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The Hatoyama prime minister “citizen has expected greatly. Long time compulsory [aka] is washed away completely”,…It becomes business categorization 2nd feature start and support ratio rise?


  • 舛添每日的方向分布驱逐4月23日11时53分,并取消把目光移开国旗在今天下午的自民党谷垣祯一“的规定。冉缩线。许文锡意外” - 4月21日22日,自民党通讯交货时间32分钟,“夜王牌逃逸的自民党以”山冈民主委员会主席,产经新闻13:00发表在4月22日和52分钟舛添了党的
    <Masuzoe new party > our people and distance Launching of business present in the afternoon April 23rd 11:53 transmissions Everyday the newspaper Direction = Tanigaki “correcting/rule of Masuzoe dropping. The line which it disturbs. You cannot permit”, - our people April 22nd 21:32 transmissions Current events communication “The Liberal Democratic Party ace moonlight flit” National anti- Chairman democracy Yamaoka, in Masuzoe secession April 22nd 13:52 transmissions Product sutra newspaper

    • 770老实说,多少志位阵列甚至愉快地投票刀片群岛狮子的叛逃感谢卖国的赞成普选,外国人应该是民主的重视,并迅速
      770 Honesty, the traitor of foreign carrot administration approval leaving a party, it is delightful There being however much vote, [are] is the 蟲 in the Jishi body Quickly, it attaches with democracy and time is

      • 890这是党不同于自由民主是“古沉重剥削平民家庭,咳嗽和政策的资本主义”,因为没有社会主义,资本主义,封建主义和君主专制最接近 890 That is different Therefore as for the Liberal Democratic Party “exploiting heavily from housekeeping expenses of the populace the policy which it pays to the specific capitalist” Also being socialism in it is close to feudal system and absolute Imperial Rule even when without
        • 民主是采取什么重量古,苏回到了许多家庭,普通的资本主义 Taking heavily it returns democracy to housekeeping expenses mainly in other words normal capitalism

      • Mainichi jp 选择 小泽征 新闻 20100421ddm002010026000c html mainichi jp select seiji news 20100421ddm002010026000c html
        • TTP的: news livedoor com 文章 详细信息 4392901 ttp news livedoor com article detail 4392901

      • NULL 92 saku “Specially also the simulator not making te ⌒ lt 92 92 You should have done in the close crossover it is not ” i ⌒ lt REPT 92 REPT “Qualification bean jam the son of tax evasion king using the budget of the country ” ゙ ┃ i gt no If “there is a your month 15 000 000 Yen allowance do with your own gold ” human REPT “Adjusting to tax evasion amount return the cost which depended on development ” 92 ┃ REPT “The Hatoyama house whole group first categorization margin ” Yukio Hatoyama With boomerang figure of categorization
        • 鸠山Kiitirou图像(她父亲)布鲁诺 ,布鲁诺”如果你没有1500万日元发放的一个月,做我的钱!“ ( 人 ) Image picture Period Ichiro Hatoyama father being similar No ⌒ 92 “The son of the te me obtaining using the gold of the country the simulator it made it is even ” Γ ⌒ 92 saku “Specially also the simulator not making te ⌒ lt 92 92 You should have done in the close crossover it is not ” i ⌒ lt REPT 92 REPT “Qualification bean jam the son of tax evasion king using the budget of the country ” ゙ ┃ i gt no If “there is a your month 15 000 000 Yen allowance do with your own gold ” human REPT “Adjusting to tax evasion amount return the cost which depended on development ” 92 ┃ REPT “The Hatoyama house whole group first categorization margin ” Yukio Hatoyama With boomerang figure of categorization

      • NULL Whether or not unskillfulness if it tries landing it is understood” Before the Hatoyama “fuel is gone it lands” There is such budget passenger “somewhere The airport of everywhere without having the fuel it does the yo ” The passenger who “is Hatoyama concept” “what kind of ” Hatoyama “that is not said ” Permission you received in the passenger “control tower ” The stage which includes also Hatoyama “flyway from now on thinks in zero bases” Passenger “that thinking it falls between the ru and the chi ya maggot ya is” Before the Hatoyama “fuel is gone be sure to land” Therefore passenger “somewhere ” Hatoyama “today is very much good weather” Before that 30 minutes… It is Aso of everyone and the captain who relax in the Aso “inside of a plane
        • 如果这种预算?可爱的偶像燃料飞到哪里有“乘客”感到震惊投机!投机震惊!ー它吸取了驾驶舱Orose船长的剪切!“ 鸠山,”客户知识董事会在您放松他们将位于 There is such budget somewhere There is a fuel which it flies to there somewhere” The passenger “surprised and the ma Surprised and the ma Drag current captain from the cockpit and lower ” In the Hatoyama “inside of a plane there is the news in the customer while relaxing

      • u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d我削减成本 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d减肥 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d The cost of member of the Diet cutting
        • 我浪费了讲话本身在我们自己的国会议员朱达罗的早期古梅罗 The ro whose itself it is wasteful for you yourself to be member of the Diet Stop quickly

      • W Netouyo评级批准设立的挫折民主的不公平〜瓦特〜
        [netouyo] w The [ku] palm it is in democracy support ratio and up - the [ku] palm is - w

        • [自民党]反对,“只拣”商业垃圾扑加强对日本未来的政府。工作人员和同事河野太郎
          The Liberal Democratic Party “business categorization” strengthening It opposes to government Next Japan wastefulness 撲. Charge, Taro Kono and others

          • “科学和技术研究组织,冲绳基础设施”和组织的开支督导委员会的“劳动政策研究和培训,”大学研究了由劳动管理
            Management commission of “Okinawa technology research building of infrastructure mechanism” Expense and with it examined concerning the management of the work large school “work policy research study mechanism”

            • “这个剧本是”“是浪费”,在开幕前的观众,也出席在转播 只拣业务 “增加民主党我认为,雅俗塔姆发挥“关键的分析和 “In the play” “there was a wastefulness” from before the opening place the visitor in the gallery the form of OB business categorization gt As for the jobless man of 30 generations of Chiba prefecture which has lined up into the first about categorization gt “You think as play in order to increase the Democratic party supporter” that the critical viewpoint

              • 不过不是我选择大差异茹时间来打击目标,即使它仍然是错的,如果你关心民意,停止元 Big it starts being wrong in the point in time when selection it is it appears in the object If you stopped public opinion in the air that after all the mistake
                • 我的目标是将552安泰,所以我停止抵制民意 552 However it was the intention of making the object therefore public opinion may repel you stopped

              • 今天上午,我Tokudane可以吧? “在进入这个项目的决赛,因为我这样做,不仅是商业排序,而不是应该做的一直做from一个评论员说:”我就像我可以说小仓 You think that it was dane which now morning is solved but with that ” With It ended and as business categorization how such an event There are no any which you do and the te always the after do there is no thing something which should ” the tsu te Also Ogura or the commentator said
                • “暴力是一个秘密的核武器!前政权狗屎!”战略是“好了,然后呢?”结束后,进入了,即使只是失望排序操作将被交付,最后追成一个角落去 “Nuclear secret agreement was disclosed As for front administration droppings ” As for the maneuvers “the hu it is with that ” With It ended if and business categorization disappointment it is driven to predicament more and more
                • 在排序操作只能维持这样钱会流入市场将再次下跌,日经平均充分肯定要reduce m The last time during business categorization period Nikkei average fell but This time it probably becomes so Because the gold which flows to city decreases securely is

              • 住房贷款的建设将收到“恒康”将于今日发出排序
                Today it can assort “the financing of housing support mechanism” of the schedule which receives financing with new construction of the house

                • 健谈组还活着,跳伞,我将离开杂志与业务口齿不清研发机构
                  The oral skilled person as for the compulsory group continuing, With the business classification which it abolishes reduces the inarticulate research and development agency the shank

                  • 公务员制度改革地方政府官员是公仆将宝藏和神秘的加税只会继续关注饮食减少脑排序
                    The categorization diet which shaves brain When you find, the strange buried deposit gold which becomes tax increase The government employee reformation where the national public service personnel becomes the local government employee

                    • 办公室,而不是“通过降落伞”我自愿选择的继任者,“之后的普遍转播网络”。拉让官僚 Was not the government office and via “compulsory OB network” “the successor was chosen independently” that naming after The bureaucracy is pulled
                      • 如果你只是取消了旋转门,但他们不想要的东西好,而不必打开排序的唯一途径 If order exerted from above just is lost but the reason which you think that also the te is good without the open categorization no oak specially
                      • 我可以预料的问题还可以准备,如降落伞pay m较差的选德国法律, The German law and question expectation being possible te preparation to call as for compulsory allowance and the like the plate tsu answering the ru
                      • 我有足够的数量来表示的事实,实际上没有降落伞 The fact that just is made to show is sufficient with the number order exerted from above was gone really

                    • 北━━━━━━民主政治神(゚゚∀)━━━━━━!!!!!沃特里眼睛Netouyo M9公路(^Д^)
                      God political [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ of the Democratic party (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ! ! ! ! ! [netouyo] tear eye m9 (^ д ^)

                      • 即使人谁带来一些性能好,我是从发行价格漂白现场对普天间和快速最近瓦特
                        Well however much popularity taking performance doing, the place Futenma problem here and Bleaching disgraceful behavior, centering on high-speed fee from the [ru] w

                        • 即使你说敏赢得选举,我只是没有那么暴力已被质疑,特别是日本次Minsurupizu When minsu election winning does Japanese inconvenient special sub minsurupizu just rage well

                          • 只有当最后排序概算要求承认鸠山内阁部长(政府机构的建议请求),则是民主党的理解“责任部长的”只是很小的官员呼吁我们的组织有任何问题废话我们第一次有一个突然决定截断Bitsukete
                            At the time of previous categorization the approximate required plan which the Cabinet minister of the Hatoyama Cabinet acknowledges (required plan of each ministry and board) The Assemblyman of the Democratic party as for “the responsibility of the minister of state who is acknowledged” all question Being accustomed to calling just the bureaucracy which undertook formation the way of [detarame] which it keeps truncating quick break

                            • 后喘息排序操作现在到批准只作为评价在弹出一看像福田和安倍抛出它看起来像一个选举,因为这样或那样的状态,这样的自民党Kurushi儿童在影响利益 如果某种普天间更重要的是更好,如果我们对 NULL

                              • 在排除了寄售业务,否则我将采取订单谁分裂的未来?
                                When business trust is removed, in the future someone order means to manage single-handed, it is?

                                • 大多数人现在我越来越关注的是普天间饱和的方向肯定是第一
                                  As for the citizen of the people in general 1st growing tired with time, the [ru] Now being attention decisively Futenma's whereabouts

                                  • 天上的正义如何邪恶,可向世界将是什么漫游在等待的是正义的,这是阿弥陀佛Orenu纳穆在黑暗中,他们向法庭严重惩罚
                                    Is, [ru] badness how is done Waiting, it cannot be the judgment of the heaven Either justice of this world is not applying Judging in the darkness, execution it does South non Amitabha France

                                    • 女权主义者和女性主义(共产主义)绝对公道是我们的家伙是一组疯狂的信徒超过Ginaito的绝对洗脑 The feminist feminism communism is very absolute justice and our men unless it passes the brainwashing object are to be the kichigai group which is believed absolutely
                                      • 我们有一个家伙,我认为长期Hontokichigai将其驱逐出日本 Although overseas you banished from in Japan it is thought in the leprosy which goes the hontokichigai shelf it is dense

                                    • 如果他们继续认为,只有两党排序,因为它不能很好地在那里做了民主党的支持下降 The nonpartisan makes categorization continue Thinking If it is support ratio depreciation of the Democratic party Therefore the political party of wherever is good doing

                                      • 如果预算是有道理踢自民党排序模糊336朱达罗作出不负责任的预算我只是踢了他的比赛泵预算排序 336 The budget which the Liberal Democratic Party made is assorted if is there is meaning but The budget which by your made is assorted and the ro which is the how simply match pump Random budget it makes becoming dim
                                        • 没有瓦特的方式对Kedashi只是要完全改变以往溃疡苏加,因为他们只与自民党的利益的w It rises the ro w which cannot boil and is Even previous crushes Liberal Democratic Party right or just replaced in by your to put out w

                                      • 媒体只有民主排序操作的唯一版本整理项目,以扭转自民党的重要表现和意义Yoisho通过财政预算案
                                        As for the mass communications as for business categorization of the Democratic party although [yoishiyo] it does, as for the Liberal Democratic Party edition opposite business categorization meaningless performance and criticism after the budget being formed

                                        • 完整的子女免税额,如果◇ 〇五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元〇五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元万亿日元的税收收入三十七万亿日元法人税44万亿日元的政府债券发行的财政赤字09◇◇◇5.5消费910000亿日元←周五←为什么不包括农业收入排序赔偿仅在1万亿日元,而是一个巨大的门,门吗?公路建设资金的快速起飞价值约13亿挪用项目支出预计10亿,第二排序只有69只削减金额排序第一←万亿美元的业务?现在这里←
                                          * Expenditure 91,000,000,000,000 Yen * Deficit-financing bond issue 44,000,000,000,000 Yen * 09 tax revenue 37,000,000,000,000 Yen Income tax 5,000,000,000,000 Yen Consumer tax 5,000,000,000,000 Yen * If child treatment full amount 5.5 trillion Yen <- Gold. Although it is enormous Each house income compensation of agriculture 1,000,000,000,000 Yen <- With something outside categorization object? Road construction diversion of high-speed discount revenue source 1.3 trillion Yen <- Expenditure reduction amount with first business categorization 690,000,000,000 The amount which is expected with second business categorization Approximately 50,000,000,000? <- Now the coconut

                                          • 对技术转移的起点,也是韩国投资2000亿日元亚洲市场的领导在东丽碳纤维的世界
                                            With carbon fiber Toray Industries of worldwide 1 rank In Korea 200,000,000,000 Yen investment It makes base of the Asian market, transfer of technology

                                            • 愚蠢的日本人民支持卖国阿祖看后我期待着这个国家崩溃的民主,这不是173 173 Democracy has expected to collapse Looking the way of the treason of the a tsu Japanese citizen the fool whom it supports is not worthy of is the Japanese citizen
                                              • 1人正在谈论日本人民,但我期待着崩溃的民主阿祖 1 As for the citizen democracy has expected to collapse But story of a tsu Japanese citizen

                                            • 我不会只考虑区首页埃泰Gappori席位tive收集补贴政党
                                              Gathering parliamentary seat, the political party grant the [tsu] [po] [ri] Only receiving being thought, it does, the [yo

                                              • 我们对成员的公务员和公务员借调的民主党人支持各方造成巨大的劳动组织 And generating enormous labor cost with the organization The transfer government employee and the sequential government employee of the place where it is minsu party support parent post
                                                • 大约2000万的年收入,如果管道通过,我不能挂无用的工作从劳动力成本 When that it is if at about annual income 20 000 000 the pipe passes wasteful labor cost or labor do not catch but it is …

                                              • 我可能有平面差控制,“乘客高喊:”嘿炮没有改变,“鸠山”因此,我们会尽力将不会改变“乘客”我想死你死之前!绕组我们穆纳含!“鸠山说,”恒批评了taken ll接受和支持的声音“乘客”是不是支持呢?如果一个贫穷的飞行员!“鸠山”时,我并不是说驱动tTA As for me perhaps unskillfulness the operation of the airplane” The passenger “it is and is to act playfully alternation margin” Because Hatoyama “it keeps doing with utmost effort it does not alternate” If the passenger “it dies just you die We is involved ” It has received voice of scolding and the support Hatoyama “persevering” Don t you think passenger “support If unskillfulness you operate ” It is not to say “with such intention of Hatoyama
                                                • 我可能有平面差控制,“乘客高喊:”嘿炮没有改变,“鸠山”因此,我们会尽力将不会改变“乘客”我想死你死之前!绕组我们穆纳含!“鸠山说,”恒批评了taken ll接受和支持的声音“乘客”是不是支持呢?如果一个贫穷的飞行员!“鸠山”时,我并不是说驱动tTA As for me perhaps unskillfulness the operation of the airplane” The passenger “it is and is to act playfully alternation margin” Because Hatoyama “it keeps doing with utmost effort it does not alternate” If the passenger “it dies just you die We is involved ” It has received voice of scolding and the support Hatoyama “persevering” Don t you think passenger “support If unskillfulness you operate ” It is not to say “with such intention of Hatoyama

                                              • 我将包括一个小Metara值得?瓦特 保险行业协会副会长牧野次郎先生(原处长)
                                                When it includes the small article, don't you think? suitable? w > In Japanese postal services president, Jiro Saito (former Okura vice minister) > The hill is serious in the vice president 郎 (original secretariat secondary director assistant) > Prosperous Jiro Adachi (former postal services business agency director) > In property and casualty insurance association secondary chairman pasture Zirou (former national tax agency director)

                                                • 我希望有一个重大的“,并描述所有,内阁的支持率上升,没有什么,我做什么我最终是从一个电视收视率调查报告,批准了如何在电视只喜欢看球员 You have expected greatly” that therefore you express what Cabinet support ratio rise the kind of party who only the television is seen after all targeting support ratio you investigate you are The kana which the television how announces it is
                                                  • 我希望有一个重要的“所有提及,内阁支持率暴跌中,该公司希望提高附近也是唯一的政府 You have expected greatly” that therefore you express what Cabinet support ratio rise the kind of party who only the television is seen after all targeting support ratio you investigate you are The kana which the television how announces it is
                                                  • 的支持率上升,没有什么,我做了电视报道的支持率从我做什么样子,他们的研究刚刚结束了电视 Therefore what support ratio rise the kind of party who only the television is seen after all targeting support ratio you investigate is The kana which the television how announces it is
                                                  • 苏支持率下降喜欢与诺贝尔奖得主愤怒,飞奔出来,看到这一切包括在内,希望这将是一个傻瓜 In addition driving recklessly with being convinced you getting angry to the Nobel Prize scholar you drop support ratio when you expect to doing the fool

                                                • 我没有将用来愚弄你雅税收工作的欺诈我只是让你的预算
                                                  At last with draft budget the [ke], [aho]? Work doing, it increases because of the fraud which blood tax embezzlement and the [tsu] [te

                                                  • 我渴望舔Uyorupi向上〜支持率民主党渴望〜
                                                    Fence fence [uyorupi] being hasty, the [ru] - Support ratio UP of democracy doing, being hasty, the [ru] -

                                                    • 我认为他们是落后或必须做一些事情,因为即使有一个难得的民主党人要求包括真正截断 Assuming that the cutoff which is truly necessary was included Therefore democracy doing something the reverse side thinks

                                                      • 拥抱一个女权主义者和共产主义社会,以洗脑绝对侵蚀我们将毫不犹豫地介入应该不是免费的人类精神 As for the feminist who believes communism society damaging in order to brainwash us without fail mind of the human of the expectation which is not good being freely unconcerned it intervenes
                                                        • 是浪费我们的税收每年以女性主义的共产主义社会 In order to make feminism communism society our taxes every year are made wasteful

                                                      • 排序唯一的业务我必须做同样的事情梁和资本家受害文革,业主和朱达罗我不做让步的根深蒂固越来越
                                                        As for business categorization the [ro] which is the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution When the capitalist and the landlord were increased to the blood celebration, it has been about to do the same thing Because vesting or right there is no we, you should have done steadily

                                                        • 排序踢院校,科研是一个极好的可能流向国外
                                                          The categorization [tsu] [te] of the institution, as for the excellent researcher of science type to the foreign country the shelf which may flow out

                                                          • 文章还搜索。闹剧左只业务分类(机管局不再肯定你省略敏
                                                            Data inspection. The left figure business categorization (AA abbreviation Already, farce it is good, [minsu] you

                                                            • 新的系统有问题吞↓“理念”,“意识”,“宪法”,“系统”,“结构”和推导1 3 ↓ The � new system problems at a stroke “idea” “consciousness” “constitution” “the system” and “organizational structure” And so on it seeks
                                                              • 尤其是“思想”,“意识”,“宪法”,“系统”,“结构”和推导1 3 Especially “idea” “consciousness” “constitution” “the system” and “organizational structure” And so on it seeks

                                                            • 无论是人身伤害,他们需要一个最终排序business m有679把蛋糕说Ikade邪恶或良好的评价,因为他们只是因为它涉及到它,你需要永远是一个民主政府的运作再见,所以要在内容上的唯一排序是这样说,那么,又是荒谬的表现而已,但每次我说什么或重新考虑如何〜是法律,德国,被清理删除的外包成本高Tteru或字 679 After all it is there what Business categorization necessity or unnecessary whether it is good or is bad when you say it becomes a story that sled ya necessity it puts out and it should is Therefore just says appraisal is done that you did That when it becomes the story which you say whether business categorization of the Democratic party government contents with that how is if in story it was is performance Because this time that ideal way of the German method is taken a second look to say outside order expense of cleaning is high that shave saying the ru
                                                              • 富士电视台今天上午我认为复苏是仅次于普及企业调查排序?我不认为82%wwwwwwwwwww Now the huji TV questionnaire of morning You think that business categorization 2nd support ratio recovers with feature You do not think … the 82 wwwwwwwwwww
                                                              • 有人瓦特抢购的早晨,我被选上了业余“白痴家伙,你不知道”不会说的东西我喜欢直 Being categorized on ru side someone the kire te The wa being entwined to anta and others of the fool “with the amateur it does yo w” Like straight thing you probably won t say

                                                            • 日本国际协力事业团-我喜欢的战略,中国就占国家的援助Shoboi回报为穷人的资源破坏的日本国际协力事业团
                                                              Japanese JICA - international cooperative mechanism is weakened, They are the maneuvers which the Chinese way monopoly call the resource of poor country to the collateral of [shiyoboi] help

                                                              • 日本国际合作署下午事业团(JICA)还讨论了国家医院和医疗业务营运开支
                                                                In the afternoon Operational cost of international cooperative mechanism (JICA) and diagnosis and treatment business etc of national hospital mechanism you argue

                                                                • 有竞争力的思想基础兰切斯特(由东洋经济Hukuda秀出版)从战略
                                                                  Run chess tar thought Foundation of competitive strategy (Fukuda 秀 human work The Toyo Economics new information corporation publication) from

                                                                  • 查看详细埃泰增加业务发行政府债券肿胀和支出只三十八瓦特排序
                                                                    38 When business it categorizes, expenditure increasing, w where government bond amount of issue expands

                                                                    • 欺骗群众,维护贵族和人民[富人和知识分子的反对,但武装抵抗
                                                                      'To the counter people ridicules the public, protects nobility and wealthy layer' intellectual, It is armament resistance

                                                                      • 民主党人批评Netouyo我希望U将认为杀人是不仅嘴手,是杀死人迅速 You think that order exerted from above you should have killed There is no just mouth kill netouyo which democracy it is critical quickly for the citizen
                                                                        • 其他舛添的支持率略有降温的思想滚装船Netouyo总要认真搞砸了 Think netouyo already a little calmly Support ratio rises by all means As for Masuzoe with maji large failure

                                                                      • 氦氖我来接他Bakkari脚无头老鼠枝野告诉我,我看电梯网 However you see with the net branch field tsu te faultfinding to take tsu temporary The neck it is not very the murine man to be don t you think and others
                                                                        • 生活,因为生活和居住在昨日零Warota枝野可憎的漂白wwwww Live broadcast at yesterday ZERO disgraceful behavior the branch field which is bleached as becoming lively te warota wwwww

                                                                      • 海藻使我大的官员Shinee日本海域你Katsuotara研究所对我的一些官员希望研究所Kuyashikattara很多工作,我协会获得补贴50亿日元的国家的金枪鱼捕捞业平均年收入为9.00亿四头交给你之前使用S甚至可以进入他们的国家,如果我接受5预算
                                                                        The [ro] when the [ku] palm you apply you should have become the staff of independent administrative corporate body and is We something independent administrative corporate body it made The large Japanese adjacent waters bonito cod the [wa] pot is [ma] [gu] [ro] fishing industry association 5,000,000,000 Yen receiving the subsidy from the country, the [ru] Many work dies obtaining As for average annual income of staff 9,000,000 If order exerted from above is accepted 4 - 5 people, you can receive from budget how country You use the head

                                                                        • 现在,这架飞机是一个目的地,我的头在机场或口香糖“乘客”嘿,我什么我口香糖!你关岛!一个傻瓜,“麻生太郎”这架飞机以及35000先进的电流热航班“乘客”是什么,我热,右脚?一个真正的傻瓜 As for this machine at present facing to destination and the gum international airport …” The passenger “it is it is gum tsu te what The ro which is Guam Fool” The Aso “this machine presently at high level 35 000 heat favorably while flying…” It is passenger “what the heat tsu te the ro which is the feet Truly foolish shelf
                                                                          • 事实上,一半现金回来了! “乘客”哇!绑!“阿苏”愚蠢 On the contrary half price cash back ” Passenger “ The ge which it does ” Aso “fool
                                                                          • 现在,这架飞机是一个目的地,我的头在机场或口香糖“乘客”嘿,我什么我口香糖!你关岛!一个傻瓜,“麻生太郎”这架飞机以及35000先进的电流热航班“乘客”是什么,我热,右脚?一个真正的傻瓜 As for this machine at present facing to destination and the gum international airport …” The passenger “it is it is gum tsu te what The ro which is Guam Fool” The Aso “this machine presently at high level 35 000 heat favorably while flying…” It is passenger “what the heat tsu te the ro which is the feet Truly foolish shelf

                                                                        • 由独立行政法人,我只收到一个原因我玩东京Bimosezu向认真研究,“但我have 1 brother that分类的工作,但他们都拼命working parents死亡让我 Without doing seriously and studying either play and Tokyo University reason 1 passing it assorts only independent administrative corporate body” concerning from there The older brother who has been employed is but it is however the parent died it works desperately
                                                                          • 我有一个严重的兄弟已被雇用或独立行政法人,而我收到一东京study物理Bimosezu发挥,他们是极需要父母死后我的工作 Without doing seriously and studying either play and Tokyo University reason 1 passing it assorts only independent administrative corporate body” concerning from there The older brother who has been employed is but it is however the parent died it works desperately

                                                                        • 电视,我没有创造和中立的,但我也正在看?假设它们构成一个独立的公司,它是坏的,你只需将提取的故障而穿着故障美浓星期五 However the TV we sees it is not drawn up from neutral standpoint While forming the fact that the independent corporate body is bad in prerequisite when the gold entwinement just difficult habit attaching densely it has extracted
                                                                          • 电视信息完整“,”大量合格的独立团“的脸像Tteru语言知道的事情 The information of TV that way “ “independent corporate body of qualification type is terrible” that talking to the thing knowing face the ru

                                                                        • 的支持率是如此热衷于这个,进展比较旅鼠日本人民为最终 Now when it seems that support ratio rises as for the Japanese race the lemming which advances to end With the same

                                                                          • 社区通知可疑对象 古 首相处理 “鸠山由纪夫首相” 调整派出所在麴町的内容天空,我已进入和电池 In the prime minister official residence doubtful ones as for… addresses which reach “Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama” gt At the point where the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department malt town station inspected content you say that the dry cell battery and the like had entered
                                                                            • 我调整了天空的内容麴町警署,我已进入和电池 gt At the point where the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department malt town station inspected content you say that the dry cell battery and the like had entered

                                                                          • 立法者和人均支出(成本,以维持一个立委)已超过3亿日元

                                                                            • 红瓦特政策朱达罗民主会增加约埋地没有珍惜纳税人的负担谎言是谎言的影子总理承诺首相小泽逃税奖金我会生气,但没有呆是不负责任的基金 aka has been attached in ro w tax evasion prime minister who is the Democratic party Ozawa prime minister of the shadow In addition pledge all lie The buried deposit gold it is not with lie national burden increase Although there is no either revenue source concerning policy kichigai irresponsible you do 呆 re ru
                                                                              • 黄金储量20万亿减少浪费,而我完全扭转局面瓦特凯塔 Don t you think with the wastefulness reduction and buried deposit gold as for 20 000 000 000 000 becoming not to be completely the ru w

                                                                            • 红色的泥土什么?对于普天间,安倍的评论和闪光灯下查找别人怎么说,苏
                                                                              [aka] [tsu] [te] dirt? In the comment beam to Abe and Futenma, it is the speech which in addition despises the other person?

                                                                              • 编号:jgtgdXcW0回顾了震惊僵硬瓦特意识缺乏
                                                                                ID: jgtgdXcW0 In shortage of sense w which the 呆 [re] can be applied utterly

                                                                                • 舛添党只有和排序操作,我不知道哪个方向今晚顶部
                                                                                  Masuzoe new party and business categorization, Don't you think? top news of this evening probably is which

                                                                                  • 苏完全洗流红传世多年梅萨,如停止旋转门,但不这样做的利益产生十分良好,重新考虑或火灾降落伞parachute will不工作这是莲花美术批评的景观发展农村三维仿真系统 Long time compulsory aka is washed away completely If you make order exerted from above stop when the order exerted from above which does not work is designated as the neck Probably will be Compulsory right is taken a second look So it is good The demo doing as for ru thing The lotus 舫 criticizing the development of the rural landscape 3D simulation system
                                                                                    • 896中国文化革命做了什么?发展是延误超过30年,农村内部和清代Waranai螨不会改变 896 Cultural Revolution doing China how became As for development as for lag and the inland farm village section of 30 year or more it is not different from the Qing Dynasty age yet

                                                                                  • 苏,让我们绝对女权女巫寄生害虫国家和我们的税收,而不是人的存在!社会法,取消性别! ! !
                                                                                    Nation existence of feminist noxious insect [babaa] which lives upon to our taxes is permitted without fail in place of the man! Man and woman joint participation social fundamental law will be abolished! ! !

                                                                                    • 薪金支付给这些家伙囊滚装石川小林武史排序第一鸠山和小泽Nosabatsu你已经交给它甚至不拣朱达罗浪费税主题的化身,也只有在日本邮政! First Hatoyama and Ozawa and Ishikawa and Kobayashi categorization margin As for annual expenditure paying in and others it is dense the ro whose tax is wasteful Rear Japanese postal services in object of categorization margin Is the compulsory personification the tsu te it is the ro which is
                                                                                      • 这是第一个立委是不是从我,我开始削减国会议员的薪金 1 The thing which member of the Diet first does unless it begins from the fact that Assemblyman annual expenditure is cut

                                                                                    • 该评级我希望在38万亿日元,营收将是有限的,但我认为这将彻底改革万亿日元的政府雇员的薪酬管理,说谁与伐丽流32
                                                                                      Support ratio rises, however probably will be, it probably is limited… However you think that among the tax revenues of 38,000,000,000,000 Yen, labor cost of the government employee where also 32,000,000,000,000 Yen is said how, the one which is done becomes radical reform,

                                                                                      • 超过50年,执政的自民党也没有对公众公司和独立的行政机构,只交给任何价值超过50年之久的官僚利益 The Liberal Democratic Party of the administration ruling party of 50 year or more which nothing makes independent administrative corporate body and the public service corporation which compulsory it does to cross of bureaucratic right of 50 year or more at will only existence value is
                                                                                        • 98个成员的大约是我的人太多会互通,但由于特权 98 However is privilege should give to the Assemblyman probably number of people are too multi it is don t you think

                                                                                      • 这些家伙已经派出由政府,“只有人的位置,我不知道原因,”废除“或”剪切“或不办理排序” As for and others it is dense from government you were dispatched it is from the wa of the meaning “categorization person” at standpoint “abolition” “reduction” doing ru reason
                                                                                        • 只有当所有的分类有资格的外国人有利于儿童的服务可能无法期望 Completely at the point in time when child treatment becomes the foreign provision object Expecting to categorization increase it is
                                                                                        • 第一种人“或排序从开始踢什么?”我有没有听到我 1 First in the citizen “it assorts from something After” hearing beginning don t you think
                                                                                        • 首相鸠山我需要吗?你并不需要更多的伤害比我?我得到它只是排序 1 It is the Hatoyama Prime Minister tsu te necessary Instead of there is no necessity it is harmful don t you think Division of labor economized ya tsu te

                                                                                      • 这是因为我必须通过的预算,因为国会通常是“只拣”好没有,只是说:“我会藐视国会是在降低经营和减少 If originally therefore the National Diet necessity therefore budget approval red sandal wood When as for this there is no” categorization” reduction of mere” business reduces it becomes the National Diet negligence don t you think
                                                                                        • 你将是一个由国会削减降级,因为我必须通过大会财政预算,否则 If originally therefore the National Diet necessity therefore budget approval red sandal wood When as for this there is no” categorization” reduction of mere” business reduces it becomes the National Diet negligence don t you think

                                                                                      • 选举官员不利于选举的一切。并非所有的选举官员试图窃取选举合法地作出的任何税款茹只要日元钱包支出预算207兆特殊
                                                                                        The bureaucratic interest which cannot be chosen with election. If there is a special accounting budget expenditure 207,000,000,000,000 Yen of wallet The bureaucracy which cannot be chosen with the election which stealing at will can do tax and the like lawfully

                                                                                        • 逻辑唯心主义业余法规。知识产权的能力和努力,尽管各方对这一理论,懒惰和不负责任的批评无能 Logic of amateur � ideal theory correcting rule It makes theory You do not know the ability and effort of the � party criticize disabled irresponsible indolently
                                                                                          • 逻辑唯心主义业余法规。知识产权的能力和努力,尽管各方对这一理论,懒惰和不负责任的批评无能 Logic of amateur � ideal theory correcting rule It makes theory You do not know the ability and effort of the � party criticize disabled irresponsible indolently

                                                                                        • 那么这项试验是无用的“(敏感,开始数,那么乘客之一,叫喊这个可爱的偶像 Such a captain who is useless” That time the one of the passengers stands up like this shouts
                                                                                          • 那么这项试验是无用的“(敏感,开始数,那么乘客之一,叫喊这个可爱的偶像 Such a captain who is useless” That time the one of the passengers stands up like this shouts

                                                                                        • 闵提倡偶尔你矮,似乎并不介意Dzui苏敏显示了我的写作疯狂了首次支持者 Boiling sometimes the ru minsu supporter seems that does not become aware in his own entry showing the way of kichigai of the minsu supporter
                                                                                          • 我面对的是什么,他Kichigairepota在早晨和对恐怖主义的人格崩溃?辜并希望揭露黑暗德国法律或Hozaki The face of terrorist morning and the kichigairepota no fellow where personality has collapsed That the darkness of the German method is disclosed babbling and the tsu te

                                                                                        • 阿- 2:经营补助金(后续行动的结果只有最后排序),日本国际协力事业团(1)(外交部)[1]国内工厂的经营成本,[2]研究包括实验室费用(国际协力事业团),[3]马苏仁成本培训和技术合作政策,[4],旅行和办公费用支薪外判费用b - 2:复杂组织中小企业和(经济产业省) 1]拓展计划,[2]基金投资项目,[3]互助公司为小型企业[4] [只拣中小企业大学校经营管理改革会议的现场直播』当然21 13:45〜
                                                                                          A - 2: Operational cost grant (follow-up of previous categorization result) International cooperative mechanism (1) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) [1] Operational cost of domestic facility, [2] Expense of research and study (the JICA laboratory is included), [3] Expense such as technical cooperative study policy increase, [4] Labor cost traveling expenses office work expense business trust expense and the like B - 2: Advancement business and the like Small and medium-sized business building of infrastructure mechanism (Economic industrial ministry) [1] Advancement business, [2] Fund investment business, [3] Small-scale enterprise mutual aid business, [4] Small and medium-sized business large school Administrative renovation meeting 'business categorization' relay live [sure] 21 13: 45 -

                                                                                          • 降落伞有关的组织,并不限于公司和独立的行政机构
                                                                                            In addition, it does not limit order exerted from above to the affiliated group, to independent administrative corporate body and Special Corporation

                                                                                            • 降落伞耗尽,我鼓励他们做一个提早退休?确定梅奈面积,单元的决定,我想普天间
                                                                                              When there is no order exerted from above, early retirement encouragement how is done, it is? Without deciding around that, when you abandon and depart, it becomes similar to Futenma

                                                                                              • 除排序只是企业管理效率的情况下正式转播霸道和公营公司和承建商的“中介”或无结构,术语和某些企业是否转让给私人 As for the object of categorization in performance and public service corporation etc of compulsory circumstance and the business execution by bureaucracy OB Business it entrusts “in it pulled out and” selected from viewpoint such as presence of structure and yes or no of business transferring to people

                                                                                                • 鸠山以叛国罪对绝望,因为我也做了世界危机Asou中川Combi机 In treason confronting desperate Hatoyama The Aso Nakagawa combination confronting the crisis of the world
                                                                                                  • 陈明珠(主席),进Zirou(秘书长)和自由民主党为首试图摧毁卖国 珠 President with Sinzirou Secretary General as a flag head our people will be destroyed the treason Democratic party

                                                                                                研究 開発