00:24编号:OKpyfdJ40日本的自杀率是世界头号你?我很喜欢我的人不是很多,我会认为我在这个国家的错 00 24 ID OKpyfdJ40 It does Japan at suicide ratio worldwide 1 rank the yo As for we we like human is many this country Thinking that it is strange however the ru
254: ー゙名無Shisan゙゙゙高高高高! :2009 07 01(星期三)08:00:24编号:OKpyfdJ40日本的自杀率是世界头号你?我很喜欢我的人不是很多,我会认为我在这个国家的错 254 Name it is not ko ゙ ko ゙ ko ゙ ko ゙ 2009 07 01 water 08 00 24 ID OKpyfdJ40 It does Japan at suicide ratio worldwide 1 rank the yo As for we we like human is many this country Thinking that it is strange however the ru
154 甜蜜来吧人们有理由困难的事,只有自豪有这个Koshinakere低调成为通常的高折扣从奴隶到它不可能Kikomori 154 When gt it is troubled moderately the presumption upon others To do this from usually like the slave in attitude you must do low to densely densely to the appearance As for just pride this is unreasonable in the pulling being confined which is high
要做到这一点166 m身穿黑色在什么样的工作,有这Koshinakere成为像第一次世界大战奴隶从通常的低姿态 166 To do this from usually like the slave in attitude you must do low to densely densely to the appearance Just working with some black the ru it is ww
198“有史以来最低的55.1%的提名率”在2003年毕业的毕业生就业率泡沫具有相同 198
Even with “informal decision ratio, bubble period large soldier/finishing employment ratio is same lowest 55.1%” 2003 soldier/finishing
234:[]反渗透折子戏博士从博客的:2009 / 07 / 01(星期三)05:59:22编号:NPQYnEtp0 Saritote,鸡传染性法氏囊病试验一次我试图自杀,他的房间里挂着他的头在今天也我试图囊死亡,死亡的恐惧会突然在船头古风,甚至最终死亡,没有任何世界的贡献,吃寄生虫Itsubusu Parent属性我们会送你去住像 234 : From [burogu] of RO teacher excerpt []: 2009/07/01 (water) 05: 59: 22 ID: NPQYnEtp0
The [ri] and the [te], suicide and 1 times you tried, but it will end in attempted incident, it tried that these days probably will die hanging the neck in our room, but
It becomes fearful, those where it dies suddenly with the process where the string is coiled round it is not possible either to die after all, many contributions do not do in the world, lead the life like the parasite which eats up the property of the parent
30罕见的大学生就业率率比1980年的50.5%低就业维基战后纪录 30 year old = 1980 origins
Large soldier/finishing employment ratio 50.5% From Wiki
After the war lowest employment ratio in history
976社区需要她甜美的你知道你是我们像以前一样,我们有他们的权利Fabyotteru没有胆量的标志之前,你也雄心勃勃直立的家伙,我Gattsugattsugattsu运行虫酸 976 Those where it is necessary in society are the person who has guts It is guts guts guts You who is not guts or improvement heart with bull s eye the huabiyotsute ru it is the ro which is Don t you think your like the water brash it runs sweetly
Tteta我认为他是更多或撤出并不坏,但是不害怕你的朋友给商户和一个朋友谁,我可能去,甚至第一次世界大战哎呀,甚至不应该比我好得多,或其他谁Yohodo不过, Being poor company whether well your own one which the friend is not pull and is confined that Although you think ww which so stops going The te per person being better by your considerably although the friend it is many expectation
人不是古硬了解租户的人谁不喜欢安全地从我收到817小心,以防止学生的紧张,不知 817 As for the human who has been conscious of the fact that we are poor company Stretching around the preventive line because you have been careful To be hard you have lived safely it is
“他说,他们已经开始接触网络将与社会的的”处理案件大致ü新闻,主流媒体的古林合马拉的故事直,诸如此类的细节显示,每次同娜 gt “In him because the net was the contact point of society ” In case of the news which is handled largely As for the major mass communications as though the oral reverse side was adjusted but It starts being usual similar thing
如果消息是广泛接触ü处理网络与社会,主流媒体的古林合马拉的故事直,那我就开始说附表每次这样的东西 gt The net was the contact point of society In case of the news which is handled largely As for the major mass communications as though the oral reverse side was adjusted but It starts being usual similar thing
“多少痛苦,因为他没有损失。亚达〜”我哭的故事,你不够了解缓刑也数Detchi吕奥电梯? “That it fails it to be possible, with consequence how much pain. Commenting -” how tear receiving story, it invents with a lot of and about [ri] [ya] stay of execution the [ro] which is room?
“家庭”嗯,我可以说,你来采取的让步充分利用生活ü wwww和云 Utilizing the right “parent and child” in the maximum living the ru You saying wwww
“也许我自己?”伐丽流你以为你是想尝试使用赞赏 When “it does perhaps by yourself… ” With as for the person who is thought trying utilizing you think
“我希望女人,我要说的是我得到做Hikikomori饲料营养结婚了!你已经关闭多年,你自己喂!食品必须做自然走出房间我去!我不知道为什么这么简单!所有父母的责任! “The woman makes raise calling getting married therefore it is the feed you do in hikikomori becoming you say is Because the feed you do the ro where it pulls many years and is confined and the ru it is If the feed it is not it comes out of the room naturally Such a simple thing not being found with something Entirely responsibility of the parent
“我希望结婚福斯特女人,从我自己变”甜和心理学的一个词来表达Hikinito养父母有良好的工作,并与未经 “The woman makes raise calling getting married therefore it is the feed you do in hikikomori becoming you say is Because the feed you do the ro where it pulls many years and is confined and the ru it is If the feed it is not it comes out of the room naturally Such a simple thing not being found with something Entirely responsibility of the parent
●如果腹泻或呕吐,腹泻看到即时状态和呕吐,如果有潜在病灶辅助厕所每天数次●可爱的偶像叫救护车(阴茎的男性居民女性雇员音频带来帮助排尿)disimpaction●(虽然主要是医疗实践中,我有更多的行和规避法律的认识 - When you vomit and you have diarrhea, at once looking at vomiting ones and the state of the diarrhea, when there is a possibility of lesion, it calls the ambulance
- The releasing urine is helped assistance of the rest room of one day plural times (the woman staff with the penis of the man entrance person,)
- But picking out flight (originally medical behavior, while evasion of the law behavior knowing, the many facility has done
不相干了Burgers社会带来不应有的pride m不是在295室的良好分钟的气 295
Amount unsuited pride having, the social nonconformance person the [ru] way is good being the gas chamber
为什么日本人喜欢毕业?我不知道什么样的终身雇用年资残余 Why Japan preferring the new graduate? The name remainder of seniority lifetime employment probably remains
也许这些人,在他们的新毕业生,应届毕业生也没有优势,更坚定了脖子,但我想他们认为我很喜欢这个徒弟,人们可以湿重,男人你认为美国社会中的 Perhaps such human by his being the new graduate when there is no new graduate preferential principle the extent which becomes the company neck It probably is human what which it is not possible however you think that is don t you think ww As for such place if you learn the American society with the wa which is thought
159毕业生和谴责什么,研究员来抵制拼命瓦特 159 When something new graduate principle is criticized becoming desperate w where the 輩 which resists is
什么是技巧和耐心,但即使人们留下立即向茹胶在养老金和退休保障 Retirement age retiring, however also the person whom it connects to annuity provision with patrol stays
Also the fact that it is patient probably is skill what
什么样的生活,已成为这个?现在,嗜睡思维。“努力”或“精神”是唯一可能冻结听到这个词的脊柱 The lever it is becoming life Now intently just heard the word “effort” or “nature” the line of the backbone may freeze becomes in spiritless state
如果说,继续推进类型论胆量?我并不满足这些人是一个眼球 How the type which you say or keeps pushing with nature theory We does not meet with such person the tsu te
仅次于日本的荒谬论调Kikomori我可以漫步或他们批评你的人患有精神病的国家的货币在大部分 As for rear Japanese pulling being confined with mental retardation and most people in country money And others it is the gu which is the tsu te or the gu and also those where you criticize are strange story don t you think
汝看新闻“是兼职工人看不起按”您可向这些批评和直接生产总值 When you look at news “the free tar pushes down GDP” that and so on there are times when direct criticism is directed
今年劳工只为物业管理在自己的2003年,类似于现在的诚实劳动,每一百三十零小时2010收入锐减的孙天至两个星期工作一年,通货膨胀率提高了,会出现奇回到核心业务做之前我不认为 Work only of the control of real estate which 2003 by yourself own annual working days 2 weeks day Annual 130 hour work Income sharp decrease Almost to as of 2010 the same Until honesty inflation happens in the past does main business return does not think will be done with
公寓管理,所以我总是在做整洁或名称和叔叔和资产管理 Therefore neat it has done with the pretext such as apartment management and portfolio management It was from the old boy or former times
他是658或早期古源源歹徒从不做安全无害的食品公司为6个月的黑色欺负基本上是没有道理推断从前面家伙,严重损害智力附表勉如果你是06年左右,我认为吉尔带来的证明?好,因此我周期大约一半变成半周将有1瓦带来谁 658 Because the person who would like to be discharged quickly does not do the unkind treatment all right yakuza which we would like to be discharged you serve seriously Intellectual handicapped person and people forward that If eating it does not stuff basic harmlessness If 6 months it has at black enterprise about 6 years withstand it is the kana which is not If 1 weeks it had the person whom half year entering half year coming out cycle of extent appealing w
湮没Warota八四四瓦特“枝节带着佐藤池田”,“事件经过秋叶原魔鬼日,加藤”,也造成了“06月08日”即将来临的一年是接近,我肯定会退却这是一个无害 844 Pair annihilation warota w “Between attachment Ikeda small incident of the house” and “Kato Akihabara phantom killer incident” occurred “June 8th” this year got near but it pulls certainly and is confined and it is the tsu te harmless
他是不值得的外国资本144来自美国的马铃薯诱导下,日本Tteru说它倾向于毕业或胡说八道 144 The person where also the invitation from the American type foreign capital comes and comes and is not the potato as for Japan preferring the new graduate nonsense thing saying becoming the ru
马铃薯的能力,以吸引来自外国资本,但美国553,甚至Amerikamanse,我宁愿生姜 553 Although it is the ability either the invitation not to come from the American type foreign capital the American man Say having done without the ginger don t you think
他软垫埃塔超过30杀害,他们离开父母牧羊人的粪便不仅绞刑外地吗?除非父母继续隔离粪便,惯了孩子的生命 While lifetime employment it is done 30 the person whom it exceeds to die the field droops in the droppings parent and is no other choice but to do already it is it is not If the droppings parent does not sever relations it continues to make the lifetime child useless
你必须这样做,直到我雇用和我们从来没有叫叔叔脖子很多垃圾将是我Mawashita讲话铭记尽管愚蠢的自由,但它并教给他一个很好的石窟驱动tTA麻烦就业 Although teaching the person who with special care is employed kindly In the habit of the fool selfishly the air becoming the intention of turning The one which is stopped considerably annoyance Until the neck it is said the ro which furthermore the old boy who is done how you do not employ first and is
石川县当地的便利店,甚至没有字节这些天都很漂亮,我第一次聘请我还没有老男人 Nowadays either the byte very there is no district with even konbini and furthermore the old boy how you do not employ first
便利店已经出来是错的愤怒和杂志袋所谓任意“你付钱Baiin的”我喜欢无聊,开始数DQN经过首读,当我看到我是充满惊喜我不能完全为高买Naranakya罪行,其中的做法已经被认为是自由贸易协定合所有饮料的做法一直参与或者说任何不是怕大家将能顾食物业处所不在未经允许你将永远是荆棘 Already when already with konbini you call the sack of the magazine selfishly opposite gire doing “the money you should have paid it is the ro tsu te which is” overflowing with kind of DQN which is browsed the ru For the first time when seeing you were surprised but it was already accustomed Also shoplifting among those becomes unable to find fault inside the store selfishly drinks the point where it is eaten probably reaches Fearing you can call no one or at all With you say or everyone were accustomed If in interrelationship if it is not probably there are no either times when it can stick and
他们是过虑了愤怒和调用存储和高买一个孩子Kishimen“你付钱Baiin的”苏喊我的父母是分布 The child shoplifting when it is called to the store opposite gire doing “the money you should have paid the parent who it is the ro tsu te which is” yells and scatters
刑满释放人员,“但他们工作了监狱免费”代客“我得到报酬来大麻农场”智力障碍“嗯嗯继续工作蛆或”失业我的“代理人”现在Youheikebaiiyo“关宝 绝望的失业保险,“仆人”来耕种大麻,“大麻种植他们最终通过获取福利摆脱所有 However the previous offense person “jail it came out there is no work” Salary it appears to the clerk in charge “hemp farm please” The intellectual handicapped person “ a the u me we would like to work” It should have gone the clerk in charge “it is to the current maggot yo u ” … Where unemployed person “unemployment insurance is cut off already the useless po ” Please to the clerk in charge “hemp farm” Abolishing welfare it accompanies and others with everyone hemp cultivation
刑满释放人员,“但他们工作了监狱免费”代客“我得到报酬来大麻农场”智力障碍“嗯嗯继续工作蛆或”失业我的“代理人”现在Youheikebaiiyo“切失业保险金牌宝 “服务员”来大麻农场“大麻种植也取消所有的福利,他们结束 However the previous offense person “jail it came out there is no work” Salary it appears to the clerk in charge “hemp farm please” The intellectual handicapped person “ a the u me we would like to work” It should have gone the clerk in charge “it is to the current maggot yo u ” … Where unemployed person “unemployment insurance is cut off already the useless po ” Please to the clerk in charge “hemp farm” Abolishing welfare it accompanies and others with everyone hemp cultivation
创价的婚姻生活就业的问题,我不知道我是真的古听到一个谣言,使彼此的功能成员提出的任何内容,包括活动 As for Soka including mediation raw and life protection application etc of employment and marriage
You say that it has the mutual aid function of the member,
Rumor is heard, but the kana which is true
反正你只找到776个人电脑,只有更好井田我,我不应该只返回Kattara从来都不是良好的外观和交谈的人面对Kiawase 776 Temporarily it just searches with the personal computer that countenance you consult together being even when or who If it is not it is appealing that way it returns just it is good
776你看,当我搜索,我有一条线我会内务杆六合 776 So is or when it tried searching because one it was in the vicinity of the house it tries going
发送 村里的福利,政府住房援助赠款决定◆众所周知失去了房子,所有申请人“谁了,你就会有一个地方现在很难保护 In welfare and applicant everyone as for provision decision house support administration known fact insufficiency “The person who loses the house applies protection at the place where now it has been troubled
古有很多人谁照顾如果行,晚上上厕所,当人们继续护士呼叫声振铃短跑还采取了好几天,战争晚上我什至刮所采取的洗澡还协助元旦除夕,正在上夜班早在20近一个吃×帮助和不同的人在一两个人的专职工作人员,他的一日三餐不再无论如何照顾和护理工作人员的协助下,老人不能...工作辛苦的工作范畴,是在没有足够的人力定期 Nursing night shift early morning duty and New Year's Eve New Year's Day is a bath time assistance war and
Day and night taking, taking, being able to rush to the nurse call which echoes and continues
As for the many person nearly 20 times the à group of people it is with the person who goes into the nighttime rest room and
As for meal assistance alone staff at the foremost time 2 and 3 by his
Already, as for the meal difficult watching [te]… of assistance of the old person whom it is not possible
The intense duty job where human labor is not enough in any case even at proper staff number of people
同时,我说的,更遑论婚姻和寄生家长对自己的身体之一,即便没有营养,这是近12年没有另外一个问题 On the one hand if call I instead of marriage living upon to the parental roof with even my own alone body also over ten have made the circumstance which cannot be raised years unavoidable approximately
因为他们使用的是他们骗我,通常是因为我wwww患有知道,但我死之前,他们甚至吗?比我,他们的死亡肖像时考虑的事情?同样的绝望和我,是啊所以,如果你有一天他们品味 Even the people who make we foolish Suffering usually therefore as for ru being understood the ru it is wwww Generally even you die it is From we thing When by his dies if thing you think The same despair as we you once upon a time You taste therefore it is
如果你骗我多少死亡正等着你之前的痛苦甚至死亡,同时不断wwwwwwww m Just whichever with we as foolish even you wwwwwwww which death waits Once upon a time everyone and others dies painfully it is
图书 一般 “福利”,或在多大程度上他们暮! ? 55秘诀,以完善的音频图书赢得广大福利 ▼ 你能!作者▼人谁已经:申请公共援助的实际困难,没有收到↑汤浅诚申请公共援助,在他们的特别是有帮助的做法一样,如果他们来创建和提交的东西 With “welfare” it can live to somewhere The perfect know how 55 which gains welfare It is possible even to you The welfare application manual for the person who is troubled truly the author Yuasa sincerity When receiving the application of ↑ welfare you drawing up by your place something of the technique which submits became especially reference
一般图书 你!当不接受一事物申请公共援助↑手册有助于公共援助,特别是要求对谁真正有困难的方法一样,如果就来创建您自己的提交现在 It is possible even to you The welfare application manual for the person who is troubled truly When receiving the application of ↑ welfare you drawing up by your place something of the technique which submits became especially reference
在同10岁的年,甚至更容易留在家里的全职家庭主妇其他10年,一个头衔,他们的行为就好像Iteta 10年的工作生涯中的相同轨道 Even with inoccupation of same 10 year ones with the title one side housewife Being confined to 10 year house ease doing working equally to 10 annual comprehensive job the high way you can behave also the te
即使躲藏在失业人士,他们认为最好的事是最低的家庭参与购买债券线 To pull be confined with inoccupation and the te making about minimum shopping go You think that the one which it participates in housekeeping expenses is better
在布莱恩尝试恩戴在自己的学术阅读的意见奇怪的是电梯音频带和责任推荐标准,研究自我福泽的理论是Netouyo为什么整洁匡固体努力甜蜜的S缺乏等我希望 So, being such effort and insufficient, the lump of the presumption why neat becoming [netouyo]
The wonder which raises [susume] and the like of Yukichi's Fukuzawa of the self responsible disputant study
Actually by your you reading even with [susume] of study, although the [ri] [ya] which endeavors it is good
在里面。命运将破坏国内国外的需求,易于诉诸做在收入或让开发商今天一早,他们把积极的业务差异,一家日本公司为当地的国家的一个良好的丰田车 Inside. Developing, without doing the fact that it should if domestic demand useless outside demand and easily
As for end road the Toyota Motor Corporation
Good country of somewhere leaving the enterprise of the home country, the combining which is made to gain to the Japanese enterprise positively
如果你只需要偿还)奖学金在军事路线556(和纳鲁生活费是出 556
If it goes to the troop, the scholarship of repayment unnecessary (combines cost of living) comes out
妇女甚至不能找到工作,没有悲伤和挫折的社会里,没有要求所有妇女成为全职的职业发展轨迹 Not can be employed with the woman the te as for at all there is no touching impression and a irritation separately Society does not request the fact that it is regular member comprehensive job to the woman
它“傲慢是闭嘴,抛弃”学位的社会不负责任的responsible m浪费一个充满激情的人带来骄傲千野忠男,第二个陌生人,一个小时,但可以保证,即使一天 That “as for pride throw away” being irresponsible as for society it crushes the passionate house of the pride having is The fact that having responsibility means 1 seconds of others of red 1 hours even 1 days guaranteeing
160 2会发现她的“说三道四”,像“我的狗娘养”哇,你最后一次穿我在写长句子 160 2 what there is no “irresponsible opinion” te “your own grumble” Writing in the long sentence ending at ru point in time the ru you
宇野突袭十年后,房子没有吃东西的话,如果我在家里通过姐姐设法接近疯狂,因为它看起来仍然像40至钩,或其他Jashi Yotchuushonbenwo裤子裤子和头盔。Yonbenhikkaketamamakite妈妈打电话,甚至有Yonbenkusakute早餐在最坏的:“如果我死在这个愚蠢和替换的裤子来自”我哭了真空清洁棒睨我是打你会吃你平常吃饭 We would like somehow the be close to older sister 40 In the psychosis already as many as 10 years it is in the house Word does not lead Searching for the house it is natural to eat the thing Now it does often and the yo it is the be is it reaching the point where it hooks to the pants Even then the mustard yo which that way is it is the be it is being ill smelling being worst When even breakfast calls it makes the pants and the yo is the be it is while it hooks coming While the mother “the pants to take after being able to apply come this fool die” the tsu te crying beating with the stick of the cleaning machine ru in the side glance As for we the boiled rice eating normally the ru
早期症状的精神病阶段,我也在进行中继引篭森Hazime m觉得呢?奇怪的言论和行动?但是,即使在医院或什么 不,我仔细看看,如果我离开,我会的方式 The pulling basket and the ri the psychosis are advanced at the stage which is begun … As for early condition the ze which is the expectation which is Speech and behavior and conduct are strange With it combines … Until you are hospitalized however it is not leaving it became the cod like this how you happen to see frequently
家长不应该谴责不公平的劳工做法Kikomori论点及福利当然,如果我试图瓜分卫队的家庭除了父母来管理他们的安全或其他支付租金我 Therefore home guard what salary receiving from the parent, natural
In addition to patrol, doing to management of housekeeping expenses, cod extra treatment the proper
Is not the pulling being confined and it should criticize the unfair act of labor dispute of the parent
就业人数在出生人数1823697的学生寻求就业人数在264600 655700毕业生就业/毕业生2003年3月,430800人谁的活产婴儿560100 1988 0.355 1576889人谁毕业三月谁0.360 Graduation year Number of recruits being sought The number of employment desired students The number of births Number of recruits being sought/the number of births
2003 March soldier/finishing 560,100 people 430,800 people 1,576,889 people 0.355
1988 March soldier/finishing 655,700 people 264,600 people 1,823,697 people 0.360
当你加入一个大公司所知悉,并促进他们丑陋的马铃薯竞争,因为如果目前的政治利益竞争 Joining famous big business there is also the scurvy success dispute and there is even the right dispute in the same way as the current political world
您不得,从这一立场惠玛丽塔我加入了相当大的公司,但我说这些事情霸道 Because as for you joining big business it is in the standpoint where it is favored to that appearance such so it can be thing greatly it is
德国法律还Hikikomori朱达罗为通过细节,可以做一个陷阱欺诈收入租金20万元尔雅瓦特 The [ri] also the [ro] which is [hikikomori], receive also the annual income 20,000,000 where the German method is sweetly the trap w which is done even with [ri] [ya] fraud
我亦动议宫崎Tetchan例如说是的,我没有办法说,只有男人逃避分析为什么我重偏向男性撤离 So if you say it pulls also the Miyazaki te tsu with mubu and with the analysis being confined why has overemphasized in the man of You said that because just the man there is no way out
我亦动议宫崎Tetchan例如说是的,我没有办法说,只有男人逃避分析为什么我重偏向男性撤离 So if you say it pulls also the Miyazaki te tsu with mubu and with the analysis being confined why has overemphasized in the man of You said that because just the man there is no way out
我们也不允许任何拒绝必直辖市“,”硫磺岛边境行动“/一年半了否认福利/妻子将起诉”享受人们的苦难救赎“/ 42接受福利三乡市,埼玉县/失业人接受无地址/ 1有,由饥饿在街上流浪的小康气温福冈/“接受无住房福利”/响应卫生部长众议员佐佐木法的规定[福利]通过您的应用程序组,建立了;支持] [文化]“小福利”66%的反对意见的福利是“非法的”音日本律师协会联合会 That every self-governing community refuses there, it is not permitted”
The “river edge sulphur island maneuvers”/the welfare refusing 1 year half/the husband and wife suit “the person who suffers Rescuing,”,/Saitama Misato city
Welfare 42 human acceptance/unemployment person Without address yes/Fukuoka city
Dispatch cutting It misguides in the roadside/“welfare The [te] thick labor phase replies in Assemblyman yes”/Sasaki without the house
Application helping The group start of attorney and administration of justice scrivener
[susume] of “petite welfare”
As for denial 66% of welfare “illegality” Day valve connected investigation
“When it is monthly income 120,000 3 of children & the husband, as for welfare as for month 200,000 Yen provision… welfare receipt increase, it is right not to be administering”,… Ryukyu new information
Nationwide beginning Duty attorney, the Fukuoka prefecture bar association introduces in for the welfare receipt person In accompanying to municipalities window and lawsuit representative
The [te] indicating welfare application acceptance to the � thick labor ministry and the self-governing community without the house
我们应怎样做杀的家伙,我想我杨wwwww乞讨,如果你放弃的东西多的朱达罗峨满怀豪情将下降30家公司租赁福利埃克 Raising you were to kill the ru person how wwwww If the te 30 corporations it fell the ro which welfare you can receive and is Odd pride something throwing away although if you should have become the beggar
我们担心我在说什么Dzukanakatta我进来对我说,婚姻和同学讽刺或随机人民Shitarashii或已使用过的那些谁最近表弟父母 Recently that the parent was employed some 々 of the cousin when some 々 of the classmate got married seems speaking riding at random, being offensive, it is said?
The [wa] which does not become aware
我们遭受了16默认,他的故事适当的通风,不总是暂时的照顾,我们有良好的人深思 As for your own trouble not speaking is dehuo 16 you use the air always you are thought in the person who is possible to be serious
16,难怪浪漫和下流的对话,而不是总是,临时照顾,我们认为,严重的好人 Romantic love and obscene conversation all excessiveness 16 you use the air always you are thought as the person who is possible to be serious
我会Kakidashi一狗屎是坚持戴手套的手指一个手指编织into ll屁股肛门至一岁男子),援助与膳食●(工作氛围,同时也展开对音乐的步伐,如果在一个缓慢,以免吞下里很重要),其他的故事●(如果您有痴呆说方言,即使在谈论它了,我会笑)小组协助在浴室●(上 Thrusting the finger which does the glove to the anus of the old person starting scratching the excrement which stays with the fingertip In order assistance of the meal not to do error drinking while pleasant thing speaking at the pace which will be been slow the atmosphere making is important The companion in case of the acknowledgment symptom it means the thing of semantic obscurity but even to that laughing at story together the time Assistance of the bath it does in the team
我又发了其他的事情,他们在巴西工作的人的家伙丰田工厂体系,一个年轻的日本有更多的力量,只是随机的高自豪,这是相当方便,易于使用他们不能或 However after the neck it was cut already working at the factory of yota type as for the ru Brazilian people from the man whose Japan is young muscular strength Certain and just pride is high at random because there is no either tsu lever when it is easy to use rather the treasure it is done
现在,市民的需求,这种兼职工作,现在我准备简单地说,我觉得真的讨厌的时间可以轻松地从被解雇 Temporarily however with part time job or the world you say simply Now to calculate same war potential from also part time job because it can make simply the neck Truth well it is something which has been age
我是210,但我不能去住我不知道保护自己,我不知它在生活的思想这样的事是不好的洞,生活和中线下降,当U觉得幸运与否? 210 As for we somehow you maintaining by your however you have been able to have lived life applying as for that you think that it is fortunate thing When falling to the pitfall of life you do not know whether it becomes useless Such you do not think
披露的囚犯谁花恩戴应变我们有599人,prisoners m幸运,我必须做它的生命在某种程度上 599 The person who has not had to being restricted by the distortion is fortunate what One which is caught life applying somehow that
我是如此具有破坏性,仅仅因为是一个非战斗30%的军队?社会保障危机消灭瓦特 When it is the troop, the 30% just became battle impossible the [ze] which is destruction?
Social security crisis w of destruction
我有一个特殊技能30集我的职业生涯结束后,进入底部?如果没有,我N88BASIC使茹 30 years old Base work Life we of the group which is ended is
Special skill?
If N88BASIC without inconvenience use [ru] kana
我没有这种经验很少雇主在聘请从哪儿冒出来一个社会即使公司不是那不是没有他或她认识的重要工作,并应不疼痛是没有希望的,“自杀岛“有没有真正的方式来建立只 Because the experience which appears in society is little employing everywhere you do not give probably will be The expectation where we would not like to employ such a to an enterprise it puts out Because the essential person in question there is no work consciousness how it will do or Only make the “suicide island” there is a method in actuality
但真正需要的蛋糕848说这些措施Kikomori拉支持“就业”或言乌詹?达罗,突然,我可以看到这样的障碍解除 848 So when it pulls really and is confined and measure says “work support” you say it is Suddenly such a hurdle lifting the ro which is unreasonable
我的论点工作在冰川Kikomori说逃学教育的好学校,穷人没有一条线或?现在到派遣非经常是说不是很好不必是永久的,他们不能再失去线的学校代怜你要始终没有一个人说好,即使没有结婚时,全甚至结婚前,没有它,他们都错了 Being education inactive it does not go to the school and being said that also the te is good the non in attending school pulling being confined Being employment glacial age You do not become the regular member and being said that also the te is good non in formality dispatch And now you do not get married and being said that also the te is good it tries probably to penetrate one person Pitiful lost generation It did not go to the school and called also the te did not become the regular member and called also the te they were all mistakes You do not get married and also the te is good
现在到派遣非经常是说不是很好不必拒绝永久冰川工作Kikomori折扣被认为是不好的学校没有一所学校在教育差几行,是说,不结婚没有好线或学校可以不失去的一代怜方式符合再一个人,即使之前全职,你还没有结婚是不是所有的错 Being education inactive it does not go to the school and being said that also the te is good the non in attending school pulling being confined Being employment glacial age You do not become the regular member and being said that also the te is good non in formality dispatch And now you do not get married and being said that also the te is good it tries probably to penetrate one person Pitiful lost generation It did not go to the school and called also the te did not become the regular member and called also the te they were all mistakes You do not get married and also the te is good
我鄙视那些最低工资是961? W是福利结束欧麦尔立即报告,如果 961
You know minimum wage? w
If it informs, it is same end
Welfare [uma
我,前子处女------ Ÿ不小的争论与几年Hikikomori 7年43 We, 43 years old [hikikomori] history 7 years
Pulling being confined, you do not drive, [] and the ephebe
文职官员Nekafe粪便是一个歉收的效率。这是不可能的大脑和Beshikkuinkamu酱,最有效的良好的福利政策 As for private [nekahue] bad harvest of the droppings public official who is streamlined. As for brain seeing sleeve
But the BASIC income and the like the impossibility, the welfare policy whose efficiency is best
时代欺凌中,高,勤奋工作的大学生活,工作不人道的剥削大学后在主要超级市场,大型超市创伤后应激障碍Kikomori退休后18个月已通过,之后公司数目它本身就与公司的关系,回顾他们,来看看它的浮动喜欢嚼场景移到暂时恢复 The major company which is employed after the unkind treatment of the middle high age, the diligent life and the large soldier/finishing of the university age the pulling being confined of approximately 1 year half with PTSD after the super with non humane exploiting and the major super retirement,
And after that human relations at the IT company of several corporations… those just are recollected, that occasionally scene like the running horse light come to mind
有趣的是太贵了! ! !从狩猎狂欢偏:Furioniru邮政:2007年9月28日(星期一),其中03块报价保持偏现已在03回复狩猎在Ein仙境分8秒 Chaos it is funny The ri which meta phosphorus you hunt and sow Contribution person hurioniru Contribution day 2007 September 28th month 03 03 8 seconds Reply quotation The tsu te which now with ragunarokuonrain hunts meta phosphorus with ainburotsuku and sows it is
有趣的是太贵了! ! !从狩猎狂欢偏:Furioniru邮政:2007年7月28日(星期六)这让艾因06仙境偏块报价现在在追捕中03分08秒回复 Chaos it is funny The ri which meta phosphorus you hunt and sow Contribution person hurioniru Contribution day 2007 September 28th month 03 03 8 seconds Reply quotation The tsu te which now with ragunarokuonrain hunts meta phosphorus with ainburotsuku and sows it is
村里派人和退伍军人美国的无家可归者,这意味着相当明显甘日自卫队我认为从长远不会过期 Person of the American homeless peolpe and In dispatch village the former soldier tenure expiration Self Defense Official was in that appearance because it seems It is sweet there is no ri meaning it is the kana which is not
美国政府如能立即被解雇,如果任期系统由一个年轻的军官自卫队加我,这是件好事 The rice it can designate the self governing community likely immediately as the neck Self Defense Official how it consists young tenure system plus SI official is possible to be this
来吧,在那里825线不好,而不是工作的唯一的儿子,我会那样做或不二期兔子谁在他的葬礼作儿子的所有上流的生活,组织资产 825 When it goes to there rather than calling to the son function unskillfully rearranging property The method which do your own funeral and the contrivance which makes the life of the son fulfill is ii It probably won t be
查看详细逃脱他的人抵抗也是一个局外人,也难怪人们放弃生命,只有负面的,难怪冠军 It withstands that even with the public person and without being cut off the human who escapes, being defeated, the human who abandons life naturally it is and,
The victor naturally it is
泰三只赶出了40个小伙子,我想我什么来衡量老师,亲爱的政客线U 329?极度早产儿或胚胎已被罕见的早产 329
Measure is done
When tries making the teacher of the politician, it is the youngster of 40 how beginners
[taizo]? The super immature child who is born with premature delivery Or fertilized egg
然后,我们只是每天带我来回答,从我的电话采访,支持同情索科 Because after, it does not correspond warmheartedly to [soko], moment of interview is put out just telephones receives
现在,其他的是,虽然失真崩溃出来的终身雇用制度,论资排辈,我只毕业至上,古ineradicability因为我离开了现在, Already now, although the lifetime employment seniority system how it has collapsed, relation,
Because just new graduate preferential principle remains now to be deep-rooted, the distortion comes out
约40永久告别非正规工人在我们使用的下呼吸道工资不会生锈。也许最好的工作的正确选择,我躲藏在儿童尽管我们还没有结婚,请使用呼吸或死亡overwork ll像全国黑人精神病了其余 The non proper worker comes densely at cheap wages, being used, good bye with about 40
As for regular member rust. 休 Furthermore it comes densely with coming out, being used, the spiritual disease or overwork death
Such a black nation
Either marriage it does not do and either the child does not make and pulls and is confined and whether it is the selection whose [ru] most is correct
经过私有化和撤回或不撤回Sugiya风险引入调解不再认为未来会真正 The risk which introduces the pulling being confined there is no too high to be palm?
When the handle it commercializes, it pulls and it thinks, being confined that it stops being mediated first, but
编号:+ XswRaqA0 m整洁乙wwwwwwww倍,少wwwwwwwww ID: + XswRaqA0 is no time less has done, wwwwwwww
Neat quaintness wwwwwwwww
编号:1zWhSG7o0是做我认为是已知的兰花的黑人选手普遍感觉黑公司 ID: Whether 1zWhSG7o0 is at what kind of black company you think that intellectual viewing feeling of black physical education meeting affiliation is the world common, is
编号:nNjLsi3Q0罪犯腐木津显而易见的这甜蜜的气体。良好的性格 ID: nNjLsi3Q0
This finishing to presume, as for the offender extra troop who finishes to rot the gas. It is possible to be dealing
茂木喋喋不休黑色的企业,在他们情茂木强以上的风险,你会不会操作奴隶的强烈CON组Midaro信息? ? The vibration it passes black enterprise it fears the fact that you become the slave too much Your feelings the ro where the fact that it is not swindled strongly in information operation is strength
众所周知,并非只有黑,我只是帮助他实现这一紧张的191个低调像奴隶 191 Like the slave don t you think low only the person who is crossed over with to attitude to densely not helping is common sense the black tsu lever
虽然没有发生,即使没有,我必须采取一些行动的能量来克服,我们的生活变得董事长袖手旁观s So, while becoming, something break step must be devised, it is, but you live idly without even the vigor, length and others have obtained
该事件造成县一个世代01月24周后五名家庭成员在丰川,爱知 As for the incident where the family 5 person kills and wounds in Aichi prefecture Toyokawa city on the 24th, from occurrence
1 weeks elapsed
该决定提请收到书面采访确认后,原在弹出的日期标记名称和地址不能申请福利寿命长了福利办公室的信 The letter it put out to the welfare office chief applying
Because it cannot live, welfare is applied
Date address name sealing
Doing for a while, there were surface talks and were verified the document and [namapo] receipt was decided
该参数应该是Kikomori劳教所和犯罪分子受到法律规管 As for pulling being confined offender extra troop
Regulating with law, it should work mandatorily at the internment camp
这些性质的弱点,他们尝试的机会,克服伺抑制人Kasezu还建立了深厚的友谊,结果“生活技能基本知识”在生活中缺乏的极端情况下恩戴 The friend relationship which obstructs the opportunity where those characters ask the weak point, to the person and overcome, is deep not building,
The result in the situation which is lacking extremely “fundamental life ability knowledge” is borne
这当然编号:gt4wg8Ju0编号:A7Q5G5Vp0编号:1zWhSG7o0奴隶被送往其他与提供 As for this [sure]
ID: gt4wg8Ju0
ID: A7Q5G5Vp0
ID: 1zWhSG7o0
We sent with offer of other things and the slave
进入19世纪后代替,讲一口流利的教育只是产品顾保守,酒精和烟草仇恨柏青哥 Just it was displaced 19 as for being brought up being conservative the item is good dislikes the liquor tobacco pachinko and the like
更换后,才进入20,零件,讲一口流利的教育是古保守,讨厌香烟和酒精的柏青哥 Just it was displaced 20 as for being brought up being conservative the item is good dislikes the liquor tobacco pachinko and the like
鸡传染性法氏囊病Kikomori争论,不是吗?试想生活变得孩子的Hikinito m坏帐 The pulling being confined is inferior claim
Try imagining that when his own child becomes the toad neat,
The [ro] which is life end
黑色是工作的结果,在某些情况下会被吃掉Kikomori拉的身体和灵魂,将在未来的工作,看看时间,一个体面的男人 Worked with black the result the body and heart and becoming ragged the case which it pulls and becomes being confined It probably is certain but if the honest human with time the next function mouth probably will be found
如果人们正常工作,我认为428来日本之间取得适当的,他们有更多的日本人 428 Coming to Japan as for the people who properly work You think that the Japanese compared to the person is many
(作者)的律师拒绝通过福利福利百分之66“非法”调查[福利申请要求]日本律师协会联合会你,开始支持团体] [璟 (Author)
As for denial 66% of welfare “illegality” Day valve connected investigation
Application helping The group start of attorney and administration of justice scrivener