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Hatoyama prime minister “everyone, Futenma how you did not know with to do, the [yo]? As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen, the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” the ★8


  • 110哥们儿,这一切乐趣呢?女拓谷迷上它会屁股米希包括曾承诺TTP的:/ / upload.wikimedia.org /维基/共享/拇指/ 1 / 16 /唐%27t_abbreviate_as_Wiki.png / 300px,唐%27t_abbreviate_as_Wiki.png
    110 The [ge] which it does you obtain, are applicable entirely and the [ru] are w Once, promise it does to thrust, solves ttp: //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/16/Don % 27t_abbreviate_as_Wiki.png/300px-Don % 27t_abbreviate_as_Wiki.png

    • 130 威基威基摘要什么是维基抓获详情或教我有点像我们会得到更多的手指从苏 130 gt wiki tsu te to collect capture wiki because it points to wiki or that one Already just a little you teach in detail
      • 131 威基威基摘要什么是维基抓获详情或教我有点像我们会得到更多的手指从苏 131 gt wiki tsu te to collect capture wiki because it points to wiki or that one Already just a little you teach in detail

    • 238:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 04 / 17(星期六)08:52:34编号:d1pjdEru0这是采取一
      238 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/04/17 (Saturday) 08: 52: 34 ID: d1pjdEru0 This was taken one

      • 33泽和鸽子,也Yavai司法和美浓国防部长,教育北,孙教授不愉快的故障众议员
        33 [oza] and the pigeon, defensive minister of state and Minister of Justice and [yavuai] and north teaching, the Assemblyman of the Nitukiyou entwinement are unpleasant

        • 521 眼睛的父母都是在养老金问题感到困惑kwsk
          521 > Both the parents with annuity problem it was in the chaotic eye kwsk

          • 598预计谷歌搜索一个候选的立即,“并表示媒体一直鸠山不称职的人 598 google promptly in estimate search candidacy “the disabled hard worker Hatoyama added the mass communications
            • 有太多三的支持率呈现内达1 3你曾经是新闻界的敌人它会得到很多鸠山% When Hatoyama turns the mass communications to the enemy there being too much a news item which is picked up it becomes about the support ratio 3

          • 900名美国士兵“航空自卫队和海上自卫队。它是坏的草,他们说,他们从国家创新购买我们万维网”
            900 The soldier of the American “Air Self-Defense Force and Maritime Self Defense Force. The buying [tsu] solving from our country, with terrible favorite words shank www”

            • Emashita大家向他们展示机构主席的种子种植的宇宙学生“,这花坛,充满了鲜花和你表明上午的会议上我”,并呼吁在一 President of the student council planted the kind of cosmos That you have everyone see “Shows this flower bed we with the flower all the way” With it appealed with morning gratitude

              • gt lt rv lt Γ ⌒ REPT ¯ REPT 92 ll l to ⌒ ⌒ 92 Y77l j l 7 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT l gt jl l ha HKRPT i ゙ i REPT Vi No REPT human lt Everyone and Futenma how everyone you did not know with to do the yo a l No re j 92 j i l ha ku 92
                • 岛哈贺゚ : NULL
                • 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 度假村鸭川 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT To you obtained it was the Futenma tsu te very place it is ゙ i human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 REPT gt gt no └ lt 92 no Kamogawa resort
                • 难道你知道他们永远不会知道Tteta普天间? !充满循环有关的人之前你从喜爱湿重 Futenma how everyone you did not know probably will be You have known the wa As for the citizen there is no your extent Loopy ww

              • Louppy“地名已经提出了各种媒体,当然并非一定是事实每一天,即使说这不是我会做的事,在正常情况应该冷静地判断more · · ·“什么问题轮普天间,只是很难适应,寻求双边协议部长本人总理外搬迁现场,说是非常广泛的丑闻看
                When the various place names and the like where the [rupi] “every day media always is not fact have appeared, vis-a-vis saying, if as for this as for me originally it is calmer, whether it is not to should judge that…” But the prime minister himself groping ahead relocating other than the Japanese-American agreeing centering on Futenma problem, because adjustment has a rough going, speech may expand the ripple, is

                • NULL Fearful wa ” in Mayor Nago island sack person election 2006 04 Area of the government “vicinity If V letter runway which it does not fly it is good gt Transfer of facilities outside Okinawa and overseas prefecture all the meeting agreements ” 2006 04 Mayor “well…” 2006 05 The United States “it is good” 2006 11 New governor “well…” From here Environmental assessment advance of construction plan 2008 09 However it is not the governor “best transfer of facilities it accepts formality announcement ” To ↑ ↑ ↑ here our civil administration right From here democracy administration ↓ ↓ ↓ 2009 08 If Hatoyama “outside the prefecture it is possible basically overseas” 2009 11 Other than obama “current plan it does not select
                  • 从来没出县“(当选的名护市市长稻岭惠一进先生建议民主党)2010 01美”的计划是最好的礼物“〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜2010 02。美国国会的“地提出反对,该国提出的县外(一致)”2010年 03鸠山“并没有放弃从冲绳 Outside absolute prefecture” rice plant ridge Shin of democracy nomination Nago election to Mayor 2010 01 The American “current plan the best” 2010 02 The transfer of facilities of transfer of facilities opposition inside national assembly “prefecture and outside overseas prefecture all the meeting agreements ” 2010 03 Outside Hatoyama “prefecture it is not abandoned
                  • 我不害怕“(当选先生Shimabukuro,在名护市市长)2006 地区政府04”附近。非用于弗莱英V我想跑道字符? 冲绳,美国“2006 市长04”嗯 “2006年 美国2005年”当然“2006年 11新总督,”最佳嗯 “(以下简称。环境评估的建设和进展情况,项目)2008 09总督”,但不是,接受搬迁项目(官方)“,其中↑↑↑■■■■■宽松的制度,要改变伊拉克政权 2009■■■■■↓↓↓民主政府在这里 08鸠山“基本上出冲绳,最好外,”11分之2009奥巴马说:“我不选择其他的建议比现行 Fearful wa ” in Mayor Nago island sack person election 2006 04 Area of the government “vicinity If V letter runway which it does not fly it is good gt Transfer of facilities outside Okinawa and overseas prefecture all the meeting agreements ” 2006 04 Mayor “well…” 2006 05 The United States “it is good” 2006 11 New governor “well…” From here Environmental assessment advance of construction plan 2008 09 However it is not the governor “best transfer of facilities it accepts formality announcement ” To ↑ ↑ ↑ here our civil administration right From here democracy administration ↓ ↓ ↓ 2009 08 If Hatoyama “outside the prefecture it is possible basically overseas” 2009 11 Other than obama “current plan it does not select

                • NULL NULL
                  • ṛ ヽ甲 。): :7,升 NULL
                  • 受体 ヽMimimimimimi, ,我 ー , ,女 噢 , ) ,强 r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT You DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No However Chinese character just a little it just misunderstood the fool it has done to handle t to a REPT nini The ro which the phone mono conspirators is different and is r REPT t i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92

                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL
                  • 我认为这是有趣的你已经知道隐藏媒体本身已成为国家关注 That becoming interest thing of the citizen itself Although the media has hidden Being known You think as the strange shelf
                  • 首相鸠山普天间搬迁问题,“公众的关注是获得太多的媒体”,我说的运动 As for Prime Minister Hatoyama “as for having become interest thing of the citizen the moving too much of media” you spoke concerning Futenma base transfer of facilities problem

                • NULL ⌒ ru pi ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ re ¯ 92 i ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT i Γ ⌒ REPT i ⌒ REPT i REPT REPT Person REPT No Person REPT No REPT No 92 HKRPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKRPT i HKRPT i REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ C h a n mi Thinking mi 彡 92 suka 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human lt Futenma how everyone you did not know probably will be
                  • ヽヽ⌒⌒ ⌒ ヽ⌒(ヽ ⌒ ,, ー 哦 米问题ヽ ( 。 Louppyヽ ⌒ ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 ⌒ REPT REPT ⌒ 92 HKRPT REPT SIME mi 92 REPT rupi
                  • 布鲁诺 ヽ, ⌒⌒ )Kikoemashi是啊〜我的火印 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 As for the hi it is to be audible the better e it is
                  • 布鲁诺 ( No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 three i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ MARU
                  • 布鲁诺∧∧ ヽ 素数,你无法逃脱再看看 ∧ ∧ No ⌒ REPT 92 ∨ ∨ Γ ⌒ REPT 92 The prime minister it cannot escape you anymore
                  • 我 ヽ⌒⌒)洛伊⌒我,(·) ヽ, ⌒⌒ ),解释Shimashi是啊〜我 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT lj ⌒ i i No human j
                  • 我 ヽ⌒⌒)!゙ ⌒) 哦 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ ⌒ REPT i у i human 92 ku HKRPT
                  • 我 ヽ⌒⌒)!゙(·) ヽ, ⌒⌒ )是啊,我在现实中马氏三重〜 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human 92 ⌒ l ⌒ 92 Person 92 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 The ge it is to tell the truth to be visible the better e it is
                  • !゙(·) ヽ ゙ i human wakannai 92 REPT

                • u003d ゚ヽ。三≧ u003d u003d ヽ 甲,≧ u003d ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ni 2222 ni gt REPT ┃ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ a i to ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ Y j
                  • ( 人 ) ∠。 ー ヽ::: ::1 (∀゚゚)Ø゚Louppy彡!Louppy!(∀゚゚)Ø゚Louppy彡!Louppy!(∀゚゚)Ø゚Louppy彡!Louppy!TTP的: www nicovideo jp 手表 sm10376719 human ∠ 92 92 ─ a ni ku re 1 ” L L l “ ∧ 7 REPT to l l l V l l REPT 92 l lj 7 l l REPT 92 l ゚ ∀ ゚ O 彡 ゚ rupi rupi ゚ ∀ ゚ O 彡 ゚ rupi rupi ゚ ∀ ゚ O 彡 ゚ rupi rupi ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm10376719

                • WBS的电视屏幕上,而报纸轻轻地说,“Louppy”接近或更新゙
                  When it is WBS, while broadcasting softly As for picture “[rupi]” of newspaper Cloth ゙ [atsuhu] ゚ it had done

                  • Www kensatsu go jp kensatsumail feedback php?编号 u003d公共检察官办公室的官方网站006呻 www kensatsu go jp Mimashitara控方称,有人专门基督教你能不能给我的例子,它的眼睛似乎把调查的一些成员对这些 www kensatsu go jp kensatsumail feedback php id 006 Public Prosecutor s Office official home page http www kensatsu go jp When it tries telephoning to investigation it could not have teaching concrete someone but Some person aim is acquired to investigation with the above mentioned member so is
                    • TTP的: megalodon jp 2010 0408 2332 41 blog tatsuru com 2010 4月8日 1249。PHP的 ttp megalodon jp 2010 0408 2332 41 blog tatsuru com 2010 04 08 1249 php

                  • _NULL_
                    1995/09 Prefectural people “another patience viewing, the Futenma airport [do] [tsu] go” 1996/12 However the United States “it is good, the facility of substituting making in the Tokai bank open sea,” 1998/02 The mayor “it is good”, (Kishimoto of constructive group of supporters Nago election to Mayor) 1998/11 The governor “it is good”, (pledges troop people common airport plan the rice plant ridge person who election) 1999/11 It is possible to be the governor “side field old? ” 1999/12 The mayor “[u] it is” (Later, concrete construction plan advances) 2004/04 Start of environmental assessment 2005/10 The Japanese-American “base probably will go with [shiyuwabu] coast section L letter type plan” 2006/01 Siniti long “L letter type plan goes the excessiveness, the open sea more

                    • ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 搬迁 ° ¯ ¯ ° 关岛 鸠山由纪夫 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° 收到了一封信,告诉你扔了一个最近的核首脑会议的垃圾箱奥巴马 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Ahead moving ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Guam Yukio Hatoyama ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ obama throwing to the trash box with nuclear summit of the other day it received the letter which is removed
                      • ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 搬迁 ° ¯ ¯ ° 关岛 鸠山由纪夫 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° 收到了一封信,告诉你扔了一个最近的核首脑会议的垃圾箱奥巴马 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Ahead moving ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Guam Yukio Hatoyama ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ obama throwing to the trash box with nuclear summit of the other day it received the letter which is removed

                    • “ 这只是鸠山无论如何,他们将阻止媒体和书籍,那很好,你不用担心,”只是不能做 “ How se Hatoyama what therefore it probably is not possible that the media has written but without worrying it is good” It is not possible it is the shelf
                      • 鸠山先生的不是无知,我生病的小说和事实的谎言疾病难以区别 Hatoyama is not to be ignorant distinction of fact and lie is not attached It is sickness what lie symptom

                    • “该协议的修订沙发的提高,临床查看详情另见淖志野方向,如何调整美军在日本和”我们做无知的人,才让那一个原则已越来越有兴趣在清单我只想说我不喜欢这样或什么不? Louppy鸽子鸽子后,有人问这种直觉绝缘体什么不同媒体我们只是太宠坏
                      “It raises the reform of the Japan-U.S. status of force agreement, it faces with direction of the second look concerning the way of the US military reorganization and the US base in Japan” It placed in the manifest, but as for your foolish people the interest not having [te] it is in such a thing and says and like this would like to say it is? > [rupi] pigeon After, something pigeon misunderstands, it seems, but the mass communications this time sweetly are large

                      • ⌒γ ”我将得到的媒体意识 Γ ⌒ 92 REPT REPT ⌒ 92 REPT i 92 i i i i ⌒ REPT l human “The citizen did not know Futenma how with to do the yo Even being foolish it does the yo fellows” REPT 92 “The mass communications remembering the ro
                        • 旧天⌒γヽ⌒ ⌒ )所有的媒体说, Former times No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 Everyone of mass communications

                      • ★“我怎样才能迁移普天间航空基地本身”,鸠山由纪夫首相鸠山案出茹惊愕叽叽喳喳在15世纪末,动摇和有关问题,在普天间基地迁移“是一个革命性的计划,以实现在5月结束瑙去“言论 “If it should have relocated Futenma itself” Hatoyama plan of being frightened it comes out Prime Minister Hatoyama with tsuitsuta of 15 day nighttime shakes with base transfer of facilities problem “The epoch making plan which actualizes May conclusion came out in regard to Futenma the u ” With you speak
                        • 岛 ⌒⌒。i)为解决普天间辉煌的我(⌒) (⌒)我, 我向我更积极 i ⌒ ⌒ i Because it solves Futenma gorgeously i ⌒ ⌒ i Reporting my participation more don t you think

                      • ヽ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ¯ ¯ ° 如果我旅行 ヽ 请 寻找适当的通风 波纳雷夫 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ It appears in traveling How REPT Please do not search the porunarehu ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                        • ー 媒体不是坏事! 很好,你不用担心ヽ ,)¯ ¯(ヽ 2 我 我 ヽ ヾ·我 。L的L 。 奥夫¯ ·当前在线订单布鲁诺,,,。L ° 升ヽ 汤顿 升, 升 ,。升)!( 22 22ヽ 92 Something the media is bad REPT Without worrying it is good ¯ ¯ REPT i i 92 i i REPT 92 DREPT ¯ i l l 92 no hu ¯ ¯ to l ¯ 92 l REPT r l l l l 22 22 REPT

                      • 三年半来推翻政府不能做任何事情,因为我不席位没有提供国家疑惑多于半数的单音节词Ttarou,通过扭曲等适当的通风是国家的洪水扭在你党是这样的小对成年管理
                        Therefore the wax which was called It gives the parliamentary seat which does not have majority or more odd and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is the empty how doing the falling down official building it is not possible Three year half this way is Twist with small party proliferation, the chaotic national management which does not mind the mind of the citizen who could be twisted is formed

                        • 什么疯狂愚蠢的问题已越来越多地在一些伟大的普天间尴尬终于事与愿违使用它来狗屎青梅使用东洋的高知名度的是正确的完美鸠山将湿重的政治家谁
                          As Prime Minister Hatoyama says perfectly, the shelf Making use of Futenma problem, that you will raise your own popularity, after all awfully it utilized, that Appearing in the reverse side, being foolish scratches large shame, as for the politician who more and more has deviated ww which probably is who

                          • 他们说的是丰富的,有经过即使放电荒谬言论,从电视Uff的背后,是更好地只不仅不但继续他们的水龙头,您可以通过Hazime本丸金枪鱼,或者捐赠死者可以只有傻瓜甚至像,或子女免税额哈希鸠山怪
                            It is the rich person when, 妄 word spitting, through being done, to be hit continuing harboring go it is [mashi] The lady coming out the television, tuna one you receive whole, [uhuhu] only [aho] Deceased donation, Hatoyama child treatment our industry complacency it puts out,

                            • 但是,如果石井先生和小泽先生的意见像418大的威胁?瓦特我觉得他们的方式,因为蛇蛇更多信息
                              418 If you consult Ozawa and with also Ishii which love intimidation? w Therefore as for the road of the snake the snake you think that it is detailed,

                              • 但是,母亲给予绝对没有净Janakatta认为即使在森林傻瓜远远福田康夫和麻生太郎不认为这是愚蠢Tteru更民主党 电视和报纸报道,自民党希望你们当好 Instead of Aso You think that with even Fukuda and the forest the fool it was not to here but it is So the net as for the mother who is not done thinking that the party of democracy still the fool is the one which is not ru … Properly the television and the newspaper at the time of our people likely reporting margin
                                • 207在所有媒体。基诺Asou自来水和所有。尼科尼科我已经命令的Louppy幅度由于宣传 207 Media All Aso of hitting All Therefore rupi of protection niko motion long ago it is one column

                              • 出于政治私利,因为我知道我会不会吵抗日党派利益的左派抗日社会主义和共产主义,你用什么有趣的浪费税,是取决于
                                Japan Socialist Party and Japan Communist Party of anti-Japanese [sayoku] Because it made a noise because of anti-Japanese right, knowing, the [ru] Because of my interest selfish desire of the politician, being influenced, tax being used wastefully, the [ru] riding, it is strange

                                • 可能是半鸽子“凯塔他们从来不知道那里是冲绳的普天间驱动tTA瓦特萨科解决冲绳问题,但时间会的人,我是该让人民是不是5月底想结果反映了大家的意见和 May halfway Pigeon “It is Futenma how Okinawa somewhere intellectual viewing w which is applied In order so to solve Okinawa base problem the fact that it approaches being intention of the citizen is not my will To be the result also the period five ends of the month reflecting the opinion of everyone of the citizen the thought
                                  • 可能是半普天间鸽子“在萨科驱动tTA来解决问题将是在5月会的人,我认为每个人都准确地反映公众意见的期限是不是结束 May halfway Pigeon In order “to solve Futenma problem the fact that it approaches being intention of the citizen is not my will To be the result also the period five ends of the month reflecting the opinion of everyone of the citizen the thought

                                • 唯一的责任是能够做到这一点260司令,谁主管来上班的工作人员谁不称职的工作,只是懒惰无能的士兵谁来到行刑队案 260 This As for competent idle fellow in commander As for competent hard worker in staff As for disabled idle fellow in soldier The disabled hard worker does in gun down

                                  • 在他们的假津贴由家长欢迎的情况下,他们不知道我普天间你?我画了便携去Ruhou关系采取的责任从美日,当我们听说以后 Rather than stopping with case of the allowance which receives from the parent Futenma how you did not know with to do the yo Because something related to Japan and America it reached the limits responsibility it is the one which is taken but the future Being audible is good
                                    • 大家都说,你知道我们从来没有普天间?难道真的说把驱动tTA?我最好不要在政治宽松,我知道Ttemashita Everyone Futenma how you did not know with to do the yo The tsu te you said truly 739 B Even with shi ゙ yaha ゚ nhu ゚ lime news This Hatoyama farce was broadcast

                                  • 外长冈田克也,井上的问题对日本共产党议员彻志,“(这个”讨论会,介绍“从)等文件(豁免协议纪要一审),因为有一个鼻子鱿鱼讨论出来自然“的答案 As for Foreign Minister Katuya Okada vis a vis the question of Assemblyman Satosi Japanese Japan Communist Party Inoue “ this “conversation record” Such document agreement minutes of primary jurisdiction abandonment it was from description because Whether to be as for the argument which is said being made” you reply naturally
                                    • 在这种情况下,大使“,以做到这一点,很明显,因为它也间接地不公开分钟,”这已说明和天空 At that time the ambassador indirect it not to mean “publishing minutes that way clearly We have assumed that you expressed that well enough” is even by the fact that it does

                                  • 它(对我们的子女免税额由母亲)本身是一个人最关注的问题,我觉得太多了一些媒体的一切行动“,并表示天空 That child treatment from mother becoming first interest thing of the citizen itself something the media It is moving too in various ways you think” that is that you expressed
                                    • 它(对我们的子女免税额由母亲)本身是一个人最关注的问题,我觉得太多了一些媒体的一切行动“,并表示天空 That child treatment from mother becoming first interest thing of the citizen itself something the media It is moving too in various ways you think” that is that you expressed
                                    • 它(普天间问题)是自己是一个人最关心的,我认为这是太多的东西和得到的媒体运动“,并表示天空 NULL
                                    • 它(普天间问题)是自己是一个人最关心的,我认为这是太多的东西和得到的媒体运动“,并表示天空 NULL

                                  • 岩波刑事法院Karenai美军士兵的秘密协议 犯罪 每日新闻 日美安全协议岩波秘密 “同谋”历史的联盟 自民党与美国秘密协议 The Japanese American secret agreement The American soldier crime which is not judged Secret agreement Japan U S Security Arrangements and American soldier crime Alliance history “of complicity” The Japanese American secret agreement and the Liberal Democratic Party administration
                                    • 孩子是媒体工作的指责政治和安全,同时利用一切事物音译苏说他第二天驱动tTA The fact that by yourself said is reversed the following day Politics to utilize security it makes consequence of the mass communications Action shelf of child

                                  • 布鲁诺 NULL
                                    • 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT As for everyone however the varieties you say ⌒ ⌒ 92 Perhaps the prime minister of unexpected and successive generations No 1 it is i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human A 92 A From under… lVl REPT
                                    • 布鲁诺 NULL

                                  • 布鲁诺布鲁诺¯ ¯ 3 ¯ ¯ 五十铃五十铃,五十铃布鲁诺布鲁诺 3 Three no ¯ ¯ no ¯ ¯ HKDRT Three no HKDRT no
                                    • 如果您ー“ヽ。 ( , ,,)ヽ 7 ” REPT and REPT 7 lt toeeeeeei ⊂ ⊃ ∧ REPT yukokokokoyu 92 92 REPT REPT ninininiso No HKRPT 92 92 REPT ─ ─ ─ 92 92

                                  • 当首相岸信介1957年访华,日方,但美国已经宣布,元求“不恰当”接触的背景削减的,和我打破的“S,你不公开支持的差异这是极其有利的,“出版求归零
                                    The case of bank prime minister visit to the United States of 57 years, as for American side the publication On the Japanese side of those which it requested as “it does not become suitable and” it mentions the details which were refused again “makes public If the [te] it does not become inconvenient, greatly it is favorable”, that publication was requested

                                    • 德之岛搬迁民主党的建议。每日新闻说,首相下台,如果两院选举交货2 30 17年4月移交政府鹿儿岛县章 u003d“恢复信任”承诺 鸠山简讯4月16日发表49分钟19 00仙说。“普天间所有我不知道他们 lt Futenma gt Tokunoshima transfer of facilities plan democracy In the Kagoshima prefecture ream to transmission Government April 17th 2 30 transmissions Everyday the newspaper If prime minister resignation even in group of people going participating same day selection “reliance recovery” all power 仙 valley person April 16th 19 49 transmissions Current events communication Hatoyama prime minister “Futenma how everyone you did not know
                                      • 站在日本的传播和直接负责的能力,是鸠山党政府的权力,除非我得到双担自民党在选举嫉妒自民党和辞职不接受 In order to rebuild Japan having retiring to Hatoyama with group of people going participating same day election only it has bearing administration in the Liberal Democratic Party There is no political party which has administration charge ability other than the Liberal Democratic Party

                                    • 我北泽,国防部长,外交部长冈田,3个新地址内阁官房长官,5月提请平原真理先生已决定在所有的问题,接受该报告并不能没有意义
                                      As for me defensive Minister of State Kitazawa, from 3 people of Minister of Foreign Affairs and plain secretariat director Okada Ahead moving as for the May conclusion which is decided a completely as for problem report certain meaning was received that it is not,

                                      • 我听到有人很生气,如果我知道塔约冲绳问题的东西,因为普天间中学
                                        You have known from time of the junior high school student Futenma base problem what When the Okinawa prefecture person hears, you get angry

                                        • 我听说正在迅速消失或去公司前为其他资格获得选举权的人通过对外国
                                          When you approve to suffering election right of foreign carrot administration Already the business being completed saying, the shelf which may be turned off quickly

                                          • 我打电话给周围的承认惹恼我的个性我觉得Warounai丝毫他们希望国会议员也捍卫发射一次我应该 By himself betting annoyance on around the ru tsu te as for the recognition which is said the minute dust there is no thought wa wax it is the shelf As for personality when it is to call has protected also the Assemblyman party collecting we would like to make the neck
                                            • 我打电话给周围的承认惹恼我的个性,我不希望他们丝毫捍卫成员也应该像我一次发射 By himself betting annoyance on around the ru tsu te as for the recognition which is said the minute dust there is no thought wa wax it is the shelf As for personality when it is to call has protected also the Assemblyman party collecting we would like to make the neck

                                          • 我没有在这样一个非常负责任的大错长久以来,我们任命他担任总理,如果没有,我们已经实现了我的沉重 If I do not do am not the prime minister and only appointment with the meaning where they do not do this kind of big mistake Very much when it is heavy we feel keenly responsibility

                                            • 我猜我三百九十一瓦特索纳这样或那样的一个女孩的命运为他( ·ω·`)↓[社会]“谁是它取消了上网!”30岁的男子,1岁放火烧自己的家园和杀害五名家庭成员
                                              391 [so] or w Don't you think? and the end road of such person probably is such a is what,… (the ' Ω `) ↓ “The fact that Internet is cancelled is who! ” 30 year old jobless men and 1 year old girls family 5 people killing and wounding, it sets fire to the home

                                              • 所有的人,我想她做到了,但我只会看傻傻瓜Edited ll说闲话 偶然,但也远远小于这个哦,不小 As for the citizen thinking that everyone only wide show they are the foolish foolish people who are not seen ru bare chi ya tsu seed… absent mindedly word tsu chi ya tsu seed… Well also not hitting before long but…
                                                • 你之前,没有马可以体现埃泰反正感觉。达罗傻瓜? 10充满循环,我们会告诉我吗? You The horse where either the manifest is not remembered how the se The ro which is the foolish people It is said to tsu te Loopy the ze

                                              • 无论是不是我317第一次世界大战我一直骂他自来水和可怕的不好,也是我们的错读汉字小W或麻生太郎将守诺言“,为首相鸠山笑着说,执政的早期蜘蛛我们会说我在发抖,我不喜欢说我与驱动tTA说早熟阶段内阁和穿合? Hatoyama m摇晃像疯了似的东西,并宣布它向公众Mazugomi 317 Whether it is there is a reason ww Just a little Chinese character it misread and being physical condition defective the tsu te which is hit awfully and sows it is it is w Aso it can protect also promise ” that Hatoyama which talks with the smiling face Vis a vis the prime minister you said by the fact that already you spoke at stage of fitting inside the ruling party and inside the official building you do not say The blurring te ru it is said it is As for Hatoyama announcing vis a vis mazugomi and the citizen blurring the tsu te ru which is sown
                                                • 因此,无论是317第一次世界大战自来水麻生太郎将他像疯了似的,我一直在健康状况不佳和可怕的错误的,我们刚才读汉字或W,驱动tTA我说合发言,早熟阶段党的文件柜我们会说,我不喜欢我握手说? Hatoyama m摇晃像疯了似的东西,并宣布它向公众Mazugomi 317 Whether it is there is a reason ww Just a little Chinese character it misread and being physical condition defective the tsu te which is hit awfully and sows it is it is w Aso it can protect also promise ” that Hatoyama which talks with the smiling face Vis a vis the prime minister you said by the fact that already you spoke at stage of fitting inside the ruling party and inside the official building you do not say The blurring te ru it is said it is As for Hatoyama announcing vis a vis mazugomi and the citizen blurring the tsu te ru which is sown

                                              • 是收集国家注意,如果你吻我到目前为止做的Gininatterudakenandayo大动荡的安全,也没有人Poppo一挂从底部到美国一致认为,普天间问题也许不是
                                                1 The [po] [tsu] [po] with Futenma problem applying the Japanese-American agreement only ruinously from root, from the [ru] Becoming agitation, just the [ru] is what Doing safely, the [re] to here as for attracting the attention of the citizen whether it was not, don't you think?

                                                • 是的,肯定是一个地方的名称,普天间,但不知道是否有人大声疾呼,不是很民主的,有没有一个傻瓜在冲绳美军基地的真的,但我会知道我在,索诺人民报甚至不知道他们从Louppy我知道我会很麻烦,因为所有的普天间军事和当地居民?我就知道您是从冲绳美军基地中的古老的问题是! So the place name Futenma certainly was not known until democracy calls out excessively As for the notion that where other than the considerably fool so it is the US military base in Okinawa knowing the ru it is So having even trouble of that US military base and the local inhabitant everyone knowing the ru it is Because Futenma is not known the do even it is rupi which is If Okinawa US military base problem knowing from long time ago the ru
                                                  • 美国在冲绳的军事海外,已经呼吁在当时,证据是不知道有多少美军在日本 The Okinawa US military in the foreign country the tsu te already at the point in time when you say with something the US military being in Japan With the notion that where you say the evidence which is not understood

                                                • 普天间- TTP的搬迁抗议鹿儿岛:/ / www.jiji.com /龙/ c吗?Ğ u003d 30&K等油料_ u003d二○一○○四一七○○二八九德之岛町转让社民党表示,他没有缺点u003d TTP的:/ / www.jiji.com /龙/ c吗?克u003d 30&K等油料_ u003d二万零百亿四千一百七十零万零二百九十八
                                                  With Futenma transfer of facilities protest meeting = Kagoshima ttp: //www.jiji.com/jc/c? g = pol _ 30& k = 2010041700289 Tokunoshima moving and for and against not to declare, Fukushima of the = corporation people ttp: //www.jiji.com/jc/c? g = pol _ 30& k = 2010041700298

                                                  • 普天间做峨如最近的报告说,他多少在冲绳普天间的确切位置,即使现在我们已经知道即使真的没有,直到6个月前普天间不寻常的地名 Recent Futenma reporting is abnormal To half year ago even Futenma s place name in the habit which is not known Even now Futenma is Okinawa somewhere the person who can be said accurately just which being
                                                    • 普天间做峨如最近的报告说,他多少在冲绳普天间的确切位置,即使现在我们已经知道即使真的没有,直到6个月前普天间不寻常的地名 Recent Futenma reporting is abnormal To half year ago even Futenma s place name in the habit which is not known Even now Futenma is Okinawa somewhere the person who can be said accurately just which being

                                                  • 最愚蠢的人被迫倒装报纸电视上翻云覆雨的力量是愚蠢的批评和接受,直
                                                    Receiving that honestly, placing in the critic of the mass communications and the foolish television which you announce The citizen who runs about in confusion is most foolish

                                                    • 有没有看到w ll口的迁移普天间像数月之内发出一个月的等待我想我会开始后,很多年?他被发现游荡壊方案得到解决,并花了超过10年的经济衰退是我们跳舞的人告诉地位提升短语在清单的证据表明他们没有Louppy你什么都不是的,日本恶化如叛国卖国民主党人提出申请,对不对? Futenma s transfer of facilities problem arising is within here several months like speech manner shelf w Starting no year passing thinking as the ru the ru it is Already 10 years or more being required smashing the fact that it tries that conclusion probably will be attached the person whom it strayed seems the rupi your way After all it made the citizen dance with the manifest which does not have basis To treason democracy kind of 党員 position of recession and Japan deteriorates the ro which is national treason application
                                                      • 普天间是一个大问题,而不是责任不削弱日本未能解决的问题不解决普天间 Futenma is not great problem So it is not possible to leave Japan of problem accumulation disabled Futenma cannot be solved

                                                    • 未来美国可能会干预过程中仅在日本公司的骚扰和勒索的制裁制度将被推翻燃料报告操纵媒体要彻底抵制日本这种水果在日本人民的崇高宗旨和韩国扎西计划作出贡献,同时中国的发展和亚洲国家发行的开发Ranai西日本希望美国权力的专制和高压手段共同防御和经济合作,建设东亚共同体
                                                      In the future, America operating the Japanese mass communications, can point to reporting which fans administration turning over Perhaps, the economic sanction [ma] is and sets up the harassment to the Japanese enterprise but We want resisting to foreign intervention in domestic affairs thoroughly and, the American mighty power high pressure without riding in method, we want the Japanese citizen You say that Japan with China it contributes to the Asian development from scheme of the European-American advanced nation separated, 崇 high object This also east Asia to construct the same body as expected at China and South Korea day, economic defensive mutual cooperation

                                                      • 本身成为一个主要关注的是,大众渐渐太多太多的运动和媒体,我觉得我们“→解释说,”每个人都生活在日期北海道地区如果,也许几年前,人们可能普天间从未听说过。“ It becomes first interest thing of the citizen the notion that itself where After all the media is moving too in various ways that I think” Explanation gt “in the area Hokkaido Date everyone of the house Isn t perhaps Futenma the people who do not have either the fact that you hear to several years ago ”

                                                        • 民主党计划在我们说“要带韩国,日本1万平方米的移民”在中国,你有朝鲜人向你特别奖励
                                                          Our Democratic party it puts out, in “the Japanese takeover plan with 10,000,000 human immigration”, Is special incentive to of the Chinese, the South Korean and only the North Korean person

                                                          • 民主,他们不知道国会现实抗日民族提交一项法案-在html身份国民议会法案呻/ www35。Atwi ki.jp /高利亚/页/ 1128。
                                                            Submitting democracy and the National Diet method amendment plan The actual condition of the counter day which the citizen does not know - Natural shape of the National Diet method amendment plan http: //www35. atwi ki.jp/ko lia/pages/1128. html

                                                            • 没办法,我是反对社会民主党和共产党专政的法案不知道会发生什么事给你太小泽第九条宪法监护人,制止,让民主的宪法解释假业余它可以为外国人普选 Never Japan Communist Party and the corporation people party are opposite with… Also constitution 9 provision how becomes whether it is from the wa the empty … With the Ozawa dictatorial bill making the watchdog of the constitution stop amateur democracy It reaches the point where it can fabricate can interpret constitution Also foreign carrot administration is possible

                                                              • 猪排Katsu ”你不知道他们会永远普天间?媒体议案来得“左冲绳冲绳美” 狗屎的坏。“ It is life katsukatsu what” Prime minister “trust me” lt Several months later gt Prime minister “Futenma how everyone you did not know probably will be Media moving too much” The American Okinawa sayoku Okinawan “… the being disgusted ya which is useless”
                                                                • 大家都说,你知道我们从来没有普天间?难道真的说把驱动tTA? 739乙生产者狂言的新闻莱姆河野鸠山゚゚゙石牙哈木于空气 Everyone Futenma how you did not know with to do the yo The tsu te you said truly 739 B Even with shi ゙ yaha ゚ nhu ゚ lime news This Hatoyama farce was broadcast
                                                                • 我以前是没有兴趣的普天间,因为现在我要提出来的兴趣,或许是一件好事 Former times not having interest in Futenma Because now it has interest It isn t good thing
                                                                • 猪排Katsu ”你不知道他们会永远普天间?媒体议案来得“左冲绳冲绳美” 狗屎的坏。“ It is life katsukatsu what” Prime minister “trust me” lt Several months later gt Prime minister “Futenma how everyone you did not know probably will be Media moving too much” The American Okinawa sayoku Okinawan “… the being disgusted ya which is useless”
                                                                • 重新刻有意外,造成8月13日2004年,是多么危险是否浮动普天间基地 As for the accident which occurred on 2004 August 13th whether the Futenma airport how is the base where it is dangerous freshly It embossed

                                                              • 知识越多,你可以通过东京大学,也将拥有自己頑張 当地雇员也更好地工作,因为倾斜的思想,有非常令人不安的是,日本首相 The extent study which passes to Tokyo University being possible even with the intention also work having persevered in your own appearance Therefore how to think with respect to tilt the prime minister who puts annoyance on Japan tremendously is

                                                                • 纸,死者捐赠(逃税),冈田说,只有一个点的皇帝,皇帝使用,6个是undecided m普天间年因内阁辞职...
                                                                  But dissertation and deceased donation (tax evasion), Okada's His Majesty the Emperor speech, His Majesty the Emperor utilization and the place attaching, as for 6 times of undecided arrival within Futenma year the Cabinet resigning in a body, appropriate what…

                                                                  • 经过政府的变化:鸽“确定(在鸽子头脑)赞扬和鼓励大家在自民党之间的所有问题并非莆田!公众和媒体的每个人都不能运行,班邦难道你没注意到吗? !“现在:鸽子”或其他不可能的普天间〜!苏加挂出来,大家都在普天间清醒或什么人在这里万维网万维网“ After the administration alternating The pigeon “even if in head of pigeon solving Futenma s problem where our people are not done at all you have everyone praise The citizen and everyone of the mass communications it is the van van observing ” Now Pigeon “Futenma the excessiveness which probably will be bitten Generally Futenma who is plain with something everyone you have observed it does this everyone www of www”
                                                                    • 在人的责任和最终的责任推给站变相捐款将通过什么跟进普天间臻书记ーーー媒体的母亲或概念的耻辱自由ー 通常不无责任顶部即使它被带到顶端,因为茹 The ri which is koitsu lastly and the tsu in friend responsibility it forms attaching At the time of disguise donation mother private secretary Reaching up to Futenma our people the empty mass communications … Because there is no concept of shame… as for the top responsibility is taken normally although you say that very it is the top …

                                                                  • 自卫队空降部队的军官,另一游侠精锐部队的美国海军陆战队。我希望你能搜查
                                                                    Already in the airborne ranger unit of the American Marines elite unit and Self Defense Force Official. The [wa] which is wanted raiding…

                                                                    • 自民党自来水一直是灾难-乐朱达罗了氦氖宓马斯柯゙你不能该死以及它们的外观和公告地体现在我党聪瓦特
                                                                      It put out in the manifest and solved and did not know with to do don't you think? [yo] and [kuso] - the [ro] which is Becoming [masuko] ゙ [mi], and [ku] ゙ [ru] those where our people it hit awfully are the political party of somewhere w

                                                                      • 英语:纺纱Louppy杆,冲绳:门门假装,所谓的白痴豆腐或愚蠢的人讲,焊料中的薄弱或疯狂Burutara Nnuーー吕奥的头
                                                                        English: [rupi] = round and round the [pa] - Okinawa dialect: The inclination [mu] is = the fool [u] [hu] [so] - the [mu] is the = idiot [chi] the cod which puts on airs is the [nu] - the = head weak, whether it is the [ri] [ya] - = to come, the difference

                                                                        • 该说出来,使当地自民党的普天间问题,在民主选举的地方是814“已在民主党人奋斗的伟大...让请务必调离冲绳的!”说Louppy
                                                                          814 As for bringing up Futenma problem with the House of Representatives selection ahead democracy If “at the time of our people as for local end you suffering hardship very,…, the Democratic party by all means and it can point to moving outside the prefecture! ! ” [rupi] analects

                                                                          • 请愿书被提交的叛国单一法案国会在中,在特别国会会议秋天随志摩您的要求↓的扩散,“外国居民基本法”,“允许多重国籍双重国籍”,“权利法案的人力,”民主和社会民主它已成为绝大多数为丰富和共产党君秋投票 ↓ spread we ask Now petition in a general way of the treason bill is submitted at the National Diet At extraordinary session of parliament of the fall “foreign inhabitant fundamental law” “it is heavy nationality double nationality admission” “protection of fundamental human rights bill” and so on And it has become thick to become approval at preponderant large number of the democracy corporation people fairness common property

                                                                            • 谈判桌上,他们可能准备以极大的痛苦名护市的搬迁,但没有一个计划,挖掘地方搬迁后,我离开了,甚至当他们回来敲自己的双手! ! !
                                                                              The negotiation table which is prepared with special care side field old transfer of facilities, To reverse by the hand of the self, passing up to the cartridge will not, because you cannot prepare the transfer of facilities plan of substituting It probably is hit, but! ! !

                                                                              • 这将是在当前的高度讨论一项法案,国会会议专政[民主]国会法案狂欢-开始-独裁统治的开始ー\(^ ö ^)/将被传递到大会法案(1)国民大会不包括特别助理机关内阁秘书局政府回应立法(2)副部长,议会秘书的不断增加(3行政)取消政府证人(4)由他们,和学术专家例如举行听证会,普选●外国人在外国人面前裁决选举权法案,规定“
                                                                                The dictatorial bill now is deliberated at the National Diet The National Diet method amendment plan Start of dictatorial politics it starts, - \ (^ o ^)/ Those which are included in the National Diet method amendment plan (1) Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is excluded from the government special assistance person who replies at the National Diet (2) The secondary minister of state, constant of state affairs official is increased (3) Abolition of government witness system (4) Opening of opinion listening meeting from staff and men of learning and experience of administrative organ For example, about foreign carrot administration - before The denizenship bill is submitted to the ruling party “foreigner” You have not violated “to this constitution of the opposition party? The specialist of constitution interpretation accompanying,” As for decision with the Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau “Supreme Court, as for giving denizenship other than the citizen (the Japanese nationality person) that it is unconstitutional, it is judged” - after The denizenship bill is submitted to the ruling party “foreigner” You have not violated “to this constitution of the opposition party? The specialist of constitution interpretation accompanying,” It is Ozawa “constitutional, constitutional” Being Hatoyama “constitutional, even with the shank and the Supreme Court (side theory) it is recognized” Branch field “[goukendesu]” In addition, by the fact that the bureaucratic reply which is the specialist is prohibited “Interpretation of the bureaucracy which is the specialist” is lost vis-a-vis all phenomenon, means that “interpretation of the Cabinet minister where the hair grows in the amateur” influences national government Summary animated picture Keeper of law, to absence

                                                                                • 这就是民主,是对人们忽视,这不是很愚蠢?瓦特的水果毕竟“政治感兴趣的人是不好的!”是不是?我舔了舔市民要求: Generally neglecting the citizen something is democracy don t you think the fool w After all “as for the citizen as for having interest in politics it is not good to the end ” The ro which is The citizen it has licked

                                                                                  • 这谁提的声明或认识什么是最好的吗?人Futen此挂出愚弄人吗?
                                                                                    No this The [hu] [te] it is degree of acknowledgment classified by commenting of the [ma] As for this speech being everyone's profit? The person it makes the citizen foolish?

                                                                                    • 通Riari主要有两个原因,一个没有任何遗憾,以迫人的责任只
                                                                                      As for the reason there are two kinds mainly, as for one in order the power of the subordinate to make show because it is the idle fellow without regrettable

                                                                                      • 那么,不论限于日本鬼子鸠山是所有一切充满循环,而是一个伟大的克雷亚Futenma m程度即使s传输文化是刑满释放人员多病(日版)的特别监测巴努及再次向横行佤族的明星,国家扭转神经损伤犹豫扭转美国代表处就像一个厚脸皮
                                                                                        But jap is everyone everything loopy well, not just hatoyama great crea conveying culture, it is the what Futenma the previous offense person (JAP) of the infirmity now in one time atrocity In order not to reach, those like the private residential police box which is watched Cipango which opposes to beauty country and does the nerve of damage each country with irritation is conceited

                                                                                        • 酷家伙能向我会辞职,民主党的脾气我还没有Louppy头? Don t you think already the rupi head the temper tsu te ru As for the person who can advise resignation to the Democratic party calmly without being
                                                                                          • 没有广告在普天间Louppy大声?什么你们不知道什么好批评? rupi wasn t Futenma advertised lively Has it is dense is criticized the thing well from the wa

                                                                                        • 间歇性接触,我不把那些歌世森和他的尊严,他们的错误,指责他人
                                                                                          To responsibility of mistake Unless the [ri] which is formed in others you attach Even your own dignity protect saying, disclosing, and it is

                                                                                          • 难道,没有提出上诉,在可怕的反对政权更替的问题?噢,我不知道我的记忆是错误的 它看起来像一个傻瓜,但我不会忘记,所以它看起来很滑稽公开!这是愚蠢的,没有办法总理! Problem apparent making awfully opposition party age increase it is in appeal to administration alternation the tsu ke which is That we memory is strange kana… so the shelf is strange it is the shelf So it is possible to only the how fool who is forgotten grandly it is The prime minister is foolish it cannot boil
                                                                                            • 433然而,钌,看到尼科尼科时代反对派手流Hanayo瓦特我将蝴蝶Hakihaki随机家伙我只蝴蝶然地咕哝Shimomukai 433 But when you see with niko motion opposition party age hakihaki talking at random the ru w koitsu Now looking downward although only bosoboso 喋 viewing

                                                                                          • 鸠山先生是分手忘记Louppy还清楚地表现和结果提出县外,至少本身普天间瓦特舱单在冲绳欺诈(),自民党的失败,甚至是欺诈的竞选宣言,去年不败民主记得分手了吗?鸠山先生Louppy As for rupi Hatoyama Futenma itself you forget also that at least it clearly writes in transfer of facilities and the manifest outside the prefecture and the chi ya tsu are w With result of the fraud manifest with Okinawa as for our people complete defeat and democracy complete victory Even thing of fraud manifest election of last year you forget already and the chi ya tsu are rupi Hatoyama
                                                                                            • 或者没有亚斯伯格症?这些家伙是不是好,因为你想象,你无法想像认为人们普天间 Whether there is no asuperuga Therefore as for the people weak point you imagine Futenma s people how think you cannot imagine
                                                                                            • 该游客也07,普天间基地线是我会与她作为一个幸运的出租车旅游路线,我正在考虑退出同鸠山 7 It is view Kouti and as for the Futenma base luck of the taxi as one of the tourist route It keeps accompanying and the same thought no shelf as the Hatoyama tsu te pulling being confined
                                                                                            • 这是明显的后续基地,并告诉记者,是不是超出它本身的普天间迁移 About those where it becomes clear with following of press corps are not the base Those which make Futenma relocate itself
                                                                                            • 鸠山先生是分手忘记Louppy还清楚地表明,地移动以外的结果,至少在普天间瓦特体现在冲绳欺诈(),自民党的失败,甚至是欺诈的竞选宣言,去年不败民主,更加记得分手了?鸠山先生Louppy As for rupi Hatoyama Futenma you forget also that at least it clearly writes in transfer of facilities and the manifest outside the prefecture and the chi ya tsu are w With result of the fraud manifest with Okinawa as for our people complete defeat and democracy complete victory Even thing of fraud manifest election of last year you forget already and the chi ya tsu are rupi Hatoyama

                                                                                          • 鸠山没有忘记Louppy也已迁往县外,并清楚地表明普天间诈骗宣言瓦特没有一点自民党在这次失败的结果,即使在去年的选举舞弊不败民主宣言,我又忘了呢?鸠山先生Louppy瓦特
                                                                                            As for [rupi] Hatoyama Futenma being little, you forget also that it clearly writes in transfer of facilities and the manifest outside the prefecture and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are w With result of the fraud manifest as for our people complete defeat and democracy complete victory Even thing of fraud manifest election of last year, you forget already and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are? [rupi] Hatoyama w

                                                                                            • 鸠山的言论立场,我不会Ne ll看看所有突然站出来说很多话端午双选应该是非常糟糕失言
                                                                                              As for this speech of Hatoyama although it is expectation of rather terrible losing word, group of people going/participating same day election is subject suddenly the large quantity coming up Being conspicuous at all, don't you think? don't you think? - -?

                                                                                              • 鸠山说,囊,以前所未有的大规模的逃税是总是责备别人,“妈妈”,因为
                                                                                                What Prime Minister Hatoyama says always the consequence shelf of the person As for unprecedented enormous tax evasion, consequence of “mother”

                                                                                                • 鸠山辞去首相是这样一个媒体在大惊小怪它只要管周围的所有坏家伙Etara如果在更换,没有年龄Jijibaba选举是信息不完全的承诺是面对进入媒体和民主,鸠山在一段时间,我的斗争,捍卫,甚至媒体眼中我看到您的S K表
                                                                                                  As for Prime Minister Hatoyama as for the necessity and the like now to resign in such a disturbance completely it is not When it replaces around the tube unskillfully, becoming immediately mass communications age reporting one side falling down In addition feeling weak [jijibaba] House of Councillors selection you insert in [korotsu] and democracy discernibly, the [ru] die Even the mass communications for a while with Hatoyama which agonizes in protection k

                                                                                                  • 鸠山首相本人,直到“噢娜等着Futen?”是什么,我认为这个国家的警察很容易
                                                                                                    Until Hatoyama itself becomes the prime minister, “the [hu] [te] it is waiting, - -? ” It was state, as for it is probably being the trap where the conjecture is attached easily

                                                                                                    • 鸠山,“大家都说,你知道我们从来没有选举权的外国人吗?成为全国关心的问题,它会移到媒体Gidakarato”鸠山说,“大家好,我不知道他们的逃税没想到这样会令市民的关注,我认为媒体是来自移动太多,“鸠山”每个人都说,你知道我们从来没有普天间?成为全国传媒关注我觉得运动来自太多,“ 我 ,普天间感到恐惧,把一个丑陋 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone foreign carrot administration how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone tax evasion how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone Futenma how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” In Futenma When you attach the feeling which is fearful does
                                                                                                      • 鸠山,“大家都说,你知道我们从来没有普天间?成为全国关心的问题,它会来的记者太多的运动,从”我犯了一个错误,我这个大消息泄露有关鸠山掩埋太多新闻 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone Futenma how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” The news which does this large losing word being buried the ru how Hatoyama related news too multi to be
                                                                                                      • 鸠山,“大家都说,你知道我们从来没有选举权的外国人吗?成为全国关心的问题,它会拿出太多的媒体运动,从”鸠山“每个人都说,你知道我们从来没有逃税•市民的关注,它是从媒体得到太多运动认为,“首相鸠山:”每个人都说,你知道我们从来没有普天间?成为全国关心的问题,它是移动媒体我想太多 来自“我 阿普天间感到恐惧,把一个丑陋 Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone foreign carrot administration how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone tax evasion how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” Prime Minister Hatoyama “Everyone Futenma how you did not know with to do the yo As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” In Futenma When you attach the feeling which is fearful does

                                                                                                    • !ヾ布鲁诺, u的(:) 让疲劳不再这么认为驱动tTA F 刷新ü 布鲁诺 ー ヽ) 丶 ¯ ー Ÿ DREPT no u he You thought that so but the ze which already becomes tired ri u No V ha f to ru i e ra ta person DREPT 宀 ⌒ REPT to i HKRPT ゙ REPT i re u DREPT l toha gt ha ni ⊇ V REPT The head is how rather so 2227 T u REPT r One a T 92 广 UMLAT ¯ REPT ⌒ REPT No No REPT 丶 ¯ i
                                                                                                      • ! 尔斯, ,古。゚ 。·,国际旅馆协会, 英里。゚。· 92 ire gt Three ゚ ゚ gt ≦ V DREPT DREPT ≧ gt ku ゚ iha mi ゚

                                                                                                    • (上院外交事务和国防委员会13日)这个“座谈会”的日期是10月5日电驱动tTA第一次会议上的报告送到了谈判的美国国务院58南大使麦克阿瑟修订后的安全(美国政府公布禁令)的含量这场比赛
                                                                                                      (House of Councillors diplomacy defensive commission of 13 days) As for this “conversation record”, the MaARTHUR ambassador concerning the first assembly in of security reform negotiation the American duty ministry October of 58 it agrees with the contents of the report telegram (American government rescindment document) of 5 date which is sent

                                                                                                      • ,ヽ升ヽ 布鲁诺 )李(哦 等我李泽藩 REPT l REPT No li HKRPT ¯ i “ to No gt No 92 ha i “ to “ gt lt REPT i to DREPT REPT i REPT l l o No l i ゙ i r tsui i
                                                                                                        • NULL human no ¯ ¯ Now ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ teme hung reporting margin it is the ro which is No ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ 92 Γ ⌒ 92 The fact that problem has become large is consequence of your mass rubbish to here No HKRPT and no REPT r ゙ REPT REPT ⌒ 92 Although it is small problem you who are handled largely are bad ⌒ REPT REPT 从 从 i 92 i human ⌒ l 92 92 te i liil No 92 ⌒ no � REPT so human ⌒ 92 ⌒ REPT 92 ku il l To 92 92 92 92 i ⌒ REPT ee No No Y 92 92 92 92 ⌒ No 92 92 92 92 92 l 92 92 92 92 no 92 92 REPT 92 r
                                                                                                        • 。 ⌒) ¯ ⌒ ¯ ⌒ REPT Y REPT REPT ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ re ¯ 92 i ⌒ REPT REPT Γ ⌒ REPT i Γ ⌒ REPT i ⌒ REPT i REPT REPT REPT No Person REPT No Person REPT No REPT No 92 lt HKRPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKRPT i HKRPT i REPT REPT gt HKRPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                                                                      • ,并正在Warazu奇怪的阶段,因为政党政治,政党轮替后的政治茹另一个黄金僵尸,但完全改变家伙的脑袋鸠山,日本本部长闹剧背后的场景及坝总理如果我们要追求前沿Bihaeterundayo选举制度或选举制度本身,人们似乎更何况是没有
                                                                                                        So, either phase it does not change and, therefore as for [ru] thing party, the Hatoyama neck replacing, zombie prime minister is present from to the next next The person in power of the political party secretly maneuvers with Prime Minister as a barrage This farce of what As for Japan the election system itself becomes moldy and grows and the [ru] is Although also the election system should have kept thoroughly investigating the leading edge, as for the human who refers there the like shelf which is not

                                                                                                        • :⌒( 人 )⌒:: ¯∩∩∩布鲁诺。∩∩∩。∩ : : : : : :│∩ 一⊂ヽ 布鲁诺布鲁诺│ · 的O 升::⌒( 人 )⌒:: 研究┬ 。腕表 ⌒ human ⌒ 92 ¯ No ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ │ ⊂ │ REPT No No ⌒ REPT REPT No Γ ⌒ 92 REPT 92 ku ⌒ 92 Per wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is 92 i no REPT i REPT ol ゚ ゚ o l ⌒ human ⌒ 92 r ┬ No
                                                                                                          • (((三期ヽ )(三ヽ (((我)布鲁诺 · 的O REPT Three REPT Three i No ⌒ REPT i Γ ⌒ 92 REPT 92 ku ⌒ 92 Round and round 92 i no REPT i REPT i i l ⌒ human ⌒ 92 ¯ No ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ │ ⊂ │ REPT No No ⌒ REPT REPT No Γ ⌒ 92 REPT 92 ku ⌒ 92 Per wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is 92 i no REPT i REPT o ゚ ゚ o l ⌒ human ⌒ 92 r ┬ No

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