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“With the Liberal Democratic Party consequence to foolish people the Japanese citizen… who is converted 'as for Prime Minister Hatoyama why not getting angry to the humiliation article of the loser' and so on?”…Gene die/di ★4


  • 比德水平的一个突出该制度改变政治,民主的政府没有武器哦诅咒中国,朝鲜的核导弹,Ntsukyouso,我不知道我是否会对接瓦特织成它在那里我感到完全疯狂的独裁者再小泽
    > Already there is no Chinese and Taiwan threat and, as for North Korea there is no either remaining strength which throws the fighter plane > The effect where the education policy where the Liberal Democratic Party era is warped is considerable > With [yoko] line, uniform foolish people > With the administration alternation by the preeminence politician, Ichiro Ozawa, democratic politics which does not have spell Obtaining - with the Chinese military expansion, the North Korean nuclear missile, Nitukiyou group, Ozawa dictatorship Already the air deviating completely, whether it is possible to thrust from [te] somewhere it is from the [wa] w

    • 06 令人困惑的是执政的民主党没有经验,我不情愿地帮助氖
      6 > It is helpless for Democratic party Assemblyman who is not experience of the ruling party to run about in confusion Don't you think? to be helpless, -

      • 159嗯,我猜,但没有投票的结果为一个民主国家了充满循环总理抱怨circa m没有那么愚蠢,他们说得救 159 The sled ya a as for poll it is not made democracy as for the citizen where but the result loopy as the prime minister designated the chi waited The fool who rescuing it will be is not you be said manner will not
        • 我选择了公共管理,以确保最佳的新鲜度带来的东西到433民主党人,通常有权白痴 433 The citizen who does the selection which can give administration in democracy something the ro which how normally is foolish
        • 英国,法国,以及韩国,新加坡,政府并不反对所有的民主 England and France of course Korea and Singapore everything Democracy administration is not designated as the partner

      • 254 有趣的和不太严重的正面?在现实生活中从来不说我从来没有赎回,并2 254 gt Therefore you pull the basket the ri gt The sinciput which majiresu is done it is strange distantly don t you think it is the e Don t you think in actual society also two also one times have not been said
        • 254世界 在你面前,我很生气,我说没有人要我我是正确的 254 gt In actual society facing the surface gt It is your kichigai how everyone saying you do not give is It is like the
        • 你们在一起,我不知道有多少人在现实世界的存在?我都没有,当然 You just is how much existence impression in actual society the oak and others Don t you think nothing certainly

      • 443 触发我现在衰落支持政策问题,例如我们说这个问题的批评,日本邮政总统人力资源管理人员应该已经递交了钱,“这项任命和安排就业是完全不同的,”直接和公开达罗无抗体增加
        443 > Now problem of policy being said, however the [ru] opportunity of support ratio decrease the expectation which is money matter Vis-a-vis the criticism, the Japanese postal services president personal affairs compulsory personal affairs “It is fixed with mediation and election being, it is different”, that the [ro] which is to open and to be repaired

        • Bbs kakaku com 论坛 SortID u003d 10681152 驱动tTA觉得我看到的职位后,在这里或 bbs kakaku com bbs SortID 10681152 Whether the article which was seen somewhere you thought but here
          • TTP的: bbs kakaku com 论坛 SortID u003d 10681152 驱动tTA觉得我看到的职位后,在这里或 ttp bbs kakaku com bbs SortID 10681152 Whether the article which was seen somewhere you thought but here

        • Gendai做事情,我会拒绝评价Gendai · · ·我不介意,我希望Dzui井
          However as for the gene die/di you do not become aware in appraisal of the gene die/di being declined… well are good

          • Gendai还左,右等也决定萨皮奥芒斯民主,但人们不知情的群众说I ll Gene die di the left and SAPIO the right being decided Democracy man Say the citizen is the foolish group of people With saying don t you think the ru
            • Gendai还左,右等也决定萨皮奥芒斯民主,但人们不知情的群众说I ll Gene die di the left and SAPIO the right being decided Democracy man Say the citizen is the foolish group of people With saying don t you think the ru

          • Louppy政府愚蠢,“鸠山敏管理的选举”我是由执政的自由民主党政府的礼物傻瓜
            As for choosing foolish [rupi] administration “[minsu] Hatoyama administration” with the gift of the foolish people conversion administration by our civil administration right the shank

            • Mumondesho阅读濒临无家可归的土城晚报手册50多岁的工人在同mussed现在我的头发
              Evening paper paper how nowadays The hair [bo] the [bo] before the homeless sun/size which is done 50 generations of the manual worker read rubbing, it does, the [yo

              • re一个大师,完全是无稽之谈 gt But after the war 50 years in the large mass communications of Japan which prospers in the Liberal Democratic Party administration of the American control gt Being the place that “wake up” therefore as for the party guru what it is nonsense
                • re一个大师,完全是无稽之谈 gt But after the war 50 years in the large mass communications of Japan which prospers in the Liberal Democratic Party administration of the American control gt Being the place that “wake up” therefore as for the party guru what it is nonsense

              • _NULL_
                ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ┃ ┃ * * ┃ ┃ * * ┃ ┃ * [i] '[mi] and 彡 [mi] . When it cooperates to Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, * ┃ ┃ * . Point _, _ `彡 Order exerted from above it was possible in Okuda's group! * ┃ ┃ * . [mi] j ” 彡 * ┃ ┃ * _ ∀ no You were impressed! . * ┃ ┃ * * ┃ ┃ * * ┃ ┃ * International public policy research center Advisor Koizumi * ┃ ┃ * * ┃ ┃ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛

                • “反对派是真正interoperate ll考虑转移,因为目标是投诉s是危险的基础,人们可能早生下一合的基础上,”苏交谈 Because “group of objectors danger of the base was appealed of moving should be thought first but It meant that” the base it is good even with being adjacent you say

                  • “文化标准”或“无知”使用像Netouyo话是,他们突然开始使用湿重Gendai元 “Standard of living” the “foolish people” the gene die di ww which starts using the kind of word which netouyo uses suddenly

                    • “最常见的美国日本的顶级”来解决12月,Torasutomi“我说的TTA和决定先行延伸”,说他们不明白的翻译,是不是日本的道歉,即使在侧 In the American top the Japanese top to “it solves in December although truss Tommy” you said That “the tip stretching was decided” it is from the wa of meaning to mean thing as for either apology without doing the Japanese side

                      • 。 政府是鼓励大胆攻击自杀的独裁者,统治阶级的特权 对申请人有没有使用极权专政,通过促进个人崇拜和团结,崇拜自己和每个人或物体之间是彩色冬天“,仿佛它是打印集成到熟悉的”将交付 Dictatorial government encouraged special attack death for honor but the applicant from privilege dominant class was nil The worship object unnoticed with the advertisement cult of personality and agreement union of the fascism dictatorial nation which utilizes the By yourself of individual “ Like whether it is intimate same one body of “ It is surprinted
                        • 。 政府是鼓励大胆攻击自杀的独裁者,统治阶级的特权 对申请人有没有使用极权专政,通过促进个人崇拜和团结,崇拜自己和每个人或物体之间是彩色冬天“,仿佛它是打印集成到熟悉的”将交付 Dictatorial government encouraged special attack death for honor but the applicant from privilege dominant class was nil The worship object unnoticed with the advertisement cult of personality and agreement union of the fascism dictatorial nation which utilizes the By yourself of individual “ Like whether it is intimate same one body of “ It is surprinted

                      • 。 鸠山由纪夫是鸠山旨在促进整个国家,最终而来的,是独裁政治信仰 在民主党控制的目的,国家与革命,是一个物质夫,它构成了社会主义和帝国主义这个想法还是这样,它是消除暴力上帝从各种不同的社会异质性,这是一个社会符号或意识形态的绝对崇拜 The entire nation which Yukio Hatoyama aims changes suddenly once upon a time in dictatorial politics The political belief which Yukio and the revolution Democratic party Hatoyama aim is materialistic control nation as for that with the kind of idea which adjusts empire principle and socialism That removing various heterogeneity violence from the society is the society which makes holy symbol or ideology worship absolutely
                        • 。 鸠山由纪夫是鸠山旨在促进整个国家,最终而来的,是独裁政治信仰 在民主党控制的目的,国家与革命,是一个物质夫,它构成了社会主义和帝国主义这个想法还是这样,它是消除暴力上帝从各种不同的社会异质性,这是一个社会符号或意识形态的绝对崇拜 The entire nation which Yukio Hatoyama aims changes suddenly once upon a time in dictatorial politics The political belief which Yukio and the revolution Democratic party Hatoyama aim is materialistic control nation as for that with the kind of idea which adjusts empire principle and socialism That removing various heterogeneity violence from the society is the society which makes holy symbol or ideology worship absolutely

                      • 一个正常“智力输家』鸠山今后AreiRaise纪念”8 30“ Just “As for Prime Minister Hatoyama Intellectual Loser AreiRaise Spirit afterlife “8 30”
                        • 是正常“鸠山〜库鲁坝塔林没有”你觉得我 Just “Prime Minister Hatoyama round and round the pa notarin ” It does with the tsu te feeling the yo

                      • 一些海军鸠山,靖子的妈妈了,请停止吸吮他们的罂粟和Katazu保持,直到他们爆裂,并说,我不是我的讲话 If also navy Hatoyama it is the adding where the child mother already is good cheaply decreasing until it starts saying the marks zu ke do that don t you think it may stop it is not
                        • 有些人对鸠山有生气愤怒,这对美国有些人喜欢你 If the person who gets angry vis a vis Hatoyama it is You likely the person who gets angry vis a vis America it is
                        • 鸠山还海军,靖子的妈妈了,请停止吸吮他们的罂粟,纪念Katazu,直到他们开始说,我这样做不是我的讲话 Don t you think the adding where the child mother already is good cheaply decreasing until it starts saying the marks zu ke do that it may stop either navy Hatoyama it is not

                      • 上野敏夫市长今天说带广(63)u003d无新的(自我,我们建议公众)米泽。恒先生(54)u003d无新的(人,我们建议大)
                        Today Obihiro mayor selection Ueno Toshiro (63) = nothing new (our, public guess) Yonezawa. 寿 (54) = nothing new (people, large guess)

                        • 东京技术研究所1976年助理,他成为工商管理专修大学副教授学院于1981年,要看到的辉煌历史,展望到1984年的政治愿望,在3月退休,该领域的第一个学者或惠玛丽塔环境,同时还在其目的,而不是使理论研究进展傻瓜在现有的所有死记硬背的东西永远不会超过,她成为一个政治人物和祖父鸠山利用一郎采取的燕尾的是什么驱动tTA
                          1976 Tokyo Institute of Technology assistant, was inaugurated as management department assistant professor of the Senshu University in 1981, intended the political world entering in 1984 March and retired When it does at first glance, it is visible in splendid past record, but first aiming toward the scholar of OR field, while being in the environment which is favored, it cannot exceed existing theory Because the memorization fool cannot put out many study results after all, going on board in seven shining of the grandfather, Ichiro Hatoyama the notion that where it assured political world changeover?

                          • 中国已成为一个合作伙伴,因为鸭子w ll撕毁承诺,空洞的承诺没有彻努希看到的是我还会看看世界外交史上,这是不严重的不被国际社会反对没有 Therefore as for China the duck you have become the partner but w As for the empty promise which does not have the wa and the prospect that also promise makes the wastepaper the wa which is done Looking at world history such a terrible diplomacy there is no reason which in international society makes the partner
                            • 因为这将改变进入管理后,我很疯狂撤出外交承诺,我不会说那么多想,说我们可以Louppy Because administration changed the tsu te the tsu te ikare te ru which also diplomacy promise is made the wastepaper it does rupi being said many so thinking you cannot refute from the ru

                          • 事件,并说有囊李承晚线,当时我也和日本政府威胁要绑架人质,数千名韩国海军的日本渔民在人质,作为韩国的释放条件方(1)在韩国逗留释放韩国罪犯无证(2)已要求合法化...
                            There being a Japanese plum acceptance late line incident, The Korean navy kidnapping fisherman several thousand people of the Japanese The Japanese government has been threatened to a hostage it is That time, as a condition of hostage release, the Korean side (1) Release of the South Korean offender (2) Stay legalization of the South Korean dense entry person … It required

                            • 亲美卖国巢NHK的科凯因为我在什么时间奥巴马背后的我哦,我想我开始瓦特茹我留下符合犹太人协会
                              NHK it begins and the nest of 媚 American treason group is between always w Don't you think? so oh Judea and standardized association stay on back of [obama

                              • 人们喜欢让别人获得乐趣或汽车或房子或或地方的就业或收入或受教育,而是在所有的东西你不蒙昧主义尼安图是简单明了的,冷静下来,我就并不可怕应力井你只需要保护你的图像输入 Foolish people conversion something the ji ya which is not done it is at all On the other hand ahead educational background or duty annual income or dress or automobile or house with The kind of person who makes the thing of others foolish does decreasing with enormous spirit the ru Being simple being plain being calm entering into the protection there is only ru image
                                • 鸠山和无知的人,与一个疯狂的习惯怪罪日本政府采取了民主党人面前他们是在欺骗你,人们在日本将敦促日本政府采取了他们鸠山 The foolish people probably are the resident mass communications which make administration Hatoyama and Hatoyama take but You swindling the Japanese citizen in the Democratic party administration in the habit which is made to take It does in consequence of the Japanese also kichigai

                              • 什么军事评论家前田哲夫,右弩瓦特秃知识业余评论家在摆动脚趾ー四郎军事或排除,但他是一个WWW臀部
                                The military problem critic Maeda Tetsuo [tsu] [te], the [ro] w which is the baldness of the 弩 amateur critic Toe margin of military knowledge of the fellow - the waist it omitted in inclination, but www

                                • 令人担心的是,他们将秋变形鸽子谁发挥的无能,它是在幕后通过强硬的立法计划,日本小泽纳粹背后,它不是到处拾起
                                  As for fearing making disabled of pigeon [potsupo] play, That Ozawa probably will pass through the Japanese Nazis conversion planned bill with the reverse side, the height which it tries and does picks up nowhere, don't you think? is

                                  • 你之前,或包没有捆绑我认为对手将是美国这样做?当反向鱼糜但我要去愤怒 You doing such a thing the American tsu te which the partner is done the ge which is done with you don t think When so minsu is done conversely you rage it is probably will be

                                    • 公明感-或共产主义成恭-民主是更密切的红旗-在Gendai
                                      A certain semantic fairness - saintly teaching or the common property - the [be] [tsu] it is from the akahata the [ri] shelf Democracy - as for gene die/di

                                      • 区将挖掘其公民的垃圾量,但总理阿里的122,但是这一次美国(外国)感到非常愤怒Zuitsu我们说这是从我生气,你得到了什么? 122 The prime minister of the home country it becomes the citizen of the home country and but as for the mass rubbish hitting the ant this time America the foreign country from being said the ru it is When not to get angry to this you get angry to something it is to be
                                        • 要播放脏,它是在古好的路线最好的国家,因为我不带脏早生也认为自己对其他国家的人民 In order the obtaining ge without being not to make think that even in the country of the partner it burns in the native people and the ge is not it is the country which highest are skillful to carry

                                      • 可爱的偶像称之为傻瓜日本企业现代,从我知道我会生气现在不打扰瓦特现代 Knowing in hiyundai calling the Japanese the foolish people… hiyundai what company from the ru w It does not become either matter of concern which gets angry after so long a time
                                        • 可爱的偶像称之为傻瓜日本企业现代做你就会知道,现代不打扰现在生气 Knowing in hiyundai calling the Japanese the foolish people… hiyundai what company from the ru w It does not become either matter of concern which gets angry after so long a time
                                        • 嗯,我瓦特是无知的人,“他们为什么不生气?”奇怪,说救世主 Therefore even foolish people what w That “why not getting angry ” With the one which is said is stranger
                                        • 这将有833人最有趣的瓦特Darodaro到无知的人,因为他们对待 833 As for having made most foolish the ro w which is the ro which is vis a vis the citizen Therefore the foolish people it handles

                                      • 台湾和中国已经,或不谈论了www威胁愚蠢的北部军事竞赛的形式
                                        Already the threat of Taiwan and China and north unless it is www The horse racing newspaper talks military affair [aho

                                        • 合作团体和狂热的野心朝鲜支持恐怖主义的国家,我把它死的光荣的死亡是自杀运行皇帝崇拜,自由,在历史上日本帝国。疯狂已经非常相似,这样的恐怖组织将愿意自杀炸弹客的行为,即使说到 Terrorist support nation and that cooperative group such as North Korea had mania trust ambition that executed special attack death for honor with emperor worship Nothing of the Jipango which remains in history We have resembled closely with insanity rather now then that kind of terrorist organization if with it becomes even suicide bombing behavior it is and does not question Probably will be
                                          • 合作团体和狂热的野心朝鲜支持恐怖主义的国家,我把它死的光荣的死亡是自杀运行皇帝崇拜,自由,在历史上日本帝国。疯狂已经非常相似,这样的恐怖组织将愿意自杀炸弹客的行为,即使说到 Terrorist support nation and that cooperative group such as North Korea had mania trust ambition that executed special attack death for honor with emperor worship Nothing of the Jipango which remains in history We have resembled closely with insanity rather now then that kind of terrorist organization if with it becomes even suicide bombing behavior it is and does not question Probably will be

                                        • 和Motamota鸠山管理,“毕竟还是坏”什么广场的情绪,停止备份纱丽 When gt it becomes the mood “administration alternation may occur” to that riding When gt Hatoyama administration does motamota “after all useless ” riding in mood it stops atsusari support
                                          • “是的,政权更替来到文”情绪会,接受,管理和Motamota鸠山“,或坏,毕竟”什么广场的情绪,停止备份纱丽 When it becomes the mood “administration alternation may occur” When it rides in that Hatoyama administration does motamota “after all useless ” riding in mood it stops atsusari support

                                        • 嗯,因为鸽子和处理,这个国家是一个核炸弹会议在w你的确可以成为不可持续的核武器数量瓦特利益留给国家的354首日本服从瓦特 NULL
                                          • 官方的盟友“Louppy”你愚蠢你能捍卫什么是公平得多,如果调用位的角度思考和 In the official of ally “ rupi ” the tsu te which is called It is considerably thing It tries thinking aho which it has protected a little the re and

                                        • 因为我不瓦特水平在一个相对的例子Kabae你必须明白,我们可以说什么是失败者或混乱伊手Louppy从哪里听到的交流,甚至自己的人民立场上的蝴蝶会改变你 Talking in addition to the fact that ru contents change round and round hearing with even the native people because te confusion it was completed rupi or the loser tsu te being said agree upon the ro there is no other choice but to is The level which cannot be protected even with proverb flesh fell is it is w
                                          • 不过,我只是觉得峨塞板冷静地接受事实,我输鸠山 So Hatoyama catching loser tsu te fact calmly you can think to just the ru but…

                                        • 因此,我现在用的复制和粘贴的野牛驱动tTA Fabyo当然站在我得到的第一来源,Gendai537瓦特
                                          537 [sure] it is done to raise the gene die/di source first, the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [huabiyo] [tsu] is The ox has done to devastate [kopipe], don't you think? it is, w

                                          • 天堂□。下沉,韩语网,多少分钟凯塔代理人在朝鲜和日本的天堂。沉没的原因,他说:“爆炸的涡轮身体,”接着说,“美国军事假射大”玛丽塔写信给净一玛拉很多像韩国和嘴巴合 □ Heaven That with sinking inside Korea and the Japanese domestic North Korean operative understood Sawayama being With the Korean domestic net heaven As for cause of sinking “it is explosion of the system turbine” furthermore As adjusted the “US military error butt” and the mouth it was written to the Korean net in large quantities
                                            • 提前或“天堂。沉没”,并要求注意在线工具也北韩代理人在韩国和日本计划推进,已在准备上执行的所有计划 In other words in advance “heaven Sinking” plan inside Korea and in the Japanese domestic North Korean operative transmission gill You say that the re furthermore after also net construction is prepared in advance all plans were executed

                                          • 如果古塔◆☆☆63 JSGFLSFOXQ @★φ☆☆重量应立即[off_go@yahoo.co.jp]编号:???0 *★φ☆☆7重量应立即[]编号:???我* 5如果体重立即★φ☆☆[]编号:???0 * *◆☆☆JSGFLSFOXQ @★φ☆古塔重量应该立即☆[圣人]编号:???0 * * @☆☆☆立即如果体重★φ☆重量立即如果[]编号:???Ø * *◆☆大☆JSGFLSFOXQ @★φ☆立即如果你体重立即☆[]编号:???或000203 0 o0 110207 - I或004 541或165209 o0 o0 112521 -我或165258或004717 o0 114957 o0 -我或165453或010008 o0一十二万〇五百一十一o0 -我或174611或011719 o0 120756 o0 -我或182106或012212 o0 123916 o0 -我或132030或182427 o0 o0 183409或012744 o0 013052 o0 o0或或或或133545 o0 183809 o0 013200 o0或或或133845 o0 185453 o0 014441 o0或或或134553 o0 185817 o0 014929 o0或或或135057或135549 o0 190601 o0 o0 015330 o0或或或190643 o0 015415 o0 135748 o0或
                                            63 * The [gu] it is * * JSGFLSFOXQ @ * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [off_go @ yahoo.co.jp] ID: ? ? ? 0 * 7 * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [] ID: ? ? ? i * 5 * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [] ID: ? ? ? 0 * * The [gu] it is * * JSGFLSFOXQ @ * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [sage] ID: ? ? ? 0 * * The [gu] it is thick * @ * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [] ID: ? ? ? O * * The [gu] it is thick * * JSGFLSFOXQ @ * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [] ID: ? ? ? 0 000203 it is o0 110207 - i 165209 it is o0 004541 it is o0 112521 - i 165258 it is o0 004717 it is o0 114957 - i 165453 it is o0 010008 it is o0 120511 - i 174611 it is o0 011719 it is o0 120756 - i 182106 it is o0 012212 it is o0 123916 - i 182427 it is o0 012744 it is o0 132030 it is o0 183409 it is o0 013052 it is o0 133545 it is o0 183809 it is o0 013200 it is o0 133845 it is o0 185453 it is o0 014441 it is o0 134553 it is o0 185817 it is o0 014929 it is o0 135057 it is o0 190601 it is o0 015330 it is o0 135549 it is o0 190643 it is o0 015415 it is o0 135748 it is o0 190717 it is o0 032012 it is o0 140314 it is o0 192200 it is o0 032127 it is o0 140549 it is o0 194016 it is o0 032508 it is o0 141338 it is o0 211041 it is o0 033024 it is o0 150723 it is o0 211258 it is o0 033920 it is o0 150803 it is o0 211414 it is o0 082136 - 0 150850 it is o0 211531 it is o0 082232 - 0 151603 it is o0 212646 it is o0 082500 - 0 152300 it is o0 212949 it is o0 083314 - 0 153304 it is o0 215141 it is o0 083420 - 0 153727 it is o0 215230 it is o0 090450 it is o0 155808 it is o0 231322 it is o0 095427 - i 165129 it is o0 235333 it is o0

                                            • 它在东方的人口比例,到现在为止,在史书学术成就的原因出来的是,贪婪的收集“倾向”是 To now in Orient the cause the study result which remains in history vis a vis the population ratio not being produced that “ The natural disposition of avarice of collection “ For the sake of is
                                              • 好处是容易识别,因此许多日本人口的居民。可爱的偶像及效益比为日本的次数和时间 Consequently many of resident simply to be delivered recognized Population of resident As for presentation ratio It reaches to truly several times of the Japanese

                                            • 宇野首先要说什么是失败者,也没有办法向日本人民在严酷的评论将Rubeki乡间渡假别墅出租很生气,庸俗和无知的人使用的话,我也生气的文章蒙昧无知的人我说的和ü不明白精神 Being too harsh comment it will do but it is not In the first place although what is called the loser if it should get angry as for the Japanese citizen getting angry to also the article foolish people the notion that where to foolish people it converted The foolish people and the like and you cannot understand either the mind which uses vulgar word
                                              • 1“日本人民是傻瓜,”一个现代古粪便和写文章,和羞辱,但我感觉愤怒 1 “As for the Japanese citizen the foolish people” and so on feeling anger in droppings hiyundai which writes the humiliation article however it increases don t you think
                                              • “哦,我想是的,这样的人 日本人民群众,因为灰尘的无知 “With consequence of the mass rubbish to foolish people the Japanese citizen who is converted Probably will be but well it is
                                              • 日本自民党傻瓜的人,因为自民党一人?达罗媒体和JTU的 1 With the Liberal Democratic Party consequence to foolish people the Japanese citizen who is converted The Liberal Democratic Party The ro which is the mass communications and Nitukiyou group
                                              • 鸠山和输家在囊日本人民说如果我没有生气Rubeki好,我很生气和无知的人说ü文章 Although Hatoyama is called the loser if it should get angry the Japanese citizen is good getting angry to also the article foolish people don t you think

                                            • 对于你的愤怒是可以理解的585,但他们说,尘埃质量邪恶,但在所有流行的净是垃圾的人认为这是群众的,我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的 585 As for your anger it is understood well but But that the mass rubbish is bad saying Just this in the times when the net has spread As for the citizen who believes the lie of the mass rubbish After all you think that it is foolish
                                              • 我要自由我来自良好的政府和群众的垃圾,人们傻瓜难道第一次世界大战知道,我们愚蠢的人 Therefore the citizen the fool the fact that we like government and the mass rubbish selfish is done it is ww Or it was understood foolish citizen

                                            • 届时,有些人不明白这不会是,日本的自民党,因为人们对蒙昧主义的蒙昧主义,也有胜利转变政府在去年的民主选举,让他说,Gendai When you make call to the gene die di the Democratic party winning big with the House of Representatives selection of last year administration alternating With the Liberal Democratic Party consequence to foolish people the Japanese citizen who is converted to foolish people the shelf which may come to the point of for the sake of it converts Then not be able to agree upon more or less it is not
                                              • 届时,有些人不明白这不会是无知的人是对自民党的人因一场胜利,也改变了政府在去年的民主选举,让他说,Gendai When you make call to the gene die di the Democratic party winning big with the House of Representatives selection of last year administration alternating With the Liberal Democratic Party consequence to foolish people the Japanese citizen who is converted to foolish people the shelf which may come to the point of for the sake of it converts Then not be able to agree upon more or less it is not

                                            • 总之,因为它甚至不能进行时,无知的人是支持民主党从未卡斯,Gendai只有傻子尝试使用它的人在这种无知傻瓜
                                              Therefore at the point in time when the Democratic party how refuse political party is supported the foolish people The [ma] it is the plate it has not come off, but Very the gene die/di which it tries to utilize the foolish people such as that, they probably are the foolish people in the foolish people

                                              • 我一直在期待我们只有在发射催泪瓦斯的控制权和wwww水平方向的示威者与防暴警察在德之岛留下做一次
                                                Riot squad directing to demonstrators with Tokunoshima, the tear gas it discharges you have expected horizontally, however it is, wwww At one time if power you grasp also left flank, thing simultaneous you do

                                                • 我们不会进入自民党的态度,Bakkari Gendai我不捍卫民主只有武藤敏郎的资料已全部想我会责怪 As for not liking if it makes consequence of the all our people thinking that it is completed the ru Wretched gene die di The democracy protection tsu lever it is tsu temporary
                                                  • 公告关于致作出绝望防御是703比自民党 703 Increase than our people protection Furthermore with desperate is said it informs
                                                  • 我们不会进入自民党的态度,Bakkari Gendai我不捍卫民主只有武藤敏郎的资料已全部想我会责怪 As for not liking if it makes consequence of the all our people thinking that it is completed the ru Wretched gene die di The democracy protection tsu lever it is tsu temporary

                                                • 我们有一个在现实世界中谁是无神论者。为了地位,并考虑目前的趋势是所有的事情只有本地化的国家,也是一个独立单位的“个人”我唯一得到满足,作为一个举足轻重的物质“生活时间”一最。值得 These people being the atheism person as a actuality in the world It is present just a physical state where localized it does thinks everything of existence It is that independent single unit “ My individual “ Only profit sufficiency as materialistic conclusion “ Life limited to of one time “ So most It becomes value
                                                  • 我们有一个在现实世界中谁是无神论者。为了地位,并考虑目前的趋势是所有的事情只有本地化的国家,也是一个独立单位的“个人”我唯一得到满足,作为一个举足轻重的物质“生活时间”一最。值得 These people being the atheism person as a actuality in the world It is present just a physical state where localized it does thinks everything of existence It is that independent single unit “ My individual “ Only profit sufficiency as materialistic conclusion “ Life limited to of one time “ So most It becomes value

                                                • 我党对民主的路径的下降与看起来像一个民主报纸终于剪了一个血管
                                                  Don't you think? it is like the Democratic party newspaper is cut off the blood vessel finally The road of decline is traced with the Democratic party together,

                                                  • 我喜欢卢武铉鸠山Louppy?从公共逆转的高支持,秘密资金丑闻,黄金为敌对国家提供的慷慨韩国)(北将其他国家的乐趣从性能最好,审查美国与盟国的关系中国获得 Being similar to rupi Hatoyama tsu te nomuhiyon don t you think Changing from the support where is high from the citizen The kind of performance which slush fund doubt hostility country North Korea the rose of the gold for it spreads by all power from the foreign country makes foolish The related second look at ally America and the approach… to China

                                                    • 我是一个规则为基础的民主政府在被占领的占领超过213只从美国的战争我的意思是美国的一个离开的,把国家基础,因为他们想仍然占据日本鸠山发掘的古 213 Because in war it is under defeat miss ke te occupation controlling there is a base it is Democracy administration tsu te has meant breaking away from the American occupation control As for America we would like to occupy Japan still Therefore the base is put in place and Hatoyama is hit

                                                      • 我有很多麻烦的自由和开放的政治局势,大部份的选民,而不是试图减少从他们自己的队伍差距 gt With special care being free although opening it became political circumstance the most constituent whom it does not try you probably to lose differential and class from by your
                                                        • 我有很多麻烦的自由和开放的政治局势,大部份的选民,而不是试图减少从他们自己的队伍差距 gt With special care being free although opening it became political circumstance the most constituent whom it does not try you probably to lose differential and class from by your
                                                        • 我有许多麻烦的自由和公开的政治局势,大部份的选民,而不是试图减少从他们自己的队伍差距 With special care being free although opening it became political circumstance the most constituent whom it does not try you probably to lose differential and class from by your

                                                      • 我的“U洗血的权力斗争ü”认为情节她奇迹仍然是有意义的,我们谋杀,背叛,这些比赛的胜利发言排除或发现是走向政治对手清除溃疡及溃疡苏加应该怎样领导这个国家,他是一个天才
                                                        As for we as for “the struggle for supremacy which washes the blood with the blood” being after all necessary, you think that it is significant, You reflect upon conspiracy, make assassinate, betray, purge It destroys the governmental enemy, or is crushed? Such competition very the man who is the capability which attains victory should lead the country

                                                        • 我知道什么是Louppy代理人身份证间谍粉尘质量变化埃泰
                                                          ID changing, it builds very the mass rubbish operative whom with [rupi] the shank It is understood

                                                          • 我终于2通道愚蠢愚蠢的人,我会埋葬你知道你是一个喜欢与人Gendai
                                                            After all the foolish people [tsu] [te] abusing the citizen with 2ch, as for the [ru] fool the [ro] which is gene die/di like person what

                                                            • 我认为这是适当的组如投诉由1? 公司编辑的信报报纸之间的差别板表面塞不会出售有关公平被称为傻瓜的人作为可能的,但我就卖 As for this with appropriate group You can accuse it is it is not Once scratching the letter in the paper As the newspaper selling although the ru The citizen probably there is no foolish people calling Can be a sale prohibiting extent
                                                              • 我很相信第一次长的时间后,选择民主傻瓜抓住它关闭゚wwwwwwwwwww次亚゙wwww The Democratic party which is chosen in those foolish people ze wwwwwwwwwww hu ゚ ki ゙ ya wwww which is the article which agrees upon after a long time

                                                            • 我问喋喋不休,即使在赌场,以吸引东部工业基地通过在苫小牧,我不是从人居住在这里很难,如果你,也许我应该也没有财政六月?嗯,我是一个业余的思维 With Tomakomai eastern industrial base how garagara the person how almost you do not live therefore it is Next if it has attracting even at the casino it is possible to be moistened even public finance it is the oak and others which is not However well it is amateur thought

                                                              • 所以,任何事情我开始Marimasen“ 终于,在一个小泽转变政府通过杰出的政治家一郎,诅咒已经出现在面前的政治非民主 Then nothing starts” gt With the administration alternation by the preeminence politician that at last Ichiro Ozawa democratic politics which does not have spell appeared before the eye
                                                                • 所以,任何事情我开始Marimasen“ 终于,在一个小泽转变政府通过杰出的政治家一郎,诅咒已经出现在面前的政治非民主 Then nothing starts” gt With the administration alternation by the preeminence politician that at last Ichiro Ozawa democratic politics which does not have spell appeared before the eye

                                                              • 所有动画津市综述-政治]例如立法在线投票,系统裁决而不举行咨议会必然是阿糖胞苷浩后来在国会法案的命运2小泽,2★前所未有的(当然音频等待下文)[官僚主义的民主]减肥。饮食限制,例如改革法案,山冈,国会事务委员会主席,并计划在会上看到小泽里沙,秘书长,还讨论了反对党进入
                                                                Summary animated picture [be] With whereabouts of Ozawa 2 bill the latter half National Diet turbulent inevitability If without holding national assembly system conference the ruling party votes the bill, the constitutional government history upper beginning * 2 (The next [sure] waiting) The National Diet answer of bureaucracy. The National Diet reformation-related bill of restriction and the like, the opposition party opposing, deliberation it enters and verifying the policy where it can point In the conversation of national anti- Chairman Secretary General and Yamaoka Ozawa

                                                                • 无知的人的事实已经成为,我责怪自民党在许多地方瓦特Gidana Gendai我出生你tsukkomi Louppy政府按步就班地from m无知的人计划自己的媒体提木
                                                                  But to foolish people as for having converted fact, whether making the Liberal Democratic Party consequence w Because foolish people conversion plan of the [teme] and others media steadily advanced, the [ro] where [rupi] administration is the birth red sandal wood The [tsutsukomi] place too multi it is shelf gene dice/di

                                                                  • 日本媒体报Jimasen,你看到政权改变世界第二次世界大战后,其中包括罕见的49 40大通基地撤出外国去了 NULL
                                                                    • “对于政府的转变是要改变它峨系统过去50年,需要时间 gt Therefore “as for administration alternation changing 50 years to the system of that time is required
                                                                    • “对于政府的转变是要改变它峨系统过去50年,需要时间 gt Therefore “as for administration alternation changing 50 years to the system of that time is required
                                                                    • “对于政府的转变是要改变它峨系统过去50年,需要时间 Therefore “as for administration alternation changing 50 years to the system of that time is required
                                                                    • 日本媒体报Jimasen,你看到政权改变世界第二次世界大战后,其中包括罕见的49 40大通基地撤出外国去了 NULL

                                                                  • 每个人都试图这样做?这样的“平行和横向统一”来呢?
                                                                    With something it tries to make the everyone same? Such “uniform side it lines up and” with says because?

                                                                    • 民主,他们不知道国会现实抗日民族提交一项法案-在html身份国民议会法案呻/ www35。Atwi ki.jp /高利亚/页/ 1128。
                                                                      Submitting democracy and the National Diet method amendment plan The actual condition of the counter day which the citizen does not know - Natural shape of the National Diet method amendment plan http: //www35. atwi ki.jp/ko lia/pages/1128. html

                                                                      • 水龙头是你们不友好等荒谬的政治和国家只有通过他们的销售过程中的利益
                                                                        It tries you probably to sell the country just because of your own right as for the person et. al who designates politics as eye mischievous brown being hit the proper

                                                                        • 没有人不知道读他写的人物的名字是傻瓜,你很可能゙Yoku明西无知的人使用朝鲜文字符
                                                                          The [ro] where [minshi] ゙ [yoku] which uses the Hangul of foolish people letter is foolish people what The foolish people who cannot read and write either your own name with Chinese character

                                                                          • 然而,结果出来不久,我就在他们的选举管理 gt But unless the result is produced directly the administration which you choose with by yourself is abandoned
                                                                            • 然而,结果出来不久,我就在他们的选举管理 gt But unless the result is produced directly the administration which you choose with by yourself is abandoned

                                                                          • 由于这种认识也不是没有感觉,甚至摒弃不负责任我选择自己的新政府在6个月 Therefore such recognition irresponsible the new administration which you choose with by your is thrown away at half year It is the case that you do not feel
                                                                            • 然而,再次被迫权力的旧势力的恶意操纵信息,我错开不负责任漂移 Nevetheless is placed in also vicious information operation of old power and the hula hula has drifted irresponsibly
                                                                            • 然而,再次被迫权力的旧势力的恶意操纵信息,我错开不负责任漂移 Nevetheless is placed in also vicious information operation of old power and the hula hula has drifted irresponsibly

                                                                          • 确定自己是否为看电视是一个民主Gendai恩戴投我读无知的人
                                                                            TV seeing certainly, the gene die/di reading, the party who voted to the Democratic party is the foolish people

                                                                            • 科举制度是“活着的上帝”的税收和赞扬抢夺老百姓形容它是一个由系统非常恶意,类似于北朝鲜的金正日独裁“特权阶级和贪婪对“的基本标志是一个系统,应立即取消该死如果旋转
                                                                              As for emperor system “ Living god “ To say that with by the fact that it names it swindles tax and year Mitsugi from the commoner and takes it is the system due to quite vicious intention, It resembled closely to the North Korean Kim Jong-Il dictatorial system “ Aristocrat and the symbol of avarice “ So being, it is the disgusting system where it should abolish directly

                                                                              • 稍有知名度轻微复苏自民党和翻滚人民民主,称Gendai,“新闻大”捍卫民主,和这种态度顽固,但是有轻微拉,最终击败了自民党甚至不会成为某些新鲜感觉 Democracy popularity declining heavily our people say with popularity recovery feeling the gene die di somewhat the “large mass communications” democracy protection and our people hitting Although the waist is tend to pull a certain kind it does refreshingly to the attitude to of this stubbornness and points and others you feel
                                                                                • 嗯,我是失败的最大原因是他们的防守摆在我们面前是一个坏Gendai瓦特 Well it is the gene die di die The fact that you have protected is largest case of defeat w

                                                                              • 第1条,将被扭曲的事实和事实的基础上,部队的基础理论,和一个伪造Gendai
                                                                                1 As for the article, making fact distort, at the same time, on the basis of the fact which is made to distort gene die/di theory is not constructed compulsorily

                                                                                • 终于,在政府的杰出的政治家小泽一郎的变化,出现了非民主的政治诅咒前
                                                                                  With the administration alternation by the preeminence politician, that at last, Ichiro Ozawa, democratic politics which does not have spell appeared before the eye

                                                                                  • 美国美林浅间山庄红军事件,但我们的同志被杀害文合柏迪是不是时间差从领导,社会帝国主义的后果“,是不允许的志野太少异质性“这是一个狂热的思想的必然结果 In the Asama mountain villa Red Army lynch incident the murder being agreeable of same mind occurred but because that the leader of that time was the abnormal person is not It is conclusion of social empire principle “ You do not permit either a little heterogeneity “ It was the inevitable result which with you say is by mania trust idea
                                                                                    • 美国美林浅间山庄红军事件,但我们的同志被杀害文合柏迪是不是时间差从领导,社会帝国主义的后果“,是不允许的志野太少异质性“这是一个狂热的思想的必然结果 In the Asama mountain villa Red Army lynch incident the murder being agreeable of same mind occurred but because that the leader of that time was the abnormal person is not It is conclusion of social empire principle “ You do not permit either a little heterogeneity “ It was the inevitable result which with you say is by mania trust idea

                                                                                  • 蒙昧主义或因创价学会Gendai是什么?质量和JTU的粉尘和
                                                                                    The gene die/di which is what? To foolish people as for converting the [ro] which is consequence of the mass rubbish and Nitukiyou group and Soka academic society

                                                                                    • 该Happitan,可能会好第一次令人遗憾的名人来瓦特苫小牧,驱动tTA罐wwwww
                                                                                      With happy turn, w where for the first time it may become favorite Tomakomai [serebu] Regrettable, the pot [tsu] it is wwwww

                                                                                      • 该系统出身的皇帝形成的,反对战争和侵略邻近的国家,如使用费从西方先锋“在说:”就好像人,如合同和历史贡献,请求人民不存在的,在事实
                                                                                        As for the beginning of formation of emperor system, like Western king family vis-a-vis the invasion from the neighboring country “ It stands in the forefront of the fight “ With you said, Contribution etc to the populace request from the populace and as a contract you called, fact in history does not exist completely

                                                                                        • 身份证还只是单一的任何文字,这证明,日本线是在被绑架的工作,我们与日本民众的愤怒这是明显的 That return single engine ID With only entry as for this the net public opinion construction with resident North Korean construction clearly You say that it is the evidence which was done even in Japan

                                                                                          • 过多的糖阴谋论或者说精神的有害影响。集团。乙
                                                                                            Excessive conspiracy theory exerts adverse effect on mind With you say or, the sugar. Group. Quaintness

                                                                                            • 这不是台湾的威胁的中国,已经处理了,坏家伙是完全鸠山由莫纳伊梁罢工大胆的举动,以杰出的政治家改变朝鲜政权,小泽一郎是一个飞行的战斗机苏能力,而不是民主的法术精彩节目包括full ll对接是政治出现了前面
                                                                                              Boldly moving the spots was lifted Prime Minister Hatoyama which completely with villain treatment Already, there is no Chinese and Taiwan threat and, as for North Korea there is no either remaining strength which throws the fighter plane With the administration alternation by the preeminence politician, Ichiro Ozawa, democratic politics which does not have spell appeared before the eye Thrusting fully loaded shelf

                                                                                              • 这他妈的...我想我的朋友无线电Poppoto 214民主党人愚蠢支持
                                                                                                214 Therefore the fool the [ro] which is democracy support what Don't you think? [po] [tsu] [po] and radio wave friend [e

                                                                                                • 这是一个精密技术领域,如目前的情况下,如果日本教育仍然存在继续驱赶越南西
                                                                                                  Furthermore as for this in field such as precise technology, the presently Western Europe was surpassed it is the Japanese education present condition which is continued

                                                                                                  • 这本书上厕所驱动tTA,船上Uyouyo代理商做什么你是在和朋友一起玩舒服! ?在当今世界,相信他是唯一的 It met in such a toilet the operative uyouyo with the bulletin board which has been done The friend tsu crossing over something is pleasant it is Current society those which are believed are just yourself
                                                                                                    • 和朝鲜有很多代理商的手段,这是该行发现了很多工作,我们试着写同样的看法的同时规划 In other words inside Korea many The North Korean operative the time simultaneously writes in deliberately similarly the public opinion construction which in large quantities line You say that is cracking was ascertained

                                                                                                  • 那么,新的论据失去信誉延长期限,如果是随波逐流,但我怀疑它的责任感,是因为它的结果出来Louppy Don t you think so therefore with it prolongs the time limit slipperily and builds and the confidence losing paragraph is as for rupi itself Being at the point where the result is not produced you should have questioned responsibility sufficient story it is

                                                                                                    • 鸠山犹豫不决,无法提出一个为位置峨城搬迁外县外茹朱达罗Gendai杂志生气,但谁不喜欢看我只是指导思想和民主党盲目维护党的单一管理我不知道快乐驼背
                                                                                                      Assuming, that the prefecture it is the standpoint where outside & overseas transfer of facilities is advocated, the [ro] which gets angry to current Hatoyama irresolution and the way of disabled and is Gene die/di simply just has protected Hatoyama administration and the Democratic party blindly The page which does not have such fixed seeing seeing, you do not understand whether someone rejoices

                                                                                                      • (略)日本社会党(现社民党)和安全问题有关的大脑,它是由一个和平主义的立场,警告说,美国军事战略
                                                                                                        (Omission) It is the brain regarding the security problem of the Japanese Japan Socialist Party (the present social Democratic party), In the American military strategy the alarm bell is sounded from standpoint of pacifism

                                                                                                        研究 開発