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“Masuzoe…The Liberal Democratic Party ace does moonlight flit. As for the Liberal Democratic Party ragged deteriorating, the [ru]. Pulling without having either the ability to stop?”…Democracy Yamaoka


  • 207 谷垣祯一略有改善,总统大选时我已为我的责任是要去检讨 207 But gt the secessionist this much is continued in Tanigaki s responsible problem kana of viewing gt Taking responsibility when again it does president selection Tanigaki it takes a second look some but it is

    • 30:00编号:DgtY Qor0我没有写很多的反应,因此我182“Netouyo”前的一个反应,必须用这个词不可能的,因为韩国瓦特↑“Netouyo”被写入,而不是,真正的“Jjokbari”很可能已被写入和 30 00 ID DgtY Qor0 182 The varieties writing however the ru although excessively there is no reaction “ netouyo ” just reacts by all means w ↑ Because the Korean cannot be used “ netouyo ” you have written but “ chiyotsupari ” you write truth and it is exaggerated
      • 编号:MtIS03Ns0 41 41 编号:owgFYxh70 38 38 我是多么绝望 ID MtIS03Ns0 41 41 ID owgFYxh70 38 38 The do just it is it is desperate what

    • 371是受欢迎,但仍有些影响力,我被称为讽刺 NULL

      • 737“现在,我一直总理在此期间,舛添Asou 17人在录像中说,一来为好,”韩国电视看“的事情谈论一哎呀感到不舒服卡鲁卡诺よ韩国分钟,但可能能够被Gasekopipe相信有关 737 Temporarily “becoming now I Prime Minister As by his likes with 17 Asao s animated picture Masuzoe “seeing the Korean television the cod…” the mark speaking thing whether te Korean understanding with Something strange feeling was felt but the extent which becomes the gasekopipe causing brick you agreed upon
        • Asou舛添了737岁的影片,“韩国电视看”的不协调感卡鲁卡诺よ哎呀分钟,韩国谈论的东西有,也将得到满足,也许Gasekopipe 737 With Asao s of former times animated picture Masuzoe “seeing the Korean television the cod…” the mark speaking thing whether te Korean understanding with Something strange feeling was felt but the extent which becomes the gasekopipe causing brick you agreed upon

      • 776 690 进一步进行思想的?我是精神分裂症和精神错乱它更像是一本书,如果你瓦特 NULL
        • 基达有684良好的小泉,小泉政府的改革思路是进一步指出,从那里决定了人们的愤怒? 684 But the favorite Koizumi Koizumi s reform of the administrative structure route is hateful Is judgment of the citizen After so long a time conception comes out of somewhere
        • 这是没有时间,使经济政策的手臂中弹的,真正减少废物的行政改革犹豫现在在735,自由民主党是不可能的吗? NULL

      • Hayo舛添Ketara自由我拿出这么总统凯塔好从一开始Shiteyattara我的打击
        When Masuzoe comes out, our people are large shock, Therefore when from first making the president, it was good, it is

        • NULL 220 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 22 wood 14 34 32 ID NnqTiC6R0 208 Don t you think we love democracy supporter tsu te netouyo tsu te word But regrettable as for carrot administration the wa wwww which already is not 224 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 22 wood 14 36 02 ID m6CK02C20 ─ ─ 92 no REPT REPT o ゚ ゚ o REPT human netouyo www Deviation from droppings www While becoming insane www l l The ku palm it is u www The ku palm it is u wwww l j j j With 丶 ─ ┬ REPT i ⊂ no ↑ Because the Korean cannot be used “ netouyo ” you have written but “ chiyotsupari ” you write truth and it is exaggerated
          • 646:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 04 22(周四)17:16:29编号:g7fhbFAe0 ×朱达罗自民党艾滋病 646 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 22 wood 17 16 29 ID g7fhbFAe0 The ro which is the × Liberal Democratic Party AIDS

        • [政治]国会后,一个改革法案国会通过坚持强烈的本届国会会议小泽一郎由纪夫鸠山的跛脚鸭的民主党政府在改革的民主党秘书长法案国会通过的小泽一郎,秘书长辍学其他重要法案,轻脚坚持强烈的这样,在光线继续买单了执政的重要性
          The latter half National Diet, the National Diet reformation bill other important bill stepping where Democratic party Secretary General Ozawa adheres to formation strongly With Hatoyama administration centripetal power decrease The National Diet reformation bill where Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic party now adheres to the formation at the National Diet strongly is begun, The [te], the important bill of government & the ruling party continues stepping

          • ヽヽ⌒⌒,◎ , , 洛洛 。 ¯ ¯ ¯ л ¯ ° ¯ ° 地政总署署长Ð关闭 ° ° 。l j j j ⊃ ¯ ⊂布鲁诺古 l j j j ( )。 j丿⌒V ° l j j j ⊃ ヽ, , 升升 ⌒ ⌒ REPT roro ¯ ¯ ¯ л ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ l ni ni hu ¯ ¯ □ ¯ no ⌒ REPT ¯ Γ ⌒ 92 No ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 Γ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i ⌒ 92 i To To i i ⌒ ⌒ i human i To To i 92 ¯ No human ⌒ 丿 j l j j j ⊃ ¯ No ⊂ l j j j ku 92 92 丿 j ⌒ V ¯ l j j j ⊃ 92 REPT l l REPT 92 ¯ i ¯ 92 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 REPT No REPT REPT REPT 92
            • NULL roro ¯ ¯ ¯ л ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ l ni ni hu ¯ ¯ □ ¯ no ⌒ REPT ¯ Γ ⌒ 92 No ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 Γ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i ⌒ 92 i To To i i ⌒ ⌒ i human i To To i 92 ¯ No human ⌒ 丿 j l j j j ⊃ ¯ No ⊂ l j j j ku 92 92 丿 j ⌒ V ¯ l j j j ⊃ 92 REPT l l REPT 92 ¯ i ¯ 92 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 REPT No REPT REPT REPT 92

          • 不仅仅是谷歌尝试一把刀子它没有瓶塞板舛添朱达罗拉这家伙
            The [ro] where such a person it pulls and stops and is helpless and is Masuzoe Knife So the [gugu] [tsu] [te] see

            • 不要笑我让你死的策略,中线只有672瓦特甚至不排除部分百分之十“并没有被摧毁!(威风,”我爬上干净皮肤或杉肚子早苗 672 Whether the maneuvers which laughing die and can point w The part passes through also one tenth and falls and “does not collapse kiritsu ” it can be is passing the skin of the stomach the ji it may be cut off

              • 人们获得了自由民主党的独立平沼(像),但我不能帮助它,自由民主党出路,“我是反民主的!”“我们战胜了民主党政府!”我,让我们说,只有傻瓜没有 Coming out of our people it has become in non post the human Hiranuma et al however how it will do it is not Specially coming out of our people “is we counter democracy ” “Push down the Democratic party administration ” How Only the fool there is an expression
                • 降全部排除,而不是只有680,你不加入该集团是增强平沼 NULL

              • 什么将是我必须有更多的理由舛添居纳凯雷611
                611 If Masuzoe does not stay, if sewing, the reason becomes matter of concern

                • 今天Tonsurupizu编号:DgtY / Qor0编号:NhSmAL2C0添加妥善后
                  Present [tonsurupizu] ID: DgtY/Qor0 ID: NhSmAL2C0 After it adds suitably,

                  • 从花舛添新井,没有WWW的改革远比受欢迎朱达罗瓦特
                    Because Masuzoe there is no popularity, www The [ro] w which is about Arai of at the very most reformation

                    • 他们有一个在日本的朝鲜人归化,但这个家伙Tteta祖父母,他们认为太辛苦,当外国普选韩国芒斯山冈肯齐委员会主席关于什么是有趣的,有说服力的 Yamaoka Kenji national anti chairman tsu te strange extent Korean man Say doing the te However at the time of foreign carrot administration you think as the desperate shelf It is dense the grandparents the resident naturalized human no shelf of the Korean agreement
                      • 山冈,权利之前你说不要把该党,或如果我什至可以说是瓦特罪犯谁最近我越来越带走 Yamaoka condition being recently densely the ru Thing of the person saying in case of the ru Even the offender your party which is not dealt with says the ro w which is
                      • 思维的一致性,不仅是日本和韩国的利益会被拒绝的可怕的感觉,如果花山冈 Atrophying Yamaoka Japan only the Korean national interest the coherence which is not thought a certain meaning is enormous

                    • 令人惊讶的645时,自民党自民党在线路维护,一些附件我真的坑梁逃跑,但它是最接近的地方,民主党并没有说有W和650继续在积极的思维仍然像648我 645 As for our people when should go in the conservative our people Because measure attachment there is with densely is close to the Democratic party although it escaped there is a lie and seriousness or w 650 Still with positive thinking 648 Continuing to mean like thing the ru
                      • 什么民主党,但只有在自由民主的无能可以批评我们做什么,并做好 The Democratic party tsu te whatever being able to let do but disabled When our people criticizing just it becomes vigorous
                      • 令人惊讶的,当自民党自民党在471线路维护,但几乎不可能,因为民主党重视坑反正是最接近我的地方 471 As for our people when should go in the conservative our people Because measure attachment there is with densely is close to the Democratic party It is margin unreasonable in either one
                      • 在木马或病毒的东西,我壊Dakejan从自民党内 Virus or Troy like rubbing Just you break the Liberal Democratic Party it is from inside
                      • 如何民主党人不仅可以殴打自民党?它甚至没有提出上诉的政策和廉洁政治的人 As for the Democratic party with only our people hitting not being accustomed vigorously With policy and clean politics in citizen appeal margin
                      • 如果你是自私的自民党追随者分钟,我一般不能够投票给民主党和自由民主党,1层可以投票 Understanding if the ru Liberal Democratic Party believer you can vote normally and The wa which does not have the Liberal Democratic Party or democracy with you can vote also the layer which is said
                      • 我失去了一些选票来自美国,同时保持这个牧羊人的自民党在S 827,自由民主党,我刚刚失去的好处 827 This way there is also a vote which is lost by the fact that you raise in our people therefore it is Just is gone that is the merit in our people
                      • 桝添画,没有关闭的自民党,是比较合理的,我出来驱赶而不是说驱动tTA But the Liberal Democratic Party pulls measure attachment and stops what the one that proper what on the other hand it expelled
                      • 自由民主党都拿到,以至于我们不能再提高至少10年,它的确切的事实,最后爆裂 At least 10 years after when they are our people who have come to the place raising It means very that having ended

                    • 任何一方,而是欢迎?这就是不自由民主党作为得分后卫回结果的时间刮民拉“成员飞列了”困难的是我会,不是吗?而是你?如果您担心瓦特自民党山冈比?普天间发生了什么变化呢?负两位数的很多次地方选举?支持率现在是你吗?梅塔承认,鸽子可以愚弄自己?哦,其余3让我们面对它瓦特 But well secession on the other hand large welcome Being the case that the pulling tsu you scratch our people and turn and covering fire minsu result Such “separated soldier” stopping being being troubled as for ru on the other hand the ro which is the bean jam cod Yamaoka w When our people are worried from that Futenma problem how became Local selection no time was defeated with this As for current support ratio how many When by his is the foolish person as for the pigeon recognizing The chi tsu it is you will look straight a actuality and w

                      • 但是,普及痴迷,国家党错误的政策,从没有看到最初的邪教团体和手,去年被否决 But it is caught to popularity looks at policy uniting error the cult and the hand Because it became not to be the original national political party last year it wiped out

                        • 你不一定要证明自己舛添博士王牌一三一瓦特
                          131 Proving the fact that Mr. Masuzoe there is no ace by his, w which how it does

                          • 你可能会需要一个更大的收益,如果该国政府已w m大量的财政整顿708不来,如果春天没有枪声类似喇叭的金钱是很多说话,你成为一个非常糟糕的移动情况因为我不明白,但我可以说,这种 708 If generously there is an annual income of the country w also big government probably will be good Like the small hammer of the striking coming out it grows it is there is no gold it is Unless public finance it renders sound becoming truly mazui circumstance ru thing Because you do not understand you can call such it is
                            • 抱怨的是低电流趋势巩固财政税收711当他们是愚蠢的金融官僚 711 When the tax revenue is low it is sufficient at just the foolish financial affairs bureaucracy to appeal public finance soundness

                          • 你应该在去年竞选总统时,他应该已经完全改变从鞍上院表示,去年更众议院 We should run in president selection of last year and Speaking more from last year House of Councillors we should switch over in the House of Representatives

                            • 即使党选举中,如容易分配给中断自由党民主选举是我认为,自民党是唯一负我同意候补钽推翻民主反对派我希望你赢了汝支持单一鲁鲁由自由党和我觉得ü只有一个结果没有吃合自由的支持者投票单 To whichever new party as for election the destruction non dying of democracy side as for dividing the party easily Thinking that it becomes only 0 of our people doing because election agrees with democracy overthrow Anti candidacy the ru which is built If support can be acquired from our people single unit with the new party however it is good simply vote of our people supporter If in only the result which fights the kind of air which is not does
                              • 即使这样的选举,反对党Tateru从我是同意的,可能不会调低民主 Because election agrees with democracy overthrow to whichever new party Anti candidacy because it does not do probably there is no tsu te thing which is built

                            • 参与的管理体制和国民大会,一个咨询机构,众议院议长的众议员横路孝弘公约“市政局的议会制度”将要求两党协议 In order to relate the system of the National Diet and to management as a custom the advisory organ “national assembly system of President of the House of Representatives Takahiro Yokomiti Agreement of the nonpartisan which is by conference” becomes necessary

                              • 吴认为,前原诚司大量的最适当的国会议员在首相部长,卫生部长舛添要一前部长29%,最高的自民党外交大臣冈田秒9%8 3%运输喜久就拉开了距离
                                As for member of the Diet whom you think that is most suitable in the prime minister, the Liberal Democratic Party Masuzoe main point one front public welfare work phase becomes the top with the 29%, The 9% of Foreign Minister Okada of 2 rank, the 8% of Maehara national traffic phase of 3 rank was detached largely

                                • 国会改革法案,包括立法禁止附表包括帮助的人数增加国防官员和副副部长
                                  As for the National Diet reformation-related bill, the legislation of house members which includes secondary minister of state state affairs official increase and bureaucratic reply prohibition etc

                                  • 在条件差的百分比,自民党领导层是非常关键有很长一段时间,但仅限于这是什么“最好不要抱怨邪恶”的论据是什么,我不认为人们认识到我 Because in the point that as for the Liberal Democratic Party executive committee criticism loss and gain calculation is unskillful it is to be from former times “the person who says complaint is bad only this time” As for tsu te grounds you think the world that it does not recognize
                                    • 通化是152,这会是它拒绝加入行政领导寻求加强创新 152 If the u umbrella executive committee renovation is requested the executive committee entering is refused becoming it is story
                                    • 领导的批评是,他们历来仅限于这是什么“最好不要抱怨邪恶”的论据是什么,我不认为人们认识到我 Because executive committee criticism is to be from former times “the person who says complaint is bad only this time” As for tsu te grounds you think the world that it does not recognize

                                  • 在这样一个地方叛逃ー但我不这样做,是很强调他们不能Dzui塞板,但其他时候金小泽的咆哮,但只切出带广市长选举结果相反的Burgers国家粮食抗议什么是不是?
                                    The extent spirit [zu] which is and however - as for local estrangement of your own et. al place does not stop anymore being, don't you think? the [ru] Doing, but as for [ru] thing gold time intimidation of Ozawa's, rally receiving conversely, [ru] state Just the Obihiro mayor selection result it doesn't become reminder?

                                    • 在道路特别预算修正案,从代表人数的开始批评众议院由委员长土地仙台博民主,人民的新党“甚至没有通知的情况下解释价格提前不幸的”,他说
                                      Even with road public finance special 措 method amendment plan, Hiroshi Kawauchi of the Democratic party House of Representatives national traffic chairman in the forefront of criticism The standing and the national new party also “it is regrettable not to have explanation or notification in advance, concerning fee” that rally

                                      • 埃克是直选对外国人的主张的自由...我想我会做这个人好凯塔
                                        The [te] for our people it was good, don't you think? it is The [ro] which is this human foreign carrot administration propulsion group what

                                        • 埃斯从后面站起来,而不是敌人的狙击手开枪政治舛添
                                          [sunaipa] Masuzoe of political world Is not the enemy and the ace which snipes at friend from back

                                          • 埃斯舛添s吗?舛添外国人的倾向,只有一个自民党议员普选是能够达努和人民的好公司
                                            Masuzoe obtaining ace? Competent our people Assemblyman just alone As for the Masuzoe obtaining of foreign carrot administration group of supporters as for both the people public corporation the [nu] which is tasty existence

                                            • 如果你有一段时间,这些新面孔的整张专辑舛添党,也有利于将桥本嘿,如果我不参加房租水平的自由提名 When already a little there is a fresh taste in every one which gets together in the masuzoe new party under the bridge the merit However it probably is certain in our people official recognition the level which cannot be received participating the cod
                                              • “我很高兴我离开了行”这个家伙说我会喜欢,但如果舛添说:“自民党仍在努力 “It was possible to keep coming out ” that saying the ru person masuzoe would like to persevere “after all in our people
                                              • 但是,即使你之前,老实说,“自由民主党是一个炎热的梁添要排除,”你知道你觉得呢?那么,让我们认真 So you “as for the Liberal Democratic Party which to honest place masuzoe is passed through thinking that it is dangerous” the ro which is the ru Well maji story
                                              • 凯塔是真实的舛添好了!自民党的最高荣誉就像做这样的感觉或支持Okoran masuzoe stopping being it was good truly As for the kind of Liberal Democratic Party where such a person is in the top feeling what which is supported It is dense the viewing wa
                                              • 舛添先生!良好的补贴和接收各方的政治改革会跑马加入 masuzoe You question with your reformation club joining me Don t you think it was possible to be able to receive also the political party grant
                                              • 萘乙酸我本身有趣或任命一名候选人,甚至在考试奥奥给我一个完整的物理所有舛添 In the first place although masuzoe tsu te physical examination is auau completely it makes candidacy and or values Itself it was strange to do it is

                                            • 如果媒体的角度来看人気者的616,因为我已经河野太郎山本数田和w 616 If the popularity person with mass communications point of view Taro Kono and Yamamoto one even thickly it is w
                                              • 加藤,由于仍然只有一个临时科诺掏出97 97 Kono coming out temporarily still because Koichi Kato is

                                            • 如果谷垣祯一,而“政府浪费,没有大的区别增税”的专业,所以是瓦特谷垣祯一还提出了一个新的政党,是想从不同的只在支持率Wakenee苏゙゙莫科莫科污染字
                                              Therefore on the one hand in case of Tanigaki, “there is no wastefulness in administration & consumer tax large tax increase” Sled [ya] large difference w The new party proposing various types, therefore Tanigaki just speaks ambiguously [moko] ゙ [moko] ゙ Support ratio the reason which rises well

                                              • 孙正义,松山Tiharu富野州一东秀夫马苏秃头添要在日本被发现
                                                The baldness where Japan is observed Measure attachment main point one Hideo Higashi Kunihara Grandchild justice Yosiyuki Tomino Matsuyama Chiharu

                                                • 小泽每井涌山冈委员会主席山冈肯齐,被要求审议和裁决提交议会在单一位置,更周到的横路,社会民主党“不应该强制执行”的立场我 As for chiyon around Ozawa Yamaoka Nakai way in national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka ruling party independently conference opening and submitting it examines the indication It did but Yokomiti in prudent attitude the corporation people party is the standpoint “we should not force”
                                                  • 小泽一郎说,委员会主席山冈肯齐,被要求审议和裁决提交议会在单一位置,更周到的横路,社会民主党“应该不执行”政府的回应 Way as for Ozawa in national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka ruling party independently conference opening and submitting it examines the indication It did but Yokomiti in prudent attitude the corporation people party is the standpoint “we should not force”

                                                • 山冈民主党能否真正肯齐姓的是“金”,第一个流行的名字,“金子”自我介绍,并顺便提一句,荘八山冈(真正的名字是藤野姓)在刚进入法休息“藤野”自我介绍,然后进行审判和“山冈,”一骑回姓 With “ kimu ” to be identified “funds” first with name that it is possible to use the true surname of Kenji s Yamaoka of the Democratic party next Yamaoka 荘 eight autonym Fujino surname to be identified “Fujino” in the place entering the adopted son in law and to judgment Doing the back it rode in “Yamaoka” surname
                                                  • 目前,健二山。姓氏可以是一个家庭法院的裁决结果求自己的元 Presently Kenji the mountain What it is possible to use surname is the result of requesting the decision at the self Family Court

                                                • 废物战略还舛添添要我把鳟鱼超过他们希望你在这些事情舞出我钓到了一条爆炸细胞也部长放在垃圾ーーAnketotsu或两个首要的是自由民主党将放弃更多的权力鳟鱼的浪费操纵韩国我想削弱日本将更加多舛添洪水和党的地方我不知道梁过程中,开始在数日死亡威胁,以防止他从运行读卖新闻恩戴这是特别真实的? The questionnaire which would like to make the prime minister Being placed by the thinking tsu drill mass rubbish the ru coming does Such rubbing it whirls and the top tsu chi ma u Masuzoe is Masuzoe As the strategy of the mass rubbish You abandoned democracy already but As for becoming our civil administration right how doing to obstruct you want It is with in damping off Japan which Yomiuri set up Somewhere set up oak viewing which the Masuzoe new party Multi party being flooded it weakened Japan more and more saying Truth of the mass rubbish which is worked in Korea
                                                  • 当选举已经到这个职位只可惜谷垣祯一Shimiitsu消极自由是假地址舛添结束了从日本结束 When electing speech have let do to Masuzoe from the Japanese edge to the edge our people Sour grapes it is and the tsu takes There is no post Tanigaki anymore with this
                                                  • 谷垣祯一已痊愈感谢支持一个严肃的表情,但一直紧张的愤怒情绪涌出污垢的谷垣祯一的,因为他们不听他的话大臣谷垣祯一的鸠首我很好凯塔545我( ω )布鲁诺 545 Tanigaki it was good don t you think Hearing the speech of pigeon prime minister however the dirty feeling like anger in by himself boiled and rose it was healed in serious expression of Tanigaki s Tanigaki thank you Supporting the no which it increases Ω

                                                • 我会回来江湖骗子值得,因为她离开了,但我只是把你的心声,699真的那么多我一直在阅读这种流动的不喜欢我,真的 The human tsu te which cannot read such flow it is truly don t you think it is 699 Although the tsu it is with that much will coming out The fragrance tool teacher et al who returns simply it is and viewing the ho it is with
                                                  • 我会回来江湖骗子值得,因为她离开了,但我只把499的愿望这么多,真是 499 Although the tsu it is with that much will coming out The fragrance tool teacher et al who returns simply it is and viewing the ho it is with

                                                • 我喜欢说的Burgers和媒体的民主是没有黑暗的王牌274 我不应该说,执政党and ll王牌的舛添认为我会驱动tTA 274 Therefore well the ace saying just democracy and the mass communications of the ru … However with you thought Masuzoe the ace and the word tsu chi ya u political party were ruling party what It is dark
                                                  • 什么是345票反对舛添?我想亲Tteta NULL
                                                  • 改革俱乐部 反对派 读卖新闻,说为什么他递交辞职信,中村肇添要建设部长 Nakamura original constructive phase secession delivery submitting When the rally to Masuzoe calls the reason the Yomiuri Shimbun Company

                                                • 我思先生过度拥挤的亮点包括舛添过低可能没有任何意义,但我会很遗憾,我一屁股只是一直在思考一个很长的高瓦特反驳犀利和影响力的妻子 You cannot understand 1 tsu te at all Thrusting fully loading too much Masuzoe the ace tsu te the long wife being refuted in borokuso was considerably vexatious it is shelf w
                                                  • 他加入了俱乐部,舛添改革,党的改革只是党的名称为“全国改革俱乐部渡边 Masuzoe joining in reformation club party name just is done in new party reform” … reformation clubs Watanabe representation
                                                  • 他加入了俱乐部,舛添改革,党的改革只是党的名称为“全国改革俱乐部渡边 Masuzoe joining in reformation club party name just is done in new party reform” … reformation clubs Watanabe representation
                                                  • 你已经采取了调查部长在那里我可以没有任何意义1号是一个政治家不是总理要舛添 You cannot understand politician number 1 tsu te the fact that Masuzoe wants becoming the prime minister at all The questionnaire you have taken somewhere the ro which is

                                                • 我王牌桝添自民党单独可以确保你就会知道最流行的公开声明或性能水平东部的状态,因为这一点朱达罗 The Liberal Democratic Party ace tsu te … The measure accompanying the ma it is the ro which is the ma Toray Industries bell Little speech in performance Knowing that popularity of the citizen can be guaranteed just the ru
                                                  • 您没有王牌王牌西西自民党这种反色情秃头(笑)线只是出于他们无法逃避,如果你也想看看出逃避河野太郎 NULL

                                                • 我穿着照顾他们在一组加强了党的自民党派系中说,我们曾经设法山 Was called faction inside the Liberal Democratic Party until now the group which You do not become aware in starts being identified the political party the mountain somehow
                                                  • 党内部讨论,但它没有办法不参加的唯一出梁的广告 你不能信任你要我 Although it does not do that it does not participate in intraparty argument In only the ad balloon which is directed outside confidence margin tsu te is unreasonable

                                                • 所以我说是因为王牌舛添添要山冈是不是没有你的王牌是
                                                  The Yamaoka even the ace is Masuzoe, therefore it is As for Masuzoe there is no ace something, it is the [ro] which is

                                                  • 打坐会议显示细节,如最后说,让我从行政,忽视谷垣祯一呼吁,为什么“不是因为我”嗯,因为我
                                                    That the executive committee it pushes up saying, as for the telephone from Tanigaki disregard, The reason “because it is in the midst of meditating, it does not meet”, is it is

                                                    • 改革俱乐部,但我很喜欢它涉及到对抗某种附加NAA的投票权,它的领导人交换了很多的变化
                                                      Well enough we liked reformation club, but it is It is what, When denizenship opposite measure attachment becomes the party chief, don't you think? the varieties it changes

                                                      • 最新流行的舛添,或不是因为自民党的舛添?人力资源的太Girukara引佐自民党在一个由他的支持者认为稻草抓创建,我认为导致支持舛添
                                                        Therefore as for popularity [tsu] [te] of [masuzoe], Liberal Democratic Party [masuzoe] without being? The talent to be even excessively in the Liberal Democratic Party, is, because it passes, the thinking which even the straw of the supporter clings, was connected to the support of [masuzoe], whether it is it is not, that

                                                        • 本,藤野真名的父亲金(真实姓名。周五库拉),通俗的名称是“金子肯齐”稀有日生1943年4月25日,出门时开始山冈治安田生命保险代理,山冈石油的做法是不公开。妻子赞成的不买,我发现包括淹没局长说匠 As for true name of father in law kimu autonym and Fujino Warehouse gold as for name “Kaneko Ken two” With 1943 April 25th origin at the time of insurance salesman of Yasuda life Yamaoka which starts entering and leaving the Yamaoka residence the world to be accustomed has not done 荘 Buying the appreciation of lady Entered plausibly in the private secretary
                                                          • NAA的内容是不好未来几天将是无关紧要的,死刑山冈也Himashita太多〜 Contents how it is good but if the day when Yamaoka becomes capital punishment comes it is good that main thing spare time it did
                                                          • 他的真名金(星期五),通俗的名称是“金子肯齐”稀有日生1943年4月25日,出门时开始山冈治安田生命保险代理人,他们的做法,人们山冈石油不是。妻子赞成的不买,我发现包括淹没局长说匠 As for that true name kimu gold as for name “Kaneko Ken two” With 1943 April 25th origin at the time of insurance salesman of Yasuda life Yamaoka which starts entering and leaving the Yamaoka residence the world to be accustomed has not done 荘 Buying the appreciation of lady Entered plausibly in the private secretary
                                                          • 女儿或女儿期间和彩色的冬天。 Iiyori河流,由于日苏马氏增长模式最终在日本成功的婚姻,收养山冈荘八的真实姓名,姓出价藤野,“藤野贤治,”不久之后,“藤野贤治,”改名 And unnoticed eldest daughter of the only daughterFrom calling it succeeds in marriage eventually in the river According to pattern of the better resident which does to become adoption Yamaoka 荘 eight autonyms you use Fujino surname and become “Ken Fujino two” but Immediately “Kenji Fujino” and new name
                                                          • 山冈的民主,他们希望在一个健康的两党制,和敌人,但我还得送自民党耶鲁 As for democracy Yamaoka desiring healthy bipartisan systems Front say although the ale is sent to the Liberal Democratic Party
                                                          • 我希望系统系统更喜欢把现有的两方,我没用,如果自由民主党 NULL
                                                          • 法院 前首相鸠山书记,2年徒刑,缓刑3年 我什至不会获得免费捐赠丑闻伪装后鸠山,山冈 In Hatoyama prime minister former private secretary imprisonment 2 year stay of execution 3 year decision… disguise donation incident Also post Hatoyama becomes and there is no hand Yamaoka

                                                        • 来源■(每日新闻) 随志摩Ooba哉推广最佳要求的问候!什么是鸡传染性法氏囊病Shimattara通过这个! !小泽是从自由的东西舛添了好奴才!大多数人都知道舛添Tteru Kakimawashi自民党这样做是说我们小泽 Source everyday newspaper Spread we ask may When this passes it is end Masuzoe something Ozawa s stooge may stop being from our people Most citizens as for Masuzoe by Ozawa being said scratch turn our people and ru thing knowing the ru
                                                          • 八鹿舛添我提出一个新党的改革与俱乐部一堆出队通知,埃斯was m,并非是要赶走自民党力量 Whether the ace makes the party of reformation club the new party how Because Masuzoe does not become war potential it was expelled to the Liberal Democratic Party it is Notification outside war potential

                                                        • 桥本,如果取消参选政党数目开始新的政治舛添之前,我想你要你做任何事情都全力支持,自民党瓦特真的我只是想伤害,只有苏一旦敌人这样做,目的不是说没有愚蠢以外自述 Under the bridge Masuzoe the new party starting in the past If House of Councillors selection running saying that all power it supports although the ru Intention what which how is done probably will be the Liberal Democratic Party w Although bean jam what just is turned to the enemy is just loss Truth only the fool who cannot read ahead the good way it is not

                                                          • 每一个动作,阿那我不是唯一未经允许移动流污染
                                                            If the action hand one throwing foot, dirtily permission of the 沢 it is not, it cannot move, it is thing [naa] which is

                                                            • 每小时每字节解除人力短缺,国家标题制作吉野家牛肉饭否Gesuru价格变化的价值 Being light handedness increasing the hourly wage of the byte Whether or not the Yoshino house the beef bowl marks up with price shift becomes national large news

                                                              • 民主党人不降滚装船不是自民党小泽拉塞剪拉舛添
                                                                The Liberal Democratic Party which pulls Masuzoe and does not stop The Democratic party which drags Ozawa and fall is not the [se

                                                                • 民主党支持者和独立我是谁不是谁我几乎不相信这是王牌舛添自民党的支持者在卡诺舛添花是王牌出现在?
                                                                  The person whom you think that Masuzoe is the ace with the Liberal Democratic Party support person, how almost it is not As for the person of the Democratic party support person and the non party Masuzoe is visible in the ace kana?

                                                                  • 民主党甚至还没有接触Hayo舛添象征结束时,我觉得民主党线裤
                                                                    You think Masuzoe even coming near does not make democracy that the future of the Democratic party is symbolized,

                                                                    • 没有任何一个性能使东西部部长,他的妻子也是如此,但在77年时间呢?
                                                                      77 But also the long wife so, in age what at one the result the [tsu] [ke] which is left?

                                                                      • 河野洋平,另外20人仍然会117年,当时做政客众议院议员加藤和资深中,它可能很快消失鄂如我我我众议员字典死亡,桩长苏等人喷涂粉末可能会影响到党的批评是高131多舛添河野洋平7民主党首相本人。当我改变Waranai和不称职的部长们还从70人的政治尘埃已经宣布内阁的人选择了头盔 117 The person as for Kono the political house tsu te as for still 20 years after the Assemblyman probably will be done As for Kato dying the ru or the Assemblyman stopping it probably is the ru the time and Already with the veteran and the nucleus perhaps it goes out immediately being to be long with intraparty criticism Influence is spread and the possibility of scattering Kono s one is high 131 If as for Masuzoe me prime minister from democracy 7 That the Cabinet minister is chosen the person who has been declared When from that rubbish rubbish political party as much as 7 tenths designates the disabled human as the Cabinet minister it is not different from now
                                                                        • 255舛添比例(但赢得一顶),所以不要参战直接驱动tTA民主运动 255 But as for Masuzoe proportion top election therefore election game is not inserted in the democracy which fought immediately
                                                                        • ★“的自民党逃脱夜王牌的”山冈民主委员会主席,党的代表委员会主席,党的舛添山冈肯齐民主党在22月会议上,前卫生部长舛添洋一(61)等。我离开了自民党,而是一个新的政党“的选举了。之互助会 “The Liberal Democratic Party ace moonlight flit” National anti Chairman democracy Yamaoka in Masuzoe secession As for national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka of the Democratic party in party representative meeting of 22nd afternoon public welfare work phase 61 and others of Masuzoe main point one ago “Surely concerning the Liberal Democratic Party leaving a party forming the new party selection It is cooperative meeting
                                                                        • 他曾多次分行的批评,行政机关与谢野馨和舛添塞盾板392不会批评我离开 392 With Yosano and Masuzoe as a shield Executive committee criticism repeatedly the people who are remaining You probably will not stop criticism
                                                                        • 如果议员们想成为首相,如果他不值得头号舛添因为自民党议员倒戈也已 Because also those where it is the Assemblyman No1 where Masuzoe wants becoming the prime minister were Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman very If you leave a party there is no value
                                                                        • 审议的肖像另一方面,自民党的舛添元收集选票,可以说是被解散, If you thought conversely you can call the Liberal Democratic Party which gathered vote with Masuzoe that it should disperse
                                                                        • 左和自由民主党在舛添东西大分裂德岛。我当选为打破姑妈 Tokushima something Masuzoe new party with large separation of our people The left of democracy The 伯母 san of deterioration is elected
                                                                        • 您没有流行舛添,常常惊讶地没有注意到他一直欺骗他们包括媒体认为它在 Masuzoe is popularity it is not to be in the te the mass communications so thinking and 込 surpassing Although the person where the air is not attached is many the a it is cut off
                                                                        • 我不知道是否包括选择含有舛添调查16流行,所以,我认为您提倡的热制造 16 Whether Masuzoe is popularity with something it is from the wa Including public opinion poll you think don t you think that the structure promotion it has done
                                                                        • 秘书长哈希先生Ooshima茂聪舛添,指出他是荷兰国际集团作为党提名当选的比例代表制选举,你Motomu如果你辞职的螺栓 Secretary General Tadamori Oshima points out that it is elected in House of Councillors selection as a party official recognition in proportion representation vis a vis Masuzoe If you leave a party was the Assemblyman was requested in order to resign
                                                                        • 自民党的工作更好地与各自的自由民主党的政策将做花舛添 The one which cooperates with our people in every policy as the Masuzoe new party for our people it is good probably will be
                                                                        • 自由民主党。如果苏是一个延伸,但顶 下鄂如谁好或舛添曾批评小泉的自民党,像 Our people To extend although Koizumi or only it placed the person whose Masuzoe likely our people criticism is good in the top
                                                                        • 逃避税收。线),第三党自由民主党大家(小泉的结构调整后的路线)自由民主党的日开始,第一个数字在第四萧条(石原线不劳而获的人)。日本自由民主党伤口(企业界松下研究所倍),手)第六次会议的自民党大阪恢复(萨拉金自民党舛添第七届(特克斯 com公司提出的非法商业海报男孩 Tax evasion taking in Route The third Liberal Democratic Party Party of everyone following Koizumi structural deterioration route The fourth Liberal Democratic Party Stand up Japan Ishihara it is the temporary house route The Liberal Democratic Party The Japanese creation new party Matsushita political and economic affairs private school of turning person of financial world The sixth Liberal Democratic Party Meeting of the Osaka restoration stooge of plate gold The seventh Liberal Democratic Party Masuzoe new party ad tower of illegal futures trader COM tex
                                                                        • 部92。如果选举本身是Madashimo,认为只有投票违反党的批评逃生附表内唯一的,如果这样做 92 舛 Itself was reelection if is rather If just intraparty criticism has done vote just escapes conversely to do the yo
                                                                        • 阿Rupizu我们现在,民主党要打开和我一起玩舛添 Was inserted in the Democratic party rupizu which the a This time playing with Masuzoe and the ru

                                                                      • 王牌(笑)不过,隔离和(w舛添党的困境 即兴早生合』实际人数得到分离,并设置在自民党内,数合瓦塞手工设置,而不是提请改革俱乐部的未来我偏强 Although the ace laughing is isolation w Several adjusting Hurried construction new party With Masuzoe predicament fellow hand composition The actual condition is isolated inside the Liberal Democratic Party with several adjusting the reformation club which in the future cannot draw view and the side which unites the hand are strong
                                                                        • 一旦舛添自民党总裁,并释放看起来就像抽烟认为Tteta只有这样看,自民党 When Masuzoe becomes Liberal Democratic Party president very that time you look at the Liberal Democratic Party and releasing inhale and you think are

                                                                      • 瓦兰,改变只有会员名称筛选人才,不会说他是如何峨什么还挺远的,什么是支持Hagezoe That being supported hagezoe what but ru like whether what it does the person who can call it is not probably will be Just name talent Assemblyman and the strange straw which are selected it is
                                                                        • 我知道我会打败王牌东西我秃头萘乙酸 It is Bald something saying the ace how from the ru the crushing defeat red sandal wood shelf

                                                                      • 自民党一直保持着人民Dearubeku Sairentomajoriti一般中产阶级人士的富裕和多数庞大的国家债务,使个人对桶的猪肉范围 As for the Liberal Democratic Party in order that large majority of the citizen is silent majority to various each directions It did the rose spreading and great debt did from domestic wealthy layer and maintained national entire middle class
                                                                        • 哦,并从小泉连续5年呢?自民党总裁辞职,我不再属于传统 When it is from the tsu and Koizumi five year continuation The resignation of our people president already is feature poem of the fall don t you think

                                                                      • 自民党是不是一个人。石破茂,大村,小野寺,西村,野田圣子,山本数太,石原伸照,而是秀菅,小谷垣祯一以上。没有周围的人或没有梳行谷垣祯一。只有第二代政治家只有远离被挂在公众意识。野田圣子,党不仅是没有前途的。
                                                                        The person is not in our people. But Isiba, Omura, Onoji, Nishimura, Kiyoko Noda, Yamamoto one thickly, Nobuaki Ishihara, 菅 justice it is great extent, There is no Tanigaki and a great difference. The extent talent who only goes with Tanigaki is not. Are widely different from the consciousness of the citizen with only two world Assemblymen. With the party about be no other choice but to Kiyoko Noda, there is no future.

                                                                        • 自民党的知识精英的身体尽管多会说什么,因为我喜欢沉默Ttore春次郎
                                                                          Even [chiyon] Jiro probably will be calls the Liberal Democratic Party ace, but Not knowing about the body as for multiple silent [tsu] coming off

                                                                          • 自民党还将建立结束Njita忤ü听到的,稀疏的舛添
                                                                            As for wise saying in ear 忤 [u] If Masuzoe uninformed it is the [ji] it is with that, also our people end

                                                                            • 自由党副部长去年在除前外汇矢野Tetsurou辞去党并没有迫使他退出选区的自民党在
                                                                              Also former foreign-affairs secondary Minister of State Tetuo Yano who submits our people secession report and joins to the new party last year, at local constituency the non- running from the Liberal Democratic Party It made unavoidable

                                                                              • 自由民主党,自由民主党是赞成谁原本722“煤”是最后的选举-下来的伊塔
                                                                                722 Originally because votes on our people the person placed “moxa” in our people, it became the previous election result

                                                                                • 舛添先生,或该部。民主选举中,我最害怕的是秘书长,即自民党是一个真正愚蠢的瓦特
                                                                                  President Masuzoe, or 舛. With Secretary General House of Councillors selection This as for democracy although most you feared, keenly the Liberal Democratic Party [manuke] shelf w

                                                                                  • 舛添党“,为您提供金目进行曲”在改革俱乐部会议国会议员从网络上的反对派代表22日渡边改革,并建议各分行发放津贴23年11月20日发行,大江先生,“那会是什么新的政党政治问题,货币的价值呢?是有道理离开党渡边等人,”作为索赔 It repels from inside Masuzoe new party “money aim” reformation ku In the Assembly of the Members of both Houses of the Diet of reformation club of 22nd afternoon Watanabe representation the grant which is delivered on the 20th on the 23rd You proposed that it distributes to each branch but Oe “as for the new party probably is political party grant aim what Watanabe and others The fact that you leave a party is muscle” that and so on you insist
                                                                                    • 洋一舛添超过于早上Gikana 3 00?每个人都会当我开始感到困倦,突然,在反击中一小雪伟大的情感高喊:“我也完全掌握韩国日本的文化和习俗 As for Masuzoe main point one past 3 of morning o clock kana The time where everyone becomes drowsy Abruptly it is enormous becoming feeling you yell scattering with the quarrel waist “The Korean who masters the Japanese cultural habit completely it is it is

                                                                                  • 舛添可能被解除,我离开了线,他们看起来异常敏感,尽管普及站在他们没有全部
                                                                                    Therefore Masuzoe wishes to be conspicuous unusually in the habit which is not popularity, Having keeping coming out, it isn't to have been refreshing?

                                                                                    • 舛添是民主党人一样,自民党自由我无法不喜欢的头发是人权立法赞成清付清恶不能做,他会支持普选的外国人,如信浓尘叛徒,首先朝鲜人生活的你不能相信秃头...
                                                                                      As for [masuzoe] being the same as [minsu], in our people being prejudiced, the [ru] Our people being able to exorcize, will have been refreshing When it is protection of fundamental human rights bill approval and foreign carrot administration approval, quite the traitor It does, life of the dust and the Korean the foremost… It cannot trust the baldness

                                                                                      • 舛添权力比普通的长妻甚至没有接受也没有真正接触每一个可憎的辩论,只有当我们排除了平稳的嘴说Louppy我希望更多的顶部昨天的新闻,虽然撤回对火灾家伙驱动tTA或覆盖狙一样精美的时间作为一个民主党人,但我会觉得我不是一个大师,什么民主党 NULL
                                                                                        • 当部长本人Zitirou突破812 提供了民主是做一个好妻子,如果他下台的头瓦特恩戴批评党的货架上看看万维网 812 In order by his at the time of the minister of state to be good to the autonomous labor long wife being done to democracy w which offered breach When it is with the lower field it does as for your own thing lifting to the shelf party criticism www

                                                                                      • 舛添的“普选”外国· ¯ · å党赞成驱动tTA从银河百分之以上的选票,自由民主党只! ·∀·)布鲁诺
                                                                                        Therefore as for Masuzoe “foreign carrot administration” approval… Because the Liberal Democratic Party vote was divided, it is to pass! > (; ∀) no

                                                                                        • 辞职信,以自由党的名称和同事舛添u003d新的“改革党”的调整-旗通讯于11:59发表在4月22日解除看23
                                                                                          Masuzoe and others secession delivers to our people, with = new party name “new party reform” launching of business on adjustment - 23rd April 22nd 11:59 transmissions Current events communication

                                                                                          • 这家伙,让该表决权日本朝鲜人在日本,南北朝鲜间谍和工作只为消灭和日本和日本文化! ■■■民主党人身份资讯■■■· ·民主本来区Shimodani东京城市◆出发人数不活小泽的政治利益在日本施加)的一些成员的韩国御徒町(现:台东区,东京我的父亲是一名律师和),理事会在东京·办公室佐佐木喜重小泽(Ozawasaeki出生的母亲的儿子,我无论如何· Mareru
                                                                                            Just in order it is dense gives denizenship to the resident Korean, to make Japan and the Japanese and the Japanese culture eradicable It is the Korean and North Korea which have been built operative! * * * This The Democratic party Assemblyman Natural shape * * * As for in the first place Democratic party Korean Assemblyman it is, boldly the resident right political party Ichiro's Ozawa background * Tokyo city Simotani Ku (reality: The Tokyo Taito Ku) father Ozawa who in vain town is Tokyo prefecture meeting member with the attorney 佐 it is heavy It is born happiness ([ozawasaeki]), as an eldest son of the mother being full

                                                                                            • 这就是我说,如果自民党和友好给我,所以我认为这是不喜欢我集团在从未乐改革俱乐部八百三十五瓦特 835 Reformation club how It is not roku uniting the faction it seems the ru way it rubbed and Calling bean jam what the allied army if the ru The Liberal Democratic Party end shelf w
                                                                                              • 你知道你会笑的东西,尽量坚持你出去和驱赶,而改革俱乐部 On the other hand expelling that adhering seeing ru reformation club what sneering the ro which is the ru

                                                                                            • 这是一个案件有一些像你一样从民主党和我菅王牌的行为舛添
                                                                                              Masuzoe's speech and behavior [tsu] [te] 菅 with the same type [tsu] [po] to be, because there is a place, if the Democratic party it is ace case,

                                                                                              • 这是一个生存专家谷垣祯一改革俱乐部911吉焦
                                                                                                911 It is excellent move of reformation club prolongation of life Tanigaki GJ

                                                                                                • 这是当时的卫生部长和在C中的行为做出来的船只能在自己的负税肝炎诉讼
                                                                                                  At the time of Minister of Health and Welfare being arbitrary with C type hepatitis lawsuit, being defeated, with tax under large board behaving the shank

                                                                                                  • 金子先生是山冈我展开呢?儿子。日本NHK圈的接触和两阶段火箭发射不会甚至不忘记众议院→ Kaneko from sometime became Yamaoka it is Son Because the circle NHK gt two stage rockets of the House of Representatives and connection does not forget that it discharges
                                                                                                    • 金子先生是山冈我展开呢?儿子。日本NHK圈的接触和两阶段火箭发射不会甚至不忘记众议院→ Kaneko from sometime became Yamaoka it is Son Because the circle NHK gt two stage rockets of the House of Representatives and connection does not forget that it discharges

                                                                                                  • )猪肉桶金钱收买的公司,以帮助各方七个这些保护公共官员和其他人员的天堂,只是了名古屋党的旨在促进消费税和社会保险市长(在例外的)
                                                                                                    ) The gold is scattered to the enterprise to which the above-mentioned seven party everything gives bribe, the government employee heaven which begins the Assemblyman is protected, only consumer tax and the party which toward social premium rise aims (As for Nagoya mayor exception)

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