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Koizumi Sinzirou “new party proliferation? Although it is everyone counter democracy, disjointed…It is difficult to be divided into the citizen”, “secession is free. I opposite vector, persevere in our people”


  • 什么是愚蠢的反民主,但所有外或团结一切反对瓦特?然后用双手共产党Munokayo
    Although > it is counter democracy, everyone [barabaraaho] W As for opposition party everyone agreement union? Whether uniting Japan Communist Party and the hand

    • 292因此,更好的是,我要把它Baiin一旦共产党?民主,什么自由两党制,类似于毕竟,只有沿 292 Rather thing you should have inserted in with also Japan Communist Party don t you think it is If democracy in our people bipartisan systems the tsu te which was done in only kind of being similar after all it is to do
      • 自由民主党不会做,即使波兰希望建立一个两党制 我不是真的,但如果地方党的氦氖 We want bipartisan systems becoming fixed But our people and democracy damepo …… don t you think to insert in also the new party the ze Being serious is nowhere

    • 500这样做了,被迫顺利谈官僚权力,如果它是零的改革是动力线古傀儡政客继续使用益成功地为省,这意味着几个月后,政治家们Naijan 500 So doing placing in the flattery of the bureaucracy Successfully because keeps becoming the puppet politician who continues to be utilized for economical benefit the shank… If air zero which it reforms the politician doing passing there is no meaning it is
      • 500这样做了,被迫顺利谈官僚权力,如果它是零的改革是动力线古傀儡政客继续使用益成功地为省,这意味着几个月后,政治家们Naijan 500 So doing placing in the flattery of the bureaucracy Successfully because keeps becoming the puppet politician who continues to be utilized for economical benefit the shank… If air zero which it reforms the politician doing passing there is no meaning it is

    • 53:54编号:8t49GpDo0容易受CON组192人是很容易操纵Shisan名无279瓦特 10周年的新产品!2010 04 23(星期五)14:35:53编号:8t49GpDo0认为它早生274 〜世界上保持山区河流和湿重的普通猖獗邪灵是不兼容的十周年WWW的 288名无Shisan新!2010 04 23(星期五)14:45:20编号:8t49GpDo0进Zirou你辩论人死亡 如果你看看我,然后在应用程序中包含匹配?进Zirou之前你的是,我想你会爆发第一次世界大战的声明 53 54 ID 8t49GpDo0 192 It is easy to be swindled simply the person w whose operation is easy 279 Name it is not tenth anniversary New 2010 04 23 gold 14 35 53 ID 8t49GpDo0 274 With making think ww As for general common sense the goblin 魍 魎 which does not pass the jumping beam the world www where you dominate 288 Name it is not tenth anniversary New 2010 04 23 gold 14 45 20 ID 8t49GpDo0 If someone it tries applying to Sinzirou discussion death match Being immediately before that however Sinzirou thinks the recreation declaration producing chi ya uninformed ww
      • 如果你看看我,然后在你的应用程序死亡竞赛进Zirou辩论的人包括在内呢?进Zirou之前你的是,我想你会爆发第一次世界大战的声明 If someone it tries applying to Sinzirou discussion death match Being immediately before that however Sinzirou thinks the recreation declaration producing chi ya uninformed ww

    • 677“普通人”和与假设“正常”并没有“疯子疯子”和“假设”正常和我说这驱动tTA阿苏瓦特 677 With “the ordinary person” as a prerequisite to do “normally” is not With the “eccentric demonian” as a prerequisite to say “normally” it is as for w Aso

      • 692不,我也许能够恢复到0 500也许进展次郎 692 Well when perhaps it does the causing re where with just Sinzirou pays in full debt it is
        • 通过Purodyusudo钟(钟项目次郎电梯评分) purodeyusudo by chiyon chiyon Jiro upgrade project

      • 881“怎么会变得有竞争力丰Mutominnaga进步”的输家将出来,即使他是竹中平藏在地区发现,已发现在潮湿的宏观放松管制,以确保全球做 881 When “competition advances everyone keeps becoming rich” by Takenaka flat warehouse If you see locally if the person who becomes the loser it is present you see with macro as for flexible regulation Moistening the whole world securely the ru

        • GBK字符集/ yA190不同的是艾希手流共产党官员和直觉或某事我和我什至反对共产主义,共产党和没有这样做,因为他们没有
          gbk/yA190 whether in Japan Communist Party authorized personnel kana misunderstands we, but as for we being the out of power communism person, Japan Communist Party Because there are no many relationships

          • NULL Being already understood due to the experiment of history ru thing is several Freer market than ○ planned economy it made many goods spread due to many humans ○ closed policy compared to release policy in reduction of wage differential of each country was useful The ○ closed from the country opening the country in reduction of technological difference was useful similarly Japan Communist Party and the corporation people party Koizumi or criticized the directivity of neokon and others but The after all place neokon was done the directivity which the world compared to homogeneity Being useful to doing ru reason
            • 能源消耗和人均工资稳步发展中的国家追均质五木 Wages of the Chinese and consumed energy per one person steadily overtaking advanced nation It has converted homogeneously

          • NULL Nuclear armament It does not possess lt laughing The descent of member of the Diet Non reply lt laughing Enterprise group donation to political party There is no problem lt laughing Postal services commercialization It succeeded lt laughing Related characteristic of politician and bureaucracy The bureaucracy it leaves lt laughing Visualization sound recording of examination Opposition lt laughing It is necessary to reach the point where Sinzirou Koizumi can be supported Structural reconstruction Great success lt Laughing Consumer tax UP Non reply lt laughing Greenhouse effect gas reduction framework 15 decrease Furthermore reduction margin lt laughing Environmental tax It introduces Annuity revenue source It collects from premium Dispatch to manufacturing industry Admission The nuclear test to North Korea While it is sanction of existence lt laughing
            • 真正的结构改革来进到鳃的价格次郎小泉说,党是远远不能提前将得到公众的支持,如果自民党进Zirou叛乱分子和麻生太郎说,是我错了但让他们去驱赶野田圣子 If it becomes the Sinzirou Liberal Democratic Party support of the citizen probably can be obtained but still it is quick It is necessary to reach the point where intraparty can support Sinzirou Koizumi in true sense Structural reconstruction could expel Kiyoko Aso and resistant power Noda of the speech which by mistake is but is

          • NULL Opinion from special viewpoint and quotation of verification data Without accumulating objective fact talking the ru As for this insufficiency and execution of absolute quantity of book reading Typical example of the person whose experience is shallow Thinking that you should have talked just your own opinion the ru Everyone thinking talking the political infidelity the ru way you show saying that also our people are bad you show don t you think concrete characteristic nothing it dies Humbleness our 虐 interweaving you dress up the friend of the friend populace of justice with after all as for concrete characteristic there is no at all Whether what how is done in order to change although with selfishness you should have said from calling there is no at all We would like to eradicate the political infidelity when anyone so probably You stop the descent first depending w
            • NULL Opinion from special viewpoint and quotation of verification data Without accumulating objective fact talking the ru As for this insufficiency and execution of absolute quantity of book reading Typical example of the person whose experience is shallow Thinking that you should have talked just your own opinion the ru Everyone thinking talking the political infidelity the ru way you show saying that also our people are bad you show don t you think concrete characteristic nothing it dies Humbleness our 虐 interweaving you dress up the friend of the friend populace of justice with after all as for concrete characteristic there is no at all Whether what how is done in order to change although with selfishness you should have said from calling there is no at all We would like to eradicate the political infidelity when anyone so probably You stop the descent first depending w

          • Tsuka,Warota有太多新开西西当然立即Zirou善

            • _NULL_
              The Democratic party also east Asia destroys the relationship of Japan and America by the fact that the same body is advocated, Education is destroyed by the fact that the literature course ministry is inserted under controlling the Nitukiyou group, Security system is destroyed by the fact that you lie prostrate in China, 10,000,000 human immigration acceptance and foreign carrot administration and surname classified by married couple (eye theory to look at family register abolition) with society is destroyed, Technology and economy are destroyed with the execution stop of scattering and supplementary budget, It tries to destroy administration of justice by the fact that places the Japan Socialist Party survivor in Minister of Justice, It has been about to destroy the life of the citizen and the life itself of nation with the transferring/changing 譲 of sovereignty

              • 一旦共产主义,我会救贫死在同一时间,我完成?
                If poor layer is turned off, don't you think? as for communism it disappears it is simultaneously with completion?

                • 上议院选举负面年轻30多岁的党提名在即将举行的气候位众议院自民党资深国会议员选举,但该地区。不知怎的,我得到自民党Parikichintoshiterutokorohashiterundayo年轻的年龄,因为你要座位你弓弦 But the district in the young man where the Assemblyman of old stocks of our people is defeated with the House of Representatives selection of 30 generations House of Councillors selection of this time Party official recognition The seat you have transferred it is the ze which is Therefore age of young man tsu te It is what bit with the place where it has done after all securely has done it is as for the Liberal Democratic Party
                  • 上议院选举负面年轻30多岁的党提名在即将举行的气候位众议院自民党资深国会议员选举,但该地区。不知怎的,我得到自民党Parikichintoshiterutokorohashiterundayo年轻的年龄,因为你要座位你弓弦 But the district in the young man where the Assemblyman of old stocks of our people is defeated with the House of Representatives selection of 30 generations House of Councillors selection of this time Party official recognition The seat you have transferred it is the ze which is Therefore age of young man tsu te It is what bit with the place where it has done after all securely has done it is as for the Liberal Democratic Party

                • 不是我把他们列入或与我的房间冬季的家伙,他们之间的颜色,你知道吧,你踢我飞,坐在椅子上的一 That so the people who do not know unnoticed having entered into we room You kick we sit down in the chair
                  • 我坐在椅子上,以为我们有圆形,并尝试回答它是S We in the chair will sit down reflects upon the thought tries trying probably to make answering

                • 不要说我太豪华的感觉完全停滞在一个鬼城面前,甚至一些地方的一
                  Local something inside even before the station the [ze] which is blockade impression full load in ghost town state Luxury you say

                  • 为什么不选民,甚至也不自由民主党,改善他们,我觉得如果有绝对需要一个第三者作 When it tries making the voter in our people also being democracy Those were improved you think that the third party we want being possible but it is
                    • 如果你真的爱的自民党,我们感到遗憾的是我们永远说不好,我不后悔早生 If our people are loved truly making present thing reflect first unless you make say that you reflected useless

                  • 他的观察是助长了预期的意义和自以为是的恶头梳前原诚司早生772年的世界粮食小泉。三,朱达罗?汉堡和小泉下的字符,前原诚司现在是我来氖
                    772 Year being able to feed in Maehara, making the head bad, being self-righteousness, the form = Koizumi world which makes desired mind observation expand. The [ro] which is three worlds? If now, Maehara is and [kiyara] wearing, as for Koizumi it is from the [ru], don't you think? and others -

                    • 众议院和选区的众议院议员选举中,663个座位是主要的区别是参议院表决,如果你能赢得很多名人吻立场,以更大的比例比例
                      663 Upper House election is different from the House of Representatives of small constituency subject Because House of Councillors relative importance of proportion is large, if the famous person it raises, vote can be acquired in large quantities

                      • 你不知道比旧社会党是一个假绑架索赔225
                        225 The [ro] which about old Japan Socialist Party which fabrication insisted kidnapping the fool is not and is

                        • 你是哪里人会舛添頑張406?哦,我不能Bakkarijan舛添,口惠而实是一个頑張Tteta
                          406 Masuzoe's somewhere persevering, the [ru]? 舛 Accompanying, the proboscis [tsu] temporary it is Well, just the proboscis persevering, the shelf

                          • 你暗示它的屁股适当分钟的所有赢得参院或夏季最小驱动tTA只是笑它是结果先知661匿名文件,你提到它?我疯了几个月,我与这里搞砸数在短短一 661 So if you say that mysterious document result becoming just the prophecy book the te you laughed Handle minsu with House of Councillors yaba of the thing which victory is done everyone properly amount or the tsu Combining of te ru In several months which pass chaos doing to here the ru it is Is also that kichigai

                            • 债务even在I发挥Gokko答案仅仅目前不扎西在所有水果作用的在野党民主党党的,但两方的权力基础,那就是选举自民党,因为我有一个叛逃大丰收和我认真away沿着什么可能会消失,但我可以Dabe大选选民拒绝了党在人民在看着你
                              Although they are bipartisan, the present condition which role of the opposition political party of the Democratic party is not carried out completely that way Reply [gotsuko] doing, playing it is coming out, there is debt and it leaves and the [tsu] [te] [ru] which is sown it does the support parent, the secessionist Therefore it has appeared, as for not being our people with Upper House election discernibly, although the [ru] with general election Is denied from the voter with the party which what [dabe] [tsu] [te] [te] lines up the wax where

                              • 全球化833,你努力工作,事情将成为世界各地,我宁愿努力做任何事情,“做多少工作工资低”,“做了多少工作在恶劣的条件下,”我我知道我会努力的事情 833 With globalization it becomes to work hard with in the world but It becomes to work hard what that when you say Works low “just which at wages ” Works “how many under unfavorable conditions ” It becomes to work hard tsu te thing it is the shelf

                                • 共产党中国的国力现在是无用的,掉了光芒,但贪婪
                                  Because as for communism Kuniriki falls, useless But as for current China worshiping gold principle

                                  • 前首相麻生太郎在一次讲话中,“日本的权力,他的祖父,祖母是你的你不要忘记,经济发展成为世界第二大
                                    As for former Prime Minister Aso in speech “By power of your grandfather grandmothers as for Japan You forget that it develops to economic power of worldwide second rank

                                    • 即使对于世界一体化的,没有意识到旧政府,跨国公司,因为它的存在,是更迅速,他们可以期待来自发展中国家的这些家伙可爱的偶像及权力分配 In regard to the integration of the world conventional government does not actualize but as for multinational because it exists their distribution powers reaching to developing country The one which you expect is quicker
                                      • 即使对于世界一体化,旧政府,我强烈地说,世界是更加综合的多国部队 In regard to the integration of the world conventional government does not actualize but as for multinational because it exists their distribution powers reaching to developing country The one which you expect is quicker

                                    • 历史也证明,“计划经济,而不是更多的市场机制,许多商品的生产已经利用了许多人类文明的物质,”我可以 Furthermore history proving “what planned economy compared to market mechanism Many goods were produced many humans to physical civilization bathed” there is with a tsu lever
                                      • 或市场机制,因此,而不是使用全球化,也用来指任何峨 Because you can use gurobarizumu or market mechanism in whichever sense without using

                                    • 另外当时和813之间的差异,那是不是在洪水小泽小泽的有洪水的一面,一旦我的政权米诺小泽
                                      813 At that time as for the difference, say that [ozawa] is not on proliferation side, At that time [ozawa] being on proliferation side, [ozawa] collecting the small fish, administration was made

                                      • 只有股权的批评,政府Gudagudani大户397瓦特德塔民主权利,投票,我会做朱达罗志愿者团体真正愚蠢的事情做对我没有去,仿佛一切都将是完美的,如果有人做了,你的来源我会 397 So it is it solves to be only criticism w What you did if it is it becomes the source and becomes what and has and is dense and You do as around there the volunteer group of the side does the ro which is thing Because the ho it is with voting right how you do in aho it becomes the gu which is the gu with democracy administration it is the wa which is

                                        • 嗯,我觉得她的进步,因为它是頑張熊猫,我将获得党内提名附近的顾客党要在一个可爱的 NULL
                                          • 我已采取或谁主张为大多数成员的选区数目的建议 The person who takes the nomination condition many 党員 inside constituency is officially recognized when

                                        • 如果Flash插件陈诚伊尼新次郎在自民党党的教育数字还原后老害
                                          Way the person is brought up at the new party Liberal Democratic Party after the old age damage reducing, if don't you think? it is good, Sinzirou

                                          • 如果像现在进党Zirou也喜欢旧的社会党,但并没有成为一个225 225 When being Sinzirou like is even in old Japan Socialist Party Now it did not become like thing although
                                            • 如果是像现在想进Zirou但并没有成为一个社会党225 225 When being Sinzirou like is even in Japan Socialist Party Now it did not become like thing although

                                          • 如果只喂大的负面在选举中,所有的目光和知觉驱动tTA附表自民党我想大多数人 If large it is defeated with election the Liberal Democratic Party eye you awaken … with Most citizens thought but it is the e ……
                                            • 它不仅看上去像我推销公司保守的自民党地区 But area inside conservative our people what Only profit induction of enterprise you do the potato

                                          • 如果它成为一个源to资本流动产生的摩擦,因为附表为should做我of weak势头的流动资本是刺激thought所有,after,different heat,密度difference,in height让它little bit差异无一如果借口
                                            If we assume that it becomes the source to which capital motion generates the friction in order to weaken the motion power of that capital motion, When you think how it should have done of, the after all place, it decreases heat quantity difference, density difference and difference of elevation, before the [chi] Excuse

                                            • 弹出认为他们的孩子读漫画书籍和我在看这家伙675 675 When you look at this person the cartoon which was read time of the child is remembered
                                              • 嘿 675驱动tTA难以一塌糊涂,我在那儿看一对 675 It was troubled well… being the place where it unites it inhaled as for rubbing and doing discernibly the ru

                                            • 忘记共产党人,一个无国界的市场方向,需要很长的时间,决定在国际社会的妈祖纹目标
                                              Communism person how, border less conversion, also the world aims toward the same body as a direction, that it rubbed, quotation the decision [ma] [tsu] takes from former times

                                              • 您是否对销售税的思想呢?日本经团联和财政部不认可Biruyounara科凯
                                                How thinking concerning consumer tax the [ru]? Way you flatter to the financial affairs ministry and Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, if it does not support

                                                • 我下到保持共产主义制度纹,“所有的人同样的材料!”Zakarugurainara远离共产主义理想,这种系统没有抛弃它 Viewing which is the communism system how ku it is in order to maintain “in ten thousand people in equality the goods ” With from ideal of the communism which is said If the extent which goes away it is possible to throw away such a system

                                                  • 我填写包括教育的最终签署英语家教,约897名高中Tetayan个月后,采取90分和80分,总记得以前逐字逐句页教科书他在论研究组
                                                    897 Tutor high school age English being attached, with [te] ultimate stuffing education and page one letter one phrase complete memory before the textbook 80.90 point taking, passing, you speak and it is, with the person of Analects of Confucius workshop

                                                    • 我解除傻瓜发言,因为他们带来的健康部长指责他的妻子舛添向主管这个董事会和民主,我可以解除消费者峨舛添部是不自然的,一点也石窟沮丧成人我想坦率地说,今天的人笑瓦特评价昨天的汇率也改变 We would like to criticize democracy and the long wife with this board but you raise masuzoe thick labor phase to for the sake of The fool being dispirited spirit it becomes gentle and concerning this point masuzoe which is unnatural That when you think whether also the thick labor economical lifting goes out w which can be laughed In addition person appraisal to yesterday from today it changes

                                                      • 批评者没有离开太远Bakkari成就,但任何努力,媒体回你舛添北罗和良好的和负面的形象,如果你运气附加Bakkari吻也是舛添一进Zirou的100分钟
                                                        Also Masuzoe persevering even with Sinzirou's 1/100, the [re] 0 image [tsu] temporary being attached, persevering, although the [ru] When it comes with Masuzoe, although there is backup of the mass communications, many efforts or the achievement are not left Instead of criticism [tsu] temporary

                                                        • 据称,民主党是在民主人民共和国“民主*”使行唱,说,嘿,从峨
                                                          Because * singing on” democracy” policy even in democracy people republic, the [re], you can call the Democratic party, don't you think? the [e

                                                          • 曼达拉我在反民主,它的形式是失败后分裂Sundaroー民主结束 When it unites in a way counter democracy after pushing down democracy without being settled separation the ro which is completed
                                                            • 我没有自我分钟,这个空气阅读。两人必须永远也不会进入 In oneself which such an air cannot be read amount You do not have to insert in group under any condition

                                                          • 村冈先生俊英“Tachiagare日,”村冈说,作为独立运行俊英22,谁是在大选中击败选举三个地区秋田比例去年夏天出价富(49岁),两人告诉秋田魁新报社,平沼查看详情工业部长武夫事务开发计划署代表“Tachiagare日本,”他加入了意向,以澄清
                                                            Muraoka Satoshi England to “rise Japan” House of Councillors selection proportion running is thick Muraoka Satoshi England which in the House of Representatives selection Akita 3 Ku of the summer of last year runs with non post and is defeated (49) on the 22nd, Vis-a-vis the collection of data of the Akita 魁 new information corporation, the new party where Hiranuma Isao original economic industrial phase serves representation In “rises the intention which joins Japan” was made clear

                                                            • 村冈说,去年夏天的选举中,“平沼小组”,作为历史的一部分运行
                                                              There are the details which run as for Muraoka as one member of the “Hiranuma group” with the House of Representatives selection of last summer

                                                              • 检察官预计审查06证人检察官规划要求的村木信誉被告的证词元承认利益相关者的参与
                                                                Prosecution public prosecutors 6 people witness interrogation In the schedule which it does, it is the policy of insisting the confidence characteristic of the testimony written record where the authorized personnel recognizes the participation of village handguard announcement

                                                                • 正如党的人在,而且在某些方面,老人走了出去,在井派系纠纷
                                                                  However at the time of the national new party so was, There is also a surface where the old person who is defeated with the factional struggle keeps being present

                                                                  • 法官只是对他的树桩上下班讲话和议会辩论瓦特朱达罗没用你必须决定政策 It judges with just roadside speech and the National Diet discussion the tsu w of the u If it does not judge with policy the ro which is useless
                                                                    • 因此,我会更好,如果只是批评,有说服力的讨论670 670 If just discussion and persuasive power don t you think the one where becomes the critic is to call

                                                                  • 然可怕的知识,你点击Kareyou代理商不担心你这么多的反西西
                                                                    The shelf w where the anti or the operative or intellectual viewing are terrible and will be hit So fearful or w

                                                                    • 田中真纪子还追求和批评小泉进Zirou侯仁,并可能欺骗公众利益最进Zirou When lotus hou and Sinzirou Koizumi and Makiko Tanaka pursuit and criticism Sinzirou is good The citizen can be swindled
                                                                      • 田中真纪子还追求和批评小泉进Zirou侯仁和嘴可以愚弄公众利益最 When lotus hou and Sinzirou Koizumi and Makiko Tanaka pursuit and criticism Sinzirou is good The citizen can be swindled

                                                                    • 的确,这是由全球化造成的世界中,我们使用类似的语言,法律制度和会计制度,我们使用了类似的,现在我大衣类似产品?你说我会“已经离开了现代国家Dzukitai接近前共产党人谁曾想到,”如果你觉得,你的手或贷款,以促进市场经济和全球化,你的意思我 Actually in the world where globalization occurred similar language to be used similar degrees of laws and The accounting system is used it reaching the point where the similar commodity goes and crosses the ro which is the ru We saying as for ru “the left wing of today would like to get near to a state where the communism people have dreamed at one time” that thinking if the ru Lend the hand to market economy and propulsion of gurobarizumu the tsu lever
                                                                      • 这一个真正的全球化推广,以快捷畜生接近理想状态一旦共产党人和社会主义者是试图找到 This one very promotion of globalization the communism person and the socialist people At one time ideal has done the fact that it is the shortcut which gets near to state is something which probably will be understood

                                                                    • 目前左翼“过度音频Mezaru休息,比谓ü范之位的许多”我不仅是一个陆地线路
                                                                      Many of the present left wing “it errs and the [te] does not change, the 之 is spoken error”, going just at area, [ru] reason

                                                                      • 石原,“打市政府昆虫被杀死,因为他们恨不负责任的韩国,在韩国日本血液结婚谁可以不打市政府被打死汉奸卖国贼”已被忽视的,这也有一种思维 Therefore as for Ishihara “the Korean Korea with the hateful insect irresponsible be killed the Korean blood With the Japanese who gets married kills the traitor traitors” such thought to have It is the empty it left
                                                                        • 石原,“打从井田大会堂死亡韩国人讨厌日本人结婚将不打市政府血液韩国谁也杀了汉奸卖国贼”已经从思想也忽略了这种 Therefore as for Ishihara “dislike the Korean Korea be killed the Korean blood With the Japanese who gets married kills the traitor traitors” such thought to have It is the empty it left

                                                                      • 等人。他既不乐污点思想左翼反卖国驱动tTA下的皮肤,“从多元文化的时代”或“因为全球公民”或“日本列岛不仅是日本人做的。”就像我说的话,成本相对百分之将我的头加地信息 Wears the skin left flank was polluted to the anti Japanese treason idea which are not roku which the people who “Therefore age of multi cultural symbioses” when is “because it is the terrestrial citizen ” “The Japanese archipelago is not something just of the Japanese” that calling kachi it keeps dividing we head to the greeting substituting

                                                                        • 粂和新次的一面。没有人会成为首相,如果我的眼睛民主党人试图取代自民党也Shimasho Zirou善
                                                                          Side 粂 with new the next. The exchange stripe it does, the [yo] When Sinzirou it is in our people something, is not the eye If democracy in each case is accustomed to the prime minister

                                                                          • 而且,即使是在非工资゙鲑鱼。如何能产业的支持,我敢说
                                                                            Also wages salmon ゙ nothing it dies, how doing, in. Being able to correspond to industry, try saying

                                                                            • 自民党国会议员的书栗本Shinitirou [自民党研究“七自民党的特点,”作为列举以下7点
                                                                              Book 'Liberal Democratic Party of restraint Ichiro's Kurimoto who is Liberal Democratic Party member of the house of representatives research' As “seven characteristics of the Liberal Democratic Party”, 7 points were achieved as follows

                                                                              • 自民党,容量,电,巨赞驱动tTA流行华尔兹品种总督贞德·进Zirou Darutaniyan二人秘书长,石破茂,西田正志,稻田朋美和40岁,但50年代辉煌保守派政治家们不支持中国,“卖。鸠山·民主肮脏的沼泽”的斗争是最强的结构
                                                                                The Liberal Democratic Party was even, three rhythm of ability, the bloom and popularity 珠 = President [jiyannu] [daruku] Sinzirou = Secretary General [darutaniyan] But these 2 people, Shigeru Isiba, Nisida 昌 the excellence of 40 generations and 50 generations such as Osamu and rice field Satoshi beauty the conservative politician who does not have the bloom supporting, “Sale. The composition that is strongest it fights with the Zemin main party” Hatoyama dirtily,

                                                                                • 自民党,菊陈(总统贞德·),进Zirou(Darutaniyan秘书长)和前两人站在两个人,石破茂,西田正志,稻田朋美和40岁,50多岁的优秀维修政治家的支持,“卖国民主党”的斗争是最强的结构
                                                                                  As for the Liberal Democratic Party, 珠 (president [jiyannu] [daruku]), Sinzirou (Secretary General [darutaniyan]) combination raising to the first, Shigeru Isiba, Nisida 昌 the excellent conservative politician of 40 generations and 50 generations such as Osamu and rice field Satoshi beauty supporting these 2 people, The composition that is strongest it fights with the “treason Democratic party”,

                                                                                  • 自由民主党(自民党),名称是不是很好,这是最好的和民主的主张自由主义
                                                                                    The Liberal Democratic Party (Liberal-Democratic Party) Don't you think? as for name, this which advocates principle of freedom and democracy is best

                                                                                    • 至少有811这样的批评是,他们没有,如果你亲吻它会带来一个像样的神经应该知道 At least 811 As for the criticism the way with the honest nerve the re The fact that it does not come out is the expectation which is understood

                                                                                      • 苏卡领导人已召回和进Zirou,曼达拉我设置了联盟?但是,反民主的,让它真正的坏民主党刚刚混乱〜 Sinzirou becoming the party chief when it recalls or unites alliance But counter democracy it is difficult to know truly In any case democracy is pushed down
                                                                                        • 该会话建立Wakarujan Tenee看看辩论900瓦特 900 If party chief discussion you see it is understood it is Conversation being formed well it does w

                                                                                      • 苏正因为它应该有一个直接的结果编制的儿子打破了立委颜射方便自由民主党截断我们的父亲,两个家庭几代人对小泉的工作就像一个大孩子会破坏神和救主是 The father truncating family Assemblyman the result bu tsu the Liberal Democratic Party circumstances which were broken The son doing again to collect originally it corrects to the proper form big job of parent and child 2 generation As for the Koizumi parent and child whether it becomes the existence destructive God and like the Messiah
                                                                                        • 苏正因为它应该有一个直接的结果编制的儿子颜射,打破了自民党议员已被截断在他们的大就业小泉我们的父亲,两个家长可能是神的孩子和破坏,就像救世主 The father truncating family Assemblyman the result bu tsu the Liberal Democratic Party circumstances which were broken The son doing again to collect originally it corrects to the proper form big job of parent and child 2 generation As for the Koizumi parent and child whether it becomes the existence destructive God and like the Messiah

                                                                                      • 藤川先生,我希望这个人,并认为他们看起来浮动每森本首屈一指的市,野田墙茹,我认为,自民党仍恨萘乙酸 But this person and Fujikawa are to call when the face around Prime Minister and Noda town village Morimoto is remembered after all the Liberal Democratic Party thinks that it is hateful

                                                                                        • 虽然新保守主义的起源342托洛茨基,我认为它不具有相同的电路
                                                                                          342 But as for [neokon] Trotskyist the source, don't you think? that and the reason where the thought circuit is the same

                                                                                          • 行动淇紧张Dakemashidaro 249,土井多贺子,从朝总联他妈的信通知被绑架者
                                                                                            249 Action just it caused the [ro] which is better, Doi high densely, the letter from the kidnapping victim the [ze] which is the information red sandal wood in entire ream

                                                                                            • 认为,无论你是390,但我不知道,否认市场经济“,我们享受物质文明的同时,继续消除贫困”,请解释的逻辑 390 Whether or not it is your cherished opinion it is from the wa Market economy is denied “physical civilization is made to enjoy the logic which keeps eradicating poverty” is explained
                                                                                              • 认为,无论你是390,但我不知道,否认市场经济“,我们享受物质文明的同时,继续消除贫困”,请解释的逻辑 390 Whether or not it is your cherished opinion it is from the wa Market economy is denied “physical civilization is made to enjoy the logic which keeps eradicating poverty” is explained

                                                                                            • 请关心在所有“的贫困率增加了全球化
                                                                                              How [se] politely kindly Ratio of poor layer increases “with globalization

                                                                                              • 这位人士说,日本的崩溃和一行古不来一起在一个非常简单明确,易于理解的民主推翻...

                                                                                                • 进Zirou Kakke,让我们一起欢呼!好下去,但这个绰号?麻生太郎,谷垣祯一说,高雄山尽了我们的茶进Zirou改为一飞谭深Mizupo发言, 它成为在! The ze which k Sinzirou and everyone probably will be supported angrily It is good or nickname this it is Your Aso height it is Tanigaki it is Sinzirou mizupo it is it is You think deeply the ze which probably will go with this
                                                                                                  • 舛添推媒体,谷垣祯一批评,这只是从自民党分裂 As for the mass communications having pushed Masuzoe To criticize Tanigaki because it might divide the Liberal Democratic Party it does not pass

                                                                                                • 进Zirou公众安全。我会提出的所有税的详细赞成税Kuretara什么语言?因为我什至能
                                                                                                  Sinzirou the citizen is cheap. When you talk the details of tax, large you approve everyone tax increase! Even it is competent what it is

                                                                                                  • 选举权法案自己和自由民主党,而是经济和郑在的坟墓保安局龟井手流哈希前原诚司和战国是抑制(或超时自由ー从一代一郎。在竹中平藏时间的选民和第三听到认为这从自民党和经济政策,不杀我)我不知道我是否成功在什么情况下不是只控制了基地的法案法案喜欢把它涉及到动画即使有时法案该
                                                                                                    However it perseveres with you say at the Liberal Democratic Party, Kamei holding down, the [ru] it does the resident in [chiyon] denizenship bill, as for economy Maehara and Sengoku holding down, the [ru] it does, (- from our people Koizumi world. At three worlds and the point in time when Takenaka is Also the voter crushing time specially, you probably will hear from the Liberal Democratic Party concerning economic policy with If it is not thought) sometimes the bill and others with seeing it comes out, animation regulation bill like off base You do not know well whether only the bill under the circumstance which is not put out what it perseveres it is, but

                                                                                                    • 那么好Idake弱开幕830“英俊面孔”,也更好的输入话语 830 The mouth just it is good it is weak also “the face you insert ikemen ” and the one which is solved is good
                                                                                                      • 那么好Idake弱开幕834“英俊面孔”,也更好的输入话语 834 The mouth just it is good it is weak also “the face you insert ikemen ” and the one which is solved is good

                                                                                                    • 那么最近相反,一个拳击手更愚蠢的,而且要积极发言,对距离和放置小老头( 真的嘿,我拧 ( ) On the contrary recently the foolish boxer A little the father and distance are put in place speaking degree of te good impression has risen and the It is truth useless useless …………
                                                                                                      • 噢什么像样的一个人,但我不氖,我没那么老的人耳语了阴影 对不起瓦特 1 Don t you think something as for being matomo only it is dense to be whether The a it does is increases is the father with the shade whispering with ru reason shank w

                                                                                                    • 那么,自民党,是从它的派别划分之前,我不反对自民党,民主党的概念,甚至用一个盘子,我不能忍受不幸的是现在,它已经没有帮助呢?因为民主目前也有不好的人,我也想有这样的人根本无法支持自民党 Well because the Liberal Democratic Party from the time before has divided in faction don t you think there is no one board Dissatisfaction to be probably cannot be patient the thought counter Democratic party even even when making be simultaneous the current Liberal Democratic Party That is helpless it is it is not Therefore democracy now even in the citizen useless in addition because the person who cannot be supported simply in the manner Liberal Democratic Party it is don t you think

                                                                                                      • 部长们争执现在618。而非国家,我认为这是一个根本没有人类或社会接触我们的报告并没有想要看到采取一非常基本的共识 618 As for present Cabinet minister be mixed up Rather than calling state it is visible in a state where extremely basic consensus is not taken The foundation of the foundation of report communication consultation or the society member it does not become it is it isn t
                                                                                                        • 鸠山政府迅速摧毁联合国基金会所有,试图吞命中现有秩序壊 Hatoyama administration destroys everything which forms the foundation of nation suddenly It has been about probably to smash up at a stroke to existing order

                                                                                                      • 零和意外使用来自峨的善于说话,不只是年轻的父亲的遗产,我觉得我进Zirou 34 34 Sinzirou the wa which the air does… Heritage of the father and it is young just it is not Because the expert of talking with you can use unexpectedly
                                                                                                        • 进Zirou 34,和阿用年轻峨意外不仅在发言以及他们的家长和遗产 34 The heritage of Sinzirou and the parent and it is young just it is not Because the expert of talking with you can use unexpectedly

                                                                                                      • 龟井否认甚至呼吸,不然我就滚你Iteta从国家党拒绝谷垣祯一已经退休的144 wwwwww
                                                                                                        144 Being denied in Tanigaki, coming out of the national new party, that you do however it rages In even Kamei wwwwww which is denied It does with another retirement, the [yo

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