising the smoke even at the place where it does not have the fire removing the viewer and the reader in by your Unless it directs the rice to eat don t you think it is something which was induced to the mass communications which become
                                            • 不过,我头一个临时停止,但像狂欢提请国家在这净民意 Simply Although public opinion of this country at a stroke is net public opinion like facing stopped temporarily

                                          • 尽管他的基本立场批评朝日朝日鸠山批评的东西我从一开始就积极百分之说过小泉竹中平藏政策?我认为,旭日的基本立场和积极的政策立场将小泉竹中平藏 However something Asahi it is critical wasn t Asahi basic stance Koizumi Takenaka policy saying correctly Hatoyama criticized from extremely first one Koizumi Takenaka policy saying correctly you think Asahi basic stance that it is stance
                                            • 202 我觉得旭日的基本立场和积极的政策立场将小泉竹中平藏 202 gt Koizumi Takenaka policy saying correctly you think Asahi basic stance that it is stance

                                          • 带广市市长选举今日(18日开票)上野敏夫推荐一个独立民主党谁当选,我建议君秋一个自由民主党的独立建议ひさ37378米泽紫菜2 3 1781 37516独立社会民主党的支持者猪又博
                                            The person of present Obihiro mayor selection (18 day throwing ballot counting) Democratic party nomination is the election red sandal wood 1 Non post The Democratic party nomination Ueno Toshiro 37,378 2 Non post Our people fair nomination Yonezawa Paste [hi] 37,516 3 Non post Corporation people party support Boar crotch Hiroshi 1,781

                                            • 我拿起今天上午在早餐电信,评论员说:“我们只是普天间问题,我刚做了一个丑闻没有任何理由是有一些问题,在国内政治或〜”我本能地说,因为Ttetaヾ(¯ Ø ° )我蝙蝠 However now it had picked up even at tele morning of morning the commentator There was a problem “with internal affair when Something being the meaning which has scandal is just te Futenma problem without don t you think ” How because you say unintentionally DREPT ¯ o ¯ oioi Was

                                              • 我是,我自然结果这Louppy wwww鸠山,Louppy政府还选定国家党当选Louppy民主制度,它是公认的世界wwww wwww疼痛Louppy如果人们的消费 The trap wwww which is the proper result Such a rupi Hatoyama rupi administration the citizen who chooses the rupi political party with election When it is rupi from the world being recognized is system wwww of democracy The national shelf wwww which becomes painful expense
                                                • 3月31日352“等待是不是一个法律的决定不是一个”没有报价是它是一个历史的民主 352 3 ends of the month “It is not the case that it has been decided legally” it is the dictum which remains on democracy main Yosihumi

                                              • 我看到了所有330 Youtsu,我有一种感觉,那些在大会新闻起义德之富士
                                                330 The way you saw with the [be], but Tokunoshima rising to action meeting the trap which such foreboding does at the point in time when [huji] has made news

                                                • 我计划的时间序列的一个狂热分子迁移对所有439个W的民主作好准备了,我的工作在大选集会快?
                                                  439 Don't you think? enumeration of one time transfer of facilities plan and w By the way everyone of the Democratic party fanatic gradually with preparation meeting of dispersion general election activity the [wa]?

                                                  • 我适合市民和刺激经济,降低政党无两本不同的方式表示支持财政巩固,而不是提高消费税,并排除政府官员或政府雇员和降低劳动成本,激励只在平民我不这样做不可能
                                                    Public opinion we exact, the [wa] which is not the support political party Restoration of sound government finance and countercyclical measures This to cut the blades which differ, Not to be consumer tax tax increase, government employee labor cost reduction Omitting the government employee, unless in only the civilian does even with the fixed amount benefits, the [wa] which is unreasonable

                                                    • 我选择民主党的支持者,谁是仍然支持,你不拥有这些无用的,如果最坏最坏的打算,你的意识和勇气,负责任的政府发言,使无能力无Shinara If the supporter who is chosen the Democratic party and the person who still has been supported self useless if useless and the worst if the worst there is no administration charge ability it is not with have the courage which you are conscious

                                                      • 支持者,民主党则减为百分之60的14%,成为自民党的支持者(百分之十五)和低迄今)54 50%的无党派选民的百分之( As for democracy bearing stratum although 6 tenths decrease our people support ratio the 14 the same 15 with low so far non party layer The 54 the same 50 it became
                                                        • 60%1民主支持者“不需要”我有这样自以为是,但他也获得了和我 NULL

                                                      • 无效票1150票●4 18,富良野,北海道市长(电流)与4●自 北海道市长名寄18(新)●自我与4 18市长神崎,佐贺县(现在)比●自4 18熊本敷市长选举(1年)与4●分享自己的私人世界各国 现在)在冲绳南风原市长选举18(与新公明党Minsya分享 09胜2负自民党角度的民主国家(除股票及)4●●双赢(系统的非自民党自民党○ 18市长带广市,北海道新)与人 Invalid vote 1150 vote 4 18 The Hokkaido Furano mayor selection reality vs our 4 18 The Hokkaido Nayori mayor selection new vs our 4 18 Saga prefecture God 埼 mayor selection reality vs our 4 18 Kumamoto prefecture Mashiki town mayor selection reality also people country riding together vs our 4 18 Okinawa prefecture Haebaru town mayor selection reality also people corporation riding together vs our public The Liberal Democratic Party point of view 9 victory 2 defeat miss riding together with the democracy you exclude ○ our people type victory Fault our people type victory 4 18 The Hokkaido Obihiro mayor selection new vs people
                                                        • 自· 4○1无2 18市长朝仓,福冈县(新)与四○号 18市长神崎,佐贺县(现在)比4●人 宫崎市市长小林18(新)与四○否 熊本县益城18日市长选举(现在)与四○世界各国人民 共同Minsya市长选举18日在冲绳南风原(现在)比 NULL

                                                      • 普天间搬迁和停止业务分类的因素只有459余闪耀的支持率急剧下降
                                                        459 Business categorization and the Futenma transfer of facilities discontinuance are the primary factor where support ratio falls substantially

                                                        • 普天间航空基地的→→停止小泽辞职分拣业务搬迁只有“合,步骤,使肉”我!我向他们微笑萝卜在获得客户wwwwwwwwwwwwwww浮动 Business categorization gt Ozawa resignation gt with the Futenma base transfer of facilities discontinuance “the hop step and the meat it leaves and” is The wa wwwwwwwwwwwwwww where the smiling face of coming and others floats in the eye
                                                          • 小泽辞职→站→普天间迁移只在排序操作,“合,步骤,使肉”我!我向他们微笑萝卜在获得客户wwwwwwwwwwwwwww浮动 Business categorization gt Ozawa resignation gt with the Futenma base transfer of facilities discontinuance “the hop step and the meat it leaves and” is The wa wwwwwwwwwwwwwww where the smiling face of coming and others floats in the eye

                                                        • 民主党人23%的支持率(27%),民主选举投票比例24%的地方(30%),尽管下降,甚至停止,离开管理,民主已进行分离
                                                          Democracy support ratio 23% (the same 27%), The democracy 24% ahead House of Councillors selection proportion Ku voting (the same 30%) decrease not to stop, the administration leaving and the democracy leaving It is advanced

                                                          • 民主党人百分之60的“失败的普天间,”辞职而不需要通过检查的 朝日新闻社分子在今天的味道:这是婴儿潮一代Korahen慈济的香味,而60%的民主党人将在这方面的阅读朝日恐怖主义,因此它会做这个Terya只留下60%为彩色或在冬季飞行 “Even at 6 tenths Futenma failure of the Democratic party supporter necessary it is not… Asahi newspaper investigation of prime minister resignation” Present Ajinomoto Co Inc Don t you think 6 percentage tsu chi yu of the Democratic party supporter with densely and others it is the side As for the nodule generation around this skipping just 6 tenths remain unnoticed Such a thing doing the wa where also the ri ya Asahi newspaper is terrorist and others re ru reason
                                                            • 但婴儿潮一代,但我觉得我还行曾恩戴和知识分子,但我想完成强震 But the nodule generation thinking that once it is all right with intelligence layer something it hurt but being finished securely the wa which is the te shock

                                                          • 民主党人?因为我不归,投反对票的抗日人口?反美,反战安坡反自民党支持任何战争的一代?婴儿潮一代木壁?夫人谁是由儿童津贴蒙蔽?
                                                            The Democratic party supporter? Because you are not naturalized, it is the anti-Japanese group which is not either election right? If anti-American, the counter our people regardless after the war in game of support the counter [anpo] generation? Nodule Force stick generation? The eye blacked out with child treatment, 伯母[san]?

                                                            • 民主党支持者想说多少白痴说的?古塔的话,我会一级,这Suretai牛年
                                                              As for democracy support the fool saying, the multi we would like to saying? The [gu] it is, as for this [suretai] the [wa] which is the ox level

                                                              • 民主党的支持者不支持小泽例如反向鸠山说,我支持它支持小泽看起来像鸠山,他是民主党,很少
                                                                It is democracy support = Hatoyama Ozawa support it is Speaking conversely, the person who does not support Hatoyama Ozawa, supports democracy is extremely small amount

                                                                • 民主党,“在相当解散”确定的佣金了。要确定 时事 选举委员会周一泰国曼谷泰国民主党领导的细节由总理努显示阿披实up,由于大量“非法等问题捐赠”,但解散,这是出 “The ruling party Democratic party solution party to decide the suitable” electoral commission the highest To judgment tie Tie electoral commission on the 12th apishitsuto prime minister serves the party chief Concerning the largest ruling party Democratic party illegal donation problem and the like “the solution party put out suitable” conclusion to the reason
                                                                  • 民主党,“在相当解散”确定的佣金了。要确定 时事 选举委员会周一泰国曼谷泰国民主党领导的细节由总理努显示阿披实up,由于大量“非法等问题捐赠”,但解散,这是出 “The ruling party Democratic party solution party to decide the suitable” electoral commission the highest To judgment tie Tie electoral commission on the 12th apishitsuto prime minister serves the party chief Concerning the largest ruling party Democratic party illegal donation problem and the like “the solution party put out suitable” conclusion to the reason

                                                                • 津贴划分的25% 05%的支持率10% 韩国原教旨主义极端势力武装组织孩子“Kurekure”10%的死者组 Breakdown of support ratio 25 5 … Korean principle principle radical group group 10 … child treatment principle principle “credit credit” groups 10 … deceased

                                                                  • 然而,在外国人的选举权,“即使在将来,绝对不是通过”的承诺,也是向自民党,民主党不是绝对 But concerning foreign carrot administration “Over future as for swearing that you do not approve no matter what” It being possible to the Liberal Democratic Party in the Democratic party it cannot make absolute
                                                                    • 选举结束后,只要停止摩擦的新公明党,将可以通过,但再次,它们不是免费的东西解散 Although after the House of Councillors selection Komeito just snuzzles becomes re approval possible Dispersion something there is no reason which is done

                                                                  • 百分之60的支持者党的民主基础“洋峡,总理辞职,没有必要的天堂,甚至在各都道府县最不成功的,”嗯,嗯 As for 6 tenths of party supporter to the Democratic party “there is no as for the base between general universal in all metropolis and districts prime minister resignation necessity even with the failure in heaven most between” The sled ya so is
                                                                    • 民主党的百分之60是“不要求辞职普天间的失败,”嗯,嗯 As for 6 tenths of the Democratic party supporter prime minister resignation there is no necessity “even with the Futenma failure” The sled ya so is

                                                                  • 第二天有(事情听起来゙群众民主或自由的好消息(星期日)比赛的胜利自由市长石垣岛民主党人786〜2☆承诺过大声Aitsura星期六周/ 28个进入本地小泽的候选人基础的民主里支持)3→/ 01(星期一)先生舛添,3→国际媒体滑塌的支持率在提到降滚装谷垣祯一/ 06(星期六),前财政部长与谢野馨,三☆要求领导重建党组建新党的愿景/ 14(星期日),打破自民党系统基于民主同盟市长失败-政治-久慈小泽王国...从在当地的紧急情况,“住手,”小泽的
                                                                    786 When in our people mass ゙ - there is a thing in good news or democracy, the next day - the promise where Saturday of that week [aitsura] makes a noise * 2/28 (Sunday) With Okinawa prefecture stone wall mayor selection our people overwhelming victory (democracy type candidacy Ozawa local entering support) -> 3/01 (Monday) Masuzoe, it refers the Tanigaki lowering With support ratio hovering in overseas media -> 3/06 (Saturday) Yosano original financial affairs phase, new party formation range of vision Renovation demand for party executive committee * 3/14 (Sunday) Our people system tears democracy system with Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor selection Ozawa kingdom So even from never Democratic party defeat… district “Ozawa stop” voice * 2 -> 3/15 (Monday) Kunio Hatoyama lightning secession * 3/28 (Sunday) At local head selection 6 place our people system to democracy system complete victory -> 3/29 (Monday) Good sense group to concentrate, the new party “as for the party = everyone flattery principle” - Yosano -> 3/29 (Monday) With party chief discussion circumstance Tanigaki president resignation request… Masuzoe * 4/01 (Thursday) Tanigaki's party chief discussion, “force inside our it is” people voice of appraisal With Futenma “concept” Hatoyama predicament -> 4/03 (Saturday) Liberal Democratic Party Yosano, secession delivery submitting “The new party, hurrying” * 4/11 (Sunday) With local head selection with our people type 7 victory 1 defeat/miss (democracy type 2 victory 6 defeat/miss) especially Tottori mayor selection democracy large shock * 4/12 (Monday) Depreciation to Cabinet support ratio 20% stand

                                                                    • 而有些真正的民主党在众议院多数暴政的低支持率没有很大的关怀
                                                                      To tell the truth large such as some decrease of support ratio doing for the Democratic party administration which has oppression large number at the House of Representatives, it does not make the air and also the [te] is good

                                                                      • 英国媒体报道,同时在日本,而卫生部长
                                                                        To report the English media simultaneously, on the one hand in Japan public welfare Minister of labor

                                                                        • 英国议会“国民保健顺势treat m不一样了,”他说 在英国英语博客食品安全信息↓。科学和技术委员会在今天发表的一份报告,只是顺势疗法是安慰剂,国民保健服务应该提供的尚未结束 The English national assembly says “it does not handle homeopathy anymore with NHS” that Food safe information blog ↓ English Under England As for Committee on Science Technology this day in the report which is announced as for homeopathy it is simply purasebo We should not offer with NHS that it concluded
                                                                          • 英国议会“国民保健顺势treat m不一样了,”他说 在英国英语博客食品安全信息↓。科学和技术委员会在今天发表的一份报告,只是顺势疗法是安慰剂,国民保健服务应该提供的尚未结束 The English national assembly says “it does not handle homeopathy anymore with NHS” that Food safe information blog ↓ English Under England As for Committee on Science Technology this day in the report which is announced as for homeopathy it is simply purasebo We should not offer with NHS that it concluded

                                                                        • 英国,德国,美国说,俄罗斯的前外交部官僚佐藤胜ー作参考,首相鸠山“专业”的决定看来
                                                                          For the reference - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs original bureaucracy The Sato Yutaka person it is and framework American dew English Germany looks at Prime Minister Hatoyama as “the professional of decision”, so

                                                                          • 菅直人,内阁批准了普天间问题恶化鸠山辞职采取评级负责选举民主党击败上议院7月根据政府的批准也希望到6月内阁还希望反对率在5月降低到制订任何解决方案中发现,而有趣的交流,以提前举行大选的愤怒美国呆 May furthermore Cabinet non support ratio it goes down June furthermore Cabinet support ratio it goes down With July House of Councillors selection democracy wipeout Taking responsibility Hatoyama prime minister resignation 菅 Naoto Cabinet formation Futenma problem furthermore deterioration and the solution you foresee completely not standing America from the 呆 re changes to anger Dispersion general election
                                                                            • 锻造一个了不起和ww带着或您没有退出,即使失败了,但内阁反对wwww In addition the apprentice lifting which is enormous came ww Although it is Cabinet non support failing that it does not retire and the te it is good wwww

                                                                          • 虽然大部分撤回“外国”,而更容易的“美国”是什么吗?在这里,在日本人们不知道原因何在?我会完全怪你觉得从媒体※ However “The withdrawal first with overseas” the fact that it becomes easy is “American” what Here the Japanese citizen who why does not become aware being The mass communications deviating the air completely from the ru

                                                                            • 视频摘要■(4分28秒增加版)(07分58秒增加大版)(大版本升级)“法律监护人的”禁止答案全国开始大会从到]缺乏内阁立法局首席小泽专政[民主,以加强国民议会走出法院[] [民主党]全权立即改革法案国会] [政治] [无阻碍的体制谈判议会举行晚在国民议会的法案不可避免的命运是两个阿糖胞苷宏小泽例如,而执政党在线投票立法,二★前所未有的-阿民主党国会-官方
                                                                              * Summary animated picture (Increasing in quantity edition 4 minute 28 seconds) (Large increasing in quantity edition 7 minute 58 seconds) (Large increasing in quantity edition) “Keeper of law” absently Prohibiting the reply of Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau From ordinary diet session beginning Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The National Diet method amendment plan With whereabouts of Ozawa 2 bill the latter half National Diet turbulent inevitability If without holding national assembly system conference the ruling party votes the bill, the constitutional government history upper beginning * 2 The National Diet answer of bureaucracy. The National Diet reformation-related bill of restriction and the like, the opposition party opposing, deliberation it enters and verifying the policy where it can point In the conversation of national anti- Chairman Secretary General and Yamaoka Ozawa

                                                                              • 该委员会还板MHRA药品安全机构和危害,应建议停止销售药品的批准将不会显示在药房顺势疗法是有效的随机对照试验 As for commission furthermore as for commission is the medical supply safety charge system vis a vis MHRA which with random contrast conversion test effectiveness Sale approval at the pharmacy of the homeopathy medical supply which is not shown should be discontinued that it advised
                                                                                • 委员会说,“我们是顺势线检查有足够的理由顺势疗法很多不工作”,也拒绝了这项请求,并认为进一步研究 As for commission furthermore “as for homeopathy sufficient test is done There are many bases that” it is not the effect in homeopathy that concluding it denied also the request of further research

                                                                              • 请记住,在Gireba喉咙过热,如果我摧毁的斗争中,日本自民党目前在临时安全,我想我吗?最不发达国家并不在于它是毫无疑问 If the throat origin it passes heat you forget being our people being destroyed temporarily with security struggle cod now as for Japan how it has become with you think At least as for without becoming advanced nation you are not wrong
                                                                                • 如果比尔166和60年前相比,当前的形势下,令人惊讶的是我只是将国家对发达国家 166 If 60 years ago and present condition is compared becoming advanced nation but even just the ru wonderful thing what

                                                                              • 谷垣祯一和民主党的一些自由的趋势从成为总统(不※报告电视)人力资源管理人员做,作为总统的靖国神社秋季饮食不只是一分钟的时间间隔和派别节将在青少年中积极的饮食崇拜,议会的问题,追求投诉的街道上抗议我们的特殊观众问题皇帝荆棘和指甲和天然气田的发现,锦屏一军会见希,反对党曾5普选的外国人,并继续运动会议和高层互访和对话对更多的地方是什么地方的100个月的时间,驱车一中在该国所有管理人员太年轻,包括前总理大臣
                                                                                After becoming the president, Tanigaki portion of trend of our people (* in the television it is not announced) The position personal doing which faction and group of people going/participating do not discriminate, it participates the ordinary young man at the National Diet, In fall example large festival as a president Yasukuni worshipping, It appeals to emperor exception interview problem on the protest declaration putting out street and overtakes in the National Diet question, Learning it is close in the conversation with flat in case of military affair and the gas field the nail sticking, Being foreign carrot administration opposite, summary the party, Local 100 reasons exceeding in 5 months, continuing conversation meeting and inspection and canvass, Also former prime minister and staff and the ordinary young man produce to drive, everyone with entire country the general people and the knee stuff and make converse, Opposite town declaration of the bill which is problem the footwork light Doing the [ri] which is sown, Going to the Futenma side field old inspection of Okinawa, depending on nomarch Okinawa, Fanning tolerance being strong, catching to the trap question with mass rubbish collection of data Recently, even at the National Diet it reaches the point where you give momentum not only the quiet enclosure included hunting, Making the system which with new organization furthermore produces the ordinary young man on the front, In the schedule which suitable to the May head the [yu] is densely and the manifest it puts out (Isiba talks), After this year entering, with local head selection substantial our people type 24 victory 6 defeat/miss (the same democracy type 8 victory 22 defeat/miss)

                                                                                • 辞职前的支持率当选狙的年龄,我猜不是吗? ?古已辞职的那么快,也是敏感的支持率降低米德尔斯堡未来,汤是下任首相 Resigning before the House of Councillors selection the combining which is the support ratio age aim Remainder resigning quickly becoming following prime minister How it is narrowly the rag putting out support ratio it may go down is and…
                                                                                  • 我是首相的支持率和5年半相比,小泉是最接近奇迹Ry的日本历史( When the tsu te where Koizumi is 5 year semi prime minister as for the support ratio It is close to the miracle in the Japanese history In comparison with that… ry

                                                                                • 这是严重的,但我说自虐民族耻辱的287 WWW的偏见覆盖率由每日的日出和往常一样,尽管在wwww编造他的国家disgrace m Warota湿重
                                                                                  287 However you say that Asahi and it is the national disgrace which everyday is our 虐, Whether [maji] www In the habit which national disgrace has been done always with empty deflection reporting and fabrication wwww [warota] ww

                                                                                  • 这是真实的,甚至在初步166,但他们也认为,在某种程度上得到了艾滋病,当时我们的反对只是他的嘴巴,看手指 166 That was fact temporarily assuming So the finger gripping the fact that it becomes just sees the party of the opposition party of that time how it is possible also think it is
                                                                                    • 我是从一个特别国会会议结束仅年明延长了,并取消了Tteta时说,反对派拒绝讨论所有的荒谬, Therefore extraordinary session of parliament it could extend it is maximally to 1 ends of the month of the year opening when it is deliberated is denied in the opposition party says completely the coming out 鱈 eye that it becomes waste plan

                                                                                  • 鸠山在5月辞职,继任者选举的支持率尽管↓↓回管管大失败,选举结果无效,并没有扭转频繁示威叙坎我出去↓国民承认,↓为混乱。转让条件,反民主势力加入自卫队派遣军队镇压要求↓,朝鲜战争
                                                                                    In May as for Hatoyama resignation and succession tube ↓ As for support ratio return House of Councillors selection large crushing defeat ↓ As for the tube and the illegitimate election result unless it recognizes, the opposite being cut off ↓ The citizen entire the can, demonstration frequency and the mayhem which are done ↓ Opposite. Transfer in condition, in the Korean troop compacting move request ↓ In counter democracy power in the Self Defense Force confluence and day Korea war

                                                                                    研究 開発