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Microsoft, “Office 2010” on June 17th sale in comparison with edition until recently substantially the rollback


  • 2003年PS3的易于使用,但我想转售theBEST像古安系列
    2003 is easy to use The theBEST series of PS3 we want reselling likely cheaply

    • 2003年的Windows媒体Classic是免费的,因为我使用Windows经典办公室提出它作为呢?如果喷射3 000日元 Windows Media Classic is free therefore it is 2003 Windows Office Don t you think if it should have started as Classic If 3000 Yen it puts out
      • 2007年新增107办公室在旧风格的菜单 107 Office 2007 Old style Menu Addition in
      • 677 Office个人6000日元朱达罗 677 Office If Personal the ro which is 6000 Yen level
      • OpenOffice的不想重文字处理器,我们建议文本深深轻快地移动,轻轻古 Heavy word processor OpenOffice So it is not and the te is light and kibikibi it recommends the text editor which moves from heart
      • OpenOffice的不想重文字处理器,我们建议文本深深轻快地移动,轻轻古 Heavy word processor OpenOffice So it is not and the te is light and kibikibi it recommends the text editor which moves from heart
      • OpenOffice的不想重文字处理器,我们建议文本深深轻快地移动,轻轻古 Heavy word processor OpenOffice So it is not and the te is light and kibikibi it recommends the text editor which moves from heart
      • 下载不打市政府420 Office2007兼容工具 420 Office2007 Interchangeable tool Downloading insert
      • 噢噢噢,我想我也不想成为一个充分的意义AT和我家完成可以看到该公司的转向了file拓地,幸好是和高兼容性 But also Ooo is to call the file opening at the company when indication has slipped Because completely there is no meaning of making complete at the house it is grateful for compatibility to be high
      • 这不是很好的OpenOffice足够的Ubuntu也是免费的刮 It puts out sufficiently with OpenOffice There is also Ubuntu and No charge is good

    • 24 Bemasu或调查什么? ┐────────────┌ 如何消失之前, ┘────────────└ 选项(海外) 搜索(第) ───┌┐──────────, ヽ布鲁诺 24 You inspect concerning something ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ You the method of going out └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Option O Search S ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ l ─ i REPT REPT HKRPT lt REPT lt REPT i REPT i no r REPT REPT no
      • 24 Bemasu或调查什么? ┐────────────┌ 我们的方法之前消失 ┘────────────└ 选项(海外) 搜索(第) ───┌┐──────────, ヽ布鲁诺 24 You inspect concerning something ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ You the method of going out └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Option O Search S ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ l ─ i REPT REPT HKRPT lt REPT lt REPT i REPT i no r REPT REPT no
      • Bemasu或调查什么? ┐────────────┌ U以满足之前再次 ┘────────────└ 选项(海外) 搜索(第) ───┌┐──────────, ヽ布鲁诺 You inspect concerning something ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ And you the method of meeting └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Option O Search S ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ l ─ i REPT REPT HKRPT lt REPT lt REPT i REPT i no r REPT REPT no

    • 292 了,微软的产品是用在我的政府将荡然无存
      292 > Anymore, the MS product stopped using at the government and municipal offices, it is with to do, the [yo

      • 37介绍TeX的,试算表perl的? ? ? ?我提交的100滨崎步弓弦的TeX PDF格式是可以理解的,“统计”像“电子表格”的Perl我不知道的意思 37 As for purezen as for TeX and chart calculation perl Hundred steps transferring purezen TeX As for PDF assuming that you can understand there is no “statistical application” the te “Chart calculation” with Perl as for tsu te it is from the semantic wa
        • 30000电子邮件软件,文字处理和电子表格 打开办公室ORG的良好朱达罗 With word processor and chart calculation and mail software 30 000…… Open office The ro which is possible to be org is

      • 413谷歌桌面樱花编辑简查看电报CraftLaunch viii ll可能不会 413 Google desktop Cherry tree editor CraftLaunch Telegraph eight Jane View Useless
        • 不容易使用,但没有公式编辑器709,在默认斜体公式是(?)或者你不希望是一个错误 709 However the numerical formula editor it is easy to use numerical formula with dehuo the italic We want somehow the bug which does not become

      • 417 TeraPad是自由软件,并获得适合,这是一个相当有用的产品,是在手发痒通知辜 417 TeraPad is the free software and the hand reaches in the itchy place where but it adapts to the hand With very convenient item shank
        • 如果您收到了良好494 TeraPad,梅里我认为这是行 494 If the favorite TeraPad you think that also Mery is good

      • 421 初始化,相反,我认为峨做u使用前变态,在变量赋值让我在写一下巴子程序作为一个函数的峨我认为这是对音乐的首要关键字晴Rashiku省略使用的东西,让所有的飞行帽 421 Immediately before using do the initialization You think conversely it is you think that Let keyword can be abbreviated how to be splendid the easy chi is the case of substitution of variable it is The how metamorphosis ji which describes the subroutine as function it will stop the fact that you saw Use the capital letter entirely
        • 你声明一个变量来Karanai维分钟我感觉有点 Although variable is declared Dimension tsu te just a little meaning without understanding it does the yo

      • 456 199:和DELETE_FLAG 0#grep按/ ^ C#中的grep。 。 /。 。 * Hoge.c
        456 > Plural line comments? Thinking that just which the human who cried was with that consequence, Like this is? # grep - n - i DELETE_FLAG hoge.c 134: AND DELETE_FLAG IS NOT NULL ; 142: AND DELETE_FLAG = '0' ; 182: AND DELETE_FLAG = '1' ; 199: AND DELETE_FLAG 0 ; # grep /^ C # grep. . /. . * hoge.c

        • 604驱动tTA我真正的PPT文件或认为是什么...
          604 The PPT [tsu] [te] some file the [wa] which is thought As expected that…

          • 675 一项法案,规定弹出认为他们所说的驱动tTA 675 gt It is the important data which perhaps is not lifted There is no here You thought that gt you propose but sure enough the shelf

            • 708人可以如此大的关注,它不是一个真正的小办公室2000兼容兼容的Photoshop,Illustrator的8而是一个潜规则,一个5兼容
              708 The people who can achieve such attention, are few truly, don't you think? is As for OFFICE 2000 being interchangeable As for the illustrator 8 being interchangeable As for the photo shop 5 being interchangeable It is [te] tacit rule although

              • 873盖茨本人据称,该公司瓦特的MS阿斯佩等适当的通风或大部分剩余或儿子等ー周五Datsu设备仍在收集的习惯是的的确巨大,眼泪眼儿子
                873 As for main person of Gates, therefore w The MS corporation it continues to be the enormous bill collecting device - Unless almost the gold it leaves to the son as for [asupe] doubt the [ho] it is with the habit [e] -, the son tear eye

                • C符号,但现在已经成为,或其他人,Fortran语言,COBOL和比较,它比尔符号分钟,如是否是多么复杂的魔法
                  Very now C As for notation however it has become natural, Fortran and COBOL If and so on you compare with the notation the way, You probably will understand just which is refined,

                  • Excel,PowerPoint中,访问,VB NET中,SharePoint是在它50000 With Excel PowerPoint Access VB NET and SharePoint 50 000 shelf
                    • Excel,PowerPoint中,接入,VB NET Daseyo用户界面三○○○○○○日元 With Excel PowerPoint Access and VB NET put out at 30 000 Yen the o
                    • Excel,PowerPoint中,访问,VB NET中,SharePoint是在它50000 With Excel PowerPoint Access VB NET and SharePoint 50 000 shelf
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better
                    • OpenOfficePortable好,不是更好OpenOfficePortable You call with OpenOfficePortable is not and OpenOfficePortable is better

                  • Home att ne jp 泽塔 根 celljong saeko wall 1009。jpg格式 home att ne jp zeta gen celljong saeko wall 1009 jpg
                    • 一个576 TTP的: home att ne jp 泽塔 根 celljong saeko wall 1009。jpg格式 576 Ttp home att ne jp zeta gen celljong saeko wall 1009 jpg
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                  • IFERROR AVERAGEIF AVERAGEIFS SUMIFS COUNTIFS埃塔函数是Excel 2007年的严重扩大派上用场
                    IFERROR AVERAGEIF AVERAGEIFS SUMIFS COUNTIFS The function which increased with excelling 2007 is convenient

                    • Java本身是第一个符号,C + +和强烈地影响他们接受,甚至C + +语法本身已经基于C
                      As for the notation itself of in the first place Java, receiving the influence C + + strongly, Furthermore the notation itself C + + has designated C as the base

                      • MFP的扫描PDF文件轻量级的分布不给了一个陌生的水平到垂直的空气,使奇怪,但有时它的好喜欢 When PDF it makes in the scan of the compound machine You turning the air strangely to strange tateyoko The manual of light weight can be distributed that there is also a good thing however
                        • 谷歌文件的多功能一体机409志位,但我遗憾购买设备疝囊高位为了做到这一点,他们就会感到遗憾的是真正的 NULL

                      • MySQL的甲骨文,而且在Posugure,张拉我会来访问数据从数据库中不茹之一邻里或作出ー With posugure and with MySQL and with oracle From the database of there in access the data as for pulling the reason which it is possible

                        • OpenOffice的太沉重,我买了Kingusofutoofisu驱动tTA优于100倍出,即使是太诚实周五辅助使用兼容的办公室完全兼容与M $的Word,Excel
                          It is OpenOffice how to be too heavy & compatibility, it passes and with honesty use is Even with the money putting out, the king software office you buy the one which 100 time [mashi] M $ office and full compatible word, excelling

                          • TechNetPlusDirect从我后天我要谈的免费版本的ISO 180钌我似乎能买到下载如果诚实的愿望Shikere 2010年有限的版本具有不同的故事,你要我加入TechNetPlusDirect
                            After we entering into TechNetPlusDirect From the day after tomorrow ISO the [wa] which is like it can download 180 As for free edition functional limited edition 2010 If we want various functions, you buy gently? In TechNetPlusDirect joining margin [tsu] [te] story

                            • Www5f biglobe ne jp 吨,进 分升 tpad History txt ”查找 替换修复某些字符不匹配 www5f biglobe ne jp t susumu dl tpad History txt gt TeraPad Renewal past record gt 2001 07 13 Ver 0 71 gt Correcting the trouble to which letter of part does not match with search substitution
                              • →或猫hoge txt只创建回声风雅hoge txt Compilation gt cat hoge txt Or echo fuga hoge txt Only

                            • “三国演义”,“水浒传”鹦鹉ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー反奴役的毛派泽塔邪教理论混合 “Sangokushi expansion” “water 滸 transmission” oumu The cult which mixed anti Japanese national ruin theory into the Maoism
                              • 北以为你知道吗? )理论对毛泽东思想的奴役反★★ If north it may think being it does the yo The Maoism Anti Japanese national ruin theory

                            • 一太郎文字处理器更多的是Mac用户的话从319名客户,他们只用字不,但我正在优于一些人,但仍发送一个简单的文本瓦特 319 Ichitaro one as a word processor being superior however the ru Because the customer is used only word the word shelf As for the Mack user way the person who sends with the still simple text it is but w
                              • 噢噢,而从社会和高亲和力大的数目从Mac用户与MS丝带办公室字峨 Because as for the Ooo community the Mack user is many when if anything You can say that affinity of the ribbon is higher than ms office

                            • 不要写一个461电话,分给陌生的概念爆裂之前,争论
                              461 Unless Call is written, Sub Argument designated notation after changes

                              • 不,这一切都小写多行有何评论?我认为,人们哭了,因为它如何
                                Well if it is all small letter Plural line comments? Thinking that just which the human who cried was with that consequence,

                                • 井“C和Java是相似的概念,”他们错过了辩论,因为它成为有关获取的类型或功能的程序一样会说,当然我的出发点 Well “as for notation of C and Java being similar you call the ru ” if is it comes out the spot becoming procedure type or functional type like story Because it comes does argument slip the proper

                                  • 人力资源是539,现在让出该文件用来进行函数模拟什么的劳动力成本预算超过5MB的马苏是什么吗?
                                    539 It is personal charge, but the [tsu] [te] which function you use because of simulation of labor cost budget and sow File size 5MB making those which it exceeds, it increases, but what?

                                    • 什么是手动手动输入付款金额为543小时,每工作小时所看到的国家研究所@
                                      543 Although hourly wage and work hour are input by hand, to payment amount as for manual [tsu] [te] the @ national corporate body you have seen

                                      • 什么是扫描仪对387多功能?我想给绝对,多功能扫描仪我会PDF格式,PDF打印ー小路,但他们认为,如果有人只想转换文件给我吗?封面和包装许可的用户数 387 As for scanner tsu te compound machine You think but it is if with the compound machine tsu te scanner it makes PDF If the file it converts to PDF with printing it is although with As for thinking just we Doing e g it covers the number of users in the license pack
                                        • 即使没有没有好,进入了一个良好的网页就像他们应该是印在一张纸上 It is not and also the te when the expectation which is printed to 1 is cut off the page is good

                                      • 但这些奖项做提高利率。预测的资金数额的加班都是这样,每个地方我很少瓦特发酵
                                        Such, raise in salary ratio prize. In fund amount overtime estimate all place Being trained, [ru] w

                                        • 你说363“的概念的C概念”什么是可能的“爪哇”我认为瓦特的C,C + +和VB,VB.NET是非常不同的I
                                          363 You you say, as for “C notation” [tsu] [te] w which you think that perhaps “the notation of Java” is, C, C + + VB, VB.NET is different at all

                                          • 例如,“展望”并删除重复的电子邮件功能的“清理”,并指出,减少处理所需的时间 For example with “Outlook” the repetition mail is deleted Shortening the time when it is necessary for job e g “cleanup performance” is added

                                            • 即使是一次395分钟s回答这些问题,你敢装作不知道,讯问的人我使用谷歌的PC 395 The answering of question understanding being able to meet Doing huri which does not understand with PC of that person Using Google you inspect
                                              • 即使是一次395分钟s回答这些问题,你敢装作不知道,讯问的人我使用谷歌的PC 395 The answering of question understanding being able to meet Doing huri which does not understand with PC of that person Using Google you inspect

                                            • 可信是一个长一点,如果您延长集水但255个字段的最大数量为256或一个表
                                              But as for ACCESS upper limit of the number of fields of 1 tables 256 or 255 Already, expanding a little, it dries to be,

                                              • 和硒,司等除外,大多数企业的一些组织,如没有多少人 And SE of part Excluding SI and the like among mostly enterprise organization such person is more
                                                • 533“Itsuita认为!”万叶获得用户界面的变化每两年在不 533 “Good thing you happened to think ” With UI to be modified in every 2 years the chi ya Kanai cup

                                              • 嗯,是啊,是432,所以变量的声明没有感觉不好,我要发言,明确选择将要确保 432 But the sled ya so As for variable declaration if it does not do because feeling it is bad Option Explicit We would like to attach securely
                                                • 变量声明和初始化服务(不只是写在同一行的声明和初始化。) Variable declaration initialization trouble declaration initialization with 1 lines cannot be written
                                                • 的DIM此外,私人或不变量声明,对不对?但是,暗淡的感觉不是很清楚,一个坏括号 DIM So without even with Private variable the kana which cannot be declared Simply as for Dim the feeling that to be good is from the wa it is awkward

                                              • 因此,“TeX的文件在R统计梳子书面和SQLite的数据库做Yarimasu
                                                Therefore “you write the document with TeX and you do statistical application with R and you do DB with SQLite

                                                • 图片网址选择矩形大多数编辑梧州梧州grep按你好运和良好的习惯,可发射的备案备案人与TXT等可编辑 As for rectangle selection the tsu which it is possible with the mostly editor it does the yo WZ it is good WZ Grep and huaira being attached the ru it does and calls Although TXT it compiles the habit which is started from huaira it was attached
                                                  • 701 grep按宏或免费的,如果你不知道你怎么看它的功能,也值得每一个层面? 701 But function of macro and Grep another dimension if value it is not understood it is to be possible it is not to be free

                                                • 在Excel迁移到OpenOffice的肖像很快DATEDIF是直接使用或
                                                  If DATEDIF of excelling you can use OpenOffice that way Even, although directly it moves

                                                  • 在水平方向,成为美国793 789 XP中被看作是这样,我们的舌头机管局已在打鼓人死于与用好 NULL

                                                    • 地方政府工作-地方政府/资讯科技-山形县,作为未来的OpenOffice.org办公套件[开始评估』 - -支援服务协助[04 / 20]
                                                      As for local self-governing body employment creation Yamagata prefecture, as the next term office software, 'appraisal of OpenOffice.org' start - - assist support service offer [04/20

                                                      • 好一个优势被免于惯常层的操作系统将是巨大的,不仅碰我 Well even at the kind of layer which from in only usually one os is not touched The advantage no charge probably will be huge
                                                        • 这次罢工是做极左极端分子和收集的核心(即使这些家伙是真正的左派)均匀层是另一个邪教联盟 The fact that the collection strike is done the stratification extreme left radical group and standardization and others it is dense to tell the truth left flank is other cult combination in the core

                                                      • 如果一个已被写入702 Office2007弹出,即使它是主要用于一种或2010年,我和细心的照顾我将文件与早期版本兼容 702 It being decided that by himself uses Office2007 or 2010 mainly When writing out version of the time before and the wa which is made the interchangeable file It is such attention tsu te important don t you think
                                                        • 就是我将Office2000,但此基础上,有多少单位,可以安装UG的是什么版本?当然,你想要的分钟数是假设UG的因斯科购买版本 1 there is Office2000 it is but on the basis of this Many stands probably are installation possible in UG edition UG edition of the quantity amount which of course insuko we would like to do is the prerequisite that it purchases

                                                      • 如果目前的趋势是买什么学生Akademikkupakku与小学?濒死体验我想购买CS4中升级依靠孩子和 If it accompanies the elementary school student The academic pack tsu te you can buy Asking to gaki CS4 and upgrade edition we would like to buy
                                                        • 一五八零零日元折旧,如果他们认为你是从2000年升级 The kana which upgrades from 2000 If 15800 Yen you think that it is cheap

                                                      • 它瓦特300我将不得不重新弹出的风格是不是政府为什么我做这个,我也
                                                        300 As for this w we this doing, the [ru] Why, unless the style which is put out to the [tsu] [te] government and municipal offices must be reproduced because, don't you think?

                                                        • 家庭与学生是· Powe英文版本的最有吸引力的Word和Excel ·。点149美元。 99
                                                          Home & Student of English edition the most attractive shelf Excel Word Powe. With point $149. 99

                                                          • 当他们用像我他妈的乱了古力,重量轻,意味着没有Idaro
                                                            Making compulsorily, when chaos it becomes [kuso] likely difficult to use heavily, the [ro] which is not meaning and is

                                                            • 我不难使用Access 2007宝瓶座茶! ,除了窗口框架下的我国道路它的丑恶,我认为我做埃泰
                                                              ACCESS the [me] [chi] [ya] became difficult to use, 2007! In addition the framework of WINDOW To [busaiku] it puts out, what thinks and it makes is

                                                              • 我也被击中万BSA的举报人,每看你,我会
                                                                Because BSA is whistle-blowing and collecting don't you think?… Also the inside was done at hundred million units

                                                                • 我拍的扫描仪公司的一个,所以他打印出故障和使用个人信息保护法,我要重新发布泽呱呱PDF格式
                                                                  Because the company inside when the [gu] [gu] - the [ru] is used, to be caught to private information protective method The person whom it prints out Taking with the scanner, it has made PDF, it is Ze which is

                                                                  • 我的发言开始的行驱动tTA我认为在这474什么是基本FORTRAN语言尝试是什么?
                                                                    474 Seeing, you thought, but it is The number of lines it is attached to the forefront of statement riding and the [tsu] [ke] which is the [tsu] [ke] FORTRAN which is BASIC?

                                                                    • 我的屎没有好我会说,为什么我办公室付钱?什么是开放式办公,为什么不,为什么?
                                                                      If with something the gold payment [wa] it is not in OFFICE of the my droppings, it is useless? The open office it is useless with something?

                                                                      • 我让他得到我办公室的最新数据,2000年,所以我相信讨厌的好地方,但它不是功能,如果你改变97
                                                                        The person [tsu] [te] which in the latest edition OFFICE the data is made, securely the ear and others the [re] [ru] don't you think? Because is, it does not change from 2000 If function it is sufficient rank even with 97

                                                                        • 昏暗的类型我作为整数i u003d 1 °参考指派,所以不要一所集医疗用函数返回时,函数或者使用一个小组中的关键字设置我的意思表 u003d ° C的存在的我不仅要分钟 Dim i As Integer i 1 Reference with substitution to type one by one Set Unless keyword must be used because trouble Set sheet With presence of return value of the function as it is called in C Function Sub You must use properly
                                                                          • 无论如何,我打电话,但我现在,Sub或Function不知道,以避免不便或 Margin by himself now calling in either one ru Sub Function Unless you must be conscious because inconvenience

                                                                        • 是什么意思470昏暗的尺寸,可能残存的指示,以确保这些老多维数组 470 Dim tsu te Dimension With mind the name remainder of order in order to guarantee multidimensional arrangement in former times 々 it probably will put out

                                                                          • 有时我很沮丧细节谷歌从日本文字转换精度IME2010显示峨决定是否更换被切断,这取决于阿托克作出的选择开始从
                                                                            It has made sometimes nervously conversion accuracy of google Japanese input the empty Whether or not IME2010 it is possible and changes with circumstance it decides As for ATOK from first outside selection

                                                                            • 查看→选项→499位宽度,半空的看法
                                                                              499 Option -> indication -> full size blank, half angle blank indication

                                                                              • 没任何应用程序使用的肥料工作朝鲜语IME免费我不想要的是阿托克,如果有足够的个人使用谷歌输入法
                                                                                The droppings IME which the Korean product cannot be used how it does not need even simply If in work use ATOK and private use Google With IME sufficient

                                                                                • 没有438,也很好的C#VB.NET从Java语法
                                                                                  438 Well, C # and VB.NET do the origin of grammar with Java, the [yo

                                                                                  • 没有与相机功能的方式排列一个单独的表创建一个表309 309 Making the chart in another seat with camera function There is a method of sticking

                                                                                    • 然而,有没有不区分大小写,我想我只是需要不要混淆扭转
                                                                                      Simply, because there is no distinction of capital letter small letter not being confused does not have conversely the good place that you think

                                                                                      • 电子和信息技术产业协会(JEITA)在2009年出货量在日本平板电视面板,但22日公布,57和3个百分点,比上年- 1个单位增加70001588血清。首次突破1500万
                                                                                        Electronic intelligence technical industrial association (JEITA) 22 days as for the thin-shaped television domestic shipment quantity 2009 is announced, Preceding year ratio 15,887,000 unit of 57 3% increase and, it exceeded 15,000,000 unit for the first time

                                                                                        • 目前,细胞方向“,并返回到查看检查所有折叠”我们不要直接自动计算错误时的高度 Temporarily when in the cell which is connected “turning back everything it indicates” checking in The bug which cannot calculate height automatically is corrected

                                                                                          • 矩形选择,半空的看法他们。 。注。吨或转换控制字符,展示等使用
                                                                                            Rectangle selection and blank indication in full size half angle. . n. . t control character conversion, etc. you can use

                                                                                            • 规格是我下降,该公司五年前我们看的方式记录甚至也不可怕凯塔真正邪恶的是个人电脑terapad信任或许是因为不但不想要一个坏 It is not the showing re ru log By the way it is story about of 5 years ago The re whose droppings specifications PC of the company of that time are bad it is To tell the truth as for terapad it is not bad the causing re it is Because is just it is not trusted privately
                                                                                              • 寻找折扣价格明显低于以前的版本,主要由伸内斯总裁Infomeshonwakabiji横井是“个人电脑兼容的趋势是明显的价格要低,”解释 Until recently concerning the substantial rollback in comparison with edition Yokoi Noboru good management of business official inhuomeshiyonwakabijinesu The headquarters chief explained “those which correspond to the tendency where the price of PC has gone down considerably”

                                                                                            • 该公司称,“Office 2010年的Photoshop的CS5,虽然他长期支持的字符,如其他促销活动,”办公室“97”为日本唯一的“Office助手是”纱子老师“,并任命,真正的”纱子2010年6月先生“从22日至4月30日,研讨会和国家活动横跨”人民2010年,办事处巡回赛“举行 At the same company “Office 2010 and Photoshop However about CS5 is corresponding As other promotions “Office 97” “Office assistant” only of Japanese edition It was the character to appoint “冴 child teacher” “冴 child teacher 2010” of real from April 22nd to June 30th with entire country Seminar and the event are done “2010 people holding the traveling of Office”
                                                                                              • Office2010及虽然他非常支持的Photoshop的CS5,其他的CS5,大部分应用程序和游戏都没有64位 Office2010 and Photoshop However about CS5 is corresponding Other CS5 applications and the game etc to 64bit it is not converted almost

                                                                                            • 谷歌是不是422或编辑器气味樱愤怒美国阴谋桌面,或者有内乱,或者不熟悉你CraftLaunch前的10年中,我使用它,我八线紧缩 422 Google desktop Smell of the American conspiracy punpun Cherry tree editor What there is an infighting when it is unless CraftLaunch It adapted to the te the wa which is crunching Telegraph eight You used 10 years ago

                                                                                              • 贾尼优势与MS或政策兼容吗? Intafesumettamemeta有趣的肖像进行升级,或与Adobe同纪言
                                                                                                Don't you think? compatibility dominance the policy of MS - [e]? If it changes into [intahuesumetsutamemeta] for upgrading, [adobi] with the same and it is

                                                                                                • 身穿选择更改工具栏的丝带,引进,激励以为 Modification option to the tool bar being attached from the ribbon if the ru of introduction is thought
                                                                                                  • 他发明了剪彩,并不幸死亡模糊四郎我们来自世界各地的诅咒你 The ribbon as for the person who is devised being cursed from in the world the one margin becoming dim of the unhappy dying

                                                                                                • 辜是个好人,可以尝试一包的垂直空间食品Dekaiintafesu ü?嘿领域Tari ll监视器的垂直和辜宽开玩笑氖很快,这是很好,但颜色傻瓜我关闭窗口 The territory dekaiintahuesu which is eaten seeing in a flash that vertically whether it became thin However the tsu te you thought it just was swindled in color scheme … Don t you think the inside yo it is and is thin and don t you think with no chi ya tsu te wide monitor the territory length is the ri the e
                                                                                                  • 嘿,但我知道在498空间内存在的思维 498 However with the tsu te thought of guaranteeing the territory inside memory it is understood don t you think the e

                                                                                                • 这样做,我们将不得不为自己检查,更重要的是,它会帮助别人谁 So by the fact that it does inspecting by your It does and that person the other person In order to help even it becomes

                                                                                                  • 那么ü必须在Windows里面,所以没有更多的困难,如,但茹古贫困线和溃疡的地步 Well it is what when you bit with there is no Windows because it is troubled when it goes to the point of collapsing however it is troubled

                                                                                                    • 那么没有Visual Basic的应用程序,应用程序的C#写我绞纱宏 Visual Basic for Applications It is not the te C for Applications So macro is made to write
                                                                                                      • C家用,不喜欢我了,但不是我说的话,正常的话是尽可能广泛认可 C Family We proposed also tsu te word that it is not the te The word which is recognized normally widely
                                                                                                      • 如果您的电脑海豚狭窄拥挤和虐待Datsu我,我在结束内,我来茹谢泼德 Narrow PC it is in shutting in the dolphin the tsu which is the ru and abuse hanging the shepherd dog it comes
                                                                                                      • 我用VB C从421多以后,我是不可能的,但是不能使用,实行一周,忠和正 421 I using directly C however VB it started using from after the te it is accustomed in the honest one week
                                                                                                      • 除了个人电脑,智能手机支持的浏览器和互联网可以随时,随地通过 In addition to PC the browser and the smart phone It can support by way of Internet anytime and can work anywhere

                                                                                                    • 除了在大学的好处最酷的工作吗?这项工作似乎是什么MS是说有优点
                                                                                                      Other than job hunting of university student merit bean jam? When there is a merit in job hunting, MS says, it seems, but

                                                                                                      • 顺便提一句个人购买是你可以做什么9800日圆,将Officexp国内外问题 When Personal is 9800 Yen it is good buying Because as for the tsu te or the home there is no problem with officeXP
                                                                                                        • 牛瘟根除计划(grep的)是一种感觉,更复杂的电磁 GREP guretsupu the feeling where Em is refined does

                                                                                                      • 顽固,即使在这样的环境中,他们有时使用,000,并继续尽一切努力,但有些人只有被观众四周装设,Office和说我想成为一名多次使用mental迟缓 Occasionally being in such an environment continuing to use obstinate no OOo what installing private biyuwa around However the person whom it points is about Office in order to be able to use we would like to call being accustomed
                                                                                                        • 输入支持系统不能单独取得过“办公室输入法2010”,开始在同一时间提供单一收费 In addition the input support system “Office which cannot procure so far as a single unit IME Single unit gratuitous offer of 2010” It starts simultaneously

                                                                                                      • 高软升级,重,不良布莱恩可以增强记忆。所需要的或愚蠢的?真的,一旦出售该是多少就可以卖出过去更便宜的版本需要的蛋糕 The software which it upgrades is high it is heavy lower handrail ya memory increase It is necessary or foolish When truth being cheap it sells the version of former times it can sell just which applying it is story
                                                                                                        • Mac用户有必要的软件,但第一批过于脆弱Tsukaenai Doing from the Mac user is the necessary software but Being too fearful the first lot does not become caught

                                                                                                      • :2010 / 04 / 11(星期日)00:19:39编号:Z9nRUi /炭共同分层的做法和文化大革命,毛泽东和顶层的同一本书在一个人的一面
                                                                                                        : 2010/04/11 (Sunday) 00: 19: 39 ID: Z9nRUi/c The stratification doing, as for [ru] thing and the common point of Cultural Revolution, and the top and Mao Tse-tung of the stratification the book on the seat right is same

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