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The expression of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama “advance and retreat 懸 [ke] [ru]” -> “in job betting thinking effort” and correction 


  • 119如果这家伙看起来甚至物理规律苏卡拉失真的先决条件,很容易掩盖
    119 When it is dense is, because prerequisite is overturned easily Even physical law the 捻 [ji] it may bend

    • 17最近,鸠山“,他们认为”每次你听的话,带来了一个TIFF 17 Recently Hatoyama “you thought and” with at each time the word which is said is heard the mu you reached the point where it is attached
      • 因此,正如我经常说,因达没有能力Hayo鸠山樟脑不仅用尽我的忠实言论 Therefore as said directly as for Hatoyama only not stopping there is an ability to exhaust loyalty it is

    • 445“刚”喂你!他们屁股时穿着他们更多的行动指令信号通知小泽 445 Don t you think “simply” the e When Ozawa s command signal reaching conduct is furthermore yaba
      • 445“刚”喂你!他们屁股时穿着他们更多的行动指令信号通知小泽 445 Don t you think “simply” the e When Ozawa s command signal reaching conduct is furthermore yaba

    • 833他是错误的,但我读埃塔,这意味着人们不采取埃泰差异,但我不读埃泰错,什么是错的不友好的发掘,即使你只使用前 833 As for that person however it misread meaning is not mistaken As for this person however it does not misread how to use by mistake it is So as for being hit only former
      • “而认为”这应该是我的老板说,我激动地对员工溃疡,至少将直接为新 When “ with calls to the how superior who is thought” But expectation what which is smashed up it is corrected at least at the time of the new employee

    • Ihhihihi ll打赌我问这个女儿在各种教育
      The wife has educated various types with bet, it seems [itsuhihihi] [tsu

      • Louppy代表是哑巴牛格多留正如预期Erurashii鸠山Yoisho看到这篇文章
        As for the typical case barrel ox of [rupi] this is visible in the article of Hatoyama [yoishiyo], it seems And it is [tsu] [pa] [aho

        • NULL NULL
          • NULL NULL
          • 由于他的妻子住在一间渡假酒店成为鸭川而他们说,3月底和3月的结束,这个问题如果解决普天间二六五瓦特没有压力,毫无疑问,我是的我的工作没有播放 265 While saying that Futenma problem is solved to 3 ends of the month When it becomes 3 ends of the month the married couple being even therefore to stay at the Kamogawa resort hotel w Without working playing therefore the ru it is there is no sled ya stress probably will be

        • Ruhi゚Uotcha时刻,必须在以后的投注纠正TTA和苏说所有的工作都是预期Shimasuta 100100瓦特
          When be sure to correct instantaneously called job betting afterwards Hundred are hundred everyone expect [ruhi] ゚ [uotsuchiya] w

          • [一个“是普天间问题”,或者,你知道在哪里度过的精神后输入所有更换
            'The one” of them is Futenma problem”, that, the [ro] which is the place where it rubs in spiritual theory and substitutes

            • _NULL_
              Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry Side field old open sea plan (current plan) with indicating last conclusion Plain person, in affiliated ministry

              • Γ Î“ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i i REPT i r ⌒ DREPT REPT REPT no REPT REPT No 92 92 i i i lt … l 92 REPT ninini 92 ¯ 92 92 92 Γ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i 彡 i REPT i r ⌒ REPT REPT 彡 REPT no REPT REPT No REPT 92 92 i i REPT i l 92 REPT ninini 92 92 REPT 92 92
                • Γ Î“ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i i REPT i r ⌒ DREPT REPT REPT no REPT REPT No 92 92 i i i lt … l 92 REPT ninini 92 ¯ 92 92 92 Γ ⌒ ⌒ 92 No REPT i 彡 i i 92 REPT i 彡 i REPT i r ⌒ REPT REPT 彡 REPT no REPT REPT No REPT 92 92 i i REPT i l 92 REPT ninini 92 92 REPT 92 92

              • “三国演义”,“水浒传”鹦鹉ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー反奴役的毛派泽塔邪教理论混合
                “Sangokushi expansion” “water 滸 transmission” [oumu] The cult which mixed anti-Japanese national ruin theory into the Maoism

                • “井出认为,日常用品的意见ü付出代价”习惯性或开放愈合扒手
                  “Everyday it has received the commodity in the thinking which pays price”, that the shoplifting chronic offender whom you open and is repaired

                  • “苏下注的工作,”有什么需要解释,甚至连简单的单词,例如,该表明确←认为是文字游戏Louppy Bibakarishiteirukawo如何。
                    “Betting job” <- Even such a simple word as for [tsu] [te] being required explanation, how [rupi] has done only word play You think that you have displayed truly.

                    • “辞职要求”↓“。井认为苏努力赌注”↓“今天是一个非常好的天气。” “Advance and retreat 懸 ke ru ” ↓ “ In betting thinking effort” ↓ “Today is very much good weather”
                      • “。想想艾德努力苏投注”ーー “,他们认为” u003d“逃避责任的摊位并不总是知道。” “ Effort” gt “you think” in the betting thinking and as for “responsibility you do not have the usual apology that”

                    • ⌒γ Γ ⌒ 92 Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i lt Fool i ⌒ ⌒ i i i i i l human The fool is you gt l human 92 REPT ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ ni ⊂ ni ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ and ¯ 丶 ゙ r iso ⊃ ⊂ HKDRT Τ ゙ l ¯ ¯ l
                      • ¯♪ 丶 ♪: :: ::: : 丶(丶 ⌒ : ::: : ⌒ ) ヽ ((徐徐自来水自来水 ¯ ♪ 92 丶 ♪ 92 丶 ⌒ 丶 ⌒ REPT he It does i J The Soviet Union Even The Soviet Union Even

                    • ⌒⌒ )和BET工作苏升:我(· 3 ))) ⌒ ⌒ 92 Job betting l i Three kiyuin i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ∧ ゙ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human If thinking you rephrase responsibility is not taken the te 92 92
                      • (((三期ヽ )(((我)布鲁诺 ° REPT Three i No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i Job betting l i i You bet job and thinking are different it is the ze which is l human REPT Three 92 ┬ i 7 lt ¯

                    • ♪ 米吸收螺钉松动和头骨一批Aryaryankoryaryan
                      [ariyariyankoriyariyan] Stacks the screw The being disgusted [ya] and perfect becoming loose, the [ru] ♪

                      • 。老人wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                        . Old person wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                        • ヽ 7升ヽ ,ヽ NULL
                          • 174 ヽ) ¯ ー 174 REPT ¯ ⌒ REPT Hearing Obtaining Y REPT REPT It is dense REPT Obtaining gt REPT No What lt It is REPT gt HKRPT REPT lt

                        • 一旦你找到了可能是软或恩戴梅罗字典日本早逝鸠山由纪夫古总理,一个严重的一天,我会一级, In maji stops quickly even in Hatoyama Yukio prime minister one day Japan dying when you show whether somehow the software it can land The ze which is tsu te level
                          • 一旦你找到了可能是软或死亡恩戴鸠山认真地说,我会一级, Hatoyama dying in maji when you show whether somehow the software it can land The ze which is tsu te level
                          • 我不是在口头上,他们认为日本是梅罗溃疡讲话提前一天鸠山由纪夫首相古 The thinking that is designated as word stops quickly even in Hatoyama Yukio prime minister one day Japan collapses it is

                        • 不能狡猾,因此可能要低头,现在我最大的诚意,我有这么谢我,为什么男人不容许批评你想到这里它后来被称为相当冷血 And in this way to slyly wise thing going down the head in the sincerity of my earnest now it is possible This much you have apologized although lever sometime whether you do not permit when criticizes double suicide this the coldhearted person calls
                          • 想包我没有羞耻“,”信仰我的身体,这只不过是另一种 You don t think as terrible story ” “Sincerity how this is only one more

                        • 不要让一个版本,它的时间大约是鸠山樱花,我发现一个古老的语言转换器的输入和输出为B→A是不是B光束对议案的意识和Untarakantara自民党由于

                          • 不过,它是否认种族主义本身,我想?鸠山首相和民主党显然是“日本是日本不只是”应该说是和天空 Nevetheless being now as for denying it is not race discrimination itself probably will be To the Democratic party representation as for the Hatoyama of Prime Minister clearly “Japan is not something just of the Japanese” that it is the expectation which is expressed
                            • 但是,当地的水果Tasazu普选的承诺,没有种族歧视的改善,较早前,到真胃站在不同的限制 But it does not carry out either the promise of local denizenship as for either the race discrimination some time ago way not being improved the stomach stands truly

                          • 与美国的良好关系研究所古灵魂的原则,屠宰去!

                            • 中井正弘表示对小泉冲绳省长出席站很多游戏以外的冲绳居民要求搬迁,以提升国航的普天间告诉记者,“苏密切关注是否对州长如何”和
                              About nomarch multi Okinawa Hiro Nakaima who states the attendance to the prefectural people conference which the transfer of facilities outside Okinawa prefecture of the Futenma airport requests The prime minister “would like to watch over in press corps whether the governor speaks some kind of thing”, that

                              • 为总理和国会议员当然,不合格,我们必须水平离基地集中座敷牢
                                Of course, it must confine the fact that are unqualified to the prime minister and the Assemblyman to the room prison, off base of the level

                                • 事实上,目前的计划,鸠山指示尽一切将定责任。据说来自茹鸠山,鸠山批评和谴责,如果你决定,你我身边的进度,并强烈反对古线附近 Actually Hatoyama with current plan as for the indication putting out the ru That responsibility all Because it comes to Hatoyama with respect to policy Hatoyama is opposite but Surroundings advancing strongly if it makes the ru tsu lever criticism and criticism go around
                                  • 为什么说“不认为”我不知道责任的含义,并会采取不必脚的话我苏 NULL

                                • 他刚刚你如何挖掘它以首相不断Biyameroyo
                                  Word play and stop Is present prime minister the [do] just with that was hit?

                                  • 任何政策决定的执行情况赌注苏你的工作,做好准备,“总理大臣,内阁官房长官平原”苏打赌他们的工作,解释说:“一言
                                    Accomplishment of all measures bets job, determination and preparedness” Plain secretariat director the prime minister “you bet job and” explaining speech

                                    • 例如说,总理在裙子“或”隐藏茑江银流,“只想钱的母亲包括,”也许? If you say to silver English transmission style “The kana where with just the money “of the prime minister in the skirt” or the mother rose suddenly in the world”
                                      • 另一个首相主持,他们将让他在波季球或w心弦 Already making the chair of President sit down prime minister even with pochi or tama of there the bucket w

                                    • 只要你有Louppy见过总理主持会议的,s,但他们将瓦特良好的另一个胃议员的民主党候选人竞选众议院 If rupi makes the chair of the prime minister and sees and continues to be attached democracy candidacy of House of Councillors running being the stomach it will be able and probably will be However it is good separately w
                                      • 然而,直到总理选举后Shigamitsuketa椅子鸠山为我好我我性交词典 It is good Hatoyama How doing to House of Councillors selection hanging on to the chair of the prime minister After however it stops swiftly

                                    • 吴作栋杜丽冰健和中共官员和欧洲在日本洞爷湖首脑会议之前,各地的美国官员
                                      On the Toya lake summit front and back as for VIP such as [ko] [kinto] also in, the American & European each country Japan And so on before the VIP

                                      • 周一某某某某表达式是不是你想,每个人都杀○○你的意思是美好?
                                        It is the thinking which on xx month xxth designates 0 as everyone murder [tsu] [te] expression OK [tsu] lever?

                                        • 喃谭当我死萨卡哈马是乐趣,乐趣和钌被认为是韩国每日新闻,和总理有更多的人才,以他们的Korean ll不得不说出真相无法想像我很抱歉要 When nomu it is it is being every day Korean news being pleasant to see being pleasant it was helpless but it is The ze where never Prime Minister of the home country is not attached the outstanding talent above that was with the imagination You think that it did that it is not completed truly in Korean everyone
                                          • 我,这个家伙不超过Nomutan和日本在本世纪生活在从来没有走出来,我认为是一个 ·ω· ゙爱,卢森堡普通゙゙゙头皮屑萨· · · · As for we as for the outstanding talent who exceeds nomutan You thought that now it does not appear during century Never it was in Japan with Ω sa ゙ kuku ゙ huke ゙ ruku ゙ ku ゙…

                                        • 在6月来增长无论如何,“没有在普天间美军基地和增长并没有转移到宪法它们不是秋”但是你说如果我离开 How when it is se June “The US military Futenma base does not become unless it moves with In constitution potsupo which is not written” The tsu te you propose

                                          • 在国会选举竞选演说,“总理回避”,“Louppy”我期待来自超出了观众听到一个响亮的
                                            In support speech of Upper House election “Tax evasion prime minister” “[rupi]” You expect that large chorus from the audience is audible

                                            • 在日本减少酸痛权威最负盛名的东京大学是可怕的478怕我感觉每逾期1凶残s
                                              478 The losing 墜 [tsu] [pu] [ri] of authority of the Japanese highest study prefecture is fearful As for this Tokyo University raw murderous intent remembering, it is not strange, don't you think?

                                              • 在那之前,你甚至不会有任何后缀(甚至是单个数字的支持率)2。我们反小泽和人民说(我们只是说这)是选举出来 There being whatever kind of thing it does not stop to that support ratio even at 1 columns 2 Being called counter Ozawa the ru person being said just the ru don t you think is chosen
                                                • 3。媒体在总统竞选中的垄断和反小泽,大大增加了知名度后,疯了, 3 With party chief selection media monopoly at the same time counter Ozawa at the same time after kichigai support ratio substantial rise

                                              • 她像我这么热衷于杀戮基米! 337:的指控,并没有名字:2010 / 04 / 11(星期日)13:00:24编号:NSCzSgI8(省略),我锅谈论极化剂罐称为,行政,极化在思想赞成毛泽东的文化革命难道他们
                                                She you seems that is not the ginger which would like to slaughter! 337 : Name it is not insistence : 2010/04/11 (Sunday) 13: 00: 24 ID: NSCzSgI8 (Omission) this staff the operative who is said has mentioned Pot Pol, but Pot Pol is approved the Cultural Revolution of the Maoism the party

                                                • 如果驱动tTA采取在参议院多数,置于媒体的不喜欢普京不会(控制一) When large number is taken with House of Councillors the mass media is put under managing first it seems that puchin did

                                                  • 当地基础问题上,美国能够说服人们,定居在日本,所有民主党人都辞职,芮妮将允许甚至提前选举 Base problem in a way which local end the United States and the Japanese citizen agree upon If it is not possible to solve democracy 党員 everyone it is necessary to resign Don t you think even dispersion general election to be permitted the e

                                                    • 德之岛,鹿儿岛县,政府正在考虑搬迁地点是对当地情况非常不定居在5月下旬
                                                      Government as ahead relocating the Kagoshima prefecture Tokunoshima which examines opposition of local end to be strong, as for 5 end of the month conclusions impossible situation

                                                      • 总理★“。井认为苏努力赌注”修复和“辞职要求,”夫鸠山,一名部长的代表在总理周一晚上,美国陆战队普天间机场(宜野湾冲绳县),运动来解决搬迁问题,5月结束并提供尝试回答有关“[苏打赌他们的工作,每天』IDE和思考,都觉得负责的政策,
                                                        * Prime minister “. In betting thinking effort” and correction Expression of “advance and retreat 懸 [ke] [ru]” As for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 23rd night, the US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) transfer of facilities problem Concerning the reply which designates advance and retreat as the 懸 [ke] [ru] in conclusion to 5 ends of the month “'job is bet' in thinking that every day, You feel duty in all policies, endeavor

                                                        • 我们可以说愚蠢又哑,或宣纸,说春同刊,我们像放屁“放屁”我只是写了总小泽帮助妈妈只是天真的。唯一的帮助,“美雪”这是什么狼人钟小泽小泽先生?“放屁”这丑陋的男人在这三个主要民主党小泽一郎领导的,是的,“美雪”谁是三丑男人?我根本不会把你做什么呢?“放屁”这是平原,舆石和Ozawa

                                                          • 我希望我们成为宇航员当我还是个孩子,同一个水平,这样的梦想
                                                            Time of the child would like to become the astronaut, it probably will melt, when you say, dream of the same level

                                                            • 我想我最后一次核首脑会议,与鸠山首脑会议,它为所有的请求,日本绝缘体
                                                              So well previous nuclear summit, as for the summit meeting with Hatoyama, we asking from all Japan, that it was conversation,

                                                              • 我看到,即使自由民主党拒绝宣誓证词中说ーHozai我在做什么的手一直在使用好许多民主党人,甚至民主党人净化现实最终没有来到他们自民党,自民党已经完成你是政治 The favorite selfishness doing making use of the Democratic party tsu te large number the ru It does not respond to even witness summon Our people in the habit which has babbled even the self purification which the Liberal Democratic Party does the actuality which is not the Democratic party After all it was politics where the Liberal Democratic Party politics is completed don t you think it is
                                                                • 在不考虑它的确切形状的可能性830,“良好可以意识到,他们可以恭维海砂丽卡我”因为我只是一个适当Hozai 830 Without examining actualization characteristic completely “when it can actualize the appearance being good being praised from around” Babbling suitably it is just the ru it is

                                                              • 战争。校长的理论是伯祖国家从经济的厄运,甚至失败厄运伯祖

                                                                • 手流Hayo ll认为最好的,也没有像它的公愤将受到谴责的东西,如果可以预期的氏族杀普利司通
                                                                  Being best crushes Bridgestone So if it becomes, it is criticized as expected even from the whole group followers Thinking that now likely to voice something of anger of the citizen, the [ru

                                                                  • 排减单位,并添加一个小负荷由匍匐所体现的,其他人甚至会道歉,表示满意 When little load is added to the kneeling on the ground in the evidence also it becomes impossible already for the party to apologize satisfactorily
                                                                    • 如果你觉得不堪重负的感觉,我很抱歉,说实话,自己可以在任何地方叩头 If with the feeling that the chest the fullest capacity it is not completed truly that kneeling on the ground is possible somewhere

                                                                  • 政治 554 305名韩国人,我们服务的儿童津贴,嗯尼崎市,兵库县和孤儿收养提出有关86000000日元?对不起我吗? 305 Child treatment The South Korean man equivalent of 554 applying approximately 86 000 000 Yen Orphan and adoption Hyogo prefecture Amagasaki city Huh Even what

                                                                    • 斯莱之前政策理论的优点是,政治家的意见负责,我觉得自己像一个普通成年人的心脏问题,悬崖或 Before discussing the propriety of policy member average politicians or society that it has responsibility in speech Per seat don t you think the air like problem of heart as does

                                                                      • 是什么意思,我们将美国政府关心人民的政府,谁是美国,日本W时,发现release从,嘲笑的领导人,他从来没有写过to终于Louppy这样从媒体
                                                                        The American government worrying the Japanese citizen, [ru] [tsu] [te] what thing w So, it was released considered as the American government, was sneered from each country leader, after all [rupi] how was written from the mass communications the other side

                                                                        • 有限公司 布鲁诺 上 (美,女, 。Ø Ÿ ーヾ ,∠ 人说,没有到硬ヽ u003d , ∠ (⌒)布鲁诺 ヽヽ, )ヾ布鲁诺∠, )布鲁诺 资源 ü“的气味谎言”¯! ( !ー Ÿ ° ¯ (我觉得我想一 ri 92 92 No n mi he o i DREPT ∠ REPT he The human who does not have the fact that you suffer hardship says ∠ 92 ⌒ No 92 92 REPT REPT 92 ∠ no DREPT 92 92 92 No ri The u “lie it is ill smelling” ¯ 92 92 92 92 92 i 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Like ones are felt it is
                                                                          • 有限公司 图标 (美,女, 。Ø Ÿ ーヾ ,∠ 人说,没有到硬ヽ u003d, ∠ (⌒)布鲁诺 ヽヽ, )ヾ布鲁诺∠, 我“闻谎言”¯! ( !ー Ÿ ¯ ¯ (我觉得我想一 ri n mi he o i DREPT ∠ REPT he The human who does not have the fact that you suffer hardship says ∠ 92 ⌒ No 92 92 REPT REPT 92 ∠ no DREPT 92 So “lie it is ill smelling” ¯ 92 92 92 92 i 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Like ones are felt it is
                                                                          • (ヽ ),布鲁诺 资源 布鲁诺 f ⌒ 现在你。 。 。 └醋 ヽ, 莱斯 ー F选项 美(我ヽ我不是非常有说服力的话 REPT 92 92 No ri 92 92 No 92 92 he ⌒ You a SIME └ REPT 92 92 re 92 mi 丶 gt How yu u n 92 It does mi he 92 mi i REPT There is no persuasive power in word it is don t you think

                                                                        • 毛泽东思想是邪教的分层根源主要是由金日成,毛泽东思想的影响
                                                                          And, as for the Maoism as for the stratification influence is received to Mao Tse-tung and Kim Il-Sung active idea with root of cult religion

                                                                          • 汉堡和我说,死一样,对日本制造业 哎呀,now ll欧洲对全球变暖本身的各种问题“,”我的意思是要我走出来揉 Saying that die in the Japanese manufacturing industry the thing… te the ru way presently Europe “concerning warming itself various problems” arising having trouble although the ru tsu te don t you think

                                                                            • 泰克斯努力辞职!井投注的努力,率先辞职的想法!这意味着一个轻轻鼓和发现新的钻针我想这是一个意义 Betting advance and retreat you endeavor You endeavor in the thinking which bets advance and retreat When thinking is attached it becomes light as a meaning a certain meaning the new heuristic shelf
                                                                              • “请辞”,以及“踢赌注生活”,说驱动tTA吧?也就是说,我的意思是,如果它没有自杀 “Advance and retreat there is no 懸 ke ru and” te “life bets” that you said it is the ze which is In other words when it fails the tsu te meaning of committing suicide
                                                                              • 我会说生活纯粹的利害关系,我想这件事情,因为你的地方flowers m旅游线路 To say that life betting the rank which travelling goes and or therefore Hanami it has done Such is probably is what

                                                                            • 清楚和严重的语调,“他们认为”获取“它看起来像一个激流字符串”这是令人印象深刻,这是 Clearly in harsh tone “You think and” receive” the te In order to shoot in rapid succession the tsu ” te Shoots in rapid succession was impressive
                                                                              • 清楚和严重的语调,“不接收信息”,也令人印象深刻的是它,而打 Clearly in harsh tone “Rewarding is received” the te Shoots in rapid succession was impressive

                                                                            • 皮诺木偶奇遇记娃娃,但我做了我儿子的叔叔宠物的费用相对激酶(于)是一郎基奥(不铃木)是总理作为傀儡木偶人 But as for the Pinocchio the doll which the ze pe tsuto uncle made in the son substituting pino the yu kio is the puppet where has become the prime minister ichirou not ichiro as a puppet of the uncle

                                                                              • 皮诺木偶奇遇记蓝精灵住在离凯塔讲座(尤娜)从凯塔教母讲座基奥儿童福利
                                                                                Life giving you applied the Pinocchio from blue [hueari], but [pino] (the [yu]) as for [kio] giving you applied child treatment from the God mother

                                                                                • 皮诺皮诺乔的冒险经历,但也被一条鲸鱼,或尽管图(尤娜)基奥冒险吞下美国,但没有对任何人,但我赖 The Pinocchio ventures rare in the whale is the ri unanticipated but pino the yu although no one kio has asked ventures in the American partner

                                                                                  • 石破茂的837“案件普天间,我的意思是在5月决定,以解决在哪里?”我是你不拼命抵挡外交大臣冈田回答这个问题,总理说:“我会做所有这些,”并说他们将削减每个查塔“,实不好的解决办法括号”也许承认? 837 Isiba s “Futenma s case May conclusion is the solution to somewhere meant As” with not answered to the question which is said Foreign Minister Okada being desperate although it has exchanged the prime minister “you do entirely” that you say and ardently the tsu chi ya tsu are hitting “The actual solution parenthesis wa ru it is” and with isn t probably to be the recognition which is said
                                                                                    • 外长 冈田,普天间,从目前的草案第2★定居在华盛顿邮报报道,美国驻日本大使转达露丝基本上是把接受现时的建议。你不只是不说话万维网塞板是什么意思? ? ? Foreign Minister Okada the current plan synopsis acceptance is conveyed In loose stop Japanese American ambassador American newspaper Washington post reporting 2 Because conclusion it did with current plan The stop te it is good don t you think www tsu te story

                                                                                  • 第二,事实上,这是立即内容总是模糊了,甚至你喜欢的人是重复的,而不是哦,我在想,我觉得他不信任的开始 Already it meaning that always content is directly the blurring te because it is such repetition also only the citizen Well and with at the extent which is thought from first it had not trusted whether it is it is not that
                                                                                    • Karimasu分钟是什么意思? (笑记者团)已多次每次摇,摇,而不是在这个意义上 You understand meaning Press corps laughing Each time the blurring te it is repeatedly the fact that it is Unless with there is a blurring te in the sense that you say
                                                                                    • 另一个Bureru,在这个意义上,我们多次苏总是空的,现在,我不握手 Already at the time of meaning of repeating content the blurring ru always directly There is no blurring te the shank

                                                                                  • 而且,在这个家伙说什么,不管多么严肃看待事物,土豆去 我只说我有偏见的地方妥善井 Already the dense Tsuga how seriousness so being thing Speaking suitably with spirit of that place just the ru the tsu te being discovered chi ya tsu it is to do

                                                                                    • 至于公共开支的穷人之间的贫富差距在中国已经承诺前中共查看详细的价值
                                                                                      For differential correction of the Chinese wealth and poverty, promising the fact that original value also the public finance move inside is increased It has done

                                                                                      • 辞去首相没有给了众议院的责任是一个打赌我踢?国会议员,这是Hazuse
                                                                                        You do not apply advance and retreat as a Prime Minister but you bet the duty of member of the house of representatives, it is the shelf? The Assemblyman badge remove and

                                                                                        • 辞职提供33“和”。苏表达和赌注“作为什么不同加样?无论如何,“他们认为”但我不知道哪种方式,让布奇 33 ” “Advance and retreat 懸 ke ru Something is different as betting” and expressing it is How the se “you think and” therefore which road butsuchi you do however it is probably will be
                                                                                          • “优惠活动”和“。苏投注”作为表达和卡约什么区别?无论如何,“他们认为”但我不知道哪种方式,让布奇 ““Advance and retreat 懸 ke ru ” Something is different as betting” and expressing it is How the se “you think and” therefore which road butsuchi you do however it is probably will be

                                                                                        • 这家伙Louppy在于文字与不健全的,我已经可以感觉到责任重,不要停止茶人 Liar guy Weight or the sense of responsibility are not felt completely in word of this rupi Don t you think another the human stopping chi ya it is and is
                                                                                          • 该Louppy效果一直认为讲道是比较流行的优势,他们占据了10名教师,如果结果 In rupi with fortune telling result 10 of popularity necromancers The air where the one which you preached is an effect did

                                                                                        • 这家伙是坏的,但我刚才谭生气,我站在胃,即无性人笑我越来越看埃泰逐步肯定这是在笑,看到的情况太多太严重你已经取得的成就和 koitsu which is useless we being able to become angry to the tsu coming but it is gotten angry it is Gradually this sure seeing the cod already you laughed very much That the person views the circumstance which excessively is too harsh to the thing no shelf where laughing comes coming out

                                                                                          • 配合大学已经解决Louppy感谢真棒鸠山
                                                                                            With [rupi] Hatoyama favor The reverence complex to Tokyo University It was cancelled

                                                                                            • 阻尼器的抗震隔震建筑是减少地震建设补助等Tsunbo苏被挂在阳台的行业太懦弱不要触摸任何东西,或
                                                                                              The exemption shaking damper decreases earthquake-proof construction, but unless it touches the subsidy of exemption shaking construction altogether when it is too mean, inside industry starting to make the [tsunbo] stand, the [ru

                                                                                              • 阿达脖子 , 我 是是选择Y Y Y, , :::宓ヽ ─── 升 升 升 , ー a Is Neck The Soviet Union REPT tsu Phase f f REPT No Three i ni No nini ” i i f i no Three 彡 t ¯ The Soviet Union ha ゙ ¯ hu l no j No i ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ REPT ¯ ゙ i No REPT mi i 92 i REPT ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ mi ni i Y Y Y Y Y REPT mi ─ ─ ─ l l l 92 ┴ ゙ l ¯ XX
                                                                                                • 布鲁诺 是 。 ヽ。 。 ( )( ) У ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 One ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i 92 REPT ¯ l Hatoyama thing ゙ i tsu lt The person who is not thought that it is rupi human sutoratsuhu ゚ ∀ 92 Switch on 92 Y 92 92 REPT у ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                                                              • 顺便说一下,如果是手流鸠山注意tive收集的漫画只有这个? “你是頑張田渊,”但我认为,如果销售家伙像二战时画的,也许我会挑战 By the way just this attracting attention the ru Being a Hatoyama satirical cartoon tsu te “Be able to persevere the tabuchi your” like person When you draw you think that it can sell but is ww The kana which spare time it will put out will try challenging

                                                                                                • 鸠山是真正愿意并有能力继续Louppy即使在5月底,总理没有普天间迁移,我将怪物你
                                                                                                  After 5 ends of the month where Futenma's base moving fails The prime minister the air which is continued fully is… As expected [rupi] Hatoyama, deviating, the [ru] [wa

                                                                                                  • 鸠山没有携带多少重量感的信心再次从我不是一个可怕的划痕,你必须是确定每一个正确的
                                                                                                    The Hatoyama menial impression is enormous Therefore another reliance impression zero what, it does not correct one by one and it is [te] OK

                                                                                                    • 鸠山由纪夫大学做了什么吗?这就是现在的四个大学?你年纪较大,太糟糕,虽然头瓦特
                                                                                                      The Hatoyama Yukio [tsu] [te] university it has come out the [tsu] [ke]? They are 4 flow universities of somewhere? Advanced age say head badness to pass, is, w

                                                                                                      • 鸠山由纪夫,四郎寺岛诚松冈Yousuke近卫文麿,龟井静香(国民新党)u003d米内光正(海军)齐藤Zirou u003d社会民主党,小泽一郎山本五十六全军,东条英机普天间前的问题65岁,非常类似向全美国的谈判
                                                                                                        Fumimaro the = Imperial Guards Yukio Hatoyama Hiroyuki temple island actual 郎 = Matsuoka Sizuka Kamei (national new party) Mitumasa inside the = United States (navy) Saito Jiro = Yamamoto 56 Corporation people party = army Hideki = Tojo Ichiro Ozawa Futenma problem = Japanese-American negotiation It resembles closely all 65 years ago

                                                                                                        • ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
                                                                                                          • 北ü抓取203万维网━(∀゚゚)━! 203 As for u tsu www kita ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━
                                                                                                          • ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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